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12-29-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-29-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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TIIIHTV-SIXT- II YEAIt i ,l ., ( X XMV. No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1914, Kiilly liy Carrier or Mull, flr m Month. Wnttlo Copies, fio

PACIFIC RELIEF SHIP duty and the smaller craft off the coasts. LEKillFE PASSING THROUGH CANAL U. S. COOLS in BLOODTHIRSTY PRACTICALLY NO FIRM PROTEST Giti;vr n i.. i;i svm-i.i-- r MORMIN JOUHNAI. iridu II1IIO aill; (HI It HIUTIMI IM.KS Nt-- York, Dee. sh, California's IS 2 H. A relief ship 'a m no, currying u cargo BELGIUM MUSI ZAPATA SEEKS CHANCES MADE l.n.doii. Dec. ;l:lo in.) AGAINST SEIZURE III f food fur Itelgiuns, in pass- gteat gnle and snowstorm swept over the now Fl ing through tin larger part of Great Britain and the Panama runul, ll was announced today ut the headiuurt, in Ireland last night, terultlng in dai.i-age- . of the commission for relief In Del-Kiu- loss of life unit much N ICIIOII OF The Cumlnn is the first of the BE ACCEPTABLE EXTERMINATION NBATTLEFRON The Ulcgraph'c seivlce on ih" BY OF relief ship from the Pacific count to I continent was disorgantxed and com- ENGLAND use. the venal. She. left Sun Pedro munication Willi France was almost December 8 and arrived ut Pnlhoa on Si vered. I'hrlKtmu s. One man wan killed and several JUSTICE The next state ship which Vlll sail EX-FEBERA- LS persons were Injured by the collapse TO bERMAri ARMY OP EAST Oil of a AMERICAN SHIPS Fill from New York will be the Hannah, house wall at Clapham. Else- how taking u lion rd cargo. IS! where In London plale gliihs wltidovn a Kansas Ii Is expected on were Mown .out a oil property ai to clear Friday. damaged The Maryland Hhlp John Hardie Is I In other ways. Two feet of loading ut In expect- snow fell In niiiiiy parts of the co'iu-tr- v Appeal to United Su- Paltlmore and States ed to nail January 6. The Industry Mr, Bryan Refuses to Make Gutierrez and Villa Favor Trial Belgians, by Sapping, Claim to causing serious flooding of liver. Carefully Worded Dublin experienced the heaviest Document Atlan- currying a mixed cargo given by preme Court Granted Pennsylvania, will sail within a week Public Notification Received for Officers Who Seived Have Captured Three Thou- snow full In tunny years. Recites Grievance of United Man Charged With Mur- ax will the llurpalyoe, now loading nt t)MM ta Ponton with a cargo from Massachu- by State Department From Under Hueita Before Ex- - sand Germans With Little ltl I! HllWI KIT States Over Interference setts and other .Vew Kngland states. or t.i haiaw der of Girl, Berlin Government, ecutions Are Ordered. Loss to Themselves, With Commerce, London. ) 7 nv. (Lot) a. in The CONGRATULATIONS ON Dally Sketch publishes the rvport QUESTIONS ARE that Commander Eiancls E. Vtewlett, NOVEL PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY VIGOROUS PROTEST IS GENERAL AMNESTY IS BRITISH NEWSPAPERS who piloted one of the British DIPLOMATIC NOTE IS in the raid on Cuxhuven, Is n PRESENTED BY CASE MADE BY AMERICAN prisoner in I ty MoNiNa journal MINISTER POLICY ENTHUSE OVER RAID the hands of tlio Germans, IIMIinill riMlinnt"TdlvjIMiriUAHI sficial mm According to UIMUOUMLLI x Washington. Dec. 2 un the account In the v.. Wilson receiving: mes- Sketch. Hewlett's machine was dam- tonight leg.!,, aged by sages from riilem of foreign shell fun and came down In Full Bench of Highest Tribunal mntric Military Authorities in Control Brazilian Minister Reports the sea. When was ccngrululatlng on fk'ty-eight- h Scout Stories From Berlin That Hewlett last seen Great Britain Is Warned That his u .1., . - L. in Country Will Give Hearing birthday aniil.vr.'iiiy. The fust to of Conquered Territory Conditions in Mexico City No arrive were fn m King Geor-j- of Have Damage Was Done to " " Policy Must Bo Modified (ireut Hrlluin apd to Man Accused of Atro- President i'stradu Right to Prescribe Rules As Full of Uncertainties and GMt.M A.YS Cabrera of GuVemnla. Kaiser's Ships at Cuxhaven, IHtOI' ItUMHN, Quickly; Language Has No KILLING 't cious Crime, by Secretary Hryan, 'hj resi- Absolutely, Not Harmonious, or to Gas Works, OWN I'l'.OI'I.L Note, 4 dent's cabinet it, I led at the White Uncertain lfoiise during the evening to extend London. !,.. '! . hi.). j congratulations. Copenhagen dispute!) to the Dally ray fSV MQMNIN JOURNAL CMAL lav MoaNiKa mosnins journal (fccal iiamo ampi Hera ii we of cancellation of all star; ttAMO WINIl jouhnal aciAk LtAiia mimi lV MONKISH JOURNAL mciAL LIA1I Wlftll Mall referring lo a report published MaftNIN JOUSHAi. VPCVIAL IIAICB - by ly mi ' Washington. Dee. lis Juslie0 La- dinners and receptions rollowing Mrs. Washington, Uee. 2S. The German Washington, Pit. 2S. Dispatcher Loudon, Dec. ;'S (ll p. m.) Tho the Humburger Fremdenhlutt that Washington, Dee. i'x. Tlie fulled mar. or the supreme court, tud:iy Wilson's death, the gatherin,-- of the Kovernment has foriuullv notified from the I'.'azlllan minister in .Mex- battle lines In cast four llrltlsh airmen dropped hoinbs on Plates government today dispatched a of the and the west granted an uppeal from the refimal j( ublnet wan the nearest uppriucr to the American slate dcparlmelit ico City, dated there, early today and have undergone only the Gcrmanl Inland of Ijingooog In the long note' to Great Hrllain, Insisting - i that Indefinite sev-eru- the federal district court for north u social affair held in the White politi- North sen on Christinas, killing on un early Improvement in tho treat- j American consuls In licUlunt must received tonight, descrtoed the changes In days. ern Georgia, to releuse oil habeas cor - House for many months, the last few civilians, savs an Investigation ment of American commerce hy the I be acceptable to cal situaihm u full of uncertat n pus proceeding Leo .M. Frank, un- - Among messages received' eic the German military (. The French and the German re- proves thHt It was pot Itrlllsh who Hrltish fleet. It gave warning that der death sentence for the murder of several from the parent of children authorities slid that It is desirable lie referred to tha luck of harmony ports, agree that the Germans have dropped tile bombs, but German air- much feeling had been aroused lu .Mary Phngan, a lucioiy named after the president bcausy that soine of the consuls be with among the several, chiefs, some, of captured a section of trenches near men who believed that llrltlsl) tor- this country ami public criticism Holleliek", Yples. pedo that (?lrl of Atlanta, I. a. their birthdays were the same as his. drawn, for the present, at least. whom were udvoeatlng radical and south of boa's were lurking off the Island was general over unwarranted Inter- i In fog. Frank sentenced to. die on Janu- Secretary liryan declined to make extreme measures of government, hut Tho French assert that the Ger- the ference with the legitimate, fore Ik a 1 mans gave up ary 22, but Justice .a mar's action public the text of the German com Indicated that nothing alarming had trenches on the first trade of the t'nlted Hlutes. good was line to KD L I effects an Indefinite stay of execution. munication or to on it developed and that order the extent of about or m;i mi:es mot Klnmg ltcMVMMitaU,in. comment mull 80(1 yards In region, t HV Thirty days are given for filing the IE AMERICANS he nad full opportunity to consider It being preserved. the lns further HECK ED HIUTIMI MINIS The document, constituting the I east, while record of the proceedings in the lover I he understanding In official circles .sputa llloixllhli'M.Y. unsuccessful demonstra- strongest representation on this sub- agents, de- tions been ; court. Immediately after that has is that the notice la similar to the Krom its own the state have made from both sides linilon. Dec. (1:15 a. in.) ject made by tho. l ulled Htates to uny may i partment ex- at points Commenting on been done, the state of Georgia one sent to Argentina and other neu- was advised that friction various along the extended the fait that eight of. the belligerents since the outbreak ask that the case be advanced for j tral countries. isted between the .a pit tit and Villi lines. vessels have been lost lit tho North of the war, was cabled to Ambassador gen- - on Ilclglans hearing and such suggestions are j WERE SHOT IT MiiMt Work With factious based chiefly the de.sire Make lllg Haul. sea since Christmas eve, owing lo Pugo to be formally presented to 8lr - German. of- rally granted, although In the rcgu- is sum of Zapata to execute many of the The reports of the numbers of mines, the Times says today: Fdward Grey, ilrillsh foreign secre- ii mat wnile the German once with fed- "Many lar course the case would not come j government does not Insist that eon ficers who served the wounded both armies are sending people have been under the tary. Its. preparation was begun a ; army. present a decree issued up-pe- Impression some John-so- u, a l fur a year and " half, suls In lielglum take out new exequn eral At hack from the lines In Itelgium that of these losses month ago by Solicitor Cone by General Gutlerres suspending all were cause by hitting mines, Novel Question Invdvcd. j in ,urs from German officers, It an to show that the righting on llrltlsh Counsellor Itobert ljinlng and The entire court will puss on j ALL HIGH Ti flounces that such consuls must ex executions for whatever cause pend- Christmas In that country was tin It can be stated authoritatively that Secretary Hryan, ami finally hud the ing a 1 In effect. not a single Wil- Frank's right to Keck release from j jercisn their functions only by per fair trial fiercest of the last month. Corre- llrltlsh mine has been personal attention of President custody on u writ of habeas corpus on (mission from the military In control The Gutlerres and Villa element spondents in the rear say the laid down off tho coast of England. son, who revised Its phraseology with ground the court In Ful- - of the territory In which the holds that officers should have a trial as a result of five days' sap- "Tho loss falls InoMt heavily mi minute care, the that triul consul anil be represented by counsel, but shipping ton county, Georgia, lost Jurisdiction j ates are situated. ping, captured nearly !i,0o Germans neulral which, however, has l'i PrototH I'lilieedetl. ,., the Zapata followers are to favor only warned repeutedly by admir- inner l,lt in, (ti ,'tiilnr., lo have h.m c. . n The I'nited States has consular wilh small losses to themselves. the As the detailed point ot view of the summary extermination of those who I alty that German in- pren nt when tho Jury returned lis OUUC UVJd UIIUIU Unable to representatives in Urusselx, Antwerp, According to he Itusslun reports, the mines are Pulled States, in numerous specific guilty. Should court i.x served the Huerta or the Carbajul the German attempts to capture War- securely anchored und likely to 0.1ft vvidict of the regimes. consliler.ibhj Canes,, of detentions and seizures of dci to the Find Fault saw have failed, while the llcrlln of- distances." se- i.le ho was entitled usk for Willi OdllaUlail igan they have had little work of the AnuiCHty cargoes, had been set forth lu a writ, reversing Judge Newman ordinary character, their General llcslreil. ficial statement says there Is general of thus activities The American government Is en- TIMES KAYS DAMAGE ries tt emphatic protests, most of the lower court, thn case may be Patrol Who Shot Poachers having been devoted largely to look confidence, that lint German and Aus- - which have gone unheeded, today's the ing refugees deavoring to procure ft general am- tro-l- l iiiiMarinii forces ure making WAS PONE HY U.VID remanded to the district court for alter and aiding In re nesty and, while uo promises hiive communication was couched in gen- taking of e id nca lu support ot the From United States, lief work. progresa along the great front. eral terms, covering thrt entire sub- been, made thus, rcfognillon will fol- ' londi.ii. '.'ll (It: l. a. in.) Position. Should it eventually Ins held Withdrawal of ( oiisiilt. English l.'iitliustiistU', txv. The ject ot between t'nit-e- ! low the Mexican fictions understand Kiigllsh - 1 lines the relation the Unit Kiank must be released from t The request for the withdrawal of ncWNpaiiera are euthuslas- declare thut there is excellent tftd,hti and Drltwm, on unless, huJ'.iit, r tn.. 'mniiiii ei!'.'pit m, 'Grval af custody Is sal.l, ;v I'.ioot'd iiiejtioi .! lav HOKNIN SWrOV ' A'vi t.iin coiU'll! to feaul 'to be rttitWt'lj thif t triu oiimt li.o.'i r raid by the riiim-.l- and ci in diflu.s. for by police, it J0lMl Lttl their opponents Is pursued the1 believing Hint n fecteri the latter's naval as W the power of tiie tat j ' Washington, Dec. "2S. Officials at impersonul and to be based on the ward seaplanes on Cuxhaven. They de- 1'arsevul shed und which coiifcldered highly objection- dfbto recognition of th I'nited States v. ill airship were destroyed ill is '.to Indict and try him a aeeond tune. the state department, although with- law of military necessity, which ree cline, to accept without reservation the the JJrlttsh able hy this government. ognlftes be withheld. German statement ships Cux- raid on Cuxhaven, This was the second time Frank's out official advices tonight, concern- the right of a military officer The government thut at While France haa adopted prac- In United States has haven and the works were tiy fate had rested In Justice Lamar's ing the shooting of two Americans In command of occupied territory to Indicated clearly it should lock ksh hit tically the same decrees on contra- hands. After the Georgia supreme Canadian Niagara waters, near Fort dictate absolutely the amount and ex. that bombs, hut that no damage was done, band as has Great Hritaln today's uwle with dfi'vor on continued executions and consider this improbable. court had declined to set aide the Erie, pointed out that if it were true tent of civil business and the manner Its is believed to Summary of War Is virtually a statement intended for and remonstrance spec- n- verdict of conviction. Justice Lumur the men were shot while defy- in which It shall le conducted lu that The naval writers dilate and all the members of the triple -i that have been largely responsible for the ulate lavishly on "the was asked to Issue a writ of error for ing Canadian authority, there would territory. Uullcrrcs decree. most remark News of Yesterday tente. tile supreme court to review the case, be no croiind for representations by Mr. ilavenith, the Itelgian minister, able engagement of twentieth century ITntHst Strongly Worded. Summary of IIhHI4'Iicn. warfare." They lie declined on the ground that no the American government. Itepresen-- 1 called nt the stule department today Tho following summary of dis- conclude that the Tho noto declares ut the outset that federal question was presented inas- tatlve Charles 11. Smith, of Jtuffulo. after the German notice had been re German ships were ufrald to come A violent torm has temporarily the representations are made In a. patches from Mexico was Issued by forth give to stopped important military much ttu questions of procedure were late today laid newspaper accounts of .reived. I.uter he Issued this state the state department today: unl battle the llrltlsh operations friendly spirit, but that the United states to decide. Justice shooting before Secretary Hryan. merit: cruiser because of the uncertainly as along most of the bsttle front In Bel- Htates considers It best to speak lu for the the "Latest information jeceived Indi to whether gium France, Holmes and eventually the other "The lii lgian minister has been in cates that quiet prevails along the en the llrltlsh battleships and In this territory terms of 1'runkness, lest silence be 1 were lurking ' positions opposing members of the court, on being peti a m i: ii i i h ) 1 1:1 ts formed that the German government west behind them. the of tho forties construed us an ucriulesccuce In a c.x powers tire coast of Mexico. Zeppelins Not virtually (he tioned, took the same ground. KII.I,KJ HV AttlDKXT has notified the neutral of its A mall dispatch from Vera Cruis, remain same as they policy which Infringes the rights of was In the j intention to cancel tho exequaturs ac- The fml that ZeppelliiH were driven have been lor weeks past, American citizens under the laws Application then made under date of December 13, reports by if for re-- 1 Buffalo, N. Y Pec. 28. Walter corded by the Belgian government to off is taken some as evidence that In the eastern arena the official tiHtlona. Georgia federal court Frank's that roving bands have been plltucln' tho Zeppelin lease on a writ of habeas corpus. Smith and Charles Porsch, American foreign consular representatives, in are really untrustwor- reports Indicate a similar condition Tho document points out that com various parts of the state of Vera thy craft, It Judge Newman held the condemned hunters, were shot by Canadian sol- llclgluiii Kutcrx I'roti l. Cruz. others think means that so far us progress by either side is plaints on every side and public irif pro-tiste- d tho Germans are husbanding concerned, Petrograd reports, how- man was not entitled to the writ and diers en the Niagara river near Fort "The Belgian government has 'A mull dispatch from Guadala ail their lelsm In the I'nited .Slates hold the dlrlgiblcH for a grand Hug-lan- ever, PI I refused to grant an appeal to the su- Erie today. Kmlth was killed but against this step. The Issue as jara, dated December 13, states t'l'il raid on that between the lea river llrltlsh nollcy as directly roHUorislhlu is argued by upper 111 ' preme court from his decision because Porsch will recover. The shootins well as the cancellation of an exequa- the Carranza authorities have desig- It some of tho and the Vistula the Gerniuus for thu depression many industries, - writers that If now he was unwilling to Issue-- a certificate vm unintentional, according to in tur are acts which imply the sover- nated Ciudad Guzman as the capital Cuxhaven cun thus be are on the defensive. a situation thu seiiousuess of wh!:h I why of "probable cause" as required by a formation gathered by the military eignty of the state from which they of Jalisco, to which place they have attacked, not Heligoland, Tlie KiIssIhiis ulso report the cap- must b apparent to Great Hritaln. federal statute of 190$ in Buch ap- and forwarded to Ottawa tonight emanate. Now, a power In military transferred tho state's archives. An and even the Kiel canal. ture of more than 20,0011 prisoners, to ISclnihiirscmcnt Not Enoiigli. were aiding a provin- occupation of a territory only enjoys The only damage tho llrltlsh ex- which reference was made In previ- cargoes peals. The soldiers other dispatch under dat of Decem pedition Reimbursement ulono for w Irolialilc ('aui' Is Shown, cial officer to arrest the men for al- ju do facto possession which cannot ber 17, reports that Guuilalajani Is sustained was tho loss of ous announcements. unlawfully detained or seized, it states, I hydroplanes, A Justice Lamar wus then naked to leged violation of the game laws. Sev- be transformed, so far as Its rela quiet and fn the hands of Villa forces. several costing; M5,lll)l, Petrograd dispatch by way of docs not remedy the evil, as the chief c while Commander was I lie Loudon, says Rrant the appeal and Issue the cer- eral volleys were fired over their tions with neutral states are concern- Other Incidental Hewlett that all the Important dilflculiy is tho moral I ffei t of llrl'-Is- h It. only person who lost his passes in Citrpitlhluna tificate. In niinouni'liiR his decision heads to force them to come ashore ed, Into a state of sovereignly, Such a Tho department ha been official life. tne ale again bractlce on American exporters, a . by Have I 'car Aeroplane?, In today the JuHtice said he hay found with their row boat. A final shot, change could only become lawful ly Informed that Maytorena has with of Russian hands. who aro restrained by It front tuklnK that several questions of federal law, said to have been fired for the same thy oonsumniHtloii of a. treaty of drawn his forces from the trencnes The Hrltish people are beginning to The Vailed States government bus risks 'fir hazards' which lu no cas1 by supreme qourl. exist- purpose struck Kinlth between the peace, determining definitely the sta heretofore occupied (at Naeo) burn- lose Whatever ifeiir of the Zeppelin made strong representations to Great ought' lo surround legitimate trade he unsettled the they held, but the exploits air- upon ed In the case giving rise to "prob- eves and porsch in the srin. tus of tile occupied territory." ing his shelters. He Is reported to of the llrllain, Insisting un early Im tween the Pnltefl Ktatcs and ot el-h- t men on 'he scout- provement in , deep regret over the Incident Tile disposition of the department, gone south. continent and tho the treatment of able cause" for the appeal. "While have kilometers ing trip neutral cutiniries. t These questions were whether the was expressed by the Fort Erie village ll la said, Is to rccognlise the right of Consul Slmplch reports from No- - of the German flyer on American commerce by the HiitiKli reeling mis neen aroused on - Christmas cause the people to feel federal constitution required un ac- r officers; It was asserted tnnt mo men the authorities of captured territory gales, Ariz., that, telegraphic comtiiu- licet. tuuject 'o aucn an extent, tne cw .ir-re- Is strong A b present when a verdict were not only technically under to prescribe at least temporary con- nicution with llerrnosill") and Canane.i that there a possibility that long note has been forwarded mtitilcBtiou adds, that the Amcrlj cused to. - may him In a state hv game officer, and were u- ditions under which consuls shall dis- Ik Interrupted, also reports heavy the Taulias repeat over London to the llrltlsh foreign secretary, government feels compelled to risk was returned against, the lie visit wilh bombs which ti not I to escape but they had vio charge their duties and It Is contend- losses In the stato of Honora. to rail- the they paid through Ambassador Page, covering definite Information as to Great lit' court; the effect of the accused tempting over Furls and raising the point of his absence on a lated a military order wmcn mnmm ed this can be done without in any ways and other property on account Warsaw. the relations between the dillcd aln' altltud" In order that it ef- persons to approach the way committing the I'nited States to of floods. The authorities Issued u warning Htates and Great Hritaln hs directed such measures as will protei motion for a m w trial; and the unauthorized tonight of the danger to people fect of the supreme court's own ac- international boundary line while a political recognition of the right of "Consul Canada at Vera Cruis tele- in the by the llrltlsh naval policy which Is Amuriunti citizens In their rights. of it was said, was the military occupant of a territory graphs, under dats of December 26, streets from guns which may bo used considered "highly objectionable" by Patience Is tion m refusing to grant the writ armed. This order, In ta alleged Juris- accompanied by a verbal order to the to its possession. , that Carrunza's foreign office asserts London against hostile aircraft the American government. The United States, It points out, error in ease where an and avls"d people to dictional question was presented in a soldiers on patrol to shoot to kill If HcgulatloiiH of Commerce, It has no knowledge of the reported the take refuge The Hrltish government, through was piitienl at first, realizing that the con- in basements If they should motion filed at a time riot authorized persons so armed refused to surren- llegarding the withdrawal of arrest at Vera t'rim of pr. Villnrcul, of hear the the naval und military .authorities, unexpocted outbreak of hostilities had - sound of explosives or guns. ' hy the practice of the state where the der promptly. suls from certain points under color the Mexkan lied Cross. Tho consul apparently fen ring, a raid over llrlt- heaped a mass of burdens on tho A heavy wind storm with ruin und hy is- trial tcok place. Thomas W. Delaney, the provincial of military necessity, it is said that adds that Pr. Vlllarcal's present lsh towns German airships, has British government and thinking an men were shooting at there need be no actual Interruption! whereabouts is unknown." l snow fir.'i'pt over parts of England sued a warning to the people to early clearing of come, officer, said the adjacent take the air would ducks near the head of the river. He of commerce In consequence, because,! and waters tonight, and there lo cover should the sound of firing Klve months have now elapsed, the TO STIMULATE INTEREST decided to nrrest them and Captain under American consular regulations hill I'HEi'Aitrs roii must be suffering for the sailors on be heard, note asserts, with no Improvement In ' na- - aosence a consul, EVAt I'ATIOV N ACO GUARD Kite, in command or tlie noruer in tne oi iu OF the sit nation. IN NATIONAL three soldiers to help him. iputable merchants may render an u-i- In the rui uptime, American ship- They took a position about all" teii cepiauie ceruiicaie lo an invoice oi N'aco, Ariz., Dec. 28. Preparation pers have availed themselves of va- for the evacuation ot Naco, Official Reports From Press Bureaus rious lay MORNINQ JOUSNAk SriCIAt LIAtID WISH from the boat. Delaney calie,j ouigooos. eventual suggestions from tho Hrltish ar- Tho Japanese government already Sonora, was begun today by lien, lion-,1- a gov New York, Pee. 2H. Efforts to in- to the men that they were under eminent, such as shipping car- Its objection to in in Hill, who plans to his goes crease Interest In the National guard rest ind ordered them ashore. Th has Intimated the take of Belligerent European Nations to definitely named consignees constab- - soldier fired a volley. One bullet presence of foreign consuls In the CarranziHta force out of tho Mexican In neutral countries, and the taking nv and lo have oruanized a state Klao-Cho- ! territory of recently cup town where it had been besieged three out ulary similar to thut in I'ennsylvtinia splashed the water near the bout. of tertlfcates from consuls in this hit cautioned ue- - lured from the Germans. In that case months, to Agon Prietu, opposite ItlhS'A. around Christ mas indicate that the country,' which followed promises of and other states, have been undertak- Pon't them,' Doc. 2N. ' juts there is no question of who shall Is Douglas, Ariz. Petrograd, The following feeling of confidence has gained sup- the Hrltish foreign office that, al- en by the Merchants Association of laney. the ) "We'll come ashore as soon as we sue exeouuturs. The objection lies to This is In accordance with the bor- statement from, the general staff of port here. General Jot'fre s energetic, lied fleets conseiiui iitly described as New York, it was announced today. commander-in-chie- f wus up decoys," shouted one of the presence of any foreign consuls, der peace plan proposed by Ilrlg. Gen. the Itussiau offensive as announced In an army having hnrdly improved j Jiesolutions adopted by the associa- pick the Issued tonight: after these Aim no matter what may lie their legal Hugh L. Hcott, chief of staff of tho order of December 17, It is pointed coiicesslons. 6 tion urge the municipal administra- the hunters. army. "On tlie 27th, there wuh no Import- out, in the They rowed up stream toward the status. Several applications have I'nited Btates The final Word haa everywhere been successfully HrltKli Policy HccallKl. tion to encourage enlistment Maytorena. ex- ant engagement between lower Kngllsh militia decoys. Suddenly the boat headed for come to the state department from is to com from Dill the resisted und the defeat of the Heferenec Is made In tho note to National guard and the naval re- pects to Vistula atid the Piib-- rivers. The under- American shore. mercantile interests, urging the consolidate with the rest of at the FVslhuberl leaves the allies in the high principles of eipilty which hy city employes, with the the go,' Consul to hlH troops Agua I'rleta, but Gov- Gerrnun attacks were everywhere re- worse shape be rec- "Th..v'te tot avvsv: In them turn of Americun Tack at than when the French have act un ted Great Hrltnin in her standing a step will pulsed. heavy .: that such n..inpv told the soldiers. He raised Tsing-tai- t: but, in the face of Juiui. ernor Maytorena has thiown outposts The Hermans suffered offensive started.' chumplonslilp In tho past of tlie free " ognized s.n making promotions. It also losses, especially a hiu and fired. Doth hunters nese opposition and in the knowledge along the border east of here to pre- during vulu attack "Chief Interest continues centered dom of I he sens to neutral commerce, is given in civil rifle Kwlcr-niwic- urged that credit he boat, which drift-.- i of the order of exclu vent Hill's movement until the peace, they made to Ihe southeast of In Poland where the position of the and Is to men who arc toppled over in the the fact that the hpe expressed that even service examinations ,n the ferrv landing. Smith was slon runs auainst consuls of all mi plags are fully accepted. Germans and Austi'laus Is regarded us though a belligerent herself, tfhe will :tta in the militia. Similar recommenda- department, Maytorenu's VIMIslas now are en- "Our troops stormed the village of promising, i nere Is feeling associa- found dead. Porsch was brought lions alike, the state has it Here realize the seriousness to the neutral tions have been made by the condition is called upon to force an issn camped at Villa Verde, sixteen miles Fzilnlki, which was stubbornly de- tout important, developments aro employ- a Huflalo hondtal. His not felt ' nations of continued interference. tion to its members who ure by ordering the return of Mr, I'eclt HoutheuBt of here, but it Is reported fended by l he. Austrluns. The enemy probable In Poland within a few days. Reserving- . serious. nntil some other date ers. not he has placed fill men west of Naeo has definitely evacuated the left bank While n v ...... ,... - States to his post. the outlook the tUuru and the discussion of those article which j. ii. Krle, mane a pi and a like number on the south side. of the N'lda, rtuwka region Is satisfactory, It Is be- Great Hritaln bus consul at Fort "To upper taken from the THAW LIKES CLIMATE nary report to the state department HOLY ROLLERS HELD General Jllll ordered all his men to the south of the Vistula lieved the most promising point It generally accepted lists of Inside today. on the of ( ipatow-jllec- z, of by tonight. remain the trenches front the the southeast Tamasisow, and placed on the lists tit wire of fighting conl limes to develop to our "A ihiMm HAMPSHIRE lie held on Wednes- FOR Failure Governor Maytorena's Turkish official biilli.llii ii absolute . OF NEW An imiucst will MANSLAUGHTER I und conditional contraband, agents to announce tonight, that their advantage. Prom the Dfth to (lie victorious progress on the Caucasian the American government declare day. -- Oth we L'ljO chief had agreed completely with captured there officers front without specifying- the opera- lhal the Hrltish fleets have been re- lay Hoaxma jouhnal aciAL hams wimI y MONIN JOURNAL SMCIAL wirij Hrlgadler Hugh L. mid 15, pan Harry T' INVESTIGATE liamo General Scott's soldiers und forty mitrail- tions in detail. garding absolute and conditional con- Manchester, N. IH.. Pec. 2S. t Murphyborp, 111., Pec. ZH. George border peace plan, was believed leuses. The enemy's retreat in the re. "Turkey also officially in ew ltsiiootim; or a.mkiih as here declares that traband us In tlie same class, where- K. Thaw intends to remain House and his wife, who ure mem- to indicate there would b further gion of the Dukla passes and on the lust wee there ws no bombardment as e law defines absolute Hampshire long as possible, nis Mnj. "Holy Hollers" cult, today-wer- delays road to Lisko Is becoming as a Ottiwa, Ontario. Pec, 28. bers "f the before the matter is finally more und of the Dardanelles. contraband as consisting of those ar- secretary said tonight in reply to m. uls- held to the grand Jury for the settled. more precipitate and disorganized, "A dispatch from VVIarsuw says Po- was Gen. 8amuel Hiuhes. Canadian ticles Intended directly for the use. of luestion us to what, steps Thaw an imme-diat- e death of their daughter, Margaret, Their .telephone message la I ft to- On the 2i! ih we raptured In this lish have up recent of militia, today ordered revolutionists blown an army or navy, and conditional contemplating In view of the ter the she.,., ,ng after they hud testified they refused night from Maytorenu's headquarters us many as 5,000 prisoners. there a monument erected In 1MI to supreme court of the investigation '"to medicine, contraband, those products susceptible Ml ucclsion of the ...... Am.rran duck hunters ai the child "according to tho said that they ivould meet General "The efforts of the enemy to trans tho memory of Poles loyal to Itussia!" of use by armed forces, but whose I'nited States that he should be guards. scriptures." She was even denied wa- Scott again tomorrow. port his forces from the direction of author- Kort Erie, by Canadian destination must be the determining turned over to the New York e, nervousness has been ter. The daughter died last Tuesday Ciseiistochowa toward the Carpathians riLXNCE. factor in detentions. ities. along border by reports of peritonitis. .Normal Traffic was u complete failure owing to our Purls, Dec, SH (10:!l0 p. m.) The KalMmry's caused the Followers of gathered to- Phoenix, Ariis., Dec. maneuvers," Ihs'tHue. Inf raids and stories mat the cult Z. Normal following official communication was The American note, mentioning public prop- night outside the windows of the (all traffic conditions on the al j issued by war i have lanned to blow P the office tonight: that foodstuffs are conditional con- of where Mr. and Mrs, House are con- through Arizona to- GIULMAXV. I ,n Canada. Bince the opening railroads "During the entire day a violent traband since they may be destined erty fined repeated L'S wiri-le- WEATHEK FORECAST. the Internationa and over and over: night were restored when the Heiiln, Dec. (by tu Kay. storm has interfered with the opera-- I for use of a civil population us "Let not your line ville, L. l.) Among the .ndaryLsstrongbypatroVd hearts sink. On our main of the Southern Pacific was the items given lions along the greuter part of the well as an army, says the United blessed depend opened i . - - . faith alone shall the after being washed out for out today fur publication by the offi front. It Is reported notwithstanding 28. Sew Mex by military guaros - cure people Slates Is In entire agreement with Washington, Pec. - of the next of our to be nearly a week by floods caused by cial press bureau were the following: this. thut we have made some prog- - by " fur examination ailing."' heavy the doctrine expressed Lord Sails. ico: Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. persons. rains. "Discussion of military happenings 'resa In the Argonne reiflon. bury, British foreign aeciretary, In his ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1914.

IMITI'H itondeitce with the Washington ANOTHER COLD WAVE 3? lovernment concerning Ihe shipment MAY during DfiY MOVEMENT 0. S. PREFERS TO IN EASTERN STATES HGRESS ot foodstuff to Ihe W-YW- l i hp Boer war in HiHilhTrnlAfrica. IF !lfg)ir ' haltshury rolc then: la? aaPNiaa jouDpal apieiav wiaai dcstlns- - "KimmIkIiiITk with hostile Washington, Iec, 2X. A flurcbock tion van be considered mid of opposition DEAL LOIJE HAfJD from the cold wave which paaaed to- JOT BE READ! .ir iintv If fhiv me atipphea for the has day broke over the western Camidlun forces. It If not miff It lent province tonight and wa aweeplnR Hint thev nr i unable of being Its way aouthward through lllliiola, u.,,,1. it mutt he cIhihii Ihit thin ns the great lake atatca, and the Ohio i;iifjH;i:MJ; In fiot Ihi'tr dcsUtti.tlin ut the lime la IfJ TURK WATERS valley to the Atlantic coast. It TO BEGIfJ - p: i of i'im," ofwm. to drive temperature down t :J:ii ! n h.taft Ml Thin In perhaps the broadest along Atlantic, coast by Wednes- n the of llif Anu'i'li note since, day. ' a if It were accepted Itv ilnitl Britain. Korecanter of the weather bureau k tril.l.i Willi IfCrlli.lflV Hllll riuli aald the latest illn urbanee waa at- Believed Likely 1915 Bank Account Au,tru in President Declares Na- - Offers of Assistance From tended by cloudlnesa affect- No Quorum Is Your . rhonuJiFortiicr increaaed llll", f ti I Ttynni.'7'' ing the middle western etatea from k mid oilier Gavel in House wheat, flour, Ihiflot tional Prohibition Is Danger- Italy Not Desired; Daniels the northern border to the rouih At- When Falls CUOOSIXG Till: HANK TllltOltill WHICH TO TltAXS. lOOtlStUfTS lantic and gulf and Wa cunn- 3 18 AX Mclay Re- atule. , Bill VOl K FINANCIAL .UTAUW Hl'lllXO ( aimot Tolcrntc Proposition and Revolu- Wants to Know About ing tem- Today; 'Immigration Has ACT subject detention ous material reduction to the M KKCKIVK Taking l.p Ihe of perature through thoae region. Pre- ' LMPOIITANT MATH It WHICH SIIOl MOST Wicdi-liiMto- Right Way, .f American ahum nt ca, the tionary, ported Tripoli. Incident, ceding It of VOf TO OPKX ran-no- t the urrivnl of the cold wave CAHKI 1 1. CONSlOKItATIOX. WK IXVITK If'tt eminent "(.it thai It w predicted would rx.itnln-Ini- f temperature 1XSTITCTIOX. WHICH VXN toli'tatp undue drl in rit.e tomorrow throughout the Atlan- AV ACCOUNT WITH THIS them or Ihn coiivoyin of Mirh lay rav MoaaiNO joupnal mcul wiai) tic alate. , tav MoaNiaa joumnal spkcial li Ato wiai 1'oHMLY i:xti:m)s axu i:i hcii:xt huil phlp to llrlilfh porta for ovliiiled ORnB jourl anclM. ltRlo Ltco many couinms piuhl-hlllo- n AViiBhliiKton, 2n Departuierit Warning of the diHturbance waa Washington, Dec. 28. While 11Y KICASOX OK COX-S- It t it u Hint proof of Boston, lee, is. 'N.'illnniil lec, ' VICK TO ITS PATKOXS, AND I ail- - Wired tonight polnta In Illinois, of congress to Hie iiiuhI I u dangerous proposition," lieadH, althouxh without official to members returned hontlle diHlliuillon of niritii Mlf.soiirl, lown, Nebrankn. HVATIYi: MAXAfiKMKXT AND AMPLi: CAPITAL AND e t h Mt on aiibject, Were keenly Kansas, Washington today from the short ha evitlem the tlni of at ari said former President Wllllum Jlow. vliea the n , aeun h, South liakota, .Minnesota, and Wlacon-ul- Christmas; him-Lis- cxgiKsTioxi:i kaiktv. Di:- - a'U. ThP hi llntPli iit rlsht of Tii before us-hi- tonlKht In a ltime dlnpati h holidays prepared for the Anoitns Bitl ft, speaking the Bar and atorni warnings were ordered IXVITKI). n tte la fully rroKnl.ed, but ad- AS WIXL AS LAIUilO AKi: , the B.!, h.tlon of lltiKictii iia seventeenih paying the Italian rruiaer Calabria, nt diHphiyed on n resumption of business tomorrow, POSITS SMALL he th point of nt the gulf coust from It eiinnot exiendid ti Irl' niilnl liii tm net tonight. lleirut, Hyrln, hud been Instructed to lo I'ensaccla. ministration leaders were fearful that iltn-iunt- f Into UclllH-ere- Anierltiin ahliia would rovoluHoiiliee the national a quorum .might present In" oti merply on auHplclon. "It coroperate with the American crulner not be It put on this re'u-gee- t hut It rnvernmeht. would North Carolina in protecting a TWO MEN KILLED AND either house on the falling of the The Tinted iMlea iiwrta boulder of the government the, duly Vie a with (trowlns concern the de- on the Pyrlan coaat. gavel to signal the beginning of the of KWei pin I ho tlitnratcpa of rViT aeorea if American cm Koea illa-pnt- SEVEN SEVERELY HURT sixty-thir- d tent inn of home in the IiiikI. If niillontil prohi- Secretin y Imnlcla cabled the last two month ot the country to neii-tr.- il conaiKiiert from thla legislation l passed, local gov- li Capt'iln Oman, of the North congress. porta, contending It ahoiild bition that would In-- destroyed. And If ('Hrollmi, at Ilelrut and to Captain fSV MOHNISa JOUSNAk SPtriAL LIAIKD WlPtl In the senate the Immigration bill to pro-t- ernment lie the duty of the 'helUKerenta you destroy lot'til government you do-I'tr- liecker of tho crulKer Tenneaeee, Kansas City. Mo., Dec. Two will be the order of business. Should I commerce mid pieeut 2. a point no quorum iieuirul olio of tin. things t hut go li which left Jaffa ypHlerday, taking a men were killed and seven were se- of be made, an Innixent trirrhmitii from auffeilnK. healthy condition of th'J load of refiiKcca to Alexandria. verely hurt today by collapse of adjournment probably would bo force I iiipiM'r imhwmI. make for a the Wednesday. CLEAN COAL t'araoeit government. Mr. Imnlela also repeated hid re iv wooden canopy protect pe- until irKEFJTin compliilnla In the lintloinil built lo linn of the riled "Niitlomil prohibition In quest for iiifoi rnallou from tn destrians passing a million dollar ho- In the house the postofflce appro- m.:1.. lu ..,..:ndi liM t,v llrcut re- ii.ttiiiil It m a ennieeslnn on the part cruiKer comriiaiidera concerning a tel building under construction at priation bill was left tho unfinished cumoea m ttcnae on Wed- OUR 'iirniuii jr Aincricitn of I he state government of Inabil- cent dispatch announcing that Italtlmore avenue ami Twelfth street. business adjournment last IS la Unit Creut IIilliilM nesday rio agreement It chiuucd ity to rotitrol utid regulate their own the North Carolina hud threatened to Walter S. (Itubel Dickinson, an m tor nnd has been DIED OjN GALLOWS, Is not MCtonlluK the mine treulment special ttiiraf n ml duty; If tho mat- fire on Tripoli, tfyrla, when thn Turk- of Lincoln, Neb., and Sanders Kenner, reached to proceed In the absence of SPECIALTY to AmcrlrBn trude j mpper wltl the ter were placed under federal control ish nuthorllicH Houxht to prevent tho a negro workman, were the men a (piorum. na to com- con-sti- la ifeir.y) ; Ktuiiillnnvlnu coiinirlca It would result In creation of a ma- depHl'lurty of l!rltih and Kronen killed. James Mclienn, business agent Opponents of the Immigration bill merce In thlx prodmt between Ihe orflrhil large and their nutlonulH on an Ameri- in with Its proposed literacy test hope to AZTEC FUEL Italy the chinery of government for a labor union, was a critical nlled Hlutea utid under enough to nominate uny president, can Kleamcr. condition tonight from his Injuries. replace further consideration of the IS DECLARATION alilpment. I'.ven td ap- atnn condltlona of mid would offer too great n oppor- Itepetltlon of tho re(iiet waa The other Injured were workmen measure temporarily nt least by COMPANY thfiiiKh the Itnlitil Ktntinmrnl luia tunity or person seeking to perpet- lucniiat! It Wa feared, owing t employed on the btilldinir. propriation bills. Senator Smith, if on ex- me-a- ge prm laiined mi emlniruo the uus their power In Washington." Interrupted coiniiiunicntlnn, the The accident occurred when a South Carolina, chairman of the Phone 251 to crula-t- r. portation of copper from Italy had failed to reach tho truck backed Into a support of the 'committee, said today, how. counlrlra, almllur to Ihe canopy, loosening brace that held It ever, that the bill had enough frlen la In force In Norwuy, Ocnnialk A report received from Captain In the senate to prevent It being re- Chief of Po- cop- lo the building. Weighted with an Letter to Chicago ulld Hweden. the oiiKlKliinctit of CHICAGO IVAR OH Decker lf the TcnncHHee, earlier In accumulation of mortar und building placed on the calendar and bring It SOUTH CAROLINA MOB per to' Italy from 1ht Untied Mule the day told of the departure of SoO material, the canopy crushed to tha to a vote, notwithstanding the fact lice Recalls Execution in ure an Id to ho held up, while thon. to refugee In hla vessel from Jaffa for pavement. that the president has made known THREATENS GA. NEGRO H. an'linavlan- - coutitrlea art not Alexandlla, but niiuln no mention of his opposition to the literacy lest. 1894 of George Painter for other ' (Incident Involving 'American House lenders today suld that the AGED UNION VETERAN - IicfluliiK Milpiiii'liH. OF Rhlp on Hie Syrian cuast, forthcoming fight on the resolution Murder of Alice Martin, 1ST MORNINO JOURNAL SPtCIAL LRARID WIRII The American novel anient iiil'lher ILiEIfJT tlovernment 'Olflccta nr akeptlcal to suonilt a constitutional amend- Ilartwcll, da., Dec. 28. Reports ( SHOOTS BANDITS i recorda 'la poHllloii on iuihIkuiih titx about report that the North Carolina TWO ment for equal suffrage probably ,tl)at il mob was forming 'n rihlpped "to order," or no uperiflc e, threatened to lire on Tripoli. They would not be brought up for actl in Oconno'e county,'fiiirth Carolina, bent ' fav MORNIN JOURNAL RPf CtAL LKARID WIRf alutliia tllla clrcuiiiKliintn thought tonight the I'nlted State until all members particularly inter- negro In lu re, 'hat that UT MORNIMS JOUBHAI. IPICIAL LIAft WIBII Chicago, Dec. 2S. That an Inno- on lynching a Jail 'ilone la not auffh lent to hold A inert-v- n RESERVE a a neutral nation could beat main- St. Louis, Dec. 28. One bandit wa ested In the Issue had returned. A- caused Mayor Thornton to ask ttov-ern- kuhiI-cloti- a. Turkey lthough untl-suffra- cent man was executed here in 1834, cnroe and la of llaelf not BUI tain It friendly relation with killed and another seriously wounded suffrage und Hla ton for state troops. Tie) TIiIh View tin been expreanoil If It dealt with the situation unaudit- by Leonard C Humphrey, 70 years hosts began to arrive here today to when (leorge Painter was hanged for negro, who was m rested on a chargo by the Biiiiremp court of th I'lillnd ed. It Wna auggeated that the. Jtiillun old, a veteran of the union army, keep in touch with the situation, if, Ihe murder of Alice Martin. Is the of stabbing a white man In Oconn e( co-o- re- Slnti'a. but 'irent Ulllnln iiinounced proffer of ration might be when the pair attacked him In hi no- may be the middle of January before statement made In a letter received county, died of rtab wounds late reielitly that carttoea ahlpped "to or- jected, If officially to the United the issue Is launched for general made tion store today. The men entered dt. today by Chief of Police Oleason frjm but the authorities feared thn der" would l connldered "auHpect," It Claimed Two Fin to bate and decision. vengeance Is That State. store asked permission r, mob would take on other the and person signing 11. W. Dax-te- Toduy'a nolo polnta out Hint tn hold warm e.xamlninif a himself themselves. After county, III. prisoner. connlKiimeiila marked "To order," anciers Are Controling Fed TEMPERANCE CAFES the stoic carefully they departed. of Buffalo, Sangamon Governor ftlnton deferred sendlint proof tmiat be tirpKcnled nt the time Later they returned and again ut T LIBERAL The writi' asked that Painter's rela- troops to Hartwell pending Investlii-i-Hon- when the detention or aelzure la liunle, eral Institution for Benefit ARE FAVORED IN PARIS by tho stove. Humphrey becuin" sus- tives be found, and promised to re- plltiwlnjf that hoKllle deMtiuution la picions nnd took up his levolvcr. The Ill move the stigma from tho family. Race feeling has been Intense re- Intended, or elne a aufftclcnt number of Certain Large Interests. men attacked him. one with a hatchet Painter's last word on the scaf- cently In Oconnee county. In clash's of other facta intiat bo advanced to taf KaaNiaa jou.mai. .P.eiAt uhd wia taken from beside the stove. The fold were a declaration that he was a .few days ago near thre Juatlfy further cxamlnallon of the I'utlH, Dec. 2K (11:15 p. m.) Pro- other man tried to choke Humphrey, not guilty. negroes were killed and several white caiKo. who give an undertaking to whin COMPE SAT O negro Chicago, Iter. lid. The conirovi-ya- prietor shook them off anil fired. Alice Martin, Painter' sweetheart, men wounded. The body of a I"rH)f In, oil HclllKcreiit. veil no upllltuou ll(Uora will be ex- Iloth men ran from the tore. A was beaten to death In 1891, nnd who had been killed w'th an axe w;ih over rencrve hold v tt la In thla connection that the the federal bank empted llceime due after Junu-ar- The. la- position of firm Interest In flnun- - from few feet away one fell dead. Painter was arrested nine months found near here today. T'nllcd rental ka Ihut commi'i'te the 1. block stum- two years fighting ftatea iul circles In thla city, and It appears other nan ran two and ter. Alter of the bntwrvti iumiIihI nation cotiatltut' The chamber of deputies, today vot- bled Into a physician's office, where prisoner was convicted and executed. Catholic to bo exteuilng IIiiuukIkiuI the rail- op- Lilmntor Die. the normal relallona of peace nd to exempt all cafes, despite Hie LAWS FOR LABOR I ed Kta The dianppolntment of ed the police found him. On the scaffold ho said: New York, Dee. 28. The lev. war and that the presumption of guilt to. position of the government and Hie I girl I certain politician over their failure "If killed Alice Martin, the Jlichard K. Wakeham, widely known cannot rent on neutral uhlppcra hut budget committee of the chamber, dearly loved, the woman 1 loved bo as an In Catholic college, b lo linpoi,e their friend upon the Chi- DENVER HORSE AND educator that the burden of proof nmat who hold that the measure constitute much lhat 1 would ulniost commit any died today at Cold Spring, N. V., nRed Inter-ferc- a, cago InHlllullon a official, clerk, on tin! belll(jercnt who bounty to sellers, whose 1 my K thirty-on- e lie etc., la an a lbtior crime for her, pray this minute, years. For years taking the form of titlark Is STOCK SHOW CERTAIN I number the government lAn rv-- i Drt,irtIi I on earth, eternal been engased In education if ( rj in last minute that the had the Ihe endlna of the note on Ihe avateni llsclf, res- VUI,IIIICII UIIUUIU llUljtJIVv Althouali Watdi-lngtie- striving to decrease, and the direct J,) Ood will put me Into hell." ' ' ' Mere la Washington against .lt eternal priests, having taught nt 'Seminaries waa pot known trt lne.niher lf the dip. ult-Is more h!s voice well in 1 tar Moasms lotiMUncint. wish Tha cpndenaned man raised in Boston and Baltimore ns as It un is the ultf cry of "ntotiopoty,' i l,ao ' to Ninety Per Cent of Wages . , . lomntlc corpa ttniialit, and Thn exemption. In addition, It Doc, SS. The st.'Vfft. hd t, mil) ne It I Denver, national and continueu: this He will 'burled at f'c' ikelv ihnt the H'ahinaloii aoMru-men- form takes the complaint pointed out, will represent a Ions to Is I horse nnd show will be held In "Here, gentlemen, if there one lumbia, Yn., where he was born. lint-to- ll that a cliuue of local men controll- stock for Occupational Accidents with the exception of the the treasury of ,7,400,1100. Denver during the week of January man among you who Is an American,-- aiiibiiMiHbtl', will ccuimunliale l( ing the thing. They multiply the al- The senute took tho government's leged Chicago aituittion by twelve lo 18 to ii, according to arrangements or Diseases Incurred, say to him on his soul on his soul, to them unlifH they rciiueat II, hlsh view und refused to ratify tho mea- I make out a case ugalnst the whole completed here tonight. Owing to the ray see that the murderer of Alice (.fflcUla thoiiKht It not unlikely Hint sure, finally a compromise wa prevalence in some states of the loot Martin Is found." by t'nllcd Hlalea ayatem. ' by houses, whereby the path marked the reached the two exhibitions of k The Kcaffold prayer was delivered ' So rt one can ace Ihe lending and mouth disease IBV i would bo followcU by other neutral far only the Heller of beer, wine, elder Will be limited. MORNINS JOURNAL RPKCI AL LIAStO WIRk'l by Kev. A. P. Mordenlyk, who How To Get Rid of a r bankers of this city, Including the un- the Ittivemmenla. and beverages cumu Philadelphia, Dee. 28. A uniform : of bank not of- Thi midwinter fair will be held said Cough i KouSh AnietUan tiallona CHpei ll!y load certain slate der tho exemption clutiee. workmen's compensation law which In- Bad ficially connected with the new form, during the mimu. week. Iloth affairs "May he whom eo many believe ; Iihvm been keeping In rloae touch wlirt are held under the auspices of the would provide a payment of from 50 nocent of this crime Join thee In ever- ' the attitude of ttte 1'nllcd Stale on of organization, have done all they to SO per cent of their wugetj in case Gentlemen' Driving and Riding club. lasting 'life for the sake, O Lord, of A Home-Mad- neutrality ami u. moat cam-- a have could lo make the federal reserve ' of occupational accident or disease, e Remedy (hat Will EX-CONV- ICT It liml iinnoilneei) eitt'liee that Thy son Jesiw Christ, our Lord." to Hie American pomttou. Aa bank of Chicago an effective financial IS and which would be administered by steps Io It Quickly. Cheap and dlare-gard- ed the stock show would not be held this Oleason said he would take no , machine. They appear to have the notp tnvohea commerce moallv year. state commissions rather than by in the matter except to' look for Pain- Kaally Made with KuropiMiii iieiilrnl, It ItPlleved all iiiiphUoiis except a to the courts, was urged today at the open- of Ihe men In charge. ter's relatives to make known to them that dlploiuatlc reprraeiitullvc 'f Hie fltneaa ing Heasion of the joint convention of Baxter's request. will eeek to learn Hie Anicrlci n Among tin director and officer CONTENTS OF MORGAN'S the American Association Labor latter for The hanging of Painter was made It you have bad cougli cuU lewp.nnt lor tranmulnilon lo their and all those who have uiiylhlug to UNEXPECTEDLY Legislation and the National Confer- a or elicst do with pnlHles of Institution unusually brutal by the. breaking of which refuses to yield to ordinary reme- , Kvei nlnentN. the the RESIDENCE APPRAISED ence on Unemployment. pav- politic n given man been tho rope, lie fell to' the cement dies,, get from any i'fa ounces " Nmlli AincilcH hi Mm'. , the of ha Joseph A. Parks, a member of the be sup- of diu.'ist utterly ignored: In ing of the Jail yard and had to i'inex (ill cent's worth I, pour into I Indeed most Industrial accident board of Massa- The poditlon of the 'nlted Mutes ha been unknown, 1T HOKNINS JOURNAL tPICIAL 1UIIO WII ported by two men while the noose pint bottle and lill tlio bottle with plain in I chusetts, declared that the 50 per cent granulated takiiij.' na exptciwd today' note ii That Meesr. ('organ and UeMiohls New 'York, Dec. 28. The contents was again adjusted. sugar syrup. Mart t e ate by tll'Ctit HEIR TO standard of payment provided by Mar- a teaspooiiful every hour two. Jn 11 'onaeuuem of aeveliil are Influential men in that Inst it tit tun 196,000 of Hie M.idlson avenue residence of J. The real murderer of Alice or llilluln, I'laii' - and Uermaiiy on the Plerpont Morgan liave a valuation ot most compensation laws now in force tin for whose death C.eorge H. Paint- hours your tsui'li will be coniuered or la due to Ihe aame fact that make w'tm Inadequate. very iti mbject ot contraband. AlUiocKh t ho J 1,000.(11 4, according to a deputy state In Massachusetts, er was hanged in 18K4, was a tramp nearly &o. JSven v. Iiooping coueji them Influential In their own Imnka even two-thir- deilamtlon of London, drafted appraiser in a report filed today with he said, tho stand- who called himself Jack Cade, ac- Kreatly relieved in this way. under-i.taiidln- and wherever financial affair are nt pi 4 Jfitm, cmboilylii the prevloim if attorney ard was insufficient. cording to H. W. Baxter. Baxter suld 'lite above mixture makes a full Blake that I, they are able antl ex- the for the state controller. would, compen- a family of international law mil Philadelphia, Dm', I'S. Working The Morgan library Is at "I have the scale of he met' Cade while on road in supply of the. finest cuuiitt perienced men. tint Senator I.ewia valued range, 50 the syrup money cuft new rule for the conduct of mari- bin way Into life" by clean-- $28:1,743. In sation from per cent in the few years ago that could buy at a and hi iiHMocintca do not like it anil u ''belter ' Silverware found the Montana a and that of only 04 cents. Easily in 5 respect to neutral rase of a minor or unmarried employe told-hi- prepared ' time warfare with early in history of great lng windows anil lying pucka or Vault of the residence is appraised at Cade he had killed Alice e, latlibjil when tint the thi having no dependents, to DO per cent Vet minutes, i'ull direction's witli I'inex. i ommcri hail not been 1 kindling wood nt the Whosoever IIOTiJiM and "miscellaneous jewels" Mitrtin: jind Ph inter losn his life n wan experiment' there talk of an Inves in the case of a married employe i iliia Pincx and fSujrar Syrup prepii-ratio- the prraent war broke out, it I tiosptl .Mission, In (Tei'manlown, at ti6.755. The most valuable oil in penalty. Cade is dead, Baxter de- time, tigation. It Is one more Illustration braving a tumily,. or a sipsle'cniploye takes ri(lit bold of a coul'Ii ami tboimht for a uU i uuntrks vvnulJ Ktephctl .nia.ii;,, paintings were in Morgan Baxter, who is 74 years old, loos- " of crane Wnxhlngion luia all with found th clared. Mivus Rlniost immediate; relief, ft , ' ' the for who Is tin; sole Suppojrt of n family." udherii to It. iifUhcl;s Irfctyla not'fauilly and unly .library Ui Kast Twenty-sixt- h treeL makes his living selling extracts and ' anything that doe pot re ' iM.viiie.nlK', ens tlie dry, hoarse or tight cough in a The mlnthiuiit' Mr. Parks busl-ncs.- tjreat I'.iitain, by an older conn. ppoliil Immediately of u lew cenls of this world s wealth, it wjs while on the road In this -j way that is really remarkable. Also on AimilKt Jo, to the demand said, should range from. tt in the cav! ilet:itrt'd .Uo It g this week, received u telephone mes- I that he met Cade, he said. His quickly ..heals iullamed membra urn per-- , politicians. NO SALE of a minor hftxitiu no Itteiieiule'ntM in the of l.otidon effective Villi sage t meet a lawyer Montreal HORSES FOR, neighbors do not ' generally his ni"l If the present situation In Chicago from ,$10 for employes ono credit which accompany a painful rough, in iinulifii, ilium,. tlorinuiiy n n re- 4 having other ii I tilt nt tliu; llolt,l Walton. When ho story. stops tho formation of phlegm in tho ivIII'Iik-1,1'i.- la nv evidence of what coining FOR WAR PURPOSES person dependent fih Hiey.!). ,.,.itim t'tl lo till muiliala her larger Hiatc, of theae sumed his work nt the mission he w throat and bronchia! tidies, thus etnlini.' ii a im the affairs For each other person dependent to ailhct e to the hnlc dei long j was worth approximately $ltli,Oiill. the persistent loose cough. .Excellent tic colli erna develop, tt will not be above one he would raise the mini- 'f If thtt other lllKcrcnla would, Sixteen veal ago, near Minneapo- lay MORNINU JOURNAL ftPVCIAl LtAaCD Wtail bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter Law, before Hie people, take the matter Into mum $2 until a minimum of $16 was FOOD lolalca liilcrnailoiail their own hatul and acini the federal lis, where be waa living In affluence, Kalrbury, Neb., Deo. 28. Xd horses IMPORTANT cotiL'lis. Keetts perfectly and tastes good The t'nlted Hlalea took the pohitlun purposes reached. - children like ' reserve yatetn to meet the Ktrsl und Blalr, then a youth, iiuarreled with for sale at any trice for war D. Tuple, it. that It could not accept piecemeal his Wallace chairman of the Piiiex is a special ami highly conce- the Second Hank of Hie Lulled Stale. brother, shot und killed him. The is the' declaration of the Jefferson Industrial committee of Ohio, said adoption by the ullies of the declara- Hsnlcnce tun twenty years, but In county farmers, who were met here ntrated compound of genuine Norway pine ott-- of the compensation laws tion til I.oihIom wilh their HH3, after serving sixteen years, today by a buver from Kunsns who extract, rich in guaiacol, which is bo mlno'iita Hint tlirhired Hint It COLONEL SAYS 'BULLY' by commission was preferable to FACTOR healing to the membranes. kmc Ulnlr was released on good behavior. said he Was willing to pay top figures by II LIFE Mould be s'lltlid by the neutral prac- Ills parent had dud: his relatives animals suited for cavalry and ar-- the courts. Greater lo avoid disappointment, ask your OVER BOWL PEA SOUP for uniformity in interpretation, for of Pincx," d" tice of tnliTiiuliuual law, Irrefpectlve OF moved, away: was i purposes in European war. and irnccist ounces ' had he without tlllery the greater efficiency economy not accept giiaraiitro of the ilerlut atlnn of London. money! every employ- and could anvtliinsr else. A friends or And The farmers admitted that they had then be obtained, he of absolute satisfaction, or monev prompt- The (iertuim liovet innent. In o gave I'm 1 they added: (PV MOHNISa JUUaNAt. tPKCIAL tIA,KO WIN!) er li thttsanie reply, "No, some horses for sale but said present compensation law ly refunded goes with preparation. to Hie I'nili-- and unl-ma- ls Tho for OF this formal hole Hlitlfa New Volk. Dec. US. --Col. Theodore do not want an were too much attached to the DRAIIORKER oh- - federal employes was criticised as un- The Pincx Co., Ft. Vayne, lud. other neulials, then voiced ila llnlf-stttJ've- d by des- to a far-of- f Itoosevelt visited Ihe municipal lodg- arid driven to have them sent fair and discriminatory by Repre- Jeetloti to the Urltlih moiliflralioiiN ing house tonight. About Sal) men pondency almost to suicide, - Hlulr country, probably to be killed on the - sentative Daniel J. MeGillicuddy of which similarly the I'mted Htatra op- . were In line walling to K't supper ended a forlorn year of wandering battlefields. Maine, He appealed for the support posed. In an Week ago ut the Whosoever - ticket when he arrived automo- three of the two organization for tho Today' note follow In many lt:- Somebody IRT MORNINS JOURNAL SPRCIAL bile. He shook hands with many of Mission. had told him that METROPOLITAN LIFE bill now pendyng in LIASIO WIRtl DUKE CITY portant points, Ihe utgiinielit lllell them, addressing innne by name. He there "they brought convicts back to Philadelphla. Dec. 2S. The impor- - tolvaltcftl by tjirniiiny Hillish congress. that did not explain how he came to know life," Converted and , given work, MUTUAL1ZE tance of a periodic examination of Ii h com- - . COMPANY TO John Mitchell, a member of the -- Hatters practice respect to neutral them. When he entered the dining Hlulr told the superintendent. John the Individual to determine whether Cleaners merer wa a distinct departure from New York state workmen's compen- room, whore. he took a acat, Colonel Ii. Mclntyre, that he wanted to stay, sation commission, and formerly pres- there has been a change in his rela- 220 West Gold. phone 4 many previously accepted principle CSV MORNINO JOURNAL RPRGIAL LKABVB URI tion to Itoosevelt found 300 more of the clly's for, he auhl. "I have no friend In the if United Mine Workers, food, was urged by Dn Louis of liilt i national law. M utualir.ation ident the of Faugerea. bishop- homeless at supper. world." ,,h IS'ew York, Dec. 28. America, pointed out that several of Fordham univer- "Gee: pretty hind times, Hut lie irtauely remembered an old of the Metropolitan Life Insurance sity, in an address today before I It's when states already have Inadequate com- the COMPANY t.l.OHt.I LOHIDN tt ii In company, was Indorsed by policy- social The WM. FARR Al a former president ha to come here tit, Caroline Hlair. who lived the These, in- and economic science section AUK (.Itl'.MLV ALAUMf I) today by a vote pensation laws. he said, of In for Miniethiug to eat," one of the lodg- Montreal. It is of this aunt estate holders at a meeting cluded New Jersey, Maryland, West the American Association for thn Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers ers remarked. Colonel Itoosovell Ltlatr is to share. of fiii.000 to 1,00. Mutualizutlon al- Advancement of Science. MEATS Di-c- . (loveiuo-s that Virginia and New York, FRESH AND SA171' Savannah, On.. is in laugh and, Mr. Ak'lntyro, mission, en- ready had been approved by the "The Hfe t a Hai l Ucoigla, and tif Joined the snmcklug his of the brain worker," Sausage Specialty Klaton of Trnmmell ex-- by If the Dr. Bishop, "shoiii.) to his lips over a bowl of pea soup, t abled Itiatr to recover his fortune stockholders and directors. consist of forty I'lorldu, wired protest today the fol- superintendent of Insurance ap- MAYOR ROBERTS IS years of preparation For Cattle and Hogs the Biff Ililt-tiiu- btimed, "That's bully!" directing friends In Montreal to slate and fnrtv veir's plate dcpaltmenj (treat 'n - aaalnst president spent more low what appeared to be a very prove the plan, control of the com- of fruitful labor, but many leaders in Market Prices Are PaJd- action In placing reainotm ptod- - The former OUT ON BOND i ban an hour .inspecting the bulging small clue. Hlair will not receive his pany will puss to the policyholder SURETY thought are found giving out in the kIm on the absolute contraband list. by who will board of director. fifties, nearly governor Kngland' house. In all part of the building Inheritance until he Is identified elect h all of the remainder 'n The asserted that he a rapid In Minneapolis. The Prudential'. Insurance company the sixties, with only (step neiliitiN injury to the aimed lite of tiuestions ut former acquaintances lT MORNING JOURNAL RPKCIAL LKARCO'WtRC) a few enjoying; threalened men, asking occupa- Tlwiilch tie Ik to have nenrlv J I till (Mill recently authorized a change from a active work In the tori a industry, Die them their Indianapolis, Intl., Dec. 28. Dunn seventies. BALD RIDGE naval the Who slock compiiuy to a mutual organisa- "Of the importance i Tampa, Kla., Iinard of trade tions, whence they came, when they must continue to work at the M. lioberts, mayor of Terre Haute, f rest reele- ' COMPANY The Mclntyre tion. . ction and exercise in LUMBER hn requested southern commercial woiked last and their chances of soever Mission until Mr. who was placed in Jail here Saturday the prolongation - money him of etllcieney, too 5- -. to In protesting against finding employment. Kor the- most can raise enough to takti under indictment for alleged, conspir-nc- y much cannot be With" J bodies unite part men In said, but there is a inrge group PAR0ID ROOFING Great litilaln's action, the took his west. BLEASE LIBERATES to corrupt the election of Novem- whov good part and answered them frankly. 1H14, efficiency nnd longevity depend on ber 3, was released late today oiet. It may year guarantee. Colonel Itoosevelt declined to explain SHIP PURCHASE BiLL 44 STATE PRISONERS under $10,000 bond, offered by u happen at any time 10 nnv brain d- - the urp.ic of his visit. . surety company, worker, that hP rnav eiop an Idiosyncrnoy tigaintt TO BE PRESSED HARD LtAMO WIRf some I nj aw "W 1RV MORNIN JOURNAL PfCIAL particular food. v WOULD-B- E Forty-lou- lllhles All Sailors. This mav start a W A ASSASSINS S. Dec. 2s. r process Columbia. C, New York, Dec. 28. Kvery sailor of degeneration in n's cells IB MORHiSa JOURNAL SPICIAL LKARID WtRtl state prisoners. Including ten that eventually DEPORTED BY COSTA RICA to- passing through the Panama canal leads to his loss of Washington, Dec. .'S.--T- o give im- serving life sentences for murder, efficiency and finally to loss I day clemency Governor will be given a Bible, .it was an- the of his Hudson forSigns petus to the administration move- obtained from nounced tonight by James Wood, fry passage gov- Cole Hlease. making a total the Maasiaa journai tPteiAi LtAftto wiaii ment for early of the president of the American Bible so- "In absence of a definite know!, de- Mil, Dlease has liberated In edge ot eonititutioa l'an.t na. Dec. Ten persona ernment ship purchase the sen. that Governor gov-ern- the food relations i3zi u is. years, one life term ciety. Cot. George K. (Joethals. of the indi- ported ftom Costa Itlca, as the result Mf commerce committee, which the last four of the Canal Zone, has selected vidual safety for the brain worker lies dls.-oxer- prisoner was pardoned and nine oth- In Wall Paper of the of an alb ge l Jilot to the bill favorably before Ihe a place at Balboa, on the Pacific, for the uvohiame of the abuse of laxa- tinu-SuH- Twunjy-three'o- the rz-- r assassinate President Alfredo Christina recess, will submit within ers were paroled f a tives; In the limitation - rrtz'zl t:' SeTving for the establishment, of 1'ible distrib- of the ntim- ti and start a revolution in the re H few 'diivs a report on the measure prisoners Were sentences uting station, Mr, Wood said. public, paused through Colon UsJiay outlining reasons for Its enactment. homicide. xeiib nt. A study of the actual fojd HUDSON for Picture -- on boird the steamer marcs, Senator Fletcher, acting chairman Break-Up-A-Co- A- -l M the tlood, fata ld "4 ichm Cuba, The alleged of committee, today said that Ashes d( .aj-h- y IHxrccb Vvl. Weeks Tablets h i bound for the post !iet 'd'i'X-'tk- of food Frames Jtmri-- lt VSfl are to lip member of every effort would be made to bring Poslon, Dec. 28, The parcels K guaranteed remedy for Colds and that is distributed by teaic nil rld gen- was convey the the Cited ntlve (tarty In McarAjsu mtnjeet before the senate for tiUled iv ta&if t r the coiisen the - La Grippe. Prico 23c of your druggist ashos- of a Japanese exere.K0Ver,nm,ent; resular " Fourth St. nnd Copm-- who were tttcmpttng to foment trou- eral discussion within the neat few Teiia I Tak nothing else, development- - a 1; artut, to Lis sH. near Tokio. Ifa a1t.. of ble in Costa i a. weeks former home Proper philosophy of We." MlitllUlllltltttt ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1914. THREE

In order not to Kiv(i Krntm to the en ln.f1,,r,,'n,1,m STILL , '.L 'e need and t.. sc w SPK . """" not presented to money and trouble. ( oiisorship u n riuiiti. j In It woRmoFSPQrrrll'ninMfi RELIED yPOII better to help the In III It nation in struggle existence bv n nd. inittcdly tunialliing the reticence, or to mamif .ium wie people curiosity and naturul nnxlctv ut ih riu ' MODERNIVARFARE vui iiKn ink national siicees In the iriuf inn in the nucstlon. Ta ii ii,... can bp only one answer. RUGGED FIGHTER B0S1ISWILL CURTAIN UP AM WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30 A further and nntllrnl Hon I.e. thiH ond negative Milk v of with-holdin- g from the enemv th edge whore troops (iip'ih ; Reconnaissance by Aeroplane the more Tn nnnntr onvro umir HDprPT - -- - active coiirsf of Inducing liiin 10 sun. nimrrniii it Cannot Take the Place of I "'HO Hint lllcv ale In liici.llll..u r....,..,.. IU lirrUJL DUALI) IIML LHIIbUI DHJIAL I DHLL HI from Hicir actual situation. This, of Charley Old Method of Getting In- course, npTX'i t.'iltin to the iirt of my. Jack Ufylng, misleading and surprising the formation About Enemy, enemy, which In no valuable u purl of BASEBALL PLAPJT ABMOW V9, mo ennuuet of war. TOMORROWFllGHTj FRIDAY; PIERSON TORRES "Itepnri of an Intended (AaMirUled I'rpn oi jmikiiiiiii may lip sprend by the l'orrpMiiiilrne,) enemy hope llritlsh Headquarter, Dec, in tho of causing o dls- - France, location or riK i 15. Heconnalssancp by i;i of which full ad. aeroplane or vantage can bo Much Pierson Will Not Attempt to Braves' New Park Will Hold Two Business College otherwise Is the moot direct and takn. a course Teams would only bp in accordance with t h probably the quickest way of obtain-i- n Meet action of the Ucrman in 1H70, when Tories at His Own Another World Series Crowd Will Clash Willi High School Club K new Cactus of the enemy, but imp Athletic the I hey spread broad rumors of epic I mill moat to bp relied upon that there Game, but if were huge concentrations of their Bore in Looking Necessary;. Will Scat Quintet and Sextet New North Third Street Doors Open at 8:30 in modern warfure. troops In ' i the Illnck forest where This the conclusion of the r.rlt-ic- h III erp for Chance to Drop Him, 40,282 Persons. Night. "eye witness" at Were practically none In or. Year's the front, who tier to induce the French to the greater ac-ou- detain devote pait of the force In southern Alsace. he dispatched to England to- "Misleading report V UONIN JOUSNAl of thin nature "I'm going to try to put him away FtriAk LIAtKO wmtl The I 11 day ta n dlwiiHMlnn of spying, lie di- liuslness college and Huh . ." are usually net In circulation by those Itoslon, Dec. lis. The new vide the method of obtaining early," said Charley I'lcrson at the ground school will open the basketball sea-s- i. Interested and spread by of Hosmn V Man Ii MihU In OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ of the enemy' plans or either their Cactus Athletic club gymnasium yes- the league base- n New Year' night with a double-heade- r rolling right. dupPH, honcat people who Hie pur- ball cluli In Alston, will be larg- Springfield. III.. I lee. 28. A Wicst- - a movement Into three group. "They terday afternoon. "I know Ills style. the at the 'alioiial (luard armory, o posely allowed to overhear carefully est In the country in slxe and seating hoya' girls' j ling mutch hctwrcn tioorgp Jtoumiis, are broadly," he say, "reconnais- arranged I know Torres lias a stiff left anil a the and orgiiiilK.itlon of Buy Your 0 conversations held thei'r capacity, will cost any j of Hpi lngrield. Itevnolds, of sance,, whether It be by In- for long and more than both Institutions meeting. There will and Jack cavalry. benefit; by means of esplon one, but I'm not afraid of having baseball Iowa, In fight air-dul- double, plant yet constructed, Presi- he ended fist tonight. fantry, or both, by motorcycle or l, my beauty spoiled. I'm going to dancing after the game, the or Hgent In the pay of both side: bore dent Jume K. tlnfTney said today af- Monster A a result of the fight In which the the tine of spies, or, a they are by in and swing on him." orchestra furnishing the Lumber.GIass, Paints fomtnon traitor willing to sell ter a discussion of the plan ly the music. principal of th mutch participated, more pleasantly called, 'agents': and That Is I'ler.Kin Idea j their own nation: or by men working of the buttle board of director There will bp 40, li'Uim.i Ir snlfeilng from a Iracturcd collection of uch a billed fur Cue- - The four teams are In unusmillv the Information patriotically tomorrow night at the ( ! and Cement gained Inspection for their own country us 22 seats, be said. f these, Itt.'.Ut Igood condition and well trained for the rib. inn be from an of Athletic cluh. He Is not going y who have an Intimate acquaintance will be in a one-sinr- grand liaising the uniform worn by the dead or by to utteniiit to box Jack because stand, of the curtain. Tliev have with the enemy nation. A nn example Torre so constructed that a second ilecg practicing skating Champion Vol .nuileiir. prisoner and from the paper car- he know I been at the hiuh school At the of thin mav be mentioned the pres- Tories excels him in lint may be added later 1S.0I."i will be 'gymnasium. Chicago, Dec. JX. Hubert McLean, ried by or' n of department of The Hiislness college bov the ence at the capital of a coun- the science. Hi tac- built in back lntprnutional Ice sknllug champion, the latter. neutral tic will be to get Into close bleachers of first Rtid expect to begin Friday night a steady try of a derma n officer who wan for quartern third admission to which be holder of ull amateur record from SUPERIOR LUMBER I r. hae, will march toward the city .mil 'The employment of agent on and then wield III state 2 come year stationed In London and iiO cent, and r.3:itt Heats will be pro- - .'ii yards up to two miles, tonight con- most way I championship. This team will be occasion the wholesale In ha an knowledge Ihere no doubt that Charley ha ceded he wa no lunger lo an Intelligence can be gained, intimate of our a wallop. lded the right of center field for made tip practically entirely of vete- entitled & MILL CO. which and naval, military, political anil uncial terrific It is getting inlo a ,nP V" amateur ataiidlng. McU-a- u. limited ba-v- ls pinions, ran and good veteran ut Sev- It best It furnlsho a broader position where can use It that. 7 at life, and ha probably made he that he Held Will 4 00 he received 1 fi a week and oilier upon which to build oth- such a will find hi greatest Center limit be feet eral of last year' star will appear than the deep study of our national psychology difficulty, from Ihe 4KO for exhibition skating on ar- person I'liKse Vp home plate and feet also In the lluslness college girls' er. The work of such doe ne well rioilnff. 'i tificial Ice in a Chicago cafe...... I..-.....- l.n....l .U mat would be cioilnncd to from the grand siand. 'Ihere will be leaiii. i..i ",:,,"'"V play on our Idiosyncrasies. I'lerson' training yest. .day after- virtually no "sun Held." The ground of vision 01 ho lliun iiniHi, vnirii in noon was suited to hi plan of action. The A. II. C. boys have elected Hob very He will be laid out to lace the northeast Wlglcy caplaln and IM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DRUMMER ALLEYS a variable quality, but Is often did not box. He put In ull his so sun gin re llorun, on period in that the will not be established statement of facts the gymnasium In shadow strong In any of Ihe outfield positions. roit i;.i:k isr. produced with greatest (are by boxing and rope-sklppln- KtHt HAl.K (Hie groiery or the MILLION I'ieison The playing Held Is to be sunk lllteen the enemy for bis. own use." ha donned the glove only once meat counter, In K'hi.I condition. Trj m of ten leet below street level fash-lo- ll Kme pin. I IF after the New Mexico & Co., HIilA lleer l.bUor It n slow method, however, the since he ha been here, Sunday, and of the Yule "bowl." Among the Bowlers i South Third street...... 505 AVcst Gold. account goes on to say. a It neces- that was more to give the fans a line President (ialfney sary to transmit the Information ob- on his Improved form than to fit him announced that the Wulpole street grounds, home 1IOW Tl! ICY ST.WII. Want hint! grudo I through devious channels, for the scrap. '1 will ease up today, the rniphivot Or tlm tained CALMUCKSADDED of the league club, near- ;hitt-- r srait of Maku um Kye .Needed. employing only light exercises. National for W. I PcL ervnn? ef tlm tiilck ly half a century, been j nt (illinium n( th Jnurntl. ItenulU "fjec onnalsKiince," Torre Is a keep have sold lo Wliards 31 14 .684 from ilonrnal Want Ail. he adds, "i the just determined to a trust compHii.N. The Work of most and probably the quickest Pierson at 4 range as A. A 30 IS ,167 direct the property already has be- way of obtaining new of the enemy. Hereon Is to get In close. The biggest gun. C C 2t 17 .805 part of hi training In boxing. Si 20 ,&tG Jt In not uniform, however. In amount TO consists No action was lnken on selecting Uubbs because It generally de- CMS He went three hard round with Kid V. N. M 21 or quality, Ail Ihe player lo be giveij to the Phila- H .533 pend on the quickness of eye and (leorge yesterdsy. He also will take Itoyal , , ,21 2'i .4."." things easy today, delphia Nationals la exchange for LUMBER Cement-Plaste- r power of appreciation of some scout (leorge declared Sherwood Magee. President tlaffney (Irocer 21 2 .447 or watching from a dis- that the boy Is In perfect shape. 17 2H ,S7H observer said he wop Id discuss this with mali- Colt I Cheney Second Albuquerque tance; and it likely to be affected to I'lcrson. pluiila-tio- Light Co 17 2H .378 Company nger Stalling n Lumber Members of Nomadic Kugene Cheney, manager al the lntier'u by atmospheric conditions. , Race of "Ited Santa Ke 15 30 ,n 423 Watson," In (ieorgla next Sunday. North First Street y come the third method of San Diego, will be In mentioned. If a prisoner give away Asked to Be Allowed to Join Pierson's coiner. He stopped here on 'SOAK -- YOAKUM MVT'1I TOVKillT. information either through stupidity the way to New Orleans, where he 'EM' llulilis vs. Coll. curry Colors and Fight Against and Walson will take up permanent or from a desire to favor and HERE ON WAY SOUTH to better hi lot a good deal may be residence. Cheney received n letter ;HOCFHf4 TAKIC A LI, TIIIU'.I' ap- Germany and Austria, yeaterday from attained at one bound. But th la Karl Mohan, saying IX MATH II WITH HOYAI.H plies chiefly to the Information given that he and Paltllng Chico would be TO FIGHT DELM0NT Opening soon, by officers, who are not very often bete bound for the Crescent The Orocer made a clean sweep of In City. captured, and are, moreover, not Amiuels led PreM fnireHinitrnce.) Stanley Yoakum stopped the with Hoya I Inst night Director Winsor announced that the here last m.itch the the habit of imparting valuable new. Pctrograd, Iec. 2. Half a million night bound for Kl Paso, where he at the Drummer alley. ELM San Diego Exposition A soldier's knowledge of what I go CalniHeks, members of a nomadic. next card would be Kid Oeorge with will light The Al Smauldlng. dene Delmont New Year's score: ing on on hi own side I compara- pastoral race which has always been .luck Lester. Thomas or day. Royals 3 Kmauldiiig beat decisively Tl tively limited. Communication from free from obligation to furnish any If Thomas "Soiik-'om- " has llamm !3 154 15 410 at Socorro will give Al a return undertaken to 12 pi burners, also, are to he accepted soldier for the Kussian army, have he make 12S pound ringside Del Pillow 1 15 1 1 2 1 44 871 New If, on hand, Thom- for Year's Eve with reserve. In the direction of Iden- just been added to the Itusslan forces. match. the other mont. Jacobson 125 151 1S3 4 5B as is victor, he will get call. tification the activity of an Intelli- A deputation from the C.ilmucks first do 11 If It Feltenstein J :1K 1 70 13 447 At were placed on Bale yester- "I'll kills me," he said, midnight, December 31. the first gence aectlon I largely confined to recently arrived In I'etrograd with a Tickets answering Fngerberg 1(1(1 137 5119 day. a remark in the short lull Mroke of twelve will announce tbeiliiiud the of the badge or request that they be allowed to serve time he ha . Um examination for training. "I told 'em - Opening of I'snMma. 'lil ni nia worn by the dead and by in the rank during the present war, . , !I3 f.!l equipment ltupiiert ('(infer. Pd make it'nrid'J will." Yoakum Totals ,64 Jll position, Snn Diego,; prisoners. The personality of the in- and offering to supply GOO.OUO mount- Johnson and hasn't made 1J!K slnee fought Orocera I'K. Man he here Then the 1I5 revelry will commence, and course, no military ed troop if necessary. New York. Dec. John I Davy 4KK dividual of ha "Our tribes several year ago. He the old Yoa- i: HI 148 F.xpiwl-tln- n ef- en son, president of the American the achievement of a gurKenua value; but the Identity discs and have volunteered practically kum anything for a fight, Morctieey K,I31 1.14 113 378 of exipilslle Mowers, of carefully guard- maesp," leader of th league, was In conference for the 1 lagan 17(1 474 fects of the dead are declared the Yoakum ha been rubbing elbows 107 beauty, and of Kpeetnciilar prod in tinil return to their gov- deputation. . greatec' part of today with Jacob Howe 17(1 127 109ll 472 ed for eventual L, with Prosperity since ho went to Den- will tie celebrated nnil(lnt spleinin' ernment. The" examination of letter, Privilege Granted. ltupyert and T. Huston, who are ver. He own a Cornell ..127 125 12 am negotiating for the purchase of the ranch near Denver, gitieiy, art, music. diarle and orders also .claims a great The emperor's reply grants them a several race horses and a racing au Handicap 4 24 24 72 ; Newspapers are New York. American league club and tomobile. It's n deal of attention. military organization and privilege Karrell, president part red one. rarely of value, because no sane gov- Frank and He here 7 Tolal 744 747 74 2285 ) to those enjoyed by the Cossacks. of the club. Negotiation were arrived at o'clock on To San Diego ernment allow current detail of the The Calmuck are born horsemen, ovnr Simla Fe train No.' I and left shortly sought, to be published by the said to be still In progress tonight and midnight LATH HOI AND WIIAOV f;F.T nature and their horses are among the finest regard- after for the Piih burg. I press. On the other hand, soldiers' no announcement wa made "I just dropped In to It At.TI.Mi; TO! ItV AMKNT WW.K and back PJU In the world, closely resembling the ing the prospect of reaching an shako hands diaries and letter are often Indis true Arab breeds. The number of k with .da key Clifford and Ihe rest of Ticket on sale: Dec, 2H, 2!, :n. extreme, agreement. my old The ragtime tournament dosed creet In the for the writer subjects In Hussla Is given us friends," he mild. "I never Iteltirri limit, Jan. 4, 1!H5. in describing the physical condition They Mo- think of Albuiiierqiie without think- Sunday night nnd prine were awurd-e- d about five million. are I'nimmc Klgu a of the men often unwittingly betray hammedans. Contract. ing of Oaltey." follows: New York, Dec. :'K. The New Liithi'op-Wlln- n tho state of their morale, and in re- In acknowledgement of the Russian First, 1341 pin, j impressions of the ef- York National league club today re- xoncn McDnnlel. Fngerberg Kecond, 132(1 I cording their emperor's granting of their petition, ceived the signed contract of Arthur or KTocKiioMirns' fect produced by the enemy' rifle the delegation announced that It was MriCTIXG. pin. Fromme, one of the club's veteran Uithrop-WIIson--Thir- 1 New Year Excursions wrought by his ar- I 322 pins. J tire or the havoc empowered to deliver ,to the imperial only now Notice hereby given that th reg- away val- pitchers. The fliant regular round-tri- p ulti-tlo- n tillery quite Innocently give treasury a gift of $200,000 in money ular annual meettns of the stockhold- Low fares between nil a unsigned Lorry McLean, catcher. fiiinlKHit Outclasses Carscy. on Hantit Fe. uable Information to where the and 1,600 horses. ers of the Homo Bond com- shop and Loan New York, Dec. 2R. (lunboat plnche. Midwinter f'.xH initiations. pany will be held In Ticket on mile: '. Identification lladsre. the office of the Fmlth of California so far outclassed Dec. 21. 22. 2.1, 24, 25, 2S, 23, ::f, .II, Santa Fe. Dec. '2H, The department company No. 104 Chick Carney or of larg- at North Third Philadelphia, that 1HI4: Jan. 1, 1015. "Since the composition the of education is sending out today cir- 1 I street Albuquerque, New Mexico, the referee stopped thu contest In er formations of all armies known, UNCLE SAM IN to county superintendents, the ltelurn limit, Jan. 15, mi 5. cular the on Thursday, the 31st day Decem- third round tonight. The weight It in possible, except In those cases calling attention to the midwinter ex- of were: changes are made ber, A. D., 1914, at the hour of 3:30 Kmlth, 185; Carsey, 1S3. Willie:, J. .TOIIXKOV, Agent. where sweeping aminations lo be held at the various Heechr, a local lightweight, knocked Agent (luring a war. to extract vital infor- county seat.lnn Friday and Saturday. p. m. C. OKSTrtlOICH, Phono 30. Ask of even out Tlm O'Neill of Ilolyoke, Mass.,' mation from the connection January Sth and 9th, 1015, President. In one round. a single soldier killed or captured at URGENT NEED OF a certain spot with a certain battalion. The result of ascertaining that this w,jiiiiWs-in.iH- battalion wns at that point at a given "f time mav lead to the first suspicion that ft much larger formation 10 which that battalion belong Is not IfllEOEiLOfESl somewhere else where Its presence sig- possible ii "WE 1 1 ha been assumed. The DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE" - ... nificance of the results of such a dis- covery when corroborated Is obvious. Civil Service Furnishes At This explains why the identification of unit with localities by means of tractive OoDOrtunities to accoutrements, badges, ete., takes so much of the time of certaii bureaus Youns: Men and Women, THE GOLDEN RULE DIRY GOODS CO. In all armies. As It bus been flippant- ly, but by no means Inaccurately ex- pressed, an Important part of the duty of a great general staff Is that of con- Despite the fact thst Uncle Sam is stituting army corps out of shoulder a very liberal employer, granting straps. those who serve him remunerative "During the war the air I full of compensation, short hours, pleasant hi rumors even at general headquarter, work, steady advancement, congenial and when these rumors are concern- environments still the United Htates ed wriih the dispositions of the y Civil .Service commission has difficul- scope enlarged if ty in securing enough competent mmm their is much Afcrtlri the hostile army is composed of tn fill the position constantly force of different nationalities. On arising in his Immense office, force. the other hand. It Is not only the So numerous are the demand, es- with localities pecially for young men stenographers, ' ' connection of units an- that is useful. It often happens imu that the commission has Just ! the mere presence of a unit being, ii nounced lhat the examinations will be 111 pass- the field betray the fact that held monthly hereafter. Those K5 per cent will Men's new of and up or ing with a grade jcxiraorainary have come that values in being raised, inaccu- be eligible to appointment at 1,20 tormations are com- rate as knowledge of the enemy may per annum. The Civil Service be, sufficient for the mission adds: "No other branch of it is generally o- - Ready-to-We- ,i army to service offer auch excellent ar, nvoaniouiinn nf his the - Women9 01 hi- s a doe Garments be Innrtimllies tnai known. ..Tun rifl'ora PY- - " "A part or grapny. .l...l. ia seen, a considerable i)iH'ir,n,n en,, ..v intelligence work is synthetic in cellent opportunities inr auvum character and amounts to the build- in the service. of New Civil Service classes will be ing up first of a possible and then Uiwi-ne- ss a on a mass of organized In the Albuquerque probable theory based .Monday, January 4. suspicions, fact which merely College 4 AmsH)K should call, write amount to sidelights, and established Those Interested of a de- or nhone 627 nt once. 1 evidence. It resembled that K TICSINESS tective or the framer of a Jig-sa- ALKUQUKKQL-- or seemingly COLtKOK. Puzzle. No small clue Accredited School. fact can be neglected. It A National mMMM irrelevant is Useless BCraP nfton an unnnrentlv Visitors tn Museum. nf information that fit's in and forms W. Mi'- - or v nec 2. James the final link In a chain eviaence. nerand wife were callers at the New "It ia obvious, apart from discus- In the on all Women's Furs, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Capes, how- Museum. Mr. Milner sion as to causes and results, sinta office at Ban Fran- ever, Is actual- Fe railroad that if all this trouble also correspondent for the ly taken to identify individuals, cisco and place places or SanU Fe magazine at that 'Kimonos and Bath Robes whether In connection with delighted w th their to not. It must be considered worth do- They were It must be Sunta Fe and region '""V ing. And it follows that more time to spend here. worth while to put every obstacle tn not have enemy doing the wme. 1-- the wav of the Monmlna: for AMihWiop. 4 Off on all Men's and Boys' r proved by Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Shoes , That this view ia held is Chicago. Dec. 1 the pains at which all the combatants parish of J'V me prevent ref- mourning In the in the present war are to today over he death of AnhWshop erence in the press to units in tn of 8a n maintained Patrick W. Rlordan, FW"; SEE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY FOX "GENUINE VALUES" field. This reticence is not was in St James pnrlsh that In order to deny to the general public 7 ....i. iii, hi reoittation that new which would quite naturally and '. chose archbishop. rightly be of absorbing interest, nut Kbl'mttbi


AM INDRrKNDENT KKWRPAPBR are far mor complete thnn the r centuries. Inter, with Its courses In but a tame one; I do not want ft wild Thallophyten, Cytology. one published In any of tli With ScUzsrs Paste "Flryophyten. thla time." imii on' and They would have been mystified by "Yen, all right boss." newspaper complete sir: London mot Tin: in n. the electrical laboratories Hnd thp The turkey arrived all right. Served BUSINESS l.on oitniwuv n than are published In nil of the (ftertnn Urn ley In .Harper's Weekly.) of radio-i- llvity; they ut dinner Sunibiy, shot were found In dun newspaper combined. Nut Infr. If you rrltlcally hover would hav been surprised to find th poultry. The purchaser went In music even negro next illicitly w find th Journal stories of Hound the wrreta of hin life. and medicine, and th search of the the day ami BUILDING Publish tli Chicago and Japanese languages set found him. If thr war in ihr London papers of ton You will oflentlmea diaeover ns He la inline; with bin knife. down desirable gubjects of Instruc- "Jim. you bind: rascul, didn't I tell JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. rir fifteen dii.VH Inter. Hesides, th Hut the crime muat ) forgiven tion. you that l wun'ed a tamo turkey fori SERVICE Journal contain much that never 1 Though your feelingn It may rub, The hlah achonl graduate of today dinner Sunday?' !'r.l,1i-n- know unsuspected ' I you, pi A. V tTIIEftilf t allowed In appear In nny London pa- - Blnce the world In one wp live In a thousand things Dnt what fetched boss." W. T. V.l ItKMIHT Hualnoaa Manaor With the ordlnury lub. by the college alumnus of 17H. Since "You are Iving, nigger; when we K. I l. Now, Kiliinr pit, fur Maniple, the wireless report the modern mun has had the privilege wp we eating that turkey we found A. K. MolMAN fit F.illtnr frimi Hcrlln Huyvllle, Long Inland of learning so much, both through shot In his flesh." account with tliii growing bank, lake ol L, fuX Editor li Tor whllp the artiata muttpr and the Open an advance it. newspaper Vnited formal education and th mere con- "floss, (Pit ill right. Iiem shot The of th nneerlng loafera flout him ill modern methods, avail yourieli of all its facilities and ac- Ilecaune haa no brilliancy or auh- - tact with th life of today In Its com-plP- wasn't meant for dut turkey; dem St'eatera HrpriHit States would tmt permit such censor be me, batik officers with your affairs. . and sophisticated phases, he is shot wan meant for boss." quaint tlie V. AMlfHWIV, ship of the news liy thin government. tleiv abiiit him, Manisetl HnlUlltii, I lilrufa, Ill, Iln nitn within hi llttl home and bound to put his advantages lo use, Jim's version will be accepted. The i:vrn If disposed, no government f read bin dally paper and not be content merely to hove rlrcumia.iiitlnl evidence was mislead- 1,1 will be strong factor in your success. this country would be strong enough And Kiiiilera on the waya of life ond theae benefits, and lo have ing. fed the bird; did not shoot Such a course a Htl.l'H H. Ml I I III 4 V, dabbled In a wide range of ologlen. him, Park Mow, Near to get by with II nnd none would be fate'a pin anry caper. lor. In nhllt aleeved eane- he alt and W'e are not better and more useful stupid enough In attempt It. persona , Knire4 nMond-rla- i rnnlter ( tha thlnkn, nuiie aobprly and thnn our ancestors were, fet..ffli t A'liunMomup, N, M , under Ai l plainly, merely 1ntcn us we know so much. ut tit Mir. !) I, ill um grop- Bits of Humor I'mitiM 1T. Wnr I All t hut (wild of It, And when he'a thought Vila duty out It becomes to pity their ing inexperience whereby we hnve so THIS Mi ill Nl V JiU'llSAT, 1 Tim but the European countries will be he goes DD'l doea it aanely, Candid. f.P.AIMNO KKII'HI IPNK richly profited. li'AS PAPKH And If there be it foreign foe or one Would-b- e p Iiomiiihp wnr I'urchascr you Mkxu u, nrrciiin i n Tim piumi-- belter off of ihn ftr at home to druh. The college of today la not a place Io think STATE NATIONAL BANK i iw m ir-i- I this Is the horse a l.idy to drive? km Tun to n imiitv am. II rndi'd, provldi'd pvtry jiroduror The man who dues the flghtlnK islllP where the effete and the aesthetic, for THW TIMK AMI Tin: MKTIIOIl dnilK those who from (Contact Dealer (after a moment's hesita- Albuquerque, dmn not huv to coniiniip carrylnK a ordinary Imh! shrink with l! N.'M.' niopi Hi.irA.N PAitrv wiik.m riim Attr. brutnl , jrenlltiea. seclude themselves tion; Well, must say I shouldn't 1:11111 1'. Mililier on hi hiuk. really want to be the husband of the Wp hnvp ond apollcra. from thn world that they may give Corner Second Street and Central Avenue rolnterera woman who could drive lim-ae- rireiiintinn than any miirr We luiv dreg of alii and hate, themselves to the contemplation of that In flrrNew The iinly In air objects n Huston .Transcript. J M!''n. airr Nw Tin; iMii(.i!ii( mix. Hut the plodders and Ih toilers of hen tv and refinement. It aOaica li"l aef)r ilny In fli la a plac that trains men for duty United States Depository Santa Fe Railway Depository Are the bulwark of Ih atnt". Then t'linrge It. TKUM HHIIHi'lllPTIuN. promlae KOlvntion nnd utility in common life, giving The prcn'iit cnhKri'M niiirt on l(n They're the of Mm. Willers How did you get this Xaltr, ly cnii-- nr mall, nn. nv.n.:i. .. And progrena they're thp hub, them nt the same time the inspira ..' of material for Iwenty-nln- u cents IiihI laii onid the 4ih of Miirch, Tor back hone of the nation tion of idenla and teaching them to NH'11'13 111 Mt'llMI IWUKIIS. the choose, the lusting; "Culture' a yard? Rulii-rilir- In .I.Mirnnl, writing whrii tin nuifmnif tukfn lip Iho work la ( irdinnry Ihibl values. in wh.n the no longer Implies fastidious, Mis. Ilatiis We mobilized outside en In it, nnd stick like leeches to their In dianax! la a new li excessive Hits From Sharp Wits, iv of kImIhiImh for tho rial Ion. r. store, In wedge seats In street car while rnii.t l pur'l"r In glv tha olil a.l.lrpaa ness, refinement run to need. It the marched forma- a women are lip- oitii.iNU, vi.HTi:itN l up. Th inont linpitrlnnt - means a training that gives a man tion and sun ouni.-i- the bargain coun- standing New Orleans States. (l?olumluia Iilnimtch.) by '" "w ' " immlKrallon - something in personal character. If ter a flank movement. Judge, We ran all see how good an oppor- Much of the wisdom of the wise l.u..n nun ihin I...... m t .nr ..ih "'" When Connecticut reded to th Ren- reflected the N Mtllfij."-Ki- pl, - ter- not in practical accomplishment, that tunity was after Homebody else has from foolishness of tin. .r In Tht Aincnimi iilll with ita literary Th prpul- eral government her claims to A War disunity. foolish. Macon Telegraph. Inrxlurir. tt. ritory if Indefinite extenalon to the mnkeH Mm interesting to himself and made the most of it. dent In nppimed to It for the aam a contributing member of human so "What do you menu by calllnir me thought went, nhe "reserved a tract bounded lit a - What Is called an original reiiaon that led I'realdent Taft to ciety. nil lliia llti. ,.f tiO.l.t? lli,i,- ' I'll a ti'Ksday ii:ri:.iui: tiv Ijike Krle. the weatern boundary be waiting for you when you get mT''ly '"I" that has been for ih veto a Hi in In r bill, Neither of I'ennnylvanin, forty-flra- t paral time dormant. Albany Journal. thr of the IIAT.LAI) X. home!" she shrieked. Catarrh Cannot Be north-and- - THN OF YVOMP Cured ileiir headed, pntiioilc men believe lei of north latitude nnd a II. Some men seem to feel that they sTi (Hlihnrd le Oalliennc.l "Thas m'deur," Henry's voice wns with AWblOATIONS. a, th,, .,,.. in: i:mihmiii'. la thp aupremn smith line parallel to the I'ennnylvnnln missing " are nonenltles unless they have some . i that literacy teat of fill bore us in her dreaming womb. dreadfully. jus' wanted mi'b the seat .f Hi Ulem-- Caiarrb is a bluJ boundary line nnd 120 miles, went complaints to muke. Norfolk ledger IIk-- , lltm-a-a ritir.ennhlp. tell ye I'm Interned nt Cnsy saloon or cuuatltutlonal aial lu order to curia for American It. And laughed Into the face of death; TIk Niv, York KvfiilnR J'oul puli-IinIh- of agony till war's over. (Jood night." Murrain Dispatch. full aiust talo. Intrrual rcuiedl... luil a L'aiarrb J'.iliu ulioii Im a men tin to thn end She laughed In her strange la tiiken internal);, Thla tnirt the stale found to be express. Nothing disappoints a woman ipilte l'ur and ,cti Ulinllr uikhi nn Hciiiiiiiillim Hiory of llio qiientlonalile Con To give her little bnby breath. I lie bl.ud and uiumua aurfan-a- . Haifa of clear knowledge of thp dulle of property of value. so h n. nothing to be disappoint- . Catarrti mill lure la a quack nicilk-lne- I'xn m to which tht niiMor- - alderitig th meana of tninaportntion In nt it wi p. und right thinking Then by some holy mastery, Keeping Her at Homo, ed over. trolt Free I'ress. crlbed bf oim of tli beat pbyalciana In of Hun lim It wn much further from tula In ninli'il In Uii'iit llilUiln. 'lhn about their performance. Hone, mor- 8he fed us from her sacred breast Wife Don't you think yon might When the odds are against a mat etHinlry for jeara and ia a regular piyacrlptkia Connecticut than It ia today. It wan It la couhkiiumI of Hie b.'Ht tunica nl ii poiiili nl, wrllinir frimi Liniiluli, Roolhed u.4 With won manage to keep house alone for a he always wants to git even with known, ula und civic liiNtlnct for the bent Rood Inhabited by aavngen, who claimed an little hirdlike blniHl wltb Ihe twt blood purtrwra. actl'iur, a. inidi-- of S, Myn To rest to rest to rest to rest, week, while 1 go on a visit? soniu one. Dcscret N''W's. on diif" Jicii'inlii'r, of greiiteat earlier title. There wer many reel If tha luucoua aurfarea. Tl,r pr l the number are funda- lliiKlmud I guess so; yes, Do expect to yours 'If ! ) Mil- - of course. nut surround faiibliuitlim of :ii Imrrf llciita what illa. iillhoiich Ami'llriiii iH'WHpiipirn -- around for iuenilonlng the title of dui-r- mental, Ik i ii n r their aplrit In Innate. Yes, softly fed u with her life "Hut won't you be lonely und miser- with good friends If you persist In be- Mitii iivunuYrftil rmulti jtt curluf i.un-k- Nnvpiolior 14 Imp Htory of Connecticut to Iho hunt. Itenco It Bend for tcrtliu.uilala, free. of iiiiilril Tlie Immigrant III Her bosom like the world In Muy; able?" . ing unfriendly. Milwaukee Sentinel. iiioct for was not found tin puny matter to sell K. CHKXE V & CO.. Propa., Toledo, thp dfHtiui lion of ihp upi Can It lrf true that man, thus fed, 'N'ot ii b't." Some men have queer Ideas of gal- i. 0. are iIiohp that hnvp neiilred the bind. , Fold by Iirunglt, ptU 75o.-- v Audid-loim- , or-- - Freed women ns I hear them say? "Hub! Then I Won't go." Ne.V lantry, They will remove their hull whli'h had i After being- on the market for som Mails Family for through aoiind at Y'ork Weekly. , ,, : in nn elevator because there are worn. l'St fuU eonatlintloii. wt rkii it wo finally sold to the Con- - in ml iidniit prcvloiiKly, dpvel-opme- nt time tti home nn llintln"t rnpiiblo of iipctleut company, .of Long ro we grew to girl and boy. nl loii of thp diwikti r hud iipcn Inil composed mi tut by experience here. Amer- pernonn, 1,200,(1(10, for She sewed the llttlp things we wore, fifty, eight for f Joy pprmitli d In nny London i'npiiht aupply more enally which they gave their bonds, secured And smiled unto herself for ica ran ihem with Mysterious Fortress at Hie Iioor. tt month lalrr, pupppt iJipip. wiip ii education Hum with civic InHlnct. by monciiRn on the land. It wan nt the trnet ti w inyHii'iloiiH' I'lnlit thul miiiii'lhliiK Immigrants ealliiiated the lime that Ron The leant desiruble 4, 0(10 ho the Shall alio who bore the of f"oil, ll i.l )Ir ipi.itrll Dip fol- rnntiiliic.l 000. u'rns, that song li:...l Mr.. luipplly few nra thone in whom a nale waa ut the rate of nbout 30 cents And made the roso of Sappho's mhIIip She) Who saved France, nnd bent the low um fio!ii lh Ixiiilon Tlini'M glib literacy linn developed ami deco- an acre, it proved, when aurveyn iioiNt t of HoyihiiiK tliut hud - were it rnntiilned drum iln.i ai- rated a falne Iniitinet fur rlrma Inter made, that Of freedom, brook vulgar wrong? only about 3,ii0,fiii0 nerea, ho that this nlrJ: by nclfish piiHslonn, or for i SALE! the price waa a little more than Hint. OUT "i Mir offlrp In I If men lllli'ii'd with CcniiMii no government at all, and the iIImho- - It will be noted that the "Itewrve," wonder such as these ni-i- s 'l.iilM iii I'ontiilniiiK iiiwh wo hip 'Hnd once a sister with blue eyl s, ti ii cen-turl- ns It wan thus pHtnhliHhcd, rnnnot be to ptilillHh. Wn Iiiivp uIho iiiiion or tlie id n society that Kind as the soothing (iod, CL0G lorliiililin ' hounded exactly by county linen, for hand of rontnln-Iii- of experience hnva I n fn lly iiiiiiv Ami'i Icitn iicwupiipiTH lu while all of the counties' of AMhtubula, And ns the iiulet heaven wise, Hip hhiiip upWh, which Wu fliitliPr built, Trumbull, l'ortnge, (leauga, ljikp and liroHilciiHt in Hip i)prmnn wIip-Ich- h I wonder if they ever saw t unl Tho greutpr clnnn the t'nlted Btntea Cuyahoga lie within II, only parts of iufKHKi. 1 hn )irKt'tit poxlilon, A soldier lying on a bed to in Mahoning, Hummil, Medina, I.orain, ) 1 lii-- Im thp wlmlp In hull ileal with now made up of On some ne battlefield, Turo. thul world Krle and Huron are Included. and watched Piano and Piano Player Stock 2 iiciuiUiitiil with ipw which thin luimlgrnnm w hoa-- i Innate Inatlnet for popu- Horn holy woman bind his head. t The reserve contalna today a country l not otTlclully pcrrnlltPd o civic nctlon haa not been trained nt lation of 1.000,000 probably In ? thp feutiirp. about I they ever snw know; nnd rldlriilnin, of one-fift- h wonder If t home, and whnne tnlty of moraln excena of that flKure fir about Hip Dltuullon lx Hint very I.iikp nimi-Ih- -i A womnn's hnlr, or in her eye T ? hnn not been tented by any ahare In of the entire population of the h if liullx I.IuhIm In Ihi Hi. IhIuikIn As to of land, ItPad the eternal mystery wpII." statu. the value the saw ? ? Jam It ipiltn pubiie life, Kducatlon alone la not a not Including; the Improvements, it In Or ever a woman die. LE ; Tho coripxpondi nt Hilii; rltlr.en-nh- CO. ineaaurt of their lllnenn for li worth a king'a ransom. It la almost ? ARUIWANp1 I wonder when all gone "AccordltiRlv nny rcxldcnt In Mnit-lan- d Itself, Hcptem. friends had in thla repulille, an empire In It waa in gay nlui iMfhcM to know the .whole her, liflii, that Connecticut effected The companion, the brave men ? t - pnpeclally when their senne of opiren. If In some fragile girl they found et.ny of tin- wtir him only two niter, thla sale, to the Connecticut Land ? WEST GOLD AVENUE ? unlived, lie nmt cither (1) lieconiP nlon at home in frenh and bitter nnd company, so that the development Their only stay and comrade then. 206 v a mernher of the Impei'liil taken form of oppnultlon to haa place under thnt trans- X llefrime the oil that taken She who thus went through flaming i oitmiittec nr (2) kiiIihci'IIim to nn government. action has been a mutter of 129 American or Cunixllun pnper. Aimphh yen rn. hell ? t us, to m peril enemy U Home of them, even if literate, To muke put into our clay y y from emintrle ft may All la A ilviliMe rcHcived foi the edltura of be a menace to aoclety here u .MOTH I It t.OONK. that there of heaven, shall she SWEEPING Mother and sinter wife ond fay-H- ave y en-lul- lieWHinMr. They it re at home. Many (if them who are II. (Jninee Whitcomb Kiley.) ll;cutcil If found on permm of nny Dear (lonae! most motherly y the literal may be raw material for fine Mother no part in world made it me Ijitiilinv Iii I In Hiiili'li 1mIi- from the she rlllsienHhlp In a government which and dear Serf of the rainbow, flower nliroiid, or if ii n uttempt lx iniiile to of Of nil g'uid who laps vassal mothers luvo Save In triiiiHiiHt ihrnnith the pout. At they heroin a aympnthello nnd help. wherein knitting the afternoon. them And rocking cradles hour by hour? if SAL tho dull rending rnimin, the plKeon-)lI- e fu part. The time, to try them la on Wp children nestle from alt sin I lulielk'd 'licrlilu'r TuKPhlnlt,' p, cuddle to thv bosom, with nn fear th final examination for full citizen-Mil- HISTOltV AMI STATF.KMFX. OlkUM though thy enp t 'Kinnkflilter ZeltunK.' 'Xeue Krele To there confess that, J'leHHc,' which la wisely coming to be b T'erhnp ut no t'.mn will there be The entire stock of New Tianos, Player Pianos, including mid even 'I'lleKende lllnlter' oueer. by mont and pmpty nincp made more nearchlnir than for Hiy Rimblnty, thy written the accurate world-famo- luive reniiliwd Hm he. thnt And curls nnd faithful historian so of makes, Sample Pianos, some beautiful y KinnlnK of thp witr. Any Amerliun preliminary pa cheeka thin. much truih per. ns of untruth. But nctinns now will shop-wor- n wiHhen In ii And though mole Pianos, Pianos returned from expired y who do itnod turn to a the wlnkered come out with sufficient prominence rental f i lend In Knulnnd Juki now will earn upon thy chin t before great contracts, used Pianos accepted in y his Again we remark that polltlcn thv very nose tip to the tribunal of mankind exchange, Benches, urnlitude ly minling hlin nn or. Tickles still hear to regu-lut- e bo exercise their Judgment nnd Music Cabinets, Music Rolls for riiNlonnl ropy of u New York paper. must eliminated from the man. The Jolly Jingle of mine Infancy their proceedings. If statesmen player pianos y Kor, to ipiotp from nn earlier editorial agement InsHiij. Crooned by thee, makes mine eager t of the educational past, arms as now, looked attentively nt everything In the Time, "the Kovprnment hnve tlons also from the banks and the they would find Infallible guides In nil inken over control of the function of To twine about thy neck, full ten- emergencies. Hut leaders are opt to BUY NOW ACT l.i wupnper i, eiillectom nnd purvey, ItivcKtlKiitloll of the banks. derly QUICKLY Hip shudder at tho Idea of being led, ond y urn of newx,' with 'thp luoiid remiir Prnwlng dear old tyiee down, that little know what different things are Hint 'the pul'He hip (old the tliliiM ioirrH ah i:sy m auks. thy brow experiment nnd experience. The the government wInIi them to know, Muy dip Into my purest kiss, nnd lie of a I'eiiclen himself is neither ? nid lolhluir inoie.' " Crowned ever with the hnby love nor authority Impetuous roela ore enny marks. That Is rule to those lint fur n n examplo of jimt how fact of me. men who would rather have rich mas- It Htuplil the fenHornhli In, th rorren-p- . shown In the trial of John T. Hall, of ters than frugal friends. New York, new 1IOW Klllltr WAS IHSCOYKKKD. y BRFIUVFim indent iioinlH put nlthnugh for a swindle, net iWffllflrC thnt the (lilasgow Tlmesl 1 1 1 1 1 1 ting; hlin Jlfi.OOO, I J HaV ---II ---II II II I Vl M. !J II 11 k If (I 11 IJ American .ilcwpapein of Hepteniher about of which Khnld, the color which will render - Vfcaai wr k U U V Um I 17 curried the reply of Hip pri'Hldent l.tiOO pods were the victim. W.j our soldiers so difficult to see, wns The Storytellers "... Us' by The Stiilen to tho didn't know there w'ere thnt many discoveied a happy accident. of the rnltcd knler'n Itrltlah troops in India wore a cotton Obliging. it In poets in tha world, though we mlKht Keprtwntntive Crosscr ALL wai, not mentioned any uniform, which, when it was new, was itobcrt of t TO BE SOLD WITHIN NEXT THIRTY Judged Ohio au- DAYS lliitish tteW'Htuiper until Oitoher T, have ns much If wo hud khukl in color, but after a visit to the does not believe In tiring his y thought of the amount of Christmas laundry wan undescrlbnble. A Man- ditors and in this connection tells the when It nppeuicd In th form of a "long-winded- business mun, discussing this tale of a. rather " from Amitterdam, and war "poetry", brought lo the chester telegram in which defect, remarked casuully that a for-t- o preucher of whom he knew. Journal office within past few Hy Never Such an Opportunity I th preHldeiU' wordn were nnidu to the tie awaited thn man who could Had the time he had reached the t Before ipeur: weeks for Inlllctlon upon a g a khaki dve that neither sun, soap nor climax of his sermon, according to A the Ohio representative, one of th ? H-u- public. Hut soda would lade. young officer t "1 to Hod t.hl war may the., number of y that na- maio members of tha congregation Never Such Ktion he A duy poets was heard the remark, hired a skilled a Chance for elided. of nettlement not limited to 1,500. Six begun was drowsing. The preacher, raising a Holiday Piano will come when I um convinced the tive dyer and the; search. Years thousand submitted their VPraes, passed In fruitless experiments, till his voice until it penetrated every t Mitloiin of Kuiopp will unltn end nt to Mr. Hull began by offering thrre one day, passing- over a heap of rags, corner, exclaimed: their difference. Whoever hn been "W'ihere shall we place Hosea?" t t ii In Will pequel, cash prizes of $250, 1150 and $100 for relics of their (allures, they chanced m y the wronR learn the upon one piece wan khaki, Tha sleeper roused hlmaelf, par- ? tne reHionHiiiiity on song poems In Which still unit will the three best offered though the laundry had worked us tially. What This Sale ..4M 7 f the miiUv. The imtinna wholp " ? of the the competition. will. But it had received no special At this moment the preucher fairly t In world are nniuilinniia thinking that ex- shouted'; any, we y 11 I This In Itoclf wns not wrong. Kven treatment, so far ns they knew, "I whero shall the mi miiHt Involve place Jlosea?" t if he had refused to pay any of cept thnt It had fallen into a metal I'omplete ItKreemelit." the metnl My this time sleeper hud fully ? lnxtend nonsense cash priftes, dish. That was the secret. The the Means to You: t of mich an thin, it might not hnve been tho In the awakened, and, taking his hut in one y wrong, of dish and the chemicals ? what the prepldent had really written because none of the poems dye had combined to produce that hand und rubbing his eyes with the y re- y Wiia: probably was worth a th fndclcat, khnkl color which makes our other he started toward the door, PHIST Your choice of almost 'TreBently, I prny Oml, very noon, part of the prizes offered.' Hut the soldier Invisible and turned the marking In a loud voice: any good make (if piano or Into a "He can have my seat. I'm going 31 the war will he over. Th day of ne- - plun did not 6,000 lieutenant millionaire. player piano. nst sell ev- t end there, When home." Washington 4'oiintitm will come, when, I Star. erything. x then take poets submitted manuscripts, Mr. t It Kurope ityr.vrors ahk ni'c.c;f.ts. for Rmtited, the nntionn of As SF.COXD Your y will uxxemhle to determine a settle- Hall sat down and wrote lo each of (Newark News.) llie Years Pass. ? dollar spent In cel- pri- this ment. When wronun have been com. those expectant poets that his par- Potatoes, rnbbnge, cauliflower, Oeraldin Farrar, the famous sale will do tho work of ery, lettuce, carrots and turnips of ma donna, said in an Interview in ? two means prices rut In x milted their eoiiKeiiuencei! and the ticular poem might well win a prlie " y rcMpnimibUity hp fino quality nre grown extensively In New York: ? half. lelutive Involved will If set to music. Mr. Hull "Oh, sings well, Is nn iKWesscd. The nnllmm of thn World offered to the Yukon territory, Cnnadt.'- Pota- she she artist, toes are principal crop, refilling but she's old, you know, Isn't TIMiro You can make your lm e, forliiiintely hy Kreemeut, nuidp secure the writing of the music for tho rather own terms. t a rpckuninii thp very at 6c a pound. she?" li;iri for niich nnd moderate sum of $10. singing, N'ew What mich plun "In ns in making Year Some great rnnnot The poHtuffice Inspectors found Wins added, y roi'ItTH Imrcalns rompawi. the opinion TIIK MOir.K rxiVKllslTY AND resolutions." Fnrrur "the In upright planus na low of mankind, the 1,500 VI as I that misguided poets rump, COM I'XAIi unhappy truth is that Ihey who have t Mn In all nrhitfr. mich matteru, will poor-es- Su. PIAN0- y ti'ply." across the runnier with $10 each, (Philadelphia Public. Ledger.) done the most of It turn out the t nl!'!nc7PLA'ER - Buaranteed, 'like new, fa- quality." ' v -- Air- - What Cardinal Newman, in his FIFTH Mr. Cash Iluyer ami IV. C ..i OUO if Amerlcunx have felt theniKelves making a net total of $15,000 secured t y wt 'l CUt Closing Out Sale . y mous treatise, called "The Idea of a Mr. Multimillionaire, is outraged lecuiise of the aliHiirdltie by Mr. Hall there rice with small expenditure Vniversity," has undergone radical Ho Knew How. a Breat bargain hero for you. S455.00 of the reiimiriihlp, what munt lip the on his part. changes since lUIn and Oreek with Walter Dnmrosch said the other y n day In Pay While You fi cllne of the people of Knglund, w ith The ability to part the poets modicum of philosophy and Mlblicnl New York: SIXTH Every piano and play- Plav t of this history were the chief features of the "Krelslcr, the Austrian violinist, er piano is fully guaranteed. no much nl Ktukc, taxed nt every turn country from such a sum money ful1 - of recognised scheme of liberal educa- has been wounded lu the arm, and it j fvrnrTRcV,Pr?IGnT' tone- - worth $400. CLOS- for (support of the war, wlumo hiin-luiti- would seem to be of n may be never play again. SEVEXTH Out-of-to- cus- f shrewd, but tion. Here, for instance, la tho Vni- thnt he'll PRICE - bul- ' ' a t,inn' hihI helng post-offi- Wisconsin "To use Kreisler as a stop for tomers who prefer to get the ' nn ure unci if iced particularly low order, and the versity of in Its extension - ,pjLlV'' to t cnoicn n tug- course lets seem to mo a blasphemy the of stock, save lit tho front, when wnhjected to a pol. department is right In taking considering such matters of Pay While You Play household detail as the proper height art of music a worse blasphemy ? agent's conimls'.ioii and ob- k) lipid? tiy at The Knllsh u up arms for this class of literary of sinks, tables nnd ironing boards. than the Kngllsh countess used tain two dollars In value for Kenowned make, sweet tone, handsome UPRIGHT yt newKpaper-rcadlng- - people and lung workers, Just us it would What would our colleges even half a l'aderewakl. every dollar you'll spend, Interfere come. AYe'll a. century ago thought dem- "At a great Kngllsh country holise refund your car $550' reduced $275' CLOSING OUT liave enjoyed free press. Now, in for the protection of children from have of the t ways, nmS y onstration trains sent out with lectur- a countess said to Paderewski one faro both SALE PRICE tho aupreme rrlela of their eountry'B unscrupulous persi ns who mluht take rainy .$275.00 y er to show farmers how to plant afternoon: ? IUY YOVrt HOLIDAY PIAXO hixtuiy, 'they are treuted tit though miMiy from them. Upsides, there are corn, how to alternate their crops, "O, Mr, Paderewski, you piny, don't Easy Terms You Wish you?' x ? NOW. if they were h nation , of Imbecile, or few poets who Can afford to be parted nnd hy the proper use of femitter Beautiful t ., " 'Yes, madam,' master replied. toned - v. oip, and munt depend upon thp from a 10 William at the beginning secure the largest yield? What would tha UPRIGHT PIANO, large size, mahoff- y to guard , "'Then,' said the eoimtexs, 'would newepapera for the essen. of what may be cold those who founded Harvard- Buy $400' recll,ced Aiiicrtan and cheerless against an Illiterate ministry have you mind turning my daughter's t NowDelivery c?r Snrh ?195- - CLOSING OUT y Hal farta of the war. winter. thought of today's curriculum that in- bALE PRICE $205.00 Through frlendH in Alliu.iiierque cludes special courses in such t, x vases, hy- ClrouniNianllal aKvidcnco. When Easy Terms nd some who reside In London, the Madame Thebes has left the varied subjects as Oreck Wanted, New if Desired y draulics, eugenics, American modern The citizen had for a long while, Famous Juiiriiiil i favored with nearly all the weather predictions to the Hcv. Ira languages, lilacksmlthltig. fire Insur- along about Christmas time, been ti TECIINOLA slightiv used, y 1 TLAYER PIANO, new-IMlir- buying 1 copfi-- of the principal London Hicks. ance? , turkey domestic turkeys YeafsDayifYouWish worth $000, CLOSING Those who started the collegiate and wild turkeys from a negro who OUT SALE PRICE. .$275.00 X lncludiim thw Time?, the . School of Connecticut at Saybrook In lived in the twamr jiuntr-- .f.l standard and the Mail. The Journal' Villa shows horse sense and Cur- - ltepently gave repeat Pay While Yon Hay t 101 would have been wildly putrled he a order. jsar itHrt8 frooi every flvla vt fctvioo i'iitizii show multi acuse. by iheaYal university cuuUufiue two "Jim,-brin- g nio 'tuikejr Saturday ,., .... i --7


Up Copyright 1114 Bringing Father Neva ttrVm. By George McHlanva ' - ., . W T7 T jraj- -- T- ...... "If THIN-N- t M Jktfb-THI- S !0N'T "INK I I OOTH ALL fOUI? TVEUNi. OH. PROP JI5MN i, OfcLD I f" ALU THE. r' POF.ttoP-TH- B tNTEe6 SOCH A Vlfcrnr; ANCterHT ROME- - TELL V PLACER TOO ErVt) v OtOUltTM POETIC AND ARTISTIC FUL ALP-a- OMe ONg PLACE fcROM.-- ! I YOU HOLD DEAREST r' j ' IT'S DINTY VMHEV0UL0 6PENT NY AND JLTURflKNOW Vou f" 1 S CAPTOREOVOUft HEART - n U0N4 TO MOORtTS F R J I V... Cs gLl! 1V0 I RAVELED LOve ( FOR MYbELF LOVE RLrtOOD RETOM TO COME -- I f I - PLACE .HliTvELvl EXTENblVELV- - V TO HERR THE OLD TOWH THERE! TELU VHAT r-- 0F A I J : WISH VUi ' lIMTALK! J (MO5COK-lUFFmuF0VlCH- (LACEInrVJ vr f T)kS7y qT v2l THERE. HOW '


MMM St. Ixuls & San Krun., 2nd pfd.. t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmimmmm Southern Pacific RiiVi STOCK MARKET v." Southern Hallway (offered) ... 14 M 7qi Elsrye & Use! 0niOn Tennessee Copper SH, Mlnr Texas Company ...131 Tel El Tk-idi- a t!b JODKHAL CLASSIFIED) Cnlon Pacific C0M IliH Union Pacific, pfd. 78 SHOWS DECIDEDLY United States Steel 47 United States Steel, pfd 104 M rrORAor. Utah Copper FOR SALE 1 'Ti exchange, FOR RENT Wanted Pits o, houtohnul toota Wabash, pfd To modern mum. D7 torrt Mfolr si Phnat Western Union a $3,S00 modern bunglow house for a residence In 41. Th iticurltr runhlWr.hi.u a lioproT. IFSffl Beven-roo- m modern house BETTER PRICES Westlnghouse Klectrlc 68 Xlreplae, sleepinr porch; and HiM( Los Angeles, Calif. Bnt Co. Kprliinr Transfer Co ihm Salej, 130,000. bungalow on the rear ol lot only $20.00. tor. HI Quid !. A bargain. Fourth ward. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE. $2,f00 modern frame, corner F. F. TOTTER ..lot. and I -- room cottage on aame lot J. II. PEAK CARDS Boom Paooe Chicago, Dec. 28. Heavy profit-takin- g Highlands, on car line. Fkoae III III4W Paone III. lit W. ftntrrt JFESSIONAL a Much Last Declines ,'10,000 ' In every of Week's bv large holders, including a J,00 brick, modern, lot residence, modern ATTOKMEU widely speculator, gave the 76x142; good location, Highland. way; best location In the city. Snap Are Recovered and Many known per JOIIN W. WIION wheat market today a sharp setback $1,200 cash, balance I cent for $6,500. Only good till January Attaraaqr-al-ta- bunta-low- ; after a decided advance. . The selling 12,000 New modern 1st. 15 INVESTMENT Rooms Cromwall Shares Are in Exceptionally Fourth Raa Phnna UIIW. OWM Phona MTI was influenced to some extent by ward. New cement block bungalow, with S 11,200 -- room modern; Fourth If you want a good thing, sco ui. fear that AAientlne offerings would brick, rooms H. K. sleeping DENTIMTa Good Demand, and corner Five-roo- modern with cut considerable figure In the near ward, on car line. porch. City water, fenced and house pebble bunga- all range, cellar, porches and barn. M. future. The market closed unsettled 13,000 daah now rented to good tenants for 120 OK. i. UMAPT i at a decline of me to net. low, modern, fir place, new; per only Other bargains. laalal tmraaaa. l?4t month. Price $1,250.00, l, V. 1 , 1 Barnatt Pamae laY MOSN.N JOURNAL IPICIAL LIASIO V.'lHf jf'.,pn lnluY,...4 1 frt. IL ft- lc.V riff' Kouiat Bld. III ll 1 7 w - " ... terms if desired. which Includes the furniture. A go- U. Moor Eadly Co. Appolntmanta Mada hr Malt New, York, I)ee. 28. The stock mar-k- it vi provi- oats down Vic to 'a1 c, and 2,760 brick, modern, large JPorterlieM' ing proposition und only one-thir- d Mi today much of the C. AMU recovered sions unchanged to a drop of 2'ic basement, corner lot, good loca- eush. , PIIVSICIANa tatlEONi. mid lost in lust declining begin to Kin week's Wheat quotations did not easy ESTATE M. beRun ut tion In Highland!; term. RIAL FIRS INSURANCE EOKET TO LOAH SOLOMON U HI'BTWN, !. movement. Improvement fall in earnest until announcement jAI.FMIsllitiien. Pbyalcuui auvaoaw was to (ha export- LOANS. and the outset and maintained was made that the Argentine KDH SALK-PVl-lll- llrr. 1'hi.n. 14!W, Phona llf Barnalt Bldt. very end, ut which time the duy'a surplus was now at A. able estimated MOTER ('UK A n,w lllaiio, cll. up. 610 Weat Trading A. Bf. I). l.est prices were recorded. 130,000,000 bushels, a total much Loan Fir Insurance 216 . Gol4 MarfiuMtn avfniip. U. SIIOKTI.B, was on a larger scale at u most any pre- Practice l.lmlt.d lo Tnbaraoloala. than greater than the trade had 111 Boath Fourth Street HAl.K-i'H- tt NlliiW any resumption of open 111 W. Gold. I'Olt flnnr t'Mita Ull.l IMO Hours II tn 11 Pkoaa llrl time since the vious reason to look Moreover, raw.. II. Viinnw. 1)4 Cantml Ara. most pro- H W. Oealinss with activity the quality of the Argentine crop was llMini-ln.i- v group. lXHt RKNT Rooms. Full SAI.K (in mi in n, iiiacUtal-I- Alkuqaarqua Sanitarium. Phone III. nounced In the International said to be exceptionally good. Sales 6.60; stockers and feeders, $ti.504l a closed Incident, The Incident which nw. VVt Mnrt.le avmnv gains averaged almost two points to millions 7.2 ; calves, $8.00411.00. department officers to "TJorth?" I IKS. TVIV HA&KH Net here that ensued amounted refused call an b ull nA 1. O. layiiis lirna ami mini, violent Sh'.-e- p 1,600. uprising, was fully raaUna Ltmlud to Eye, Mesa aafl with sharp recoveries from their of bushels and led to the most ltecelpts, Market explained, they FOR 11KNT itrraa rmin. ai Snuih Waller inwl I' let. a Said, in Mudrn nwmi, IMA kMt, Tkraaa. mum by such Important shares bearish reaction that ha taken place firm. the rvport cabled yesterday so slrfc, n WmI SAl.K IiidiT.wil tyiiowrlirr, .Steel Hnd Pa- sweep of Hogs Receipts. 400. steady, by Governor O'ltrtl toil Stat National Bank Bid. I'nlted States Southern in weeks. The downward Market General Harrison. KENT Nl.x nnlrr. lift. IIS Hfooml I'hna 7;. higher. Top, Bulk, $7.30 & foil tout rumti. lAlIUf alrl. cific. prices wns all the more seiiratloiml $7.40. It was mild that no additional p..r J! W,lt l hAI.IO - & liuvla UKH. K'HWKNTHKH A BOWKIt of MftrrillAtt. ull tldll. lt l.Utin. I'byali The rise extended to a number on account of an curlier advance to 7.40. hail been sought from alKhtly uaa. caata. AilJiiwa J"iia U. Oleo.nlhle lain. tii',t)..rii f urtitithl ruotiia, Il3i I, N. T. Armllo Building. Offtra ppcflKltics including equipment stocks within half a cent of the highest level Gvernor Harrison W. flHti.y. Cltr. Bull and the view wos I'U'i Central; ft is ami 1111 wrrk. Phona 717: lleeldenea phone lo and 171, und Steel, latter not beginning - a Bethlehem the since tho of the European expressed that police vigilance was SiUAM J1KAI- pU'uatnt U OkT lull SAI.h; Triily-llv- (iHUrd aiiuli, ilui loss, but tli"M HAN ATOH1UM . only regaining nil its recent war. I sufficient to prevent the recurrence a ro.nn at th Central, IJ.U0, lit (ej (i.(t conillili'ii; varr titiuaft. A, flir. MIHI'IIFY l.ranil l.t0, ' mounting to Its best price of the pres. Unusual buying force st the putset LLEWELLYN OUT of such One 1410 week. C llpman. I'huna 1tiJJ. Tuhenulala of Ilia Throat and Lnaa. - ineldlts. official said ' tmt-- movement. A few of the- less ac- In the wheat market was In a measure the report did not disclose more SCUAN iiilAliidTprnii'iiiTl i? aroulh. City Office, 111 Wnat Central Avana. & seri fOU HUNT Ijirira fmnt nedrnam In nrl orflo Bourn I to It a. m.t I t 4 a. ra. tive stocks, Including Chicago due to reports of anxiety in Great ous disorders than might be In family; ' Uat plalna arown !. Our aaad la Nn I found vala niodarn cutlunn. no akk. ourartvna, , Phona III Sanatorium Phon III , Northwestern and Chesapeake & Ohio, over prospective delays in the t any city in Went MarqilfllB. and truwn by Onlr Amarll ltritain this country of the slzo of llt'l I'hn l9t. Co., Amarillo, W. T. Murphay, M. D.. Iledloal Dlratxar. fell to established prices. forwarding of January and February Manila. lo Saad Taiaa. came from shipments Argentina. AS OFFICIAL OF Noulh ruH SALW uua mill l.r ruum aooummo. Much of today's buying from Department officer. declared AasalM, W. M, SHERIDAN, M. having Enlarged stocks here and at other that lull IlKNT Hlw.ilus ruum, s. Ill Wol datloni at lha Oataa bolaL I.oa 0, the short interest, that faction the propHHsndu leading to trou- Cat, Tha Oataa hotal In f, una of puil-in- s tho liolil. Praotlo Limited i evidently oversold the list last week points had a good deal to do with ble was by ma Dawaat and naat In Uos Angaiaa, and fathered the exiled HKNT Houickepln rooms but, according to report, the rise was the price of corn down. The eatly and some equally irresponsible Foil and fur. liwjatad nornar of Blilh and riKuarua Genito Urinary Diseases tr,i in wheat market had only nlahad cottafea, aloupinf norchaa. Ill traata. AddraM atornlna journal. accelerated uy investment bulge the leaders In the islands. Watt t'nal. from out of town. The rise In steel a slight effect on corn. COLLEGE BOARD of Skin, of Diseases the Amalgamated Copper was more Oats followed the course other Tou mlM many oppiirtunltlea dally lllchlsnda. H)lt AI.I UvestiHk ami Poultry. aid in grain, hardening at first then un- if you ra Waaaermann and Nofuchl TU I directly, traceable to specialists and in not rOK RKNT KurnHh.d roonw. 111 MouU THAIK--Thr- e sag. Shipping sales were rad Journal want ad a KOIl HAI.K UH gimd "404" Admlnlatara. . those issues. dergoing ft Waller. Phona 101. IhhiiiiI hiirnra. lmjulra ut Uuy Uranuia, i including 1,350,000 bushels for CUtMar Bank Bidf. Heaviness of Northwestern was as- large, Kull 1IISN- T- 'I'lilco turnlHlii-i- linuuekuepiiig llulilia' Inunilry. aibnqnarqn Ntw MaalM r, statement for export. P, F, i'ii'ihih. ir Hoiirh Wiilinr Hwl. BALE alork ami vhiikn; aovor-n- l sociated with the road's yard In- McCanna Succeeds Las 'Ajruww.-.riiri- u Full i;K. showed a loss Packers and other stock u . t'Oll HKNT Two ruuina and aliuiiii porch. varletloa, l A. Krlnndann, 101 Bouth CIHROPRAC'I'ORS. November, which net freely. In con- excess of $(100,000, whiki terests sold provisions Man rurnmniMi. Snuin Wallrr. phona 107a, Kdllh elreet. I'hona Il'OO.I. ullghtly In Cruces as Secretary A tit M KM. M. I . sequence nil gains resulting from WANTi:i man l mk un raiiuh out-lil- o Mil. AND HAT1KMIOKF to a . SA ilclinu r il.Ulint the Southern railway suffered nf oily. (Irlinwiiaw-a- roll prices for hogs were complete- Pt)R RIONT Dwellings. niHie; husky and 20 C'klriipraetur. extent same period. higher and Treasurer and Mossman S.ioth Gold. similar for the out. Mljth atroot or in, Cmmwell hiilldlnir. idly. 420 Weal Phon UI The Atchison system, however, despite ly wiped Norlli. Closing prices: run KyCiTii jTTiTTru t"iii iTr.TTTii i'jVi r i.. .Tr In operating ex- Is New Registrar, VVANTKllC.K.k. .MH. u heavy Increase $1.26 Vi; May, II.- - iluwdun, knit .'oil HUNT Kuur-ruu- flat, liirnlaliBd and two liroud aowa, JRRKNSMA1UN $172,000 Wheat Iec. 1'iirk a'.-inn- fr alen pense made a net gain of llsht liouavkaouliis. 2u a month. 4U4 plK Iri'KlaU'l'edl, Snl.'i't ntnik, Knod typea, VV ANTKI) lireeamaklns. S faction -- I North ill suar. for that month. May, nil S"llt'l'al liuUMUWOlk. lilt Soond, fine ipiulity. I'iIii.ii ruimniiilili.. I.lujil Ihin- - llolol. I'hona ant, rtnom 14. Corn Dec, i3c . nteed. New 66e; NnMIi Klrvfiilli. HMlti-r- - liHill(.'.tlH. Foreign exchange' declined to the 49 c; May. 53'Ac. ItPKCfAt O.BPATCH TO MORNINa iOUHNAL) Foil HKNT lioiinn, two porehca. Oats Iec ' VVANTKIJ It.iii 1311 North Fourlh U. bottom price of the year, cables and pork Jan., $18.C2; May, $19.20. !as Cruces, X. M., Dec. 28. The i:ivi ril iiuihc tur KulklllH street. J. Klrong, at 11IOIU.AMJ POUlflir YARMH TYPKWRrrKRH. quoted rlillilrvii riu) buuacwork. 101 Buulh jStrmm'a hmikatoro. South Iiroadway. For H. C. flight on London being $10.r,. resignation of Morgan O. Llewellyn . Hlai anlot llniwn drafts Lai d Jan., $10.42; May. as Si'vi'iilh atri-.'l- my rent and repiilr. Cndotwood us und $4.85 respec- V. Hmitll. taghnra eoierela, full brother to tilua WB rll'il.l., as low $4.85 $10.22; May, $10.60. secretary and treasurer and Otto l- (South. Tala- - rates Kibs Jan., rlhbon winner and ft. C. U. Clrplimtuiia, Typewriter Co., -l Fourth, tively. In ordinary times these Wottlitufor as registrar of the board of i FOU Two-roo- 174. import stage, HKNT funilahnd cilUga. Wrlta ma your wants, A. P. Blank, 1'rop., ph'ipw would bo near the gold regents of the NeWjMcxlco College of lift; walir pnld. Apply 115 Woat Hold. Alhuqiieritie, N.1 M. and' aeoond-han- un- METAL MARKET. All. KTNUH, b"lh new but no such movement is probable Agriculture and Mechnnle Arts, and aold, repaired, "t. WANTED Eiperlonctd tales ladlaa at tha lllKhlunda. Til W T LAY, tltey they pay. boiiaht, rented and Alhu in London. Al- win, At tha li. der existing circumstances New York, Dec. 28. Tin firm, $33.. tho election of P. F. M.'uitna of EooBomlat. three Uraeat poultry ah"tvs In touthweat querqu Typewriter Kiuhan. Phon 171. money touched the mini ."ir. 'Full HKNT Cluaay t'sllforiila but.;alow, 11a Hemnn afreet I. Time also buquerque to succeed Llewellyn In 114, alat fair, All.unuornua, atata i- - wuim K. new and modern, hardwood floora, furnana mum figures since January iai, and A. Mossman of Albuquerque to Kli.-er- ., Itoawell; Rl I'aao Poultry Khow, being Copper dull; electrolytic, $12.ii hest, 1100 Hunt Apply 1401 Bouch from ninety days to six months 13.37; castings, $12.7513.12. succeed Mr. Wettlaufer were the K'llth or phona MOHt. our birds wan forty. flv nine; American Incidentally Poultry medal; ' made at 3 per cent. 1 $14.50 principal features of the meeting of Association n sold flv A liutll of mi ut- ta.uoo ut. Iron quiet. No. northern, VA NTH I v WANTHII i: quality col-leK- Posit Ion. (leneral. silver medal, two silver cupa and twenty-fl- mercantile pi. per of the belter S $14.25 the board of regents held at tho e KiioU properly for three ycni'H 15.00: No. northern, apenlaHJ over 1 ro rlbbona. It. I. l'.idelli'l' it FJilriT-l'liAS- S other H McMlllloll, was easier. 1 $14. "5; today. No changes In the per lud luuk dcalre IHUlltlon. FOU IIKNT uriillii'il 'h.iuw; at per cent. W. II. SII Weal 14 75; No. southern, 2514. Mra. A. imvl.l, :'Q7 opd Red, both eomhaj (irplnstona, tmlh while ell Honds were, equally firm with the sonnel of the board were announced, Went TIJ TIIH. liii'atlun. AiIiIivhh M. N,, .fotirmil. buffa; I,rKliinia. fluid. is- No.. 2 southern, $14.25?H4.75. and While Aneonai and stock list, some of tho Investment and it was slated after (ho meeting WANTKI I'liHliioii hy man of 2a, which Indian ttuniier dmka. Stock rsK audrhli k ia Total , will provido liuard. room IX)ll RUNT Room With Ronnl. 19, TIMIfl f?ARIS, sues showing marked gains. LKVI) ANI SPIXTKIl. that no resignations from the board and small for aule. I,. Thomna i'miltry Yard, 717 .ii were $1,330,000. NKW YORK for. wo. will siiy honeat Work. J. 1 Kaat llairelillne avenue. AlbU'luorqua. sales, par value, had been tendered or asked U, Ho.J 153, N M Aortli. government bonds Tho meeting wn called for pur- - United States York, Dec. 28. Lead quiet. the a KalM iluuni or d New poso con- oil i coiiaaaa with boai lt)ll SAt,l House.. Iially paaeenger aervle leaving lloewell unchanged on call. of considering the financial ennTalaa-oan- t. l!l were $3.75 ' 3.85. IST. at Mr. Kead'l Mnltarlum for nd Cnrrlenao at 1:00 a, m, 5 dition of thei college growing out of Horn milk, aream, erra, R0 Closing prices: Spelter quiet, $5,55 sC.65. UyhT sMiiih inllie, frultt ant lid rh;il MONTH hoy a I1 two bloika from Through fare, one way I10 the recent failure of the First State mole and whltu. J. M. flnwera. I.oehhart Itanrh, Phona ion. hopa. to pay Inaea and per Alaska Gold Conk, ISITi Nnrlll Fifth. Fruit nunritnti'ed utermediate pnlnla, mil II in Amalgamated Copper 2 bank of Los Cruces, in which Institu- PFAFFH ItANCII fiTiealtlneeliera. JeraeJ. Interna. Tlarlon Keller, phona 1;W, 10 hiigKiiKe free Hire carried. LOC1S LEAP AX D SPELTER. LoHT lout cup ami apnui ('IiuhIiiih. lb. 33 ST. tion there was on deposit at the time day. milk, hmter, freab and aeaTatablu. vcw ce- - IIOSWKf I. At! TO t () American Reel Sugar Iletiirn (Vntrul avenue. ( Full SAI.I all'inodtirii aix.riiont , 25 - or the failure nearly $XO,000 of col- Wet Phona U.IOW. tneiit block biiiiKiilow, eollur cemented. Owner and Operator Phone lit American Can firm, $3.- T- Louis, Dee, 28. Lead LOU- eve, l TJoTu t & Uef'ng St. lege funds. Governor W. C McDon- aoiall Smi.ll piiymt-n- .lnwii. t'hoiie KiSHW American Smelt. 'Hi tulnliiit (.'liilatmua slfia. rtoturn to 711 South, 5 60fti)3.62H. ald and Attorney General Frank XV. Foil SAl.K brick soilage, American Smelt. & Ref'ng.pfu. Marble annuo, J. g. Stafford, recolv Two 101 Spelter nominal, $u.G0$0.6o. Clancy were present and Foil UlSNT well loi'HlaheU ii.uia, furnlahed or unfurnlahed. flood burn and American Sugar Refining at the meeting reWHrd. with board. 317 Kiiuth Fourth- DAILT AUTOMOBILE) BTAGal .117 und consulted with the members of Htreet. otilliulldlnea: all new. ii'i North lllch Hi. American Tel. & Tel MARKET. EXOHI.hBNT table board and nloely Paaaengar Berylce, Tolmceo .217H MONEY the board us to what should be done FOUND. FOU seven. ru'oii h.eiae, largt Silver City 1:SI p. n. American room with not and cold water In glaaaed-l- n sleeping porch, every Lev i- . 25-7- to strulghten out the tangle. furnac, Leave Mogolloa 1:00 a. m. Anaconda Mining Call money FOlNli iiUy'M ittttch, vary room. Caaa da Oro. Ill Wait Quid. nnvenlence; wet end near park. Addraa - , 92 New York Dee. 28. owner can liav Under near Cars meet all train. iJirgaat and kaet I Atchison low, 2 per Hond Is Collectible. aame by di'HliltiK nrnncity and mrlni mannffement. X, M , re ra Journal, . 69 steady; high, 3 per cent; quipped auto livery In tha (outhwMl, & for tliln ml. in Weal (li.lil, Pour-roo- Raltimore Ohio 2 per cent. An examination of the bond given Highland 'dtl HaLk houae with two AUTO CO., ! . 84 cent; ruling rate, BENNETT Krooklyn Rapid Transit Sixty and ninety by an Oklahoma company to secure leaping porches, cellar, nil kind of fruit Silver City. N. at. . 15Ti Time loans steady. R i:T-Sto- re) lABLH HOAUD 5.(0 per week. Boom and California Petroleum months, 3 the deposit of college funds was made I'Olt Rooms. )eeplng porohea. tree and grape vine. Inquire 1317 North .154 days, 314 per cent; six lot Bouth Kdllh, Flrat afreet, mrner llarrlaon. Canadian Pacific by Attorney General Clancy and oth- I WJI.l, one-ha- my reeplng . 37 4 per cent. renl of atora at 07 FOU ItiSNT porch room and Ule. attorneys, Weat (J Central Leather Mercantile paper, per cent. er and it was thn unani- Central. Thl apnea would be suit- board In private family, phone 111 9J. & Ohio . 40 '4 4414 mous opinion bond Is bind able for nulla water, andy or Jewelry Chesapeake that the a atore. ffjlt unny alaep-boar- . 10K L'ar silver, 48e. The building runa to ItKS-f- front room and Chicago Great Western ing obligation on the company and clrar the alley which tng porch) oonvalaacenta. POK HALS About I sore Improved lanl . . . 88V4 would afford good )uarter for a candy lit :rt Chicago. Mil, & St. Paul will be collected. The premium had manufacturing Bouth Jldlth. adjoining Lockhart ranch, at a bargain. .122 COTTON MARKET. concern. Hulldlii modern In Henry Lockhart. 10SI. ATCHISON, TOPKKA SANTA WU BATIy Chicago & Northwestern been paid and accepted, and although every respect. W'Hllama HUNT Well furulahi.d ruum with Phon fP:oip . 33 Uru Company., Full WAT CO. Chlno Copper cotton the company had endeavored to can- luiife alcepins pureh, rimnltiR waier, n FOU AI.E Lot fiioiiou feet. In Luna Park M6 (offered) . 23 !,.., v.,i-- Dec. 28. Spot as- between New York and Marble avenue, Wewtbeeaa. :(la Colorado Fuel & Iron cel the bond there had been no bath; aultuhle for two gentlemen. tH2 No. . 20.y middling uplands. $7.80. South Arno aireet. lionrd If dcnlred. eaat front. For terma, addree Mra. Maiwl Claa Arrlret Departs Colorado & Southern quiet; ' sent by the college authorities, and it fkiilil OH (M4 Frank, III Bolioway avenue, Franulauu, I California Bxpren . 7: p. 7:Hp !;0la & . Sales. 3,000 bales. was agreed by attorneys kXClul.LKNT'" labia Ban Denver Rio Grande all the that board and Bleeping Cn nr. T California Kipre ...... 10:10p H;08p :;40o pfd. . . . Ktt porch for' convalearenta; room for twoj Denver & Rio Grande, the company could not successfully I Cat. Feat Mall . .11 tip H:4S :: . 11 MAKKETS. aoulhern poure; place In ehargS of Distillers' Securities LIVESTOCK defend a suit for the amount. WANTICR I California Limited ..11:10a ll:lla :46p . 2'itt WANTED: A nuraa. Hi South Arno afreet. Mlsoellaneoaa. Kaat bound. Krle ,. . It was slated after the meeting that .138 City Lift-stock- being W NTuH W buy old gold and Overland Kxprea . T:ISa I Ola Kansas arrangements are made for -- llrr. II e.Ha General Electric FOR RKNT Off lo Room. - Bxpree . I:1B Great Northern, pfd .113H Kansas City. Dec. 2 8. Cattle Re temporary advances to the college ctennett',- Fourth nd Oold. I Eaatern ...... 1:408 ):! . 2 4 'A Bright Young - I California Limited ..l.40p 7:0p .... 111.1,111,. . Prime collection of FOR RENT Apply JX A. Mm- CARFBT CLEANING, furniture and tov Great Northern Ore ctfs. .... n a i.iwint, pending tho the amount Office. K. U a Chl. Ex . T:lip l:la . 44 i..V 9 S5 10.25; western due the nhaeann. Jfottrnal efeie repalrln'. W, A. Ooff, phon 141. I lillB Guggenheim Exploration It'll Htc a, r Ji that is from defunct bank, A long eitabliiheol and BoulblHiund ! .107 9.25; calves, $6.00 is PGR RENT room at 114 Oold WANTI5I) Piiplla f..r Bpanlalli .eonveraa- -' Illinois Central steers, $7.00fc and that there not the slightest reputable house 40 Btre Welt 101 FI Paao A Mai. Bip...... 11:10 Interborough-Met.- , pfd . 60 danger of the institution being com- - H Man p avenue. A. alontnya. at nourt houee. tlon and commercliil. Cult venlnga, 114 111 Pecoa Valley Exp , 9,CjL.. N"rth Sixth, Mlwa Mnrle IQepliioaa, Till Inspiration Copper . 1614 tJccliits. 6.000. MrTtet 'pelled to close for a single day. Ru f yen in buiineu hu El 111 El Fun Paaaenarer 1:11a . 8S yearlings, FltKK 'Ml(ili.-- ..f 1..II hmieehold International Harvester higher. Lambs, $8.00&8.76; mors that the college miirht re forced tn pen!ng in city (of a rriioVnl fi lXlt RKNT Apartment. u,.. Norlhbnnaa . 21'4 suspend on ami other iieceaeltk. fur mother and Hie lie From Met. Hi Paao.. ,.T:la Kansas City Southern to ncornt of lack of repretentrtive, I In time will be largely I? FOU 11 ISN'T Three .room flat, or A Send ,6ilos-Recei- Market whole film jioelul will bring it. 11 From El Paao I ltp Irf.hlo-- Y'nlloV .130 pts, 4,000. fund" to pay current expense were utifiirnlMhe d I'll. North Mdlth f'A It hit own; the work it and elreet. now. Write name mid iiddref. plain. Cut-Of- t. 115 f 7.35: heavy, il p!enl 111 From Peon VaL l:4o Louisville & Nashville (offered) Hulk, 17.15 declared to be without the slightest FOH IIEN'T i'hree-roui- n funiiahed apart. Mftnte Huppllea Co., InHuranr hullillug. higher ' agreeable j hit profit more than - $6.25 7.00. H tvetaget ment, modern, porch. 211 Oklahoma City,' nklu. Mexican Petroleum $7 257.40; plga. foundation. with alerplng 3, e was a, h( on the businew done, and 1 Inquire Bavoy W'l Miami Copper . . . .' 1i There full tendance of the p i3'it South Slxlh afreet. hotel. T.I. UI'Y ol rTTPTiTSTh: New fi.i- ee.. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Clilcago LiTetck. members of the board. Governor Mc- previout experience it not ewenutl. :j oiid.he.Hl furniture. For the next alxty TO SltBSCniBETlB i 1Y)R dava Hiillle-l'eler- company MlMdourl Pacific .. Donald, Attorney General Clancy and Thii it an ideal opportunity (or a young RKNT Miscellaneous. the Furniture If you fall to (at your Morning i Chicago, Dee. U If will or Beennd-ben- d . , .120 weak. ""llr!," P. F. McCanna left tonight, the first piiv the hlgheat caah pi Ice f i journal, call National Hiscnit Market man of good wide circle of FOR KENT Jor.d barn, corrugated Iron aume. e- , . 43 4 19.000. H appearance, furniture, or exchange new for WESTEIIN UNION TBLEORAPH CO, -i two for Santa Fe and Mr. McCunna rciif; aultabl for garage, or can e uaed National Lead $5.40St9.85; western tu and a genuine detire 23J Hiiiiih Second aleeet. Phone 42a.. . . 11 Albuquerque. 11 acquintnce to Q Apply 111 Weat Lead avenue. Pboa M Nevada Copper S.O0: calves, $7.25fr9.5. for for horaea. New .. 8314 Receipts. 1S. 000. Market make good in a profitable field of work, York Central 64 Sheeu g CAItll BIUN8 FOR BALK. N. V., & Hartford .. $5.85&6.80;I lambs, f-- i Th carliett reply will leceive fiiat FOR KAMv Riuiclics. N. II. 8 strong. Sheep. FILIPINO DISTURBANCE li . . Th Bow ba a & rvrtiAmr full ortmnt Norfolk Western $7.0008.85. r .linn FOR KAI.B OK HKNT A well Improved of Card Blgna on hand. Toil can certainly . 99 ... 34,000. Marliet Northern Pacific iufiints. IS CLOSED INCIDENT fruit and alfalfa ranch, elxteen find what you want la the following Hat'. DC . . 18 aver- acre. AUTO LIVERY Saturday's Near Albuquerque. B. "Furnlahed Itoome d Pacific Mall 23 strong to 15c above F. MoAdani, phone Fur Bent," 'Unriirnlah-t- Pacific Tel. & Tel .. Bulk, $7.20? 7.35: heavy. $6.ja GILROY nwr, Hox an 8, CUV. Itoom For Rent," "For Bent," "For V a We WW ,.104 age lay mornin joueNAi. FOSTEH Sale," "lloom For Give Call Trettl Pennsylvania (Q.7.40; pigs, $ arrcKL uaiu wian I llenl," "Furnlahed Room You Rlglit. Pullman Palace Car ..15014 Washington. Dec. 28. With no ad- - II 301 Lalayelte Street For T.lght Hounekeeplng." 'Ilootn and .. 15 t4 ditional advices received at war H.ard." "Tbl Bord," "lloua For Bal." MACHINE APTO A CON8TKCO-TIO- N Ray Consolidated Copper Denver Livestock. the New York FOR BALE Hotel In Albuquerque. A big "Bou Bent," Bewlng," - Receipts, ex- ii For "Plain "Preaa- OO. Reading ..143 Dec. 28, Cattle department tonight, officials inlying 4(1 rent on naklng." Thn card . . fi i,r will h. aold at th low , n,M. r . 18 i..,.i"--- - steers, pressed opinion Hie M. Republic Iron Steel vtni-k-e- t niener. the .that the recent luv....lment, Write T. II. Boa 233, prle uf II aelll eai'U. Call at lit bualue Ifatdalnna, N. I ad cows heifers, $5.00 disturbance in the Phillpplius was will fit yuti piuUmlai, "UlM. . Rock Island Co V.. $.507.30; and Hock Island Co., pfd. ii i

t ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1914. SIX SCROFULA AND ALL EEE Crescent Hardware Co. HEAT Of eimoHAs ATTORNEY'S HUMORS GIVE WAY There are many things learned Guodd, O.llci). Tools, Iron VbIvih Office Supplies Mhttt. lUngea, Hon, ruri.lsl.lns ri, from cxpcrlenco und observation that anil IMiiinbliig. Ural Hi. Tlu ami topper Work. ill OF HELD TO generation should Impress rilllns. WELL, SAYS $500 tho older telephone sir. DIFFERENT WOODS DONE sih w. cck.ntkal avi:. THE NEW YEAR, 1915 upon tho younger. Among tlu in the fact thut scrofula und other humors Will Hi lug Dcninints for aro most auccesslully treated with BE REASONABLE Harsaparllla. This FOR ALL DETERMINED HERE SCHOOL EXPERT Hood's fTut. rnedi. sKor FILING DEVICES cine is n peculiar combination of re COOKING SNOWDRIFT markably effective Mood-purifyin- g and health-givin- g rootH, lairks and CAN GUARANTEED Upholds Decis- herbs, and has beep tested for forty EVERY . H, W, Foght Writes Letter Supreme Court Experiments Conducted at it today. Where Allow- years. ' Forest Service Laboratory; of Appreciation and Gives ion in Case Made to Lawyer Is cmirnQit urn re Heavier Wood More Nearly Views on Conditions People ance 3 Q by Litigant, i.ooii I .imihim i n nvniiLU Equal to Coal, of State Must Meet, Attacked "LITTLE WONDER" IAE HOMINY. 3 linn 2.V i . IMnc OIM4TCS TO HOUNINO JOUdNAlJ HI IMCIAl OltKTCH JO MOHIN JOUdNAL MCIk tiHAIMIOI'HONF. lt)H)S The fuel vitltic of two poundd of 2S. The question of Smitii Ke, Dee. 28. Superintendent Hatila Fc. Dec. PHEIIMIIM1 wooil In rmi slily equivalent to thut of a. charge by un ut- - any Standard Machine. of I'ulille limtruetion A Ivan N. While whether or not I'll u pound of eoul. Thin Id Ktven ud the lorney of J.'OO us u tees In a case In- - It Ki:i le-lu- g lediiy received a letter from II. W. (jtAkllt HltM) renult of eerunit eulc ulutloim now xolvUig approximately 10,"'" annum y Fui;ht hoi of i mude In the foreit cervlee laooru-tor- of the iiiu edueutlon. by. court, ami .nM vnit homiw e.vpreNHiiiK have been Allowed thn trial 15c EACH here, whleh shuw Hi no uhout how hie Dppreelutlon of the court to I'm'. BOUNQ y una hv the tupwi 2 I kg. IS OVER run ny cordd of certuln klndd of wood Hhown hlin during hid of . Hn day In favor of the contention the Their iiolliliiK than urn required to obtain un umount of of the dehoold In New Mexico. YVIIHuins et liud u report of attorney in the eaae of mi;i:, uml heat eipiul to thut In u ton "f coul. dent brief pri'llinlnury vs. jiocKWHcr, hp- - Woolworth Co. hid finding to eommlddioner of aid., uppcilanld, F. W. V UM II. I'ertuin kindd of wood, duel) ui hic- the opinion, which was inuple. education und expectd to muke Mb pellee. The Hie mill 1.1c More. old? imiioxei rim: kory, ouk, liefeh, lilrch, hurd by Chief Judtlce Huberts, Wus f report very noon. Mr. Foght Influential Resident of San Huh, elm, loellHt, leiiKk-u- pine und linul ni ( vr i iii i. huvp values, willed u follows: us follows: kiii: cherry, fulrly hl,'h hcut it . ugalliBt uppcl-lui- UN-- wood "When 1 tuke into eonnlderutlon Appellee filed suit hlll Ui. Jose Furnishes $500 Bond 25 DISCOUNT unJ only oiim cord of heuooned mortgage on cer led U required t. equul the newnedd of your Kiute and muny in foreclose u of thede dpei estate, given to secure the for Appearance Before Grand NcrtloiiuU and H II MACEY one ton of ood eoul. dUTicultled under which you are tain reul - um u. moment of a promissory note for the (shlncli. It tiiked u cord und hulf of short- rexult of the alleging Jury Next March, leaf pine hemlock, red gum, Dout?lja dltuutlon and the eomparutlvti lsolu-- sum. of S.OO0. Interest, etc.. I'I I JU.I hh I'VM.lhi: ami equal Hon of in the open country, In his eomnluiiit that appellant had fir, Bycamore und aoft maple t" dldtrleta due, i i: l MU It. a -- "'. I feel you have mudo remark fulled to pay Interest and taxes waii Supplied. a ton of coal, two cords of cedar, that e !!. Everything In Office and by the terms of said mort-inm- Till Brand I Pleasing Jinny. redwood, poplar, catulpa, Norway able progredd In educational ulTairs and, that Cpon hla waiving preliminary pine, eypreKd, buaswuod, apruce und In the lust few yeura. It la true thut deed the whole sum secured I'ottilio Hiivi'Jm, prom- white pine. tho schools of the open country and thiTpbv became duo und payable inent citl.en of Hun Jodo und u poll Mom Hint In Heavy Wiaal. the mining camps are not, on the The mortmige ulao provided for the r I Irian, was bound ovtT to await the whole, they oiikht to be, but payment of attorney's fees. Equal welht of dry, whut DUDLEY 2 inch net Ion of the grand jury, hn trimI Strong's Book Store woods, however, are cuid to have real pioareas la being mude In many E. P. Uavles was employed by WARD'S STORE with huving stolen goods in IiIm practically the mime heut value places. The mining camps, bo fur as uk uiturnev to conduct such NORMAN 2'A inohe by Justice (li'urKc 11. Craig "YOLK MONEY BACK IF 00 of upeclea, und ua a oonae-o.uen- I aaw them, appear to huvc good fnri.ebiHiire oroceedings and he pre Immedi- i especial- II held MarMa Atev rhuitea J98-JI- I yesterday morning. Huvcdru WANT IT." It can be dialed as a general tea eh era, hut tho equipment, pured and led the complaint, Hi ately furnished 15110 liimil for hla up.' prupoditlon that the heavier the wood ly the buildings, la Insufficient. These freuuent conferences with appellee Mgr. pen i n m e before the grand Jury, the more heat to the cord. WeiKht ure vercrowUed, much to the. detri- relative to suit, made certain other HOMER II. WARD, ' Special Agent George II. Thomas for weight, however, there la very lit- ment of classroom' Instruction.' In the Interested uartlcs defendants, and In (Hid Hlatloit Master J. JC. Klneliitr, of tle difference between vul ioua apecles; open country many of tho school vestigated the records in the record- COLLARS railway, found purpose deter- - the Hitnlu Fe recently the averane heat for all that hnv buildings were Inudequute, although er's office' for the of 2 1 2)1 en. N.Uir C., Iw. WAm - Pa. foods stolen , from Santa Fe freight CRYSTAL TO SUDIV been calculated la 4,000 culorica. or It wus surprising to see tliut progress ininlnu- other liens that might exist t ears at Hsvedra'a home. The officers ht'tti unlta per klloKram. A klloKram Is belni: made In school architecture auainst the real estate In question and found several i'hm of rniTee, dress of resin wll develop 9,400 hcut unita, In some, .counties." , briefed the legal question iiaeiy to goods, piiUM of candy, overalls hiii) or uverase for wood. "In a general wuy, I would recom- on the trial of the cause. He J uhout twice the ' arise I KKAMM fandy Unit tuiltn Strong Brothersl w mortgages OI'KK.i other articles in u Indowlcas room Ad a voiidequence, redlnutiH woodd mend that the . town,' and village also exumined certain und like morr. 40c per imuimI. Undertaken A a i nis iioiimp, have a greater heat value per pound sehoola clusdod, county high notes prepared by other uttorneys, MAX A 'S3e JOHN u' ag- IIIK THE Ml'MikY lit thun woodd, and thia schoola, do experimental work In representing Williams. luuelirvn rvl at tiwi,. rnoMtr Ki:itviic riioxn WII. I. HIM MI'S SUI.AItS HIT MfiLl value varies, of course, with riculture. In plots of land tinder Irri- Appellee made no special agree- 7ft. KTIMlMl lil.K., tOITEH ( (tMPLAINT AGAINST M'ltEAVY the redin content, gation us close as possible to the ment with Davie relutlve to his GRIMSHAW'S X case, AMI M OX It. IU'hIii lniMirtanl I 'actor. school premises. In this wuy you cun charge for his serviced In the "Haultiitioa Hprrlal Hrllglit." I William Phillips, who endorsed II The available heat vuluo of a cord make this kind of school do real and except an aKreementl that Davles ' Worth lend eheek paused hy C. Me-- ! TJEXT TWO DAYS of wood dependa on many different effective community work." would only charge him tlOO in the Heavy, posing ii ii wealthy euttle- -' fuctora. It has a relation not "Another thing which p'rnck me as event the cause was compromised iimn, yesterday swore mil it com-- I only to the a mount of realn It very necesaary at the time is the and settled on or before February 12, of by 25-CEN- t against hid former Irh't'd. Me. containa, but to the umount of the inspectorate of the 1914. The ease was not settled that T TAXI LOCAL ITEMS Heavy passed wit chocks, ouch for nioldture predent. Furthermoi e, eorda stale department of education. Hy this date, however, but was subscyuently worth-ilcs- d. aolid wood 1 i $10, which he admits weiii Jack London's Famous Story vary ua to the amount of meun thut your department should adjusted by Williams' paying appellee Phone 23 for Taxi and Auto day or i t te hest He wad arrested ut Isleta Sutur- they contain, even when they are of have In Us employ at least one or two u certain amount in cash, and execut- morning by Special officer A. J. the Btundurd dimension and occupy state Inspectors or supervisors whose ing a new note and. mortyuge for the or night. Any part or tho illy. candy store. nr buxeg of j d;.v of Fight With Demon Rum !.. a . nt tin rmil nf u Ilia tti II ftrim 128 cubic feet of apace. A certain duty would be to Inspect und claaslfy. balance at an Increased rate of in- to Be Seen at Albuquerque's proportion of thla apace Id made up rt.rul and other elementary und hllih terest, but appellant's attorney per- A. U. BACA. t', i. (ll'l l'lli of Ihe Ki'ed Hiiivey of ulr gpuct'd lietwcen the atlcka. and schoola of thw state. I uppreelnte that formed no further legal service relu- - lu d deivlee, t lant nluht for l'u- BIG ATTENDANCE IS Leading Picture House, thld air apiiee may be fondlderable In the state superintendent and his Hinall tlve to said litigation after February lulellii, Kull lU-K- uml Irfid Ani'h'd. a cord niudb of twlnted, crooked und force of office ussiatunta cannot pos i2. except possibly the examination ' knotty of l'j cubic a Mr. iiinl Mm, Uuuenlo Vuldt-t- of EXPECTED AT MASONIC dtlckd. Out the sibly cover alt the ground of such and approval of the new mortgage. feet, a fair nveraite of aolid wood la lurge as New Mexico aa effec- Hy terms of the settlement be- TtlmiUiU, 'olo uri here to visit Ihelf you to walk with mo In slate the I "I omul auk uhout eighty cubic feet. tively as they should. To begin with, tween the parties It was agreed that Ki n, lien Yahlr, und Mid, Viildex. FRATERNITY'S DANCE I ull dympiilhy and ninlii slutid itiu. It ii pointed out, however, that heat possibly one niun might cover ullth appellant should ho liable to appellee T. II. JenU hud rel nrned to the am a normal, averuKe man. To thld valiin ia not the only test of useful- schools In u general way. It would be for such attorney's fees us appellee 1 "TELMO" , lm him Uuy have u phyaluul loathing" for elly from lllnliee, Al l. hero ,(ne lliun 2(H) ieiKoiid ure expected ness In fuel wood und since 95 pur better, however, to have one mun tu I should be required to pay his attor j every man lieen ttmkliig uxiiinlruttloiid of mining (l, MiiHonle. friilernlty'i Vet to me aa to cent of all wood used for fuel Id con- devote, . to ney, tteud the Hurleycorn all his time the rural which was to be subsequently inK rtitd. ilnni e lnnlHht nt Hie Mudonlr temple. aud ut every turn John sumed for dotncHtic purposes. largely schools and another to tho elementary adjusted with Mr. Davies; The par- BUT T1HS BRAND nf CAWED I Iolh l All patlid lead to him. While III I'ol H.iml, Ore.. Hell, iit.vw Memliei'd of nil MhhoiiIc lorine, their koiicd. In farm houaea, auch factors aa rapid- and high schoola. Most were unable to agree upon I only five." ties the GOODS AND TOO HAVETHS n i.i'MKt r eimiiiniit on j vlvcn, their liidy frlendd und ineiiiherd Tho flrat when wad ity of burning andjt'uae of lighting stuto departments have uSsiRt-ant- d amount, paid Da-vie- s, lliirth heard I.on-doii- 'a such which should be Mr. lb., i.ilsln, nf nri.iilit) tor ii V, M. A. ,if ihii i.f Knxtcrn Stiir urc Ho beuliia the dtory of Jack nro Important, In the BEST f. lirder the Hurley-vo- ut this time. a few states m.i this question, upon evidence; down til Mexico Invlled. Miidond who fti'p not ufflllut encouutera with John lIH kory Hai Hl;Ui Value. high school Inspector Is ut'tached to heard, was submitted to the district1, Itoyul of Moone will incut ed w ith .my of the AlbniiieriU lodKCd Kach aectlon of tle country hag ltd university; in many others Judge, a Jury. court The Order la unique In It Id the slate without The trial H Inclinled In Invllntlon. The picture that favored wooda and ure aald to nt o'l'lni'K tonlnht ut the lodno urc the atory life, told thee ho Is found In the slate depurtment. found that $500 was the amount rea- urKed to ! Thld w III he the first of a derlea of the true of a mun'a be, In general, the r'ght ones to tine. 1'eraonully, I believe officials owing Mr. by I'oollld. All ineinliei'd uru hlmaclf, frankly tho such sonably Davies Mr. prvrent. Visiting ineinlield etiterliilnmentd to be itlven by the ic by und tuklnir Hickory, of the woodd, should be found In the stute depart- Dockwller, and entered Judgment! ule confidence. No man LET US SEND A MAN- - fiiiteinily In which all lodkoa of audience Into hid hua the hlgheat fuel value per unit ment of education. against uppellunt for that amount, I repremmted. haa ever opened hid heart or the puKea wood, und Tlu Ilev, (Inner KniiiioiiH, in the order are John volume of has other "I wus very much pleused with the and costs of suit, To llcplacc that Hrokcn Window i' Heard la prcdldent fraternity. of hla life more freely than hua Mr. It burna evenly, and. as halite nt Ihe Mulhodldl of the dak thoroughness of the organisation und From this Judgment appeal. Is C.lasa The Hooxler orchclru hiis been London In thid recital. For the housewives aay, hnldn the heut. The tiling of all' statistics Ihiirch, Hinilli. ut iliilhip, In here Ha had been documents und prosecuted. ALBCQTTKTUjrjK LUMBES of driving leddon home he ouka come next, followed hy beech, in your I surprised so Judgment HiKltlim hid imreiilM, .Mr. und Mr. J. In of hla own office. am that of the court below COMPANY The dunce will be Informal. uiiNpni lair both ti'iliiiK- birch and nniple. Pine hud a relatively much has been done with so smull an riioiie421. 423 N. First i, Kmmotid, conduct and In deacrlbhiB eondltlond. low heut value unit volume, but lea-an- n tier office force. Syllabus by the Court. j The Ijidien' Aid noelety of th Kli'dl And when that conduct and that haa udvantni;cg. It Ignite TKMI'I H MHKiK Ol IiCHIIH other "I feel keenly that one of the 1. Where the question as to the lelhodiHi Kplveopul church, U'lll meet Y M'.MII.I.IC.N relate to Ho Intimate a aide of u readily und givca quick, hot l.HT.l.l.i:il II out a greatest needs in your stute at this amount of recovery by plaintiff us at- ui 3 o'clock tomorrow nl'ternoon ut Plan a life ua the part drink has flame, but one that aoon died down. reorgu lloldKWorth, 61(1 time Is a thorough nidation of torney's fees upon a suit filed to fore WALLACE HESSELDEN Ihe home of Mid. A, H. MeMIUeii, aenlor riind war- played In It, It la readily conceded thut Thla milked It a fuvorite with rural stute district unit. New Mexico 1.1 the ' close u estate mortgage, secur- Jh.uIH Kdllh ci I. I In "John llarleyeorn" tho public la an wood, ar real General Contractors, den of ho New Mexico Ki and lodue, houaekeepera a aummcr should try to get away from the ing payment a ' I'V railway (tnvn Htreet offered ii production unlike anything It Is particularly adapted the of promissory note Figures and workmanship count. Thu Siinta liidlulled tli recently elected und ap for primitive district unit, muklng the Is r enr aeon before. for approximately $10,000, submit Wft triiflrantoA mnm mnnev C'otntntdHloni-- Miirtin Tleniey h pointed officers of Temple lodge No, It hua hot duya In tho kitchen. county organization in- for voiir j the basis for ted to the court, upon conflicting evl - Al- - linul elnderd .lny to be tisc (I IiimI Hix reela tell the atory heKinninR The fuel qualified of chestnut adapt thlln any ,)thpr contracting firm in of yeti" nluht. The otllcciH are: stead of the many small districts. dence, and the court awards the sum on direct cruBdliiKd. The htreet khiik Worshipful MfiNlerHyutt Adulr. with the llttlu chap of five, who tlrlnka It particularly to work In bruaa foun- - be one strong county buquerque. Office at hid plow- There should of $500, and the award is sustained built croddliiHH for peiloHlrliiiid over Warden M. K. Mickey. the beer Intended for father, dries, where It gives Just the required 1)()IlI.d () fcl'PERIOIt 1'IiAMNG MILIj Henlor plluction of lnn.P or five by the evidence, the same will be up- muddy islreet Inteidectlonn. Junior Warden Iteiiben Perry. ing in tho dlatunl field; und ending amount or neat ami it is inererore in might be elected Phone 377. ul members, 'which held on appeal, In tho evi- O. 'iidhmun. with the dramatic finrht of th favor. Coastwise vessels In Florida absence of i John V- A. Otero, of 70.1 Went Trciidiirer from the county at large or from dence showing oppression collu- -- writer of today aRalnat tho pay twice much button-woo- d or 'Lead avenue, left IhhI nlKht for Koim Hecretary I II. Chumberlin. as for Florida electoral districts. It is high time that sion. 1 of Barleycorn, i It 25-CEN- M. Senior Dencon J. A. It'll I. fliiul inaatery John as for any other, because your county superintendents be re T TAXI FARE !ccli, t'ullf., to vldlt hid futher, a. Impaaaloned atory 2. In cases tried before the court Junior Deacon H. J. Abruhuina, "it la awlft and burns with an even heat and with a pnrty politics. new It. Otero, und hid two nmtera, Mr. with the hard moved from Tho the erroneous admission of testimony Anywhere in City No- - Junior Htewurd.f. X. tiliiddlng. of adventure, drawn minimum amount of smoke and ash. county board , should foionton l.unn und Mr. Virginia of teulldiii, lighted with till of education will afford no ground for reversal tut lm been t'haplalnA. M. Itobliidon. lined but The principal disadvantage of tho choose n professional diiperlntendcnt Mr. Olrio'd her the of roiuanco. i pines Is oily, black unless It Is apparent that the court Toiirinic Cars for Outside Trips, Also. Sdiul. ; MniKlutl C T. t,owbcr. f resinous their coun very 111. i iiictoryf, i tlurlnB who might be elected from the considered such testimony in decid- Tyler J W. M.illette, The Kriu llInK toll smoke. ty or state or tuition, much us we now ALHllQL'Eliy IHJ.TAX I ii AUTO UMi iivld Huitiinerd, u bipOicr of ,ih. ehllilliood; the uv cntti) f u Hfo' on ing the case. 11. ' Mlvil!c J'.. uri'iiydtei4 elect city superintendents. 3. When u promissory note pro- IlollrsJ-MllrR- !, Stand, K hkhwctitkcr tuH Hun 'Krunclaeo buy ua iiliutej RIDING ' lit. J5 ISnuimera, here front Itidhee, Art,, AUT0M0BILIST CITED (he Dealer "Hopblc BOY, BICYCLE, These superintendents should then vides for the payment of h thn dccuea aboard all required in reasonable li tu visit the former for ew diivd. Hiilheiiiiml" with the "exploration" of nominate the teachers attorney's fees, f suit be brought on iif BEFORE POLICE IS STRUCK BY AN AUTO; the riM'aJ and village districts note, 'Mr. Summer id connected with the JUDGE the J toll in Islaiubi; the Kllmppo of Han the or If attorneys ure employ- ; throughout the counties," to lie , J'lielid-Ood- e tittereiMd, with bend-- Count, Hnydee these ed to collect the same upon default Relieves of ' li'iiuuilmo'd llarbiijy HIS INJURIES SLIGHT by 'county The CATARRH d llidbee. ON FOUR CHARGES ratified tho boards. in the payment of the note, or item lei ul and her love, Ihe first Influence which county and not the local district other the j Idmied ncwdboy un- conditions broken, and the tiotu is I'ouniy I'lel'k Wnllier h'd thia former and should be the basis for the school tax BLADDER .Monlnv.i dial-'ooiil- prca-en- l ycurs placed In the hands of attorneys for to tniirry to I'lihcurlo Clarence Hichiirdd WUH eltcd to up. learned toward hla Peter Mutcuccl, la old, was eminently Old ation. This would be fair collection, the payee of Is all mifl .MniKiiilta Triljilli), both of pear thld morning before I'ollce Juiluii tioHltlon und, above all, the part slightly Injured yesterday afternoon people pre the note and -- as al( Just, knov that the to recover Alinnnieiiji'.e; Antonio C'hiive. of on churned, apeedlUK with John llarleyeorn played in (ill thld when he was struck by Noa llfcld's entitled from the payor Discharges In Vallc. t'ralit four In valent syatum is unjust, i iuunu in such sum, as attorney's fees, lutneho de Allldco, itnri llmilile an iititomohllf, driving wll bout Hnhta, Hicho are chief luctorg the.vltul automobile on Central avenue and See. your strung out as he bi- stale rural districts, has paid or become of AM'Unritue; (lohlhlnilo Kloted and a llcenae and aoenea of the pluy. ond street. The boy was riding a liable to pay, to '24HOURS dilvlnn without drlver'a jua-ttc- along the Santa Fe rullroad taxing Antonita. H.iis, both of Hun Antonio, Hecuude Mr. London Rived full B cycle a brent of the ear and attemptud the extent of the reasonable value of XmoU.!ul.MVitM without u alutc liceioie. thut rullroad to the limit and malting such services, oune 0 J W, K, ItUtddlnir, In the foredl Martin llyrned aaw to tin ilerendets of llarleycorn's to turn ahead of it at the crossing, ae. whether the note is e (utmA clerk ratrolmuti fiiiHl it run the schools. In other districts Paid In cash, or a new Is mm uve-lin- e Vdueo In aoch't.v, hla Indictment cording to witnesses. He was taken note execut- irire, Hd here yedlcrdiiy on the Itichai'dd drive wrat on (Vntrnl not touching the railroad, the people tumleretlt- - convincliiK. 11. store, Dr. ed in lieu of the past obligation. n u.iy to Thob, where he will remain. He at o'clock last tilht. He wag la the more thiillln and to Huppe's drug where had to tax themselves to the limit due Sold hr rtrifHrti.' aeen, tndht-me- nt hud been in th let of Dis- exceedina the limit at that time, Indeed, aa will be thld Charles A. Frank gave him medical even good hediiiai haded chiefly on the very boy Is son of P. then not getting schools. C. II. COXXF.H, M. P.. O. No. "a at Hun rriincldcu, and was to ItMlied, Later !rnea auw will be attention. The the belongs coun- 1. trict uj'fctu-meiU- a, The railroad to all the Osteopathic hid to Didtrlcl him aolnu nt a alower tace, obderved atrenKth of those dcfendern' . Multeuccl, Kid't'lallst transferred at reiiuedt ty and not a small part of It. Under treats - eve. o all curable diseases. ffic- Year's Nu. :l. He wud t'oi'o-niid- hla were und hailed Stern Woodman dance New formerly at the that Hhta durk tho modern system all the people In Building. Phones 655 325, in tbla dldtrlet. him. In addition to the iiutosraph and DEATHS AND FUNERALS. get and Admission 50 cents. Itcfreshmerds foreat preface ull the county would their Bhure. medallion which the ,"1 would not abolish entirely the W odd man Jame New Yeor'a vp. pnaluctlona, "John local board, It, or ut least JUVENILE BAND. by a 11. GimmI. but retain Admiddlon 50 t'entu, Hi!frebnient. iliarleycofn" la dlathwuiartcd Mr. J. one be " London on hid 1). 63 old, died member, to the custodian of Hand nieetiiiK tonight nt P. m.. In eloae view of Mr. Mrs. J. Good, years rep- Gallup Lump s,ove When play home, local property and be the local fcu"H1 Central hlith acliool, corner of l.eud yacht, "The Homer." the at 9:40 o'clock last night ut her of county Ccrrillos Lump HAHN hegina w ac Mr. London writtiiK the HoUth High Hhe had been resentative the board which COAL CO uvetiua und Third Htreet, 415 street. ed- ua he years. he should advise and place local opening lluea. 4t closea writes a resident of this city for eight H "a g ucational a Irs. ;i while hpeak-ln- sons survive. SPRINGER II. M. WILLIAMS the eoncludlnft huiter, Her husband and two "Another thing which has Interest AXTUHACITE, ALL SIZES, STEAM COAL worda, easily read, "And this One son, J. C. Good, of Tulsa, Okln., Dentist the ed me Intensely und on which I hesi TRANSFER 1 ia my mea-nise.- Thursday on account CokeMill Wood, Factory Wootl, Cord Wood, Linie. Itoonid mhI S, whltlna; nulldinK, came here last speak, bi Nullvo hlndlliij;, Harleyeorn" will b aeen at aerloua Illness of his mother. tate somewhat to is the QUICK Corner Secontl und tlold. "John of the lingual situation. Whatever you do .. SERVICE 1'hone No. tint. tha Cryatnl today fthd tomorrow at The other son, W. K. Good, lives at rulae in two broth- with the two languages, Knglish aad matinee and uiKht aliown. No Kl Paso. Three sisters and Spanish, be priced. ers of Mrs, Good live in tho east. Fu- they must handled in the will be held at 2 o'clock schools In such a manner that out of neral services It we get strongest possible Tim Jllopraph company will puas tomorrow afternoon at T. French's all the city soon on way American citizens. If this can be done thnumh thia the chapel, In perpetuate All OFFER TO ALL POORLY PAID MEII New Jersey to Log AliKelea. A a manner to all that from Is good and best In the Hpanlsh, as f ifpeeiul train of twelve card will ba IN 1o every man, and woman, too, GAMBLING DEVICE well In .English, t , who struggling along against will be made llo-laik- as the should be aavers ty, is CRYSTAL TODAY naeil. The Ktarl at done. From my own experience I feel striving to muke tho best of long hours and poor 'Wages, tomorrow. TULAR0SA GIVES RISE that we do not make trie best Ameri- the International Correspondence Schools, the standing und achieve- ments of which are known can citizens out of tho Spanish-spea- k and honored everywhere make this offer: It you will by X. KOEHLER GETS ROAD TO MANY COMPLAINTS ing people by forcing them to throw-asid- indicate a mark like this on the roupon below which oceupat on you prefer, the I. C. 8. will you how it is not as quickly as possible their only possible, show EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTIONJACK LONDON'S MAP FOR STATE BOOK re- but actually easy for you to occupation and TO MOdHIN JOtfdMAkl great herltuge which they have secure, enter that SirtCIAk CONHaV9OKdC a good paying position. It puts you under no obligation to Tulariisa, N. M.. Dec 28. The dif- ceived from old Spain. At the same Betid in the coupon. TO BE SHOWN AT FAIR put on time it should not be made use of to ferent forma of entertainment Huvc you enough curiosity hv a. traveling carnival company in the disparagement of the English to u! imtv?'. language, ana cus "JOHN BARLEYCORN" As the last forms of the official this city during thn tnt week were literature, history 1 . & ! - . . . . bunk, be by the tho cause of u number of complaints toms. believe .sincerely that in those n jslule to distributed sections of New Mexico where Span UM i LKINA I IONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS IN SIX REELS j commissioner of publicity ut Han that the law was being violated. go press, completeness It Is charged un open gam- children are in the ma- Diego, to the that jority, they may most quickly Box 888, Scrunton, p. 1 book is on every hand. bling game was conducted under the be 'of the evident un- Americanized In of without further (limU K. In receipt of a large KUlsu of a contest for prises of the true sense the liln. ohlliratlon on mv 'part how I can 'A. Koehler is word liy making use sys- lor th. ponitlun. trade, or profewton befora whicll X. Lessons Put Upon (number of complete maps of the known value, and that "suckers" were of the dual I have marked One of the Greatest Ever a Screen Map company, taken in tow In the most approved tem of language in the schools i. e.. state from the Clason by having using Automobile compiled a map covering manner. Citizen of teachers capable of Kunnin Chemist Mechanical Engineer which ha the both Fnglish and Hpanlsh and having Pou'try lnguaires A Picture That Should Be Seen by All. 'not only the geographical . featured. Tulurosu, it is said, appealed to funning Telephone Kpert contain a complete set of authorities to prevent the operation the children use. readers and language BoflUkriper Banking Stationary Engineer but also game, get no re- texts making use of both languages, Civil her. Textile Manuiautur. tooled of highways and good roads, of the but could stenographer ' Danish Kngineer ' al day "In the communities where the Advertising Chil plainly marked In red. This map was sults. Tho "'show' was run Man Freneh Muildlng Comractor prevail, of I Show-car- d 3:45; Twice at Night, 7:30 and 9 Sunday. . j Americans course. would Wrltiog Jerman Matinees,'2:30 and compiled especially for the official VVIndow ArchltRit bound In the com leave this out of consideration. In all Trimming Italian ' "oncrelo Construct n. book and will be high schools, I Commercial plete book. In addition to this stuteJ AiUulaiit ieiierl KirteMalii. the however, would lilustra. Klectrieat Wtreman Plumbing. Steam FIU I Industrial Designing Klectrk-.i- l Engineer county will m sepa- Sunta Fe. De". s. Adjutant Gen emphasise the value of the Spanish Mine Foreman map, each have language, Its Architectural Draft. Mechanical 8uprinl.endcnt rate map also for the publication. erl and Mrs, HcitIu will b at horn both for cultural and lirafts. Mine NO RAISE IN PRICES on December So 'to lit Mflcr aad economic sides as our great south states are In ' ttss-sengj- members of the National guard, from western bound the future Name Delivery it. St, & No. ad:.:iss!o;mo cents; children 5 cents Henry's and 8 to 10:30 in tha evening. to get Into more intimate relation- - cuy : Phone S33. . sii 3C .to th southward 4