University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-29-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-29-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-29-1914." (1914). abq_mj_news/1159 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AJLBJQUEMIJE MOMOTNG JTOUMNAJL- TIIIHTV-SIXT- II YEAIt i ,l ., ( X XMV. No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1914, Kiilly liy Carrier or Mull, flr m Month. Wnttlo Copies, fio PACIFIC RELIEF SHIP duty and the smaller craft off the coasts. LEKillFE PASSING THROUGH CANAL U. S. COOLS in BLOODTHIRSTY PRACTICALLY NO FIRM PROTEST Giti;vr n i.. i;i svm-i.i-- r MORMIN JOUHNAI. iridu II1IIO aill; (HI It HIUTIMI IM.KS Nt-- York, Dee. sh, California's IS 2 H. A relief ship 'a m no, currying u cargo BELGIUM MUSI ZAPATA SEEKS CHANCES MADE l.n.doii. Dec. ;l:lo in.) AGAINST SEIZURE III f food fur Itelgiuns, in pass- gteat gnle and snowstorm swept over the now Fl ing through tin larger part of Great Britain and the Panama runul, ll was announced today ut the headiuurt, in Ireland last night, terultlng in dai.i-age- . of the commission for relief In Del-Kiu- loss of life unit much N ICIIOII OF The Cumlnn is the first of the BE ACCEPTABLE EXTERMINATION NBATTLEFRON The Ulcgraph'c seivlce on ih" BY OF relief ship from the Pacific count to I continent was disorgantxed and com- ENGLAND use. the venal. She. left Sun Pedro munication Willi France was almost December 8 and arrived ut Pnlhoa on Si vered. I'hrlKtmu s. One man wan killed and several JUSTICE The next state ship which Vlll sail EX-FEBERA- LS persons were Injured by the collapse TO bERMAri ARMY OP EAST Oil of a AMERICAN SHIPS Fill from New York will be the Hannah, house wall at Clapham. Else- how taking u lion rd cargo. IS! where In London plale gliihs wltidovn a Kansas Ii Is expected on were Mown .out a oil property ai to clear Friday. damaged The Maryland Hhlp John Hardie Is I In other ways. Two feet of loading ut In expect- snow fell In niiiiiy parts of the co'iu-tr- v Appeal to United Su- Paltlmore and States ed to nail January 6. The Industry Mr, Bryan Refuses to Make Gutierrez and Villa Favor Trial Belgians, by Sapping, Claim to causing serious flooding of liver. Carefully Worded Dublin experienced the heaviest Document Atlan- currying a mixed cargo given by preme Court Granted Pennsylvania, will sail within a week Public Notification Received for Officers Who Seived Have Captured Three Thou- snow full In tunny years. Recites Grievance of United Man Charged With Mur- ax will the llurpalyoe, now loading nt t)MM ta Ponton with a cargo from Massachu- by State Department From Under Hueita Before Ex- - sand Germans With Little ltl I! HllWI KIT States Over Interference setts and other .Vew Kngland states. or t.i haiaw der of Girl, Berlin Government, ecutions Are Ordered. Loss to Themselves, With Commerce, London. ) 7 nv. (Lot) a. in The CONGRATULATIONS ON Dally Sketch publishes the rvport QUESTIONS ARE that Commander Eiancls E. Vtewlett, NOVEL PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY VIGOROUS PROTEST IS GENERAL AMNESTY IS BRITISH NEWSPAPERS who piloted one of the British DIPLOMATIC NOTE IS in the raid on Cuxhuven, Is n PRESENTED BY CASE MADE BY AMERICAN prisoner in I ty MoNiNa journal MINISTER POLICY ENTHUSE OVER RAID the hands of tlio Germans, IIMIinill riMlinnt"TdlvjIMiriUAHI sficial mm According to UIMUOUMLLI x Washington. Dec. 2 un the account In the v.. Wilson receiving: mes- Sketch. Hewlett's machine was dam- tonight leg.!,, aged by sages from riilem of foreign shell fun and came down In Full Bench of Highest Tribunal mntric Military Authorities in Control Brazilian Minister Reports the sea. When was ccngrululatlng on fk'ty-eight- h Scout Stories From Berlin That Hewlett last seen Great Britain Is Warned That his u .1., . - L. in Country Will Give Hearing birthday aniil.vr.'iiiy. The fust to of Conquered Territory Conditions in Mexico City No arrive were fn m King Geor-j- of Have Damage Was Done to " " Policy Must Bo Modified (ireut Hrlluin apd to Man Accused of Atro- President i'stradu Right to Prescribe Rules As Full of Uncertainties and GMt.M A.YS Cabrera of GuVemnla. Kaiser's Ships at Cuxhaven, IHtOI' ItUMHN, Quickly; Language Has No KILLING 't cious Crime, by Secretary Hryan, 'hj resi- Absolutely, Not Harmonious, or to Gas Works, OWN I'l'.OI'I.L Note, 4 dent's cabinet it, I led at the White Uncertain lfoiise during the evening to extend London. !,.. '! . hi.). j congratulations. Copenhagen dispute!) to the Dally ray fSV MQMNIN JOURNAL CMAL lav MoaNiKa mosnins journal (fccal iiamo ampi Hera ii we of cancellation of all star; ttAMO WINIl jouhnal aciAk LtAiia mimi lV MONKISH JOURNAL mciAL LIA1I Wlftll Mall referring lo a report published MaftNIN JOUSHAi. VPCVIAL IIAICB - by ly mi ' Washington. Dee. lis Juslie0 La- dinners and receptions rollowing Mrs. Washington, Uee. 2S. The German Washington, Pit. 2S. Dispatcher Loudon, Dec. ;'S (ll p. m.) Tho the Humburger Fremdenhlutt that Washington, Dee. i'x. Tlie fulled mar. or the supreme court, tud:iy Wilson's death, the gatherin,-- of the Kovernment has foriuullv notified from the I'.'azlllan minister in .Mex- battle lines In cast four llrltlsh airmen dropped hoinbs on Plates government today dispatched a of the and the west granted an uppeal from the refimal j( ublnet wan the nearest uppriucr to the American slate dcparlmelit ico City, dated there, early today and have undergone only the Gcrmanl Inland of Ijingooog In the long note' to Great Hrllain, Insisting - i that Indefinite sev-eru- the federal district court for north u social affair held in the White politi- North sen on Christinas, killing on un early Improvement in tho treat- j American consuls In licUlunt must received tonight, descrtoed the changes In days. ern Georgia, to releuse oil habeas cor - House for many months, the last few civilians, savs an Investigation ment of American commerce hy the I be acceptable to cal situaihm u full of uncertat n pus proceeding Leo .M. Frank, un- - Among messages received' eic the German military (. The French and the German re- proves thHt It was pot Itrlllsh who Hrltish fleet. It gave warning that der death sentence for the murder of several from the parent of children authorities slid that It is desirable lie referred to tha luck of harmony ports, agree that the Germans have dropped tile bombs, but German air- much feeling had been aroused lu .Mary Phngan, a lucioiy named after the president bcausy that soine of the consuls be with among the several, chiefs, some, of captured a section of trenches near men who believed that llrltlsl) tor- this country ami public criticism Holleliek", Yples. pedo that (?lrl of Atlanta, I. a. their birthdays were the same as his. drawn, for the present, at least. whom were udvoeatlng radical and south of boa's were lurking off the Island was general over unwarranted Inter- i In fog. Frank sentenced to. die on Janu- Secretary liryan declined to make extreme measures of government, hut Tho French assert that the Ger- the ference with the legitimate, fore Ik a 1 mans gave up ary 22, but Justice .a mar's action public the text of the German com Indicated that nothing alarming had trenches on the first trade of the t'nlted Hlutes. good was line to KD L I effects an Indefinite stay of execution. munication or to on it developed and that order the extent of about or m;i mi:es mot Klnmg ltcMVMMitaU,in. comment mull 80(1 yards In region, t HV Thirty days are given for filing the IE AMERICANS he nad full opportunity to consider It being preserved. the lns further HECK ED HIUTIMI MINIS The document, constituting the I east, while record of the proceedings in the lover I he understanding In official circles .sputa llloixllhli'M.Y. unsuccessful demonstra- strongest representation on this sub- agents, de- tions been ; court. Immediately after that has is that the notice la similar to the Krom its own the state have made from both sides linilon. Dec. (1:15 a. in.) ject made by tho. l ulled Htates to uny may i partment ex- at points Commenting on been done, the state of Georgia one sent to Argentina and other neu- was advised that friction various along the extended the fait that eight of. the belligerents since the outbreak ask that the case be advanced for j tral countries. isted between the .a pit tit and Villi lines. vessels have been lost lit tho North of the war, was cabled to Ambassador gen- - on Ilclglans hearing and such suggestions are j WERE SHOT IT MiiMt Work With factious based chiefly the de.sire Make lllg Haul. sea since Christmas eve, owing lo Pugo to be formally presented to 8lr - German. of- rally granted, although In the rcgu- is sum of Zapata to execute many of the The reports of the numbers of mines, the Times says today: Fdward Grey, ilrillsh foreign secre- ii mat wnile the German once with fed- "Many lar course the case would not come j government does not Insist that eon ficers who served the wounded both armies are sending people have been under the tary.
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