Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:239 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY . APRIL 02. 2017 -Hamal 13, 1396 HS U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tiller- son said Friday at a NATO meet- ing in Brussels that NATO’s work in Afghanistan remains critical and that his country is committed to supporting the Afghan forces. In what is seen as the first sign of support by U.S President Donald Trump’s administration in fighting terrorism in Afghanistan, Tillerson said: “The United States is committed to the Resolute Sup- port Mission and to our support Dr. Hameedullah Mohib, Afghanistan’s ambas- for Afghan forces. sador to the United States “NATO’s Train, Advise, And Assist mission is essential to our shared goal of ensuring that Af- ghanistan develops the capability to contribute to regional stability and prevail over terrorist threats, including al-Qaeda and ISIS (Daesh),” he said. He said the ongoing commit- ment of NATO Allies and part- ners to peace in Afghanistan, in- cluding to an eventual settlement er from Kabul, told today’s ses- between the Afghan government sion that acting officials were just and the Taliban, protects the Alli- passing their time and did nothing ance’s interests, and, when suc- Incompetent administration pre- cessful, ensures that Afghanistan vailed in offices run by acting offi- never again becomes a safe haven cials, a problem the government for terrorists. should resolve forthwith, she de- In response to this, Ministry manded.