
Global Emissions and Mitigation Opportunities

Why Target Methane?

Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse (GHG) after dioxide (CO2), accounting for about 20 percent of global emissions. Methane is considered a “short-term climate forcer,” meaning it has a relatively short lifespan in the atmosphere of approximately 12 years. Though methane is in the atmosphere for a shorter of time and is emitted in smaller 1 quantities than CO2, its (i.e., the ability of the gas to trap heat in the atmosphere) is 28-34 times greater. As a result, contributed to about one-third of today’s anthropogenic GHG warming. Methane is emitted during the production and transport of , , and oil. Emissions also result from the decay of in municipal solid (MSW) , some livestock manure storage systems, and certain agro-industrial and municipal systems. Capturing methane from these sources offers a unique opportunity to mitigate and simultaneously increase , enhance economic growth, and improve air quality and worker safety.

Ü Global Methane Emissions Figure 1: Estimated Global Anthropogenic by Sector Methane Emissions by Source, 2020 Cultivation 7% Global anthropogenic methane emissions Stationary & Enteric Fermentation 27% by 2020 are estimated to be 9,390 million Mobile Sources 4% 2 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (MMTCO2E). 3% Approximately 54 percent of these emissions will come from the five sources Other Ag Sources 5% targeted by the Global Methane Initiative (Manure Wastewater 7% (GMI): agriculture (), Management) 3% coal mines, MSW, oil and natural gas systems, and wastewater (see Figure 1). Coal 9% GMI Partner Countries (see www. globalmethane.org for complete list) Municipal Solid represent approximately 70 percent of the Oil & Gas 24% Waste 11% world’s estimated anthropogenic methane emissions. Partner countries’ major methane emission sources vary greatly, and thus the opportunities for methane capture and use in Figure 2: Estimated and Projected Global Anthropogenic each country also vary. Methane Emissions by Source, 2020 and 2030 3000 Ü Global Emissions Projections Enteric Fermentation 2500 Global anthropogenic methane emissions are projected to increase by nearly 9 percent over 2000 anticipated 2020 levels to 10,220 MMTCO2E by Municipal 1500 Solid 2030 (see Figure 2). Waste

From 2020 to 2030, the relative proportions of 1000 Wastewater Other Ag the agriculture (manure management), coal Sources Manure mines, and wastewater sectors are projected to 500 Management

1 The fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released 0 in 2013, included methane GWP values of 28 to 34. The and other de- Oil and Coal Rice Stationary Biomass veloped countries are currently using the fourth report’s GWP value of 25 to quantify Gas Mining Cultivation & Mobile -500 the climate impact of U.S.-government-supported methane reduction projects.

2 Unless otherwise noted, all data are from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Estimated 2020 Emissions Projected Added Emissions by 2030 (U.S. EPA’s) Global Anthropogenic Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse : 1990–2030 report. www.epa.gov/climatechange/Downloads/EPAactivities/ EPA_Global_NonCO2_Projections_Dec2012.pdf. Global Methane Initiative 1 www.globalmethane.org remain constant, while emissions from Figure 3: Global Anthropogenic Methane Emissions, 1990 - 2030 MSW and the oil and gas sectors are 6000 expected to increase by approximately one percent of estimated global 5000 anthropogenic methane emissions (see Figure 3). Within each sector, methane 4000 E emissions from agriculture, MSW, 2 and wastewater treatment systems 3000 are expected to increase by 5, 6, and

8 percent respectively. Oil and gas MMTCO 2000 emissions are estimated to increase by 11 percent over current levels. Finally, 1000 emissions associated with coal mines are expected to increase by 17 percent 0 from 2020 to 2030. 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Ü Benefits of Methane Agriculture Coal Mines Oil & Gas Wastewater Mitigation Cost-effective mitigation technologies leaks, yielding health and safety and practices to address methane benefits while increasing efficiency, The Global Methane Initiative emissions from the largest thus generating increased revenue. anthropogenic sources are already The Global Methane Initiative (GMI) is a For any project, recovering widely available and in use all over voluntary, multilateral partnership that methane provides a local source the world.3 In addition to mitigating aims to reduce global methane emissions of clean energy that can spur climate change, reducing methane economic development and and to advance the abatement, recovery, emissions delivers a host of other displace higher CO - and pollutant- and use of methane as a clean energy energy, health and safety, and 2 intensive energy sources such as source. GMI achieves this goal by creating local environmental benefits. Many wood, coal, and oil. Recovered technologies and practices that an international network of partner methane can also serve as a new reduce methane emissions also governments, private sector members, sustainable and abundant energy reduce emissions of volatile organic development banks, universities and non- source for developing countries. compounds, hazardous air pollutants, governmental organizations to conduct and other local air pollutants. This Ü assessments, build capacity, create yields health benefits for local Overview of Mitigation partnerships, and share information to populations and workers. Because Opportunities facilitate project development for methane methane is an important precursor Many of the currently available of tropospheric , reducing methane mitigation opportunities reduction in GMI Partner Countries. methane also reduces ozone-related involve the recovery and use of More than 1,000 public and private sector health effects. methane as for organizations are members of the GMI generation, onsite uses, or offsite Methane reduction projects at landfills Project Network, and have helped the and wastewater treatment plants gas sales. Specific technologies and program to leverage nearly $600 million also reduce ; in the agriculture mitigation approaches, however, sector, they control manure, protect vary by emission source because of in investment from private companies and local , and reduce odors. their different characteristics and financial institutions. Capturing methane from gassy coal emission processes. The matrix (on mines improves industrial safety by page 3) provides a brief summary reducing the risk of explosions. The use of the mitigation opportunities by of low-emission equipment and better sector, as as examples of mitigation management practices in oil and technologies from Partner Countries. natural gas systems minimizes methane

3 The Fourth Assessment Report of Working Group III of the IPCC (www.mnp.nl/ipcc/pages_media/AR4-chapters.html) and the U.S. EPA report, Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (www.epa.gov/climatechange/economics/international.html), both contain information on methane mitigation options. Global Methane Initiative 2 www.globalmethane.org Global Methane Proven Mitigation Sources of Methane Mitigation Opportunities Emissions Technologies per Sector*

Agriculture (Manure 286 • Covered anaerobic lagoons collect and transmit

Management) MMTCO2E lagoon-generated to a dedicated point for transmission to some type of gas use device (e.g., Produced from decomposi- engine). tion of livestock and poultry manure stored or treated • Digesters (e.g., plug flow, complete mix) that in systems that promote or “digest” organic waste in the absence of , anaerobic conditions (e.g., thereby generating methane for collection and use. liquid or slurry in lagoons, For more information from the Agriculture Subcommittee: Floating Dome Anaerobic ponds, tanks, or pits). www.globalmethane.org/agriculture Digester (India)

Coal Mines 799 • Degasification, where holes are drilled and the

MMTCO2E methane is captured (not vented) in conjunction with Emitted from active and mining operations. abandoned underground mines and surface mines, • Ventilation air methane (VAM) abatement, where and as a result of post- low concentrations of methane are oxidized to mining activities including generate heat for process use and/or electricity coal processing, storage, generation. and transportation. For more information from the Coal Subcommittee: Degasification Pump Station www.globalmethane.org/coal-mines (Ukraine)

Municipal Solid Waste 1,077 • Extraction using a series of and a vacuum

MMTCO2E system, which directs the collected gas to a point to Produced through the be combusted in a flare or utilized for energy (e.g., of organic , boiler, dryers, vehicle fuel). waste under anaerobic conditions typically found For more information from the Municipal Solid Waste in landfills and large dump Subcommittee: www.globalmethane.org/landfills sites. Gas Well ()

Oil & Gas Systems 2,276 • Technologies or equipment upgrades that reduce or MMTCO E eliminate equipment venting or fugitive emissions. Emitted during normal 2 operations, routine main- • Enhanced management practices that take advan- tenance, and system disrup- tage of improved measurement or emission reduc- tions in the oil and natural tion technology. gas industry. For more information from the Oil and Gas Subcommittee: Leak Detection Equipment www.globalmethane.org/oil-gas (Mexico)

Wastewater 672 Installation of: MMTCO E Produced by decay of 2 • Anaerobic sludge digestion (new construction or organic material in waste- retrofit of existing aerobic treatment systems). as it decomposes in anaerobic environments. • Biogas capture systems at existing open air anaerobic lagoons. • New centralized aerobic treatment facilities or cov- ered lagoons. • Gas capture and systems to flare or utilize methane (e.g., onsite electricity or other thermal uses). For more information from the Wastewater Subcommittee: Anaerobic Wastewater www.globalmethane.org/wastewater Treatment (Chile)

*estimated annual 2020 emissions

Global Methane Initiative 3 www.globalmethane.org Ü Emission Reduction Table 1: Global Percentage Reduction from Projected Baseline, 2030 Potential by Sector Global Cost per Baseline Abatement Methane emissions can be relatively $0 $15 $30 $45 $60 inexpensive to reduce compared with MTCO2E (MMTCO2E) Potential (at any cost) CO2, and various government agencies and organizations are incorporating Agriculture 0% 3% 10% 13% 15% 384 28% non-CO2 mitigation into analysis and policy discussions. U.S. EPA’s Global 10% 56% 59% 59% 59% 784 60% Mitigation of Non-CO Municipal 2 12% 26% 31% 32% 32% 959 61% report conducted an analysis applying Solid Waste currently available mitigation options Oil and Gas 35% 42% 44% 45% 47% 2,113 58% and technologies to global methane emission baselines in the five GMI Wastewater 1% 3% 5% 7% 8% 609 36% Source: Global Mitigation of Non-CO Greenhouse Gases: 1990 – 2020 (EPA Report 430-R-06-005) target sectors to provide insight into 2 methane emission reduction potential and costs. 4 the baseline—the greatest total Ü Conclusion reduction potential of all sectors. There are many economically viable Agriculture (Manure • • Oil and Gas: Represents the opportunities worldwide to reduce Management): Has an increasing greatest near-term opportunity, methane emissions. GMI serves as reduction potential of 3 to 10 with the largest emission reduction an innovative mechanism to bring percent associated with raising potential of 35 percent resulting together interested parties from activity costs from $15 to $30/ from no-cost activities ($0/MTCO E). 2 government and the private sector MTCO E. Increasing costs to $60 2 Increasing costs from $15 to $60/ to overcome barriers and facilitate generates an additional 5 percent MTCO E generates an additional 2 methane project development abatement but at diminishing 5 percent, while achieving the and implementation around the margins of return per cost increase. remaining 11 percent to reach the world. By conducting technology The global abatement potential or maximum GAP requires costs in transfer, improving local capacity, GAP (at any cost) is only 28 percent excess of $60/MTCO E. 2 and marketing project opportunities of the baseline. • Wastewater: Could achieve a one across borders and sectors, the • Coal Mines: 56 percent of potential percent reduction potential at no Initiative is promoting local, clean reductions—which represents cost ($0/MTCO2E), increasing up to energy resources while reducing GHG nearly all of the sector’s GAP— 8 percent by raising activity costs emissions. could be achieved by increasing to $60/MTCO2E. Achieving the costs from $0 to $15/MTCO2E, sector’s 36 percent GAP requires above which the potential for costs in excess of $60/MTCO2E. reductions remains steady Overall, the methane mitigation regardless of increased activity For additional information, please visit potential at or below $0/MTCO E is cost. 2 the GMI website at: approximately 940 MMTCO2E. The • MSW: Has an emission reduction mitigation potential doubles to nearly www.globalmethane.org potential of more than 25 percent 1,900 MMTCO E as the price of the 2 or contact the with a minimal $15/MTCO E action rises from $0 to $60/MTCO E, 2 2 GMI Administrative Support Group investment, but remains relatively which accounts for more than 70 Tel: +1-202-343-9683 constant per cost increment from percent of the GAP from these five

$30 to $60/MTCO2E. Another 30 sectors. The analyses also found that E-mail: [email protected] percent increase in reduction the largest methane emitters (e.g., potential exists for activities costing China, , United States) show

more than $60/MTCO2E, which significant mitigation potential in the results in a GAP of 61 percent of lower range (e.g., $10/MTCO2E).

4  Complete details on the inputs and methodologies used in this analysis are fully described in U.S. EPA’s report Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: 2010 - 2030 at http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/EPAactivities/economics/nonco2mitigation.html.

Global Methane Initiative 4 www.globalmethane.org