WWWWWWWW .....,.., r WWW 4 I 4 4 SAN ,TOSEkST, ' Managing Editor COLLEGE 4 I 4 E 18 Homecoming This Issue 1 4 i For Day 4 4 Po Mary TracY 1 4 0 4 June 16 4 SPART C-7 i. AILY

%H., 22 Norrher 14;- Seniors Holding Ball Friday Night coPEncouRsurCAVANACD ELECTED EDITOR+STANFORD CARDINALS BE GIVEN THIS FALL DAILY ' cixteen Positions 1)lore.s Freitas Named Indust ria*- I A rts ToWILL FURNISH MUSIC MISS E. JENKS u Editor Of Handbook . SAYS Found Durinf). I-or Coming Year isp ay x it FOR RIMY EVENING New Subjects to ; !..t. ...,1 editor of Manv Past Week !be I f. - t st quarter at This Week Corsages Given With Be Offered For First :dna) Board it; hi,,:h , di tri the Spartan Bids, Says Chairman Time Next Quarter p..minurng ; I rt ... Isat 11' held ,,,,,, .., ,,,,, and iaario or ny. rr proportions an exhibit pi per/lent; for the ;ear. 'I 11-,;,tirtt- if -di.- Of Bids Bill Moore of student - rt will be displayed by merit office, the dirtt,tit - ..1 Mi.- ,4- i ,,,,cctl to run against t rarnh,r of new courses are being under the Dula-tn.' Arts department starting'. la dia Innes, Appointn nt. -, r ! try, biro "Unique and different" was the or- ,d,],t! ! the ahool curriculum in the next Vieth., t at 1 o'clock and lasting announced the latter parr of I! ..,,..,k It V , : ..ted to ..ontinue hav- ' iginal idea of the Senior Ball, which will until .5 11% , .. an Thursday, according .yrita ,filartments in the college for ; t ! 'wont it the Globe ay that sixteen additional pl ,rt'rn, t - :. el 'at, et' " to Dr. 11 1 Sotzin, head of the in- 'take place Friday evening at the Hotel I an, c fall quarter. Several of been ,,,ie from May ,, ,,, I.,. , , if,. Printa. i .,m,,,,... mat ;ear. th dustrial .,r-r- department. Sainte Claire at g p. m. In keeping , ltren offered in other years dusk,. Deb, 1 rt . ,I-1,. ilso elected edi- t . Cet public the exhibit will committee workina rity win be riven for rho Dori, th, LA,t t.. ,.. , ,, , tor to tl.. ,,- I sralent Body Hama-, Open I with this idea the feature t,,,,a., t; made by students of 'underI Margaret Rosebrook has pre- mher. has pin, ed forty ei.rld - ---. le'"i' quarter.' tint ,rn. 0-. Sept. SaIl J.,-. ,1 ,te during the past feat- graduating rl, -- pared v-hat is the most unique Elinleth Jenks, head of the "lb ..’’’’,t- It , i limated at the present time' Ills. This year's and last year's exec- each bid. teen former graduate!, . tha! . r ..00 pieces of student made ; ure of allcorsages with \ rt. department, announces a utive rouncila will meet this after- appointaut to the II.. tort. r. ,Itatric wares, and took will Corsages to match any .tr.,1 all for- course, which will and ,,n. mask., d noon at three &clock in the Spartan ft:ratan...mai Speech provid,r1 N:re..el pro- Daily office to set the budget& for I" ' Ihrre will ais be di'PlaYeel'mals will be spetolia .hfinitely on improving voices iornia ina,ls pr. n ale by the fall and ainterlayara, have a ne:a year. nee prer,,r I Also for the and diction and in overcoming fear of Aplittintrenets .0,,, ttot most of the wares thatl affair. All attending 01 loill are asked speakinc or reading before a group. Marie It And,: I V, II: I. ' 4,11n were planned and con- formals. the course is desiened to make the Emil) tt- r't ' ,. -tudents in preseitt Indus- to wear Spartan Dady H as-1 chairman of the ta.ie.: of public sprakine or oral in- 011ie t ;rid! r lasses. Nlildred Murett-tn lriatron and pate. i.e.; committee has t, rtzt lot. more aereeable and also Egan, the lighter objects to be ,:: the pronoo. of a number of fac- ; rt tirable. as many students talc. bort. NI... Annual I3anquet , Three) secured ntinued on Paet. ball. ie.: !ft a :',1115e5 befcire this preliminary Cruz Count . : . it r: ! F. tatty members. to attend the t i . . ..ir! , r , t h.ird work, the mu- rtinlea lad to derive as much benefit Doris Standert,r, NI, n.,1 cr,,nr, . perry . " , r , Craig's Cardinals will furnish the 1 . si.artat D.tily attended A - thin.. a; they might. Stratton. Mot:tacit! Vi, , I D ,..1,1,4 Ta - . the e`e"1" ""ith Prwaise"e be :.,, ...I ,n the Hotel DeAnza on Fri- To utter 'fe the activities of Sen- -nr :ma course in debating ia also lor. Alameda; Edna Welkin!. Casino Peterson a fitting climax to the d.e. nizht kr. Ilullida; , retiring Ali: Lucile Fonfara, ., . ff,kr,1 in that department. for ville; and Wm. F Wo, Ie., Mode -to. ior week. according to I A.:, 1.-, r, pre-irlecl a maarr of ceremon- , tbn,,e who participate in debate.. They! Tht following bae been placed, but New Course 'general chairman. V', drrtelticin, the guests of honor. be sal be organized into a elaas meeting details are not ataiiable; Crtherino . One member oi each couple must 1 .r.t.rr :,I, ..., aven by Robert Le Offering a completely new course, Mr. have ono a went. where their debates will Clark. William Dre,back Joe Freeland . a senior. Elabonte deeorations , ',,l. to in, . wa et i. e editor cti the Frank F. Peterson will join the matha- of the be aorked upon. diSCLISSCII, and crit- tad Fred Steen. been planned. and the patio milks department here at State next until Oa,: -- Cafe Esplendido los been secured 1 i tai tP. -L-ta' )1-..a stags,' bY Robert Fall. The new course will be in ants ; ,,,,:ao. ,,i).,.r.,,,,,;,:_,,,,i,,,.,i;:,,,,L, rtrkeila:i., Lars. ,..,,,,,rtics,,,,:,,,,,Nrioint vaii, ',he:0:: .,,Tra:ctic,...irsee... E LarrymEagleson Bill Moore, joffn sttiti''' n - th':, .,,rt'''' ment time is in presenting several Yen"' a cour-- th' .',- Three Hundred To .. tweet Ittatbrook, Betty Gill, ia t_nt.t.,i ant. Agnetature :a. anina.: . ,phin 11..h.ton. Victor Peterson, :.erience in the field oi aranautics, hav- 'Burr Burbank, Fret, flower], Mildred In. c.,:r . will he given in the tali. G. I.._ el Payne all gave bri.1 .n. liven Receive Diplomas .: a designer-, naneer for the Murgotten have 1.1. : working on the 1..., ..., ..a. horticulture, in the win ,,C, ab. it ..l. lield of Journalism Conewny in Tulsa, ,.trtan Aircraft >tans f r th serCer ' t'' f th st .. and Agriculture 49, poultry, ' -tedent. vhrt The .t. , V ,- attended by memben , ,..i,homa the 1: E. Nlahoney In addition t and for weeks as committee (for:nen and have , . . ni. h ins laded Bo ar, rait Company oi s d Diego. This will receive dif completed all arrancenn: - r., make the proeram of photography th, conanan,, .. ...hard. Bernice Horn :.:, in; . it will be r, r, t mbered, was ,,,,a,,r ban a aurer,,,; !cad. Photography I, with no anal, a; i.r,..:sci, Paul Lukett, ra who built Lindlter.d.'s plane. pr, tkites .111 le. Oven in the fall, iya , a form, - Michael Angelo, t i.,. follISC offered wil hr. Engineer . phs. 50, portrait- wiiinan ! 1...len Steven, Thelma r, will he for three -.nes and svill . Photography 70a, Suprem, Margaret Del- nred at 2:00 in 11,. afternoon Barbecue Wi/1 Be ,hotography. the honorary l ..,,-. Randolph Smith, . : aluntlas', Wednesdij. and Fri. I will be repeated each ju,ka Lan. Mary Tracy, Bill Zie- d , ’llt. course is for students interest- Given Saturday I V lie tollowed by Pho- nate of tyn rtnautics, and Mr. Nlinnsen, in In conjunction with the large pro. .r..n tl irine the winter. Al- torougnout 1.tr. Peterson, d . the addition, added. -We feel , , eram being plann.ti fur Saturday, June , int, r quarter Photography alumnus of hi . \ i ... t es ell, Dario Si- .. ' IY f avfaliful f'. ’ '''' "a lo. the Alumni Association has com- - tr. photoeraphs. and pho- adyrate rti,, Clarence Naas, ,,,portance to our tutor.- tran- !deter] plans for a large barbecue to be ' Paste Three! t. iced It.. r.1 . t: jag Anderson, 'served at noon on Homeromine Day. Normal , t. - , . :land Jan-, Robert le a course in flit- - wntial The menu will feature lame juicy ht Dwi.tht Bentel, tat! flicht of all kinds ei air- .-ton, air. G. I.ogan steaks which are to be prepared by the Junior Hi Majors It'ie law' af aer'"'t "mica, famous chef, J.G. Nava who is in .: static stability, control- (ham: of the aiterwards as barbecue itself. The re- ;., rittrmance. minder of the Elect Officers al in the Ball -room A menu will be made up of ,car Technical c .t:rse in the usual delicasks that are served at Ilmstead. ., who has been prom- avid, n ilst, be inaueurit ,1 next a "orral old-fashioned Western Barbe- .t. colleee and fraternity af r year P pr.:pare student- for ap- tie." nor r the I - . It t ul wtdt to thank my 'Daily past quarter, was elected Board, and pointnit,' iljing cadet without ex- The cost of the affair mill be sixty- r the the State lio.ir Blurt sraff foe th.. work they Junior High Majors, anunatt.a. ;id also be of great value five cents, the only fee to be charged It , st ale.: Pritchard for writ- States largest educational While tea. did. Evelyn to all :a alto are going into corn- throughout the day and reservations :it ..r society and M Angelo for its last meeting of the law and NA ing tner, I, :should he made a, sonn as posaible n --Bob Leland ' 1% Va. n 1905 he cart , his Leirtoont. the Appointment Offite. ',kids who were elected to of San Fran, r:. , officers were: Howard ty of this poi INDIJSTRIAL ARTS EXHIBIT 1; Blesh Reported To State Players .1.. presoknt; Muriel Clark, terms. the fare The Industrial Arts Department Thank o'er, Maxine Squires, His- conducted by Itt invitea the Student& Body, faculty, Music Department RI, hard Hughes, senior repres-; From a solar, - I, MAD to its Spring Quarter Be Improvkg ; and puhlie Th, members uf San Jose players ex- , Louise Prsor, junior represent-. islaus County I. , to be held in the Industrial t". Exhibit Air. Erwin I; acording to word tend their thanks and appreciation to -1 Elizabeth Faulke, sophomore First District tt,..r : Api ab, from Wednesday ,a,r:'1,v".' Arts Department received Is impr ir.2 from his recent the members of the music department later l'IVCICd i,r one p m. until Thurs. June 13, at brain operation ....1 is one the road :Ind especially to Eduard Brown. for oreanintion is making this ' day, jee ie. et five p, m, plans for litre he to recovering. their cooperation and assistance in the .’/! r queers. for next quarter ac - the Supreme I.. !IX it...ition he now two thildren, a daughter The popular coat I, is lode jovial and production of the plays of the past to President Olmstead, riff! in in Aid, one of holds. taking interest with .. tvert.ation with year. a!,, it aill be 1, I- 11.1,1 11,, I- .1 irrititiate of the Unisersity the entouraginit of Iluring all oi Coach McDonald about scharil activities. A great deal of the credit th.loon and the for the sea- students whu are interested' varied and sure. -:-1, irt the bus- and a son a graduate The swelling on his heaI has some- ' son's success should be given to the Lit- trt junior High school liVI president of a t rs C Ileve . teaching to join iness world, ha. what receded and be has hcen sleeping fle Theatre Orchebtra, which furnished t., Junior orearu- ;Ili '!11 I no er-it; Ill a ornia a I High group and attend its number of business and kinking at night. !the music for all of the tea in the Stanford Law School. , quite well plays. tines rations. Judge Lanoion is a I so a mar- a student PAUL CONROY THE SPOIWir Sport's Editor SPOTILMNIT AI Albert Cox Assistant Editor By ___-=_-___-1.-- Conroy and Con ... deal of controverss There is a great \ \\ I It\ slt \V LI' \.? as to just what was wrong with Lou I' 1 OE TIN , , Salvato in his races at the Far Western + Championships at Berkeley last Sat - urday. S'AINATO AND TA y[gp Taylor, Salvato Take Nine ISPRING ME There are those who lxlieve he under - [NOS trained. Points At I.E/erkeley Meet! And again there are those who are GET INVITATIONS AND WITH [ONG SCRIVMAGE! convinced that the little Spartan speed. Inia, who confined his efforts to wo ster w as over-ttainedstale. Douog Taylor Wins In ,:i,,,, the decathalon, AI Olson of I S.C. proved that his work at Fre-1, BLUE TEAM VICTORS Not EXPENSES TO N.C.A.A. p, Step, Jump; Tri,ni., I was no fluke by winning the event v; Properly , Spartans Sixth I a leap of 24 feet 7 3-4 inches. But. according to Salvato himself, the expenses of ! The approval for the When it was evident that things were By AT COX whole fault was that he didn't do the Tay- STEVE MURDOCK Captain Louis Salvatrt and Doug By fothre htheeh, St,tleahrtaaned ciaeumsep, right running in workouts. . lor to compete in the N.C.A.A. track Although ths i_a_co. il I t o perform up . .-I'' ’iisn 'I4,.ir bean'tje4;ed ,'!ticeC,IiinthaeinBultO.' ban, , ,..., r.,,,,... thli:ti I ran too much distance and didn't to expectations, San Jose's two Ione ' and field championships in in an effort to save the day. work on my starting enough," saes 23 and 24, by local entries in the. late lamented Far West- . Hubbard put their oin,,,m.... i.. --- ' June was received ly the third time that dit...tfteeate Salvat.s. , athletic heads. . ern A. A. U. Championships manaved the score Doug had ever attempted the un- nr,;n1,2,,,,Inr: Race la Over to gather nine points between t h,a, was marked with sudden I '.,,:::,..n - p,y, , This will be the first time the "cold or:hod::: eTent, and he responded t.'Y And Forgotten the locals place Proke up the m t. . . 1 white" CVCr had a which placed in sixth and of San Jose has , . by winning with leap of 46 feet No matter what the trouble was, the I h e t tam s t an fl.ings, a h a If a poin' t 7 3.4 ..c. that did not get ar*wherr representative in this great meet. Tnis In i he, nearly five inche. bet- Mee is finishedand there will be of Sacramento Junior College The gamthee srttaertterik. oft vear's cl.a.ssic will bring together 164 in back ter 6.... Wren a more important one coming up than the mark with which, he r,,,,,rnina in a. thletes from 74 schools.. The only redeeming feature of the irk oil ut about this month. won the P.A.A meet year ago. Los Angeles later Captain Salvato will race against the situation is the fact that the SPartans , !!. . 1 ,i!, , 1 k , , . i the thirtY Yard line. The .,pi... i, 1; Salvato just wasn't "right- that day, .t3 : 3 '- "n"'' I t !toughest competition he has ever faced came out one point ahead of Fresno .. 'tart' r. Sa - held and the blues were tor.cd to kick. unusual thing for any runner. in the hundred not an when he "takes his mark" against sac!, State. a situation that has not been vatnwas a"''''''. Pe1). The ball was then pushed ..mund the He had not run a competitive race moons . toefi ' h fifth in a field of seven two men as , Marquette neg- known to exist for a good many field gaining but little ground since the Fresno Relaysa period of ' !ya ds behind , the winner_ ro . Kiesel of . Foy Draper and one that Spartan auPporters were Embury Makes some four weeks back. In snit f has bad get w th oi U.S.0 and several others who run beginning to despair of ever occuring. ' e - a a)" e First Score In the week before the meet he was Spartan flyer semed to be holding his . the hundred in on or better and the The lion's share of the credit for all rhe first score of the game came unabl to do any running because of the :20 in 21 ser.unt. or In.. own in the stretch, but he had no ahro a I, important nine points must go to punt was takrn Its George wet track. He had to do all his train- ...., ni,,,. by closing rush to match that which car., In the board jump Doug Tavlor's1"Greyhound" Doug 't I Embury on the forty yard line ea ing indoors. ' ried the rest of the field in ahead of , favorite event. the competition will be campered through the entire Whitt him at the tape. Taylor Betters . just as tough with Bob Clarke of Calif- HOW THEY FINtSHED ,quad for a touchdown. Due to the , Draper was first, inches ahead of His bop-stop-jump mark mania who ten days ago in the New Olympic Club 51 lack of goal posts, the conversion was Alii,.hy" Pollock of Riverside J.C. Doug Taylor, after et-,na. thi--rd in Vork A. C. meet leaped 24 feet 11 in- U. S. C. 47 eliminated. Emburv showed in hii the broadjump, turned around and won Charlie Parsons of U.S.C. and Jim- chi-, Also Henry Little of William and Unattached ,touchdown dash that he will do MOrt my WiLson of Stanford, both of whom a first place for the s;artans in the ' Mary's has jumped 15 feet this year and Compton Jr. College 10 than just kick for the team next fall. salvato beat at Fresno, were third and hop-skip-jump, an event not held in last year won the 1 C.4 A. title. Lesides Sacramento Jr. Col. 9 . His run had all the earmarks of dem collegiate track fourth respectively. meets. these two great f..mpers there is Al Mil - SAN JOSE STATE 9 running and side-stepping His team- Covering a distance of 46 feet. 7 3-4 Salvato was barely nosed out by Wil- son of CS.C.. George Nfragher of Fres. Fresno State 8 mates shared in his glors I,.. tho melt- inches. the Spartan "Greyhound'. bet- son and came home ahead of Reerf of !no. Taylor's old rya'. who will be on California 6', ent blocking they did in aiding him to tered the mark with which he Won the oi,identala Dean of San Mateo, and hand to see that Gongs are made inter- Taft Jnior ollege 5 P A A. event last year by ten inches oi California. esting. OccidentI 5 Wren Evens Spartans Outpoint Things went better in the 200 where Great things are expected of these two Modesto Jr. ollege 5 The Score Fresno State the Spartan "Whippet" put everything 'athlet that have caused San Jose to Riverside Jr. College 3 Undaunted by the initial score of It ssems to happen once in a blue he hatl into a gallant effort to re- the Coach Hubbard 'be recognized for the first time by the Talking Mountain Camp 3 Whites, - tlan got moon' deem himself. down to business and showed the ..nee. Fresno State Frost, 2.; San Jose State runs up a higher point Draper was away like a flash to lead tators that they also had a sorinz From Fresno State the only other San Diego State t t I ' k the field by three yards at the lift) team. During the beginning of th ec- !Far Westrrn Conference school to rate Western Conference rivals, Fresno State. vard mark. ond half. Rinaldo Wren start,1 ,rund recognition will be sent IValter Marty, setue of a third place in the brow ' It actually happened last Saturday. tIsato then put on the pressure and lett end and after esadtne the vo: sd. unuz world's high jump champion; Floyd jump and an unexpected victory in tht ' San Jose State represented by ool into the Trojan's shoulder as they ars defense, he profit:4,1 to .he Wilson. broad jumper; Jack Ward hur- h1, step, and jump, collected seven of Taylor and Lou Salvato ran up a point ' line. This score took pla, '7. el the tiler; Elroy Robinson, the best col- . cal the press box. total of 0 while the Raisin City schools the vital digits. blues own forty sari lin,. -al..: made legiate SISO man on the roast; and Rob- , clearly indicated, .,, pre- 11 hung on grimly, but his condi-1 representatives, Elroy Robinson, Roy Lou Sabato a total run of sixty sard- At.1 eet- 440 yard dish. last Friday, a was against him, anti the flying Harris, and Floyd Wilson scored 8.e" iteerie' jilicted in these columns tine out in the open it 6.1. 1,1r: te outst.c. slipped from the liraper began to pull away as they points. ; One of the ling duels of the that he had definitely stop Wren in his gOalw.d- rn.tr !, due meet will but... at the Fresno Relays neared the two hundred mark, finally Look for the blue moon. be the between John- peak that was his in :0., wands to hi- tsceptional speed aral I. money in winning going away JOhnny Leo. 260 pound t Ide can- . l'Y Lyman of Staa.ord and Jack Tor- when he wa.s shut out of the rano.. a. dash which was won with Charlie Parsons closing in with didate was added to the 11.: of spring the giant ir Louisiana State, the hundred yard Waton Puts I ru-h II. 1., Salvato and garner Se, tor the shot put 6 .rd. This Will be bY the and diminutive Foy football casualtie- 6n the next to the dYnamic . , , , , Game On Ire last day of practice. their last meeting. !Draper of U.S.C. in n.8. IA oh ft... of courage. la 6. Bill Hubbard caught Salvia During scrimm ,a, , ,-t 1 hursday, the The Stanford St, n who taptured the Ht. showed plenty in the Blue tear I.C.4.A4championtaps back an hour ...r 21.5 which is within three tenths of man mountain ame out of a skirm- were all approv- ever. when he came the game bs id on the expen-, account. to garner thirrl place behind I ir.,;,, r a second of his best mrk of 21.2 ish with a !.r.,,, 1,,,rae in his right This squad a was put UVer 1... 1; r. is composed of P.hri Mottram, javelin; and Parsons of the Trojans in the ...... 0 for the furlong. foot. was undoubtetils the quite ,nina time Gordon Taylor, who cleared 23 feet 10 '.,.., Draper'. 20.8 tied the Edwards DeGro a ..,..,;.,.! Dunn, ,1,-eus, , Toward the discus and shot ; Bernard Deacon; pole inches in the broad jump, was the si, - Field record for the distance estab- to Leo d .r....: thi past six weeks and it started through do vault; Allan Ii.cckman, 440 and 220 Gm of his old nemises, Floyd Wilson ,,f liaised by Bois Kiesel in the Olympic was a i ,,l, blow to see him injured. kept going until the /t 11,,,,,,,... ;t t_ t.,,utrat.ti that hia injury sari dashes; Sam Klopstock. hurdles; Fresno State, for the first time ?hi, Club meet earlier in the yesr. c nosed. will i,,,a) aari h,, ", I., tip.wp iG, in, and Charles Nimmo. mile run. :eason when the diminutive valley lad In garnering his third place, Sal. The routine of th m...., Ir,; This expense ii, count will cover tran- -panned 23 feet 10 5-8 inches to take vato heat out Jame. Abbott of U. .\:rrte with stanford ill Sep- due only to Wat I -portation to and from the meet a- ocond place from the "Greyhound" lis S.C., Al Blackman of Stanford, and 1, Ay from the xv,.: well as rneals and hotel bills while in a quarter of an inch. of U.S.0 , all of them print- I. is ; ,rrinThr,ly supposed that De- ,,i,,e across thv liro 111 .. a of Bob CI .r. . '. ers of no mean calibre. lta,. a f. t ,rinimag,,1 his Spartan grid I"''' Angel'''. easily outran the , - 11,,k!,ire. 1,,r tl,e lad time before they . --c v ---7 ,me on ice for do ,:,,.,-,,,....,..ans !men. ilis earls Boing afraid of the injury bugaboo. a Illar Athletic Board Votes Awards later scoring a' . the sq.:clan mentor will ill 411 prOliiiii - ihe makings . flit'. ro'+' ..didd;.I. bodily ' Mich con- Lou Salvsto, Doug Taylor, n d so.teltvra,:ho,i shehtanian, turtle r. 1: erett, Jr., Everett; Gates, who rah he nrno '" tad drid- when he sends out the call nd Jack Prouty won senior four 11.atson, Burt; ;: . (;;rhart, l'aul; Hanley. Jack; sparta's freatest gr, for his men two weeks before school stripe award sweater. for their four Mtngel. Jack tabu Hill. Harold, McClenahan, Robert; The &Ward for II. takes up nest quarter. year services to the San Jo.e Stte TENNIS Otruirad. Robert; Souza. Frank: Sten- ;man is close txnu,, Pic list of men reporting early will track team. Breuer, Edward; Denny, Wallace; cil tn. cn-org, . laslor, Jack; True Ro- and Captain Dario Lc announce Friday. vmoury BASEBALL Hiatt, Robert; Rea, Paul; Rotholte, bert; Walker. Madison; White. Robt. ,was the greatest mow, Blethen. Howard; Bi-hnp, George; Smith, Robert; Wood, Cyril. Thei olowing BLatow, Joe: men should be rnea- I ponents, the DeGrootm,,. NOTICE Gilbert; Corbella, Theodore; Covella, VARSITY SWIMMING -.wed at the Pickel's Sport Sh.j, for continually in their back, Frank; DeScIle, Erwin, Vince. Samuel, Condit, David; Fitzgerald, Norman; .4seater, the W'hite backs for 1.- Houser, Harold; Lynn, Graduate Manager Webster Ben- .Capt.) ; Hague, Gordon, iman, David; Plat, TRACK '[showed Some of hi, all-tout:cm, 1,,M, Edward; Smith, Burton; ton announced that the following Harry; Libbrandt, Henry; Main, Rich- MacQuarrie, Lynth, Robert; Mcl'hetres, Jordan; by making the Blues 'hi- S be- Wm.; Rhines. C.A. (Mgr). athletic awards were earned during ard; Mr Lathlan, George ; Merritt, Marquis, Lewis; Murdock, Steve; Ray- fore calling a play ti.r Frank; Isbra Francis; Simoni, Dario: FROSH SWIMMING m,,nd, Ralph; Robinson, the past q The men will re- Carleton; Ellice and Bans,. Thurber. Roger; klem, Wesley. Ambrose, Wm.; Bateman. !Ferman; Mengel, Jack (Sigel ceive them during the summer if brillance durimi ' their grades were satisfactory. VARSITY TRACK Kinsley, Robert ; Lynn, Richard; Slur- ' EASE:BALL Arjo, R.,ymond; Clemo, Robert; Har- ray, S. Fenton; Sherwin, Raymond; liishop, Gilbert; Blacow, Joseph; Ble- The Junior Chamber of Commerce in per, Glenn; Hayes, Anson; Lynch, !O- Turner, Harold; Winters, James; York, then, !inward; Covello, Frank; , San Diego has undertaken the respon- ben; McPhetres, Jordon; Marquis, Chas.; Tuxford, Gerald. Sell, Erwin; Thurber, Roger. sibility of selling 5,000 football tick- Lewis; Murdock, Steve. Murphy, Har- FROSH TRACK SWIMMING illenuting1):a.S.:":/(1’cSeNl’il;A:\":11.:( ets at two dollars for the

graduate. of San Jose State College lanti gangs, and mail .: rt ;0,nd:int.... . display plans of homes. de-igns of build- household pieces will be able to be seen IMAGE: if .,f,. f,.i.iiiii..i, o.h. !. bmi s.,..a.... atternoon in the Morris Dailey , prom. inv., and interior clesigh for offices in the Forgery class section. The As the Rev. Dee: ' ' f... :ill, future / / ' in len. ,b1stksmiths and 1,-10,(111111. II ',en transferred to '.1, ,,.11,.. add S.G.O. affairs aft.if hhntes. forgers also have been . , 0- s aels tunes of bleyerbeer's is indideni A huge display. of pro,. ts constructed ronstructing pieces of work OPRIS cla,*, sermon will d. t li of ti. naternity for. that can be Nlarah" from the "Proph- , ... pa ,,,i ymembers of the turriculum labora- 'used by other departments - dt..r c. ,.. elected .to 1.:sd... in the 'ode. and faculty slowly i by prospective elementary and in- school. Incocation and 0 - ' 'im.' ' ' it' e hall at three-thirty: ,...1ti. " ' h f II . termediate teacher. w ill feature objects Clocks, soldering Ned into the , irons, electric toast- VAS 'debarred by the R. NI 0's. kid nh.trk, .- .. .'.. ' ' ` rem4.1,nunt oj interest to allIren and Rev. Mr. Deems said that it , ns 1/1, 1112r,r‘ . ice grownups'ers. heaters, and other objects of use- The I i li , pastor cif th, I :.:. presinent; .., to an I., .. .p.,1 . ,.- ,.,,,,, ,f 1 , ., s r s El 01 moo. the time to have their minds turn ful nature is the result of a quarter's . l' I. ".h it San Jose . By the woodworc department shallot. Once this objective is selecs t, ..i. ;re ....r. r . . ini ' 'it'o'bert:i, Sam; will be work by the electric shop. The pupils of ---- ed landmarks. that they I The college orches.: . d h. , 0,, ,fir.,.. gaant it arti ..xhibited cabin., d work chests, Monte- this class will also show time saving el- lion res.-styled tumours, led' he adv""t stray too far ifs cId . As. his of Professor An ’. ll (0". r-!,,,,I. le...lolph desks, furniture, ectrical devices planned and constructed might not I dcier cs. is held re- " incipally concerned those stu- ltlard Bee . . , and also all the ohjects that will. go to by themselves. I i . in. a Ira arm ) the, the processional ar . ::.,l I lie grace the new ti,1,1 house at Spartan Besides all these exhibits there will al- wident’whilo are to become teachers, naimgo a s d 1.:1 ,,..rt..r, turned the D.emsa suggested. four things I latter NAS the "Nlar . oc, i amid ,,, stadium. Thin. will also be smaller so be shown examples of analysis form- Rev. Nle len,',,,,, lila., ....er t.. the new president , adopt as landmarks. by Clara. I pieces of vs ork constructed by differs ' ed by the industrial arts department as the students should amer in in.: r. i,, !,nacionninfigdenotffiia.1 ,,_. ounbtocrntse,m.linehti.:::,,,,hha,smtobyesi,wurnittarian.,c whole, "Four things you as students should ' The A Cappella r: .- ,,,.- 1,,, .... .,11.,. ft, ,,,,,, and also teaching aids that ay:1 must make a contribution to ed- Ko. her. -Hosanna" have been designed for the purpose of Jig-saw- I,,ih,-. drill presses. and oth- ucation. I deal with the most valuabk Above- by nisch., correllating and integrating a student's - - - -- er types of irayler steel implement, and material in the universe. Nly charaater, .kilyent" by Schenk own work. New tools will i... shown by members of the rathcr 0, n my knowledge is what I soloist ir. the sceptic Courses Being chiedj impart. I am preparing students choir w.c. directed Offered At College Pi Omega Pi Honors kr Inc as ...II as for making a living." lendsen Jack Chappell Elected rarle Graduate Members Chars, :es was considered above all - During Next Year Grand Magistrate '1 stint &Tennis. In regard to the miu- With Party College Presidents ___ __ tin ..nroulum just completed. tto Of Tau Delta's Ithai , ipeak.r cautioned against pessimism. (Continued from Page One) The local chapter of l'i Omega Pi :d. fo the Meet to Set Budgets said, -when we were Jar k ( h., ; ,I,. II was elected ( i rand Omega Pi honored the gradunin^ mem- s Rerra '.er he For Coming Year t"eraPhY :Ch' P’’’ial i'r hien" maY be Magistrat, ni Nu Delta Phi for MIA- lar, at a party given at tht h-ome of taken In the siring PI otography 52, . 35. Other offners were elected ais Mits.': Meriel Kilfoyl Vs,indselsy even- Society technital phoingrapha. and 70c, spcc- follow,. Tau Mu Delta Bud:, r the . . a aer. !ing, June Gth. : ,.; id,.iii, of ial problems. .111 be asailable. Honors Seniors At ..i,..,,,,,,,, , wieetii Magistrate Earl Pomeroy Joseph DeBruni, Old retiring presi- oeher, . .. . ,,,,,,.h, , , , ,..,,,i,, Six hear- ago A creitive art clas.s Moats of Records Richard Wells dent. presented Mis. Thribel Shimmin Breakfast wa.s tfi-en ,.n Saturday moming, and 'a en o are - i c:n, i..., , Masser of Finance Don NIcCash to the group a- th oresident for the t strong nied en having ../.i..., imtai woow.o.oo,,fe honor I, anti Sacramento. NI ''`eire": -'' 'i'' . Mater of Entrance Rex Dunipace year 1934-35, and sh in tum introduced , student. . ,:s. aise art. Miss Barry and tam to ' ed x seminn on the , Ile T.,,, Delts are planning a bar- the following new officers: societ... 1, concluding its spring act-1 ' . ''- Mr5 lust, ir. reviaing it. Arrange- c , , ,_ ,-,., . , ' let.flit.. ,11,11, and dance at the sum- Ruth Lawren.e. Vice-president; Nice- nines agh an alumni breakfast on. ' ment fna. he made Aith Miss Golds- ' statement ni.resenta... iie oe , - mer home ot Eddie Olmstead this Sat- iel Kilfoyl. Secretary; Edward Ha- n rno..c.,r, Day. This affair will al-. , worn. hoard of education on 0, 0 maid., All urday Jai I., Chappell, Dick Wells, and I worth. TreaHurer ; Alice 13oltshau.ser, ,, i. r. r th, graduating seniors, and . ' '11-ic. at department also plans a year - . - , r an ronn mj are in charge and prom- , Historian. Ethel McCoard was an- t J.: a the Sainte Claire Hotel ni ihe "'lie"' relii.e"''i"i ''' fte me- , Ili t - I I t * Dec ' ing stated their int...dd.: - : ; I nrang ''''..i ni ii'''i e.n. tni h 'I.'" - h- ' :’ -1 '''''. ?" lU "h" '''''."1- pointed as publicit2. director. :is It, . ./. . t , . 1, . . _ _ .. orating . hich hasn t been taught for ___ Copies of the official annual bullet - . id., initiated eight new mem. i "e"h" i - " ' - '''' i -i-'''''''ii'. .trl, tan,. Th.. course in Illustration in order hi present 1 ..ro’.: :font on In of the local nreanization were digs- :as ..1. t’,ru,.; at a losely ceremony . wal ,..,r the ph..., which have been Tau Mu Delta Enjoys all ijuestion, and al- t . h ;r -, nt O.,. . tributed to the group. friti a' !., lo.nle of Roberta Smith. 0d:hi 'India 'tory illustrating and C05.. ornmonit les a, well .. - ::. : .. -Lt.. aid ' ' . ' . Buffet Supper Samuel Fl. Ziegler read an original Tod, ',...... 1 were. Barbara Persen. .. .. .,. j. , , .. . , ,,, Oils:hill,: The Interior Decor- poem. "L'Envoi" honorimz -or dis- h; s. id :a, %, fa Jones, Dori., stand- t''""' ' r‘"’"‘"" "' r '"'- ...,., ,,,,,.. ...I.], hi,Tory oi furs I de members .11 "I ., . NIu Delta, , . , , id,. ,...! 1,..,m, 1,,,tna spiuid,, ..o.....i. but no contlo-nc,. tt,rt nada , ,, .i. , no own.' tn .. c and tin inco mg ',tiled and deals with the hi,- ',horny music society.. enjoyed a de- pri_ns'ilent.. Etehe'len:17er(X,ard, .e. bemr . of Xlar, NI..niar, and liclen Kala,. ed- "ihni" '`....i'm ' ' ''' ' . "i "h'i li,laiiil buffet supper following estimates of anemia!, .. :Idol,. ids . their the Verse S peath*-rig ( ' how,' mentertained in I- - . in,. ceremony a buffet sup- .. , ih.,. R ... rt 1! r m ,. mu,ic depart. f , r-,. a initirat, i on serape' on. Sunda),. - do aring that it %co. the group with a ni,,, poem. and Ir. ,,,, ,. ' ,,11 i. ..ri,.., I 1,..... for pco- m . :7. The members C.A.:des' were: vine Atlas and Arth.- Kelley wig a 1 I. ,.. t ;1114 Of the jear A AS 1161 11' '' :.'". .:did.. all instruments, li ir’ira Perrin. Leona ’.;.0ser, Nlar- German song in the na: .., to-unges .: Roberta Bubb in Nloon ee, ... ,,,, t th,c,e they al- _ . NhIliar. Verle Jon, -. Icons Stan- Dutch Whist wa.s like .1 high prizes i 1,, main business to thr ,.n.., who want to :,.’ E., Shaeffer, Victoria Parsons. and , r....r. Laroup To Have zoing to Edward flawor’ ,nd Ethel . :. ot 'inners. for fluNt :.liestra. . Ealas. Meet II NleCoard. The score card A.,. in the : ..,re Roberta Bubb, Homecoming nr d . hnit al courses, : last meeting of the , a was held form id diplomas. I :,,l, howl, anespre,ident , , :.., o- These ... ,.,,,,,. ,o Roberta Bela, in Nloun- , .sicro,cr ot ft X delicious midnight supper wa ser- rad . ted. - . ..retary; Lucy Slane- 'I LibrarY ta, \ ea on the erealas ''i M'Y 31' tr. group who At, veil. atter which Emma &tool:,a ...i,i....n,. I .- r li aro.' schc.rnet, program lc. ,u t ine. At t h titric officers for th .1lossing ss,...1 zimer 1..,..red ihe ..,,,,,, , III:.: .1 1.11111. it r I , II 7.1.,iplish, guard; VIL - "i elemental,' 1,,.. ., t de, ted. Ntiss R.l ,. , Bubb are asked to I. their interpretations of the Car. - ,nned especiallY ..,,,, Evelyn Ca, a: i .... presis : Miss The remained -,f the evening w-as - l""r""' Nin' "')I 'Am-anon der,- , clo h. hnical . Fran- Ihe . ft dr( tell AS advisor for NI, mat*, uf . dent I .:,,h Bond, vicespreshicht in dancing : I lie :hwy. , ,' oP ri., ( ,,,... An retary; 1..tk . ,tasy. extends much tor, the evee, -- !.,,,i.., to Mra. lianchett for treo : . Harriet Scheme'. program . ,,, The instructor . Dori- standish, g.: ad. and La Torre Asks Pardon 7.1 ,inal ad, ice during tw.,,,,,,,,,,,, tit. iv, chair, Ulrich To Head .vict..n., P ,rs.ins, historian. NI r-, Ilan- For Mistake In IMP' i..usly Myr Ruth . r a happy and succes- .,. (-heti is '. e faculty advisor r.r thr Seruor h. i croup t. Tau Garrana Society,.1 - Section .., to the outgoing preg- 6.,,,,i. and exhibit tha (*Ayala. she too has ".Mi" Sndal done l ri. I a v , ."' .. ' ' ' . e'rn'' "f Due to a clerical error the cap and , hildren. The 1r Inv alumni break' ist at , caiely. The society takes on. dodmos , , . 1::. I"' ' gown picture fli one of the most prom- tl ,. - P ::,,i, Claire on Joe, to, LIT.. I. I 1, I. rt.- Or li its grat- wedn,..,.tlay, ,,. , ,:,: I, ,, I: .,,I..1., II...,,,t 11,,,,, , 1, ., inent members of the June graduating . 1:1..- of 'ist was omitted in the .nior ,Crumby. ______:,.ii .. v,.,. oation of La Torre. Doug Taylor. who Bill Jones To Teach In SPARTAN SPEARS is not only' the most outstanding ath- short meeting Allenians Hold Meet " , - r:. There .ill he hie that the ...liege ha, produced for H;lwaiian Islands Spartan ' .1.' -..':- thi evening at which 41 i long time, but i, a fine example of At Country Club %%hot, , The ra. re Spear members and pledges true sportsmanship, was the person popular college grad President, Rubj oueatod iii 6, p meet- ., . The mined in the senior section. The La ). from San Francisco. 1,4 Saturd, , cr tn: :It Katherine Walt. int' will he held PrnmPtlY 'd ''''''n Torre staff is sincerely sorry that this Nlatson Liner and sail Club was tlic Ind..10,h lloaly. Treasurer, 0.dock. mistake octane(' and he is to kistrud Intakfast given should involve the -uch a distinguished member as Doug Kin, karneka school for boys. honor of its gr .. lie : G .dt:. ails isor is Mrs V ai, f,... Editor of La Torte IL will teach in the machine shnp.: honored guests w. r, Kailelptans! 1.-,-. icon drawing am] will w&iitant Raymond, Jane Elle .:, ,,,:. ior the ann.: il Tau Gamma notice awaits each NOTICE coach ,i track and McAllister, X. ddi id to be 'al.! at the St. Claire An important will teach in an-IllettY ' li''''' lad Tau Delhi Phi group pictures Thur.- (Alter e'er, at O:00 one of you in your Co-op box. Do IlfriC1111.1171 COUNC. Nforris, Elizabeth I I 1:'' n .1 - nt Stittol.ty morning day t 12:00 et the bottom of the ' I h not fail to read 'our notice iin-. aurally pleased." declared Bill Prilshnd’ enediately. tower. . appointment." , Allenian tit to r Jon,' Arr %klring him 1)ear were elected in his new joisition. of the society at th I First Class Service Banquet Rooms for Parties z The new officers ar. Shop NOTICE Club Barber ITALIAN HOTEL president; Betty S Food To Take Out Our Specialty All NI.n I s. sec.ind Street having thletie equip. idenl Virlani3 Dining Room Downstairs meet.. t are requested to turn it ise Eperson, trea,:a ak John Walters Every Day 109 San Augustine in Clyde Williamson I Bal 1156 Ravioli immediately. Grades will be with. dock, sergeantsatsa sin held if ia not turned in this winks histwrian

4 ,,

PAUL CONROY Sport's Editor THE SPORT _ Albert Cox SPOT11,11Wir AI Assistant Editor By Conroy &ad Con

there Ls a great deal of controversy 1 lt is I \ I I as to just what was wrong with Loti PAGE 'Ill i Sabato in his races at the Far West, r. + uCtlida,,nsIpionships at Berkeley la.st Sal OR+ Salvato Take Nine SALVATO AND TAY! Taylor 1 SPRING PP,ACTICE There are those who believe he ors!, trained Points At Berkeley Meet wiTH oupdvmAGE, And main there are those who .ir GET INVITATIONS AND itornia, who confined his efforts to win convinced that the little Spartan sm., , -trainedstale. Douog Taylor Wins In ning the decathalon, AI Olson of U.- Jump; S.C. proved that his work at Fresno _ Not Training N.C.A.A. p, Step, BI UE TEAM EXPENSES TO was no fluke by winning the event with vicToPlaus to Properly Spartans Sixth .1 leap of 24 feet 7 3-4 inches. according to Salvato himself, the But. , The approval fnr the expenses of When it was evident that things were By AL COX whole fault was that he didn't do the MURDOCK Captain Louis Salvatn and Doug Tay- o By STEVE badly for the Spartan cause,; (limas, i., ., ; right running in workouts. lor to compete in the N.0 A A, track 1 Althou:11 they tilled to perform uple"ing T. ylor entered the ho ; ste and 'um ' tice. the Ill d tearn "I ran too much distance and daln t San Jose's two lone and field championships in Los Anetles to expectations,, in an effort to save the day. work on my starting enough." says lamented Far West Hubbard put their ,., June 21 and 24, was received by local entries in the. late It was only the third time that Salvato. ips mantis the score of 1. . athletic heads. ern A. A. L.. C ampions Doug hd ever attempted the un bY Race la Over gather nine points between them was marked with sti,, ' This will be the first time the "cold . to rthodox event, and he responded And Forgotten which placed the locals in sixth place li.roke up the mini-. and white" of San Jose has ever had a by winning with leap of 46 feet No matter what the trouble was, the standings, a half a point tnat did not get an, , repreeentative in this great meet. This in the tram 7 3-4 inches, nearly five inche bet race is finishedand there will be Sacramento Junior College The game started ei: year's claesic will bring together 164 in back of ter than the mark with which, he Wrt.n a more important one coming up in redeeming feature of the returning the first kirk oit ,, ..,1,,,,,a athletes from 74 schools.. The only won the P.A.A meet year ago. Los Angeles later this month. situation is the fact that the Spartans iIi. thirty yard line Ths ;.;,. i7.: lint Captain Salvato will race against the Usually a lightening -like starter, Sal- Salvato just wasn't "right" that day, 011t one point ahead of Fmno held and the blues %sere yr ,,1 1,, I.,,k toughest competition he has ever fa,ed CilITIC vato was thing for any runner. away poorly in the hundred The ball was then i.u4,1 not an unusual when he -takes his mark" againet such State, a situation that has not been r ,r,: the not run a competitive race to finish tifth in a field of seven two field gaining but little gr, ... I He had , men as Ralph Metcalfe, Marquette neg known to exist for a good many moons the Fresno Relays--a period of ' yards behind Foy Draper, the winner. En,hury m.k.. since ro: Kiesel of Cilitornia, Foy Draper and one that Spartan supporters were some four weeks back. In spite of his bad getaway, the Firrisht,Sicior,,rte ,,,,.,r, ,,, ft, ....,,,,. nt of U.S.0 and several others who run tdeginning to despair of ever occuring the week before the meet he was, Spartan flair seined to be holding his In the hundred in O o or better and the The lion's share of the credit for all to do any running because of the own in the stretch, but he had no when unabl :20 in 21 seconds or less. important nine points must go to a punt was taken 1,, i.,,,,rge wet track. He had to do all his train- closing rush to match that which car- In the board jump Doug Taylor's -Gre)hound" Doug Taylor who, t, Embury on the forty yard line :ce ing indoors. ried the rest of the field in ahead of -campered favorite event, the competition will be through the entire Whin him at the tape. .squad for a Taylor Betters just as tough with Bob Clarke of Calif - HOW THEY FINISHED touchdown bus to the DraPe, was first, His hop-step-jump mark omia wbo ten days ago in the New Olympic Club 51 inches ahead I lack of goal posts. the conversion wu 'Mui-by" Pollock of Riverside J.C. eliminated Embury sh. wed in his Doug Taylor, atter ;lacing third in York A. C. meet leaped 24 feet II in - U. S. C. 47 Charlie Parsons of Li.S.C. and ,touchdown dash tha't he will the broadjump, turned ardond and won ches Also Henry Little of William and Unattached 3 5 tit, more my Wilson of Stanford, both of whom team (11,I fall, a first Place for the I'ari1n, in 'be' Mary's has jumped 25 ieet this year and Compton Jr. College ... 10 than just kick for the salvato beat at Fresno, were third and HIS run had all the r.trrn.irks ilever hop-skip-jump, an event n,... held in last year won the I C.4 A. title. Besides Sacramento Jr. Col. 9 fourth respectively. running side-steppirg His collegiate track meets. ' these two great jempers there is AI Wil SAN JOSE STATE ..... 9 and ,,arn- Salvato was barely nosed out by Wil- mates shared dor) th, el, Covering a distance of 46 fert. 7 3-4 son of U.S.C., George Meagher of Fr. - Fresno Stte 8 in his son and catne home ahead of Reef! of ent blooking they did in di,nog tsr inches. the Spartan "Greyhound' bet- ' o. Ta000. om r,..,i. who wiji b, . o California 6'4 tered the mark with which he won the Occidental. Dean of San Mateo, and ..ro. hand to see that thlr.:: are made inter- raft Jnior ollege 5 !' A A. event last year by ten inches. ,....tin. Hudson of Califomia. Wren Evens Occidental .. . . Spartans Outpoint Things went better in the 200 where The Score , Great things are exp., led of these tw Modesto Jr. ollege 5 Fresno State the Spartan -Whippet" put everything t salaunted I, the ir,ial sdirs of , athletes that have caused San Jose .., Riverside Jr. College 3 It seems to happen once in a blue 'he he had into a gallant effort to re- the Whites, (7nath lin got recognized for the first time by tio Talking Mountain Camp 3 moon! deem himself. down to business and N C A. A. Fresno State Frosh San Jose State runs up a higher point ' Draper was away like a flash to lead tator, that they al,.. had _I sring From Fresno State the only other San Diego State total in a track meet than their Far ilie field by three yards at the fifty team, During the bezinninz .i s.o.- far Weston Conference school to rate Westem Conference rivals, Fresno Stat . yard mark. halt. Rinaldo Wren star!, I iraund e recognition will be sent Walter Marty, virtue oi a third place in the broad It actually happened last Saturday. Salvato then put on the preissure and Irlt end and after evailinz nd- world's high jump champion: Floyd ump and an unexpected victory. in the San Jose State represented by Doug . . closed into the Trojan's shoulder as they dry 11,1en-e, he pro, i '1,. 11 ilson. broad jumper; Jack Ward hur seven of Taylor and Lou Salvato ran up a point lop, step. and jump, collected line. This score took phe, s. :he leer. Elroy Robinson, the best col- passed the press box. total of o while the Raisin City school, . he vital digits. 111,1e: oxn lin. eziate S.,0 man on the roa,4 : and Rob- as pre- He hung on grimly, but his condi- representatives. Elroy Robinson, Rs, Luu Salvato clearly indicated, f total run oi ert Harris. 440 yard di,h. lion was against him, and the flying ' Harris, and Floyd Wilson score,: 8 dicted in these columns last Friday, es they tins; tiut in the otwn One of the outsta ung duels of the that he had definitely slipped from the Draper began to pull away finally .4"1' Wren in in meet will be the 1,:,, between John- peak that was his at the Fresno Relays neared the iss.o hundred mark, P"Lir.ctoOk. for the blue moon. i.'".141"h'' r.I and Jack Tor- when he was shut out of the money in winning going away in .3 stconds hi' Johnny Leo. 260 pound t okle can- ' nY 1-"nan i'4 Stan with Charlie Parsons cloina in with Louisiana State, the hundred yard dash which was won Watson Puts diilate was added t,, the :is! of spring einte' the 'dant it' . rI.h r.. S,Ivato 3,1 17arner iotboil osoahh., ,,,,, tott to the tor the shot put r ril TM, uill be by the dynamic and diminulivt 1.-..y Gami (In Ice last flay of pra, tire . their last meeting Draper of U.S.C. in

i 1, 4 4 Hems i;fraid ef the injury I S. J. Athletic Board Votes Awards the spartan mentor will in all ;.r . t muih bodily con Lou Salvatn, Doug Taylor, nd -silvans Lou, dig shehtanian, 1,, n1:11' ; 1.,,erett, Jr r,.. ,tr,,1 1,, .11,1. nut the call and Jack Prouty won senior four In.aron; Taylor, 1/..111:. Wat-on, Burt. (,,iliart. Paul; llard, j,,,k, ifre t 1, . 17. ' 7A.. A r k 11001 stripe awrd sweaters for their four Nlmtel, Jack f Mari. 11,11. 11.1r.,1,1; 51,Clenahan. It , tart , 'I he IAN ard t,,r 1.1 ! year service to the San Jose State TENNIS Robert ; Souza. Fro, 1j, ;I reportinz early will track team. Breuer, Edaard; Denny, %Voltaic; ino . Taylor, Jatk, rio r.re,,,.. Friday VARsITY liAsEliA1.1. Hiatt, Robert; Rea. Paul; kotholte. I,ert llael'ison; Whit. R' (:/..1117;'1::n171.a11:1....stI: Blacow, Joe; Blethen, Howard; Bi,hop, , George; Smith, Robert; Wood, Cy rd. The! ,,IoNtinv men should ic mca ponents, the Ihdir.,tm.ri NOTICE Gilbert; Corbella, Theodore; C,11a. VARSITY SWIMMING ;ireil at the Pickets Sport I for fontinually in their I, ! Frank; DeSelle, Erwin, Filice. !.1rnuel Condit, David; Fitzgerald. Norman; -c.coter, the White balk. tor I, Houser, Harold; Lynn, David; Graduate Manager Webster Ben- Capt.): Hague, Gordon; Hardman, Plat, TRACK .howed some of li, rrn Edward; Smith, Burton; ton announced that the following Harry; Libbrandt, Henry ; Main, Rich - MacQuarrie, Lynvh, Robert; McPhetres, Jo Man; by making the Blues thi, be- ; RhIMS. C.A. em,r). Join. athletic awards were earned during t Mc Lachlan, George ; Merritt, Marquis. Lewis; :Murdock, Steve, }toe- fore calling a play thro.gh h Frank; Pi..ra. Franit,. Simoni, Dario; FROSII SWIMMING . mond, Ralph; Robinson, the pst qurter. The men will re- Carl itnn..1 Vila, and Flara,111 'Maher, Roger; Klem. Wesley. ambrnse, Wm ; Bateman. Herman; Mengel, Jack ceive them during the summer if (Mgr durm: tli, or their grade. were satisfactory. VARSITY TRACK Kinsley, Robert; Lynn, Richard; Mur- BA.SEBALL Arjo, Raymond; Clemo. Robert; Har- ray. S. Fenton; Sherwin, Raymond; Ilisimp, Gilbert ; Blacon, Joseph; File- The Junior Chamber of Commerce In i per, Gknn; Hayes, Anson; Lynch, Ro- Turner, Harold; Winters, James; York, then, [Iowan]; Covello, Frank; De- ,1 San Diego has undertaken the respon- hen ; M c Phetres, Jordon; Marquis, i;ha_s.; Tulford, Gerald. Erwin. Thurber, Roger. Denny, WalaceMNNE. sibility of selling 5,000 football tick. Lewia; Murdock, Ste,. Murphy, Har- Fltf)S11 TRACK sWIMMING , Brodovsky. Daniel; Brown, 1.)nn, to ...141,,,",,, lo eta at two dollars for the corning sea- i ry; Orem, Fred; Prouty. JaRck; Ray- Fred; David, Macquarrie, Wm ; Plat, Iii)roo.Sugti.:):,r1JaRceno;o1:1%%,:, son at San Diego State College. Imond, Ralph: Robinson, Carleton; Brown, Rishard; Cammack, Carl; Car- Ldward. 1 11/1r VVVVVV si \ I \\ ',111,`,.1`,:t\l JUNI TH R EE DNROY Editor 4 Rev. Deems Speaks S.G.O. Frat Holds Cox Activities On Display 4 Editor Initiation On 4 At Baccalaureate At Industrial Exhibit VVVVVV the) wert.,) our age, we saw Telling the graduates that Monday where they could look in the educationa . 41 'Continued from DOW at 3 point Page One, nr...,111.1c ih this class. young lives and view uhich we graduate,. 4414 back over their 4 1-1411 riaarter ill both 'shown are drawings made by mem- , The cement class will feature flower momcnts with the satis- hers the iliffitult 1-he wise use of I, ,d ,Im- ’" und.rtakings, the of the machine design slit,. Among :boxes, book ends, sun dials, flag stones, Charles P faction of success, the Rev. -idered of great im; r: Ill :it-, Inneed Fraternity held 'these will be drataings ..f machines, and other objects made from the mater- Trinity church, i...irtirl! ENDS Deems. DD., rector of uho do not tio-. Aateil. ir.111.01,,r1 inauguration motors and ideas for ful,rro machines ial with which the rla.ss works entirely. the baccalaure- ti. horn, Hi the coming FranciSco, delivered this time is satisfut I I, r..irling pulp of !tarn, lennings Mon- age. Ornamental lamps, fireside seats, three hundred . :sit t The architectural :te sermon to more than magazines, playing ’: n 4,4, .4 4, lee members drawin: classes will hammers, knives, axes, heavy tools, and Collette CRIMMAGE graduates of San Jose State and gangs and ma art flinplay plans of home-. do-igns of build- household pieces will be able to Ise seen in the Morris Dailey 11_, ing, and interior for offices 'in the canday afternoon A, the Rev. Dee: ' r. .1. ralin, been prom- Forgery class section. The future . and homes. leen transferred to, ',1,, r in 1,111 t.: S.G.O. affairs ; blacksmiths and forgers also have been tune, of Meyerbeer's A huve display of pr,ot. constructed MORE To its, :tardy 'I.e.'s sermon will oi ft fraternity for constructing pieces of work that can be Nlarth" from the "Proph- ' ' ’ / 1.., by members of the ....tricot= labora- used by other "Coronateui alt. elected to departments in the faculty slowly '.1 . tory. by prospectica .1Inentary. anti in- et'', th, araduate. and utit: r. with the following school. CO X Incoeation and l'" 41 ti were termediate tealhiv ',ill into the hall at three-thirty. tia 1,1 r, a.: . itil the feature objects Clocks, soldering irons, electric toast- filed diditereit by the Ri Mail. remaining Mr. Deems said that it was Itit. abiirk. of interest to elutlren and grownups ' ers, heaterA, and other objects The Rev. o o , p.stor Ilisele .ire presidenttl of use- of th, I '1,1' , . alike. to have their minds turn to an ,r 1 444 4 iul nature is the result of a quarter's the time t huro h of San Jose. : tr; 01-rn- this objective Ls selec t....j. By the wood, nr.: department will be work by the .111,' ! 4,1,! object., Once trect...r.r , lid: Roberts, Sar- electric shop. The pupils of that they 1 he college arches' r tho 1..V.41:' exhibited cabinet oork chests, Monte- this to o game ted, he advocated landmarks. at arm class will also show time saving el- non of ! rey-styled furnitur,,, gray tot, far Afield. As his ProiesFor lk fait, r,tein. desks. furniture,: ectrical devices planned and constructed den hang yin. that might n,t Ralolph I r.,:ier is held re- principally concerned those stu- played Beethoven’ Na. I in and also all tie objects that will go to, by themselves. on) .of plays teldrens tor ihe fraternity to become teachers, the the proces.sional tat Hrace the nett house at Spartan , Besides all these exhibits there will then dent, uho are throu di - I . , al- latter was the "Mar stadium. ill., will also be smaller Rev. Mr. Deems suggested four things tole' Lima, gaii!! so be shown examples of analysis form- ot lia new president faeces of uori. should adopt as landmarks. by Clark. .on.tructed by differ-, ed by the industrial arts department as tick the students aftor an int rcs-ite I confidential cm should member. at hi toys, utilitarian a whole, and Th, Four things you as students The A Cappella t after olc.f. the also teaching aids that rcmaining iobjects, and 1,,,,e -hold 'I must ma.e a contribution to cil- I.; other, "Hosanna' helpers. have been designed for the purpose of ere I deal with the most valuable AboLe" by Christi.. Jig -sawn. lathe-. drill presses, and oth- torrellating and integrating a student's unhel 4,4: the iation. I _ character, ler types of he ivirr steel implements and own work Ile glacial material in the universe. My Advent" by Schee, t New tools %vill ta ,,hown by members of the rather than my knowledge is svhat I soloist in the sector, Courses Being chiefly impart. I am preparing students ihoir VI' a. directed Offered At College Pi Omega Pi Honors for making a living." the gam for life as well as lendsen Jack Chappell Elected was considered above all During Next Year Graduate Members taken by Character Grand Magistrate demands. In regard to the edu- With Party y yard line ..a." other College Presidents .ation curriculum just completed, the Of Tau Delta's the entire Mitt ;rtker cautioned against pessimism. clllsn'aued from Page One) The local chapter of Pi Omcga Pi own. Due to the Meet to Set Budgets Rnmomher." he said, "when we were Jack Chappell was elected Crand Omega Pi honored the graduating mem- le conversion wat toaraphy %b. special problems may be For Coming Year Magistrate nf 'Tau Delta Phi for 19.34- bers at a party given at the home of showed in his taken In the .r.ring Photography 52, 35. Other officers were elected al Miss Meriel Kilfoyl Walc,elay even- he will do mon Society technieal photograph). and 70c, sPFc- rau Mu Delta Budgit f..r thc t., . ar .ere f011e1W, ing. June 6th. le team next fall ial problems. will be available. Honors Seniors At I'discussed :it a meetir,:. pre-idents cif Mavistralr. . Earl Pomeroy , Joseph DeBrum, tle retiring presi- armarks dem Six sear. ago a creative art class I teachers colleges whiin MarQuarrie :Baster of Records Richard VVells dent, presented Mis. NT iribel Shimmin mine His learn- Breakfast was given f,n Saturday morning, and otended last week-end go nal Franeisro Ma!!!ter of Finance ..... Don NfcCash, to the group as tle president for the ory the - owinc to . oo -irons. oi attn. g men. and Sacramento. Me Master ot Entrance Res Durupace year 1934-35, and -hr. in turn introduced in aiding , Drit,l. woructo's music 11011014 student. ,e r itit c art. Miss Barry and him to ed a seminar on the t 4. e- Arol The Tad Delts are planning a bar- the following new officers: 44t:., 17 COnClUding its spring act- Mrs. 1 un er are milting it. Arrange- for teachers colleges, 0.11.n.: becue. swim. and dance at the sum- Ruth Lawrenic. Vice-president ; Mer- :, with an alumni breakfast on ment. mat be made uith Miss Golds- statement representati. thr mer home of Eddie Olmstead th6 Sat- iel Kilfoyl. rittary; Edward Ha- raccoming Day. This affair will al-1 wt!rth. bot!rd of education or. ol.oirr All urday Jatk Chappell, Dick Wells, and worth, Treasurer; Alice Boltshauser, nt,nor the graduating seniors, and I hf irt ilepartmi-nt al,o plans a year inuad r: of the colleges represii,',..1 .it the meet. F:arl Pomeroy are in charge and prom- Historian. Ethel NleCciard was ap- . he held at the Sainte Claire Hotel. Illu-tration end Interior Dec. jrre, stated their 'Melt: t.. el ;dinning , a ,.:I time to :ill who attend. pointed as publicity director. 111th haqi'l been taught for to organiZe a ..late .-rincinaty Copies of the official annual bullet- The 7,11: ' 14146:1447d eight new mem- .17, /MU. The itturse in Illustration in order to present :tont on in of the local organization were dis- Imo: at a losely ceremony ail the ph.., s which have beun Tau Mu Delta Enjoys questinns Is f tributed to the group. . the home of Roberta Smith. ' t inihr stori, illt.drating and cos- en start communities as well I; Buffet Supper Sanci I It 71.gler read an original , nattatid 'Acre, Barbara Perren. t olo-tr,itinii The interior Decor 'ding A udents. Credential ill w,r, nfis. , poem I 1 , honoring "ih dis- Fa. n. r. era J4ItleS, Doris Stancl- 4 .t1141. Ng, nistory ot 'In, members of . Nfu :cc utsed, but no conch, 14.7 4 1.44 1 re reach- honon .iniiirs and the incoming ItJr.m,, Leona Spitzer, .inil deals et-WI the bi. loo.orary music socitty. enjoyed a de- ed Sommer se,ion s .! I ,n I Ethel fileCoaril. member of Nlainntirt NBIliar. and Helen KaLLs. t lightfal buffet supper following their ,tirnate. attenolan mato. ir,- the 1 i Speaking Choir, entertained ,...: the ceremons a buffet sup- I rt }1-1 r hi music depart- inititation servite on Sunday, tho mow: that it woe:, h.: tit, the group with a rude, pooem, and Ir- , ill - rir._ I bans for peo- f NI . 27. The members itt iated were: car ving Atlas and Arth KrIley sang of the )ear was held i, rested . :min, all instruments. It.,:hora Perrin, Leona spitser, Mar- German song in the n.h. tounge. r,. Roberta Bubb in .Moun- .re b ; I.. those they al- . NIelliar. Vale Jon.- Doris Stan- Dutch Whist was pla hizh prizes Dio main business of the isnou ti, . who want to Sh . wffer , Victor:, Pgr-ons. and K.P. Group To Have going to Edward Hawor ind Flthel . to it io officers the , to hestra. fur ro st I Alcificiard. The score cards r,! in the .1 Homecoming Meet Mona e ::,bnical courses, of th. ir 4A37. held ti wire. Roberta Bubb, r. i.ot me, tin. torm id diplomas. 1 lit h I tond, s ice-president , - _ years. These / Roberta Nirnther, of th delicious midnight supper wa- ser- bao), ,.retary; Lucy Stanc fat: , I Library I, N,. s on the evenim N1,c group who aft ai-d. alter which Emma Schmidt cal In, ,;r, Harriet Schemet, program Routine. ,:mt. "ulcers for f". tlowing ing a table for a Samuel Zieeler favored the gr..1.0, chfirn.e., lb..- Standish, 1111 eleMentarY ter I elet IV& Mt,. ’ Bubb guard: Vic - are asked to I, their interpretations of the Car 1.,r1 r . historian Mrs. Sibyl woi,. an anted especiallY Ecelyn Ca, presi- Education depar Tinh,eitarnecminagini ed ni the evening w.1.- -; Han: t,,, ts et-elected as advisor for . 111 f ' 44, . in the tedanical Boni!, . Fran- Nliss Mabel Crun.t n. .; Die society extends much ,' i t.r. ice, but is oP ci. , . retary ; 1.,. -a , bidorit the event r. fog,ks to Mrs. Hanchett for II irriet Scheme!. ; r. rain The instruc t La Torre her I. .1; .not good atIcice during this Standish, Asks Pardon ihildren at 11. 7 t. r:i leonn, historian Mr- Ilan For Mistake In graciously incl. Ruth Ulrich To Head r a happy and stacca- ,chett tia fatuity ads.isor for th; K.P. group to, Tau Gamma Society Senior Section to the outgoing presi ,r and exhibit th:g 1,114, 41I to, t . Cavala, she too has done " ..,ming social Due to a clerical error the cap and children. The meet! ri.lay breakftst -.aim). The society takes tilt , he alumni i:oun lure of one of the most prom- the Womio l' I. acts students : th, I I to Claire tin Jur., In, to express its crat- !Weer; r xt inent members of the June graduating Iagn was omitted in the senior irnb, .ectrol president follom Vire .i.tion of La Torre. Doug Taylor. who Bill Jones To Teach In SPARTAN SPEARS not only the most outstantling alb- \ Secretary, short meeting Allenians Hold Meet There swill be hte that the college has produced for Ha waiian Islands I -er. Mary Jane all Spartan thi evening at which t long time, but is a fine example of At Country Club Whoni.y The are re- Spear members and pledges true sportsmanship, was the person President, Ruby meet- quested to be present. The omitted in the senior section. The La :torn .74.111 Fr.111t1,44 La t sat u r, th.el. at Katherine Walt, seven ji oin.cgrkwaill be held promptly at torte staff is sincerely sorts that this I I ,,r1 a Matson Liner and sail Club was thi h I lealy, Trea_surer, iorli. ior mistake occured and should involve . where he is to instruct in breakfast given I.:. A aa. and Glob's Whitney, re- aer 7 _ _ dich a distineuished mescf.... as Doug the K tctrroka 'school for boys. honor of Its grailtiatc. it:, ariV154,1. is Mrs I tylor. Editor of La Torre ft on: ttarh in the machine shop, honored guests w.r, S . Itvh Kadelpian dratting and will lie assistant 14) mond, Jane Ellie' iiir the anneal Tau Gamma chath important notice waits each NOTICE ,I track and will teach in an- Atetty to he to.:11 at the St. Claire An th/i,r one of you in )0,1 Co-op boa. D. Tau Delta Phi group pictures Thurs- urrieulum course Nloorris, Elisabeth P If.d.1 ;au. Satur.i., morning at 00 ' I not fail to read ,ur notice day at 12:00 at the bottom of the ,irri niturally pleased," declared Hill Pritchard. "with mediately. tower. rir. appointment." , Allenian officer, 1 Fri. ’i 44 1{111 .111414,4 .4: 4.4444 are wishing him ,) ear were elected 1.,44.4f- cited 1444 44 Rooms for Parties In his new position (of the society at 11 First Class Service Banquet IThe new finer r Shop NOTICE Club Barber ITALIAN HOTEL president; Belt To Take Out Our Specialty All Stroin Food Men hving thletie equip- 'Went ; Virginia l' Dining Room Downstairs mentoo AN.ARIt t are requested to turn it Eperson, tr Willinnown & John Walters Every Day 109 San Augustine in Bal 1156 Ravioli Louis; T., immediately. Grades will he with- duck, sergeant-at..irti. held if it ,e not turned in this week. historian.


PAGE FOUR SPARTAN DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1034 San Jose State College w me. Few Students Drink? SPARTAN DAILY Speech Doings 46.71.4. BOB LELAND F.XECUTIVE EDITOR Scribe Razzes Usually a columnist writes '30 at the Article (Phone Bal. 4794-J or Bal. 7800) end of his last piece of newspaper am copy. but in my case where I Golden age of 0) what? So! The article said drinking was DAN CAVANAGH MANAGING EDITOR Ian, attempting my last example of college an article that appeared in a local dailylly a problem among the ineaa The (Phone Bal. 2418) journalism the writer is saying it at problem being would have us believe. to find a girl who meet HAMILTON ____ BUSINESS MANAGER FRANK the beeinning with the feeling of regret "Of course some of the students are drink, an economy measure. Bal. 1017, or Bal (Phone 7800) that he will no longer be able to chron- 'butterflies!" stated Frank Covello in The students admit they n,rs and Jim Fitzgerald Assistant Manager irk the doings in the Speech De- This writer would believe pct. They had just as the article. well admit it, (Phone Bal. 4272) of them were. as you can from the article that all see them an) ni:ht ,attereg Paul Lukes Circulation Manager Pa..7177,,st year has been probably -Just about all the men drink beer," around on the campus, in among the years that Hob Leland was quoted, "A few per- One student, who work- EDITORIAL DESK CITY DESK !he most active until four Paul Cos Asst. Editor tho department has been in existence, haps, one or two dozen, go for the harrl in the morning :it a is ,i Paul B.ker City Editor Lola O'Connel. M.jorie Hansen, Ellen Dolurre Finites Tuesday Edits Steven, BiU Zeigler, Rudolph Easter, and has been outstanding because of stuff. And they managed to hit the 'says that although the. , ,....,7., Chas. Aralanian. Louis* Bendeich. Bernice Mary T.. Thuredey Editor the debate schedule, the verse choir bootleg joints around the edges of town lipstick smeared arotirt . Haar Editor Hornbeck. Helen rracy programs, the formation of the play once or twice a week, too, I guess " uith an edge on. -tt. Thelma Vickers Copy Editor SPORT DESK Paul Conroy Sports Editor Al C. Asst. Editor reading group, the production of "Lil- Well probably all the men would any home by lam I E velyn Pritchard .F.tute Editor Dick Higgins. BUJ Crawford, Gil Bisbee horn" and "Three To Get Ready", and like to drink beer, but as yet none of peel potatoes in the Sit FEATURE DESK COPY DESK Gladys Lawry .. _ _ Aast Editor the re-organization of San Jose Players them have found any place giving Miss Hornbeck , Asst. Editor Mary Ferrawi Jerry Bundsen. Margaret Pesch -School drinks on the house. The nearest they 'ries torch singer - Jean Hawley. Carey Gukbard with its all-star presentation of with Dr. Carl Holliday __ __Faculty Advisor for Scandal" which I feel will go down have come is free sandwiches paid the boy friend drt, in history in amateur dramatics in beer. :drinkbut lel him San Jose. Cal Subscription Rates Entered ae second class matter at lb. this vicinity, but especially among these That one or two dozen going aftsr er just once, and th.,7 BM Per Quarter S. Jose Postoffice listed the fine work of the Speech "hard stuff" could probably. be all at sve of us." Published euerY .1.31 des tb Asst. Press of the Globs Printing Comma? clinic under the direction of William once, Lnless you happened to be at Miss Hornbeck sl. eiated Students of San Joe* State College 14111 South First Street San Jost CAW. McCoard. a different joint, then you would see "that's the last he'll FORTY-FIVE STUDENTS another one or two dozen. Most of the he is able to see"; alif.,. boys have to 2 the past year an average of walk so they frequent was sincere. Let us 1:. - Life For Dillinger .7. nye students have been working the 'joints' in town instead of the ones fliueaniciewis_eudsesd to thi HASH a the clinic each quarter, and the "" the edge’ Family Unexciting r ress that these students haxe mach correcting their defects under Mr. C ege W n't er Adi vses Y ear 1 y I nventory "n" --"tten f" t" I ..,,pt inr brief. intermittent s, ,'- 11cCoard and members of the speech To Aid In Keep ng aniusemeni .zerybody but a certain Out Of Life's Ruts law enforcement officers, life goes on .orrection classes has been especially co-rd. Why We don't ttinquilly for members of John ,ratifyinv. I have often wondered 1 am au arC linger's family at their farm near PRONUNCIATION IMPROVES take inventory of ourselves every year that there are to. Dear public. my creditors are catching Mooresville, Indiana. Most interesting among the obser- just as the metchants do in order to those that are int, weren't the last vations made in up with me, and if this Despite the fact that law enforce- this field during the check over stock they need to dis- alone. and those that serving of Hash. I would seriously con- ment officers are seeking John DiIlin- past year is the feet that general p,7ise of and merchandise they need to .1 consistent mixture .. 31. skier leavirg ticwn. It seems that last ger, his 70 sear old father and two ;ronunciation has improved during the Gine an an- quarter I awarded Si Simoni a ham- young half-sisters live peacefully and ; ast year and a half, and according retain. Ws should try to make . tivity. This hai, al, . burger met, and now, having just quietly. tn Mr. McCoard this is probably due alysis and see if we couldn't give our- aays will be. but I discovered who writes this twtaddle, he The girls, Frah, vs. 10, and Doris, IS, to the stress put on correct diction b!. s,Ives 3 jolt. and come to and realize the a.tiso ,., k, is going to make me come through. attend school during the day, while the radio and the talking pictures. that we may he getting into a rut. Couldn't you forbid him to eat until father, John W7li Dillinger, tills this l'or the coming year the work in As a first suggestion, we should his affix:tics os, after the football season, Mr. DeGroot? soil. tie department is to expand and with ronsidtr this point. How many nights riot intellectual I . In the evening., after a dinner pre- the addition of a course in Speech 'A' a week do we spend on non-academic Twenty years fro, pared by the father. they combine their hich is intended ti, accommodate those twtivity ? We probably say one nicht, Asaiin the second string is recruited efforts .0 and other friend t complete the housework. who have not had speech work and naturally, in order to "recreate our toff- he xas captain .,: alt an"e f,1kting l'i,P%u When finished the elderly father reads aho are intending to take further work minds". Probably another evening and this ierson wh.. fold flare hid mo4 he bren. ""'ibult." ict t" "is Ittts aloud the Bible. His favorite passage in the department Mr. Niel:oar'', dedicated to our sorority of reigns of popularity wilt noh that he fraternity meeting, at least for senti- "e P`al fr"duainn' (Thank Yan' is the stry of the return of the Prod- division in the Speech Department Will had done something etre in c,,Prge Jack, and may you amiss a gear t/11 your sori. be ready to maintain its position as ment's sake. There are also committee sides attaining high spots inr pop. Linotype again and ruin your manicure. meetings, rehearsals, and occasionally On Sundays the girls attend Sunday .,ne of the best departments in the ularity. school at the Quaker Church, while West. extra work in a stiff subject we need I do not adv.., : 7. (Quote): Man is just a worm, sayS we ask a friend ta the hither stays at home and with the "HAMLET" OPENS SEASON some helP in; so give up activities half of the second string. He comes out, :ad .,i a married ...me over for a short time to give us daughter prepares With -Hamlet- opening its season maintain that th, : 7.1, wiggles around a little, and then some. din, a few pointers, but it so happens that eat )..ear. San Jose Players are ready stop wasting time and who will _ends- chicken gobbles him up. (Unquote., It was one of these dinners, with his -short time" turns nut to be hours, la uphold the reputation that they trate when he d, r baked chicken the principle course, that leaving you tired and sleepy. This taaineil as thc result of their pre- study, vvill have r the outlaw son afir 0113 his could go on and on, but the point is Most people ( tathink ? th, last vis- sentati,m of "School for Scandal" last run to participatv it home with his sweetheart, :Miss Ev- this: Why not decide tc, clean out all est words in the English lan:..ige are ovcs Without a doubt it is the most on a more advantage.. ebn Frechette, earl). in April. oi this loafing and stalling and settle love you", but we s,.rt ,7 favor .trnt,,tious season ever attempted at thv home is furnished simply. On the down to SOMC decent ci.ncentration?" -Not guilty". s and with "Hamlet", "Death walls cit the front room hang mot- At Oxford and Cambridge, from dci.,,s a Holiday", "Tartuffe", "Hay tia’ Be Kind to Each Other," and which no finer or highly cultivated pro- Murdock Airs Views 'Tis I ...r", "Beyond the Horizon'', and I it.il lilt, Our Home." ducts oi American youth have been Education But h :',r unchosen play on its schedule On College The chid adornment of the kitchen turned out, the single puricne is study, To I, a--,,mes the leadership among college is a wood burning stove on which all and by itudy only does onv ghin honor. One of the aims UT And h 11:er. :tic irr..11;* meals are prepared. There there are no footbali rallies, nn sation should be lb. SEASON TICKETS SOLD *wee Voles. The elder Dillinger has been tbe business managers, no social iunctions, will rounded iffilividu I he price f..r this season will be tv,Iii(if,fcelikasig,n,.re the death of his wife etc. There are only two activities: atlas a college graduate stis Thvn tiara 1- the who reminds only two dollars and it would be prehensive view of la, his _ ,I : hrsman becatr-r he never oise for ever) student to reserve la tI am th best at bacon and eggs, able him to see the pr..7 tah, , his . off the hose; or her season ticket at the beginmc comparing hut I can fix up other meals pretty front him in his stru.: with !!,, lewist.00r nil,: calls him of next quarter, because in the pc e,,d," be say s modestly. College Poll Shows their true proporti. there has tccen a complete sell-, . alwaYs Frances is thv fa)iirite of ber outlaw Today, however, . 1...,1 .7. 7! :.r t o weeks of the year brother. Pacifism Spreading realized to the extent Mat NIAJOIts EXCEL "Wholes, r t. mitt- hme now he at. 1 here exists among Inlle. 7.1.r.*.i so It.r..trvds f _ _ _ 3 11 rr,,,rning I behold .-;0.s ..ti la-r and brings her to the members stalking of the depanment is the recognition presents," iv ,7!, r explained At recent poll conducted by the au please, which makes a sir, to al at. afir oaltiriv to reduce that has been given fellow members "She arre. I, s k Ir. 16:4, before ali l'eacr Attion League, Va'eslit)ar. College, smhdiowlferee:itcheu’Lmbia: Hot more are rada.c.1 to walking. in the department by the student body a trouble johr,nie was going of Pacifism was. sli avn by activity and a cardin rt' -1-k, tsk . -uch onginality! 1,4 .11:niCe3 with a girl r. Ira, vs then, and he rendered. 312 out c,f a student enroi,ment of Particularly am,d. o-- insisted that 77,,- tea sister be named Ronald Linn by his election to the , six hundred. tl,,t the farmer whos: the same. Prxsidency of the Audent body and Dot no said they would rei1J1C 10 "take s"ildert171.eorutd"Oisi 1'041.1.77 s ' her election to the mal,777 haY while, remember at that time Johnnie Vierra by presidency up arms against another country under ',rest; which are fundamentil in at. 7 7 .7 n :Laic said, 'It's the sweetmt name in the cif blai k Masque which is a public any circumstances." 0 wi,r1d." recognition of being the outstanding A refusal to support the Prrsident I, imiti,,ns anman in the senior clase attained the in any declaration of oar was ex tla ohm: v 6,1 oi 1.,rts it, . where you come tinsitic,ns that they have held in their , pressed by 73a. ,,,,r1 stag-er out. n Les Bibliophiles Holds department. .,..in5OtrySaiiidin,t,haed:d31061 &fend their I vs'ci,hmi'aiinnriivifia';'ancO'n moannei'lia'n'd ints 1 here was a faith.healer from Deal Copper Tea NOTICE 156 voiced their approval of a group jtchleetegrbuoPre;Ohmichaenrirtf:igann ';.ra 'iint7rmes; VX17,0 said "Althugh pain isn't real, ot Oxford students who refuse to fight in nothing. On the other side there 't If I sit on a pin, A copper tea was held by Le, All student who are to receive "King or Country". it,hketdityroinu{tio wonheichaditvhirtoywsto itthsecifeucoha.sa Ann it puncture, my skin, liophiles Friday afternoon in /thorn 122 certifictes of greduation from the The poll revealed 263 students fav I dislike what I fancy I feel. las one of the last social functions of the Junior College re requested to ored senate Investigation of munitions ion of all others, creating an unlit!. Grandpa knew that one. quarter for this club of library majors call at Dr. Elder's office before industry; la4 approved immediate ad- anted condition. and minors. Tea and cake were served noon Friday nd obtain these cer- herence of the United balance Let So and the States to the coy- Let uS strive to attain a long, friends, more I thinklto those attending. tificates. enant of the League of Nations and a us bear in mind at all times the ultimate yo..... the better I like scallions.' On Homecoming day, all alumni ,minagjorianty ,imnbafarvg.00r or: ,thhiisppcinogunotriy.prmla: derive from even' Always remember this, my Parting shots 'members of this organization imial and try to have been ALL LA TORRE SALESMAN ARE In other if at first you don't succeed . . . try Ole perience something of value. !invited to attend a luncheon given in TO TURN IN BOOILS AND MONEY1 aments from to other words, embrace life fully! outfield. their honor by the active members. i AT ONCE!!! countries Steve Murdock ...... SAN F Editor JOS E 'STATE COL LEGE nk? Managing Homecoming This Issue For Day icle Mary Ferrasci SPA rt E dition was lust ..... AILY rl wh, won't 1PII) \\ \ I ! 1', - \ 0011,er 14-4 Welcome Home Alumni Barbecue At Noon. WINNING PAPOSITIONS Spirit of Gay Nineties Under The Direction FOR ALUMNI CREAT!VE To Prevail Saturday Of Spaulding, Masel 41. CONTEST WII I_ BE . ;Laid, For ,34 Homecoming At r Barbecue LunclTon F1ONORED PLAYED TM MORNING A Noon To Climax LUMN1 HEAD Miss Martha Trimble Is :.4xiaze General Chairman Main Event rim wianing M’l let:110tvenallantli, For Day Floradora Sextette Led s Miss Thompson !. Little Theatre at Representatives Of All Ruts By Classes Since 1884 To Entertain I ',. The .1 will he made up To Be Present . i select i.. ,1 by students for A i''. ., . r.. nu C.m,isting of old !le tont, 1. .mni members ani Spirit of the Ga.,. Nine- alumni will sit With the ;-'1, . I 1 ' '1 the ’ eir fri. ,. - , ..ted to be present. ties as the theme for the lima . oming . . the strenuous meals eit %,,,,,i - , _ .I.iy program to be held tin- saturday, , I me It.. homecoming das ( r. I, -Margaret la t. , .J several hundred alumni ar. tvected to ,..-ordiog to Mr Spauld- ,, I I LatlyNlargAret ' visit the campus of the '' ot Jose State ig... ..1 thr Mar:mating com- a' , college. The rnain (vent ni the day will r... z-. . 1...,; he climaxed with a imbecue luncheon, j. ,A Lancdon an illustrious 1-.;...er Rigdon. I. . .1s- . ili . 1'1 t , 1,, rr., in Alendelouitz I which is to be held oi, the south cam- gr,rt , , r .1., colleue who ha, alwax, I President Bill Richardson of the officiate ". al alumnus and a :drone A,Ium:i ,Association, formerly Stu- pus lawn. Chef Nti.....1 will acain ado, c r., miblk schools, will be the a I L , .,I, t-orekobert Fisher. oent nooy president, and now mem- over the harliettie pit. Last year 400 7,1,11.1,..:,.. i Ai ..: ihe koonMarearet rth.: , : ,. .. r Justice Wi'liam II. Langdon arad ber of the College faculty. alumni member.. attended thi, barbecue, .A la. chef in charge of the _ _ _ A:it.. uate of San Jose Stte will receive of the Soot: li Joii Carter, baritone Mr. lien Spaulding, chairman arntr...,:,..x!. Aill be John Masel, fam- an honorry lita. hider of Arts de- A,-,0moankt. ItLinche Corriveau. Official Welcome By barbecue expects 500 people this year. ow Tr rm. dinners prepared for Scot- gree Saturday t Commencement. thit Rile cum:maim* and banquets. Mr _ _ _ . Cello Solo Bill Richardson To The Eloradom sextette under the able Spauldine 1,, vixen his instructiiiii. A der Lillie Imnald Spetti. Old Graduates ; leadership of Miss Thompson will pre- Justice Langdon From _ _ . Al as much like real Played by Nlaurioe Cornell ,-ent an unusuai program of songs b is pos-ible. To \\ . x ome home, fellow Alumni, from Supreme Court Pomo Solo ' of the gay nineties. 500 rib steaks hav, L'iou Desare- blanche Corriveau. ,i.tr and near. I hope you have a grand: . Receive Degree kn historical exhibit under the di- tr 'he chairman, one ft,- -.keno today. We have tried to n i and MusetteGlen Mat- day laa a ! rection of Miss Hinze and Miss Radius G Atli In order to help _ -. ,,. !li ii.-ti,e Wdliam II I. Ifornecomine Day that will be enjoy- will further emphasize the gay nineties !' L the great amount of tsreive an supreme COW- wil! Played b:, s...:. Jose State College ,t,It for all There are breakfasts for the theme with its showing of many rel. P. . Knights and Sparta% 't'''. ; , Ao, degree dor- wOthvind j...1.4e. rharce of ,erving and honorary Bachelor Or-. ics of the old days. In addition to pic- Spears ., t: ..L., i member, of several carnpus Thom, Evgani Director ,ampu, for Aures and records oi thc old Normal waiting ; -.. At the command of :in:y. n'n j6Se'S C'''''''. .r.: .',,i'.11-. t..uri. about th.. ''''' S'tUr Oribestra a_ri,,,er Quentin Young. , school there will be a section de - this mat l orme of waiters sill be - a ho want to see additional equip- ' Atter teaching ir. L L ; 1; - Played :. A -elected orchestra 0, ivoted to scenes of early San Jose. Mrs_ Sarah Dowdle who sill act in the no and San Fran. fron. .1., College Symphony l mei . ,ritalled since they were here last; , Another exhibit of great interest will iews capacity I head waiter. elected in lo02 . ...perint,ndent The Bel (..nt and its director. Miss, ac, ,-,.,,,riml exhibit of pictures, year' be found in room 1 of the Art Build- ication This great ban,itiet will draw together , . , : c x -.,,c1-.t. in whi,11 ,,, 2'111..171 in ,an r Xima Lour X',Ibiams, will be glad *a bo-1.- ,te. . of days gone by; exhibits ing which includes the original com- alumni from classes back to 1884, the position he served ..,.;.; 1,05 A few .... !come all nourning alumnae mem- arch in:positions submitted by students in the laler tla,$ incidentally ,,,rts of the alumni . . the one that is ,,,. art, he 1,.. :-.e ti;-.01 oi tii. i rs of Bel tagic, in Room 104 of the 'Ind recently conducted alumni contest, the celebrating :art ,:-. I mtisic; the barbecue at noon its 50th anniversary, and a,a,.. board of edui , n Masic Iiii.l.- .ramediatelv after the winners of which were announced some which will i,i z place and dedicate the Lanmion studje-t , , ,,,, .,,. ,,f 0,,. , .t.,.,,t. Interesting and irn. a he!, p7-mii-es to be better than ever; time ago. The music entries w'll be Auricle during the day in honor of ...id wa.s admitted ,. rtant niater.- iiill be discussed for a land bicil; the commencement program r! (Continued on Page Three) ,-',. ft \ II, n. and Henry Norton, After a few vear's rt tom , r. . :ti lunch h. ,:r whi,h i .,,Ild bring beck many happy . Hat and teacher of the tg.rj san Feanei,e, Hneinti:-. C co- vello, Ex-president, .eaduatintt year of thc A superior judei I -c ' 7 . hOPC that each one to y.. -1 on Page events of the o , Thre,e) Icounty was not tn1 Schedule For Day ,,,, ,,;., , all the Extends Greetings appointed to the L and m.'. nt.im. old friends as w,l, , To Alumni Break f ast appeals. While in . make o , ne, I Wish I might .., , . _ __ ._ Schedules on AnnJunced personally, but thAt ., elected to the $11. ..,, ., .!...,u alumni and triend. id San J.,,c State, Home-Commg Day _ probabl. .. A ai the question so here's , ' ;salon he now hol welcome back to our fold. We are just- .: ," And a wish for a hap- .,.,.. Announced 'of the cla, of Is'. a cordiAl proud and honored to have you with organization break- p,.. nom,. _.,,,,. u4 for Homecoming Day. We want you , .. W. s Bill , Richard -on '19 " e groups which are 5n Welcome l'o Alumni Is ____ ...__ to look about the campus ancl to note ' on Homecoming Day the changes since you have left. Notice ,,,,,,,:,: .., ad Entrance. Others will send out Given By College Dean Choir Quartette the rapid development of our technical . rm.. It.. ; lion and Movies, Rni. Verse _ juipment anti facilities, the flourish- -., i ei. 1, ;." Historical Exhibit. Will Appear Saturday - , mpartment, RASCaf. Weitorne home, __ ing beauty of our campus and the in- " ' ' ’ . Art Exhibit. Room \ 't home making gradu- how recently you . T!' of building,. The N.,- .s;,. ,king Choir quartette, creasing number ' ; oudents, and friends, Re- ctn. have been ag m narbecue and Get-to- I under the , t-,..,,,rt itt Dr. Dorothy. If you have time, look through the ll .., , %IL . NI ignon, College. latve you return a . I. "-,11t11 Gonpus. "Floradora Sex- Kaucher, oaf ,,Loting of Lois Lack, 1034 La Torre. You will see that our I . , , ,c.;,,a, o GO--Sainte Claire Ho.. family party. San . . r N.--,tes Surprises. Ethel McGuit.1, hale Kearns, and J. D. athletic teams are becoming more and lO. ' I u. Gamma members and ers its alumni ..- - tat. - - Straus., will take leirt in the Homesom- more powerful, that our academic de- phi, -, .. Ha,ation majors and minors..strong aseets. .ko . ' .- I ; j. en ,,,dirAt.on a. Allen -Norton Boulder, ine Day Priiertm Saturday noon, June , partments are widening in scope, that Be; , I ';, 31r, Knapp. College. lever so complete. .,' I ... ;I..; .,:- , an,1 Quad Entrance. Oil.. lour activities are ever increasing, and 1-, I ,. Lla .. ,Lr !,,, - e it : I, Th, it,,r l'hi. 8:15Tower. Re- , efficient, hut it is u by I that as a consequence, San Jose State i3 1, m - 1 Their program wilt Jude .kngels, ;,,,n,1 k, x Dunipace. it% real reputation s' Al - W. , ,t, , . . 00 Collear : Hoffenstein, The Rich Man, by Adams, !quickly taking its place with the more Art jr,:,,,,ment, 8:00_Rm. 1, I Art :proud of our pro,: . .',LI 1, 11 ..: E ; "numN"ment- Quad' Sandhurg, Morons, by , important collegiate institutions in the I lonarar. lie,"ree to be conferred up 'lass Fantazia, by null,: ..tol graduates, Respond to Mrs. ou to wine bad, ,, L. ,...r. htle Sandburg, Doctor looks at Literature, 1West. 'limit. I ,Ilege. ii ., Th. i : .111,hre Wilkort H. Langdon. i while. so we can , ; Over.workol Elocutionist,: We hope you enjoy your visit and ,nce Let b.. Itai,,phiim 8, 11,y King, the 30__ o'Brien'a your day, and we ' ,’ 0 -''''!I 1". '' ;') ' '--; ; -; - that you will return to us before neat 1,, Alt onate ; ;,iornial r,,,,,ition, 032 Cla,s, Ifo- and The Little Peach, by Eugene Field. Pi,m .....in t ourt. 50c. :. i. ,,,, .,. ,, i,,,. i et. I.ibrary majors. happy one--as hap; . This will be given in a burle-que rash- , Homecoming Day. every j.nii., At.,..;hsaantliejnonse, Banwell. 1343 i' been for us in our /,,; avti a, t,,5 1.d' ''' 1)eAn" style, and I Yours very sincerely, In other 10 p.m. ,itin of the old elocutionary ; return. Class, Ho- 1 the whole program is to be much on the Fmnk Covello, Tau Mit DI M MICK ".emi-formal Banquet, 1932 Delta, 9 00Sainte Claire i I II,I. EN order. Pres. A. S. S. C. r NIurdock 11;,.,1 tel DeAnsa. I burlesque 1 In An ol Women By Conroy and Cox The little man, who we contidered

one of the greatest athletes in the history of San Jose State--Lou vatowill wind up his running care. . for the Spartans a week from thisl Saturday, competing acainst a great D Capt. Salvato To Los Angeles' field of sprinters at the eGroot Picks Squad CO* WAIKEP NIR N.C.A.A. meet June 22-23, Train At Farm Doug Taylor, who has comp,. - four years for San Jose State For Early all Practice captained the track team in Mai al finishes his allotted years of dompetite CO \ A.A track meet. By AL somewhat atone for the tempor PNYWAL at this coming N C with To ENIJATION bother this 250 pound taAle, and luck Doug and Lou! grid- loss of Coach Erwin Mesh, Dud Good Upon th. shoulders ot 3 ' five the opening, of the fall practice svill find an' -- In Spartan , DeGroot has arranged so that Cap- Salvato ders rests the outcome of the him back in his position. Charles J W ' Radio Interview ' football career of Iota. These men tain Lou Salvato, State', areat sprinter, soccer coach at Among the men who were unfortun- h., ., We also want to wish Salvato all the were picked to return to Ica, tit, two . may work out with Stanford's N.CA.A. an article entitle.: I ate enough to lw left off the .. ad world of luck when he steps before the weeks before the regular s.I.....1 starts '- '.. squad. under the tutelave of their fa- - for Phy sical E.; . r. ...._ahee Souza. Hollture and Abernathy art. tn microphone of radio station KMTR. due to their outstandina p. . .3 I mous Coach Dink Templeton. 1 pearingQhinaetteheek 7,.., . outstanding men . Souzaes i is handicapped the voice of Hollywood. to go into a during the Spring practice. Sept.mber 9 , It is tough for an athlete to go to 1 wah by sire, but mak ihishup It er sport inteniew with Rraven Dyer ot will be the date that the St,...r .:. hopes in ( .;:;d. meets without any supervision and to ical Education AA....011 . the 1.05. Angeles Times. will becin their final prepar...... for innt'"eek aed -Peed n t e Pen i . h I be working out and training without -Thernathy and Holmburg have show The article was . ',. Nit. If you have a highpowered radio the Stanford game which is sthetialtal the critical eye of a toach to tell him . them -elves to be vood football men. but 11 alker while attenclihe ; r ..),,,,I available. he sure and tune in on for September 22. : where he might improve slightly on his at orhartabfa uar___,.... hm ,,f then thy men who have beat them hut foir I 'sr' " ...t. The station KMTR Thursday and Friday . ,,,et, aiandha as.er the form to obtain the maximum results i "" 1 positions are more experienced a d th s . article was written an,! . .' I. r, June 21 and 22 at seven o'clock. . who made this Spartan Varsi(v. there Coach Templeton will be very cap- that I factor is vital in football careers. der the direction of fir 11 A Scott This being the last time to pound rieerra, fo he a few names thf.-ina able of giving this advice and will no head of the physical (31,,t t j . out copy for the Spartan Daily. we might have made the team :i the. squad The Sranincd game re' be idaeed doubt he a big moral support to Sal- ment of Rice Institute . who' 'nteaches 'Put. g wish to devc.te the last bit of space did not have to he limited to forty- September 22 will be a breather to the vato while in Los Angeles a week from s Columbia University in the -unmet to our feature and reportial staff who five men. However if these men who Cards. and a most important game to Saturday. Captain Sakai and Taylor have win In his article, Coach Walker have aided u., so greatly during the wet., out still have football ambi- the Spartans. The DeGrootmen probably. entrain to the N C.A.A. knees. ses upon the reader the iteces,ty past three months. To the following men firms they may return to the squad nothing to lose and everything to gain. meet with the Stanford squad. . al ell. we extend our greatest thanks. when school starts and try to wct, This idea is: not the best way to look This meet is going to have plenty of ’d.dle t e Public and rhe 'cnool rtsinsstrators to the fact that physical To Steve Murdock, former Times themselvea into a position. at the game, but it is practical. If the speed burners with the other events education is one of the most Sports Editor and La Torre sports There are several men on the squad Spartans should manage to make a good with practically as many capable per- editor. who was responsible for those who have nnt been out for Spring pm, showing against the almost Nati3nal forrners entering them There are no Inun 'ubjeeta in tbe "tin hunl cur- riculum to teach. fine feature stories on Jimmy LuValle, tire. but made the team on their pre- champions. the only thing that will have less than 15 speed merchants entered Carl Robinson, and Lou Salvato during vious experience and performance. Ha.. to be worried about the rest of the from the leading colleees and univ. I The school teachine program should the past quarter. ' Aria has been laid up with an injured season will be over-confidence. Then ersitim. I be equalized, takine in.., areolint To Gil Bishop for his covering of leg from the first few weeks of pmctice. again if the Cardinals run aU over the Six of these men ha, records of 6 6 extra curricula actis :tie- of th. teach- baseball and feature writing during 'Tartans. it will be a sign of a great er. The pres.elant jojid the The assumption of his beinst placed on or better this year, snd no less than past quarter the varsity is that his leg will be in 'teal of work needed to make the Spars eight others have N.t.r. clocked in 9.7 the physical educate, oat-) r anh To Dick Hicgins for his coverage shape for the Stanford game. John Leo %ins a conference winner next fall. seconds for the 100 yards. teaching procram head, tj. athletic of freshman track and short sport was the victim of a tragedy when he re- The following men have been selected Of course the man topping the fiat extra -curricula actisaie- and the latk oddities ceived an injury during the last days to report for early season practice. the "Marquette Meteor". Ralph Met- odd jOt14.1 Whit+ 3IN3:. t,, orati. To Bill Crawford for his Intramural of practice. This i- the most distour- . CentersMey.en, Spalding, Whitaker. calfe who has run the 100 in 9.4 sec- tat,. to this teather. column acing thing that can happen to a grid- Guards Azasedo. Hurt, Cannel!, onds and the 220 in :0 4 second, both The adjustment in To Al Rhine.. for his swimming der. After working all season t. ja Meta Poi,. Wetzel. VVilson. world record times. He is the man with made by. lightening stories and special write-ups. plays and formations, he will probably Tat k lesBecker. Daley, Ha rrliman, the slow start, but the tremendous teacher, not by into ..-,.. be laid up for some weeks to come. Leo, Scofield, Simoni. finish. Bob Kiesel. the "Berkeley. Ruh as the teacher cannot Ends Baracchi. Bruning. Ellice, Glo- let" needs no introduction to West heas'Y a load Th, t ver. Johnson, MacAulay. I Coast fans and is the present I.0 4.A. hours Per week 1- Left halfPura. Taylor. Watson champion. Ail these and r / TWO SHOWS Richt Half MacLaehlan. Peach, The other men with 3 t, .-4.1-0r1115 rec numerous to met I IN ONE ! Wren ord., are Perrin Vs'alker. (....treia Tech, !arced %arson in ’ ctuart-rsCarpenter, Corbella, and our own Lou Salvato -an ii,e; Gor- and any student .. A baffling mystery story s r- Croom laid In the glittering don Lynn. and ... Kansas State. esting and htlpful r funntsksBarr, Embury, Milting of a Broadway Stockdale. With all these and t. r- entered, the musical! The perfect cont. Utility menCenter and euard I N.t.A A. proosiaes .j ;cod Natation of enterta nment. rn"" Miss Williams Honored 1.11kleJackson By Music Group 1.ntlBaldwin. Isacks--Ano, Bennett, Hass kin-. Floradora Sextette To Offer Program Tormey-Allario Will Floratlora Sext. nntler the di- m111...rAl,n.:'1,' " Marry On June 2ot rection of Miss Thong . music in Branch ot structor. will prment re .1 program women erten., A tht. tlimax in a camia, romance, td old favorite classics d the lun- the quality ar. .t: I,- weddine of Hope Allario and James cheon on Home-Cominc . The mem- ed ssorks !,.. I i...y will be solemnized sun- ' bers of the Seatette ar i low s. Mrs. t performed ..1.1 at Bonny Donn in thel Sybil Hanchett, Mrs 1 .. ,...113 Cam- were on tftsp.., ruc mountains. cron Wal-h, Miss Mannit NI. Maur AWL ()MOLL'S The bride to be is the only &in.:liter int. 1 Mild, Murcotten, the home of Ruth i Mr. and Mrs. A. Allario. She i- .nd Mt-- Aurelie .Ant rot, I . will be miss Wilk - .: .rrailuate of this year's June clas and dt. in the fashioto '90's tures on , ola- raid.- o while in college was affiliated with the and lec -1%1,- ,1 11.. til I. Pi chapter and Lambda chapter of Kap- - , pa Kappa Sigma sorority, and Mack 1. s.1. - ,C1/.1 -AT TUE Masque. Mr. Tormey is a graduate of js oition. Pols rh 1.1ti Afterhd. the San Jose State College agd Stanford sunday ' Color Sy mphon My University. He is now an instructor Merrie Oldsm o I fence oreanizat on the San Mateo Junior College fac- Two Little Cie:. In t hr dance :41:- ulty. This year the historian tor th, t he. historic exhibit i- r VICTOR McLAGLEN While in college he was affiliated Wfillirl) I..r th. na new in a i ion . JACK OAKIE ..th Tau Delta l'hi Fraternity and lure- d th orn l'hi Delta Kappa at Stanford. and relics nf which th. . KITTY CARLISLE composed last year. Mrs. Spence Amit k (Helen Stewart) For Room 17 will be turr.ed Students Thankcd DUKE ELLINGTON sorority sister of the brideco.be will be into an and his Famous formal reception Dance Orchestra matron of honor. and IA'arren Portal room and 3 prop , Work On Last mat-bine will Tormey, brother of the grom will at- show slides made from Popeye Cartoon! tend as best man. amusing reminiscent pictures of "the wish to thank days when". helping me Oil II, New Pete Smith Simoni Be Nature study slides skill also be shown dance. -moans Loss aul the performance will be semi- Decorations and Of Notebook ,o that vi-itors may drop rel, isn't T3y11,1-, E.ITI 1 in whenever they. %dd. ertr, Larry Eagle., Will the person who took the Hubert Staffellach. LI. Magazine advertitement from the La Guests tti the class 1,74 whO Wili Angelo, Jim Welch. Torre office pleas.. return them to prea-nt on Hon, ,ming day NI Publicityjiro Dario Simons irnmeditely. ) These re :Hrs. Florente Singlt try, San Jose: EntertainmentDora), nec ..... y in order to complete a Mrs. Margaret Greathead, San Jose; Carter, Bernice IfornIs chairman. notebook. Diro Simoni and Mrs H. C. Leclyard Oakland George liarta-on w VVVVV sl 1,111 i JINE 15. 1914 PAGE THREE NROY Thirtee ditor ONE-ACT PLAY WILL NATURE STUDY SCHOOL n Years Of STUDENTS TO EXHIBIT ALUMNI SPONSORING BE GIVEN BY SPEECH TO VISIT TAHOE Benefi ts At State :ox With two 11 wo i:ditor ARTS THIS SUMMER in California 1. ; r relationship of the entirely new 1. al art. are a part of Sehool of ", ., Junior College with; this year's Homee;ming Day pro- CONTEST THIS YEAR gram. One is an exhibit of student Doi,: a a ear of interesting and in- ! classes which 1. .1r ! te Teachers College, art;1 ...... h r r the other a concert t,f Arts De. of t1o.: unique arrangement! -.indent-composed A program has been instituted that eductive .ork, the Speech intentions .01 .1 I r I ber music. These compo-itions are re- I is expected to become wowed i- getting ready for the Sum -1 opportunity o. "iff of opportunities' the an outstanding faits 'udents of both col.' of the Alumni .ponsored rontest campus tradition, The San Jose State SI! WRITES mer School Session. ; information al maserl. conducted this sprirot, and represent College Alumni As.sociation has spon- activities are bein9 planned and I scientific Vire p, , and the we's! a Many new busy as ges has been (aril- fielrl nf alumni mildly. With the sored its first annum Creative Art Con- the Department will be lust as on their intr r. to, ; I offering of 5200 for ,111 test for school year. They are leak; ' ation has ntride pns. awards in the students of the college, and has CODE FOR illey were in the Rig Rear ff tratory. library, Art and Music departments, the Alumni announced its winners. The sum of two contemplating giving John Ervine's so-1 Fallen Leaf I.,k; r, tr I .1-.5 and ; expansion of extra group ha, marli- a Tart in this very hundred dollars was contributed by the phistitared romedy, "The First Mrs. r Two Minder ;1 and ' in athletics, deans. worth while cnrIn,vor of fostering an association to stimulate interest in the RAID en,a" The cast will be picked in a already signed to tor tbr stream and alto romonsition be- I r dism, and fine arts!, interest in Enrol, uork over and be- of music and art, placing less and rehearsals .311 start the party hew' ! 1- Dr ’ 1- inert , it). and yond class conrrtt San Jose State in top rank among the . on expanded the tion This type of of the 1s1a. , I ; ,r:, , .earling institutions of the country one- r rams; as well as, en- ! scholarship Int-ot on definite and com for planned to present a %ill leave for It, It. I. d r 1.,n; .or personality devel- petitive condr, lion and development its well-rounderl program nf No-ionizing 35-time during the six weeks hool closes. lit: Ill ,^ 41. oprmont of stodent talon' itto long been an aim creative ability. that fitramer school lasts. It will be prirtically on the otmmi r of ilir -an! The In, r IleJe ha.s contributed to- of the Executt,. Board. It is hoped not Closing on May 13, contest entries cam I., a group of men from the Bernardino mon! or Ir : ..1...(' "fre. .1 cif the teachers col- only that intilar contests may be were submitted to music professors of Federal shelter, men who are unem. miles from th. ' ; rr .rst two years. as the mntinued n. ,t. ..oer but also if possible the University of California for judging Toyed The3 arc under the direction of to.n rtf liars . . in objective. through the scope nt.t, le broadened to include in that field, both instrumental and voc- Hal NIA Itc-ney, who is also the di- nearly the san t with a field of ser- other depart enras. al types being considered rector or the recently organized Com- marline, on th; t previously appealed The mono it.r awards this year did Glenn Matthews, whose original or- munity Players Group. I' Men L,eaf 1 .!. to the. not con, irom any definite sum set . hestral score for ten instruments was Great interest is being shown in the f rom heautifu, Tin aneram of the junior 'de f; r "oh work. It was drawn onsioered exceptionally fine, was !oursc aka will be offered this sum- the foot of M- I cone:. ded direc trorn the working of the awarded first Verse Speaking broader general capital prize in the instrumental mer P. 1- a course in covered most " 77 coltfio r the lower division lassodatio Jhis of course cannot con- field. Second prize was won by Elmer and aneone asho is interested may en- . bc, After much ; t:.,1 1,1-2C,,r1 Dr. notlo. r !inn for teacher train- tinue Ion: tl! standar running expenses' Rigdon, and the third by Clinton roll. The entrance does not depend un Peterson chose 'I, ' ' ing 1, . : to establi the prin- use nearl. all tin' money taken in in Young. a tryout, fit it is expected to be rather because they . ' '' !. dole a wide acquaintance sFarly clur It has been suggested, Margaret Davenport was named win- :!!!Prts. a Mae class all of the out-.! r I aor.- ro mare n asith trts, with spocial em- therefor-. !hat certain Alumni Schn- interpretation and public speak.' ner of the first prize for her vocal com- Oral and too they troth lend excellent eK. pha-t- natural and sorial larhip, 1.n crt up to which anyone in- proitions, which were beautifully done. tog course, wIll also be gtaen t is sum- amples of nature study whtch is the! emirs, ' icentrating upon the tereseff may contribute. 'The second prize was awarded to Rob- mer antler the tutelage of Miss Jenks, int primary reasar. the crnmar COUrse 'Ion that are focused Th,o , one who has been a part NeritdiFiaisrher. and the third to Margaret who seems to be the only one of the Sixt3 of the tem hon hurl and sixty! upon rl ,; of training in the of thi, imffitution or who has watched faculty who will be here. :roma' Arts registered will attend the first meeting, technet . hine it grow " its present eminence who does Other instrumental numbers which at Bic Hear and the remaining Pan hun Furt pre -secondary group not earoo-.13 desire to see it steadily received rnention were submitted by the dred will be Ilia eleff top, ca owes ^ r Campus To Be Visited. rapid deaelopment to bentrning (Ince college. Helping stu- following: Donald Spetti, Marshall of nne hundre , ! thirts :tn.! oremr By Homecomer's the fu: proaram Of the junior dent, to 'heir highest achievement means Dahneke, Carrnen brazon, Blanche Coe- respectively fa. r !ir college r nt the trend in the increotn: the ,chool prestige and use- riveau, and Edith litrol, 1 Vocal, Robert week's stay. evolutt n 'I. Heger curriculum indt (nine-- -!ich an endeavor is one of the Fisher, Louise lettogarrt, and Robert rued from Page One) Registration : Ill rpm and about , cates r ;ropilasis in this direction. !teal 1.9rposes of alumni organizations Rath. three hundred - r. ;rt. uNpv. , The .ntor op:lege has definitely in. !and viith the successful leminning made das- The art dia-Tion offered a more varied All snotties have reserver! tables and seen up for the . creased '1; enrollment of men and 'this 3ear it should berofn, 3 regular field, and man, attractive compositions alumni members It is ex- the .hrlt -,,ar tm of competitive all - arti,t tb. Alumni \ iation were submitted, and judges were Miss it over 100 of tho ro ha- torfiler! by this situatinn One Hundred Old - - - Violet Lanni-. an art alumnus of 1931; sororities and tratern- the In -imil tr manner the teacher, o Spartan Daily Staff Air. A. L. Solon, member of the faculty w in attendance. Members Expected lege ha- benefit...I the junior Toilette 1. Extends Thanks To 1016 to 1920 and Mr. A B. Clark will old fashioned food pre- ifirreafing the reiniber and variety or art department. (Continueff frnm -Page Oner the Stanford .au. nut 01;1 fashioned costumes and electiee, (it alelde in the special de- Editor Bob Leland F:leven prize, were offered in the art Orin .111 he in keeping with the spir- beard in comer II, 13 tie M. a ter at partment, rrf music. art. commerce, -- field, eight in graphic art and three in .1 01 the 11 o'tlork tt :. r: tn: The Alumni hnme. making Industrial arts., and speech We, the staff of the Spartan Daily handicrafts. The first prize of S25.00 in A l! in:, sextette, composed of six A-rotation Inst. "'"1 1114 th'3, en- Apprettaran and applied courses xish to take this opportunity to ex- lin the eraphic art divisions was won f ,..ctot things clueing triends to hear in the, inIr!, have become very pop po- our feelings toward our editor and the late !by Lucille Fonlara for a poster. an oil its stuff in the at of student tale, :: tr ,i1'. college students. 1..,1r. Bob Leland. -mete- ..,.11 trut !painting. and a pencil drawing. re-prroibilities and .trr ro linwery of that time After the ba- .ra.. -even 3ear, the col- We reality the Seconcip prize -I; 00 Wa.s awarded Oro- 111. eommitteemen has men- the class of 1S ;.enmenting with two 1. rrIship- of the job ?lot Bob has just to Margaret Rosebr... k for t Wu murals thr feed at noon will be one reunion when rograms. The couro mpleted and we unanimously agrse and a thTrioint etchin.:. owl the thOwl 'It! run the day as it lain boulder on as} .. of these is already .` ho It o d,ne a cr, i,icce of work Honored on 05 present high prizt of $10.00 to Nlar,ret Rile who -enter! , Ito alumni of the days' bronze placque nt hi., arc in the . ;tin: the paper or, upies. Bolt ! o responsible- suIrmitted an illustration. poster and " not so delicate but their most belt .: dee, lopment. While . "o .1,11 five-dr I els issue. "...r." n; rr real element, of keep- !commencement ' r,itered for ' ; we 01 agree ,hcrinite im- ;a ilraina'al.'camPeinar prizes of ; .3 oh exert / r r' in healthy condition. late afternoon numb,- of the It neer the feu, I. of pre !aeon lry Betty Gill, Joe Rol...-. Jean N1. Trimble, former instruc- nf Ael '1'214" .. are mote- in the r- l'he name ,1; Daily" Stria. Richanl Wells, and r ; I roiling School and membat Jutlue William .ho .1i -rover that v ho fonight ; ampus .ho were rated in that . ., bemire until June lo33, the supreme I, a. qualoi..thons for . 11 1-.00rtality rcipon. The first mire of $12.00 in t!, ! tii tor the do. Chair 4"" "1 1842 and are altlo to find .r Pole tine relatirro with the icraft division was awarded t ...mmittees that are; Miss Martha -..ugh the tro-linical pro- n- board. Many r...r. subtle oth) Nelson. Second prize of - '.1 Throw, .c,. ffp. last year from toms nj o ot It lee been nt 1,1.. under Mollie Blois, and the third prize . it , no ral chairman the in ; r the .it.1 of to Don Niadsen. r I. - - r Oa. joint relation - m!.. r- of t he -4 t ( ; r, Exhibit Will 'age, are mutual tor the Historical II: i'll,r0Vetnent. Industrial Arts Group "Gay ulty 15alt rolleges. Be Theme Of is ant.c.:1.- t In , ,6rc (urn- 1 "''' . ' "I I" l'"'. 3 l'" . irornssins , Holds Banquet To ba the reso,:iii.teil ben- int’’’’ - Nineties" Plans : Close 5; indination to scpar-'"" ' b''' 11.""es""1 '''' ''" l''' Quarter ;, 1. rim r-ntin lege, and all Pr `''.. for '''''''' The. Int., stm I l'ht. 1,1u -trial Arts nn I nnrnot ailt upon th. . bortor fraternity, held an Italian dinner ma .' I , "; r tr.; Is, ',pea, an,' .,,, ,,, Martha Trimble To Be n Merl Italia. on Friday evening, June - j General Chairman - in honor of the department. "Or rrth tout rile Session Offers _ The 33 members ini luding 100 per- ri.r .r ,,1 , -Summer % t! mar ,/ Trimbir, f,.. in. , cent Mt enilance of the faculty were n 1,1 ' , nc; .th Complete enough to acquire Mr A. Variety of -Ina I..; , ,;.- , nlIcac is general chair-. \ I; 1 nto- 1.1 t h, of Vocational 11/..le Jt New Courses man for ii .- 11"mecoming "lay. Working Ri"MuNnit3lat'als. head Edu- ornhg I la ,,1 nNinieshullnsuwodasuctrhde with her 15 at tie the day a ,,at.rrm are ! c,,autri:ttnli)n,aSkaen, OJ fits:h..,N,l,re. NOTICE!! Under the .1; and fac- If Any -oho, t .111 Ire ontred the folln.i, ,31;:iftle alumni of the boys now signed up Ilinze anel Mi- i by Ras' Ryan, Mr. Nichol.. made his For for blood mmer st op; tan: ulty TIll 7 ked tetensfusons here moved or teresting dispie I. It liohnett. address fnr the special benefit rtf the will awy for 1;i:;nt 111, -, t Dance the summer will and newspaper- Hist., , --Miss Clara Ilinze. graduating seniors, stressing the im- they plratie notify portance prnieer Dr. Elder's office dents will be ea Art exala. ::. ! ;Icor:010ns- Mrs. ' of the attitude and before the clotie of school. Some exhibition. AIM. Huth Tumer frame of mind ashen entering upon hoya 11 dnd . 11 r,; - hve missed being called be. is being used as , one's first teaching assignment The ad- IVeltu.etion Librar- Alusic-Alr I I. b Otteretein. cause of failure to 3ff] ,1,k;;12 I; .rial vice anti suggestions given by Mr. report change of Home Coming, ' -it - leuirles.-M, 1, Dimmick. telephone rItip. NI Natur.el ien. Nichols were greatly appreciated by the number. !no means be res' .n.ble busies.; - Spartan Spears. Ed c t. Women, out .going !records of that ; I Table ...nice- s [rah Ihtwdle seniors. Sprel h. .111! Follrasing Last quarter's term paper, in mementos of th. r 1 (.. , Chaney. Mr. Nichols' address, Ray A 11, dna, Seht5,1 Speech Correction R),in, toast master. called upon Nub NI. " may be had by hibit covers all t le ifisittle Harbert], -Mr s! t a! . 311. re .111 taculty member and each graduating t the clinic. Also pleas* lege was founded aetivita ,11-111ist th J. nks. -.. o trot lion In the selloff- for comments, hand in the "Speech Improvement -- _ _ criticisms, or . u luloit al be on Record cards three major publican...a instruetor, will com- eulogies on their lour nr inure Nears for any students The oill la large ntim ,tT,ffhirty worked edited by met.. o re spent axithin the deiwrtment. " with this q of F are to be olueate,r, of r l prominent m, chairman. Wm. McCoard women this year. 1934 PAGE FOUR SPARTAN DAILY, FRIDAY NE 15

San Jose State College WELCOME, ALUMNI By Michael Angelo Just SPARTAN DAILY Among Ourselves BOB LELAND EXECUTIVE EDITOR (Phone Bal. 4794-.1 or Bel. 7800) NoteThts column it per:anal be herrn the president and the college Ore Outsiders requested not to tlinhe We DAN CAVANAGH MANAGING EDITOR of the 'material. (Phone Bal. 2418) Glad to sec you baik..41,:mni Wel. come. Hope FRANK HAMILTON ... BUSINESS MANAGER yuu may find scree old tPhone Bal. 1017, or Bal. 7800a friends. make some new on,. .,e,! have la good time. Jim Fitzgerald Assistant Manger I Seems to me we are becoming better (Phone Blaf 4272) acquainted. more of our gradniates Paul Lashes Circulation Mnirer than eyi r ars took- ieruarit to Horne C. aad EDITORIAL DESK CITY DESK I believe 4,4 Paul Becher . City Editor Paul Cos Art. Editor 'Dolores Freitag Tues. Editor Lela O'Connel, Manorie Han- have a tatti r time hlary Tracy Thur.. Editor sen, Ellen steven. Bill Zeig- Helen Trary . Friday Editur ler, Rudolph Engler. Ch... each oar .,.ir Thelma Vickers Copy Editor Andaman, Louise Bendeich. Paul Conroy Sports Editor Bernice Hernbeek. foer rt pee. Ali., Parrish Feature Editor COPY DE-SK ple FEATURE DESK Mary Ferran, Art. Editor and get things done. Jean Hawky. Camay Cumbers! Gladys Lawry Asst. Editor would like to congratulate %to on Jerry Bundscia, Margaret SPORT DESK Petrel. AI Cox Art. Editor the tine job you did durin: the year Dick Higgins. Bill Crawford, Michael Angels Staff Artiet Gil Bishop. Al Rhinos. aith sour prizes for original wrak art and music. We're deli,:hted ,th the Dr. Carl Holliday Faculty Adviser response on. the part of the stale:as. to See the art aork and heta San Jose, Cal. Subscription Entered as second des. mat- Ite sure /teen $1.11.1 Per Quarter ter at San Joe* Poetoffice. the intiStc. I believe thine price, tiasis Published every .ehool dm, Pens of the Globe Printing done more to make the -!11,14.7.! body by the Associated Students of Company, 14Ig South Fleet Son Jar State Cara.. Street, San Jose. California ,,.r...icous of nue alumni thin any ad- rtising we have ever done. Incideste illy. a number of young pe, ple hare Speech Doings SPARTAN SPEARS WILL (lass Of 1884 Will !7,rti ,heealrped nut with their eXtc.119, tor While you've been auay. the campus By Jim Fitzgerald MEET SEPTEMBER 20 H !Ile One Hundred is been very busy. Our tnrollment Ss Ralph Eckert and William NIcCoard, The first meeting of the San Jo HELP ALUM vipT ..meis hat less than last Ir. Pit it MI members of the Speech faculty, were' Players is scheduled for September . to 2400 anyway. It 1-oks ai if amona the first to leave San Per Cent Present _Tose at seven-thirty in Room 165. At th .aal have a much Lam: nest State when they left the campus for time a nominatinc committee will I BIG BARBECUE Preliminary enroll.. rd. id Europe last Wednesday. Wallace II,. tla, of 1S,.: is Mur- chosen for the election that will folio, men is about 30 per cent higher. ray-. graduating major and member of soon after. to have a tine hundred per cent repres- a -ervice t, We're having a grand sear fir place- the Roosevelt Junior High School fac- busy year oi Try-outs for the Plovers will be held entation as all of the members are still ments. Started strong and keepir,g it ult, Witt accompany the college, the present Spartan Spear the Pair as 'ar the se. cond week of school and all who living and all have signifitil their inten- up Our total sinte la-t September is as England where he will spend the .; aill join uith the pledges amid th, Nitre unable to do so during the last and close to the 200 mark Let ma. tt,ank SUMITIcr tinn to attend. Out of the four fac- quarter should do so at that time as alumni by serving at the barbecue ulty members of this class who are yet t.ou in tarhalf of the !ICH for Interestinr among the Lifts that were only members of San Jose Players may which will be a feature of the annual living. three are expected to attend. your report- ot s mantle, anil rJr help presented before they sailed was a Eur- compete for parts in any but the Christ- Homecoming celebration on the campus. Mr. Carl Allen, %those father was one in placing our young people in tobs. opean ettiquette book which was do- . , tit the outstanding presidents of the col. sari Jose Alumni believe in the pro- nated by the . Rae Dobyns, last year's president of Spartan Senate to in- A SUGGES. TION lege, is president of the class of '84. The duct of the college. In fact they're just sure the Spears, win act as co-chairman with safe return of the popular For some time 1 have been consider- the members of this class have each con- a bit clannish. As soon as the, re -et- faculty members. ing the possibility of suggesting the Kay McCarthy, this year's president; tributed a sum of money to purchase tied themselves flies look alt,,,t to PLAY READERS CONCLUDE awarding a key or cup to the person land Mrs. Sarah Dowdle will be in the huge buolder which lies just out- see if other openings are available for Closing the activities for the year the aho has clone the best piece of actinc charge. Among the old Spears assisting side of the Quad E.trance A bronze their fellows. We have recessed so Play Readers have been working on in the student hody during the past will be Beatrice Kelley. placque designed by the Industrial Arts many reports of sacancies this year the presentation of "Queen Mary" be- year, and this could fie presented to the Members of the society, which is an department will be placed on the bould- from our alumni that we're thrilled with fore the student body today at ten o'- student oh recognition day. honorary organization for Sophomore er in memory of President Allen, Pres- the fine spirit shown clock Without a doubt the group is the. My suggestion would he that The- women are Beatrice F:arl, Dolores Frei- ident of the tollege from Iss,-1489, and Buildings? Improvemen’ Look greatest innovation of the year in the atron should sponsor the project. and tas. 'Margaret Gallagher, Frances Gould. Henry la Norton, Saturday a-hen the alsout you. Science buntline Enished and department, and 51cCoard 3nd Mc- the faculty judges con.sisting of the Betty Hooker, Alberta Lantz, Helen (lase will hold its fiftieth reunion. thoroughly well equipped f train- Crea are to be congratulated on the roaches. president of Theatron. head of Ware. Kathletn aIrCarthy. Irene Nave, The dedication of the boulder will be- ing school gone, gone' Sea :est* success of the new acti% ity. the Speech Department. and two other Ler, r, Norona. Moira Peters, Mable- gin in the Little Theater and Later the plant in the library. Conditioned air, HAMLET PLANS MADE ficrult,' members chosen by the president ,1-.io Ralston. Leonore Smith, Elira- presentation will take pl,o at the if you please. New field house, sots, Without a peer from a scenic stand- hould announce in the latter part of bob :simpson. Catherine Sparks, Edna boulder press box for the stadium. Lied. tne. we point will undnut.tedly be said about April who among the student had struigtellow, Evarista Uhl, Dorothy The program for the dedination will didn't expect it, but with the help of "Hamlet" %then It is given in October shown themselves worthy of compet- Vail Miss Margaret Twomblv is if, be as follows: the state, the Junior College, and dm by San Jose Plasers. Hugh Gillis has ing for the prize because of their work LITTLE THEATER Av it has all come shout. Welt long hid ambitions to do the play and clueing the year. P riges aho ail! be next year ChairmanMrs D. C. Hi ver (Anna just downright thankful. has %staked for years on the possible In the latter part of May the students i are Doris Arnold, Arlene Rag- bowling). Legislature meet% in January Another staging of the play. chosen would present an evening pro - , tt %Iritinta Bond. Barbara Chandler Musk. period of anxiety? Perhaps 'P.c.', win For thi. production a new stage level gram of aelections that they had pre- ira Carr, ft Irbil, Hickey. Eleanor President's AddressMr r irl Allen. to the same drive to cut the stholi will be built out over the orchestra pit, pared for competition. From these the - Loretta Mane. Helen r History Miss I.ucy Washliarn. order to permit extiendit in 32 and two others will be built on the judges. professionals from without the lo Osten- oithy Rakestria. Allenian Remarks. sorts of projects. I doubt if the people stag, These will rive an added depth to would choose the winner of the I .th. Sandkuhl. harlotte Schlos. Poem-51iss Cornelia Walker. of California are going to h o their the dare mill also add to the maj- award. fa la ()Tomo !I. 51, reeffes Williams, Music. schimis ruined by selfish groups in order iotitn.-, of the tragedy with its heights I :make this suggestion feeling that ilson Cali. rine Woods, and AT THE BOULDER to build highwass to the minn. We may h will be , practical in its pre- dramatics at San Jose State have reach. !i rm. Nell PrtoentationMrs. Heger need your help They tried to close us ntettor. ed a point where it can sponsor suo. is, r ' il io iie MacQuarric. up last time When you get th otpor- PREPARING FOR TRYOUTS a project. Elma Garry conklin. tunity. tell sour le,i1 it,,r- th it the Many people in the organization have Teachers Colleges are the cheapest edu- alread) aterl their decisions to L. Warm la Re-elected Bronze Plague On Front Lawn Honorin ,tional institutions in the state If place tc, %aye try out tor the production and are 50th Anniversary Of The Class Of hrs. must save mone. the planning tin working on the lines for Loren Wenn was re-elected presidi 1884 ,t is where the erectest the play to enable them to tte. in the in-titu!inns that all give the of the Commerce Club at a sp,,.W , and not hea tr:. nom i ng at a cos t it n :lona! ley- meeting held Monday, June fourth. of the grid tating class GI Empnria. Kansa lo tab. chi position, All of the aars of -School for Scan will be els Students in the Ice hi, iiires Supporting Mr. Wann J 1..1, a 1,/,1111. Will be lila1,11 In the ten years he talizht here he aill be back at mchool with the ex- president; Bern gct a tine collegiate ethindern and at the Munger. vice 1,..:!,I. t `!, .ft of the front !Amy Ir. ht lined by Ad uith (-colon tit Louis Scales, and from Owen,. wary; tr a - limest possible coM Leo Magnoli, ,i,rii,, honor,. Charles If Al %shorn he worked. these and the remainder of the organ- urer ; public ity managers, Alberta J Thank you again tor rnming. Good n »i! Dila I: \ ,,r' i01,111,11t The instription to be {faced on the izattoo -hould present another and Frand, mraa; sa recant at a , lotk Come again. , I' nt III brOil/e 11131.qUC will be a ii.11ows: Burton Gartly. 5Ir Allen rettased los education in Charles H. Allen NOTICE Plans were discussed for entertain - the east and afterwards received the flenry B. Norton LOST ! merit tor the coming quarter. siig. presidency of the first Normal School They were lovers of Nature, Truth Seniors and others %III be able to Three vImible keys in . brown gestions made were for a skatine patty, in Wisconsin. It a'as after fulfilling this and God. The Chilck the man, the procure bids to the Senior Ball from tits leather keycase. These key. were and special commerce speakers for the position that hr was tailed to California teacher and the state Acre blessed Controller's office today . salesmen ar lost somewhere on the eempu thi meetings. ;State Normal School, newly removed by their wi,rds, their w, rt.. and their no longer selling them. Get yours now. Tuesd.y nd ore very nec eeeee y to The club wishes to extend its thanks Iron) San Francisco to a permanent vision of the future of California. take place at the Ho- the owner. Finder Om return to , t.0 the past officers The Ball Ls to for their spirit situation in San Jose. Placed A r by the class of Dei ember, 1884 tel St. Claire tonight. Itelb .11. selling huines office, Roof 1. A rowae. OA cooperation and good work they Henry B. Norton was professor of sci- on the fiftieth anniversary of their for $1.75 and one member of eseb will be offered for their return. have performed. ence at San Jose from 1875 to 1885 graduation " couple must be a senior.