WWWWWWWW .....,.., r WWW 4 I 4 4 SAN ,TOSEkST, ' Managing Editor COLLEGE 4 I 4 E 18 Homecoming This Issue 1 4 i For Day 4 4 Po Mary TracY 1 4 0 4 June 16 4 SPART C-7 i. AILY %H., 22 Norrher 14;- Seniors Holding Ball Friday Night coPEncouRsurCAVANACD ELECTED DAILY EDITOR+STANFORD CARDINALS BE GIVEN THIS FALL FURNISH MUSIC ' cixteen Positions 1)lore.s Freitas Named Indust ria*- I A rts ToWILL MISS E. JENKS u Editor Of Handbook . SAYS Found Durinf). I-or Coming Year isp ay x it FOR RIMY EVENING New Subjects to ; !..t. ...,1 editor of Manv Past Week !be I f. - t st quarter at This Week Corsages Given With Be Offered For First :dna) Board it; hi,,:h , di tri the Spartan Bids, Says Chairman Time Next Quarter p..minurng ; I rt ... Isat 11' held ,,,,,, .., ,,,,, and iaario or ny. rr proportions an exhibit pi per/lent; for the ;ear. 'I 11-,;,tirtt- if -di.- Of Bids Bill Moore of student - rt will be displayed by merit office, the dirtt,tit - ..1 Mi.- ,4- i ,,,,cctl to run against t rarnh,r of new courses are being under the Dula-tn.' Arts department starting'. la dia Innes, Appointn nt. -, r ! try, biro "Unique and different" was the or- ,d,],t! ! the ahool curriculum in the next Vieth., t at 1 o'clock and lasting announced the latter parr of I! ..,,..,k It V , : ..ted to ..ontinue hav- ' iginal idea of the Senior Ball, which will until .5 11% , .. an Thursday, according .yrita ,filartments in the college for ; t ! 'wont it the Globe ay that sixteen additional pl ,rt'rn, t - :. el 'at, et' " to Dr. 11 1 Sotzin, head of the in- 'take place Friday evening at the Hotel I an, c fall quarter. Several of been ,,,ie from May ,, ,,, I.,. , , if,. Printa. i .,m,,,,... mat ;ear. th dustrial .,r-r- department. Sainte Claire at g p. m. In keeping , ltren offered in other years dusk,. Deb, 1 rt . ,I-1,. ilso elected edi- t . Cet public the exhibit will committee workina rity win be riven for rho Dori, th, LA,t t.. ,.. , ,, , tor to tl.. ,,- I sralent Body Hama-, Open I with this idea the feature t,,,,a., t; made by students of 'underI Margaret Rosebrook has pre- mher. has pin, ed forty ei.rld - ---. le'"i' quarter.' tint ,rn. 0-. Sept. SaIl J.,-. ,1 ,te during the past feat- graduating rl, -- pared v-hat is the most unique Elinleth Jenks, head of the "lb ..’’’’,t- It , i limated at the present time' Ills. This year's and last year's exec- each bid. teen former graduate!, . tha! . r ..00 pieces of student made ; ure of allcorsages with \ rt. department, announces a utive rouncila will meet this after- appointaut to the II.. tort. r. ,Itatric wares, and took will Corsages to match any .tr.,1 all for- course, which will and ,,n. mask., d noon at three &clock in the Spartan ft:ratan...mai Speech provid,r1 N:re..el pro- Daily office to set the budget& for I" ' Ihrre will ais be di'PlaYeel'mals will be spetolia .hfinitely on improving voices iornia ina,ls pr. n ale by the fall and ainterlayara, have a ne:a year. nee prer,,r I Also for the and diction and in overcoming fear of Aplittintrenets .0,,, ttot most of the wares thatl affair. All attending 01 loill are asked speakinc or reading before a group. Marie It And,: I V, II: I. ' 4,11n were planned and con- formals. the course is desiened to make the Emil) tt- r't ' ,. -tudents in preseitt Indus- to wear Spartan Dady H as-1 chairman of the ta.ie.: of public sprakine or oral in- 011ie t ;rid! r lasses. Nlildred Murett-tn lriatron and pate. i.e.; committee has t, rtzt lot. more aereeable and also Egan, the lighter objects to be ,:: the pronoo. of a number of fac- ; rt tirable. as many students talc. bort. NI... Annual I3anquet , Three) secured ntinued on Paet. ball. ie.: !ft a :',1115e5 befcire this preliminary Cruz Count . : . it r: ! F. tatty members. to attend the t i . ..ir! , r , t h.ird work, the mu- rtinlea lad to derive as much benefit Doris Standert,r, NI, n.,1 cr,,nr, . perry . " , r , Craig's Cardinals will furnish the 1 . si.artat D.tily attended A - thin.. a; they might. Stratton. Mot:tacit! Vi, , I D ,..1,1,4 Ta - . the e`e"1" ""ith Prwaise"e be :.,, ...I ,n the Hotel DeAnza on Fri- To utter 'fe the activities of Sen- -nr :ma course in debating ia also lor. Alameda; Edna Welkin!. Casino Peterson a fitting climax to the d.e. nizht kr. Ilullida; , retiring Ali: Lucile Fonfara, ., . ff,kr,1 in that department. for ville; and Wm. F Wo, Ie., Mode -to. ior week. according to I A.:, 1.-, r, pre-irlecl a maarr of ceremon- , tbn,,e who participate in debate.. They! Tht following bae been placed, but New Course 'general chairman. V', drrtelticin, the guests of honor. be sal be organized into a elaas meeting details are not ataiiable; Crtherino . One member oi each couple must 1 .r.t.rr :,I, ..., aven by Robert Le Offering a completely new course, Mr. have ono a went. where their debates will Clark. William Dre,back Joe Freeland . a senior. Elabonte deeorations , ',,l. to in, . wa et i. e editor cti the Frank F. Peterson will join the matha- of the be aorked upon. diSCLISSCII, and crit- tad Fred Steen. been planned. and the patio milks department here at State next until Oa,: -- Cafe Esplendido los been secured 1 i tai tP. -L-ta' )1-..a stags,' bY Robert Fall. The new course will be in ants ; ,,,,:ao. ,,i).,.r.,,,,,;,:_,,,,i,,,.,i;:,,,,L, rtrkeila:i., Lars. ,..,,,,,rtics,,,,:,,,,,Nrioint vaii, ',he:0:: .,,Tra:ctic,...irsee... E LarrymEagleson Bill Moore, joffn sttiti''' n - th':, .,,rt'''' ment time is in presenting several Yen"' a cour-- th' .',- Three Hundred To .. tweet Ittatbrook, Betty Gill, ia t_nt.t.,i ant. Agnetature :a. anina.: . ,phin 11..h.ton. Victor Peterson, :.erience in the field oi aranautics, hav- 'Burr Burbank, Fret, flower], Mildred In. c.,:r . will he given in the tali. G. I.._ el Payne all gave bri.1 .n. liven Receive Diplomas .: a designer-, naneer for the Murgotten have 1.1. : working on the 1..., ..., ..a. horticulture, in the win ,,C, ab. it ..l. lield of Journalism Conewny in Tulsa, ,.trtan Aircraft >tans f r th serCer ' t'' f th st .. and Agriculture 49, poultry, ' -tedent. vhrt The .t. , V ,- attended by memben , ,..i,homa the 1: E. Nlahoney In addition t and for weeks as committee (for:nen and have , . ni. h ins laded Bo ar, rait Company oi s d Diego. This will receive dif completed all arrancenn: - r., make the proeram of photography th, conanan,, .. ...hard. Bernice Horn :.:, in; . it will be r, r, t mbered, was ,,,,a,,r ban a aurer,,,; !cad. Photography I, with no anal, a; i.r,..:sci, Paul Lukett, ra who built Lindlter.d.'s plane. pr, tkites .111 le. Oven in the fall, iya , a form, - Michael Angelo, t i.,. follISC offered wil hr. Engineer . phs. 50, portrait- wiiinan ! 1...len Steven, Thelma r, will he for three -.nes and svill . Photography 70a, Suprem, Margaret Del- nred at 2:00 in 11,. afternoon Barbecue Wi/1 Be ,hotography. the honorary l ..,,-. Randolph Smith, . : aluntlas', Wednesdij. and Fri. I will be repeated each ju,ka Lan. Mary Tracy, Bill Zie- d , ’llt. course is for students interest- Given Saturday I V lie tollowed by Pho- nate of tyn rtnautics, and Mr. Nlinnsen, in In conjunction with the large pro. .r..n tl irine the winter. Al- torougnout 1.tr. Peterson, d . the addition, added. -We feel , , eram being plann.ti fur Saturday, June , int, r quarter Photography alumnus of hi . \ i ... t es ell, Dario Si- .. ' IY f avfaliful f'. ’ '''' "a lo. the Alumni Association has com- - tr. photoeraphs. and pho- adyrate rti,, Clarence Naas, ,,,portance to our tutor.- tran- !deter] plans for a large barbecue to be ' Paste Three! t. iced It.. r.1 . t: jag Anderson, 'served at noon on Homeromine Day. Normal , t. - , . :land Jan-, Robert le a course in flit- - wntial The menu will feature lame juicy ht Dwi.tht Bentel, tat! flicht of all kinds ei air- .-ton, air. G. I.ogan steaks which are to be prepared by the Junior Hi Majors It'ie law' af aer'"'t "mica, famous chef, J.G. Nava who is in .: static stability, control- (ham: of the aiterwards as barbecue itself. The re- ;., rittrmance. minder of the Elect Officers al in the Ball -room A menu will be made up of ,car Technical c .t:rse in the usual delicasks that are served at Ilmstead. ., who has been prom- avid, n ilst, be inaueurit ,1 next a "orral old-fashioned Western Barbe- .t. colleee and fraternity af r year P pr.:pare student- for ap- tie." nor r the I - . It t ul wtdt to thank my 'Daily past quarter, was elected Board, and pointnit,' iljing cadet without ex- The cost of the affair mill be sixty- r the the State lio.ir Blurt sraff foe th.. work they Junior High Majors, anunatt.a. ;id also be of great value five cents, the only fee to be charged It , st ale.: Pritchard for writ- States largest educational While tea. did. Evelyn to all :a alto are going into corn- throughout the day and reservations :it ..r society and M Angelo for its last meeting of the law and NA ing tner, I, :should he made a, sonn as posaible n --Bob Leland ' 1% Va.
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