для студентов специальности П 02.02.05 – Физическая культура и спорт

Гродно 2004 УДК 802.0 ББК 81.432.1 З15

Составитель Л.В.Волошина, ст. преподаватель.

Рецензенты: канд. филол. наук, доц. Н.И.Веренич; канд. филол. наук, доц. И.А.Болдак.

Рекомендовано Советом филологического факультета ГрГУ им. Я.Купалы.

Задания к практическим занятиям по английскому языку / Сост. З15 Л.В. Волошина. – Гродно: ГрГУ, 2004. – 53 с.

Издание состоит из четырех разделов. Три первых раздела содержат по че- тыре варианта, которые состоят из 7-8 лексико-грамматических заданий и тек- ста по специальности. Каждое упражнение базируется на специальной лексике, включает в себя 4-5 предложений на различные грамматические правила В чет- вертый раздел вошли оригинальные тексты из английских и американских ис- точников. Адресуется студентам специальности «Физическая культура и спорт».

УДК 802.0 ББК 81.432.1

© Оформление. ГрГУ им. Я. Купалы, 2004


Целью обучения английскому языку в системе заочного выс- шего образования в неязыковых вузах является достижение сту- дентами практического владения английским языком. Изучение иностранного языка в системе заочного образова- ния почти полностью основано на самостоятельной работе студен- тов. Будущий специалист должен уметь самостоятельно читать тексты по специальности и понимать их содержание. Главным кри- терием для развития умений пользоваться иностранной литерату- рой является накопление словарного запаса и овладение грамма- тической структурой языка, что необходимо для понимания текста. Настоящее издание, содержащее задания к практическим за- нятиям, предназначено для студентов-заочников факультета физи- ческой культуры и спорта. Цель – научить студентов читать и по- нимать тексты по специальности на английском языке. Издание состоит из четырех разделов. Три первых раздела со- держат по четыре варианта, которые состоят из 7-8 лексико-грам- матических заданий и текста по специальности. Каждое упражне- ние базируется на специальной лексике, включает в себя 4-5 предложений на различные грамматические правила, предусмот- ренные Программой по английскому языку для студентов-заочни- ков высших учебных заведений. Ряд упражнений нацелен на попол- нение словарного запаса по специальности. В четвертый раздел вошли оригинальные тексты из английских и американских источ- ников, таких как The Games They Played, Inside Track, Split Decision, Chicago Tribune. Тексты подвергнуты незначительным сокращениям и адаптации, к ним даны вопросы и пояснения. Со- ставитель стремился в своей работе дать студентам разнообраз- ный материал для чтения специальной литературы.


Для успешного выполнения заданий первого раздела необхо- димо усвоить следующий грамматический материал: 1. Имя существительное (Noun): число, падеж. 2. Имя прилагательное (Adjective): степени сравнения, срав- нительные конструкции. 3. Имя числительное (Numeral): количественные, порядковые. 4. Местоимения (Pronoun): личные, притяжательные, указа- тельные, неопределенные, отрицательные; местоимение one. 5. Глагол (Verb): времена групп Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous в Active и Passive; согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses). Косвенная речь (Reported Speech). Оборот there is/are. Спряжение глаголов to be, to have.

ВАРИАНТ I I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно переведите на родной язык 2, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.

Going In For Sports 1. Sport has played an important part in our lives for many centuries. Sport is a word of its own and it can't mean the same to everybody. Some people do amateur sports and some are professionals. Some people like one game and some like others. There are sports preferred by men and those preferred by women. 2. Professional sport is an exciting creative sphere of hard work and competition, a sphere where men and women want to surpass themselves. There is no general opinion about the participation in different competitions. Some people think it's no good that competitions and records have become an aim in itself in the world of sports. Participation is more important than formal results. Others think that sport can't do without competition which is a part of sport. Games are boring without results and records. 3. For many young people sport is no longer a game of tennis on a warm day. It is a serious and expensive business involving hours of daily training. For some, that training starts at a very early stage, which is reflected in the increasing number of world champions in their teens. However, recent studies suggest that overtraining can lead to stunted growth, skeletal injuries, and eating disorders in athletes who need to keep slim, such as gymnasts.

–4– 4. Sport has become too connected to big business. Sponsorship, advertising and appearance money for top sports people have all led to a situation where it sometimes seems that the athlete comes second to the accountant. Top sports people view their sport as a way of making as much money as possible in as short a time as possible. As a result of this desire, some participants are prepared to take drugs to help their performances – and therefore help their bank balance. On the other hand, without these potential record-breaking performances, sport would not be as attractive to watch on TV. 5. Thus, sport at an amateur level should be for enjoyment and fitness, and should provide an outlet for surplus energy. At the same time, we have to say that professional sport has lost these aims and is now being used by some purely as a way of making money.

II. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с по- мощью суффикса -ion/ation. Переведите их на родной язык.

Образец: determine (гл.) + ation → determination (сущ.) определять определение create (гл.) + ion → сreation (сущ.) создавать создание

Demonstrate, form, participate, compete, collect, dictate, combine, congratulate.

III. Дайте три формы глаголов: Lose, take, grow, win, pass, depend, carry, play, develop, leave.

IV. Выберите формы глаголов to be, to have или оборот there is/are. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

there will be has is there are have had there were

1. Basketball ….. the most emotional ball game of all. 2. ….. a lot of basketball teams at the colleges and boarding schools in the United States. 3. The football goalkeeper ….. the right to use his hands to touch and hit the ball. 4. I think ….. a lot of spectators at the football match tomorrow.

–5– V. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведя местоиме- ния в скобках на английский язык. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Emily waited for (своих) friends in the reading-room. 2. Eric lost (свою) pen in the yard. 3. He saw (каких-то) people in the street. 4. I met (их) in the street, when I was going home. 5. Where is (мой) bag? I cannot find it.

VI. Переведите следующие прилагательные на английский язык. 1. самый сильный 6. лучше 2. менее важный 7. гораздо хуже 3. ближайший 8. не такой сильный, как 4. самая плохая игра 9. такой же большой, как и 5. чем сильнее, тем лучше 10. слабее

VII. Выберите сказуемое в нужном времени. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. They (play, are playing) football now. 2. Age (plays, is playing) a major role in swimmers' career. 3. They (played, were playing) basketball when I entered the gym. 4. Yesterday I (was going, went) to the football match. 5. ….. you ….. (will be playing, will play) chess with me tomorrow?

VIII. Перепишите следующие предложения, заменяя инфини- тивы в скобках глаголами в нужном времени и залоге. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. This football match (to take) place tomorrow. 2. He (to invite) to join this basketball team two years ago. 3. Football (to play) by two teams of eleven players who kick a ball around the field. 4. The first tennis clubs (to open) here some years ago. 5. Boxing first (to appear) in the Olympics in 1904.

IX. Выпишите из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Дайте варианты их перевода.

–6– X. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая вни- мание на времена сказуемых. 1. Футбольный матч только что закончился. 2. Он выполняет утреннюю зарядку каждый день. 3. Ты играл в баскетбол, когда учился в школе? 4. Я думаю, что они победят в этой игре. 5. Они играют в шахматы уже два часа.

XI. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи, об- ращая внимание на правило согласования времен. He asked me: «Do you want to become a football player?» «When did you go to the stadium?» «In what game do the players use rackets?» «Why do you want to become a hockey player?»

XII. Поставьте вопросы (5) ко всем членам данного предло- жения. The best sportsmen are awarded prizes for each exercise.

ВАРИАНТ 2 I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1, 3, 4 и 5 абзацы текста.

The Importance Of Going In For Sports 1. Many people's favourite hobby is sport. They spend much of their spare time playing team games like football or basketball, games like running, parachuting or swimming. People practise a sport for a need to keep fit. For some people it seems as necessary and natural as eating and sleeping, for others it is just entertainment on television. 2. Today it is easy to forget that sport is for enjoyment, for the good feeling that is produced when the body has done some physical work. Many people nowadays work in offices where they have to sit at desks for six or eight hours a day. For this reason, we feel the need for exercise at the end of the day and turn to sport. How better to get rid of tension or let off steam than to hit a ball hard or go running! Sport, then, should provide an opportunity for people to express themselves in a way that is not always possible in work life. It can provide a challenge and can break

–7– down economic and social barriers. Thus, a participant can become good at something purely through his or her ability. 3. During the 1980s and later there was a great increase in interest in getting fit and staying healthy. A lot of people started running and jogging in their spare time. Aerobics classes opened in every town. The number of sports centres for dance and movement increased. Physical exercises of any kind became people's favourite pastime. 4. Today people continue leading sedentary life and many of them would like to change it. Since our life no longer provides enough exercises we should include it deliberately into our everyday routines. The man or woman who takes regular sport or exercise will stay physically fit, retain youthful vigour, and perhaps, most important to many people, keep a youthful shape and stamina. 5. There are some exercises to suit everyone. It may be a daily exercise session that takes up little time or, planned exercises which improve a problem area. But fitness comes not just from some exercises done now and then but from the way you live all the time. Good eating habits, wise drinking habits, regular sleeping habits, and plenty of fresh air are all important parts of the way to keep fit. Start doing all this and you will feel and see the benefits.

II. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с по- мощью суффикса -er. Переведите их на родной язык.

Образец: swim (гл.) + er → swimmer (сущ.) плавать пловец

Play, skate, ski, run, jump, dive, train, win, lose, box, defend, drive.

III. Дайте три формы глаголов: Score, jump, go, skate, make, find, begin, defeat, have.

IV. Выберите формы глаголов to be, to have или оборот there is/are. Переведите предложения на родной язык. was were is there are there were had has there will be will have

1. He ….. a good football coach. 2. Usually ….. 22 football players in the field.

–8– 3. A hockey player ….. a hockey stick. 4. ….. a lot of «fans» at the hockey match yesterday. 5. Football in the USA ….. running, jumping, grabbing people and catching a ball.

V. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведя местоиме- ния в скобках на английский язык. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. London is the capital of Great Britain. (Он) is very big and beautiful. 2. I know this girl is a student. What is (ее) name? 3. He is a very good volleyball player. (Его) name is Peter Brown. 4. How old is (этот) hockey player? 5. I cannot find my pen. Please give me (вашу).

VI. Переведите следующие прилагательные на английский язык. 1. самый плохой 6. чем быстрее, тем лучше 2. самый интересный матч 7. гораздо хуже 3. не такой важный, как 8. такой же сильный, как и 4. труднее 9. менее необходимый 5. самый узкий 10. больше

VII. Выберите сказуемое в нужном времени. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. He (went, was going) home from the stadium when I met him. 2. I (play, shall be playing) chess with my brother in the evening tomorrow. 3. We (had, were having) three lessons of physical culture last week. 4. I usually (do, am doing) my morning exercises every day. 5. He (will play, will be playing) hockey next year.

VIII. Перепишите следующие предложения, заменяя инфини- тивы в скобках глаголами в нужном времени и залоге. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. The football match (to begin) just. 2. This hockey team (to organize) two years ago. 3. I think they (to become) good basketball players soon.

–9– 4. A very important football match (to take place) in our town next month. 5. A new sport complex (to build) here next year.

IX. Выпишите из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Дайте варианты их перевода.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая вни- мание на времена сказуемых. 1. Вы придете завтра на стадион смотреть футбольный матч? 2. Они уже закончили играть в шахматы? 3. Где вы играли в волейбол вчера? 4. Я знаю, что вы хотите стать знаменитыми футболистами. 5. Эти студенты сейчас играют в баскетбол.

XI. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи, об- ращая внимание на правило согласования времен. He asked me: «Can you play chess?» «Do you often go to the stadium?» «When will you have a lesson of physical culture?» «What do you know about your favourite hockey team?»

XII. Поставьте вопросы (5) ко всем членам данного предло- жения.

Ski racers are training and racing almost all the time.

ВАРИАНТ 3 I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1 и 2 абзацы текста.

Sports in Great Britain 1. Sport is very important both for participants and spectators. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sports events on television, or at stadium. People enjoy being «fans» or supporters of one team or one particular sport personality, and many professionals are now as popular and famous as the greatest Hollywood

– 10– film stars. The British are great lovers of all competitive sports; when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them, or when they cannot do that, to think about them. 2. Of course, spectators particularly enjoy watching international matches and contests; and events such as the Olympic Games or the Football World Cup attract more and more spectators as time goes by. The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played on a Saturday afternoon in most British towns and the fans, or supporters, of a particular team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. The British are known as terrific football fans. If their famous team loses the game it is a national disaster. There are four divisions of the football league. Not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. But the best supporters are often in the fourth division. 3. Many other sports are also played in Britain, including golf in which you hit a hard little ball with a stick and try to knock it into a hole; croquet, in which you try to knock a ball through some hoops; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net; tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your apponent cannot hit it; cricket which is played with a ball, and is the fairest game in the world. In other words, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport. But that's not quite true. Athletics is not played with a ball, nor is horse-racing but they are very popular as well.

II. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с по- мощью суффикса -ing. Переведите их на родной язык.

Образец: swim (гл.) + ing → swimming (сущ.) плавать плавание

Run, jump, bathe, ski, skate, sail, wrestle.

III. Дайте три формы глаголов: Create, run, ski, throw, kick, support, shoot, hold, understand, see.

IV. Выберите формы глаголов to be, to have или оборот there is/are. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

are were is had have was there are there is there will be

1. He ….. a good basketball player two years ago. 2. I ….. two tickets for a football match yesterday.

– 11 – 3. ….. a big stadium in the centre of the town next year. 4. She ….. ten years old two years ago. 5. ….. something in the corner of the room.

V. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведя местоиме- ния в скобках на английский язык. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. I have (несколько) English books in my library. 2. Where is (моя) hockey stick? – I do not know where (она) is. 3. Is (ваш) text very difficult? 4. (Мой) text is very difficult. What do you say about (вашем)? 5. I see (никого) in the classroom.

VI. Переведите следующие прилагательные на английский язык. 1. самый ранний 6. хуже, чем 2. чем больше, тем лучше 7. менее важный 3. гораздо легче 8. самый большой 4. не такой интересный, как 9. менее трудный 5. самый умный

VII. Выберите сказуемое в нужном времени. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. We (played, were playing) volleyball at this time yesterday. 2. He usually (has, is having) a lot of work to do. 3. Yesterday they (were going, went) to the stadium with their teacher. 4. He (is doing, does) his morning exercises every day. 5. Where … you usually … (do, have; are, having) your training?

VIII. Перепишите следующие предложения, заменяя инфини- тивы в скобках глаголами в нужном времени и залоге. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. I think he (to join) this basketball team next year. 2. They (to play) hockey on Friday and Sunday. 3. They (to play) handball in the gym now. 4. He (to invite) to take part in the track and field competition yesterday. 5. The competition on discus throwing (to hold) in a week.

– 12– IX. Выпишите из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Дайте варианты их перевода.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая вни- мание на времена сказуемых. 1. Он только что пришел домой со стадиона. 2. Я думаю, что сейчас они играют в футбол во дворе. 3. Эти шахматисты играют в шахматы уже полтора часа. 4. Они выполнят эту работу к вечеру. 5. У вас была сегодня тренировка?

XI. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи, об- ращая внимание на правило согласования времен. He asked me: «Do you want to see this hockey match?» «When did you begin to play chess?» «Why do you want to go to the stadium?» «What game do you like to play best of all?»

XII. Поставьте вопросы (5) ко всем членам данного предло- жения.

Many Russian girls became real stars in gymnastics.

ВАРИАНТ 4 I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

Football One of the earliest references to the game of football was made in the year 2000 B.C., when Chinese warriors were already using it to improve their physical form. The first rules of the game were devised in Great Britain in 1846, and it was in England that the first football club was organised in the English town of Sheffield in 1863. English sailors ensured that the game spread to every continent. Nowadays football (or soccer) is played almost throughout the world. Amateur teams are organised at almost every work place, department, house or street where there are eleven boys or more. The game is played in streets, parks, playgrounds, etc.. But this is not sport of course, this is only play, or exercises in the game that has millions of supporters.

– 13– We have big league games which is real sport and second division games too. Each team consists of 13-15 players, 11 active and four benchers. One of the players is the goalkeeper, the rest are field players, six forwards, three halfbacks and two fullbacks. The game is played on a field 110 metres long and 60 metres wide. At each end there is a goal which is guarded by a goalkeeper who prevents the opponents' balls from entering the goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who has the right to use his hands to touch, catch or hit the ball or to throw it out into the field. The rest of the players are allowed to kick the ball or touch it with any part of their bodies except their hands and arms. The players of each team pass the ball between themselves, interfere their opponents with the aim of scoring as many goals themselves as they possibly can and not allowing their opponents to score at all. The game is played for 90 minutes, two halves of 45 minutes each with an interval of 10 minutes in-between. The team that scores the most goals is the winner. The game is conducted by one referee and two linesmen.

Notes: soccer – иногда так называют футбол halfback – полузащитник big league games – игры команд класса А fullback – защитник second division games – игры команд класса Б to score a goal – забить гол bencher – запасной игрок linesman – судья на линии

II. Преобразуйте согласно образцу. Переведите на родной язык. Образец: rackets for tennis → tennis rackets теннисные ракетки shorts for tennis boots for football player of hockey member of the club ball for cricket shoes for running costume for swimming

III. Дайте три формы глаголов: Knock, open, know, change, be, brake, receive, remain, catch, train.

IV. Выберите формы глаголов to be, to have или оборот there is/are. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

am is are was were will be had has have there is there are there were

– 14– 1. How old ….. you now? 2. I think he … a good football player in a year. 3. … you an extra ticket for the hockey match? 4. … no empty seats in this row. 5. … a lot of «fans» of this football team at the match yesterday.

V. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведя местоиме- ния в скобках на английский язык. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Peter, give (мне) (твою) book, please. 2. Where are Ann and Mary? – I think they are with (своей) dog in the yard. 3. Please show me (ваши) hockey sticks. 4. Where is (мой) second ski? – I don't know. Take (мою). 5. Are there (какие-нибудь) English books in your library?

VI. Переведите следующие прилагательные на английский язык. 1. наилучший 6. менее интересный 2. чем труднее, тем лучше 7. гораздо важнее 3. короче, чем 8. наихудший 4. больше, чем 9. самый маленький 5. быстрее 10. длиннее

VII. Выберите сказуемое в нужном времени. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. They (play, are playing) hockey now. 2. He (is having, has) his training three times a week. 3. My brother (played, was playing) chess with his friend when I entered the room. 4. I (watch, shall be watching) a football match on TV at this time tomorrow. 5. What … you … (do, are doing) now?

VIII. Перепишите следующие предложения, заменяя инфини- тивы в скобках глаголами в нужном времени и залоге. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. The coach (to invite) him to play football in this team two weeks ago. 2. They (to play) basketball for this team for three years.

– 15– 3. When … you (to learn) to play chess? 4. What … they (to do) at this time tomorrow? 5. The football season (to open) very soon.

IX. Выпишите из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге. Дайте варианты их перевода.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая вни- мание на времена сказуемых. 1. Эта знаменитая футбольная команда приедет в наш город в следующем месяце. 2. Этот маленький мальчик потерял свою клюшку. 3. Хоккеисты обеих команд уже вышли на лед. 4. Где хоккеисты обычно проводят свои тренировки? 5. Поможешь ли ты мне найти мои коньки?

XI. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи, об- ращая внимание на правило согласования времен. He asked me: «Did you see this football match on TV yesterday?» «With whom do you usually play chess?» «When will you learn to play handball?» «Do you know the name of the best football player of this team?»

XII. Поставьте вопросы (5) ко всем членам данного пред- ложения.

Nowadays thousands of people run marathons each year.


Для успешного выполнения заданий второго раздела необхо- димо усвоить следующий грамматический материал: 1. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs) и их заменители. 2. Причастия I и II (Participle I,II). Независимый причастный оборот. 3. Герундий (Gerund): формы и функции. Отличие герундия от причастия I. 4. Инфинитив (Infinitive): формы и функции. Инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject.

ВАРИАНТ 1 I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

From the History of the Olympic Games. (Part I) According to Homer, Pelops, the god of fertility staged the most memorable games in antiquity in 1370 B.C. Later on games were organized several times. One of them took place in Olympic in Greece in 77 B.C. with only one race, a sprint, for which the prize for the winner was an olive wreath. This game can be considered the prehistory of the Olympics. The idea of an international Olympic Games was conceived by a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin and, appropriately, the first modern Olympic Games opened in Athens in 1896. Only 12 countries were represented. The participants competed in nine sports: cycling, tennis, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, rowing, weightlifting, wrestling and shooting. Sailing was also to have taken place, but had to be cancelled because of bad weather at sea. Despite the many problems that arose in Athens the Olympic Games had come to stay. Their motto was «Faster! Higher! Stronger!» From that time on the Olympics were held more or less regularly, depending on the political situation on the continent. In 1900 they were held in Paris, in 1904 – St. Louis, in 1912 – Stockholm, in 1920 – Antwerp, in 1924 – Paris, in 1929 – Amsterdam, in 1932 – , in 1936 – Berlin, in 1949 – London, in 1952 – Helsinky, in 1956 – Melbourne, in 1960 – Rome, in 1964 – Tokyo, in 1968 – Mexico, in 1972 – Sapporo, in 1976 – Innsbruck, in 1980 – Moscow, in 1984 – the USA, in 1988 – Seoul, in 1992 – Alberwill, in 1994 – Lillehammer, in 1998 – Nagano.

– 17– Now the Olympic Games are held every two years. They contribute much to the struggle for peace, understanding and trust among people. As you know the 22nd Olympic Games took place in the Soviet Union in 1980. Five cities: Moscow, Kiev, Minsk, Riga and Tallinn greeted the world's champions. Our sportsmen won 80 gold, 64 silver and 49 bronze medals there. That was the best result among national teams. In the first Olympics there were no real team sports. Then, slowly, a few team sports joined the programme. Football and hockey were the first team sports introduced into the Olympics in London in 1908. Then in 1938, at the Berlin Olympers, the Germans brought in handball and the Americans had basketball accepted as an Olympic sport.

II. Напишите следующие предложения в Past и Future Simple. 1. Because of the fast pace of play, skaters in hockey must often rest. 2. Basketball players can be changed many times during the game. 3. The rest of the football players can kick the ball or touch it with any part of their bodies except their hands and arms.

III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный модальный глагол. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Discus throwers (следует) have long arms and general body strength. (should, must, can) 2. All discus throwers (должны) stand inside a circle when they throw. (should, must, have to) 3. Greek writers claimed that Greek athletes (могли) throw a 12- pound discus for 100 feet. (can, could)

IV. Выберите соответствующую форму причастия. 1. (Будучи) a good football player, he was invited to play for our school team. (having been, being) 2. (Не зная) the rules very well, they lost the hockey match with the score one to two. (knowing, not knowing) 3. (Придя) to the gym, he put on his sport suit. (coming, having come) V. Выберите и переведите на родной язык предложения: А. с независимым причастным оборотом. 1. The toboggan passes like a comet leaving behind a tail of snow. 2. The referee throwing the ball in, the game began. 3. The players, using various clubs, hit a hard little ball along the course until it falls into a hole.

– 18– В. с причастием II. 1. In basketball each ball sunk as a penalty is credited with one point. 2. At each end of the field there is a goal, which is guarded by a goalkeeper. 3. They made water polo the part of the Olympics in 1900.

VI. Выпишите из текста все ing-формы и определите части речи.

VII. Определите, к какой части речи относятся ing-формы и в какой функции они употребляются. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Swimming and diving are widespread. 2. People think that early skating probably grew out of skiing. 3. Synchronised swimming originated in the USA. 4. Rugby Football is controlled by a referee who carries a whistle and moves about the field, following the play.

VIII. Подчеркните в следующих предложениях инфинитивы и определите их формы. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Early skiers had to hunt, fight and make a camp in snow. 2. In hockey it is very important to do checking all over the ice. 3. Rodeo gave high school athletes the chance to see how they could do against the best from the USA. 4. The cowboy does not wear shoulder pads or hip pads when competing. 5. The cowboy has a pad that he slips down the back of his jeans to protect his tailbone.

IX. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Each ball sunk as a penalty is sure to be credited with one point. 2. «Piling on» seems to bring a fifteen-yard penalty in American football. 3. I know defencemen to do a lot of playmaking and goal shooting. 4. The goalkeeper is considered to guard a goal and to prevent the opponents' balls from entering the goal. 5. The volleyball game is known to be conducted by a referee sitting in a special «high chair».

– 19– ВАРИАНТ 2 I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

From the History of the Olympic Games. (Part II) It often happens that the country that introduces a new sport into the Olympics then goes on to win the gold medals. In 1904, at the Olympics in St. Louis, the Americans introduced boxing and won all seven events. Five horse riding events were introduced into the 1912 Stockholm Olympics and Swedish riders won four of them. In 1964, at the Tokyo Olympics, two sports which are popular in Japan were introduced: judo and volleyball. The Japanese won all three gold medals in the judo, and also won the first women's volleyball competition. Some new sports have recently been added to the Olympics. In Los Angeles, in 1984, baseball was introduced and windsurfing became an Olympic sport. In Seoul, Korea, in 1988 there was table tennis for the first time, and tennis returned as an Olympic sport. Unlike tennis, some sports, such as golf and rugby, have been tried in the Olympics, but have never returned. The Olympic movement continues to get wider and wider. Nowadays, major cities compete to host the Olympic Games, not just for the honour the Games bring, but for the vast amount of profit a host country can make. The games have also become politically important. They can now be seen by nearly every country in the world and are an ideal platform for political statements. When Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1980, many countries in the West, including Britain and the United States, boycotted the Moscow Games. In 1984 some countries decided not to send teams to the Los Angeles Games because they felt there was not enough security and that they were too commercial. In circumstances like these, the Olympic ideal and spirit come into question. And for athletes there is less value in winning a gold medal if the best of the world's athletes are not competing. The question is – how much longer will the Games survive if nations continue to use them as a political platform?

II. Напишите следующие предложения в Past и Future Simple. 1. The blade of a hockey stick must lie flat on the ice. 2. I think he can be a good boxer. 3. Football players must not touch the ball with their hands and arms.

–20– III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный модальный глагол. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. High school girls (должны) use the same discus as women in their competitions. (should, must) 2. High school boys (могут) use a discus that is lighter and smaller than that used by men (could, can, must) 3. Successful high jumpers (должны) be tall and leggy. (can, must, should)

IV. Выберите соответствующую форму причастия. 1. (Зная) that basketball is the most emotional and graceful ball game, he decided to see this basketball game. (having known, knowing) 2. (Бросив) the puck between two players, the referee got the puck in play. (dropping, having dropped) 3. (Не имея) strong muscles, he could not go in for weight-lifting. (not having had, not having)

V. Выберите и переведите на родной язык предложения: А. с независимым причастным оборотом. 1. Competitions in track and field events were included in the Ancient Greek Olympics, the most popular events being the long jump and relay race. 2. The Soviet track and field sportsmen first participated in the Olympic Games in 1952. 3. Studying at school he was using a hockey stick to shoot the puck. В. с причастием II. 1. There is usually a penalty for something called «unnecessary roughness». 2. He wanted to know if the Olympic emblem was five interlinked rings. 3. A hockey line is made up of a left wing, a centre and a right wing. VI. Выпишите из текста все ing-формы и определите части речи.

VII. Определите, к какой части речи относятся ing-формы и в какой функции они употребляются. Переведите предложения на род- ной язык. 1. Skiing was first done in the Scandinavian countries

–21 – 2. The first swimming competitions in Russia were held in 1913 in Kiev. 3. What leading tennis players do you know? 4. I see the referee and linesmen marching to the centre of the field.

VIII. Подчеркните в следующих предложениях инфинитивы и определите их формы. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. A hockey player must know that stick handling is the second most important skill. 2. The idea of downhill racing is to get from the top of the hill to the bottom. 3. I think that people come to see fights instead of hockey. 4. To stay between the goal and any attacking player is the main duty of two defencemen. 5. Golf is played in the open air to give very good exercise to all parts of the body.

IX. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Football is known to have come to Russia at the end of the 18th century. 2. Swimming was reported to have been highly regarded in Ancient Greece and Rome. 3. A ski jump seems to take only a few seconds. 4. I think skiing competitions to be divided into Nordic and Alpine events. 5. Volleyball is known to be played according to score for three or five games.

ВАРИАНТ 3 I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

Some British Sporting Events The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. Rowing has a long history in England. Rowing a boat with eight oars (or with four oars) was first started in England in the 18th century. At that time the boats took part in processions on the River Thames. In the 19th century people started to use boats for racing not only in London on the Thames, but also in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The first boat race between Oxford and Cambridge took place in 1829. Nearly every year since then there has been a boat race between these two universities. It takes place in London on the Thames, during

–22– the spring vacation, at the end of March or the beginning of April. On the day of Boat racing the banks and bridges of the Thames are full of people who have come to watch. Some wear dark-blue ribbons (for Oxford), and some wear pale-blue ones (for Cambridge). Both teams spend many months training for this great and very exciting event. The London to Brighton Car Rally. Each November, usually on the first Sunday of the month, a lot of old cars take part in a rally from the capital to the coast, from London to Brighton. This is an unusual rally: each car taking part in it must be at least 60 years old. This is probably the reason that this celebration has become known as the Vintage Car Run. All who want to take part gather by the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park in preparation for the start of the 53-mile trip. The Rally is not a race. Cars must not move faster than 20 miles per hour. The great thing is not speed but quality of the performance. This celebration is the merriest motoring spectacle of the year and gives people a chance to see some fine old cars. Pigeon Racing. Pigeon racing is becoming one of the Britain's most popular sports. About a quarter of a million people go in for it now. How is pigeon racing organized? A lot of Englishmen keep pigeons in their gardens. At week-ends, those who wish to take part in pigeon racing, choose their birds and take them to the starting points which are at some definite distance from their home town. The birds are let free at definite periods to see which will return to its home in the fastest time. Britain pigeon lovers are the present world champions. The reason for the growing popularity of the sport is in the fact that a man can enjoy it in his own home.

Notes: the Vintage Car Run – пробег машин-ветеранов The greatest thing is not speed but quality of performance. – Глав- ное не скорость, а мастерство вождения машиной.

II. Напишите следующие предложения в Past и Future Simple. 1. During a ski jump the jumper can even kiss the tips of the skis. 2. I think he must break world records in this kind of sport. 3. Training in international swimming should begin at the age of eight.

III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный модальный глагол. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. A successful sprinter's feet (должны) pound the ground like hail. (can, must, should)

–23– 2. A long smooth hill (следует) be chosen for ski-jumping. (should, can, must) 3. When the hop is reached, a ski-jumper (должен) straighten up and sail through the air. (must, can, should) IV. Выберите соответствующую форму причастия. 1. (Являясь) a good hockey skater he decided to become a hockey player. (been, being, having been) 2. (Получив) a good training they became good athletes. (receiving, received, having received) 3. (Не зная), that checking was the most confusing part of hockey, he showed a bad game. (not being known, not knowing) V. Выберите и переведите на родной язык предложения: А. с независимым причастным оборотом. 1. Checking being done all over the ice, it is the major contact of hockey. 2. Using his stick correctly, he played hockey very well. 3. The players bounce the ball while running, and pass it to each other. В. с причастием II. 1. Rugby Football is a ball game, played between teams on a rectangular field. 2. Our favourite team played football very well last Sunday. 3. Football was included in the programme of the 2nd Olympiad in Paris in 1900. VI. Выпишите из текста все ing-формы и определите части речи. VII. Определите, к какой части речи относятся ing-формы и в какой функции они употребляются. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. The swimmer takes a new breath moving each arm up and forward. 2. Swimming as a form of sport originated in the 15th century. 3. Skating came to England about 500 years ago. 4. Instead of using a flat puck, early players used a wooden ball.

VIII. Подчеркните в следующих предложениях инфинитивы и определите их формы. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Each cowboy has to buy insurance through the Rodeo Cowboys Association.

–24– 2. Learning to ride the lifts is the most frightening part of learning to ski. 3. Boxers should be physically well developed. 4. Offside will take place if a hockey palyer skates into the attecking zone ahead of the puck. 5. There are yacht clubs and rowing stations where members can learn the sailing art.

IX. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Rugby Football seems to be strictly amateur game. 2. I know Englishmen to have invented water polo. 3. Fencing is sure to be a very ancient sport. 4. The first diving platforms appeared to have been taken to the beaches in the 19th century. 5. I know jumping to be the most spectacular of all ski competitions.

ВАРИАНТ 4 I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите весь текст.

Track-and-Field When we hear people speaking about the queen of sports we know that they are referring to athletics – track-and-field. It is a type of sport involving mass participation, and comprising more than 60 different field and track events. Competitions were included in the Ancient Greek Olympics, and the most popular events were the long jump and the relay race, in which runners passed on a burning torch. The history of modern field and track athletics begins in the 1930s and 1940s in England, where the first competitions were held at Rugby College. Field and track athletics then became an important feature at all modern Olympiads. The track events for men are: Sprint: 100, 200 and . Middle distance races: 800, 1500, 3000 metres. Long distance races: 10,000, 30,000 and the marathon 42,195 metres and the 3000-metre steeplechase. Speed walking: 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 metres. Relay races: 4 x 100, 2 x 200, 4 x 400, 3 x 800, and 3 x 1500 metres. Hurdling: 110, 200, 400 metres. Lumping event: high jump, long jump, tripple jump and pole vault. Throwing events: discus, hammer, javelin and shot-put.

–25– The same events are for women excluding the 1500, 5000, 10,000, 30,000 and 42,195-metre races, tripple jump, pole vault, hammer-throwing and steeplechase. Only 80-metre hurdles are left for them of the hurdling events.

Notes: steeplechase – бег с препятствиями pole vault – прыжок с шестом speed walking – спортивная ходьба hammer – (метание) молота relay races – эстафета javelin – (метание) копья hurdling – барьерный бег shot-put – толкание ядра

II. Напишите следующие предложения в Past и Future Simple. 1. I think you must go in for under water hunting. 2. They can establish many new world records. 3. We can compare water polo with handball.

III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный модальный глагол. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. In high jump, the athlete (должен) jump over a bar held between two upright poles. (can, must, should) 2. The variety of events in track and field requires such different talents that almost anyone, with any build, (может) develop some competence in one. (could, can, must) 3. Long-distance races in the United States (должны) be all runs over six miles. (should, must, can)

IV. Выберите соответствующую форму причастия. 1. (Имея) an area of responsibility, each hockey player must play very well. (having, had, having had) 2. (Имея) the right to use his hands to touch, catch or hit the ball, the football goalkeeper can throw the ball out into the field. (not having, having, had) 3. (Не зная) why we called wrestling and boxing «heavy athletics», he asked me about that. (not being known, not knowing)

V. Выберите и переведите на родной язык предложения: А. с независимым причастным оборотом. 1. Track-and-field athletics became an important feature at all modern Olympiads.

–26– 2. The long jump being very popular, a lot of young people go in for track-and-field. 3. At the 22nd Olympics in Moscow Soviet sportsmen competed in all events of the full programme. В. с причастием II. 1. The best sportsmen are awarded prizes for each exercise. 2. The best athletes arrived from many Greek towns to Olympia. 3. In old Russia fist fighting was widely spread.

VI. Выпишите из текста все ing-формы и определите части речи.

VII. Определите, к какой части речи относятся ing-формы и в какой функции они употребляются. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. The Dutch people have been skating on the canals of Holland for over a thousand years. 2. Our swimmers began taking part in international competitions in 1981. 3. In a football game players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. 4. There are four styles of sports swimming: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.

VIII. Подчеркните в следующих предложениях инфинитивы и определите их формы. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. Each volleyball game must be won by 15 points. 2. Ski-racers had to climb up the mountains in order to ski down them. 3. Who has the right to throw the ball out into the field in football? 4. The main aim of weight-lifting is to develop strong muscles. 5. It is important to know that downhill ski races usually test courage.

IX. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Age seems to play a major role in swimmers' career. 2. I know only men to play water polo. 3. The basic principles of competitive fencing are said to have been developed in France at the end of the 17th


Для успешного выполнения заданий третьего раздела необхо- димо усвоить следующий грамматический материал: 1. Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood). 2. Модальные глаголы с пассивными и перфектными форма- ми инфинитива.


I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.

Sports and Games

1. Many sports that are popular internationally are known to have originated in Britain. Football, known officially as «association football» and sometimes as «soccer», is known to have been played as early as the 12th century. The present form of the game was laid down by the Football Association (FA), which was founded in 1863. Rugby football (informally called «rugger») arose from the game first played at Rugby School, Warwickshire, in 1823, and subsequently developed into two distinct games: Rugby Union, played only by amateurs between teams of 15 players, and Rugby League, played by both amateurs and professionals between teams of 13 players. 2. Tennis (still officially called «lawn tennis» to distinguish it from the older game of «real tennis», played in an indoor court) traces its origins back to 1874, when it was patented by Major Walter Wingfield. The game is considered to have been officially adopted by the All England Croquet Club in 1877, and it is the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club that organizes the famous tennis championships at Wimbledon. 3. Cricket developed in the early 18th century from the «bat and ball» game played a century earlier, mainly by boys. We know its rules to have been formulated by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), which was founded in 1787 and was for many years the governing body of the game. 4. Today, football in Britain is governed by the laws of the Football Association, which awarded the first Football Association Cup for a match played in 1872. It is the «FA Cup» that is now competed for annually at Wembley Stadium, London, in the «Cup Final», the final match

–28– of a knock-out competition between teams of English football clubs. A similar cup is competed for (at Hampden Park in Glasgow) by teams of Scottish football clubs. There are 92 professional clubs in England and Wales and 38 clubs in Scotland, belonging respectively to the Football League and the Scottish Football League. The club teams themselves are reported to be arranged in four divisions in England and Wales and three in Scotland. Apart from these full-time professional clubs, there are thousands of amateur clubs. 5. The football season lasts from August to May, and the Saturday matches are often attended by large crowds. Important matches are also often televised. In recent years there have been drunken and violent clashes between supporters of opposing teams.

II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Roger Bannister, the world's athlete, was reported to have run a mile in less than four minutes. 2. Daley Thompson, Britain's most successful decathlete, is likely to have won two Olympic gold medals, two European championships and one world championship from 1982 until 1987. 3. David Wilkie seems to have achieved his crowing glory by winning the Olympic 200 metres in Montreal in 1976. 4. Roger Bannister is known to have taken the European Games 1500 metres title in 3 minutes 43.8 seconds in the last race of his career. 5. I know Mary Peters to have been Northern Ireland's greatest all-round athlete.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребив инфинитивные конструкции. 1. Мы знаем, что он был хорошим спортсменом. 2. Игра, несомненно, будет очень упорной. 3. Вероятно, он сейчас одержит победу. 4. Известно, что спорт улучшает здоровье. 5. Я считаю, что плавание – полезный вид спорта. 6. Говорят, что играть в водное поло очень интересно.

IV. Выпишите из текста предложения с инфинитивными кон- струкциями Complex Object и Complex Subject, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на родной язык.

–29– V. Определите тип условных предложений. Подчеркните ска- зуемое в сослагательном наклонении. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. If you want to become a good athlete, you must train hard. 2. If he were stronger, he would take part in our skiing competition. 3. If she hadn't been ill last week, she would have been the first in this running competition. 4. I wish they won this football match.

VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык сле- дующие предложения, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов с пассивными и перфектными формами инфинитива. 1. He must have been unwell, because he showed a bad game. 2. You should have come to the gym for training regularly. 3. He can't have missed two goals! 4. The volleyball game must be conducted by a referee sitting in a special «high chair».

VII. Закончите предложения, данные слева, используя подсказ- ки. Переведите предложения на родной язык. «Whose side are you on» means … it's two to one. It's 2:1 means … score a goal. If the team wins they are called … which team are you supporting. Each team tries to … the winners.

VIII. Найдите соответствующее определение для каждого спортив- ного термина в рамке. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

match foulplay set stadium

1. ______is the incorrect play. 2. ______is a complete game of football. 3. ______is a part of a game of tennis or table tennis. 4. ______is the place where big sports events take place.

IX. Какой вид спорта описан? (Which sport is described?) 1. It's done on a pitch. a. boxing 2. It's done on a race-track. b. motorcycling

–30– 3. It's done on a motor-circuit. c. tennis/badminton 4. It's played on a court. d. figure skating/ice-hockey 5. It's performed in a ring. e. horse-racing 6. It's performed on an ice-rink. f. cricket

ВАРИАНТ II I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1 и 4 абзацы текста.

Rugby, Criket and Football 1. Rugby Union, which is an amateur game, is played at different levels in league, divisional and county championships in England as well as in a series of club knock-out competitions in England and Wales and in the Scottish League Cup Championship. The climax of the Rugby Union year is the 'Five Nations' tournament between England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France. Regular overseas tours are known to be made by the British Lions, a team representing Great Britain and Ireland. The Rugby Football Union has its headquarters at Twickenbam in west London. The ground there is said to be used not only for the home matches of the England team but also for the annual match between Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Rugby League is played mainly in the north of England, where it originated, and is an increasingly popular spectator sport. 2. Cricket is administered by the Cricket Council, but its laws are still the responsibility of the MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club), which has its headquarters at Lord's cricket ground, London. The most important cricket matches are the annual Test Matches, played in the summer between a team from England and a touring team from Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or the West Indies. In the winter, a touring team from England usually plays in one or more of these countries. 3. Apart from the Tests, a series of cricket league matches is played each summer between teams from 17 English countries. The matches are played in the county grounds and last three or four days. (The names of the counties are the ones used before the county boundary changes of 1974.) Cricket is considered to be widely played as an amateur game. It is played in schools and there are matches in many villages at weekends in the summer. It is mostly still played, as football is, by men and boys, although there are also women's teams. 4. We know British sports to be spectator sports. Football (of both kinds), cricket and tennis attract the biggest crowds, especially for final

–31 – or championship matches. Many people, however, take part in sports simply for pleasure and to keep fit. Sport is part of the curriculum in schools and matches are played between teams from different schools. Most towns and villages have tennis clubs. We think the growing number of sports centres to have attracted more people to indoor sports such as basketball, squash, judo, table tennis and gymnastics.

II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. I consider him to have a good swimming technique. 2. Crossing the English Channel, the swimmers are known to have coffee, chocolate, biscuits and glucose drink. 3. Woman swimmers are unlikely to have set records in swimming the English Channel. 4. I know David Wilkie to have won his first world championship in the 200 metres breaststroke in 1973. 5. Steve Redgrave, having various partners, was reported to have won rowing gold medals at four successive Olympic Games.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребив инфинитивные конструкции. 1. Говорят, что этот футбольный матч был очень интересным. 2. Он, несомненно, был самым лучшим игроком в этой встре- че по гандболу. 3. Вероятно, хоккеисты уже устали. 4. Кажется, вы увлекаетесь игрой в настольный теннис. 5. Я знаю, что ваш брат – хороший баскетболист.

IV. Выпишите из текста предложения с инфинитивными кон- струкциями Complex Object и Complex Subject, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на родной язык.

V. Определите тип условных предложений. Подчеркните ска- зуемое в сослагательном наклонении. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. If you decide to go in for sports, you should do it as soon as possible. 2. Were I in his place, I should go in for hockey. He is a good skater.

–32– 3. Hadn't he broken his leg, he would have taken part in this basketball game. 4. I wish my favourite football team were the best.

VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык сле- дующие предложения, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов с пассивными и перфектными формами инфинитива. 1. He should have scored the first goal long ago! 2. This game can't have been lost with the score two to five. 3. I think this defenceman must have done a lot of goal shooting. 4. He might have missed several games because of illness.

VII. Закончите предложения, данные слева, используя подсказ- ки. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. When the team scores, its supporters … the losers. 2. If the team loses the match they are … it's three to nil. 3. It's 3:0 means … it's two all. 4. It's 2:2 means … shout, whistle, cheer.

VIII. Найдите соответствующее определение для каждого спортивного термина в рамке. Переведите предложения на род- ной язык.

referee bat competitions fair play

1. ______is something used to hit a ball. 2. ______is a person who judges a game of football. 3. ______is the correct playing. 4. ______are games played to find the best team.

IX. В каком виде спорта вы … (In which sport do you …) 1. win by having the lowest score? a. basketball 2. score goals? b. football 3. hit a ball (but not with hands or feet)? c. tennis 4. pass a ball from one player to another? d. golf 5. have to serve? e. table-tennis 6. have to shoot? f. American football 7. have to jump to catch the ball? g. volleyball

–33– ВАРИАНТ III I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1 и 2 абзацы текста.

Baseball and American Football 1. In the USA the three main sports are known to be baseball and American football, followed closely by basketball. Baseball developed from the British game of 'rounders' (which is still played by children in Britain) in the early 19th century. This game is said to have been first played in its modern form in New York in 1839. The Cincinnati Red Stockings were the first professional team, playing 64 games in 1869 without losing once. In 1871 the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players was founded in New York. The association was disbanded in 1876, when the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed. The game was said to have become established professionally, with many cities having teams belonging to the National League. In 1882 the American Association, later called the American League, was formed in cities that were not members of the National League, and the two organizations are traditional rivals. Champions of the National League and the American League have played each other in annual World Series contests since 1903. 2. The two baseball leagues are each made up of clubs, mostly named after the cities in which they play, such as the Cincinatti Reds in the National League and the Chicago White Sox in the American League. More recently, however, some teams have been named after states, such as the California Angels and the Texas Rangers. New York has two clubs, one in each league, the New York Mets and the New York Yankees, each with its own stadium. For competition purposes we know each league to be divided into two divisions, East and West, with every team playing a schedule of 162 games in the hope of winning the league championship. 3. American football developed from the football first played by British colonists in the 17th century. In the early 19th century it was taken up by college students, and at first was simply a rough, tough game with variable rules. After the Civil War of the 1860s it became more sophisticated, however, and in 1869 the first intercollegiate game took place, between Princeton and Rutgers. The rules were still different from those of today: the present form of the game is traditionally dated from 1975 when Columbia, Princeton, Yale and Rutgers adopted a set of rules. In 1880 the stand in number of 11 men a side is considered to have been adopted.

–34– II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. Barry John was reported to have scored 90 points in 25 matches playing rugby union for Wales. 2. We know Virginia Wade to have been the last in a long line of English tennis players to win Wimbledon. 3. They considered Mary Peters to have reached the peak of her career at the Munich Games of 1972, when she came the first in the Pentathlon. 4. David Wilkie is known to have been the greatest performer in the history of British men's swimming. 5. Captain Webb are likely to have swum successfully the English Channel in 1875.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребив инфинитивные конструкции. 1. Я думаю, что второй сет в теннисе был очень интересным. 2. Кажется, эта команда выиграет этот футбольный матч. 3. Вероятно, вы знаете капитана нашей волейбольной команды. 4. Они, несомненно, примут участие в этом соревновании. 5. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы приходили на тренировку два раза в неделю.

IV. Выпишите из текста предложения с инфинитивными кон- струкциями Complex Object и Complex Subject, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на родной язык.

V. Определите тип условных предложений. Подчеркните ска- зуемое в сослагательном наклонении. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. You will improve your health, if you do your morning exercises every day. 2. I wish you played chess for our team last week. 3. Had more competitors have taken part in the race, the competition would have been more interesting. 4. Were the weather better, more spectators would come to watch the football match. 5. If he went in for volleyball, he would become a good volleyball player.

–35– VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык сле- дующие предложения, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов с пассивными и перфектными формами инфинитива. 1. Tennis can be played perfectly well by a very experienced player. 2. Downhill racing must have taken his athletic ability and gifts. 3. This football team can't have become the worst one! 4. I think you are a bad skier, that's why you should have been on the other side of the slope.

VII. Выберите правильные слова из таблицы и поставьте их в предложения. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

beaten catches begins take up defet(ed) throws

1. The match ______at 19 p.m. 2. The goal-keeper ______the ball. 3. He ______it to the right back. 4. The winners ______the losers. 5. Most people go in for sports. Many of them ______tennis. 6. Were many records ______at the Olympics?

VIII. Как мы называем … (How do we call …) 1. someone who drives cars in races? a. goal-keeper 2. the person who does gymnastics? b. captain 3. the leader of the team? c. a race driver 4. the person who does the long jump? d. opponents 5. the man in the goal? e. coach/ trainer 6. the person who only plays for the f. long jumper love of the game? g. amateur 7. the instructor of the team? h. gymnast

ВАРИАНТ IV I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно пе- реведите на родной язык 1 и 2 абзацы текста.

Tennis 1. In the late sixties, tennis began to boom in the United States. Confined mainly to the country club set, the game was attracting thousands

–36– of new players. New public courts became available, provided by cities and towns eager to aid their citizens' improvement of their physical fitness. We know many tennis players to have been drawn from the ranks of golfers who discovered that two sets of tennis took much less time and gave them a lot more exercise than did eighteen holes of golf. Tennis also appealed to those who wanted to keep in shape yet were bored with the monotony and loneliness of jogging. Tennis was still a vigorous activity which strained the cardiorespiratory system yet still was a social activity. 2. With more people than ever playing tennis (nine million – one million more than the number of golfers) tennis equipment manufacturers began developing new rackets with aluminum, steel, and fiberglass. Indoor courts, both those of the cheaper bubble kind and those of a more permanent nature, began to dot the landscape of the Northeast and the Midwest. The new tennis clubs were reported to have offered a number of services usually seen at health clubs, such as saunas and steam baths. Many also included baby-sitting services, making an overt attempt to attract housewives to fill court time during the lightly used daytime hours. And although tennis enthusiasts spent only $24 million annually on equipment compared to $279 million for the golfers, tennis manufacturers were confident that there was a virtually untapped gold mine yet to be exploited. 3. Tennis attire is known to have changed during the decade. The influence of television on the game meant that TV producers encouraged (or even demanded) that tennis players give up the traditional white clothing for blue, yellow, or even pastel-colored and striped outfits. Suddenly tennis attire was said to be trendy. Fashionable court apparel could be seen being worn in the grocery stores and shopping malls. Women who would recoil in horror at the amount of flesh revealed by a miniskirt thought nothing of bending over in public in a tennis dress to reveal frilly panties embroidered with some catchy saying like «lobe seat».

II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните инфинитивные конструкции Complex Object и Complex Subject. Переведите пред- ложения на родной язык. 1. The British seem to be great lovers of all competitive sports. 2. I know Jackie Stewart to have come third in his first season of Formula One Grand Prix racing in 1965 when he was already a clay pigeon shooting champion. 3. I believe pigeon racing to be one of Britain's most popular sports. 4. Rowing is known to have a very long history in England.

–37– 5. George Best of Manchester United and Northern Ireland is likely to have been one of the most gifted footballers to help his club win the European Cup in 1968. 6. Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean were reported to have won the world ice dance championships every year from 1981 to 1984.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребив инфинитивные конструкции. 1. Вы считаете, что они хорошие баскетболисты? 2. Он, несомненно, станет очень хорошим тренером. 3. Я думаю, что он будет первым в прыжках в длину. 4. Кажется, этот футбольный матч будет интересным. 5. Известно, что волейбольная команда состоит из двенадца- ти игроков.

IV. Выпишите из текста предложения с инфинитивными кон- струкциями Complex Object и Complex Subject, подчеркните их и переведите предложения на родной язык.

V. Определите тип условных предложений. Подчеркните ска- зуемое в сослагательном наклонении. Переведите предложения на родной язык. 1. If you go in for sports, you will be healthier. 2. I wish she took part in our chess competition. 3. If you had devoted much time to this kind of sport, you wouldn't have fallen ill. 4. Were I in her place, I should go in for track-and-field athletics.

VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите на родной язык сле- дующие предложения, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов с пассивными и перфектными формами инфинитива. 1. A fifteen-yard penalty in American football must be brought by «piling on». 2. This team can't have scored three goals during this match! 3. Golf should be played in the open air giving very good exercise to all parts of the body. 4. He might have hurt his left leg in the last football game.

–38– VII. Выберите правильные слова из таблицы и поставьте их в предложения. Переведите предложения на родной язык.

beaten defeat(ed) lose took take up

1. I only ever once ______a goal, and that was a sheer luck. 2. They have been ______so many times they deserve to be bottom of the league! 3. You should ______jogging. That would help you lose weight. 4. Congratulations! How many points did you ______by? 5. Were many records ______at the Olympics?

VIII. Review Questions. 1. What ball games do you know? 2. Which ball game is the most popular game in our country? 3. Which ball game do you like best? 4. What can you tell about a soccer game, basketball game, volleyball game? 5. How many players make up a football team? 6. How many players make up a basketball team? 7. How many players make up a volleyball team? 8. For how long is a football game played (basketball, volleyball)? 9. How many referees conduct a soccer (basketball, volleyball game)? 10. Do you or did you ever play soccer (basketball, volleyball)? Tell about it. 11. Are you a soccer fan? Which team do you support? 12. Which of the ball games do you think is the most difficult to play (the easiest)? 13. Which of the games is the hardest to understand? 14. Who is the world's best goalkeeper? 15. Name the world's strongest soccer teams. 16. Have you ever seen a famous team play soccer (basketball, volleyball)? What was your impression? 17. Is it better to be a fan or a player? 18. Are referees always popular? 19. Name the games that are played in other countries. 20. What is America's national game called? 21. Do good baseball-football-players have to be good athletes? Why do you think so?


Text 1. Car Racing

When most people go to an Indianapoles car race, the things they notice are cars and drivers. The brightly coloured cars are shiny. Even while standing still they have about them the feeling of speed. The drivers are cool and confident as they walk the pit area, they are thought of by many people as modern day gladiators. Race drivers often are portrayed as superhuman figures, with the barest resemblance to everybody else. Race drivers are extremely human. Scientific studies show them to have especially good eyesight, and especially good reflexes. They show that race drivers tend to be less dependent, less friendly than most people. Drivers are highly individualized. Many of them are easygoing and friendly. Most want to win, but some are satisfied just to compete. They are proud, but most go to great pains to share with the crew the credit for a victory. Just as there really is no such thing as a typical driver, there also is no such thing as a typical racing team. Each has several things in common with the others but each has a different makeup and does certain things in different ways. The first thing a racing team needs is someone to supervise the organization – a car owner or team manager. Sometimes the car owner will put up the money, then hire a team manager, or a chief mechanic who doubles as team manager. Although race cars are made up of thousands of parts, they come in two basic components – the chassis (that is, the body and the suspension system) and the engine. On the struggling teams, the chief mechanic may have to attend to problems in both areas. The wealthier teams will have a mechanic, who works only on the engine, and a chassis expert, whose job is to cure the car's ills in that area. On race day, the mechanical staff stays in the pits, servicing the car as needed during pit stops. Quick stops are preferred. The less time a car spends in the pits, the more time it can be running on the track at racing speed, which in Indy car races approaches two hundred miles an hour. Because there is so little time for major repairs during a race, a car that develops a serious problem is either pulled out or allowed to finish as best it can. Pit work normally amounts to refueling and changing tires. A good crew can do those chores in less than half a minute.

–40– The start of the Indianapolis 500 is an amazing experience. Thirty- three cars blow past the stands, their drivers all pushing hard on the throttle. It is tension-choked, and scary enough to raise gooseflesh on the most cynical of observers. It has been described by many as the single most dramatic moment in sports. The start of nearly any race is high drama. With the cars tightly bunched, the drivers all trying to get somewhere in a big hurry, the start is potentially the most dangerous part of the race. At speeds near two hundred miles an hour, drivers are not particularly eager to engage in wheel-to-wheel battle. Usually, the idea is to get to the front of the pack and drive as fast as you can for as long as you can, hoping that the car will stand the strain and that nobody will do anything to mess things up. There is no way to tell when a parade is going to be dramatically changed into a real race, with real competition.

QUESTIONS 1. What kind of person must a race driver be? 2. Why does a racing team need a manager? 3. What job does the chief mechanic usually do? 4. What does the mechanical staff usually do during the quick stops of a race car? 5. Why is the start of any automobile race dangerous?

Text 2. The Cruel Sport Of all sports, automobile racing probably is the least understood. It is not played with a ball or a stick or a racquet, the way most popular games are. It is done with cars, cars that are powerful, fast, and often temperamental. There are cars built especially for racing. They are the thoroughbreds of the auto racing world. And there are cars racing that were never meant to be raced. They are much different from the thoroughbreds, but they are raced just the same. There is no typical playing field. A racetrack may be as short as one-fifth of a mile. Or it may be as long as fifteen miles. It may be paved, usually with asphalt. Or it may be dirt, usually a gummy clay. It may have a well-defined shape, such as an oval, a rounded square, or the shape of a huge letter D. Or it may resemble a country road. It may be nearly flat with only left-hand turns. It may be steeply banked, with only left- hand turns. It may go up and down hills, with turns both left and right. There is no typical race car, wither. There are championship cars, the kind that race each year in the Indianapolis 500. There are sprint cars.

–41 – There are midget cars. There are at least four types of stock cars. There are sports cars and formula cars. It's no secret that auto racing can be very dangerous. In most sports, the penalty for a mistake is often defeat. Sometimes, a mistake can result in serious injury. In auto racing, a mistake often results in death, sometimes several deaths at a time. Death in racing is accepted as a distasteful part of the game. And it shows no respect for age, rank, talent, or the type of accident. And yet, auto racing thrives. Something about it appeals to people. Auto racing, in all of its forms, attracts more spectators year after year that any other sport but horse racing. So what is it that makes auto racing attractive? Is it speed? That certainly must be a part of it. Is it the cars themselves? That, too, surely must be a part of it. Is it the danger? Partly. The real answer goes much deeper than any of those, though. In fact, it goes back almost to the beginning of mankind. Stone Age people were hunters. Sometimes, to make sure of a meal, they had to run their prey to exhaustion. Sometimes, too, they had to run for their lives. Somewhere in the depths of history, someone probably wondered about running faster than the others in the tribe. They raced. People have been racing ever since. At first it was just foot racing. Then the horse was tamed, and people raced on horseback. Probably about two days after the invention of the wheel, somebody had figured out some way to attach it to something for racing. And auto racing is just an extension of the desire for competition. What is there at the root of auto racing? It's speed and snorting, roaring cars and danger. It's all of these things and more. It is the driver and machine working together until they are one. Put together several of the car-driver combinations, and you have the makings of a race. And suddenly, racing isn't confusing anymore. It is – pure and simple – competition. That's why as many as three hundred thousand people pack the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the one race that is held there each year. That's why some people who have no real interest in sports or athletics will listen to the radio in the afternoon of the Indianapolis race. They may not care about racing, but they want to know who won.

QUESTIONS 1. What cars are used for automobile racing? 2. What can you say about different shapes of a racetrack? 3. Why is this kind of sport so dangerous? 4. What is the most attractive part of automobile racing? 5. Prove that auto racing is a competition.

–42– Text 3. Badminton

Badminton is a game played with rackets on a court divided by a net. It is distinguished from other racket sports, all of which use a ball of some size, by two intriguing features: the use of a shuttlecock and the fact that the shuttlecock must not touch the ground during a rally. The flight characteristics of the shuttlecock and the pace created by constant volleying combine to make badminton one of the most exciting sports to play and to watch. Badminton has a long and fascinating history. With roots in China over two thousand years ago, it was purely recreational until a competitive version was developed in India and England in the mid- and late-nineteenth century. Since that time, the game has gained tremendous popularity in many countries. It is a major sport in most countries of northern Europe and Southeast Asia and is considered virtually the national sport in Indonesia and several other countries. Denmark, England, Sweden and West Germany lead the European nations in this kind of sport. The game spread in the 1870s to Canada and the United States, where national organizations similar to those of other countries were formed in the 1930s. As leisure time increases, badminton will no doubt play a more important role in the fitness and recreational programs so vital to the American citizen. It can be played by men, women, and children of all ages with a minimum of expense and effort. The game itself is stimulating mentally and physically, and it combines the values of individual and team sports. The fact that it can be learned easily makes it enjoyable from the outset. Basic techniques are easy to learn, yet much practice and concentration are required to perfect the skills needed for becoming an excellent badminton player. Badminton took a giant step in 1985 when it was admitted to the Olympic Games as a full-medal sport starting in 1992. The International Badminton Federation, which already consisted of 85 member nations at the time, will no doubt grow to nearly 150 nations by the first Olympic competition. Primarily an amateur sport until 1980, badminton now offers a world Grand Prix circuit for the top players, as well as a year-round season of tournaments and international competitions. Badminton is well on its way towards becoming a major world sport. The traditional feathered shuttlecock is used in all major competitions. Various synthetic shuttles are acceptable, and especially suitable for club and school play, if their flight characteristics are similar. The feathered shuttle must weigh from 4.74–5.50 grams and have

–43– fourteen to sixteen feathers fixed in a cork base covered with a thin layer of leather or similar material. In synthetic shuttles, the feathers are replaced by a «skirt» of some manufactured material, but such shuttles must meet the specifications of the feather shuttle.

QUESTIONS 1. When was a competitive version of playing badminton developed? 2. When did people living in Canada and the United States begin to play badminton? 3. Does badminton demand much effort? 4. Is badminton both individual and team kind of sport? 5. When was badminton admitted to the Olympic Games for the first time?

Text 4. Badminton for Fitness and Recreation Badminton can be played indoors or outdoors, under artificial or natural lightning. Because of the wind, however, all tournament play is indoors. There may be one player on a side (the singles game) or two players on a side (the doubles game). The shuttlecock does not bounce; it is played in the air, making for an exceptionally fast game requiring quick reflexes and superb conditioning. There is a wide variety of strokes in the game ranging from powerfully hit smashes to very delicately played dropshots. Badminton is great fun because it is easy to learn – the racket is light and the shuttlecock can be hit back and forth even when the players possess a minimum of skill. Within a week or two after the beginning of a class, rallies and scoring can take place. There are very few steps in which it is possible to get the feeling of having become an «instant player». However, do not assume that perfection of strokes and tournament caliber of play is by any means less difficult in badminton than in other sports. A typical rally in badminton singles consists of a serve and repeated high deep shots hit to the baseline (clears), interspersed with dropshots. If and when a short clear or other type of «set-up» is forced, a smash wins the point. More often than not, an error occurs rather than a positive playing finish to the rally. A player with increasing skill should commit fewer errors and make more outright winning plays to gain points. A player who is patient and commits few or no outright errors often wins despite not being naturally talented as the opponent, by simply waiting for the opponent to err.

–44– In doubles, there are fewer clears and more low serves, drives, and net play. Again, the smash often terminates the point. As in singles, patience and the lack of unforced errors are most desirable. Team play and strategy in doubles are very important, and often two players who have perfected their doubles system (rotating up and back on offense and defense) and choice of shots can prevail over two superior stroke players lacking in sound doubles teamwork and strategy. A badminton game consists of 15 points, except for women's singles in which a game is 11 points. The best of three games constitutes a match. Points can be scored on by the serving side. The sides change ends at the beginning of the second game and at the beginning of the third if a third game is necessary. In a 15-point game, ends are changed in the third game when the leading side reaches 8; in an 11-point game ends are changed when either side reaches 6. The side that wins a game serves first in the next game. Unlike table tennis, a game does not need to be won when a player leads by 2 points. If the score becomes tied near the end of a game, the game may be lengthened by a procedure called «setting».

QUESTIONS 1. When must badminton be played indoors? 2. Is it really very easy to learn to play badminton? 3. In what situation does a smash win a point? 4. Why is it important to be patient in this game? 5. Does the side that wins a game serve first in the next game?

Text 5. At a Football Match Last Saturday afternoon David Brown and his father went to a football match at the Bishopton Football ground. The Browns and many other Bishopton people think that theirs is the best team in the South of England. There were fifteen thousand people there. They came from far and near because it was the most important match of the year at Bishopton. At three o'clock the two teams came on to the field. The Bishopton team (the «home» team) were playing in blue and white shirts, the Easthampton City players (the «visitors» team) were in red and white shirts. The referee blew his whistle and the match began. For the first twenty minutes the Bishopton team were stronger and kept the ball in the Easthampton side of the field. Then, suddenly, an Easthampton player

–45– took the ball up the field and scored the first goal. The crowd shouted loudly. Soon after that, the referee blew the whistle, it was «half-time». In the second half of the match the Bishopton team were again the better players. They tried hard, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the last whistle blew, they scored a third goal and so won the match. All the Bishopton people in the crowd were very pleased, and went home happily to tea.

QUESTIONS 1. What do the Browns think about their favourite football team? 2. How many people were there at the Bishopton Football ground? 3. When did the two teams come on to the field? 4. Which football team were the strongest during the first twenty minutes? 5. How many goals did the Bishopton team score in that match? 6. All the Bishopton people were very pleased, weren't they?

Text 6. The First Fight «In the red corner, wearing black trunks with a white band, weighing 117 pounds, Nick Salazar of Paco's Gym». Nick stood up and nodded uncomfortably to the clapping crowd. Standing up there alone in the lights with everyone looking at him, the clapping and even the sound of his own name seemed far away. «Hey, Champ, hold your head up. Show them who you are», Bobbie Padilla said to break the tension. He and Paco were outside of Nick's corner of the ring. Nick bit down on the mouth guard and looked at his opponent, a boy about his age. «In the blue corner, wearing red trunks with a white band, weighing 112 pounds, Joey Washington of the Uptown Boys Club». The two came to the centre of the ring and touched gloves. There, meeting Washington's eyes, nick came alive. The weeks of training and Paco's help were back. Suddenly he wanted to fight. Joey Washington was going to learn what it was like to step into a ring with Nick Salazar! Back in the corner, Paco gave final instructions: «Just go out there and box him. Smoke him out. Wait for your openings. Keep moving». The bell rang. Washington came toward him. Nick remembered that first day in the ring at the gym. Washington met him with a stunning right hand to the side of his head. Eyes swimming, Nick jerked back in surprise. A left hand whizzed by his face. He hadn't been ready for this. Quickly he set his feet and shuffled back in. He jabbed at Washington's face twice.

–46– Then a right hand hammered into Nick's chest. A left exploded on his shoulder. He stood his ground, backing up the other boy with two jabs. But Washington clubbed him on the head again. And when Nick went up to cover himself, his body took another pounding. Washington's face was too close to hit because his head was against Nick's cheek. But the punches kept coming in, on Nick's shoulders, arms and neck. When the bell rang he sank down onto the stool in the corner. He let Bobbie take out his mouthplece. He took a mouthful of water from a bottle and spit it into the bucket. Swallowing it could make him sick. «Don't slug it out with him», Paco said as he mopped Nick's face with a towel. Paco sounded worried. «Remember how I showed you? Go two, three punches then come in, duck your head. Don't give him a target. He'll tire». «He doesn't move. He just keeps swinging», Nick gasped.

QUESTIONS 1. What was the boxer's name, standing in the red corner of the ring? 2. How many pounds did the boxer in the blue corner weigh? 3. How did the boxers greet each other? 4. Did Nick Salazar want to win? 5. What were Paco's final instructions before the beginning of the fight? 6. What boxer was the best in this round?

Text 7. Track and Field Track in the thirties hailed the emergence of numerous black stars, particularly in the sprints and jumping events. In 1932 Los Angeles hosted the Olympics, and black trackmen played a starring role. The 1936 Olympics held in Berlin were really a mockery of the Olympic ideal, for Hitler had sought to make the game a demonstration of German athletic superiority. Playing an instrumental role in demolishing the myth of Aryan supremacy were the so-called black auxillaries – the small band of American black track and field athletes who helped gain twelve gold medals for the team. The chief thorn in Hitler's side was the incomparable . A year earlier on May 25, 1935, on a memorable afternoon in Ann Arbor, Owens, representing Ohio State at the Big Ten championships, had demonstrated that he was one of the greatest track stars of all time. Within the span of 70 minutes, he established three world records and tied another. He ran the 100-yard dash in 9.4 seconds and tied the world record, long jumped 26 feet 8ј inches (a distance only broken by Ralph Boston

–47– twenty-five years later), won the 220-yard dash in 20.3, a world record, and ran the 220-yard low hurdles in a record 22.6 clocking. At Berlin, Owens swept the 100-meter dash in 10.3 closely followed by . He then raced to an Olympic record of 20.07 in the 200-meter with taking second place. He then beat the German long jumper, Luz Long, leaping 26 feet 5ј inches, a record that stood until 1960. His victories in Berlin were personal triumphs over racial theories and prejudice that blacks had struggled against for generations. The black athlete had often competed against the sport and the records, rarely finding full social acceptance after the performance. But the 1936 American team had several black athletes who wore their country's banner with pride and dignity. These men signaled the fact that black athletes could dominate a sport that was open to them. However, it would take a war to change the climate that would lead to the end of the «color line» in professional sports. Other outstanding black sprint athletes who starred at the Berlin Olympics included , who captured the 400-meter race with Jimmy LuValle of UCLA coming in third; Johnny Woodruff, who outlasted Italy's Mario Lanzi in the 800 meter; and Cornelius Johnson, 7 who leaped 6 feet 7 /8 inches to win the high jump with taking second. America's black track athletes had truly demonstrated that the German contention of Aryan superiority was unfounded. In addition to the outstanding performances of the black athletes in the 1936 Olympic team, white athletes also performed well. World record holder in the mile, Glenn Cunningham, finished second in the 1,500-meter run, yet he ran under the world record as did the three runners who finished behind him. Unfortunately for Cunningham and the others in the 1,500-meter field, Jack Lovelock of New Zealand sprinted the last lap in 57.8 seconds, shattering the world record by a full second. Other medal winners for the U.S. in track and field included in the 400-meter hurdles; in the 110-meter hurdles; in the pole vault.

QUESTIONS 1. What city in the USA hosted the Olympics in 1932? 2. Why were the 1936 Olympics in Berlin a mockery of the Olympic ideal? 3. Did any American black track and field athletes participate in these Olympic Games? 4. Who was the greatest track «star»? 5. White Athletes also performed well, didn't they? Who were they?

–48– Text 8. The Long Road

Track and field athletics means years of training. Sometimes the training pays off in big victories. Thousands of athletes suffer hours of punishing training and never become more than also-rans in races that last just ten seconds. Training means repeating every movement over and over again. Distance runners and marathon runners have special problems they have to train for. Towards the end of the twenty-six-mile marathon, runners sometimes have a less than normal supply of oxygen in their brain. One marathoner tells of hallucinating in the last five miles. He saw ice cream. Training for distance running can be a drag. Pounding along mile after mile is boring. «Speed-play» training, developed in Sweden, can make a workout more fun. Here's how it works: 1. Run easily for ten minutes to warm up. 2. Pick up your pace and hold it steady for about a mile. 3. Don't stop, but walk rapidly for five minutes. 4. Run easily for sixty yards, then sprint sixty yards; continue the process until you're tired. 5. Jog about a mile, taking a half dozen quick steps now and then. 6. Sprint up a hill, about two hundred yards. 7. On level ground, run fast for one minute. 8. Jog the distance you plan to run competitively (up to one mile). The exercise should take less than two hours. It should leave you invigorated rather than tired. Even years of practice is not always enough to make an athlete a success. Athletes must perfect their technique. Years ago, athletes could work out their own ideas for cutting time and gaining inches. In 1900, long jumper Alvin Kraenzlein worked up a technique that changed his event. Before Kraenzlein, everybody thought the long jump required a high leap from the take-off board. Kraenzlein decided that speed at take-off was more important. He tried it out and broke the world record by three feet. But athletes seem to have used up their own ideas for perfecting techniques. Once in a while, they get help from scientists. For example, one scientist discovered that strengthening a certain set of arm and shoulder muscles could cut a fraction of a second off a sprinter's time. Another scientist found that concentrating on anticipating the sound of the starter's gun means a start of one-tenth of a second faster than concentrating on the sound of the gun. And that's about a yard at the end of the 100-yard dash.

–49– One thing which track athletes have continued to try to find is a magic diet. Countless athletes have believed that there must be something they could eat that would make them a cinch to win. When the Finns suddenly showed their heels to other long-distance runners, everyone started eating black bread and fish, like the Finns did.

QUESTIONS 1. What does training mean to many athletes? 2. How do distance runners and marathon runners feel toward the end of the twenty-six-mile marathon? 3. What recommendations does «speed-play» training, developed in Sweden, consist of? 4. What helped Alvin Kraenzlein break the world record in 1900? 5. What did the Finns' magic diet consist of?

Text 9. The 1980 Summer Olympics The 1980 Olympics in Moscow were ill-fated and controversial before they began. When the Russians moved into Afghanistan in order to solidify their choice of a Marxist leader and government in Kabul, the United States, led by President Jimmy Carter, promoted a boycott against the Olympics. Thirty-five countries joined the boycott (including China, Canada, Japan and West Germany) and kept their athletes home. This scale of nonparticipation prompted some reporters to call the 1980 games the Eastern European Olympics, and «Time» called them «A Warsaw Pact Picnic». The top six medal winning countries were all Warsaw Pact countries: with the USSR winning 80 gold medals and 196 total medals while East Germany won 126 total medals, including 47 golds. Only Great Britain offered competition to the little four (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Rumania) that finished well behind the big two winners. Although many argued that the medals won were tarnished by the absence of the Western nations, many remarkable performances were recorded. World records were set in the pole vault (Wladislaw Kozakiewicz of Poland with 18 feet 11Ѕ inches) and high jump (Gerd Wessing of East Germany, who cleared 7 feet 8ѕ inches). The 800- and 1,500-metre races between Britain's Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett (with each winning one race) produced the most interest, largely because of the news media's coverage of the alleged animosity and fierce competition between the two talented middle-distance runners. Another memorable confrontation involved Lasse Viren of Finland and Miruts Yifter of Ethiopia in the 10,000-

–50– metre race. Viren had won both the 5,000- and 10,000-metre races in 1972 and 1976, and Yifter had missed the 1976 Montreal games because of the African boycott. In Moscow Yifter won both races convincingly, although Viren's 1972 and 1976 records in the events easily remained intact and were never really in danger. Lutz Dombrowski, an East German, became the second man in Olympic history to exceed 28 feet in the long jump, but Bob Beamon's 1968 record was also never threatened. Many people saw Nadia Comaneci fall during her routine on the uneven parallel bars, an event she had dominated in Montreal with perfect scores. With a badly infected hand and with increased height and weight, Nadia missed her grip and fell to the mat. She finished her exercise, but Romania had to settle for a silver behind the Soviet women gymnasts in the all-around competition. The all-around women's title went to Yelena Davydova of the USSR. Like Olga Korbut, Nadia Comaneci had become a media favourite and television personality. Both had brought grace, and youthful vitality to women's gymnastics, making it popular by combining animation and personality with the most disciplined of sports. Both also accepted defeat with grace and dignity.

QUESTIONS 1. Why did the reporters call the 1980 games the Eastern European Olympics? 2. How many medals did the athletes from the USSR win? 3. Who set world records in the pole vault? 4. What athletes were the best in 5,000- and 10,000 metre races? 5. The Soviet women gymnasts were the best in the all-around competition, weren't they? Prove it.

Text 10. Lakers Do About-Face LOS ANGELES – Phil Jackson told his team not to look at the score when the Lakers trailed Dallas by 28 points at halftime Friday night. The fans certainly noticed. They booed as Los Angeles headed to the locker room after the Mayericks had shot 51 percent in the first half. But, said Kobe Bryant, «They'll never leave another game early» after the Lakers staged the second-biggest fourth-quarter comeback in NBA history to stun the Mavericks 105-103. Bryant scored 21 of his 27 points in the fourth quarter which the Lakers trailed by 27 at the start. His turnaround jumper snapped a 103- 103 tie with 8 seconds left.

–51 – «Sometimes things happen for you when you play hard – and they did», Bryant said. «It feels good because we had to really fight». Shaquille O'Neal added 26 points and 11 rebounds for the three- time NBA champions, whose fourth-quarter comeback was one shy of the NBA record of 28 points by Milwaukee against Atlanta on November 25, 1977. «We played better defense», O'Neal said. «We had a lot of intensity and we never gave up. The first 20 games have been really bad. It really couldn't get any worse. We just kept playing, kept fighting, kept shooting». The Mavs were outscored 44-15 in the fourth after dominating through three quarters. Michael Finley missed a three-pointer with a second remaining for the Mavs who have lost 24 consecutive games to the Lakers in Los Angeles over the last 12 years. «We stopped playing. We had a hard time scoring and were terrible defensively in the fourth quarter», said Mavs guard Steve Nash. «It was too easy in the first half and too hard in the fourth». The Lakers converted 16 of 18 from the field and hit 8 of 11 free throws in the fourth.

QUESTIONS 1. Why did Phil Jackson tell his team not to look at the score? 2. How many points did Bryant give his team in the fourth quarter? 3. How many points did Shaquille O'Neal add for the three-time NBA champions in 1977?

–52– О Г Л А В Л Е Н И Е

Предисловие...... 3 Раздел 1...... 4 Раздел 2...... 17 Раздел 3...... 28 Раздел 4...... 40

–53– Учебное издание


Составитель Волошина Любовь Васильевна

Корректор Е.А.Смирнова Компьютерная вёрстка: М.И.Верстак

Сдано в набор 14.06.2004. Подписано в печать 14.07.2004. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать RISO. Гарнитура Таймс. Ус л . печ. л. 3,25. Уч.-изд. л. 3,4. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ .

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