. X \ EXCLUSIVE Denton " %^ Designs' 'I slime-busting - smash! [ V WRECKERS . from Audiogenic . ^

On your thrill packed POWERTAPE i k this month... f" WHATTA GOB! \ • TOUR DE FORCE ThunderJaws preview Complete game! and brill poster inside!! \ \ • DARK STAR SCOOP! Dizzy's back in Is Complete game! PANIC DIZZY! ' j • HEROQUEST Fully playable demo! PREDATOR 2! ^ SCOOBY DOO & SCRAPPY DOO! • BUTCH HARD GUY SEYMOUR GOES TO HOLLYWOOD! Complete game! OAMEf. SUPER MONACO GP!~ • COUNTDOWH TO IpOKES SKULL & CROSSBONES! THE DEATH anda 3D CONSTRUCTION KIT! MYSTICAL! Complete game! DEMO! SQUASH! SLIGHTLY MAGIC! • POKEMANIA more I CHAMPIONSHIP RUN! AND MORE! Pokes on tape! action wiivi, wito'WmNfk •THAN I SUPER TRENDY SNEAKERS! ^ A RADIO CONTROLLED TOYOTA EVER!! CELICACAR! ^ AND GAMES, GAMES. GAMES!!! 9"770954t866 NflRC The arcatfe action inish. Infiltrate the criminal yourfnJssion is to seek out and destroy theting pin of the MR BIG CORPORATION- [ H you get that far. You'l have to outwtt his enormous army of body guards... gangs of charisma bypass patients in trench coats, the buHet drain with the buHd of a rhinoceros and the breath of a dung beetle, packs of vicious canine yappies, the psychotic clown with an evil sense of humour - you'U die, but not laughing! Then there's the gas guzzling cadMac jock - a cool specimen, elbow tM* c&rpn vm your potwiei... hanging on the door rail, a serious looking piece in his hand prsuft game to Ht the micro screen. you're and ready to blow you away as he rols down main street The extra features wH leave you gasping for extended you nu leaving you coughing lead. It's not aB bad!... You've got a weather changes, bodyguard squads, grenade chopper to back you up, a mean, shiny street machine, some taftM* Mors, gun-choppers... just play It!... we dart heavy metal hardware and some pretty neat moves. And what you to stop! about the king pin... did I say he was Big? No, he's MR BIG!


EVEN IN THE FUTURE OF A ^ENFORCEMENT, THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM RECALL )R IMPROVEMENT. dreams of another fife on Mars, future Is a rough place Detroit Is a to RekaO incorporated, a bankrupt cfty...torn apart by the decadent travel servfcaspacMbkiB to * forces of the Old Man and his corrupt implanting fantasies Into the minds of those [corporation. If you want to die - then who desire to turn their dreams Into walk the streets, If you want to live - then iwity. THE EGO TWP OF A LIFETIME pray for the return of Robocop! experience the horror as your dreams turn into hideous Robocop 2 has Justice In mind... a kind of Justice tfebtmares. Suddenly your every move Is monitored by would-be only he can deliver! Take on Detroit's evil waste. You discover the surreal truth - mastermind and his mega-corporation in some of tou're not you - you're me. the most action-packed scenes ever devised for fou must travel to Mars to discover your true identity - your maximum entertainment value. Detroit Is falling idsskm Is now a journey of non-stop action, strange mutants, apart it's time to put it all back together! juristic vehicles and a starting array of weaponry afl HE'S BACK... TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT Mptured In superbly executed graphics and a game play that k 7 — ;

ampHments the success of the year's top movie. • • .




I •

vast there ye lily-livered swabs! It's time to prove your manhood in a bloodthirsty battle to the death with the Evil Sorcerer and his henchmen. Hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail through strange and exotic lands with your old shipmates Red Dog and One Eye. Shipmates they may be, but trusl them not... tempers soon flare in head to head clashes over the spoils of your piracy. Skull & Crossboncs is the most blood-curdling arcade game on the market - not for the faint-hearted! Blood flows, ra/or-sharp cutlasses hack through the flesh of hideous opponents, arms and legs arc ... AAARGI I... it's just disgusting) There's treasure, jewels, gold and lusty wenches to be captured and ghastly creatures to be slabbed. It's a rough and dirty job - and we all want to do it! MORE SAVAGE THAN BARBARIAN ... MORE BLOODY THAN PRINCE OF PERSIA. MORE LAUGHS Tl IAN ... NEW PRINT SI IOP! CJet it now - but don't, please don't show your grandmother.

• >991 lEN&tNlrv Ui^lliKiiXRl " Atjii Gaim Corp Artwork ApacVjgng 'Wl Donutfc Sfil»are Ud PubbvwdMf SoRvdif LU fr—i Houu TEIMGEIM tt-57U0) Ao.nl London SW1J tPH T«t 06> It0317* ProgununMt>r WjngCnln Av.nUOv in A.i»y,. Al ST KIM PC 3 5 AJS CtnanOOiur W Sjwctium. Amv1r,w The Name in Coin- Op Conversions Am^j Scmfltflot- Wf DMARK CRASH O

ROCK ON! Here we go again for another thrill-packed thrills ride on the rollercoaster of CONTENTS Speccy software. Quantity may be a bit down but GAME THRILLS quality certainly isn't: Two Tour Ov force (Gremlin)! Dork Star (Design Design)* HwoQooil demo (Gromlm)i Butch exceptional Speccy Hard Guy (PBD)< Countdown to the Death (Powertape)' And (he one and only original products made it into the Pokemania'l office this month — check out the wonders of COMPO Domark's 3D Construction Win some realty expensive and really, really Kit and we welcome trendy sneakers thanks lo Kixx' Thanks, Km* Denton Designs, one of the Speccy's hottest develop- it ment teams, back into THRILLS ON SAM PAGE Some new games (hurrah)' More news on action with their great TAPE new equpment from SAM Co (gadzooks!) action adventure Wreckers. Where to find the action! and all the other shift happening on the • Coupe front! Then there's the action on the Powertape with a SIDE A brilliant mix of game styles LIVE CIRCUIT with everything from Tour de Force lt'« your host with the most — Lloyd Mangram Dark Star and his side-kick 6nor the mouse with 4 action to adventure. Plus, barrage of letters, news and Jetman (who's you've got a collectors' HeroQuest demo not getting on very well with some ol Enor's • distant relatives) edition of OAMES-X, the latest British games mag. Should you tape prove faulty, And fust wait until you SIDE B send it in its box to: hear about next month's Butch Hard Guy NEWSFIELD, CRASH TAPE fabby issue — whixx over Countdown to the Death CLINIC MAY (88), Ludlow. to the backpage for more Pokemania Shropshire SYS 1JW. details. All in all, CStASH Is Check the inlay for loading A healthy Powertape will a birrova first class ticket instructions. wing its way back to you! on the groovy train, wouldn't you say viewers?! finish the race on a bike rather than a stretcher you'll have to take on drinks by directing the bike through the bottles, glasses arid casks that stand on the Tarmac A countdown at the bottom of the screen shows how you re doing for bene, and hurry up because now you've drunk all that |uice you re bursting for a wee"

CONTROLS Slam (wed, don 1 slam. iust gently put') a joy- POWER PREVIEW Meal Seymour — Code Masters' Latest star stick into a Kempston or Sinclair interface He's a M like Dizzy onty a bit cuter (if thai s Alternatively, use the keys, which are; 1 CJ'up possible ,1 A.Z/down. H J K/teft (brake). Unght (acceler- ate) ENTER SPACE B N M /|ump and kick. P/pause. FIRE & UP/kick up. FIRE & POWER PREVIEW DOWNAtick down and FIRE 4 RlGHT/|ump Get set for a magical mystery tour front tnfogrames and (heir latest game Mysfrcaf O ITEMS TO COLLECT e Pedal power from Gremlin! trate on speed avoid the obstacles and aban- RUSSIA • Vodka and bread POSTER don the few moral scruples thai you have by AMERICA • Burger and Coke 1 On Fray m CytKtfiharV nightmare What's It Here's a game that takes you for the taking other riders off with some choice ISRAEL • Sheep's eyes and goats milk aU about? Turn the page and you'V discover. ride of your llfel Jump onto your losthng F FIANCE • Snails croissants and wme • racing bike and head across the But bike racing Is hoi and thirsty work To JAPAN • Rice and Saki MORE PREVIEWS continents of the world) Bum In the air, ThunderJaims — It's Domark's latest head down, you pedal over a variety of Is that fat Sumo geezer going to nobble your Tengen game and it's here along with Sports courses, competing against the clock and Action Rugby and a couple of other games ten other competitors. chances in Tour De Force? coming to your Speccy soon*

ul this cycling extravaganza ts not Just a DJ NICKO'S TIPS • simple matter of athletic prowess and sad- Beat the toughest games around wrth another dle soreness — the course is full of obstruc- cotocttonon io f tips, tricks and tactics from DJ tions and unsportsmanlike people who want Nickol you and your bike up-ended and temporanly out of the race, which tsn'i very nice REVIEWS From the road's surface pop barriers and We bought a ticket to Corkerdom and obtrusive posts; colled snakes strike, squat returned with a few Smashing games: 30 sumo wrestlers block the highway(i) and Construction KM. Wreckers and a beauty of a budget Surprise with Scooby Doc and groups of thugs shuffle from roadside to road- Scrappy Doo — we've got the (puh-puh- side puppyt) powert Ramps also obstruct the way ahead but can be used to leap over obstacles and whizz you • I i.j w.-T >1 A * - Pk' il ahead of the competition But If you have three BACKPAGE crashes you're out of the race for good The a&nosf legendary backpage1 i sis back from its holidays and feeling in a goodI rmoo d cos Your position is shown on a map below the it s got some stontung great prizes from main, horizontally-scrolling course screen And ^ I Gremlin to g«e away' your placing is vital, for only by winning a stage of the race can you move on to the next, held TIME in a far distant country So you must concen- Mm

CRASH MAY • 5 DARfronKt STAR out for the armed towers Enemy spaceports are defended by both towers and enemy ships and they're tough to destroy, but it's not neces- (op left-hand comer Press fire to stop it and tory is displayed Selecting EXIT returns >ou to Galaxy liberation, ahoy I The Evil sary to destroy these before leaving a planet the number displayed corresponds to the the game The inventory allows you to hifhbght Lord's tyrannical empire hat invad- To re-enter space fly at maximum speed and amount of moves you're allowed to make dur- items you wish to wear or use A selectec • •d the Dark Star galaxy and it's up maximum height and away you go' ing that turn An arrow cursor now appears — potion lakes immediate effect Quest treaure to you to sort him out. To achieve this you Pressing 1 brings up a map displaying your you use this to highbght and select the icons is found throughout the game If no weapon is have to wipe out atf the enemy's military position On a plane! it shows bases, fuel using the up, down. left, right keys. highlighted or you have no weapons then com- centres on the planets (easy peasy lemon dumps, space ports and so on. tn space, it bat is hand-to-hand Several items of arrroor squatty)... shows where enemy fotces are concentrated ICONS can be worn at the same time, but certair com- and whether they're lightly or heavily defended Directional Arrows Selecting an arrow moves binations. such as plate armour and chain mail fipos! You Should see the original inlay The Liar's position and direction is shown by a the player one step m that direction, provided can t If you re tn possession of a toolkit aid it's Cinstructions for this game — 'highly white arrow That's about it. but donl be sur- there isn't an ob)ect in the way or there are no selected then any trap next to the player s detailed' is an understatement — they wibblo prised to discover something new when you more moves available Alternatively, selecting removed The Wizard and Elf can cast ««Hs along tor about 1.200 words' Yolks' Listen to can master the game1 a floor tile in the current room that's m line with from the inventory When a Spell is selected the this The bar's battle computer generates a the player allows one or more steps to be display changes to the map from which yxi real time display on your screen which shows IN THE DARK? taken can highlight a player or monster to cast he alt the activity m your immediate vicinity' This Then check out the controls' Thankfully, on sped on means, look at the screen and you'll see what's keyboard they're redefinable (left, right, up. Kay This opens any door you're standing next happening Useful instruction, eh? So, here are down, accelerate, decelerate, fire) and the to Sword This engages combat mode The dis- a pair of scissors time to perform a bit of cut- game automatically senses if you're using a play changes to the map and you chooM a ting down {snMMiwrpO joystick, but you 11 still need the keyboard for Map This displays a map of the entire dun- monster to attack There are two options on Okay, here's what you do Dai* Star is basi- acceleration and deceleration However geon By moving the pointer over a symbol a the bottom of the screen Weapon allows you cally a 30 vector graphics blast- em-op You're Design Design don't recommend playing Dark message informs you what it represents Press to select a weapon (cool) and Cancel exits in the Dark Star galaxy which is divided into a Star with a joystick The only keys that can't be fire to return to the game screen from the fight sequence without attacking 16 by 16 grid of sectors from which you have redefined are 1 (map call up) and 3 and 4 When a monster has been chosen the display to forcibly evict the alien forces You're seated (press together to quit game) There's loads of Next Player Hit this to end your current go changes to a fight scroen where the outcome in a zippy space craft called the Liar(?) and. to information in the presentation screens — is shown put it simply, you're objective is to fly around have a good check through before playing Ey* This lets you search the current room the universe shooting anything that moves If it When selected a menu appears Select HEROIC CONTROLS doesn't move, shoot it anyway If it's square. Ily whether to search for hidden doors, traps or Control your four heroes using either joyibck through it Etm. there's a little bit more to it treasure You can't search when there's a mon- or keys You can plug a stick into either s packed with enemy-occupied towers he quest featured in this demo is the first free the war veterans held captive by the evil indeed, it's a toughw. but it helps if you know which pump laser death in your direction Tfrom the game Called The Maze, it lasts Dr Tie Fu Speed, skill and cunning are Butch s the controls, which are redefinable on key- Shoot directly at the towers to destroy them your exploration and mapping skills as you weapons and must be used to the full if he's to board and the loystick option is open if you Force fields can cause havoc if flown through, guide the four characters (Wizard. EH. Dwarf survive the attack Fu has prepared His lethal have a Kempston or Cursor interface' Butch however, there are small openings to fly and Barbarian) through the rooms to locate the army of drcuds guard the prison camps and can walk left or nght. perform a smalt jump through which won't drain your energy spiral staircase which leads them to freedom patrol them vigorously Straight up. diagonally left or diagonaBy nght Enemy bases are hidden in a ring of This is a simplified quest — to experience the To defeat the enemy Butch has a range of Holding down fire while pushing left or right defences and are protocted by three towers real excitement or the many monsters, traps, kicking and jumping moves at his disposal gets Butch punching and holding down fire You can't leave a planet until alt bases have treasures and strategies, youll have to pop out punching droids m the nuddto makes them fall while doing any of the jump movements gives 1 been destroyed (you can disable this feature at and buy the game over, sit down and switch off for a minute, but Butch a double somersault to get him on the the beginning of the game) Fuel dumps on the The first job is to select sets of spells for the then they're back on their feet To destroy a platforms planet's surface consist of energy concentra- Wizard and the Elf Once this is done you're tions and you can increase your energy by into the quest At the start of a player's turn, a • He's butch, he's hard and he's at the bottom right- guiding the Liar through these However, look random sequence of numbers flashes in the hand corner of the screen being particularly useless • Dark Star — it's a great game with heaps of fast action but tends to look a bit crap in a screenshot •




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19M W^n K conPuUr>3 m ^ gave him a Brazilian ZX81 done ani then he another 2X81 ZTZX WHO IS YOUR Br«.nan comber me MCKOO(wh^ wa sort of cross between , Apple II «* a TRS-SO w.th a AY3-8

IDEAL GIRL? ^"Wovn to the oeaf began as a Hangman ume wrmen m BASIC but K CALL 0898 404680 Cou^ to a today! He s currently wortcino on an

studying electronic engineering ai Br«z* using computers that nobody's HOW GOOD R U COUNTDOWN •w heard of (well does A/VAX3fiho m«an aryihing to you?)

POKEMANIA! • Corking magi-mix action!! There are plenty of tips on tape this AT SNOGGING? • Brazil iiims such a nice place, month' Find out what Graham doesn't It viewers? Horn* of a 'Turbo' Mason has lined up for you swingorilliant carnival, yummy nuts, this month in DJ Nicko's Tips gorgeous coffee and, arm, that * about it really. Except, it isn'tl Became there'* a beginning on page 31? CALL 0898 404681 nipping genius out there too and he's called Mario Da Paula Lelte Gouvaa and he's writ- DON'T tan this spanky game which it packed with lots of other games! Spooky, ah? FORGET! It Is. indeed, a magi-mix (nay, pot poon) of games action in Countdown to the Dealt) YOUR GAME HOW 2 TELL IF A you're up against many different mini-games COULD BE ON as you fight to hang on to your three lives. Let's have a took at what you're playing THE CRASH • HANGMAN This is the first game, from where all the other POWERTAPE! games open up Everyone already knows how (And earn you a bf Spec- deck over and then select one from the bottom cy publishing couhdn't be deck to find its match Do that with ail the cards easier! Just send uis your and you're a winner* • REPEAT IT game on cassette cor disk, The right-hand side panel lights up again with with a letter explaining the four different coloured faces which flash in a gameplay. and if it passes random sequence Use the control keys to the reviewers' teslts we'll choose a face and then fire to activate exactly put It on the Powvertape! the same sequence as you've fust sew It's The address is: NEWS- 1 pretty impossible There might even be more some more mys- FIELD, CRASH P'OWER- tery games hidden away in there — It's up TAPE DEPT. LUUDLOW. to you to find them! SHROPSHIRE SY83 1JW. I CONTROLS Don't forget to inckude the Keyboard controls are definable and you can Powertape form — see CALL 0898 404684 use a joystick as long as it s plugged Into a Sin- page 19 of this isssue — without one we wom't even Call* coat 33p (cheap rale) and «p (at all — sniff your entryy! other time*) per minute including VAT. Voiceline, PO Bo* 1640, London. NW1 8NG Please »k your parent* perminion before you call r IN CRYSTAL COLLECTION INFOGRAMES PRESENTS « The echo of lights The light corridor on the walls of silence »

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GR0UI1B SUPPORT 1 234 SRS Micro Systems • Watford Baytree Bookshop Waterlooville Peteriee Computer Centre Send o large itomped addressed envelopeto Mijuo n H O for further doto Hi Uc - Sexfeyheaih Hoiburn Software • Aberdeen Microtyne- Newcastle product range, software, speciftcohons, prices and dealers Anco - Dartfard Long Eaton Software -Nottingham Alnwick Computer wore 1066 Software St. Leonords Computer Woe - Sutton Coldfield Scon Computers - Rochdale Nome... A & C Computers - Fornborough Comtozia - Wabol Errington Computers • Spennymoor Columbia Computers - Bournemouth Davol EWtronia - Peterborough Bolton Computer Centre Address. Estuary Computers • Southend Scunthorpe Computer Centre Microsnips • Wallasey Computer Gomes Shop • Newport K)W The Micro Shop • Glasgow Discolond • Doncaster .PostCode. GC Electronics • Con sett Mag Components - Birmingham Simply Software - HuH YVJ International - Reading Premiere Computers - Dublin Software Emporium - Norw«h SAM Computers. LimiteLimited Lakeside,Lakeside, PhoenixPhoenix Way,Way, „ . Swansea Enterprise Pork, Swonseo SA7 PfH SftNw**' features the brilliant series of Leaderboard golf simulations; the Beach Head Multimix featuring Beach Head, Beach Head 2 and Raid Over Moscow, and finally the Capcom Multimix featuring Street Fighter, 1943, and Bionic CommandoU It's brill! It's triffl And you can win one of GET A KIXX those games! In addition to the sneakers on offer there are 23 — 2311— Kixx games up for grabs too! Which means, erm, there are three first prizes of a pair of sneakers and a new Kixx title and 20 runners-up prizes of a new Kixx game. Sounds fair enough, doesn't it? To be in with a chance of winning OUTTA THIS! there are five questions just dude-like sneakers to give awayl waiting to be answered: Cool 1 • In which of the mentioned SOMETHING'S A FOOT Multimix game packs would you find an Iron? Let's have a look around the CRASH office and see what street tough footwear abounds... 2 • Kixx have a game cailed Big Ed Richard, what's on your Bionic Commando, but who was feet? "Erm, Nike boots! The Six Million Dollar Bionic Mart Gerrroovy, huh?" Sure they're in the TV series? Nike? (puts on specs) 'Yes, yes, Nike — look here — N-l-c-k-s. Oh. 3 • There's a really famous What? Nicks? Anyone heard of brand of boots and shoes called them? They're not very street DM's, what does DM's stand for? cred at all? Um. I thought £10.99 for a pair of Nikes was a tad on 4 • There are 42 kids in a class, the bargain side.' Crap, eh? one-sixth of those pupils wear DJ Nicko, eternal hunk of the slip-on shoes and a fifth of the month and general all-round remaining amount wear sandals. 'nice' guy, what's on your feet? How many individual laces would 'These!' Oh they are smart ('hem, be needed to lace up the rest of 'hem), a nice pair of imitation the kids' shoes? (Tricky, eh?) leather, black and shiny Freeman Hardy Willis specials. £7.99 in the 5 • There's a Kixx game called sales? A bargain (snigger). LED Storm. What do the initials How about Woz? (Have you L.E.D. stand for if you're talking met Woz? Probably not. Woz, full about light bulby-type things? name Warren Lapworth, is CRASH'S helper-outer on the Write the answers to those * WIN REALLY TRENDY subbing side. Complete long- quintet of quizzical questions on haired hippy, sci-fi spack head.) the back of a postcard (or sealed SNEAKERS!! On Woz's feet are a particularly envelope) along with your name, unimpressive pair of leather address, postcode and shoe size • WIN JOLLY SPIFFY GAMES!!! boots, sort of punk-ish with to: NEWSFIELD, IF I CANT GET chains and buckles all over the MY KIXX ON ROUTE 66 I LL TRY N k. M«l shop. Ten points for bravery, THE A49 INSTEAD COMPO, minus several million for being a CRASH, LUDLOW, SHROPSHIRE r\m fashion guru. SYS 1JW. Make sure your entries And Mark, can you save the reach CRASH Towers by 23 May CRASH team's cred. 'Well, sort or the only kixx you'll be getting of. Pair of Puma boots.' Not bad, is on your backside. but still not /e chic. r — .—• i ANOTHER COMPO!! CAN WE GET TO THE On the phone line at this very POINT, PLEASE? moment Is another chance to win Right, yes (sorry, sorry), trendy the Atari Lynx console from US sneakers are a must. Kixx have Gold offered in Issue 86 — we three pairs to give away. Fine. had a few problems with the calls Why? Oh, basically because Kixx then so we've kept the compo games are completely spiffy. open. Also up for grabs on the being, as they are, rereleases phone are copies of US Gold's from Britain's top software fab game Chip's Challenge. The houses like US Gold, Gremlin, phone lines are open now and one way to measure somebody's Activision (RIP) and Palace at a you can hear all the details i Hey youl Are you street cred and that's to look at barg-like price of £3.99! simply by phoning: 'street tough'? Are you their feet. Ugh! YeeeeeechI Well, And what delights have Kixx hrA acquainted with a no (let's try It again with socks lined up in their latest batch of 0898 555 084 particular 'posse'? and shoes ont shall we?). Are releases? There's Forgotten Maybe you have cheekbones you sporting a pair or Nike 180s Worlds (a CRASH Smash from Calls cost 33p per minute during from hell and call yourself or Reeboks? Would you like yesteryear), Gary Lineker's Hot off-peak time and 44p per minute at Almond Sorbet? Do you cook some? Yes?! Thought as much. Shots, LED Storm (another all other times. If you don't pay the MCs like a pound of bacon? Or So, it's just as well you're Smash from the past) and three phone bill ask the person who does! do you prefer to grill them tightly reading this brilliant compo from new bumper packs called CRASH Hotlines are brought to you under a gentle flame? budget software house Kixx, who Multimixesl There's the by CRASH Ltd and Chatterbox Ltd. Whatever the case there's only have three pairs of completely Leaderboard Multimix, which CRASH MAY • 11 . jjjr

compatibility problems. The guide to writing SAM machine code, Messenger also comes in useful for a reverse assembler and a single- incorporating the SAM into step program. I managed to wriite Spectrum network systems. some small machine code programs using this package, so if I can do it almost anyone can! All I need now is a good machine code All aboard lor our monthly create new games. If you consider SERIOUSLY... book to teach me all the ins and trip down tho SAM Coup* yourself a bit of a whiz at graphics, For the serious SAM users, Lerm outs. road. NICK ROBERTS Is the sound, machine ccde or even game Software have a couple of new SAM Toolkit is not for the driver so you might want designing, get in touch with SAM products to show off. SAM DISK is a complete beginner — you do need to grab a crash holmot Co. disk utility that any SAM Drive a basic knowledge of machine first! owner shouldn't be without It code. It costs £14,50 and both the • On the hardware side of things, includes ail the usual disk options Toolkit and the SAMDISK are SAM Co have a lightpen in the such as ERASE and DIR plus new available from: LERM SOFTWARE, SAM pipeline. The main reason for ones which are exclusive to this 11 Beaconsfield Close, Whitley producing it is for use in conjunction disk. You can unerase files which Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 9UW REVELATIONS with educational software. Young you accidentally deleted, repair • Shock! Horror* A new software children would find it much easier to faults on a disk — retrieving data house set up solely for SAM Coup6 point to the screen with a pen rather you thought you'd lost — and copy products! Yes. it's true. Revelation than have to use a joystick or keys. files from one disk to another. HAVE A is a subsidiary of SAM Computers The lightpen obviously would come SAMDISK is available in two and has been set up to help in useful for art utilities, too. versions. The standard version is TERMINATOR supplement the software coming The SAM Messenger should be £10.99, and there's a special edition from Enigma Variations. making an appearance around the for fast disk duplication available for TO TEA! The first products ptanned for end of March, priced £29.95. This is £19.99 which needs two disk drives. More digitised demo action from G release include Quiz Ball, a cross a Spectrum-to-SAM interface using SAM Toolkit includes SAM Middteton. This time he's plugged between Trivial Pursuit and Radio the same technology as the MGT Assembler 3 and is the latest in the his Coup6 into the Terminator and 1's Give Us A Break (£9.95, disk +D and Disciple disk drives. It machine code assembler line from come up with a two-disk set of only), educational software like allows programs to be loaded on Lerm. The source code editor is animation sequences to boggle Highway Code and Spelling, and the Spectrum and transferred onto simple to use after a good read of your mind. There are seven possible conversions of the Fun the SAM with ease. Using this the manual and you can soon be digitised scenes from the film, School games. These are planned method of loading up games you do producing your own machine code including the best ones where Arnie for the end of March. There's also not encounter any of the programs. The package includes a rips out his eye and opens up his talk of converting Digital arm with a scalpel (don't try this at Integration's F-16, using the Atari home kids!}. ST graphics and Spectrum code. Each scene is made up of a total of 64 screens, making the I SAM Co have also been talking animation smooth and a real joy to with software companies in Spain watch Unfortunately it doesn't last with hope of converting some of long. All seven scenes added their older products to SAM format. together make about one minute of Companies like Palace, Ocean, animation and the long gaps Mastertronlc and Domark were on between scenes are slightly the visiting list so we can hopefully tiresome. look forward to some impressive The Terminator animation demo games using the onginal gameplay is an essential purchase for any with SAM's 128-colour graphics and SAM owner. You can get your copy stereo sound! for £5 (both disks) from: G Middleton, 35 Victoria Mount, I Of course, it's not just the big Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4PU companies that have the potential to produce good software. Some of More SAM Coup* noxt the PD software about it of a very Issuo — keep sending in high standard. This has not gone oer stuff to: Newsfleld, unnoticed at SAM HQ and they're Klick Roberts, SAM PAGE, interested in using the talents that CRASH, Ludlow, Shropshire have been displayed through PD to SYS 1JW. 12 • CRASH MAY FLIGHT OF FANTASY FUghl ol Farnasy is ine very latest Amiga 500 peck from Commodofl. featuring BRAND NEW software releases, to motce this the mod Bote tacutar ASOO pack nvm' The pack features the Amiga 500 comeulsr with mouse comiolief and TV modulate, ax wall at lour top Htai liltot. These include I he tollowmg DELUXE PAINT II: F29 RETALIATOR Tha iwge cpiauy (Wm erogrwn martheuftrr * «a^pr»n*iUMrtw«tie:Jio» hi irx Hansard M una- tmiji *n ol mo train and till tart* an MOnewm P4CM4M O*o>» Paint II 'ncludea •hi doma f S*i*i*m uciicai miawia powerful, «• i to use loon mm snuAaneg t oonbai atraugctavntw^. -mm c dui rln am«l n (W Crwea -nailerl»(t .»clulJ.nS I'm itO> •nnanu in ra>i«iic «I iht «umo|| escape noeor uohsjchs siimUflor IWI awrwWiing cOrtipMk'r drlVtrt a kwu maior u«> mm coimc PACK INCLUDES: Dock wt paaiuu Our i»ra» Jak* and Ouke art on Ifw X mcuA50 0 Computer i House £3W » ih(j Humana have beon captured A520 TV Modulator C24J9 by ina numt Mvwi ana totted w xau in «v/ flotx* Amrpto O l : Deluxe Paint II £49.05 For the more serious or professional applies EAHTX' Jaw and Outa n^vttha* wt, Escape/Robol Monsters C14.B lions user. Commodore have a selection ol iruwgti ivdn el mvt Radon n rwlp Rainbow Islands £14 JS systems based around We expandable Arvga F29 Retailor £24 t5 2000. at prices hum CI^-VfT The A2000 RAINBOW ISLANDS TOTAL RRP: CSS4 I2 teeiures a h. 1 1M(> RAM (expandable to 9Mb)Sip. on iov' magic ihHi praciiw Lets Psck Savmfl _£*S£2 The Commodore ASOO &atman Pack rmisi PACK INCLUDES: 9 system expansion slots, plus IBM com rhnwiHg • and yon le raad) eiwtyr** as one o* the most popular com- palibillly wim the use ol PC-XT or PCAT » go laland hopping Frtwe Ww island PACK PRICE: C39M0 puter packs The pack (daturas me ASOO Computer 4 Mouse £399 99 brtfgeboards Complete and return trie ol Oofi rs Monti* iwand, you mm an- A520 TV Modulator £24.99 aumv Dc* i«hW. nmoi-ig inaeca Commodore Amiga 500 computer with coupon, putting a tick MMU wmtut maci™» meenameai moult controller and TV modulator, pius Batman The Movie £24.95 in the A20QQ boa. tor mMM. m bmuddju twngt d lour top software lutes. Tlie salt wars in- New Zealand Story £24.95 details o(A2000 com- legfyj and leaice Fm*ay vm na clude* Batman The Movie' RidGotnam Interceptor £24.95 puter systems. £129-VAI- [taesr5c •tcrid ol dsr*nwn UK) Ita .rmaoitam City at the cunning jokei In Ocean's lop £49.95 selling vu« bawd on the blockbuster Bot Deluxe Paint II man Mm New Zealand Story - h«ti qua li TOTAL HHP: CS49.78 FOR FURTHER DETAILS OF THE AMIGA ty conversion of the leading arcade game: Less Pack Saving C150 78 Interceptor Dogflgh: with two F-i6's in RANGE. COMPLETE THE COUPON AND mis leading tlight 6- "iulator. Oaluia Paint PACK PRICE: £399.00 11 top quality Amiga graphics package RETURN IT TO SILICA SHOP which set the standard tor others to toHow INC Relum trie coupontor lufthe r details VAT THE UK's No1 AMIGA SPECIALISTS

MAIL ORDER; 14 Tf»e Mews. Haiheilcy Rd. Sidcup. Kent. QAM 40X 0W-309T1? Or ear L^et Opto Mon-SM SQ0e»S0Qp«i Helaaa mgw Opening OS'-KS OSOS SILICA SHOP OFFER YOU LONDON SHOP: 52 Tottenfiam Court Road, London. W1P08A "W: 071M0 4W0 Opening H&J.I Mor. S» «Aja!r.4CK®m _ I aiir INo'Wtr, «£» fai He P FREE OVERHH3HT COURIER DELIVERtf On all hardware orders shipped in the UK SIDCUP SHOP: 14 "The Mew, HjiheMy W. SdcuP. Kert DA14 4OX ftl: C01-3O2 BS11 TECHNICAL SUPPORT HELPLINE Team o< Amiga technical experts at your servico Opeeirc Wows Mon-Sal __ Lata rilyW fnday until Fu No OS-.4»0Ct?_ PRICE MATCH We normally match competitors on a 'Same product - Same price" basin BUSINESS/EDUCATION: 14 The Mims Hsihirley Rd. S«Jcup. Kent. DA14 4DX Til: W1-3W 0888 ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS: Proven track record in professional computer sales O-DW tmw Open Wanftl SOOaw-SOOon- gewotf^SelMrMyl CI3m TURNOVER nr<«hew been siiaW^fted tw tr.«t 1? yean and have an annual turnover ol £13 nWbon Wnn our uwrrtHeo «^wnence snd eipefliae. we can now csaim lo meet our customers >eqii«emenis with an uftdersundmg wl*h is second 10 none But don't |u«iaV»o« wordier* Complete end return rno coupon noia tor our latesl Free Wveluro and Degm to ex- I perience trie "Silica Shoo Sarwoe SILICA RETURN THE COUPON NOW FOR ^ Postcode: TM:...... I FREE BROCHURES^ SHOP Which computer) s), il any, do you own? tHJt •!«) xwcntalonamn CMna» Mimwnimw Vrvmniwiwi Before I have a good rummage through your missives this month, first a message of thanks to everyone who has written in (yes, both of you) with helpful 'How to care for a mouse' hints. However, John Reynolds of Blackpool's tips read as follows: You can spot a mouse because it has a tail and eats cheese. Brilliant, John. Strangely enough, Enor (the office rodent) not only likes cheese but also indulges In left over ham sarnies, biscuit crumbs, back issues of CRASH and live electrical cables. Anyway, the little furry fellow (or fellowess, how do you sex a mouse?) is still very much alive and well... but for how long? His life is on a counter thanks (?l) to Andy Longbottom from Hastings, who sent in a rather vicious mousetrap (not a nice thing to find at the bottom of the mail sack). More on Enor next month. Onwards, onwards. Your letters are a right old mixed bag this month with praise, criticism and a few questions. If you fancy winning the monthly prize of a £40 software voucher, get your views to: NEWSFIELD, LLOYD'S FORUM, CRASH, JLUDLOW, SHROPSHIRE SYS 1JW.


Dear Lloyd I'm writing to you to express my concerns over the Speccy Is Dead controversy. Although many Speccy owners (and others) have said that Spectrum is dead, my opinion is that it won't die for ages. Look at the amount of Speccys in Bntain — hundreds of thousands, even a million of them here. Many owners can't be bothered to get a new computer, mainly because the Speccy has so much hardware and software support. People like Datel wouldn't bother marketing these products if there was no demand. And, because of the vast ownership of the Spectrum, it is not likely to fade out for years yet. I personally think it will last until 1993/4 which, although many people will argue, is also the life expectancy of the . It may have further to go than the Speccy, who knows? And there are still far too many people owning the Speccy for software houses and the like to ignore. The Spectrum still has a vast share in the home computer industry and support will go on for as long as there is demand. If you Speccy owners are still womed then buy more Speccy games to convince the software houses that the Spectrum stUl has a future. Steve Warner, Codsall, South Staffs

Good stuff, Steve. It'll be interesting to see if your views are the same as the industry's — look out for a huge survey from Britain's top software houses to discover exactly what they think of the Speccy. Where do they think it's going? How much longer are they going to continue supporting it? And will Enor be around for much longer? Those questions and more will be answered in the next issue by which time you should have a £40 software voucher for being Letter of the Month! LM


Dear Lloyd Regarding the Code Masters CD, I wondered if there are any more 14 • CRASH MAY Rljy and a CD | coming out, as I bought the first I No worries, Robert! You can SINCLAIR CD Games Pack and thought it plug any Speccy into a black WtST NAUGHTY was such a good buy. There was and white TV; the only problem REPAIRS talk that there were more to you may encounter is that some lr TRIVIA QUIZ games' graphics may be difficult | come. Please let me know as I & SPARES 0839JD3 03 1« would like to purchase more. | to see (like if there are magenta SW Weir, Stockport, Cheshire graphics on a black Repairs:* Spectrum 48k • - 16.00 background)! Spectrum 12ftli. +2 - 22.00 Being as clear as mud as usual, LM 0L- 27 00 Code Masters' Mike Clarke said: Repairs prices include parts, labour & return ROCK postage. 3 months warranty 'It's a definite maybe. Last time LOUDER! dealer confidence wasn't high Spares- TRIVIA QUIZ Hundreds of parts in slock also many leads. >839 03 03 17. because a CD pack from another AM prices include postage company didn't perform well. Dear Lloyd Many spares & leads in stock However, we have all the I wish to praise Code Masters. If ACE REPAIRS. DEPTCR2. FOOTBALLTRIVtA QUIE technology but there are no 1991 is as successful for them as 0UTWAYS FARM, PELYNT.L00E. 0839 03 03 18 plans at the moment — but who 1990, '89, and '88 were they'll be CORNWALL, knows...' Revealing, huh? more than the greatest software PL13 2NW ^JIT 5p per 9 tea cnwp rate 7 iea oner one* TEL: (0503) 20282. OueetPO BW 3000 London N20 N«B LM | house. I hope to see more of that d«ive art perrr*»ion before you CM crazy game show host, Reggie Loud (star of Wacky Daits). DARE YOU RING THE... DISK DILEMMA However, I've not been impressed with £9.99 software. NARC is probably the best of NAUGHTY Dear Lloyd 1990. Nobody ever gives Kixx L/N £ I have recently purchased a any credit and they produce Spectrum 128K. Now I'm excellent games like Monty on 0898 800 208 considering attaching a disk the Run and Jack the Nipper 2, drive to the back of it, but I'm What I'd really like to say is AUSSIE NAUGHTY JOKES unsure what types are that the Spectrum is not dead 0898800 209 compatible. Also, what are 0898 800294 when there's a magazine like TASTELESS TIM'S Multifaces and what are they CRASH to emphasise that there JOKE OF THE CENTURY used for? 1 am so confused, can are loving owners. Good luck to 0898 800 206 BAD you please help? all at CRASH and all at Code TASTE Gordon Crickshank, Nairn, Masters and have a fab time in FAT Scotland 1991! FREDA'S JOKES Danny Fox, Sheffield 0898 800 2)0 Datel are currently producing RUDE the well known Plus D disk ROGER SMELLEE Good news, Danny! Reggie JOKES drive which is compatible with Loud, a firm fave here at CRASH 0898 800 207 0898 800 211 128K Speccys. It costs £129.99 and down at Code Masters, has S|i |m-* * tv« v i fK-jOfr rMr } M i t oirnM i *mri in* VAJ and comes with an interface and | UlTftA NAUQMTY t,N| EQft fltAOmtOf 1MALL P/IINT 0«?6 « JOS been signed up for more all the instructions you need. starring roles. There's definitely The Plus D uses 3.5 inch disks a Reggie Loud quiz game on the (like the ST or Amiga) which are way and Code Masters were not the same disks as the +3 tinkering with the idea of a SpectruAi uses so don't expect GUN FIGHTER Reggie Loud chat show game to be able to buy games on 3.5 but then decided not to bother inch disks. Romantic Robot's because it'd probably end up a Multifaces tire useful hardware USE YOUR VOICE bit crap, utilities which have the ability LM to freeze any program at any TO 0UTDRAW THE time and allow you to back it up, transfer between disk to tape or tape to disk, PEEK, COMPILATION CRISIS! GUNFIGHTER POKE, study and modify. If you want to know more call RR on FOR CASH PRIZES (081) 200 8870. Remember that Dear Lloyd you must not infringe any After building up my Spectrum copyright laws when using the games collection with Multiface. compilation sets and some LM budget games I've been told by a sales assistant in a computer 0898 31 35 69 shop... 'Oh yeah, they're not the | INF0CHAL POBox 36 LSI 4TN Col Chqrges 33P/Mn Cheap 44P/Mn Al Other fimes| same as the original games.* Is MONO SPECCY? this so? If so, why? Have I been silly in thinking differently? Or have I been trying to spread my Dear Lloyd hard-earned dosh under false I'm thinking of purchasing a 128K pretences. The point that I'm WA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Spectrum computer but I don't trying to make is this: if know if you can plug it into a compilation pack games are A in B i 3 black and white television and shortened or less than the X T • still play the top games available original, shouldn't it be made C £ s for it. I haven't had a computer obvious to the purchaser? 1 hope D I j i for 14 years and my friend owns I haven't gained a collection of E —* s I one. I started reading CRASH, games which aren't what I * * J F r A which is brilliant, and tested the expected. Please shed some light. G / j. games on my friend's 128K ¥ ^ Phil Wain, Northampton H _v computer. Another mate of mine 4 I r/j JP I has a Commodore 64 and has Next time you meet that shop t p7^ tried plugging it into a black and assistant you can give him a J U white TV and it worked. Would good clip round the ear and say this suit a 128K Spectrum or do I (in a very loud voice) 'You really need a colour TV or monitor? are a clot! You really don't know 0898 313 587 Robert Pearce, Blakenell, West what you're wibbling about, do Midlands I you?!' because he (or she) is Ijnfotiol P0 Box 36 LSI 4TN Cd ChorQei 33P Per rtfr Cheop Rate 44P al other times I CRASH MAY • 15 UNIT 4, B.D.C., 21 TEMPLE STREET, WOLVERHAMPTON WV2 4AN TEL: 0902 25304


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Signature Date. Postcode Tel No.. no, Nick doesn't really hate Spectrums know how to program Mark. I do. simple programs. I have tried LM programming in BASIC and I am quite good at it but find it too AM I THICK, OR WOT? slow and so I am trying to learn machine code. However. I can't find any books that tell me how MONSTER completely and utterly wrong! Dear Lloyd to do it, whereas when my Games that appear on I've been reading your fab brother learnt to program in compilation are exactly the magazine for a year now and I machine code, about five or six PORTIONS OFl same programs as if you bought think it's great. However, there years ago, there were piles of the games when they were are a few things that are in it books about. TEACHING originally released. So stop • Scetlander, the education quite a lot and I don't know what Dave Garratt, Alsager, Stoke-on- panicking! software company, has added to it's they mean. One of the things is Trent range of Speccy learning aids with LM what sprites are. From the way a new package for the young to they have been used I can make Okay, let's tackle this lot: A ST?!? PIH! develop pre-reading skills The out that they are some kind of sprite is a graphic (so full marks, pack's called Mix and Match with graphic on screen, but I'm not Dave) which is moved around Maggie and stars Maggie the Loch sure what. I also don't know the screen, like the Amie sprite Dear Lloyd Ness monster as the host. She what sound FX is. Is it short for in or his gun's I am only 13 and have purchased Total Recall, helps the very young, or anyone sound effects or is it sometlung bullets. What next? Yeah, sound an Atari ST. putting my Speccy with learning difficulties, recognise, totally different? FX are sound effects, it's just the temporarily out of business. discriminate and remember way we've always written it Admittedly the ST's graphics and I have just read Issue 86 and I pictures, shapes, letters and (SFX are special effects). A sound are good but at £25 a have seen all the letters about numbers There are three major multi-load game is where the game that's just too much. I 128K-only games. I don't know games to play, each with an main game code is loaded in saved for ages to buy one game what a multi-load is. but if it is a adjustable difficulty : Two of a first with maybe the first few and when I got it it wasn't game where you if have a 48K Kind, Odd One Out and Forget-me- levels and when they've been brilliant. I have decided to sell my computer it will load a 48K not The package, which comes played through more code is Atari and my 48K Spectrum and version in and if you have a 128K complete with game, excellent loaded in for further levels. buy a 128K Speccy so that can I it loads that version in. I don't manuals, and a Maggie badge, Finally, books. There haven't buy some of the more affordable see what's so bad about that. retails for £11.99 on cassette and been any Speccy programming and brilliant 128K games, Also in Issue 86 there was a £14.99 on +3 disk. Details from books published for a while so Simon Almond, Winsley, Wilts letter about you being able to Scetlander at: 74 Victoria your best bet is to pop off down PS Does Nick really hate Mark? program on the Speccy but not a Crescent Rd, Glasgow, G12 9JN games machine. I have three your local library and see what Good for you. Who needs 16-bit friends who have Spectrums and they have available. power if most of the games are none of them know how to start Alternatively ask your local distributors. All straight, now? of an inferior quality compared programming, while my brother's computer shop if they can order Good. to the Speccy's smash hits? And friends who have owned any material from their LM

WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! OVER £1000 WORTH OF PRIZES!!! IAMIGA 500 or ATARI 520 SOFTWARE SPECIAL 0839 - 121231 0839 -121232 the winner can choose either £200 worth for you to choose of the above machines!! any system any title SEGA MEGADRIVE SUPER FAMICOM 0839 -121233 0839-121234 one of the worlds foremost the other worlds foremost 16 bit games consoles 16 bit games console The more entries you make, the better your chances PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS COMMODORE C64 OWNERS. WANT A DISK DRIVE? RING 0839 -121235 | AND YOU COULD WIN A C64 DISK DRIVE WORTH £130!!! all calls last approx. 4 mins. one prize per competition calls are charged at 33p per min. cheap rate and 44p per min. all other times if you are under 18 please get permission to use the telephone PLAY TO WIN, 159 STRATHMORE AVENUE, LUTON, LU1 3QR TEL: 0582 413943. WE ALSO SELL EVERYTHING!! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! 18 • CRASH MAY GET TOUR GAME ONTO THE CRASH POWERTAPE!

WWIh^a* • AJ^BpVH* A fOT WW WTliiVP a&VMJ HMM*VWaWU IflkIIHAf AWM f"P VWJMr IW CKASH nnr nu*H«t Than mrf Htan wtth Htli bml Ww'B vmi Iumw Iff wlhihlB wmI hew r**' ,1 il, MM M (H Ht « 35,230 Andrew Thomas, Weymouth tie NtWMRD CUOTOWWUN W1, UiJkw. • 'rXT* 34.820 Dominic Chung, Manchester OUT RUN Completed, David Pegg, Cambridge 24,943,880 Simon Davtes, Pembrey 26.560 Ben Gardener. Nottingham EWTORIAI. OFFICE New»0eW ItKflOw ShropttW Srt tJW 05«4 875851 tot 06W 878044 fidttor Richard Eddy NARC Sob Editor Wenen Lapworth 9tett Writer* Ms* Cam, NH Robert*. Lloyd Mangrem Art Edilor Mat Ken*** Photography Michael Perliln.on Production end Circulation Director Joneihan Rtgnal Syeteme Operator PeU KWIK SNAX 136.000 Andrew Jones, Otdham (Ctiaite) Chubb Raprogrephlc* IvUDw uftlnd*« (Suparvtaor). Robb Ham Bon. Robert MNchentp, Tim Mont*. Jem 62,600 Dave Garratt, Stoke-on-Trent 98,875 Kevin Tickle, Tuebrook Raddard Croup Adveftlaement Meneger JixJIth Bimlord Advertl*ment Sale* Executive Chrirtna Moor* 58,350 Paul West, Plymouth Advertisement Production JedOe Monk (Superrieor). Jo Lew* Mall Order Carol Kkieey SubacrtpHon* Careane Edward*. CRASH, New*Beld. Lwfcw. 9hroprf*a. SV8 1JW Typeeetttng VP" Medntoeh Computer* Ouarti 57,790 Helen Dodsworth, Stockton-on- XPiw* Bid eutwnto-rt> Sy*»m * Manager len Chubb Colour Origination Scan Stu<»o*. Whigton. London. Printed Tees In England ay BPCC Bu»ln**> Magailne* (CerHtfe) Ltd Newtown Tra«ng E*lata. Cart**, Cumbria, CA2 7NR 47,377 Keith Moore. Liverpool Distributor Com eg Tavtrtx* Road. West Drayton. Mlddtoeei Yeerty Ijbtcrpdon rates UK CI7JO Europe C24 00. Air Mali ovene** C37 US/Canada »ub»ci»lloru end bach luue* enquHee: Barry Matcher. British Magazine Dt*tr»uto<* Ltd. 40 WWUn* Drive,ftaeaburg. RM l Woodatix*, AFTIRRURNIR Ontario N4S TVS. Canada Tel: 519 421 1285. lax: 519 421 1-~85 Yearly *ub*afcdon ratee; US (47.00. Canada 10,587,620. Ben O'Flanagan. Derby 157 00 Back Muet: US IS 20. Caneda CAW 20 imduelve ot poetage). COMPETITION RULES: The edRor* decfclon 1* !lo*l tl a* matter* relating to arfudkalloo end we oltar prixee In ROROCOP good Mh. tiili'rtr-1 them to be aveaable. It *omalh»>g untoward happen* we reeerve Vieright t o *ub*tMe priie* ot comparable value Wei do our very baet to daapatch prize* a* *oon a* poeeMe *«» tha pubtahed dotfcig dMe 103,130 Ben Gardender. Nottingham Winner* nam** wll appear In • later t»ue ot CRASH No correspondence can be anierad Into regan*ng the 96.350 Woo K>an Hoom. Kuala Lumpur, compeWon* (unleea waVe written to you dating you have won e prtie end * doaanl turn up. In wMcti caee *op ue Malaysiatfll) a unci No per*on who la related, no matter how remotely, to anyone who worn.* lor ettw fleweWd or err* of the oompanlee offering prtiee. may enter one ot our compeWem 53,700 Simon Davtes. Dyted No material may be reproduced In pert or h whole wthout wr«»en content ot tha copyright-hoMan We cenml Here's Oave Garratt with a -piffy score on undertake lo relum enythatg eeni to CRASH — needing wrinen and photographic malarial, hardware or tottware — ROBOCOP 3 Code Masters Kwik Snex of 62.600) It's a unie** It I* accompanied by a uKably damped eddreeted envelope Uneoaeied wrtten or phetogr^Mc m«eriel on J5mm traneparanclea I* welcome, and IT ueed m the magal»ie a paid for at our current rale* Copy puMehed In 13,887,200 Eoghan Ryan, Ennis good *un' That's not aD — he's been CRASH mU be added a* *een « and paymettl wll be oeloulaiad aceordkv) to the currem prtnted word rate. The 11,564.200 Andrew Jones. Oldham plucked from the sack as this month's £40 view* aqveaawl In CRASH an net neoewaraytfioee o t die pubHahere 6.731,550 Ben Gardener, Nottingham software winner! Yippppeeeee1 Copyright CRASH Ltd 1991 A Newttleld PuUtcaVon • ISSN 0954-8661 Cover detlgn end autrallon by Otkrer Fray ABC

€ ON LWUtm £2q.qs £34.

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seymour goes t o h o 1 1 y w o o d • e x c u s i v e power preview

object makes him pick it up and he tells you, with the aid of a speech bubble, what it is and holds onto it. (He can hold up to three objects, displayed in the inventory window at the top of the screen.) So, what have you just picked up. Seymour? Gosh, I've got a thingy, a widget and a boojum!' Identifying objects isn't Seymour's strong point. Solving puzzles is, though, so let's go into the studios and check em out... STUDIO LiNES The main studio has eight smaller Welcome to Hollywoodl studios leading from it and a What's your dream? different film is being made in each. Everyone who comes to They're themed studios with movies 0 Hollywood has a dream! in production like a Wizard of Oz- And some dream more than SEYMOUR type thing, a sci-fi film, a horror flick, others. Take, if you will, Seymour, a Grease-type musipal. a murder a new Speccy hero from Code movie, a King Kong monster movie, Masters, the star of a new arcade a western and a cop set. It's a adventure set In Hollywood. groovy idea because there's plenty Failed movie star RICHARD to explore (well over 50 rooms) and EDDY checks it out... a huge variety of graphics. There's a major puzzle to solve in Code Masters have a new each studio and some studios can't Speccy star waiting in the be entered until a puzzle is solved wings, called Seymour. He's been in another You want to know the created by our chums at Big Red • Here's the parking lot, where the game begins. sort of puzzle? Okay.. We're in the Software — is he going to be tough Toothy little fellow, our Seymour, Isn't he? horror studio and the main task competition for Dizzy? What do Big here is to collect items to build Red have so say about Seymour something resembling and the game? "Seymour's a Frankenstein's monster. Of course, cheerful, squelchy blob who finding all the pieces is a puzzie in wanders around in front of an urban itself. However, there's no brain sprite-based landscape, a bit like around — it must be somewhere Dizzy (only with fewer trees).' else. But, put him together anyway Hummmm, a bit of closer and see what happens. Well, he examination is called for, doncha just lurched forwards and smashed think? through a wall! But wait, that's For his first adventure, Seymour useful because he's smashed has snatched a starring role in a through into another studio I new Hollywood movie and turns up couldn't get Seymour into earter. for his first day at work. But That's the sort of thing, so it's calamity strikes as the studio boss. looking pretty groovy! Di»k E Findlemeyer the second, It's going to be pretty fab this decides to get away from it all and Seymour Goes to Hollywood game. bombs off to Miami for a vacation. 'It's absolutely brilliant' says Code Great timing, eh? Masters' Mike Clarke, who's jJSt Even worse calamity, the scripts popped in to CRASH for a cuppa. for Seymour's film are locked away And the best news, it's going b be in Dirk's safe and he's taken the at Codies usual barg-price of £2.99! keys with him to Miami, the clot! Way-hey! Luckily, Seymour is not only a parking lot waiting for me to take cheerful, squelchy blob but a control of him. Yikes! Wassat? He It's Seymour and he's perched perilously at the top helpful, squelchy blob, and decides spoke to me! Well, he didn't actually of the horror film set! to save the day (with your help, of 'speak' but he moved his mouth in a course). sort of 'hello' fashion. What is going However, if Seymour wants to on? It turns out that Seymour is a open the safe he's going to have to bit impatient, he always wants to find the key, and to find the key he get on and do things. If you leave has to discover something else. .. him too long he starts twiddling his Yup, it's a mammoth arcade fingers or mouthing words at you, I as Seymour better get him moving before he attempts to solve oodles of puzzles starts saying something obscene. which leads him into a web of Seymour has a funny walk: it's a intrigue, murder and suspense (just fast paced one, with a bounce in his tike the movies). Okay, enough of step and he flings his huge hands the 'explaining what it's all about' bit around like a demented budgie. and onto the having a look at the I'm taking Seymour over to the game' bit... left now, the screen doesn't scroll, but flips into the next location. And here are some conveniently placed CHATTY CHAPPY! objects — there's a bag, a red key Here's Seymour arriving at the and a green scroll. Pressing studios. He's standing in the ENTER as Seymour stands over an CRASH MAY • 23 I

mystical • exclusi e power preview

Fancy seeing Into the future? You troll-type spooks, skeletons, goofy minions, oriental-looking warriors couldt a. Invent a time machine, b, and something I don't know the visit Madam Starlight and her crystal name of but certainly isn't friendly. Each character has its own way ball off conundrums, er c, read this page of attacking (hand-to-hand combat, — iff the previews! projectile, scimitar, bludgeon) and you have to determine the best way agreed to help you in your quest of dealing with each one because some creatures take more power to and allows you to use the magic destroy than others. In addition to powers, contained in the phials or the 24 different magical spells written on the scrolls, to defend which are collected you're also yourself against the evil gods' blessed with a fire stick which armies. reduces opponents to a pile of The Great Wizard H... (let him ashes — it's a funny thing to see always have enough clothes pegs (as one of the screenshots show). to pin out his washing) follows your adventure through his Krystal Bowl Belting through and reaching the end of each world is your objective; and gives you the power to travel it's towards the end that the greater between the parallel worlds part of the lost spells and phials lie, as does the evil god of that TAKE THAT! particular world. Having overthrown Right, so now you know what's a level's god, the Great Wizard happening let's have a look at the H...'s (let him always get the game itself. It's very Infogrames- cherries from the fruit salad) Krystal ish: bright, colourful, omate-looking Bowl appears and transports you to thing with big clear graphics. the next dimension. Certainly no eye strain here (though Mystical certainly sounds, and we haven't seen all the worlds). looks, like it's heading for The playing area (in our shots, corkerdom, like the rest of • Blam! That's another evil minion disposed of, the green bit) scrolls vertically as Infogrames' recent Spec efforts leaving the way clear to collect the scroll at the top you take the apprentice up the and, basically, I can't wait to play it. of the screen screen. And coming down the (But I'm going to have to Pthrtrt!.) screen are heaps and heaps of vicious looking creatures sent by • Mystical from Infogrames is out the demonic gods, all trying to any time now and costs £10.99 on hinder your progress. There are cassette and £15.99 on disk.

BITHONDERJAWG S 'N' BftOna, MYSTICAWhat's French, deals with crack commando squad...L Erm. magic and has a lot of Mysticats about magic that's animation? It is, of gone wrong and you've got to sort it * course, Claude the out. See? Told you. Okay, let's performing escargot (snail). And buckle down and get on with the very nice with garlic sauce he is storyline. You're a wizard's too. However, let's not dwell on apprentice studying under the cuisine from the land of the mighty Wizard H... (let his name not sporting cock but instead have a be spoken or we'll turn to jelly) only sneaky peak at top French not a very good one. The word software house Infogrames's 'incompetent' is written across your latest Speccy offering. It's called face — and most of your exam Mystical and here's RICHARD papers, for that matter. One of your EDDY to tell you all about it final exams dealt with Dimensional (which is a far better idea than Doors which, as usual, you cocked munching snails)... up and caused the destruction of the Great Wizard H...'s (let the most ancient gods bless him thrice) Mystical. Says it all really. Well, laboratory and the disappearance • obviously not everything of all the magical phials and scrolls because it only says Mysticat, But that he has laboriously accumulated before you've got time to read any for about three hundred years. more you'll be thinking 'Ah. I bet it's Obviously, the Great Wizard H... something to do with magic and I (let his sausages be always be wouldn't be at all surprised to perfectly cooked and never squishy discover that something's gone in the middle) is none too pleased wrong with the magic and I've got to and demands you venture forth and sort it out.' Which is, basically, true reclaim all the phials and scrolls. It's I hate it when game titles give the not going to be easy because whole thing away. Pih! Navy they've been thrown into parallel SEALS was great. Lots of 'jokes' worlds dominated by unscrupulous about marine flesh-eating mammals gods, jealous of the Wizard's with flippers balancing on balls powers. Thankfully, Great Wizard while singing sea shanties and then H... (let him never run out of loo explaining that it's actually about a paper on hatf-day dosing) has 241 CRASH MAY 1990 ST PRODUCT GUIDE PERIPHERALS & ACCESSORIES THE UK's No 1 SOFTWARE & ROOKS GUIDE TO THE

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po. "a Shop, DepT CRASH-0S9V37™ TtJ^ew^Hatfiertey Rd. Sktcup. Kent. 0A14 4D)P FREE COPY • 1 PLEASE SEND ME A FREE ST PRODUCT GUlDEl OF THE 1990 ATARI ST 48PAGE PRODUCT GUIDE FROM SILICA SHOP • THE ATARI SPECIALISTS Sitae are the UK's Wo 1 JUerl Specialists We have been established lor ove> 12 years, end have an annual turnover ol no million With our experience and expertise, we can claim 10 meet our customers requirements with an SILICA understanding wfuch ts second to none Bui don't just take our won) lor it. Complete and return the coupon tor our latest ttee literature and begin to experience the "Silica Service". SHOP ^VTUdi computer^), do you own? — EiQE 0rtc*t K«OftlU(M My crfc'.^el C'WM WBjH m« tf

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in c 1 the action. Passing's done in a sort of automatic way with the baU going to the most appropriate player in the desired direction and kicking is ORIS ACTION RUGBY achieved by holding down Are and i is such an odd concept: first then releasing it when the rou've got this ball. Except it's directional bar (there's one beneath ry spherical — more like a each player) is highlighted in the ill stretched horizontally. Then right direction. The longer fire Is 3t two teams who chuck the held, the more powerful the kick. all up and down a big field, Sports Action Rugby is appearing to 'try', then jump in a big on both the 48K and an enhanced nd finally get sloshed down 128K version in the near future. b. And it's aH about to be ited on your Speccy (well, • Rugby wMI be foflowed by Sports from the last two bits, Action American Football, also You're the player with the solid arrow over his head. ps) thanks to Audiogenic and being coded by Denton Designs, ew label Sports Action. The bar by his feet controls the direction and power of a kick with a summer flaw pencilled in Action Rugby is a fult (very lightly, though). ition of the roughest, toughest jn a pitch with what's already g like a lot of fast paced , The game's being coded up tton Designs (who created onth's cover smash. ors), so it's bound to be a un! Features include a league so you and up to eight other s can trash each other, or • Rugby — it's just not cricket gainst a computer-controlled Alternatively, friendly matches all displayed in well-defined large 9 arranged. graphics — and there's a small got all the stuff like scrums, scanner which can be called up and kicking to touch and it's which provides a complete view of BENILEYS 251 NEWCASTLE STREET The Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island: It was first BURSLEM, VISA out on the Coupe and and now it's out on the Speccy! STOKE ON TRENT, Hurrah for Enigma Variations's spiffing adventure STAFFS, featuring Enid Blyton's famous kids: Danny, Joe, Jordan, ST6 3QW Donnie and Jon (erm, are you sure you've got the right TEL: (0782) 810485 kids? —Ed). 5 FREE GAMES WITH EVERY REPAIR (TAPE ONLY)

REPAIRS [QK SPECTRUM £20.00 128K SPECTRUM £22.00 EXCLUDING DISK DRIVE AND TAPE ASSEMBLY SPARES *8K KEYBOARD MEMBRANE £5.50 18K+ KEYBOARD MEMBRANE...£7.50 18K POWER SUPPLY £10.00 \LL PRICES INCLUDE VAT AND RETURN (INSURED) POST AND Armalyte. One of the best ever, ever, ever Commodore PACKAGING (spit!) 64 games is making its way onto the Speccy — the manic shoot-'em-up of huge proportions is hitting your screens in the very near future from Thalamus. Zowie!

[ASH MAY mm* tohml mHmffiimwR&

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TM & C 1990,1991 Twentieth Century Foi Film Corpoiation All rights reserved IMAGE WOflKS Irww House. 118 Soulhwsrk Street London SEt OSW Tel 071 928 UM Fa. 071 583 3494 PLAYING -V - J

them into the place where the lorch is. At (he fuse box use the gloves and put the fuse in the box Now go to level four, push the button on ihe computer and the lights will come on. Now all you have to do is collect all Ihe corpses and drop them into the freezer in the basement After i this a new type of enemy will appear — men wilh rings on their with MC Nicko! fingers. These are Hell's Angels. Gel the person with the petrol can to go out through the rear exit and turn right. You should see their van. Click on the petrol cap to open it. Now go back to the garden shop, Navy SEALS get the hose pipe and go lo the van On the high score table type in Click on activate with the hose CLUBBING SEASON. You'll then Disaster has struck! I've gone and caught a right stinker (or should showing and the message 'petrol be given information on how to skip that be stonker?) of a cold. I might as well have not bothered getting can filled' should appear Go to the levels and choose any weapon you a red nose for Comic Relief, natural ones are much more impressive! chopper and use the can to fill the want. I just managed to soldier on with the tips, though (In between gulps tank. Now just kill all the Hell's (Simon Gould) of Buttercup Syrup), so you won't go without your monthly fix. (What Angels, dispose of their bodies and a trooper Nick is. I think I should give him a big wage rise —Ed) (I get the characters lo the chopper. Gilbert, Escape From Drill didn't actually write that, viewers —Ed) Somewhere around these Use the character to fly the If you die in (he water you'll be put pages you should find (unless film planning have printed it all in chopper You will fiy above the back on land but still be swimming white ink on white paper!) a great map of Turrican and tips on the zombies and have won — weird! latest games. Night Shift and Tarzan Goes Ape to name but two. (Ian Gleave) Stormlord 2 IHE SPY Press ENTER during the game to skip levels. A bit easy that one! WHO (Simon Gould) Kwik Snax On this jolly Dizzy game if you score over 80,000 points the game More fun and games with rotting get the next key and go down to the LOVED ME will crash, This is not actually a flesh with these Zombi tips from firs! floor When you come out of the Ahh, it's nice to be loved isn't it, cheat but an annoying bug that Jonathan O'Connor of West lift go left twice, then towards until even if it's only by a spyl Code Masters didn't spot! Hampstead, London. you're outside and repeat the above Jonathan O'Connor (of Zombi tips (Karen Wardle) procedure with this truck fame) has sent In these bits of Click on the helicopter door to open Choose a new character and get Info on how to get on In the it and push the top icon to gel in. the lest key and go down to the first game. firing Collect the power up add-ons Get Alexandre to drop the keys, go floor Go back once then right Iwice. • The wet bike stage is the same down to the third floor with Patrick you should be outside. Now push • On level one learn how to control as the last one. and get the petrol can and gloves hght and repeat wilh the truck. Now Ihe car Don't go fast, especially from the cupboard. Then use the lift with the last character, go to the around comers. Collect as many lo get down to the office on the sports shop and gel ihe rope Go to tokens as possible. second floor. Get the keys and go MacOonald's and open Ihe window • Don t go too fasl in the motor up to level four in the lift. You'll find Use the rope and one character will boat, either Ignore the boats which three keys there — one per lorry. climb up. Go back onto the balcony, don't fire much but dodge the The first key is for the lorry at the use the rope and another character bullets from the rest To destroy back of the supermarket (come oul will climb up. Now all exits are them line yourself up in front of of the lift and keep going backwards blocked. To replace the fuse first get them and fire Keep to the right of until you're outside then press left a fuse from the electrical shop. Give the pter or you'll gel trapped. GANG I've already printed some pokes and youll see a truck). Click on the this to the person with the gloves. • In the second car scene keep for this budget game but for door and get in You will see a Get another character to fetch Ihe your speed down again When you (hose of you who would rather switch in the cab with a line on it. torch from the box in the general drive into Q's lorry the first lime have a few hints than blatantlly Click on this to turn on the ignition. store. Take these two people down don't buy anything if you don t have cheat here are some tips from Then push the right pedal and the to the basement, Alt windows must enough tokens. Pick up 150 tokens Barrie Biscoe of Epping. message 'door blocked' will appear remain closed or zombies will get and buy something next lime Drop the key and choose a new in. Use the map to reach the fuse around To complete Street Gang jusl jump character Go up lo the fourth floor. box wilh the two people Only move • In the submarine stage just keep all through the eight screens At the CRASH MAY • 31 end of each level Ihere is a bonus from which you have to choose a This code-cracking cover tape missing digit! bin On these charts it tells you from way back in October 1990 4 • Type in the four-letter code you what are in the-bins, what weapons has been very popular with the noted down »n step 2 Write down are in what sheets and where the tippers. Here's what Carole of the information you're given Close iqnt bin men shoot Eastbourne had to say about the the phone link game. 5 • Ring Telstar Enter the code Level One Bin 1 — Loose weapon and close the phone link Go to Bm 2 — Gain life 1 • To find the missing digit of the modes 2 and 3, write down the Bin 3 — Gain points telephone number go to modes 2 code and phone Telstar Again work (lift Bin 4 — Loose life and 3 This will tell you that the out the missing letter/digit At the Wake up all you budding Freds Baseball bat on sheet 2 number is between two numbers moment, you don't know the serial and Fionas out there because I 0 Bin men (eg, 00 and 25). number so close the phone link have some help for you an that 2 • When you get through, note 6 • Now phone Supersoft When brilliant new release from US Levet Two Bin 1 — Loose life down the range of photocopiers and you try to figure out the missing Gold, Night Shift. This game is Bin 2 — Gain points the number of Radnage Road letter/digil you'll probably get a few totally infuriating but great fun at Bin 3 — Gain life 3 • Now go to modes 2 and 3. This interruptions. Unfortunately, you'll tho same time. This should get Bin 4 — Loose weapon will give you another phone number just have to put up with this Once you through the first ten shifts. Baseball bat on sheet 2 but with a digit missing — find the you've cracked the code, wnte 0 Bin men TAKE A SHIFTY AT THIS * It's recommended that you put Level Three B»n 1 — Gain life Level Five Bin 1 — Gain life sheet 4 shoots nght the switches, conveyor belts and Bin 2 — Loose life Bin 2 — Loose weapon Jacob's ladders moving In the right Bin 3 — Loose weapon Bin 3 — Gain points direction when you first go up to the Bin 4 — Gain points Bin 4 — Loose life Level Seven; Bin 1 — Loose weapon top to switch on the Beast itself No weapon Baseball bat on sheet 2 Bin 2 — Gain points Activating it at the top first and then Bin men — sheet 2 shoots left, Bin men — sheet 2 shoots right, Bin 3 — Loose life running down hitting switches left, sheet 5 shoot right sheet 4 shoots left, sheet 6 shoots Bin 4 — Gain life right and centre as you go is risky righL Shotgun on sheet 2 as it's easy to miss a switch and get Level Four: Bin 1 — Loose life Bin men — sheet 1 shoots left, left behind by the falling Bin 2 — Gain life Level Six: Bin 1 — Gain points sheet 3 shoots left heads/bodies. Work your way up, Bm 3 — Loose weapon Bin 2 — Loose life activate the Beast and then use the Bin 4 — Gam points Bin 3 — Gain life Level Eight: Shotgun on sheet 2 umbrella to get back down. Shotgun on sheet 5 Bin 4 — Loose weapon Bin men — Sheet 2 shoots left, Bin men — sheet 1 shoots left, Shotgun on sheet 2 another on sheet 2 shoots left, * The Bunsen Burner is tncky to sheet 4 shoot left Bin men — sheet 3 shoots left, sheet 4 shoots right. set to the right temperature at the

C3 •A / A =4 A ?wcw

A t. £±3 A

~ ~ O ^ es 6 • «E_ VAfV^ v ^ =$» • . 5VS-' i j LEVEL 1.1 Si'- <> Ql f.MOfjGS AjA vMbitloi>'%i.i iptccs tn i ft»S.fe I f ft, 1mm uf vA OC*rrl l«U JU^A 4 —. * £*T «-* LIF £ 6MS HTBH, \ * c® 'ffUC*. - OP fclMfo* UlifS o B CKiwouj f. 0£Atn HAivitti f*oi t«F tvuf! Cfli: W-C*' ' n - Ofc ft&oMI cali m f» Roe i t 4 STdlT e 6>io 3-1'c <*JCt & LltVn 1 Wil/fli

32 • CRASH MAY ! start as its initial situation (on or off) ladders to ensure the bodies go switch and then flick it back once and lose you the game. is random (it's also particularly down before the heads (make the the body is about to go up the tube 'difficult to fine-tune as the small heads take the long route round the (experiment to get the timings right). * Extra Time is the most 'mportant screen area doesn't allow you to Jacob's ladders if need be) and use icon to collect if you ve got at least see the resulting raw materials the conveyor belt switches on the * The balloon is excellent for one of everything else If you see a coming out). If the Burner is initially Bonding Unit belt to fine-tune the getting up to to a ledge fast. Collect tool or icon then collect it. you'll off. then light it and heat it on full for timing of head/body matching as many as you can and use them need as many as possible for the three or four seconds and then | REMEMBER! THE BODY GOES efficiently. The umbrella is good for later levels. Particularly balloons bnng it down to power rating three FIRST! Keep an eye on the Quality getting down but not as good as and (to a lesser extent) umbrellas. If the bunsen Is already burning (at Control to confirm that the final dolls falling down sheer drops (provided any heat setting), lower its heat to are correctly manufactured you know where they are). one and wait for the steam to stop, * When constant patnl wait a second or so more and then • The best place to slay to observe * The lemmings are annoying but flushing/mixing is required, the best raise the heat to setting three. If the ! the final effect of heads bonding not loo much of a problem as they place to stay (once all the switches liquid isn't bubbling then increase ! with the bodies is on the ledge just don't mess with the Beast switches are in their correct settings) is by the heat until it does and then fine- | above the right-hand side Bonding (to begin with) and you can jump the paint wheels, of course. Here tune the heat so that you end up i Unit conveyor belt. From here you over them easily enough anyway you can slay until the end of the With a heat setting of three (the I can flick the switch controlling the Hoover them up or set Venus shift and tackle Larry Lawyer, middle setting). I final head conveyor belt and flytraps if you want, but otherwise Hoover up the lemmings and sei i momentanly keep a head from don't waste your energy if other Venus flytraps with little lo worry * Timing is everything if you want : going up the tube to the final things need lo be done. Larry about (other than the paint mixtures to correctly match the bodies and I matching process (which allows a Lawyer is a pam, though. At all of coursel). Watch for the head and heads. This should be your main body part enough time to gel up the costs avoid getting caught in a body moulds falling down when j pnonty once you've got the Beast tube into the matching receptacle in corner wilh Larry as he can keep they change to creating the new working. Change the Jacob's J the middle) To stall a head, flick the hitting you and knocking you out dolls

Many thanks to Steven Downey of Worthing, West Sussex, for his excellent map of world one of Rainbow Arts' megablaster, Turrican.

. Q -


ll>f»1 in loruiw LEVEL 1.3

CRASH MAYT • 33 Shift Three Shift Eight * The basic checklist of items you Password. BANANA/CHERRY/ Password PINEAPPLEyBANAlNA/ need to set for all the shifts is as COO, LUMMY, IT'S... PINEAPPLE/PLUM PINEAPPLDCHERRY follows (going from the bottom of Dolls. 5 RED INDIANA JONESES Dolls 3 BLUE DARTHS. 3 the Beast upwards) Now here comes the Paint GREEN BOBBINS & 3 YELLOW 1 * Power Cycle Ride the bike Selection Bit, Only one colour is OBI-WANS until the bulbs flash faster needed so no problems (here Even with 3 types of doll therre's 2 * Head/Body Bonding Unit Select red first, switch on everything stilt no great problems. Speed lis the Conveyor Belt Switches Switch so and leave it to it. The Extra Time key to success for this level. that both belts move towards the icon can appear quite often on this Immediately upon sighting the Obi- middle, away from the far edge screen so go for it if you see it Wans falling through towards (the bins. Shower and Fan combination, flush 3 * Raw Material Conveyor Belts Shift Four the paint and get over to the yellow Switches Switch them so that the Turbo Mason comes up with the Password PINEAPPLE/LEMON/ sharpish (the frequency of heaids belts move away from the bin in the goods once more — he never PINEAPPLE/PINEAPPLE and bodies is speeding up, if yrou middle let's me down. For the May issue Dolls. 4 BLUE EDNAS & 4 RED didn't notice already). 4 * Loose Bolt on Resin Mixer there's: STORMTROOPERS Do this up with the Spanner/Wrench You'll need to flush the paint with Shift Nine first. Kamikaze — infinite lives white before changing to red. Do it Password. PINEAPPLE/LEMO)N/ 5 * Electrical Plug for Raw Magicland Dizzy — infinite lives just as the new body falls down to LEMON/CHERRY MateriaFFeeder Kick this in next. Switchblade — infinite lives the Shower, ensunng the head Dolfs 4 RED DEVILS & 2 6 * Bunsen Burner Use the Match CJ Elephant Antics — 255 lives per before it gets through before the YELLOW C-3POS to light it and fine-tune it to a power level paint change. Mind you. I could live A simple enough, small scalte rating three (middle setting). Gremlins 2 — infinite lives with one or two mis-coloured heads quota except you've now got (the NARC (128K only) — infinite credits or bodies Frequency Springs for both the And depending on the shift you're and lives heads and bodies to worry about on, check the following. Dick Tracy— invulnerability Shift Five Jump on the frequency spnngs until 7 * Furnace Use the match on the Cavemania — cheat Password: PINEAPPLE/ the bar is at the top for both thie coat St Dragon — cheat PINEAPPLE/ LEMON/CHERRY head and body (which keeps tthe 8 * Paints/Paint Mixtures These Dolls: 4 BLUE BOBBINS & 2 frequency of head/body change are vital! Set up the paint colour In YELLOW R2-D2S low). If you change the frequency to the vat ready for the first doll as you Password Quality control comes in on this high (with the head/body bars at the make your way up to activate the Dolls: 5 STORMTROOPERS screen and at least you won't have bottom setting) you'll gel a fast Beast. Flush if need be but keep (Any Colour) too many deductions getting change of each character and some checking these The first level sees very few through from now on. Switch this on clever setting of switches, conveyor 9 * Quality Controller Very useful. problems as you don't need to immediately and check on it to belts and Jacob's ladders is needed Eliminates incorrectly matched and worry about colours or anything It make sure it's Quality Controlling „ if you're to get the heads and mismatch colour dolts but doesn't might be worth juggling with the okay. bodies connecting nghl On top of detect dolls of all one incorrect conveyor belts to make sure With regard to the paint if s easy this you'll have a lot of mis-coloured colour mismatched colour heads and enough lo flush and change to blue dolls going through (at least 50%). 10 * The Paint Showers/Drying bodies are eliminated but I'd leave it paint quickly but flushing and Basically, high frequency settimgs Fans Vital. Switch on all as soon as all alone once it gets going if I were running over to the yellow takes are not worth It! Keep the frequency 1 possible you. time (especially if the lemmings are tow and the bars high 11 * Head/Body Frequency around your feet) Kick/kill the Settings Low frequency selected Shift Two lemmings before you change to Shift Ten by a high bar setting for both. Password CHERRY/BANANA/ yellow paint for these. No probs Password: LEMON/BANANA/ BANANA/ LEMON otherwise PLUM/PLUM DON'T FORGET TO RIDE THE Dolls: 5 ZAK McCRACKENS & 3 Dolls. 5 GREEN EDNAS & 3 POWER CYCLE NOW AND THEN RAZORS (Any Colour) Shift Six RED LUKES TO KEEP ELECTRICITY Two different bodies, two different Password: CHERRY/PLUM/PLUM/ A repeat of the previous level FLOWINGI heads but again no problems Again PINEAPPLE except you'll need to stay with the it's best to leave the Beast to do its Dolls: 2 RED LUKES, 2 BLUE paint to flush it after each doll own thing once you've got it going DARTHS & 2 YELLOW OBI-WANS change and also add blue to yellow * Passwords and hints correctly Any female/male Three dolls to worry about so to make green for ihe Eidolon Shift One combination head/bodies may look you'll be kept on your toes flushing Goblin dolls. Phew! Things are Password BANANA/LEMON/ odd but it's more trouble than its the paint and running between paint starting to get tough* BANANA /BANANA or No worth to try and correct them squeezer cogs Fairly standard stuff still, but go all-out to pick up Extra That's the first ten shifts done. H Time, as often I've fallen short of you have any hints, tips, maps or quota by one doll on this level. cheats on any more of the game then don't forget to send them In DIAL-A-TIP CHEAT-LINE Shift Seven to me because the game is Password- CHERRY/PINEAPPLE/ driving me crazy! -» LEMON/BANANA lor cheats, tips, pokes and Dolls: 3 BLUE R2-D2S & 3 Well I'm off home to stick my GREEN LUKES head in a big bowl with a towel secrets on all computer Two problems come into over my head. I don't know what and console games ring operation here. Firstly the blue paint it's supposed to do for a cold but must have yellow added to it to I've seen it done in lots of films now on make green for Luke, followed by a so it must be effective! Don't complete flush again to get the blue forget to send in any maps, tips 0898-10-1234 for R2-D2 afterwards And secondly or cheats to me at the usual PRIZES FOR BEST CHEATS, TIPS, ETC. Ihe Drying Fans and Paint Showers address — you might be the Send to: P.O. Box 54, Southwest Manchester on each side need to be switched winner of a £40 software on. Miss any one of these and you voucher! NEWSFIELD. NICK A Ml 5 4LY can't finish the level Switch FIRST CLASS RETURN TO Proprietor: Jacqueline Wright Please ask permission of the everything on at the start and all DOTIGAB PLEASE ROBERTS, person who pays the bill calls charged at 33p per min 'Cheap you need to worry about is mixing in PLAYING TIPS. CRASH, LUDLOW. rate' 44p per min at all other times. the yellow to make green at the SHROPSHIRE SYS 1JW right time. Simple-ish! 34 • CRASH MAY WORLD CLASS HOTSHOTS FROM

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Hi! Sam here. This is your chance to catch up with DISCOUNT SAM COUPE SOFTWARE GAMATE ONLY £59.99! the latest and hottest Famous Five on a Treasure Island, Sam compuutel r around - the Multipock 1, Defenders of the Eorlh, Mind Games 1, Sam Tape III. The pack Includes: Features: SAM CoupeC . You can now To pel £9.99 eoch, Discs Cl 1.99 eoch • Game System Console • Dot Matric LCD screen buy your SAM Coupe • Stereo Headphones • Single player or dual straight from CRASH - a • Manual guarantee of reliable and AND THOSE OPTIONAL EXTRAS player facility with optional • Gamate Gamecard Witty efficient service. Coupe Disk Drive £79.95 lead 256K Memory Pack £39 95 Apee • Extensive library of Communications Interfoce £29.95 • 4 AA Batteries interchangeable Gamecards Export orders please add External Disk Drive Interfoce £29.95 to guarantee continued £10 for extra handling Scarl Monitor Cable £9.95 ONLY £59.99 Midi Cable £6.99 excitement, from only charges. Advanced Technical Monuol £ 15.99 lixluelve of FREE >• A VAT £14.99 eachl

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FIND OUT ON... 'Vi 0898 345 675 Hundreds of great prices are available ^ in the ^WHO IS DARKMAN" Mystery Game based on Sam Return's mci|oriicw film DARKMAN. . JB CD PLAYER, GAMES • CONSOLES^ CASH, VIDEO FILMS,T-SHIRTS, POSTERS Calls charged at 33p per min,cheap rate. 44p per min all other times. PHONE PROGRAM COMPANY, SHEFFIELD SI 4FS. Dark man © & TM 1990 Universal City Studios Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed by Merchandising Corporation of America. 3 B gr* "Or* Reviews ^ • *< JAW

I I * * wt k • *

JNBEH : 00i> Oomark • £24.99 as two key presses to put a 30 allow. TYPE : CUBE object on the screen. The kit As you can imagine, storing POS : 062. (W8 , 070 SIZE: 004,006,004 ne ot the great uses pull-down menus and a and calculating the movement CURRENT : visimr programming pointer which are simple to ol all the objects you put into a INITIRL : VISIBLE innovations over the use and understand. game can be very memory OK past few years has You choose the shape you hungry and annoying when you been , a system ol want from a list including think that many ot the objects creating a three dimensional hexagons, triangles, cubes, are simply repeated from area world where the player can lines and pentagons and can lo ares. Global objects can be have total control over then stretch, shrink, turn and used to save having to recreate movement. No longer were you shade it and position it in your a new situation each time. An only able to walk around world. Using this method example of this is tour walls objects, you could lly above complex buildings can be and a ceiling lor a room. You them and look down, stand easily built up. can just use the global object presentation. The size ol the loading 30 Construction Kit below and look up — the Creating buildings and doors lor this as each room of your window your player uses to see you will be creating worlds lor possibilities were endless. lo walk around is all very well game. into your world can be pleasure or even monetary Incentive produced tour but would make a very boring Sensors can be used to changed. The smaller you have gain. The great thing about the games using Freescape. game. This is why a make something react when It the tasler things will scroll system is that it creates stand- Driller (97%. Issue 47). Dark conditions' option has been the player comes near It — a by. alone programs so you can Side (95%. Issue 54), Total included. By pulling a monster tiring at you lor A normal SCREENS tile load them without having to Eclipse (93%, Issue 60) and condition on a certain object example. When creating drawn with any art utility can reload 3D Kit. Perfect tor Castle Master {85%, Issue 76). (IFSHOT THEN GOTO AREA 2. remember that you're not be incorporated to use as a sending into CRASH Now they've gone one step for example) you can start to restricted to building on the border and status panel. Text Powerlapel further — 3D Construction Kit. make a game. In Total Eclipse, ground. You can choose and score lines to represent This is an excellent game Basically, this Is a utility to shooting blocks created stairs whether you want your player energy, lives, etc are a must creation utility. Whether you create your own Freescape and in Castle Master a switch to tty on a jet-pack, in a plane and there's even an option to want to create whole games tor worlds. The original games opened the drawbridge. Each or just walk. use scrolling bars to give your friends or models of your were created by typing in lists part or room of the game is Once you've created the game a more professional house to lly over, it's simple to of coordinates (a very tricky called an area. You can have world lor your game you can look. use and great fun. business) but now it's as easy as many areas as memory will start to concentrate on the Within a lew minutes ot NICK


m r 1 vwnui i iuii r Htt: 11661


llBliSi^ FREESCAPE CONTROLS I VIEU^4291: 4 , 1168,4041 : ©30, 33©, ©O© ENTER OBJECT MENU


COPY AN EXISTING SHAPE siSPi • ™ ii'kf* /StfVwWri'WI*.^;™


CRASH MAY 39 •ki*r1 1 Reviews

Ujip^ Yet another to Ihrtll lo I'm getting a bit IIIOW tired ot them all now. one doesn I really improve IT over another Continental Circus set (he standard and it's all been a bit downhill (excuse the pun) since then Super Monaco CP is a Hi;! coin-op conversion and a good one but, because it does come Irom an arcade machine, the gameplay isn't parlicuiarly innovative. The usual shaded track graphics and semi-colourlul backgrounds are here again and ihe car always looks like it's going around 5mph when it's really doing over a hundred! I |usl | about managed lo get all the way around the track once, but you I « r '»' TT FE) have be so carelu! as the slightest prang will bring up a 'falal crash sign and it's back to the beginning tor you. And that's aboul it. Fine piece ol coding, but unless you adored the com-op. the action isn't gripping.. iainLCd 69%

>tcmmtil US Gold • C11.23 third or higher. Finally, watch out lor the obstacles at the side ol the hat s an odd price, isn t road — and other cars, ol it viewers? C11.23? course Your car s lairly robust Eurgh! Ysee. Super but if you hit too many Monaco was supposed obstacles you're disqualified n r •' ' • // T lo be £10 99 but then the Racing games are getting HUTDHBTIC fHMVJl'JW /> Budget happened and stuck the like tooty sims: if you've see VAT up. so it's ended up al that one you ve see a hundred Prepare to qualify! No other cars on the track here — just make a decent time to price Phrtrt! Anyway, are you Super Monaco CPs advantage enter the Monaco Grand Prix going to get your £11 23 s is that it's based on a hugely worth? Let's have a took, shall successlul coin-op and if we? you're a Ian ol that, you'll be Super Monaco GP is taken chutled with the Speccy Irom the Sega coin-op ol the rendition — it's very playable same name and it's a racing The player s view is from the game, set in French Riviera, in driver s seal rather than from one ot (he most important the rear ot the car, and ihe races ol the year, graphical detail is very You start by choosing your impressive, especially on Ihe transmission: Beginner has a driver's hands as he throws the completely automatic gearbox. steering wheel lefi and right, Amateur has (our gears and battling to keep the car on the Professional has seven. As track Background graphics are common sense dictates, it's very colourful, and there s best lo start in Beginner mode even a bit of colour on the • This is the race where all the action happens! Whack it up to seventh gear to (but what the hell, I thought, roadside objects lo brighten MONACcruise past your opponents O GP started in Pro mode and soon things up. Control of the car is ended up buried in a stack of difficult to master, but practice hay on the side ot the track!) makes perfect. t unp The game starts in France The thing that prevents r* oc/u Tlh t'» where you have to complete a Super Monaco GP being a real PMIT qualifying lap to determine corker is it doesnt quite ^ s H your grid placing lor the race capture the sensation of speed itself: there are 19 computer but. overall, it's a very ITS TMV 50 L controlled drivers to compete playable racing game thai against. does US Gold proud. The starling lights Hash red. MARK 80% then green and the game begins. Weather conditions ••••PPW Kvv^'.yt wrryx- n tj can make all the difference 1 i :: i :: m i- The car is easier to handle in RATING :: 1 ' iyjg^ the dry than the wet. so keep H 1 • « 1 s an eye on the lorecast at Ihe start. Also watch out lor the checkpoints throughout the three laps that make up each 74% If race: al each one you need to achieve a certain position — 70% (ail lo do so and it's Game Over 73% You also have lo complete 77% each (rack in a dictated 0 position to qualify tor the next 75% In France, it's seventh place or I HJfiJk (LULU higher, but as you go through Brazil. Spain and finally Monaco the limit closes to m 40 • CRASH MAY WORLD OF SUPERFAST DISK STORAGE AMD RETRIEVAL Tha PLUS '0' System consists of a top quality double-sided Otsk Drlva (complolo with power supply) and the powerful PLUS 'D* Interface Plus connecting cable Full BO track Drive giving almost 800K of test disk storage using the industry standard 3-5" disks - (available anywhere (or under £1.00 each) with enough room for up to 16 full size programs per dlakll Ottering more than twice the storage capacity ot a standard IBM Disk Drive and even more then an ATARI ST, the PLUS 'D' System takes you Into the realms ot mass storage. Load programs at Superfast Speed!! - a whole 48K program In seconds. No more waiting for tapes to load. The PLUS 'C actually gives your Spectrum an alternative operating system with dozens of advanced commands. Extremely simple to use but very advanced in It*s speed and operation.


Yes, at the press of the "Snapshot" button you can freeze the program In memory and ssve it to disk. Transferring tape programs to disk couldn't be simpler - up to 16 per disk) Works wtth 48K and 128K programs. Special 'Screen Dump* feature allows you to print out any screen to an Epson compatible printer. (Printer lead available £9.99 If required)

AVAILABLE FOR 48K/128KA2/+2AA3 COMPUTERS (PLEASE STATE WHICH WHEN ORDERING) NOTE THAT THE *2A COMPUTER HAS A BLACK CASE UNLIKE THE »2 WHICH HAS A GREY CASE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO STATE EXACTLY WHICH MODEL OF SPECTRUM YOU HAVE WHEN ORDERING. n If you have your own suitable Disk Drive (Plus D COMPLETE PLUS D INTERFACE AND 800K DISK DRIVE POST FREE!! will work with 40 or 80 track 5.25" or 3.5* drives) then we can supply the Plus 'D' Interface separately for ONLY £59.99 ONLY £ 129 .99

WANNING 1988 COPYRIGHT ACT WARNING Oitai Electronics Lid-, neither condones or suthorteee the um of n't products tot lf*e reproduction of copyright meter lei The backup fecflrtlee of IMt product ere deelgned to reproduce only software eueh ea Public Oematn material, the ueers own proQrMW of ooftvwt vrfwt ptiwitiioo Lo hoi boon ctooriy givm H to Hltptl to nnko eofiat, now tar your aw yam, at oppyrtghl murtol. nHDwut Uw ettm i oi th* coprrtgw ornm. at th* Dwwoo iwwl • • — m> u i n i ) m n man /: i is// TELEPHONE [24Hrs] ViL YmLtiTTl CREDIT CARD ORDERS ORDERS NORMALLY DISPATCHED WITHIN «8 Hro. ALL CHEQUES'POSTAU OflDCTS MADE PAYABLE TO DM TEL EL ECTFOA//CS L TD. S GOVAN ROAD, FENTON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, FENTON, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST4 2RS, ENGLAND FAX 0782 744292 TECHNICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICE 0782 744324

PO 3 U|P|# You would've thought everyone had got led up of IIIOIV 30 arcade games like this; they were all the rage a few years back. I tor one can't get enough ol them, especially when they're as good as Wreckers. It's not as immediately playable as other 3D games, you need to have a good read ot the Instructions and understand what each room's (unction is before you can realty get Into it. Once you've got it sussed, I guarantee you'll be playing late into the night. There's such a variety ot things to do — one minute you could be walking the corridors blasting alien slime, the next flying around in space zapping the dregs on the outside. Wreckers is an excellent game, a perfect combination of impressive graphics, alien blasting and strategy. 92% be everywhere at once so it's else pops up to give you time to put a lew droids into trouble, i reckon it's the level action. Selecting one of the of interaction with the semi- droid panels (from the intelligent droids that puts bottom of the screen) brings this above many other arcade up a map o1 the ship and adventures — sending them droid information. Droids can oft, getting one to fix be ordered to any location of another... it really is good the ship and should they fun basking in command. discover any invaders they'll Like t said, Wreckers is attack. skill and so it should be — Don't just stand there! The Plasmodian attack is about to begin and you're While alt this invasion it's been in development for standing there chatting to a droid! Clot! stufl Is going on, keeping the two years! It's by Denton Beacon functioning only adds Designs, who also created and speed you between to the panic. Four blub rooms Ocean's Great Escape and locations in a 'zip!' must be kept operational, so Where Time Stood Still— The invaders are the Beacon can continue two utterly fab games. Plasmodians — small, gooey broadcasting. The main Imagine those only ten times lumps ol alien slime —but computer gives the alert if better and you have a vague are better known as one of the blub rooms is idea how skill Wreckers is Wreckers, because they malfunctioning and when it (ie. It's very skill!). destroy anything they come does you've gotta run! To RICHARD 93% Wrecker04523N... s in contact with. There are stabilise the blub, a Audiogenic • Wreckers is an isometric several ways to combat the waveform must be adjusted £10.99 • 128K only 3D arcade adventure with Piassies, As they're so it matches its partner. RATING lots of strategy and blasting. approaching the beacon, you The Plasmodians attack in Intrigving orcode adventure his game is skill. There's heaps to do and the can enter one of tour waves and once one wave witn blasting overtones. Remember that Beacon is pretty big. battlepods. This puts you at has been cleared you'll be because it's going to consisting of around 35 the controls of a massive promoted — just in time to sound really rooms and corridors. The Hoover-like contraption: as cope with another wave! PRESENTATIO Tcomplicated. Skill, skill, graphically detailed scenery the Piassies come close, Wreckers' gameplay is all GRAPHICS |94% skill. Right, let's get on with scrolls around at a speedy simply suck 'em up! about discovery. Which it. pace. The next attack procedure droids to use and how to use SOUHD 190% Essential plot elements: Your first job is to select is to blast them as they them, the best attack PLAYABIMTY You're one ol three keepers one of the three keepers to attempt to get through the campaign lo wage, and ol 192% on an outpost space station control; each are blessed Beacon s shell. Leaving via course, learning all the uses ADDICTIVITY • 93% called Beacon 04523N. The with their own characteristics an airlock, you're fitted with for each computer and room. Beacon's purpose is to send but effectively operate as a spacesuit and jet-pack, Hie depth of gameplay is navigation transmissions to your three lives. As your giving you the freedom to immense. Just as you reckon passing ships so they keep chosen keeper comes out ot zoom about space and blast you've cracked it, something w on the right track and don't suspended animation, Plasmodians. The droids are continually defending the Beacon, fall into any dirty great black there's a couple of minutes Back inside, the and you can call up a view option just to make sure holes. No matter what, you before the computer alerts Plasmodians pose a real they're doing their job must keep the Beacon you to oncoming aliens. So threat as they spit large gobs functioning. Assisting you you've got a bit a time to do a o! killer slime at you: are three droids who can tew jobs. Building up your however, a quick taste of clean, fix, explore and army of droids Is a good laser death puts paid to defend. If three aren't thing to do; they're them. enough, more can be constructed in the Factory If your character s energy constructed. location. Where's tbat? Well, is drained by Plasmodian Should the Beacon be call up the map of the ship attack return him to invaded, a self-destruct and you can see exactly suspended animation or he'll mechanism Is initiated, where it is. end up as a human which has a one-hour One brilliant thing about Ptasmodian, looking like a countdown and can't be Wreckers is that you don't walking jelly, and completely switched off until the spend most ot your time deadly. When one keeper has Beacon s invader-free. Today, trudging around corridors. died you can simply select the communications The Beacon's equipped with another and carry on. computer informed you that vertical and horizontal Checking the map shows organic life forms have been zipways, which are like which areas of the Beacon spotted approaching Beacon elevators only a bit quicker are under attack. You can't 42 • CRASH MAY what's wrong with that? Whereas the Dizzy games have many tough puzzles, SLIGHTLY this is much easier and should appeal to a younger audience (Erin, or those young at heart: I loved it! -Ed). All Ihe screens are packed M>« llJi.tUUUUf . with colour and plenty of I animation and a jolly ditty plays throughout the game MAGIdragon. BecauseC our hero is on128K. The 48K version is Code Masters not a fully fledged wizard, he a little less detailed but the • £2.99 • needs your help in casting game doesn't lose its charm. The movement of Slightly spells. These are dotted • Snort's thirsty and you can be sure his bucket of laying with spells can around the play area and the himself is a little sloppy. He stop is in some far, out-of-reach place! be tragic when you're spells each need another can jump through many ot only Slightly Magic. object to make them work. the obstacles and being Code Masters. If, like me, JLT"! PHelp guide Slightly Code Masters are the white there's colour clash you can't get enough of this ll^fl^l through this multi-screen experts at this style ot game. whenever he goes near type of game, you won't be cartoon adventure in his Slightly Magic is very similar anything. satisfied until you have a ^ | j L VtW quest to rescue the fair in idea and appearance to Slightly Magic is another princess from Sunburnt the the Dizzy adventures, but great cartoon adventure from NICK rA\A'J PANIC

When the pipes are getting dangerously low there's little chance of getting any shape into the correct There's Dizzy in the middle, through him you control the scrolling belt hole at the bottom Code Masters with your lever (that doesn't • £2.99 • rhyme —Ed) and pocketing three shapes at once; If oor old Dizzy, he you're ultra skill you might doesn't get much rest get lour shapes in at once these days, does he? and be rewarded with a toy! PEspecially now he's Panic Dizzy has 20 levels taken on a job at the toy of manic action for you to factory, just around the enjoy and any of them can be corner from Magicland! The selected from the menu little egg has got to work screen. Don't be tempted to pretty hard if he's to get the jump in at the deep end and toys off on time. start at level 20, though, lots Most factory jobs can get ot practice is the only way to very boring but Dizzy won't survive past the first three! be nodding off just yet. Using Panic Dizzy is another a little lever he has to control great Dizzy arcade game a conveyor belt with holes In following in the footsteps of it. Different shapes fall from Kwik Snax and Fasi Foot, the lour pipes at the top of and it's great to see a really the screen and Diz has to addictive puzzle game guide them into the available lor such a barg- corresponding holes. price! Sounds easy doesn't it? NICK Well, it's not. The pipes gradually move down the screen and the shapes start tailing faster and faster until RATING you end up in a right PANIC! You can make the pipes 0VERA1 move back up by being clever m CRASH Ml AY • 43 •» iTvV " VIEWS

of the evil sorcerer's huge henchmen tries to hack yo u to bits, and having overcome him you still have lo light your ILL AND treacherous crew tor it! The sorcerer himsell awaits your presence lor a final battle at the end of level eight. Eye strain is the first > i »Vk7k) concern for anyone playing Tengen/Domark • would (eel at home. The Skull and Crossboner. the C9.99 • £14.99 brightly coloured backdrops small monochrome sprites are scroll from one combat almost lost in the garishly o-ho-ho and a bottle of location to another and once coloured backdrops. rum. me hearties! you're there you light until all Right, the gameplay: what Once pirates were the your attackers are disposed of. we're looking at here is really scourge of the Spanish Along the way are lots of bonus a standard beat-'em-up. much Maine so it was only a matter items to collect, chests full of in the style of Golden Axe but of time before their adventures treasure, golden goblets, with a pirate theme, ft can be a popped up in a hacking-away pieces of eight and X marks case of seen it all before' il coin-op, which now makes its the spot' where buried treasure you're a beat-'em-up addict. appearance on the Speccy. lies. All you have to do is walk We're talking serious The more treasure collected, along, wave your sword at the swashbuckling here as you. the stronger you become. And enemy forces and grab the with or without the aid of a pal, strength is needed because the loot. There isn't a great variety It's pup to the rescue in become either One Eye or Red opposition put up a stiff fight. A ol combat moves; our pirate Oog and search through eight Scrappy's own smashing swift poke with your sword pals can only swipe with their levels for treasure, stolen by swords. platform gamel usually sends your attackers to an evil sorcerer. Armed with the great pirate banquet in the Skull and Crossbones is a trusty (and probably rusty) sky — that is as long as they much better than Tengen's last cutlasses, they light the don't retaliate and knock a few game. Stun Runner, and continuous stream of atlacking points off your energy bar. although I've not seen the pirates to regain their booty. Food and drink is scattered arcade game that Skull and Hah har! around and consuming these Crossbones is taken from, it's The action is spread over pushes your energy meter up a pretty entertainment romp! SNOOT JIM eight levels, set aboard to an acceptable level, keeping MARK 70% galleons, in Spanish castles, your three lives intact lor a in caves and all sorts of while. locations where Errol Flynn At the end ol each level, one RATING Uipi/ Skull and Crossbones follows in the footsteps ol the IllOW Renegade games. You go around the landscape swashing and buckling your enemies until they blow up and leave 10p pieces behind (strangel). The tunny thing about it is you only have to battle it out against one enemy at a time and the main SCRAPPY character only ever seems to face one direction. If you want to go 70% right, for example, but you're facing left, you moonwalk along the 68% screen! Leaving each section of the game is quite peculiar you jump on a cross and your character flys over to the next stage (not 65% a very piratey thing to do, is it?). Skull and Crossbone?s theme spices up the old beat-'em-up style but doesn't hold many 60% invincibility, bonus points surprises. HI-Tec • C2.99 • "71%" and extra lives. 76% uh-puh-puppy power There's plenty of fun to be • Ol' One Eye battles it out (and when he's killed the is the order of the day had with Scooby and pirate he'll probably indulge in rumpo with the in this Hi-Tec game Scrappy. The character lassie relaxing on deck) Pwhere you play the sprites, despite being m part of Scrappy Doo, monochrome, are really well searching for Uncle Scooby. drawn — Scrappy really does As usual, Scooby's rumbling look as II he means stomach has got him Into business. The game is fairly trouble, so it's Scrappy Doo tough to get into, but a bit of to the rescue through the four practice soon puts you on the levels that make up the right track. Addictive, game. entertaining with hassle-free slnli r You start in the Ghost Town gameplay, notch up another ilPM and leap and jump your way successful cartoon licence to across many platforms and HI-Tec and a very playable battle through the many traps game (or you. Hurrah! that litter your path. Plenty of MARK nasty creatures stand between you and success, but you can hit your attackers; the longer the fire button is held down, the RATING stronger the punch. Along the way there are bonus objects to collect, including OVERALL •

441 CRASH MAY k vt J


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Preparing to serve in another tough squash match

Krisalis • E9.99 • quite simple: the court is (simple, eh?). Apart Irom Jonah gloom and doom — oice £14.99 • 128K only rectangular and divided into The game makes Barrington's Squash. I haven't mastered, Jahangir Kian's nyone who's played two halves, one for each allowances tor beginners with seen a Speccy squash World Squash is a playable squash knows that it's player. There's a square an option that gives normal or simulation. Depending on the game. one of the most shaped service box at the front easy control — in normal, your colour chosen (blue is MARK 70% Adangerous sports in Ihe of each half, from which the joystick movements as you hit bounciest), the ball spangs off world. The small, very hard serving player whacks the ball the ball determine its the walls at suicidal speeds, bat) hits the racquet (and against the opposite wall. This direction, whereas in easy all and it takes many a game to be invariably you) with the speed is marked about halfway up you do is hit fire, and the in the right place at the right RATING of a ricocheting bullet. But now with a line called the Cut; to Speccy decides in what time to hit the little thing. you can participate in a one- or serve a successful shot the ball direction and with how much Character movement is sadly two-player game in the comfort must hit the wall above the Cut power the ball is relumed. on the slow side but all is not of your own armchair with and fall squarely in the Jahangir Khan 's World opponent's half of the court. M U Squash has never been a popular game for computer 88% Championship Squastf. (Confused? I am.) The 111 VlV conversion, unlike tennis or football. So it's a The game begins with a opponent, on the other hand, novelty when a game like this comes along. The characters that 75% series of menu screens. can let the ball hit any ol the represent each player are small but the game is detailed, with Choices available include ball walls (and risk decapitation), crowd scenes and excellent presentation, including some 60% but it can only hit the floor colour (blue, yellow or red tor impressive full colour screens. Timing your swipes so that you 70% different standards of play), once. actually hit Ihe ball lakes some practice but after a little while you saving and loading games, Points are scored if your can soon be banging away and beating the pants oil your 74% practising and competing in opponent fails to hit the opponent. Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash makes a either League or World speeding projectile. II the ball refreshing change Irom going down the courts and sweating Championship games. doesn't fall in your opponent's buckets in a real game. The rules of the game are part of Ihe court, they score 73%

ImpulzCHAMPIONSHIe • £10.99 P RUN Driver's Championship. The I wouldn't describe the M ADIT Championship Run is much tike Continental • £15.99 bends, hills, pits and hairpins graphics in Championship Run IvIHUIV Circus. The cars look the same, the track looks ooming around the of the top tracks have all been as stunning', as the Inlay the same and your car even catches lire it you're hit too often. world s most famous reproduced for you to get to does. I think 'can be a bit Only it's not quite as good as Circus. The car sprites are race tracks with some of grips with. messy' is a much better way to reasonably well drawn, but the tracks and background details' Zthe top drivers of Your Formula One car is put It. I must admit that the are simplistic. There are two things that annoy me immensely Formula One is a daydream of equipped with three gears and tracks and cars shoot by at a about this game. First is the difficulty in changing gears: many many people. Now you can go a display at the top ol the hell ot a speed but there's times after a smash up I found it very hard to change down Irom one step further by taking a screen provides all the minimal detail. Objects at the third to first. Secondly, the computer controlled cars are real pain spin in Championship Run. information you could desire: side ol the road are expanded to pass — you become more and more frustrated by them. As You start at the back ol the your position, lap times, out of recognition as you racing games go this is a bit of a non-starter, which Is a shame pack and have to improve your distance remaining to travel approach them and going over because Impulze s last release. Edd The Duck, was so good. position to progress in the and qualifying rank. hills is deadly; you have no 55% Roaring up into eighth place, there's still a fair distance to go to get into idea what's coming up ahead. pole position What I always find extremely annoying about almost every race game on the RATING Spectrum is that your It's got I be ifmi brt Ml fW opponents can drive 'through' g—»yloy to match. you from behind. They race on as if nothing had happened and PRISKNTATION 60% you're left picking up the pieces (sobl). GRAPHICS 44% Championship Run doesn't otter anything new to the world SOUND 34% ol Speccy racing: no exciting PtAYABILITY 58% features and the same tracks to race around as countless other ADDICTIVITY FFET1 driving games. Entertaining enough but it doesn't have the guts to make pole position. NICK 56%

CRASH M AY • 47 m V 4 ® vmJit :

status panel, at the bottom ot to face it alone in the the screen, shows your slaughterhouse (brown police badge (energy), trousers, ahoy!). Good luck, ammo, score and gun you're going to need it, currently in use. sunshine. A handgun is your first Whilst I agree in principle weapon but there are other with Nick's views on weapons to collect: computer/lilm tie-ins. I grenades, a rocket launcher, personally found Predator 2 Imageworks I place is downtown Los seekers, is you. assault shotguns and rilles. very playable. It took me a £10.99 • £14.99 Angeles. The city is in the The game is split into tour Ammunition lor the handgun good many games to get off grip ol a heatwave and a manic action levels where is unlimited, but other guns the first level, mainty e's bach! The alien massive drugs gang war is in you have to battle your way need topping up regularly. because the opponents are who would scare the lull swing between the through alt the mobsters to The first level ends when you so vicious. Unless you can willies out ot anyone Jamaicans and Columbians lace the walking nightmare tight your way through to a find a last and powerful gun with a bit ol sense has (known as El Scorpios), and one-on-one in the drug lord's HQ and arrest him you're likely to find yourself returned tor a spot ot man all this commotion is the slaughterhouse. Predator 2 lor questioning. up the creek without a munching. Ot course, it isn't attraction tor the Predator. In starts with two cops being Level two takes place paddle. I also like having to the same Predator that big the middle ot these pinned down by heavy inside the penthouse scrabble around alter ammo; Arnie mashed in the original shenanigans is Lieutenant gunfire after stopping a van apartment ot one of the as with Operation IVo/f this movie, but he/she/It is just as Mike Harrigan. a tough LA lull ot gunmen. Harrigan biggest drug lords in LA. The adds a lot ol angst to the dangerous and twice as ugly. cop who's been thrown in at rushes to the rescue with his Columbians and Jamaicans proceedings. The year is 1997 and the the deep end, and that, tun trusty .44 Smith & Wesson, are still battling it out but the The graphics are and not surprisingly comes Predator has gatecrashed the monochrome and while the under tire himself. party. Your job here is to get occasional baddie is hidden The game is viewed to Ramon Vega, a drug lord, in the mass ol action, the Operation Wo/Astyle trom before the alien horror does. sprites are very well defined, behind a transparent Level three moves down to especially the Predator in POPEYE 2 Harrigan. and as the screen the Los Angeles subway level three, who hps the slowly scrolls along gunmen where the FBI are also head oft the odd gunman as appear trom the sides ot the chasing the Predator: it's he passes by (Blurgh! —Ed). screen and let loose their killed two ol your men and Okay, this may be mindless ammo. Retaliate by moving you want revenge. And you fire button-mangling the cursor across the screen finally get it in level lour violence, but I love it (and I and pressing that tire button when you save said FBI team bet you will. too!). when you're on target. A Irom the Predator and have MARK 86%

M|P|f We all know the score when it comes to film tie- NIUW ins. don't we viewers? It doesn't matter what the game is like, it will sell on the success of the film. Which RATING goes some way to explaining why Predator Franks pretty low in the payability stakes. All you have to do is shoot the baddies that pop up as the backgrounds scroll by, Operation Wolf style. From level to level, all that changes is the background — gameplay stays exactly the same. Visually the [j 75% game is bland Monochrome graphics have been used, • Wake up, you spinach-eating barmpotl making some of the enemies camouflaged, and the sprites 180% Alternative backgrounds are detailed but aren't impressive. This, coupled with the continuous drone ot • 65% Software • £2.99 • in glorious monochrome, gunfire, didn't encourage me to play tor very long. In my unlortunately, which makes opinion. Predator 2 is another example ot big name, no 1 79% game syndrome. It you re a fan of mindless shoot-'em-ups tive Oyl has been the game look bland. The | 77% captured once again gameplay Is very simplistic. you may find this a worthwhile buy. by the evil 8luto, All you do is jump from 65% being the lovely platform to platform • It's a one-on-one fight in Predator 2 — thank O collecting things until you goodness for a rucking great rifle and stacks of young lady she is ('hem, ammo, eh? hem). And you, as Popeye. reach a nasty, then punch at M have to rescue her. him until he drops. All the popular characters For a game that's aimed I I I I li.i..UJ, from the Popeye cartoon are towards younger games here: Swee' Pea, Wimpy, players I think it's a tittle Eugene the Jeep and Goons. tough: I could just about It's these characters that manage to get halfway into cause most ol the problems the second level before — you have to watch out tor running out of lives, and that Swee' Pea crawling along was hard going (that's the iron girders, collect all probably because you're the hamburgers tor Wimpy rubbish, Nick—Ed). and deluse the bombs you NICK find on your travels. Spinach cans make the muscle-o- meter at the bottom of the screen expand, giving you | extra power All the sprites and

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