Rise and Fall of Assessments
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Gross~ Pointe News Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, February 28, 1985 30 cents 38 Pages VOL. 46-No. 9 for your information Rise and fall fyi of assessments By Tom Greenwood By Mike Alldrlejczyk rates dunng their upcommg bud- Homeowners III the Woods, get deliberations Shores and Park will see lower pro- In the Park, the amount of the de- We make misteuks perty assessment!> thIS year, while cline may be smaller after the board of reVlew meets next month, When the press makes miS- assessments WIllrise !>lIghtlyIII the takes, everybody knows about It City and remall1 essentially the accordmg to public servIce direc- The followmg actual headhnes, same III the Farms, according to lo- tor James Elhson Flllal equallza- stories and quotes actually cal assessors Will fadul:> WUlJ't Ul:: Jd<:ll1lJllcJ turned up in prmt and I'm glad I Based on 24-month sales studies until after the boards review pro- didn't write them. from each commumty, the Wayne tested assessments and make ad- They're from a book, "Press County Bureau of Taxation has de- justments hE'::lrlderl Follies" - a collectiOn of classIC veloped equahzatlon factors that blunders, boners, goofs, gaffes, show assessments falhng by 3 4 How to go about pomposities and pretenhons from percent III the Park, about 1 per- the world of journahsm, as com- cent III the Woods and 5 percent m appealing your piled by Robert Goralski the Shores Read on while I cringe. Grosse Pomte City assessments property tax Student struck by bus, no big Will rise about 1 percent, based on problems as school starts - the tentative factor!: assessment is on Richmond News Leader Adjustments are being made m Page 15A. Child's stool great for use In the Farms to keep the city's equah- garden - Buffalo Courier-Ex- zatlOn factor "essentially the same press. as last year," according to asses- Countywldt:, ClLle!>wltll heavy m- dustries, such as those downriver, J" A priest marries his mother - sor Carrol Lock Some home- k ,~~ Washington Star-News. owners may see lllcreases thIS showed falling property values. i- _~ I" Here's how you can lick Dober- year, he added while western communities held Photo by Tom Greenwood man's leg sores - Reading (Pa.) The county's equalization factors their own or showed higher values, Eagle. are based on home sales in 1982and according to taxation bureau direc- 30,000 stamps later . Two teenage girls arrested on 1983 Some communities in the tor George McEachran. Business was pretty much back to normal for clerks Carole Lombardlnl, center, and Rose Hlllgendor1', pot - Hartford Times. county wlli use a 12-month study Twelve-month sales studies for 1984show property values through- far right, last week after customers earlier swamped their tiny post oftlce for thousands of 22 cent Do it in a microwave oven - covering 1984, but local communi- stamps. save time - Spokesman Review- ties are using the 24-month figures. out the county have bottomed out Spokane. Lowered assessments mean low- and are again on the rise, McEach- Deaths and fun - Oklahoma ered property values, but could al. ran said. Also, the value of large City TImes. so mean lowered property tax bills homes - hit early in the recession Crowds get their 2 cents' worth ~o men accused of pecans for homeowners, If school and mu- with declining values - are mak- theft; sex charges filed - Ala- mClpahties don't adjust their tax mg a comeback, evidenced by in- By Tom Greenwood and not our regular customers," Over at the Mack Avenue post of- bama Journal. creasmg values in areas like There was a stampede m Grosse she added "One woman saId she'd fICe, acting man~ger Ed Koski said V's food service feeds thou- Grosse Ile, he added. POinte last week, but It didn't in- been to five different post offices bus mess last week was "terrific" By law, a home and property sands, grosses millions - The volve cattle. Hundreds of persons trying to buy all the stamps she "We were wall-to-wall people Minnesota Daily. can't be assessed at more than half lined up to buy thousands of two needed. She was In a frazzle by the Woods ends its market value. Each year, the here," Koski said "They were " More include: Pastor aghast and twenty-two cent stamps when tIme she got here." packed in from the moment we county computes for each of its they went on sale last Tuesday. Last Friday, those patromzmg at First Lady sex positiOn communities a ratio of sales prices the little post station nestled m the opened 'til we closed That's a lot of - Alamagordo Daily News. one-WOlllan to assessed values using sale In the small postal statIOn lo- back of the Book Village weren't business Our clerks were worn out Lawmen from MeXICObarbe- In from trymg to handle that many • studies from the commumtles cated the Book VIllage, clerks very happy about the postal ill- que guests - San Benelto (Tex,) crrme wave Homes selhng at more than half did their best to handle the crush. crease people and still keep them happy." News. the assessment result m factors "The Ime on Tuesday went out to "I thmk It's Just terrible and I Koski estimates hiS station went Residents were shocked each more than 1, homes selhng at less the back door, and by noon we were time their neighbors went on a By Tom Greenwood don't like It," complained Helen through nearly 300,000 stamps In than tWice assessed value mean rationing om supply of stamps," Boley, of the Park "Everythmg one day murder spree - San FranCISCO less than 1 Rose Hillgendorf said "We went keeps gomg up but the mall service Chronicle Both the Farms and Woods pollce through 30,000 two-cent stamps m "That's a tremendous amount of beheve the recent arrest of a 22- Last year's assessments are then is terrible Our magazines look hke stamps," he saId "It almost seems Carter ticks off black help - year-old woman may help both de- multipl1ed by the state equalizallon two days It sure was a lot of fun, they went through a saw mill, but San l''''rancISco Examiner. ha-ha." , like people were over-reacting It's partments clear up to 60 burglaries factor to determme the new assess- they keep raismg the prICes" good for busmess, but really now! I Former man dies in California ments, which are used on the sum- Carole Lombardim' said the ra- - Fremont County (Calif) 10 the two communities. Farms reSIdent Jean Droste was don't seem to recall thiS kmd of a Lmda Marie Forton was recently mer and winter tax bills to cover tioning was necessary to assure only slightly less upset "I think it's rush when we had our last Increase Chronicle News. the millage levied by municipali- stamps for everyone. "People were too bad everything has to rIse," she Orange balls may save fliers' arraigned before Woods mumclpal three years ago It's hard to believe judge Patricia Schneider on one ties, Grosse Pomte Public Schoofs, standmg m line for up to half an said. "I mean, how long ago was It there are that many people out lives - Oakland Sunday Tribune Wayne County Intermediate School hour to buy the two-centers or the we were paymg only five cents for Tuna recalled after death - count of breakmg and entering an there stockpihng twenty-cent occupied dwellmg With intent to District, county government and twenty-two centers You had to ac- a stamp? I forgot about the m. stamps" Chicago Daily News. commit larceny. She was placed un- community college and the Huron- tually push yourself through the crease and mailed fIve letters With Both KoskI and the postal clerks Two convicts evade noose; jury der a $25,000or 10percent cash bond Clinton Metropark Authority crowd Just twenty cents on them Will m the Village reported that bUSI- I hung - Oakland Tribune The decline in the Park property "Some people got angry, but they get through? Three of them Jerk mjures neck; wms award and remanded to the Wayne Coun- ness was back to normal by the end ty Jail <Continued on Page 15M mostly they were out-of-towners were bills " of the week. - Buffalo News. Woods Detective Robert KWIat- Teen-age prostitution problem kowski said the suspect was ar- is mounting - Tonawanda News rested whIle allegedly robbmg a Frontier. Enrollment drops less than public sector Teachers head goes off to JaIl house in the Woods Accordmg to re- - Sarasota Herald-Tribune ports, a homeowner returned to hiS Gorillas vow to kill Khomeml home and heard a nOiseupstaIrs. He - Valley Independent News. told police he saw Forton walking Private schools reach out for students Headless blonde found in around the upstairs portion of hIS Thames - Chicago Tribune home and called the authorities. By Mike Andrzejczyk and curriculum in elementary and dents. Unhke their pubhc counter- have 11 students, while middle Accordmg to police reports, re- Umverslty Liggett School last high schools parts, the only boundary on non- school classrooms may have as few The book also contains page spondmg officers found valuables month ran a series of four newspa- A" the number of school-age pubhc schools IS the dIstance as eight, so each student gets much after page of mangled quotes, belonging to the home stockpiled at per advertisements hlghlightmg Its chIldren drops, non-pubhc schools parents feel comfortable sendmg ml'Jre attention from mstructors, undecipherable clarifications and the head of a stalIway leadmg to the program, mcludmg the avallablhty fmd themselves expandmg the their child to school s~ saId.