Zombies Attack Alfred: NERF Guns Ruled A-OK

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Zombies Attack Alfred: NERF Guns Ruled A-OK Newsstand: $1,000,000,000,000 What should we tease here? I can’t do everything around here, guys. Our readers need teasing... NOX Tease. Not Since 2002 The King of Infomericals Page 2 coming to AU The ZOMBIE newspaper of Alfred University Page 3 Vol. 104, No. 9 3/4 www.notthefi atlux.com March 32, 2010 OMINOUS HEADLINE Sub-headline that will upset people: Inamori School of Engineering to be closed By Stephanie Hui Yan Choi have left 745,634,762,347 com- Business Manager ments on the website, showing approval of the budget cut deci- As much as the student body sion. “I am glad the University demands for a collective deci- sion on the budget cuts, the Uni- Let’s party,” stated web user spicy_saxons_forever.has finally listened to (Obvious-our need. sion. ly this was me.) versity has made the final deci- “We are excited to announce Following the budget cut deci- this change,” said Thomas sion, the biggest concern raised by the student body is how the name very disgusting. No of- saved money will be spent. At Rubisch (Personally I find this fense.), the spokesperson of the the moment, inviting a pop star Strategic Planning Council, “In- to perform on campus seems amori School of Engineering will to be the most supported op- be closed to accommodate the tion. According to the Center for Student Involvement, Michael According to the documents Jackson has shown interest in budget deficit.” released by the Strategic Plan- performing at AU because he ning Council, Inamori School of has never heard of the town of Engineering is considered to be Alfred. Additionally, Billy Mays the weakest school at Alfred Uni- has already scheduled an ap- versity because of the unbear- pearance. Before students get ably low enrollment rate. too excited for the King of Pop’s “97 percent of AU students are visit, Kristin Fleming, our favor- engineering majors,” said a stu- ite fortune-teller in town warns dent who insists to remain anon- PHOTO BY DAVID LEMMO us of a possible zombie attack If you actually read cutlines, e-mail us! We want to question your sanity. fi [email protected]. ymous, “that is ridiculously low. due to the excessive amount of We have to get rid of the school, money the University possesses. it. Look at major CEOs and you'll extend this a little bit. Feel free send a blank e-mail to michael- or else it will drag the entire Uni- “As we all know, zombies live see what I mean. To avoid this to make something up; nobody jacksonhasnotheardofAlfred- versity down.” on cash. Sure, brains help, but attack, we have to burn our cash will know.*** buthasbeentoAlfredbefore@liar. As soon as the decision was mostly so they know what to do into ashes. Now.” P.S. If you want to meet up with com/. with the money when they get com, a majority of AU students ***Whoever sees this, please Michael Jackson one-on-one, “C U l8er,” said Jackson. announced on www.thefiatlux. Zombies attack Alfred: NERF guns ruled A-OK: Colons are awesome! By Kari Aldrich a substance called 'Minnium stopped zombies altogether by Conan the Grammarian and barricaded themselves in- Rotsum Becomium.' This odd confusing them, forcing them intoside thewith offices heavy of woodenUniversity planks staff substance lacks the integrity to to absorb tomes of complex art that they nailed to the doors and consistently remain itself, and theory, pages of calculus home- shambling undead in the Alfred caught their breath and thanked as a result zombies take on the work, notes on Hobbesian theo- Due to a massive influx of God they were alive and asked characteristics of whatever they ries of anarchy and some par- versity have decided to revise if the University would reverse absorb." Kingmonk says. ticularly brutal modernist and Community,the university's officials stance at theon Nerfuni- the Nerf Policy, faculty and staff "You shoot zombies with lead post-modernist texts. These re- Legislation. One time players of were initially quite skeptical. or smack it with an aluminum the game "Humans vs. Zombies" However, once students got the bat, all you're going to get are Kingmonk is dubious. "That are both excited and decidedly backing of pseudoscientist Ro- hard-nosed, steely, cheesed-off portssounds are like as aof really yet unconfirmed. good way to smug about the entire ordeal. adversaries who now just want create zombies that will force "We aren't saying 'I told you cials changed their tune. to eat your brains out of spite. you to do arduous math prob- so,' exactly," said a representa- fish"It's Kingmonk, a common University misconception offi- But something nice and squishy lems, or read you Gertrude Stein. tive of the group at a survivalist that you can only defeat zom- and well aimed, like a Nerf dart, Isn't it bad enough that they meeting on Monday. "It's more, bies by smacking their noggins is a perfect defense." want to eat your brain?" 'Oh wow, I bet you feel stupid. with something hard, like a bat It may seem counterintuitive, The Humans vs. Zombies I bet you wish you'd practiced or a bullet. This 'hit 'em hard' but early attempts to stop the representative, upon hearing your survivalist skills. I'm so glad mentality is not informed by Sci- hoards with Nerf products, as Kingmonk's Nerf theory and I was prepared for the worst, ence. I have studied the zombie well as other squishy and inof- seeing its practical application, just like they always taught me extensively and discovered that fensive items like teddy bears, increased his smugness by ap- (Above) The perfect NERF gun for to be in boy scouts and in The as their atomic mass decays, pillows and wads of paper seem proximately 75 percent. "Okay. destroying zombies. Get one! Lion King.'" they actually undergo a chemical to have met with success. Some Now I'll say it. I told you so." When students ran screaming students claim that they have change and their flesh becomes Also inside... Merrill bleachers collapse? If you Something equestrian/zombie. Keep up with the zombie invation care, read this. If not... don’t? Back page. on thefi atlux.com liveblog. Page 4? 2 Fiat Lux l www.wholooksuphere?.com March 32, 2010 Editorial The Alfred Computer Guy: Better surviving through technology Hey, we need a witty headline greater. As always, be extremely cau- Mike Stone Community groups are sprout- tious when approaching anyone followed by an ellipses... Contributing Writer ing up across the nation to deliv- offering help. A world thrown er communication nodes on the into chaos is easily inhabited An editor’s last letter: borders of their cities. Typically, by those that would prey on the these nodes are made up of small helpless. Thieves and pirates My term as Editor in Chief began with zombies, and now it ap- may provide false information pears that it will end with zombies. ers delivering information over in an effort to take your sup- The Fiat Lux staff has been locked up in the Powell Campus Center ansolar-powered Ad-Hoc WiFi flash-based Intranet. Whatserv- plies, food, weapons and most information, you might ask? likely, your life. In order to de- mal acceptance of darkness has allowed us to remain hidden from How about the latest day-by- feat the zombies – or at least live theoffice zombies since the so infectionfar. began to spread. Our closed blinds and nor- day information on survivor through their reign – we must Two years ago on April 8, 2008 Alfred University was locked down camps? Schools, town halls, un- use every available resource we after a student was seen carrying a Nerf gun around campus. The derground dwellings and other can. They may not eat, sleep or real cause was a game known as Zombies v. Humans, but little did we buildings that have been locked stop moving, but one of the best know that the game was only the beginning. down and properly secured advantages we have over them is Footage of the zombies made its way to Fox News and The Col- So, “The Infection” is upon us along with maps and step-by- our collective intellect. bert Report. Next thing we knew, professors were writing about and and the undead are prowling the step instructions on how to teaching zombie folklore, making our campus the perfect starting streets. A common attitude I see reach them can be downloaded when people throw their laptops point for the zombie uprising. is one of technological retreat. A at these nodes. awayThis and is why laugh I find at theit frustrating notion of I sit here – having been bitten – without much time left for a non- Luddite mentality sweeps over Many of the nodes have adopt- a technological future. After all, zombie life. I sometimes shutter at the idea of seeing Nerf guns, the mind and forces it back into ed a universal icon set indicating when going on foot with a maxi- rolled-up socks and marshmallows, key weapons against attacking survival mode. After all, if major the availability of food, water, mum target of 50lbs on your zombies. What had started as rules for an on-campus game have power lines are still active, it’s medical services, beds and par- back, you may need to decide become rules for survival. only a matter of time until they ticularly nasty zombie infesta- Currently, the theory is that the cause of the zombie illness is a mu- fall dormant, and even if that tion zones.
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