The Political Scene RED BANK — This Borough 9 Does a Booming Business in Po- Barry: We Play 'Dangerous Game Litical Campaign Offices at This Time of Year

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The Political Scene RED BANK — This Borough 9 Does a Booming Business in Po- Barry: We Play 'Dangerous Game Litical Campaign Offices at This Time of Year Weather Dtarffatfa 1 »M. top ii t«n g. 24,275 tmtmrn, partly eloody, Ugh h 1 Red Bank Area J UN MB. Sunday, fair and cooL 8M matber, page 2. NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER DIAL 7414)010 VOL. 87. NO 75 lMU»* *•"?• Moncl»y through Friday. Second Clmu Po.ut« FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE • ' '" Paid at K»4 B«n» and «l Addltlooil Muling OUICM. Call for UN Dues Payment May Hold Up Assembly UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) delinquent nations pay up or lose were considering a two-week Middle East has put it among "Failure to apply the article to levy assessments for the the UN membership" that the — Suggestions to postpone the their votes in the Assembly. postponement, but he expressed 10 nations that are now two years to a great power simply because peace operations. Congo and Middle-East assess- opening of the UN General As- The Soviet Union has hinted it doubt there would be one. behind in total UN dues. it is a great power would un- Because some members have ments should be paid. sembly were heard in UN cor- will quit the United Nations if it Stevenson's memorandum was The U.S. memorandum noted dermine the constitutional integ- refused to pay those assessments, Of the 10 countries that are ridors today after the United loses its vote. made public after Secretary of that under Article 19 of the UN rity of the United Nations." the United States said, "the UN two years behind, Bolivia, Par- States called for a showdown The announcement of Steven- State Dean Rusk said in Wash- charter, any member two years The Soviet Union contends that has a net deficit of $134 million," aguay and Yemen are expected over the Soviet Union's refusal son's memorandum to Thant gen- ington that the Soviet refusal to in arrears shall be deprived of assessments ordered by the As- of which $117 million is owed to to pay enough to avoid penalty. to pay its peacekeeping assess- erated talk of postponing the pay any of its $55 million debt its Assembly vote. sembly for the two peacekeeping 29 countries for troops, supplies Hungary can get ahead by pay- ments. showdown in hopes that the affected the constitutional struc- 'Inevitable Issue' operations are illegal because and services. ing its'!assessment for the reg- U.S. Ambassador Adlal E. Ste- United States and Russia would ture of the United Nations. The United States said the As- only the Security Council has the Hint of Votes ular budget assessments. But the> venson gave notice to Secretary- work out a compromise. Although the Soviet Union has sembly opening "presents an in- right to initiate and finance such Hinting that the United States Soviet Union and five of its al- General U Thant yesterday that One suggestion was for the As- paid its assessments for regular evitable and inescapable issue of operations. Iiad the Assembly votes to de- lies — Byelorussia, the Ukraine, when the Assembly opens Nov. sembly to open in December,' operations of the UN, its re- Article 19 unless requisite pay- The U.S. memorandum cited a prive the Soviet Union of its Czechoslovakia, Poland and Ro- 10, the United States will de- then adjourn until January. fusal to pay anything toward the ments are made before that 1962 opinion by the World Court vote, the memo claimed "it is mania—are expected to be still mand that Russia and nine other A diplomat said UN officials peace forces in the Congo or the opening. that the Assembly has the right the overwhelming conviction of behind when the Assembly starts. Politicos Fill Store Vacancies The Political Scene RED BANK — This borough 9 does a booming business in po- Barry: We Play 'Dangerous Game litical campaign offices at this time of year. There are (our of them in the business district. A new Gold water headquarters opened this Johnson: Won't Sell TVA week at 90 Broad St., but it re- placed one that closed at 23 WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. "On all three scores," Gold- cracks about the TVA in a matter what names they call Broad St. so the grand total Barry Goldwater returned to water said, "the present admin- speech prepared for Nashville, it - I'll never sell the TVA. didn't change. California today, charging Pres- istration is playing a dangerous Tenn.. "la the first place, it doesn't The borough Democratic head- ident Johnson was afraid to game — filled with risks for Goldwater, several weeks ago belong to me — it belongs to quarters is located at 21 Broad stand up to communism and was American security, and for the in Knoxville, Tenn., said he still the people of the Upper South," St. where it maintained a peace- playing a "dangerous game" of hopes for free men everywhere believed it would be desirable Johnson said. "It belongs to the ful co-existance with the Gold- coexistence with Russia. for a just place." to sell portions of the TVA not people of America." water office nert door until the Meanwhile, the President Goldwater was scheduled to directly connected with flood The President' said TVA was latter moved down the street. toured Tennessee promising he campaign today in Los Angeles, control or hydroelectric power. in danger because "an unsympa- Then on Monmouth St. there wouldn't let Goldwater sell any Culver City and San Francisco. Won't Sell thetic president in the White •re the local Republican cam- part of the Tennessee Valley Johnson, in the third day of "I am not going to.sell TVA," House could starve the TVA, paign office and county Demo- Authority. He planned to link up a six-day campaign trip said Johnson. "No matter how pack its board with people who cratic headquarters. with his wife in New Orleans through 11 states, began the day much they offer — no matter would dismantle it, and under- Fills Empty Stores tonight as the first lady ended in Louisville, but, made, his how much they want for it — no (See CAMPAIGN, Page 2) The snort-lived political activ a four-day whistlestop tour of the Ity fills some of Red Bank's South on the Lady Bird Special. empty stores, and indirectly gives Goldwater, in the state where the business district economy a his primary victory last June light boost, but the campaign of- nailed down the Republican nomi- Drivers May Face fices are not very profitable COURTHOUSE CAMPERS — Mrs. Elsie Armstrong, right, of Rt. 79, Marlboro nation for President, lashed o"ut •ources of revenue for the bor- at the President in a speech ough's landlords. Township, comforts daughter, Robyn, II, and other children, from left, Barbara, 17, prepared for the World Affairs The Goldwater office, for in- George, 13, and Apryl, 15, at Monmouth County Court House yesterday. Family has Council in Los Angeles. He said: stance, moved from one rent- just baen told It can't camp in lobby of the county building where tha five, and "In defense of freedom —and Cameras in Court free location to another. if ever the boundaries of the The move was necessitated by their dog, Gretchen, had come from their unheatad home. free world are to be enlarged — SHREWSBURY — Monmouth A major difficulty in convicting semblymen Alfred N. Beadleston the rental of the space at 23 there will always be risk. County may get equipment for tipsy drivers lies in procuring Brotd St. tor a new discount and Irving E. Keith. The re- "But I submit that the greater taking_ motion pictures of persons evidence that will stand up in quests came in letters answering' •ton whfch will open soon — sot risk, in the face of Communist accused of drunken driving. court. Blood tests or breath tests because the Democrats made it the committee's September tec-' agression, is to do nothing—still Capt Daniel J. Dunn of the provide acceptable evidence, but ommerttfation to stabs^officials uncomfortable for them, the worse, to submit — and worst of New Jersey State Safety Council drivers may refuse to take them. Goldwater supporters pointed supporting action by apjwoprl- Moving Day all, to seek new and illusory told the .County Traffic Safety Physicians often are loath to out. ate authorities to invoke more accommodations with an an- Committee at Shadowbrook testify that defendants are unfit drastic penalties for persons con- The office is maintained by the tagonist that has never retreated yesterday that Essex County to drive. Monmouth County Volunteers for House Cold, Family Tries Court House victed of driving while under the an inch from a resolute purpose Prosecutor Brendan T. Byrne is Lack of evidence frequently re- influence." Goldwater and is managed by that contemplates the destruc- using such movies as evidence in By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON for an early supper in mid-after- that if promised repairs to | the sults in conviction on a lesser Jail Term Study Mrs. Uura Rudolph of 40 Arthur tion of our world. such cases with good success. charge. PI. who talked about the id- FREEHOLD — In the upshot noon, Court Officer William Beck- heating system at her own 11 Before making specific recom- vantages of the move. of a domestic dispute over a er called a halt room house in Marlboro are not Magistrates Like Idea mendations, the committee will Capt. Dunn asked Magistrate The new office of the Vohin- heatless bouse in Marlboro Town- The Armstrongs finally left, aft- made today, she and the cbJN await the results of a meeting of snip, a mother packed up her er 5 p.m., with the possibility of dren and dog, Gretchen, a six- William I.
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