
Reclailrling the Indian l)easantMovements in Mexico: The Struggle for Land, Autononry Tlre l{esurqcnc(' oi l{ural Movenrents and Denrocracy irr Afi'ir';r,Asia .rrrdL:rtirr Arrrcr-ica

Armando Bartra and Gerardo Otero

Edited by Sarr Moyo and Paris Yeros

I' spigsof it all. Inclia.sk.erv that thc larcl rvestherrs. cruc to thcir historv,riqht aucl also lubo'r, rvlrich ... is rvhat nraclcit blossor,. (Wrrrnarr r97.1)

Thc purposc of this chaptcr is to asscsstlrc ertrcrqcr-lccof tlic Inclian pcasant rn()vclncnt in Mcxico at thc turn of the trveuty-first celrtllrv. Jr-rstes indiscnous pcasrnts r,vercthe- rnost raclical gr-oup irr rlrc l{cvolution of rgro-2o, thc r Jantrar\, 1994 trprising lcd by thc Zlpatista Nation:rl Liberation Arrrrv (EZLN) hls also rcprescnted a n'atcrshcd in Mexicols polrticrl historl'. Most analystsof indigenous pcasrnt nlovcl)lel)ts in Latin Arrrr'ric:r tcnti to crnphasizc either- the class basis of rural ulovc,rclrts (l)ctras ;rrci Vcltrrrcyer zoo r) .r the iclcrrtiry Folitics involvecl i, their rrrobilizatio' (Estcva r999; Alvarez ct al. r998).Ily contrast,\\.c arsuc thrr in rrrost social rnor.crncuts.bur particularly so in thc clsc oi i'discrrous pcasrnt strugulcs, 'ratcrill (larrcl)end iclerrtity (cultrrrc) derrr:rnclsare inscparable. Irrdigcnetrs ethnicitt' anrl culture ar.esinrprly thc anchorine points of the struqsle fbr lancl.Indrgenr>us cthricitics havc bcc, r-cprocluccd ftrr cellttrrics itl a subot.rliltate intcractiolt rvith nrliltg lnil rrri..l.lle qroups ancl classcs,:rnd its lcpr.duction has dcpcr.rded prir-narilv on havi'c i.rcccssto land (otero zoo4:r).whe'thc liukaqc rvith lard as 2005 thc rrcars of livcliho.d rvas sc'ercd pcr'anerrtlv, firrrrrer incligcr.'s pcoples hacl rro clroice br.rtto assirnilatcto rrrt,stizosocictv aftcr oulv a cotr;rlc or s() selrcrations.Althou{-Ih assitnil;ltion has resultccl in litst Ilnqr:rgcs ard culttrral practices. Mcxico has u,itrrcsscclsirrcc tlrc t ZEI) I]()()KS 97os. anrl rrtOst forcelullt' irr thc l99os. I strouq rcsurgerrcc

I)A\:II) i,IIII-II) RECI-AIN,lIN(] ()1'ERC) :8+ THE LANI) tsAR1'RA AND 3d5

strr,rgglcLrr- Indran peopL.s lor lancl and autononn- to rcprotluce thtir. and prop2g;11cda n'hite suprenr;rcisni,sought to conscitute :r n:rtion.rl culturc. Prrrt of this resnrgence is explained bv thc duplicirr. oi the iclcntitv tl.r.itexcluded the indian.'w'hilc this *'hite suprenrecisrn..ras N'lcrican qo\-crrlunent:on the onc h:rnd. ncs' lqrariln lelri_slationin cstai.lishcclin the inirial legislation of independenr Mexico. rhe sr:rte 199: canceilcd thc prossibilin.of tirrther rgrrrrian rcftrrrrr.br. ch:rnging tilovecl rrrostvigorousll' to cleprrive-Indr:rn conununities of their nreans Article :7 of tl.re r9r7 Constitution. s'hich h;rcl enrergcrl firxrr the of liveliirood ser,erll decrrcleslater. during tl.re Por/ili,ltoof i87(r-r9lo, Rewrlr-rtion (l3altr':rr99:. :oo-3:r):on the othcr l'rantl.the qor-cr-nure.ut the pcriod prior to the rcvolr.rrion.The libcral rlictator Porflrio L)iaz sisrrcd thc' r9li9 ILC) (lonr-cntion No. r69 on Incligcnor-rsl)eopl95 set out to r-rrrifi'thc n.rtion. c-\tenLlthe railr-oadnetrvork, :urclirtrpose (Helninclez Nar-rrrro r99-1).TIte latter has qiven lcqitinr.rcv r(, rhr nrilitarr. r-lr1efrorn the ccntle. Capritalisn'rrvus in firll expansion lt colttinucd strlrgglc for l.rncllnd tcrritorr'. norv n'ith thc adcleclccntr:rl this tinrc. but becrinse vast tracts of ianri renrained in the hands of rlcnrancl for :rntononrv in culttrlc irn(1sclt:govern:lr)cc. In :r countrr irrcliqcnous cornnrunities the Diaz qovernrlteltt chansed the larv to that has lrccrr suldcrl bv hberal itlcologv since thc ninetecnth centrir\. allcxv the f rocess of prinritivc rrccunrnhtion to proceeci fi-c-eir'. :rrtclti'r:rt has fcrverrtlv trietl ro estrlrlish a hornogcncous. nronolithic. Prirnitive acctrrrrul.rtionconsisteci in a clouble'lil.cration'of clirect /ii.-(ri.ir(rli.rcc1-Lrioocl) rt:ttion;ri idcntitr'. inrliqt.rrousstr"r,rggles represcllt ploclucers fiorn the nrcans to produce thcir live'lihood (i.e., e\pro- a trrajor challcrrge (Hcnrrinciez Nar:arro r997). pliation of rndieenous lar.rtls)and florn arrv clcpendencr. rcl:rtions Tl.ris chapter traces thc lise of the incligenotis pcrs:rnt nro\-c- n'hich nrav have prevented rhenr firrr-n sellrnq their labour-po\\-er. nlcnt i1r Nlcxict'r. s,ith entph.rsis on thc last rltrcc dec:rrlcs oi tirc thr-rscreating a iree fclr capitalist clel'elopurenr.Illrportrnrh'. tl'erttictl-r ceutllr\-. The tirsr \ectior) olters b:rckgroi-rutl irrfonnatioli at the centre of this process rvere the lanrlholdings oi the Rontarr on ittt'ligcnor.rsstnrggles I?rr i.rncl lrrd :rntonorrx' .rnd thc corrccPtual (lathoLc (ll-rur-t:h,u,'hich bv the- rnid-nineteenth cr:lttrlry \\ras the fi-:rnrcs-or-kuse.d to interprsl rhenr. The scconrl section discusscstirc lat'gestl:rndorvner, under :r n'pe of fiudal orvncrship.Thrs contraste(l rel.rti,.rnsbctn'een thc Nlexicalr st:rte iurLl Inciian pcoplcs throughout rurarkccl]r'rvith the enrerginu liberal rcleolos\. :rncl represernted;r nr:r- the fn.entieth cerrttrn'.u'itl.r eutphasiscln thc r97os-i98os. The rhirtl ,ior fbttcr to capitalist devcktpnrent. Tlrus the liberal refbrlns in rl-re section oticrs rn rn:rlvsi. of the EZLN trplising in r99-1.s-ith lttcn- rll_57Cl<>nstttutiou providccl the le-galirrstrunteltts to expropriate the tiolr p.ric1ttt lrorr-the EZLN.rncl tlte lrro:rtlcr intliqcn,)Ll\ rr1()\-(nrrnt Clhurclr'slanriholdinss.A'cl tl-resanre la*,, aided b,v further-legislation in Nlc-rico lr:n'r' inrpactcrl olr e.rch othcr. Fin:rlh'. our conclusion in r883 ancl r,3,9,1.went on to be applied to indiqenor-rscotnrtrunirr- :rtlclrcssc'sthe tlilernrrrrr oi the rncligenor.rslllovcnent tnci.n': n'i1l it land. Thus. after the libe ral rctbrnr lal's anci duririg thc Ilrifirirtlo, the corrsolicl.rtr'itsc'lf a-. lr strictlv incliqenous lllo|elnent. or go bcvoncl its Inclian conununitics n'ere clcprir-ed of 9o per ccnt oi their l.rnd. ethnrc Lrouncl.rriesto founcl its classiclentitt as part of the pe.rsantn: The irnnrediate oLrtconlc of the liberal rc'fornrs \\,:ls a translef iu antl thus est.rbiish:rlliarrces s-itl'r the lcst of the ;.r';r5.tI,r..anrl othcr- land ou,nership fi-ortr the (lhulch and thc lnciian conlulrnitics to sitborclir-r:rtec1.rsse,. in 1\'lerico? existirrs arrd neu- latilirtdrstas.largelandholders rn the prir-atc secror oi Mexican agricultnre. Irr the decaclcsrhat follol.erl. ther. sarisficdtheir voraciotrs :ippetites frrr l:rnd br. tencing ofF large portions of Inclian conrnrun:rl larrcl.u'l-rilc also bondinc disl-re551'55si1 History and Concepts Incli;-rnpeasants t() the iantl thlough various c'lebtsthat thev u'ould incur as n'orkers to thc lanclou-ncr' (crcdits for u'ed,-ling t-easts.goods aclr,lnccd at ticrirl,r.r lrtrlrE't'rioii.ipctlrlc-r 1t 7ro-ttiolLrrri,rl-l/c.r iro dc rty,t or hacienda stores. and so on). Ti-rese rvere inher-iteci If the colorirrl -strte disposscssetlircli:rn co.rrrrrnities and sub,jectecl bv tlie peolts'children. t'ho u'ere not able to leave rheir jobs'Lrntil trrost of tltcir rnerrrbels to sllrr-cn-ancl irarsh lol'].i11- c,rrrrlrtr,rns.tlrc all outstanding clebts ro tire lancllord \\ere setrled (L6pez C)inrara pcrstcolonial N'le-xic.instrte :lttellptccl tc-.elinun;rtc Indilns as a rocill r967: Hansen r97+). crtcqorv altogethcr. Uporr Nle-xico's politicrrl inclepcndence fi-on.r Tl-re rg t o rcvolution:tr\' lttovcltlerlt coaL'sced iir clifterent \va\-s Splin in t8:t. the rulinlt g1-.111i11-{5 classcs.ri'l.rich clesccncletlli-onr in tbe various reqiorrs oi Mc-xico. Il the North. rerrolution s-:rs jc.l ItL(]I-AIA,1INC]'f I]E LANt) ()-f 386 lJAIt l ltr\ ANI) EI{o 367 l.rtrcltxvncrsrvho u'ere cxcltttled ll'onr politi- bv thc lt,tttrrdtdos,larsc of Mcxico \\.:ls to rrain ot.ganizrrtionalirrclepetidcncc thrrn tlle statc tiurirrq tlrc /)orfirirrltr. Tlic;t lbrrttccl a broatl arrcl trtrlikelv c,tl p.,,1111' lncl atrtononrv 1l'orrrother political oruanizations. \x/c no\\. tlun to ()\\'n allirncc ri'ith thcir peolrs. snt:rll firlnrels. tatrchcrs:rrrcl utbltr a bncf oritliilc of our conccptualiz:rtion of this cltrcst. nriclcilercl.rsscs. In central Mcxic-o. bv contrrst, thc nrltin soci;rl ritt u-as benvcen tlle expropri.rtccl incliqenotrs cottrnrtttritics arrtl th. ' ll tc p L,I i t i cal - t rI t rr ntl t I rL: Lt 11, 6f' cI ns s r rr t a t i ttr t ltarcrtdados.Spccifrc.rlll'. in the st:rte of Morekrs. irtdiccnous pe:rs- -fit 'fhe ants hlcl bcen org;rnizcci to opposc the Por/ii-i,rtosince r9ofl. beibrc centlal clr.re\tionkrr thc t]rcorv of political-clrrsslorrn.rti6u sr:,ly rlolther n lr,rrtttd,tltt Frarcisco I. M:rclcxr hacj cvcn cailccl frnr. the ler.oltrtion L L:rci.rr-rrntl Moulfe's tr.'us (rqrti). thc rrt;igolrisrn l-.eru,ecn the. u'.rs ltastcailVovct': l.tril clstribution slou'ecl clrxvu corrsiclcr-.rblr'.rnctst tl'o sLrl'r-jcctpositiorrs (.oristitllresrhcir rcspsr.lir.eidcntitics. Thc rc_ of- thc luncl qr-.rntcdto pcils:lntst]rcr-c.rltel t';rs eithcr- r'rot suiteblc firr nr;u'krble f.rct aboLrtnr.urv Indi.rrr ethrriciticr ir Latin Arrericrr is that agncultulc or- ri it \\'as thc st:rte clircctccl theil protltrctivc prreq-g55g,,. thev hl'c .esistcclrrssirnij:rtr.' firr' ;rb.ut half :r nrillerriu'r. despritc ancl non' Psx5;11i15 hacl to dcll rvith a u,'hole sct of st.rtc institritions the t:rct th.lt thc\' b:r'e ll*-^-s c,ccupic.l r slrb.rclirrrrtep.sition. that tcnclccl to co-opt thcir class orgruriz:rtiorrs.For the rest oi the P.liticrl-class fb"r;rtion tlrco'r' is clearlr' locerctl irr a post-Colcl t\\'enticth cL.lrtLrr\',onc of the qrcatcst challcnqcs firr rLrr.rl pcoplcs War ela. onc in u'irich thc str.uggle fbr soci:rlisnt throuqh violcnt 8 RhCII-AII'1IN(; IIIli LANI) -18 BAril RA AND ()].Er{O 3dg rcvolution:lrv lncalts is essentiall,vo\"cr. at least in the Anrcricas- state:'A st.rte.is callecl the colclest of :rll colcr rllo'sters. cordh,, Lcth The struqgle fbr dcnrocratic socialisrn nrust non. be s.ageri br, it alsor :r'il this lic c'eepetr.rfi'.' its rrrouth: "t, trre ...rrr.,.,,r, tlre c-rpartirnq libcral-clcniocratic stlr-rcturcsarrd buildrrrg il ne\\'. poptrlar- prcople"'(r96::44). clcrttocraticliesetrtonic bloc arounrl hunr:rn nccds ancl crrvironnrental Fe*- pellcs srates of the t*,ertieth centurr- h:rd the s.cirrl c.'trol sust:rinabiliiri th.rt the Mexic.' statc'dicl. This rvas a bcner..lc-rt .rltocrat that re_ Political-clrss iorrrr:rtion thcorv proposes rcqittr.rl culrurcs. .t.rrc structurcd u'orkers. persrrts, r'idclle' classc-sarrd erltreprer)cur-stirl,r intelvention anci leaclership tvpcs as thc nrecliating clcternrinations top to b.tt.'.r. It *,as ac]ricr,'eclLr1' an irnplacaLrlc.orp.,..,r,, systcrl bctn'c'crt chss structulal processesancl polllicxl-forrn:rtion olltconres. xrticrlated to pl{1. thc sr;rten'cl the tltc lrrttcr in ch,u.g.jof the s'ste'r.s Regional cultr-rles.iri rvhicli rclations rrlr()ns thc c.rploitecl (c.g. kin- elcctoral Thc 'ci'il socicn,' orgr,rrzatr.'s 'rtu.rls. cr-eirtedfi-onr the topr ship lrrcl con-rrrruuitv rei.rtiorrs).rr:c cr-itic.rl, lbrnr tlrc brsis on rvhich :unoLlr)terl.in tact. to a re:rLn of prolitics corrflsc:rtcclbv thc st:.rrc, ,1it'et't thcir St.rtt'rrrtcrvcrrtirrrrslr.rIr': 1'11r,111tt't's,lrtitrtl.rtc tl,'rrr.rrrd.. thc bcirq lo'rrln:. co-(rpt:ltior 'eslrlt lrcl the rssllrr*cc. oi- elcctoral the initial contours of the rcsLrltirrc character cii a cl.rss orglniza- trrr.r'rirh tbr the .'lrrs p1r'11'.Thc 'scct.rs' oi this c1r:rsi-sirigle-parrv (rl!t,lniz.t(ion\. tion: tltt' \t.ltr' ,li\\.t\. trics trr co-{rl)t rr lrilc thc Lrtrt'r strtc \\'cre thc ,rtvolutiorr plrlilicul lrrcl s'pports tlic r..rtle frght firl their indcpcrrclcnce. Fin;rllr. lcadership n.pes ancl llovcrr)lt)eltt': ''i.' 'l- the rvorkcrs sr,ct()r.nt:rcle u1-r Oi the Mcxican Wirrker.s. lllodes of palticilt:rtiotr dctct'ntine lroth the orgrrnizatiol'.scltanccs of corfeclcrati.' (Co.fccler:rciirr tlc Tr:ab*jadorcsclc Nl6xico) ;rrci thc renr:ritling incieprcrrdcntiitni the state and :lrltouotlt()Ltsfl-otrr otltcr otllcr' l;lrge rati.rrl uri.rs (oil. clectricift', rrrilr.:rcl,phore. rrinin!.. political orsrrniz.rtions and the cluractcr of its llliances lr,ith other etc.): the pc:rsirntsect()r, rr:rdc r'airh. of the Natio'al l)easa'r lri()\/cnielltsancl olqanizations (Otero r999: C)tcro ancl_lugenitz.zoo3) 'p Confcdcr:rtion ((lontcclcr-aciirnNacionrl C.rrilprs5jrra. \uVr' 'rtt-c,rt CiN(i) ;rrrclthe rtou turr) to lrorv tlr.' rcr'.rllltion.lr'\ [.rrrrily' Lor)\trur'tc\l Agra.i:*r (.o'u.r'itics Lcag.es; lrcl thc popular- sector. collstit,terj thc Mc.ricarr stutc fi1)nr r929 rllitil 2ooo, u'hen its nrliur: institutional Lrv state enrpi111 gs5. tclcltcrs, :rncl otlro: rrridcile strirt.l.orgllnizc.ri rn I{cvolution:rrv l)altv (PI{l) lost tlie p1-c5id.tr1ialelection.Tl.rc firllos'- thc Popular orcarrz.rtiors Nlrio':ir (.orfctler-ari.' ((io'rcrlcr-:rci6' ittq section-.cliscuss ltorv iticliqenoLlspeasants iou{-Iht cc'roptation:urd Nnci.'a] ()rqariz:rciores clc l).pul:rrcs.oN()l)). For thcrr prrrt,clrtre- becanre irrcreasinslr.c()ustitutecl into a politrcallr, fbr"rrrcdcl rss. prL''c11r's. *'ithotrt beirg tbrr'.rllr' :r scctor irrsitle the r'Jrre p:rrtr. $'erc'otglttlizcd into ltssoctatiotrs.conlecieratiorrs lrrrl chlnrber-s.lurci rr'crc linctl up ilr :i corporatisr relatiorr ll-i_,)_r,i-r Indian Peoples and the Mexican State tl-rest,rtc. In t*-t'ntrcth-certrlrv lvlcxic.. thc Lc'iatira, \\::rsa colcl conrnr,rndc.l bv rll-poug-fr-rl 'rc>'stcr 7'ltt' rturs ol-tltc statc, or tltt' 'ltliltntltropit o,qtt" prirrccs u,hosc po\\-cf l.rstcclonlv srr vcrrls.r,urtil the rrcrt clectiori. Tlrc ct-nun:rrrclof- thr- prcsirlcnt. hos,_ If Mcxican peas:rr)tsinvcntecl thernselves cluring the . ever. \\'irs.rs:rbsoli,rtcin spacc:rs ir $'lrs lirrritcclin tiDrc. phil:rntlrro;ric thcv n'cre evc'ntnrllr. opprcssccl by the stxte rlilring thc tri cnticth ogrcs. *-\ ()ctrn'io i)az noulcl c,rll tlrtnr. \\'crc:lt tiures pr-oclie:rior centrlr\'. f3trt peasarrtsalso rcccivccl a series of conccssions tl-onr the pcttr'. Lrut tlrer, n-ere xlrvtys prro1.ids1.5. statc, u'hich in nrost cascs rcsuited in their political co-op1xti1;11, Niexic.irs ro*' ncccl to libcrate thcrrselr-cs[.r. killrrrg t]rc Lcr,iath.rn. Hence the Merican Nobcl latrreate ()ctavio Paz characterizeclthe cven if rhe olcl patrilr-ch is no lonqcr scarr..i)cspitc the lrrct tli:rt it st:1te as thr- 'philanthropic ogle': it oppresses ancl lepresses those ts surrorinricd bv l t'ar-rior-crnpile. nrtrlti]lterll orgrrnizations.clra_ rvlro clissent,n-hile rct':irding lova16-.Fol peas;rnrs.thcn. the tcnsion c.trilr tr:.rcicagree'rcrrts. :r'cl pl.ircta.r' corporati..s. :rrrclis ircrcas- l.t'rrrt'crr c{)-()pt.lti()tl,rn,l 1e1..'lliorrlr.r. rrrrlkcd tlreil' lli\tur\' (B,rrtr,i i.glv cap:rblc of cloirq lers. it shoLrldbe kiileri. v,irlr.irt u s'rrrbolic t98,i. :oo-lb) . The rur;rl instrrscnc\- of the past centur\- rl-ls trradc s'c'ri'ill P.rrlicidc nerer erorcizc the intinrrrtc,rrrcl colcl nrorlster, to rrp of the \\'lt-\ of tite oqt't': ,lttct)tl\ts tt' I't'c.rk ryrtlr tlrc l)t,lteri.ll pLrt irr its pl.rcc :t \t:lte *'ith I hu't:trr t.rcc. Not*-irhst.rurlirrq attcl heqenronic knots of state Irr Mc-rico. Nretzsche's vres hbcr;rl gkrb.llizlti''. 'c.* frower. ir is tirrre tirr cir.ir s.cictici ,u .u,rrrr..,.-, .,un.l of thc stirte becilnlc matclializcd s hen thc lcr-olution bccanrc thr qoverulnL'lrts: irLrblicpo\\'t'rs th:lt x].elinritc-c-i bv crvil socien,btrt tlrar 390 I1Ii(iLAlMING fIIE LANl) BARTIiA ANT) O'I'ERO 391 arc :rlso rr,illirrg to coltfi-oltt thc largc natioltal f-rroblerns.:lsserrilts This corrcept beglr to Lreco'e cereralizcd aftcr r9g.1,u'hcr abor.rt \\:hat rcnlrilrs of sor,crcigntr,.Tl'rclcfblc.n'c ncccl to kill the autocr:ltic flftv rulal organizatrons corstitLltecl thernselves into the Natiorral st:lte to rcconcilc ourselr,esri.'ith a 11c\\'.popul:tr-dc.rDocr.rtic st;rtc thlt Union oi Autouonrotrs l{cgiorr:rl Pcasant ()rganizati()ns (Uniirn responclsto civil socictv (Otero :oo4b). N:rcion:rl tlc ()rganizrrciones l{cqiorrrles canrpcsirrirs Autrlrpelras, In u countLr, in rvhich civil socien- rl'as crcltccl bv the Lrulcrru- UN OIf CIA).Alth ou ch initi.rllv th is cooldinltin g olg.rniznrion lej cctccl cratic oqrt: ir.r its o\.n inr.rqe.tlrc eitizcrr \tlitggle 6or 5cif-qovernarr)cc the te''r'i'dr-perclert'lor thc qucstionable re:rso' of ar..iding clircct at tlie conlrrunitt' :urrl regionrl lcvcls beconres :ut issuc of tlre filst conf-ront.rtion rvith tire st:lte - the trvo bcing virtullly sy'nonl.n-rotrs orclcr. If the r.rdicrrlstatc rcft)rllrlsnr untle'r tlrc plesiclcncr. oi Liz:rr',, ((iolclillo rgllS) - in thc conring vcars'alltor)()nr_v'can)c (..'irdcn:rs to bc assocr_ in tlrc lrrte r93os cOnfcrr"ecltelnporxrv lcgitirtr:rcv tO thc ' .rtcd. as 'inclcpcndence had. *'ith rhe rejection of political s'bservr- unions flchtinq firr socirl thcsc n'crc llnavs arrti-dcltlocr.ltic -justrce. cttcc. brtf tliore tltatt this. u'ith social arrc-lccorronric sclf-nr:rpaqelrelt rtnci corporrrtist. [Jrrt irr thr- second hali of thc centun, t]rc rclcntless !iilltorionrous' of pgx5;1111rnd coopcr':rtil'eprodtrctioD. Thtrs, peas:ults prolifer-atiorr oi struggies tirr rntorronrv cor)vcrqc(1.first. s'ith thc rcjectcd tlrc suarclianshipof thc st:rtcand set out to;:lpproprriate the pnrqr-cssrveloss of lcg'itirrracvof tlrc politic.rl svstcnr. slrich st:ri-terl procir-rctrvcprocess - self-nranrgenlelrt - rvhile ncighbourhr>ocisancl svrnbolicallr s'itlr the I96li stuclcrrtnr(xrelncltt. uhiclt u'ls r-iolentlr' corrltltullltics orgarrizcr'l:u.ouIld thc sclt-nr;rn:ruinuprovision of basrc rcprcssecl:rulcl, ,\cconrl. s,ith thc learir.rg clou'n of unron discrplinc. scrvices likc schoolinq arrclsccur-itr'. cxposed b1' ,1r. s'orker. pcirsant and populrlr irrsur-gencicsoi thc Irdigcrror-rsst^rgglcs t,r .rLrtrrlr.rrv.iu rire rgrios arci r99os, s'p- r96os.This ncrv politic;rl nrobilizrrtit)n w:rs lbllouccl bv the frrilinss ple nrentc'ci arcl furthe r r-.rdicalizcri tlre pc:rsant lnovenlcr)t. I-irst. of thc ilrrport-sttbstitttticln.pr()tcctior)ist ,rncl strte-cclltrL-d cconorrric titc tttcatting ..1ithic ntav huve ploclainred thcrnselr-es'inrlcpcnclcnt'. bur thcv could srill to*'ucls :r tbrrtr of dcpoliticizccl seifluratiagclllc,nt and tlren tou.arc]s bc politically suborclin:rtctl to an o;r;rosition ()rg.uriz.rri()nlikc tlre thc clcnrrrnd firr r nrulticrrlttrr.rl'r.r'orlcl all tlre ..orlds flt'is lr Mcxicrn (lonrrrrunist Px111'([)artitlo (]orru.rrristaMeric:rr-ro. I)C.i\1) '.'hcre proccss of ovcrcorrrinq-and-cctnscr\.,ltionof strges.so that caclr nerr. - th:rt is. lrrcking ':tLrtclrrorrn''. stirqc contalns.rncl r-ctairrslll the previorrs oncs. Hcnce. in tlie last (luartcr Of thc' cciltr-tr\','Aut()ltolltv'bcc.rntctltt Tlrr't.r,r i: t]r.,t tlrt.lllo\t r.l,lir.tl.trrt()r)()lll()u\cr|cpi.,;,,."r.lt.r,llot rlllrirrq (rv illll()ll{ 1r1.p1tsi1i,r1;,11tltrl p11r111.1t'-(l('ip()('r,tltr' ()t'{,lliZ.lti(\'\. isl:r.ds,arrcl the' riill srr^,i'r' *.'ith.rt i'dcpc'clert orgrrrizati.rs 'ot -f IJAIII'RA AND OI'F,RO 392 RE(,I-AINlIN(; IIL, LANI) 393 policv oi intesr.rtion thrt pursues 'l' '' '1 1" l..'' ' "' i " rr' fir1 611fir.1rl1 .lt'n),lr)rii tirr' 11,.'1''r'L)t))tituelt- accnitur:irion :incl assiurilation) enrerqccl rit the cntl oi thc secoud ctcs.Autonclnous ()rgilniz:ltions also lecluirc co]lcctir.c sclfntanlging decailc of the tu'cntieth ccnturr'. n'hcn Clalrillo l)nerto. lcacicr oi rhe Sociaiist Plrtv of the Sourheast. opel'ators ot- p6p11111l.r't.tllrctiorr .rn.l .clr-iccs in per';.1-11111tcnsioll introducecl irgrJriun lefornr sirnil.rr ro the Z:lp:rtisrrroof Mor-clos. in u,ith the strtc iln.l thc nrarket. Thcv also ncctl initiruriortrl l rrrics centrll N4cxico. He provicletl thc firrnrer. senri-sl:rvchlcienda peons tlt.tt ,rtl t,rp.rl'lc ol- 1.1',ry1111111. .tlt.t'it.tttr(' t'q'ti)l'1)\,rrrti 1.r'ejq.'1. 1l','111 s'itlr the terrrtorirl basis tirr irLlton()nr\'. :rn oppositional pr115itie11or \\'itlul) tltc strte. The pcoples' strugtlc ar aqricultur-ll clcr,.eloprncnt bascclolt thc return to ntrrizc.drssolr-tng ior autoncrutv is svnrboiic of M;r\ \Iicber''s vien': '(,crtainlr .rll his- their tirocl clepcnrlcncr. on tirc hlcienrirr. I{eci Suncl.rr.sanci othcr tot'iclrl c\frericl)ce cor)flrnrs tirc trr.rtl'r tlrlrt nr.rrr \\'oLricln()t lirvc cultur-ai:incl eclucatiolr:11.rctivr- ties proirrorecl thc rccovcrl oi the indiqcnous llrrgnege. cnlture arcl ;tttainccl the irossrlrlcr-utless tintc rtncl ag;rirr lrc h:rd reirc]tcri out fi)r self-cstccnr-Lanri. libern'.rrrcl tht: irrrpossiblc'(r9_sS: r:S1. clicitit\..beclrnc integr-ateclin a sort of indrgcnous soci.rlrsnr.;r \llvrn r.ltopia.This n.:rsti-r-istr.rtecl in r9:-i br thc up1i5i11goithe 'l)ivine Cl.rstc'.rhe l:rnclcil r-r-rlinscl:rss in Yucat:rn. I:irst pcoplc-r'.liurt cool,t,tliotttt, llrc ttrtrrrtorttl' -(Ir1l((/c-fi,r :rrrtl the mlrrclel oi Llalrillo i)uclro (l):roli .rncl IVlontalr-o r97;). Fronr the t on\\':rrds. .rrrtoclrthonous bcc:rrne thc 5t,itc 1.,,11(.1,'f rrirrett','rrtl)-rentut'\Nl.rir'rr.lttantpt\'rl t(, r'.\tcnnin.ltr. 9+os Lr(-oples Lrclians.st,itisticallr, or phr-sic.rllr'.so rls to con\fruct :i houroqcncouslv strb-jectsof bureeucr-:rticrntiiqenisnr. the policr- oiu p.rtcrnalistic strte irnplt'r11e'111ccl s'hite n.ttiou-stittr-. Ilr colttr:tst. tlte prcr5l-lcl.oir.rtiolarr-strre of thc tirrough tire N:rtionll IncLqt'rrisr lrrstitute (lnstitr.rto tu'cttticth ccntrlr\- cngugccl in I cctncclted policv oi integlation. N:rcionrrl Intliqenist.r. INI). n'liicit sou.ql.rrto irltegr.ltc thern into u']rich rssunretl tlrc lrblrntiorrrrerrt of irrelicenor-rsculturc-. rrr t-;rvclpr n:ttionrl societr'.]NI n'lntccl to l'cscuctl-rcrl cuitr,rr-c as lolklolc:urcl.:rr of atlof tirtg thc clonrrnant. ric-(ri culturc. Tl-rr-or,rqhor.rtnr,..r oF rhe best. to ltltiless thcir econonic. soci:rl .rncl politic:ri nccds rrscitizens. --o Lrut t\\'el)ticth centlrr\-. thercFrtre. the social anci politicrrl pt'r'scnce of or,cilttokeri their clent:rndiirr irlcntitr'.rnt1 thc- riqhts that cllrilr]:rtc Filst l)coplcs rr'as ciiitrtccl.llut thcr. rerppe:rrc,.1forccfirlh' in thc last il-orr it. ThLrs. ii rhc ire'ris:rrt'r'cr-e.rtecl br. tlie rcrolufio. *:r_sfll-nrlv ,].'.',td,'oi-tltt' t t'ntttt').r\r's,lltizeri ,u-()ur)(l tlrt'il rlerrr,trrrl.li,r .rLrtt,rr,rrrrr. cottt:tinctl irt titc cor-por-:rtistirrsritr.rtions oithc,\ttte. trveltieth-cerrturv Indi:rns u'cr-c retrrle trtcd bv INI tltrritrg Thcir stntgqle to :ell--qoVct'tt.ttlr't,ilr(l \lr'nr()r'r,tr'\.I Itesr rlt'trr.rttqlr1.1'1'.111111 tlt,rt Irrrli.rrr Lreilcetjllte. pcople-s rvill hlvc control olcr l:rncl .rncl tcllitolr'. ,,r'hi1ercnlilininq il-ec thenrseh,esilonr tirc-netrlorks oI proliticrrifro\\-cr h:rs becrr nrtrre :irt integrll - anil clitrriflt-cl - p:u-t of t]tc Nlr--riL.lnlt.lti\)lt-st.ttr. dcl,ncd. but in l \ensc nior-c plotonnti. Esscrrtr:rllr'.inriiqenous p.rrticiprxlil;11clr-rrirrg tire r,iolcnt st.rgt- of Tire ncu Irtlirrrrisnr begln to dcflrrc irs pr-otiie tlurins the r97os the tgto-:o r-cvrlution rrrlol.tctl thrcc n-rorlalitics:flrst. in ;r krrrrl ot' illld i9sos. uherr :r nurrrbcr oi corrrrriunitics in ccntrlr] lnti uestcrrr ;rrrrcrl e\tensiolr of servile lrbour. sonre lVl;rr';rnincli:rns signct'l Lrp \'lcrrco cic'elopctl loc:ii ,r rcgionrri n1o\-cments iir ilefbncc of lrrcl. ttrrcsrs (t1L't(luL's s ith the lancllor-cllcrLcr's thlt rcsisteclthe revolutron. Scconcl. in tlrr. ;rnt'ls'lte r. ltrci Jg:rillst (politic:rl .urtl econorrric strong- g()\'erlrnrclrt.:rs ll()l'tll. r'r'l't.liltctltrtrt glUUl]\ took.t,lr,rrrt.lqc r)t tl)C \\,lt'r'()1)iut)atul'(. nrcrr) rrntl nrunicil..rl iri Olxlca in the sorrth.In ti'rest. to erchrrngc tht'ir arrncd support firr nrrtionll rcr.olutionrr v lirrces str-uqqlcs.hou'cvcr. Inrli.rns did rror pLrt fbls'.rr-cltheit- sprccifrcirr..L:rnci renr:rirrec-lthc centrc oi theil clcrrrrnds. frrr the plornisc of ;r solr.rtionto thcir rncestnl locaJ ;rroblenrs.Tlrircl. Thc the Z.rpatistasof the celltrrrl part of N'lerico ,1cr-clopc.l.lr1to1r()lnous :rcr.rfi.rn lciit|ilt th:rt cnrcrgecl fi-onr the r:elciutiolt ltr()- vitlctl tbr ts-o fblnrs of land tclurc: r'irdrr.dcsigncd ti>r l.rncl to be i.,rlicic. :lr)ii rr Ii.1r11rt l)r'()rr-.llrmc itr n lriclr thcil N.rlrrr,rtl erlrrrit' :rntl litrqutstic conclition in fact \\':rs r)ot cr\presse cl. r All of thcsc r.ctllstrrbLrtccjto //lr-iir--(rpcasar)ts. n,ith usutr.rrctr-ights over thc l:lnrl rr o$'rt.r'1ti1. c'thnicitics u'cre clor-rbtlessirrrligenous. but t';rcisrrrll.i-s too plevlicni l.Lrr irlt rt''lr.rl ttt tltr' rt.rrc: ,rrrtl :r{t.ti-i,rrt\.()ltlllilll)iIrc\. tlcsign.'d .trttl str:ong for indiqcnoLls etluricit\. to bccoirrc a rrlh'ing poilrt of fbr collcctir-c usc br, indigcnous courrnurritics tlr;rt cotrlcl rrt-..-rnizirr,r rr tlr,. tirrr-' .r c],rinr to l:ind on thc brsis of coionirl tlocurrrents.In pr-lcticc. ' 5- '--"',: [rrovc Tlrc tlr'.t rt'r.l111i1r11,111ln.li.rrrisrrr fil tL'r'nlro Lli.tirrcrri.ltrlrc lr)rli.ul ho*'c'cr. Irrc|.rrr crrri'ruuities p'shccl thcir rlc'r.r'cls ibr i:urd not so nrr.rch 'iriitirrtcclcffolts in iLlcrrtjtl c()ltstruction florn 'Incligenisnt', tltc strrtc's br- thc lristolical nrots of rircir lrghts. bLrt bv rvh:rt \\'rrs1n()rc 394 ItI,C]I-AI ]\,IIN(;'I'IIL I-ANI) TJAII'fRA AND O'fIJI{O 395

fcasible accorclilrq to the rrcu' agrarien lcgal stnlctr.tre: there u,cre Wc tlcttterttl :rbsolttte rcspect fbr our corurnurritarirn self-clctcrrnrnutiol Inclians rvlrr:l souqht r'ird,rl.rncl grants anci ni.-sti:o.(tlrlt for.rncisonre ovcr oLrr l.rnds. ovcr all of our n:ltulal rcsorlrccs. arrcl ovtr the firlnrs oi qi','e coionial archivc to clairri tl-rc rcstitution of conrrrrunal lancls.Thu.. orq:rDrz;rtionthlt $,c wish to ourscivcs.... \&t tlenrancl respcct fbr rhc exprcssions of our conrnrunitv litc, our l:rrrguage.orrr spintualrtr..... We tlre flrst cxplicit nco-Zrrpatisrno in the post-revolutioltarv er:l w.ls clenraltd resPcct ti)r;urcl pronrotion of our firrrns of corrurrunitv goverl- org:rnic:rllv exprcssecl in the 'l)lan clc Ar.ala Nation,rl Coordin:rtor' lltettt bccluse tt is tlte ol)lv gLr:lrantocdrvlrv of ar,oiding thc ccntr.rlizatiori ((loorciineclora Nacional l)ian dc Ar';rl:r.CNPA). u'hich hcld its flrst o1-politic,rl .r'd ec.rr.rrri. porr'.r. Wc .rr.l oppos...l to h:*'e .trr ratLrr:rl Nationrl Nlccting of Inclepcndellt Jr)discnor-rsOrg:rrriz;rticlrrs in t]re rcsotll'ccs pltrrrrlercd itt tlie Ir.urte oi:r supPosctl 'n.rtiolr.ll tlcvclopnrcnt'. Nahuatl conrrnunitl' of Milpa Alt,r. C.NITA'.srnajoritv rrcrnbcrsiripr In orrlcl to shurpcn its spccificitr,. hou'ever, is intlirgcnous: of thc : r reqiorral organiz:rtiorrs thl-rt conrpliscd its the irrdigcrroLls lnovcnrent hacl to corrfirtnt thc \tate, u,liich h:tcl lirrrrrJrrrqirt t,ls:. ; \\ere lt)\'\ti,/(),n)rl l+ ut'tc itttegr',rt.,ll.) r: .lit- attcnlptecl to approprirrte the ncu'ethnicisnr in firrnr;rtiorr sincc the r97os. lcrenr intiigcllot-lsctllnicitics: N:rhuatl, I'urh6pecha. Otonri. Huasrcca. lt also had to confront tlie rest oi thc peasant arrr-i po1.ul1; nroventcnt, Mazahurr,Zapotcc.r. Clhinantec.r.Tr.iciui.Arnuserr. Clh.rtrnl,'fzotzil antl u,hich rn"as trvins to subsunre it bv incrti:r or prcrncclit:ition. Finrrllr,. Tzcltal. Althoucli u'ith less u'cight. t]rc coorclinrrtins orqlnizariorr the indr{renotrs nro\:clileDt hacl to confiont the intnrsive of rcsionel qroLrps,UN()l{(lA, has rrn inrpell;1111nrilitancv firr thc agentlu uncl oracticcs of- NCi()s thnt u.ert' prcsellr frorrr tlie r9Sos. autochthonorls pcoplc-\.Ncr.erthcless. rreither of thcse t\\.o colr\:ergent Stu'trng n'itir the Ohiapas congress r97,1, org:rrrizationspositecl tlic ctltrric clr,restionrt'itlt an)' forcc. oi u.hich u,as callccl b'the st,rtc lrd (lhr.rrclr but *'as'.tablv Tlie first lncliqenous Conqrcss hckl in Clhiapas in r97,1 \\'ls self-rrrrnaseclby Ircli.rn peoples.thc govcnrrnent prolnotccl trvo Incliurrist irr fornr: con.rr.rmnicrtiorr rlls in thc Mavlrn l:rnguagcs orq;rniz:rtiorul ilitiativcs: flrsr, thc fbrrrr.rti.rr rf Suprcnre clouncils by etirnic groLrp. (lhol, Tzcltll, Tzotzil ancl Tirjolobal; it produccd cli.rclostic str-rdics anri, scconcl,i' I97,j. thc forrtration of the Inclien l)coples'Nrtional (lorrncil ancl propos;rls bv corrrnrurritv anrl lingtristic llroups: ancl prpcrs ancl (Cor-rsc_jo Nacior;rl de Pr-rcbloshrclios, (INPI).Thc concltrsions rvere cl;rbor':rtcdLl,v Lronscnslrs.Yct its .rgenclalncl action Co''cil rvassnpp.sed r. be suborriinate to the st:rtc.but it s.on lrecr.,rrrc ct'rttclttsiottsrvcrc basiclll1, pcx51n1,ts thr: ltiiUol issr.rcsu'crc ilncl, rc\tlcss:irr r976. ONIrI clcrnancieclthe portillo tr,rtle. lrt'.rltlr.lnrl crlu(',lti()n. rlisrnanrlinq of- INI ancl, cLrrirls thc- L6pcz adnrinistrltion (r976-ll-z). it criticizccl l)uring thc c:tr-lv r97os. C)ax.rcirst;tte \\'ts the ruain prorluccr of thc Asricultural ancl Livestock i)rorrioti.n 1111'(Lc' cle Fonrento Aeropccuario), incligcnous rcqional or-ganizations:the'Wcrrker l)c:rs:rntStr.rrlcnt Coali- ee:rred as it rlrrs tt, clcvelop agr:rrian capitalisrrrvrr joint vcntures tion of the Isthrrrus ((loaliciiru Obrcr-o Canrpesino L,stucli:rntildel betrveen capitalists:lnd (-()(lEI). cjilatarios, ciid, hrd. when thc clor-rncilcallcd its thircl congrcss Istnro, constitr-rtcclbi Zapotccs: theYac:rltccos Or-sanization 'si.rs aslinst the prcsidenr's of the Sicrr;r ric s'hich lought n'ill. hc triecl unsucccssfirllv to licltriclatethe -fuirlcz. aq:rinstthc rcgional rrrciqrrt';tlic el)lancipirtc(l Frankenstcin.This task Pronrotcrs' Coalition of Ililinelrel Inclians. rvith rneurbcrship fi-orrr u,:rs flnally :iccolttplished by his slrccL-ssor.Presiclcnt Migr-rel de l.r Maclrid (r98:-lt8) rn r98.5.."vhen ne:irh. all cthnicities in the state; thc Sic.rra dc Juircz ()r'srnizarron clNlrl *'as tra'sfor.red i'to tl-rc frrr thc L)elcncc of N:rtural l{esources :rncl Socrll f)cvelopnrcnt s,brrissi'c Irciigc'ous l)co;rlescon- feclcr:rtion,n.hrcl"r bccarrre irn atllliatc (()drcn:rsrl). llso Z,rpotec, the Mixe N:rtr-rralancl Hunr.rrr l{csources of thc mlinrt i)l{J. Irr a p:rrallel proccss, hor',-cver.rlunrerous I)cfcrrcc (hrrrnrittce (OocL'erni);thc Orgarrizing ancl Clorrsultatron inclcpqlld3n1 regior-ral orglnrzrrtions enrcrgecJduling thc lgl.iosanc-l (}rnrrnittec lor the Union of l)eoplcs of the Nortlrcrn Sicrra ot- thc carlv i99os, sr_rchas ()a-reca (Coclcco). those ir.r orrx;rca: the Northern Istlrnir-rsZouc Union of Indigenous clonurrurrities (Ucizoni). the Isthrrrus These orqanizrrtirtnsst:rltcrl to ehborlte a pr()gralnntirtic pllttontr I\cqion LJnion of Inciiqenous clorrrrnunitics (UCIl{l). the roo Ycar-s rvith cncouragelncnt bv inclir.tcrrotrsintellecttr:rls. such as tltr- Ztp()tec Inclepenclent l)easant Uniorr (U(ll roo Aios). :rnclrhc fi-onr (iuelatao,Jainrc lVlartincz Luna, rnc'lthe Mixc fronr Tl;rhitoltcpec, Mixe Authoritres Assenrblv (Asarn).Sei,cral indepenclent orqanizations cnrcrqed irr .thcr (ihirpas Floribcrto Diaz. At thc becinninc of the l98os, a joint cleclnration states:the State Inclependent Phvsicians ()rs.rnization bv ()drcnasii, Codeco rrnd Clodrenri rcacl as firllot's: (OMIECF{) and the Cihiapas ?()6 l{ECILAINIING l'IIE I ANI) I]AR'I'I{A AND O1-IRO 397 Statc Incligcrous lleprcsentlltivcs Orgenizattrtn: ir Hrclaleo Statc, the thc rrqirt t() .llrtonolll\' .rnclselflclctc'r'rrrination ... the rr!:ht ro cultural Easteln N'lcrico'Enriliano Zrpeta' I)cnrocr:rtic Front (FI)()MEZ): irlcrrtitr-... tlte riqitt t. i;rncla,cl n.rtur:rlresoLtrces ... the rrght to tleelv rnd in (,uerrero St:itc. the Alto ll.rlsas N.rhLr;r Peoplcs' Council tletcl-tttinctitc itrtt'rtr,rlpolitrc.rJ condition of cr-rnnrunitic\,in Jslcr.nrclrt (i3artl;l :ooo. :oo r ). s'lth tl'atlitrottlllirrtrts of orq.utiz.rtiorr... the plerr.ilencrof tr:rtlitional Inclc:rsinq nrigr:rtrou. hou'ever'. fllst to the irrig:rtctl ticltls of cLrstoul.tr\-Jlclj:rrr rrglrt. n()fth\\,1'stcrn N'lexico :utd thcn to thc Unitctl St;ttes.fr-rlnccl ntartv It is roteuofthv thrt. in contlast nith tirc trerrd of clilfcrcntirrtion irtcliqetrortscottrntturifics into nrulti-spatial anrl cliscontirrr,rouscnritic\ at thc ertl of rhe t93os. *'hich cluscrl tirc ruptur:c of- se.r,'cr:ilir- th:rt hld ro otqanize otrtsirlc oi their .rnccstraite rr-itot'ies. Tlrc tirrcetr-tl tligcr.us or-g.uriz,rtiors.,r'ith thc lnol"c pe:lsilltt-Lriliscd(lNl)A. the stlttqglcs oi N4ixtcc :lnd ZrlPotec rn Or-cqon.\\i:rsltirrgtotr.tnd. :rbolc Yc:lrs Nlcrican (--oLrrrr:ilbccrrnc' rrorc' oricnted tona.cls l broad .ril, (-alifolni.r dulirrq thc secorrrl li.rli oi the rgSos lctl ro sever',r1 -joo corl\'crgcncc. it llso c.rllccl for' 'cnccltu:rgruq the trnitr. oi . . . InclilD stronu org:rliiz:rtrorrs.sr.rch as thc- Nlixtec l)o;.s1111-(lir,ic (-orrrrnittee. peoples n-ith thc pc:ls:1nf.s'olkers anri ps;rs11.11sc'cr()rs' (Conscj,. tltc 'llcnito Clivrc As-sociationaritl the Exploited antl ()p1.1g55911 -]Lr;rrcz' Nlexicarro Allos r99r). Pcoplc.sAssoci:rtiorr. ()rr this b:rsis.in t99r ali oithes.: organrzarions -joo This coutergerlce proccss coirrcidcd u'ith the fir-st fer,,' ve:rrs of decitletl to folrtr thc lJirr.rtion.rlNlirre.c-Z.rporec Front. u'hich uoul.l thc atLrrinistr:rtionoi Presidcnt Callos Salir.i.rs(r9riS-9a), n jrich n:is c-rp.111iinto 1)r.j.r(--:rlifirrtri:r tlid c\'(.lrturllv into thcir n:itilc O:r-r.ic:r. trvinq to brirril thc iirclcpcndcnt lural nroverrrclltsto thc corporatist lJecattsc 11)crlibersltipl..ts erpandcrl to includc N{i-rcs.Tlitluis :riril krlcl.Thc c.\ecuti'c.\ opcr.rtors hail firrrncd thc l)crnr:rnent Aqfariar') (lhoioltcc:rs. the orgrniz.rtion u.rs rcr.rnrecltire Birr.rtionrrlO:rr.rclLrcrlcr Clonqress(Clongl'eso Agrario l)crrnancnte. (,AP) in r9fi9 tO prc-clltpt Incligenor-rsFlont (lrl()B) (Kc:rrncv t996. :ooo). tl.ic incicpcndcnt urrirar-r' Action Agr-ecnrcnt ((iorn'cnio clc Acciirn \X itlt rltr' ri.c rrl'l)('\\ or'{.lnl7.llr\}r\ r'.llr)c In.r\.r\(, r)r\'L1ir)j\ ,u}(l Urit:rri:r, (.AU). lrii ir t99o thc pr-o,s()\'err'r-1rr (lNC crllcrl lor cncounter\. s'hiclr str-cngtlrenctliderrtities. burlt solid.rritrcs.irirl clc- t]rt' t?rntr.rtior.roi :rl Indige nor.ts I)eLrrr:rr-rcntCongr.css (OI p) on r-clope-dlcadcrshil.: thc Filst EncounteL oi InrlepencielrrIn(liqenoris S.tlilr,t'. rrt'tlr'l'r.TIris ,'r,r'lttrr.rtistot-g,rrriz.rtilrr rr',rs t6 ..lt,r]- ()r-g.tiriz:rtiorrsnas hcltl itr I)u-rurcc:rt.irr.(Jaxrc:r. irr r9So: the scc- tc,lt-cri (lhcriirr lerrgc the rrdepcnclert Frcrapi. Sorre rrre'rLrersof Frc'api. rsr61115 ontl irr Atzicurin. Nlichoacirr. This 1.1111'g55q,rirretl for-ce :rt rJre inclepenclcllt FronI of lnc]ian Pcoplcs (FIPI), :rf]llirrreclu'ith thc the crrcl of- thc rr-tfios.in tire trritlst oi the cornnrenorafiolt of half colpor:ltlst orglnizarion. (lilr. :rlons tr.ith thc-h-rrliqcnist Action :r nrillcttrtittrti oi itnl-rosctlInclirrurcss. rr.ircrr rlrc Filst Irrtcl n.rtional Scction of thc corp.rrrisr CN(]. the Intii:rn l)eoplcs' N.rtior:rl c]o.r-clinaroi- Fonrnr on Ilrlntrli) lliglrts of tirc Indi.rn l)c.ollcs rr.rs hcitl in \1:rtia,t (ClNl)l) (.lP ()a,r:rc.r. .rrrd.tlrc's. *.:rsiirr-rrr;rll' corstirrrecl in ()ctrber. of r99r l{onrc'ro. rl'itlr :rL.out6oc pr11;ifilrrnts t'o1lt 9(r or.grrniz.rtions. lrtcl. l-. *'ith thc pe:lsilnts,S:rlinas offcrecl r-nillionsiu rcsourccs to this I{ st:itr's,antl :3 cthu'ic gror-rirs.Alsop:rrticif..ttitig \\'crc rlclcg:ltestl'oltl orqlitlizaticttt tltt'or-rqlrthe IIrcli.rn Funcl.Tl-ris c()-()pranoll l1r:llt()cu\.r(. (luatcurrrll. [lontiuns. Pcr-u:rnr] llolrr-i.i. antl re;rrcscntlitir-csfirrn -fhis t'orkcrl. tbr:1Lrst:rstile pcasant inclt'penclent(IALI \\.as riot;rble t

the crrrblinq lau' of (lonstitutiorral Article 27. u lrich firrd.rrrrcrrt.rlh' to :t lcsscr c\tcnt. savings.loans :rnc1prociuctiorr s'erc rnultil-rliecl.It ch:tngeil irr r99-2.Nc-r'erthcless. sollc rccorlrse fi)r plrr,utrz:rtionrrlts lcti is not a coincidcnce, thcn. that tl'rc Mltias llorucro intcrrr:rtionll irt thc nen lcqislation. as thesc l:rndsnr:rv bc lost. ftl inst.rnce,it-tlrer' F,,1'1111,lirl'11.1'11 orr'lrrrrrr.rrr riglrts'.:l Irrrir11l.,1'rrllrirrg p()ir)r..rn(l thrt nrake trp thc incligcnous-colrurrur.ritvshare in rr colporltion cc'rnstitutcci it s:ts conr,crcrl bv qLissroot' org.rrrizrttitrrrssuch .rs U(llZ()Nl. in associrrtiorru'ith prir.,rtc crif ilxli5g5(llarrla r99t. 2oo3l)). llong u'ith N(l()s srich as Eqr-npo ['ucblo. Intclnationalisrrr rv;rslin- Thc signiflcant trrct. ltrtu'cvcr, u'as th:rt larrds th:rt lilcl becrr rc- otlrel clccisir.cfactor rlt this stirgc.given th.rt the Mcxican proccss is closelr-linke d to th.rt of L:rtin Anrericit rtt largc. rlr:uultizec{ Lrv thre c tttrnecl or conflrrrrccl to incli:rn ;rcoples were t)ot e-rclrr.lc.lfi-onr the (lontinental tttccltattisttt b1' ,,,,'l-richthc govcr-rrnlt'ltt \(rLtght to hrrr-c r,iidtr l:rrrds nrcctings of the Eircountcr of incli:rn l)coplcs: the. flrst (;u:rtclilal.i atlopt the 'ticc-holtl' title, thc step Lrcibre alicnarion und srlc. I)i.ior in Ectr:rtlor in r99o. thc seconcl in :r \:c:tr llter, :rrrclthc .l-;.-.1 ;.. Nt;..-*^.-.,. :.. trt the t99: rcvision oi thc rrgr;uirn relonn llu. r'ii,/,rlancls u'cre tl)llrl ll) l\lr'.lI.l{tl,l lll Jr)r./1. -flrc rlot slrl)jcct to srrlc:thev coulel onlv bc transferlecl to hcirs. uccllrsc cr-entsof r: ()ctobcr tg()2. rlcnronsrrateboth tlte inclelsing clirl,' ancl cor)lur.ural lends rrr.rdc up :rbout hlli of rll acl-icultural, irtdigcnoLrs:lcti\,isnr. as wcll .rsthc plcvriljng corrtr-rsion.Mexico (litr''s livcstor:k ancl hrr-cstlv llnrl irr l\4exico. tltev hacl becctrnc a nr!or 2t,1 ,11,-,.or' ( ('lltr'.ri\(lU,rr('. u.t. trllr',1ri rtlr t rrrrtrrr{cl)l\ r('l1r'('\('l)tit){,l fc-ttcr to clpitalist clcvclol'nncrrt (()tcrrr tliilt'r-st'..l ot prrliti.'.rl li'trnt t'rtrr,tlistt'rrlttrr.rl qti)r.ll)\ r999: ch. -3). l'ltrr-,rlitr 1.t"i1iorr.: Itt ortlct' to untlerstrrncithe nrctlrorlical Inclianist bi:rs of a clc:ulv to the gathelins oi the ,sooYc:rrs Mcricarr (lounci1, .rncl to rclisiotrs neolibcr;rl govcrnrucrit. \vL. lllust renrcrrbcr th.rt thc I99os st.lrtcd lnilrchers tcl the iJasilic:r oi thc Vrrein oF (ir.r:rtlaltrpe.n'hcrc tht' (lltholic (.hLrrch \\'ith stl-or)qethrricist u inrls throrrgltor-rttlte \\'orlrl. Tlresc s'cre clabo- \\'.r\ sr;lnted p.rrclon tbr having colonizctl tlrcni. In r:ttcci bv ttrtrltil:rterrl orq.rrriz.rtiorr\,su(-lr es the IL(), lrrcl cxprcsscci NIorclie, lVlicho:rc:irr..rrrslv Irrtii:rnsbr<>r-rqlrt ckru'tr the stltue of Vtsco in corrstitutiorr:rl rclirlrrrs tlt.rt scr-t usullh 'lielrt'. ancl lirnitccl to de Quirou:r..t pro-iuciian rnissionerv n'ho possibl,vdicl not clcsene it; (,ristirbal, rnulticulturll leqisl:rtiorr.On occusion,]rorl'er-cr. Irrclirirr telritor-ics s'crc ancl in Sarr (iiri:rpr:rs.thev bror-rglrtt'knr,n thrrt of Drt-eo clt ltcknou'letlqctl. encl s() \\'cl'c cust()lr1:lr\.riqhts :urcl self--govcrnrncnt. ]Vlrrz:uicgos.a ruthle\s col)Llucror n,ho no clor-rbtrlcsclvcci it. I)lrrrdo-ricllll'. thc u'or-ld tle ncl to c()ulrtcr-agrarilrr refirlrrrs,in u'hrcir This n.rs thc hiehcst poirrt ot- the nco-lncli.rnist lv:tvc th;rt st:irtcrl thlt oi Slrlirr:isu:rs inscrlccl. \\'rls .tc('()nlpartrecl[ry a ccr-t.tin clcqr-ec in tire r97os.Tlic -joo Ycars Mcxicrrn Council. shich in r99 I con- of cthrrit'-ri!:lrts rccogrritiorr.Thus. firl exarrrplc.the s:rnrc l:nv tlr;rt t;tinccl rtbout I,jo olqlniz:rtions front 23 states:tnci hacl coorclinatiltg ('()Llr)tcr'('rltlrt' lJ,r]iVi,rrr,ttr,rri.rrr Ir'lirr-rrr l.r\'' of'tltc e.r|]r I{.,\oi L.\- conlnittr-cs in Clhiapls. (iucrrcro.VcrJCrLrz,Mcxico Stlte :rnclPr-rebl:r, t.iblishecll rrcchanisr.n to rcknou,lcdgc the tcrritolr, of Filst l)eo1.lc5. ['reclnrc s'cakcnerl :rttcr t: ()ctobcl r99:. Aftcr this critic:rl r]ate,thc ln pr:rcticc. this r-esrrltctiin qr.rntinq ritlc.rrrd sccr.rrirr-to thc l,rrqc rrccornp:rurnrcntof NG()s also cirvincileci.Thc Nrtrclnal Encountcr (litil lrrrr.lholdcrs,n liich u'crc non cxclr,rclcrlfbnr .lr)\' thrclf of expl'1rprfi.1- of Societr. ancl tlrc Indian l)eoples hclci in Atrgust of r99J wls ()ctobcl tion. Ultirrr:rtelr',tlic r99os slr\\'il clear pupcr coltcessioll t() tlrc loo urrrcnr:rrkrrblc.The l:rshroll \\':rsover. I Iou'cver. if b1. of that vcur-sof- dcbt to Irrdians (llrl'sk tooo:Vllr Oott :ooo) . velr tllcr:e \\'crc llo nrore Indi.rns at thc Zocllo. Lr1'-f:rnurn'r994 thev -fhc grx,crrnlcnt l)il\ not bccn tlre onlv p:lrt\r to intcrvcrrc irr hld rcappcareclrr'ith ballclar':is on all the television sc--rccr)s,or) thc Incliln lfirrirs. Sirrce tlrc rrrirl-l98os, tlrc Nlcxrc:rn Indi:ur nroverncnt occrsion of tl-reuprising of thc Z:rpatist:rN:rtionrrl Libcr.rtion Arnrr,' lras bccrr thc fircus of dir,trsc intclcst L{roups.Firsr tbc N(l()s be- (F,jcrcito Zrr;r:rtistrrcle' Libcllcitiu Nacionrrl. EZLN). crrnc irrtcrcsted,thcl thc r9E.5elrtlr(luilke. in iUexico (.itr. struck. n'lrich toqcther rvitlr tlrc ecorrorrrrc crisis turnecl Mcxico int<'r a The Zapatista Indians: srorthv c:rusc lirr ntrrjor irrtclrrational c()oPCt'ation.(lhtu'ch-r'cllrtcd Frorrr Guerrilla to Dernocratic Fighters olsarriz:rtiorrsulso took up thc etltnic rlucstirtn.Thus, Incilarrsbcclrrrc the p;l1311ig11rof 'r'uhrer.rble groups' .rntl thc objcct oI assistancc.]rr The tcrrain had no tlotrbt bccn 1-lcparcd bt' alrnost t\\rclrt.vvcurs oi tlrc bcst of crrsesthcv rlso bccuruc the o\cct of soliil.rritt' rrnrl rc- cthnic strugglc to q.rin indcpcrrcicncc frrtlt itrstitutronrrl indiqcnisnr. ( conrpuninrcrrt. I)rrlect-r fir- ctltrcation. lrcrrlth.foocl rrrrdlrotrsing. anr]. but tirc lhi.rp.rsupri'inu translil'nrccl nrr assistancc-\v()r'thy'r'ulnellblc RF(_LAIr\{IN(; IIilt LANI) +oo T]ARTRA ANI) O'TERO 401 grotlp'irtto (subconr,urdunte t]rc ctnlrlern of dignin' ;rncllcbc'lliousncss vcr:r Hcrrera r99ii). As tn'o anthfopolocists have plrt it, i-rlltollonr,v Insurgentc N'l;rr-cos2ooJ; -B:lrtr:r:,oolc) . Tire Za;rltistl proqran.rr.trcrs is not tire ctlcct of a r-rnilateraldccision fi-onr ethnic or nrtion:11 ttc'rtpartrculrrrlv Incli:rrust (urt, ilnd str:lteqv eisc) closr.tre.it publishcd tlte confirt-nr.rtion oi tlrirtr'-cight ,ilrt()lolr)or1s lecluiretl l lcncn'ed.irticirllrtion. arr olglniz:rtion:rl process th:lt \!.:rs 'rebcl rrrunicifalitics'. Nlontlrs before. olt r: Octolrc-t-.tluring tlre pfcciirit.tted bv rltc Ohi.rpes uprisins. In the bcginning. rhe ethnic ('onlr)lenio[ltiorr of thc -So.:,ncllnni|clsan' of conclr-rcst.tl-rc Strte contingents .rctccl u-ithin the pitrr-al citizen coltvergcnce that rc- (lottncil ()rg.rniz:ltions of Jndiggrous rrncl Pcrrsant ((-onse,jo Estet:rl sponded t. the EZLN's call in Ausr-rsrr994. tlre Nrrtional l)e'r.cr:rtic clc ()rqanizecioncs (lorn'ention. Irrcliqcl:rs\. Canrpcsin:rs.C.EOI(l) rrrcl thc St:rrc helcl ..1usttno u'ccks prior to tire n:rtional elcction:. (--hia1.ls Asscitiblv of thc l)eople (Asanrirle:rEsr:it.r1 clel I)rrcblo (ihiap- The clonvcntion u'ls stirrrulatcclb1' the p:lrticipirtiolr of (lr-r:u-rhti'nror: (lirrclc'n:rs, arlcco.AEI)(iH) c.rllcclfirr thc firnr.ttiott oi \'lultiethnic Atrtononrous the left-ol ccntrc cuncliclatc.arrr'l resultccl in a vcrv trro:rcl l{egions. Mcarru-lrilc. sevcrrrlotltcr l-rc.rs.rntln()\'clrients n'cr-c cst,rlt- .rncl nnrlti-cl:iss lettist iront. lrrticul.rtetl fi'st bv statc couvcr-rtronsand lishing intlcpcnr'lcnt nrtrrrici[raliticsthroughotrt N4crico: tol cxrrnrple'. Lrter also u'ithin sectoral strLlctLlrcsoi prsx5;1n15.tvorkc'rs, Indi:rns, ()co-sinqo. (lhirpes in L:rs N4lrqrrritrs" Fiishlarcls. .rnrl (.haichilnririrn stuclents, \vonrer. irrtcllecttrals, :rncl artrsts.with the I)l\l ls triunrph (S:rrrnicrito r99-1). rn the elections, hon'evcr",the convcntion lost its eflicacr- tbr thc Tir tlri: poilt u'c.trc still nitnessing clc f:rcto;ruronouries. uhrcir con-llmcturL'.ancl thc- Nrtional Liberation IVlor-enrcnt (MLN) callcd arc nri-rcclirp n'ith clc.rnanclstor l:urd:rntl othcr rncligenous;urcipr.35- L*' thc EZLN in thc TIrirc'l I)eclar:rtio' .f thc Laca'don Jurslc clid ant clcrrrrtrrrls.lJrrt. in r99-;. u hcu t]rc flrst L)i:rlocue Scssrorrbctuccn not prospcl'.This s'rrs the lasr Z:rp:rtistainitiltivr. gcared to encorlrage thc g()\-cnntlcllr EZLN rrrtl tire fcrlcr.ri tircuscclon alrtoltonn' rights. l broar-lfropular ancl nrr-rlti-clrsstlonf. becansc since the encl oi r995 :u'rcl.in I996. u-hen it slr:rpcd rr pr-rrp115.11for- constitutron:rl chrrnqcs. anti in 1996 its social calls n'crc prirrrarily lnd,l st'ycr thcv werc tlre indigc'ni)u\ u)ovcnrcnt crrtcr.'tl l clln:rnric of rc.rltictri.rtronthlt not onlr- tl.ris,for the Zapatista N.rtion:rl Libcrarion Front (FZLN). s.oLrltl clcflrrc it iirr thc rest oi thc tlec:rtlc. thc lcgrl encl politrcal alnt of tlre EZI'N. t'rs orgrrnizcd in 1996. Thc constitution:rl rctbrrl on inrligcnori-s righfs:urrl cultrrrc is In April I99-5. rcprescrrt;rtivcsof about a hr-rnclreclorsanizltions r,rsuallr,itlcntiflcrlri'itlr thc'Lcr'Oocop.r'. tirich rrdoplgj thc n:rrnc oi ircltl a rrreetrngin Mc-rico (lin. the First N.rtional Indieenous I)lur:rl (ionglcssion.rl (lonrrrrission the ftrl Aglecntcr)t .in(l l)c;rcc.Tlris lcg:rl Assenrblv for Atrtonornv (Asanrblcrr Nacional Inclisena I)ltrr;rl por initi,rtivc s\-nthcsizc(1rht Srn Andlis Aglccnrcr.rts rc:rclrccl[.cfu,ccn la Autonorrir, ANIi']A), uhiclr clabor:rtccl l pr(lect tirr rnt.r-rornv thc EZLN :rrrcl the \ {r)\'el'nlncnt lcfrc\eurlltir.cs on r6 Fcl.r'ir;rrr leeisl;rtion.The nrccting u.ls 1-rlolongcclinto l second one iD Vrrcr.rrri t996 :rnrl ticflrrcrl thc ob,jcctir-csrrnrl stmtegics oi this rrct phlsc So'.r:r. and a third lt the e'cl oi Auqust i' olx:rca. Each rrrect- of tlrc irrrlrqenous nnvcnlcnt. It both clcepcrrstlrc orqrrriz.rtion,rl haci ircreasirq rrrertlarce. :rnd the ANIT,A *'as fbrrralized 's as scgreq.rti()nbctn'c'cn :lutochth()lt()us pcople-slrrrcl rric-iri:.tr.i. u'hich rr.lrs an orqlniz.rtion th:rt u'oulc{ nrake a signitlcarrt contribtitiorr to thc ;rlre.rdv errro-s-Iin!rin thc i98os. rrnrl unrilcs cthnit qroul.s. Irr -.l.rtc corlstruction of thc San Andr6s Accorcls :r fcrv nronths latcr-.()ne of tlrc t:rct tltlt thcrc- lele clif-licrcnttppt'oJCllcs in thc gcst.rtiorr ot' .f thc kcv gorrls oi ANII)A hls [.;een ro crc]te a fi>urth le'cl of tiris lce.rl inrti.rtivc - c()lnlnun:rlistsvcrsus region;rlisfs it r-t'p.rr'5s1115 govcrnntent. betu,cen rnunici;ralitics atrd stirtcs: thc pluri*ethnit: a f'l:rusiblc colttrlron lcqel il';rrncn'ork. :rrr urnbrcll.r ol- constituticrnul rlutouolllolrs rcsions (or I{APs. its Splurish lc..rnvrn). A 'Cor.rncil liglrts sharccl bv dilr.rsc entl clistunr collcctivrtics th.rt coLrld hlve o[ ]{elr:csert:rtives'rioLrlcl be the hiehest bod' oi authority i' tbe strorq rliscrcp:lncies lrrourrcl otlrcr issr.rcs(Flcrn.'rrrclcz Nar'.rr-ro:rrrtl RAI)s: 'All ethnic s.ollp-\ (both Inclia' arcl u'oulc1 ire '.r-l'tlian) 'I +o2 IIL( I,\I\IIN(; IIIl I ANT) I}ARTRA ANT) OI'ERO 403 rcprcscnted equ.llh, rvithirr this bocl,r',r-ccarcllcss of thc delrrogr,rphrc sltisfv therrr, stmgglins f?rr tl-rc ;rcknon'1c-clgellrcrltof tounciationll 'J'lris rvciqht of crrclr.' borh' x,oulcl be electccl Lrv riirect ancl secret richts is l big stcp. This is all the nrorc so rvhen this denr: rrd has ttnir.crs;rlvotc e\.el-_vtlrr-r'c r-errs,'accorclin{ to a prrnciplc of rclative rurobilrzccithc vast nrajoritv of intliqcnor-rsorganiz:rtions, u'hich h.rve nrljolitv rult' (l{uiz l lcrn;inclcz :ooo: .r-5). thc active srpport oi thc plourcssivc s.ci:rl arrclpolitic:rl firrccs. rvitlr Thc flrst con\:cl-gcnce crf :rtrtoc]rthonous prelrlllcsc.rpresslv callecl broacl svnrp:rthv lnrong the gcner-rrlpublic. Hcnce the cxcepriorr.rl b,v the EZLN rv.rsthc ltirst Nltionll Incligenous Forurn. It u':rsheld possrbilin, that r leglslrlrive frocess u'oultl bc initiatecl fl-orn the (-r'istribrrl,()hirrp.rs. in San in Jarrtrrrrt'1996, as ;rrrrt of ilte ucgotiarion bottonr rip \\'rs scrn ils vi.rble. proccss n'ith tlrc fi:ticr'.rlqovcrllnetrt tltat Itacl st.trtcd a little' earlier Tlte p;op111,)tl\('(rlUill\'t1t'r'\\'.1\ f.l-t..cttt irt trrt, 1t{)l))('pt\: rl[1.- in S:rlr Ancilcs (Hern:'rnclcz .urd Hcn'era r99S; (,ilbrcrh :rnc1C)tcro ing thc S.rn An.lr6s neqotirrtions,rt rhc strrt of thc Erncsto Zedillo -I'his zoo r). fcrnrrrr s'us ;rttcntlcd Lr) 7i7 inrliqcnotrs clcleq;rtcs.-s(rS aclrrrirristrrticrn(t99q-zooo). ancl rhen;rftcr rvirh tlrc (lar-:rr':rr tirr obscrvers.24fi sur-stsentl 4o; .jour-n:riists.E,ncourlgcd bv this cnc()un- Irrdiqerous i)ignitr,: :lt the st:lrr oI tlrc Fox rr]ntinistration. Il both t.er.t]rcrc \\:crc' otlrcf lt)cetinqs. arrcl st:rtc :rncl rcgionll tirlunrs u'cre c;rscs.n'herr the negotl.ltrons becerne fi'nstratccl - irr r996 b1' thc ()ctober coltstittltcd. In of l99f), (lornunc'lunt:tI{:trnonlr. tr.r'trrinallr' cxecLltivc:incl in :oor by tlrc lcqisl:ltur-c.u,jticlr pnssecl:r r-crv n'aterccl- ill n'ith cirnccr,lttcnclecl fhc constittrtiorr oithe N:rtiol:il Inciiircnous ck>rvnr,crsion of the (--ocopa irriti.rtir,'e- thc Indians ar-rclZap:rtist:rs (-oirsrcss ((lonurcso Naciorr.rl Intligcna. C)NI) in Nlcrico (.in,. In u'ere str-nricrltor thr. b:rl:rnccoi the sis-r'ear elcctorrl period.'lhus r997, u,hen r.t r r Zilpatist.tslcfi Clirap.rs cn rolttc to Nlexico (litr. the stnrgglc has been nrarkcdiv tiiscontinuc'rus:irrcl prolonsccl. [rc- the C.NI licld it-. sccon.l cousrcss.Anrl in iVl.rrchoi:oor. rhe CINI cause in orcler to rievelop ll nc\\. botton)-up caurpraiqll thcv rrrnst hekl its thilcl r:onqrcss.coincicling u'irh thc Zrrprrtist:r(lrr:rr,;rrr tirr u'lit hrl the'top'corrjr.rncturc to chanqc on its ou'rr. Ftrrther-nror-c. Inciigcrrous l )iqnitv oi :3 conr:rrrcllrtes lrnrl a subcor.rrlrncl:rnteto this lcgal rolltc seenrsto hlvc bccorne cxh:rustetl in tht evcs of^thc (.it,l-. Nlcxico n.her-c thev :rtrcr)rlccia hcaritrg in tltc plcn;u-), oi thc ntlrn protaqonists.when (lorrgrcss severclv arrrputatcclthc oocoPrr (.ongress (iocopa nilti()lral to llttkc thcir crrscfttr-t]re lctislrrtivc plo- initi.rti,"'r..a'cl cspeci:rll\'.lltcr tltc Suprentc (lrturt refuserl to flx the (lorrgrcss pos.il, ulrich h.rri bee'n sclrt to bv neu'l_r'clcctc('lpl-csidcnt problen, borh (lNI ancl EZLN ch;rnqerl rhc tcrrlin of srrusqlc: Vicctrte For. thc' frlst ol.prosition c:rnilid:rte to \\in the prcsidcncv Inriiarrs ratrfrcd the-ir clcri:i,rn t\) c.\r.r'cise.lur()lt()nlv rn ;tracnce, lrrcl rrltcr ser-cnrr'-oncvcilrs ot-l)l{l rulc.Thtrs. thc CNI sellcd its inrirn;rtc the Z.rpatistils anltoLutccd the sr,rspensionof :rll corrtact rvith thc (ihiap.rs pro-rinritv u ith che colrrsc oi Zrrp11i5111r',.:rn.l tlrc ilcrurrcl go\:ernnrcltt. Thcsc :tre sintil.rr rcsp()ltscs[rr-rt $-itlr distinct perspcc- tbr tlrc constitution:llitv oi the risht tirr- rrutononr\' \\'1lstiecl to l ti'es. While Irdiar irc.plcs \\'arfeci ackro*.lcclscr)crr of .r ricllt. pe:lcctul solution firr Clhiel.,rs. tor tl-re EZLN p:lssilqeoi tfic Sa6 Apr]r'cs :rccgrcls5'1s thc ltrr-ior of 'n:rrch (lrrr:rvan Tltc of tlrc colotrl oi thc carth', :rs thc u'.rs rrjso tltree 'siqrtlis' fi'orn tltc govcnllltcltt thet tltcv hecl sct :ts conrlitious callecl.r,":rs thc hrqlrc-stpoint irr the ph.rsc of the irrcliqclr()Lrsrro\-c- to rcst:lrt l)csotirltion\. TIttrs Mcricans took steps b:rckwlrd on trvo 1nc1rt th.lt \titrtc.l in thc il]1c1-r 99os. ,utcl it \\'.ls nrricLliirtcclto tlte tet'r.rins:Ircli,rn enranci;-r.rtionu'ls ]rllrccl lncl pe:rce rnovccl firrthcl cor)stitrltionirj .rcknol'lerlgct))eltt oi alrtonortrt. Scli-gitvcnrrncrrt. lr\. ;rs'ar'.Autocht]ronoLls people5 rvrll hlr,e to contjruc fiqhtirrg :rlorg colrtrilst. \\-:l\ Jll:rncestrll clerrr.rncl\\,ltrcir $,.rs c\prcssl! purstrc.l tbr thc lirrt's of tlre li'ritecl pr()tectior) of lL() (lr'r,crti.rr Ncr 'rore ;rt lcust a rluJrtcr oi:t ccr.rtur-r'anci couccptLrallv tbr-nrr.tl.rtecl:rs .r 1fi1 (,I)ilz Poljrnco and S:rnchcz foo3), anrl Zrpatisras tiil Irlvc to lisirt clLrrincthc t93os. lhc pg1-11li1fin'oithc EZLN.rrrtl the CINI .olltilttle cloirt* prolrtics uncicr conclitious oi exccf-rtion and r,r'ithjn lrro\/enrcnt sillcc r99(r. tliorrgh. is tlrrt it l-rasltteur;.tctl to rclc]r:rn thc fi'atttcuork of 'sr-rspcrttlctl'lcqoti:rtiou q'itlt 19 etrrl ip sigltt. Nq agrcclttcnt rr'ith thc cour)tr\ .sps111il:,.1 tirr-ccs tltat :Lllou'sconstitutrol,tl doubt indiarrs ancl Zep:rtistls ri'ill corrtinue to nnrch togcthcr. Lrnt recorrnrtion.Tlre rolcln' is that both Incli:rrrsarrci Zrrp,rtist.lsccntre rrcccsslrrlr-s.ith rliversc t.lcfics :rnLl str:ltcgics. tlrcir stratcgr' nsibilitvs.itl'r the nen, ler-elsof Conclusion: Beyond Ethnic Specificity orqanizatiorr,u'hicl.r n'ill havc thc rigl.rt to public coutpcnsarion funds :ittcl othels tlrat:rle dr.reto Iitdian preoples'(EZLN r99(r). ln:.oor. Aiier sonre rhiltv vcars oi Irrdianisr politics. the EZLN Lrprisingrirrcl the Zap:rtistas\\:ere rcbels that ot'qanized the Clarar.anof Incligenous its e'cnturl clialoguc*'rth othel lnclirn orgnniz;rtions.\\'c c.ln s:rfelr.sar. Dienitv to dcnrancl fi-orrr lceislators the approval oi a constitutionai th:rt the Mexicrn Irr,liln f.cus;urtn'h;rs lreconte politicalh. coustifutccl. rcfbrnr; in the rvr>rdsof Sr-rbconr;rndlntclr'larcos in :rn irrten'ies' rl'itlr :rs defint'd irr rhe poliricll-cr-rlrLrr':r1tht'olv oi cl:rssfblrrr;rtiorr. This is journalists (Bellinehauscn zoor),'Thc inciicenous peoprlesn'ili u,in. so. cveu if the nrarn denranclshavt- not bcc-n ac]rrer-ccl.to the' e\tent ... Wc rvill convince the cleputies lnrc.nrbersoi the los,er chanrber tl'rlt thc EZLN anrl the CNI Iravc not bcen co-oprccl br,, the st.rtc r)f Oonqrcssl tlrat it is tl-re hour of Clonsrcss.' :urtl continuc to inrplenrent ;lutoitonr\-.tr1 spttc oi thc icgislittir-e1rg Urttil :oor. tlre Z.rl.,rti\t.rs\\ere ;t t:r(}up ol'itt.trtgcrtts tir,tr - riith- on indigcnous rights ancl cultlrrc. Ilut u-e ntlist reltlcltiber rhat this guus - oLrt laving clou-n their for ovcr eight r-ears Ir:rc1encour- sct of neLaoti:rtiorrs$'ith the st:rte\,;rs onlv onc of tour rrrajt,.rthcnrcs aqecl rctbrnrs through clectir>ns.neqotirrtion l'ith the execlltl\-e.anrl that uc'rc to be settlecl:the others;rle econorric anri l:rnd isslres:rrrcl (ihi:rp.rs appc.rlsto thc lcgislatr-rre.This c\ccptiorl.rl prnclo\ fi'onr h:rs rhc rcicunr of the st.rtc :rncl *'ornc.n.s riqlrts. cllearlr,'.thcsc isstresgr, 4()6 ItL(lI.AIl\1IN(;'t I{h l.ANI) I]AIiT'ItA ANI) OI'ER0 107 rvcll bevoncl the sper:if.ic:rllvInclirn dcnraltcls thar n'ere prlt for\\'ar(l ls a cllss. It has :rl*'avs bce' s., ir.rclrcli'g thc pcr.iod of tlre r97os b,v the EZl,N. oncc it becurr its rlcsotiations nirlr thc state.Thcrcfbrc a'cl the r 98os, u'he n I'clirr'rs alig'ecl thcnrselr,cs n.itliin peasrlrt thc clrrestionis: l,ill thc EZI-N conrlncr its lirturc politicll constitu- coorc'lirtltittq organizati11lsirr tr'lricl-rthcir sprecificrtl,q.,ns dtluferl. It tion rs lncl'clv ln Incii.rn orrl.rrriz.rtjon()r.t\ onc thet also irttclt(l\ tc) \\':ls onlv in tl're r99os, n'hen the.u,centrecl their. dcrnarrtis on the tltc peas.rntrr:rtlrrc oi its corrstituencr.?Thc lattcr option. s-htch can collstitLltiollirlitv oi tlteir riglrt tor rrutononl)'. that tlrc injilrc16trs clc:rllv irtcorporlrte thc lirrnrcr. nrJ\: opelt ntorc .krors ftrr Zap:rtistas ancl pe.rsantroacls u'er-espiit - tenrpor..rrilr,. to beconrc :r bnratler ltrovelncllt u.'itlrin tlrc gcner;rl stnlgglc ii)r :l i)trrirrq tlre fhal c'lecaclcri tlrc t*'entieth ccrtrrr"v,.the indiqen.trs popr-tlar--denrocratic:rncl nrtrlticultural hegertr()nlc pr(Icct. nro\.elrteilt cailrc oF age aDd rccluir-cclclensrtY to thc cxtel)t th:tt it For Alain Tiruraine, onc of tlrc nrost prlornincnt stll(lcnt-sof soci.rl identifiecl itsclf-.settrng up tlitfcrcuccs bv its clcrnr'cis. carrparqrrs. 1r()\r(-urents ntrci rlcnrocr:rcr, (seeTcruraine- t 9llS. 1997). thc Z:rp:rtisras olganiz.rtion.rl stnlctrlrc, cliscoursc.irri;rginar\,: syrrrtrolic svstenrs, lnd colrstitute lr dir-crsc lltolentcltt u'ith :rt lcast nxr cLlrrcnts rvitltirt rt. proceclures.Thui, Incli.rns u,'ho uscd to be irr ruins set up thcir ()nc of thcsc u'ould likc to lircu-son its inrjir:enous constituenc\', thc scpilfatc orq.rniz:rtional house. This is fine. Except thet this changc orhcr. rvhich incltrclesSubc.onr:rncllntc Malcos .rnd his closcstiiicncls. clist:rnceclthcrri rr little florrr thc prc:i51li1,norkcr ancl popul:rr f:rrn- \\':lnts to 'r'isit thc rror'1d' or opo) u;r its spcctnrrrr oi intcrpcll.rtion ilr'. e'cn tboLrgh irr thc pr.cess Indi:rns beca'rc irrtirnrrreu,ith'civil ttxr'.trclstttart'n' othcr strborclinltc groups :rrtd classcs.Titur:rirtr- nt;tkcs socictr,',arr entitv that utrtil t9g-l \\':rsrrrtrch ntovetl br.thc .5ooyears arr cx;rlitit rrn.rkrgr,bets'ecn thc EZLN's t\\.o currcnts (or iuctions) and evc'ntualh' inf.rtu.rtcd n'ith the EZLN. IJut in tlre nerv lronre ,rtttl L'.ttlr'(.lrristi.rrritr': rvlrilt l)t'ter'\\':lltt((l to r'..1,,.,1,,rtrirtlr i.l;. -lt'ri therc lre :rlso flghts. cspcci.rlir becruse tlrc constitutional issue nray l)eul u,lurtt'ci to trikc thc nrcss.rgcto the u'ollrl (crtcd in IVII'tincz not trc resolvcd in thc fcrrcsee.rblcfirtule. aurl dc facto autonorrics ,rrrrl MUltrt'r' :oo | : .l.l). arc cli|elsc anrl introsl-rccti','c,rrncl by thcnrsclvcs do r.rot flrvour joint What hls intcrcstccl Tirurainr- the rnost aLrotrtt]re EZLN is the rrrobiliz:rtion.Thcrcfi.re,u'hile Indi:rnsscttle tlreir-clourestic sricvances, Iltitltllcr in u'ltich it h:tstttltnrgccl to artictrlrrtcthe ltl.lteri:rl:rrrrl cultrtrnl tlrev r'ce :rs:ri' r.isit the fiu'il1; ro\\. ASrcspccrfirl :rt1ults,s. rlclence of Mav:rn collcctivities ri'ith a u'ill to cr1'r1111politic:rl rrntl 'right tlrrt thcv rcncu'thcir fi-ienclslripu.ith tlrcir pc:rs:rnt.rvorkcr anci et'ortr>uriccicnrocmcv rn Mcxico.'()n thc one liend. thc Zrtp:rtist.rs popr-rlarcousins. Pcrh;rps.lorrrtlt' thcy t:an rrrakc ir. lrlvc supportcd fheurschrcs()n thcsc culturcs. olr thc other, thcv rlo Thc per-ti'erce of *'ith otlicr popular--dcrrr.crltic rtot ullou.tlrerrrsclvcs to bect>nrc enclose(l \\'itlrin these cultures. clr 'c;rrtictrl;rtirrg scctors,in pr:rrticularu'ith tlie rural oucs. cnrcrges rrot onlv firnr tlre ir.t sorrrc tvpe of "diffrrcnci:rlisrrr"' (crted in l\{ar-tincz :rrrd Mcrqicr insufflcierrcv of the incligcn()usnrove nrcnt :rnd their- .rllicd 1irr-cestrr :oor: j-l). As Tirr.rr:trrrcprrts it, tlte firrurc clt:rllengc is inrntense: tcr lchieve thcir-historir'.rl cienr:rrrcis. but :risc'rfionr rhe rc:rp1-rc:rrrnccoithe rc'ject both tlrc irossibilitl of loc:rl isol.rtion arrd thc rlilLrtion irrto rr pcrsarlt llr()\'clllcnt.As of the crrd oi -2ool,the pc;rs:liltllroverllcnt h:ls grc.lt p()litical parn', n'hilc trving to turn thc inrligenr)us lno\.t:nlcl)t bectl rcsnrrcctccl lirrtr thc rlc.rLl,n'ith rur inr:rgirr:rtiop,cosrbatir.cless, ittto the' icrrncnt fbr tlre rcrrovrrti<'rrrof Mcxic:rrr tlenrocracl' (citcrl crfr,lcitv fil' pr1;g111111naticil)tegrltion, ;rrrcllrr-c:rclth oi convet.gtncc iti M:rrtinez :rnrl Mclqicr' :oor: j4). th,rt h,r11not bcerr scerr sincc thc c:rrlt' r99os. Ftrrthcnr()rc. Inclilns Tlrrr'. pr',rt'tirirrg,lLr(,rr),'rrrvi. irrrl'r,l-l.lnt. \'1.\. llrrr tlri. lr.r..t. .tt'e tl tr'nt..'lr'r'\|('.t\,lilts. tttattv r-:trilttts ;ts tlitttcttsi1ltrs.At lclrst q'ith rcg.trj t9 ccglogtic sclf- nr:urlgenrcnt. Iniliails c;llil)ot seriouslv tlke tt On bV thcntselYes.for" it is li pr-oblcnr sh:rrerll.v rnillions oi rirr'.iri--opc:l\lnts :rncl :r qrcat trsk tirat rctlrrires grcuter alli:rrrccsrrntl stratcgic .u'isions(13;rrtra :oo4). ln Note thcir stnrqglc ils c()rn. r-cgct:rbleor' fcrrcstry-uooclspnrcltrceLs. uutoch- t. N.rltu,rtl tltottous conrrrrtrniticsarc lt()t:rlone. bccltrse fitr c:rcli Intli;rl pels:tnt lrrs tlre rlorrrin.trrtllngluqc drrring the Aztcc cltPire. bcfirre .rrrivrl oithc Sl..r:rilrtlsin r.j r9. anri strll surr.ivcsas thr: irri.liuen,,ir. l,tngrr.rgcrl.,rLq-11 thcle ale tuo rric.sli:tr-r,:ilntost alult.s :rs poor. TIier-ctirre [r1 tlrc nrr:tl tlre hrqest ntrrnl.cr oipcople. clos.'to thr-r.cnriilior.Thcrc lrrc lt lcest ;7 ptlrer strugglc of lndi;ur pt'oples is irrtcrn'oven \\-ith tlr,rt oI the perslntrr' rrdiqcnous Iunqu.rgcsrtill s1.1;1,g11in N,lc.\ico to(lJ\.. BARI'ItA AN.-1) O I'Eii() +Od Rti(-LAIIllN(; f IIE I ANI) 109 Estc'r. (i.stl'r> (t9991.'l-hc References Zap:rtistasarrrl Pcop)c.sl)o,,r't'r'. capit,ll i: (,1,r.r-r(rS /Surrrrrrcr): r _s-t-S-1. Flor-cs Fclix.Jo:rquin (r,19:).'l)c AqLii f;ir,r.l)oclcr Sac:ruros.l)rirrrcroTi.,nrlr-.,rn clur- Alvarcz. Sorrir l:.. Evclina I)eqnirro :utclArtunr Eicol.ar. erls (rr9S). Ottlttrrr tl N,lrtrrnos'. Ott,tdcntos--1qi,rri,.,. Nucr..r tp,,c.r. i (): r j,5-()r. l)olrtis,Polititsttl'(,uitrrn';1?L-r'isir'llirr(Latitt,'1tntri,,ilt.\r)r'],1/,\1()&/it.'//r.,. lJoulclcr. Flt'rcs Felir..foaquitt 1r99s). L,r Rt't'rrt'lr,tpor lt I)cntotrari,r:,/)rc1r1o.ihtJtts, Polirrttt (l( ): \\,rcsn'ieu' I)rt-ss. Podct o/ .11(1.ri.(r.NIc-ticn: 'l,rrs 1, LANI-X l El Ar.rjo. lJ.rt-tlr.,\rin.rrr.ilr (r 99.:). ()rq.rniz,rtioncs Econirrnic.rs (lanrpcsir.l\ :rrtc lJ Flores Fclix. Jorcltrin (i99-s).'Los l)LrcblosIrrtlios ,:n la Llirstlpccl.rrlc Espacigs'. I{cfirrrrt:t l{Lrrll'. (--rr.i,i,'r77,rr1.1;.i1il,,. Nucr r Ep,i'.1. s.'6: r:6 'l:. 'rr,l.l,,r,', f lr,,:i,r,...Nrr,r.r l-1.,,(.r.tt i_: tl\ lJrtrtrl. Atlrt;tttrlo (19S5).1.1r-t fli'111/1's1,1 Jc 7-qr11,1..1|)i'il1i{///r)-r (.r?r/rl)(-rt/t(ri |(r-il'.1'- -t: (l.rrci.r.irl;rri.r ticl (.rrrrcrr. Xt>clutl l-elr,.r .rncl Ar.rcclv (r99r). ,l_11 (lrtr: LJur.quctc ()Lrr,(./r,?Jt(r-.cll,\11.r'irr,. \lcxiro El\A. ()rgrniz,rriones C,titrfrcsin.rse indiqr.nrs.lc Chill.;rs Fr-t,ntcrt l.r ll.cfirrrlr dtl lJ,rrtr,r.Arnr;urilo (:ooo).'Strr l)rotirnt[r'. in (-r',jrruili,/,/ .Srtr:L:lopr',r.. (-,17711,1.;17i,1., E.t.itlo: LIn.r l{ltlOg;.r11.i. (--ir,l,/r.,rtrr-._1gL]li,,-,.N.-rrcrl ;-;-,r*. (,'rrcrilnr. (-itr': t:pr,r,r. |(r: al cti. Ar-nentlrr llerrr.r. LIc-rico l:tlcrolrct Er'.r. (irlbrcth. (-hrjs. ('crltlo entl ()rci'o i:oor).'t)crnr>cratiz:rtiorr iri N4c.rico:TIrr. Brrtr.t.,\rtttrttcl()itoLl I).'Sllr: Nlc!:.rl.i.r;cs1 Ut6l.i.rs cp l.r-\ltiric,r Ecltriloccr.rl'.i1 2.rp.11151.Upi'tsrng .rud Cliril Socictr'. I-,tttt ..l,tttt'rit,ttt1)1,y5|1i.1i11,.r r t9. tS(+r: ^11(.r.iir/l('r'tr',i.1-o-rRrr'.r 1)1i,ll1rrdrr... cd. -\nrr.rntlo IJ.rru'.r.\lcrico (-irr': E1 ,\trrjo. (.-,,.rqi/7,i.r (..,,tttrarrcti.rut,t ]Jrrtr;r. Arrrr.rrrclo(:oo-t.r). lt Irt: I:;rrrtrrnttal)alirtt,t J,-. la (,rrrdilltr.(irtst.rto (-,lirfr.-it77p.i itgN!). ,1/.1-i,111.'J,.,1 Ottlo: Dr la l:.r1tro1ttatt,\nl'st,tt,il ,-1,griri,i.l\lcrico (litr': Irrstitrrto i\i.n'1. a la Apropi,rttLittCatultc-;itt,t. t\lcxico (lirv: Srglo XXI Editorcs. iJ.trtr;t.ArnuntiLr (:oo3Lr).'I-os l{ios (-r-ccitirs: I{irstrcrs llclut-lt:is dcl Tclcer Hrttrsctt.RoCer l). {r9-4). L,r Pctlittt,idr' I)r.ra1rir/[',]h'.r:ir.,lrir,. Nlc,sico (.irr.: Sisl. N'lilenio'.(-tt,tdr'rrtrr-i.1.{r,rrirr.'. Ntttr.t Il'{)(.r. \f.tiJI Issuc.;1;1(-,lrtiy'rr iro.1.ql,lrni XXI Etlirorcs. .1J,i...'.r.l :(t. Ilcrn.rnilcz N,n.r;r'o.I-irr-r ir99.1r.'I)c Z:rl-.:rt;rr Z.rpatl: Urr sercrio c]c Ilctirr;r.,. []:rrtru.Alnr:urclo (:oo.tc). ';C.rrr:rcolc:lI)escrfi'.rnJo ll Trccc.rr',rEstel.r'. .1/rirloli,r. Est.rt,t]crc| c1,\gro'. LuJt!Ltitt)r i,\r-re.r'lEpo..r. \ r): ttt-"1o. 176: g-ti. -{qliilr,,-,. Flcnl:illaicz Nar'.ilro. LLris 1199;;. 'L.r Autonorrrirr Irrcliqcn;rconro Irlt.rl: Not:is lJ.rrtr.r.Artrrantlo (:oo4). 'l{cl.cllioLrs C-orntlclds:Ton.rrcl I'oocl an.l L.rl.orrr Scli- .i La 1?r/,i'/irjrr Ztl,,rti;t,t y la ..4ttrortLtt,ia,tle F{cct.r I)i.rz I)ol.rnr..'. (.'/rr,r/,,i.ir: stritlciencr''.irr .\It'.rirrrin'litlrisition: \r,oli1'cnl/ (,fu,1,,r/i-trrr,r/rc .Sr,lrcattd Cilil IOI lfi. .Sotrtr;,.crl. (lerlrclo ()tclo. Lonrion: Zccl IJooks. Hcrrt:indcz N.rr'.rrro.Luis v I{rrnitrrVcrr IJcrrct-:t.ccls (r99ii). Lr,.i.-Lrrl.rfi,.ir/c,S,rri lJcllirrglr.nrscn.l{crrlruln (-:,oor).'l-:r(-.rr.rr-.rn:r Z.tptri\t.r Il:rri \r;siblc ult N1i.\i.r) 'Ir,1r,..\11rr.,, ( irr: F.1r,1.,p., Lt.r. Isrrolrdo: En L.r (l.rnr.rrrl rlc l.r I)icnid:ld Inrligcr:r: El ()tro La -frrgrrlor'. Kc,trtrcr. \lrchacl i r9,rr,). I{,t',,4.r1)r1,7/r:i,l{ tltL' I){,,ijn1tt) ;.-lrrrl1i1rr,[1q1, rtr (,]rtl,al . -lont,tl,t 1)r'r:y'i';111t.IJoulclcr. (l(). :rrrd C)xiirrtl:\\,-csn.icrr l)rcss. (:ooo), (1ft,1r111 IJrr-sk.Allisrrr IrlorrrTiil,al I'illqt 11r l-illagc:lttdutt Ri,3/rriarrd lircr'- (:ooo Ke,rrncr:\lrchael .'Lr clorrnrnicLr'l[l.ri;:rrl ()lr;rtir,reir.r r- l.r N{igr:rcion:\,,1is tttlitvtal 1ir'/,rti,rrr.,rrt Latirr ..4trtt'nt,t.Sranlitlcl. C,A: Stlntirrtl tinivcrsin' i)rc-ss. ,rlj,i tlt' l.rs l)olitrcr. Agrrri.r c lndige;n'. (..Lt.tJcttto:.-1,,rrrr,,... Nut,r.r F-1.,rcu. (-Nl'A (t9S-:).'L.r(loorrlinariom N:lciolt.ll Pl:rrrdc Avul.r'.Rcli.ittl dL la L'trtt,,:rstLl,td t r. l.,r: t J t-1. ()ttrt,ro. -1,tttr\ttotttt,lt Ertr.r -:: -1-s -i:. L.relr'.r.Eltcsto.erid(llt.rnt.ri\louttr 1l9S-;).17,.,1t'ru,,u1, aiirl.\rr,r,r/i-.1 Srrirttql .. 1i,tirli/.i (lNI']A (:oo-t). Ii'irrtr','iriosdc Ltr,ltt ln-It.it,t. Nlexrco Citr': lnstrttito N{.n':r. ].u ,i R,r,/i,,r1Dltto;rttii P,'1;tirs.J.ortdorr: \,'crso. (.ohen. (:ool). '(.orrrnrunirr'. Ecorrotrtr' :tnd Social (.lrrrnqc in ().rr1r'.r. -Tctll'cv firpcz C.irrllrr.r.Fr.ttrcisco (tr)6:\,. Lt [::rrLrrtrrtFiir,n,jlii,r SrrLrrilr/r' .1/r..vr'rrr r.1 J,r Nle-xico: I{urr1 I if c .rrrd (--oo1.srx1i1.-Loqic in thc (lloLral Econonl''. in 1, 'li',tttsiriort:.\i,'1r/r,'rill 11rr,i,r,,/r' 1.rRr.li'r',1,r. \llxrco: _\ig1oXXI Erlitore.. .J/r'.r'iroiir Gir'1r,r/i.,rrr,tirc .5r,rlcand (..iril So,icr;'.c.1. Clcr.rrrio \'l.irtirrr'2.SarrlLran:r. rrrtl Anne r\1.rneNlc:-eier- (:oor).'Lt Ilot. NIrttt-r,nntl.Srrr ()tcro. Lorrrlon: Zctl Liooks. ilr.rqo.li)ur.rjne. \::izqricz \,lont;Lllr,in:Ahorr \'-icntir lor \tr.d:rcjer-os ilcs:rflgi (iortsc.loiVlcric:rrro \oo Air()s clc l{esistcrrci.rIndi:r r l)opul.rr (199r). 1)ccl.rr.rciirn elc ios Z.rp.ttist;r\'.1);tr,t-irr I t(t, (ti Fci-.r.urrr'): cic I)rincilios r' ()Lr-jctrvos'.(.ttttilrttLrs Nrrt'r-r E;.r,c.t.t: tt--,r. -to -l+. --l,qirli,'-i. \lorr1ucclro. ('.rr: ,-'ldi,j.s ,r1 Cillirli-(r'ijirrlrr) L')llLttr,tti,t pLrlitia (iill..erto ), 1;,..1tttii,:1 lL l,t, l)i.tz-[)o]rrrco.Hlctor. :rrcl Lopcz v l{ivai (r994).'Frrurlrnrcntos rle l.is (-'l,i.i-i rrr c1.\l:.ii',r /?rrrir1.Nlcrrc. (litv: N,l.A. I)c,rnr:r.UAZ:rrrrl (-lr,ir/tnros ,.7; ,..1. SFL,..:oo4. Atttottorrti.rsl{cqiorr:llcs'. .-1.griir.irr-i.Nurr'.r Eg.61,i.\ r;; ()tero. (icrar-tlo (:oo4r). '(llobal Fcononrr-.Loc:il I)olitics: Incligcnous Strrrtglc:. l)i:rz-l)ol:rnco.Hi'ctor. rtrti (lonsriclo Srlnchcz (:oo-t). .111-r't,i,I)ilr.r:,rr: [:l Dt.harc (-ivil .rnd (.arttli,ttt Socictr' l)cnroclrc .r". _lottrtt,il,.i'11,/iri-,1/ siit,riit. r;(:). Itl l,t .ltiottnnti,r.Nl6rrco: Srskr XXI Etiitorcs. 4ro ItE(]I-AIN,lING TIIE I-ANI)

()tercr. (ierartlo. ctl. (:oo4b). -\./c.virr,ilr'liilntition:,\'r'1i1,r'nrl (,/i,|,r/irr1, tlrt Slttt' urd On'il .torir'/1,.11y,,,1,,rr: Zccl IJooks. ()tt-r'o, cicr:rrilt).ilrrd Ilcidi .Jugcuitz(:oo3).'(lh;rllcirgnq N.rtiol:rl []orilcrs li-6rrr Wit]rrrr:The [)olitic:rl-C.lassF()rnr:rtrot] of JndigerrousI)c,isrurts in L,rtinAlrcric;i . O,ut,r,litnI?{ 1,i.i/' ()1' .S,r-ii'[l$, tttd ,.,ltttltropolo.(),1o(j): 5oj r4. Notes on Contributors I).t

Arrnando Bartra is I)ircctor of thc Instituto clc Estuclios prrrl c1 L)es:rrrolk) Ma)'a. A.(1. Orisinallv trained in philosophr', hc has .lLttllorc(l ()l'('()-.ltltlt()rr'rl rrttr tlriltr'[.ook. ilt tle]d' tltttrtitt{ f-r,,ttt litelrrrv ess:rvs:urd pr)ctrv to lrrstorv anr'l soci:rl scicnccs. For thr-