Albany Creek Club Inc Issue 1-5 Volume 29 Summer Season 2019-2020

Henry Patrick Janelle Pais Mitchell Graham Full Season Cricketer Inaugural Female Cricketer Half Season Cricketer of the Year 2018-2019 of the Year 2018-19 of the Year 2018-19 Under 12 Night Hawks Under 13 Diamond Hawks Under 12 Sea Hawks

Welcome to our first Hawk Talk edition for 2019/2020. I would like to send a special welcome to all those new families with the Hawks this season. This year we have a record 38 teams playing from U8 through to our Open division which is U16 to U18. This season, as with last season, we have two half season competitions, a pre –Xmas and post Xmas competition. With these two separate competitions before and after Xmas, it will be possible for your team to win two competitions throughout the full season. After Xmas when some players go off to play for their schools, we will re-arrange teams to fill any vacancies. This is usually only for teams from U12 upwards. This year we will be again sending out the Hawk Talk electronically. This reduces costs and certainly takes a load off the time spent by our Editor, Eddie Mills. It also allows us more flexibility to highlight the various products of our very generous sponsors. Thank you to all those people who have volunteered to be coaches or managers. This season we only had to find a few new coaches, mostly in the younger age groups, which says a great deal about our retention rate. The parents of this club appreciate the work that is being done by these wonderful people and have every confidence in the way their children are being cared for. Remember parents that this is your club and any help that you can offer makes life easier for coaches/managers/scorers and club officials. We are all volunteers. On training nights, you can help out by being prompt when picking up children. Your team officials will not leave until all kids are collected so be considerate to them. On game days support your team and the opposition in a positive manner. Our children will model our behaviour. Winning humbly is as important as congratulating the opposition when they are successful. Scoring and umpiring can sometimes be very stressful so please help your team by being supportive of those who have put their hand up to do the tasks that provide games for your children. I would not like to see cricket as being a child- minding service on Saturday mornings. We have a new Treasurer this season in Leon Marais and already he has fitted in well. Thanks to Kathy Casey for all her admin work in getting coaches and managers set up as well as all the MyCricket duties which are necessary. I would like to thank all our committee people in advance for the great work which I know they provide this season. We welcome back Andrew Phan and his van to our Friday Night competition. He offers a delicious variety of coffees and hot chocolates as well as burgers, chips and toasted sandwiches. I would also like to thank the ACE Netball Club which has kindly allowed our club the use of their toilet facility for Friday night cricket. It is far too dangerous for our young cricketers to have to go over to the old clubhouse building with cars and poor lighting around those premises. Congratulations to our hard-working Registrar, John Murray who has successfully placed over 380 boys and girls into those 38 teams. We do have two All-girl teams in the BNJCA All-Girls competition. Please be prompt with the match reports and stats reports that you send into Kathy or Eddie. All our trophies at the end of the season are directly dependent on your match reporting. No stats = No trophies. I recommend that you support all the generous sponsors who make a significant contribution to our club and allow us to provide the excellent facilities and equipment to enable the players to achieve their playing potential.

Email: [email protected] Web:

President Vice President BNJCA Committee WCA Delegate SPSA Delegate Webmaster

Property Officer Warehouse Sub-committee Steve Casey Peter McFarlane 0418 878 212 0412 317 317

Secretary st Treasurer BNJCA 1 Zone Delegate Leon Marais Francois Basson 0423 339 262 0428 785 306

Club Statistician MyCricket Support Registrar – BNJCA Juniors Social Coordinator John Murray Kathy Casey 0427 577 837 3264 2163

Hawk Talk Editor WCA Coordinator and Registrar nd BNJCA 2 Zone Delegate Warehouse Sub-committee Michael Corrie MyCricket Support 0403 495 733 Eddie Mills 0409 491 682

Grounds Coordinator Warehouse Sub-committee Warren Stevens Barry McDougall 0425 227 532 0419 527 951

Friday Night Cricket Catering Hawks Patron

Geoff Dymock Greek on the Creek

The Hawks Committee would like to thank our long-time Treasurer Ray Frazer for his services and support of the club. Ray, you will be sorely missed by all of us and we are grateful for all you have done. Enjoy your retirement. The Sponsor’s Spin

We recognise the fantastic contributions of our valued sponsors. We have many businesses that sponsor our club and this has enabled us to provide a sport at a reasonable cost and at the same time to keep your club financially sound. Please express your appreciation for the sponsor’s contributions by using these businesses wherever possible.

On behalf of the Albany Creek Hawks Cricket Club we sincerely thank L.J. Hooker Albany Creek ACORSHE PesDev Group & Albany Creek McDonalds Audit & Tax Accountants Albany Creek Keith Dudgeon Cricket Specialist Laserzone Premier Cricket Simply Pest Control Zenith Promotions We look forward to all our sponsor’s continued support.

With much appreciated help from our sponsors, your club is able to provide you with an excellent standard of facilities at a comparatively low cost and we will strive to continue this in the future.

We sincerely thank Jason & Melinda Chandler of L.J. Hooker Albany Creek, our club shirt sponsor; Cassie & Corie Morrad of ACORSHE, our shirt sleeve sponsor and Michael Pescatore of PesDev Group & McDonalds Albany Creek, our Friday Night Cricket ‘Player of the Match’ sponsors for their valued support and hope that their businesses grow as a result of their association with the Albany Creek Hawks Cricket Club. The PesDev Group will provide a McDonalds $25 Family Meal Voucher for one Under 8 and one Under 9 player each week. The lucky recipients will be drawn after all matches have been completed on the night and the lucky winners will be announced the following Friday and receive their vouchers then.

Laserzone has provided Player of the Match Vouchers for each team to be issued by coaches every Friday night to players of their choice. Please keep our fields tidy and remove all rubbish at the end of training and matches, There are several rubbish bins placed around the net and field areas. This applies for all grounds used during the season, i.e. schools and opposition fields

Restrooms at all grounds are for everyone’s use and convenience. Please leave them in a tidy condition and report any issues to your team manager.

When entering the South Pine Sports Complex at any time, please travel at the signed speed limit for everyone’s safety, especially during night cricket when visibility is limited.

Please park only in designated parking spots and refrain from parking on lawns around the complex.

Please ensure that net and field lights are turned off at the end of training sessions. Non-club members can not utilise the lights at any times and the lock codes are made available to club coaches for Hawks members only .

We frequently find items left behind after matches or training. Please ensure to check your areas for any items before leaving the field. If you have left something behind you can email us on [email protected]. Generally any lost items are kept in our club canteen for a short period of time until claimed.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARENTS - TEAM PLACEMENT POLICY We do not grade players at Albany Creek Cricket Club. It is the policy of the club to attempt to place players according to the individual requests of the players. If no special requests are made, players will be placed in the appropriate age group. To make it simpler for existing players to register for the next season, we will provide pre-filled registration forms on our club sign-on weekend. Please note - the registration form and the club’s webpage form provides a special request section, so that parents can make requests for team placement as per examples: • Same team as last year • With Matthew Hayden • With players form ‘All Saints School’ Registrations are only accepted through MyCricket, including payment. If you wish to contact our Registrar, please email [email protected] Towards the end of each season we will publish the dates for next season’s sign-on weekend in the newsletter and on the club’s Webpage and Facebook page. We would also like to remind all parents to ensure that any changes in contact details are forwarded to the club to avoid missing out. Increasing player numbers each year make the administrative task of organising teams more difficult. At the beginning of each season our registrar invests a great deal of time reviewing all player requests before allocating players to individual teams. This commences on Sign-on weekend and continues over several weeks, with new registrations and late registrations coming in right until (and sometimes well after) the season’s first game. So please be sure about your special requests, it is extremely difficult to accommodate any late changes once the teams are formed. The process of sorting teams is long and involved and moving players around after teams have been formed creates a logistical nightmare, especially since we also have to work around a deadline for nominating teams to the Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association. We have in excess of 300 players to keep happy, therefore if registrations are not received before and by the sign-on dead- line, or the registrar is not advised of a player’s intent to return and preferred playing arrangements, special requests can only be met if there is room in the nominated team. From: The Albany Creek Cricket Club Committee

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Any Cricket Problems? All Committee phone numbers are listed on page 3: You have all had a little time to settle in and see how your team is going. Are there any problems? Please don’t think now that the season has started that you are on your own. Phone and talk to any committee member or alternatively, approach your coach and we will try and fix what we can. Helmet Policy It is club policy that all Batsmen MUST wear a helmet when batting. -Keepers MUST wear a helmet if keeping up close to the stumps, regardless of the style of bowling. This is a Cricket Australia and Brisbane North Junior Cricket Associ- ation rule and as such non-negotiable. NO HELMET—NO PLAY!! Batting Gloves Protectors Zone Rules 2.2 (d), (e), (f), (g) & (h) require ALL players to wear protection when batting - helmets, pads and gloves are available in each team kit. All players are issued with a personal protector when registering and MUST use them. Safety - Wet & Cold Playing cricket can be extremely hot, so please ensure that player safety is a priority when deciding on the need to leave the field for a spell or not. It is important to ensure that all players apply sunscreen before the match and re-apply during every break. Players should wear a wide-brimmed hat and take regular drink breaks throughout the innings. In the event of rain consider player safety when assessing the field conditions to avoid slipping and dangerous play. Do not commence the match if the oval is deemed unsafe and wait for conditions to improve or make a decision to possibly abandon the match if necessary. DON’T PUT PLAYERS AT RISK!!!

Coach’s Responsibilities The coach runs the team. The coach is responsible for preparation of the players and control during the match. Batting and bowling orders are the coach’s responsibility. It is recommended that from U13 upwards, a is appointed to run the team, particularly when fielding. The Hawks expect ALL coaches to have a basic Level 1 Coaching Certificate. It is the coach’s responsibility to enforce the club’s helmet policy and ensure that players wear all protective equipment as outlined above.

Manager’s Responsibilities The manager assists the coach with the team administration. The manager should ensure that rostered parents are available to attend canteen duties (as required), act as umpires, scorers and generally assist players and team management throughout the game and training, i.e. organising batsmen to get ready. Managers are responsible for the publication and recording of match results and team statistics. U8 to U10 match abstracts are to be emailed to our statistician directly, U11 to Open Divisions must enter their match stats into the MyCricket online database. Under 11 to Open managers will also forward player of the round nominations to BNJCA as outlined in the coach’s/manager’s manual. At the end of the season, there are three trophies awarded for each team: 1. Batting Award 2. Bowling Award 3. Coach’s Award

In the past there has been some confusion as to how the winners of these trophies are determined. Set out below are the basic guidelines used to determine the winners: 1. The is always decided first. The best average is used to determine the winner in senior grades [U11 – U16] while the junior grades [U8 – U10] are determined by the best aggregate total {unless there is a draw, in which case averages will be used to determine the winner]. For senior grades, this player MUST have played in 50% or more of the team matches and be in the top 50% of run scorers (see below for an example of how the top 50% of run scorers are determined).

2. The is decided next. [The winner of the Batting Award is not eligible for this award.] Again, the best average is used to determine the winner in senior grades [U11 – U16] while the junior grades [U8 – U10] are determined by the best aggregate total {unless there is a draw, in which case averages will be used to determine the winner]. For senior grades, this player MUST have played in 50% or more of the team matches and be in the top 50% of wicket takers (see below for an example of how the top 50% of run scorers are determined). 3. The last award decided is the . [The winners of the Batting or Bowling Awards are not eligible for this award.] This award is decided by the Coach and may be given for any reason what so ever. For example, the Coach may decide to award it to a player who may not have been amongst the best batters or bowlers but had displayed a great attitude towards the game, his team and his coach, both on match day and at training.

The Batting Average is calculated by dividing the number of times the batter has been out into the total runs scored for the season e.g. 125 runs divided by 5 “outs” will give an average of 25.0. The is calculated by dividing the number of taken by the bowler into the number of runs scored against. e.g. 100 runs against divided by 5 wickets will give an average of 20.0. Top 50% of Run Scorers or Wicket Takers To determine the top 50% of run scorers or wicket takers, the team is sorted from highest run scorer or wicket taker to lowest run scorer or wicket taker. The top half of these are then eligible for the batting or bowling award. For example, to determine the batting trophy for a senior team that has 12 players, the players will be sorted from the highest to the lowest batting aggregate for the season. The top 6 run scorers (50% of the number of players in the team) will then be reviewed and the one with the best average will be the winner (provided they have played in the requisite number of games). A similar process would be used to determine the bowling trophy winner for a senior team.

From the Desk of Kathy Casey

Congratulations to the following players who have received a place in the history of the Albany Creek Cricket Club. These acknowledgements are for the performances achieved in the Junior Cricket U8 to Open Division Grades.


B Dhruv Chaudhari Open Eagle Hawks 750 Runs Congratulations to the A Taylor McKeon U14 Sea Hawks 750 Runs following players who had amazing performances: T Mia Croucamp U13 Diamond Hawks 500 Runs

T Mitchell Graham U13 Sea Hawks 500 Runs Century:

I Nell Schoeman U13 Eagle Hawks 250 Runs MITCHELL GRAHAM N Noah Langley U13 Falcon Hawks 250 Runs Under 13 Sea Hawks G Sakith Paranavithana U11 Sea Hawks 250 Runs 118 n.o.

Neel Kulkarni U10 Grey Hawks 250 Runs Half-Century: Tom Martin U9 Black Hawks 250 Runs TAYLOR MCKEON

B Arvin Anand U10 Grey Hawks 20 Wickets Under 14 Sea Hawks O Sam Patrick U13 Night Hawks 20 Wickets 73 n.o.

W Mitchell Graham U13 Sea Hawks 20 Wickets HENRY PATRICK L Aryan Unni U9 Green Hawks 10 Wickets Under 13 Night Hawks I Thomas Barden U10 Green Hawks 10 Wickets 65 runs

N Kyle Dixon Open Eagle Hawks 10 Wickets KARA BRADLEY G Under 13 Diamond Hawks

55 n.o.


Under 13 Sea Hawks

54 n.o.

Throughout the season I prepare almost 400 certificates, so in the rush of the moment, I am bound to get some details wrong. Please let me know if there is a problem with a certificate and I will re-issue it with the correct details. I know how important it is to have the correct name for the player and the team they play in, it’s a simple thing to fix.

2 1 / 0 9 / 2 0 1 9 JACK AINSWORTH - 69 WCA B1 vs Rebel Tourists

DEAN HARBOUR - 5/8 Sub Districts B2 vs Moggill

28/09 & 05/10/2019 ANDREW BEIGHTON - 71 Sub Districts B2 vs Ashgrove

DARREN MCKEON - 69 Sub Districts B2 vs Ashgrove

MARTIN RAADSCHELDERS - 64 Sub Districts B2 vs Wellington Point

BRAD ELLIOTT - 61 WCA B1 vs North Spartans

ADAM KEATON - 57 WCA B1 vs North Spartans

DANE BUTLER - 6/30 WCA B1 vs North Spartans

JAMES LAING - 5/12 WCA C1 vs Macgregor

WCA Cricket Player’s Player Award for the Girl’s Competition TRINITY ROHL - Under 11 Sapphire Hawks

Batting Awards JAMES YOUNG - Under 13 Sea Hawks DANIEL O’CONNOR - Under 15 Falcon Hawks

Bowling Awards DUSTIN PAVEY - U13 Sea Hawks RYAN FISHER - U15 Eagle Hawks NATHAN BROWN - Senior Saturday A3

Winter 2019 Premiership Teams

UNDER 13 SEA HAWKS Coach: Joel Gooding Manager: Glenn Armstrong

UNDER 15 FALCON HAWKS Coach: Andrew Francey Manager: Maria Pembroke Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1 Page 12

Cricket Trivia

1. Several bowlers have taken hattricks in post-war Ashes Tests. is one of them, who hasn’t on the list below? A. Mitchell Johnson B. Glenn McGrath C. Darren Gough D. Peter Siddle

2. The first cricket test match was played by Australia against England in Melbourne March 1877. Was this labelled at the time as the first official Ashes Test? A. YES B. NO

3. ‘The Australians came down like a wolf on the fold, the Marylebone stars for a trifle were bowled. Our Grace before dinner, was very soon done and Grace after dinner, didn’t get a run.’ Published in the London Punch in 1878. Following this scathing comment in reply to England’s poor performance, what happened afterwards that supposedly signalled the ‘Death’ of English cricket? A. English Captain and Selectors were sacked B. English Players were stripped of professional status C. Spectators invaded the field D. Mock Obituary published in the ’Sporting Times’

4. The 1993 opening ashes test id remembered for Shane Warne’s dream to dismiss Mike Gatting. Another spinner made his test debut that match and took 6 wickets in the 1st Innings. Who is he? A. B. Phil Tufnell C. Tim May D. Peter Such

5. Where do the actual Ashes in their urn call home? A. The Bank of England B. Cricket Australia HQ C. The Tower of London D. The Lord’s Cricket Ground

6. Cricket and sledging have a very long history between Australian and English combatants. Which Australian Captain caused a stir by reading a newspaper on the field during an English innings. He is fondly known as the ‘Big Ship’. A. WW Armstrong B. AR Border C. DG Bradman D. AL Hassett 7. England’s tour under the leadership of Douglas Jardine to Australia in 1932 will forever be remembered for controversial tactics and this well-known quote: ‘There are two teams out there and one of them is trying to lay cricket.’ What was the tactic named? A. The Chinaman B. Underarm C. Bodyline D. Stump-lobbers

8. The sporting rivalry between Australia and England is fierce at all times. Name the batsman who defied the odds and batted with a broken jaw in Australia’s 2nd Innings during the 1977 , not an Ashes test? A. Ian Davies B. Kerry O’Keefe C. Gary Cosier D. Rick McCosker

9. Name the captain for the 1989 ashes tour of England. He instructed his players to ‘get mean’ and banned families from joining the team on tour until the ashes were secured. A. Steve Waugh B. David Boon C. Mark Taylor D. 10. Following the 2005 ashes victory, one of the English cricketers was awarded with an MBE (Member of British Empire) medallion by the Queen? A. TRUE B. FALSE

Answers on Back Page

All coaches, managers, captains and anyone else with delegated responsibility for players, are instructed to exercise extreme caution during thunderstorms. The 30/30 rule is to be applied: (a) if lightning and thunder are separated by a period of less than 30 seconds, the lightning is close enough to be a threat. You are to leave the field or training area immediately and seek shelter in a building or motor vehicle – not under trees. (b) A period of 30 minutes should elapse before play is resumed, that is, after seeing the last lightning flash, wait 30 minutes before leaving shelter. If during this time lightning is again observed, contrary to the 30/30 rule, the 30 minutes will start again. (c) Common sense should also prevail and caution must be exercised. If lightning is observed in your vicinity, leave the field. Do not hesitate to take the initiative and lead your players off if the opposition and/or umpires do not agree. This regulation applies to all junior and senior matches. Safety of all involved is paramount and not negotiable.

All Players are expected to wear full cricket whites, including cricket shoes and their Baggy Red Cap. Coaches and Managers should wear their club shirts. Teams should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their allocated time to avoid long wait times. Unfortunately we can not wait for any late comers. The photos will be taken in the AFL Club House meeting room facing the South Field. The cost for the photo is included in the annual registration fee. Scheduled Photo Times Don’t be late!!!! Under 8 5.00 pm Under 9 5.20 pm Thursday Under 10 5.40 pm 24th Under 11 6.10 pm Oct Under 12 6.35 pm Under 13 6.50 pm Under 14 7.05 pm Under 15 7.15 pm Open Division 7.15 pm

Photos will be available for collection at the last committee meeting before the Christmas Break. Page 17 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Saturday 21/09/2019

WAREHOUSE B1 21/09/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 119 Rebel Tourists 2/123 Batting: JACK AINSWORTH 69 Barry McDougall 12 Blake Kennedy 12 Bowling: Blake Kennedy 1/5 Wet Weather Lincoln Jones 1/16 Information is Scott Macdonnell 0/11 posted on Fielding: 2x catches to Barry McDougall Facebook, so don’t forget to ... Coach / Manager: Barry McDougall

WAREHOUSE B2 21/09/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 6/130 Pine Rivers 128 Albany Creek Coach / Manager: Michael Hinze Hawks

Brisbane North WAREHOUSE C1 Junior Cricket 21/09/2019 1st Inn Association Albany Creek Vs 115 St Pauls Magpies 4/249 Warehouse Batting: Samuel Young 24 Cricket Association Jack Edwards 18 Rowan Donohue 13 Bowling: Josh Baker-Evans 2/53 Mitchell Hanlon 1/21 Samuel Young 1/34 Your Team Fielding: Catches to Rowan Donohue, James Laing, Coach or Samuel Young Team Manager will notify you of Coach / Manager: David O’Rourke any cancellations as soon as possible, once the notification has been received. Page 18 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

SUB-DISTRICTS B2 21/09/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 3/118 Moggill 9/117 Batting: Martin Raadschelders 48* Darren McKeon 22 Andrew Beighton 15 Dean Harbour 10* Daniel Brown 10 Bowling: DEAN HARBOUR 5/8 Shane Brosnan 2/13 Logan Otto 1/14 Fielding: Catches to Colin Otto (2), Corie Morrad Coach / Manager: Colin Otto

Saturday 28/09/2019

SUB-DISTRICTS B2 28/09/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 7/149 Wellington Point 95 Batting: MARTIN RAADSCHELDERS 64 Darren McKeon 29 Andrew Beighton 14 Bowling: Andrew Beighton 3/5 Corie Morrad 2/17 Jamie Croon 2/21 Fielding: Catches to Martin Raadschelders (2), Brodie Crouch, Casey McFarlane, Shane Brosnan, Darren McKeon Coach / Manager: Colin Otto Page 19 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Saturday 28/09 & 05/10/2019

WAREHOUSE B1 28/09 & 05/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 256 North Spartans 87 57 Batting: BRAD ELLIOTT 61 ADAM KEATON 57 Jack Ainsworth 43 Bowling: DANE BUTLER 6/30 Scott Macdonnell 3/35 Brad Elliott 2/3 Blake Kennedy 2/3 Fielding: Catches to Barry McDougall (2), Scott Macdonnell (2), Jeff Dorling, Joseph Brombal, Tristan Erasmus


WAREHOUSE B2 28/09 & 05/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 136 7/120dec Nundah United 136 4/37 Coach/Manager: Michael Hinze Page 20 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

WAREHOUSE C1 28/09 & 05/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 181 18 Macgregor Mongrels 91 107 Batting: Thomas Lindenmayer 37 Jack Edwards 23 9* Thomas Albury 22 3 Bowling: JAMES LAING 5/12 Samuel Young 3/37 4/25 David O’Rourke 4/5 Fielding: Catches to Rowan Donohue (4), Jack Edwards (3), Thomas Albury (2), Samuel Young, David O’Rourke, Jamie Arnold

Coach/Manager: David O’Rourke

Saturday 05/10/2019

SUB-DISTRICTS B2 05/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 5/186 Ashgrove 9/188 Batting: ANDREW BEIGHTON 71 DARREN MCKEON 69 Daniel Brown 16 Bowling: Andrew Beighton 3/37 Corie Morrad 2/7 Darren McKeon 2/35 Fielding: Catches to Colin Otto, Casey McFarlane, Kyle Millard, Nathan Brown, Shane Brosnan, Andrew Beighton Coach / Manager: Colin Otto Page 21 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Friday 11/11/2019

All Matches washed-out

Saturday 12/10/2019

UNDER 10 RED HAWKS 12/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 6/96 Everton Gold 0/14 Batting: Kaiden 22 Tom 15 Charlie 12 Connor 12 Bowling: Connor 0/7 Ryan 0/7 GAME REPORT: We were lucky that we all got a bat before the rain set in and the match was abandoned. It was great to see our new players Mitchell, Connor and Ryan, fit into the team and enjoy themselves. Let hope that we get better weather this weekend! Coach / Manager: Paul Deem / Simon Wedgwood

UNDER 10 WHITE HAWKS 12/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 86 Toombul Blue 142 Batting: Lewis 9 Marcus 9 Coby 6 Bowling: Riley 1/33 Declan 1/18 Eamon 0/15 Fielding: 1 catch to Hudson GAME REPORT: The weather gods tested us this week. After an overnight downpour we got a break and pushed on with the game. After no training this week it was the White Hawks first go on the new type of pitch and they did really well. As the game progressed they adapted well to the new conditions. A great first game by Lewis and Declan both taking wickets. Good work White Hawks, we are going to have a fun season. Coach / Manager: Paul Cloherty Page 22 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Friday 18/10/2019

UNDER 8 BLACK HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek U8 Grey Hawks Batting: Oliver McKellar 12 Cooper Carson 12 Darcey Cozzi-Delaney 12 Bowling: Oliver McKellar 2/10 Cooper Carson 1/13 Lachlan Savage 0/14 Fielding: Great fielding performance from all players GAME REPORT: What a great start to the season. Some excellent bowling from Oliver and great batting from Cooper C, Darcey and Oliver. Lots of fun was had in the field this week. Man of the Match went to George. Well done boys and lets go again next week. Coach / Manager: Cameron Rigby & Vanessa Out

UNDER 8 BLUE HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Green Hawks Batting: Max Martin 11 Sebastian Element 10 Charlie Wallace 9* Bowling: Eddie Suhr 1/6 Lewis Robertson 1/6 Nakiea Helion-Elliott 1/11 GAME REPORT: The teams were excited for their first match of the season after the 1st week washout. Both teams played with good spirit, and a great night was had by all.

Coach / Manager: Thomas Randall Page 23 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 8 GREEN HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Blue Hawks Batting: Thomas Holder 14 Sam Price 12 Sophie Price 11 Bowling: Thomas Holder 3/12 Lincoln Clark 2/8 Jarvis Cook 1/6 Sam Price 1/6 GAME REPORT: A great first game for the Under 8 Green Hawks. For most of the kids this was their first game of cricket and they showed great concentration to get all the way through to a late finish. Player of the day went to Sophie Price for some outstanding play and shouldering some extra workload of running at the end of the innings. Looking forward to seeing how they progress for the rest of the season and see if we can find the next Albany Creek great! Coach / Manager: Carl Holder

UNDER 8 GREY HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Black Hawks Batting: Patrick Lead 17* Harry Cooper 17* Lucas Quinn 16* Bowling: Lucas Quinn 2/7 Amitaj Singh 1/11 Mateo Enriquez 1/12 Fielding: 2 run outs each to Sanjot Dhaliwal with direct hits and Lucas Quinn. An overall enthusiastic fielding and bowling performance. GAME REPORT: A really good start to the season and the kids had so much fun. Patrick, Harry, Mateo and Lucas batted very well. All the team had good day in the field.

Coach / Manager: Josh Cooper / Sandeep Dhaliwal Page 24 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 8 RED HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek White Hawks Batting: Abel Langley 15 Nicholas Whiting 14 Bowling: Oliver Nash 1/8 Callum Greene 1/9 Fielding: run outs – Cael Burke x 2 Nick Whiting x 1 Levi Ingram x1 GAME REPORT: Great start to a new season with a bunch of eager young cricketers. For the majority, it was their first game and their performance far exceeded expectation. The longer grass made the boundary a bit too far to reach however the running between wickets was excellent. Fantastic bowling by everyone helped the game run nice and smooth. Coach / Manager: Matt Langely

UNDER 8 WHITE HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Red Hawks Batting: Saxon Olsen 17 Nic Cottam 12 Cooper Weatley 12 Bowling: Luke Jensen 1/10 Connor Marsh 1/13 Cooper Weatley 0/7 Fielding: Catches to Cooper Weatley (2), Tom Simmons, Nate Stokes Coach / Manager: EJ Olsen / Adam Stokes Page 25 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 9 BLACK HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Green Hawks Batting: Tom Martin 28 Kai Herd 20 Aiden Ingram 13 Bowling: Tom Martin 3/13 Micaiah Newsome 1/6 Fletcher Out 1/14 Fielding: One runout each to Micaiah Newsome and Aiden Ingram. GAME REPORT: An enthusiastic start to the season by the boys. Tom Martin had a great game with the bat and ball mak- ing him Man of the Match. Micaiah Newsome bowled well, his first over ended with a caught and bowled which made it a wicket maiden. Coach/Manager: Jonathan Thompson/Peter Ingram

UNDER 9 GREEN HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Black Hawks Batting: Aryan Unni 30 Parker James 23 Eli Tunguy-Desmarais 16 Bowling: Flynn Smith 2/1 Parker James 1/10 Harry Ripp 1/17 Fielding: A great catch from Parker James as well as a run out from Eli helped show how well the boys worked together in the field tonight. GAME REPORT: With three new players in the team, it was great to see all 8 players contributing with the bat and in the field. A really good effort for the first game ever for Lucas, Harry and Mannraj. Congratulations to Aryan on hitting a six and top scoring. A special mention also to Flynn Smith taking 2 wickets for 1 run – a huge improvement from this time last year. Coach / Manager: Richard & Siobhan James Page 26 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 9 GREY HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Red Hawks Batting: Parker 24 Param 9 James 22 Bowling: Baxter 1/4 Owen 1/17 Jayden 0/5 Fielding: Jayden run-out GAME REPORT: Grey Hawks won the toss and decided to bat first setting a total. Excellent calling and subsequent running between the wickets was a standout highlight. Adding to this our 2 new players James (4) and Parker (6) hit boundaries off their first ball of outdoor cricket!! With the ball in the field, the boys played like seasoned pros. They backed up the throws and supported the bowler by throwing their body at everything. Nice bowling from Baxter to take 1 for 4 off 2 overs, he got straight back to his terrorizing pace from last season.

Coach: Brett Hunter/ Brett Morrison

UNDER 9 RED HAWKS 18/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Grey Hawks Coach / Manager: Martin Raadschelders Page 27 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Saturday 19/10/2019

UNDER 10 BLACK HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 83 St Paul’s Red 106 Batting: Charlie 13 Noel 12 Sam 9 Bowling: James 2/7 Noel 1/7 Sam 1/14 Fielding: Charlie 2 x runouts GAME REPORT: 1st game of the season and the boys all did really well. We batted first and It was tough conditions with a wet ball and on a brand new synthetic pitch proving difficult to bat on. That being said they kept their heads up and battled through. Great to have all the new players enjoying themselves with NOEL earning our player of the game. Coach / Manager: Chris McGill / Craig McPherson

UNDER 10 BLUE HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Green Hawks Coach / Manager: Brent Crooks

UNDER 10 GREEN HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 131 Albany Creek Blue Hawks 135 Batting: Ryan 18 Alex 14 Lachlan 12 Bowling: Thomas 4/10 Harvey 2/17 Fielding: Jordan & Harvey 2 catches, Ethan, Lachlan and Ruben 1 catch. GAME REPORT: Excellent bowling and fielding effort with the team being able to take all their catches. Batting was hard going as the boys get used to the conditions and bigger out- field. A great effort from all the boys.

Coach / Manager: Angus Flett / James Barden Page 28 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 10 GREY HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 4/106 Toombul Grey 9/111 Batting: Jake Hanlon 12 Neel Kulkarni 10 Max Rogers 9 Bowling: Arvin Anand 3/17 Jake Hanlon 2/10 Fielding: Runout to Max Rogers and Tanish Mehta and a great catch by Neel Kulkarni. GAME REPORT: Great first game by the Grey Hawks. Bowling from entire team was impressive. With a great batting, bowling and fielding performance, Arvin was player of the match.

Coach / Manager: Matt & Jenny Hanlon

UNDER 10 RED HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Toombul Silver Coach / Manager: Paul Deem / Simon Wedgwood

UNDER 10 WHITE HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 132 Toombul Black 123 Batting: Coby Weir 18* Marcus Strelow 13* Eamon Hay 13* Bowling: Eamon Hay 4/7 Marcus Strelow 3/5 Coby Weir 2/12 Coach / Manager: Paul Cloherty Page 29 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 11 SAPPHIRE HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Valley Ruby 68 Bowling: Addison Edkins 2/11 Charlotte Turton 2/12 Lilly Cowan 0/7 Coach / Manager: Timothy Newsome

UNDER 11 EAGLE HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 99 St Patricks Green Batting: Jack O’Sullivan 28 Nicholas Lawrence 24 Mitchell Ring 23 GAME REPORT: The Eagle Hawks batted first to only make it until 13.5 overs before the rain gods come down again. Match was abandoned due to rain. Sad way to start the year. Let’s hope Week 3 will be a full game.

Coach / Manager: John Ring / Darren Coleman

UNDER 11 FALCON HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Hawks Coach / Manager: Martin Willemse / Jason Manttan

UNDER 11 HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs Albany Creek Falcon Hawks Coach / Manager: Frank Hogan / Kylie Watson Page 30 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1


19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 98 Redcliffe Cyclones 105 Batting: Riley Johnson 17 Aidan Bowers 16 Shoni Pyne 11 Bowling: Shoni Pyne 1/8 Lucas Johnson 1/15 Aidan Bowers 0/7 Fielding: A tough day in a wet and slippery field for both Teams. Good scrambling by the Night Hawks restricted Redcliffe to very few boundaries and only 77 runs, however a couple of missed chances saw the Night Hawks only take the 2x wickets in the field. Lucas Johnson and Shoni Pyne removing the bails with good line and length, Aidan and Riley also bowling well. Bailey and Toby kept well in difficult conditions. GAME REPORT: Black Hawks won the toss and elected to bat. Hawks assembled a good total of 90 runs but gave up too many wickets (7) in getting there. Strong batting by the top 3 with Riley hitting a terrific 6 to take the wet ground out of play! Aidan Bowers’ economic bowling, strong batting and tidy fielding combined to hand him the Man of the Match Award Coach / Manager: Vance Pyne / Ross Hosking

UNDER 11 SEA HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 6/98 The Lakes Knights Red 3/146 Batting: Tyson Hulcombe 23 Harini Paranavithana 13* Rowhan Relan 10 Bowling: Sakith Paranavithana 2/10 Noah Webb 1/10 Tyson Hulcombe 0/15 Fielding: All players were enthusiastic in their fielding efforts, putting pressure on the batters and often preventing the oppo- sition from taking a second or third run. Zechariah was noted as having to cover a lot of distance out on the boundary at third man, long on and long off. GAME REPORT: It was an enjoyable start to the season, even though it was a rain interrupted game, which we finished a few overs early due to nearby lightning storms. Good coordination from the siblings, Harini and Sakith, meant that a lot of quick singles were scored by that batting partnership. Tyson top scored with 23, even though he faced some tight bowling. Sakith and Noah were our wicket takers, with two batters bowled out, and one caught behind by Harini. Coach / Manager: Gavin Hulcombe / Ryan Webb Page 31 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 12 HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 8/75 Wilston-Norths Black 5/156 Batting: Abhey Dhaliwal 10 Dean Wright 6 Max Crawford 6 Bowling: Harrison Baker 1/12 Max Crawford 1/14 Jacob Contarini 1/18 Fielding: Ollie, Ed, Hunter, Abhey, Dean GAME REPORT: Well done to the boys, many of whom playing their first ever game, and to the whole team for getting together for the first time. Difficult batting against a pretty good team, with only Harry and Dean having lengthy stays at the crease to each retire their innings. Remember that time at the crease means more runs through all those extras that add up in this age group! We clearly need to work harder on protecting our stumps while batting, with 5 of us getting out bowled! Special shout out to Caleb, who took a wicket with his very first ball, and Ollie’s direct hit from side on (which I gave not-out in a benefit of the doubt moment favouring the batsman!) Hopefully we all learnt that little bit more about playing the game and we can show improvement each week, as well as having some fun. Let’s keep it up for the rest of the season. Go Hawks! Coach / Manager: Michael Baker

UNDER 13 DIAMOND HAWKS 19/10/2019 1st Inn Albany Creek Vs 3/224 Ferny Red 9/83 Batting: KARA BRADLEY 55* Mia Croucamp 30* Janelle Pais 24* Bowling: Janelle Pais 3/11 Caitlin Pitt 2/7 Mia Croucamp 2/27 Fielding: 2 runouts by Trinity Rohl, and one each for Mia, Reagan and Sarah. Catches to Sarah, Reagan and caught and bowled to Mia. GAME REPORT: The Diamond’s innings got off to a rapid start with Kara scoring 55 off 16 deliveries. The innings continued with a good alround batting performance taking the total to 3/197 from 21 overs. The bowling and fielding performance was entertaining including 5 runouts, 3 catches and 4 batters bowled. A very good all-round performance. Coach / Manager: Jose Pais / Marcus Bigault Page 32 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

Saturday 12 & 19/10/2019

UNDER 12 EAGLE HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 78 Toombul Blue 5/273 Batting: Mitchell Wallis 8 Samuel Finlay 8 J Brind 8 Bowling: Harry Cook 1/11 Sean Lavery 1/17 Hayden Wiltshire 1/25 Fielding: Catch to Mitchell Wallis, Jack McCormick

Coach/Manager: Adam Brind / Darren Wiltshire

UNDER 12 FALCON HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 5/143 Sandgate-Redcliffe Kent 4/72 Batting: Louis Marais 25* Thomas Quine 17 Eshaan Raman 13 Bowling: Joshua Brown 2/3 Thomas Quine 1/11 Joshua Prince 0/1 Fielding: Maiden overs for Joshua P (3), Joshua Brown (2) and Eshaan (1). Very tight bowling and fielding publicised by the boys; with a run out by Eshaan, Joshua P had a catch and stumping by Louis. MATCH REPORT: With the start of the season being a typical QLD weather (can’t complain as we need the rain), the following week com- menced on a ONE Day play. Falcon Hawks won by 71 runs. Exceptional start to the season!!! The boys were keen to hit the ground running and have crystalized together to form the beginnings of a cohesive team. We look forward to a challenging season with countless cricket-ship being exhibited by these dedicated players. Well done on the first game of the season and many more to come…… Coach/Manager: Leon Marais / Jose Pais / Mani Raman Page 33 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 12 KITTY HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 1/109 Wilston-Norths Purple 9/129 Batting: Jett Snow 17 Andy Klein 16* Levi Tweddell 12* Bowling: Jim Grecian 1/4

Fielding: Catch to Jim Grecian (2)and 1x Run-Out

Coach/Manager: Matt Gould / Craig Grecian

UNDER 12 SEA HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 5/81 Wilston-Norths Yellow 9/79 Batting: Mitchel Lazarus 13* Tyler Sullivan 10* Grant Holmes 8 Bowling: Jude Lee 2/5 Ekaluvya Merchant 2/8 Harrison Martin 1/2 Fielding: Run-out to Jake Lennon; Stumping to Luke Crook

Coach/Manager: Rod Lennon / Neerja Merchant

UNDER 13 EAGLE HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 4/133 Valley Silver 9/92 Batting: Samuel Caddy-Welsh 18* Cooper Ruthenberg 18* Flynn Zahra 15* Bowling: Mitchell Hartshorn 3/12 Flynn Zahra 1/3 Levi Niven 1/11 Fielding: Nell Schoemann Jr 1 catch; Liam Neill 1 run-out; Levi Niven 1 run-out MATCH REPORT: A good start to the season with some solid batting displayed by our top order by not losing a wicket until the 15th over. On a very overcast day and a slow outfield some great batting by Flynn, Sam and Cooper set us up with a very competitive total. Well done to Mitchell with his 3 wickets to help restrict the opposition to 92 but it could have been a lot lower if we took all our run out and catching chances. Looking forward to a good season ahead. Coach/Manager: Neil Holmes / James Caddy Page 34 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 13 FALCON HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 8/130 Toombul Black 3/179 Batting: Jack Stent 36* Angus Durkin 34* Noah Langley 30* Bowling: Jack Stent 2/12 Jett Barker 1/4 Luke Sentance 1/6 Fielding: Noah Langley 1 x catch and 1 x RO GAME REPORT: With 18 from the first two overs the Falcon Hawks did an excellent job in keeping the Toombul side to a total of 130 from their full 26 overs. The bowlers worked well in pairs with Jack being well supported in the field to snag his first 2 weeks of the season. Jett kept things tight with only 4 coming from his 3 overs and taking the bails off the stumps with his magical off spin. A massive shout to Rudrodipto for getting his first wicket for the Falcons Hawks. As one of the new Falcons Rudrodipto smashed the stumps over and was swamped by his team mates in celebration at the centre of the wicket. At the break the clouds started to form, and with rain falling, Jack, Angus and Noah smashed the ball to all corners with Jack getting the honour of first 6 of the season with the team reaching the Toombul score in the 17th over. Some solids cover drives by Luke S at the death brought the Falcons home with 179 runs with the loss of only 3 wickets. A brilliant start to the season and some great new friendships being formed. Coach/Manager: Matt Langley / Wayne Sentance

UNDER 13 HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 1/159 Albany Creek Sea Hawks 6/229 Batting: Thomas Lawrence 46 Eliah Browning 39 Jayden Bijumon 37 Bowling: Thomas Lawrence 2/18 Eliah Browning 2/19 Jaydn Bijumon 1/5 Fielding: Catches to Wicket Keeper Sriram, Eliah and Jayden MATCH REPORT: Great start from the boys for the shortened first match of the season. After being put into field we bowled well keeping it tight. The opposition managed to dominate the middle of the game with our boys finishing strongly. An excellent catch by Sriram as wicket keeper for the first wicket and Thomas knocking the stumps over with his first ball. Thanks to Cameron and Elijah for turning up to support the boys. Coach/Manager: Darren Potts / Pete Melloy

Page 35 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 13 NIGHT HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 5/176 The Lakes Knights Blue 80 Batting: HENRY PATRICK 65 Sam Patrick 43 Andy Corrie 21 Bowling: Sam Patrick 2/4 Henry Patrick 2/13 Declan Kenwrick 2/14 Fielding: Catches to Andy Corrie, Jack Meehan, Declan Kenwrick; Run-outs to Henry Patrick, Jack Meehan; Stumpings to Henry Patrick, Sean van Breda MATCH REPORT: Man of the Match—Declan Kenwrick

Coach/Manager: Rod Shaw / Ross Duncan / Dean Wiseman

UNDER 13 SEA HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 6/229 Albany Creek Hawks 1/159 Batting: MITCHELL GRAHAM 118* ZAC ROGERS 54* Sam Lowe 10 Bowling: Mitchell Graham 1/10 Sam Lowe 0/0 Spencer Rainbird 0/12 MATCH REPORT: The Sea Hawks got off to a great start to the season with a strong all round performance. The performance was led by Mitchell Graham who scored 118 and bowled for 1/10 off 2 overs. While there were small rain interruptions during the one day game, the boys pulled together a great performance. It was excellent to see the two Albany Creek teams enjoy their innings and the sportsmanship between the teams was also outstanding.

Coach/Manager: Paul Gillett / Luke Cruwys

Page 36 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

UNDER 14 EAGLE HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs Valley Purple Coach/Manager: Frank Hogan / Nathan Finn

UNDER 14 SEA HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 138 Valley Orange 135 Batting: TAYLOR MCKEON 73* Simar Bhambra 18 Jack Smith 16* Bowling: Alex Duncan 1/3 Milan Reji Skaria 1/5 Simar Bhambra 1/10 Fielding: Catches to Danny Blessen. Simar Bhambra, Aysuh Nischel; Run-outs to Danny Blessen, Simar Bhambra, Milan Reji Skaria, Alex Duncan MATCH REPORT: Close won game to the Hawks.

Coach/Manager: Jeff McKeon

UNDER 15 SEA HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 2/140 Valley White 8/77 Batting: Ryan Pembroke 27 Hayden O’Connor 26* Lachlan Hartshorn 25* Bowling: Mitchell Buckley 2/4 Carter Simpson 1/2 Jude Kearney 1/8 Fielding: Catches to Jude Kearney, Hayden O’Connor; Run-Outs to Ryan Pembroke, Jude Kearney

Coach/Manager: Col & Kath Wade Page 37 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

OPEN EAGLE HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 7/106 Wilston-Norths Blue 8/117 Batting: Dhruv Chaudhari 37 Adam Basson 34* Ryan Fisher 10 Bowling: Kyle Dixon 3/9 Adam Basson 1/9 Ryan Fisher 1/17 Fielding: Catches to Adam (2), Brad, Dhruv, Sam and Ben

GAME REPORT: We won the toss and we opted to bat. The new outfield was very slow and resulted in a very low scoring game. Our bowling attack was disciplined with their length not giving away any easy points. Despite the result it was a great way to start the season, played with great sportsmanship.

Coach/Manager: Francois Basson

UNDER 15 FALCON HAWKS 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs The Lakes Knights Coach/Manager: Corie Morrad / Tracey Pearson Page 38 Hawk Talk: Summer 2019-20 - ISSUE 1

WAREHOUSE B1 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs 5/141 Mater Hill 93 Manager: Barry McDougall

WAREHOUSE B2 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs Ferny Districts Coach/Manager: Michael Hinze

WAREHOUSE C1 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs Mater Hill Manager: David O’Rourke

SUB-DISTRICTS B2 12 & 19/10/2019 1st Inn 2nd Inn Albany Creek Vs West Brisbane Manager: Colin Otto

Upcoming Events  Committee Meeting Thursday 7th November @7.30 pm - Hawks Nest  Team Photo Day - 24th October AFL Club House from 5.00 pm  Hawk Talk 2 on 21st November

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Odd Spot Answers 1 Glenn McGrath 2 No 3 Mock Obituary in paper 4 Peter Such 5 Lord’s Cricket Ground 6 WW Armstrong 7 Bodyline Any Changes, please email to let us know!! 8 Rick McCosker [email protected] 9 Allan Border 10 True