Profile of Daniel A. Haber
PROFILE PROFILE Profile of Daniel A. Haber Beth Azar, Science Writer Research oncologist Daniel Haber may not have wanted his life to be about doing something that was treated patients in years, but they are never far from larger than himself, something meaningful. That his mind. “When I started my MD/PhD program at was inspiring to me.” Haber’s mother had a suc- Stanford I thought I could be both a physician and a cessful career in financial investing. Haber and his researcher,” says Haber, director of the Massachusetts sister were raised in Paris until they moved to Ge- General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, where he also neva, Switzerland when Haber was 5 years old. The runs a cancer research laboratory. “But at some point family spoke French at home, although Haber’s the research became dominant in terms of my interest motherspokeFrenchandEnglishwithanequally and my ability. I tried to make up for it by directing my terrible Hungarian accent, quips Haber. By the research toward very clinically relevant questions.” time Haber reached high school, his English was Haber’s research focuses on using human genetics broken at best. That quickly changed when he enrolled to tackle cancer through early diagnosis and targeted in the English program at the International School of treatments. He was among the first to find targetable Geneva, where he excelled in science. genetic mutations that cause cancer, discovering a For college, Haber decided to explore his American roots and applied to the Massachusetts Institute of mutation in lung cancer that helped lay the foundation Technology, thinking he would study biomedical for widespread testing of cancers with treatable muta- engineering.
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