0507 Transcript Fighting Human Trafficking in Travel and Tourism
Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe: U.S. Helsinki Commission “Fighting Human Trafficking in Travel and Tourism: New Challenges and Solutions” Committee Members Present: Christopher Smith (R-NJ), Co-Chairman Committee Staff Present: Allison Hollabaugh Parker, General Counsel, Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe Participants: Michael “Mick” McKeown, Blue Campaign Executive Director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; Tracey Breeden, Director of Safety Communications, Uber; Nancy Rivard, Founder and President of Airline Ambassadors; Carol Smolenski, Executive Director, End Child Prostitution and Trafficking- USA (ECPAT-USA); Craig Kalkut, Vice President of Government Affairs, American Hotel & Lodging Association; Nick Shapiro, Global Head of Trust & Risk Management, Airbnb The Briefing Was Held From 3:02 p.m. To 4:19 p.m. in Room 485, Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., Allison Hollabaugh Parker, General Counsel, Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, presiding Date: Monday, May 7, 2018 Transcript By Superior Transcriptions LLC www.superiortranscriptions.com PARKER: Good afternoon. Thank you all for joining us this afternoon for this briefing hosted by the Helsinki Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe and by the Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus. My name is Allison Hollabaugh Parker. I’m general counsel for the Helsinki Commission as well as one of the coordinators for the Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus, both of which are co-chaired by Congressman Christopher Smith, who is with us today to open our briefing. Congressman Smith needs little introduction within trafficking circles. He has been fighting human trafficking for over two decades. He’s the author of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as well as its 2003 and 2005 reauthorizations, as well as the most recent reauthorization that passed the House of Representatives just last year in July called the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Act.
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