THE BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL SOUND ARCHIVE ‘playback’ PLAYBACK is the bulletin of the British Library National Sound Archive (NSA). It is published free of charge three playbacktimes a year, with information on the NSA’s current and future activities, and news from the world of sound archives and audio PLAYBACK: Editor Alan Ward, manager Production PLAYBACK:Alan Editor Richard Fairman, Layout Julie Rimmer preservation. Comments are welcome and should be addressed to the editor at the NSA. We have a special mailing list for PLAYBACK. Please write, phone, fax or e-mail us, or complete and send in the tear-off slip at the end of this issue (if you have not done so already) if you wish to receive future issues through the post. The National Sound Archive is one of the largest sound archives in the world and is based at the British Library’s new building at St. Pancras. For further information contact The British Library National Sound Archive 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB ISSN 0952-2360 Tel:020 7412 7440. Fax: 020 7412 7441 SPRING 2000 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Front cover photograph: Anne Evans and John Mitchinson in Smetana’s ‘Dalibor’ at English National Opera 1976. Photo: Donald Southern 24 NATIONAL SOUND ARCHIVE what’s happening of early recordings from her region, Dr Tatyana Roon from the Sakhalin Regional Museum, Russia, came to the NSA and was immediately able to identify our items as recordings of the Ainu ■ BBC radio broadcasts will now be more widely and directly people, made on Sakhalin Island in 1902-3 by Bronislaw Pilsudski, accessible via the NSA Listening and Viewing Service.