To ensure Canterbury Hockey is at the forefront of New Zealand hockey.


‰ Competitions that fully satisfy the needs ‰ Continued development and growth of our of the hockey fraternity game in all areas

‰ A Coaching and Development Programme ‰ Quality service to all our members in that offers opportunities for all players, everything we do coaches and umpires to reach their potential ‰ Total professionalism and ethics

‰ A professional and creditable management structure ‰ An organisation that encourages two-way communication, is open in its dealings and responsive to its members needs ‰ A financially secure Canterbury Hockey

‰ An atmosphere on and off the field that is ‰ Hockey seen by all audiences as a go- fun, enjoyable and welcoming to current ahead and progressive sport and new members and guests

‰ A representative programme that ‰ Recognition and reward for those that enhances the quality and status of hockey assist the Association to achieve its goals and objectives

‰ Increased participation at all areas of hockey ‰ Volunteers and paid staff working together to achieve common goals

‰ A will to win and to always remain competitive in our market

Contents Page

4 Administration

5 Chairperson’s Report

7 Chief Executive Officer Report

6 Sponsorship, Events and Marketing Report

12 Acknowledgements

13 Competitions Report

14 2007 Competitions Rankings

18 Paragon Computer Super Six Competition Winners

20 Grass Hockey Report

21 Facilities Report

23 Coaching and Development Report

26 Representative Teams and Results

31 New Zealand Representatives

33 Lincoln University Hockey Scholarship Report

34 Tournaments & Events

36 Canterbury Junior Hockey Report

41 Junior Hockey Representative Teams

43 Junior Hockey Representative Awards

44 Masters Report

45 Canterbury Hockey Supporters’ Club Report

46 Canterbury Hockey Umpires Council Report

48 Canterbury Hockey’s Funding Partners and Sponsors

NB: Copies of the annual accounts are available from the CHA office


PO Box 24 006 East Linwood 875 Avonside Drive

E: [email protected] W: P: 389 9126 F: 389 9825

PATRON Mayor Garry Moore

PRESIDENT Richard Munt

VICE PRESIDENTS Mark Beatson Bev Savage

CHAIRPERSON Anthony Koorey (to July 2007) Lin Thompson (from July 2007)

BOARD MEMBERS Chris Edwards, Michelle Hollands, Adrian Mouldey, Sandra Pooch, Lin Thompson Tim Murdoch (from September 2007)

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Derek Torkington (to October 2007) Tim Shannahan (from October 2007)




MARKETING MANAGER Steve Sheppard (to April 2007) Kate Baxter (from April 2007)




LIFE MEMBERS Mesdames J Armstrong, C Baker, G Dawe, D Copley, D Mouat, Y McDonnell, S. Haig, A McRobb, B Savage, G Shankland, B Simmonds, A Sutherland and Z Walker, Miss I Orchard Messrs A Beatson, D Coulter, G. Cox R Gillespie, T Gilliver, L Haste, A Hayde, W Lynn, C Maister, L Munt, G Reid, L Thompson, J Sturge Dr B Penfold

HONORARY AUDITOR Ashton, Wheelans & Hegan




Our hockey public were treated to a number of national tournaments during the season. Thank you to the staff and the people who were called on to present these events. Hosting tournaments can have monetary benefits. It certainly showcases hockey for our faithful public.

The Board has had a busy year. Meetings have been held monthly with concentration on updating the Strategic Plan at alternate meetings. Each year the work of the Board seems to get busier. This year is no exception. The departure of Anthony to the Persian Gulf was a set back. His astute leadership is missed. His place on the Board has been filled by Tim Murdoch who has a rich background in – locally and nationally. I have found the Board members and the Officers (including Chris Maister, now H.N.Z. President) to be very supportive. I thank them

The Canterbury Hockey Foundation oversees the loans from the National Bank and the City Council. Their funds come from players’ turf fees and gaming trust grants. CHA relies heavily on gaming trusts. It is an area subject to change and we must be vigilant to adjust to the changes. The Christchurch City Council has made CHA a considerable annual grant for a 10 year period. This grant expires in the 2009/2010 financial year. Re-negotiating it is a must.

Canterbury Hockey has been fortunate to have enjoyed stability of staffing this year. Derek Torkington, CEO, has been heavily involved in all aspects and has provided positive leadership. Margaret Huckstep, Administration Manager, has toiled in coping with the many demands of her position. Greg Clark, Coaching and Development Manager, continues to plan our programmes and refine existing ones. Lyndsey Leask, Greg’s P.A., brings to her work a wealth of experience and a willingness to help ‘across the board’. Our newest staff member, Kate Baxter, has settled quickly and successfully into her role of Sponsorship, Events and Marketing. Peter Seymour, Facilities Manager, and his team of Bill Lynn and Mel Rainbow, have worked hard to provide us all with clean, well-maintained facilities. They are faced with a range of challenges and we appreciate the standards they attain.

It would be timely now to record our thanks to Derek Torkington, our CEO for the last four years. Derek joined Canterbury Hockey when finances presented serious problems. As a former banker, Derek was well-equipped to meet these challenges. He has fitted well into the hockey scene both locally and nationally. We thank him for his leadership and wish him and Denise, Best Wishes for whatever the future may hold.

Thanks are due to the various committees that are such an integral part of Canterbury Hockey. The Supporters’ Club provides valuable manpower for special occasions. The Canterbury Hockey Umpires Council has administered a changing scene well and is going from strength to strength. Competitions, Finance and the Junior Management Committee. have all been conscientious and successful.

We are grateful to our sponsors whether they support clubs, schools, or C.H.A. Hockey can be quite an expensive sport and the contribution of sponsors is appreciated.

In conclusion, Best Wishes to you all for the ‘off season’ - if there is still such a season.

Lin Thompson Chairman



This has been another successful year for Canterbury Hockey and although we all believe we could have done better, our representative teams have once again kept Canterbury one of the top associations in New Zealand

This year we have struggled to maintain a high level of funding due mainly to cost increases beyond our control and the continuing battle to raise funds from our funding agencies. It is of major concern that we have to continually depend on their support especially as we need to try and build up reserves for turf replacements, lighting and other maintenance items.

Our Chairman Anthony Koorey resigned late in the year to take up a position in the Middle East. This was a big loss to Canterbury Hockey as Anthony had gradually moved the Board’s focus to governance. This is now continuing to make progress and I would like to thank our current Board for the forward thinking and continuing commitment to making Canterbury Hockey a strong and vibrant organisation. Each year I thank the Board on behalf of Canterbury Hockey for the work that they do, but I am sure that many hockey people do not realise the time and effort they put into the sport they love.

As with other years Canterbury Hockey exists on a shoestring and the work done by our Finance committee in conjunction with our accountants, Paul Duggan and Associates, continues to be of the highest standard. As with other committees throughout Canterbury Hockey they give of their time and expertise for no personal rewards. They are much appreciated by the staff; we would not survive without the help given in all areas.

The Canterbury Hockey Foundation Trust, under the chairmanship of Peter Cox, continues to be an important part of Canterbury Hockey. The Foundation Board is our avenue of funding and they ensure that all funding that they require is met through Canterbury Hockey.

With the resignation of Steve Sheppard to travel overseas we have employed Kate Baxter as our new Sponsorship, Events & Marketing Manager. Kate’s role is in the process of being updated to give her the opportunity to get out of the office and achieve our sponsorship targets. Our staff continue to do an outstanding job giving of their time freely well outside of normal working hours; they are a credit to our organisation with the time and effort put in during the year.

Our representative teams have also had a good year. Canterbury continues each year to achieve high standards both in results and in the way our teams conduct themselves while representing their province. Our coaches, managers and all people associated with our representative teams have done another outstanding job which is appreciated both by the players, staff and the Board.

Work will commence on Nunweek Park to replace the turf which has broken down due to UV problems and this should be in place for the new season. Unfortunately the Council has held up work on the finishing of the stand and now wishes it to be put in the overall plan for sport within Canterbury.

Derek Torkington Chief Executive Officer



INTRODUCTION The Canterbury Hockey Association has had a successful year but this has not been without some challenges. On the positive side, many of our representative teams were successful at the respective national tournaments, a significant number of funding applications were approved and our two annual events raised some much needed funds. Sponsorship is a key part of Canterbury Hockey and we were fortunate to have the majority of our sponsors continue to support us for another year.

SPONSORSHIP The profile of Canterbury Hockey is continually growing and many businesses are gaining exposure from their involvement with Canterbury Hockey through the Sponsorship Board, our website, logo placement on uniforms, fence signage around the turfs and naming rights to teams and competitions. We have many sponsors that have continued to support us year after year, and we are very fortunate for this. However, it is the Canterbury Hockey Associations aim to lessen our financial reliance on some of these organisations through seeking opportunities to offer some other businesses competitively tailored partnerships.

I would like to acknowledge all of our sponsors who provided not only financial support for another year but support in general for 2007. To our Cats and Cavaliers naming rights sponsors, Scenic Circle Hotels and Tandoori Palace, your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to Lee, Kirsten and Bridget at Coastal Print - our official clothing suppliers that continue to provide outstanding quality uniforms and help with all the other little requests we make. To Andy Innes and his team at Just Hockey for their continued generosity with the ‘player of day’ prizes and to Peter Magson at Lincoln University who continues to provide sports scholarships to enable young players to develop and become a part of the Canterbury Hockey community.

A special thank you must also go out to all our other sponsors who without their significant contributions and support would not allow us to continue to offer opportunities we currently do to our Canterbury Hockey members.

FUNDING GRANTS Being involved in sport does not come cheap. There are costs involved with every aspect – hosting tournaments, equipment and uniforms for players, travel for representative teams and the necessary facilities, which without these, hockey would struggle to continue. It is with the high level of financial assistance from Charitable Trusts and Gaming Machine Trusts that enables the Canterbury Hockey Association to continue providing our members with the opportunities they have been fortunate to experience.

A special thank you must be expressed to The New Zealand Community Trust, Scottwood Trust, The Canterbury Community Trust, Eureka Trust, Lion Foundation and Mainland Foundation for their generous financial assistance.


FUNDRAISING FUNCTIONS Fundraising events are an important part of Canterbury Hockey. It is these events that players, clubs and CHA staff can show their support. That being said, there are many opportunities for fundraising, it is the smart way we go about organising such ventures that will ultimately help us to keep costs down. For 2007 the Canterbury Hockey Association organised two annually held fundraising events – the Golf Tournament at Waitikiri Golf Club and the Christchurch Casino Dinner and Auction. Both were successful, with funds being raised and those involved have an enjoyable experience.

Although not personally involved in the golf tournament, this was yet again enjoyed by the 19 teams that took part at the picturesque Waitikiri Golf Course. With a close competition it was Christchurch Casino’s lucky day, with the team taking first place. Canterbury cricketer Leighton Burtt took out the longest drive award, with Rob Smith & Glen Mearns getting the closest to the pin prize for holes 9 and 17 respectively. Thank you to all those involved in helping create an enjoyable day.

Guest speaker ‘Sporting Legend Steve Gurney’ made for a memorable evening at the Christchurch Casino with tales that made you cringe, cry and laugh. Apart from having all those who attended the night in fits of laughter, Steve provided much inspiration – nothing is ever to big to accomplish. The night was a success with $12,250 being raised to assist with the forever increasing costs associated with the Cats and Cavs competing in the NHL.

I would like to express my appreciation to everyone that helped make the evening successful; Nikki Goodwin and her staff at the Casino, and John Radovonich our MC’s for the evening and to the auctioneer extraordinaire, Bryan Andrews. Additionally, I would like to recognise those who very generously donated or assisted with the auction items – Scenic Circle Hotels, Air New Zealand, Lone Star Restaurant & Bar, Mitchell Corp New Zealand, Raeward Fresh, BBQ Factory, Richie McCaw and Dan Carter, Millennium Hotels, Pernod Ricard, Heritage Hanmer Springs, AMI Insurance, and Hanmer Springs Thermals Pools and Spa.

MEDIA AND PROMOTION Wherever possible the Canterbury Hockey Association actively seeks to promote hockey at all levels of the game and give our sponsors’ brand exposure. Throughout 2006 we achieved this through commercials on radio and television, interviews on CTV, photographic coverage at tournaments, weekly media releases, newsletters and advertisements in the newspapers. Unfortunately increasing costs prohibit Canterbury Hockey raising the profile of hockey on a larger scale than we are doing currently. We are therefore very much appreciative of the tremendous amount of support we receive from the following people and organisations for their coverage of hockey during the 2007 season:

− 92.1 More FM Canterbury - official promotional partner − Kevin Tutty - The Press − Malcolm Ellis, Brain Ashby and Lesley Murdoch - Newstalk ZB

Thank you to CTV for also for covering the Cats and Cavaliers National Hockey League game.


THE FUTURE There are many challenges ahead of us in the year to come. Hockey is an attractive sport and we have much to offer but the sporting environment is continually becoming more competitive. Although securing new sponsorship is becoming more difficult it does not mean it is impossible, we will just need to be smarter in the way we differentiate ourselves from other sports. We will continue to take a proactive approach from a sponsorship and marketing perspective but the full involvement of the hockey community will be the key to our success.

Kate Baxter Sponsorship, Events and Marketing Manager



Sports Awards

Canterbury Hockey 2007 Awards:

Canterbury Old Girls’ Association Trophy for Canterbury Women’s Player of the Year Jemma Morland

Ralph van Ysselsteyn Trophy for Canterbury Men’s Player of the Year Brad Shaw

Canterbury Hockey Junior Female Player of the Year Sophie Devine

Canterbury Hockey Junior Male Player of the Year Dillon Cumberpatch

Sport Canterbury Winter Sports Awards finalists:

Sportsperson Hayden Shaw Sports Team Canterbury Cavaliers Junior Sports Team U18A Girls

The Sir Richard Hadlee Sports Awards finalists:

Sportsman of the Year Hayden Shaw

Hockey New Zealand

Hockey New Zealand President Chris Maister Gold Service Award Lin Thompson


Ron Grimwood Canterbury Hockey Supporters stalwart Shelley Braithwaite Sydenham Hockey Rose Pouaka Former Canterbury U21 Women’s manager



It is the duty of the Competitions Committee to set up local competitions that meet the needs of all levels and all ages. The present structure has developed from that put forward by the Focus group which deliberated at the end of the 2004 season. There has been some fine tuning in each of the succeeding years. At the mid-season Competitions meeting at the end of June, 2007, it seemed as though there was general approval, but not complete approval, for the present practices.

The main bone of contention is with the effect of deferments on the playing season. In the main the requests for deferments arise from two sources – Hockey New Zealand’s tournament programme and the growing number of school teams entered in Secondary School tournaments. This led to the Competitions Committee supporting a No Deferment policy for the future. When the wishes of our schools are taken into consideration this policy is not sustainable. The proposal, put by the Competitions Committee to the 28 June meeting, which has a subsidiary competition being run on certain week-ends throughout the season, appears to have considerable merit. Whatever solution we adopt we must do better in 2008.

Sub-committees have dealt with certain aspects of our competitions and reported back to the full committee. The busiest would be the group considering requests for deferments. Another group considers matters loosely grouped under the heading ‘Discipline’. These arise from letters from clubs and schools and comments reported on scorecards. It has been a challenge to gather information swiftly, to look at the problem from all sides, and to communicate the decisions made to the personnel involved. Dispensations are handled by another group with most requests coming from clubs with U15 teams but no U18 teams. In recent years we have been very kind in this respect. I look forward to the day when clubs and schools field teams at each level and dispensations are seldom required. We have two Register Keepers – one for men’s teams, another for women’s teams. These members endeavour to respond to matters referred to them rather than act as ‘policemen.’ Their job is made more difficult by poor filling out of scorecards. The Canterbury Hockey Umpires Council is closely involved with the affairs of the Committee. In addition to the formal link several umpires are members of the Committee. This season’s policy of clubs umpiring their own teams in the `lower’ grades has worked well if not perfectly. The commitment of clubs and schools in this regard has been appreciated. Peter Seymour is a regular attendee at Committee meetings. We appreciate the work that he and his two stadium managers do year in year out.

The members of the Committee are all people who are committed workers for their clubs. I appreciate the time they spend on Committee business. Graham Jackson merits special mention. As Committee Secretary and Draw Steward he carries a busy workload. He is scrupulously fair and conscientious at all times. Thank you to our CEO, Derek Torkington, and his staff for their co-operation throughout the season.

In conclusion, I commend to you, the Hockey public, the 2007 Competitions Committee. I have been on this Committee for several years and I believe that the 2007 group has done a superb job.

Lin Thompson Competitions Committee





CPL - Championship Cup CPL - President’s Shield 1 HSOB Burnside 1 Carlton Redcliffs 2 Hornby 2 Harewood 3 Selwyn 3 Avon 4 Carlton Redcliffs 4 HSOB Burnside 5 Avon 5 Selwyn 6 St Margarets College 6 University 7 Harewood 7 Sydenham 8 Rangi Ruru School

Subsidiary Competition CPL - Porritt Cup CPL - Porritt Cup 1 HSOB Burnside 1 Carlton Redcliffs 2 Selwyn 2 HSOB Burnside 3 Hornby 3 Harewood 4 Carlton Redcliffs 4 University 5 St Margaret’s College 5 Selwyn 6 Rangiora 6 Avon 7 Avon 7 HSOB Burnside Blue 8 Harewood 8 Sydenham


Championship Competition Premier Reserve A - Pearce Cup 1 Rangiora 1 HSOB Burnside Blue 2 Christchurch GHS 2 Carlton Redcliffs 2 3 Avon Gold 3 Harewood Red 4 HSOB Burnside Red 4 Christchurch BHS 5 Hornby Cats B 5 Selwyn 2 6 Carlton Redcliffs B 6 St Andrews College 1st XI 7 University 7 Harewood Blue 8 Selwyn B 8 University A

Premier Reserve B 1 Harewood Red 1 Hornby 2 Hornby Tigers C 2 Christs College 1st XI 3 Rangi Ruru School Gold 3 Avon Gold 4 Avon Blue 4 University White 5 HSOB Burnside White 5 Sydenham 2 6 Christchurch GHS 2nd XI 6 St Bedes OB 7 Harewood Blue 7 Selwyn 3 8 St Margarets College B 8 Burnside High School



Subsidiary Competition Premier Reserve 1 Athol McCorie Trophy 1 Rangi Ruru Girls School 1 Carlton Redcliffs 2 2 Carlton Redcliffs B 2 Harewood Red 3 Christchurch GHS 3 Christchurch BHS 4 HSOB Burnside Red 4 Selwyn 2 5 Hornby Cats B 5 St Andrew’s College 6 Harewood Red 6 Harewood Blue 7 Avon Gold 7 Hornby 8 University

Premier Reserve 2 1 Selwyn B 1 Avon Gold 2 Avon Blue 2 Christs College 1st XI 3 Hornby Tigers C 3 Christs College 2nd XI 4 Rangi Ruru School Gold 4 University White 5 Sydenham 5 University A 6 HSOB Burnside White 6 St Bedes OB 7 Harewood Blue 7 Sydenham 2 8 Christchurch GHS 2nd XI 8 Selwyn 3


Championship Competition First Grade A – 21st Anniversary Cup 1 Sydenham 1 Christs College 2nd XI 2 Marist 2 Shirley Boys High School 3 Hornby Cats D 3 Harewood One 4 St Andrews College 1st XI 4 University Maroon 5 Hornby Tigers E 5 Hornby Emulous 6 Carlton Redcliffs C 6 Christchurch BHS 2nd XI 7 St Margarets College Red 7 Rangiora 8 St Andrews College 2nd XI

First Grade B 1 Harewood One 2 University A 3 HSOB Burnside Blue 4 Avon D 5 Rangi Ruru School Blue 6 Christchurch GHS Falcons 7 Christchurch GHS Hawks



Subsidiary Competition First Grade 1 1 St Andrews College 1st XI 1 Harewood One 2 Harewood One 2 Burnside High School 3 St Margarets College B 3 Shirley Boys High School 4 Marist 4 University Maroon 5 Hornby Cats D 5 Hornby Emulous 6 Carlton Redcliffs C 6 Rangiora 7 Hornby Tigers E 7 St Andrews College 2nd XI 8 Christchurch BHS 2nd XI

First Grade 2 1 HSOB Burnside Blue 2 St Margaret’s College Red 3 Avon D 4 University A 5 Rangi Ruru School Blue 6 Christchurch GHS Falcons 7 Christchurch GHS Hawks


Championship Competition Mid Week Open A 1 Carlton Redcliffs Red 1 Harewood Red 2 Harewood 2 HSOB Burnside Blue 3 Hornby Black 3 Carlton Redcliffs 4 Carlton Redcliffs White 4 Hornby Vampires 5 Hornby Gold 5 HSOB Burnside White 6 Sydenham 6 Sydenham Black 7 Avon 7 University White 8 Marist 8 Linwood United 9 HSOB Burnside Mid Week Open B 1 Avon Blue 2 Hinemoa Kaiapoi 3 Avon Gold 4 Hornby Coyotes 5 Harewood Blue

Subsidiary Competition Mid Week Open A Mid Week Open 1 1 Harewood 1 Hornby Vampires 2 Carlton Redcliffs Red 2 HSOB Burnside Blue 3 Carlton Redcliffs White 3 Harewood Red 4 Hornby Black 4 HSOB Burnside White 5 Carlton Redcliffs 6 Hinemoa Kaipaoi 7 Sydenham Black



Mid Week Open B Mid Week Open 2 1 Sydenham 1 Avon Blue 2 Marist 2 Avon Gold 3 Hornby Gold 3 Hornby Coyotes 4 Avon 4 Linwood United 5 HSOB Burnside 5 University White 6 Harewood Blue


Championship Competition 1 Hornby Tigers 1 Christchurch BHS Blue 2 Hornby Cats 2 Selwyn 3 Selwyn 3 Burnside High School 4 Harewood 18 4 Harewood 18 5 Rangi Ruru School 5 St Bedes HSOB Burnside 6 Avon 6 Christchurch BHS Black 7 St Margaret’s College 7 Christs College 8 Christchurch GHS Keas 8 Rangiora 9 Hornby 10 St Andrews College

Subsidiary Competition - Women Only Division 1 Division 2 1 Hornby Tigers 1 Avon 2 Selwyn 2 Rangi Ruru School 3 Hornby Cats 3 St Margarets College 4 Harewood 18 4 Christchurch GHS Keas


Championship Competition Rangi Ruru Girls School Trophy 1 Sydenham 1 Carlton Redcliffs 2 Malvern 2 Malvern Hornby 3 Sydenham 3 Shirley BHS Gold 4 St Andrews College 4 Christs College Black 5 St Margarets College Green 5 Shirley BHS Blue 6 Rangi Ruru School 6 St Bedes HSOB Burnside 7 Hornby 7 Harewood 15 8 Carlton Redcliffs 8 Selwyn 9 Rangiora 9 Sydenham 10 Harewood 15 10 Christchurch BHS 11 St Andrews College 12 Christs College White



Subsidiary Competition – Men only Under 15 Division 1 Under 15 Division 2 1 Carlton Redcliffs 1 Harewood 15 2 Shirley BHS Gold 2 Selwyn 3 Malvern Hornby 3 Christ’s College White 4 Shirley BHS Blue 4 St Andrew’s College 5 St Bedes HSOB Burnside 5 Sydenham 6 Christs College Black 6 Christchurch BHS


1 Hornby 1 Harewood 2 Avon 2 Selwyn HSOB 3 Harewood Red 3 Carlton Redcliffs 4 HSOB Burnside 4 Avon 5 Waimakariri 5 Selwyn 6 Carlton Redcliffs White 6 Wizards 7 Carlton Redcliffs Red 7 Ashburton 8 Harewood Blue 8 Fossils 9 Sydenham 9 University 10 Sydenham


MEN’S DIVISION 1 Avon Avengers WOMEN’S DIVISION 1 Carlton Redcliffs MEN’S DIVISION 2 Carlton Redcliffs WOMEN'S DIVISION 2 Harewood


MEN’S DIVISION 1 Carlton Redcliffs WOMEN’S DIVISION 1 Hornby MEN’S DIVISION 2 St Bede’s College WOMEN’S DIVISION 2 Hornby



The 2007 season for Grass hockey was again very successful with six men’s and seven women’s teams competing. It was great to see a number of teams with younger players and a number of women returning to the game. However a number of teams in both competitions struggled with team numbers. Hopefully during the off season clubs/teams will be striving to boost their numbers.

The grounds were reasonably well maintained during the season, although a number could have done with the grass being cut on a more regular basis. Once again the well maintained Hinemoa Kaiapoi ground was a credit to their club officials who gave up their time and the effort they needed to achieve this. As a winter sport, the weather was very kind to the grass competition this season as there were only two lost weekends due to inclement weather and/or ground closures.

The Finals day was a great success with a large number of spectators attending. The women’s final between Hornby and Harewood was another great tussle between these two traditional rivals. Harewood have had the upper hand in games over the last two seasons but Hornby lifted their game in the first half mounting some attacks and defending extremely well to hold the score to 0-0 at half time. However the relentless pressure, attacking play and the introduction of some young legs was too much for Hornby to defend and Harewood scored twice in the second half to win 2-0.

The men’s final was played in good spirit with Selwyn Green winning over HSOB Burnside.

Many thanks to Dave Crake and his Harewood helpers for hosting the Finals Day.

Thank you to Mike McIlroy for his contribution in arranging the draw and collating the results through out the season.

Bev Savage Grass Grade Convenor


Women Men

1 Harewood 1 Selwyn Green 2 Hornby 2 HSOB Burnside 3= Avon 3 Harewood 3= Hinemoa Kaiapoi 4 Avon 5 Otautahi 5 Selwyn Blue 6 Selwyn 6 Hinemoa Kaiapoi 7 Sydenham




The Turf The playing surface had major UV problems this year with the turf breaking down all over the surface. A replacement warranty turf is due to start with the removal of the old surface in December and relaying in January 2008. It is envisaged there should be little interruption to summer hockey competitions.

The Grounds New netting has been installed behind the goals for security; the City Council has upgraded the parking area surrounds and tar-sealed the entry into the complex; all plants and trees are flourishing on the property and further planting is scheduled for 2008. Fencing surrounding the turf will be upgraded.

A new sign for the scoreboard has been installed replacing the old one which was in a poor state. The buildings have had some painting work completed, the rest will be finalised over the summer.

Staffing Bill Lynn continues to be the mainstay at Nunweek and is aided by other facilities staff when required. Summer hockey is once again a huge task with 80 teams participating and this is looked after by Bill and Mel Rainbow.

Nunweek is looking good for the future.


The Turfs No. 1 Turf has been replaced at the north and south ends and is proving very good now with no problems. Two new goals have been purchased and assembled; a vast amount of wooden fencing has been replaced after extensive damage by balls. Staff are constantly dressing the turf to ensure the material remains clean and healthy; Stage 1 lights have been upgraded

No 2 Turf is a little harder to maintain as there are no hose connections or power source to hand. Stage 2 lighting will be upgraded early 2008; there are problems with seams and ripples which are very difficult to maintain, and with the turf being laid up to the fence line with no surrounding base, it is extremely difficult to keep the edges free of growth.

The Grounds It is pleasing to see the car park development on the west of No. 1 ground; the previous grass parking area is now closed so now we require an education programme to ensure that vehicles are parked on the new area. The City Council has completed the project by the installation of lights over the car parking area. The numerous garden areas require constant care.


The Buildings The lounge building is well used, but parts of the carpet will need replacing due to water damage; the settees have been refurbished after serious damage. The glass areas are a worry with hockey balls causing constant breakage. Eight windows have been replaced during 2007, and recently with hardly anyone training two windows have been broken. It may have to be considered that there is a ban on training goals on the western side of the turf to eliminate the serious expense incurred. It does not seem as though the Stage II development of the grandstand will go ahead, but some refurbishment of the roof and seating will be undertaken

We have repaired a number of locks on doors due to wear and tear, and damage; some painting has been undertaken and this will continue over the summer. We had some graffiti on the scoreboard on No. 1 recently by some vandal using gold paint over the entire surface, this necessitated renovation, removal and repainting by staff.

The Future Replacement of panels on the eastern outside perimeter fence on No. 2 turf, which are badly damaged by people climbing over and under, a costly exercise; Replacement of the badly damaged dugout carbonated glass damaged by sticks and balls over past years; Replacement of netting on the west side of No. 1 turf, which is getting old and is breaking down; Purchase of a modern ice machine when funding available; Planting of some evergreen trees for the future; Strengthening the current main entry gate, that is constantly dropping due to being climbed over; Development of the pump-house area by replacing all spouting and removing all excess gear stored in the lean-to, which has been an eyesore for many years; Placement of cycle stands between the turfs.

Staffing Facility staff work well at Porritt and Nunweek, and all staff will continue with the task during 2008.

Peter Seymour Facilities Manager



Summer Camps Two summer camps were run early in January and again were very successful. Numbers were up on the previous year, with 193 players attending this year, and we were almost at capacity. Again players from all over the South Island attended and interest is coming from out of town for the 2008 camps. Thanks to all the coaches who helped out and made these camps the success they were.

The Hockey Ball 2007 saw six more issues of this popular newsletter. The distribution list is continually growing so more and more coaches are getting drills and information about what is happening in the Hockey community. Just Hockey continues to support this initiative and their assistance is gratefully received.

Council Cup The Council Cup was very well patronised by the Clubs and Schools. The repair of the number one turf at Porritt Park meant we could not use a third field for most of the competition. As a result some games were played relatively late in the evening, but that did not detract from a competition that is extremely useful as a build up to the season.

South Island Super Six Another well supported pre-season event. Good weather, apart from the finals on the Sunday where the Division One women started their final on one field and then had to finish it on another due to torrential rain and an electrical storm that stopped play at half time for 20 minutes or so. Again well over 30 teams participated, with one team travelling from Southland.

Regional Coaching Clinic Once again Canterbury ran the Mid-South regional coaching clinics on behalf of Hockey New Zealand. This year clinics were run for Under 15 boys and girls and Under 18 boys and girls. Player numbers were affected by the boys’ team that was away touring in Malaysia and Europe but despite this they were a great success. These clinics are the first stage of talent identification for Hockey New Zealand and are very important to gauge the progress and ability of players. All players have an individual report prepared detailing how they have performed so they have feedback on where they stand. This year the camps ran very smoothly and we were even blessed with fine weather.

A big thanks to the coaches who took on extra duties when I was laid low with appendicitis and could not get to the U18 clinic.

School Visits This year the schools program was a real success. We had more children attend the program and get more hockey than ever before with over 7000 children getting a taste of hockey. We even had a school come down to Porritt Park to have their sessions on the turf. A big thanks to Jonathan Redfern and Sandy Lawson who put a lot of time and effort into making this program a real success this year


Coach Forums This year saw the running of two coach forums. These were very well received and attended. In the first forum we had , Wellington National Hockey League (NHL) coach and Junior Black Sticks Men’s’ coach present on skills and tactics. The second forum we had our Canterbury Hockey NHL coaches, Grant Edwards and Peter Donohue talk about team formations and what attributes they are looking for in players. In addition, Paul Derham, the Hockey New Zealand High Performance Coach and Black Sticks Women’s Assistant Coach talk about technology and how it can assist coaches. All these topics were excellent and all attendees got great value out of the evening.

Representative Canterbury Hockey can take pride in the fact that we entered a team in every competition from Under 15 to Senior. Not many associations can boast a record like that and it is something of which Canterbury Hockey can be proud.

Every team was well coached and managed but it is increasingly difficult to find coaches and managers for these representative teams. My thanks to all of the people who gave up their time to help out in this way. As is seen from the tournament results it was a very successful year.

Greg Clark Development Manager



TANDOORI PALACE CANTERBURY CATS National League Placing - Sixth Haeleigh Albon Honor Dillon Jo Galletly Leigh Grimwood Nikki Grimwood Aimee Heaps Bridget Kight Pip Lloyd Jol McGarvey Tambra McGarvey Jemma Morland Amanda Murray Meredith Orr Liz Perry Kate Saunders Toni Townsend Charlotte Walker Anna Wetherall

Coach: Peter Donohue Manager: Gill Kane Assistant Coach Karen McMillan Physio: Helene Isaac Videographer Stacey Carr

SCENIC CIRCLE HOTEL CANTERBURY CAVALIERS National League Placing – Second Jason Bradley Morgan Balderstone Hugh Copland Daniel Harrington Mitch Hayde Andy Hayward Reuben Koorey Hamish McGregor (IGP) Sanjiv Menon Simon Munt Jason Niles Edward Ockenden (IGP) Craig Paterson Jonathan Pooch Hayden Shaw Isaac Staples Mike Rea (withdrew with injury) (IGP – International Guest Player)

Coach: Grant Edwards Manager: David Cattermole Assistant Coach: Robin Wilson Physio: Sarah Braithwaite Videographer: Daniel Inns

CANTERBURY SENIOR WOMEN National Tournament – Second Louise Cook Sara Daji Sophie Devine Charlotte Henley Kelly Hodgkinson Carly Moorfield Fiona Morrison Josie O’Rielly Krystal Scott Melanie Sinclair Emma Steer Jeanette Ullyett Megan Wall Lisa Watson Hilary Weavers Kirsty Woods

Coach: Daniel Inns Manager: Sally Moorfield

CANTERBURY SENIOR MEN National Tournament – Second Warwick Allen Richard Bain Kyle Blackman Rob Buhler Steve Edwards Ollie Hampton John Innes-Smith Gareth Levers Chris McKenna Tim Nelson Chris Pooch Craig Reynolds Jesse Stegman Josh Ward Peter Walker

Coach: Nathan Maxwell Manager: Dave Coulter


CANTERBURY U21 WOMEN National Tournament Placing – Fourth Haeleigh Albon Bridgette Allen Harriette Cambridge Annabel Linterman Pip Lloyd Jemma Morland Fiona Morrison Jacqui Moorfield Liz Perry Lizzie Rae Krystal Scott Emma Steer Melanie Sinclair Jane Thomson Jeanette Ullyett Anna Wetherall

Coach: Daniel Inns Manager: Sally Moorfield Physio: Devint Fakir

CANTERBURY U21 MEN National Tournament Placing - Fourth Cam Albon Warwick Allen Matt Anderson-Stewart Angus Brown Mark Coleman George Connell Nick Haig Mitch Hayde Reuben Koorey Sam Kumbaroff Ivan McAuley Ashley Neale Jason Niles Craig Paterson Isaac Staples Clay Wilson

Coach : Jeremy Symonds Manager: Devan Menon Physio: Devint Fakir

CANTERBURY U18A WOMEN National Tournament Placing – First Bridgette Allen Kiriana Brown Anna Chapman Sophie Devine Pippa Hayward Charlotte Henley Annabel Linterman Jacqui Moorfield Alex Perry Suzie Pottinger Lizzie Rae Jenna Takamore Charlotte White Nicole Yee Emma Yule

Coach: Wendy Fitzgerald Manager: Lisa Watson Asst Coach: Diane Lancaster

CANTERBURY U18B WOMEN Tournament Placing - Second Sam Brown Sarah Byers Kimberley Campion Danielle Dore Amelia Gibson Holly Grammer Connie Greer Zoe Goss Grace Kiesanowski Amelia McKay Stacey Mitchell Connie Murray Claire Pethica Kate Spence Brine Styles Zoe Redwood

Coach : Sara Daji Manager: Wendy Spence

CANTERBURY U18A MEN National Tournament Placing - Third Richard Bain Joshua Byrne George Connell William Davidson George Enersen Paul Everest Cameron Hayde Mitchell Hayde John Innes-Smith Matt McAtamney Henry McIntosh James Morris-Williamson Tim Morton Jonathon Spence Isaac Staples Richard Storey

Coach: Andrew Hastie Manager: Glen Hayde Assistant Coach: Simon Bate


CANTERBURY U18B MEN Tournament Placing – Second Eddie Barclay Liam Cumberpatch Matt Currie Edward Enersen Ryan Gillespie Charles Hadfield George Harper Josh Kumbaroff Alex Lawry Dan Lewis Tom Mouldey Hayden Sinclair Simon Thomson Jamie Watts Thomas Worner

Coach: Jonathon Redfern Manager: Peter Lawson

CANTERBURY U15A GIRLS National Tournament Placing – Third Jamie Bolton Kate Chapman Sian Fremaux Mallory Goss Gina Hart Rachel McCann Anne MacKechnie Kayla Murray Kendra Noble Nicole Ruddiman Alice Sharples Olivia Smeele Elizabeth Steel Jenny Storey Kristina Wheal

Coach: Cathy Baker Manager: Pam Chapman Assistant Coach: Matt Ling

CANTERBURY U15A BOYS National Tournament Placing – First Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle Rajeev Bhana Sean Coupe Dillon Cumberpatch Matthew Crake Lachlan Davidson Nico Griffin William Hayde Angus Hazlett Stephen Quinn Ben Radovonich Innes Redwood Alex Ross Errol Staples Daniel Tisch Delane Traber

Coach: Gavin Cumberpatch Manager: Patrick Coupe Assistant Coach: John Radovonich

CANTERBURY U15B GIRLS (Division 2) National Tournament Placing - First Hannah Cottam Jessica Deakins Lucy Flattery Antonia Haynes Eden Holmes Arihia Ingle Bailey Kennedy Victoria King Allie McLean Alice MacLeod Hannah Martin Meg O’Connell Brigitta Rennie Brylea Smith Helena Trollope Annabelle Wright

Coach: Matt Cunningham Manager: Gregg Smith Asst Coach: Mary Deakins

CANTERBURY U15B BOYS (Division 2) National Tournament Placing – Seventh Sam Baker Levi Barrow Edward Commons Isaac Gray Ben Gow Jack Harper Carl Hastie Graeme Hobson George Latty Kieran Palmer James Prentice Stephen Raika Edward Roughan Edward Turney Jaymin Williams

Coach: Brett Hobson Manager: Campbell Prentice Assistant Coach: Ants Zonneveld


NATIONAL MASTERS MEN 55+ Tournament Placing – Third Peter Ashton* Malcolm Begg Bob Best Robin Breakwell* Graeme Cox Hugh Derham Ian Galletly Robbie Green Lloyd Hughes Don Le Page John Maunsell Andy Olesen Tony Saunders Murray Tasker Alister Young

Coach: John Maunsell Manager: Graeme Cox

NATIONAL MASTERS MEN 50+ Tournament Placing – Third Steve Barrow Murray Bonnington* Craig Burtt Geoff Chalklen John Daniel* Peter Fitzsimons* Rob Hardie Martin Higgins Graham Jackson James Leddy* David Long Richard Munt Grant Orpwood Mike Pettet Ian Rhodes

Coach: Devan Menon Manager: Judy Groves

NATIONAL MASTERS MEN 45+ Tournament Placing – Seventh= Cliff Franklin David Hurle* Roger Goulding Graeme Luckin* Russ McLaren Peter Neale Martin Perry Michael Rogers Martin Single Brian Spencer Victor Strang* David Upjohn Meredith Webster*

Coach: Martin Single Manager: Chris Errington

NATIONAL MASTERS MEN 40+ Tournament Placing - First Craig Buckley* David Cox Peter Donohue Noel Hensman* Shane Hunter Andy Innes Kevin Johnson* Greg Morgan* Mike Rakowitz Ian Riach George Ridgen Dave Ross* Brent Sherwin Graham Teague Paul Wyke

Coach: Ian Riach Manager: Marian Crookbain

NATIONAL MASTERS WOMEN 50+ Tournament Placing – Second Shirley Ainsworth Robin Cox Jenny Dunbar* Judy Groves Ann Harper Jeni Kydd* Heather Morton Gita Patel Ruth Soper* Anne Stone* Linda Stone Pam Thompson Dorothy Walker* Naomi Wilson*

Coach: Leonie Agnew* Manager: Judy Hawker


NATIONAL MASTERS WOMEN 40+ Tournament Placing – Third Chris Berry Sue Caughey Pam Chapman Marian Crookbain Jo Dodge Mary-Anne Dunlop Maria Dunn Jill Emerson Jill Hansen Lisa Kennedy Janette Kruize * Diane McPherson Lorraine Rouse Sue Shearer

Coach: Pat Barwick Manager: Les Smith

NATIONAL MASTERS WOMEN 35+ Tournament Placing – Second Lisa Cassidy Angela Crene Chris Errington Wendy Fitzgerald Veronica Hay Sarah Lynn Tanyia Legge Jan McDonald Janelle McKellow Mandy Ormandy Chris Rayward Lyn Steele Hilary Stubbs Carolyn Tooby Chris Tweedie

Coach: Richard Munt Manager: Wendy Hughes

*Denotes draft player



Congratulations to the following players who were chosen to represent New Zealand 2006/2007

New Zealand Black Sticks New Zealand Black Sticks Men Women Nick Haig Honor Dillon Andy Hayward Jo Galletly Jan Petersen Meredith Orr Bradley Shaw Kate Saunders Hayden Shaw

Grant Edwards – Assistant Coach

National Squads Men Women Jason Bradley Stacey Carr Bridget Kight

National Development Squads Men Women Hugh Copland Pippa Hayward Mitch Hayde Jane Maley Fiona Morrison Liz Perry

Junior Black Sticks Women Liz Perry

Junior Black Sticks Squads Men Women George Connell Sophie Devine George Enersen Pippa Hayward Mitch Hayde Fiona Morrison Isaac Staples Zach Staples

Under 18 Boys Under 18 Girls Cam Albon Bridgette Allen Mitch Hayde Pippa Hayward Fiona Morrison

Tiger Turf Boys Girls Dillon Cumberpatch Jaime Bolton George Enersen Sarah Byers Cam Hayde Sian Fremaux Amelia Gibson Jordan Grant Jenny Storey


New Zealand Masters Men New Zealand Masters Women Craig Buckley (40+) NTR Tanyia Legge (35+) Peter Donohue (40+) Janelle McKellow (35+) Andy Innes (40+) Sharon Scott (35+) Ian Riach (40+) Lynne Steele (35+) Mike Rakowitz (40+) Sue Shearer (40+) Graham Belcher (45+) Hilary Stubbs (40+) Warwick Shilito (45+) Rhonda Agass (45+) Geoff Chalken (50+) Mary-Anne Dunlop (45+) Craig Galloway (50+) Di McPherson (45+) Marty Higgins (50+) Pip Wilson (45+) Graham Jackson (50+) Chris Berry (50+) Mike Pettet (50+) Jill Searle (50+) Malcolm Begg (55+) Bob Best (55+) NTR Jo Dodge Manager 35+ Rob Hardie (55+) Gary Marshall (55+) Tony Saunders (55+) Dick Pettet (50+) Mike Pettet (50+) Geoff Chalklen (50+) Andy Oleson (55+) Malcolm Begg (55+)

(NTR – Non travelling reserve)

International Umpire Appointments Nigel Iggo



Canterbury Hockey continued its association with Lincoln University this year. The applications for 2007 were of a very high standard and the initiative of the University to do a road show around the country to both promote the scheme and to test the potential scholars made a real difference to quality of the applicants

This year Amanda Murray was named hockey scholar of the year. Amanda is a hard worker and her performances in the physical testing continued to be of a high standard. Amanda was rewarded for an outstanding club season with selection in the Tandoori Palace Canterbury Cats.

Canterbury Hockey would like to thank Lincoln University for their support and partnership on the scheme which has now become a well established part of Canterbury Hockey and is one of the biggest draw cards CHA has for getting new blood into the region.


Year One Year Two Year Three

Richard Bain Samara Heeney David Burtt Sophie Nicolls Warwick Allen Pip Lloyd Latoya Grant Josh Hunt

Gareth Levers Anna Wetherall Charlotte White Photo 4 Gabby Galletly John Innes-Smith

Year 4 (Post Graduate)

Amanda Murray

Haeleigh Albon



Canterbury hosted three national tournaments in 2007 along with the University Tournament and National Indian tournaments.

In April 2007 Canterbury hosted the University Hockey Tournament. This was part of the National Universities Tournament and hockey was a small segment with seven men’s teams and four women’s teams participating.

At Queens Birthday weekend, Porritt Park was the venue for the National Indian tournament. This tournament was organised by the local Indian hockey community and was a most successful weekend. Eighteen teams participated in the National U18 Boys tournament in July and the Federation Cup saw the top sixteen secondary schoolgirls competing. A month later the inaugural combined Men’s and Women’s Senior tournament was held. This concept was well received and a record number of teams attended. The Nunweek Park secondary school tournament was held again in 2007 and this provided an opportunity for those schools not participating in the national secondary tournaments to participate with their peers.

In May 2007 two Black Sticks Women’s tests were held as part of a four game series against the Australian women. An Australian A team also came into camp and this provided five games against Canterbury Invitation teams. At the end of October the Korean men arrived for a three test series against the Black Sticks men in early November and an Invitation team played a practise game. These games give the Canterbury players an opportunity to play to a higher level than they would otherwise experience.

In 2007, Canterbury Hockey hosted three home games for the Tandoori Palace Canterbury Cats and two home games for the Scenic Circle Hotels Canterbury Cavaliers.

Canterbury Hockey is fortunate that when tournaments and National League games are allocated, there are willing members of the hockey community able to assist in the planning and organising in conjunction with the hockey staff. This is a key to the smooth running of event hosting in Canterbury and is a common theme on tournament evaluation reports from participating teams.

In 2008 Canterbury will host the National Under 21 and National Under 16 Girls Premier tournaments



Junior Competitions The JHMC continue to utilise a number of venues in and around Christchurch to run our various competition grades. Venues at Porritt Park, Nunweek Park, St Margarets, Burnside High School, Christchurch BHS, Christchurch GHS, Sydenham, Medbury School, Selwyn House School, Cathedral Grammar School and Wycola, plus a small number of grass grounds were used this year. With such an array of venues an extensive network of venue supervisors and considerable email reporting communication is necessary to ensure the competitions run smoothly. As usual there were a few unsavoury incidents and all took considerable administrative time to deal with thoroughly and fairly. Almost all cases involved adults stepping beyond the bounds of appropriate behaviour in a children’s sporting environment. This continues to be a frustration for the administrators.

Playing Numbers 2006 Girls 1078 Boys 510 2007 Girls 1106 Boys 509

Team numbers in 2007 Boys Premier 11-a-side 7 Teams Girls Premier 11-a-side 18 Teams Boys Super 8 13 Teams Girls Super 8 20 Teams Boys Intermediate 8 12 Teams Girls Intermediate 8 31 Teams Boys Junior 8 13 Teams Girls Junior 8 25 Teams 6-a-side Teams 25 Teams

Competition Placings and Trophy Winners Boys 11-a-side Premier Boys Champions – Lin Thompson Trophy Carlton Redcliffs Premier Boys Knockout Championship Carlton Redcliffs

Girls 11-a-side Major Championship Division 1 – Jan Hardie Trophy Harewood Red Preliminary Premier 1 Championship Harewood Red Preliminary Premier 2 Championship Selwyn House/Rangi Ruru Premier 2a Major Championship Selwyn House/Rangi Ruru Premier 2b Major Championship HSOB Burnside Premier 3 Major Championship Harewood White Premier Knockout Championship Harewood Red

Boys Super 8 Division 1 Major Championship St Michaels Division 2 Major Championship Cathedral Grammar Maroon

Girls Super 8 Division 1 Preliminary Championship HSOB Burnside Red Division 2 Preliminary Championship HSOB Burnside Kiwis Division 1 Major Championship HSOB Burnside Red Division 2 Major Championship Selwyn House A Division 3 Major Championship St Andrews Division 4 Major Championship Harewood Blue Division 5 Major Championship Harewood White


Boys Intermediate 8 Division 1 Major Championship Harewood Red Division 2 Major Championship Harewood Blue

Girls Intermediate 8 Division 1 Preliminary Championship Sydenham Black Division 2 Preliminary Championship Harewood White Division 3 Preliminary Championship St Marks Gold Division 1a Major Championship Sydenham Black Division 1b Major Championship Hornby Tigers Division 2a Major Championship Harewood Green Division 2b Major Championship Cathedral Grammar School Division 3a Major Championship St Marks Gold Division 3b Major Championship Selwyn Division 3c Major Championship Hornby Cats

Boys Junior 8 Division 1 Major Championship HSOB Burnside Sharks Division 2 Major Championship Avon Angels

Girls Junior 8 Division 1 Major Championship Selwyn House Red Division 2 Major Championship Harewood Blue Division 3 Major Championship Marist Mavericks

11-a-side Fair Play Boys - Peter Woods Memorial Trophy Harewood Blue Girls - Cathy Baker Trophy HSOB Burnside

Turf Rankings for 2008 Boys Girls 1. Carlton Redcliffs 1. Harewood Red 2. Medbury School 2. Hornby 3. Harewood Red 3. St Margarets College 4. Selwyn STAC 4. Carlton Redcliffs Red 5. Cathedral Grammar School 5. Selwyn House/Rangi Ruru 6. HSOB Burnside 6. Avon 7. Harewood Blue 7. Cathedral Grammar School 8. HSOB Burnside 9. Marist 10. Malvern 11. Harewood Blue 12. Carlton Redcliffs Black

Coastal Print Super Six Tournament Boys Girls 1. Selwyn 1. Harewood Red 2. Cathedral Grammar School 2. St Margarets College 3. Carlton Redcliffs 3. Carlton Redcliffs 4. HSOB Burnside 4. Cathedral Grammar School 5. Harewood Red 5. Avon 6. Medbury Preparatory School 6. Hornby 7. Harewood Blue 8. Selwyn House 9. HSOB Burnside 10. Marist


Players of the Tournament Kip Mouldey (Cathedral Grammar School) Sophie Cocks (St Margarets College)

Tournaments Teams Brendan Evans GK (Carlton Redcliffs) Meg Collyer GK (Cathedral Grammar) Jeremy Brydon (HSOB Burnside) Stephanie Webber (Harewood Red) Rakesh Singh (Selwyn) Charlotte Worner (Cathedral Grammar) Kip Mouldey (c) (Cathedral Grammar School) Emily McGregor (Carlton Redcliffs) James Skurr (Cathedral Grammar School) Isabella Van Woerkom (St Garrick Cummins (Harewood) Margarets College) Shannon Stott ( Selwyn) Beccy Gerard (Hornby) Katie Edwards (Harewood Red) Libby Masefield (Selwyn House School) Sophie Cocks (c) (St Margarets College)

Finances The Junior Management Committee operated close to budgeted expectations

Coaching and Development Significant progress occurred this year in the Coaching & Development area. The Southern Stars Coaching Academy for 76 elite players continued for its third year. This programme continues to be improved and refined. Head Coaches and Brett Hobson have brought a wealth of experience to their roles, and the JHMC is grateful for their continued involvement. The striker coaching programme that started last year in an unofficial capacity was formalised into the official Coaching and Development programme for 2007. A basic coaching of coaches’ programme was also run over two Sundays, and this year the JHMC also introduced a white board session for basic game structures for coaches of junior grades. A further new initiative of providing new training drills to coaches on a weekly basis was introduced for this season. Over 600 requests from coaches were received. Work continued on developing a coaching model that links our Southern Stars, striker coaching and representative team coaching. The initial experimental thrust in terms of our Representative teams was to ensure commonality of objectives from the Girls Year 5/6 Training Squads, Girls Development Squad and Girls U13A and U13B teams. Basic skill modules have been put in place, and work continues on enhanced skill modules and spatial modules.

Junior Umpiring The programme continued as for 2006. The 11-a-side development continued with good progress in the skill level of the junior umpires. Work continued at Super 8 level and while progress was made, it is recognised that further coaching resources need to be applied in the 2008 season to make the progress even more significant. The JHMC Umpiring programme gained a significant boost with the endorsement of the programme from New Zealand Umpiring Development Manager Craig Gribble. Mr Gribble also made himself available for the Junior Umpires Award night as guest speaker. The JHMC is grateful for his input.


Umpiring Awards Graeme Wright Trophy Best Male 11 Aside Umpire Jamie Watts

Marilyn Downward Trophy Best Female 11 Aside Umpire Holly Gibbs

Ray Webster Trophy Most Improved 11 Aside Male Umpire George Latty

Ray Webster Trophy Most Improved 11 Aside Female Umpire Antonia Haynes

Mandy Watts Trophy Most Promising 11 Aside Male Umpire Sean Coupe

Dot Copley Trophy Most promising 11 Aside Female Umpire Sandy Clark

Ashley Neale Trophy Best Super 8 Male Umpire Simon Demler

Jo Steele Trophy Best Super 8 Female Umpire Sarah Crean

Nunweek Te Paea McGregor Trophy Most Improved Super 8 Male Umpire Daniel Boustridge

Te Paea McGregor Trophy Most Improved Super 8 Female Umpire Annabelle Gallagher

St Margarets Whistler’s Trophy Most Improved Super 8 Male Umpire Nick Jones

Whistler’s Trophy Most Improved Super 8 Female Umpire Jessica Graham

Umpires Appointed to Tournaments Hatch Cup Jamie Watts Collier Trophy Holly Gibbs, Sandy Clark McGrath Trophy Sean Coupe Antonia Haynes South Island Festival of Hockey Daniel Tisch

Representative Another national champion team and a successful year with the highlight being the Girls U13A Team win at the Collier Trophy tournament. This now takes Canterbury’s wins in this tournament to eleven and well clear on the all time winners’ list. This year the U13B team also attended the Collier Trophy tournament and this team exceeded expectations by finishing in 6th place. The overall impact at Collier of having two teams in the quarter finals and finishing positions ultimately of 1st and 6th was a huge achievement and big boost for the coaching and development programmes being implemented. By virtue of the U13B team going to Collier Trophy, the Development Squad went to the McGrath Tournament. This Year 6/7 team performed admirably to finish in 4th place and its two losses were against two major Association B teams - Northland and North Harbour - by single goals.


The Boys teams also produced very creditable results with U13A finishing third at Hatch Cup, U13B finishing third at McGrath Tournament, and the Development Squad finishing third at the South Island Tournament. The new Year 5/6 Development Training Squads, although not accorded full representative status enjoyed participation in the Christchurch Primary Representative Tournament. The Girls had two good wins over other Association B teams, which was an extremely good result for this team, and the Boys had a win and a loss over similar opposition.

Canterbury Hockey Association Website – Junior Section Further development went into providing comprehensive information to our junior hockey community via this medium. The JHMC is proud of the timeliness, quality, and coverage of our activities on this site. We believe it is the most comprehensive junior hockey section in New Zealand.

Acknowledgements Junior hockey is flourishing due to the considerable time and effort put in by a large number of volunteers. I would like to thank all those who provided input – coaches, managers, club/school administrators, umpire coaches, draws administrator, representative coaches, representative managers, venue supervisors, umpires, umpire coaches, and coaching and development programme coaches, and of course the members of the JHMC

Chris Edwards JHMC Chairperson



Boys U13 Hatch Cup Thomas Batt David Brydon Jeremy Brydon (c) Luke Cracroft-Wilson James Skurr Vaughan England Harry Fairgray Matthew Lake Jake Lewis Angus Maindonald Thomas Mallon GK Kip Mouldey (c) Swain Parkinson Nick Phipps Rakesh Singh Callum Slaven Garrick Cummins (withdrew due to injury)

Coaches: Andrew Brydon Manager: Adrian Mouldey Alan Hyndman

Boys B Primary Peter Anderson Callum Armstrong Ari Barrow (c) Duncan Bridgman David Buick GK Nic Christeller Rob Christeller Courtney Crozier Liam Gray Angus McGregor Ethan Patfield Fergus Robertson Charles Clarke Hayden Slaughter Shannon Stott (c) RichardWoodtli

Non Travelling Reserves Ethan Sheddon Glenn Thomson

Coach: John Slaughter Manager: David McGregor Coach: Craig Anderson

Boys Development Squad John Aitken (c) Hamish Christeller (vc) Jonathan Hartland Nico Cronshaw Samual Dawson Ben Dowers Hamish Forrest Samual Gray (vc) Vaughan Greenfield Josh Knight Angus MacDonald Rawiri McIntosh Kieran Metherell Dominic Newman Benjamin Ridgen Dallas Waltham

Non Travelling Reserves Simon England Geoffrey Twiss

Coach: George Ridgen Manager Carl Dawson Assistant Coach: Bernard Christeller

Boys Development Training Squad Jonathon Anderson Dominic Bain Aidan Christie Liam Coupe Matt Cummins Ben Dawson Nathaniel Fibbens Joshua Fletcher Sam Hay James Kingston-Smith Henry Muskee Callum McGregor Edward Roche Jayden Wyke

Coach: Carl Dawson


Girls U13 Collier Trophy Leah Butt Sophie Cocks (c) Michaela Dobson Katie Edwards Kate Lange Emily McGregor Libby Masefield Phillipa Matthews Gabrielle Morgan GK Victoria Steel (vc) Phoebe Steele Isabella van Woerkom Emily Watson Stephanie Webber Sarah Walcott Charlotte Worner (vc)

Coaches: Chris Edwards Manager: Rhonda Lange Michelle Baird

Girls U13B Primary Sophie Abbott Gabrielle Beckett Harriet Blue Lucy Brown Megan Collyer GK (vc) Megan de Lambert (vc) Jackie Eden Beccy Gerard Ruby Hauschild (c) Joanna Hewson Louise Merrick Julia Newsome-White Claudia Oswald Allie Coupe Clara Todd Lori Watt

Non Travelling Reserves Sophie Mentink Erina Telford GK

Coach: Craig McIntosh Manager: Jane Jenkins Assistant Coach: Rowan Brankin

Girls Development Squad Izzy Brown Ashleigh Clark Kate Duncan Helen Dunn (c) Isabella Forbes Charlotte Hemens Louise Herring (vc) Rosy Hogben Ella McLean (vc) Emma Moody Kerri Paterson Francesca Silvester Georgie Surie Catherine Tinning Poppy Varley-Clapp Samantha Williams

Non Travelling Reserves Nikki Baker Helen Vincent

Coaches: Michael Edwards Manager Thelma Herring Hayley Chalmers

Girls Development Training Squad Alice Batt Hannah Calder Julia Chamberlain Phillipa Cross Emily Fullen Kate Fullen Lauren Iggo Alex Leck Claire McGregor Hannah Maloney Stephanie Murphy Isabella Pearce Roberta Taylor Kimberley Wood

Coaches: Chris Edwards Michelle Baird



Canterbury Boys Player of the Year Kip Mouldey Chris Edwards Trophy

Canterbury Girls Player of the Year Sophie Cocks Chris Edwards Trophy Charlotte Worner Victoria Steel

Canterbury Boys Most promising Player of David Brydon the Year – Shaw Family Trophy

Canterbury Girls Most promising Player of Sarah Walcott the Year – Lisa Pursey Memorial Trophy

Canterbury B Boys Most Valuable Player Ari Barrow Koorey Family Trophy

Canterbury B Girls Most Valuable Player Ruby Hauschild Wendy Fitzgerald Trophy

Canterbury Boys Development Squad Most John Aitken Valuable Player – Koorey Family Trophy

Canterbury Girls Development Squad Most Helen (Tilly) Dunn Valuable Player – Wendy Fitzgerald Trophy



Master’s hockey continues to grow, along with the enthusiasm and dedication of our players. We are fortunate to have a Committee of hard working players who strive to ensure that we have an excellent local competition and our interests are well represented nationally by Pam Thompson at the Master’s Council.

The local Master’s competition produced some excellent hockey and as each year passes, we see a greater unity amongst the men’s and women’s players, contributing to the ‘Master’s unit.’ The standard of the hockey played continues to impress, with the Men’s competition again being won by Harewood and the women’s local competition won by Hornby. These two teams have finished at the top of the table for several years running An Ashburton men’s team continued to participate in the competition and we extend our thanks for the hospitality shown to players travelling down to Ashburton to play each week.

The National Master’s Hockey tournament is now the largest hockey tournament in New Zealand, with over 60 teams participating each year. The tournament for 2007 was held in Auckland. Canterbury Master’s fielded 7 teams and achieved a gold medal in the Men’s 40+ grade. This final was played against the home team Auckland and was a very hard fought battle which ended in a draw. The result was finally decided in the third set of penalty strokes - a marathon effort and a popular result with the crowd. Special mention should be made of the outstanding sportsmanship and restraint shown by our Canterbury players during this very competitive match. These are excellent results for an ‘away’ tournament, as often selections can be somewhat limited by players’ abilities to travel out of town, for a variety of reasons. We look forward to National Tournament in Palmerston North in 2008.

Further testament to the success of our Canterbury players, was that 18 players were named in New Zealand Master’s age group teams to travel to Birmingham, England to compete in the 2007 International Master’s Hockey Tournament. Of those teams, the NZW35+ won a gold medal and the NZW45+ and NZM40+ won silver medals. We congratulate these players on their selection and the results achieved.

The success of our local competition and provincial Master’s teams would not be possible without the support of the coaches, managers and Master’s Committee members who give their time unselfishly to further our sport. We thank them sincerely for their efforts. In particular, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the members of the Master’s Committee. A great deal of work is done behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of our competition and tournament teams. Pam Thompson, our secretary, requires special acknowledgement for her tireless efforts in administration.

Thanks must also be extended to the umpires and to Keith Harvey who organised the umpires draw for the 2006-2007 Master’s season. We appreciate the support we receive from the facilities staff who are often at the park till quite late some nights to allow ‘post- match debriefing’, which is an important social aspect of the Master’s philosophy and camaraderie. The support from CHA and associated staff is also acknowledged.

Special mention is made of the contribution to Master’s hockey by Derek Torkington. All Master’s players thank you for your support and we wish you well in your retirement.

Mary-Anne Dunlop Chairman Masters’ Committee



It was a pleasure to see Canterbury teams doing well at their National tournaments, with teams finishing well and national titles being won. It was good to see a number of players from Canterbury also making New Zealand teams.

Golf The Annual Golf Tournament proved to be another success with 52 players teeing off after a good hearty breakfast. Special thanks to the breakfast team for turning out the breakfasts in under an hour so that everyone was ready for the 10 am tee off

Golf Tournament winners were

HSOB/Burnside Team Cup Rangiora Thomson Cup Rodger Campbell C.H.S. Cup Graeme Martin Bob Erikson Memorial Karl Rollinson Norm Palmer Salver Gary Marshall

Raffles & Manpower Whilst raffles have been a great success it has been hard work with such a small number helping out. Without this income the Supporters Club is limited to the assistance that it can give to Canterbury Hockey.

With a number of international games being played in Christchurch, the Supporters Club provided valuable volunteer manpower to assist in the successful hosting of these games.

Golden Oldies The Golden Oldies tournament was held in Argentina in September. The Supporters had a smaller contingent than normal attended but the tournament was enjoyed in the usual spirit by those who did. The next tournament is to be held in Adelaide, Australia in 2009

2007 Officers Patron Ross Gillespie President Graham Brosnahan Vice President Trevor Harvey Secretary Jeanette Higgins Treasurer/Register Keeper Trevor Good Committee Pam Sunnex Alan Edward Graeme Cox Wayne Lovell Denis Sloan Auditor G. Payne

Graham Brosnahan President



The past season has been a busy one for CHUC. We held separate training sessions for CHUC’s umpires at the start of the season and then a session for club umpires midway through the season. Next season we will be holding a joint training session prior to the start of the season when all CHUC umpires, club umpires and coaches will be invited to attend the one session.

There has been some concern expressed during the season about the decision to have clubs supply their own umpires if named umpires are not appointed to their games and some clubs feel that this has simply highlighted a shortage of named umpires. While our numbers were down it was not by a significant amount. CHUC’s main source of umpires is from amongst the players and I would appeal to clubs to give some thought to promoting CHUC amongst their players. It does not take many extra named umpires to fill the gaps on the draw.

During the season we had a large number of umpires officiating at various tournaments and my congratulations to the following for their achievements:

Umpires: International Panel Umpires Craig Gribble Nigel Iggo 16 Sultan Azian Shah Cup Tournament Nigel Iggo National Hockey League Nigel Iggo Craig Gribble Gareth Greenfield Mark Rippin Annie Rodgers Nicola Rankin Karen Bennett Nigel South (reserve) National U21 Nicola Rankin Craig Gribble Mark Rippin Nigel South National Senior Men’s Nigel South Andrew Gillespie National Senior Women’s Nicola Rankin Karen Bennett Jan McDonald Melissa Melville National Masters Keith Harvey National U18 Boys Andrew Spence National U18 Girls Melissa Melville National U15 Girls Hayley Aburn Division 2 National U15 Boys Henry Jenkins Division 2 National U15 Girls Mandy Watts U18B Boys & Girls Lyndsey Jones Adrienne Stackhouse Rankin Cup Andrew Spence Federation Cup Cathie Bills India Shield Adrienne Stackhouse Johnson Cup Callum Pawsey

Officials: National U21 – Umpires Manager Craig Gribble National U18 Boys- Asst Umpires Manager Gareth Greenfield National U15 Boys – Umpires Manager Mark Rippin National U15 Girls - Umpires Manager Annie Rodgers Tournament Director Colleen Cameron Regional Umpire Coaching Clinic Katy Keen Callum Pawsey


The committee have had a busy year. Jan McDonald handled her first season as appointments officer very well and Cathie Bills in her first year on the committee blended in well. My thanks also to Colleen Cameron, Hilary Stubbs, Annie Rodgers and Gary Love for their continued input. CHA have been represented at management meetings by Bev Savage, with Mark Beatson and Lin Thompson also attending some meetings. My thanks to those people for their input and guidance.

Craig Gribble and Nigel Iggo both assisted in training sessions and this was also appreciated. Towards the end of the season Craig Gribble assisted CHUC in working towards putting together an umpires pathway. The aim of this is to provide a clear pathway for umpires from Saturday mornings through to the top levels. A sub-committee comprising Colleen Cameron, Hilary Stubbs, Annie Rodgers and myself was formed to progress this and and it will be in place for next season. This will provide all umpires with practical assistance in terms of coaching and guidance and also provide for an amicable working relationship between CHUC and JMC.

Finally Hilary Stubbs and myself have completed our three year terms and Hillary will be available for nomination for another term. Most people will be aware that my wife and I are semi-retiring to Australia later next year and while I will be available for nomination, work commitments will require that if elected, I resign as chairperson two months out from next years general election. If CHUC’s members find this palatable then I look forward to a new season with the challenge of implementing the new pathway for umpires.

My thanks to all of CHUC’s umpires. Many front up more than once every week and their efforts and high standard of umpiring are appreciated. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Derek Torkington for the support he has given over the past years and wish him well for the future.


CHUA Most Improved Junior Girl Hayley Aburn

CHUA Most Improved Junior Boy Callum Pawsey

Colleen Cameron Trophy Best Overall Junior Umpire Charles Hadfield

CHUA Silver Whistle Hayley Aburn (Highest Achievement by a Junior Umpire)

CHUA Trophy Player/Umpire of the Year Mandy Watts

Mary McGregor Trophy - Most Improved Female Umpire Melissa Melville

Ted Gilliver Trophy – Most Improved Male Umpire Lyndsey Jones

Jeanette Harper Salver – For Overall Excellence Nigel South

CHUA Golden Whistle Nigel Iggo (Highest Achievement by a Premier Umpire)

CHUA Trophy for outstanding Contribution Jan McDonald by a Committee Member

Graeme Wright CHUC Chairperson