Abbreviations Abbreviations for Libraries and Collections1 BNA British National Archives, Kew, London. BOD Oxford University, Bodleian Library, Oxford, England. DUR Durham University Library, Durham, England, William Plomer Collection. HHC Humphry House Collection. With permission of the Literary Estate of Humphry House, London. HL Huntington Library, Pasadena, CA. Papers of Elizabeth Bowen. HRC Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, Elizabeth Bowen Collection: Correspondence (Incoming, Outgoing), Vertical File. JRUL John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester, Manchester, England, L.P. Hartley Collection. KC King’s College Library, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, Rosamond Nina Lehmann Collection. LSU Louisiana State University Archives, at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi, Eudora Welty Papers. NSA National Sound Archives, BBC recordings, British Library, London. NYPL New York Public Library, Berg Collection, New York. PRONI Public Record Ofce of Northern Ireland, Belfast, Ireland, Derek Hill Collection. SC Smith College, Northampton, MA, Sophia Smith Collection, Mortimer Rare Book Room, Neilson Library. SU Sussex University Library, Sussex, England, Monk’s House Papers of Virginia Woolf. TC Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland, Manuscript Division. UCC University College Cork Library, Cork, Ireland, Special Collections. © Te Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 321 P. Laurence, Elizabeth Bowen, Literary Lives, 322 Abbreviations Abbreviations for Names CR Charles Ritchie DH Derek Hill EB Elizabeth Bowen EW Eudora Welty GR Goronwy Rees HH Humphrey House IB Isaiah Berlin MS Manuscript OM Ottoline Morrell PL Patricia Laurence RL Rosamond Lehmann SOF Sean O’Faolain SS Stephen Spender VW Virginia Woolf WP William Plomer Note 1.
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