50th Reunion UWA Graduates 1969 Saturday 2nd November 2019 Convocation The University of Western Australia M362, 35 Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009 Australia Tel: +61 8 6488 3006 Email:
[email protected] convocation.uwa.edu.au linkedin.com/grouPs/78667 50th Reunion of the Graduates of 1969 Date: 2nd November 2019 Time: 11.00am Location: Banquet Hall, The University Club of Western Australia CONVOCATION Master of Ceremonies: Mr Ric Stern Warden: Dr Doug McGhie DePuty Warden: Clinical Professor Lesley Cala Juanita Perez Reunion Booklet Clinical Professor Lesley Cala, Kris Bather Editors: and Devon Cuneo Manny Tamayo Tour Guides: Ron Bodycoat AM, UWA Historical Society Carl Altmann, Friends of the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery Mary Ann Yeats, Friends of the Grounds Terry Larder, former Manager of the UWA Visitors Centre 1969 REUNION COMMITTEE Julie Crews, Devon Cuneo, Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis and Ric Stern FOREWORD This booklet includes a précis of the information submitted by the 1969 graduates who responded to our request for biograPhical information. May we aPologise for any errors or omissions. Front cover sketch by Don Thomas, UWA Graduate 1938 Inside cover sketch by John Mungham Convocation of UWA Graduates 1 50th Reunion of the Graduates of 1969 IN MEMORIAM It is understood, with regret, that the following graduates of 1969 are deceased: ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE Julia L. Newton Clark EDUCATION AND VISUAL ARTS Ronald R. Oliver John W. Berridge ChristoPher H. Hilford Bryan A. O'Neil Joy M. Bignell Haralds Schubert Kaye M. Carvosso (née) Parry Enid M. Conochie (née) Huggett ARTS Judith D. Robinson (née) McBeath June C.