GfBS Abstracts Poster 14.09.2004

Bänfer Gudrun Introgression or ancient lineage sorting of chloroplast haplotypes? Divergent phylogenies obtained by AFLP analysis and cpDNA sequencing of myrmecophytic M P 1.01 Rex Martina Phylogeny of Bolivian Fosterella species revealed by non-coding chloroplast DNA sequences and AFLPs P 1.02 Heim Isabel Phylogenetic position and putative biogeography of three Tethya species from aquarium type habitats P 1.03 Schill Ralph Molecular barcoding with restriction enzymes for species identification in tardigrades P 1.04 Singh Rameshwar Molecular phylogeny of Cotesia spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) inferred from 16S and COI genes P 1.05 Nittinger Franziska Molecular Systematics and population genetics of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) P 1.06 Maas Andreas Oelandocaris oelandica, the possible earliest stem-lineage crustacean P 2.01 Waloszek Dieter New fossil arthropods and the evolution of the cephalic feeding system of arthropods and crustaceans P 2.02 Schulz-Mirbach Tanja Untersuchungen an Otolithen (Lapilli) rezenter Karpfenfische und das Ende von " Cyprinidarum sp." P 2.03 Moreira-Munoz Andrés Verbreitungsmuser ausgewählter Gattungen der Flora Chiles: Refugialhabitate in einem florenhistorischen Übergangsgebiet P 3.01 Nürk Nicolai Lithospermum (Boraginaceae) in South America P 3.02 Meve Ulrich Relationships within tuberous Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae from Africa and Madagascar P 3.03 Gugel Jochen Biodiversity of marine sponges (Porifera) near Rovinj (Northern Croatia Adriatic Sea) P 3.04 Haas Fabian The Earwig (Dermaptera: Insecta) Fauna of Kenya P 3.05 Marquart Katrin Vorkommen und Ökologie endemischer Nagetiere (Muridae: Nesomyinae) im "Drachenbaum-Regenwald" von Ost Madagaskar P 3.06 Zitzler Kristina How colourful live can be! The investigation of a lacustrine species radiation of atyid shrimps in Sulawesi, Indonesia P 3.07 Brinkmann Nora "Impoverished and less perfected"? - A molcular phylogeny and zoological geography of Australian freshwater Thiaridae P 3.08 Houben Carmen Survival of foraminifera in the gut of holothuroids from Elba Island (Mediterranean Sea) P 3.09 Oehlschlaeger Susanne Building the Global Biodiversity Facility (GBIF) - 3 years down the road P 4.01 Jahn Regine Biodiversity in past, present and future - joint access to botanical data with GBIF P 4.02 Oehlschläger Susanne The German GBIF node for Mycology P 4.03 Melzer Roland GBIF-Germany, Evertebrata II: A database on Chelicerata, Myriapoda and types housed in German natural history museu P 4.04 Häuser Christoph Butterfly on the Internet - the GART / GloBIS Database Projects P 4.05 Kwet Axel Ein Elektronischer Katalog von Primärtypen der Wirbeltiere in deutschen Forschungssammlungen P 4.06 Brune Thomas Schachtelhalm-Kreuzungen der Untergattung Hippochaete - Eine Revision von Belegen aus Karlsruhe (KR) und Stuttgart (STU) P 4.07 Henning Tilo Floral longevity, self pollination and stamen movement in Loasaceae subfam. Loasiodeae P 4.08 Achatz Michaela A morphological and anatomical comparison of two halophytic Heliotropim species, (Heliotrpium patagonicum and H. curassavicum (Heliotropiaceae, Boraginales) P 4.09 Schmidt-Lebuhn Alexander Revision of the Genus Minthostachys Grisebach (Lamiaceae) P 4.10 Hentrich Heiko Variability in flower morphology and scent composition in a population of the Gongora quinquenervis RUIZ & PAVON-complex (Orchidaceae) in C P 4.11 Heim Isabel Molecular taxonomy of the mediterranean species of the genus Aplysina (Porifera: Demospongiae P 4.12 Mayer Werner Molecular phylogenetic relationships and ecology of Pristionchus species P 4.13 Eheberg Dirk The body-wall musculature of Meioherpia atlantica (Solenogastres: Dondersiidae) and Helminthope psammobionta (Opisthobranchia: Rhodopem P 4.14 Rückert Ina-Maria Microanatomy and ultrastructure of the cephalic tentacles of the Hygrophila (: Basommatophora) P 4.15 Haszprunar Gerhard What is Skeneidae? Soft Part Morphology of Three Potative Representatives (:Vetigastropoda) P 4.16 Haszprunar Gerhard Development of the Genital System of Williamia radiata (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, ) P 4.17 Richling Ira Convergences in shell morphology and radula structure within the Helicinidae (Molluscaa:Gastropoda: Neritopsina) P 4.18 Bäcker Holger An old Idea Reconsideres - The "Subcoxaltheorie" P 4.19 Kaiser Stefanie A new species of Nannoniscidae (Isopoda)? - Pseudomesus sp. nov. from the Angola Basin P 4.20 GfBS Abstracts Poster 14.09.2004

Samara Rana Phylogenetic studies on Trichogramma aurosum Sugonjaev & Sorokina (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae P 4.21 Sanetra Matthias Tetramorium tsushimae, a new invasive ant in North America P 4.22 Winkler Jasmin Evolution of autopodials in pleurodire turtels: developmental, phylogenetic and morphometric aspects P 4.23 Schmelzle Thomas Labyrinth evolution and phylogeny in Diprotontia (Mammalia: Marsupialia P 4.24 Prochel Jan Skeletal development in Talpa europaea, the common European mole P 4.25 Schmid Simone Autopodial diversity in hystricognath rodents P 4.26 Koch André Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Systematik der Bindenwarane (Reptilia: Varanidae: Varanus salvaor ssp.-Komplex) P 4.27 45 Poster