Watertown Group's Refuse Plant Goes to Hearing Monday
Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org ; i-3 C O. O H% :fcj at Q t-3 CDJH > O Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community M Litchfwld County •cr- O Vol. 40 No. 20 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00 PER YEAR Car, Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS May 16, 1985 La 1-3 Watertown Group's K Refuse Plant Goes To Hearing Monday Residents will have a chance to speak out on the controversial pro- Parade Lineup Announced posal by the Watertown Group to build a trash-to-energy incineration For Memorial Day Event 'plant in, the community at, a public 'The tentative lineup for the 1985 for the parade. Mr. Battick said all hearing Monday, May 20. Memorial Day Parade, sponsored members should be present. The hearing has been scheduled by the Watertown-Oakville The various division directors, by the Town Council, for .8 p.m. in, the high school library, 32,4 French DISCUSSING A POINT1 with Superintendent Vincent I. Petroccia, 'Veterans Council, has been for- and where their groups will form,, are: as follows: First Division, St., prior to the regular Council right, of the Water and Sewer Authority at Monday night's special Town mulated. Chairman Phillip Battick Russell Smith, Knights of Colum- meeting Council-aothority joint meeting are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dibble, Grand- Jr. of the parade committee has bus parking lot; Second, George Administration and Council of- view Avenue. About 40 residents turned out at a hearing to support announced. Collier, area to right of plaza en- ficials this week went on a tour of plans for a water, line extension into the neighborhood, only to learn The annual parade is scheduled, for Monday, May 27, to begin at trance; Third, Steve Rossignol, a similar refuse disposal plant in a lawsuit: by four Fire District .members could delay fending •through area to left of plaza, entrance; and Pitts field, Mass,.,, to obtain a referendum for months, (Valuckas Photo) 10 a.m.
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