A Study on the East Sea (Donghae) in the Werstern Old Map

Lee Sang-tae (Office Directer, National Institute of Korean History)

Mountains, rivers, and seas did not have any names in the ancient times. However, with the development of culture, people began to name these areas. The names of each mountain, river, and sea reflect a cultural heritage as well as the values of the people who lived around them.

It is noted that due to the fact that Korea was a peninsula, surrounded with three sides water, the people of Korea were interested in the sea, and they named the coastal waters based on directions such as east, west, south, north and center. They called the seas the East Sea (Donghae in Korean), the West Sea (Seohae in Korean), and the South Sea (Namhae in Korean).

The name "East Sea" first appeared during the reign of King Dongmyeong in the "History of the Koguryo Kingdom" in the History of the Three Kingdoms. The three Kingdoms - Silla, Koguryo, and Baekje - were established in BC 57, 37, and 18 respectively, while the East Sea was recognized since BC 59 before the establishment of the three Kingdoms. The East Sea has a long history in Korea.

The name of the East Sea was changed into the Japan Sea, because of Japanese rule in Korea. Japan alterated it into the Japan Sea. To show this historical fact, I have analyzed the Western old maps. Regarding these maps, the Univ. of Southern California holds 146, the National Library of 127, History Museum of Seoul 82, and individuals 52 respectively. I have used 407 maps in order to do this work.

The name of the East Sea first appeared in the map made by Dourado in 1571, in which Korea was described as “Comrai”. Then, Korea was mentioned as a round island and as “Corea” in the map of “East India” made by Langeren in 1595. Instead of Korea, the name, “Cory”, was written in the map, which was made by Teisera and published by Ortelius in 1595.


Among the Western old maps we can see the first appearance of the East Sea in the map of “Asia” made in 1597, in which the East Sea was described as “The Easter or Corea Sea”. 6 years later, the name of the “Japan Sea” also showed in the World Map made by Matteo Ricci in 1603. According to Japaneses, the name of the “Japan Sea” was not used within the nation, but used first abroad and the map made by Matteo Ricci was its first example. But I have found the fact that the name of “the East Sea” was used earlier than that of “the Japan Sea” in the Western maps as well.

Particularly, until 18th century the name of the “the East Sea” appeared in the maps predominated in contrast with “the Japan Sea”. That is to say, the former is 190, the latter 8. However, in the 19th century the number of the maps, in which the the name of the Japan Sea showed, increased because of the influence of the map made by La Pe'rouse Further, the cases of the name “the Japan Sea” used in the maps grew more than before in the 20th century, since Japan made Korea her colony in 1910. Thus, I have reached the conclusion that among 409 maps the East Sea appeared in 298 maps, but the Japan Sea in 109 maps. Put it another, 73.2% belongs to the former, only 26.8% the latter. It is very clear that the frequency of the name of the East Sea in use was predominantly higher than that of the Japan Sea in the Western old maps.

♦ 첨부자료

1 1690 ASIA China Sea 역사 2 1780 THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, in EUROPE&ASIA Corea gulf 역사 3 1790 The Russian empire, in Europe and Asia Bowen, Thomas, d Corea Gulf usc 4 1775 The empire of China, with its principal divisiions Roberts, Jo. Corean Sea usc 5 1785/1794 Asia and its islands from the most recent authorities Topham, J. Corean Sea usc 6 1787 A new and complete chart of the world Bowen, Thomas, d. Corean Sea usc 7 1787 The World, with the latest discoveries Corean Sea usc 8 1790 Map of Asia from the best authorities Ainslie, John Corean Sea usc 9 1794 China, divided into its great provinces, and the isles of Japan Dunn, Samuel, d. Corean Sea usc Anville, Jean 10 1794 The empire of China, with its principle divisions Baptiste Corean Sea usc Bourguignon d' 11 1798 A chart exhibiting the new discoveries in the Pacific Ocean Millar, John, fl Corean Sea usc 12 1799 A map of Asia according to the method of the Abbe Gaultier Wauthier, Mr Corean Sea usc 13 1813 Asia, drawn from the best authorities Aspin, Jehoshaphat, Corean Sea usc 14 1814 A general chart of the world on Mercators projection Charles, J. CoreanSea usc 15 1760 Kaart van de geheele wereld Gravius, N. T. Corease Zee usc Macartney, George Der Coreanische 16 1812 Charte von China usc Macartney, Earl, Meer 17 1800/1810 Carte d'Asie Blondeau, Alexandre, G. de Coree usc 2


18 Carte D'Asie G. de Coree 개인 19 1790 Asia : compendio di geographia Guthrie, William G. di Corea usc 20 1798 The world on Mercators projection Fairman, Gideon G. of Corea usc Tanner, Henry 21 1843 A new map of the world on the globular projection G. of Corea usc Schenck Thomas, 22 1851 A new map of the world on the globular projection. G. of Corea usc Cowperthwait & Co. 23 1808 THE WORLD WITH THE LATEST DISCOVERIES TO THE PRESENT YEAR 1808 Gulf of Corea 역사 24 1827 ASIA Gulf of Corea 역사 25 1840 ASIA Gulf of Corea 역사 26 1740 Asia, plate VI:Japan, Corea, the Monguls, and part of China Bolton, Solomon Gulf of Corea usc 27 1762 An improved map of Asia Hinton,John, d Gulf of Corea usc Anville, Jean 28 1772 Asia according to the Sieur D'Anville Baptiste Gulf of Corea usc Bourguignon d' 29 1774 Asia, divided into its principal states Dunn, Samuel, d Gulf of Corea usc 30 1790 Bowle's new one-sheet map of Asia Palairet, Jean Gulf of Corea usc 31 1791 A new map of Asia Russell, John, fl Gulf of Corea usc 32 1795 Asia, from the best authorities Russell, John, fl Gulf of Corea usc 33 1796 A new map of Asia, drawn from the best authorities Morse, Jedidiah Gulf of Corea usc 34 1798 Asia, drawn from the latest astronomical observations Russell, W Gulf of Corea usc 35 1800/1801 Asia from the best authorities Kirkwood & Sons. Gulf of Corea usc 36 1801 Asia from the best authorities Morse, Jedidiah Gulf of Corea usc 37 1801 A new chart of the world, on Mercator's projection Cary, John, ca Gulf of Corea usc 38 1807 Asia from the latest authories Borlew Gulf of Corea usc 39 1817 Asia Thomson, John Gulf of Corea usc 40 1822 Asia Thomson, John Gulf of Corea usc 41 1825 Asia Cummings, J. A. Gulf of Corea usc Wilkinson, Robert, d. 42 1826 Asia Gulf of Corea usc ca. 43 1832 Eastern hemisphere Teesdale, Henry Gulf of Corea usc 44 1834 Asia Walker, Samuel Gulf of Corea usc 45 1835/1850 Asia Walker, Samuel Gulf of Corea usc 46 1840 Pacific Ocean. Young, J. H. Gulf of Corea usc 47 1846 Map of Asia. Wyld, James Gulf of Corea usc 48 1833 D'ASIE Gulf of Coree 역사 49 D'ASIE Gulf of Coree 역사 50 1855 JAPAN Japan sea 역사 51 1875 MAP OF ASIA/ MAP OF PERSIA, IN ASIA Japan Sea 역사 52 1911 ATLAS OF THE WORLD(JAPAN AND KOREA) Japan Sea 역사 Colton, G. 53 1858 Asia Japan Sea usc Woolworth Rand McNally and 54 1895 map of Asia. Japan Sea usc Company. 55 1863 CHINA, KOREA UND JAPAN Japaniches Mer 역사 56 1890 OST-CHINA, KOREA ND JAPAN Japaniches Mer 역사 57 1890 CHINESISCHES REICH Japaniches Mer 역사 58 1891 NORD-& MITTEL-ASIEN Japaniches Mer 역사 59 1908 JAPAN, KOREA UND OST-CHINA Japaniches Mer 역사


60 CHINESISCHES REICH UND JAPAN Japaniches Mer 역사 61 1782 A new and correct map of the Russian empire Korea Sea usc 62 1770 Mappe monde:carte universelle de la terre Bourgoin, P. M. de Coree usc 63 1779 Emisfero terrestre settentrionale tagliato su equatore. Zatta, Antonio, fl M. di Corea usc 64 1777 L'Asia divisa ne' suoi principali stati di nuova projezione. Zatta, Antonio, fl. Mare di Corea usc 65 1730 Imperii Russici et Iatariane Univesae Ioh Mathiale Hasii Mare Orienta 개인 66 1744 Asia Mare Orienta 개인 67 1744 ASIA Mare Orientale 역사 Hase, Johann Mare Orientale 68 1739/ Imperii Russici et Tatariae universae tam majoris et Asiaticae usc Matthias Minus Mare Orientale 69 1762 Imperium Russicum omnisque Tartaria. Lobeck, Tobias, fl usc Minus Hase,JohannMatthia 70 1744 Asia MareorientaleMinus usc s 71 1745 Carte d'Asie L'Isle, Guillaume de Mer de Core usc Robert de Vaugondy, 72 1750 Carte de l'Asie Mer de Core usc Didier 73 1753/1760 Tabula geographica partis septentrionalis Maris Pacifici Euler, Leonhard Mer de Core usc 74 1723 Asie Guillaume Delisle Mer de Coree 프랑스 75 1723 Carte d’Asie G. Delisle Mer de Coree 프랑스 76 1732 L’Asie J. Luillier & G. Danet Mer de Coree 프랑스

L’Asie présentée selon le rapport que toutes ses parties ont 77 1739 Sanson Mer de Coree 프랑스 avec les cieux, entre elles, et avec l’histoire

78 1748 Carte de L'Empire du Japon Bellin Mer de Coree 개인 79 1748 L'EMPIRE DE LA CHINE Mer de Coree 역사 80 1749 CARTE DU KATAY OU EMPIRE DE KIN Mer de Coree 역사 81 1749 L’Asie divisée en ses principaux empires et royaumes… Sanson Mer de Coree 프랑스 82 1751 CARTE DE L'ASIE Mer de Coree 역사 83 1752 COREE Mer de Coree 역사 84 1754 L’Asie divisée en tous ses Etats Mer de Coree 프랑스 85 1762 SIBERIE OU RUSSIE ASIATIQUE Mer de Coree 역사 86 1762 SIBERIE OU RUSSIE ASIATIQUE Mer de Coree 역사 87 1762 SIBERIE OU RUSSIE ASIATIQUE Mer de Coree 역사 88 1774 L’Asie suivant les dernières observations des Moscovites Mer de Coree 프랑스 89 1776 Carte d’Asie divisée en ses princaux Etats Clouet Mer de Coree 프랑스 90 1778 INDOSTAN&CHINE Mer de Coree 역사 91 1778 Asie divisée en ses empires et royaumes Robert de Vaugondy Mer de Coree 프랑스 92 1778 Asie divisée en ses principaux Etats Robert de Vaugondy Mer de Coree 프랑스 93 1780 Carte D'Asie L'Abbe Clouet Mer de Coree 개인 94 1780 Carte d’Asie sans titre, Mer de Coree 프랑스 95 1783 L'Asie divifee en Ses principaux Etats Janvier Mer De Coree 개인 96 1784 L’Asie divisée en ses principaux Etats ou pays Brion de la Tour Mer de Coree 프랑스 97 1785 L’Asie divisée en ses régions et Etats Moithey Mer de Coree 프랑스 98 1786 L'Asie dresee pour l'etude Brion Mer de Coree 개인 99 1787 Carte d’Asie, divisée en ses principaux Etats Clouet Mer de Coree 프랑스 100 1787 Carte d’Asie divisée en ses principaux états Clouet Mer de Coree 프랑스 101 1787 Carte nouvelle d’Asie Philippe Moithey Mer de Coree 프랑스 102 1791 Carte d’Asie, divisée en ses différents empires et royaumes J. B. Nolin Mer de Coree 프랑스 4

103 Siberie ou Russie Asiatique Robert de Vaugondy Mer de Coree 개인 104 18세기 Siberie ou Russie Asiatique Robert de Vaugondy Mer de Coree 개인 Robert de Vaugondy, 105 1740 Le Japon Mer de Coree usc Didier 106 1745 Hemisphere oriental L'Isle, Guillaume de Mer de Coree usc Bellin, Jacques 107 1748 L'empire de la Chine Mer de Coree usc Nicolas 108 1750 Cartes des nouvelles d*couvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud Buache, Philippe Mer de Coree usc 109 1754 Carte du Katay, ou Empire de Kin Pr*vost, abb Mer de Coree usc Bellin, Jacques 110 1757 Carte de la province du Royaume de Kau-li, ou Core Mer de Coree usc Nicolas 111 1760 L'Asie divise en ses principaux etats Janvier, Jean. Mer de Coree usc Robert de Vaugondy, 112 1762 Siberie ou Russie asiatique, Tartarie chinoise Mer de Coree usc Gilles 113 1762/1780 Asie divise en ses principaux etats Janvier, Jean. Mer de Coree usc Bellin, Jacques 114 1764 Carte du royaume de Kau-li on Coree Mer de Coree usc Nicolas Brion de la Tour, 115 1765 L'Asie : dresse pour l'*tude de la g*ographie Mer de Coree usc Louis. 116 1778 L'Asie divise en ses principaux etats Janvier, Jean Mer de Coree usc 117 1781 Carte d'Asie, divise in ses principaux etats Laporte, Joseph de Mer de Coree usc 118 1786 L'Asie divise en ses principaux etats Janvier, Jean Mer de Coree usc Philippe de Pr*tot, 119 1787 Carte nouvelle d'Asie Mer de Coree usc *tienne Andr 120 1787 Carte d'Asie divise en ses principaux etats Clouet, J. B. L. Mer de Coree usc 121 1788 Carte d'Asie dresse pour l'usage du Roi L'Isle, Guillaume de Mer de Coree usc Brion de la Tour, 122 1790 L'Asie, dresse pour l'*tude de la g*ographie Mer de Coree usc Louis Robert de Vaugondy, 123 1791 Asie, divise en ses principaux etats, empires & royaumes Mer de Coree usc Didier Robert de Vaugondy, 124 1791 Asie, divise en ses principaux etats, empires & royaumes Mer de Coree usc Didier 125 1799 Carted'Asie,diviseenses principaux etats Mer de Coree usc 126 1804 Asia : pour servir a la geographie de la science de l'histoire Contant, D. L. Mer de Coree usc 127 L'Empire de la Chine N. Bellin Mer de Coree 개인 128 Carte de La province de Quantong Mer de Coree 개인 129 MAPPE MONDE OU CARTEGENERALE DE LA TERRE Mer de Coree 역사 130 L'ASIE Mer de Coree 역사 131 L'ASIE Mer de Coree 역사 132 D'ASIE Mer de Coree 역사 Carte exacte de toutes les provinces, villes, bourgs, villages et rivières du vaste et 133 Mer de Coree 프랑스 puissant empire de la Chine

134 Carte du royaume de Kau-Li ou Corée Mer de Coree 프랑스

135 L’Asie dressée sur de nouveaux memoires assujettis aux observations astronomiques Mer de Coree 프랑스

Cartes des îles du Japon, esquelles est remarqué la route tant par mer que par terre 136 que tiennent les Hollandais pour se transporter de la ville de Nangasaqui à Iedo Mer de Coree 프랑스 demeure du Roy de ces mesmes Isles

137 Royaume du Japon Briet Mer de Coree 프랑스 138 Royaume du Japon Briet Mer de Coree 프랑스 Carte de l’Empire du Japon, dressée sur les Auteurs japonais, sur les mémoires des Portugais et des Hollandais 139 1735 BELLIN Mer de Coree 프랑스 et en particulier sur ceux des R.R.P.P. de la Compagnie de Jesus


140 Siberie ou Russie Asiatique Robert de Vaugondy Mer de Coree 개인 Mer de Coree and 141 1745 Carte de la province du Royaume de Kau-li ou Core Bellin, Jacques Nicolas usc "Meer von Korea." Mer de Coree and 142 1749 Carte du Katay Bellin, Jacques Nicolas usc "Zee van Korea." Mer de Coree" and 143 1757 Carte du Katay Bellin, Jacques Nicolas usc "Zee van Korea." Mer de Coree, Mer 144 1750 L'Empire du Japon Robert 개인 du Japon Mer de Coree,Mer du 145 1750 L'EMPIRE DU JAPON-Robert Geog 역사 Japon 146 1705 L'ASIE Mer de Iapon 역사 147 1850 EMPIRE CHINOIS ET JAPON Mer de Japon 역사 148 MAPPE-MONDE Mer de Japon 역사 149 L'ASIE ORIENTALE Mer de Japon 역사 Mer de Ocean 150 1650 Asie Sanson, Nicolas usc Oriental 151 1739 IMPERII RUSSICI Mer de Orientale 역사 152 1810 LA GRANDE TARTARIE Mer de TARTARIE 역사 153 1750 Carte De L'Asie Robert de Vaugondy Mer du Coree 개인 154 1660 Le Planisphère autrement la carte du monde terrestre Pierre Duval Mer du Japon 프랑스 155 1669 Mappemonde en deux hémisphères Sanson Mer du Japon 프랑스

Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique ou description générale du globe terrestre et 156 1690 aquatique en deux plan hemisphere, A new map of the World, corrigée par Herman Mer du Japon 프랑스 Moil

Le globe terrestre représenté en deux plans hémisphères 157 1690 Coronelli Mer du Japon 프랑스 et en diserses autres figures

158 1696 Planisphère terrestre Jacques Cassini Mer du Japon 프랑스 159 1699 Mappamondo G. B. Canali Mer du Japon 프랑스 160 1719 L'ASIE Mer du Japon 역사 161 1740 L’Asie dressée sur les nouvelles observations… Nolin Mer du Japon 프랑스 162 1754 L’Asie divisée en ses grandes régions et empires J. B. Nolin Mer du Japon 프랑스 163 1790 TARTARIE ET ISLES DU JAPON Mer du Japon 역사 164 1827 L'ASIE Mer du Japon 역사 165 1850 EMPIRE CHINOIS ET JAPON Mer du Japon 역사 Dufour, A.-H. (Auguste- 166 1862 Asie Mer du Japon usc Henri) 167 Asie Mer du Japon 개인 168 L'ASIE ORIENTALE Mer du Japon 역사 169 CHINE Mer du Japon 역사 170 A literaray and historical Atlas of Asia J.G.Bartholomew LLD Mer du Japon 프랑스 171 Asie recentissima delineatio Ioh. Bapt. Homanno Mer du Japon 프랑스 172 Asie recentissima delineatio Ioh. Bapt. Homanno Mer du Japon 프랑스 173 1750 L'Empire du Japon Robert de Vaugondy Mer du Japon 개인 174 1766 Grande Tartarie et Isles du Japon Brion Mer du Japon 개인 175 1821 Carte D'Asie Ambroise Tardieu Mer du Japon 개인 176 1826 Carte Generale de L'Empire Chinois L. Vivien Mer du Japon 개인 177 1831 L'Asie divifee en ses differens Etats Delamarche Mer du Japon 개인 178 1832 Carte Generale de L'Asie Delamarche Mer du Japon 개인 179 1835 Carte De L'Asie Herisson Mer du Japon 개인 180 1838 Carte de L'Empire Chinois et du Japon M. Lapie Mer du Japon 개인 6

181 1838 Carte De L'Asie M. Lapie Mer du Japon 개인 182 1841 Carte De L'Asie Herisson Mer du Japon 개인 183 1842 Asie Mer du Japon 개인 184 1853 Asie Mer du Japon 개인 185 1854 Carte Generale de L'Asie Dufour Mer du Japon 개인 186 1860 Asie F.A. Garnier Mer du Japon 개인 187 1860 L'Asie Actuelle et L'Empire Russe M.J.H. Schnitzler Mer du Japon 개인 188 1864 Carte D'Asie Boulanger & Legrand Mer du Japon 개인 189 1873 Asie E. Andriveau-Goujon Mer du Japon 개인 190 L'Asie A. Houze Mer du Japon 개인 191 약 1850 Asie V. Levasseur Mer du Japon 개인 192 Meppemonde A. Dvillemin Mer du Japon 개인 193 Asie Lemercierl Mer du Japon 개인 194 Asie Andriveau-Goujon Mer du Japon 개인 195 Russie Europeenne et Asiatique A. H. Dufour Mer du Japon 개인 196 Asie V. Levasseur Mer du Japon 개인 197 Asie Lacoste Mer du Japon 개인 198 Mappemonde Physique et Politique L. Dissieux Mer du Japon 개인 199 Asie Debuissons Mer du Japon 개인 200 Inde. Chine, Indo-Chine et Japon J. Migeon Mer du Japon 개인 201 Carte Generale de L'Asie Mer du Japon 개인 202 Chine et Japon Mer du Japon 개인 203 Planisphere Mer du Japon 개인 204 Chine et Japon Mer du Japon 개인 205 Asie Mer du Japon 개인 206 Empire de la Chine et Du Japon P. Lapie Mer du Japon 개인 207 Asie J.G. Barbie du Bocage Mer du Japon 개인 208 Japon A.H. Dufour Mer du Japon 개인

Bartholomew’s Special Map of China, Japan and Korea, The Edingburgh 209 Geographical Institute. « Sea of Japan » et « East China Sea (Tung-hai) » pour le Mer du Japon 프랑스 large à l’est de Shanghai.

Eastern Asia showing Japan, Korea, Manchuria, and adjoining parts of Siberia and 210 Mer du Japon 프랑스 China

Mer Oriental,Mer 211 1705 CARTE DES INDES, DE SA CHINE」 &DES ILES DE SUMATRA, JAVA&C 역사 Coree Mer Oriental,Mer 212 1781 CARTE DES INDES ET DE LA CHINE 역사 Coree 213 1654 Desctipion de la Tartarie Sanson d’Abbeville Mer Orientale 프랑스 214 1658 Nova et esatta tavola del mondo o terra universale Gio Giacomo Rossi Mer Orientale 프랑스 215 1660 Nova totius terratum orbis Pierre Sainton Mer Orientale 프랑스 216 1660 Nova Totius terrarum orbis tabula Frederick de Wit Mer Orientale 프랑스 217 1667 Asia Vetus Nicola Sanson Mer Orientale 프랑스 218 1695 Hemisphère occidental (…) et oriental du globe terrestre P. Mouillart-Sanson Mer Orientale 프랑스 219 1695 Mappemonde geo-hydrographique Mer Orientale 프랑스 V. Coronelli, J. N. Du 220 1699 Le Globe terrestre représenté en deux plans hémisphères Mer Orientale 프랑스 Trallage 221 1700 MAPPE-MONDE Mer Orientale 역사 222 1700 Mappemonde ou carte générale de la terre Nicolas de Fer Mer Orientale 프랑스 7

223 1700 Mappemonde Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

L’Asie dressée sur les observations de l’Académie royale 224 1700 Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스 des sciences 225 1700 L’Asie Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스 L’Asie dressée sur les observations de l’Académie royale 226 1700 G. de l’Isle Mer Orientale 프랑스 des sciences et quelques autres

227 1705 LAPARTIE ORIENTALE DE L'ASIE Mer Orientale 역사

228 1714 Hémisphère septentional Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

229 1720 Mappemonde Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

230 1722 Mappemonde géo-sphérique Louis Claude de Vézou Mer Orientale 프랑스

231 1723 Carte d’Asie Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

232 1724 Hémisphère oriental Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

Asia = Carte de l’Asie, aux dépens des héritiers de 233 1744 August Gottlieb Boehme Mer Orientale 프랑스 Homann 234 1746 Mappemonde qui représente les deux hémisphères George Moritz Lowitz Mer Orientale 프랑스

235 1750 Carte de l’Asie Robert de Vaugondy Mer Orientale 프랑스

236 1750 L’Empire du Japon ROBERT Mer Orientale 프랑스 237 1753 Nouvelle mappemonde Anonyme Mer Orientale 프랑스

238 1760 Nouvelle mappemonde Boulanger Mer Orientale 프랑스

239 1760 L’Asie divisée en ses principaux états Jean-Denis Janvier Mer Orientale 프랑스 240 1710(?) Asiae in tabula geographica delineatio Adam Friederich Zuerner Mer Orientale 프랑스


242 NOUVELLE CARTE DE L'ASIE Mer Orientale 역사 243 Introduction a la geographie Nicholas de Fer Mer Orientale 프랑스 244 Basis geographiae recentioris astronomica J. G. Doppelmayr Mer Orientale 프랑스

245 Asia – Venalis nunc prostat Augustae Vindelicorum Guillaume Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

246 L’Asie Mer Orientale 프랑스 Royaume du Japon, désigné par le Père Ph. Briet de la 247 Mer Orientale 프랑스 Compagnioe de Iesus

248 Carte de l’Empire du Japon Mer Orientale 프랑스

1)Description exacte et fidèle des villes, bourgs et villages que les ambassadeurs de Hollande ont rencontrés dans leur voyage par terre de la ville de Osacca jusqu’à Iedo, 249 Mer Orientale 프랑스 capitale du Japon ; 2) Voyage des ambassadeurs de Hollande par mer de Naugasacqui à Osacca, publié par P. Vander, Liede. « Mer de Corée ».

250 Royaume du Japon Briet Mer Orientale 프랑스 Jean Covens & Corneille 251 L’Asie Mer Orientale 프랑스 Mortier 252 Asia G. de l’Isle Mer Orientale 프랑스

253 Mappemonde planisphère ou carte générale du monde Mer Orientale 프랑스

254 1700 Mappemonde G. de L’Isle Mer Orientale 프랑스 Mappemonde ou carte générale de la terre divisée en deux 255 1700 N. de Fer Mer Orientale 프랑스 hémisphères


256 1700 Mappemond G. de L’Isle Mer Orientale 프랑스

Carte de la mer du Sud et carte de la mer du Nord (Océans 257 1713 N. de Fer Mer Orientale 프랑스 pacifique et atlantique)

Hémisphère septentrional pour voir plus distinctement les 258 1714 G. Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스 terres arctiques

259 1719 A New and Correct Map of the Whole World Mer Orientale 프랑스 260 1720 Mappemonde Delisle Mer Orientale 프랑스

Carte générale de la terre ou mappemonde avec les quatre 261 1729 G. Danet Mer Orientale 프랑스 principaux systèmes et les figures des sept planètes

Mappemonde ou description du globe terrestre vu en concave ou en creux en deux 262 1739 Mer Orientale 프랑스 hémisphères…

263 1753 Nouvelle mappemonde Mer Orientale 프랑스

Carte physique de la grande mer, ci-devant nommée Mer 264 1754 Buache Mer Orientale 프랑스 du Sud ou Pacifique

265 1754 Mappemonde Chambon Mer Orientale 프랑스

266 1775 Mappemonde ou description du globe terrestre Janvier Mer Orientale 프랑스

Carte généréla de la terre nécessaire au service de la 267 1780 Clermont Mer Orientale 프랑스 marine, stable sur un plan fixe sans antipodes

268 1793 Asien nach den neusten und besten Hülfsmitteln entworften und herausgegeben Mer Orientale 프랑스

269 1798 Mappemonde Chanlaire Mer Orientale 프랑스 270 1801 Asia Arrowsmith Mer Orientale 프랑스 271 1700-08 Le Globe terrestre représenté en deux plans-hémisphères Nolin Mer Orientale 프랑스

272 1768-80 Chart of the World James Cook Mer Orientale 프랑스

273 1775-1812 Mappemonde Robert de Vaugondy Mer Orientale 프랑스

274 1794-1809 Map of the World Ch. Picquet Mer Orientale 프랑스

275 Carte du royaume de Corée, en chinois et en transcription. Mer Orientale 프랑스

276 Rayaume de la Corée J.-B. d’Anville Mer Orientale 프랑스

277 La mapenonde Auvray de Garel Mer Orientale 프랑스 Mappemonde ou globe terrestre en deux plan- hémisphères dressés sur les observations de MM de 278 Pierre Mortier Mer Orientale 프랑스 l’Académie des sciences, Sanson, Nolin, de Fer, de l’Isle et sur la carte que M. Nicolas Witsen a donnée au public Mer Orientale 또는 279 1705 Carte des Indes et de la Chine De L'Isle 프랑스 Mer de Coree

Mer Orientale 또는 280 1705 Carte des Indes et de la Chine De L'Isle 프랑스 Mer de Coree Chatelain, Henri Mer Orientale ou 281 1732/ Carte de la Chine usc Abraham Mer de Core PARTIE DE LA NOUVELLE GRANDE INDES ORIENTALES CONTENANT LES Mer Orientale,Mer 282 1792 역사 EMPIRES DE LA CHINE & DU JAPON LES ISIES PHILIPPINES Coree Wakabayashi, 283 1882 Chosen yochi zenzu Nihonkai usc Atsuzaburo 284 1894 Hokusei chizu Nihonkai usc 285 1720/ Generalis totius Imperii Moscovitici Oceanus Oriental usc 286 1667 ASIA Oceanvs Orientalis 역사 287 1667 NOVA ET ACCVRATA IAPONIA TERRA ESONIS Oceanvs Orientalis 역사 288 1786 CHARTE DAS RUSSISCHEREICH Oriental Meer 역사 9

289 1715 William, Cowper' Asia Map Moll, Herman, d Sea of Corea usc 290 1729 CHINA&JAPAN Sea of Corea 역사 291 1760 ASIA Sea of Corea 역사 292 1835 ASIA Sea of Corea 역사 293 1709 A new and correct map of the world Moll,Herman, d Sea of Corea usc 294 1710/ A new map of Asia, from the latest observations Senex, John, d. Sea of Corea usc 295 1747 An accurate map of Asia Bowen, Emanuel, d. Sea of Corea usc 296 1749 Asia Jefferys, Thomas, d. Sea of Corea usc 297 1752 Asia Gibson, J. (John) Sea of Corea usc 298 1754 An accurate map of China Bowen, Emanuel, d. Sea of Corea usc 299 1759 Asia Bennett, R. Sea of Corea usc 300 1760 Asia Jefferys, Thomas, d. Sea of Corea usc 301 1760 A new & correct chart of the known world Bowen, Emanuel, d. Sea of Corea usc 302 1773/1775 Western hemisphere, eastern hemisphere Faden, William. Sea of Corea usc 303 1778 Asia Conder, Thomas Sea of Corea usc 304 1782 A new map of Asia Bayly, J. Sea of Corea usc 305 1785 A map of the empire of China Murray, John Sea of Corea usc 306 1785 Asia Jefferys, Thomas, d. Sea of Corea usc 307 1794 China, drawn from the best authorities Wilkinson, Robert, d. ca Sea of Corea usc 308 1794 A new and accurate map of China Brown, Thomas Sea of Corea usc 309 1798 A map of the empire of China Cary, John, ca Sea of Corea usc 310 1800 China Wilkes, John, fl Sea of Corea usc 311 1807 Empire of Japan. Arrowsmith, Aaron. Sea of Corea usc 312 1829 Asia Robinson, David F Sea of Corea usc 313 1830 Asia Huntington, Hezekiah Sea of Corea usc 314 1830 Asia Sea of Corea usc Bradford, T. G. (Thomas 315 1835 Asia Sea of Corea usc Gamaliel) Bradford, T. G. (Thomas 316 1835 Siberia & central Asia. Sea of Corea usc Gamaliel), 317 1835 Asia Illman, Thomas, d Sea of Corea usc 318 Asia Sea of Corea 개인 319 EMPIRE CHINA Sea of Corea 역사 320 1770/1809 Asia Sea of Corea. usc 321 1700 ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 322 1720 ASIAE Sea of Japan 역사 323 1805 NEW ONE-SHEET MAP OF ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 324 1815 COREA AND JAPAN Sea of Japan 역사 325 1820 CHINA Sea of Japan 역사 326 1841 CHINA & JAPAN Sea of Japan 역사 327 1852 MAP OF ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 328 1855 COLTON'S MAP OF THE WORLD Sea of Japan 역사 329 1862 JOHNSON'S CHINA Sea of Japan 역사 330 1863 ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 331 1866 ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 332 1870 JAPAN Sea of Japan 역사 333 1874 INDIA, CHINA, THIBET & COREA Sea of Japan 역사


334 1883 JAPAN Sea of Japan 역사 335 1890 CHINA Sea of Japan 역사 336 1903 KOREA(조선산맥도) Sea of Japan 역사 337 1904 MAP OF KOREA-Hamilton Sea of Japan 역사 338 1904 MANCHURIA,EAST-CHINA AND KOREA Sea of Japan 역사 339 1904 Russo-Japanese war Atlas Sea of Japan 역사 340 1904 JAPAN AND KOREA Sea of Japan 역사 341 1937 CHINA/NORTHERN INDIA, SOUTHERN INDIA Sea of Japan 역사 342 1937 ASIA Sea of Japan 역사 343 1953 China Coast and Korea Sea of Japan 역사 344 1790/1820 the tributary kingdoms of Corea Sea of Japan usc 345 1810/1835 China Clerk, T. (Thomas) Sea of Japan usc 346 1822 Asia. Morse, Jedidiah Sea of Japan usc Society for the Diffusion 347 1834 China and the Birman empire Sea of Japan usc of Great Britain 348 1850 Gall & Inglis' map of China and Japan. Gall & Inglis. Sea of Japan usc Johnson, A. J. (Alvin 349 1864 Johnson's China Sea of Japan usc Jewett) 350 1894 China, Japan Bradley, Wm. M. Sea of Japan usc 351 1750 ASIA Sea of Korea 역사 352 1778 RUSSIAN EMPIRE Sea of Korea 역사 353 1743 Asia drawn from the best maps Kitchin, Thomas, d. Sea of Korea usc 354 1744/1747 A new & accurate map of Asia Bowen, Emanuel, d. Sea of Korea usc 355 1750 The globular chart Hinton, John, d. Sea of Korea usc 356 1760 An accurate map of Asia Rollos, G., fl. Sea of Korea usc 357 1760 A new map of Asia Lodge, John, d. Sea of Korea usc 358 1762 Theworldagreable[sp]tothelatest discoveries Jefferys, Thomas, d Sea of Korea usc 359 1766 An accurate map of Asia Rollos, G., fl Sea of Korea usc 360 1771 A map of the world, from the latest authorities. Kitchin, Thomas, d Sea of Korea usc 361 1778 Asia drawn and engraved from the best maps & charts Kitchin, Thomas, d. Sea of Korea usc 362 1780 A map of the kingdom of Kau-li, or Corea. Kitchin, Thomas, d. Sea of Korea usc 363 1782 A new map of China by order of the Emperor Kitchin, Thomas, d Sea of Korea usc 364 1783/1822 Present Asia Stackhouse, Thomas Sea of Korea usc 365 1785 Asia according to the best authorities Guthrie, William Sea of Korea usc 366 1785 Asia Sea of Korea usc 367 1785 Present Asia Stackhouse, Thomas Sea of Korea usc 368 1787 A new & accurate map of Asia Bowen, Thomas, d. Sea of Korea usc D'Anville, Jean Baptiste 369 1792 China : from D'Anville Sea of Korea usc Bourguignon 370 1793 Asia and its several islands and regions Kitchin, Thomas, d Sea of Korea usc 371 1795 The world from the best authorities Low, John Sea of Korea usc 372 1796 Asia, according to the best authorities Carey, Mathew Sea of Korea usc 373 1797 Asia Kearsley, George, fl Sea of Korea usc 374 1799 Asia from the best authorities Low, John Sea of Korea usc 375 1800 Asia, from the best authorities Russell, John, fl Sea of Korea usc 376 1824 Asia, from the latest autorities Rollinson, William Sea of Korea usc 377 1669 A Generall Mapp of ASIA Sea of Orientale 역사 378 1785 Asia Hertel, Christian Gottlief. See Corea usc 11

379 1810/1860 Asia. Str. of Corea usc The Easter or Corea 380 1597 ASIA 역사 Sea The Eastern or Corea 381 1725/ Asia Senex, John, d usc Sea 382 1772 Nieuwe en naukeurige kaart des geheelen Aardbodems Bowen, Emanuel, d Zee van Corea usc L'ASIE DISTINGUEE EN SES RINCIPALES SCAVOIR LA TURQUIE EN ASIE, 383 1674 역사 L'ARABIE, LA PERSE, L'INDE LA CHINE, LA TARTARIE