THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA UGANDA LAW REFORM COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT, 2009 Uganda Law Reform Commission, Workers House, 8th Floor, Plot 1, Pilkington Road, P.O Box 12149, Kampala, Uganda. Telephone: +256 0414 342600/341138 Fax: +256 0414 254869 E-mail:
[email protected] ,
[email protected]. URL: THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA UGANDA LAW REFORM COMMISSION TELEPHONE: 0414 346200 /341138 WORKERS HOUSE, FAX: 256-0414-254869 FLOOR 8, e-mail: www. PLOT1, PILKINGTON RD, P.O. BOX 12149 ADM/83/137/01 KAMPALA-UGANDA Our Ref: …………………………………… Your Ref: …………………………………. 20 th May 2010 Rt. Hon. Edward K. Ssekandi, MP Speaker, Speaker’s Chambers, Parliament House, Kampala. Dear Sir, RE: SUBMISSION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE UGANDA LAW REFORM COMMISSION, 2009, TO THE PARLIAMENT OF UGANDA In pursuance of the provisions of Article 248(2) of the Constitution, I have the pleasure and honour to submit through you Sir, to the Parliament of Uganda, the Annual Report of the Uganda Law Reform Commission for the year 2009. Yours faithfully, Professor Joseph M. N. Kakooza Chairman, Uganda Law Reform Commission ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................... vi MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN ................................................................................. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... xii PROFILE OF THE COMMISSION .....................................................................................