October 2019 / Issue 86 What’s been happening It’s a bumper issue this month! Thanks for all the photos that have been sent in for this issue

Trip to see the animals Peter all got up close and personal with the koalas. Billabong Zoo is always a popular trip and this time David gets friendly with a baby aligator, Steven pets was no exception. Participants attending were a wallaby and Dushka, Glen and Peter say hello to a Jeremy, Michael, Dushka, Gwen, Sharon, Emma and dingo.

In this Issue Fishing stories What’s been happening 1 There was success for two What’s been happening 2 different fishermen over the last Who’s been doing what month. Aaron caught a wopping great Special Olympics 3 flathead just off the rocks at VSFL Friday Funday Forster - and here’s the evidence Valley People 4 to prove it! Aaron gutted it and Valley Vintage new shop took it home for dinner. Birthdays And Mitch gets ready to reel in a haul from the . November events 5

December events 6

• 1 • Who’s been doing what!

Beautiful boat trip Paul, Jess, Dougie and David went out for a spectacular boat trip from and were lucky enough to see Whales and Dolphins on the day!

Ben’s big adventure Ben has been busy this year with holidays and long service leave. He went to Perth in May for the arrival of his neice Tully Lou. Then he flew off with three of his family members for the cruise of a lifetime around the Baltic Sea for 4 weeks.

Ben visited the countries of Norway and Finland and the cities of St Petersburg, Tallin and Kiel. Then he was off to Perth again to welcome the arrival of another neice, Evelyn Claire. And after all that.... Ben is off Then he gets another opportunity to compete in Swimming and to spend some time with his Tenpin in the Special Olympics in gorgeous nieces and nephew. Rockingham next month. What a great year!

• 2 • Special O Winners

The Special O teams had a very successful time Marc Jeffress 6th, Brooke Ross 7th, Rebecca Lloyd at the Tenpin competition on the Central Coast in 7th and Peter Gyde 7th. September. In the womens doubles..... In the singles.... Rebecca & Kristy 1st, Gwen & Brooke 2nd and Dylan James 1st, Kristy Muldoon 2nd, Beau Polley Emma & Sophie 2nd. 2nd, Gavin Andersen 2nd, Matt Lambert 3rd, Adam Here they are with their winning ribbons - and Polley 3rd, Greg Hile 4th, Ben Green 4th, Sophie relaxing after their wins. Powick 4th, Gwen Webster 4th, Emma Johnson 4th, Congratulations to all of them!

Steve & Matt getting to know each Audrey takes a moment in the Zar enjoys his beach walk with Zephanie by the other at the VSFL funday shade great sea views seaside VSFL and Tuncurry get together for Friday At the last event, the group had fun with cricket, Funday on the last Friday of every month. It is an tunnel ball, football, fishing, beach walks and a opportunity for all the Participants to get to know sausage sizzle. each other at a recreational day full of activities. Let us know if you’re keen to join in!

John Reddie had a great time at the footy with Darren Varty - despite the rain!

Callan Gray & Jason Beer, both of Helen Street house, enjoying a perfect weekend at the beach in Forster recently

• 3 • Valley People Ken Bruton set a VSFL Tenpin record at the morning program recently. He achieved a final score of 203 with 4 strikes during the game. Here he is celebrating and Janne Machin Gary Harrison receiving his pin at VSFL. Congratulations Ken! Peter Wright Barry Mills

Shane Minett Nicole Wilson

Luke Gilfillan thought he’d have a go as Ella Hooke Valmarie Bungie- Supervisor last week. Until Jess caught him :) Beard Domonique Power Darren Weston

Amanda Goodrich Adrian Rowbotham Valley Vintage new shop Ken Bruton Tayla Brawn Maree Edwards Neville Wallace Karen Clarson Tyson Herbert Anthony Winderbanks Callan Gray

Blake Gibbons Amelia Wall

Wayne Keegan Isabelle Morgan- Lean Joshua Bridge April Barnes Amy Markham Victor Aprilovic Greg Hile

Pangari Marr

Valley Vintage opened the doors to our new shop at 66 Chatham Avenue last week. Trent and all the Participants who work in the shop cut the ribbon and then gave a tour of the store. A sausage sizzle followed for all the visitors and opening team. We look foward to welcoming you!

• 4 • November events! 9.00am-3.00pm Train trip to Gloucester Catch the XTP to Gloucester, check out the town and have lunch before catching the bus home 2nd NOVEMBER $25 Includes lunch $$ and Names in by 4th October 9.00am-3.00pm Harley Trike Ride Port Macquarie Special deal. $70 for 1/2 hour ride - $35 each when you 9th share with a friend. NOVEMBER $70 bring your own money for lunch $$ and Names in by 10th october 9.00am-3.00pm Bulahdelah Show Come and check out the animals and have a go on 16th the rides NOVEMBER $30 inc show entry and lunch $$ and Names in by 1st november 9.00am-3.00pm Laurieton & Talk a walk along the waterfront, play games in the park and enjoy lunch with a view 23rd $20 lunch & drink NOVEMBER $$ and Names in by 8th november 9.00am-3.00pm Bulahdelah Courthouse Come for a historical tour and sample some country 30th cooking for morning tea NOVEMBER $30 inc morning tea & lunch $$ and Names in by 12th november

All events will take place if enough people want to go - so put your name in early to confirm. Check that you have NDIS support hours for Saturdays in your plan. Call Rhonda on 0427 512605 by the due dates as above

• 5 • December events! 11.00am-3200pm Christmas Party Music, games and fancy dress. Prizes for the best Christmas outfit. Bring your santa hat! 7th DECEMBER $30 Includes lunch & drinks $$ and Names in by 15th november 9.00am-3.00pm Foreshore Markets Port Macquarie Best markets around for your last minute Christmas 14th shopping. Followed by lunch. DECEMBER $20 for lunch & drink. Bring your own spending money $$ and Names in by 22nd november 7pm-10pm Chinese Banquet & Christmas lights Come for dinner, stay for the lights. Local transport 21st and drop off can be arranged. DECEMBER $40 inc DINNER AND TRANSPORT $$ and Names in by 6TH DECEMBER

And that's the last event for 2019 folks! More to come in February 2020!

All events will take place if enough people want to go - so put your name in early to confirm. Check that you have NDIS support hours for Saturdays in your plan. Call Rhonda on 0427 512605 by the due dates as above

Valley Skills for Life Valley Cafe Valley Bees

Nature’s Care Nursery Valley Transition to Work & Valley Linen Service Training Valley Grounds Care Intalink Therapy Solutions Valley Vintage Ph 02 6552 8888 Valley Timber Valley Document Services [email protected] Registered Charity Number: CFN 12131 70 Whitbread St Taree NSW 2430 www.valley-industries.com.au ABN 69 001 578 301 • ACN 001 578 301

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