Dr William C. Small

FirstWorld Publishing Buffalo, NY Money Does Grow On Trees

Copyright © 2015 by Dr William C. Small All rights reserved under international copyright law. FirstWorld Publishing P.O. Box 1592, Buffalo, NY 14215 Contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical (including information storage, recording, and retrieval systems) without written consent from the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-9715515-3-4 Cover Photo: © Interior & cover design: WMC Publishing

ii Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from the King James Version* of the Bible. Scriptures were taken from the Thompson Chain–Reference Bible, Fifth Improved Edition, copyright © 1908, 1917, 1928, 1934, 1957, 1964, 1982, by Frank Charles Thompson. Hebrew definitions were taken from Strong’s New Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, copyright © 1890, by James Strong, STD, LL.D. *Note: A few of the Old English words are changed to contemporary English in verses where it is critical that the reader clearly understand the verse and where the Old English language might make a clear understanding difficult.

iii Disclaimer

The knowledge and advice herein is derived from the author’s 15 years experience as a Financial Planner. However, nothing that is shared herein should be used as a substitute for professional investment advice. Always consult an attorney, tax advisor or Certified Financial Planner when trying to decide which investment plan would be right for you. “What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.” ~ Julia Cameron “Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” ~ Jim Rohn

iv CONTENTS Dedication vi Preface vii Introduction xi Chapter 1 - What is Money? 1 Chapter 2 - Rich vs. Wealthy 17 Chapter 3 - Family: The Key to Wealth 25 Chapter 4 - Currency vs. Credit 37 Chapter 5 - A Vision of Wealth 47 Chapter 6 - Change your Generational Model 53 Chapter 7 - A Wealthy State of Mind 57 Chapter 8 - Bible Myths Concerning Money 77 Chapter 9 - Set the Atmosphere for Wealth 99 Chapter 10 - Plan Now! 121 Chapter 11 - The Foundation for Wealth Creation 137 Chapter 12 - Conclusion 153 About the Author 159 Recommended Reading 161 Psalm 8 163


To my beloved daughter Deandra and her generation.


Is your life making an impact or impression? Those who impress gain the personal admiration or interest of others. Those who impact affect others deeply to the point where they create change and leave a mark. Impact is the result of a collision between common knowledge and vital intelligence which provides people with a new view of their lives. You can live to impress but you were born to impact! You will know that you are being impressed when a person makes you feel good and encouraged but not changed. You are impacted when a person makes you burn within, sometimes angry initially, but causes you to think deeply about how you live. A positive message may make you feel good presently but it won’t impact your life permanently. Money Does Grow on Trees will address your need to make an impact on the world and provide financial security for your family. It delivers knowledge and information that you need to establish a vision for your family. It will show you how to translate that vision into goals and objectives that lead to the formation of a fortune building financial management plan. Then, money will grow into your family naturally like fruit grows on a tree. Hopefully Money Does Grow on Trees will inspire you to change your attitude about money, the way you view it, the way you use it, and demonstrate emphatically that money does grow on trees; it grows on the family tree. It will attempt to change your mind about what money is, how it works and how it differs from currency and cash. The process of making money begins in the mind. Unless we change our mind, we cannot change our money. Money Does Grow on Trees will reveal the difference between being rich and being wealthy. It will illuminate secret strategies that the rich and wealthy have employed to relieve generations of their family from the stress of living paycheck to paycheck,

vii moved them to obtain real riches, and helped them go on to enjoy real wealth. If you want to know how a thing is supposed to work, you consult the manufacturer for instructions. GOD is the manufacturer of the earth, the universe and everything in it including money. Money is not what most people think it is and it does not work the way most people think it does which is one reason why most people don’t have much of it. If you want to know what money is and how money works, it is best to consult the manufacturer to see what HE has to say. Most of what I will present in this book has come from consulting the manufacturer’s operating manual for life which is the Bible. Our physical world was created by spiritual power. The force that animates our physical body and gives it life is spiritual power. There is a physical side to life and there is the spiritual side; physical power and spiritual power. Spiritual power is designed to amplify physical power; it is a force multiplier. Those who plan to make a significant impact in life must learn to combine spiritual power with physical power. You can work hard using physical power and get rich but if you apply spiritual power to your physical efforts, you will become wealthy. Using physical effort to build or create anything without applying spiritual power is like trying to fight a multi-million dollar prize fight against a professional fighter with one arm tied behind your back. You will have to work very hard and take a lot of lumps but it will be impossible to win the prize. Those who understand how to apply spiritual power to their physical efforts always win. Wealth is the manifestation of the application of spiritual power to physical money making efforts. 1% of the people in America own nearly 80% of the wealth. What are they doing differently than the other 99%? The 99% also want to be wealthy? So why are they having much more difficulty becoming as wealthy as the 1%? The 1% understands how to apply spiritual power to their physical efforts.

viii If you are looking for information on how to get rich quick, this is not the book for you. Put it down and walk away now. Money Does Grow on Trees is for those who want to know how wealth naturally grows. People that obtain huge amounts of cash suddenly without this knowledge often lose it suddenly. Sometimes their lives are also ruined in the process. It is possible to acquire a load of cash quickly if you quickly understand how the power and principles of wealth acquisition work and put them to work. However, if you have the knowledge in this book you are less likely to lose it suddenly and you will know how to use your cash properly so that it does not injure or ruin you. This type of knowledge gives life to all who find it and health to all their flesh. It will lend you the vitality you need to enjoy being wealthy. People tell me that a book should tell a story however I don’t want to tell a story. I want to make a case. I want to make an evidence laden case on the importance of reshaping how we think, understanding why we think the way we think and recognizing why the way we think prevents us from being wealthy. People tell me that writing a book which makes a case would make it a letter of persuasion rather than suggestion. They say that persuasion “feels” to the reader like an attempt at conversion whereas suggestion feels more like a conversation. I believe the purpose of conversation is conversion. When two people have a meaningful conversation something should have changed one or both of them. Otherwise the time they spent was wasted. I will not waste time trying to make you feel good. You should not feel good after reading this book but you should feel urgency in your belly. You will know that we don’t have a lot of time that we can afford to waste. The economic landscape is shifting rapidly to the point where soon there will be only two classes: rich and poor; have and have not. The American middle class is rapidly shrinking. A recent report reveals 31% of Americans are living at or below the poverty line. That is up from only 14% just a few years ago. There is a tiny opportunity for some of us, while we are still in the ranks of the

ix middle class, to move up to the ranks of the wealthy while we have the advantage of excess or disposable income. There is not much difference between persuasion and suggestion other than how one feels at the end of the day. Neither of us has time to engage in a long “feel good” conversation. Therefore, I will try to persuade you to move as quickly as you can. Time is moving fast. Political policies are moving to favor the corporate person rather than the regular individual. National budget deficit reduction actions and corporate pressures on congress will have a huge impact on your ability to earn a middle-class income and take away your ability to become wealthy. Corporations are pressuring congress to close down or limit your access to global markets via the internet which gives you the power to compete with them on a level playing field. Politicians and corporate leaders plan to do everything in their power to keep you from being a market competitor. They must strip you of the means to compete against them, acquire wealth and affect political policies which is your middle-class income. Again, we don’t have much time. I pray that you recognize the urgency and act quickly to capture your share of wealth. Therefore, the content and tone of this book will be an attempt to persuade you to quickly change the way you think, inventory your current assets and currency and then encourage you to do what you can with what you have and do it now!


Success in achieving your wealth acquisition goals depend entirely on five things: your ability to communicate; your ability to influence others; a desire to maximize your physical abilities; your ability to harness spiritual energy; and whether or not you have learned the two main life lessons that lead to wealth. The two main life lessons required to become wealthy are: 1) the science of achievement; how to take the invisible and make it visible or to make what you are dreaming of manifest. 2) the art of fulfillment; the desire for appreciation and contribution. That is, how to do things to impact the lives of others; to lead them to see their value and what they can do to impact to the world. The motivation and commitment found in the heart of the average wealthy person is a strong desire to leave the world better than they found it and to provide a legacy of wealth for future generations. When you are motivated and committed to impacting the world and you have learned the main life lessons, everything you need to be wealthy will become available to you. If you ask the right questions in life, you get the right answer. I don’t have the answers for your individual life. The key to achieving your goals and aspirations as well as obtaining wealth lies in understanding that YOU have the answers to your life. The answers you need to achieve what you want are already in you. People say that I am a teacher or a motivator but what I really am is an educator. The English word “education” comes from the Latin word “educare” which means “to bring out”. An educator only helps others to bring out the best in themselves. Good meat makes its own gravy. If an educator gives a student good meat he should be able to make gravy when he cooks it or uses it to guide his life. The only thing that I will do with this book is to try to help you recognize that the keys to your own personal wealth and happiness are already inside of you and to help you bring

xi them out. Once you realize that you have good meat, the rest of life will be gravy. The objective in the process of bringing out the wealth in you is to bring you into internal peace so that your mind, body and spirit become one. Once there is no more internal noise or conflict, you will be able to ask the right questions about the true purpose for your life. Then, you will be able to hear the right answer. Your life up to this point is not an accident. Everything you have been through happened for a reason. Everything has prepared you for where you are right now. The fact that you picked up this book is no accident or coincidence either. You are at this place on this date because you are about to step into your divine destiny. GOD created you as unique as a snowflake. There is no one in the world that is like you: No one has your DNA, finger prints, eye retina, palm print, foot print, voice, etc. Even the shape of your ears is different from everyone else’s. That means you were sent here to give birth to something unique; to create something that is completely new and authentic; to touch someone in a way that leaves a unique imprint, to see the world in a unique way and go places to affect them in a way that they will not be the same once you show up. You were expertly engineered and specifically designed by the Manufacturer of the Universe for greatness. You are your own brand; your own corporation. You are worth a fortune. No one can stop you from doing what you were sent here by GOD to do but you. You were programmed from the beginning to win in the end. The two most important days in a person’s life are the day they were born and the day they found out why. Once you come into the knowledge of who you really are and why you are here you won’t have to worry about any obstacles that you may have to face to obtain wealth. Don’t worry about what you have or don’t have. Just do what you can with what you have and do it NOW!

xii Chapter 1 WHAT IS MONEY?

“Formal education will make you a living; self- education will make you a fortune.” ~ Jim Rohn The words money, cash and currency are used interchangeably but are in reality three different things. Contrary to popular belief money is not a thing. Cash is a thing. Money is an idea generated by spiritual energy that when implemented properly creates cash. When spiritual energy takes the form of an idea with the potential to produce wealth it becomes money. The energy produced as a result of that idea is where the power lies to manifest physical forms and create cash. That energy or money moves about and touches the minds of those holding the currency required to turn the money into cash. Currency is the unique array of inherent knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities which have value that can be traded for cash. Every one of us has currency. It was given by GOD when we were born as a type of birthday present. Cash is simply an extension or an expression of the value of money and currency. Each person or market will project value onto money and currency based on how badly they want it or according to what others in the market are willing to pay. When you use money and currency to create value, the market naturally reciprocates with cash. Money is spiritual energy therefore it contains a wealth of power. Money and women are very similar. Women are built to house a great deal of spiritual power. If a man cannot manage money properly, he will not be able to keep a powerful woman. It is a widely known fact that poor family financial management can lead to divorce. However, what most people don’t know is that money is also the spiritual force that drives a couple to divorce. Money is a commodity. Men and husbands must understand that

1 a woman is also a commodity that is equipped to make them wealthy. A woman and money MUST be utilized properly or they will both either leave a man for another man or cause a man to ruin himself financially. Money is a living entity that when utilized properly produces wealth. Money must be allowed to do what it is designed by GOD to do. Otherwise, it will either go rotten on you or leave you. Money is always seeking to go to the man who knows how to utilize and appreciate it. That is, to make it prosper or increase in value. A powerful woman is the same way. She is always seeking the man who appreciates her and understands how to utilize her power to lead them both to prosper. If a powerful woman is not appreciated and/or utilized properly, she will either go rotten on you or leave you. When a powerful woman marries a man that turns out to be weak, she will leave him for one who is strong. You can’t stop it. It is going to happen because there is a spiritual force driving all things in the universe toward maximum productivity. A strong man understands the value of powerful woman. A strong man understands that his duties in a family are to guide, guard and govern; direct, correct and protect. Therefore, he keeps his powerful woman close to him so that he can constantly guide and direct her power in a way that causes them both to prosper. A weak man is not strong enough to keep a powerful woman close therefore she gets away. Then he has to watch another man enjoy and become wealthy with a woman that he wasn’t strong enough to appreciate. Another problem of the weak man is he is not strong enough to keep his ideas secret. An idea is money in the form of spiritual energy. The problem is this energy moves about looking for one with the proper currency to turn it into cash. Rather than taking action the weak man will simply do a lot of talking. The money then leaves him and moves on to another. Ultimately, he has to watch some other man bask in the wealth and prosperity that he should have enjoyed.

2 Money is a living breathing entity which must be utilized for the purpose it was designed to be used. Operating on the true knowledge of what money really is will prepare you to get it and keep it. Money is not a thing. Cash is a thing. Money is an idea that has a system attached to it which causes it to multiply. Money is a lot like the apple seed which has a system inside of it to cause it to grow into an apple tree. The way cash multiplies is through work and sweat. Money multiplies by influencing others to assign greater value to the currency used to turn the money into cash. Money can only become valuable when people have the cash to turn it into something concrete. The only value an idea has is what people perceive it to have. Money has intrinsic value but it needs an infusion of cash for it to be converted into extrinsic value. This is the reason why an idea cannot be copyrighted. As such, no one can go to court and claim damages by simply saying “Hey, that was my idea” if they had not turned it into something concrete. An idea has no tangibility, thus is not property, until it is turned into something that we can see, touch, or feel. Then, and only then, can an idea be copyrighted or patented. Once an idea has tangibility, its value can then be assessed extrinsically and converted to cash. It may seem unfair, but the law is designed to give those with cash the right to convert any idea into property. Anyone can take ownership of an idea when the originator of the idea has no cash to protect it. Most poor idea originators make the mistake of trying to present ideas to people with cash without qualified legal representation. The only thing that a person with cash has to do is change the wording relative to the idea and they will own it after they infuse it with cash. The same thing happens with currency or a person’s knowledge, gift, talent or ability. The person with cash seduces them into signing a contract that grants them the legal right to turn that person’s ability or talent cash. The person with cash then owns the person’s currency after they get them to sign the contract and accept cash. Now, the person who was born with the gift, talent, or ability no longer owns the right to turn it into cash.

3 The moral to the story: Keep your ideas to yourself and build your army in secret. The army you need to defend your idea is a legion of dollars. Ecclesiastes 10:20 warns that we should not whisper a thought of it even while in bed at night because the birds will carry your voice and things with wings shall tell the matter. So never utter a word to anyone about your idea until you have the cash to own it, defend it and sell it. Formal Education vs. Self Education I am about to present a general rule as a guide to life. It is amazing to me how each time someone presents a general rule or formula that we can follow to improve our lives someone within ear shot just can’t seem to help but present the “not all” or “not always” argument. My argument is: So what if it is not always true! If it is true some of the time or most of the time, what are the variables that cause it to be untrue in those cases? Rather than arguing that a point is not all or not always true, the naysayers should present that information so that people can avoid those pitfalls and take advantage of knowledge that is generally true. How many people do you know with Masters of Business Administration (MBA) who actually run their own business and have made over a million dollars? Being a “master” at business I should be able to muster up a million working for myself right? So, why does the average MBA work for someone else, running their business, rather than operating their own? It’s because they earned a degree in business administration not business creation. An MBA does not teach one how to create business. It teaches you to master taking responsibility for making others wealthy. It is true that people who graduate college earn higher wages among employees as compared to those who never graduated high school. Comparing those who work for someone with those who own a business is no comparison. As a general rule people who drop out of or never attend college do better at creating business and generating wealth. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are the most contemporary examples. No employer is ever going

4 to pay an employee enough to be wealthy. 74% of wealthy people in America are business owners. The majority of the rest are corporate CEOs, stock market speculators and investors. Life works much better and leads to much greater success when we follow the rules rather than focusing on the exceptions. The rules exhort us to go to college because we will earn more “wages” on average than those who don’t. That rule only applies to those who intend to earn wages. It does not apply to those who intend to earn profits. We have been led down the primrose path and suckered into believing that education is the panacea to success. We have also been misled about what money is. We have all heard people say something to the effect: “You’ve got to get out there and make some money!” The truth is money cannot be “made”. Money can only be attracted by being prepared and positioned to receive it. Success with money is achieved whenever we become wealthy. Success comes to the point where preparation and opportunity meet. Preparation is having the currency and opportunity is holding the cash to convert the money and currency into wealth. If you have money, currency and cash, and consistently practice a few very simple principles, it could lead you to Fortune 500 level success. Every corporation that has reached the Fortune 500 level follows these principles; not some but ALL. These principles make the difference between succeeding and not succeeding in business. They level the playing field between the Harvard educated and the GED graduated; between cum-laude and oh lordy. It does not matter if you were Valedictorian or are the valet at Dictorian’s. The principles work for whoever works them. Those principles and how they work to build wealth will be discussed later. The Power of Cash and Currency I have presented a lot of information that may be new to you so I must make sure the most important point that I wanted to share when I decided to write this book does not get lost in the presentation. That point is the value of your currency. Currency

5 is the one thing of value that you own intrinsically. It is worth between 1.2 and 1.5 million dollars on the prevailing market if you use it to earn wages. If you use your currency to operate a business, it has the potential to produce billions; not just millions but billions! You must remember that currency is a medium of exchange that can be traded for cash or any another thing of value. Again, currency is not the paper and coins that we call money. Currency is the gifts, knowledge, talents, abilities, and energy that we use or trade for cash. Your employer pays you cash to employ your currency to make him wealthy. If you want to be wealthy, you have to learn how to receive the maximum value for your currency. It has not just cash but wealth level value. The things in the earth that have the most intrinsic value: oil, diamonds, gold, and so on, are hidden under the earth and must be extracted. The things that have the most value in a person are hidden inside of them as well. Your knowledge, gift, talent and abilities have to be identified, extracted and marketed. Then, they can be exchanged for cash, property, or other valuable things that can help you accumulate real wealth. Now, in order to obtain and retain wealth, we have to understand cash and money. A lack of knowledge about money can cause it to be easily wasted away. “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spends it up [or wastes it] (Proverbs 21:20).” Money is like a bird or a person. If you love it too much or try to hold on to it too tightly, its first instinct is to get away. A bird or person has to be free to go, do, and be what GOD created them to be. Otherwise, they will be abused, misused or destroyed and can even destroy the person who tries to keep too tight of a reign on them. When GOD puts money in our control, it has to move or flow to where GOD wants it to go and do what GOD designed it to do to create cash. If not, it will decay or lose its value. Like water, money has to flow or it will stagnate. Ergo, you have to let money flow and do what it is supposed to do.

6 The same rule is true for cash. Cash must also be held with an “open” hand rather than a closed fist. It must be allowed to ebb and flow. If cash is not free to flow, you can’t receive any more! Most people don’t receive a lot of cash because they hold on to the little cash they have too tightly because they are scared to lose it. You cannot consistently win if you do not know how to accept loosing! Professional gamblers have a saying “A scared man can’t win.” That is because the scared man is holding on to his cash too tightly and won’t let it go so it can grow. Losing is a part of winning. Receiving is a part of giving. Ebb is a part of flow just as receiving is a part of giving. Therefore, cash must be held with an open hand. When the hand is closed to keep cash from going out, being closed also prevents cash from coming in. Remember, there is a system attached to money and cash. If you do not allow money and cash to flow through your hands and do what GOD wants them to do to enrich your family, the system is designed to automatically cut off the supply. Money grows into a family like fruit grows onto a tree. Fruit must be purged from a tree in order for it to grow more fruit. In order for more money or cash to flow to you, you have to allow it to flow from you. The key, however, is to get it to flow where GOD wants it to go. In doing so, you become a servant to GOD, you prove that you can be trusted, and great sums of cash will flow through you. Now, the ox that treads the corn is never muzzled to prevent him from eating what he wants and the servant is worthy of his hire. If you become a servant and allow money and cash to flow through you, the system is designed to make more flow to you. Simply allowing cash to be free will provide you all the cash you’ll ever need. Cash is like manure. If you pile it in one place, it will stink. But if you spread it around, it will cause things to grow. So, allow your cash and money to flow and they will grow. Cash is both an instrument and a transportation device. It is a tool that you can use to build anything that you desire to build. Cash is also a vehicle that can take you anywhere you want to go and help you move effortlessly from point A to point B. However,

7 both tools and vehicles require a degree of knowledge on how to handle them safely to avoid injury. An excess desire or love for cash can ruin you financially and injure you physically, mentally and emotionally. The Affect of Religious Belief on Wealth If you hope to obtain and retain wealth, you have to change your attitude and religious beliefs about cash that subconsciously causes you to reject wealth. Too many of us have fostered the religious belief that money is the root of all evil. Money, in reality, is not a bad thing. When the average person says money what they really mean is cash. However, cash is not the root of all evil it is the love of cash that leads people to do evil things to either get it or keep it. Cash is as innocuous as a car or a hammer. A hammer can be used to build a house and a car can be used to take you across the country, but both can also be used to kill a person. Hammers and cars are not evil. They can be used for good yet they can also be used to do evil. Similarly, the things some people do to get cash and the things they use it for can be bad. But cash itself is not inherently evil. GOD presents you with money for two reasons: to meet your needs and to fulfill your purpose. You need money to generate the cash needed to cover your normal living expenses. Sadly, you need cash to pay for your final departure as well. You need cash for everything in life and death. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 6:32 “The Father knows you have need of these things”. This is also why it is written in Deuteronomy 8:18 that GOD has given you power to get wealth. The only stipulation that HE placed on your acquisition of wealth is that you seek to obtain it through HIS system which is what the bible calls the “Kingdom of GOD”. Money, the spiritual energy or idea that leads to cash comes through a universal system of distribution and supply or the system of the Kingdom of GOD. It is a fallacy borne of false interpretation that the Kingdom of Heaven is used in the bible as a euphemism for the Kingdom

8 of GOD. The truth is they are two different things. The Kingdom of Heaven is the place where GOD resides. The Kingdom of GOD is the economic system that Heaven operates on. Everything on earth is merely a reflection of things that are in Heaven. America is the place where Americans reside and Capitalism the economic system that America operates on. The Kingdom of GOD is GOD’s system of supplying the needs of the Ambassadors of Heaven who reside in the earth. The Ambassadors of China who live in the Chinese Embassy in America do not get their supply and provisions from America. They get them from China. Chinese leaders do not want their Ambassadors to begin to develop an allegiance to the nation that provides their provision and supply. GOD does the same thing. HE does not want us to develop an allegiance to the leaders of this world. Chinese leaders set up a system for their Ambassadors to request and receive provisions and supplies. GOD established a system (at the time of creation) to provide provision or wealth to people on earth as well. That system is the Kingdom of GOD. The system of the Kingdom of GOD works on principles. GOD made those principles universal so that everyone will have equal opportunity to apply them uniformly and become wealthy. Those principles will work for whoever works them and they work better for those who understand how to work them best. The reason some people are wealthy while others are rich and some are poor is due to their understanding of the system. Quarterbacks who understand their teams play system perform better in the game. The system of the Kingdom of GOD works on principles and the level of power that those principles generate determine the level of wealth the system will create. Those who have a greater level of understanding will generate a greater level of power which will then produce a greater level of wealth. If we receive our money from the Kingdom of GOD, then all the wealth that we need will be supplied. Since money comes in the form of spirit energy through the Kingdom of GOD it cannot be bad. The enemy simply hides the truth about what money

9 really is and confuses us into believing that money and cash is the same thing. Then he twists cash into something evil in the minds of many via false religious teaching. The adversary does this because he wants us to reject wealth and thereby inhibit the plan of GOD to make the entire earth like the Garden of Eden; a place of wealth and peace. Buying into the deception that cash is evil has caused many to fall into a cycle of poverty that’s difficult to overcome. Poverty generates crime which destroys the peace of an environment. Money is spiritual energy that must have an environment of oneness, agreement or peace in order to be productive and generate wealth. The Kingdom of GOD vs. the World Matthew 11:12-30 contains one of the most challenging riddles in the bible that people and theologians have been trying find a definitive answer to for centuries. The reason they were not able to obtain the answer because it was not given to them to know. Luke 8:10 says: “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others [they are taught] in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.” You must have a quieted spirit or peace in your inner person in order to obtain the answers you need to certain questions. Verse 12 says: “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” The meaning of this verse has boggled the minds of many, first, because they don’t realize that the phrase “kingdom of heaven”, does not appear in any of the other four gospels besides Matthew. The book of Matthew was written specifically to the Jews. Using “kingdom of heaven” would be germane to their understanding. The phrase “kingdom of GOD” is used throughout Mark, Luke and John because they are written to gentiles but it also appears 5 times in Matthew. In the book of Matthew, “kingdom of heaven” is used in the place where the “kingdom of GOD” is used in the same verses in other books. This leads many to think they are one

10 in the same but they are not. Matthew 11:12 is talking about the economic system that the Kingdom of Heaven operates on which is the Kingdom of GOD. Secondly most people are unaware that the word “suffer” in this verse means to allow or give permission to: the kingdom of GOD allows or gives permission to violence. The word “violence” here means “to be seized or taken”. “The kingdom of GOD is allowed to be seized.” Third, we try to apply English definitions to Greek words and thus miss the true meaning of a word in a verse of scripture which takes us far away from what GOD intended to say. The word “violent” means “to be energetic or powerful”. “The kingdom of GOD is allowed to be seized and the powerful take it by force.” Ephesians 3:20 states that GOD is able to do things for us that is exceedingly above all that we could ask or think according to the “power” that is working in us. The powerful take their wealth from the kingdom of GOD by force. That is, by force of power that is working in them by virtue of their money, currency and peace. Whatever wealth that you receive or seize from the kingdom of GOD is according to the power that works in you. Low power produces less wealth whereas greater power produces greater wealth. The fourth reason many people were not able to solve the riddle of verse 12 is because in verses 25, 27 and 15 Jesus says plainly that the meaning is hidden from those scholars who portend to be wise above all others due to their position, reputation and degree. Yet, he will reveal the answers to babes or those who have the heart of a child and is eager to listen and learn. Jesus said in verse 25, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes... Verse 27, “All things are delivered unto me of my Father… and to whomsoever the Son will reveal.” And verse 15 says “He that hath ears to hear let him hear.” This means that even though you have ears attached to your head you will not necessarily hear the wisdom of heaven.

11 Again, you have to have the ears of one with a child’s heart who is eager to know and learn. The fifth reason people find it difficult to receive the answer they need is because they are waiting for someone or something to give it to them rather than using what they have to get what they want. In verses 16 and 17, Jesus compares them to lazy children; sitting around waiting for other children to come play with them. “But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, we have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.” This generation is waiting for GOD and everyone else to do something for them rather than using their own money and currency to access the power working inside of them to seize their wealth from the Kingdom of GOD. In verses 28-30, Jesus exhorts us to lay down the world’s way of working to get wealth and pick up His way wherein the foundation of wealth accumulation is through peace. The world’s way is hard and will make a man work himself to death. How many people do you know that worked for a company 30, 35 or 40 years who retired and then died within 2 or 3 years of retirement? They carried the burden of labor too long and it leads to early death. Man was not created by GOD to work. Work is the product of the curse of sin. Since the time of Adam’s sin, man was sentenced to working hard and scratching out a meager existence by the sweat of his brow. However, GOD originally made man to serve not work; to till not toil. GOD sent Jesus to exhort man to repentance so that He can redeem man from the curse of sin. Then man can serve GOD as a living rather than having to work for a living. In Genesis chapter 1, GOD created man at the end of the sixth day. That is, on the day after all of the work of creation was done and just before the Sabbath or the day of rest. Mark 2:27 states that the Sabbath was not created for man rather man was created for the Sabbath. This means that man was created for the day of rest and service to GOD. Jesus is inviting us to stop living in the penalty of sin, while thinking that working hard is noble,

12 and choose to operate in the liberty of grace and peace. Once we complete or fulfill the work related to our purpose, we can then live the rest of our days in rest and peace. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For, my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Jesus’ yoke or burden is His way of doing, operating and being. He is imploring those of you who are tired of working hard on jobs that constantly require you to do more work for less pay and benefits to come to Him and He will give you rest or peace; a type of retirement from working for the world to producing for yourself. Jesus is inviting you to learn how to acquire the wealth you need from His system rather than from the world whose method of success, getting ahead or obtaining wealth is by striving or through strife. Jesus said I am meek, which means one who is powerful that keeps his power under control, and lowly, which means that He operates in humility. Humility is simply the ability to put aside what you want to do and choose instead to do what GOD would have you to do. The payoff or benefit for following Jesus and doing, operating or being as He does is the promise of rest. The word rest in this context means peace; oneness, agreement or lack of conflict in our being. Peace is a primary element required to acquire wealth. Another primary element of wealth acquisition is power. Striving against others reduces our power to produce wealth. Rather than striving against others, using power in a corrupt way, we use power to pursue wealth; run after it with hostile intent through the kingdom of GOD and wealth will allow itself to be seized. “The kingdom of GOD suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Take or seize wealth from the kingdom of GOD by force of the power working in you. The key here is recognizing that

13 you have to do it and that nobody including GOD is going to do it for you. GOD has already given you everything you need to get the wealth you deserve just as HE did with Adam. GOD gave Adam three things: assignment, fellowship and provision. GOD has given you a purpose to fulfill, a spiritual guide to lead you to it and through it as well as the money and materials you need to get-er done. Now, the assignment is there and the spirit is ready to lead but the greatest obstacle that you have to receiving provision is religion. Religion: The Tie that Binds GOD did not give us religion, man gave us religion. Religion is the primary reason why the average person cannot understand the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of GOD. The Kingdom of GOD is the system by which we receive provision. Religion is the reason most people don’t realize this system is where we get the provision. If you had a million dollars in the bank but did not know what bank it was in, how could you ever draw the cash out to use it? People know the bible says GOD has given us power to get wealth but they don’t know what bank to draw the wealth from. The Kingdom of GOD is the bank but religion has prevented us from entering that bank. The word “religion” has a prefix “re” which means “back or over again” and a suffix “ion” which means “the act or process”. The base word in the word religion is an abbreviation for the word “ligature”. Ligature means to bind or tie. The true definition of the word religion then is: “the act or process of binding or tying over and over again”. Most people believe that religion will help them make a connection to GOD. What it does in reality is merely bind and tie them to the processes created by man which prevents them from making a real connection to GOD. Church leaders use religion and scripture like powerful bands to bind you into a poverty mentality. It is imperative that you learn to read and understand scriptures for yourself so that you can see

14 the truth and free yourself to receive the provision you need to fulfill your purpose. 1 Timothy 6:10 says: “They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil....” “Children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of GOD! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of GOD (Mark 10:24-25).” These verses have been used historically to lead people to believe that having money was bad and to influence them to give it to the church who would then take it and do good. Keep in mind here that the author is calling money what is actually cash. Keeping the verse in context we can see that 1 Timothy 6:10 does not say that money is the root of all evil as traditionally taught. It says the love of money or cash is the root of all evil. When we have a love for cash, it becomes a type of idol god to us, which will lead us to do all manner of evil to get it and keep it. That is what the phrase “trust in riches” is referring to in Mark 10-24. Cash becomes an idol god when we love it and begin to trust it to produce wealth instead of trusting in the Kingdom of GOD. The enemy developed three plans to trick us concerning cash. Plan A was to trick us into rejecting wealth and choosing a lifestyle of poverty, which would leave no one equipped to execute GOD’s plans. For those of us who did not fall for plan A, he employed plan B. Plan B is designed to cause us to become so obsessed with having cash that we would do just about anything to get it and to keep it. If plan A or B didn’t work, plan C is designed to lead us to work for wages and give away our currency (the potential to be wealthy) virtually for free. Once we fall for either of these tricks, the enemy then lures us into wasting the little cash that we do receive on riotous living. This is how men fall into many foolish and hurtful lusts and drown in destruction. You see, people who are poor want comfort in or relief from the condition of their poverty. So, they will invest

15 great percentages of their income into lottery or other forms of gambling. Many of them will allow it to consume them to the point of becoming addicted, which will ultimately destroy them and their family. The rich, on the other hand, blow their fortunes on the excesses of the flesh and ego until their desires consume them and their families as well. We can plainly see, by these examples, that cash in the wrong hands or in the hands of people with an improper attitude can be dangerous. Cash in the hands of people with the proper attitude can be prosperous. Those with prosperous attitudes towards cash can obtain and retain wealth beyond belief if they also know how to use cash to convert their currency into wealth. If they allow money to flow through them to do what GOD wants it to do and use their currency and cash to make the idea in money manifest, the product is always wealth. Using money, cash and currency properly is a principle because it has a predictable outcome. A principle works the same way or yields the same result every time. People who work on Wall Street apply wealth creation principles everyday and prosper because they make cash do what it’s supposed to do; flow. If you want the Wall Street kind of wealth, you must stop thinking that you can work for cash. You have to make it work for you. Never think that you can save enough to be wealthy, you have to put cash to work so that it can grow.

16 Chapter 2 RICH vs. WEALTHY

“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.” ~ Henry Ford Have you ever noticed the difference in the conversations about money between people who have a lot of cash and people who don’t? People who don’t have cash express a desire to be rich. People who are rich talk about being wealthy. What is the difference between riches and wealth? The definition of rich”“ is having more than enough cash to satisfy one’s normal needs or desires. The definition of wealth”“ is having possession of property and valuable things. People who have possession of property and valuable things usually have more than enough cash to gratify their normal needs or desires. Under the world’s system of cash management, the currency of a country can be devalued overnight. The effect it could produce would be virtually the same as the stock market crash in 1929, when rich people lost almost every penny they had overnight. If a person only has cash under the American economic system, they could go from being rich to poor in a matter of minutes. However, if a person has property and valuable things, those things might diminish in value, but they will still retain enough value that could be traded for cash. Property is land or real estate. Valuable things include trusts, businesses, insurance, stocks/bonds, antiques, annuities, jewelry, etc. Most of these things cannot be lost by a sudden change in money market conditions. Wealthy people acquire property and valuable things to protect the financial future of their heirs. This is the reason property such as homes, land, and other buildings are

17 called real estate. The word “real” means fixed or permanent. The word “estate” means assets and liabilities. A real estate, then, is one that is comprised of fixed or permanent assets and liabilities that can be passed on to one’s heirs. The reason property is called real estate is because property is the only real estate that one can leave to their heirs. Cash is not a real estate because it is not fixed or permanent. Cash can be either lost by unfavorable market forces or wasted on riotous living. Those who want to protect their heir’s freedom leave them property. Benjamin Franklin said “Property is the only defense against tyranny.” The way the average family begins to build wealth to ensure their economic freedom is through home ownership or life insurance. While he is still alive, the family head teaches the children about the vision he has established for the family and about providing wealth for future generations. The children are taught about the value of cash as a tool to build wealth, as a vehicle to get them from point A to point B, and the difference between being rich and wealthy. The children are encouraged to develop business ideas in which the whole family can invest, create capital growth, and thereby produce additional wealth. Once the head of the family passes on and the inheritance is disbursed, the children will know what to do with it so that it will not be lost on frivolous investments or wasted away on riotous living. Good parents will have taught the children how to retain cash and build wealth so that they won’t quickly lose what their parents sacrificed to give them. The only real spiritual inheritance a parent can leave to provide for a child is a lifestyle of faith. The only real financial inheritance that a parent can leave to provide for a child is wealth. Proverbs 13:22 says “a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children”. That means an inheritance is provided not only to the children, but to the grandchildren as well. In order for a man’s children to maintain the wealth, build upon it and pass it on to the next generation, he has to teach them about cash, money and currency; how they work and how to use them the way GOD intended and cause them to increase. This will provide an

18 inheritance for the children and grandchildren as well as release them from the captivity of the world’s system of provision. And it will place them in the safety and freedom of operating in GOD’s system of provision. Wealthy is a State of Being “When they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? He said, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What do you think Simon? Of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute; of their own children or of strangers? Peter said unto him, of strangers. Jesus said unto him, then the children are free. Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go to the sea, and cast a hook, and take up the fish that first comes up; and when you open his mouth, you shall find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and you (Matthew 17:24-27).” The tax collectors had approached Peter to find out of Jesus paid taxes. As Peter was going to take some of the cash they had on hand to pay the taxes Jesus told him not to use the cash. Instead, Jesus instructed Peter to go and catch a fish which would have gold in his stomach worth enough to pay the taxes for both of them. Do you see what happened here? Most people would call that a miracle. What actually happened here is Jesus utilized the power of currency to obtain cash. Knowledge (which is unusual, unforeseen or a type of knowing without knowing) is a form of currency. Having that kind of currency Jesus didn’t need to have cash. Jesus didn’t have to pursue wealth. Jesus was wealth. Wealth emanated from His inner being because the kingdom of GOD was in Him. Through the use of other forms of currency, such as His gifts or talents, Jesus had the power to get whatever he needed at anytime. He used 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to feed 4,000 people on one occasion. On another occasion Jesus fed 5,000 people when he had nothing but two pennies in his pocket. The power to supply

19 himself and others abundantly was living inside of him. Again, the power was resident because the kingdom of GOD was in him. “And he [Jesus] is the head of the body… that in all things he might have the preeminence (Colossians 1:18).” On some sports teams, job sites, offices, etc there is a person whose performance or presence seems to make everyone else perform better. They standout or have a preeminent presence. Jesus was that type of person. The stories about His ability to perform are meant to be an example for us to show us the level at which we can perform if we have a mind to; if we believe that we can. If we think we can’t, then what Walter Wintle said is true: “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.” Wealthy is a state of being and not a result of doing. No one can do wealthy. He or she can only be wealthy. It is one thing to have wealth and it is another thing to be wealthy. A rich person can do all that is required to obtain the possessions and valuable things that are signs of wealth but he or she will never be able to retain them unless wealth emanates from within their being. This is the reason rich people like Donald Trump can acquire millions and lose them several times over. The Donald can lose millions today and by the end of the year have millions again because he knows the mechanics of cash accumulation and market manipulation and is therefore rich. However, he lacks the mental acuity to understand the spiritual force requires wealthy to be a state of being. Since he doesn’t understand how to be wealthy he will only be rich. Wealth is derived from our currency or the knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that we have within. Wealth does not come from the external activity of doing but rather it originates as a product of our inner being. The inner being of a person who would be wealthy must be free of conflict; at peace. No one has ever become and remained wealthy who was not happy. Now, some external conditions of their lives may make having possession of valuable things a burden. But those conditions come upon a

20 person who is yet rich at heart rather than wealthy. Wealthy, just like beauty, is generated from within. Rich: A Lack of Need The dictionary defines a rich person as one that has more than enough to satisfy their normal needs and desires. It also defines being wealthy as having possession of property and valuable things. What the dictionary does not define is how the rich acquired their riches and how the wealthy became wealthy. You might say “duh” it’s because there are thousands of ways to get rich or become wealthy that cannot be defined in a dictionary. On the contrary, there are indeed thousands of avenues that one can take but there is only one process. That is, utilizing currency and following the principles. “He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverbs 10:4).” “…your Father which is in heaven… makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45).” Anyone can put their knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities to work and earn enough cash to make them rich. If they diligently apply the wealth building principles to that work process, it will lead them to become rich. They will have more than enough cash to satisfy their normal desires. It does not matter if that person is good or bad because the principles are universal. The principles work for whoever works them without hesitation or discrimination. Working alone is like adding where as working with the principles is multiplication. You will get the same product, cash, but the principles will make that cash multiply. Working brings cash in slow but working with principles delivers it quickly. Rich: A Condition of the Heart “There is [a man] that makes himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that makes himself poor, yet hath great riches (Proverbs 13:7).”

21 Working their currency along with the principles is the process by which most people get rich. That includes criminals such as drug dealers. You see, drug dealers were born with currency too. They put their currency to work in nefarious ways while either knowingly or unknowingly working the principles. A drug dealer standing on a corner selling drugs is, in effect, doing the same thing that the man who owns McDonald’s is doing: managing money, managing people and moving a product. The difference, of course, is the drug dealer is conducting his business illegally. The business owner and a drug dealer have the same skills and intellect or currency needed to make a million dollars. The man at McDonald’s is using his currency legally whereas the drug dealer is not. Lucky Luciano, the notorious gangster who is tagged as the father of organized crime said “If I had to do it all over again, I would go legit because the intellect you need to make a million dollars illegally you need that same intellect to make it legally.” Employing one’s currency while operating in the principles can cause anyone to obtain riches. However, it will not lead everyone to become wealthy. The drug dealer may be able to get rich but the man at McDonald’s is becoming wealthy. The real difference between these two men is the condition of their hearts. The drug dealer is seeking to accumulate cash regardless of who it might hurt in the process. The business owner is simply providing a service that many people need to quickly feed their families. The drug dealer knows that delivering his product is going to hurt people in many ways however due to the condition of his heart he does not care. The business owner is providing a product that he believes in his heart will help working parents feed their children quick and relatively cheap. The drug dealer may acquire more than enough cash to satisfy his normal needs and desires. Yet, he will never be wealthy. Even if he does take possession of property and valuable things, the government will eventually come and take them from him.

22 “Labor not to be rich: cease from your own wisdom (Proverbs 23:4).” There is good success and then there is bad success. Good success is achieving all of one’s goals and aspirations without having to step on or harm anyone else in the process. The person who obtains good success can enjoy all of the riches or wealth that comes along with it. Bad success is when a man has achieved all of his goals, aspirations and has all the cash he will ever need in two lifetimes. At the same time his children are constantly in and out of jail, the wife is having an affair with the gardener, and he is dying from a disease for which the doctors say there is no cure. Anyone can be rich. Those who have the proper condition of the heart can be wealthy rather than just rich and enjoy good success.


“It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.” ~ Albert Camus People who are poor tell their children that money does not grow on trees as a way of teaching them that money doesn’t come easily. However, when we examine it closely, we will discover that money does grow on trees; it grows on the family tree! Making money grow on the family tree requires a dedication to being the generation of parents who are willing to make an investment in and a sacrifice for the financial future of the next several generations. To see this decision come to fruition requires patience. It takes years for a tree to root deep enough to where it can’t be moved. It takes years for a tree to produce fruit. We have to be patient and stay in the place where we were designed to grow, if we desire to see money grow on our family tree. And we have to teach our children to remain there as well. When we stay in the appointed place long enough, our wealth building activities will take root and eventually begin to produce fruit. Remember, money comes as a result of spiritual energy. Wealth comes by combining spiritual and physical energy. Spiritual energy is any process that has the capacity to produce or transform which is beyond our ability to reproduce. Baking a cake employs spiritual energy. Mixing the cake ingredients is physical energy. Placing it in the oven is physical energy. The heat in the oven is spiritual energy that transforms the mixture of ingredients into a cake. We can control heat but we cannot control the process in heat that causes a batter mixture to become a cake. A tree grows through a physical process but by spiritual energy. In order to produce abundant fruit, a tree has to be planted

25 in the right environment (you can’t grow oranges in Alaska) and properly cared for so that its fruit will abundantly grow. Anything a man has that he does not know how to care for and use, he with either misuse or abuse. If he does not know how to provide the right environment and proper care for his wife and children, he will inadvertently stunt their growth. The wife and children in a family are a treasure and come equipped with currency which the husband and father can utilize to lead his family to be wealthy. Fly by night theories abound in the media today on how to obtain wealth. Get rich quick schemes come and go as people finally learn that they are getting burned. There is only one method that is true, consistent, and will produce financial gain as long as the earth remains. That method is simply utilizing the currency that is inside of your family. Whether you actually become wealthy or not will be determined by how you utilize the currency made available to you. It’s not the race that you run in life; it’s not the place of your birth. But, it is how you use the gifts inside you that determine your worth. A wife was born with the gift of service inside of her. She was designed by GOD to be a helper to her husband. If the husband does not realize she has that gift and utilize it in the way GOD intended, she will go rotten on him just like a piece of fruit that is left on a table and not used the way it was designed to be used. The same is true for children. If their gifts and talents are not identified, recognized, and utilized as well as appreciated within the family’s mission, they will go rotten on you too. Whether your family members grow to become productive fruit or grow rotten will depend on whether or not their gifts are cultivated, provided proper care, and planted in the proper environment. We can create and control the environment of our homes through our thoughts and words. We can determine what our family members will do or be in life by the way that we think about them. The way we see them in our mind is going to be manifested at some point through our mouths. Whenever you

26 begin to think negatively about a family member because of the way that they are acting, you will begin to speak to them based on the way that they act not based upon who GOD created them to be. The German Poet Johann Goethe said “Look at a man the way that he is and he’ll only become worse, but if you look at him the way that he could be, he will become what he should be.” This lesson was reinforced for me as I happened to catch part of “The Simpson’s” TV show. Young Bart was raising Cain that day being just a bad as he could imagine. At the end of the episode his mother grabs him, gives him a big hug, and said “I love you, Bart, you’re my special little guy”. Bart breaks down and said “Mommy, I’m sorry that I was bad today”. You see, Bart’s mother didn’t speak to him based on the way he was acting, she spoke to him based on the way that she envisioned he could be. When you have family members who are behaving badly and you begin to speak to them badly, it will cause them to become something other than what you want and need them to be. Some flower seeds refuse to grow even when placed in the exact in which environment they were intended to grow. That’s because they resent being left alone, in the dirt and in the dark. These seeds must be placed in an incubator and given special care before they will begin to grow. But, then they have to be placed back into the environment in which they were designed to grow in order for them to produce abundant growth. Similarly, some children who are in the right family environment will refuse to grow because they resent having parents who they believe are not behaving the parents should behave. In times like these, we have to go to GOD and ask HIM to show us who this family member really is and what HE created them to be. Knowing this will give you the insight you need to guide this family member into the knowledge of their true self and help you to put them to proper use within the family. Whenever a family member is acting out, 99 times out of 100, it is because they are not feeling appreciated or has lost their sense of value. This happens when they were not properly utilized within

27 the family. Getting them to recognize who they were created to be and putting them to proper use within the family will restore their sense of value. Eventually, they will begin to add value by being a productive resource and you will be able to tap into the treasure inside of them to bring prosperity to your family. Alchemy, which was the quest for a process to transform lead into gold is, in reality, the process of transforming our lower self (which causes us to behave badly) into our higher self. Alchemy is the process of changing from the state of being a lead weight into a valuable commodity to our family, friends and community. The process of becoming a source of value to yourself and others allows you to evolve from poverty to wealthy through the proper use of currency. Jesus revealed the secret key to alchemy when HE said, “where your heart is there will be your treasure also.” Those who have the right condition of heart that properly use their currency can grow from being a lead weight in a family to being worth their weight in gold. Through them the legend of alchemy is proved to be true as told because what was once lead has turned into gold. A Wife and the Power to get Wealth Remember, anyone who has a thing that does not know what that thing is supposed to be used for, will eventually misuse or abuse that thing. The reason that the average man doesn’t understand women is because when GOD made Eve, Adam was asleep. The reason that the average husband experiences shortfalls is no one ever taught him that a wife is the most valuable asset on the planet. Due to the husband’s lack of knowledge, wives are also the most undervalued and underutilized asset on the planet. Any man who can recognize the knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that his wife has and realizes how to utilize those assets to bring his family’s vision to fruition will have wealth and prosperity grow on his family tree that is well beyond his imagination. GOD actually created women to help lead men to become wealthy. Once men put aside their egos and begin to just let their

28 wives do what they were created to do (while guiding her to operate within the vision GOD established for their family), she will use her ability to virtually spin straw into gold. It is the power in her currency and the condition of her heart that causes this to happen. Proverbs 31 contains a great example of a husband who led his wife to utilize the gifts within her and to do what she had a heart to do naturally. In return, she led him to be wealthy and to receive honor within their community. However, there is another woman who is the premiere example of a dutiful wife that is always overlooked because we have a misconception of who she is. Therefore like Cinderella she is often misused. Her name is wisdom. Wisdom is not some special level of knowledge that is bestowed from on high upon a select few. Wisdom is actually a special kind of woman who is given by GOD to select men who have a heart to do HIS will. If you look at the way that the Bible describes wisdom, it is always given a feminine character. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her and she will promote thee: she shall bring thee to honor when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to your head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory she shall deliver to thee (Proverbs 4:7-9).” A woman of wisdom is one who has a strong desire to do what GOD said. The Bible definition of wisdom is simply to do what GOD said. Knowledge is knowing what GOD said, wisdom is doing what GOD said and understanding is simply knowing why GOD said what HE said. You can’t do what GOD said unless you know what HE said and you can not understand why He said to do what HE said until after you do it. Knowing what GOD said and doing what HE said always leads one to become wealthy. Men who have a heart to do GOD’s will must have a wife with a heart to do what GOD says. Men that have a wife of wisdom that understands how to utilize her currency will always be wealthy. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”

29 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22).” The word “good” in this verse means “merchandise” or something of great value. The man who finds a wife who is a woman of wisdom has found a pearl of great price or something of great value that has the power to generate wealth just like merchandise. The man who finds such a woman and is able to convince her to be his wife has not only obtained favor of the Lord but also has obtained the means by which he can become wealthy. “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof than fine gold.She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honor (Proverbs 3:13-16).” Wisdom is the first thing that a boy should seek when he becomes a man. The scripture says wisdom is the principal; most important, influential, or consequential thing. The scripture also describes wisdom as the principal thing in the same way as it describes the woman as a good thing. The first thing that a boy who becomes a man should seek, then, is a woman of wisdom. A woman of wisdom should be the first thing he adds to his life because a man needs a good woman to be the most important, influential or consequential thing in his life. A woman of wisdom seeks to live by godly principles which help lead her husband and family to be wealthy. The principles of GOD are organization, authority, agreement, stewardship, obedience, sow and reap, and unconditional love. Every wealthy family operates on these principles. Every man who wants to be wealthy must have a wife, a principal thing, who has a heart to live by and operate on these principles. Please read my book “Strengthening the Family” to learn how these principles actually work to lead a family to become wealthy. Dr Dennis Kembro, author of “What Makes the Great, Great” stated that strengthening the family unit is the principal issue facing

30 those who seek to achieve economic success. There are numerous surveys which reveal that those who successfully maintain strong family relationships are more likely to be successful at whatever else they do. These same surveys reveal that maintaining a strong family is one of the keys to building a wealthy family. Every man who has a wife of wisdom will have wealth if he also understands how to speak her. GOD spoke to Mary in a way that caused her to conceive the vision that HE had for Jesus and she delivered Him through her body. A husband has to speak to his wife in a way that causes her to see the vision that he has for their family. If he explains it to her in a way that is pleasing and causes her to conceive it in her mind, she will be able to deliver it through her body. This is another spiritual aspect of the wealth building process. Men, the vision will manifest through your wife because once she conceives the vision she will be “expecting” that baby to be delivered. If her husband maintains a wealthy mind and speaks wealth to his wife, she will deliver wealth into his life. The husband is the foundation of the family; its feet as well as its head. The husband is the top and the bottom, beginning and the end of the family. The husband provides direction from his position as the feet and gives guidance from his position as the head. The wife is the body of the family. She embodies everything in the family in between the feet and the head and even controls the neck that turns the head. A wife carries everything vital for the family body to live and properly function. Therefore, the wife is vital to the life, health and wealth of a family. However, a body can not live without a head and a head cannot live without a body. The head and the body need each other to properly live and function. Therefore, the husband and wife need each other in order for their family to live, function and become wealthy. The woman who believes that she does not need a man can operate in her own power but she will just not be as powerful. Oprah has earned a billion dollars under her own power. However, let me be Mr. Winfrey and within 5 years Oprah will be the wealthiest person in world history.

31 A Woman’s Power Produces Wealth Has feminism and the feminist movement really worked for women? With 41% of American children born out of wedlock, 31% of children living with only one parent, 51.1 million American women 18 and over being unmarried, 55% of American people in poverty being women and children, and with women over 40 being more likely to be struck by lightning than to get married, can we say the feminist movement has not worked to women’s advantage? When you read the results that the feminist movement has had in studies such as “Changing Patterns of Non-marital Childbearing in the United States,” released by the National Center for Health Statistics, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can clearly see that it has not worked to the advantage of women and their children. Has it allowed women to enjoy freedoms as well as to do and be whatever they want to do and be which they did not enjoy in times during the last century? Yes! However, just because you can do something it does not mean that you should. Women were not allowed to smoke cigarettes before but now cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women; my mom included. GOD instituted the Women’s Movement for HIS daughters to have equality; equal pay for equal work and so on. In order to counter GOD’s movement to free HIS daughters from oppression, the adversary instituted the Women’s Liberation Movement. The goal of the liberation movement is to allow women to be the “same” as men. GOD’s wanted women to be equal with men whereas the adversary led women to be “like” men. Consequently, women are now able to do every damnable thing that men can do. That includes having sex with multiple partners, having babies out of wedlock, hanging out in bars at night, working too late, not spending enough time with their children, etc. Before the Liberation Movement women would never think of doing such things but “You’ve come a long way baby.” Men were going

32 to hell in a hand basket and now women are on their way. The problem is the children are going too. Women have to understand this clearly. The adversary hates you and has had a plan from the beginning to destroy you because of the power that you have within you! Ever since GOD told him in Genesis Chapter 3 that the seed of the woman would bruise his head he has been afraid of women. He has done everything in his power since then to destroy her! Women have to understand the power that they have in their virtue. Virtue is connected to a woman’s sexuality. The devil understood that if he could move women into depravity sexually he could break the power of their virtue to do harm to him. Since the power of the woman’s virtue was broken with the sexual revolution, the deaths of children, rates of broken families, rates of poverty and so on have risen rapidly. Wealthy women recognized the liberation movement was serving to lead women and their children into poverty. Thus, they abandoned the movement a long time ago. Wealthy women believe wholeheartedly in women’s equality but they don’t believe in women being the “same” as men. They understand that each gender has its proper role in raising happy, healthy and wealthy children. The only women still following the liberation movement by-in-large are black women and poor white women. Asian and Hispanic women believe in equality too but they are strongly oriented toward family and acknowledge the importance that gender roles play in developing children. The key to strong families and healthy societies is in the hands of women. Women have always held the power to command spiritual authority. That power is connected to their virtue. Their virtue is connected to their sexuality. Once black and poor white women abandon the liberation movement, embrace the Women’s movement, and learn how to become equal “partners” in a relationship, they and their families will begin to prosper. There is an old African aphorism that says “If you enter a village and cannot find any good women, it is filled with no good

33 men.” Many men in America have become no good since the liberation movement began because they simply took advantage of women’s desire to be free and used them for their gratification sexually. Now, it is difficult to find a real man due to the over population in the nation of man sized boys. This problem is so acute that Hollywood felt the need to make a movie about it entitled “Failure to Launch.” Rather than looking for a woman to be his wife the man-sized boy man is seeking a woman for free sex. Once women begin to set a standard for the boys to be with them, they will learn to be men begin to rise to that standard. Once women pull down their skirts men will begin to stand up for them and their children. Please don’t get the impression that I am saying women are the blame. Women are not the blame but women are the key. Men are the blame for taking advantage of women who simply wanted to be liberated and for not taking responsibility for the children they produced. Women have always been the source of spiritual strength in the family. Women are also the key to its productivity and prosperity. Yet, because of the liberation movement we are caught in a paradigm where men were designed to lead but they have no incentive to lead if women do not demand leadership. Indeed, there is a chicken/egg problem here. Men must lead but women must demand that they lead. Women cannot make that demand if they don’t first deprive men of free access to their bodies sexually. If sex was a commodity, its price would be falling on the stock market daily. That is because it is given away too freely. The price always goes up when a commodity is scarce in an economy. When free sex was scarce in America we had a better economy. Men went to work to channel their sexual energy. Men married the women they wanted to have sex with. Now that sex is free men spend a great deal of their time and direct a huge amount of their energy into getting more sex rather than working to provide for the women they have sex with and the children they produce. Thus, adult males have become packs of perpetual frat boys that

34 don’t get serious about raising a family until they are nearly 40. That age used to be 20. Once women stop lying down the frat boys will begin to grow up.

35 36 Chapter 4 CURRENCY vs. CREDIT

“The only reason a great many American families don’t own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments.” ~ Mad Magazine Have you heard the maxim “knowledge is power”? Well, Proverbs 3:13-14 confirms this is true. It basically says whoever has knowledge gets the cash. We live with real life examples of this truth every day. Those of us who don’t have the knowledge to fix cars must give cash to those who have that knowledge. Knowledge is currency because it can be traded for something of value such as cash. In this chapter, I will share with you knowledge that will help you get cash for the currency that you have in you. Many religious people will try to talk out of receiving this information because it goes against their religious doctrine. Yet, this is the same reason why many religious people are perpetually poor or in a constant state of want or need. Rejecting this knowledge also the reason religious people become unhappy when they see those that are not religious becoming wealthy. The unrighteous discovered this knowledge. They know it was originally created for righteous people to prosper from it. They also realize that since righteous people leave the knowledge unclaimed they have a right to claim it. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just (Proverbs 13:22).” The sinner accesses knowledge of the kingdom of GOD to get wealth while the righteous continue to pray for GOD to give them something HE has already made available. This is why Jesus said that the children of this world are in their generations wiser than the children of light. Religious leaders do teach that sinners possess the wealth that was laid up for the righteous, but

37 they never told them how the sinner managed to get it. The sinner used the knowledge of the system of the Kingdom of GOD. The religious still believe that there is no difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of GOD. If they read the bible for themselves rather than depending on church leaders to read and interpret it for them, they might see it differently since the difference can be easily distinguished by the word. Jesus said that the kingdom of GOD will not come with observation in Luke 17:20, whereas Revelation 21:1-22:6 illustrates that the Kingdom of Heaven will come with observation. Since GOD does not contradict HIMSELF, there would have to be a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of GOD. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place. The kingdom of GOD is an economic system. As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are ambassadors of Heaven on earth. GOD did not want the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven to receive their supply or provision from the system of the world, which is based on credit. Therefore, we receive our provisions through the system of the kingdom of GOD otherwise we may become loyal or indebted to men on earth through the system of credit. Rather than being a free servant to GOD receiving credit makes us become a bound slave to the creditor. Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are taught to make their requests to GOD through the prayer of supplication. They are told that GOD always answers prayer but sometimes HE says no or not now. But when they observe the people in the Chinese Embassy it appears that their Prime Minister always answers their prayer or requests for provision. GOD appears to be late or stingy with fulfilling HIS citizen’s requests. Why is it that a Chinese Prime Minister appears to be more faithful to his citizens than GOD? The fact is he is not. It just appears that he is because of the way religious people have been taught. GOD has already answered every prayer or has already provided everything you would ever need before you were even born. Your request has already been

38 filled but you don’t get it because it comes a different way than you expect. When the Ambassadors of China to America receive their supplies, another person delivers it to them. Those supplies do not fall out of the sky or appear by some supernatural force. Another person hand delivers it to them. When the answers to your prayer for material things come a person will deliver it. Many religious people rarely receive their material supply packages because they don’t expect it to come by the hand of another person. Some reject the package because we don’t like the person who delivered it. Once the order has been filled, however, it is not going to be filled again just because you didn’t like how it was filled. There are a number of people who are angry with GOD because they rarely receive the provisions that they prayed for. It came, but they left their package unclaimed. GOD never lets anything go to waste so the sinners can redeem the package and give it to their kids. “The kingdom of GOD is like a certain king which made a marriage for his son and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding and they would not come… Then he said to his servants the wedding is ready but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests (Matthew 22:2-3 & 8-10).” The Kingdom of GOD is GOD’s system of delivering spiritual, financial and administrative assistance to HIS people. HIS system of delivering these services is through other people. Jesus taught many things but He only preached one thing everywhere HE went which was “The Kingdom of GOD is at hand; repent. Repent means to turn around from your way and turn toward GOD’s way. Jesus also said in Luke 17:21 that “The Kingdom of GOD is within you”. GOD’s system of delivering provision to HIS people is already contained in HIS people. This system is based on love. We were taught that prayers are answered by faith, but

39 Galatians 5:6 tells us that faith works by love. If you don’t love the people that you should give something to, you will refuse to do it. If you don’t love the person who the supply was delivered through, you will refuse to receive it. The answers to my prayer are contained in the currency residing in you. The things that you need are in me. When we pray for material things another person will come along and deliver it. If I have need of something, I need you to deliver it. If you have need of something, you need me to deliver it. We need each other. I need you to produce something from the knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities that you have in you and if it is packaged properly and presented in love, I will give you cash for it. Because many people have prayed for guidance on how to obtain wealth, I am using the knowledge or part of the currency in me to deliver this book to you. Hopefully, you will give copies to family and friends so that it can reach more people. If we have a sincere desire to see other become wealthy, we will never be without supply or provision. “But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).” If you seek first the system of the kingdom of GOD for the things you need rather than the world’s system, which is based on credit, all the things you need will be provided. This knowledge is so simple you would need help to misunderstand it. But, that is exactly what you’ve been getting; help to misunderstand. A lack of understanding is the reason the righteous continue to suffer lack and must resort to the world’s system of provision which is the credit system. First of all, it is called the credit system when in reality it is the “debt” system. The credit issuing agencies are not giving you credit. They are giving you debt! A credit card is not a credit card it is a debt card. You are issued a credit card to make it easy and convenient to dig yourself deeper in debt. A debit card on the other hand is the true credit card. With a debit card you have cash that you credited to the card account. The cash will be drawn from the

40 account which allows you to own the item without the price of it slowly increasing as you pay over time. A credit card is a debt card because the more you buy without paying cash the more debt you accumulate to that account. Using credit cards without paying the balance each month makes the items you purchased cost five or six times what you would have paid had you paid for them in cash. Credit is usury and a form of bondage that is designed to trap people in financial bondage. Therefore, you must abandon the credit system and reject long term credit borrowing. You must teach your children to reject credit to protect them from becoming trapped in the bondage of credit servitude. “If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by you, you shall not be to him as a usurer [creditor], neither shall you lay upon him usury [interest] (Exodus 22:25).” Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The word “should” in this verse means “to be legally obligated”. The way a child is legally obligated to go is in the way of GOD or to operate in the system of the kingdom of GOD. If a child does not want to be legally obligated to work for the system of credit, the way he or she should go is to GOD’s system of provision. The child must continually access the kingdom of GOD to keep himself from becoming a servant to the system of credit. The credit system keeps you working for and a servant to someone other than yourself and your family. Proverbs 22:7 says “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender.” This cautions you to become consciously aware of the power that lenders will have over your life once you accept their debt. You risk becoming trapped in the credit system for multiple generations. When you have to borrow from lenders to meet your needs, it forces you to work for them in order to repay what you borrowed. The rich become your rulers, then, and you become servant to the creditors from whom you borrowed.

41 Don’t be fooled. The real purpose of the credit system is to provide creditors with a means to possess our children’s soul. The creditor does not care if your children have a heart for GOD as long as he can possess their soul. The creditor understands that where your soul is, your heart will eventually be. So the creditor helps merchandisers create commercials that are designed to possess your children’s heart and soul by enticing them to have a desire for stuff. The eyes are the windows to the soul. The creditor tries to dominate your children’s soul through what they watch. Therefore, you must be vigilant in guarding what your youth see on TV. The word “advertisement” is the amalgamation of the words adversary and enticement. An advertisement is the adversary’s enticement. Fast food stores advertise that a toy comes with the food so that the children will pressure the parent to take them to that store. The children do not really want the food as evident in the fact that their parents almost have to make them eat it. What the children really want is that toy. The creditor, or adversary, provides a constant demon(stration) of things to desire through TV until our children become possessed with the desire for stuff. The creditor’s main ally in gaining possession of children is their own parents. The creditor teaches our children through slick ad campaigns that they can have what they want now. This position is reinforced by their parent’s example as children constantly watch their parents use a credit card to buy things that they don’t have the cash to pay for. I watched a 5 year old boy grab a toy off the shelf in a convenience store and asked his mother to buy it. She said that she didn’t have the money to buy it right now. The little boy replied “Buy it with your credit card”. Creditors use commercials to lull our children into the false sense of security that if they are willing to borrow to get the stuff they want now, they can work to keep it later. Their parents reinforce this message by allowing them to be raised in mortgaged homes, sleep in mortgaged beds, lounge on mortgaged furniture, eat from mortgaged refrigerators, wear mortgaged clothes, and

42 ride in mortgaged cars. Sometimes even the fun they have is mortgaged fun as their parents pay for vacations and trips to the amusement park on credit. Children are allowed to live their entire youthful lives on credit. Once they become young adults, their parents take them to the same creditor whom they have been in bondage to for years and co-signs for a loan. The parents believe they are doing this to help the child establish credit. What they are actually doing is helping the child to establish debt. The parent is delivering the child into a lifetime of servitude and bondage. The same servitude and bondage that they struggled through for nearly their entire lives is what they sign their children into. Again, Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Families become trapped in debt for generations because parents train up their children in the way of credit. The children become legally obligated to pay credit debt when they are young and when they are old they do not depart from it. We have traditionally separated Proverbs 22:6 from verse 7 when teaching about how to raise children. Consequently, we never realized that together they were instructing us to teach our children about living a life of freedom from bondage to credit. The word “freedom” means to be free of domination; free from economic domination through credit. Credit forces our children into a lifetime of servitude; to be ruled by the rich and being a servant to those they borrowed from. If you do not train your children to live debt free while they are young, when they get old, they will have to suffer the consequences of Deuteronomy 28:43-44. “The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high and you shall come down very low. He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head and you shall be the tail.” There is nothing wrong with using credit when you have the knowledge to use it in a way that retains your sovereignty. You

43 cannot retain your sovereignty using credit unless you have the money to pay it off quickly. If you use credit to make ends meet or like extra income to live beyond your means, it will keep you tied to the dog. The problem with being tied to the dog is you will never be tied to the head of the dog where the decisions are made. You will always be tied to the tail where you can be wagged in any direction. It may seem like being tied to the tail is good when the tail is high because the view is great but after awhile you will just get tired of the smell. Finally, wealthy is as wealthy does. If you want to become wealthy, you have to do what wealthy people do. Wealthy people never carry a lot of personal debt. They only use credit cards as a convenient alternative to carrying cash or checks. Wealthy people understand that if their cash or checks are lost, that becomes their personal loss. But if the credit card is lost, it becomes the creditor’s loss. When wealthy people use a credit card they already have cash to cover the purchase. They use cash to pay the credit purchase before the 28 day billing cycle ends so that interest is not added. Once interest is added it increases the price you paid for that purchase. One of the saddest sights to see is a person who you know can’t afford it diligently shopping for items on sale, watching the cashier like a hawk to make sure they are not over charged, then paying the bill will a credit card. Wealthy people also never make personal investments when they are carrying personal debt. Yet, poor and rich people are enticed into doing this everyday. Wealthy people realize that if you have $20,000 in investments with an annual yield of 12%, you would normally be doing fairly well. However, if you are also carrying $20,000 in credit card debt with an annual interest rate of 28%, you are not doing well at all. You are merely financing your debt. When you have debt, the interest you earn will never beat the interest you will have to pay. It is best to use the $20,000 in cash to eliminate your debt. You will make or save more money, which ever way you want to look at it, by paying off those debts before making any investments.

44 Through the system of the Kingdom of GOD all of your needs can be supplied. Anything that you want beyond what has been supplied is what leads you into service of the system of credit. In the Kingdom of GOD there is freedom. In the system of credit there is bondage. The system of credit is administered by hard task masters. If you don’t give them the cash that you owe on time, they will repossess the things you bought with what you borrowed and make you continue to pay anyway. If you refuse to pay after they take your stuff away, they will harass you with phone calls and blitz you with threatening letters. The choice between operating in the Kingdom of GOD or the system of Credit is yours. You can be free or serve the creditor and be in bondage. Choose you this day which system you will serve but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

45 46 Chapter 5 A VISION OF WEALTH

“…Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come.” ~ Habakkuk 2:2-3 The head of every family has a responsibility to establish a vision for their family, develop a plan to achieve it, and ensure that it makes them better off in the end than they were in the beginning. Once the vision and plan is established, it should be written and kept in a place in the home where everyone can see and/or review it at any time. The vision should be written plainly enough that any member of the family can pick it up and run with it. Family leaders must also constantly encourage family members to work toward and remain focused on the vision so that it will be fulfilled. The reason this is important is because a family is a corporate entity. In order for a family to prosper it has to be organized and run like a corporation complete with a vision, mission, objectives, and goals for what the family plans to achieve. If your plan is to simply get married, go to work everyday, come home every evening and take vacation once a year, that is fine if you also never plan to build wealth for future generations of your children. However, if your spouse comes to you after 14 years and says “Where are we going with the marriage”, you are going to have a problem if you don’t already have a specific mission or goals established that will give her a sense of purpose. If the vision you have is to see all of the kids graduate college, that is good as long as you have a plan and have led your family to be dedicated to achieving it. Now, many couples with a family plan that is children centered often end up in divorce after 25 years. They spent so much time

47 majoring in the minors that they forget to establish a plan for their marriage after the minors are gone. Once the nest is empty, they lose their sense of purpose for the marriage and eventually dissolve their unions. Therefore, the vision and plan for your family must include your children in the first phase but must focus on you and your spouse in the second phase. Those that are not married who plan to get married should devise a plan for their family ahead of time. Then, they should select a spouse who wants to help that plan come to fruition. The government will not allow a building to be built until the plans are complete and approved. The Federal Aviation Administration will not allow even the most experienced pilots to fly without a flight plan. A woman should not marry a man who does not have a plan for what he intends to do with a family. A man should not try to build a family until he has completed the plan for what he wants to do with it and the plan has been approved by his future spouse. The vision that you establish for your family must be written just like a business plan. It should state in detail what you want to do, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. This plan must be accompanied by a sound financial plan which outlines how your business plan’s objectives will be paid for, how much cash will be required, and where will that cash come from. Your plan should identify the key players and what their roles will be in bringing your vision to fruition. There is an old maxim that says “If you want anything done right, do it yourself”. That maxim is an absolute lie. Trying to operate on this lie has caused many well laid plans to fail. Even if a family leader knows everything, he or she can’t do everything. Trying to do everything will lead to burn out, sickness or injury and eventually you won’t be able to do anything. Failing to utilize family members in the proper way will cause a family leader to lose those family members. Not knowing how to properly use a person will always lead to abuse of a person. There is a reason why GOD placed the members of your family together. The spouse and children that you have is no

48 accident. They are with you because GOD intended them to be with you. They are the team you need to bring your life to completion or to fulfillment of purpose. Your future is not ahead of you, it is in you waiting to be manifested now. All of the knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that you need to be what GOD created you to be are in you now. All of the knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that GOD placed in your family members were given to help you fulfill the vision that you established for your family. If you have a problem or need in your family, you only have to identify the person that has the knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that meets the need and assign them to address it. Your family is a source of treasure that you were blessed with through the Kingdom of GOD to lead you to become wealthy. If you utilize your family members properly, it will naturally lead you to be wealthy. “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (Psalm 1:1-3).” Again, a family is a corporate entity and should be operated like a corporation. Successful corporations hold regular meetings in order to communicate with their employees so that everyone is clear on what they should be doing at all times. A corporate family should hold regular meetings as well for the same reason. The family should have two types of meetings: family and financial. The family meeting should be held once a week on the same day and at the same time each week. No one should be allowed to schedule or attend any outside activities during this time so that everyone will be there. Each family member should give a report of what they are doing and how well they are doing. Achievements should be applauded and suggestions for improvements offered in areas of shortfall. Any family grievances or persistent problems

49 should be aired and addressed at this meeting. This will reduce the number of confrontations and/or conflicts that occur during the week. That is not to say on the spot corrections should not be made. However, you want your family to spend most of the week loving, supporting, encouraging and cheering one another on instead of being engaged in disputes. The financial meeting should be held once a month on the day that the major bills are paid. A report is given by the family’s Chief Financial Officer that accounts for all income earned, bills due, household expenditures from the previous month, and the performance of all savings and investment vehicles. Allowances for each family member should be disbursed at the financial meeting. Next, a report on the amount of discretionary income that is available should be given. A discussion and decision should be made on how it will be spent. Since everyone will want or need something that is outside of the family’s normal budgetary expenses, care should be taken to ensure everyone’s wants and needs are addressed fairly. This will teach them how to manage finances when they have families and learn to pay as they go to keep them from becoming trapped in a cycle of debt. And it will ensure that each family member knows the state of the family’s finances, recognize that there are regular monthly expenses that must be met and realize that there is only so much discretionary income that can be spent on entertainment, fad fashions and other activities. More importantly, it will ensure that the family does not fail due to bad financial management. Any group of people living or working together must have direction or there will be constant chaos and confusion. The family leader will eliminate chaos and confusion in his or her family by establishing a vision that provides guidance and direction on achieving a specific mission, objectives and goals. If you want to establish the right vision for your family, you should first seek to discover why you are on the planet or the purpose for which you were born. Then you will have the ability to easily recognize the reason why the members of your family have been assembled

50 together and realize how to utilize them to fulfill your purpose and complete your vision. The vision for your family must be connected to the purpose for which you were born. You can think of some things that you would like to do and devise those desires into a vision. On the other hand, you can spend a few uninterrupted minutes each day in quiet meditation to obtain a vision from the system of the kingdom of GOD. A vision from GOD’s system will be something that you could not possibly complete in your own life time. It will be given for you to provide for your children’s children. This vision will make your family a formidable financial force that is wealthy for many generations. Once you fully understand the vision you must be persistent in communicating the vision to your family members to make certain they understand it in order to keep them free. The adversary will try to pressure them to move out of purpose. The enemy has 3 tricks that he uses to destroy a vision: sex, cash and power. Don’t let him trick you into having an affair or lead you away from your family through lust. Remember, wealth always follows righteousness.


“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.” ~ Oscar Wilde The only way to be efficient in GOD’s system is doing things GOD’s way. The world suffers major financial setbacks because it operates 180° out of phase with the system of the kingdom of GOD. Everything the world does is backward. One third of all new businesses fail within 6 months and 75% of all business start-ups shut down within 5 years. The world has a poor success rate because it is steadily being led into the loser lane rather than being led to operate in the system of the kingdom of GOD. Our vantage point on earth makes it appear that we are moving toward GOD as we practice religion and determine to live our lives right. However, we don’t realize is that everything in the earth is a mirror reflection of things in heaven. Whatever appears to be right side up to us is in reality upside down to GOD. GOD’s system operates right side up whereas the world’s system operates up side down because heaven is the true image and the earth is only its reflection. Therefore in order to get in line with GOD and begin to operate successfully in HIS system, we have to turn some things in our lives that appear to be right side up, up side down. Achieving wealth for our family into future generations requires that we take the way that we normally construct our generational model, which appears to be right side up, and turn it upside down. GOD constructs the generational model one way, but we construct it the opposite way. In Luke 3:23 we find GOD’s construction of Jesus’ generational model begins with the most contemporary generation on the top and proceeds down to 53 the eldest generation on the bottom. By contrast, we earthlings construct our generational models with the eldest or oldest known patriarch or matriarch on top proceeding to the most contemporary generation on the bottom. The best way to illustrate this is by using a pyramid. Once drawn on paper you can easily see why our model doesn’t work. GOD’s generational construct is wealth building whereas our model is deficit building. Draw two pyramids on a piece of paper with one upside down and the other one right side up. Next, draw about 5 lines through each pyramid from the left to the right sides. Each line will represent one generation. Now label the pyramid that is right side up deficit building and the one that is up side down wealth building. With the deficit building construct you will have the eldest generation on top and each succeeding generation flowing down from the top in descending order. The problem with this construct is the most contemporary generation has to support all of the preceding generations. Also, there has to be more and more people with each new generation in order to form an adequate base of support for all of the previous generations. The deficit building construct is how the US Social Security system is built. This is the reason why that system is going bankrupt. Under the Social Security system each new generation must produce more and more workers in order to support those who are already retired. If the current generation does not produce enough workers to form a solid base of support for those now retired, the model will topple over causing the system to collapse. By contrast, the wealth building generational model is designed with the eldest generation on the bottom. Each succeeding generation moves from the bottom to the top in ascending order. As the weight of succeeding generations are added to the model the patriarchal and matriarchal generations naturally sink below the surface of the ground allowing for a more secure base of support. Now if the most contemporary generation does not produce a lot of children, there is no problem. However, if each generation

54 does produce more and more children, there is still no problem because it has the wealth produced by the previous generations to help support its growth. The more children each generation can produce the more wealth it will be able to produce in support of the next generation. So, instead of the family generational model moving down toward material and spiritual dependency it can move upward toward material and spiritual ascendancy. This is the way GOD intended the inheritance to be passed from one generation to the next: from the few to the more not from the more to the few. “And ye shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your families: and to the more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer ye shall give the less inheritance (Numbers 33:54).” The wealth building generational model allows you to operate in line with the will of GOD. It also gives you access into the kingdom of GOD. And it allows you to line up the three physical realms of our world to operate in harmony with the three financial realms. The three physical realms are: the nocturnal, material, and spiritual. The financial realms are: poverty, riches, and wealth. The financial realms in reality emanate from the spiritual realm. Poverty, riches and wealth are spiritual forces that dominate a person’s life based on the thoughts that dominate their mind. Thoughts of lack that dominate an unconscious or nocturnal mind lead a person to become trapped in perpetual poverty. Thoughts of being rich dominate a semi-conscious or material mind lead a person to become rich. However, because his mind is semi- conscious and his ego centered desires are focused on the material he is always in danger of losing whatever he has due to a need to constantly get more and more. Thoughts of abundance dominating a conscious or spiritual mind lead a person to be perpetually wealthy. Your financial status is directly connected to how you think. Proverbs 20:13 describes the relationship between the nocturnal physical realm and the poverty financial realm.

55 “Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty; open your eyes, and thou shall be satisfied with bread.” Psalm 112:1-3 shows how GOD wants us to be blessed in the material realm with riches, wealth and a multitude of children from the financial realm. “Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that fears the Lord that delights greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endures forever.” Revelation 21:16-21 illustrates the immense wealth that is contained in the spiritual realm. However, verse 21 alone is enough to provide a clear picture. Our goal is to learn how to draw some of that wealth out from the spiritual realm into the physical or material realm. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl and the street of the city was pure gold.” GOD designed the wealth building generational model to provide for spiritual ascendancy. Financial ascendancy is merely a by-product of diligently operating in the system of the kingdom of GOD long enough to attain spiritual ascendancy. Those who want to achieve financial and spiritual ascendancy for themselves and future generations must begin to turn from the world’s system of wealth building to GOD’s system. GOD’s system will work, if you work it.


“A man who is wise will be the master of his own mind. A fool will be its slave”. ~ Publilius Syrus Walter Wintle penned the thought: “If you like to win, but you think you can’t, it is almost certain you won’t.” Henry Ford said “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.” Then, there is the oft quoted Descartes aphorism “I think, therefore, I am”. These statements of truth remind us that the mind is the most powerful instrument in the world. Your mind has the power to create your world. You are what you think you are and you will be only that which you think you can be. Whenever you want to change your world, all you have to do is change your mind. However, you can never change your world until you first change your mind. You must change your mind about money; what it is and how it works. You must change your mind about consumer products and understand that being possessed with the need for “stuff” can cause you to become “possessed” by the creditors. And you must change your mind about the myths of the bible concerning money. Who you currently are and where you presently find yourself is the sum total of the choices you have made; a product of the thoughts you held that led to those choices. Thoughts always precede action. A journey of a thousand miles does NOT begin with the first step it begins with the first thought. If you change the quality of your thinking, it will change quality of your choices. If you change the quality of your choices, it will change your standard of living. A thought is a creative act. The way you think will have more of an impact on what you are able to achieve in life than any outside influence or circumstance. Again, whatever you are right now is

57 the cumulative result of what you have been thinking. Whatever you are thinking is what you tend to talk about. Whatever you tend to talk about will ultimately be manifested in your world. The content of your world begins with the thoughts of your mind and is manifested through the words that you speak. What you see outside of you is a direct reflection of what has been going on inside of you. Therefore, if you can control or change what is going on inside of you, you can change what is going on outside of you. “Speech is a mirror of the mind: as a man speaks, so is he.” ~ Publilius Syrus “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things (Matthew 12:34-35).” The content of one’s character can be measured by the content of one’s mind. If a man’s mind is evil, he will have a corresponding tongue. Evil is anything contrary to the will of GOD. When the thoughts you think and the words you speak are good, your life will be good. If the thoughts you think and speak are evil, it will bring forth evil in your life. Everything that you think and speak must be good for the power of our tongue to produce a life of wealth and happiness that you really want. Otherwise, you will continue to live in the same old cycle of poverty, want, and lack. You have the power to create our own environment simply by the controlling the way that you think and speak. Those who you want to keep getting what they are getting should just keep thinking what they are thinking. But if you are tired of getting what you are getting you should begin to create and maintain a wealthy state of mind. Out of the abundance of the mind the mouth speaks. Whatever you consistently think and speak intrinsically will manifest in your life extrinsically.

58 Think and Grow Wealthy The entire earth and universe was designed to assist you to be prosperous in everything. You were created and equipped for excellence. Deuteronomy 29:9 says “Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do.” The way GOD executes this promise for you is by giving you the ability to create and control your environment. Jesus demonstrated, in Matthew 8:26, that we can control our environment in the same manner as he commanded the wind and sea. Contrary to popular belief it was actually Moses who parted the Red Sea. He cried for GOD to help him and GOD told him to use what he had in his hands to part the sea and lead the people across. If you begin to recognize the power that has been placed in your hands and develop the mental capacity to execute that power, you will begin to utilize it to gain control over your environment. However, if you never think that you can do it, you will never be able to do it. One winter I was scheduled to give an important presentation. The weather forecast predicted heavy snow for that day. I commanded the clouds not to snow in Buffalo. Consequently, all the towns in the surrounding area were blanketed with snow whereas only a light dusting of snow blew into Buffalo. If you never think that you can do this yourself, you will never be able to do it. The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. A journey of a thousand miles does not begin with the first step it begins with the first thought. As you begin to think and speak as if you already have the power to control your environment, and operate in that belief all the time, you will begin to naturally produce wealth and prosperity in your life. The reason Prince William of England gets treated like a prince is because he thinks and speaks as if he is royalty. He does not do this sometime he does it all the time. He exercises the power to create wealth and prosperity. Prince William expects to prosper, other people expect him to prosper, and therefore, he prospers.

59 We were made in the image and likeness of GOD; to do and be as GOD is. The way GOD creates things is by speaking. Examine Genesis chapter 1 and you will see GOD created the earth by speaking. There are nine places in that chapter where it says “And GOD said”. Immediately after GOD said it says “And GOD saw”. Whatever HE spoke was either created or changed. The environment changed because HE expected it to change. GOD believed it would change when HE spoke and it did. The power that you see GOD using to change the environment by speaking and expecting is the same power HE has given you to change your world. The only prerequisite to exercising this power is you must first think it and then believe it. If you don’t really know that you have it, you won’t really use it. The reason Michael Jordan could hang in the air longer than any other human is because he believed that he could do it. Then, he expected it to happen every time he leaped. He thought it, believed it, and therefore, he did it. The Nike slogan “Just Do It” was so successful because it modeled the mind set, thought pattern or life approach of their spokes person. The wealthy use a strange term, “bespoke”, when describing custom made clothing. They know that someone had to have a thought in their mind for what they wanted that suit of clothes to be. They spoke it to a tailor before it ever existed. The tailor created the image of what they held in their mind and spoke with their mouths. The same power is present in your mind to create abundant wealth in your life. You can create a new business, for example, by talking yourself into starting it and expecting it to succeed. Or you can kill that business by talking yourself out of starting it. Countless ideas and brilliant plans are killed everyday by the people who hold them simply because they don’t believe that those ideas or plans will succeed. My mom began saying to me from the time I was 8 “You can go anywhere you want to go as long as you act like you are supposed to be there.” I didn’t know at the time that I would be traveling all over the world in countries, cities and places I’ve

60 never been but being widely accepted because my mom taught me to expect to fit in. I never imagined that I while I was 8 that I would be present in the room with presidents, walk the halls of congress or give briefings to White House senior staff executives, military generals and foreign dignitaries. I had information that they needed and I stood up and delivered it in a style that they had never seen before. Based on my background as a blue collar boy from Buffalo I should have never been in that position. But because I acted like I was supposed to be there nobody ever questioned whether I was qualified to be there. The point to what I am saying here is not to brag about me, but to tell you about GOD. HE gave me a mother who had the foresight to know, when I was 8, that at 28 I would be in the presence of great men. GOD promised that HE would do that in Proverbs 18:16 for those who would operate in the gifts that HE placed in them. I did and HE delivered! However, I would not have done what my mother trained me to do or came to be where that would lead me if had I allowed my own mind to trick me out of operating in my gift thereby limiting myself to what I could do and be. As a society, we have been conditioned to not think highly of ourselves. Those of us who are confident in ourselves are accused of being arrogant or full of ourselves. Religious people even break out the Bible to use on those who they think need to be taken down a peg or two. They say “The Bible says not to think highly of yourself”. The Bible actually says not to think “more” highly of yourself than you ought to think. That is, don’t delude yourself into thinking that you are something that you are not. We have been systematically yet subtly conditioned to think of ourselves as lowly worms and filthy rags without the potential to be anything else. Consequently, the average person cannot stand and just look at themselves in the mirror for more than 2 minutes without starting to criticize themselves. 90% of the talk that we have to ourselves about ourselves is negative. Apart from talking to ourselves about what we have to do or where we have to go,

61 more often than not we are criticizing ourselves whenever we talk to ourselves. Our adult ego state constantly chastises our child ego state and rarely gives it praise: “Boy was that stupid; Now, you know better than that; Why can’t you do anything right!” Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with you talking to yourself. Talking to yourself may be the only intelligent conversation that you have all day. However, there are only two instances where you may want to be concerned about the chats that you have with yourself. The first instance is when you are talking to yourself and an argument breaks out. If you catch yourself saying “Who do you think you are talking to” and you are talking to yourself, you may want to check into the puzzle palace and get a rubber room. The second case for concern is when your self talk is consistently negative. It appears to be taboo in our society for people to praise, encourage or compliment themselves. Yet, the people who talk to themselves positively the most are the people who achieve the most. World Class athletes, millionaires and Fortune 500 CEO’s don’t talk to themselves negatively. At the same time, they don’t need others to praise their performance. Peak performers dominate their minds with positive self talk. Their self criticism is constructive criticism wherein they encourage themselves to do better. They set goals for themselves, coach themselves through their objectives, reach their goals and celebrate themselves once they get there. If these people can condition their minds to achieve superior levels of success by speaking to themselves positively, why don’t we all do the same thing and get the same results? It is because, by in large, we have been conditioned to believe that we can’t. Education vs. Indoctrination The process begins in kindergarten where children are stripped of their individualism and their ability to think independently before they learn to become independent. Children are led to shape their behavior in ways that seem harmless and even necessary

62 to maintain order or prevent chaos. However, there are subtle messages that accompany the training (along with the threat and fear of punishment for non-conformity) that damages the child’s psyche and affects how he or she will function in adult life. The effect of the damage becomes apparent in the choices and decisions we make and the emotional disabilities we have as adults. Children are trained at the earliest ages, for example, to be quiet. The subtle message that accompanies this seemingly harmless teaching is “No one wants to hear what you have to say anyway.” In some cases the subtle message becomes more overt. “Children are to be seen and not heard.” It isn’t hard to understand how this type of mental conditioning can affect a child into adulthood once you realize that the average adult is afraid to speak in public. We get very nervous when called upon to speak before even the smallest group because we believe that nobody would want to listen to us. Children are also trained at the earliest ages to stay in line; follow the crowd; go where the leaders go and do as the leaders do. Under this process children are subtly taught to let others think for them. As a result, most adults do not spend very much time engaged in critical thought except when they are in trouble. Once in trouble, they have difficulty making the right decisions on their own because they have not learned to or are not used to thinking for themselves. When adults make a mistake and try to explain their actions by saying “I wasn’t thinking”, that statement is not just a simple excuse. They are absolutely right! The average adult spends most of their waking hours in a kind of low level mental fog. So when there is a situation that they need to think their way through, they either can’t or have difficulty doing it. Therefore, most of them usually need to seek advice, counsel or a psychiatrist to find someone who can tell them what to do. This subtle mental conditioning is the reason why every child is born unique but most adults die copies. The average child operates on the genius level between the ages of 2 and 5. We can see clearly that they are brilliant when they are babies

63 but after going to school for eight years or nine they seem to lose their minds. Once children learn to conform to societal norms and follow the majority in search of popularity they lose their individual identity. If you follow the herd, you will eventually step in their crap. The main problem with following the majority is the majority is rarely right. Yet, our children are still conditioned to be like everyone else. The subtle message here is don’t be different. If you are different, then you are strange. These messages are directed more harshly at children who resist conforming to a cookie cutter image of acceptance: “Why can’t you be like everyone else; No one else does it like that. You don’t do as everybody else does because you think that you are better than we are.” This pressure to conform to peer norms drive out a child’s identity and individuality to the point where they refuse to utilize their individual gifts, talents, and abilities to maintain their personal sovereignty and thereby become wealthy. Most people simply refuse to do what they know they can do to become wealthy because subconsciously they are afraid to be different, scared to standout and frightened about getting too much attention. The education we receive indoctrinates us to be dependent on others rather than to be independent. Education orientates the graduate to seek a job instead of creating one. This is why the average person that has earned a Ph.D. is working for someone else. A person with the highest level of education in their field should have their own business. One reason the average Ph.D. does not have his own firm is because his education did not prepare him to be an owner. It prepared him to be owned. Education curriculums are not designed to prepare us to meet our needs. Education doctrine and curriculums are not even designed by educators. The education curriculums are designed by big business to prepare, shape or mold us to fit into job slots that meet their needs. Now, perhaps you should understand why education does not prepare you to create your own business. It prepares you with the

64 aid of high tuition rates to be the indentured servant of business owners. The debt people have after graduation all but forces them to get a job. Then it can take as long as 20 years to work their way out of debt service. This is why I maintain, as one with a Ph.D., that an Associates degree is awe $#*!, a BS is bull $#*!, a MS is more $#*! and a Ph.D. is $#*! piled high and deep! Education is the key to success in life but not the way we do it. True education was designed by GOD to bring out the best a person has in them as individuals to offer the world; to bring out their inherent knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities that have the potential to change the world. However, we have allowed education to be compromised by corporate interests, turned inside out and morphed into a process of instilling something into our children rather than bringing the best in them out. This is why most adults are limited mentally and conditioned to believe that the way they have been taught to think is normal; it’s common sense. It is alright to get an education, if you understand how to get the education without letting the education get in you. Those who have been indoctrinated into the education system almost need an exorcism to cleanse their minds from institutionalized thinking. Have you ever thought about why people who have been in prison keep going back? It’s the same reason it just about takes a bomb to get people to quit “going” to church and learn to “be” church. Once their mind has been institutionalized it is difficult for them to break away from the prison of institutionalized thinking. They need the power of GOD working in them to help them break out of their institutionalized mental state and to stay out. It is difficult for those who let education institutionalize their mind to go to GOD for the cure because, even in some Seminaries, a debate is waged over the very existence of GOD. Education, then, creates six degrees of separation between us and GOD. Those six degrees are: the high school degree, the technical degree, the associate degree, the bachelor degree, the master degree, and the doctorate degree. In order for you to allow GOD to guide and

65 direct your life, you have to discard most of the programming your mind received while earning your degrees. In order to maintain a wealthy state of mind, you have to recognize and deeply internalize that YOU are a god! GOD said in Psalm 82:6 “I said ye are gods, children of the Most High.” In John 10:34-36, when Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders of that day for saying that He was the Son of GOD, He said “Is it not written that I said ye are gods, so why then do you criticize me for saying that I am the Son of GOD.” Then The Apostle Paul comes along in Philippians 2:5-9 and says “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of GOD thought it not robbery to be equal with GOD.” Then Jesus prayed in John 17:19-24 that GOD would make us one with Him as He is one with the Father. Understanding that you are not what the world says that you are should motivate you to change your mind from the way the world has conditioned you to think. Romans 12:2 says “And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of GOD.” That good and perfect will of GOD is for you to be wealthy and to live in prosperity and peace. Once you come to recognize that you are who GOD says you are and begin to renew your mind to think the way GOD designed you to think it will be easy then to identify the knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities that HE gave you, fulfill the purpose for which you were given birth and acquire true wealth. Anger Leads to Financial Ruin “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars but in ourselves that we are underlings.” ~ Julius Caesar When you hold anger in our minds and fail to forgive those who caused it, it will actually impact your life more than the person that you are angry with. If you don’t forgive and learn to love, you can never live like you are supposed to live; in love, peace and prosperity. You cannot grow into the person who GOD

66 created you to be and you will neither become wealthy nor fulfill your destiny. What the person did to you was wrong but the truth is GOD may or may not punish them for it. Sorry, that is the reality! You see, they may have already asked GOD for forgiveness, repented, forgiven themselves and moved on with their life. They may not even remember you or what they did to you at this point in their lives. However, what is happening to you now as a result of being unable to forgive is being done to you by you. They are no longer your victimizer. As long as you are holding on to the anger you are the only person who is victimizing you. You are holding yourself in captivity and smothering your own capacity to become happy, healthy and wealthy. The reason some of us hold on to the anger is because we seem to take morose pleasure or comfort in thinking about the person with whom we are angry. We fantasize about gruesome tragedies befalling their lives. For some reason we think that they are constantly thinking about us. In reality, 99 times out of 100, they are not. We would all stop caring so much about what other people think about us if we knew how seldom they do. The persons that harmed or wronged you don’t want to remember the harm they caused. Therefore, they rarely if ever think about those who they harmed. You were once hurt by someone else but now you are actually hurting yourself by continuing to hold on to anger. Thinking about what they did does not cause them to suffer. It causes you to suffer. Pain is something that we experience which subsides after the stimulation that caused the pain ends or the injury has healed. Suffering is the result of pain that is held on to long after the injury or stimulation that caused the pain is gone. Suffering is the result of holding on to anger and failing to forgive. The suffering person cannot bring themselves to forgive because they continually rehearse the painful event in their minds. When the mind plays an image the body responds. The problem with the body is it cannot tell the difference between an image that is old or new. The mind

67 then causes the body to respond to an old image as if it is new. So when a sufferer rehearses the image of an old event in their mind and body perceives that it just happened. It becomes hard for the sufferer to forgive because they have not learned how to reconcile in their mind that what occurred is an old event and forget about it. Rehearsing the event in their mind prolongs the suffering in their life. Suffering can last through your entire life if you allow your identity to become synonymous with our injury. Once you decide to stop allowing the memory of the event that created the anger to keep entering your mind and impacting your emotions the suffering will end. Then, you can grow to be who you were created to be, experience joyful relationships, fulfill your destiny and prosper financially. Now, will you totally forget that it happened? No! But the anger will no longer linger in your mind, cause you to suffer and impact life. You must allow the anger to die. Allow it to release from your body and float away. You see, an apple seed must be willing to give up its life as a seed in order to become an apple tree. An apple seed cannot become productive, fruitful and multiply unless or until it chooses to die. By contrast, you must be willing to let the memory of things that happened to you in the past to die. Release the anger to live, grow and become productive in love in the present. Each new day is a gift from GOD which is the reason each new day is called “the present”. Therefore, don’t allow the constant presence of anger in your mind ruin that present, destroy your life and enjoyment of love in the present. Live today! Free your mind from anger and pains of the past so that you can enjoy the grace, peace, and beauty of life, laughter and love in the present. Holding on to Anger Leads to Death There are only two tracks available to run on while we are alive: the life track and the death track. The life track leads to long life, wealth and peace. The death track leads to the fast life,

68 poverty and misery. Contrary to popular belief there is no middle ground. There is no gray area or neutral place in between. People who operate in truth run on the life track. Those who operate in deception are living in the death track. If they can get you, to whom blessings are due, to come over to their track, it authorizes them to take the blessings that belonged to you. This is how the 1% obtained 80% of the wealth that was meant for the 99%. The way those that are living in death trick you into coming to their track is by causing you to get angry enough to get down in the death track with them. It is imperative for those on the life track to remain at peace with everyone at all times. Have you ever noticed that most really wealthy people are really nice? That is because they live their lives in peace. They have no internal pain or conflict and therefore have no need to pass any pain or misery on to others. Getting upset is a set-up for a setback. Being angry can deprive you of your ability to acquire wealth and lead to death. Add a “d” to the word “anger” and you will see the “danger”. Fighting against people to get promoted at work will cause you to fall into the death track. Fighting for a principle keeps you on the high road and firmly planted in the life track. However, fighting against people creates a fall. You need internal peace to enable you to hear your spirit send the instructions to your mind that you need to get that promotion. Let Haters be Your Motivators As Jesus was dying on the cross, He prayed to GOD: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Before that He taught His disciples: “…love your enemies, bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you…” This is just another way of saying let your hater be your motivator! The word “HATERS” is an acronym that means: Hating Another To Escape Reality of Self. Haters are people who secretly wish they can be you because they are dissatisfied with being who they are. Haters become angry with you, not because of

69 something you have done to them, but because they are not doing as well as you are and they believe they should. They conjure up reasons to attack you for just being who you are: “Who does she think she is! She thinks she is better than everyone.” Haters try to impose the thoughts of their mind into the thoughts of your mind. They try to convince everyone they know that you are not as good as you appear to be so that they can appear to be better than they are. Haters have said to me things like: “You think that you are…” Then I say: No, sweetie, YOU must think that I’m… I never thought that! When the haters appear in your life, it means that it is time for you to go up to another level of life. It means they have been watching you and it is time for you to move up to a level where they can no longer see you. You’ve got to let your hater be your motivator and your elevator. Let them motivate you to move up to the next level of life where you already know GOD has been trying to lead you to be. When it is time to move and you have been slow in going that is when the haters will appear. Haters try to find a reason to attack you like they did Jesus. Even though you never actually did anything to a hater they may want to fight you. Their problem is they really want to be who you are and have what you have. Therefore Jesus said let them have it, hoping for nothing in return and your reward will be great. This is why He said if a man wants to take your coat, give him your jacket too. They want to be you, have what you have or be where you are. If you move up to the level where you should have already been, the hater can move into the position where you were and become satisfied with trying to be you. However, you will have moved up where they can’t see you. If they can’t see you, they can’t be you! Again, haters appear when it is time for us to move up to another level in life, love or business. It looks like a hater comes to be against us when in reality they have come to assist us; to motivate us to move; to elevate. Haters come into our lives to pressure us to move out of our comfort zone by making it

70 uncomfortable to be there. The best revenge is massive success. The way to beat a hater down to their knees is to refuse to give hate in return. They will see you take their hate without giving hate in return and then have to watch you elevate. Then they will beat themselves up and fall to the ground, recognizing that you were the one with the power all along, and they will go home ashamed. This is why GOD instructed Jesus to submit Himself to the cross. It was partly to pay the penalty for our sins. However, it was also to teach you and me to love our haters, bless them that curse you, pray for them which despitefully use you and to ask the Father to forgive them; for they know not what they do! So remember, when a hater appears in your life it means that you have been where you are too long. It is time to move up to the next level. Persecution precedes promotion, trials come before triumph and tribulation comes before elevation when we take too long to move. The reason persecution, trials and tribulation come is because we are ready to move or to elevate to the next level. Yet, we have been delaying or refusing to move because we don’t want to let go of some of the people, places, activities and things that we must leave behind. Thus, a hater shows up to harass, pressure or force us to move. Haters are not your problem. They just may be the start to your solution. A hater is in reality a motivator that acts as an elevator who secretly works for the Creator. Success vs. Excellence This may sound oxymoronic however striving for success most often leads one to fail. When you have a strong desire to be the best and subtract all excuses you get excellence. Becoming your best you naturally leads to excellence. Once you achieve excellence everyone else will notice. You can’t help it, it just happens. On the other hand, when you “strive” for success you can only take “steps” toward getting ahead. More often than not those steps will have to be either on or against someone else. When you pursue excellence you can take “strides”. Excellence will accelerate you past everyone striving for success. Excellence

71 is achieved when you learn to consistently do common things in an uncommon way. Albert Einstein taught us that everything is relative. Everything is related to or connected to something because everything at its essence is all things. We may appear to be separate individuals but at our essence we are connected or one. When we fight against someone else we are in essence fighting against our self. When we talk about someone else our subconscious hears those words and things that we are talking about our self. Thus our subconscious begins to manifest in our lives whatever we have been saying about others because it thinks that is what we want for our self. So we must remember that all energy is connected or related because all energy comes from the same source. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that energy is produced by a moving mass. His formula for illustrating this theory is E=MC² or energy equals mass times the rate of speed it is moving or its velocity squared. Examining the theory of relativity I could see that achieving our goals and aspirations is relative to what we do with our bodies or mass and the speed at which we do it. Everything has a time to be born, created or manifested. Speed is required once the window or portal of time opens to complete the task at its appointed time before the window closes. E=MC² or energy equals mass times velocity squared. The greater the speed a mass moves the more power it generates. The greater the speed at which you move the more energy and power you project toward manifesting whatever it is you are trying to create. We have the capacity to achieve success by simply maximizing our physical capabilities. However, there is a spiritual side that is relative to everything we do as well. We can do well if we maximize our physical capabilities but we can excel if we consistently combine our physical energy with spiritual energy. We can strive for success to achieve a goal or we can pursue excellence and surpass all normal standards of success without having to strive against any one.

72 E=MC² on the spiritual side is the formula for the Theory of Relative Excellence. Spiritual excellence is a combination of motivation and commitment. Excellence = Motivation x Commitment². The energy that we expend by being motivated and highly committed to achieving our goals and aspirations combined with the energy from applying our maximum physical capabilities generates power to allow you to do what you do better than anyone has ever done. That power leads to excellence. You will leave all others behind trying to figure out how you are able to do everything you do as well as you do and you wouldn’t have had to fight against anyone. Success is a zero-sum game that is derived from the Law of Natural Selection. That law is where we get social memes such as winner take all or survival of the fittest which serves to pit people against each other rather than encouraging them to work together. As we “strive” for success we cannot think win-win. Strife requires you to think win-lose. You must win in order to succeed. Excellence on the other hand empowers you to think win-win, to create strong teams, build synergy by combining your individual energy which serves to increase productivity in each project or activity. Success is a permissive parent of the present. Excellence is a faithful father to the future. Success is granted by power, promotion and permission. Excellence produces promotion by force of will, skill and tenacity. It is the audacity to be different while always seeking to do what nobody else wants to do and determining to do it better than anyone has ever done. Excellence is forever whereas success has no future. Once a person becomes successful, it is only a matter of time before they become a predecessor. Therefore, they must always be wary of their successor. Regardless of what successful people have done in the past those who granted them permission to be successful will always want to know “What have you done for me lately?”

73 The security in a successful person’s position is always based on present tense performance. Those who operate in excellence have no concern of successors because their gift, talent or ability will always make room for them even when there is no room. For the excellent a way is always made out of no way; positions are created into which they can be promoted. The power of what those who operate in excellence do in the present impact the future. Up to now you have had a desire for success. If you want a secure future, is time to move up from a present tense existence of success to the level of excellence. Excellence is where Preparation and Opportunity Meet Excellence requires spiritual sight; to be able to recognize an opportunity for advancement in what may appear to be a punishment. A standard rule of caution in the military is: “Never volunteer for anything.” Fear of the unknown, in terms of what they were actually volunteering for, kept most of my colleagues on the sidelines. By volunteering I was able to do many things, receive additional pay and achieve quicker promotions than my peers. The advantage I had over them in reality was the ability to see behind the proverbial door #3 and recognize the opportunity. And I had prepared myself beforehand mentally, physically and professionally to endure whatever hardship that might come with accepting the opportunity. An opportunity to excel in life is similar to what you see when you observe a running back get handed the football. He gets the ball, sees the hole open up, but he only has a few seconds to hit that hole hard and fast before it closes up. Let’s roll the tape back to the beginning. Before the running back even gets an opportunity to go on the field he had to prepare himself physically and mentally. Then he prepares professionally by learning both the rules of the game and his team’s play book. Once he has done all those things well he is now ready to take advantage of the opportunity to go out on the field and play. Preparing to play or practicing is different than actually playing.

74 The opportunity to get in the game is different than the opportunity you will have to run the ball. Thus, it is imperative to be prepared mentally before taking any opportunity. A person can have knowledge about how to run the ball. They can have the ability to run the ball. However, if they don’t have the mental tenacity to hit the hole hard and fast; to keep running toward their goal while all of the competition is trying to knock them down, it means they were not fully prepared for the opportunity. Although they have had repeated opportunities to run the ball they didn’t get very far. This is what occurs when we have opportunities in life, love, and business and we don’t make it. We don’t get as far as we believe we should have because we were not fully prepared to take advantage of the opportunity. To achieve excellence in the game of life you must take and control the ball through preparation. In order to win you must keep in mind that just because you keep getting knocked down you don’t have to stay down. Failing does not make you a failure. You must understand that anytime you get more “downs” in the game of life it means you get more opportunities to get knocked down. But, you also get more opportunities to advance the ball and score.


“Money is good for nothing unless you know the value of it by experience.” ~ P.T. Barnum All of the bible myths concerning money are devised to strip you of your disposable income. That is the income you need to fulfill you obligation to GOD and to create wealth for your family. We hear church leaders emphatically declaring, for example, “The bible tells us to give, and it will be given!” meaning that if you give your cash to them, GOD will more give to you. P.T. Barnum, the American showman, entertainer and scam artist, also said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” If you give away the cash required to fulfill your purpose and create wealth, you will be what Matthew chapter 25 calls a slothful and unprofitable servant. Giving away the cash that you were blessed with to prosper your family is not faithfulness but rather foolishness. I understand that I run the risk of becoming despised for sharing this wisdom but the wisdom of the wise is always despised. “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words (Proverbs 23:9).” “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that takes heed unto counsel is wise (Proverbs 12:15).” “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke 6:38).” Do you see that the bible verse church leader’s use to support their call to give money (“Give and it shall be given unto you.”) does NOT refer to money at all? The context of Luke 6:38, beginning at verses 27 is an instruction on giving love, mercy, 77 charity, blessings, and forgiveness not cash. Verse 30 says that when you give, you are not to expect ANYTHING in return. Giving love, mercy, charity, blessings, forgiveness, etc are supposed to be selfless acts. It would be terribly disingenuous for anyone to give any of those while expecting to receive cash in return. It is the selfless sincerity in which you give that causes other people (NOT GOD) to return to you the same love, mercy, charity, blessings, and forgiveness in the same measure in which you gave. “Give to every man that asks of you; and of him that take away your goods ask them not again (Luke 6:30).” If verse 30 is true and you are not to ask for anything in return, why do church leaders declare that you will get cash in return from GOD if you give them cash? Once again, text out of context is a pretext! Most of us do not know what the text actually says because we have a habit of letting church leaders read the bible for us. We rely on them to tell us what it says so, of course, they skew it in their favor. Another highly used verse of scripture manipulated to strip you of your disposable income is Mark 4:8. Church leaders misuse this verse to entice you to “sow” into their ministry. However, Mark 4:14 clearly states: “The sower sows THE WORD?” That parable does not even suggest or imply anything about money at all! Yet, church leaders lead you to give them cash that GOD meant for you to use to fulfill your divine purpose. Malachai 3:8 asks “Will a man rob GOD?” It appears the answer is yes! Do you realize that unless you fulfill your obligation to GOD or complete the purpose for which you were born you will never hear “Well done, thy good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord”? According to the parable of the Talents in Matthew chapter 25 you will not be considered “good and faithful” unless you use your cash the way GOD intended you to use it. When you do what GOD created you to do with the cash you have you will receive more. When you do something with that cash other than what you were created to do what you have will be taken and given to another. In the sight of GOD you will be classified as an “unprofitable” servant. You and the person you

78 gave the cash to will both find yourselves in persistent financial disfavor. “He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he that gives to the rich, shall surely come to want (Proverbs 22:16).” It’s not that GOD is going to do anything. The universe is already designed to create this result. When the bible gives us warnings that if we do one thing another thing will happen how do you think GOD knew we would get that result (Deuteronomy 28:1-15)? It is because HE established the end from the beginning. Every road that you take and every choice that you make already has an end assigned to it. If you were to clean up a beach, the next morning you will find more debris at the shore. That happens because the ocean is programmed to kick-out everything that does not belong in it. GOD didn’t dump that trash out HE programmed the ocean at the time of creation to do that on its own. The universe is programmed to take out its own trash. Again, every action has a programmed result. This is one of the reasons the bible says you don’t have to do anything to anyone that harms you. The universe is already programmed to exact vengeance upon them. Some people call this phenomenon karma. Others call it what goes around comes around. The bible calls it sowing and reaping. If you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. The action of tithing the way it is done today has a consequence. Those who fail to sow or use their cash the way GOD intended will have to pay the programmed consequence. I repeat certain statements because the mindset that has people programmed to believe tithing is giving to GOD has to be broken. You must realize what that belief does to your mind and how thinking that way traps you in or near poverty. A survey of average everyday people was conducted among whom was a large segment of church goers. The survey asked the question: Would you prefer to take 1 million dollars for yourself and give away 20 million to charity or would you prefer to take 10 thousand for yourself and give away 100 thousand? Most of the respondents, of course, chose to take 1 million. The majority

79 of the church goers however didn’t choose to take 1 million and give away 20 million. That group preferred taking 10 thousand and giving away 100k. This result was stunning to me but not surprising because it is a reflection of exactly why avid church goers are some of the poorest or most financially troubled people in America. Everyone who works a job everyday that gives away 10 percent of their gross income is bound to have financial problems. It is bad enough that the government takes around 30% of your income. It is unconscionable that the church leaders would then come after another 10% knowing that would have to move most families near the edge of poverty. Let’s say, just to keep the numbers simple, that there is a one church town of 1,000 people where everyone earns $10 per year. After giving the tithe of $1, each person has $9 to live on for the rest of the year. However, the IRS collects 30% in taxes so each person actually has only $5.67 to live on. The problem here is the church leader received $1 from every person or $1,000 in tithes. Everyone else has only $5.67 to live on each year whereas the church leader has $1,000. Do you really think that system was designed by GOD? Of course, there are some who would attempt to defend this ungodly distribution of wealth by saying the church leader needs that money to run the church, give to charity, etc. Really? He needs $1,000 to handle that business when everyone else in the community is living on $5.67 a year? Really? Now, imagine the amount how much cash this church leader would be taking from the people if the average annual salary was $50,000. After tithes and taxes each person would have $28,500 to live on. The church leader would rake in $5 MILLION DOLLARS! How could anyone so blinded by faith that they cannot see that a GOD who is fair and just would NOT have created the system of tithing the way it is done today? If everyone did as the Bible instructs and gave the church leader alms of $28.50 each, he would have $28,500 to live on like everyone else. That would

80 be both a fair and just distribution of the wealth and obedience to the will of GOD. The way tithing is done today is a scheme designed by man to take advantage of people’s faith in order to take their cash. The scheme is perfect because if faith doesn’t work, they can just blame the victim. People are not perfect so they naturally do things that are considered wrong or a sin. Therefore, if the faith promises the leaders make do not come to pass, they tell the victims: You must have done something wrong. Hey, just try a little harder next time. GOD knows your heart. Sow another seed and ask GOD to strengthen your faith.” It appears that church people being called “sheep” by GOD is a perfect metaphor since they are so easily sheered. They love going to church and worshipping GOD but have no clue that fulfilling their purpose is connected to personal wealth. They allow their leaders to essentially steal the money GOD gave them to fulfill their purpose, which robs them of the capacity to get wealth and GOD of HIS legacy from their work. Then the people are sent off to pray for GOD to give them more while their leaders live in mansions, drive Bentleys and enjoy other luxuries. When the people manage to get more church leaders declare that they are supposed to give more. Yet, ironically when the people get an opportunity to work and earn more the leaders accuse them of being unfaithful if working overtime causes them to miss going to church. Thus, the people of GOD never have any cash to fulfill the plan of GOD for their lives or to create real wealth for their families. Church leaders have conditioned the people to give all they can or to give until it hurts into the church. At the same time, the people are led to beg for someone to bless them. In order for the people to have anything new or exciting or to fulfill the passion that is burning in their hearts, they must pray and “wait” for GOD to send someone to bless them. However, according to the church leaders, even when you’ve been good and have done

81 everything right, GOD sometimes says either no or not now. This is a perfect scam. It is utterly amazing how long this has gone on without someone waging a serious challenge. Church leaders drive their people into a state of poverty while surrounding themselves with symbols of excess and luxury. The people are told that if they had the same faith as the leader, they could have the symbols of wealth and luxury too. Church leaders condition the people through depravation to lust after money and things. They persistently teach the people about Deuteronomy 8:18 ergo the people know GOD declared that HE has given them the power to get wealth. Yet, they can’t figure out why they are not getting it. They want it very badly but it just won’t seem to come. The power of lust for riches and other things becomes so strong that some people decide to put GOD aside momentarily in order to get what they want. Many people who truly love GOD are left to conclude that they can commit some sort of crime or injustice just to get what they want and then they will follow GOD later. Within that mindset many church going people try to start businesses which come to nothing because they are under control of the adversary. They place church leaders and their word ahead of the word of GOD. Consequently, church people fail, struggle financially and end up living on the edge of or deep in poverty. The cycle goes on and continues to get worse because the people cannot see that they are in effect rejecting GOD. Rejecting GOD has a penalty much like the penalty for violating the law of gravity. Even if you have no idea gravity exists, you will pay the penalty for stepping off the roof of a 10 story building just the same. Many don’t want to see that the penalty for rejecting GOD or the word is the multitude of maladies that we suffer daily. People are becoming more and more sickly and falling deeper into poverty but they don’t seem to get it. The word tells them plainly that they are suffering a penalty, yet they either can’t or don’t want to see it:

82 “Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; consider your ways. You have sown much and bring in little; you eat but you don’t have enough; you drink but you are not filled with drink; you clothe you but there is none warm; and he that earns wages earns wages to put it into a bag with holes… You looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew and the earth is stayed from her fruit (Haggai 1:5-6, 9-10).” “And there shall be like people like priest and I will punish them for their ways and reward them for their doings. For they shall eat and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom and shall not increase: because they have left off taking heed to the Lord… My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declares unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms [an intense lust for cash, sex, fame, power, and things] has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their god (Hosea 4:9-12).” “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of your GOD, I will also forget your children (Hosea 4:6).” The house that GOD is referring to in Haggai verse 9 is the purpose for which you were created. Rather than building GOD’s house the average religious person donates their cash and currency to the building of their church leader’s vision and the church building. After doing so they have nothing left with which to construct the house that GOD sent them here to build or to leave an inheritance for their children’s children. Then they wonder why the little cash they scrape together to do something profitable never amounts to anything. “…the heaven over you is stayed from dew and the earth is stayed from her fruit.” Many who started to read this have gotten angry and threw it down before they got to this point because they have been trained and conditioned to believe that allowing themselves to be taken is

83 being faithful. Yet, if they reject this knowledge GOD has declared that HE is going to reject them. Thus, their lives, their health, their family members and their wealth are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge. They cannot figure out why their prayers are not being answered yet this is why. It is time for religious people who attend church regularly to get themselves together. Get Yourself Together “Not forsaking the assembling of ourSELVES together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25).” Church leaders tell you that “Not forsaking the assembling of our-selves together…” is a command by GOD for you to attend church. In fact, it is a warning from GOD for you to get yourself together. It is an admonishment that failing to get ourselves together will cause us to vacillate in and out of sin and the penalty of poverty will continue. You see, the context of Hebrews chapter 10 is about sin! There is nothing in that chapter or in the entire Bible for that matter that commands you to attend church. This is the ONLY verse that church leaders use to guilt you into attending church but it is perhaps the worse verse that they could have picked. Each person was designed by GOD with 3 selves: mind, body, spirit. These three parts of our being tend to lead us in different directions and/or lead us away from where GOD created us to be. These three parts of ourselves must be assembled together in oneness or brought into agreement in order for you and me to avoid sin, from suffering the penalties thereof, and to prosper. Hebrews 10:25 is an admonition to assemble our individual selves: mind, body, and spirit together; to make the trinity of our being become one within ourselves so that we can be one with GOD. If we don’t lead ourselves to be unified within ourselves: 1) we will never discover why we were born, 2) we will never fulfill our divine purpose, 3) we will always vacillate in and out of sin, 4) there will always be conflict between what we know to do that will lead to excellence and that which we always do that keeps us

84 in failure. The two most important days of anyone’s life is the day they were born and the day they found out why. The path of their life and the purpose then suddenly becomes very clear. That is when they finally realize that they have to get themselves together. Failing to “get yourself together” will keep you in a continual state of becoming. Hence the reason many church going people love to proclaim “GOD is not finished with me yet!” I have to step back and ask: “Well, you are 50 now. When is HE going to be done! Contrary to popular belief GOD is not “working on” anybody. The Bible says on the 7th day GOD rested. HE set the entire earth up for man’s comfort and convenience and HE gave mankind dominion and authority over it. Then GOD sat down and rested. That means HE has already done all that HE is going to do for you. The universe along with its laws and principles has already been established to lead you to excellence if you just choose to get yourself together. If you would just get yourself together; to make your mind, body and spirit agree, you can live in the power, provision, protection, prosperity and peace that GOD promised to provide. It is already there waiting for you to take advantage of it. You must get yourself together, become one in your being, and then go get it. Remember the Lord Your GOD “But you shall RE-member the Lord thy GOD: for it is HE that gives you power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).” The etymological definition of the word “re/member” has two contexts: to recollect and reconcile. The word “remember” will mean different things depending on how or in what context it is being used. When being used in the context of recollect it will mean to bring back to conscious thought. When being used in the context of reconcile it will mean to come back into the fold or back under the counsel of. The prefix “re” means back. The word “member” means to be one or in fellowship with.

85 The command is “You shall remember” but the instruction is actually to recollect and reconcile. That is, you shall return your mind and conscious thought to become one with HIS as it is written in the word. The instruction is also to reconcile your life with the Word of GOD so that you can come back into oneness with yourself and the will of GOD for your life. This is a critical element in the process of acquiring wealth. Being one with the will of GOD for your life, not necessarily with GOD himself but rather HIS word and principles, positions you to obtain wealth. Operating in oneness with GOD’s word and HIS principles gives you the power, ability and authority to get wealth. The crazy thing here is you don’t even have to believe in GOD as a deity. If you align yourself with HIS word and operate in HIS principles, it works for whoever works it. “…for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45).” “And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light (Luke 16:8).” Wisdom, being wise or doing wisely is simply consistently following or aligning our lives with the word of GOD. Once we align with the word and operate in the principles it automatically leads to wealth. You can’t help it. Wealth will just happen. “And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you listen to the voice [word] of the LORD thy God (Deuteronomy 28:2).” Again, it happens for both the good and the evil; the just and the unjust. The evil and unjust follow the word and operate in the principles faithfully and prosper. The people of GOD just passively wait of GOD to do something for them. They get angry and frustrated when they see the evil and unjust become wealthy and cannot figure out why GOD won’t just “give” it to them. They don’t get what they want because they refuse to follow the word. Since they would rather be led astray by following the word of their church leaders GOD is allowing them to have their choice. Again, GOD is not actually doing it the system has already been

86 programmed to produce that result. Religious people believe they are following GOD’s word. In reality they are following the church leader’s word which is a bastardization of GOD’s word for their profit. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the POWER that works in US (Ephesians 3:20).” Use Your Power GOD is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. However, it is only according to the POWER THAT WORKS IN US. The truth is the power of GOD is already operating in the universe all the time. It never changes and it operates on a consistent frequency. You can tune into that frequency by aligning yourself up, first, within yourself and then with the word of GOD which contains power. You must read, study and meditate on the word to get it down inside your heart and mind in order to have its power working in you. If you don’t have the power of GOD working in you, it is because you are not in TRUE oneness with yourself or the word. Without the power of GOD working in you, you cannot expect GOD’s economic system to provide wealth exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think. Regardless of what church leaders teach, the truth is GOD does not “give” you anything because you prayed for it. You don’t get what you want in life you get what you are. You get wealth by being one with the power of GOD working in you. Simply getting saved or baptized or going to church does NOT place a person in oneness with themselves or GOD’s power. Giving all the cash you ever earned in life to a church will NOT get you a return or the wealth that MEN promise you will receive. That is NOT how it works! The amount of wealth that you receive is based on or according to the power that works in you. The power is in the word. You must have the word in you for the power to work in you.

87 “But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold (Matthew 13:8).” “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth [for] some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty (Matthew 13:23).” Church leaders use Matthew 13:8 & 23 to lead you to believe that you will receive a 30, 60 or 100 fold return on your sowing or giving cash. However, that scripture has nothing to do with cash. The 30, 60 and hundred are returns on having levels of knowledge of the word of GOD. Again, Mark 4:14 says “The sower sows the word”. The “good ground” is a person who is free of internal conflict. Their mind, body and spirit are in oneness, agreement and peace. That description does not only pertain to a religious person or one who goes to church. As you read and study or sow the word into your mind, body and spirit it produces knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 4:7 says wisdom is the principle thing to receive but in all of your efforts to get wisdom, get understanding. You see, wisdom is the foundation of, principle, or the necessary thing to have before we can expect to receive understanding. And knowledge is principle to wisdom. That is, you must have knowledge before you can receive wisdom. Therefore, knowledge is knowing what GOD said, wisdom is consistently doing what GOD said, and understanding is knowing why GOD said to do what HE said to do. We need knowledge of the word if we are going to consistently do it and at some point we need to understand why we are doing what the word says to do. If you study or sow and only come into the knowledge of the word, you can operate in 30% of its power to produce wealth. If in that process, you learn to diligently do what the word says, you can operate in 60% of its power. But if you learn to understand why you are doing what the word says, you can operate in 100% of the word’s power to produce wealth which will be exceeding and abundantly beyond all you could ask or think to ask for.

88 Abraham asked GOD to give him a son. By understanding why GOD’s words commanded him to do what he was commanded to do made him the father of many nations. What man who only wants one son would ever ask or think to ask to be the father of many nations? The power of GOD’s word to produce wealth is greater than we could ever imagine. The level on which you obtain wealth is a result of the level power working in you. GOD is not interested in you giving HIM anything that you have (especially your cash) except a commitment of your mind, body and spirit to HIS will to fulfill the purpose or complete the mission HE gave you life to complete. “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High... (Psalm 50:12-14).” You are not required by the word to give GOD anything in order to get something from HIM. You are required, however, to do something with whatever GOD has made available to you. That is, to be fruitful and cause whatever it is to multiply. The truth is the power to get wealth is already available to you. It is waiting for you to position yourself in line with yourself and the word of GOD and to begin to operate in the principles of GOD in order to make that power work in you. Please read my book “Strengthening the Family” to discover what those principles are and how they actually work. If you pour water on something, it is going to get wet. There is no way to prevent wet from happening. The same is true for those who operate in the principles of GOD. Permeate your life with these principles and power to get wealth comes as a natural consequence. However, you will just have to use your knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities or currency as well as your ideas or money to go out and get that wealth. Wealth is not going to fall out of the sky. You have to use the power available to you to go and get it!

89 Wait on the Lord Some people, due to false church teaching, believe with all the power available to them that they must wait for GOD to do something. Even in light of all that I have delivered here, they will still have questions in their minds such as: Doesn’t Psalm 27:14 say wait on the Lord and HE will strengthen you? Doesn’t Psalm 37:34 say wait on the Lord and HE will exalt you? How about Proverbs 20:22. Doesn’t it say to wait on the Lord and He shall save you? Shouldn’t I wait on GOD to make my life richer, fuller and more satisfying? Uhhhhhhh... NO. That is what the word of GOD says but that is NOT what it means. The word “wait” in the above contexts means to serve; serve GOD like a waiter in a restaurant. Wait here means to go out and DO something. Then the power of GOD that is working in you will strengthen or exalt you. If you have read the Bible often, you would have to know this is true because GOD never used or blessed anyone in the Bible that was not productive. All of the disciples Jesus selected were either business people or they were busy working when He called them to follow Him. The average church going person does not prosper because they think they are supposed to sit around, pray and wait; let go and let GOD. eeeeeeehhhhh, NO! If we want GOD to serve us, we have to serve HIM. We serve GOD because HE first served us. The power and abilities you need to serve GOD or to do what you were born to do has already been given. Serve, if you want to be served. Again, the phrase “wait on the Lord” means to be like a waiter in a restaurant; you must serve and serve well if you expect to receive a large tip! If you want your life to be richer, fuller and more satisfying, YOU must do something to make it happen. Everything you need was already made during the days of creation. If you want something, it means GOD has placed that desire in your heart. You can have it if you use the power working in you to get it.

90 Some may be getting a little frustrated as they read this and ask, well, if everything is already done for me is there any purpose in praying? Yes. However, once you ask GOD for something, at the end of the day, after you pray, you have to get up and do something. The only hands that GOD has in the earth are the ones attached to the end of your arms. People are in error when they claim GOD said “no or not now” when they ask for something. The word says that GOD will give you the desire of your heart (Psalm 37:4). The desire is there because HE placed it there before you were even born. So if you have the desire that HE gave you, why would HE then say no? Two thirds of GOD’s name spelled forward is GO and two thirds of HIS name spelled backward is DO. With GOD everything centers on two commands: go and do. Every time GOD spoke to someone in the Bible, the message always contained the instructions: go and do. Yet, the people who crowd into the church pews every week believe they are supposed to pray and wait. They are waiting for GOD to do something for them when HE is waiting for them to go and do that which HE has already blessed and empowered them to do for their own selves. Luke 17:21 says “the Kingdom of GOD is IN you” which means whatever you could possibly want, need or ask GOD for is already in you to obtain. YOU just have to know what to do and how to do it in order to get that which is already inside of you. If you don’t change your life, you will never change your living. If you don’t change your mind, you will never change your money. Once you stop allowing church leaders and their disciples to lead you into being perpetual spiritual dependants, you will learn to acquire on your own, by the power of GOD, all that you desire to have. At some point the children or boys and girls of GOD must grow up and become men and women of GOD. GOD has already given you the power to get wealth. If you want your bank account infused with cash, YOU will have to utilize the power that GOD placed in you to make that happen. HE gave you a birthday present. You have made your mind, body

91 and spirit agree so there will be no conflict in your being over which ideas are good money. Open your present, put what’s in there to GOOD use in making money work for you and your bank account will be running over even after being pressed down and shaken together. Increase your Economic and Spiritual Literacy Economic illiteracy in most families begins with spiritual illiteracy. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are [being] destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Our financial lives are being destroyed for the same reason. We lack knowledge that money is an idea that comes from a spiritual source. Being made in the image and likeness of GOD gives us the ability to create like HE does. The ideas we receive, which lead to wealth, come to our minds from our spirit; the creative center of our being. GOD gives every one of us at least 4 multi-million dollar ideas in our lifetimes. GOD placed this money in your mind to fill your bank account. However, it is up to you to put your ideas into action! Contrary to popular belief it doesn’t take money to make money. It takes money and currency to make cash! Again, everyone was ordained with life by GOD to complete or fulfill a particular purpose. Whatever GOD ordains HE will also finance. The cash that you have after all of your bills are paid and needs are met is called “disposable income”. Disposable income is the revenue needed for you to use to fulfill your purpose and generate personal wealth. The average person will neither fulfill their created purpose nor achieve wealth before they die simply because they have not learned to distribute their disposable income toward completion of their created purpose. I know that I am about to be a little redundant here but bear with me please. I have to repeat certain things so that they become a permanent fixture in the heart of your mind. The two main forces that complete to strip you of your disposable income are corporations and churches; products and preachers. The activities of corporations and churches to get

92 your attention and acquire your cash prevent you from becoming wealthy and from the will of GOD from being fulfilled in the world and in your life. Churches and corporations advertise to entice you to spend time and money on their activities and offerings. The word “advertise” is a combination of the words “adversary” and “entice”. An advertisement in terms of etymological meaning is the act or process of the adversary (one who acts to counter the will of GOD) attempting to entice you. “The word advertisement in both Spanish and French mean “warning”. Whenever you are being enticed by a corporation or a church to part with your disposable income it should serve as a warning that the adversary is working to prevent you from becoming wealthy and fulfilling the plan of GOD for your life. Corporations can be easily resisted but churches use the Bible along with the powerful tools of guilt and shame to make you bend your wallet toward their will. You will find that more often than not the word being used to entice you is text out of context which is a pretext to take your cash. If you want to know whether or not a verse of scripture being quoted to you is not out of context, you have to know 3 things: what it is actually talking about, who it is actually talking to, and how does it actually pertain to you. Church leaders would have you believe that John 10:10 which says “the thief comes to steal” is talking about satan. The persons it is actually talking about are church leaders. If you look at the context by going back to John 9:40 to see who Jesus was talking to, you will then realize who He was actually talking about. “And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also (John 9:40)?” “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).” The thief was not Satan. It was these church leaders or Pharisees.

93 Church leaders love to guilt you into giving away your cash by reciting Malachi 3:8 wherein GOD asks “Will a man rob GOD?” However, you must read Malachi 1:6 to see who GOD was talking to. HE was actually talking to church leaders. It wasn’t the people who were robbing GOD, it was the church leaders. Robbery is the forcible taking of property. You would have to read 1 Samuel 2:12-17 to get a clear picture of what the priests, the sons of Eli in this case, were doing that constituted robbery or forcible stealing. The people wanted to give an offering in the manner that the word had set forth. However, the priests came in and took it before the people could comply with the word and the will of GOD. They threatened the people “Give it to us now or we will take it by force.” “The wealth of the wicked (was) laid up for the just.” The wealth that church leaders has originally belonged to the just. They are just robbing or taking the wealth of the just through seduction, forcible compunction and/or false prophesy. The way to reclaim your wealth is to acquire knowledge from the word on your own. You cannot learn the word from people who are competing with GOD for the use or control of your income. Any man who will not teach you right will not treat you right. Just as in the days of the sons of Eli, most avid church going people want to tithe but church leaders use the command to tithe to take in excess of what they are supposed to receive. The tithe, for example, was meant by GOD to be given every THREE years according to Deuteronomy 14:28 and Amos 4:4 NOT every year. There was a year, which occurred every three years, called “the tithe year” that church leaders (in their zeal to take more than they should) translated to mean every year. When the Bible refers to tithing “year by year”, it means “tithe year by tithe year”. “At the end of THREE years you shall bring forth all the tithe of your increase the same year, and shall lay it up within YOUR gates (Deuteronomy 14:28).” “Come to Bethel… and bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes after THREE years (Amos 4:4).”

94 These verses were taken from the King James Version of the Bible but I changed thou and thine to you and yours just to make it read more plainly. Notice, however, that it clearly states that the tithe is to be offered every THREE YEARS. Notice also Deuteronomy 14:28 GOD instructed people to lay out the tithe offering: within YOUR gates. In other words, in your own house! The word does not instruct you to take the tithe to any church. So, let’s keep the text of Deuteronomy 14:28 in context and begin to read from verse 22 through 29. We will find more interesting revelation that contradicts what we have been taught in church. “Thou shall truly tithe all the increase of thy seed that the field brings forth year by year [my note: that is, every tithe year or every 3 years]. And YOU shall eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which HE shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of your oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; thatYOU may learn to fear [respect] the LORD your God always.” Here comes the good part! “And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: Then shall thou turn it into MONEY [cash], and bind up the money in your hand, and shall go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose.” And YOU shall bestow that MONEY for whatsoever YOUR soul desires after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever YOUR soul desires: and YOU shall eat there before the LORD thy God, and YOU shall rejoice, you, and YOUR household.” DO YOU SEE THAT THE TITHE WAS MEANT FOR THE TITHER AND HIS/HER FAMILY TO ENJOY IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD! THE TITHE WAS FOR THE TITHER TO CONSUME, NOT TO GIVE IT ALL AWAY TO CHURCH LEADERS!

95 However, GOD did instruct the tither to give an offering to the church leader or Levite. BUT THE WHOLE TITHE WAS NOT MEANT TO BE GIVEN TO THE LEVITE ONLY A PORTION AS A TYPE OF ALM! “And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shall not forsake him; for he hath NO part nor inheritance with thee and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless YOU in all the work of YOUR hand which YOU doest.” Consuming the tithe the way GOD instructed was intended to be a way for YOU and all the work of YOUR hands to be blessed. Is there any wonder now why it seems, with all the tithing you do, that neither you nor your work is ever or rarely blessed with abundance? Do you see that the people clearly had MONEY or cash back in those days? So why didn’t GOD require them to tithe cash? HE only wanted the fruits of what the ground or the animals produced. Cash or coin was made by corrupt men and kings. Therefore, GOD did not want money then and he does not want cash now. “Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered and said Caesar’s. And he [Jesus] said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s and unto God the things which be God’s (Luke 20:24-25).” The tither is supposed to take the money or cash and trade it in for whatever he really wanted which kept his soul from lusting after things. Then he was supposed to share part of it with fatherless kids and old ladies. The point here is you are NOT supposed to be giving the tithe to church leaders for them to decide what charities they will give to in your name. You are not supposed to give away your disposable income to church leaders for them to erect big buildings in their name or to send to far places around the globe to build schools or provide water. Verse 29 above tells you clearly what charity to give into: the fatherless and widowed. It also clearly tells you that the church leader has NO part or inheritance with

96 you! That means GOD did not give the church leader access to the power to get wealth. Therefore, they have resented GOD from the beginning. That is why they have no problem or feel no remorse about stealing it from you. You are instructed to give them an alms or handout. The problem with giving anyone a handout for too long is they will eventually decide to steal from you. Their pride makes them take what they want rather than wait for it to be given to them. GOD has a purpose for YOUR life. There is a work that HE sent YOU here to do with YOUR hands so that YOU and YOUR family can be blessed and prosper. Yet, the average person will never receive the blessing that GOD has already set aside for them to receive because they place all the cash and power they need get it into the hands of the adversary. The adversary being anyone who would defy the will of GOD for your life and inhibit you from fulfilling the purpose for which you were given life. Your financial condition will not change and your families will not be blessed until you become financially and spiritually literate.


“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” ~ Ayn Rand A farmer that wants a field to produce abundant crop must set the atmosphere of that field by aerating and fertilizing the soil so that it can produce abundantly. A father or family leader that wants his family to produce abundantly must set the atmosphere in the home so that his family will have the proper environment to produce according to their ability. He can be a hard task master, yell, persecute and punish to force them to produce. Or he can guide, guard and govern; direct, correct and protect the family and lead them to do what he wants them to do not because they have to but because they want to. In setting the atmosphere for productivity a father or family leader must determine where he wants to the family go. He must make sure everyone is in agreement on the goal, decide how to get there, make sure everyone knows their role and plan the work. Once he has planned the work he can work the plan. Knowledge, information, communication and agreement are keys to setting the atmosphere and preparing a family to be productive. A family needs mature leadership. Mature leadership requires confidence and knowledge. Contrary to popular belief, knowledge only requires time and effort to acquire. You don’t need experience to have knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained from reading books, listening to others and learning from the mistakes of the millions of people who believe experience is the best teacher. The truth is wisdom is the best teacher. Read the books of and listen to those who have wisdom. That is, those who didn’t have to make a bunch of mistakes or experience a lot of headaches to 99 learn the lessons of life. You will never live long enough to make all of the mistakes there are and you certainly can’t afford to pay them it all. Therefore, is it wise to obtain the knowledge you need through wisdom to lead a productive family. Keep Your Cash Consolidated As women rise in company and corporate responsibilities they are increasingly earning greater salaries than their husbands. Societal pressures for the man to be the primary bread winner causes stress in many marriages where the wife earns more than the husband. Arguments often ensue over who will make the financial decisions in the family. The easiest way to overcome this issue is to keep your cash consolidated. Make disbursements for regular household expenses from a combined account. Couples should maintain a single savings account for cash being set aside for family goals and emergencies. The husband and wife should each have their individual accounts for cash to meet their personal needs. Major financial decisions should be made together. It should never be a matter of who makes more when a couple is working together and they keep all of their cash combined. Regardless of whether the wife earns a greater salary, a family still needs strong male leadership. No family can function properly if the man allows himself to become a whiner because he is not the main bread winner. It will never matter who earns more and never even enters the picture, if the husband is a good leader. Men, here is the wisdom in this issue over who earns a bigger salary. Issues over finances will end a marriage quicker than adultery. Therefore, a man must have a plan for what he wants to do with the cash and currency in a family. He has to explain that plan to his prospective wife and lead her to agree before they get married. Otherwise, they are going to have a problem financially once they are married. You can’t help it, it is going to happen. There are three types of security that a woman needs and MUST have: physical, emotional, and financial. If you are missing any one of these in your home, you are going to have a problem

100 because they are not wants or desires they are primary needs. Of course, liberated women who make their own cash and those who feel independent or autonomous in their relationship will disagree. They will say they don’t need a man to provide for them financially. Yet, even they will begin to pressure their husbands to provide more if the financial burden gets too heavy for them to bear. The rule is women need financial security. Women who declare they don’t need their husbands to provide financially are exceptions to the rule. It is wise to govern your life by the rule not the exception. The rule is, when your wife has everything she needs to look good, feel comfortable, and provide for her children, it satisfies her need to be financially secure. Having a high level of knowledge on how to lead a family financially will ensure that she has a place to live, food to eat, cars to drive, clothes to wear, light, water, heat, and so on. Possessing sound financial knowledge gives a man the ability to provide the financial security and protection his family needs and gives his wife the confidence that he can. Again, we must make sure the family finances are consolidated if we expect our marriage or union to remain one. Divided money leads to divided marriage. There is “vision” attached to finances. Everyone who has cash can “see” what they either need or want to do with it. Cash can take a couple anywhere they want to go as long as they agree on where they want to go and they manage it properly to reach their destination. When there is divided cash in a family it means there is divided vision in the marriage or “di-vision”. Divided vision leads a couple to take different courses with the cash to get where they want to go. Ergo, divided cash is an indication of divided vision. Divided vision leads to divided course. The word “divorce” is a combination of the words “divided course”. A divided course leads to divorce. If two people do manage to remain together that are dividing their cash, the marriage won’t be happy. The will be living a mundane work-a-day everyday routine existence because they are not using their cash to make their marriage produce and progress.

101 Remember, a husband and wife must have separate cash accounts for their personal needs. Brothers, your wife is always going to need a little more than you because it is a little more expensive to be a lady. Ignore what Suzie Orman says and give it to her! Develop and maintain a sound family financial plan on which you both agree and are excited about working toward achieving. The cash for the execution of the family’s financial plan must be kept in a joint or combined account. Keep your finances united and you will keep your family from being divided. Independence and Marriage Don’t Mix America has the highest rate of divorce than any other country in the world, the highest rate of cohabitation and the highest rate of cohabitation break-ups. Even when Americans are just living together they can’t seem to stay together. Why is that? One of the major forces driving this phenomenon is the need that many women have to be or remain independent. They want to have a man in their lives but they just don’t want to have a man who can tell them what to do. I can understand not wanting to be told what to do. Even 5 year olds don’t want to be told what to do. However, 5 year olds are still operating on base instinct and have a rather unpleasant habit of always wanting to have what they want when they want it. Married or cohabitating adults should understand that being told what to do comes with the territory. Those who don’t want to be told what to do are not mature enough yet for marriage or cohabitation. The immature person needs to be free without having someone to holding their behavior to a certain standard. Immaturity is at the heart of what is driving the independence movement. Immature people want to be in a relationship yet they want to be independent also. The problem is there is no such thing as being independent when one is in a relationship. Two people in a relationship are going to become at the very least codependent or interdependent at most. The longer two people remain together the more they rely on each other to get things done each day, share income or

102 maintain their life style. It’s natural! If her car breaks down, for example, she may need to depend on him for a ride to work for a few days. If he can’t cook, he may depend on her to make his lunch. Men were designed by GOD with an innate need to guide, guard and govern; direct, correct and protect the women and children in their lives. Women were designed to help, strengthen and support the man in her life and her children. Friction is created when the woman does not want the man to do or the man does not want the woman to do what they were designed by GOD to do. That is when they hold up the banner of independence so that they can prohibit one another from telling each other what to do. However, there must be direction and communication in every adult relationship. If it is going off course, the one who has a need to direct, the captain, will take command to get it back on course. A collision could occur if the first mate doesn’t want to be told to turn the wheel. Women who believe in being independent should never get married or cohabitate. Marriage begins as a codependent relationship and moves on to interdependence after the two people become one. When you are married everything that you have in mind, body, spiritually and financially is tied together mutually. Neither the man nor the woman can seek to remain independent in a marriage or cohabitation relationship because the process of living together as one is designed to make you become one in mind, body and spirit. The mindset of independence where everything remains separate goes out the window. It can no longer be what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine. When married or living together a couple must start to think ours together. Otherwise, that relationship won’t last. Channel Your Sexual Energy “And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you (Genesis 17:11).” Circumcision is cutting away a portion of the flesh from the penis that is excess or not needed. Why is circumcision or a

103 token of the covenant between a man and GOD connected to the penis? GOD is instructing Abraham that if he cuts away the excess flesh from his penis, it will bring him into covenant with GOD and connect him to the power that he needs to transform his life. Reading down a little further GOD also promises to give his wife Sarah, who was 90 years old at the time, the power to reproduce his vision for their family which was to give birth to a son. “And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her (Genesis 17:16).” The promise of a covenant connection with GOD and fulfillment of his vision was conditioned on Abraham’s willingness to cut away the excess flesh from his penis. Why is a man’s covenant with GOD and the vision for his family connected to his penis? This question had me scratching my head in puzzlement for a long time until I saw a picture of the Sphinx, a monument on the Giza Plateau, that has a man’s head on a lion’s body. The Sphinx serves as a reminder that in our evolution as human beings we must grow up from operating in or guiding our lives based on our animal nature, animalistic instincts, common sense or base level consciousness to a higher level of thinking, realizing and recognizing or the GOD consciousness. We must break our connection to the innate need to satisfy the desires of the flesh and replace it with an inordinate desire to fulfill the divine will of GOD for our lives. It is said the average adult male has a thought about sex every few minutes. The need for sex is often what drives a man to succeed. Therefore, the center from which that drive originates must be elevated from our base or crotch area up to our head; from animal instinct to GOD consciousness. If our mom was standing at the moment we were born, we would come into the world upside down with our head facing toward the ground. Our internal character attributes are naturally orientated toward the ground in the direction of our basest instinct until we learn to become upright in character and consciousness. We must be taught or conditioned to detach from our base instinct

104 and raise our character attributes to a higher level. The objective of a human from the moment of birth is to learn to stand upright; to have his head face toward GOD. He must also turn his heart toward GOD; to give up his ways of operating by instinct, seeking to satisfy every desire and begin to follow the ways of GOD. In effect, he must be born again. He must be reborn from a lower level existence to a higher level of consciousness. Those who never make the transformation from the lower self to a higher consciousness condemn themselves to be a perpetual loser in life, love and business. They have a desire to do what is right but often cannot seem to avoid doing wrong or making bad choices. Operating from the base instinct as an adult consistently leads them to make bad choices and wrong decisions. They know to do good but can’t help but do bad. Their lives follow the path of a yo-yo; sometimes up and sometimes down. Just when it seems like life is going up they fall back down because they invariably choose to do what they want to do rather than what they should do. “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? – Will you sleep with me tonight?” Being driven by basest instincts causes us to jump into bed quickly with someone before we’ve had time to discover whether we actually complement or would be good for one another. A woman may recognize that a man satisfies her sexually before she realizes that she will not be able to help him. If he has no goals or ambitions, given that she was created to be a helper, she cannot get involved with that man not matter how well he satisfies her sexually. It becomes very tough to make that decision once you know how good the sex is but this is exactly the reason why we must refrain from sex before marriage. Sex clouds our judgment but it is not until we sober from the ecstasy and come back to reality that we realize we are involved with a person who is not good for us. This is how many people find themselves with someone they love to make love to but hate to live with. Saving the sex until after marriage prevents a lot of hurt, pain, misery and poverty.

105 Being driven by base instinct is the reason why the average person is saddled with overwhelming debt. They know they can’t afford to buy that thing that they’ve desired to have for so long. Since they have more room on their debt card they buy it anyway. Operating from our basest instinct affects everything we do including how we spend our time and cash. People who operate from their base instinct spend a lot of time watching TV. There is a reason why TV is called “programming.” TV shows are designed to program the viewer to quickly satisfy their basest desires. Reality shows depict people operating in base instinct with an extreme desire for instant gratification. People who operate on that level in real life, which is nearly 60% of the American population, are attracted to these programs. Hence the reason these shows are widely popular. Every TV program appeals to the base instinct as it mixes sex or sexual themes in nearly every scene. TV commercials are designed to entice viewers to desire their objects as they use sex and sensual colors to generate desire. Sex is used to sell everything on TV, including cat food and corn flakes, because sex is a prime mover. It makes people act quickly without contemplation of consequences to fulfill their desire. Sex appeals to our basest instinct and causes us to rush out to buy whatever we have seen on TV. Too much time spent in front of the TV is a guaranteed path to poverty. TV has a major impact on our ability to acquire wealth. One of the reasons it is so much easier to lift heavy objects with the legs is because the power in our body is centered between our navel and middle thigh. The power or energy that we need to work a job, pursue the opposite sex, operate a business and so on comes from the same place. The reason the average person is not “more” successful in life, love or business is they have not learned to properly channel their sexual energy. When men channel their sexual energy to ONE woman it increases their power to produce wealth, activates his wife’s power and increases her desire to reproduce his vision for wealth creation.

106 US News & World Report conducted a survey of one thousand millionaires which revealed that 95% were married and many were still married to a high school or college sweetheart. 92% were raised in two parent families and 89% have two or more children. The millionaires in this survey lived balanced lives between family and work, working only 50 hours per week (not 60-80 as most would suspect) and 89% of those surveyed reported having a strong religious faith. Korn-Ferry International, an Executive Head Hunting firm, conducted a similar survey of corporate Vice Presidents who had applied to be president of a major corporation and obtained similar results from that group. These surveys reveal that those who maintain strong family relationships are more likely to be successful at whatever else they do. They also reveal that a strong family orientation and channeling sexual energy provide insight to the key character attributes in those leading or seeking to lead a fortune 500 corporation. The average unmarried man, whether wealthy or the poor, divides the majority of their energy on a daily basis between chasing cash and pursuing sex. If they can find the perfect supportive spouse to properly channel their sexual energy into, they would have a lot more time and energy to spend on chasing cash. With women occupying 54% of the positions in the workforce the same, of course, is true for them as well. When a powerful woman finds the yin to her yang, it increases her power exponentially. A woman is called the weaker sex but she was built and designed by GOD for strength through virtue. In Genesis 2:22 where is says the woman was formed from Adam’s rib, the word rib in Hebrew means: a beam or pillar. What is the purpose of a beam or pillar? It is designed to provide strength or support; to hold up. Women were designed to provide strength and support to their husbands and children but the power to do it comes through virtue. In the same manner as covenant access to the power of GOD is connected to a man’s penis that power is accessed by a woman

107 through limited access to her vagina. The definition of the word “virtue” is strength, power and moral excellence. Placing value (not a price) on the vagina by granting access to only one man (the king and priest of their home) demonstrates moral excellence and strength. Possessing moral excellence and strength positions a woman to access the power of GOD through virtue. Men place a higher value and are more willing to sacrifice the freedom of single life for as well as share their wealth with a woman of virtue; one who has strength, power and moral excellence. NOTE: Most women know that they are strong and powerful but most don’t have clue as to how GOD built them. A man was created but a woman was built. A woman is made to be adored and pursued by kingly and godly men because her vagina was designed as a symbolic representation of the Tabernacle of GOD. When a man lifts or goes behind her vale during a wedding ceremony that is symbolic of the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies within the tabernacle to worship GOD. Get my book “Strengthening the Family” and read the chapter entitled Marriage and Sex to learn more about the woman, how she is built and why. A business minded man knows that he can take his business to a greater level of earning when he has a woman of virtue. The problem is it is very hard to find a woman of virtue. The Bible says “Who can find a virtuous woman whose price is far above rubies?” A lot of local business men flounder today because it is tough for them to run a business and make time to find a woman of virtue. It is easy for them to get sex because they have cash, cars and other things. They can easily find women to help them waste their assets away. However, it is difficult to find a woman of virtue. What they don’t understand is the expending sexual energy with women who are not their wife impacts their ability to obtain greater wealth. It is more profitable for an unmarried man to prepare and position themselves for a woman of virtue. When they are ready she will appear. In the mean time unmarried men should channel their sexual into creating more power to pursue profitable opportunities.

108 Mind Your Own Business Without a real business mind you will never be able to mind your own business. The business mind that I am referring to here is not that which one with a Masters in Business Administration might have. I am referring to the mind in which one keeps family as a priority. Those who want to be wealthy must maintain a balance between business and family. This is very important for a woman but it is absolutely crucial for the man that is seeking wealth. In addition to understanding and applying the power of principle, currency and money in the acquisition of wealth, a man must recognize and learn how to utilize the power of his wife. “But you shall RE-member the Lord thy GOD: for it is HE that gives you power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).” One of the sources of power that is available for you to acquire wealth is the family in general but your wife in particular. A woman is designed by GOD to be a life giver. She has the power in her body to reproduce. A man has the power in his mind to visualize a child; what he wants it to do or be but the woman has the power to produce it. She has the power to produce anything her husband visualizes. If he talks to her in a way that gets her to see it and have a desire to produce it, she can deliver it. Making anything that does not currently exist such as a business idea manifest or come into physical form is not just a physical process. It is a spiritual process as well. Everything exists in the spirit realm before it manifests in the physical world. When you see a thing in your mind’s eye or as a vision that does not currently exist physically, you are looking over into the spirit realm. A woman is framed by GOD to be a symbol of HIS Tabernacle. Anything that a man needs to be birthed from the spirit realm can be manifested through his wife. However, she must be cared for, nurtured and spoken to in a manner that will motivate her to want to reproduce her husband’s vision. Every man that desires to be wealthy must understand that trying to dominate, control or bully his wife into doing what he wants her to do only create drama and division. He will never lead 109 her to reproduce his vision that way. The only sure way to get his wife to do what he wants her to do is by leading her through love; love that is expressed through caring and nurturing conversation. The word conversation is an extension of the word conversion. Adding the suffix “tion” to conversion makes the word conversation mean the act or process of converting. If a man talks to his wife in a loving, caring and nurturing manner to lead her to see the vision that he wants to produce, although she might not agree or be able to see what he is saying at first, he can convert her to his way of seeing. If he can lead her to see his vision, he can then motivate her to want to help him deliver it. The only way to do this is through genuine love. Once you get your wife to see your vision and develop a desire to produce it, then you will be able to take advantage of and benefit from the inherent knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities or the currency that GOD placed in her. The currency was placed in her but it was designed to help you prosper! Wealthy men understand this whereas rich and poor men don’t have a clue. A man can get rich by simply employing the power of his own money and currency. However, by combining the power of his wife’s money and currency with his he can become wealthy. When a father leads his children to activate the power in their money and currency the wealth of his family will grow exponentially. Money will grow on trees when you know how to make it grow on the family tree. It is crucial for a woman to select a man to marry whom she can help to become wealthy. Since wealth has been promised by GOD to you and he has empowered you with the currency and money you need to obtain it, why not select a husband with the drive and desire to go out and get it. You can marry a man that is already wealthy or one who has a business and is rich. You can settle down and raise a few kids and prosper. However, after ten or twenty years you may find a kind of discontentment, lack of fulfillment and perhaps a certain amount of misery attached to that prosperity. You will think to yourself there has to be more to

110 life than this. Then, you will begin to realize that your personal power and potential has been underutilized. It is not that the man you selected didn’t love you. He just didn’t know how to utilize the power and potential in you. That is when many women decide to end their marriage. The marriage wouldn’t have had to end if you had simply picked the right man in the beginning. The man you choose to marry must complement you and you must complement him. You complement each other. The word complement is a combination of the word “complete” with the suffix “ment” which means the act of completing. It is just a feminist old wives tale that asserts a woman does not need a man to complete her. There is a reason why GOD designed us to be in pairs. A woman can be whole in her own right. In fact, she must be whole within herself and connected and one with GOD before she gets married. However, she needs to get married to be complete. A man needs a woman to marry him in order to be complete. “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him (Genesis 2:18).” “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:22-24.)” The male and female of the species “man” were originally contained in one entity. GOD said “It is not good that man should be alone or all-one so HE divided the one up into two; male and female. The duty of the two is to come back to oneness or get married so that the two can once again become one flesh. A marriage was designed by GOD to be a merging of two powerful authorities into one entity. Before a person gets married they must already be a powerful authority; whole within themselves and connected and one with GOD or single. If you want to know if a person is ready to be married, you must first find out if they

111 are single. When two powerful people get married they become like the Wonder Twins with super powers. “Wonder Twin powers activate!” However, the Wonder Twins each had only half a ring. They needed to put the two halves of the ring together in order to activate their superpowers. A married couple that knows how to combine their superpower can become super wealthy. Therefore, a woman must select a man to marry who has the currency or knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities in him that complement the currency that she has within her. She must not just select a man that would be good for her but she must also be good for him. You see, 1 Corinthians 11:6 says the woman was made FOR the man; the man was NOT made for the woman. This sounds crazy and maybe offensive to a degree given all of the feminist rhetoric you may have been exposed to. However, in a way it actually ratifies what the feminists have been saying all along. This scripture means that GOD recognized that the man needs help. It also acknowledges that the woman doesn’t. That is the reason why GOD made the woman to be a “help meet” (a suitable, proper or fit helper) for the man. A man, whether he knows it or will admit it or not, needs help. A man can desire to have a child but without a woman’s help, he will never have one. He can desire to be wealthy but without a woman’s help he can only become rich. Therefore, a woman has to find a man who it would be good for her to help. He has to already BE a man not a man-sized boy. He must already be single or whole. He must already have a vision for his life and what he wants to do with a family. He has to already be on his way to accomplishing something; actively working to make something happen not just talking about what he is “going” to do. And he must have a very good understanding of why he needs you and what he wants you to do. This is the type of man who would be good for you. Now you just have to be sure that you would be good for him. If he is already good or positioned to be wealthy, having your help will lead him to make it the rest of the way. The nature of the beast is

112 that even a good man won’t be good TO you unless you are good FOR him. If you marry him, he will simply try to work with what he has which means trying to make you become someone other than who you really are. The key is in knowing who you are and what you have to offer first. Then select a man that your inherent knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities will complement. Men, regardless of what you do in business to make cash, you must remember to make your wife your first order of business. There are many women out there who would like to make you their business but there is no profit in channeling your sexual energy to a woman who is not your wife. Your wife must be your first priority because she is your key to becoming wealthy. You can prosper in business and get rich without her but if you want to be really wealthy you will need the power that GOD placed in your wife. Spending time with and talking to her will help you formulate the ideas or get the money out of her that will generate massive amounts of cash. Just like a wife is always there waiting for you to come home, the money that she has in her is always there waiting for you to recognize it and utilize it properly. Men must remember that money is like a hot chick. It will always seek to go with the man who has plenty of cash and who knows what to do with his currency. If a man wants a hot chick, he has to know what to do to get her and he must know what to do to keep her. The same is true for money. If you don’t understand what money really is you, won’t be able to get it or keep the value in it. You may be able to generate cash and lead your business to prosper but it won’t lead to wealth. The wife of your life is the key to becoming wealthy. Marriage is a business entity. Business is a process of managing cash, managing people and moving a product. The product of an ordinary marriage is children. The product of an extraordinary marriage is wealth. The ordinary business of a marriage is paying bills, preparing kids for college and planning for retirement. The extraordinary business of marriage is two people combining their

113 currency to create a legacy and leave the world a little better than they found it. The leading cause of divorce in America is the mismanagement of the family finances. Bad financial management is the result of not understanding how to conduct the business of the marriage or manage the money, cash and currency that comes into a family. This occurs largely when the family lacks a vision and a strong leader to move the family in a clearly defined direction. I have discovered that financial mismanagement is usually connected to the husband failing to give his wife clear and defined directions. He may complain that they are having trouble financially because she spends wildly. The problem is not really her spending it is his lack of strength. A woman is a very powerful vehicle so a man has to be strong enough to steer her in the right direction. Like a race car driver, he has to have the strength and stamina to stay behind the wheel and ride her until she either runs out of gas or moves past the checkered flag! The point here is he has to give her a destination and then steer her in the right direction. If the marriage has no vision for where it is going and how the family’s cash, money or currency is going to be used to get there, the money and cash itself will have a desire to leave you. It will just utilize your wife, since you are not using her, to pass through. Therefore, to retain control over the family’s finances the family has to have a vision, mission or destination. The man must provide the vision as well as direct it and protect it. Remember also that a strong marriage relationship is created by proper application of the suffix of the word: “ship”. That is, to go somewhere. Strong marriage relationships need 5 things: purpose, power, productivity, protection and peace. Every relationship must be going somewhere or doing something to add value to your lives otherwise there is no positive reason to maintain that connection. Anything in your life that does not add will only subtract or distract. Anytime we are not doing anything specific

114 with our money, currency or cash it will not add to our financial condition. It will either just leave or decay and cause destruction. The Power of Synergy We don’t get what we want in life, we get what we are. There is a frequency/energy that emanates from our being which draws things to us that are like us. We need internal synergy wherein all three parts of our being (mind, body, spirit) agree or are operating on the same frequency. Synergy produces the energy or projects the right frequency needed to attract the things we want. Synergy makes the once pitiful powerful and the perpetual failure successful. The primary goal of “being” married is synergy or synchronized energy. Marriage is the unification of two powerful entities. A marriage is not complete until those entities become one in mind, body and spirit. As a couple begins to move, operate, think, do and be as one or in synergy, they become very powerful. Nothing can stop them from doing whatever they determine to get done. Synergy or synchronized energy of the mind, body and spirit creates balance, wholeness and power. The unbalanced and broken individual that you once were due to a lack of synergy disappears. Synergy is the source of creative energy. Through synergy you receive the energy (inner G; inner GOD force) or power to fulfill the purpose that you were born to do that nobody else but you can do. Those of us who have not yet gotten our “selves” together are still, in reality, unbalanced or “shaky”. Thus, we will tend to vacillate in and out of synergy and lack inner power as a result. Internal greatness comes from having our selves (mind, body and spirit) integrated. Until you and I become integrated or “whole” within ourselves and connected and one with GOD we cannot receive the power needed to fulfill our divine purpose or achieve greatness. There is one thing that gives our essential self an ultimate connection to the infinite. That is oneness with the creator. The

115 self’s struggle for identity will continue until it is connected to GOD. Connection occurs upon realization that we are one with GOD and all things along with the projection of GOD into the earth realm through creative use of our knowledge, gift, talent and ability. Instinct is a combination of the words “inner distinction”. If you listen to your higher level or GOD conscious instinct, which is your authentic inner voice, it will lead you to become distinct from everyone else. Paying attention to your inner distinction will lead you to become the best you. Once you become your best you everyone else will notice. This too can lead you to become wealthy as, with Oprah, people will pay you for being your best you. Pool Your Resources In order to begin to create wealth collectively, each family must combine their energy and resources to do something affirmative to lead that family to prosperity. Affirmative action is something one does for him/herself not something others do for them. Each member of the family is holding something: some knowledge, a gift, talent, ability, etc. What do you have in your hands? Take an assessment of what you have then do what you can to start a business with what you have and do it now! A combination of courage, candor and commitment in the heart of each family member is required for a family to create and sustain a business. The key lies in understanding how to “co-operate” with each other. When no one individual has everything they need to operate on their own they must pool their resources together. If there are 5 people in your family circle and no one has anything to make a satisfying meal except one has a chicken, one a jar of mayonnaise, one an onion and a stalk of celery, one a jar of pickles and one a loaf of bread, rather than everyone remaining hungry they must pool their resources and make chicken salad. Take an inventory to see what you have on hand that can be pooled to help everyone to get what they need. Pooling resources can lead everyone in the group to achieve massive success. However, there

116 are a few “pool rules” that must be observed as safety precautions in order to achieve that success stress or problem free: LBJ said “You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken $#!t.” A family member who is doubtful or fearful about the success of the business cannot be allowed in the pool. This is business not personal. Anxiety, which is a lack of courage, will create stress for the group and inhibit everyone else’s progress. Allowing them to add their chicken $#!t will ruin the chicken salad. No dogs allowed in the pool. Everyone allowed in the pool must have already learned how to channel their sexual energy. The mistake a lot of new business men make is getting involved with a gold digging girlfriend and allowing her to become a drain on the cash reserves of the business. She will want to get her hair done, go shopping and take vacations. In order to take care of her desires he will have to take cash out of the register. Cash is the life blood of a business. This is especially true for a new business. Taking cash out of a new business is like taking blood from a new born baby to give an adult a transfusion; you will kill it. Taking cash out of a new business will kill it as well. A man who disburses the business’ cash unwisely because he hasn’t learned to channel his sexual energy will kill a business fairly quickly. Shower before entering the pool. Whatever crime or dirt one of the family members is involved in will be cast upon the group and the business could be sued, seized or incur liability when he/ she is caught. No egos in the pool. Our primary goal in life as human beings is to become egoless; to live in love and seek to place the needs of others before our own. The ego tends to make some people sensitive, create petty arguments and lead to disharmony which destroys the family’s potential for prosperity. Do not enter the pool if you have diarrhea. That is, of the mouth. Those who love to talk about what they are “trying to do” are rarely successful and they end up watching other folks prospering with their ideas. Ideas are money. Cash or dollars are the army of soldiers you need to defend your ideas. Build your

117 army of dollars in secret so that you can have the cash to be strong enough to defend your ideas. Then, keep your ideas secret until you are positioned to quickly capture a lion’s share of the profits before your competitors move in to capitalize on them. Harness the Power in Humility The true bible definition of “humility” is NOT to make yourself lowly or act is if you have no value. It simply means to stop doing what YOU want to do and start doing what GOD would have you to do. Humility is simply finding out what GOD wants you to do and then using everything within your power to get it done. Once you find out what that task is and begin to do it the power will be available to you to complete it. Now, you must understand that there is no power from GOD allotted to do what you want to do until after you have done what you were born to do. Every human was designed by GOD for achievement, born for greatness, and empowered for excellence. All of that was done for you in order to equip you to complete the mission you were sent here to do. Once you cast aside what you want to do and decide to do what you were designed to do you will become greatly exalted because you will have been empowered you for excellence. Therefore, it may sound like a contradiction but the purpose of humility is to lead you to achieve personal glory. Psalms 37:4 says “Delight thyself in the Lord and HE shall give thee the desires of your heart.” The word “delight” in Hebrew means “to make soft, pliable; to bend or direct”. Delight means basically the same thing as humility. When you delight, humble yourself, or make yourself easy to direct, GOD will place a desire in your heart. Does this mean that GOD will give you whatever you desire in your heart? NO! It means HE will place a one of HIS desires in your heart and empower or equip you to make it manifest. Please understand that GOD set all of this up to happen during the days of creation. It is not that HE is actually going to pick you to give a desire to. You will pick GOD by aligning your heart up with the system

118 of the kingdom of GOD. The system is designed to disburse provisions to those that have lined themselves up or positioned themselves to receive them. It is a lot like tuning a radio. Once you hit the center of the radio frequency you will receive what is being transmitted. A radio is always transmitting and the system of the kingdom of GOD is always disbursing. Those who receive from the kingdom are the ones who have the center of their being tuned in with the system. Have you ever thought about how Orville and Wilber Wright came to desire to build an airplane? At that time an airplane is something that had never been built before. How did they know what it should look like, how it would function, and the scientific properties associated with it? Did they know that the laws of lift and thrust would supersede the law of gravity? Once they humbled themselves or aligned the center of their being or spirit with the system of the kingdom of GOD the desire to build an aircraft was placed in their hearts. They were endowed them with the knowledge, blessed with the resources and equipped with the currency to create it.

119 120 Chapter 10 PLAN NOW!

“The greatest danger for us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it.” ~ Michelangelo Family leaders that haven’t done so must devise a plan, now, to create wealth and in the process teach a generation of children how to consistently access the system of the Kingdom of GOD. Each one of us was given life to change the world and make it a better place. Heaven can no longer wait and neither can our kids. The present generation of children needs to be taught how to be strong and disciplined economically to keep themselves from becoming captive to credit debt and poverty. We must rear this generation in an atmosphere of true prosperity and wealth that only comes through adherence to the principles of the kingdom of GOD. Your plan, if crafted properly, should launch your family on a path that will redirect and revive their economic future. Those who fail to plan should plan to fail. Jesus exhorted us to make a plan to prosper with a message that was very plain: “Repent for the kingdom of GOD is at hand.” His message was meant to lead us to turn from our way of trying to achieve spiritual and financial success. It was meant to reach us to reject the way that the average person seeks success because it does not work to produce wealth. The path to reach real wealth is already inside of you. You simply need to turn, repent or look inside of yourself because the kingdom of GOD, the true source of wealth is inside of you. You have to reach inside of yourself and pull out that which was placed in you to reach your destiny and become wealthy. Another reason Jesus exhorted us to repent or turn is because He recognized that when a man turns his back on his past he is

121 automatically facing his future. If you repent or turn away from following the ways of the world and look inside of yourself to discover the fortune that you have hidden within, there is no limit to the wealth we can acquire. Oprah is headed toward amassing a $2 Billion fortune. She is not allowing any artificial limits to prevent her from being the best she can be. Like Oprah people will pay you to be your best you also. Your plan to help others see you being your best you must involve use of the internet in some capacity. With radio, TV, and newspaper advertising become more expensive and less effective, the internet is a very good venue to advertise and market your knowledge, gifts, talents, and abilities through. Your currency is buried deep inside of you. You must mine it or dig it out and bring it to the surface. Once you mine it and market it somebody will pay you for it. The internet is the premier global market place that you can use to become very wealthy. In 1990 a young man had a desire inside of him to gather obscure facts about movies. He posted these facts on the internet to share with others who had the same interest. The website Internet Movie Database or grew in 8 years to become a comprehensive directory of everyone involved in every movie and TV program from key grips to producers, actors and directors. What started out as a young man’s hobby or personal desire to collect movie facts turned out to be his key to becoming wealthy. In 1998, bought the site for $55 million in stock shares. Those stock shares are now reportedly worth over $213 million. Another young man who only had a part-time job was driven to earn extra income by selling some of his possessions. To do this, he created a website to auction his items in an effort to get the best price. Later, he realized that he could earn even more income by allowing others to do the same. That website is what we know today as ebay. Google allows its engineers to use 20% of their workday to develop projects that these employees have an internal drive to produce. This has generated some very profitable

122 offerings for that company. Do I have to even mention Facebook and Twitter? No, I think you get the picture. However, these examples reflect the kind of results you can achieve if you choose to market the knowledge, gifts, talent, and abilities residing inside of you. Now, while you are executing your plan to create a generation of wealthy warriors, you must be vigilant. Wealth creation is a physical and spiritual activity. Just as you experience physical resistance coming against you from competitors to prevent you from being successful, you have spiritual forces applying resistance to prevent you from becoming wealthy. The adversary knows the more wealth he can pressure you to forfeit the more he can keep and give to his kids. The adversary is persistent in his spiritual attack but he uses people. You should teach your children therefore what Don Corleone in the Godfather taught his son “Never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking”. The same way GOD uses people to help make you free, the enemy uses people to make and keep you bound. The enemy will try to stop you in every way he can 24 hours a day. Therefore, you must be just as persistent, aggressive and vigilant in executing your plan. The adversary and his minions always use the five tools of dominion to detract and defeat you. Those tools are demonstration, dreams, desires, deliverance and denomination. Denomination is actually a Latin word that means to take away the name or take you out of the number. The goal is to take you out from among the number of those who are named wealthy. The tools contained in the system of the kingdom of GOD provided to help make your vision come to fruition, the adversary twists and turns those same tools against you to take away your ability to become wealthy. You have to flip the script or turn these tools back around and use them against the adversary. You must fight to ensure the vision you have for your family dominates your mind and mouth. Make sure your vision serves as a demonstration for the present generation of the dreams and desires that you have for your grandchildren.

123 This will deliver them from the edge of poverty and become numbered among those who are named wealthy. What is in a Name? It is important to teach your children to never accept a name that the world tries to give them. Nick names given by friends seem harmless but whatever you allow yourself to be called is what you will become. Guarding one’s name is important because there are character attributes assigned to every word and every name. Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Regardless of what we meant when we say a word that word will do what it is designed to do when you speak. We have the power to shape our world and call things into existence just like GOD because HE made us to be in HIS image and after HIS likeness. As crazy as it sounds GOD made you to be just as HE is. HE created the world by speaking and you have the power to create your world by speaking as well. As you speak your subconscious, which is part of your spirit, taps into universal power to shape your world according to your words. If you always say “I never win”, guess what? You will never win. If you allow someone to give you a name, will become what you are called. Jewish people are called a religious or ethnic group, for example, rather than a minority because they understand how to protect their children’s future. By definition they should be called a minority. However, they are called a religious or ethnic group because they refuse to allow themselves and their children to become a minority. The etymological definition of the word minority is one who is aware that they possess a personal individuality that is graded or rated as incomplete, such as 3/5 human, and inferior in importance, quality, condition or degree. We should take a lesson from Jewish people and protect our children’s future the way that they protect theirs. We must teach our children not to let anyone give them a name or call them by any name other than their given name.

124 Mankind was created to have dominion and authority over all of the earth which includes sovereignty over our selves. Most people have lost their personal sovereignty because they gave it away to preachers, politicians and corporate chieftains. We give our wealth away primarily to these three entities which places them in dominion over us. Therefore, you must also develop a plan to take back your sovereignty, acquire wealth and become free so that you can be an example of how to be for your children. You were created to be the head not the tail; the top and not the bottom. Your children were not created to be in servitude or bondage. You can reclaim your position of dominion by following spiritual instruction that was intended to be very simple and plain: “Repent”. It was meant to be simple but the scholars made its meaning so deep that now everyone needs help to understand both the message and its intent. The word repent in its simplest form means to turn or return. But, repent is a compound word with a prefix “re” meaning “back or again” and the suffix “pent” means “the top”, as in the top of an apartment building or a penthouse. So the true definition of the word repent means to“ return to the top”. The message of repentance was actually meant to encourage or challenge you to stop drudging through life on the bottom and return to the top; to reclaim your position of dominion. “Repent, for the kingdom of GOD is at hand.” In order for the system of the kingdom of GOD to work for you, you must have dominion over your life and currency. Therefore, your plan to create a generation of wealthy warriors must include teaching them who they are, what they were created to be, what they have been empowered to do, and lead them to reclaim the dominion and authority over their lives. Those who fail to develop a plan to lead their children to prosper may as well plan for them to be poor. Do what you can with what you have and do it now! Give out of Wealth not Lack Learn to give yourself a hand-up before you seek to give others a hand-out. Handouts should only be given from a position

125 of strength rather than a position of struggle. If you are struggling to make ends meet, a church leader will tell you to give more so that you can get more. That is utter nonsense! The better position to be in is to have more so that you can give more. If you give away the power that you have to get more, your currency and cash, you give away your capacity to get more. In the end, that kind of giving produces nothing for either you or those you have given to. You get poorer and they never get richer. It is good to help others as long as it does not cripple or hinder those we intend to help. A helping hand can pull some up but it can also keep others down. Too much giving to church has turned church leaders corrupt. Too much help from welfare has led some families to languish in government largess for several generations. Rather than helping them move up and/or prepare for better opportunities, the system held them in place by making it comfortable for them to remain. The best thing we can do for poor people falls within the old “teach a man to fish” adage. Leading them to recognize that they were given a birthday present and supplying a personal example that their present can lead to real wealth will provide them with the power to break free from poverty. That is, if they use it. Contrary to popular belief knowledge is not power. Power only comes when the knowledge is received and applied. There was a young bird who despite his parent’s urging refused to fly south for the winter. He found himself lying on the ground too cold to fly and feeling like he was about to die. Just then a moose comes along a takes a crap on him. He began to think what could be worse. He was about to die in a pile of moose crap. That is, until he realized that the moose crap was warming him up. Feeling happy now that he would live the little bird began to sing. A wolf heard him singing, pulled him out of the crap and ate him. The moral to the story is everyone who craps on you is not your enemy and everyone who pulls you out of crap is not your friend. When evaluating your support groups be sure that the people supporting you are armor bearers not pallbearers. Some

126 people mean well when they try to carry you. They are sincere, but sincerely wrong. People will carry you to your personal and professional grave if you don’t understand when it’s time to get out of the box or leave the litter. Some people in your personal network are like eagles that fly higher than most will ever fly in life. Some are like chickens that never get off the ground and will eventually get eaten up. No matter what level people chose to live on, they will invariably attempt to pull you either up or down to their level. The problem is water always seeks its own level. You can only go as high as you are prepared to go and you can only go as low as you are disposed to be comfortable. You will know when you have grown enough to be able to remain at a higher level of life. It is great to receive encouragement but never move up until you know that you can live and remain where you’ve chosen to go. Never let your gifts and talents take you where your character and integrity can’t keep you. You may rise up high but you will ultimately fall back down where you belong if you were not ready to live and remain at the higher level. Turn Your Money into Cash using the Internet “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” ~ Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. “There is no defense against an idea that meets a pressing public need.” ~ John H. Johnson Time Magazine’s 2006 Person of the Year was the “Internet”. The internet provides an invaluable opportunity to access the global marketplace. The internet gives you an uninhibited means to turn your currency into cash. Use your currency to create products, services and properties that people in other communities and countries need. Then distribute them through the internet. Congress has been planning for years to close the global commerce portal so you need to do what you can to establish a global presence quickly. Americans have the dubious distinction of being the world’s largest consumer group as well as the world’s largest non-

127 producing group at the same time. We appear to want people to see our value from what we own, what we drive or what we have on us rather than what we have in us. Therefore, we rarely entertain the thought of using the value that we were born with or our currency to produce products, services and properties of value to a global economy. Many of us have great ideas but we lack the cash to initiate them. The cash we did have was either given to corporations by spending it on big screen TVs, cars and other consumer products or we give it away in church. Those who want to be wealthy must begin to make deliberate choices: Do you want to invest in your ideas and become wealthy or do you want to invest in a church leader’s vision? Which effort is more likely to make you wealthy? Giving to church leaders never seems to make him richer because he is always asking for more. However, it does serve to make you poorer. It is crucial that you understand the relationship between faith, family and finances. The tons of cash that you give to church is not proving or improving your faith but it is having an impact on your family and finances. You may be having a problem with your family members right now because they need things that you say there is no cash to buy yet they watch you give it away in church. Your kid is being laughed at in school because he has duck tape on his shoe. You tell him to be patient; GOD will provide. The problem is GOD had already provided. As a result of following false religious teaching you gave away the money that could have been used to get that kid new shoes. I know a family facing foreclosure that was about to lose their home in a few months who went to their church leader for guidance. He told them that regardless of what they were going through it was important for them to remain faithful to GOD and continue to pay tithes. A few months of saving their tithes could have saved their home but they listened to the church leader and lost it. This was a good family that was living beyond their means trying to keep up with the church Jones’. They were saddled with debt as a result of putting on a show of prosperity, to suggest that

128 they were being blessed, for other people in the church while faithfully tithing on top of it. Consequently, they fell deep into financial trouble. The desire to lead people out of the financial mire by showing them that faith can sometimes be just plain foolishness is the reason I write books. Everyone has the power to get wealth. The word of GOD pronounces that power and the church leaders know what the word says. They just don’t know what that power is or how to lead people to use it in order to obtain the wealth. The rest of the world is operating vibrantly on a daily basis in the global economy. Americans are being dragged along kicking and screaming still fighting about “illegal aliens” coming across our borders. As a nation we are not producing anything that other nations need to come to us specifically to get. Yet, we consume everything they make and are increasingly making more demands for a greater and greater share of everything? We have 5% of the world’s population but consume 25% of the world’s illegal drugs. What can a global market do with a massive group of people that does not produce globally? Have you noticed that sometimes when you sacrifice to help a relative or friend out of their financial failings, over time, they grow to resent you? For some reason, helping a person for too long or giving them too much leads them to somehow conclude that you think you are better than them. Then they resolve to do something to you to get back at you. This not only happens on a personal level it happens on a national level as well. History proves that every government which sought to sustain poor people indefinitely ultimately had to defend itself from the violent reactions of those people. Therefore, statements like the following can be found in the papers of America’s Conservative Think Tanks: “People who consume but don’t produce must be eliminated or have their numbers curtailed dramatically.” I wonder what is being written about Americans in global think tanks. Once we learn to change our minds it will change our money. We have to stop thinking only local and begin to think global.

129 We no longer have to be too concerned with import export laws when trading with persons in other nations. Now, we can press a button and it is done. If you have a product or service that can be paid for and delivered digitally, bang! Press a button and it is done. You will be on your way to making millions if you learn to think outside the box. It is always the people who challenge conventional wisdom, go beyond the norm, or step outside the box who make the greatest or most noteworthy achievements. If you continue to think in the manner that you have been conditioned to think, such as those with the positions or credentials always have the answers, you will always find yourself two steps behind and a day late. I’ve learned some of the most profound lessons about life from listening to 5 and 6 year olds. I received a lucrative stock tip from a man that most would classify as crazy or a bum. I am certain that if I had not decided to listen to little children and a bum, I would not have reached many of my life milestones which include writing this book. Great ideas and advice can come from anyone. The power and wealth contained in them can be used to enhance yours if you don’t reject anyone, be patient enough to listen to everyone, and have the courage to sometimes ask someone. Don’t be afraid to challenge conventional wisdom. Step outside the box of common sense. Begin to think, do and be differently. Seek to do uncommon things and you will always achieve uncommon results. Don’t wait for tomorrow to do what you can do today. If you have read this far, by now you have already begun to recognize the value of your currency. Dante said “A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.” Find a unique way to ignite that spark. Then do what you can with what you have to turn your currency into cash and do it now! The Wealthy Avoid Common Sense and Defy Conventional Wisdom “The cleverly expressed opposite of any generally accepted idea is worth a fortune.” ~ George Francis Fitzgerald

130 I played sports all of my life. I began running on the same day that I learned to walk. It wasn’t until I began coaching football and basketball though that I realized a team can beat any group of players every time. I started thinking differently on that day and from then all of the teams I coached began to win championships. It didn’t matter who I coached they all won. Through my experience as a leader in the US Army it became clear that many people walking away with one rock can make a mole hill out of a mountain. The key is keeping them together, motivated to achieve their objective and focused on the goal. No one wants to haul away rocks. However, if it has to be done, as a leader, I must find a way to lead those who must do it to think differently about what they are doing so that they will get it done, not because they have to, but because they want to. Having learned to think differently and developing the ability to lead others to think differently and perform successfully earned me promotions to the senior military ranks in 8.5 years when it took the average person 12-15 years to make it. That placed me in decision making positions. Every unit that I led where I had decision making authority was recognized by the Department of the Army as superior units. They were all awarded the Army Superior Unit Award. After retiring from the Army I began promoting live concerts. I had an idea to land an in route deal with a group that was touring in my region. The problem was a big name national promoter also wanted to produce that show in my city. Understanding the nature of the business I knew I had to do something different if I wanted to land the tour. So, I offered the group a deal that I knew the other promoter would be unwilling to offer and I won the contract. I only made $60,000 on a deal where I could have made $100,000 had the other promoter not been in the picture. However, 0+0=0 which means I made quite a bit less but walked away 60 grand richer for one day’s work when I could have been intimidated by a bigger player and made nothing.

131 I was able to win because I decided to think differently and was willing to do what the other guy was unwilling to do. Doing little things differently in business makes the difference between big and little business. Being willing to do what nobody else wants to do makes the difference between success and failure; between being wealthy and being poor. Decide, right now, that you are going to think, do and be differently and it will help you to be wealthy! While in the Army I saw two guys arguing and went over to see what was going on. One guy was super sharp. He looked like the poster boy for the Army. The other guy looked like he had been sleeping in the same uniform for several weeks. There is an Army regulation that requires every pocket on the uniform to be buttoned. Well, the homeless looking guy advised the super sharp guy that he had a pocket unbuttoned. The super sharp guy got upset and began to berate the disheveled guy saying: How are you going to tell me I have a pocket unbuttoned when you look like sh**! Although the disheveled guy looked like a bum he was right. He was giving the super sharp guy information that he needed to help him achieve his goal but he couldn’t accept the message because of where it was coming from. His habit of following conventional wisdom dictated that he should never accept advice on how to look sharp from a guy that looks like a bum. I learned from that incident that good advice can come from anywhere. After watching me challenge a guy who was providing bad information to people who were to lead a critical mission General Colin Powell said to me “Never be afraid to challenge the experts”. Jeff Bezos, the founder of, tells a story about the day he asked a person for advice on whether or not he should start that company. The man told him “That’s a good idea and it might work but it might work better for someone who doesn’t already have a good job.” Jeff decided to challenge that thinking. In 2010, Amazon earned nearly $35 BILLION in revenue. Jeff

132 Bezos’ story reinforced in me General Powell’s instruction to never be afraid to challenge the experts. You have people in your life that you look up to, respect or feel they are smarter than you in certain areas. You may be tempted to consult them on an idea that you have and they may say something like: I can’t see that happening for you or I can’t see that working. The truth is if they could see it, the idea would have come to them. When you have a money idea don’t ask anyone whether or not you should do it. Resist the urge to confer with the respectable, degreed or titled. If you want to achieve your goals professionally and financially, you must look for ways that defy conventional wisdom and simply begin to do what you can with what you have. Jeff Bezos and his wife began packing boxes while sitting on the floor of their garage. Needless to say they no longer run that $35 billion operation while sitting on the garage floor. I can’t understand why the average person believes that following common sense will lead them to achieve uncommon results. For some reason they can’t see that by thinking the way everyone does you can only get what everyone else has gotten. They are trying to get ahead of the crowd, become leader of the pack but they just can’t seem to get out of the pack. The next time you see someone engaged in road rage, you will understand why. They are frustrated that they cannot get ahead of the pack of “stupid” people surrounding them. Excess knowledge without power creates impotent rage. As smart as they are they cannot see that conventional wisdom keeps them in the company of the convention. They lack the power to get above the crowd with everyone else who is “trying” to get wealthy and end up drowning in mediocrity. People who follow common sense and rely on conventional wisdom have no clue that only 4 of the 12 modern-era coaches in the National Football League (NFL) Hall of Fame ever played in the NFL. Out of the 70 Coaches in the Basketball Hall of Fame only 19 ever played professional basketball. Out of the National Basketball Association (NBA) top 10 most winning coaches of

133 all time 7 never played in the NBA. People who follow common sense or conventional wisdom would say that the best players make the best coaches. Under that logic Michael Jordan should have been a great coach but his performance with the Washington Wizards proved otherwise. Following conventional wisdom is not wise and doing what is common doesn’t make sense. If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense. Following conventional wisdom and common sense has never led anyone to be wealthy. It only leads those who follow it into mediocrity. They are reduced to following the majority. Using common sense yields common results. Those who commonly do what others commonly do will only get what others commonly get. Those who lead and succeed are those who learn to think outside the box. Reject Common Sense I have been trying to work with people to help redirect their lives so that they can fulfill their GOD ordained purpose and become wealthy in the process. It is amazing to me how the average person believes that having or operating on common sense gives them credibility. GOD did not intend for any of us to be common. We were all created to be uncommon; to operate in wisdom rather than common sense. Wisdom is uncommon sense. Anytime we try to live life with our “senses” as a guide it leads us away from fulfilling the purpose of our lives. Our senses equip us to make contact with the world, everything and everyone in it. Our senses were not designed to be used as a guide. Your spirit, the energizing force that gives your body life, is the appropriate guide for your life. Your spirit was designed to lead and guide you into all truth. That includes the truth as to why you were born and what you were sent here to do. Your life must be directed by the wisdom emanating from your spirit in order for you to be your best you. Your spirit is in constant contact, whether we know it or like it or not, with the Spirit of GOD or the energy source of the whole universe. The spirit of

134 GOD, the source from which you receive the energy that produces money, is constantly communicating with your spirit. Your spirit tries to communicate that uncommon knowledge to your brain. However, it is often blocked or rejected by the senses because it is not common therefore it does not make sense. Following common sense is self defeating given the fact that GOD took the time to make each of us unique. There is no one who is exactly like you or me. No one has your DNA, finger prints, eye retina, palm print, foot print, etc. Even the shape of your ears is uniquely different from everyone else’s. That means we were all sent here to give birth to something unique; to touch something in a way that leaves a unique imprint, to see things in a unique way and go places to change them in a way that will not be the same once we show up. GOD even expects you to hear HIS word in a way that has special meaning to you and may only be true for your unique life. While GOD took the time to make each child unique, most adults die copies. Since the average person is guided by their senses rather than their spirit they have yet to discover who they are or why they are here. Common sense leads them to believe they can be successful by trying to emulate someone that other people think is better than they are or one who has the verbal ability to influence them to follow their vision or mission. The unique power and attributes born in a person, who lacks knowledge of who they are, are lost in search of an identity as they try to find someone to be “like”. The effort to be like someone else is really a secret desire to be liked. They subconsciously believe that being like someone who is liked will lead them to be liked. However, if they would just be who they were created to be, they would be loved. GOD has a specific and unique purpose for your life that is different from everyone else’s. You can never discover what that purpose is following common sense. Consequently, most people never fulfill the purpose they were sent here to complete. Grave yards are filled with untapped potential because we allow

135 ourselves to get caught up in the adult version of the kid’s game “follow the leader”. No one can change their life until they first change their mind and adjust their sight. Until we stop doing what everyone else is doing, we will keep getting what everyone else is getting. Take New Year’s Eve celebrations for example. We get sucked into celebrating a ball drop ceremony at the beginning of each year when most of us dropped the ball in our lives the previous year. We didn’t do what we needed to do to get where we wanted to go yet we celebrate. We dropped the ball so we get drunk, stand out in the cold (where most of us have been left most of our lives), and celebrate repeating the cycle of dropping the ball again next year. Whatever you visualize you will realize. You cannot stand around and watch a ball drop today and expect to pick up the ball, run with it and score the next day. If you want to win tomorrow, you have to determine in your mind to change your mind today! Tell yourself that this year has to be different. A new life and a new you requires refusing to do what everybody else do (I know that is bad grammar but that is the point). If we choose to do what nobody else is doing, we will eventually do something that nobody else has done. Everyone who has found away to do things uniquely has ultimately become wealthy.


“Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow man.” ~ Kahlil Gibran The leader of every family must have a sound financial plan to provide for their family’s financial security. The lack of a good financial plan leads to many other problems which ultimately causes a breakdown of the family. We know, for example, that bad finances are the leading cause of divorce in America. Bad finances will kill a marriage quicker that adultery. The head of the family, then, must establish a plan to put the dollars that come into their households to work so that none of it is lost or wasted away due to a lack of proper management or oversight. This will ensure that cash will be available to meet the family’s needs in times of abundance as well as times of famine. Times of hardship or famine create pressure that tests the integrity of a family. The family leaders must develop a sound financial plan that will relive the family of pressure in tough times that could lead to a breakup while preparing future generations to enjoy great wealth. Building wealth is never accomplished by working to make cash. Wealth is obtained by making cash work for you. You can’t just save to make money grow you must also sow to make it grow. Whenever you plant a seed it multiplies and the same is true for money. The way in which most families in America make cash work for them and become wealthy is through home ownership or life insurance. You may balk at this assertion if you know that 74% of wealthy Americans are business owners. But do you know where they found the cash needed to start their business? Most 137 of them leveraged the equity in their or their parent’s homes or used the proceeds from their parent’s life insurance. Most families that continue to languish in poverty or live paycheck to paycheck do so because they do not retain their insurance policies long enough to reap the benefits. In times of economic hardship the cash used to pay insurance premiums is reallocated to meet other obligations. Those who understand how to build wealth, by contrast, will hold on to their policies like the financial future of their children depends on it. They do this because they realize that it actually does. Proverbs 13:22 says that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. You are obligated, then, to not only provide an inheritance for your children but to leave a legacy of wealth for your grandchildren as well. Life insurance is the quickest and most economical way to create a substantial inheritance that will meet your obligation to GOD and secure your family’s financial future. There are two types of insurance policies that those who are interested in building wealth should consider: Whole life or Term. I am sharing knowledge that I gained through 15 years experience as a licensed insurance agent and financial planner. However, nothing that I say here should be used as a substitute for professional investment advice. Always consult an attorney, tax advisor or certified financial planner when trying to decide which investment plans will be right for you. Whole Life policies offer advantages within estate planning vehicles for people who are already wealthy but those with low to moderate income trying to build wealth should purchase Term. A high face value 30 year Term policy can be purchased for pennies on the dollar compared to Whole Life policies. The actual purpose of life insurance is to protect your assets while they are vulnerable (i.e., home not paid for) and to shield loved ones from the loss of your income in the event of your untimely demise. The face value or benefit that you select should be high enough to pay off your mortgage, all outstanding debts, provide a college fund for the children and replace 5-10 years of

138 your annual income. This will ensure that your family is protected financially in their early years and create a solid foundation upon which to begin building wealth. A family that owns a mortgage free home can set the cash aside that would have been used for mortgage payments until enough seed cash is saved to start a business. You may be tempted by some insurance agents to purchase a Whole Life policy that are skilled at making its savings, investment and loan provisions seem very attractive. Whole Life is recommended too often simply because it pays higher commissions. If you earn less than $75,000 a year and are trying to build wealth, no agent with good moral scruples would recommend Whole Life to you. A good and morally decent agent or financial planner would never recommend that you tie investment strategies to your insurance policy while you trying to build wealth. The truth is insurance connected investments rarely produce highly profitable earnings. The loan provisions of an insurance policy will not benefit you or your loved ones. Whenever you take a loan from the savings you have built up on your insurance policy you will have to pay it back with interest. This means you will actually have to pay to borrow your own cash. The interest and savings that accrue to your policy are not paid to your beneficiaries, only the policy’s face value. The savings that you meant to provide for your family results in a savings for the company. If you have Whole Life and are in good health, consider asking your financial advisor if converting to Term would be right for you so that you can use the savings to play defense. In a society that is becoming increasingly litigious, it is wise to use insurance as a defensive measure to prevent your assets from being taken in a frivolous law suit. With the change in bankruptcy law, the Chapter 7 shield is no longer available to protect your assets from such suits in the same manner as it once was. You should therefore take the cash saved by converting from Whole

139 Life to Term and use it to purchase an umbrella policy to cover gaps or shortfalls between a high law suit judgment and the value of your homeowner’s policy. Other good defensive policies that you should have will cover most physical disabilities, accidents and catastrophic illnesses. These policies, which only cost pennies on the dollar, will protect your family from the loss of your income and prevent financial hardship in the event of a long term sickness or debilitating injury. You can earn greater savings by selecting a company that offers these protections as riders to your life insurance policy. Those who are already wealthy employ insurance defense strategies to protect their wealth. To exercise these strategies effectively once you become wealthy consult a professional estate planner, CPA or tax attorney. If the value of your estate exceeds 3.5 million, you may want to seek advice on whether an Irrevocable Life Trust (ILT) will be right for you. When executed properly, an ILT will reduce the federal estate and income taxes, legal fees, and expenses your loved ones would have to pay at the distribution of your estate. This will ensure that your heirs, not the government, will receive the maximum benefit of your estate as well as give you maximum control over how the estate is distributed. An expertly crafted trust will shield everything of value that you own from loss, inflation and tax erosion. It will also provide a tax deduction for setting up the vehicle, provide income from reinvestment of the trust’s assets and protect that income from capital gains taxes. The cash you retain from the tax savings and earned income can be used to fund your additional wealth protection strategies. Every family regardless of financial status should maintain an emergency fund. The lack of an emergency fund can quickly derail any wealth building plan. Therefore, before any investments are made an emergency fund must be put in place. The Family Emergency Fund is comprised of 3 to 6 months of your regular income. This fund should be held in an account that pays higher interest than a passbook savings account that gives you immediate

140 access to your money without accruing a penalty for withdrawal or incur a tax liability. The purpose of the Family Emergency Fund is to cover the myriad of unforeseen emergencies that a family could encounter such as the loss of your home due to fire, natural disaster, breakdown of your automobile or major appliance, a sudden need for legal assistance and so on. Having funds available to address emergencies will provide immediate relief from the pressure and stress these events could place on family members and return them to a sense of normalcy and comfort more quickly. This will also relieve you from the added pressure to trying to secure a high interest loan under emergency conditions and having to watch your family experience discomfort while they wait for the loan to be approved. An emergency fund will allow you to loan yourself the money you need. Then, you can pay yourself back little by little until the account is back to its normal balance. Every family should have an emergency fund as the foundation of a sound financial plan. When you do not have a sound financial plan, your family will experience famine even when you are earning more than enough to meet their needs. This occurs, normally, when two conditions are present in our lives. The first condition is moral and spiritual standing. “I have been young and now am old. Yet have I never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread (Psalm 37:25).” The various indiscretions that you become involved in produce a drain on your finances and cause your family to experience famine. A report published by Men’s Health Magazine reveals that it costs an average of $10,000 to have an affair. $10,000 is a significant drain on a family’s finances which can cause that family to fail. There are two economic advantages to being married: division of labor and economy of scale. When you are married, you don’t have to work as hard or spend as much to live as compared to being single. A single person has to do all of the house work and

141 cover all of the living expenses alone. People who have affairs risk throwing away their economic advantages by engaging in activity that is immoral and could lead to divorce. Being in right spiritual standing will ensure that your family won’t be forsaken. The second condition that causes famine is a lack of a plan for proper control and management of our finances. Without a plan for governing the family’s finances and controlling how the cash flows, it will quickly disappear like air through a vent and it will be hard to figure out what happened or where it went. When we are not good cash managers: we may work a lot, but we won’t make enough to meet our needs. Before we know it our earnings are spent and we will have a hard time remembering where it went. Our wallet or purse will seem to have a hole in it. To cover the financial shortfall, we might work a ton of overtime to get a bigger paycheck, but that still won’t be enough. By the time we get home, the extra money we’ve earned will be gone too. The lack of a sound financial plan is the reason why most people live paycheck to paycheck or hand to mouth. Even while we are earning substantial wages, we regularly find ourselves experiencing famine as there is often too much month left at the end of the money. A sound financial plan will keep you out of the cycle of stress and mental strain due to the money drain. If you take care of your cash properly, your cash will take proper care of you. Prepare your Mind for Managing Wealth A lot of people are going to be put off by the multitude of spiritual references in this book. I placed heavy emphasis on the spiritual because, first, the average person does not recognize its existence or realize they need its power to create anything they have a desire to create. Second, the power of the spirit is critically important to wealth accumulation. There is the physical side to life where we work hard to earn wages. The physical side of wealth accumulation may earn you a good living and may even make you rich but it will not make you wealthy applying it alone.

142 Once we bury an apple seed, a spiritual process takes place that causes the apple seed to become an apple tree. The seed multiplies from one to hundreds. It is the spiritual process that causes cash to multiply as well. We cannot expect to acquire wealth while ignoring the spiritual side of life. That is like engaging in a professional fight for a million dollar prize with one arm tied behind your back. You will have to work hard and more than likely will not win that cash. Focusing entirely on the physical realm and ignoring the power of the spiritual realm places you at an extreme disadvantage. You don’t need to be a priest to know how it works but if you work it, whether you know what you are doing or not, it will work for you. You were not born in a vacuum without passion or purpose. You were created by GOD to be HIS son or daughter. As a child of GOD you are entitled to an inheritance because you are an heir to HIS kingdom. As an heir to the riches of the kingdom of GOD you should not be struggling financially! Prince William of England is entitled to an inheritance. Thus, he lives like a prince and gets treated like royalty simply because he is an heir of the queen. However, you are an heir of the King of Kings. You are supposed to be wealthy and treated like royalty! Just as Prince William is treated as the queen is treated, you are entitled to be treated as GOD is treated! Now, religious people will try to make you believe that is blasphemy or sacrilege but look at what GOD said: Psalm 82:6 “I said ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most high.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name…” Not only does GOD say that you are gods, HE expects you to be called by HIS name. Every good father wants his kids to have his name. The Most High Father is no different. “I said ye are gods…” Romans 8:16 says “The Holy Spirit bears witness that we are the children of GOD.”

143 Next, we the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:5-6 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of GOD thought it not robbery to be equal with GOD!” Again, the religious people will exclaim that thinking you can be equal with GOD is blasphemy. However, you were made in the image & likeness of GOD. GOD made you as HE is or equal to HIM! The religious leaders attacked Jesus because He called Himself the Son of GOD. In John 10:34 Jesus said “Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? So, why do you say that I blaspheme because I said I am the Son of God? The reason the religious leaders were upset is under Jewish law once boys reach a certain age they become equal with their father (John 5:18). Jesus was beyond the age that a boy could be equal with His Father. Jesus was equal with GOD and He prayed in John 17 that you would be equal with Him too. Now, not only does GOD expect you to recognize that you are HIS child, HE also expects you to think and behave like HIS Son. HIS Son thought it not robbery to be equal With GOD therefore you are not to think it robbery to be equal with your Father. We have heard all three persons of the Triune Godhead: GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, along with the Apostle Paul bearing witness that we are the children of GOD. Religious people who have a problem with you recognizing that you are a child of GOD simply want to keep you feeling ostracized and unworthy of being royalty. Romans 8:17 says that if we are in Christ then we are joint heirs with Jesus. That means we are heirs to the Kingdom of GOD! Now that you know that you are entitled to receive an inheritance you must begin to pursue the inheritance that is yours. Be advised however, that it only comes from the spiritual side not the physical side. You perform physical acts to make it manifest but it enters the physical realm from the spiritual.

144 Understanding the Spiritual Side of Wealth In order to acquire real wealth you must first recognize that your GOD gave you a birthday present when you were born that contains currency. This currency is part of your inheritance. The next thing you must be absolutely clear on is that GOD has already done for you everything HE is going to do. Proverbs 13:22 says the wealth of the sinner was laid up for the just. That means your wealth has already been laid up for you. Then Deuteronomy 8:18 says GOD has given you the power to get wealth. That power resides partly in your birthday present. You have to identify what your present is, market it and somebody will pay you for it. Then you can begin to build the wealth that you and your family deserve. Accessing spiritual power to acquire wealth is like playing a game of checkers with GOD. GOD has a move and you have a move. The problem with GOD is HE won’t cheat. Therefore, HE is never going to move out of turn. GOD has made HIS move so now it’s your move. Don’t be like the people who are on their knees or sitting around begging GOD to move when it is their turn to move. Some by false religious teaching won’t make their move because they have been duped into “waiting” on GOD to do for them what HE has already equipped them to do for themselves. Still, others won’t take their move because they are afraid of success so they stall by letting their friends or relatives distract them from taking their move or they devote too much time, energy, cash to other things to avoid taking their move. Some even give their ideas, dreams and desires to someone else who they believe has the cash to make it manifest. They do this because they are simply afraid to be who GOD created them to be; happy and wealthy. Some people gamble away the resources that GOD gave them because they are afraid of success. Since 1964 these people played 150 Billion on the lottery pretending to have a desire to be rich. Since 1998 they’ve gambled 75 Billion away at casinos. What happens to the people who are afraid of success that win millions 145 from gambling? Their lives are thoroughly ruined. Why? These people find a way to sabotage themselves. Other people are scared to take a chance on themselves because they are afraid that they will fail. A few years ago GM/ Delphi offered as much as $140,000 in an early retirement buy out to 113,000 workers. Only 50,000 people or less than half took the offer. They were too scared to take a chance on using that $140,000 to finance their own future. The same people who have the courage to risk their cash on the lottery or spend at lot of dough at casinos are too afraid to gamble on themselves. That $140,000 could have helped them complete their created purpose and secure their family’s fortune. Yet, they were too scared. Your key to wealth and fortune is in you NOW! You have something in you that the world wants, that the world needs and that the world will pay you for. Although success lies in you now conventional wisdom says success lies not in what you know but in who you know. It is imperative then that we learn to defy common sense and reject conventional wisdom if we really want to be wealthy. The people who guide their lives by common sense will always want you to look away from yourself for the path to wealth and happiness? Following conventional wisdom and common sense is the reason most people think that you need connections for success. The truth is, the person you need a connection to is GOD. The person you need to know is you: who you really are; who GOD created you to be; and why you are here. You have to look deep inside of yourself to discover the treasure that is hidden within you. That self exploration will not only reveal those answers it will also lead you to find the riches of the kingdom of GOD. A system for providing wealth is what the kingdom of GOD is. That’s it! It is GOD’s system of provision that we need to fulfill HIS vision for our lives and become wealthy. GOD placed the window or portal to access that system inside of you. This is why Jesus said in Luke 17:21 the kingdom of GOD is within you!

146 Once you discover who you are, whose you are and what you have you must remember that life is not a spectator sport. There will be forces both spiritual and physical that will enter your path to prevent you from acquiring wealth. One of the keys to being wealthy is in knowing how to keep it. Once you get wealth you will have to defend it. The law of natural selection dictates that a man is not entitled to anything he cannot defend. If you cannot defend a wife, you are no entitled to one. If you cannot defend a home, you are not entitled to one. If you cannot defend wealth, you are not entitled to keep it. This is not personal. It is just a part of the game of life; survival of the fittest. The only way to win the game of life is to take life on! You can’t just sit in the bleachers and watch the game of life. You have to come down on the field and get in the game. There are so many people who are content to sit in the bleachers and watch life play out because they believe that is a safe position. Here is a Muppet News Flash: There are no safe positions in life! Life will come up in the bleachers and slap you right in front of GOD and everybody. So, you might as well get in the game and take your lumps on the field where you can at least have a chance to win. Additionally, if you really want to win the game of life, you can’t afford to just play four quarters or nine innings and quit. You have to keep playing until you win! When everybody else is leaving the stadium and the janitor of life is trying to turn out the lights, you must keep fighting and swinging until life concedes you the victory. You have to be like Jacob who wrestled with the angel all night long and would not let quit until the angel blessed him. Nothing in life that is good or valuable is going to just fall in your lap. You have to go out and get it. Guiding or basing critical life decisions on tired old clichés that aren’t true anyway are not going to help you get it. You see, good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things only come to those who do what they can with what they have. Wait all you want, your ship is not just going to come in. Most ships are too big to come to shore.

147 If you haven’t built a place for that ship to dock, you will have to go out and meet it. The critical error most people make here is trying to use a row boat. A row boat forces you to engage in the process of moving forward while looking backward. When you’re going out after your big ship, you must be able to keep your eyes on the prize. Eliminate your Debt Debt is a form a bondage that makes one a type of indentured servant or slave. You already work for the government 3-4 months a year just to pay taxes. Then, you work another 8 months or so just to pay your debt. Consequently, your kids are not born into wealth. They are born into debt. As such they grow up in mortgaged homes, sleep in mortgaged beds, eat from mortgaged refrigerators, drive in mortgaged cars, wear mortgaged clothes, etc. Debt keeps you working to serve it; to repay creditors before you can be free. When you owe creditors the money that you work for is not yours. That money belongs to them! I can see a day when we will be forced to work for free until our debts are paid. There will be a day when your creditor will be able to make your kids work until your debts are paid. The system, of course, will be rigged to make it nearly impossible to get free. The only safe place there will be to hide when days like that arrive is in property; a home that is paid for. Property is the only defense against tyranny. Therefore you must seek to become wealthy so that you can be debt free and own debt free property. In order to get free from debt you will need a sixteen step affirmative action plan. Affirmative action is NOT something others do for you it is something you do for yourself. Take the following actions for yourself and soon you will be debt free: Make a mental commitment to become debt free. Just as bondage always begins in the mind freedom always begins in the mind as well. If you are not committed to get free, you will never be free.

148 Chart what you owe. Make a list of everything you owe to everybody. You will need to know the total amount of your debt and the total amount of your monthly payments. Chart what you own. Make a list of everything you own then arrange those things into three categories: need, keep and sell. Plan to sell everything you don’t need or want and remember: wealthy people don’t keep clutter. Sell everything you don’t actually need now! Look for ways to earn extra income. Everyone has knowledge, a gift, talent or skill that is marketable. Find a product or service that people need which is within your ability to provide and motivate people to pay you for it. If you cannot devise a product or service, consider getting a second job. Find ways to reduce your monthly expenses. Lowering the thermostat and turning off lights help to save on utilities. You will be surprised how much money you can save on your groceries each year by eliminating fast food, junk food, snack food, soft drinks and cigarettes. Viciously attack your debt. Take the extra money that you earn plus the money that you save and use it like a lethal weapon to viciously attack your debt. Eliminate the small bills first.Attack the debt that you have with the lowest monthly payment first. Once the debt with the lowest payment is paid-off, take the cash you would have used to pay that bill and combine it with the payment of the bill with next lowest monthly payment and eliminate that debt; keep doing this until all of your credit card, student loans, etc. are paid off. Treat all of your bills as if they are one bill. All of the cash that you use each month to pay your bills belongs to all of your bills. Once you pay off a few bills do not allow yourself to be tempted to use the extra cash to create another bill or to buy some product that you can do without. Stay committed to paying off all of your bills and retain the mindset that all of the money used to pay on your bills belongs to all of the bills.

149 Move Your Debt. Try to move your credit card debt from high interest to low interest credit cards. Extend your credit limit on the card with the lowest interest rate and move all of your debt to one card. Forget that nonsense about keeping the cards that have been paid-off to keep your credit score higher. Cut up those cards immediately if not sooner. The other thing you can do is move all of your credit card debt into a second mortgage. If you can get a 4% mortgage, it is best to take those 18-25% credit card balances and reduce the interest on them to 4% through a second mortgage. Rapidly Reduce Your Mortgage Once your credit card, student loans and revolving credit debts are paid off begin to use the money that would have been used to pay those debts to attack your mortgage using the following strategies: NOTE: Check your loan agreement first to be sure there are no penalties for early payment in your mortgage contract. The extra principle payment strategy: little extra amounts go a long way to erasing your mortgage quickly. The word “mortgage” is a French word that means “till death”. In Latin it basically means “to be murdered”. Either way you are expected to die before you can finish paying a 30 year mortgage. Most of the payments on 30 yr mortgages go toward interest in the first 12-15 yrs, not principle. The less principle you owe the less interest you have to pay. Therefore, make your regular monthly interest payment. Then, send another check designated specifically for an extra principle payment. This reduces the length of the mortgage and amount of interest. The more you are able to send the more you will be able to save. Remember little extra payments go a long way. The split principle payment strategy: Make a payment every 14 days instead of every 30 days. Interest is compounded daily. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of interest compounded by making two payments rather than one. This strategy reduces

150 total interest paid on the loan as well as decreases the life of the mortgage. A $100,000, 30 year mortgage at 7% would cost $139,510 in interest alone over 30 yrs. Using the split payment strategy the mortgage will cost only $105,045 in interest and reduce the payment term from 30 years to 23 years 9 months. You’ll save $34,465 and payoff the mortgage 6 years 3 months early without paying anything more than what you were required to pay every thirty days. Interest rate reduction strategy: Shop for a reduced rate on your fixed rate mortgage. Adjustable Rate Mortgages should be converted to a Fixed Rate Mortgage immediately. This will control the money market rate impact on the cost of your mortgage and keep you out of foreclosure or bankruptcy. Securing a lower interest rate reduces the interest you must pay over life of the loan. A $100,000, 30 year mortgage at 15% interest will cost $245,000 in interest alone. Find a loan for 7% and your total interest cost will be only $122,000. Do Not be Tempted to Invest That is, until you have paid off all of your credit card, revolving and student loan debts. The experts will try to tell you that you cannot afford to wait until your bills are paid to invest. I believe, however, that you actually cannot afford to invest until your bills ARE paid. Anyone who is carrying the type of debts above has no business trying to make any investments and here’s why: With a very good annual investment return being 12% you will never earn enough to cover the 18 to 25% interest that you must pay to carry those debts. The 12% you earn from your investment will only position you to help finance your 25% interest debt, not get free from it. Plus, that 12% is actually around 10% because investment earnings are subject to capital gains taxes. Time is more valuable than cash. The real cost of debt is not how much cash it will cost to repay the debt, it is how much of your working life will you have to spend working to pay it. The

151 time you spend working to serve that debt instead of serving yourself and your family is the true cost of debt. Debt makes you a prisoner in-so-much-as it makes you serve time. The longer it takes you to pay your debt the longer the sentence you will serve. Debt Consolidation Never use a debt consolidation company. You must pay other people a fee to manage your debt when you use debt consolidation companies. The cash used to pay them could be going to pay off your debt. Consolidating debt this way will result in a lower monthly payment, but payments must be made over a longer time. Let’s say you have $20,000 in debt, with five years to pay, at $525 month, and say your total debt with interest equals $27,500. If you earn $10 an hour, the sentence you must serve to repay your debt will be 2,750 hours of your life. Now, let’s say you received a debt consolidation loan that reduces your monthly payment by half to $262.50. Your monthly payment would go down. However, the length of your sentence will increase from five years to twelve. And your total debt will increase from $27,500 to $30,180. You see, you can never borrow your way out of debt. Debt consolidation is only good when you can move your debt from a high interest credit card to a low interest one or from your credit cards to a second mortgage. Now that you are debt free you can plan to accumulate wealth. Remember, a business, home and insurance policy are multi- generational assets that allow you to provide an inheritance for your children and grandchildren.

152 Chapter 12 CONCLUSION

“Go at life with abandon; give it all you’ve got. And life will give all it has to you.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale Money does grow on trees; it grows on the family tree. Teach your family what cash, currency and money are, how they work and how to use them as a tool to move a family to become wealthy. Then wealth will grow on your family tree. The words money, cash and currency are used interchangeably but are in reality three different things. Contrary to popular belief money is not a thing. Cash is a thing. Money is an idea generated by spiritual energy that when implemented properly creates cash. When spiritual energy takes the form of an idea with the potential to produce wealth it becomes money. The energy produced as a result of that idea is where the power lies to manifest physical forms and create cash. That energy or money moves about and touches the minds of those holding the currency required to turn the money into cash. Currency is the unique array of inherent knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities which have value that can be traded for cash. Every one of us has currency. It was given by GOD when we were born as a type of birthday present. Cash is simply an extension or an expression of the value of money and currency. There is a difference between riches and wealth. The definition of “rich” is having more than enough cash to satisfy one’s normal needs or desires. The definition of wealth”“ is having possession of property and valuable things. People who have possession of property and valuable things usually have more than enough cash to gratify their normal needs or desires. Money comes as a result of spiritual energy. Wealth comes by combining spiritual and physical energy. Spiritual energy is any

153 process that has the capacity to produce or transform anything which is beyond our ability to reproduce. Baking a cake employs spiritual energy. Mixing the cake ingredients is physical energy. Placing it in the oven is physical energy. The heat in the oven is spiritual energy that transforms the mixture of ingredients into a cake. We can control heat but we cannot control the process in heat that causes a batter mixture to become a cake. “But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).” If you seek first the system of the kingdom of GOD for the things you need rather than the world’s system, which is based on credit, all the things you need will be provided. The knowledge of how the system works is so simple you would need help to misunderstand it. However, you have been getting help from church leaders to misunderstand. This is why the righteous continue to suffer lack and must resort to the world’s system of provision which is the credit system to get what they want or need. The credit system is called a “credit” system but in reality it is a “debt” system. Credit issuing agencies are not giving you credit. They are giving you debt! A credit card is not a credit card it is a debt card. You are issued a credit card to make it easier and more convenient to dig yourself deeper in debt. A debit card on the other hand is the true credit card. With a debit card you have cash that you credited to the card account from which the cash will be drawn. The debit card allows you to own the item without the price you paid for it increasing over time. A credit card is a debt card because the more you buy without paying cash the more debt you accumulate to that account. Using credit cards without paying the balance each month makes the items you purchased cost five or six times what you would have paid had you paid for them in cash. Credit is usury and a form of bondage that is designed to trap people in financial bondage. Therefore, you must abandon the credit system and reject long term credit borrowing. You must teach your children to reject credit to protect them from becoming trapped in the bondage of credit servitude.

154 Protecting your family from credit servitude is one reason a vision for the family must be established. The vision will include a plan that determines how the cash that comes into the family will be disbursed. The vision that you establish for the family must be written just like a business plan. It should state in detail what you want to do, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. This plan must be accompanied by a sound financial plan that outlines how your business plan’s objectives will be paid for, how much cash will be required and where will that cash come from. Your plan should identify the key players and what their roles will be in bringing your vision to fruition. Bad finances will kill a marriage quicker that adultery. The vision plan, then, must detail how the family will put the dollars that come into their households to work so that none of it is lost or wasted away due to a lack of proper management or oversight. This will ensure that cash will be available to meet the family’s needs in times of abundance as well as times of famine. Times of hardship or famine create pressure that tests the integrity of a family. The financial part of the family’s vision plan will relive the family of pressure in tough times that could lead to a breakup while preparing future generations to enjoy great wealth. The vision plan should be centered on providing wealth for the next generation of children as well as retirement for the parents. Therefore, it is critical to build the wealth generation model in your vision plan in a manner that is wealth building rather than deficit building. The wealth building generational model allows you to operate in line with the will of GOD to provide an inheritance for your children’s children. It also gives you access into the system of the kingdom of GOD. The wealth building generational model allows you to line up the three physical realms of your world to operate in harmony with the three financial realms. The three physical realms are: the nocturnal, material, and spiritual. The financial realms are: poverty, riches, and wealth. The financial realms actually emanate from the spiritual realm. Poverty, riches and wealth are spiritual forces that dominate a

155 person’s life based on the thoughts that dominate their mind. Thoughts of lack that dominate an unconscious or nocturnal mind lead a person to become trapped in perpetual poverty. Thoughts of abundance dominating a conscious or spiritual mind lead a person to be perpetually wealthy. Your financial status is directly connected to how you think. Walter Wintle penned the thought: “If you like to win, but you think you can’t, it is almost certain you won’t.” Henry Ford said “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.” Then, there is the oft quoted Descartes aphorism “I think, therefore, I am”. These statements of truth remind us that the mind is the most powerful instrument in the world. Your mind has the power to create your world. You are what you think you are and you will be only that which you think you can be. Whenever you want to change your world, all you have to do is change your mind. However, you can never change your world until you first change your mind. You must change your mind about money; what it is and how it works. You must change your mind about consumer products and understand that being possessed with the need for “stuff” can cause you to become “possessed” by the creditors. And you must change your mind about the myths of the bible concerning money. All of the bible myths concerning money are devised to strip you of your disposable income. That is the income you need to fulfill your obligation to GOD and to create wealth for your family. We hear church leaders emphatically declaring, for example, “The bible tells us to give, and it will be given!” meaning that if you give your cash to them, GOD will more give to you. However, P.T. Barnum said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” If you give away the cash GOD gave you to fulfill your purpose and create wealth, you will be what Matthew chapter 25 calls a slothful and unprofitable servant. Giving away the cash that you were blessed with to prosper your family is not faithfulness but rather foolishness. I understand that I run the risk of becoming

156 despised for sharing this wisdom but the wisdom of the wise is always despised. “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words (Proverbs 23:9).” “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that takes heed unto counsel is wise (Proverbs 12:15).” A family leader must set the proper atmosphere for wealth creation in the home. A farmer that wants a field to produce abundant crop must set the atmosphere of that field by aerating and fertilizing the soil so that it can produce abundantly. A father or family leader who wants his family to produce abundantly must set the atmosphere in the home so that his family will have the proper environment to produce according to their ability. He can be a hard task master, yell, persecute and punish to force them to produce. On the other hand, he can guide, guard and govern; direct, correct and protect the family and lead them to do what he wants them to do not because they have to but because they want to. Children are important wealth building assets for a family. Each one of them was given life to change the world and make it a better place. Each one of them was also given the power to produce wealth to have the finances needed to facilitate that change. Heaven can no longer wait and neither can our kids. The present generation of children must be taught to be strong and disciplined economically to keep themselves from becoming captive to credit debt and poverty. We must rear this generation in an atmosphere of true prosperity and wealth that only comes through adherence to the principles of the kingdom of GOD. Your plan, if crafted properly, should launch your family on a path that will redirect and revive their economic future. Those who fail to plan should plan to fail. This book is designed to give real people real knowledge on how to break free from the cycle of poverty and obtain real wealth. Remember, there is a difference between being rich and being wealthy. Rich is having enough money to meet your needs whereas wealthy is the acquisition of property and valuable things.

157 The only real estate you can leave to provide for your family is wealth. Teach your family that GOD is the true source of wealth. HE will lead and guide you to the source of wealth that HE has hidden inside of you and your family. This will lead you to spiritual and financial freedom for many generations to come. Then, you will see money grow into your family like fruit grows on a tree. The knowledge and advice herein is derived from my experience gained while serving 15 years as a licensed insurance agent and financial planner. However, nothing in this book should be used as a substitute for professional investment advice. Always consult an attorney, tax advisor or certified financial planner when trying to decide which investment plans would be right for you.


Dr. William C. Small has 15 years experience as a Financial Planner licensed to assist clients in retirement planning as well as obtaining insurance, stocks, bonds, and other financial services. He holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies and is President of Beautiful Feet Ministries, Inc. Dr. Small served 20 years in the US Army as an Intelligence Analyst where he was responsible for briefing White House Senior Staff Executives, Senators, Congressmen, Generals and foreign dignitaries. He is a former editorial columnist, hosted radio broadcasts, teaches seminars, and has authored several books including: The Small Stuff: Essential Essays for Successful Relationships, Secrets of the Fortune 500, and Strengthening the Family. See more at


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162 Psalm 8

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth who hast set your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have you ordained strength because of your enemies, that you might still the enemy and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you hast ordained; What is man, that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him? For you hast made him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field; the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passes through the paths of the seas. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!