TOESDAT. gEFTEMBER 9 .194T H is Wastiter. fA C E n m . v F jRanriiPBtpr Ettfntno Hrrath Avurags DaUy Ctradattea I St P . i . W iawin Pbr ita IlM lh M AnRHSl. IStT .S' ky Om post Urn bays umrs IJ. »» WUllaa H. jnekott of »| VFW Is Again and IS Fsara oM and wMm World 9,040 r. pa**- iPtTonog hlo vacatloa wtta m Children Hold Engagements War n Woks ou t thss# boys an- A b o u t T ow n arntTm ^ T. B. Broonaa of Wam- llstad la the sarvlca and f oagbt to WiAR-EVfR IngtM otroot. 'Title Winner away o f tbs battles eltbor to ’ the :**• Flower Show Uojrd-Hf Buropean tbeater or tha Pnclflc Mmnehester—^A City o f ViUage Charm T)M B c a w * * Club of MumIm * bOao Patrlda Mulcaliry, daugh* and art now membsra of Andaroon- W will hoM it> flnt Bwetinr of Ur of Mr. aad Mra. Daniel Hag- Sban Post PRICB POUR CENTS Qtt fbll WWW tool^lit «t •:80 »t rrty, of 54 Valley otroot, o ^ r o d Win Sixth National m i «o page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1947 Marilyn Elahe won honorable Platt’a Mill Bold. Brlitol Terrace, fered today to turn over the admin- to reconalder ita derision to send Their final dtepoalUon la still un- —’Th# murky wfiters of tha laaftaw evening at eight o’clock at Naugatuck, f 'lmerly of 40 Col­ that he believes a special ses- letratloD of Indochina to the, Viet- the 4,400 "Exodus” Jews back to aettled find some ara reported on a the achool. and all parenU of chil­ mention. s. Aonongfihelfi river yield \ U iU n H i Other arrangementa were ea- umbia atreet Meriden, announce idon of CongreM will be nec' Namese if they would remain Tlw lalaad Queen bans* Sereely at her doek la P l^bargh ss Rressea work to bring the flames aad Germany. hunger strike. dren at thla achool, or 6f pra-achool a w ry . But Mmrahxll declined At Merahall said the American gov­ thn'e bodies today as ftren age are Invltad. Superintendent of hibited by Linda Erickson, Brenda the engagement end coming mar­ Presto $12.95 within the French union and per­ eeatraL The area sloag the deck where the excarelea ship exploded was a immlrisal parklag lot In a news conference commenL F\ Stone, John Hayford. Alma Bailey. riage of their uaughter Lucille a ntwm conference to exy fletly Marshall revealed strong American ernment urged the British to rocon- learched for more victims achoolo A. H. nilng wUl Im the DRESSES mit the French to retain strategic aad several aatsasehllea (left) were set aRre. Only th*' crew waa aboard wbra the exploaloa serarred eider their decision. such A aeABlon should be celled. I tat I t to speaker. A aodal time wflll follow Sandra Wood. Bruce Warren, Rob­ Adelaide, to Norman Carl Johnson, bat rariy eattamtes l■dtcat«d the deatb toM might be h^bUb as i i.— (NBA tetepbota).______dieapproval of the Brttlah action. 1 he explosion and Are afc ert McIntosh, niarcia Pierce, Rob­ son of Mrs. E’.le.n Johnson, of 340 We Are authorized dealer o f Wear-Ever, Presto The eecretery did ley the State military installations, the French 'niree shiploads of tho Jews, The British replied, he said, that the one# {H'oud exoursioil with refreahmenta aerved by M «. the only availsMe housing was in C u ^ 3rn Bentley and her dommlt- ert Laaaarrt, Judith Barnea, Rob­ South Muln elieet New Britain. ‘and Mirro-Matiemakes and we have eomplete Department would have at band News Agency reported. seeking to enter Palestine on tha ateamer “bland Queen.” Tha Kemp's, Inc. ert Oralf, Nancy Stoutnar, Salva The wedding is planned for Oc­ VALUES TO $10.98 by late October adequate facta on Emile Bollaret Vreneb high com- "Exodua 1047” were turned'baek Germany. teo. tore Vendrtllo, Charlotte Carlaon tober 11. MlJ« Lavigne la on the repair parts in stock. which to chart a couree of action. mlaeioner to Indochina, made the Veteran Held and their dtaembarketlon at Ham­ However, Marahall addsd that a bodiee found by flremen drag* and Carl Akin. nursing ataff at the Manchester Mix statement came on the heels (Xfer in a q;>ecch at Handopg, the Issue Not Big Enough burg was completed yosterdM. French offer of admittance waa ging the river near the Mfickensa Mias Sylvia ClafUn la the teach­ Memorial hospital. af an urgent ne?* plea from Ixm- agency said in a dispatch from Sai­ Merahall said American ofltciab aUh open and that the Jewish re­ hulk brought the total racorarea er of the aecond and third grade Reduced, to don that the United States assume gon. In Sex Slaying had been keenly aware of the un­ fugees therefore need not neces­ to nine out ot 21 peracte a**a or BULLDOZER a large share of Britain'a occupa­ "The offer 1 am making In the fortunate results which would fol- sarily remain long In Germany. mlaatog. Thirteen otw the tke IS la-I Gii'e Shower Party tion coeta In Oermany. There were name ot the government of the Re- To Pay ’Soldiers’ Bonus ured remntned hooplt4taiiiMrnftef FOR HIRE ^ L reports this country is making pubUo constitutes an ladivlsable Signs Statement That He " a yentardnyly aWSrnooB National preparations to do ao. whole which is to be accepted or rocked the nearby arod. Excayating — Grading For Miss Tarasiuk WUl Be Back From Barope rejected as a whole," the agency Average Payment' in Beat Child to Death GOP Women Playing One ot the hodtOe racevered to­ WM. DICKSON MarehaU, when saying the State quoted him as saying. day stlU was unjdentided. The Land Ckaring — Etc. $3.oo-$4.oo-$5-«o Department wUI have needed data "Thla is my last appeal." State $67 More Than News Tidbits With a Heavy Rods otbera were tdeattSed no thoeo o4 & SON MUs Wandd Taraaluk. daughter at nwnd by late October, comment­ BoUaert also offsred an ex­ Melvin VoMea 84. Ctoetanstt her* Pressure W u Estimated by the tender who niao liffied’ AUard^ Frank Damafo Painting Contrartors of Mr. and Mrs Benny Tarasiuk AIX SALES HNAL ed that the majority of congres- change of prisoners snd said than Colted FroHi (ff*) Wires Lewrence, Mass., Sept. 10.—(PI Key Part in Election of 61 Winter street, was honored glonal cammlttees visiting Burope mild bs no reprisals against tha —A twenty-one-year-old veteran Tenn.. ae bis hoaM. anS neaty Rear 118 East Center SL IriU have returned by that time. jet-Namaas, who have bean fight­ Legislative Committee WilUame. 88, waiter ot ObetanatL of savage acUon on thk carrier and Sons Phone 2-0920 or 5.129 arlth a mlaceUaneotis shower Sat­ He declined to eaUmata bow ing tbs Franch slnoe last Decem­ Klag Neptune plana festivitlea The three rictlma found today urday evening at the Polish- Franklin against the Japanese in Hew Aaeiatant Chair­ apparently leaped lato the rtvbr to WEDNESDAY MORNING 24 Homestead Street Canners much aid may bo required prelimi­ ber. because of a dispute as to the Hartford, Sept. 15—(AV-State as President Taimon croasea tha Again Attacks Purnltore Spray Painting American club on Clinton street Air Conditioned Second Floor nary to the long range plan Mar- future status of Indochina, long Treasurer Joseph A. Adorno said the Pacifle was held today on a pe or wero blown into the to FImbnrot for tbo oM Equator tomunow. . Farm fire man of the. National Phone 7091 or 2-9455 The hoateasea. Mrs. Walter abul has projected for European a French colony. today that average bonus pay­ charge of murder in the eex-elay- water by tbo two blaste whteh, ltd Smoluk and Mrs. Bruno Ostrow- reconstruction. Another condition of tha French in Naugatuck dots $18A6# damage. tog of eevsn-year-rid Loulae Anne Committee la Inter­ mlnutoe converted the Mg ments to veterans were 8267, or . . . New Hanirshire police laaae PbK cy o f U . S . skl. assisted by Mrs. Joseph O ar- largest stock In town available for Imnsedlate delivery. The Bscretary of state said he offer wea that France keep con­ Kurpiel. into a raging inferno, I n ou n has not made up his nSnd on any trol of Indochina's foralgn poUcy. $67 more than was aaUmated aa warrBat chargUig Former Governor view^ in Hartford' PINEAPPLE JUICE Aeckl served a delicious supper to Buy one now for yoor canning confort. Vincent Dellechlele was booked Prevtoualy six other bodlen Wm S guests present from thla town —Armad Soviet Envoy Saye That were Idontitted na those ot Mory tM go onao of DotoTo FInooppIo Miat Taraaluk was seated under T||€ JW.HALC CORK alao-as a detaU. Nam president, disagreed in a the bUI calling for a bonus Bnahoed . Police chief in Don, Maas., bans Jones, meld, ami David O. Beathu written statement in thk presence with the Irrefuteble fact that "you Ameriea b Spoiling ~H dm (jM l tbo thing for onl* a decorated watering can with Maat Oct Anthocity Paris eonferencs that broke up by a $50,000,000 bond leeue. strip tease aboue at Lake Nipmuc watchman, both of canofnnntf, one M aNCNiSTis C o m m . National No. 7 $ last year before the beginning of Adorao, in roleaalng Sguree on of police witnesses that he beat can't win on elecUon without 0). Inrga enn IBb. streamers extending to the many 1 8 ,8 5 At the same time, MarsbaU said theater after proteaU by church the child to death with a heavy Attempts at Aceord Mrs. Vlrglnta VeagqE cook, of beautiful and useful gifts, includ­ be does not think It Is possible to h oi^ tles. Ho Insiatod that Viet- bonus paymenta to data, said he leaders. . . National Baptist Con­ women,” attra«.tlvo 80-yeor-old Covington, Ky. Tho other throo I WEDNESDAY MORNING BINGO get authority for aid without a Nam should control Its own foreign did not know whether the bond vention of Negro church opens in rock in brush adjoining a Merri­ ing a sum of money. The color mack river parking k>t when eha Mra. Robert W. Macauley, new as- bodiee were chnrrqd ao badly Iden- anecial session. sffsirs. . issue waa large enough. Lake Bucoeoe, BepL 10—(0)— to. rinrbnrot tor year schema used waa yellow, green, Kansas (Jity today. fought off hie atUmpta to rape tmention wao virtually ImpoosiWffi tlM total of Marshall's com- BoUaert returned to Indochina The Sgurea ejiow that more than Air mall letter makes Tokyo to Blatant ohalroMin. Repubileaa Na­ Andiel A. Qramyko, Bevlet deputy of fKLXMi. and purple. National No. 5 $1 7 .7 5 her. ______\ Wo OVori SOMETHING NEW FOR DOGS menta appeared to those at his 10 days affo aftsr Paris tffika with $10,000,000 ot tha money has al­ Now York and back in 1# days. . . tional committae, aims to ohaanol toreign m)nietor, eliavged today Miss ’Taraaluk will be married to aews eonferencs to add to this: SocisUst prsmlsr Paul lUmadier ready been rndd-out to aome 30,QOO e W M k vroie femimn. vote Into There wero no hgietnRere t M l*0, any lavor TVBWAYS Francta M. Chartler, son of Mr. Dog owners can now obtain a broad new ■Bial fiaaual meetingAsranaati thnt the United ataten is doing 1 MM> rnddlng. VamUa. HOUSEWARES — Basement Masshatt hsMaass Um m will hava and othsrmtolslsrs. H k statement veterank. ‘ITila means that 20 per cal Enjtoeere in Worcerter today. n b ^ the ship at the B m eofthe Bnttorneoteb or Cbaoolato, At tht and Mrs. Raymond J. Chartler on Insurance policy that wlH pay for theft to be a epeclal aeseton to late Oc­ cent of the money hoa been apenL . . . ‘Their etfort. to panhandle In an interview at Hotal Bond everything poeelble to "undarmlne" dieaster. / October 4 In St. James’s church. of a dog or death caused or made neces­ tober or early November to pro­ (Oaattoaed aa Paga I8ght) aad that if payments continue at but dispersed without incident aft­ attempts to reach an agraemSht on E tto d f - to reoovor the boSten Tbo $ Pnekagoo tar S4o money to pay' toll* across Groton- er he had been placed in a base­ Mra. Macatiles. youngest person In sary by numerous accidents. Including be* vide a temporary aid fund as a the present rate they wiU cover New London bridge lead to arrest pollUcal history to boM such an international atomie oentroL were tampered with caution no ing hit by sn automobile, bitten by another, qlayf Grran Stamps Given With Cash Sales! ment cell pending arralgnntent to­ aort of advance on the MarehaU oiUt 180,000 veterans. of three Fall Rlvei- youths wanted I mporUnt poeL was poalUve about In the moot aleejUiw attack he tha chOrred hulk ot the Sve-doffil ORAMCE HAIX dog, gunahot, etc. Drop into our office In long-range aasiatance program. *nie number of veterans believed for theft of autemobile. . . One of day. the "key part our women will play der sank d e i ^ lato the mod- the Rublnow Building, or Telephone 6810 The girl, who disappeared Sun­ has yet made on thie United States Monongahelf) O M W tN K iMit he is not yet ready—pend­ Jews Arrested el'giblc for paymenta la toneldered the first taakj cf our new unified in the coming election" and gave poelGon In the United Natloiia wntan of her for full information and ratea. No obliga­ ing taial word from President Tru­ much in excess of thnt figure. day night after attending the rtvbr berth. GOOD PRIZES tion. Remember: military establ'shment will be the birthday party of a little friend, her feminine colleagues a pat on atomic energy commiaelon, the SPECIALS man—to make hie decision known. 178,6*# AppHed Already drafting of a set ^ master war the beck tot the Mg GOP victory Soviet delegate said that the U. S. Once, flremen were ordered fresi PENNY BINGO REGULAR BINGO Before Loeees Happea, laeare With Lappent He said the president Is being kept In Bomb Plot The number estimated by the was found Monday morning with boat boenuse the hull woo ELMDALE TOMATOES her head crushed almost beyond in 1046. actlona oontradiot the "high-’ informed of aU the facta *to the General Assembly’s Veterana’ Af- AFL Executive- 0>uncil hints ehlfUng and threatened to bnalf 7 i3 0 P. M. «* 0 0 P. M. recognition. She praised CixmecUeut Senator ■oundlng" phrases by the U. S. m No. I can...... 17e a . JW.HALC COM situation. • feln committee waa 250,000 veter­ that third rourd of postwar wage Raymond B. Baldwin for hla cait- control of tho atom for p sidawaya no it alipped into deic er Scant f o r ...... 50e In a formal statement which he ans. State Selective Service fig­ demands can be expected If the coet Dellechlale waa arrested yesUr^ water. Only the top deck wao Sponsored By B. W. V. JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. M A N C M S t m i C o m m * Volunteered at the outaet o f ' his Explosives Found on dav in a Franklin, N. H., hosiery etandlng record , in Congreea hut It Is about time," he tokf the INHITROR8 — REALTORS ured 235.000 and the War depart­ of Rvlng continues to mount. . . . refused to continent on tho big eUU vieibla sad it wan boUeved Caaipbeira coniference, MarshaU said the im­ One of thf Transports ment 213,(M0 veterana as claiming mill about 75 miles from the scene 18th formal meeting ot thy com- R l’BlNOW BUILOINO TELEPHONE M l* mediate phese of Ehirope’e re­ Britlsli ambaNoador to Iran flying of the slaying when an alert girl mlsaton, “to any diractlj^to the TOMATO SOUP Open Thnreda.v Evenings, 7:00-8:M P. M. home for top-levtl talks on Soviet- (Contlnmid Un Page Twelve) (Oenttoned on Page Twelve) quirement “wlU clearly have to be Doeked at Hamburg (Csatlaae# an Page Bight) clerk. MIhs Marjorie Tracy, 26, authors of the Amerlcfm pro- S eana for 29r Cdttomgiuy, Morriis0y tnd Let Ua Arrange the Financing On Vour Next AatoaoMla given our jurgent consideration Iranian relations. . . (?orn hits new observed that he had registered posale their statementa era In con- and cannot await the completion nil Ume high at 82.63 la Chicago. . for work under bis tradlotlon to their actlona." CR18C0 or SPRY Cbtney, Int. Hamburg, Germany. SepL 10— . . . Pereenal Incomes reeched new DO YOU NEED A -INSURANU- of the broader study which the Saw Name In Newspaper Tho commiaelon mot to net on S ponnda fl.OS overall program demands.” (iP>—Fifty of the Jewish Exodus high in July, equivalent to an an­ Welfare Dept. ita aecond report, ordered by tha Freight W reck Ona Lewi* Si., Hanford 7-)263 1947 rofugaea a n under arrest and G O P W in n e r nual rate of 81k7,000,000,000. . . . She bad noted to m Boston news- The State and War departments . / paper that a man of • that name U. N. Security Council last M a ^ WEDNESDAY MORNING diecloced last night that the Bri­ a search la on for those responsible Norma Lee Arnold, who waa strick­ 10. The report eontatna viows CALL for planting a bomb aboard one of en with polio a year ago, crowned was sought for questioning In con Shake-Up Seen On New Haven or nay day tMo wooh . . tish embassy had sent word that For Congress nection with the Kurpiel girl'e a majority of 19 countrian on the TRUSS? the three transports which brought queen of Richardson Ctounty Fair 13-roember commloaion on the I ■ la at Pbniairot aad loo Britain will run out of dollars to them to Germany, a BrIUah official dbeUi Dellechlale had been work­ m omo cover ita expenditures in Germany in Nebraska. . . Springfield Sun­ princinleo involved In creating and I orar tbo dIonlay of B a annoanced today. ing '*■ B y OLb vase Mt HMA m their Immlgrimt ship off Palestine Uon of aU relief eases to ferret out Ihavo na wwd yoa one on the 1940 (J.M.C. Cab Over VARvOR Voo a rata of 1880,000.000 a year in ifl mid-July, werv in dlkplacM per­ Uon that had a* its cSntral issue ance, $2,788,880,230.86. (Contianed oa Page BIglit) Government ^Wishes to Haven'e principal Now TorkrOofir 6R SPARK PLUGS ing picture of inefficiency and tn- COUSIN BILL SCO (IRO). pulled up a bigger margin of vic­ prise acienUst said today a world­ evolution down Uiroughr the ages, Minister Attlee’s economic crlaie ' Work Under Sanndillgh.ta . he said. coirpetence which la traceable program. . Crews from New Londw eaS CJpanc^ and Adjusted A British naval official said he tory than his predecessor, the late wide epd ^ rr latent misuse of Will Teach Dancing believed the Jews aboard the Bm- Charles J. Geilach, did in three Dr. Muller f<>und Shat X-rays both to the stipervlsoi), by virtue The cute, whose exact extent New Haven w#ro epad to the scene F la sh e s! plro RivaL aecond of tha threg previous elections. atomic energy could ultimately could greaUy speed up a gene of her atsolute control, and to the has hot been determined, will not aboard wncking trains equipped 5c Each RED M EN'S changes and tiiat similar mutaUons togrd by virtue of delegating Ita mean any new "revision of strate­ with derricks. The alow task ot destroy the human gene system i At the I si lbs (P) Wira) transports to be empUfd of refu­ - The new congressman had re­ (Lais gees hare, kne%v of tne existence ceived 47,512 votes to Starch’s and^sult in the dlsupcarence of mostly harmtul, were brought powers. - gic concepts." be added. righting the cars, cleaning op thf " ‘ J A : It's Tops mankind for huhoreds of millions about by radioactive substances "Jndgroent Is lAcklnf" Attlee oriMnally propoeed. to re­ debris and ropalrtng the tracks be* of the bomb p'.ahted aboard the 20,M7. The total re^tratlon In ' smunusB ship. He said this might ejcpiain the district waa 73,000 Republicans of years—If hot forever. ; and penetraUng radloacUvlty. He "Good sound business duce tho British forces to 1.007,- gah at once under aearchltght ilf Nsw rraad Ossss why the Empite Rival w u the and 40,000 ocmocrats. He also maintained sn atom added: is utterly lacking throughout, 000 by the end of arch, 1048, to rumination. Dy n a m o m e t e r FRONT END New Brakes Waabtaitsa. Sept. 10—m« forcea now total 1.800,000. Boston by way of Hartford. Feffi c a r b u r e t o r • Camber eevared atoe new fraud esses ta- waa found and detonated by British turns showed (leilach received 50,- action "Ume tombs" in the germ \ mutaUons. 'either through his di­ mon Council at a meeUng lu t aengera on other tralne'trensferrsd (dIEVROLET vslvlag SSA6S415 to settlemeBt at rect death, in consequence ^ it, night The council voted to meet Other Pevelopmente to a ahuttle hue eervice hastily pqt JV REPAIRS • Toe-in forcea after the Jews left the ship. 407 votes and Marie Rlckert, cells of the survivors "resulUng In | Other developments In the econ­ BINGO tsmriastsd war coatracta. k spattering ot hundreds ot thou-1 or through his failure to reproduce later in an extraordinary aeeaion, into operation between New Hsvro Declelea b iBaalaeat DemocraL 43.078. a dlfferehce of PLYMOUTH • Wheel Balancing • s o to b- called by the mayor, to ex­ omic sphere: Featuring Something Different Every Tuesday and X spokesman for tbs British 16,884. The 1042 vote was 48,870 sands of deaths from now on, —in either case h.s "genetic death." end New London. Fbsd Pftees Ootag Us through the very distant future." Experiments with many hun­ am! n- the recor.npendatkma In de­ John W. Bi.yder, U. 8. secretary The scene of Um accident we* • Shock Absorbera military government said in Kiel for Gerlsch and 84,104 for Francis of the treasury, oenferred private­ Evening. Playing Starts Promptly at 8 p. m. ‘ New Tarfc, Sapt. IS—(AV-Most Collum, Democratic candidate. The observai Ions were made by dreds of gcnerati?na of fruit flies, tail. near the Montowese street bridge IGNITION e Axle and Frame feed prices eostisasd thrir npaard a high-level decision was Imminent ly today with Hugh Dalton, chan­ an arrangementa to implement the Wea Sarctol Eleetlea Dr. H. J. Mullet, professor ef Zoo­ he continued, "allow us to infer, The investigators urged that the here. Tim uprooted in the dersQ- And You Don't Stay Late.' SERVICE Straightening ■pinl taSay to wheleaale aad ra- Oliver W. Frey waa,the last logy at Indiana university, who with considerable probablUtv. that Job 3f supervisor be abolished, cellor of the exchequer. A govern­ ment and lumber from some of tiff ‘ . Better aad eggs ware French government’s offer of asy­ ment source 'sald It was a "safe freight ears was thrown over thf lum to uoaa of the ntugaea voir Democrat to be elected to congress was awarded the Nobel prise in when an atomic bomb is set off called upon board members unable Installed. or unwilling to devote their time assumption” that Dalton inquired embankment and for a while Mock­ BALLET ORIGINAL PARTS! g u a r a n t e e d WORKl UBteeiltig to go to F m e*. from th* districL He won a special medicine and Physiology last year In a largo populated area end kills yttosofto^ for discovery uin( gene mutaUons • hundred tbouearA people dlrecUy, to ooard duUcs to leUra and sold about the posslblUty of UidHlnited ed a mtle-used highway. , ^ ^ Prior ta tha arrival ot tha thiao eleetlea to 1688 aad was rs-slluictod The derailed cars were located ALSO HAVE GOOD SUPPLY OP NEW TIRES SiS'JSSyv transport ships ir Hamhurg. ths,| in 1684 and '86 (changes) can be produced by X- enodgh muuUons have hem the poard sheukl «^reise full au­ ttatee releasing the frozen por­ TOP DOLLAR RED MEN'S thority in the depi^ment "ee re­ near the mWdie of the train. The ilanted In the rurvivora, living on tion of her 18,780,000,000 loan to AND BATTERIES Aettaa Oa War Baala military- governrosnt- hod V Dospite Llchtonyraltor’s victory, raya. l^ m otlv e end front ca n ramalaeS TOE nounced that tn.ins would be pro­ his supporters i,nd the bsckcra of Genes are the tiny essentlel par­ fbe edge and tringes of the ex­ quired by lew." ■ Britain. Tho last MOO.000,000 was FOR YOUR New OeIhLBept. IS—uP>—Troops on the tracke. as did the roar ed*s vided for those |vho scespted the Starch took differing post-election ticles in all living things which, plosion, to cause at lasat as many A scectal section of the report froMn after Britain withdrew per Btraek today agatoat Conanuaal -enetic deaths as this, hutdispersed was devoted to the Nararaake mission for other gdbernments to of the train. ^ CAR rtattag |a Delhi blaawd for IASS Franch offer. views of the tt-aulta when transmlttet. from parents to In New York O ty the Naan sport Center ''CARE tA VIS WEAR' '’Bull’’ MICHALAK children, make ll*e offspring what throughout thj future population Hon r#*, which the Inveetigatora de­ change their British currency into The screening process, being car­ G. Meson 05\lett; Republican deaths this week, awtttly foHow over a period.o/ not merely hun­ scribed as “probably the blackeet Haven railroad posted eigne in ADAGIO "B ob” OLIVER Idg np a pirdge by Prime Mlalater ried out both by security officers national commltUemen from Penn­ he la. Genes ara the heredity ele­ dollars. Grand Central trrminal notifying dreds but Uiouriaids of years.' He page In Norwalk’s album." WELLS STREET Jawaaarial llraru for actloa **oa and reprsssntatives of thelRO. ssas sylvania declarfd in a statement ments that cause children to re­ T# Im m a m Bxporis peoeengen that tratae hetwaoR expected to take several days. that the vote "was a amaahing re­ semble their ppicnta in aome re­ added: The home, a city-operated farm k for ibe aged. Inflrm end alcohoUce, ’ 11)0 Britlih aouree aald that un­ New York-end Boston ware OiMenl Officials said the Jews who cams buke to the radical labor bosses spects. ' . “These mutations would be scat- der a plan which the Beard —The tlgaiera said "civic pride turned Ciripps. will ennounoa Fridey. The OwL crack New Havw)! 3 S 2 9 nsMlMtltr af cotttag hoaatag oeate available to


- - t j i • fy ta a m t for next wooli uxiar a ctoixis Uwn dry t o wtileli Is affac* the form of a dock In one of the at aoma of chUdreo and the knitted articio, hand-craft ariiela, ■ O llr v t h r “ klC S fnw meOwl of aprajrhw calrtnin - thra wly wltfc evaiuliai ckxto at parks at Inteiiakan, rsoaHed the Write-In Votes grammar d in musical Harvest Queen nature book, model airplane, vege­ •' cUoride instead of povrdarad dry. oeruia attltaiaa: New Building fact th at Mm had raoalvad a aard Soap Box Race Hollister PTA salectionfl. tables, canned fruits and vaga- News Tidbits First Rescue by Helicopter tablea. Cash and ribbons are given Ia« U fakivur R a I i I lie* <"t» •U‘«*y lookla* Cloada. The actottsta aaid tkay baltoad many ytara afo, IPIB to ha eor> On November 18, whled thUa in m aK ing I%«iu baletuaiq i I« u8i cvionde,rviortde. a WtuuwblU aawd-,aalciaaiaawd>|aalctaai chlortdachlotMa aprayad Into a raet, picturing .this Mock In alt Its b OP) duriag ^tional Bdoeation Wash, aa prlaes. Firm Formed floral beauty. Tha hour and aaln- Raise Queries C RH PmB WirM Plans Checked Adopts Agenda To Be Chosen ! a r y aukatanro, te a powrfful dryinp I cloud a ^ d attract water, caiMtng In the Far jyorlh f Reported tha apfdhar wtU ba T>r. Flnla B. A rahesraal of t)w Juventla ______in n itiiatn- i aa«>t because each roolwtile of It ‘a thln^lstthin^lst which then would co- co-1 ------• ute hands are rariicd out In arhitc Englffban, deputy commtolimer of Oranga fair group to take part flosrars on the hu^a dial, and be- Prtoe Minister Nehru of India cduehUon for the Btata of Oan- In the harvest M geant wilt be Baa -STVsin. uy i#orbinf six nioleculea of ws''.er*‘^water. ias f rTinrain. , P'lie B „ u ild , m _ Coroora- . . naath the dial la th> word "Wel­ Their Legalily in Prima- Rotary 43ab Committees dropped from the air, but ant male Theme qf Year*B Pro* nectlcuL Thta will ba an (ton maet- Junior Psfeant to Be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the ____ t« BBake rain ifortnnp come r" In the Oerman languaga. pladgck govemmant maaauraa “on Waahlngtca, Sept 10.——The ' Council selentlata expressed be- lion Seekw Prrmila for rien Being Discuaaed Meet to Complete first reeeqe by helicopter la the get the food fleet and whan he Hig ao that aU Intorsatsd may ahara Feature at Grange armory. ______brinf I Brasil Is the second largest | , Tbia beautiful clock flower bad a war basis" to oops witb liom- arrived at the apot Vf wae gone. gram to Be Taeqiits, tha opportunity of haarlfig Dr. An added attraction of tha fair variety o f! producer of cocoa. Four Singlm la evidently planted each spring;. An PoRn Ponl«Mortem munal strife . . . Premlsr-destg- Derby PreparationR Per NoMh, la whleh a awrooned He Was to have bean plc&ad up Family Life Edncatiaii' Engtaroan. who Is outataadlag tn Fair 'This Week-End planned for Saturday afternoon 25^?*A A r h,ve plwin^ «' Just aa the slchtly stars and nata Hasan Saks axpacta to or­ Aleekaa trapper was plucked out by m float plana, but low watar tba flsld of edueatloa. will be a drawing contest for stripes of the American flag are ganise new Turkish ruMuet by of oonditione prevented that. Ths program committee, finder "doodlebuga" or home-made trac­ A new corporation Is being planted In color each season In Whether or not Charles R. Mscy, Tha stsarihg commltUe of tha a tough altuatlon. wae reported The program committee of the the chairmanship of Mrs. Retort A special feature of th* Grange nightfall . . . Bntish foreign of- RoUry a u b 's lb47 Boap Box today by the Army Air Forcee. He then teahinned a crude sign, tors. Theas draft maohines have formed in Manchester to erect KItsabatb Park, Hartford. Democrat, la >o te a double contest­ "Get Artny,” as a call for halp. A HoUiater Streat Bdiool PTA an­ H. Smith, Includes; Mr. and Mra. Country Fair bring held at the unusual pulling power, and they flee spokouman thinks fats of Roco, hoadod by ohalnnau r r td A 'Chjpitcr piloted tnr let LieuL WllUam P. Slovar, Mrs. Donald J. housea This corporation will be ant at alscUor. tunc, and whcUicr "Rxodus" pussangars will d l^ Charlee 0. Weir of fQoomiagton, dvilUn pilot aaw iL notiflad tha nounces that the thema of their State Armory here Friday .and will be hitched to heavily laden Malln, mot lost ovonlag foHovtiig Kirby, sacond vice president; Mra. ■toneboaU at tha rear of the arm­ known as the Pine Builders Cor­ or not PYsd Batigranl can hold on courage new attempts to entar , the regular Rotary dinner masUng lad, awmber ot the 10th Reeeue Rearua aquadron and tha haUeoe- program for the yaaf lW7-dfl will Saturday wlU be a harvest pageant eqiMdroB, flew recently to the ia- ter'araa dlapatnhed from Load Philip Tangerone, Principal Ihom- program offered by the members ory, and given the gas. A apeclal poration, and thta rooming appli­ to hla Damoerstir nomination for PalaaUne and hopsb'it 'wiU have and flnoJ prapnratlons for tha an- ha "Paianta and Family Ufa Edu­ ■a Bentlay and Mrs. Robsrt Mac­ prise of f30 haa been established Police Court "no effacts" on the re-ednenti— of! tertor ot Alaska to bring out field at ratrbanlu. the Juvenile Orange. Appro­ cation was msde to Building In­ tha Board of lsh.catlon were mat­ nusi darby were made. Inspactora Weir located the trapper de­ cation,” a. aubjept which has been intosh, prastdant. for the winner of this event. spector David Chambers for per­ ters that wen< being argued this ! the flernMUi paaple away from tho were appointed to eontaet all who Oaorgt Plucinski, who due to a ee* priate to thU season, the climax teachings of Hitler . . . Rep. rise ci mUadventuree bad been Uv- spite oneomtnf darknesa and rain recomroendad for study by the mission to erect four houses on James Madden In his hist ap- morning as tha Import of write- have reglatered for the race to equaJla, landed hla R-5 helicopter F to r HUM In of pageant wUI be the rrnwn- YOU vacant lots located In the Pine paaranca In ipcti town court, was I Andersen (R-Mlnn) says In Oer- date In ordar to chock cars In ad- Ing on a diet of berries and small National PTA organlaation. Al- \of tha harvest queen. iVprj-Cto Ctopmv, Low ItbmdCihl. N. T. in-votes for then* went Into dla- aninuila fer two weeks. on a eiuKl bar an$ then took off theugh the first regular meeUng Aersa tract. Tha plans call for ' sentenced to f.h one police questioning four youths aad | following the regular moating. school, with tha hops th at all will Maay thanks to all «ew pa- erect two one-family houses on: rcaistlng citargce had been naitieo on tha machines Chai*ge of .4rson ! Old Servant Left The blast was tn Thornhill |fit, play artlelek for ptlte award. Thia Juvenile on aeries of offira bar-; Salectlon of priaaa to bo awardod want 'to bacoma aasociatad with IL department Of the fair la In chargs traaa who have contrlbatad Oakwood street at an astimsted | Madden was aiTcatcd yesterday | by wrrlte-ln, Macy by one vote, gUrirs . , . Four member* of Chi-1 will be made wlUiln tha next waek It la emphosixed by the member- Dew-sbury, In a r area where a When Minute*0 five-weeks-old unsuthorixed strike of Mrs. W. T. Uttle. and the fol­ to our sacneea dariag oar coat of I7JI00 each. Pater Gal- morning at iU;y5 by I'atrolman Batignani by two, Macjr's name cagn'a Antl-Cru«lty Soclaty per-1 flfld will then be placed on display Against Fanatics 9100,000 in WiU ahip committee that parents of first year. fiO MONEY .*1 YEARS lasao was granted a permit to usorge sMmt wimj was acting as a appeared on Uie machlnM town hxs cloeed forty four tmlllsriea. lowing artlclea may ha antered Count! form snrcrssfni operation to re-'*" o"a ot the F. T. Btlsh Hard- pre-school ehlldren gnd any others by boya and gtila: doll dreaa, child’s erect a one-family house on Henry reauu of a com| is'nt rscelvou ironi clerk, and he was voted that nomi­ move flah hook from throat of i ware store windows. Dr. Sheri­ Intareated bi tha field of education Hava Teat doetor tele- IK>WN TO PAY .'Street at an estimated cost of i the propilctor m the fetot Bids Netoon, B. C . Sept. 10— (B) — Chicago, Sop* 10—(ff>—Thsrs Avnka Meeenge dreaa, apron, stuffed toy, hand nation, and Batignani appeared for one-pound mud turtle. dan announced that Richard Stone are eligible to belong to a PTA printad picture, crocheted article, pkoaa hla preeeripttoa First Anniversary 910.000. I BodH Hliop at Hpiucc street. board of directi-rs to which he was Three Doukhobors, ell identified was an overT.ow crowd of custom­ group, and those desirous of Join- _ . of Stone's, Jewalars, has donated Damaacm, Syria, Sept. 10—(P) to W■Mae’s ever aai pri- Bepteinher Is proving to he one i Vvbcn Pairuinisi; Ueiu approached nominated-In addition to the axtrn a 17-Jewel Waltham wrist watch as members of the Sons of Free­ ers at Mattallna'B tiny deliuatsassn ing Who art not contacted through veto priiteaalwaal wtra. far ' Special of the best months for new build-, Madden ha lesiatad arrest quite offices for which their names were Now Wave Of Terror store last night, hot Instead of the school should gat in toudi with -Fifty-two shiekha and chiefs, Clip this advL — It wHl eatl- as an award to the 1S47 Town dom sect, were convicted lest representing avsry Arab tribe In immeiMate dafivery to Ing in Manchester for the last i violently and hod t« be haodci.iied written In. (^tampion. making purcharea they Joined Mto Gertrude Carrier, at the tle yoa to a 18% dlsrooal severs! months. Already there I oefore iie ccnilb bt brought to the There is n.i miestlon as to the Moscow, Sept. 10—(A^—Official night on chargee of arson In con­ school, or Mra. Francia B. Reid of Syria, sent a meoaage today to the ^ 'on all ghwa work duriag the Guests at last night’s meeting James MatUItra in celebrating hla have been permits grantei from writing tn a Harisoff tastlfled that he asslat- rage la baaeaseat. ell baraer, : aticvi. Control wuh evidently lost' name? The towi charter apparent- TODAY THUBHOAV free.*^’ DoerroR targe leL Sale Priere 88,800 to ed In bottling gasoline that had But then he changed his mind, ■ —.M,. . .JIn^^. UH ilic cur Hiik-Mipcd a iilillly pole ! ly does not speeiflcally bar write- bean drained from automobiles. RICHARD C. ALTON 88,450. Dowa Payeseat 8IA00 on the left side ot bpnng street ins In primaries adding: ‘‘Somf.thing might go to 82.4M, Teram Arraaged. m Ha aald that he. together with wrong and I wouldn’t get the mon­ Chlrcipractlc Physician ... YOUR choice of COVER and COLOR and then strucit'a tree on tbe*rlght There Is s fine question' here thst Bayoff, were standing with a ey.” Wishes To Anhounce ; side of the road further to Uu- may keep offinsl. busy for days. group of eeven or eight disrobed The Removal of Hla Office To USTINOS WANTED south. Mattallna aald he started work WrItaJas Qu^Uoa Doukhobors when the fire occur- for Mias Craig and her hrotber-ln- bcnator House stated that Mlaa The machines were left in con­ 146 MAIN STREET red. V law and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. (North of the Center) Balricia Kirkputrick, a passenger dition for the vvriting In of names, “Borne of ua prepare gasoline, ALLEN REALTY CO. Here’s Exciting Coat NE\X/S! in the car, who had lieen seriously George Smith, 23 years ago. Smith, Manchester, (Tonn. ’ and names were written in. The oome of us burn and some of us a paving contractor, died three RBALTOBS ■ 9 a injured, was making rapid recov­ moderator declaied the men con- IgO CBNTEB STKCB1 ery and would autfer no III affects disrobe.” he said simply. years ago. aad Mrs. Smith died Office Hours eerned to be nominated. To re­ PL17H: “WICKED UkDY” last November. 'TCLIUWnNB 8100 from the crash. He said that Cass verse that .leclsion might take State’s Pnlaald Day By Appointment admitted going faster than he court action >f Indeed, any reversal HUTIDN AB Llaee el laearaaee. aiiould have on a narrow high is tn order. CALL 4868 . lacladtag LMe. crowned roXd, but aald that his JOHH Hartford. Sept. 10—(P) — Gov. Merlgafiee Arraaged All-Wool, All-Weather Under the rhsiter. if proposals | Jam es U McOonaughy, In pro-1 I speed was not so great aB to have are filed, and If m e of those who ' UIHD claiming Saturday, October 11 as I been dangerous on a normal blgh- has filed a proni/sal dies, or with­ Pulaski day In Connecticut, ex- I way. Heiiator House told the imurt draws before th»- primary, his town preaaed the hope ot a completely-1 i t t ^ u c a M jU -! thiit his client had explalni f 0 he had lost control of the car In volved. Has the town committee KISSING HER NOW” of cavalry In the Continental trying to control a skid which re- alone the right to fill a vacancy, ' (In Colorl army. He was killed during the aiilted. or I* this merely permlaalve, at t June Haver - Mark Rtevens siege of Savannah. ' ZIP­ AI..SO! “Dick Tracy** DUemnk" Judge Bowers found him guilty the same time r cling as no bar to i of reckleas driving and fined him any Individual writing In himself, i FeaVnrr: 3;00-6:S0-0:7.'i MUV K Bflin »7ft. or his preference for the poat 7 l,n t Hliow Nightly! IlilS Judge Bower* consented tn the In the pre*«-nl cate there aaa no . HUNDAV: Frtsh rayisa cnnUmiance until Reptembfr 20 of withdrawal. There was aimply no “Love Laughs At Andy linrdy" the case of spe« otng against 8. J. i propoaal filed for the poaU. which Christian of Kllllngly. A ! appeared vacaK or the Democratic '^TWO fil[)6S continuance to Kuturdsy was made , machines. If nominations had not PUTS ------In the case of violation of the been closed by sune Icgsl or offt- PAUL KELLY in LINING rules of the road against Russell means, then, until voting ”FEAR IN THE NIGHT’ j K. Cramer of Brrndy street, Bol-' officially ternuiisted, nomlrstion 10 mOKE ,**»!< ij.*’ ton. snd voting might continue. Judge Bowel a announceel this | on the other side. It can be seen First Time Shown In Manehesiet . . • ' morning thst court will be held i much confusion might result aiwwuitaitsaJBUCTriittiiDWB The New In-Between Sise Sola 1 this week on Saturday Instead of I if Candida tea, relying on writ-ina E h i L O E h V ;you 00 E I Friday, and will h« hold on Ratur- j instead of on i ropoanls; gave up I day until next summer, | fning the latter and instead, get supporters to wnU them Into noml DRI¥E IN THEATRE Women Oet Right to Vote nation instead, dtill, if nominations non have not boSn clcsed, there seems A b o v e . . . COAT Buenoa Atrea. Sapt. 10— f/h — to be no present means of check­ President Juan D. Peron was ex­ ing such praclif e If voting pro­ e vB R yd o vy pected to sign within a few days cedure St the primary Is the same 2-Pc. Period Suite a measure granting an estimated aa at election, write-ins are not 8,000,000 Argentine women the barred. Everybody loVes gab- right to vote for the first time. Republicans, who claim they With New Size Sofa The bglll won final legislative ap -, __aren't____ worried_____ by . the contest, have ffTABm THVIBS.t BOfO OROBBT ardine-and gabArdine proval last night In the Chamber i expressed Interest In the technical hi “East Side of Haaveu" of Deputies. I pointy thst arise In this instance. PLVSt “laolde Jeb“ lovog evBiybody. - The iO?. 'amall and the'tall, the from $ 2 58 slim snd the Ourved— DcHigned espctilally for today’s amaller, all look marvelous fn home.i, the new "in-between” size »ofa i.4 larger than a love Heat, umaller than tho con­ DANCE WEDNESDAY NIGHT this crisp wool fabric. To th e Mnaic of ventional Hofa. You’ll like ita graceful pro- ARTIE CUSTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Now we’ve the newest portfoiiH, the Hmart 2-cu.'thioh tailoring. The suifp 18 available covered in yOur choice of ZIP-OUT the lining . fashion! in colors to V \\ f finO fabrics and lovely puHtel tolorH. THE HAYLOFT plefise every fashion -and wear it N O W I, IN BI-ACK SUEDE ROUTE 31; SOUTH COVENTRY palate,..and sizes to \ / THE HOME OF SOUTHERN BAR-^Q null you and you and ZiP-IN the lining ^ you. Custonf Covered and wear it. all wintar long I LEGAL BEVERAGES A' ■ ^ t Telephone WilNmantic '22A1-W2' ' Lowson Love Seats

lio iA i . j •\ Mi NifMs Til! from $141.50 . G A V E Y ' S ^ M East Ceeter Street Cttln THI$rf rrmnvs You fleleet the upholstery fabric, you select the color you wish. The love seat will be You won’t wfgr this co«t Just for a .season— TONIGHT 4mL TMk ti»« fih custom covered to-your-prder. A wonderful ' . a opportunity to have exactly what you want. but all y«ar long. It’s the fliiest utility coat iSBBE HqW V v^MBHi^ SB Mi Im m a stylet te meke yew you’ve owned. The material ia rich Venetian An Entirely Mew and'Different Show starry-eyed wBti > y end 4ffl$fs TIm $t$ iff Msby Other Cvatom Covered Htylen Smart New / * ^ ■ Are Not Pictured. Covert and the lining (which is zipped in or keep yew "w e lk in f eq; Featuring 2-Cnhhion 2 ;A, Matching wadding' WJfi^a n MPMUMW MB PtoRMMHMM^V

out aa the weather dictates) is all wool— air” thrawah every ^ bonds for br)do] -MfiMBrc 8M8OT IHiMpMV MB WBMFg taffv. • . lend groom of LAWSON SOFAS Creamy Gray or Beige. active hewr. '^cgivod 14k geld.' Ybta 11-88 'b MORT. MmUM. “THE BILLY TAU. Csha: Tffr Hs Cayiw Ju$t Arrived: From SIZES 10 TO 18 \ *•, Suporbly carved ■aeka* •man. M jhsM. Amies. Custom covered in the cover and color of your own choice . . . and JOY TRIO” bonds for bride -Tredasert Rsf- N«ir Foil emd groom of 14k • . » trimmed with lavish fringe. It’s the $175 aaBwaoHiui ' They're Really terriffet ' ytRow gold. ‘ Lomp Styles newest style sofa, featuring two long eeee ueuiniiriNe cushionfl. ---* ' Aa ShowR \1SIT OUR I. J. rOX FUR DEPT $7.95 C. DtihncHvaly tlylfid . $9.98 If you want to hkar MBiething' different—oobic- in tha modem mon- from $6.95 thing in a claaa by itself—Hear This Trio Tonight! nar, matching 14k Rlehly-dscoratlve Umps gold bonds- .that add new aparkla and r m j w Of MiMANCHESTER W e r ^ m e r 'S Delicious Always Legal a charm to an eiiUra room. Cool Beveraceo China, brgea and al*haa- Dinners tar hqaw: handaoma SHOE^TORE DONNELLY'S ahadts. 825 Main Street •HOUSE OF quA Lm r A t' lAVEY BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE eIII!) MAIN t ST w 0Pi>CSlTE MICHs SCHOOL


and eloaklnga, upholstsry and cov­ five state atrueturad at tha 9to Organist Ends Fine Fabrics erings. ytar-old axpoalUon whleh has baaa G I Policy Group of Harvard Savants Part of the booth will bs given clostd since 1941 when tha Army For Your Nmt Services Here ovev to five original watereolor took ovar Its vast grounds and 44 To Be Shown palntlnga of typlileal min acenes U- kuUdtim* for uaa aa an oMnawsa Fot Students Plan Study of Parrots lustratlu dUfara'arent phases of tho depot Tho 1947 show marks tha OBl«RAL0BUCnaO nwaufaeturtngurtng proesas.pi Wool aass- building’s fourth year of partloi- Ernest C Johnson, Jr., Msntlng varloua stagss of patiou In tho Mg fair. ■ REFRIGERATOR Is to Enter College; Plaa Altered to Dattoit, Bept !» - < » » —A group fpreeeiit report la preliminary to a T o Hbim I County Prod­ manufacture will aupptsmant tha of Harvard aeler.tUU la planning' program of exportmenUUan oa pSIatlag display. Tbs antlrs bach Fira FrrvauUoa Duy SEE Played at Covenant The Formal . Ibo aequlsIUoa aad fuactloaal stg- ucts Featured at East- H mmw Taking Ao> ta study parrou and other talking ^ ^ wall of top booth will ba drapod with fabnea In tw « tonas of groan cm States Show Hartford, Sapt. 10—

—lliu r^ STANDARD APPLIANCE CO. Ernaot Johnson, Jr., organirt ot ited Program birda In an attempt to eolve the tMicoa as uttond ky parrota, matching the prevailing color day. October 9, has been proclaim­ ’’mystery” of language develop- mvnah birds, parskets magplao, M orria n r aataoia. M gr. tha Covanant Congragatlonsl! Hartford, Bept rifi—Tolland schsnw of the recently redeooratod ed Fira Pravsntlon Day by Oov. churbh for the past four yM ta,; ^^rtfort. aspe la—N«w l«ev« UMnt In humans. ' and ao forth. dtsplay halt $06 NORTH MAIN STT. PHONE MISS County, famous tor Its fine fabrics Jamoa U McOonaughy. who urged tarmlnatad his duties Sunday at im elM , pwBltttaf nakrokan aut>> Announcing thto to tha Amarl-, ~u is poaoihta that auch axptri- The Davatopsaent OommlasloB Inrraasad cars in tha uoa of fira Optii Tkamday Bvenlaf can PsychologtetJ AaaociaUon to- mentation may throw unful light Slade early Cblonlal days, wtll bd tha evening jneetink- A t the close AtHamtm fajment* to Totorkna »t> has planned a day-long show tor aspectaUy in this dry atason of of the ociWce Mr. Johnson waa day. Or. O. H. Mowrer said the upon the learning, nondaarning, of rapraoantad In the OonnecUcut eoUocM under 01 Bill tho Ooanecttcut buUdlng, Kogers year. honored by the congregation for human raca has probabto been languages and languaga-aklUs In building at tha poat-wae renewal stated. Eleven exltlblta, tneluding hla faithful and affict.nt service. coaUauinf their atwUoa ua* talkihg for kundreda of thousands human being.” seven by the state departments and In behalf of the congregation, | of yaarseand yet no ana baa coma Moarrer proposed the foUowIng of the Eastern State BxpooiUon, aa aoceleiated pracraas, have Bept 14 to 30, In West Bprlngflald, commlaslona, will be open to the pastor. Rev. Reynold Johnson, j placed In effect by the Vet- up with a satlefactory explanation hypoUMOla: spectlen during the fuh eapooltlon expressed appreciation for the fine . That babies and birds silks Maas., by an exhibit entered by Its Elocfric E#aae Adnlalatratlon, acenrdinc aa to how a baby Sret acqulraa houra: 1 to 9 p. m. on Sunday, ••ontrli. jllon mado '.ry the organist || aroolea and worsted manufacturers. artlculata speech. first laam to reproduoa tba eon- Sept 14 aad 9 a. m. to 9 n. m. |(- the servlet c of i he church, and | la Harry T. Wood. auuMcer of the Mowrer eald there are ”ereak- vantionallaed noiaas which ws can Willard B. Rogtra, chairman of Hof Wafer the State Development Commission thereafter through Saturday, Bept = CALL for hla untHvlded loyalty to his 1TA Refflonal Office in Hartford. neaaas" in thaonaa which attempt words, not because they epn elUier 30. task. 4teider tiMse ncir regulaUone, vet* understand or usa these words in said today that Um highlight of the to solvt the mystery by attribut­ Built In 1939, tha ConnscUcuV Heofers After w-ahlng Mr Johnson sue* | M a a wUI laaaleo eubalsteiiGe pay ing language-laaming to ”an in­ u y ordinary ssnss, btit becauss Tolland County display wtll ba a hatf-bour technicolor movie depict­ buUdlng la the moot modern of the With Copptr Tanka caoa in ho ntw venture. Pastor j Oaata for the full anrollaicnt stinct of ImitaUon” or a etrictly IMM words sound gSod to them.” Johnson presented him with n 11 ' rarlod certified to VA by the edu- T mean, sperlfically,” he said. ing the making of woolen and wor­ ' 50 • 66 • 80 Gallona ’trial-and-error* proca procaae. sted goods. ’Tha film will bo shown tamers and a mone.try gift froir. '| ifcUonal liprtltutlon, provided there Of all laboratonAvubJacta. only 'That when a child or a bird Is Immediate Delivery! ^ 4166 the congregation, as a token ot ; art ao aa>re than 15 days between aavaral Umea dally during the ax- btrda provtda opoclaa In whteb lonsly, frlghtsnsd, hungry, cold, or poalUon. their nigh ^eem f r their organ- j ■• the manacer explained tharo la an opportunity to study perhaps merely bored, It can com­ HEARTBURN THE MANCHESTER TAXI ikt. Stice Uie installation of a new . laavaa,'' he eald, "will be Mr. Rogers said ‘‘aunbursto' of UMrt u • iomm ■ SiWa WW UMW M anything oomparabla to language- fort and divert Itself by making colorful fabrics will bs found on BENSON'S Fraacto i < rgan a y-'sr ag •- Mr. JoUnoon hts . gMiffcd airalnet the veteran'alaaming en- In human betng%” noises which have previously been w»Mnrwr-vi-r'"***~~~* ***•’“’* —e—* rendered r*rteen min itea ot organ I WUeatent.’' both sides of a largo map ou which — .M —e mmu * MS >«www« ewy y » i FUENITTRE * APPUANCBB Nat With Any Other Text OoaRgaay te Mowrer dartsred. asaoclatad with comfort and dlvsr- 9^M fpfiMB^iiPBEUU flBBU3B3to3U BBmwU music eacn Bur.lay •■vanliur at 7:15. j Tolland County la promlnsnUy I I I Mala Bt TrL 9555 ^ ffurtber explalnlnc the new pol> ”Tto data, this opportunity has slon. liissa sounds hava bscoms, III ■inn M • Thcrt organ ve* i.*ts have been en-1 f e which went into effect on 8ep- marksd. Among the fabrtca used ssfwiwwsnwawwmsiwii ■■»>»»«««” « joyed by many. not baan sxploltad, ho addod. Tbs as it ware, swset music ...” will bs nten’a and women’s suitings linBber 1, Manacer Wood aUtrd KU-Mlt fir M < M p iiw 2 5 « Mi . Johnson, who •.;raduatc—A Bt row. tor the foUowinf aemeater. ing at least SO days before the Louis patrolman was charged with WHArS YOURS? ' "No leavea other than the 15- end of the aehooi year or other rape yesterday after an 15-yaar- period of enrollment.” Wc Bay any rngke, year or model from 1932-1941 toy extenelon in traininc atatua old girl, who came from Germany regardtesii of eondition. MB ba authortaed ^ the VA with two years ago, told pollea aha did Tolland the exemtidn of the acholaatle ‘Te Approve Beport And, la moat caseo, we will pay yea mora far yaur ear thoa yon not resist him ’’because he waa in & Market Combined With Our 6th Anniversary laavaa offirad by 'tba educaUonal paid tor It brand new. This appBea on all 1940 and 1941 asedele bnUtntkma to other etudenta," the uniform.” asnny atbera. 'The Federated church has pur­ Lake Buccesa, Bept. 10—(fb— A chased 50 new hymn books and they ■anager said. majority of the United Nations Assistant Circuit Attorney WE PAT AS m an a« were in use for the first time Sun­ The new leave provleione will atomic energy commiaaton was ’Thomas E. Dowling said a warrant 'MM day morning. not apply to veterans Intcmiptink expected to give formxl approval was loouad against park policeman Mrs. Agnes D. Pratt entertained thalr tralniin before the end of today to the oecond comrolsMon 1955 CABS 1337 CARS 1585 CARS guests from Windsor at her Tol-1 the tarm In auch tnatancea, au- Lawn-oca F. Schnalting, 43, after report to tha U N. gacurity Coun­ the girl told Poliee Captain Dur- $400 $500 $700 land summer home Saturday. thertaatton to r aubalatanca pay cil. Mias Dorothy Klee, daughter of ■anta wtll end on the date the ward B. Norris that BchnalUng That Are Definitdy New! *1%# commioalon was achedalad raped her In a police car after 1559 CABS ■«l-*43 OARS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klee of Rock­ ttaininc waa Interrupted. to meet at P;80 a. m., (o.aA) ■eparatlng her from her escort in $1400 ville and Richard Morganaon, son $ 1 0 0 0 Dwaaaa that ara OsBoNely baauttful whan thay’rs mada ‘ If the aarlod of a veteran’a ell- Approval would mark another Forest Park. 1545 CABA $ 2 0 0 0 with ekarmkig detaBa . . . draaaea that are dafialtaly Of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Morganson flbUity aato after the nriddle of a step on the long road toward the Norris said tha girl told him daolrabla whea they eaa ba hod at Marlaw*a law , , . of Tolland were married Saturday. | •BBaanr/Ma a ll^ lit y for study that under the Naxia people obeyed low prtoeo. Sept 6 at St. Johns's Episcopal oeaUnned until ua...... the end of United Nations |oal to hameaa th* 1945-1947 CAES win ba atom for peace. orders of men In uniform. $4000 church in Rockville at 2:00 o'clock, | Bchnelting, In a written state­ Rev. H. B. Olmsted officiating. Delegates aalo they expected ment to Ca^. Norria, dented the OPEN EVENINGS U N TIL 8:30 The Young People's Society met I Russia and Poland to voto against COLORFUL WASHABLE CREPES atta-'k and said bo took the girl h boaatlfal BOW prtata aad polka dote. Btaoa 14 to 44. at the church Sunday at 7:3011 tha report or abetain on the final to a park entrance and sent her o’clock with Peggy Meacham and' ballot home unharmed after questioning $5.98 Fay Young as leaders. The report deals with organlaa- the couple at 4 a.m. la. a. t.l. CAPITOL MOTORS, Inc. Tha Ladles’ Aid Society will tlon, funetkma and powers of a CM> hospital authoritlas said Large otoaa, 45 to 33 — 95J5 318 Main SL, Hartford Telephone 7-8144 serve a public supper In the Feder- I propoaad International atomic aftoi examination that there was ated church Friday. Sept. 12 from control agency. svldenca of rape. PRETTY NEW COTTON SMOCKS 6 to 7 o’clock. Mrs. Howard Met-1 Joat tho tfclag for ofileo or hooie. Slaag 14 to 35. calf la chairman. Mrs. L. R. Ladd has returned! $2.98 from three weeks spent at Colum­ Bayou Prtot Biaocks — 5L55 bia Lake aa guest of her son, Ray-1 mond B. Ladd and family. THURSDAY Mr. tnd Mrs. G. Roy Brown and, | DAINTY NEW MATERNITY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaeffer were | AT PINEHURST guests at a wedding in, New York ' Dapart* DRESSES 'Cltv. Sunday, Sept. 7. ■I tor Plab Cotton Otaghaiaa hi Mare 14-35 George D. Neff of North road, Tolland, was elected secretary and | $5.98 treasurer at the annual meeting of (a of 7 5 ^ A n niversary 7 5 ^ Anuiiversary striped Crepaa at ...... 3 5 *5 8 the Neff family held at the Com- ■ ■) If lha pataa la Spna Rayoee ...... |4J5 munity house at Crystal Lake last iIbM. Other Maternity Dreaaea At 55A8 week. ' ScBlIops Flomidcr Miss Mary Alison and Valentine SabBOB Alison, Jr., who have been guests Cod NEW BRUNCH COATS .... $3.98 at Lie home of Mr and Mrs. Pres­ Sale ton Meacham and family, have re-1 Bmnrt new prints with pocketa ob5 other BetaBi, turn'd to Addison, N. Y. Slxea 14-35. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason I DRIED BEEF and .laughter Jean, who have been guests of relatives in Hartford and i pound 35c w ^ Tolland, have returned to Atlanta, | A lot of good eattaif la n qaar* Oa. r panad of Dried Beef . . . ’The annual meeting of the Tol­ aaae and aarvo oa taaet or land Library Association was held ‘ | Special Values Mb anahei potatoea. In the library rooms Mondaj^ aft­ Special Valuec ernoon at 3 o'clodi with a full ■AVE A MEAT U>AF! V m M A R L O W ’Q , ^ membership present. The annual aar reialar freehly chapped 55e F O R V A L U E S repoits were read with favorable' fo r laaa Ground Beef or ask tor 4 ^ * ------reports received. Miss Doris Mann, fo r Haas aad Beef Oronnd, Pork a member of the State Board of | and Beef, Veal . . . wa kava a Education for the Blind, gave a iH a iir parked la oar large to* Mgerotor . . ready to do yovr report of what they are doing for Thurs, 0-^FrL r^Sat, the blind and what is accomplish­ Thurs. 0-^FrL Sat, bMdlBg. ed. During the social hour, re- Bokori Farm Freek Native freshmenta and punch were served Oeaa. Tkrkeye, Pbwt tor Frlea»i by the committee. OM and Lamb Sbaallton wOl be Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason and DAIRY PRODUCTS An d aaaang the beet week-ead meat daughter, Jean who have been MEAT DEPARTMENT aataee. Bead Plaekaret advt. guests of Tolland relatives have | William Clegf, Mgr. to The Herald Tbnrsday algbt returned to their home In Atlanta, CHEESI^ FINAL x' * Georgia- WE ARE PROUD OF OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT! AT PINEHURST Mias Mary AUsbn who has been rTHURSDAY a guest at the home of Mr. and Gorgonzola, Swiss^ Americon, Im­ Ton get Orole'e Fraakfarte, This full-cut Mrs. Preston Meachkm and fam- { We Feature Native Poultry Veal Loaf, Mlneed Ham, Bolo­ lly has returned to Addson, N. Y. From ftliller’s, and Luck’s Poultry Farms exclusively. ported Regizpd, Muenster, Bel- gna aad .Uverwnrat at no washable 3 DAYS Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taylor of | Both are reliable poultry raisers. bhange la prlees . . . nerve Southbridge, Mass., waa a recent j Piase, Cheddar, Old English. these Iteim tor hmeh . . . bay vioitor of Tolland relatives. ! BROILERS, FRYERS, ROASTERS them for eckoal lancbee. chenille A t the annual reunion of the THURS., FRI., SAt., Neff family held at Crystal Lake FOWL FOR FRICASSEE OR CANNING All Kinds of Cheese Spreods AT PINEHURST Sunday, August 31. George D. N eff / . • r THURSDAY costs only of Tolland was elected secretary . Low prteeo will prevail In our and treasurer. We Handle Only Milk Fed Veal STORE OPEN THURSDAY ALL DAY IJMII. 9 I*. M. Complete Line of Frozen Foods fruit and vegetable eecttoon... SEPTEMBER 11-12-13 tHOPS CUTLETS ^ROASTS toepite changen In wbolenalr Big Maneuwrv amtoete the better brands of OUR BEEF is Selected By a Meat 5Ian of Forty Years* Sodas Beer and Ale Batter wlH oeM at no advance— 3 7 7 Tokyo, SepL 10— (JP)—The Far Experience! FRESH FRUIT and GROCERIES BPe poand... Margarine le low­ East air force lald today more er—Sic pound for all the best than 100 land-based and carrier | OUR LAMB Is Selected Not for Price But for QUAL­ I'rnlin >lald brands. ^ * FALL DRY CLEANING SPECIALS borne warplanes would take p a rt' IT Y ! ' r VEGETABLES in large-scale air maneuvers this, Spaghetti Dinner ibe QUALITY POTATOES month ranging from Okinawa t o ' GROCERIES 10 pounds 4.Tc This department is under the capable Ocean Spray J Guam. ’These will be joint Air | PORK PRODUCTS supervision of Henry Weir, a man with Large, Crisp PLAIN GARMENTS Force Nayy problems. - ' Such as Rib and Loin Roasts, Butts, Fresh Shoulders, CUCUMBERS PLAIN GARMENTS The maneuvers, set for tomorrow 25 years’ experience in the business. Cranberry Sauce 19c Gold Medal or Pillsbury and Bept. 15, will be'in three phaa- Fresh Hams, Daisy Hams. Ready To Eat Hams, Shoul­ You w^ill find fruit and vegetables at 10c each ■ -vS ...... 3 for 27e Well tailored with a long, full sweep . ., Vermont Maid Syrun 12 ozs. 25c 3 for 25c TOMATO PASTE ...... I e e e e • < psstols or white. In sixes from 32 to 40. blue, cherry or aqua. Sizes from 14 to 20. DIAL 7100 Potatoes peck 49c Dog Food U. S. CLEANERS PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVE.NING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1947 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEirER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, IMT FiAOBSXZ them, who eekfd not to be Iden­ international mi'.tary tribunal here be turned over to Austrian authori­ tified by name, aald he believed lest year, la suh.'tct to ’’mandatory ties. who could give him .ia much Isterintno whether the companlaa OAO the right to make an Inde­ Town a*rk > Office osch d*y tW* p iimiMii«MHBlllU«IIHIIIIIIWRWPWWW>WWBII^^ Surprise Seen the court may have used this line arreet" ns 10 ycara for hie active psrticipa- acted through agreement ex- pendent audit before final eettle- anm j—I As a native of Vienna he must tlon In the elite guard. week and next Monday from » a. W ar Contract preeeed or Implied, end if any mo- mant. of reasoning: Kockville m. to 12 noon and 2 to 8 p. m., for WMK> - 1~ Today*a Radio Skorzeny, whtae first turn under the collection of the tax and on nopollatic pracUcee or other prac- At Acquittal the world epothght came when he O dd F ellows B ingo Beport an Boya* School Saturday until noon only. A die- Probe Asked Ucea in violation ot law or of ethi­ 1 ONLY BRl-MAR PAIN? i oafUgM kldi.aped Benito Mueeoltnl from count la allowed thooe who pay on cal dcalinga with'the government the Allies at Adolf Hitler’e com­ Town Election v>.?« engaged In.” Hartford. Sapt. 10— tion, the beeU of all lawe of war, TONIGHTS AND EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Ing general accounting office and that It coats tha state an avera^ WDRC—Tbe WhUUer. Neetl of Revision evening at the Blinn property In **Nmw England'* = WONS—Shadows of the Mind. I forbida that Tolland sUrtIng at 8 p. m. In case Increases in Prices justice department cMdala con-1 of $29.17 per areeh to maintain WON8—WON8 Juke Box. All Bingo Players ceming overpayments In settling each inmate there. The report said w n c —BecluUga Wife. WTHT—PhU Stivers Show, Nuernberg. Germany. Sept 10— | Deeiued to Be Spies C^acntet for Nomina* of unpleasant weather the event ..M ♦«.! Men caught '.earing the uniform war contracts. that the average resident popula- 4tlB— w n c —Drama. THE NIGHT! Cordially Invited to Attend! will be held at,the Kington home Washington, Sept. 10 A Eonnnis) i Un—War crime* «ttorney» aald to- enemy err Earned to bo tion to Town Offices to E. Flaher, general counsel for tlon of the school during tte gsar w n c —auoe DelUe. on Tolland avenue. congreaaional group investigating L . j 14:88— day that yaateroay’a acquittal of j gpi** and may b# ahot on the apot laortbal' tha OAO, told tha committee yes- { waa 240. 4iSB— i WDRC—Doorw^ to Ufe. Be Friday and Monday WDRC—Give end Teke. I WONS—Polka ‘nme. towering, acar-lacad Otto Bkorzeny But Skorzeny ar.d his men were The National Guards and the ' war contracU aettlemenU will Ukc terday overpaymenta on a aamp-' end hla aevan aide* on war crime* not caught i^-handed. And the PAC aoftball teama meet thla eve- a look also at recent increase! In ling of 82 ssttlad contracts re- i A fonnalB ptrfsstet! to eivs WKNB—840 aub. WTHT—Henry Morgan. Oeiteva conveir,jor does not clearly neckvuie, S epf lO—Plana for WOMB—Two-Ton Baker. I w n c —Drama. charga* may well lead to a re- ■ nine at 6:15 p. m. at the Recrea-; the price ot oil and gasoline. Rep. viewed by hla office toUled 81.131,- writing of the law* of war. cover that contingency, the at­ tha htannUI Town Dactlon tn Rock- tlon Field In a Senior Softball (R-Ohlo) tald today. 69S. 'Tble waa in addition to am­ ynar hem* sddsd protsetien WTHT—Eddy Duchln. 111:48— j w n c —Lorenxo Jonee. A court of American coloneU 1 torneys said. If You Need A Truck TlBa. Monday, October Stii will be j League game ounts tha GAO claims were loat to Johnson's Newa on aU atatlona. at Dachau ruled the ^ant S8 \ Therefore, the crux of the situs, Bender, chairman of a Houae Ex- the government through fraud in BfalRst Nsw England wsath* 4:48-k gUitad tn eamedt with the Demo- pendltures subcommittee inquiring It 118— (Ellt# Guard) clflcer — deacribed", tlon seema to be not whet you do, settling other contracts. * Poultry Farm WON8 —Mery Griffin Show. WDRC—Talks. but what you get caught doing. BINGO aratlc Tbwn Chairman John L. into contract termination policies, sr. In a whole array of b:au* WTHT—Betterie Bandrtend. , by aom* Amaritan* a* a "Don > Flaher advocated repeal of the R47 Middb Tornpike. West WONB—Club Midnight; Newe. Aa a result, some of the attorneys Conte To See Us Moran, Jr., holding a eaaaian to- Japanese General told newsmen the members will w n c —Toung Wldder Brown. QulaoU of wai"--and hla mate*, 1944 contract settlement act on tifal colors and whits. WTHT—Joe Haeel. InnocenC-of enm# when they In-1 here said the y/hole body ot the TRUCKS ARK STILL SCARCE — BUT at which Uma ha win re- turn their attention later this w^ek Pknne 2-OOAS Bros— W n(^H arkneee of Washing­ to "what ssem to be unauthorised the ground it haa outlined Its uae- filtrated U. a. I'nea during the laws of war needs revision, unless WE MAY HE ABLE TO SUPPLY SOME MODELS tha aamba or aUtaa of namea Outlines Defense WDIU3—Houee Party. ton. the pnncipl* is adopted that the X for tha trerloaa officaa. Tha Town incrassea” in government petro- fulnem and does not fully protect BroilorSg Fryers WKNB—Newe; Mailbag. Battle of the Bulge In 1444 and ST. BRIDGET'S QUICKER 111AN YOU TH INK Chalnnan wOl be at tha Police - ' j leum contracts. tha govemment'a interests.| WON8 —Melody Theater. 11:84— spread havoc while waaring-Ameri-; victors lay down the rules, Under tha act, tha GAO may re­ WDRC—Columbia Masterworke. can uniforms. 'SKurzony, * ’ said tome of the at­ Oburt room from 7 to S this ■TVikyo, Sept 10 - i,Pi—General | Bender aald Treasury officials WTHT—Tenneeeee Jed. torneys, "waa a Done Quixiite who aeaalng. Prldey, September has view aettlements only to determine and Fowl w n c —When a Girl Marriee. WTHT—Game for Thought; "It waa Incred'ble." Col. A. J. 12 Sada.-t Armkl. flint of the 25 major, have been called to testify Friday PreaaeB Bat. Whils Tou Walt! Dance Orcheetre. liked to do c:u.itlng thihga and Church Basement haan aet as the day for the primary war cTlrnes defendants to testify, on the petroleum contracts. Ht whether payments have been made RoMnfeld, Skoizany’a prosecutor, SOUMENE & FUGG, Inc aaocne from to p.m. at the In accordance with the settlement Btarted and Bsady-Ts-Lny •*'*—WONS—Adventure Parade.. . . W n C —Irving Kramer and OT' aald of the verdict. "There la much that's all. But this time 1 think 2 8 told the Interratlonnl tribunal to-Explained the committee haa Infor- Q oaurr chestra. he haa started r real argument Town Ran. dav he retired from public life In • matlon that the treasury procure- agreements or to ascertain wheth­ Punsta. WTHT—Terry and the Ptratee. more to it and It will have legal 6.34 Center Street Tha Republican! will hold their er there Is reasonable evidence of w n c —Portia Faces Ufe. 12:44— coneequencea ’• for the grey-he. ads to settle. 1940 tecauae he feami the conae- j ment agency haa allowed increases Open Thnraday • to 8 F. M. While this argument waa going aauens on Monday, September 13 quencea after Japan Joined Ger In petroleum contracts In line with fraud. Tha act does not give the g:sa— WONS—aub Midnight itarpriaed at Acquittal And Remember: at S pm in the Superior Court many and Italy in the tripartite WDRC—Old Record Shop. w n c —Newe; Snooky Lanaon High-ranking attorney* In war on, Skorieny « (even aide* went Playing Starts At B:MS price boosts announced recently In free but Skoraeny himacif atUl waa Only DODGE Builde JOB-RATED Tm dw room according to the announce­ pact. large oU companies. mcGILL-COnUERSE IRC WONS—Hop Herrigan. Show. Crimea ci^ a here, although not eur- ment af Town Chairman Prancis In a 20,000-word depoaition tha WTHT—Betterie Bandetand. 12:80— prieed at the acquittal, aald Roson- In custody. He is an 8S officer and Since the contracts were made feld’a remark waa valid. On# of aa such, under the ruling of the J. Prtebard. Tha Town of Vernon 70-yvar-oId Arahl. twice minister before the Increases went Into ef­ Paint — ▼nnish Mirrors — nrtnree :3 c w n c —Juet Plain BUI. w n c —Herman Chlttleon Trio. has issa eoBtrollsd by the Re- of war and a member-of four cab­ fect, Bender said, there Is doubt as Pnintere’ BappBm Artlel Materia;« ^ 8:45— BobUcaiis for many veara, and It inets said hiB derlalon to re- PIctum Pvnadng Drafting In.trumcnte ~ WONS—Tom MU. b bcllsvad that the majority ot tha to tha legality of the higher prices - . ..wii K- 'Ire came after a Ove-hour "hot and the general accounting office fVIndaw Glam Wailpapere w n c —Front Page Farrel. praasnt (tffles hoMm "oml- ■ ,uiic„gBion" with the late Piince has declined to approve them. E^-ealag ****** ' Fumlmaro Konoya, three times taiwns of Tolland anu Ellington | Asks Invesliggtinn WOMEN A request for an investigation of News on all atatlona. how ^ u a y a on J?* ^ He aa'id whatev-er the army did oil price boosts to the government ... n .ih ' *** Manchuria and China afUr he was made by Rep. McCorniack 1D- V.THT—Sport Revlewa; Candle­ light and Silver. 824-828 MAIN STREET TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER Maml, a committee member. f45 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6887 ^ * f ‘ Muls'lsb Incident of In a letter to Bender, McCor­ 8:15— S '? !? ! » « • waa in direct rs- mack suggested the group should WDR<3—Record Album. 824-828 M AIN STREET TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER chuert. social reema>ems wljhwith a sup-. u - WANTED \ § , WKNB—Sports Review. par bsing ssnred st 8:S0) p.m. Mfa the cabinet In Tokyo He Indicated WONS—Let’s Go to the Games. Vetrano, new Aasociatc he nad never heard of the Japa­ Local Sportacaat. „ nese army operating except with sf ReUglous BducaUon wlU be the Steady employment. No experience WTKi—Bob Steele, Strictly th Anniversary Sale f i s t speaker. cabinet approval—a view directly Sporta; U. B. Weather Bureau. AtSsM BxhIMt opposite to that, taken by many g A number from RockrUla will of tha defandanta who held no iiecefihary. Starting rate 73c peJ hour. WDRC—Sporta Headline*; Rec­ tha sscead annual aahibl- military poata. BENSON’S ArakI aald, too, that be had de- 4 ord Album. ttsa of tbs Feasvood Fann Bum- WKNB—Melodies for Evening nniversary uetod much thought to world mar Art Behanl to ha haW at tha WONS—Answer Man. SPORTS NEEDS peace. He had prepared a plan Ubimry thla avantng. •laarnttMtat 3-DAY SPECIAL OFFER WTHT—Concert Hour. 10, ficm 7:20 to 0:80 for joint U. S.-Britlah-Japaneae ■ A p p ly at action Which he averred would WTK3—Profeaaor Andre Schen- have replaced the “Ineffectual" ker. CELEBRATINiS 75 YEARS thgf* win hs • nastlag of ths Leagua of Natlone and premr cid the world agatnrt unrest ON 3 Pc. BEDROOM SUITES ” WDRC—Richard C. Hottelet, IhiiTlriff UglM Antflaiy Uda news. susalag at sight d'ejodi at the O. HELP The Holland CleantarM OF MONEY-SAVING PRICES Rebels Blow Up Brtdgm SELECT ANY S-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE IN STOCK WONS—Easy Acea. A. R. lw n ^ tlw noaaUy In- WTIO—Lowell Thomas. ■tolM offlowi pwdldlng. rtaas WANTED 1007 Main St., Manchester AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE 7:40— urn ht owq^Wtod for ths masting Athens. Sept 10— —Press re­ Gsnsrhl Gtrhge Work WDRC—Mystery of the Week. s a l ' SB t iit m r r r M st which ttms it ports from ialoolka today said a WONS—Fulton Lewie, Jr. M sBpW n that s group from ths group of rebela opposed to the Expsrisnee Not Needed Tugoelav regune of Premier Mar­ w n c —Supper Oub. Ms mill Wdt w n bs ptuunt and Apply In Person 7:18— tha tws girts whs attsBdsd Olrts* shal Tito were blowing up bridges YOUR CHOICE OF A WDRC—Jack Smith Show. guts thla part tummsr win alae and iplnlng room in operations WONB—Tello-Teat. agakSst TUo'e foicea inside Yugo­ w n c —New* of the World. hs guirts^ ^ XsBaBd slavia. MANCHESTER 1:80— MRS Murphy and J( The dispatcher seid the rebels, WDRC—aub Fifteen, Bob Croa- calling themreivas "cruaaders," MOTOR SALES McCuakST 9t ths Roekrtlla 512 West Center Street ky. ■chsol fssulty win bs tha wera operating In tha Lake Dolren $ 3 9 - 5 0 WONB—Leland Stowe. i?a t ths nm fan m s i^ 6f ths region, where the Bulgarian, Yugo­ WTHT—Lone Ranger, ToUand Paraat Taaehar aasocto- slav and Greek borders meet w n c —To be announced. tim to ha hsM thla dvsai^ at tha 7:48— „ I R M u Maamrlal.sehoel. Tnsy wUI WDRC—Robert Trout Newa. k on tha Ottidanoa program at Innerspring WONS— inside of Sporta. RoekuOM High sehooL Ugly Eczema WANTED w n c —Cavalcade of Music. r WWtam Martay to Wag 8 :00— I EXPERIENCED Mattresa or WDR<3—American Melody Hour. A msrrtags Mosnm waa Issuso No Joke SEWING MACHINE Meeday at Ow City Clark's offles The Itching torment of ecuma la WONS—Crime aub. / M Raw York City to WUUam Ed­ enough to make anyone wretched OPERATORS— Box Spring WTHT—Lum and Abner, ward Hanlsy. 87. tn ths Army, of and anxloua for relief. If you suf­ TRAINEES wnc—Dennl# Day. n Onion strsst. ItockulUs. and to fer from tha Itching of ecuma, 8:80— Apply VV'DRC—Dr. Christian; Newa MIm Hssal Patricia Ooodwln, 88. plmpiea. angry red blotches and WONS—Johnny Modero, Pier at 80S Wart 8«th strsst,. Nsw other Irritating bleifitahes, get 12 ATTRACTIVE STYLES TO CHOOSE FRO^ 23. Tork. Peterson'e Ointment 88c ell drug- WTHT_Paul Whiteman Assem­ Ths coupls did net announoa gists. If one application does not INDEPENDENT IN YOUR CHOICE OF WOODS: bly. !' thslr w s d ^ plans. delight you. money refunded. Pe- w n c —Great Glldersleeve. Mr. Hanlsy was bom In BUf- tereon'a Ointment also wonderful CLOAK CO. ' a SOLID MAPLE • WALNUT VENEERS fSrd Springs ths sen of Bernard for Itching feet, cracks between Pine Street 3 PC. SUITES 8 :00— • MAHOGANY ON BIRCH WDRC—Rhapsody In Rhythm. C and M ^ camp Hanley. His toes. WONS—Gabriel Heatter; Newa \ pcospsetlva bridt, tha daugbtar of FROM • BLEACHED MAHOGANY (Wheat) WTHT—Music by Adlam. Warran td# and Mamla Lowe w n c —Jinx and Tex. Oeedwln. la a natlva of Atlanta, YOU CAN A LW A Y S DO BETTER AT I r -w J Os. - WONS—Real Stories from Real \ ./ OaPaetlas Esport Down go painting 00th when you urn PIttaburgh'* $ 1 4 9 - 5 0 Stoalsy Bakulakl. dty tax collec­ AT THE FACTORY STORE! Life. tor reported Tuaadey night that a Sun-Proof Two-Coot Howe Pointing System. S$84—• WDRC—Meredith Wilson. I .1 - 4r - toUl of 1924 persona out of a poa- It equals the performance of Ihree coots of old type paint while soving BUDGET BENSON’ S FURNITUKE WONS—What’s the Name of dtoe 2880 bad paid their prt^rty you the extra material and labor costs of o third coot. Sun-Proof is That Song? In tha city of RockvlUa to AND APPUANCES data.. Tha eoUector will be at the extra durable because it's mode with "Vifollied Oil" which stays In the TERMS WARDS BALLOON TIRED ''HAWTHORNE'^ BIKES point film keeps it live, lough and elastic W ar time diseoverias hova 71* M AIN STREET TELEPHONE 3535 Mt 33“ bean utilized to moke Sun;Proof, in many respecth better than pre-war Rag. 24,85. Streamlined, imooth-riding bikes for boys and girls. Sturdy REMINGTON M-511A O A 6 0 OaT* 10 % quality. MOSSBERO MODEL 1S1M Notice WANTED M C A L REPEATER Z W double-bar frame. Equipment includes fork truss rods, kick-up stsnd, chsin Qaaa PUyiMi#, .M CAL AUTOMATIC 3 0 ’ ® guard. Raked-on enamel finish! Buy your "Hawlhorne*! today and SAVE! Bdaata MoafWy Part Time Help to Smooth, fast, bolt-act^m "Scoremas- Tha Selectmen, Town Clerk and $ gallon Streamlined tubular magazine repeater Eeaid of Reglstrara of the Town 5 . 7 5 ter” repeater. 7-ahot capacity. 0>cks on Do Carpenter Work — fires 15 shots as fast at you can pull a t OoScatry. Connecticut will be the opening movement of boh. Full la aeaston at the Town Hall, North STAR-LITE DANCE STUDIOS the trigger. Oil finished, pistol grip For example. If you are now piatol grip walnut finished stock. Oevantiy, on Beptombar 18, 1847, walnut *lork, forc-cnd. Haa 3 eighta. . from 8:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M„ D. O f Maneheater and Hartford employed regularly second 8. T„ and st tbs Town Clerk's Ot- shift at Aircraft you could Bm , Bouth Coventry, on Beptera- The F. T. Blish Hardware Co. work 4 hours In the morn­ her 80. 1847, from 9:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M.. D. B. T„ tor the ptir^ ing on our job s. Apply in pom of examining the qualiflca- person, ready to go to work, tlons of electors ana administer the elector's oath to those who •hall be found qualified; also on Oetqpor 4, 1947, from 1:00 P. M. z Jarvis Realty Co. to 8:00 P.'M., for the purpou of 5 Dover Rpad examining the quallficatlona of .thorn whou rtohta have matured sdbeequent tO'Septamber 30, 1947. Tasteful Rugs... AU applicant] ol foreign birth must ptmont their clUunahlp pa- ■] pera. set the mood o f every Blgned: George O. Jacobaon,. BUNK BEDS Arthur J. Vinton, 100% VIRGIN WOOL room in your home. . Cht.'Ias Heckler. Broadlooma for a lovely bddroom. Braided Attest: Albert E Harmon, J ARMSTRONG QUAKER 79^ HEAVYWEIGHT COTTON SA ie BUMFIR JACK *" Town Clerk. RuRH.for gracious hall^ Wool and Cotton REGISTER NOW FEDERAL HI-FOWER FIDIRAI “HI-FOWiR" . „ i g a SAM 1>A*TON CAPAOTV ^ 6 5 5 , Bsuth Coventry, Conn. BABY SWEATERS Throw Rugs to introduce color to any room 12-OA. SHOTGUN SHEILS * " ".I""* 9 AND 12 FT. WIDTHS sq^vd. SWEATSHIRT ' ’ I * ' B^tombor 8, 1947. ,22 CARTRIOOIS 4» .. .all shapes and sizes In a wonderful varie­ Absorbent. . . full cut for comfort, free HydnoUcaHy operated! Gives smooth Re-O pens Hi-Power cartridges pack-the accuracy, BUY your shotgun shells st Wards Long-wcni'ing printed felt jMse! I,,ate«t ty of colors. lifting in range o f 6 to 33 inchpsf while o’lr foip'*!' lasU. .M»o 16, 20 ga* patterns. Fresh colors.. Cleans easliyl action! Rib kait trim. All sizes! / power you need. BUY yours NOWI J Republican Caucus' Saturday, Sept. 13 E.\SY-TO-CLEAN LINOLEUMS r-EGUIA^ 1 .1 s WAU ENAMEL 1.00 \ SALEI THICK.TAB SHINGLES $ SAUI SIALID BEAM UNIT The rsfirtered Republican elec- OR CONGOLEUMS toss at the Seoond Voting district *"Studio of the Starlets** rr 9 9 c jti. at tM Town ot Oovantry are re- g g c Siaiiiriy 1.10 ^18 n— * suastod to mmt in Ohucua at the CUSTOM-MADE VENETIAN BLINDS ARMY SURPLUS Chunb Community Hall (second Hard and glossy, "Su­ •ACROBATIC Complct4 W i t h ^ Q ^ |P Same §• original Give your home the Boor) la North Oot’sntry, Connect- . Wood, Aluminum, Steel per" is really wash­ le «t FMday evening. September 2 Springs.,.. eo' '^ment on most last word in colorful, able. Ideal for kitchens Uth. 1N7. rt 8 o'tloek P. M.. D. • MADE OF THE SOFTEST •TAP long-lasting roofing! MattrcBscs Avallahig ca . Won’t get dull r. T„ tor tbe purpom of placing PURE WOOL or bath. •Callon.S.M Member of Retailer^ Budget Bureau (‘ Covers 100 sq. ft.) In nomination candidates for, s PINK. AND B.ABY BLUE ’ •BALLET MAIL ORDERS or tarnish! Essrd at Tax Raviaw, l^econd e- EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED 8 s SIZES 1 TO 3 Mstman. Tax Collector, Grand Each Claaa Limited Springfl4ld TeL 2-19S6 ( Jurors, Oonatablea, Raglatrar ol s SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR BUY NOW . . . USE WARDS ' To 10 Studentai,. • FITS IN BMAIX BOOM AFFUANa FLUO Ch SALEI HAND DRIU SALE-FRICiDi Vstora, Board ul Finance, Board • SHOP EARLY FOR • STUKOILT BUILT at Bducstion, to bo voted on in the e * MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN! BEST SELECTION a CAN BE BBFARATEO 2 8 8 Tswn Elaetlon to be held October •4 • 88" 7VIDE. 81" LONG____ aOk, 1B47, and to tranmet any oth­ Phone 2-9244 ir Tou can purchaa# any artlel* In thla • CAN BE USED AS TWIN •O’ er burtnam proper to oOme before OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. BEDS said CBncuB. iii<- >1 \\( iii:sn;i{ For irons, toutera, Noij.clog, .smooth­ ad on convenient monthly terms, after e ALL HABDWOOD Charim C. Holmold. S H.F. "SIA KINO~ tfARDS COMFUn and other beating ap­ working,- enclosed down payment. And remember, jrott HMAIl SAlfSROOM 1 2 5 5 0 |89 Orses B. Bssd, Studio at OUTBOARD MOTOR UNCH KIT pliances up to 1,000 gears! Takes gtraight- can open an account at Wards with any Vloa Cmarmaa. KHITTinO im u m COOPER'S iLeeps foods fresh! Sanitary, rust* watts. Less switch. shank drills to K ". purchaaea totaling $10 or moral mills: Wards alternate firing big T W IN ! Full t Ev srBm of tha RspubUean Tssm OsouBlttoe sf tha Bseond M ANCHISHR GREEN, CONN. -YMCA- NORE$NE PRATT ANNlSLl! Directo^ FURNITURE CO. pivot reverse. Ewy starting. Slow trolls! proofed metal kit; pint vacuum bottle. r Vtttng District Town of Coventry, 2198 MAIN STREET Caimsetteut P H I ■ N I ; I V 0 I 8PR1NGFIEI.D. MASS. Dstad st Coventry. "OonnectiiSut, .dhis Bth-'dag-rt September,. 1947. J,...: Advertise in The Herald—^ll Pava T

i... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MT.DNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10,194t P A G E K IH B MA>LHl.8rLK KVCM: U VKllALU, MANCHF.STER. rO N N ' WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 194T ^i^ACC EIGHT had upon request, and nuy he ob­ ohnaon for dwelling and ga- dlspuU tu away oger the last of tained at the church during tomor­ Cubs Cpmniittee erectad on the old Nor-1 Itiod 1 went home and threw thoae three Indochlneee sUtaa. in» to glva thia country an idea them in a ciu»et and put on a blue Piano Recital .row. Thureday. Tumptka near Bolton Canter. France Offers (In Hong Kong today, a *0- IS* waa laauad to Mr.' of how urgantly tba problama ■•-f Highland PTA ault. I then went on the road and Mr, Herser appeared here UM PlaSb^Activil iUnrl(^tpr delegaU group rivaling the M - Spring at the Emanuel (Thoir a Or­ , and Mrs. Clifford Stephans for a Eurnpa naad that quick American «■' w . w-Bi hitchhiked to Franklin. N. H. I, publican government and styling I n V t t I f 4 ■ I f l I l S got to Franklin ibout 11 am. Mon- Friday Night gan Fund Concert, and a.-v enth-i- dwalUng to ba located on Lynwood band which cannot ba eatanded To Turn Over I itaelf the “ Vlet-Nam National Aa- drive In tha Roaedala aacUon on ' A I S A l a l l day, having apent a portion of the laembly” unanlmoualy invited Bao staatlc audience tbrUled to hta bril­ At tha Brat maattag (>S tha Com- L..y PtlM4KHBO BY rBB without acUon by Oonfraaa. might In wooda near Franklin. I liant performance. At thst time hs Bolton Lake. . 34.yaar-old former Emperor mittaa for Cub Pack 91 4wld at *5 M^LAPiuimNo uuw arc. But tba point la that ahan you rot work at the Bulloway mill Invitatioiif to Hear N. Y. auted that he would enjoy return­ tha homa of Dr. A. A. Wlla, Jr., Aanlveraary Party I U •MMII SIMM Military Rule of Annam, to assume p o jw East Central Pomona Grange' ItaBeBMiM. Omb. caTflnd'i^I^MdaitVT^m^^^ BoanI A r - K'lenday morning.*' 'negotiate peace with the French). ing to Mancheater. and hla comtM 8f Plymouth lana, taat avanlng.-f*- The Franklin police chief Artifit Available from appearase# haa been arranged wlU obaerve lU 60th anniversary TKUMAS fIBItOOSUM (Ceattauad Proa Page One) rta wara glvan by tha aavaral . Ptb*.. Tm m » 0M'» geantor Tan both In agreement, pailgrs fo F First Meet Oiarlea E. Legarc had quoted Ml September 90, at tha Haaonlc Director Helling through Mr. Helalng. Kin Mothara cencamlnf tha aum- I STOREWIbE - .0 ' •' • - OMBBBI k un- than you can be doubly and com-: K*...! 1 7 Dellachlale aa saying that he had 71 Teadwrs Weinliwefi ManchasUr muaic lovers »re mar actlvltiaa of thair raspactlva ‘Nmple tn Manchester. A banquet, been drinking Sunday and did not today had been heralded aa the wlh be served at 8 pjn. and tickets • m b m Bm i7 S m b ib b rnmmM pletalyimra that the oppoalte.; in g OH S e p t. 1 7 Manila, Bept. I0-(F>—Pihaldant urged to take a ' BB* I «M lin, and served In the Navy from between France and Indochina could not tolerate a stiik# against show up on photographs and offer R at the regular Pack Joseph Mack of C^rb road te| SiBfH OOBT _ Truman baa now -said nay to on ’Wedneeday evening Sept. 17, | 1S4S unUl last February. i ning at 1:15. Indtatlona may be meeting. Waafely. B r v a m a r I . « at S p.m. In the Nchool auditorium. would be based on "liberty within itself. serving as preatdant of tha Bol­ mmm the Idea of a apeclal aeaalon "When he came out of the The Manchester Green P. T. A^ SeiNL ialifBMC O * Taar Mre. C. LeRoy Norris, chairman «.j,, ^vaa a the French Union.” ton Grange Fair which will ba **PntthOf^Th0^ioom** WaM a» HHb.. Bar' -a .. twice. The third time he will aay aponaortng organtxatloo for Cub of the prograrn “ r! I ch afed boy. He v.aa a nervous He said the French Union—a held at the Community HhUr 8a|x- yea. In fact, be will call the eea- term the government substituted Pack 91, has axianged a waste tember 27. Keeney Hutchlnhon la M CU BCB O f___ pounced that ahe had ^ He dldn * talk much and paper coUeetlon U< help defray ax- Sale! TUB JUtSUClATVD PM HI alon hlmaelf. It la openly admit­ a shaker for thU . ' " ' f , always aeemed to have something two yeara ago for "French Colo­ vice president: Mrs. Walter F. El­ TBa Aaaactataa T m b. «a aaaiua'Mjf nial Empire”—could be adapted to penaaa tnenrrad In preaenting a liott la aacratary and Fred Mohr SAVE FROM10X TO sox aatm aa ta 0«a »aa M JJ ted that he doean't have the great widely varied peoples' needs. diah aterlUBar to the Mancheater la serving aa treasurer. Tha list of C O n A G E BU aaara dtaBa laBaa " J ! child peychology at me nmie i„ . ihs " Green School, ar.d the Pack haa 4 5 G a u g e muilectual equipment Senator Teachera College Ih Willlmantl^ i that when he ap- “ Renouncing direct and Indirect events include a supper, dance, ex­ BBd aJao tba laaal aawa aoWia^ Tan uaea In coming to hit wrong Anyone in the coi^unlty who, the young In tM admlnlatratlon," Boltaert said, agreed to cooperate with tha P. T. hibits etc. "France la ready to turn over, to A. in thlxTnatta?. Aaah-araary Party eoncluHona, and he U accordingly is Interested In the PTA la njost Franklin mill he readily admitted Women’s SLIPPERS BMBataBaa Bbmib. %ib alae raaarraa. cordially welcome. qualified governments the exercise Thla Pack, lata than a year old, Tha Ladiaa Banavolant Society SETS leat Btable In them. he was the one being eought by *■ i ■ r«u aarMaa aiiaai af N. H A. iaraiaa ThJ following committees will of public functlbna and offers haa Increased Its mambarahlp of tba Bolton CanUr Omgraga- I SIS NYLONS. Seiloualy, the need for a special I.awrcnce police. “ Do you know tham insofar'bq they may need It nearly 100 par cent and the open tlonal church haa planned an an­ IBC. be In charge for the coming year; anything about the girl?” the po­ aeaalor. wai obvioua before Con- Program: Mrs. C. DeRoy Norris. the cooperation of Its dvU serv­ Ing of Its aecond acaaon ta eagerly niversary party to be held Tuaa- ruaiiatim Wtr**~*"***'*^ lice chief aald he asked the youth. awaited by aU enneamad. greas adjourned. Even then, com­ Mrs. Richard Carter, Mrs, Albert ants and techniciana." day avanlny at the church. Tha jBitaa MaliMva Siiiacial The chief quoUa him aa anawar- Asked To Inatall Bases rogram adll Include vocal solos Full-fashiotfd, Terk. CStaaga Oatraii aaa Beatoa. Frcihelt. Mrs, Raymond Paris, Mrs Ing: “ I don't remember, I’ve been mon aenac said tha* if the Mar- John Purdy. Mlsa Carrie Seymour. He said France asked the right Sy Mlsa June MUdner and vtoUn j r ^ l 7 9 ^ HBMaBKB aOTlIT auBBAO or Bball Plan was to be anything drinking for the left three or four to install baaea and man them with dueta by Mrs. Howard C. Chase Mrs. Sherwood Robb. days. Battles Keep Up first qualify, aiUlllJlTIUKS. more than a false Ar.ierlcan prom- Membership: Mrs B. J. Munson, French union troopa to "aasura and Mra. WlUlam RobarU. Mrs. tha defense of the French Union David C. Toomey heads tha com­ 2.57 tae. It had to be organlaed and put Mrs Edwin. Johnaon. Mrs. How­ ard Little. Mrs. Thomaa Kelley. | 0 .1 and satisfy International obliga­ Despite the Truce mittee in charge of tha party which daytime sheers 3lxda for eomfort of loag-trexr* to work before, not hftar, new iMra. Eugene Davis. Mrs. TValter IBOUC: tion." la achaduled to aUrt at 8 p.m. Ing M t with pnMod fafia fxh- ft*9. 2.98 Members are raquastad to coma rnnailaaebeatat SveBiaa Htraid. winter descended tipon Europe. ' Anderson, Mrs. Russell Stevenson. I With regard to foreign policy, he I Ways and Ideans: Mrs. Ormi»nd declared that the Fren^ Union Batavia, Java, SepL 10—(.P)— gowned tn old <»atumes If poa- rie aolaa. Colors: Wlao and bhMw Not Big Enough Tha Netherlanda army aald today 5ha«f~«hiia hteclied "i^elleaTSifiWy Wadnaaday, Septembar 10 1 West. Mrs. Clarence Peterson, Mrs. waa a political unit aruLJMt R Blbla. \ 8Imo 4 to 9 . Rsgnfair 9 9 0 vataet Mr PUmird It This Way Clarence Thornton, Mrs. Charles' jle'*TOT any that Indonealan truce vloUtions WSCS Plan Supper ruffled Triewned tn rod. Mm or grain (rontlnticd from Page 0«e) of its member staUs to renounce Binoe the United Nationa caaae-flre Mrs. John Ertekaon la chairman R «0 1.19 SophoaUs’ First Move The.lnflatlon thla country, or at Burr, Mrs. Edmond Morancey. Mrs. polko dot Top li 30”a44” I m B Joseph NIsnIk. any of Its treaties. order became effective Aug. 4 of the committee In charge of the one of tha poUdaa of preced- least those able to control policy, Publicity: Mrs. Stanley Clulow. Connecticut as their residence. TCllaert proclaimed also that a passed the 1.000 mark yeaterday. supper to be given by the Wom­ 39” a35*’ every pMr guorpnaeod policy of economic collaboration en’s Society for Chrlatlan Service inf Oraek fovammenU ha# bean deliberately decided to have la now Mrs. Herbert MacArdle. Some 172.000 have already applied When you choose a A communlue said vlolattons av­ »op_dMllty.; lottc around ■lonera of the various states aa From South Sumatra, the Dutch sliced tomatoes, chili aauca, roUa, FRUTT-OF.THE-LOOM-^ASH CURTAINS tna offer, bulwarked by the an- “ defenders of the French economic peach shortcake and whipped Thla la partly becauae we are For ('.oiigress 8200. The appropriation and bond reported tha arrest of Dr. Mohim- tolat, Irbwn, block, neuaoement that hla government Issue was therefore based on that and cultural Interests.” med laa. Republican vice-governor cream ” and coffaa. Mrs. Herald wMth aaeh peMlet EoehI M49 to” Xx 28” Iff*. . apparently nearing the moat fran­ The Vlet-Nam Republic clalme Laa wlU have charge of tba kitch­ haK tisat, 4 to 9. would Invite "an international calculation. of Sumatra and former head at the Gronto (amout I'SIS hesiary b full-letkieiwd to ttoy Itafe gwmoteed tic and most extreme portion of (roBtlnoed if"in Page One) The average payment made to JurMlction over Tonkin, Annght en, Mra Arnold McKinney wUl Ragulor 1.39, 9 o|i Made e< sheer white Meched veUe thofa ’ M ’ £ J oonmittea to aupervlM and guar- Palembang administration. Isa, )iave charge of the dining room the typical‘InffaUon cycle. We are date, however. Indicates the com­ and Cochin China, but the French generally regarded aa a leading triinly In ptoea . . . to (loltar yovr lovaly tagt. Mmy- by Ffwlt-Of-The-Leeat to lo— dar beMttfolly. Re* f f * ' aBtaa” hla annaaty, haa bean tba L Gerlach. five Umes Republican mittee’s calculatlone to be too low. and Mrs. Oiarlaa T. E. WlUrtt wlU getting closer to the moment when member of former Indonesian prer take care of tha tickets and deco- ihaar 45 Qouga, 30 denitf in new Fall colon. 8H-10VX Ita Siat official act of the new liberal winner of the Congrc-salonal seat— Present payments average 1267 mler Sutan SJabrlr’s moderate pcamiar, Ttaemlktoklea Sophoulla. we uko the plunge in expressing nppreclntlon for ratlona Following tha usual pro­ i>er veteran. group, was charged with furnishing cedure the group has aat a quota tba aama time. Premier It is partly because the forces “ this vote f)i conf‘denco,’’ suld: Based On Available Figures Warning funds to Republican forces inside "Vour voU definitely reflecU and will take reservaUona untU Save on Pobrlcs, Curtain Motoriolfi, o m I BnptitniU* announced that bb b of Inflation are now receiving When Informed of the latest In ad(UUon to aU the luscious FaH frulU and Dutch-occupied areas. the quoU ta filled. Reaervattoni Infants* **Bouncing your decision on the issues of thla Consuls Oantral Taiang (2hla Oaedi for Your Poll Noo4M taliaB of tha goveniBiant'B good their flrat really legitimate aaalat- campaign." bonus division figures todav. Sen­ Republican Electors of the want' to storo awoy now In your Ktlvinator, you can rreeta 6 cu. ft. may be made by calUng Mrs. John ^ '4 ' ate Chairman William F. Ablondl. Town qf Bolton are hereby w-amed many other Items all year 'round! Dairy p rod u ^ Tung and P. 'VandarsUcbalen of Erickaon, 4924 or Mra. Herald Lea Baby" Gauze latantions, tha caata of tha thou- ance in the presence of a short Meanwhile a slrtement Issued by tha united latior division of the Seymour, said committee calcula- to meet In C^aucua on Monday, 8ep- aea fooda; game birds, animals and fish; complete nto«l* Belgium left for West Java today. 8089. com crop. When we realise how •There they expected to report- to Mid* of paraona tha previous fov- Storch-for-Cougress committee, i tlons were hnsed on the best mate 16. 1047, in the Communi­ soups to ( i ^ r U . Left over egg or yolka meats. Tax CoUectloa Reported 'i anunent arraatad and daportad to the inflationary forcer, have euc- and signed by rfficlals of unions rial available ty Hall. Bolton Center, at 7:30 gravies, fruits, vegetables, cake, pie. There s no end to the the United Nations consular mis­ The Board of Selectmen met DIAPERS caaded in managing a relaUvely “It was prettv hard to find the P. M , lor the following purpoaea: Hat ^ things Kelvlnator will aave for future use. 2 2 9 ^ 0 sion this weak end on enforcement Monday evening at the Firehouse ■ i f h ' - tha Qraak istaads as polltteal prta- •affiliated with the CIO. AFL and and conducUd the routine bual- Siic 29 X 40 decant supply of csaantlal things Railroad Brotherhoods, aald: actual figures of eligible veterans." 1. To nominate candidates for (rf the cemae-flre order in the Ban- floen wUJ be ra-ananiliiad “In a he ssld, “but we did the best we doeing, Soekaboemi and Taslkma- neas. A report from Anthony A. 1 Into extortionary profits tor them "We carried seven of the Eight all town Officer to. be voted for ' I spirit of broadmlndednaaa and Jub- wards (In Allentown) where we could with what was presenthd to at the biennial Town' Election to laja regions Maneggta, Tax Collector, ahowed Per '/i Dozen selvea, we can Imagine what they us." The Dutch communique conceded that property taxes collected dur­ • 1 tica and without political preju­ concentrated our lorces. We've just tie held October 6 1947. ing 1946-47 amounted to $19,098.60. wtU be able to do with a real basic begun to flghi We don’t consider The senator said that ivhlle the that Dutch forces yeaterday occu­ dice." committee may have erred In Its 2. To do any other business pied another weat Java town — Thirteen tax liens were filed dur­ ' j It costa only flJIS to bm Im shortage. the vote as i repudiation on the M cutched& i it Premier SopbouUa also hinted [calculntlons “our Intentions were propel to come bef'>re said Cau­ Pangkalan—“becauae It waa a hot ing the period and old age aaalat- G. Bouncing Baby The longer this last frenay last a, Taft-Hartley I.alior law Issue." cus. WnRINS ance taxes totalled $1,465. Hie Back-To-School DroMdS O f «fca», if the amnesty wars accept­ Storch who campaigned on a right " He said If more rnoney Is bed of Republican aggression and Thomas \V, Wllaon, tha higher It goea, tha worse the promise to eoi K repeal of the Taft- needed, he would be glad to apon terroristic activity.” In central Ja­ Board of Selectmen did not fill the ed, tha Communist party would (Thairman of the Republican vacancy caused by the death of Birdseye final crash. Navertbclcss, It has sor such a measure if a special va, tha communique, added, SO tons M t ba i^utUwad Hartley law, conceded defeat short Town Coininlttec. Dr. D. C. Y. Moore who aerved the Women’s ly aher midnight (e. d. t.( *’ith the session is held. of ammunition of “foreign manu­ Maay^of tha Oreeka now, aaao- been the ofnelal policy of our Con- ve Whatever Imnpens. however. Dated at Bolton, Conn., this facture" was captured by the town aa Health Officer. David C. LACE TRIMMED greaa to do everything It could to statement that ’ The people have 10th day of September, 1047. Toomey, Town Cfierk, who served DIAPERS 80 $q. PERaiE dated with the guerrilla move- made their dorltlon according ‘jq I there Is ro donht but that veterans Dutch.” X ! entitled for the Imnus will receive aa assistant health officer under SATIN Site 27 27 mant, which in turn has Commu give even thla last frensy addi­ the American system." Dr. Moore, la continuing hla duties. Women's Tailored tions, forced and unnatural life. I their money. The stnte Is obll- niat laadarahlp. wrare driven Into itated to supply nil the monev to Per Vi Dozeh tha anna of the Communists by In this policy. It authorised the meet the bonus piivment schedule Not Eatitted To Boma SLIPS \ Bolton 1.49 the brutal and rapresaiva and cor­ Immediate cashing of termlrial Veteran Held contained In the act. leave bonds. In this policy, la au- State Tren.surer Adorno said Hartford, SepL 10—(IP)—Attor­ PAJAMAS \ rupt mathoda of the praoedlng •Zoning Mooting Children's OoerwiNed P«sf Color tboriaad for Nov. 1 the end of all todav he did not know whether ney General WtUlam L. Hadden. In Infants* Oraek government. This pracadlng In Sex Slaying the available sum for bonus psv- Walter X Elllott. aocretary of a formal opinion addressed to State f ovemmant'a tarroristio methods InstadBMnt buying reatrlctldns, so ments will be sufficient. “ I can’t the Bolton B s ^ g Ckmunlaaloa an­ Treasurer Joseph A. Adorno, bar Flannelette Atalka • KirHIy^ oWrocHwe M l nounces an important meeting In Flannelette adUaved an effect exactly oppoaiU that tha average people of thle (Continued From Page One) tell until I know exactly how ruled that any member of the reg Sizes 32-44. Ref. S l M Wordrebe for your chM..,oprom country could get Into debt up to many veterans there are entitled the Fireplace Kobtft of the Commu­ ular army, navy, marine corps or to that Intended. Instead of weak- aakod for a "light" for hla ciga­ to nnvments.’' he added. nity hall at 8 p. sa. on Thursday coast guard who haa retired but ond boutodreai et for youraatf.' their nMka and thus keep the bub­ when the members d t the Zoning 3.77 SLEEPERS GOWNS and Btiifig the guarrilla movement rette at about the time of the He'tald so iVinny confllcfln*’ esti­ at long last! not discharged before March 19, « Biiilt*ap BhottMer fxtre.atreng printed fobrit dwl and the Communlata it strength- ble preearlouely intact a few slaving. They quoted him at say­ mates on the numbe’r of ell-lble Commlaaion and the Zdhjng Board 1947, and who remained subject to weeke or months longer. ing that he wac "tn a Jam" when veterans have been presented b'’ of Appeals WlU meet with 'Attorney recall, waa not eligible to receive Regolxr 898 wig ufeor long, ond woah ooalht. BDad both. Raymond A. Joh’naon, towffNpoun- COTTON SUPS KIMONAS When the crash cornea, remem­ questioned concerning the blood. various authorities but declared the state soldler’a bonus. Hadden *$me. “I feel that the Extra long box springs Uona 400 and 418 of the General to rbcelve the bonua. to 40. front or back' openings. White with Pink or Blue IM -M ro ) aucb a genuine offer a year ago, South Wind's Gift Statutes which deal with zoning. Police quoted Dellechlale’a moth­ veterans eligible for tb- invo'e pay­ •Mxx. shrink. 1% Fttlly Cat. Reg. tl.29 Rises 2 to 8. Trimmings. or even six months ago, on the Tha summer humidity, reports er aa aaylng that be served aboard ments (those of oronnd $3001 were The tecUona 400 and 418 are those Give; $2-U to Wrong Man which void the old statutes under part of an honest-and democrxUc the weatherman, haa been higher the Franklin when Jap dive bomb­ the first to nish to anpiv.” he ex- nlnlned. ' "Lnter on T thfnk we’ll which the Bolton Zoning Commla­ OMCk reglma, the situation in ers rocked her In the Pacific, with Detroit 8h >L 10—(F)—EatreHa than usual. It haa been consist­ heavy toll of lives. run nci'oss a lot of applications for and mattresses aion was eatabllahed. The Thurs­ Caaaclls, 22-yekr-o:d finance com­ MEN! FOR QUALITY SHIRTS AT A ROCK BOTTOM PRICE... BUY "PENNLEIGH Qreece would probably have been ently higher, all summer long, Poilco Capt. Arthur K. Riley the smaller payments running day meeting should be of Interest pany clerk, made out papera yea­ cured almoat Instantly, beyond week in and week out, w'lth very said that when the crowd of ’2,000 from $30 to $70 1 think fellows to allgjroperty owners. terday for a $253 toqn for George any rSorta of RuaaU or her Bal' ouUlde police headquarters began In this latter category weren't In Building Permlte larnied King. few clear-aired days of relief. nnv great hurry to apply.” Walter F. Elliott announces he lean satellltea to keep trouble breaking up Dellerhiale .was ask­ He signed for the ]nab. and Mlsa Lusnous 136 X 30 MOADOOTHI The reason, says the weather­ ed if there was anything he at no extra cost! has issued the following building Caasells turned to get thF.monay, tWORK CLOTHES SALE! brewing. But the rule arid ruin man, whose opinion we respect In wanted. l.*ather soles on shoes pemilt permlte: No. 196 to Julius L. ■he told police. She handed it out 1 policy which the Greek govern hla long range backward looks The police captain quoted him the passsee of sir through the Strong of 19 Stricklan^stM**! to the man at the window orij^r ment has been following up until as saying: natural hide. Mancheater. for a two car garage booth, but waa cenfuaed when Kli.^ MEN’S CHAM2RAY SHIRTS White Shirts much more than we respect It, "Yea when you see my mother to be located near the Strong Pasakigh now may have crystalUaed tha dt- returned a moment later to claim' when he tells uo what It will be tell her I’m here Tell her I'm glad homestead on Hebron road In hi! loan. vtHoi. In Greece beyond present doing half an hour from now. is Its over with and anything I get South Belton. Mr. Strong la also Then ahe realised ahe had given e Combad, marcariiad brooddothl peaceful repair. The speed with that the prevailing wind this sum-, • deserve.)’ . | Perfional Nolice* makii. I extenalve repairs to the the $253 to another man who \ e Sonforitnd. Caln't ahrlnh which Premier Sophoullq aclecta . . _ * . Acting on hla request^ police i hemeatead. Permit No. 107 waa merely said “ thank jrou" and hur­ mer has been from the south. went to the fuiiilly home where ried out. Officers were seeking the mer# than l% l and organises his international Issued to Crockett and Hansen That reminds us, once more, .they Informed the grief stricken Card of Thanks Company, buUdqra, for Richard atranger. Dura-lilt fwsod cellar. . . commtaslon, and carriea out hie how much we are at the mercy, .mother. She requested and was W> wlih to think our relillves. heldt shape wltheot starch I undoing of the political peraec4i- r-or the blesei;ig. of the winds. ' iiHiftihors «nd friends for their kind tion of the past may have a great winter. If you lemembcr, was a. " " jJ.;, Drinking pxnrre.«lon» »f evmpkthy. offeri of a»- Prtsh water paarl bwttonsl SIZES 14'/j-17. eletanro and thrlr many heautlful fl.^ral deal to 'do with the aucccaa of hla mild winter becmuie s strong west' Cregg quoted the navy veteran .'ffrnn'ife at thr lime of the deatli of Fully guarantaad ^ Orantst S L E fiV E S 2-5. amnesty offer. wlna kept blowing, blowing In “ s saying that he hiuT been drink- our beloved mother, Mrs. ' Luigi Grs;. adlo. OFFICIAL NOTICE ,nc» „ ,p p „ v .„ . , , . 2 !jxr„T;,.su''£." The Orsxisdio family. Reliable Indicators cold air of Canada and the Arctic' The •— diatHct------attorney------said that from making Its normal descent thie youth, related how he led her Card of Thanks The fact that Senator Robeit A. MAKmC VOTERS upon ils. Now the summer has to the hrushlafid adjoining the Taft at the outset of his heglrs parking space, and "hit her several T wUh to take thli oSp,>rlunlty to BEDDING OUTFITS been uniformly sticky and labor- thLnk my three liundred »nd thirteen The Selectmen and Town Clerk o f the Town o f Man­ for taking the political tempera­ times' on the head" when she (ilehiU who voted In my favor yei- some to the lungs beciiuso the fought off hts advances. I terdty'i r.enubllcan primary election. chester hereby give notice that they will be in session at ture of the west, decreee that no south wlhd^has been having a "She did not scream after th e . Although We fell ahort.ln numerical the Town Clerk’s Office in the Municipal Building for first blpw," the prosecutor quoted »trength to Inaure nomination. I am special session of Congress m Md fling. the torpose of examining the qualificat^s of electors ter Europe la ^necessary la not com- nellechlaieueliecniaie nsas saying,savlne “ 1i leftiei^ her ' Indeed mlnorliy aratllled of tn the know votera that conalder- auch a . 7 • . Wiiat the weatherman doean't Whether you’re six foot plus or fiye foot two,' if and admitting tb the ELECTORS* OATH those' who pMU proof that a ^ c la l M.sion I there. 1 don t know if she was dead ^ »eiiouelv for the office of Con­ or alive. , etable. you like plenty of foot room in your bed you’ll shall be found qualified on the following days: is very nacasary. It is merely j why there wa.a such a west^ "My clothes w:ere spattered with \ John A. Law ler. welcome Lonfir John, the “ King Size” bedding, with Available 3 ways vary good lBdlc8tio.T that R »• i ,vUid ^ast winter, oi *vhy such a ' open arms. In the ^ s t it was necessary to order Saturday, September 13, and Saturday, urgent Indeed. I special length bedding, made to your meagure- September 20, from 9 a. m. until 8 p. m. For whauver aucceaa Senator I ; Inents . . . then extra long side rdils to fit it. Standard,full or twin aixe extra long (80 Taft may U ve In luncUonlng a s.^ o w what the winds for autumn' inch) Long John bedding outflta conalsting ' Said-'first session may be publicly adjourned frbm Now LonfToTvh makes an extra icing bed a Stand-,, a poUUca* temperature Uker m ! winter are going to b„ m of a superbly comfortable box spring and time to time but no session shall be held later than Sat- ard Stock proposition. Long" John is full si.x the weak he hlmaelf is a fairly re-| case the veatlier ilst li It's a Watkins Gift a luxurious innerspring mat- crt ur(lay. September 20, except a session to examine and inches longer than average bedding . . . 80 inches liable Uwrmometer for the rest of' would be a simple. deduction. The tress; two pieces...... \ admit those whose rights shall have matured after Sat- in length. It comes in either full or twin sizes. the < ^ tr y .,,U he. Is for some-i squ„,ei, obvioucly must know ur(li^. September 20 and on before Monday, October To use this bedding in your present bed you sim­ vt thing, beware. If he la against it, | ______j_____ (Siderail axtensions, 8.B0) 6.1947, which session shall be held op Sktuniay, O:tober It's a smart Gift ply use Long John Siderail Extensions which slip it la likely to be good. He ia not' a ■ ^ I I * • 4.1947, from 9 a. m. until 12 nbon. onto any hook siderails, without tools. Exten­ alwxys reUahle, it la true. He h a a | " ^ ^ ^ i o O l t l l C r S Naturalized citizens must present naturalization momenta when be atepa out of! sions cost only $8.50 a pair. The same Long John Bedding with eight (not certificate before being admitted. Documentary evi­ character. But they are few and The old fashioned brandy Outfit Honorcil sniffer becomes a china six) legs, attached to the W spring with dence must be presented in all cases of'‘derivative citi­ far totwean." ____ cabinet decoration today, special built-in fixtures to assure tight, zenship. WOMEN’S “ GRANTCO” If ahy one wants full and final Bupyong. Korea (Delayed)—A or a vase In which to float steai^y legs at all times, i £ ■ - K r t Signed: proof that a special aeaslon to Manchester Koldiei— Pfc. Robert s choice lOBC or gardenia. Complete Outfit ...... SHERWOOD G. BOWERS, r;:i s r x 9 9 " SHEETS TAILORED CURTAINS speed up the Marahall Plan la an' ^ (Chambers, Jr., Is a iiiomucr oj Ulennilng crystal, 8 inches the Plst Ordnuiu-f M.M t’o. de-' Ull. 1.50. CECIL W. ENGLAND, Strongly woven, pariflonant finish muslin. COTTON HOSE abaolute neoeasRy, one can add to BCiihed recently In a letter from CARL E. HULTINE, .ShttBr Shadow N«t Lo c b sI the opinion of rx 36". tofl. 53c 47< tral of U. 8. Army forces in ivory, chaatreuae. Twin HAROLD A- TURKINGTON. lO H . la thara is nothing on the bortaon Korea. sizes, com inete...... Board bf Selectmen. to r^ulre hla spaady return to Pfc. Cfluimbers, son of Mr. and M anekeden, SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, Mrs Robert W. Ghambers. 677 1 2 5 2 5 'Wasalngtaa. This lovely reassur­ (Fun sizes. 126.75) Town (Herk. Canter aUeet, heard the letter, q4-«a. ance from the President came at along with another by Richai-d t51 Datigd fit Manchester this 5jth day of September, "1947. W. T. GRANT CO. 815 MAIN STREET ' the vary moment when hla State Johnston, New York Times corre-- IMpartmant officials were busy spondent, commending the 01»t Co., rc(ul at a troop foimatioii tiBfiurtag the^ vocabularlee try- held nere in honor of the 9lst. ICAKCHE8TER EVENING HEKALO, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1»4T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTCR. CONN, WEDNESDAY, SE ri EMUEK 10. UMt PAGE

should be critically re-examined, party fo r town ofllees to be Sited West Hartford, aad Mra. MUdrad said the report. School Figure at town election October S, 1947. Mrs. K. F. Bailey Obar and aon Alan,, o f East Hart- Former Local ■eeemmeadatleee Made Any other btiainesa proper to THE fonk [ai^, BaUey Named eoaae before tba OMeting also will RafroMunante warn aorvod by Eighteen recommendations In ell RANGE AND FUEL OIL be conaldereS. Is Given Parly SUEDE JACKETS Man Honored were made In the 35-page report, Near Estimate Sgt Ballay. Mra. BaUay raoolvad Regular Binget J aeveral stressing the need for many flna gifts from bar frianda. With Present Board "sound buslneaa administration” Donnelly Jewcliry Vfholatala Gasoline SENTINEL A aurprisa birthday party was BEAUTHULLY MADE OF Charles A. Lillie Con* divorced from the "aocial welfare" Supt. llling*s Advance MIUTART NOTBS OF INTBaRST given Mm. Kenneth F. BaUay of aspMta of the department. OF MANUmtarCB n a t i o n a l u d a b o i 184 Benton atraat tost night by bar TONIGHT The Investigators contended that Fm ST QUALITY SKINS gratulated on 50 Years Registration InfomiB* Store Will Move FIRST BATTALIUN Rangoon, Burma, Sept 10—(in For Town Directors the welfare board, with one excep­ husband. M aster Sargaant Konnoth AT 8 O’CtXKX In Banking Business tion, had little knowledge of tne tion Proves Accurate 169TH INFANTRY F. Bailey of tba locd Army and —An official statoincnt today aald workings of the department, leav­ Donneny*s Jewelry store, locat* Bantly Oil Company A A F Recruiting SUUon. The party 800 oonvteta aaoaipod vasterday ed In the Farr building at 515 whUa being asoortad under guard Local friends and former achool- ing the eupervlaor. Miss Murray, When Superintendent o f Schoota .1.31 Main Mtreet TcL 5291 or 2-1057 wna held in S|^ and Mrs. .Baltey'a Selectmen Nomi* Main street, la to move to 538 Team e Msmbars of the Guard am a from Mandalay to Myaungmyn, la V.F.W. POST ROOMS Top Vole Getter matas of President Charles A. In "absolute control." Arthur H. . filing prepared last borne on 184 Benton atraat Main street to occupy the store In Opposite the Armory Members of the First BetUllonl mltted to all evanu at tha armory tho Burma delta. Tha atatoawnt 1 with Two Otherf U llle at the Phoenix-Stata Bank "The board has not and does not July an estimate of the children OuaoU preaani warn Mr. and Msnehester Greea exercise Its powers, rights and the adjoining building now occu- steff netted et the Oommunity Y fm o o f charge alaoo the armory Mm. Fred J. Balloy and family of •aid they dacampad artth n num­ and Trust Company, have bean con­ tp be enrolled In the local scboola, tually bslohga to thsmsalvao. Idaa- By Republicans for gratulating him on reaching hla duties." the report said. led by Johnson Brothers. Johnson Monday evening for the purpoee of 1 East Hartford. Mr. and Mra. David ber of Stan guns aad rlfloa aad It I he stressed the large enrollment Ufleation canto am being printed 23 GAMES! DOOR PRIZE! 50th anniversary In the banking Miss Murray waa vested with 8trothers are moving to a new viewing at eloaa hand talant which Andm gg o f 135 Benton straat and arsa Marad some o f tho mambam exported in the kindergartens. In now and w ill ba paaaad out to [New GoYcmment Set* 8eld. Directors and members of complete control over personnel, store location In the Forest build­ will repreaent tha Ouarda team of John Andmgg of 135 Benton street. of tho guard bad boan throam Into the estimate which he drew up Guard mambam in tha naar futura. AdwilasioR 25e. the executive staff o f the bank including hiring and firing, the ing. The change will give addi­ Mancheater during tha coming baa-: Mr. and Mra. Marshall White of tho Irrawaddy rtvor< Lawler Loses for I last June for submission to the tional space to the Donnelly Jew­ Dtoptay A t Fair honored Mr. Lillie with a dinner at committee reported, adding: ^ Joint school board he stated that katbaU aaaeaa. M ajor Alw yn B ro d -, "It la questionable whether any elry Company. eraea. commanding officer of the ' It wad mvaatod Monday avanlng istable; IfOOO Vote the Hartford Club Monday evening, approximately 650 children would of tha personnel has any recourse BatUUoa dleplay^ keen interest by Captain Bradlay that Haadquar- and presented him with a hand­ reveler for kindergarten. Of thta tara Company affll praaant a dto- Wf SIRVI HOMIS • D4IRIIS • fOOD STOKI', • TiW-N' • Kl.UURANU some silver tray, suitably en­ for grievances or la free to offer la the playem who wem working -W b ll« tbousMida lU y ed swmy numoer he saM about 550 were ex- { jday of ^ulpmant to vtoltom to graved. The presentation was suggestions for Improvements. out on the Y court, aa did tha oth­ fwUntojr, ManchMt«r'a political the public! the Manchaster Country Fair to ba made by Leon P. Broadhurst, chair­ 'C''^;;u;me;"c"ourd'norh.ip FOR SALE er membera o f tha staff; M ajor A r ­ 3H TlARi IXPIRIfNCI IN Ml ITPI'. Of R 11 R I & I K A I i 0 hold at tba armory this Frlday-and bald tbalr pra^actlon prl^ man of the board of the bank, who but observe the very restrained and | rina* tn thur Ntehola, Executive Offiocr; almost thwarted behaviour which ; T rucks*TFactors CapL Tbomaa Mores, 8-8; CepL Saturday. In chiugga o f tba dia- aad tbay countad Uia licbt- la bellavad to he Hartford's old­ play which artU Include waapooa est banking executive, and also a would only be the result of their ; SONOTONE Ernest Larson, 8-3; Cept. William total Tota for tba oecaaloa in tJoaition • ' "ffures T ^ ( d a y . and Trailers and communication aqulpment wlU former resident of Mancheater.. Insecure position Dickson, commanding officer of . o f tba jraan alnce woman wara There are now enrolled In the pub­ ba Lieutenant Arthur Armstrong, Among the guests was Frank Che­ Celled A Fire-Trap • S t Company A, end Lieutenant Ed­ Refrigeration **Trouble Shooters'* fruicbiaa. Only S70 Re* lic arhool kindergartens In Man­ Jr., Communication Oflicar of ths tumad out to name tba ney, Jr., of this town, president of In a special recommendation on chester 571 children, and there are Drastically ward Koslnskl, 8-4. Flrat Battalion. Mambam of tho Maaehaatar aatahSi hlnanto which hav f:r t Beard o f Salactman plua the Savings Bank of Manchester. the Naramake home, which housed n o children registered In the kin- Officers of the Guard met with ■pociallat unit who wlU actively mmt _ .atca AMen Bailey and Rleh* Mr. Lillie waa tha only aon of 18 persons at the lime of the In­ der.<;arten of St. James'a parochial Reduced Prices Director of Athletioa Joaeph Mc- •ngago in the display will ba 8ar- frtgaratloa rely oa SCIENTIFIC for pranurt, on a vt' Principal Fred A. Lillie who for HEARING Cluekey, Manager Art Pongreta aboottag.”— Hofnemakem atoo prefer ‘ fclEWTinCfoi Martin for the new.Board of spection, the committee said It school.' This reflects the need o f gaanta Frank Oochca, WIDard Cola many yeare waa In charge of the ly, eeeaomlcal eervloe. ^ wbUe the DemocraU Waa "Incredible that a progressive more lower grades next year, aa AO Makaa, Medela. em4 Temrt aad Earl Yost, sports editor of Tha and Robert Brawn. Also Privates Full Length Zipper former Eighth district schools. city o f 50,000 could maintain such F n ea 1888 to 1548 hi Herald, at which Uma plans coo- in only ISO laaer twlatem. the children now In kindergarten Arthur Buckler, Leroy Alden, Rob- Thera’a a reason: We^ra trained aad et Md to haadto A LL mi«ctar*a Veto He received his early education In an Institution." will then move into the flrat grada. Plehma, PuMto. Stakes, Danpe, eernlng the Guard team wem dis­ art RUlay and Pater Tierney will achools of that district. He at­ kinds of refrigeration proMenu right la Maath itatrl Rayon Lined Sberwood Q. Bowera waa high Tha building, aald the Investi­ The present enrollment ahows 507 Tiraetoru, V i m , Eta. cussed. A ll concerned with tha partidpata. $ 1 9 ^ 9 5 tended Manchester High school gators, "could be a horrible Are team am enthuatasUc about It and 1 0* the OOP board o f diractora pupils In the first grade In the 4688 OAlijO N—Tank Trxilersr CENTER Light or Dark Suede ahd took the business course at trc-> In an emercency." at with SOI votea, followed by public schoola. feel that Maachaater ia due for the Huntalnger*a Business College, for­ new. Available at fraction of Chryator AIR-TEMP Centfaatam. A. Turklngton OSO, Carl E. Ths report recommended that biggest cage season In 35 years. merly on Asylum street. Hartford. M i.,.itlr the subject of orlthial coaL Priced for Im­ na 545, Raymand C. Haca* Oeetga H. WadSaO —7 ------T w o games w ill be played at the EASY PIANO His drat position was with the a apaclal Inquiry and inveatlgation, mediate eaJe. local armory weekly and la addi­ 5 » . Richard Martin 518. Ca- anu that Immediate action be taken Bolton Republican CHEVROLET, 1888 — H-Ton Mr. Waddell, who generally old State Bank aa a runner. His tion, tha Guard team will play on W. Cnfland 504. John H. Lap- skill In mathematics and person* to determine whether the fhain M ATERIAL aapactad to W named Oenaral Pickup, In excellent mechani­ Masonic Temple the road, meeting competition on I 450. Joaeph H. Ruaaall 471, Al- allty won him one promotion after building could be repaired. cal condition. Priced tight Manager of the Town of Man Caucus Monday their horn# courts. Mr. McQutkey B. Bailey 413. another, until In January. 1944, he The Investigation w-as demanded raltar Mahoney, with the beat cbeater under the new charter, WHITE, 1541 — Tractor, air Thursday, Sept. 11 HO UR Si feels that he will be able to lorm YOU WILL LIKE SCIENTIFIC succeeded Mr. Broadhurst aa pres­ by the Common Council and the waa accorded the highest vote In equipped, 5th wheel, saddle a fm t rate team from tba playtr For longer than away of yoa ha baa made In hla aareral ident. In 1926 when the State board of eatimate last June after The Republican electors of the WM. C. DUFF RIPRieiRATION COUrANY, INC. the Republican Primary yester­ tanka, good Urea and mechan­ material offered, one Which has a caa remember oar eaay ptamo for office, ecorad 375. being and.Phoenix Banks were consoli­ the welfare department requested______Town of Bolton have been called day. Although not contested for ically axcellent. Priced reas­ Consultant 2 P. M. - 9 P. M. good chance of winning a good per­ have been teacbera* pets. N a I than Tbomaa 3. Crockett who dated Mr. Lillie waa named vice a special appropriation to meet a j MEN'S the nomination as Town Treasurer onably. centage of the games which they chUd gets bored when gay, a much heavier 573. but president. He h>s seen the active deficit for the fiscal year which' her **15 at 7:30 “ . m. it was an- 5 0 COTTAGE ST.. M A N C H t ST E R he waa given 640 votes. Conced­ ACTOCAB. 1585—Model 3-TR play. sprightly pleooa lUu tb o s o a m 907 M A IN STR E ET WELDON BLDG. Claranee Peteraon at 300 personnel grow from a small group ended August 31. nounced today byy Thomas W. ed that the Republican nominees S Tractor. Here Is a unit that la N ext nightly practice sessian o f WMir aoloetloa — la CENTURY ^ Bdward H. White with 110. to the present Institution with 130 The Investigating committee, Wilson, chairman of tha Repub- for the new BMrd of Directors, ready for the road. Excellent the basketball team 1s to be beld at E D ITIO N — at 20o a oopy. Phone 2-12 26 riioalng out aa conatable waa John employees; and resources from one appointed by the mayor, waa head­ llcnn Town Committee. OMt IN—see tha woodar- which will appoint the Oeneral tires. the Y this Wednesday evening. Po- Lawler with SIS votea anlnat to Its present 60 mtllton. ed by Attorney Ernest L. Josem The aesslon, to be called to or­ C hil new ALL-IN-ONB 8750 Bamboo Grove, far Jamea A. Duffy. 61t for Manager, are all favorable to Mr. and Included two membera of the der In the Community Hall, Bol­ FORD, 1548—Jeep. A low mlla- SONOTONB that deiibfaa aiUons are atUl open and playem AM-1 ...... Olovaaal ___ J. Straugban, 418 for Otto Waddell, hla appointment U vtr-* board o f estimate, tw-o councllmen, ton, la to taka action on the nom­ aga truck In unusually flna baartag com fort aad aolvaa Examination and are invited to attend the workouts 8588 Bosy U ttto Clock, Henaann and 417 for Raymond tually assured since Republican a clergyman and a private citizen. ination of all candidates of the condition mechanically. At­ thagraataatproMamofall-ln- whether they am Guardsmen or F-1 ...... A iaoM nomination In Manchester U Freight Wreck tractively priced. It alao in­ , Rdhlnaon. onanaarlngaldat Bzpartfraa Consultation FREE! not. 8048 Captain Jim, F-1, Haplriaa Coihnletlng the OOP elate wara usually considered aaauranca of cludes a carryall trailer with haerUtaasamleetiee and con- Weekly DrUl 5091 Going To Slarkat ^ Clark u m u el J. Turklngton election. On ‘‘New Haven” rack aides. aultatfon from the world’a Due to the presence of the town C-S .1 ...... Rolfo Town Traaauwr Oaorga H. CHEVR4HJCT, 1542 — 1-Ton largaat paraonal aarvica for voting machines on the drill floor 8054 Hem Wo Go, C-1.. .Porter M l 640. Reglatrar of Votara Panel. In excellent mechani­ h a ^ n g a ld naara. in active drill hlonday night. The 5154 In Gay Coatoane, SPARTON but Intarcat too waa at vary low (Contlnoed From Page One) cal condition, good Urea. bulk of the evening waa spent iri G-3 ...... Croaby ___Hemingway 587. Select ebb. A t The Herald, which gave Priced to sen. the tidying up of supply cages end 8587 Old Tima Bam Danes, I Ouy C. Anderaon 500 and Rdg- out voting Information aa aoon aa The Narragaraett, which left Bos­ . Taggart 585, and Mambera of THERE ARE MORE NOW Let this Hearing Aid SONOTONE of the evening wee spent In the 0-8 ...... Proehl Iraso phonographs wmi Fi tha poll! cloaad, phoha calla were ton at 11:45 p. m. (e. a. t.) last tidying up of supply cages and 811T Oat Oa the O oe^ Board of Education Oeorge W. few, and within a abort while the night, and the. State of Maine, Expert Help YOU—Now! TH f HOUSE Of •• .* 577 and fV^erlck I. Rog- .^50 CAR BARGAINS turning in the mmalnder of camp , C-3 ...... Hopklna which left Pot Hand at 8:30 p. m. H ( A H I N G office waa cloaad. Fords, Chevreleta, Dodges, aqulpment to the supply sergeents. 8534 Paper Boiat% 508. (e. a. t.) last night, were due In , AdvertlMd In UPI end Iho U 1URDAY . WaddoR out In the lead over The tabulated rcaulU of the pri­ Plymohtks. Baicks, Oldaaio- During the drill period Heedquar- C-1 ...... SearmoUa mary follow. (Thoae marked • are New York at tiW a. m. and 6:30 j FOR HOME HOSPITAUTY tem Company personnel received 3758 Ping Poag, F-1 ...Stolnor entire ticket with 840 votea Chryalora, BoSedoo, m. (e. a t,) leipectlvely but had IVMMO POft iMe memh ul $229** In pddttlon to the nomlna- nominated); Meroorya, Ltaeohi-Cephyr% their three month period pay 8448 The Poataiaa, C-3...8aaa not arrived as lata aa 8:00 a. m. ! __ _ what might be conatrued aa RepabSran Ponttaca fro n 158i to 1547*0, checks which had arrived at the 8877 Prancing Clown, (a a. t). ■' I oonfldenca vote or endoraaroant Board of DIreetora la aO body otyloa. Moot armory last Wednesday, one day C-3 ...... Heaps tba post of the town’a general •Bailey, Alden E ...... 413 oqaippod wltb radloo aad after the weekly drill. » 5144 Singing In the Glen, Heavy Traffte Here lagar, for which position he •Bowera, Sherwood 0 ...... 601 kcatera. AS eara gnaraafeed. National Guard Day C-2 ...... Arm our The wreck of a long freight i bean promlnantly mentioned. Crockett, Tbomaa J...... 372 Caa be boagbt o Tuesday, September 16, has been 5459 When My Birthday train early today in Branford has Give Your Walls New Beauty Howavar, even with bis lead, he •England, Cecil W ...... 504 meat alaa wltb “vJitK ; designated National Guard Day Cornea, C-1 ...... Richter resulted In hea^^ traffic over the ilased many of the total 870 •Hagedom, Raymond E ...... 521 according to a report received by 5631 W ild Blosaoma, ^ $ 1 9 9 “ railroad lines passing through I I.O.P. votes cast. Indicating that •Hultine, Carl E ...... 5 4 5 the local units. In addition, the D-3 ...... Qolacke (UMIN.YNNK •Lappen, John H ...... 490 Manchester, a condition that w ill' ESSENTIAL TECHNICAL tbara waa much skipping about 2 LOW „ BED TRAILERS— With CongowaO Easy to install antim week. 16th to the 20th, w ill Mahoney, Walter T ...... 276 continue until the shorn linn be recognized as National Guard MATERIAL D^Snd voting for particular offices. Heavy duty, aU-ateel, with or •Martin, Richard ...... 618 tracks can be cleared. The freight W eek and plans are now under 8736 Arpeggloe. Triads aad 1 ^ Snigs ■yds's Prsdktlon ■ without dolllea In A-1 con Peteraen, Clarence E ...... 200 wrech tore up and blocked thn way to celebrate the yearly date 7tb Chorda ...... AbranM Republican Town Chairman dltlon throughout. 20-ton I J u ^ William 8. Hyde foretold •Ruaaell, Joaeph H ...... 471 main New York-Boston line for a with a range of activity. In con­ 883 Scales aad Chorda, Caerny •Turrlngton, Harold A. .560 long distance In an area that capacity without dolltea, 43- 1813 Scales and Chords, Kohler rthrsa hours before the polls cloaOd. ton capacity with dollies. Sold junction with National Guard White, Bdward H ...... IIO han.tles some of the heavlrst traf- 8687 ftoales In Double | )nst about bow hla party would new for $5,600. Our price Week an intensive effort towards BmauHM MoM$ Town Clerk fle In the east. recniltlng will be made by both Notes (Thirds) .. Abrams t^sbapa up In the voting. He predlct- complete with dollies, $1,993. |tf sd nomination of tba present se- •Tiirklngton, Sam.iel J. . .636 T(Klay both freight and passen­ Company A-(rifle), commanded by 3688 Scales In Double ger trains were being routed to Cheese V^aetmen plus Martin, and a doubt Treaaurer FEDERAL, 1541 — ITt-Ton Captain Dickson, and Headquar­ Notes (Sixth) ...Abrams .640 Boston via Hartford over the Chaaala and Cab. Motor, tires 1207 Schmitt’s Five Finger REGAL.M PANTS! diM rlbed I only as to who m l^t gain ninth •Waddell, George H ---- ters Company, commanded by Highland division through Willi- place for the board of directors. Reglatrar of Volera and general condition good Captain Leonard H. Bradley. Plans Exerelses. Pt. 1 188M in aoemeue 7 I On tba Democratic aide there •Hemingway, Donald .... .587 mantle. throughout. AttracUvely have not aa yet been revealed. 1208 Schmitt’s FIa'o Finger Regal Is giving men whet they went in Psntei ^^.wara only nine names up for the \ Selectmen Many realdcnta In the vicinity priced. Both unite will need local men Exerelses, Pt. 3 GOOD SELECTION — PERFECT FIT ~ RIGHT of the railroad right of way nt>- K4.baauxl of directors, these being •Ahderaon, Guy E ...... , .500 CHEVROLET. 1941 — I'i-Ton In the very near futum to bring 8738 Staccato, A Technical eoHWweeaav m tlced the greatly Increased activi­ PRICE — FREE ALTERATIONS — SPEEDY f l ’Thomas i . Dannaher 87, John D. •Taggart, Roger 8...... 535 Stake in good mechanical con their strength up to Federal re­ Discussion ...... ■.. Abrama hand-iubbed oabogeag; ty on thn line tu

•r.... i

■'J- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. .MANCMCSIKK. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. SF.rTE^IRER 10. 1941 PAGE nnETEEK MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEaiBER 10. 1947 P A O ltW K L t S hare been used profitably la cur­ on chargee of fighting end die- newspaper reporter and a pho-1 Alice Ruse Cochian, vice chairman, rency reform "but our comrades Buses Rolling turblng the poKce and an attorney tographer were attacked. The re­ Find Effective Connecticut s^l«t Republican com* Elderly Cycle | About Toun New Cruiser Say 2 Out of 3 Adults Foreign Aid to charge of the country's economy for Southern Trailwnya,' who porter. Al Hewitt of the Shreve-1 Warns on Fire U Nd a wlndoar In th« room. mittoe. will preside. waited for foreign loans which | balle<1 six of them out of jail, said port Hmea was knocked to the ‘UNBIOCT board my brotbor Bin boDor, I Paeerlbea Polltleel U'eepee yer caaw." I the six were otudent bus driven. ground. Mrs. Macemuley said the "weap­ Leaguas of Emanuel Lutheran Is Delivered Is Not Needed In Louisiana Trial of J. H. Lee. charged with *Bvcrybody get out’ and aaw him Asthma Relief Rider Struck; Drink Alcohol in U. S. civU war fighUng, official Two of the driver* and one of District Tax jump over tho sid«. I jumped on” wnicn OOP women expect to ehurcb plan to attend the outing their three eseallant* were hoe- simple aaeault In connection with f W s m s is M i carry to votara will be the "true Saturday at Webster lake, the aourcee said Liu Po-CiMng'e Ooas- ths attack on th# photographer. too, and waa burned on the lege' munlat trocipa had readmd the pltellsed but were later released W lUil aa I feU through the flamea. ’ I r i n i f f C o R e n u * . record of the SOth Congresa.” She newly acquired summer camp of Police Auto Ready to Hands ' New Msven. Sept ;0— Tsro. of men and women wart cUssed se Gen. Chianf Makes Re­ Traffic Rcsunird and returned to jail. Doug Perry, of the - Bhraveport Dee’lMseN aerved In the navy In the PactHc! S a m S O d i m i g \A». I t e m e - said there has been much mlanap- John Anderson, 72, of the New England DistricL A banka of the Yangtae river at Three More PaymenI Rutgers ualveralty eoeiologliU i»- occaaionnl drinkers. Ttngshan. 100 milea eaat of Han­ n|Htc Stench Roniha, It waa the second light to two Journal, was continued for e week during the war and waa under are ] reaentatlon concerning actions of Walnut St., Is Not chartered bus will leave the Go on Road; Two 9otUA today that to the postwar Piece of reoidenc* roeara a flif- port on Material nights near the same spot Ui when called to court today. dy la Placed on Sale; ^he congress, the flrn Republican church promptly at one o'clock, kow, but had been driven away Seaeiona Before Inter* aevaral tlmea, but tbia waa the Stay Free From United Stataa almoat two out of ferenc* to drinking beblta, the re­ by government foroea Bullctn and Rattlf^n Natchea. Approximately 1,000 of the worat experience 1 ever had.” one in well over a decade. Seriously Injured and those planning to attend More Are Planned s4>nrces o f Country Many Teatimoniala ivery three adnlta orlak alcoboUe I port said, targe metropolitan cen­ Dispatches from Talngtao said Meantime. Sheriff Ray Adcock company** employees, member* of «at la to Be Added "A fter people get the facta on should be there In good time. ters repoittog as high as 77 per the Amalgamated Aseoctation of what the cong-viM accompllehed,” Greasy Soap btvaragaa to a greater « r leaser government troops have captured Bhreveport, La.. Sept. 10 iJ*i • at Shreveport said three men ar­ A year ago an elderly Manches­ John Anderson, 72, of S3 Wal­ Tha Carter Chevrolet Company Mrtefit, but they said drinking etlU ' cent of the population to oe drink­ Nanking. Sept. 10—(05—Chlang rested In connection with nn at­ Street, Electric Railway and Mo­ Tbomaa Walr, coUactor of taxaa she added, *‘the> will want a Re­ Mis* Hazel B. Johnson of Holl the Communist Shantung province Southern Trailwnya buses contin­ ter map, suffering from asthma to nut atreet, waa struck by a car today daUvtrad to tha PoUc da- arse net eonalderad aa reapectabi* I er*, with the figures ranging doam Kai-Shek, to e secret report read of Plngtu and are threaten­ tack on ■ bus near Couahntta, La., tor Criach Rmployeea of America, S t e S t . publican president to the White driven by George Roaa, of 14 SL street and Miss Vivian Anderson ued to roll to tncreeslng numbers (A F L ). walked off fheir jobs May ta r the South Maneheitar Fire James such a degree that he was forced partment a naw criiiaer to raplac* Film ! u aoma ether aodal eustoms. { to 4 4 per cent in farm communi- before thfl Kuomtotang (govern­ ing Latyang, 50 milea to the east today despite stench bombs, bul- Monday had been removed to Cad­ House. Lawrence street, at 10 o’clock this of Hamlin street are vacationing 20 when their contract with the giatrlct haa given notice that but; to give up all Work, resigned hlm- "Much credit should be given at Plnewood camps, at Canton. on* that has been to uae for the 0*A John W. RUey and CStariee i Uea ment party) axecuUve commltu*. and an even more Important Com­ lete, fietlcuffa and a two and a do parish (county) jail here. They morning while riding a bicycle. Seventy per cent of th* people ■re being held for Inveaflgatlon company expired. three more aeaaionf win be held_ aelf to a remaining life of in- the Republican congraaa for de­ Maine. peat faw yaara The crulaer haa r. Harden based their report pub-1 asUmxted today that despite th* munist strongpotoL Lalyang con­ half montha old atrlke of em- Paving Done The accident took piece at the IlShed today to Tala'a quarterly I who oould be termed "prosperous" trols communicatloa routes for the In connection with the flndlpng of by mm for the payment of district ^ valtdlam. livering 100 percent on Its cam­ corner of Park and St. James had tha radio aouipment trana- present eoonomlo crlsla. Oitoa poe ployea to nine etatee. Today, hk aaya he la “ young terrad and la ready"aady to go on tho Journal of Studlas on Alcohol, on i drink, the report said, aa do dS par Shantung peninsula and its Com­ ‘The stench bombs were loosed pistols and dynamite near rv»u- taxOa. Ha wlU ba at Hoae Houae paign promise." street. A daughter. Susan Gall, thalr •eased suffiGtont material reaourcea again.” No algn of asthma afflic­ road. This car waa orderad laat a anrrey oonduotod by the Nation­ cent o t those to “ average’' econom- munist port of Chefop. to the company’s depot here yee- shsUo, he said. Bo 4 of School atreet tomorrow I f n , B e e n T o m Same aa Men's Issue Mr. Ross toclk the injured man third child, waa born Beptamber to sustain the country another two tion has troubled him since Febru­ June to be delivered in S lu m b e r al Dptmoa Rtaanrch Center of the Ic rireumatanoas and 62 per sent of torday shortly aftar the arrival ot The sheriff said they were re- JAMES AND MARIE from 7 unUl 9 p. m.. and on Satur-! rp,___ The OOP aa.a for women are of 1805 Sixth Avenue, Bradenton. and tha cost has been covered by UnWeralty of Denver. thoae classed ea ‘“ poor." The generaua generaUadino upraided the refmlar bus from Alexandria, move'." she said I dlth Plakaltis. 11. of 153 Hilliard . Hew many paople drink 7 What are when the nation had ample foreign were arreeted at Natchea, Miaa., terday es It waa Monday when a Friatefl aafl Develeped tn the diatiirt ia two mills. Mr the southerly aide of St. James mobile unit purchased lest year They said the number of total the hospital Monday and was now "through mach rery of various Re­ ' street, was struck at the corner Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daugh- thair social eharaotariatioal Where •ets to complete the program. Aay a-6 Hell ~ Weir repeats that about 70 per street at Main where, for many waa a motorcycle. do they live? What do they drtok T abatainera apparently Is decreas­ being held to Flume prison ewelt- cant or the taxaa have been col- months while the store building publican women's clubs in the coun­ of Hilliard and Main street and lera of Union Veterans of th e ! The report - dated Aug. 30 but Btaty-ftve per cent of those mes- ing, but “the marked variation* not prevhnialy releaeed—ca-rted tog trial Sept. 16. letted so far. Last year he collect- *t the comer waa under construe- try, composed of more than 450,000 , was sdmit*' I to the hospital with Civil War. haa received an Invl-1 Arthur Drug fitotas among the verioua social sag' further critlclam ot hla ruling Megr. Ukmar was injured to an ad hoarly lOO per wnt of the tax- tton. the highway had bem tom members. head Injuries. totlofi to attend the joint installa­ tloaed said thay drank, «nd ' 7 per BROILERS AND 845 Main St„ Rubinow EMf. She said there will be no pro­ tion of Dllworth-Cornell-Quey cant aald they drank aome type of menta ot the population euggaot party, which, Chiang fieclarwl yae anti-clerical riot on Aug 24 to the ae no the rate book up and narrowed to create a bot­ that drinking to th* United States Yugoslav aone of Veneata Giulia, MonchttfGr Public Stenographer tleneck at the point gram of claboraU functions to at­ Post,’ American Legion and Aux­ aleahoMc beverage at least three tsrday, had fatlad to oolva “the ROASTERS Thera had been much crltlclam tract women lo meetings. The Shower Is Given iliary. Monday evening. Septem­ ttoM* a week. The report clanieil has not yet become a national gravest eriele to its 20 year hla and the Tugoelav news agency. more. tory. He told the committeemen Bureau DraeoeS. elMisea aafl w aheA AmeHcan Aid of the continued unfavorable con­ luncheon-meeting, she said, ap­ ber 15. at eight o'clock to the Le­ HALE'S SELF SERVE the latter aa “ regular" drinkera Tenjug, reported hie arrest Aug. dition of the atreet, and now, since pears to be the best means of get­ For Miss McNeill gion ball. and the others ee 'vcaelonet “ What th* ultimate cultural d*f- that factional otrlfa within the 26. WrappeS m ealleplMsa aoS b**fl work on the store appears to hava ting them together. The Orifinal In New England! drinkers. ■ tolUon of alcoholic beverages tn the party was “ more vloleat than our "He hea been arrested together 1 >,, p__ in, g — Latter Writing — Manifolding Is freeee fet yeot oeo- Cindar Blocks .Needed by Europe I been complctad, at least aa far aa "A fter all," sho said, "we have Mr. and Mr*. William J. Doug­ Th* Rutgeran eoicologlsta said It United States will ba, no cos can diiqiuto with tho Obmmunlota." with other participanta to the to Mimaofiimfiographing — Addressing — Mailing vesIwM^ Ne tralttsfi. tall. A t th* momenL the drinking I the overrun Into the highway la to eat." Miss Gladys McNeill. of 330 las, formerly of Dobsonvllle, now waa "neoat totareattog" that while Forget receign Bcfiotloae cidenU end their organisers will Manuseri^ Copying — Notary Public Delivery la Maarheete? FllSay CINDRH BLDUH MPO. tifL. 75 per cent of th* men and 56 per haa aa uncertain and changing ato' Chiang urged Chtoeee to forget (OoDtlaaed from Page One) i concerned, the repair work has In pointing to tho important Center street, \/ho will be married of Rutland, Vermont, have re­ AND HEALTH MARKET be turned over to the court,'' the A Vary Complete Reasonable Service Bveatage. IN a — __ I been pushed. bearing the women's vote has on to Ernest A, Wolfram of Center turned to thsir home fotlowtof a cent of the women were drinkers, tua. WhUe fewer people p e ^ p s foreign reacUons to thair nation's Tugoelav agency said. r.iming Congress approves that! Hie road waa o iig ln ^ y dug up electiona, she said there "are 1,- street on September 20. was hon­ ten day* vialt with their daughtera, only eight per cent of the women, now regard It aa a sin, la has not poUciea. "Nalther tha United 889 Main Street, Manchester tee Tollaad m.. Caet flartfafd ZButoftl hdlp fornulB*—htj not duo to o chnn^ In tnoMdownuc 171,000 more . potential women ored with a fourth bridal shower Mra. George L. Graxiadio and Mr*. compared with 27 per cent of tha yet achieved th* universal reapec- SUtes nor the Itoviet union.’' he Tel. HIM a-ssaa tabtllty of well-cstabMahed pattarns •aid, “wUI have the right to aay Evening Appointments If Desired H. A. FRINK been detarmlned. It might run and to damage to the street c a u ^ voters than men.'' She said the last night. Tlu party was given William M. Anoeraon, and other men, were regular drinkera. luiaet- SuIMvaa At*. Wenptni around »76,000.00o to $100,000,000 during excavation operations for growing Interest women are tak­ by Mrs. Albtn Wolfram, mother of rriatives and trienda to town. ly tha same proportion. 48 per cent of aodal behavior." anything if we are to uie right Phone Man. 4168 Days. Hartford 8-5027 Eveniag* THURSDAY SPECIALS! The aecret report aald that when ret Maa. 7I6S Afler 6 F. M. The £tate and War departments U»e ing indicates signs of "political her fiance, who was assisted by her UNUSUAL ace cams to the orient, Oitoa announced that the Houae and when sand fltl began to ca a to maturity." daughters, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Elliott McMuUtn. Si*9C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! called the worst downpour to the from under St. James street. At of Ekilaon road, are apending a few Kd 1900,000,000 (U. B.) to forHgn gesate appropnatlona committees Mrs. Carl WoliTsm. It was attended Village of 18,000 55-year history of Hlbbln,-Acker- •xchango—or Sve times the pre­ that time a rctalntog wall had by thirty-seven relatives and daya in Montreal. They are gueato son said. The vtllage, of about 16,- OPPORTUNITY JIMMIE JINGLE were bet^ informed of the forth- to be arrected to hold the edge of All-Sweet war level. This, he toslsUd, could eoQtog negotiations with the Bri- Miss Sokolowski friends. < at the Queen Hotel in that city. Covered hv Flood (MH) population, la 55 miles north- SAYS: the street. The hostesses used a color tldi. weat of Duluth. for ambitious and SRirrcs- Stisator Bridgea dt-KH ) dls- Jack Sanaoa scheme of American Beauty and Oleomargarine Lb. Is Shower Guest blue and pireaented the gifts to Hospital Notes HlbMng, Minn., Sept. 10’-(A5— siTfi aisa betweo 27 and 45. oloabd yestarday that the Senate British Force h Rating Up Jail LOOKING Appropnatlona committee will help he has e e e u ^ from a native the bride-elect to a large basket Hibbing wSa virtually inundated Insurance backfround and Armoar*a m tit hare September 20, presum- remedy discovered by Jack San­ to the same calcrs. Another dec­ Admitted yesterday: John Dew- WM. DICKSON license. To take complete To Be Reduced M’sa Jane Sokolowski of 186 orative fcatun was small um­ at midnight Tuesday by a alx-hour Las Vegas, Ntv. Sept. 10— v > FOR PURITY ? abiy to ca.ivaas the German situa­ son. Bisacll street was guest of honor hurst. Jr., and Mrs. Shirley Dew- downpour of rain storm sewers Police Chief Oeoige Thompson haa charge of accident and tion. No plana hava bean announe- Formed Company brellas made of gay handkerchiefs. hurst, 33 Turnbull road; Miss & SON ■/LT at another miscellaneous shower, A delicious ra’ad supper was Corned Beef proved toedequate to handle. a prieonel- in his jail he wants to health promotions in large y •d. however, for a meeting of the (Ooetlaaad from Page Oae) Known to moat Manchester given by her slaters. Mrs. Lottie Amelia Farr. 513 Main street; cl rid of. In fact he has asked Psintinf CoBtrsefora 7 * ' House eomaUttae, many of whose Mople as manager of the State seri'cd on the tssicfully decorated Mrs. Henrietta Ruff, 105 High Bert Ackerson. managing editor general agency selling on Ruff, Miss flophle Sokolowski and dining table ai.n on a number of fan Diego, Califs euthoriUee to membara are Burope-bo'jnd for a and to 100 per cant by tha end of Theater. Mr. Sanson some months Mr*. Amelia Brosowskl at the IsU street; Mrs. Josephine Hultlne, 59 Hash ■ Can Of thq Hibbing Dally Tribune, said hurry up end take him off hie Rear 118 Bast Cfistcr 8L commission. Leads furnish* ,v ftifUhand look. ago formad the Sanson Drug com. card tables. Miss McNeill received High street; Ruth Sima, North 194S ter'* home. 89 Florence street. many fine gifts In linen, electric Pore the basementa of scores of homes hands. Pboiic 2-0t20 or 5829 ed. Unlimited poasihillties. IHera la growing speculaticm Tha cablnat waa fellably raport- pany to exploit q discovery which The bride-to-be opened her targe Coventry; Mr*. Elizabeth Dretsell, M’ appliances, glassware, pottery and and business places were filled Chief Thomiiaon said prUoner Write Box IJ, care The ever, tte poaslMUty of a apaclal 'cd to hava,approved tha plan yea- He had come upon, and which, he assortment of gifts while eeated t Rockville. Parnltor* Sfray Painting wlQi waters which to many cases William Kmeteta, 26, pried x doacn Herald. r . ' aeaaioa to consider an admtoistra- tarday. Among the metauras to be found, contains an unusual ability under a white wedding bell with | arUclra Admitted today': Richard John- Lard 1 Lb. Pkg. small wire springe off a cell bunk tiaa request for aoma sort of tem­ taken to reach the goal, govern- to assist ssthma-affllcted persons. green and yallow streamers. A drow. 15 Walnut street; Mra. Ann ■wept onto their meiii floors and that tow cars, eloohlng through and swallowed them. Kmeteta, porary aid fund to keep Europe ment .sources have said, will be a Like the average layman. Mr« mock wedding was one of the fun­ Johnston, 3 Munro atreet. City Cab Seeking runnlngboord-decp water, were held for San O'ego police on a bad i d R H i t t i going until the Marshall recovery United direction of labor. Tha Sanfon was hesitant to maks any making features. The hostesies Discharged yeaterday: Kathleen carrying rowboats to rescue check charge, was treated end re­ program can be made effective. plan alao svUl set 'jp raatrietlons claims for a remedy that had not served a buffet luncheon, The McDonald, French road; James Looking for PlTRITY— look La Rosa Spaghetti and metoriata stranded in dozens of turned to his ceil. Thompenn said However three membere of on capital tnvastmenta, according been fully tried and he therefore, taatefull;/ appointed table was cen­ To AflH to Fleet Farrell. 405 North Mato atreet; LA ______• .AHKinda i autos marooned by the deluge. he then broke en orverhead light thia way— Bridgee' a^ropriatlont committee to govarntnent information. from the time its properties be­ tered with a shower cake with Mra Margaret Bonmdies, 177 Au­ fixture and ate a quantity of glass. tumn street; Mrs. Elite Roehler, Ore trains on two railroads serv­ —Senators Ball (R-Mlnn), Toung ‘n o government continued In- came apparent, offered It to num­ mlnlnture bride and bridegroom. Nick Pencheff. proprietor of the Macaroni The prisoner was then taken to At aU tho **GOODIES” wo Monday evening Miss Rosalie Rockville; Frank Saenger, Rock­ ing this self-styled "iron ore capi­ Take a Tip From Nature . . . (It-ND) and Elmer Thomas (D- jornal econcmlc talks with finan­ erous persons to see what aid City Cab Company, has applied to a hospital where h.e condition was hako each day! OklM—told a reporter today they cial experts, represantlng other might be draum from the use of It. Senatro and Miss Gloria Tomalno, tho Public Utilities Commission ville. Jersey tal of the world” were brought to reported os not serious. But (2hlef thtok Congress is to no mood for I countries to the Sterling area. Da­ Today, Sanson still makes no both classmates of Miss Sokolow­ for permission to operate three Discharged today: Mrs. Vernn a atandatlll by washouts In the Thompsofi is weary of the routine. rn fe c ia l saaalon. tatla ware withheld. gold-niled promises for the reme­ ski in the June 1947 class which additional taxi cabs The three ad- Hanna and daughter, 22 Tytor yards or along their main lines, he He asked San Diego authorities SEED THIS FALL fSnoiifcer? Thomaa aaid ba doubted thatj a government source again de- gradt ated from the Training.. ditional cabs would Increase the circle: Mra. Julia Alton and Tom ato reported. In other cases, huge to hurry up and get Kmetetz "be­ dy. But he has built up a backlog daughter, 58 Bflyue road; Joseph All ibe d if creai bread* p*opl* Thet** how thouaend* of sotoker* Mr. Truman would call ona. i nied raports of an impending ma- of local testimonials, evidence tuf- school of New Britain hospital, I city Cab fleet to eight cars. A • l^ s of concrete highway was fore he eats up our nice new Jail." gave her a Falkowski, 68 Alton street; Gui undetermined to halt motor traffic. iiDofcsd durioa (he wertba* Iceraed from ecmal Mnoking eaperi- Toung said ha looks for a call but | jor ahakeup to top levels of the geient to persuade him and others miscellaneous shower hearing on the request will be held 14 Oz. Btl. Your town will protpar with tha added: "Even it tha leadcra art i government. He said, however, i at Miss Tomalno's home. ThejTuesdsy, October V at 10:30 a.m. Waltz, 21 Hollister street; Mra. Ketchup The Municipal golf course was dgarene ihortagat Naturelly, snee ihM cool, fievorful rameli salt who know the story that here la an , Evek,T> Hue and daughter, Rock­ U'oa by Oae Vete for it, it win take months to pass minUterial changes 'on a second- all members of the , at the Public Utilities Commission made into • lake averaging flve- odverit of gentle roini, worm tmoktn compared. agent that may be of inestimable | •' ville; Bruce Johnson. 36 Ardmore any aid bUl.” j ary level were probable before value to helping those otherwise I same class. ] Office. Room 585, State* Office Hunt'a feet deep. autumn doys, cool nights that Miss Sokolowski will be road. Mrs, Florence Chalfant, 299 Tloneata, P*., Sept. 10—(A5— Ban aald nc la willing to "con-; Parliament convened Oct. 2Q. doomed to a painful, tortured I mar- Building, 165 Capitol avenue Hart- Ackerson seid 14-yeer-oId Gor­ rlvd im Saturday to Stephen Olek-' ford, Main atreet. Voters in Harmony township are encourage gro** to develop into < 7 ^ aider loans and grants to help Eu*' i Before the Hoiuie of Commons breathing. don Erickson, e 1946 polio victim, eyeing one another speculatively alw of Wilson. Tomato Sauce Cans a colorful and luxuriant lawn. nqieane help thcmaelvae, but 11 adjourned for summer -recess, Licensed for Kal* was forced to swim more than 100 today. MORE reO K E ARE SMOfGMG 5881 don't want any mote blank | ITlme Minister Attle had proposed Long before any general use of feet to a neighbor’s home to tele- In a special referendum vote Use tho Scott prescription for checks.” The Minnesotan con-' an export goal 60 per cent above the remedy could be msde, Sanson rM ne hla father, a mine worker, yesterday on the question of tended that the admtoUtraUon; 1$M. or some 40 per cent above Salvation Army each 1000 *q fti lO lb* Turf I secured approval of the State Pure Lge. No. 5 Can that water was pouring onto the liquor sales the drys won 101 to ON KERRY STREET has not yet assembled enough current production. Applesauce 6rtt floor of their'home after fill­ 100. Builder, 3 to 5 lb* Scott* Seed. The cabtoet'a reported approval Food and Drug departemnt aa to facta and figures to outline a the purity and chemical contonta Picnic Saturday ing the basement. The wets had one consolation— CAMBS than 6M3T bdotei apeclfic program. of this objective came as new Hunt’a Tellow Cling Accompanied by violent elec­ there waa no vote on the sale of mines became Involved to a five- of the product which,.after test, waa licensed for sale In thia state. trical di^lmya, the six-hour series beer, previously authorized to the week-old Yorkshire coal strike The Salvation Army will have of etorma brought what old-tlmera township, Search Continues said to have cost 450,000 tons. Today, after nearly 30 years of No. 2Vt Can SCOTTS LAWN SEED— hrame In fu ll aim, Maht experimentation, and over a year their Sunday school picnic, Sat­ Peaches Between 45.000 and 50.000 urday the 13th, at the Army's •hude. Fineel Mend a f permnnent g rniiee. 1 h • $1.8f of actual testing, Ur. Sanson Is After Explosion mlnera and 4S mines were Idle, Camp Nathan Hale In Coventry. Britain haa been counting on placing hla product for tale. There will be a program for all B h * . $ 8 . 2 f 2S h e . $29.89. Scam lev Dunee ffimda coal to help bring her exports up It la to bi known aa Sanson's ages and the activities of the day Rice 2 Lb, Box (tsoatlnued iium Page One) toward a balance with her Ira- Asthma Remedy. will conclude with a vesper ser\-lce, porta. No exaggerated clalma are be­ with members of the band par­ iUllDER-mmplet* lead fer gm SO ay of the vtettoas would remain The Dally Herald, newspaper of ing made for the remedy, but to- ticipating. Buses will leave the SCOTTS TURF Kked to tho river's bottom. Attlee's Labor party, aald the gov­ day Sanson staled,■ "I I feel certain gt j2;30 p.m. . "SLIFPIR-PRII Kipper Snacks 2 Cans be fMd* 9000 eg ft • $9 79 100 ffit • $9.90 Firemen expressed belief the ernment would use newly granted that I have here something for the , The picnic schtululeii In July had hull would have to be raised be­ power* In "control of raw mate­ beneflt of humanity. I think that; to be cancelled^ liecause of In- ; WHIRI YOUR Tan Can Bar Harbor fore all the bbdles could be re­ rials and labor supplies" to reach In many, many Instances, this dts- clement weather and should fiat- FOOT RINDS* covered. River Patrolman Louis the export goal. covery will prove to be a great urday's weather be unfavorable JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON, INC Morgan announced he would drag The Daily Telegraph, Conserva­ help to afflicted people." the picnic will be held on the 20th. All Bate* Origiosb tive, predicted that local authori­ Fish Flakes or the river today for bodlea, while It will be an "Old Fashioned hive it.. thmt in iiA U 180 Main Street Telephone 8597 • 60S2 county tifflclaia and the Coast ties would be directed to cut down ^ r » v s r * Basket Picnic," each family pro­ Guard start toveatigatibns. governnient bousing end . other ' f ,1 • W O l l l C I l 8 viding its own food The Sunday txtra width sent! th* Clam Chowder Can Edward L. Schott, 40, of Oncto-1 public works projects, school will furnish the beverage. hdJl */ ibt fe*t. It's * natl, president,of Coney Island, The House of Lords, breaking Should any non-membera wish to tpeciil shoe‘construction Part in Election .Boaltn / Inc., which oiraed the ill-fated, its recesa met yesterday to study attend Saturday's affair and they for comfoR connoisseurs fteanser, laat night set the number government performance under desire to go by bus, arrangements Special!' of dead and mliaulg at 21. the emergency power* act but (OnntImiPd irom Page One) can be made by calling Miss Han­ T unaf ish Can He eaumaud loaa to the boat after ipeechmaklng adjourned nah Humphries or Adjufant At- In Black and alone at $600,000 which he said; till Oct 20, when both houses will B.ATES GOP vote-getfer a* presidential A small fee will be charged Deraletts was "pretty well covered' by in-' convene again. timber ■ * ***to cover transoOrtatlon.transportation. Brown Calf IS THE.WORD FOR OLDSMOBILE aurance. Fire Chief WUUam Davia' —— ------"Our Job la to support tho tick­ estimated the loaa to the boat and l \ i i a s I f 11 F i n n F t et," she said. "It is the Job of Facial Tissues Pkg. 25 c ^it* furnlahinga at $1,000,000. ’ IIB B n i i r i l U l l l the convention lo select candi­ Public Records The cause of the explosion wes dates." •UU unknown. Andrew 'Charles,, Shower Guest W'ashingli.n Resident Quit Claim Deed SxcunsioM assistant auperiritendent of po- Mrs. Maccaulej, an Iowa native Elizabeth Morlarty to Hugh B. and pcr>'‘ ‘ iH c lica, said the boilers in the vessel but resident if Uasnington, D. C.. Morlartv, Jr.. Marcus S. Moriarty, Fresh Fruit ond Vegetables Miss Marion E Hurlburt, were found intact, dlapeliing an since 1936, is Ik h ' preparatorj' to Elizibeth M. McIlJiiff, and Mary VU ' i FOR MEN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C earlier report that a boiler ex­ the "organizing lor Victory" wom­ M. Hildltch, two parcels of land, Freeh Hurlburt of 36 Village street, who plosion set off the holocaust. . en's Rcpubllcuii I ojifcroncc opening one on Summer street, and the is to be married on October 11 Schott, who flew here from Cin­ here Thursday other on Emerson street, to John Tobias, son of Mr. and Elberta Peaches cinnati ^ te r betog informed of the GOP women leaders from 16 Elizabeth Boyle to John R. Al­ Mrs John Tobias of French Road. disaster', £S.d h« had no idea 'what eastern states Mill hold prcliiiiinary len. property on Vcrr.on street. Bolton, was tendered a miscellan­ I6-QI. Basket caused it. sessions Thursiiav aftl-rnoon. Regu­ Warrantee Deid eous shower Friday evening at the $1.69 "1 haven t had Cme to lock into lar meetings wIT be held Friday Adeline C. Olcott to Roger Ol- • V ! home of her aunt. Mr*. Clarence ft,” he said. f.nd Saturday, L.ghlighted^ by a cott. property on West Center CEHOUSE&SON Fmh A.ftU rr,., .-n " ’*!ker of Ash street. A decorat- big banquet Friday nlgWt * at street. . -rew^and thejr rhyme* I N q : . which Rep. J. P.irnell Thoma.i, New W e praetically g u aran tee George D. Mc^^l^lln to Oliver WE GIVE GREEN, STAMPS Lha. Jersey, chairman of the House un- \V. Matthewson, property on Tom atoes 6 25c NEXT SUNDAY ing whiU trup ttoed ^ at anchor ^ ''’•f* Concealed throughout the Ameflcan Activities committee, Parker street. the Water street flocks, a s h o r t **** arheme was will deliver the address. John S. Bissell to Mary A. Yellow love at fir$t sight! squa and yellow. . ______flist&r.ce from th* BalUmor* A Both Governor McConaughy and Early, property on Highland Ohio ryiroad station. Crew mem­ A shower cake was a feature ofy''ISenator Baldwin will speak. '^Mra. street, ^ the buffet style lunch served by 10 Lb. Bag 6 9 c , l striking stripes and smooth-blending pkilds. bers dozed to the bunk room dr Onions GRAYiUOOR, N. Y. the hostese. The bride-elect re­ worked about the ahip to ready m . Arrow Lido Wool Ties will copturo your ceived many beautiful and useful 8:08 A-M. ^4m , Round Trip her for the night's six-raile ‘moon­ Freeh. Large ' • gifts from friends and relatives fancyr tho second you spot thorn on our sholvoi. D.B.T. 9^eA^ Inc. Tax light cruise'' dbwn the Mononga- who were present from East Hart­ hela. NOW! Modernize your present refrigerator ford, Bolton and this town. Cauliflower Each 23c Tho/ro 100% wool. . . soft and luxurious. Fifteen minutes later two ex­ drioH ladey wUl eontinm to V e aauit* of reef prtd* /ar plosions rocked the area and the Mias Hurlburt will be married •Y A prescription from ^our With that spocially-cbnstructgd Arrow lining Stflii ti ^ Snart fir Ttars! •May yaeri la twtaaf ship waa enveloped to flames. The to Mr. Tobias. Saturday, October 11. at two r'clock to the Bolton thot chases wrinkles. ' Wbet'e mere ... with CM Hydre-MeUc Drive*, this new impact burled i^rewmen into the Doctor IS a note , . . an itKpurt.tbile le way out ahead of tbe timea ia performeace tille d w'atera where many swam T d M P . M . Round Trip taxed the pnhHe taste end fancy a* faw atyUa evm do.. to safety or were ■ rescued by Stop by soon and leek 'em evoii •ad driving eeee. Ifydra-M atic Drive— piooeered, proved I an play a Hig role in -vour liealtli D .8 .T . Inc. Tax Miss Bridget Lvun "QUICKUBE" TRAYS ^ T aile n d miirtnMi. • took of huory . . . amoatb gbod himI ptrlMiad by Oidamobile—ia atill tV oafy drive that Windows Are Shattered ^ m Walgreen Pharmacist, recognises it as such SWORDFISH teele la every detail. . . the** are th* qualitia* that make Wtodows to bUudlngs on Water wHb Instost Cab* RelaoMi Aiiiiaw LiDa waais $1 •hilto gears eatonutieeUy, through fmx forward *peeda'— atreat facing the wharf, or to Is Shower Guest We’ve been promised.a nice Swordfish for Thursday paepi* (ay. "If* SMART to Own aa Oidal" the oafy drive that eWMiaetee the clutch pedal completely. • 7ray* cam* *«rt at flii**f touch and readily accepts the responsibility of Excurakm Buaaa Leave Main-Gold Sta., Hartford •treata entering Water street, morning delivery. Treat yourself to this delicacy be­ And *B thia poblie entbaaiaaai haa a vary ia|Mrtaat' Oldemnhile w itli Kydre-M etio Drive—alaiida today as the were absttored by the concussion. * Cube* cem* out trt*g*r-qulcli Mis* Bridget A. Lynn, daughter com pounding that prescription with fore the season ends, , Jen nerd iannartaeM...the amart word to fairing valuel Broken glass on sidewalks made • N* tugging, prying, tplething Meaning tnr the buyer of • 1947 OUaMobilo. T V oer V walking hazardous. of Mr and Mr*. William L>mn of TIckoto Ob Solo At GoU Stiuat. Tha wharf waa covered with IjBMi Bissell street, was bonored * fester free sing-larger ice cube* faccuracy and care. with a surprise miscellaneous Haddock Fillet lb. 39c Mts of wood, pieces of chalra, for iBfonBatkml 111 WITH •en p a'of draperies and ^ther boat ahoWer last night, In honor of her Footwear for the Family Write or Cali 2-8211 approaching marriage to William., , N I W DRUGS WITH A REPUTATION Salt Cod lb. 39c furnlahtoga. Marceau, son of Mra. Florence Mar- Tha aU-steel glw-enclosed craft ceau of HtUlard street. . L O W P R IC E HYDRAMATIf j waa claimed bv the company to be Fresh Scallops Quahogs She waa Invited for dinner at | tienjerj rlu *OCh ------vDRIVE, the Inrgeat Intend excursion boat the home of her fiance and after­ .H T iiil tn thethe united States. She waa ward to attend the theater. In­ Two ether sizes *2.95 each Uttlenecks Mackerel III iiiiiif feet long and 81 feat wide. stead of going to the show, Mr. Icing old tray for sUe •laBiiiiiis dilp could accommodate 4.000 a Marceau whisked her back to her Salmon • . . Etc. YOUR O.lDfMOtlll DIALIR p4Miiinvtu own home, where she found her Ths lw at had a crew of 00 but friends gathered for the shower enly half of these were aboard CEJIOIISE&SON party and the rooms prettily deco­ Fresh when tha blast turned the ship rated in pink and blue. She re- KEMP'S, Inc- MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC. Into a flaming funeral pyre. .celvcd a variety of lovely gifts FrljjidHirc Salc.s and Servlet WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Herbert Hendenon. 22, of Cov- Roosting Ducks lb. 47c which eh* unw rapped while seat-1 763 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE obSO 512 Weat Center Street • Maneheater tngtea, Xy., a bartender on th* ed under a pink and blue umbrella. | y r


...... ■niiiiiniHiiiiiniimiinHw While Touring Polish Amerks and West Sides in Playoff Game Tonight Bargains m ...... ------— ------^ ...... -— Listed By The Inquirer Local Stores All Work and No Play Coon and Fox G r id ir o n Star Wfainer to Gain FinaJs Trials Sunday Beals Brooks imuiMiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilBlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllHlllllllllllllllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllffl For High Grid Eleven « * " " And Series with BA’s qwrous cloth begs- - to reeotl Braper- ery Into the flsh salad for texture milk, coat with flour and -fry in fat-i«r good-flavored dnpplnn. Bm I Dofs and Handlers Ex*P«ckpr Cliff Abppton Am aiHl ipoup with another chamoia or a lintleM of augar for each cup of black­ an all-time high this year, aa toy sroRn CDf cloth. Add a little ammonia to the berry Juice. Bring the Juice to a manufacturers work overtime to les and rugs. When paper bag contrast and season the dressing hot lard. Broivn In a moderaU ovan.oven, ’rale Gouts Home Run With Teams Agree lo 1*119^1 cC t nun MOVmO PrCTUR* with lemon Juice and e bit of chin la an excallent way to uaa eookad Strictly In New England Area ^ tfX a W C tO M nt tbm- PALLOT water i t eery dirty. Uae about bbil, add augar, and atir until the catch up wtth demands of live fills up, it car be replaced wtth Joins Lsgion El«v«n West Side Fielder augar la diaaolved. Oontinue the million extra children over the a freah one. aauce. TanUUslng COTY’B fCHYPRE", onions In comblnaUon wtth other ^koae-enwbliig fullback at Man< Bailee Loaded for Win After Heated Seaak^n BHTPIO. TO Bnnt Ont*r fftrMt, four tableapoona of dilute am­ which IlsiTlmlnatlng taataa laft-over vegetablea. Sqnad . Prepares for Expected lo Compete UM Yen Knew— riTBvMM tlM nHUU of Bharlng monia for each galleon of water. boiling until the Jelly point ia previous peacetime average. That Johnny Green played In nQ cheater'High and Inter at Ford< reached. Remove from the ^heat If the toy crop were divided MARLOWS Radios ate still scarce but POT- hava mlaaed eim-t. before the war, bam. By Jaah Uand At Ree; Flood tiod . y w tnvnU mnO your fun or for la now In st ick at tha CENTER Opener SepL 19 at SosM Of the kott dost uid PoUeh Amertean games during the SCHOOL OIRL COSMETICS and- hkim. I’our into hot, ateri- equally, every child of toy age In TERTON’S at the Center has an To Insure distinctive individ­ TwUight League bnaeball season That H ern Squatrito ta a mem­ (Aeeeatoted Preaa Ppwrto Writer) ■ t*>Ihrtac hnppy »nperlCTc«*. Pticjiji sun la and Will Be unusual dtaplay of the FINEST PHARMACY in perfume, toilet kandlera to New Boglaad bava Noske Slab J S it U U it S ^-fer BrMorto" range from IT8.00 that are eape^ially dealgned to en­ lized glaaaea. Clover with hot par­ the 'United States would have uality In your Chriatmaa greetinga, Ml Nebo Under lights' and did net commit an error. ber of Um furdnam football team Soirebody ahaiild have warned affin at once. more than $10 worth of new toys RADIOS from economically priced water, face powder, talcum and jrou should order jrour PERSON­ a«st ta aatry blanks for the animal again t**'e eeeeon. the Brooklyn Dodgers about hslf- * to I1T6.00. TouU find nLM S for hance the attracUona of young, table models at $19 95 to tha beau- bath powder. That Johnny FalkowskI haa Aauteur boxing nfOrly return- your movie eamem-thw, too. freah aklna ■aime in two branda In 1974—but even this may not be The Largest Dtetrlbutore ALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDa It'a all yyork and oo play tor foU SaM trial of the-Manehaater toeaed to the opaSige and .will not Tbncli tUm To Play becka Hera thev go tretpeing WEDDING RINGS that will ap­ enough, say the breathless toy Uful combination radio-phono­ now, while Jtooka are complete. conch the Pollah American baaket- Let's tsoea tha boya Um right way to Manchester last, night wkra at QUINN’S PHARMACY. “Young graph aa high aa 1450. These in­ Tomato Juica can rtplaca toma­ Candida tag eeeklog poeltleiia on Cb original carda town basketball ohamplona, wilt Nick Angato of the TwUlght Brao- to uae low to moderate, even heat.! haa a fine line for the nearly Boll carrots with the outside food when served. three-hour drill under Oeoebee from BoltnoNotch. ftold Trial fall. Packet named O lff Aberoon. - - - - I grown-upa with a new nhade of or engraved ilnga. Bridal Seta of Among the headliners at the can be made up from your own Morahal ^m Rolalon wlU have the not field n team this season. All this eoa he learned to a gooi Aheraon, a fellow wbo eppeere baU Lsaguo' at tha Wart aMa Rm:. Sleds—Scooters—DoUa leaves of celery for pungent fla­ Walker Briggs, Tony Allbrio and Sat a dlab of vnahellbd nutalrouge and; ti|>atlck called “Mid- matching engagement and wedding fair wore: the prewar "dydee", photographs. In Mack an6 white road marked from tha Notch to That members of the Guard game of bon. to snow hie own ratad. Is eald to ring, BHde and Groom matching doll, which drinks water and vor. The vltanUn value df lettuce Tbara Waan't any crowd ormtad. wherc nlbbiera wUl pauae. crack. | night" or In color If you have color fllmR Dick SoUoaek. Iloncbastor epsna the clubhouse. basketball team will draw down have threatened to desert beeeball ringa. weU Its diapers, now equipped Paint Sets—Wagona drops markedly when thIa vege­ at prices from Ibl for $20.00. Or ■alary favorably and enmpor- certainly not anougk to mart tho i! gnd Try hard-cooked eggs and pea­ Its sisto sgslBst ttsavaaworCh Thera la oo admliaton charge Let's help onr bnya know Uw value for football, hla flrat love. If he operating mpenaaa at a PUfUtatla with new talents such as blow­ table Iq kept In tha refrigerator an original painting may be repro­ abla to that raoalved In ovary day of truth, waant moved un from Dee Motnra Generally nuta are Interchange­ nut butter together for an appeiJ- too long. The rate of loaa cor­ High of Wsterbury on rridoy, and parking la free. A refresh- ■how but the contcatonU didn’t able In cake and cookie reclpea Quadnipleta are bom only Ance ing bubbles and sipping from a Doll Carriages—Skates duced In color. Chriatmaa nets work. my working together to help wtth of the Weetern Leegue to the Chi- GRANT DAY SALES at the Ing Bprlng aalad. responds to the amount of wilting. Boptombor I f undor Um lights st ■rant canteen wlU operate oU day core whether there woe ene er a unleaa you're looking for a ape- In every 850.000 blrtha. spoon; a doll carriage which con­ paper may well be picked up now, That Manchester High School their yowUn cato Cuba > W. T. GRANT COMPANY ahow Mt. Nobo. long ao families con plan an aU- (houeand apectatora ea hand. a you how to bMt the high coat of dfle flavor or texture. The fat and verts to a bassinet and an auto Electric Football Games aa well, at piLsa atartlng from Board members enid a year ago ProvMa them with aportA 6B • Testerday when Manager CharSs Serve chopped walniita over hot carriaga; a Juvenile aubstitute for Exparta on child care agrea that NYLON HARQUiaBTTE. 89 25 for 11.00. Coach Brlgga la his flrst yssr day outtog- the aohool would never pay a It ell cease about whan the Wart living. Bxampiea from the Wom- protein content of different nuta the aucceaaful way to teach good scale large or sman Orinuc sent him to the plats as varlea, but not ao much that it cooked greena. color movies, in which a picture Electric Trains inchea wide for beautiful curtains. St tho school, sold ho would carry A trial of this type for coon coach. That 1947 finds three paid sn eighth-toning ptnrh hlttsr with ■Idee eald they wouMn't play the eB’aDapartnnnt are: 45-gauge grooming to children le to give doga produces plenty of excite­ A lot eon be gatoed Ip a good gaate PA’e Wednesday Itonlgkt) ki the would change the flnirtied cake or story revolves on e cylinder In Is priced at 40 cents a yard for use ectsseri 88 mtn on bis flrst squad. Tho COftChM* Um t«ses loaded and the Cube *f Nylea atockinge in four new fall them their own toUetriea. At To Chop raiaiaa ment wtth the dogs racing around of ban. ■enn-flnel round the ptoyaffa •I'ahadea at t.»7 a pair; bib-type cookie. Grapefniita come principally time to melody from a Swiss Chemistry Seta 10 yards or mere at CHENEY dipped In hot water. squad maiabors orlU bs complotoly That Walker Briggs, head foot- tral'lng Brooklvn, 8-0, Aberson at from Florida and Texaa. QUINN’S PHARMACY are prod- the track and barking a live ra­ ball mentor at M andator High, Tha PA'a aa'.d they wanted to pUy . MTcale aprofin in bright prlnU at music box; electric trains which ucte for thle very purpoee—"LIT­ BROTHERS REMNANT SALES outfitted In new untfonna. Good aportamanahlp ia worth Its belted a Vic Lombardi pitch Into t Vernon. WaoUngton playoff, Um PA 's flnnUy > fk a tta creased from 4.600 In 1943 to 8.000 i pected to carry tho brunt of tho leads beat-of-eeven aeriea, 1-0), *Te:eviaion is expected to be blanking BcmUxi, 8-0, with four I chintz: givea rayon and cotton in ever greater quantities, as more Boil potatoes In the Jackets, 18; PhlUey, Chicago and Henrich. Jina and aaand a 6 to 8 win ovar time has been afforded for the In 1946. attack this faU. Tho Rod and National Leogne ready at WUlle’a GrlU by world hlta. ARer aceeptlng a ahtay new wrinkle realstance. Another chem­ when tender, peel while hot. Melt White squad ortll play an eight- aeries Ume. Sixty feet of Uif 100- Winners Gain Seeond cor. and other glfto, Waltera New York IL tho Wart flMora ical process out to win the house curing process. And our domestic Chicago 4, Brooklyn 8. Clinrii Second H(me Rune—Wllllama, Boston Won MgM to fkra PA’a cheese Is availahir in greater va­ two tablespoons of bacon drip­ In 1946, cheese made In this game achodula with five of tho New York 8, Plttoburgh 1. foot antenna bar. been erected. Get Plaee in Softball mowed down the tough Braves for wife's vote stabilizes lace curtains pings In frying pan. When hot put country used 11 billion pounds of hla 106tk major iragiM vtetory 20; Gordon, Cleveland 99. Monday evening the Wart Sidra ; BO that they may be washed and riety, since the Industry devel­ contests at home. Throe will bo 8L Louie 8, PhlUdelphla 0- your reeervatlona In now for box in the potatoes and brown well. milk. €€* * 9§ p la :^ under the lights. and reserved aeaU. Sidewalk aeata League Standings; and 42nd shutout tops amang the Stolen Baeea — DlUlncor, SL poltriMd a tl Um imtod Alrcraft hy dried without the use of stretchers. oped domestic types replace , ClnclnnaU 3. Boston 0. Drain, sprinkle with salt and one- m e a n s j u n w r AaaeHran Lragna wUl go on sale the days of the active huriera In. the league. Louie 29; PhUley, Chicago 21. r i i t o t aoora kahtod Um foreign ones while Imports were Lottos Wlnoora Book Playoff Game Friday oeborn, 8b StrlkeouU — Feller, aeveland pitaktaf of Erato Noaka oMl Ann, restricted. half teaspoon of caraway seeds. New and moat scceptablc GIFTS Latter yvlnnora who ore bock Boston 5, Detroit 8. gameo. The New York Olante nmttoueri Perfectloh of grooming can be FOR WEDDINGS AND SHOW­ Roelek, at lo nMke the nmet of their epeelel 174; Newhouaer, Detroit 109. dafoiMlra ptoy ky hto mrtra. . DYNAVOX SENSATION oaakInV bertha In tha backflald In- Chicago 6h Washington 1. Covey, p . ruined by a few unwanted halm— » If you let milk stand In the ERS nt WIOR'S. 977 Main Street, m e a n s Earl BnllaleMr has never shot Center Motors eked out a d to ty, the home run, downing Pltte- * Pitching—Shea' New York 12-4 Big guna la tha Wart MM but It need not be when there la Have you a "Ured looking’’ cludeSobby DlBatUato. a flno run­ 8L Louis 1, Philadelphia 0. PhUHpa, 8b With a Rcaatiful Tone kitchen, bathroom, hall, playroom, sun, even In cold weather. It loses include; Electric Mixers, Pep-up ner last year. Augia Davla,'^ Skip Only gamaa scheduled. I a round of golf In 70 but be came 6 win over tlw North Blnda laat burgh, 3-1, on Jack Lobrke'e Meet .780; Ovmnira Dstrolt 10-4 .714 tack on aaabaa hava available a ireetinent that la pain­ some of its flavor and vitamins. Toasters, reg'dar or automaUc mlj^ty doao laat week-end. With night under Uie lights to gam aao- A u g t^ lb over the fence with one on In the SoUnonaon, Butch And Only 619.96. or game room? "The MANCIIES- Keeney, Mnrehall Hodge nnd Stan Vllga, If .. Natleral Lragra less, permanent, and approval by Provide a box or some other cov­ Waffle Irons, Ca:vlng'Scte. Stondlnga a great chance of flnUhing with ond place to the Softball Laagura ninth. R nme Clint Hartung'e BwMk. BUI Murray . the mcdtcai (.rufcaaion — the 'PER FLtKMl COVERING COM­ every girV$ TalarakL AU are acal-backa but McOurry, ■■ Batting— Walker, PhUadalphta ered place for it. Remember, to Coach Brigga has been vrorking a 70, Bart mliwed on easy puU final standings. The North Ends ninth triumph and Preacher grata, ABkattadrtwr j q O d a i^ . ELECTKOt.Y.kIS TREATMENT. PANY. 5B Cottage Street, can aup- keep the vitamins in milk, keep American iMni Jarvla. e .. JOT: Ooton, Ctoctoaatl J19. •OM ragutar Moaoa. Mika Bnvarleh, ply you with renovations that will Use com slr..p or honey to make i hard with Uio boys and expects to W PcL OBL and hod to be content with a 71. are now to th*rd and will face Rowe'e 18th eetbock. For a consullaf ^on. without ob­ the aunllght off. tender, appetizing candied sweet, r. Rockville Bng'eit'e Friday at 9:80 Mllewekt. Amertean League action center­ Runa—Mlaa New Torii 121 Johnay Oroaa, CUff ligation, pht»n<^ Mlsa RENA give new life and beauty; WALL develop at least two good runners New York ....86 .929 — Robinson, Brooklyn 118. . potatoes. I f a v o r i t e g ir d l e out of the bacKfleld candidates. JMS 1114 Best looking baseball prospects under the II^ U ta the flrrt play­ ed around the eecond place-crap Tud Flood ato tha I HALEM, 843 .MUn Street 2.1264 COVERING of la.stlng good liMika; Among the WEDDING AT­ Boston ...... 7 8 20 Runa Batted In—Mlaa, New Young Brunig Moake, aon of Detroit ...... 78 .633 13 during the recenUy completed compi off game. between Boetqn nnd Detroit ne the In tho Polo Iteaurn m whoso skill and experience In an enormous variety of LINOLE­ TENDANTS’ GIFTS that abound - Add choppei. raw apples to In the flrat Inning tiM Motora Mertli New York Yenkeee end Ctovelnnd York 130; Ktoer, Pittsburgh 109 Two right baadtra ora axpaeM regular 'Twilight league baacball jQlKEMFS UMS Inlaid, felt-based, or all siz­ the former great of the same name, Cleveland ....71 .530 ISU AB Hlta — Walker, Philadelphia Electrolysis n.-J frmtilnr to many at WIOR’S. 977 Main street are prunes for a' tempting sandwich came up with tour nuM off Mickey were not e^eduled. Incorporated es of rugs; KENTILE, the asphalt a n d panty-girdle! la a leading candktato for the cen­ Philadelphia ..69 A07 16<4 K*n Included Bobby Wirtalla to start on Um amuad. th* local ladles. Ronson cigarette lighters, tie and filling and Roger Pitkin, both of the Rubacha to give Ctoarley Covey Opa.aeb, ■■ ...,8 With the help of Joke Jones' 174; Baurobolta Ctoctonstl 171 Now Britain High coach. wtUrarra tile that can bo laid In original pat­ ter poBlUon. A big, htuky lad, C!hlcego ...... 63 .463 22^ Lovett, rf ...... 2 m MAIN STREET T E I,. .6680 collar sets, matching pen and pen­ Moake should prove to be a fine American Legion. WUUe Olekaen- a nice fat Mad to work with. three-run homer nnd some relief Doublan—Walker, Brooklyn SO them up for the Polra while Crnia When sorghum molasses, and terns and that will stand the most Washington ...68 .430 27 Rubaeba, p ....4 \ Home of Friffidaire cils. striking spray pins, lovely BENSON’S FURNITURE AND line hackerup. St. Louie ...... 49 .363 36 ski (it the same team and Ralph Leadoff batter Bcb Osborn bent out pitching by Johnny Murphy, Joe Robinson, Brooklya MUlor, Cto Noaka la dua kook artar a a l^ t ’n ParnHare and Moaie cane eyrup are used Instead of nigge<| wear. necklaces. Their experienced gift APPLIANCE c o m p a n y , 713 a hunt and woe eacrtftced to sec­ H. Orxyb, If, .1,4 Dobson copped hla 16th game for cInnaU and ElUolL Boaton 29. It’s almoet a sure bet to wager National League Schumey of Rockville. Not to be roaL Cborti Dowd wOl atoo hava augar. l ', times aa much Is re­ counsellors will be glad to help Main Street, are making a FREE left off this Hat U Ernie Noeke, ond by Larry H«-.atck. Covey w■lk(^d Grxyb. 8b .. .2 BrMton by n 5-8 edge over De­ Trlplea- Walker, Philadelphia Jtnuay Btaaehard and Jiausy quired to get the same sweetening, that Uie days of Manchester High W L Pet. GBL Sumulaakl, lb . .8 For that rich chicken glaze, In selection, > TRIAL OFFER for the wonderful wavering around In the CCIL aoC' N6. i pitrher In the circuit , and a single by Oscar PhllUpa troit. The result l^ t the Red Sox 16; SlaughUr and MuatoL SL Blaeh if aeadad. " *"T because thrno Niihstanccs are not baste 11 with niellct hot ..compress over that they would be on hand. again on Monday, Wednesday and Send them to ns REGULARLY for plied to all reworked chocso. Brooklyn 8. New York 8, Boston Brooklyn (Hatton l'i-61 at Chi­ England baake'ball champiooshlp faced Covey to thle frame and closed lids. 8. Chicago 4). when the dust fi*ially aettled the Mlaaing, however, will be such F ^ y evening. Ton careful, thorough FISHER cleansing, sago (Chlpmon 6-4). back to 1988. A total of 21 playera have been “ Keep oven heat low for baked Bright Butterflies Away 7 (Pittahurgb 4, (3ilcago Boaton (VolaeUe 88-U) at Cin ■core was tied up at D-alL Softbtdi Tud Loop veterans of laat year'a undefeated 1940 Dodge Coupe ^the kind your rlothee deserve. fruit whip or souffle. Try parantps scalloped, like po- clnnatl (lively 4-6). What turned out to be the win­ eleven aa Burt VandarClute, Ut working out to date and this num­ 1940 Bnick Sedan 3 ). - The Marinos win again field's ber la expected to ba awaUad to tatoea. (Brooklyn aehadiJe Includes un- New York (Jansen 17-8) at baaketbaU team this aeaaon. Her­ ning marker ramo homa for tha tie All-America guard; center Jack 1942 Padwrd CoBpe Pungent herbs include rose- flnlshad game of Aug. 17 ordered Pittsburgh (Queen 8-4). BaUing Lmadgr* Medd; Harm Heeaenbruch, 85 before the tram gets down to man WlersMcKl la expected to be Mcmra in the fifth frame. VMito ■erioua buslneaa of preparing for 1940 Packard ConveHiMe 1-k I’» Ab";«» inary, sage, and winter savory. t r a y s TO DECORATE with completed by President Ford I^iladrtphia (Rows 1^9) at St. walked (frith ona out and waa aacrl- tackle and "Mugger" Morton, the your own' artistry can be found named coach of the team. 1045 quarterbaclL IragiM play. 1942 D o ^ Dump. IVi'Ton iv--frick). Louis (PoUet 9-11)—night ficed to second bees by Fred Mo- BatMn^ New FALL SHOES are waiting at the McOlLL-CONVERSE COM- Curry. Then Kichle Jarvla hit a 3- YardBody. PAJ'IY, 645 Main atret,' In three ------V Tom Stovena an official at the H Pel at C. E, HOU.SE A SON to thrill SoutlMrn New Hhigland Telephone long ball aafely Into the right ecn.> PhllUpa, lA 'a ...... 58 36 JOO 1946. G.M.C. ( M Over the spirits of the girls who like to dealrdble sizes at 65 cents, $3.75 ter hole to aCoro Vllga and Rkdile nnd $.'». And all the necessary Company branch In Manchrater, Pttkat, Rockville . .87 18 .481 1946 G.M.C. 6-TM Dump, step with style. An alligator calf, la one of the atate'a leading horae- waa nipped at the plate aa he tried Qaveilo, lA 'a ...... 58 84 .461 with plntfonn sole, slifig heel, aniT paints nnd equipment are there for a round tripper. 4- Yard Wood Body too—flat black, gold nnd japan ■hoe playera HUl, NB’a ...... 88 14 .487 ENTER YOUR EXHIBIT . NOW 1946 Ford Picknp a perky patent how, comes In The North Ends nearly tied the Mataya Motora ...85 15 .430 green, wine or black. And a black colors; metal primer; and tack THE FALL OF THE YEAR Tha British American Club will ■core in the seventh in a thrilling GnUI, lA ’a ...... 87 11 ,407 1947 Packard Cimtom III CLEMSEIt, III. ■u*de anminl with the fashionably rag.i chemically treated to remove . . every bit of dust (fine for furniture [ hold a party for Ita baseball team finish. With one out Benny Orxyb Tomco, Lata'a...... SO 14 AOO For The Mnnehastar Country' Fair Super Gub Sedan ‘ low heel Is unmistakably due Tor I Saturday evening at the club. Play­ drew a life when hit by a pitched popularity.' dusting, too, at 35 cents). Covey, Motora...... 48 17 J90 flu t asi Drivt-is A Good Thne ers and their wtvea wlU be among ball. TMb next batter waa called Correntl. lA ’a ...... 44 16 J64 In' any of the’foDowing ckumen for vahisblc prenaiBni Modem cooks and chefs never the gueata The affair wlU start at out on strikes end Charley Parclak Lovett, No. Bnda ..80 e ' JOS risM The place .wilt be the local Armory and the dates A Qnick Pep Up! Toyland, tl. S. A., previewed at use old-fashluncd words. So you, I • o'clock and anyone daalrtng a went In to hit for hie brother Wally. PIUMag IROAD STREET the 4th American Toy Fair hit A fly baU to right field was hob­ f riday and Satvrday. Septem^r 12 and IS. You are SPARKPLUGS too, should careful about to Make Riqiain I ticket-may oontact the chib atew- . w L Pet using the word ’boiled." And I ard or Manager Ab Eagleaon. . bled and Benny Orxyb tried to Oleaeon, Hallana ...7 0 1.000 aU Invited to exhibit. ke It home all the way from Qeaned and Adjusted never he caught saying "boiled" Oecranti, ItoUana ...8 ' 0 1.000 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—Mr. and Mrs. eggs, “boiled’’ 'han., "boiled" fish An important meeUng of the flrat He waa slowed up aiightlji; 8 .700 . Sc Each '’T'MU -r—p and Biuld. ■a he came anx-nd third and waar Oaray, Motora .. .w..7. Stanley Mankna, Supts., 418 North. Main Street. or "hollcil’’ coffee. A thousand Ameriepn Legion fmtboll eomfliit- Rubaiffui, No. Enfla .6 4 J07 times, no; It 'would have been toe ia achedulad tonight at 9 o'clock nlppM at the rtote for the final TeL 2-9736. out quite all right to say this when I at the Legion Homa Membera of 6* a a e e a ert e T ■LctTM sBffffwt s reliable The North Ends must now face CbrrenU, ItaUana...... CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT—Mrs. Beatrice Little. grandmother was a girl, but now the grid team will reoeiva their Triptoe uniforma at the Legi(m Heraturet tikighena protein to aaaiat ta (Uatributlng the unl- Except for the fourth toning Here’s a ehoe that etende oat. Pine full TOIttOOf LStS*® a 'e a e • a a a a e a a •a a e o 4 foods —makes them hard to digest. ‘ OUR INVENTORY INCLUDES: forma Covey held the North Endera hit VEGETABLES— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ixiomia. Supto.. • CHEVROLET i. August and Milewakl were GalU,., ItaUana ...... 4 wei|ht leather. Bvtrythint about it it up to For this reason, boiling la to be Cedar Sktagtea No. 1 tor aMa walla or reef—IS" and 19" per- 48 North Ehn Street. Tel. 6902. avoided in cooking eggs, meat, or Dick Sollanek, formerly of the Motora heavy atleken along PLYMOUTH OfBetal Scout quality. It’e oflldally yourt 39 Nylon Marquisette with Jarvla wtiT|..- Hank Qrayb waa BREADS AND PASTRIES— Mra. Carl Hilding. SupL, flsl\. And so "slinmer" ia the pre­ e 1x8 Sheatklng Benrda (N. O. Bopfera) Ipringfl* and arhat a aMdl. nm ed Aoe it ie. ferred word In the modem cook’s I rigned to nasiat Head Cy CHILA)RE:N at very moderate plete this outfit for wee little tots. WHITE and IVORY s Bnm i , Window and Door I first toam and shortly will take FLOWERS—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yurfcahot, Supttn 59 iitM , w n o prices are to be found at the over the J.aynee aquad. Chavaa ISO, Sau Joaa 10. Youngatown, outpolntod Jeay { Such fun to sew .- a perfect gift • Sawer and Drain TOn Agoata, XOett. ^ow York fl. RusaeO StreeL TeL 6672. MONTGOMERY WARD COM­ for the .motlier-to-be—and for • Omnant, Ploatornnd Oader BIncka u PANY. Birdseye DIAPERS. 27 X Buffalo—ftoil Muacato, 1851-4,! NEIGHBOR GRANGE EXHIBIT— Mias Barbara WII- TOP DOLLAR m your own cherub too! * 10 Yards or Mor C yd. • Oador Mato and Bnalle Fracing Buffalo, outp'jtotod Walter Hafar, By Mra. Anne Cabot 27, are reduced from $3.79 to $3.49 Pattern No. 8180 Is .for slses 6 40 a BnHder^ Hnrdwara Uanas, Supt., Tolland Tumpiko. TaL Hartford 200%. Washingtoa 10. The multi-colored wings of these a dozen. I‘'lai nclctte or knit months. 1, 2 and 3 years. Sima 1, s OntaMa and taterler Renas Mint 8-2852. FOR YOUR SLEEPERS, sizes 1 to 4, are $1.59; flidaia. Mool — Joclda Harrto I graceful butterflies are appllqued dress I'.s yarda of 39-lnch; aun- • Othar BULLDOZER WANTED 189, Malden, Mara., stopped Stove CltfFTSMANSHIP<-4fr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Behrend, CAR on 12 Inches squares . . . the an­ ttunnetette sleepeis alze 2 tq 8 are auit, 7-8 yard, allp and pantie, $1.19, $1.39 and $1.79. Two-piece Kronto 184, Boston 9. Snpt^ 411 Center Street. TeL 8201. tennal embroidered as the squares 1 3-4 yards. FOR HIRE BItoabath. N . J.—Barnard Do- are completed. Your moat unusual flannelette PAJAMAS for girls 8 DRIVE OUT AND LOOK OUR PLACE OVERI to 16 in size are $1.60. $1.89 and For this pattern, send 25 cents. cuaen, 146H. New Orlanna out-1 HOBBIEA—Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Oittmeyer, Supts,, 25 and beautiful scraps will show to In Coins, your name, addresa, stae CHENEY It’s easy to park, and oaay to do bradacaa. Lari* and PIN BOYS $1.98. Cotton SLIPS, sizes 2 to Exeayatlnff -> Gradlnf pointMl Henry Jordan. 149)4, New { Cortland StrseL TeL 4995. their beM advantage on this beau­ dcelred, -and the Pattern Number small ordtrs aokeitad and dcKYcrad. tifully designed quilt. |4. are 55 cents and 89 rents. Laad Claarfaff <4 Etc. York 9. to Burnett, The Manchester I f y m n old or ortr. Ap- Norwalk, Conn,—Johnny Rica, I POULTRY. EGGS AND PETS—Frank Newton. Jr„ Td'obtain complete cutting pat­ pbr ia ptrrawi at: SupL, Forent StroeL East Hartford. TeL Hartford ner s terns and finishing directions for Fold sieved avocada, beautifutly Evening Herald, „ 1150 Avenue 165, Norwrtk, outp^tsd ftankla amoothed, into a plain gelatin base Americas. New York 19, N. V. Ttomiad, 170, Port Chaotar, Conn. 5. | 8-3221 ' Bhm the Bright Butterfly Quilt (pat­ BROTHERS McKinnffy Lumher & Supply C b e Frank Damafo 358 BAST CENTER 8T* tern No. 6016) send 15 cents in made with half the usual liquid, Ready for you now—tha newait MANCHESTER Troy. N. Y .--A rtu ro Ocidoy, 904, i TELEPHONE 5191 aeaaoned with Ismon Juice and Issua of Fashion. Bam today for A m Tap Netcli A t The Nntah'* ChUa lumekad out Chnrira (Cjr- CaO .tho abovo anpennuanptrintendente for farther information Cqln plus 1 cent postage. Your REMNAIVT SALESROOM BOUXE44 BOLTON NO*rcn ond Sons BOWLING GREEN. |NC- Name. Addresa and the Pattern finely grated oni'on. Mold In a ring your copy of this Inspiring Fall elona) Wllltomg 8()L Buffalo, 5. or bring yonr 0 Xxhtbitto1 the Armory on Friday, not later Opan*ni9P.IL or loaf pan and serve with crab and Winter Isaua. Faiddon tlpa, TBLBPBONEt MANCBEsrai 5iae 24 ^aicstand Straat 954 Center Street Loa Angalaa—Buddy OarcM, 158,1 Gustafson’s70S MAIN STREET Number to Anne (7abot. The Eve- HOirRSt Daily 9 A N le i P. M. Saturdays 9 A 5L t« 3 P. M BfeO«raAlS98 than 6 P. M. Evary NIglit i nlng Herald. 1150 Avenue of the or shrimp salad tor the main dish special features, free pattern UABtTORD ROAD - .ytANCHRATER Phone 7091 or 2-9456^ - See Mr. De Gob Golveeton. Tax r * stopped EUdla { I Amertcaa, New York 19. N. Y. 1 of almost any maal. Put aoms cel- printed Inside the book. 25 cents Priaca 187. Los Angeloa 7. ■ MAS’C H E ^ R E\TKING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.104T PAGE SEVENTEEN EVENING HERALD, MANCkESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER KVIMT nm now stenoxrapher'e yellow moNKI{\ lU.K FOLKS RY FONTAINK FOK PAGE hair glittered in the flood of spring l>a«a—Mir«»->P*ta WltksHt BmtS eunehlne that poured through the Aato AeereeonrB*— llrv* • Ifn rtn f SwrvicM Uf«r*i IS PatnliM—HM«rwc >1 Sense and Nonsense open window of the office. So jThey Say* USED Elaotrte eabtnat range LAIlOB Puraiakid rsom vrltk Prices in the Big Cirr KAUIU BMC a«la(T lUM It r»> I INTERIO R and astarlar yatnung. But eld Duke, the bookkeeper, jfEW TTRES, new foeapA u*ed PUPPOES Par •ala. ChU SIM good oondlUow Call SSSS. I housakaapixg patvOagsa, m b Teacher — What aneleat rular *1111# epoch-making (atomic) It does not follow becauae the pairao oy «B|Mrta n«li>ua mtv- payarlianglrg, door * aaading. Joettea to a b i^ or samll child, Cksnfied A naaaa Ikara Uvafi la had no eyas for the gtrl’e beauty. Ores and tubas kJipart vuleanls* and raflnlalUng caiklng, roodng, a fU r 5 p. m. aon'A 71S Mala atraat. I like a house that’a livafi ta. was it Who played on the fiddle He lighted a cigar and set to weapoiv ef the century has taught Onmmon Man haa auddenlv been Q a s s ^ R e d lag, t hoitra recapping Mrvtea. lea, cttarenuatf worfe. aeu ekeeii- Pbona S-06B3 after 6-______lifted Into control that he la thefs- ad :xi Um booM. O u radiaa a prawai piicaa. ltb l 5 room papar- UVINO-ROOM and bedroom adU Where books are etrewn around. ■whlla Rom«,waa bumingT work. UR Ute great lesson that mankind Manchester Tire and Recapping ENOUBH BUL.L, mala, ana year • ’ . 111 - 1lU Jlmlnte—Hector, ma'am. "Mr. Duke,’* aald the eteno- must forRSke war forever. l A Oeatlamaa, a room la a Advertii Where easy ehaira fnvlta am. A dvertitenidits Company, Broad street, 'I'ele- aprtng and aummar oontraeta And where eoaw duet ia found Teacher- No, not Hector. Hec­ grapher. —Hlroaklnia’e Mayor MilnRo Ha- competent to exert control. pbone 39M Open • n. m. to 7 p. •arvlca. 7» Bireb atraat PboM PoUea, ate montha old. mala. coata, alM *t and 4S. Inqutra tg gulat aBodem boaaa to dm Oak­ —Itoraard Iddlags Bell, former i S-OMM. Spray or bniah. Call R. B. Wab- Oottaga atVchtciM 42 vatad warmlngXoven, aaparato ed out aa followa: by immediate tnerenaea tn the man's to keep unnisrrteU ss long ' AMMOBCVtoCflto 2 Wsated A aW — . ing macblnaa, call Waltar PLANO TUNXNQ, repairs, recon­ broiler. An old modal th at baa In Andover and Columbia. Talbot LAI^DLOBDS WILL YOU Real Batate. Ttlcphone Manckesr Name laxak^ Levy. V Moron: Hiat which, In tho uin- Bleaa^ are the poor. No lawyer price of cost and in the jirioe of as he can. I Motoreydfs * 12 Plasclk. TtL M 34. ditioning, etc. John Uockerham, POR BALE—Ouemaey cow, aec- had apiendld cars' and la tortlmo, women wouldn’t have so will monkey with a suit for dam­ steel. —Georgs llem ard Nhaw, Rritlsh : iftAT RIDES, saddle horeee for ter astO. < Bom*-Yee. POUR-CTUNDER ooupe,\ Catev- 31 fMgalow atraoL Pbona 431S. ond calf. K. Olboon, Ogden’s Cor­ In aacallont workiag ofdi HELP US TO FIND RENTS ■ueineea Rotten. auuiy colds If they puL ages against him. —Preoldrnt Truman. pWywfight. Heat. English and weatem. Oi^ ner, Rockville. Black with whita poroauin door ■eo’a Riding Academy. RockirUle. rolet,' Ford or Plymouth. Iq good HomrSsM Serrkcs FOUR Building lots on Oometl panels, $35. Kaitb’a, 1115 Main FOR SOME NEEDY street. Sidewalka, and all utflitlea MICKKV FINN Oat Of Lock! LANK LKONAKD running condition. Phone Wini- Offend - IS-A Help Wsstad—Fesisls 86 atraaL ' IIODBRN Guitar inetrucUo^^ m antic 779J 5. InataUed. Tha W. Q. Olatinay Oo. P o o ltry bimI Ssppllts 43 P OM-'DigN yt6,C0NRAPj I'M AFRAID 1 gtaaw or aavanc^c PLAT Ptnlah Holland window WANTED—Olrl for atock room VETERANS? . Phone 4148. ’ MAYge N t pbon* S-1042. B E L U N O t o u r CarT Stop or ahadai made to maasura. Kays for aortlng and bundlingv Apply FOR BALE—3,000 ready to iay high TMB COAL WBTOORCARt. CAN 6WMG IT NRKT YtAR WALNUT bad. coil spring, BtHLDlNa Lota a t the (Steen. Sm SSU gfi call and gat our top prlca. Pram-* made while you wait. Marlow'a In parson only, Mancheater Coat, aax-llnk pullaU. Still on tha chair. CaU 5072.. SASMfN OROtfiCP^ OS THAT DCTAILj TO iGOt NtXT ■SB US today. W all tall you bow lum prtcaa for clean cara. Cola range. Nathan Miller A Son, We Bpadfiliie la obtslBinf Wto. tCanekl, contractor ami FOR A U IMS NSW MONTHS AGOj YtAR,PHN.i T M LXTW i Apron and Towel Supply, 73 buUdar, 519 Center atraaL IfiN g R riO M aaay It la to aaaa OanaroiM i»- llo to ra . 41M. L n us wash your walla by ma- Summit atraat. North Coventry. ManchesUr g o o d c l e a n graai) and craam rents for tensnto and we get MR.gAsserr- 6WAMPT0WM tot SUPBC-MPBR ] taraa AO aavlnga up to, ------cmna Does a really clean )o5. 6611. Bengal oil and gaa combination fully laadrad. Ilancbaatar BuUd-1 REWARD of $M or more to Oia our fee from them, our serv* TMATSMniPF gUR.PIN66? CORPORATION Prioanraa paint, saves, redecor­ CANDY SaMsIady wanted. Apply ■tove, 3100. Chui be aaan a t 50 16 SUPPLYING lag sad Loan Aasodatlon, Ino. parson laadlr.g ua to the pur- ices to you for renting your 16 fiSTg ggi ating. Bahrand’a cnaanlng Sarv- State theater manager. Manchea. Pine atraaL or phone 7282. Sabarban for Salo 76 ITJ chaaa o f a good 1937 to 1947 ca r. lea, 144 High atraaL Phone 5859. Ur. ArttdeS far Sste 46 property are free. Pleaae call Broad Btraat Motor Salas. S934. us If you have any type HOME SEEKERS or for huiltofa, C A L L T iU O ir» Houaahoid Sarv- QIM , to do office work with some CABINirr Containing approxi­ FOR SALE —CHb, raaaonabla. to offer. Rental ^rvfce Bu- wa have a few lota of land, an V V loa for akpart cleaning of Soora. knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply mately 2,000 greeting carda aa- Phone 7679. acre a lot, nice place for hunter’s W a n t e d —-Rida from Hartford Offend IS wallA mga,'upholatary, wtndowa. Pireatone Store, 8.VI Main etreeL aorted. RetaU value 1200. Will reau, 869 Main Street, Man* to Oraan 4:15 p. m.. Bva-day] caMn or for summer homes. add )eba PbWM 7M S. ' accept any fair offer. Phone 3906. POR SALE— Phllco combination cheater. Phone 4168. Price only 8150 each. Chah. Also weak. Phone 3-3441. a n t i q u e s raSaiaSad aad npalp SALESLADY Wanted. Hours 9 to radio and phonograph. Boor ad Raab at tfUmt aaata raplaaad. 3. McLellan'a Stores Oo., 975 CORDUROY Remnanta."' fl.lO model, 340. Call afU r 5. 161 ask ua about our four-room pre­ Ttamaaa. IM Beotb Main atraat. Bandlag—CMtrsctliig 14 Main atreeL yard! Pine new woolen plecea for Branford atreet. Tel. 2-2333. fabricated homes. Immediate de­ AstSMeSnrs for Ssis 4 Phewa 5S U . ______^ children’s garmenU 50c - 31.35 livery and what jrou get for |1.* POSITION available. October let each. Woolen rug pieces 65c lb. SIX PAIRS drapes in three colors. WAN'TED — FIva or alx-room 300. A b«g surprise. <7aU Jones OLD PLOORS SANDED SASH Doora and bUnda repaired house or apertmenL needed Im­ 1947 or replaced. Valancaa. wardrobaa, for houMkeeper In email family. Colonial Remnant, Shoppe, 115 Boor length,' damaek Uned. Very Realty, 115 Main atreeL or phone MrNsutM ajrnJUaM, 1st. Laylnc tad SntaMag. Ibicellent aalery. Uve In. Write Center atreeL reaeonahle. pall 7884,______mediately or by October 15. CaU •254. m 8TUDEBAKER J. B. JanasB. bodhcaaaa and cabinra built al­ 8800. BY DfC'K TURNER BINITS AND HER BUDDIES .And Here It Is EULAK MAKilN COLANDER COUPE tered or repaired. Bhipahape Boa P, He,'lid. FUNNY BUSINESS q BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL TaL Stom M SI.' avtaiaga. BAR AND back bar. aulUble for ELECTRIC Refrigerator, $40; GGitVO THMT Woodworking Co., 166 * Middle GIRL WANTED for hand cutting. private home. Apply at Cavey’a electric etove, 335, good condi­ WANTED—4-room heated apart* .KVf.KiOOO'- \THOUOKT ' fOOfffi.TWfo to WOMOGOJFOLl mo VOU VAT THA POOR. LOW MILEAGE BURTTRIC i:otora rapalrtng and Tumplka W est Phone 3-0063. menL Adults, no chUdren. Write Want«d—Real Bstato >MMOOWf» y»Pl» RO|.V9taT'» GON f ALL'S M L05>6. WXTH 9UCKAK to f^^W iG H isp OFV HOto HWA MOOA PUA HIG Apply Kaklar Cloth Toy 0>., RestauranL 45 East O n ter. tion, alao mouton coaL and fur you AND 19HUW Oo NOU DO t VOU I NUMGhIL ONG Pt*OJCX.T rawtadlag. AL* work juarantaad. Koreat atreet. Phone 3601. trimmed coat, else 14. CaU 8- P. O. Box 96. AS40 VOU A «G Lfi.PT K COLE MOTORS Aea Elaetrle Motor Rapalra, 331 CARPENTER, Contractor, build* ' WE BUY AND SELL- AK,Tt46 GTGRMAUtoOtAPM 1 t S S i S o u O f GIN TO TAKL 2072. NOG PUT 1HL GAP TO MMK. tUM > o « (fiRMey HOLOttoG TAG , TEL. 4164 NMik Main atraaL oppoalto De­ or, naw conatrucUon. Alao ayac- WANTED — Typlet. temporary A-1 BLACK loam, 3 yards, 110; ______V4AGW CLOTH Ull*. lallalng In kitchen cabtnata. lUa- REAL ESTATE m . f AUG fOR IT 1 J pot ontranea an Nora I work. Apply In parson. Manches­ wall atone, P tons |13; grey Sag- ROUND DINING table. Six chalra, H for Sale 72 All Lines of tmuraneo H M NASH 4-door. Good running atraaL Pham SMS. aonable. Cal’ for free oatimatea ter Memorial Hoepital, Wednes­ stone, |9 per ton; bank run road buffet, square table, four chairs, aomfltlnn 35 fUdgawood atraaL W. Croaaauui, 2-3136. day after 3 p. m. or Thursday gravel, 8 yards 36. Tel. Manches­ oak kitchen cabinet, three-piece tfgiPffff<&' ASyttato after 5 p. BL PROMPT -> EXPERT FOR SALE — Six-room farm THEODORE J, UGACE J. SULLIVAN, maaon contractor, morning. Asa for Mlaa Buck. U r 3-0617. dining aet. Phone 5263 or cell at house. 2 acres land. 150 Keeney 470 Main Street 154 Highland atreeL______BEAUTIFUL CARS REFRIGERATION brickwork, plaatering, cinder HfOH School Rlrl to do houaework NEW AND used koyal PorUbl# atreeL Mancheater. Tel. 6471 and 2*9742 block, concrota work, atone. Tel. after school for family, in vicin­ typewiitera. Immediate deUvery. FOR THE REALLY 3-041E NORTH MANCHES'TER — Pre­ discriminating BUYER! SERVICE ity of South Main street. Phone Libera, terms and trade-tna. R^ [Withlnery Bad T o o b 62 BUYERS Welting. For prompL war 4-room single with 2 unfin­ courteous action. Bat your p r ^ WHERE? CONCRETE, brick, dndbr blocka, 7709. pa:ra on all makes Marlow's, 667 ished rooms second Boor. House — AD Types — AO Mskee Main atreeL NOW Available, garden tractora, erty with Suburban Raaity AT DE CORinER foundations, plastarlng, land* WANTED—Woman to do house­ in exceUent condition, located In scaping, drlvowaya aapUo tanka, aU* attachmenU. Montgomery Realtors, 571 Center atraaL MOTOR SALES work one or two days a week. FOR SALE—One 2>4xS^. De Jur fine section, close to bus. Recent­ Pbona 8215. PHONE carpsnt^, naw construction. Wards Farr- Store, Purnell Place ly redecorated.-yireplace, cabinet OF COURSE! Phone 7709. Versatile II enlarger. Original U b L£li MANCHESTER 2-1226 A D. CbnatructlOB Co., BelluccL cost $141 without lens. WiU/aeU kitchen, oil heat,'gaa water heat­ M’-UJlf.! CaU 3-1601. GARDEN Tractore, IH HP. HAVING REAL EsUto problemaT MM PORD 94)OOR 8BDAM—So- WANTED—Cook for two weeks with lens |11S. Uke new two er. Large lo t Total price, 36,500. City and farm (.ropeny bought ALLEY (NIP Takinff Word To Gas RY V. T. HAMLIN beginning middle of October. Brcady, 3 and 5 H.P. Garden fMT DbLmu. Radto, Raatar. (No months old. Can be seen between Occupancy upon sale. No agents. and sold oy caUing R. L McCann, w—ry .-- gV dAPSRV. w IT AIN'T ON* SCIENTIFIC CARPENTER Work of all kinds. Evening meal only. Family of King, cultivating, mowing and 'KMivi.; FiNk aoNiHaao i RMndrad). U.OOO MUao. Roofs, siding, additions and a^ 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. dally. Phone ■now plow atUchmenta. 3 H.P. Address Ba: AB, Herald. Realtor. Phono Manchaator 7700. stu.teo.’ NOW aNtrvooo' — v < TNiNO. iT S B u MViN fcu41... IMS BHIOC 9-DOOR TORPHDO REFRIGERATION two. Call 2-0407 or 2-2287. 7490. " ------Moou. WMAT» 1 BfiTTgB (SO « U WH< tarattona. Alao now oonatrucUon. Planet Jr., cultivator. Automo­ ELEVEN-ROOM Oolonial house, ALL TW COMMOTION i rT-**^ Hooter. Dtv. Lights. (A bile utility trailers. Springfield LI81 TOUR property. Resldeattai L. kNV*\ f t BACK! Baautlftd Otaaa — One Owaar SERVICE SlaffarL Pbona 3-0366. ACTION! Make 325 selUng 50 MERCURY II camera with case. 8 fireplaces, steam heaL bath, VS'AV, I TXISO ABOUT.' boaes 21 for 31 Xmea cards. Alao lawn sweepers. 16 H.P Johnson and bualneaa. Have many cuenta. " TaLL '6M I ____ STONE Maaonry. Wa apaciallaa In Slightly used. F 2.7. Call 6370 be­ electric lights, two bkma, five George L Graaiedio. Realtor. 109 - HU«T ■Ml PORD »4XX>R D aU nC H - W OO DW O RK Of kU klad a. b uilt 50 and 25 for 31 embossed with Sea Horae. Gould water pumps, cabins, 10 acres of land. House ftogstono walka. Terraces and re tween 6-7130 one practically new. Capitol Henry street Phone 0378. NOBOO’*.' . Raglo, Haatar. tpoUlght, Dtv. aad Inatalled, Job abop aorvtea talnlng walla. CaU Mancheater name on samples and selling plan now being used for overnight UgMs. (The Ctoanaat '41 Ford Profoaakmal kltchaa daalgaa. Per oo approval. Jewel, I2t7 Market USED THAYER high chair, baby Grinding Oo., 38 Main atreeL tourists. This place has a nice 3-0617 for free eatimatea. Plag- Phone 7958. WANTED To Buy for cash —6, 8 la Team—Bar Noaal) qnlek aarvtea eaS 9-0963. Btona Block Co., Route 6 Bolton. street, DepL 16, {^lladelphla walker, bassinette, and bathln- Income and has many posalbill- 9MS CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Pa. etle, car seat and baby awing, or 7-room single house or good I*’ PRANK PAUL Mattroaaaa ra- TRACTORS, New Massey-Harris tlea. Price 316,000. Charles Oder- two-family. Reply Immediately. -Haatar. SpotUght (A Beak 7-quart pressure cooker, preserve mann, agenL Phone 4928. Litda C a i'-^ the Wayl) BMda aad atarlMssd Ilka mw. We WOMAN Wanted for corset de. and Oliver garden tractora with 0>nfidentlal. Box Q, Herald. Floristo—Norsriles 15 Jars, new Lynn range burner, tools and snow plows. Fordson aS41 PCMD dCTL. CONVERTI- call far and dallvar aaywhars. 43 partment. Experience desired but original cartdn, 55-gsIlon oak ■outk Mala atraaL Cblehsatar, not necessary. Good salary. Ap­ parU, truck and tractor snow Your Real Eatate Problems yr- BLB COUFB—A Dream Wag- CHRYSANTHEMUM Plants, cider barrel. Phone 6793. Are Ours. ■y Ok. Obaa. Pham Ooteboatar 460. ply In person at Burton's 841 pUiws. Dublin Tractor Co., North FOUR-FAMILY HOUSE “I thought miyba It would curai him of coming home liko hardy planU, ahrubs, fruit trees Windham Road, WlUimantlc. We Buy.and Sell for Cash and mixed bouqueU. Woodland Main atresL thia from stag pkrtiea!” 'TRANSPORTATION REFRIGERATION Boats and Accassortes 46 ’'our rooms each apartment. Arrange mortgages SPECIALS SERVICE Oardens, 168 Woodland street. SALESGIRL, sportswear, full Before you sell caU ua SIDK (;i,AN( KS BY GAI.KKAM H ■ e-'v Phone 8474. Ume. Some sales experience. FOR SALE — 1947 Evlnrude Wraiing Apparel—•Fora 67 This place can be purchased No Obligation. w 13M CHHVROurr f ?5S!L**** Domegtlc, eominerdal. For Some evening work 'till 9. 7^- Brae-Bum Realty Co., FRKCKI.e s a n d jfS FRIEND , Ij^M ( ’atrh iiiR BY MKRRIM- C. RLOSSER CAN — Haatar aad Dsfrostara. prompt day and night sendee, Sportsman outboard motor, boat for either a home or invest­ (Vary Claan Family Carl) bour day. CaU 2-1201, 3 to 0 p. m. seaL 11-food boat. All in excel- COMPLETE Girl Scout uniform, 118 East Center street SOM. ittT *r al« ttsvct.'Sie t. a mo u. s mt. ter. RooAnf—Siding 16 Realtors Phone 6275 or 6339 t m r o m p m o d e l •‘a * r o a d - CALL 2-1428 leot1. 6191, after 6, 4485. LL MAKES ot sawtag maohinaa lease only, one adult only, 323 aapartly rvpalrad. Singat Sawing WAirTED—Rollor man for Tex­ RYE SEED For'or Sale.Sale Alao Enail- and $24. Inquire after 4. deep. Chicken coop. Rhone 2-0420 ROOFING OF aU kinds Chimney tile enBraving ehop. Reply Box CARPENTERS i i i s ’Machlaa Oa., 833 Mala stfvat work, gutter work and Ineulatlon. ,age cutter. Amella Amelia Jarvis.Jarvis, 872 FOUR-FAMILY house, all im­ rsL 3881. Sl|. P.,emd. Parker atreet. Phone 7026. FOR RENT—Pleasant front room, FORD PICK-UP Expert rapalra Poneat workman­ continuous hot water. Three min­ provements except heqt. Large . Apply ahlp. SaUafactlon guaranteed. MACHINISTS, mecbanlce exper- loL two-car garage with lofL Y*,T ALL APPLIANCES aervlced and CaU* Ooughliit, Manchestci 7707 utes from Center. Call 5002 after LOW MILEAGE repaired, bumera ratrigeratora, lenced. American Dyeing Corp., Houarhold Goods 61 4 p. m. Nice locatlou. pleasant autround- rangee, waahera. etc. AU work F.aat Main 'and Grove atreet, Ings. Good Investment. Price Jarvis Realty Co. CHIMNEYS rebuilt repaired and Rockville.'Apply Mr. Bachlochl. COLE MOTORS guaranteed: Metro, Service Oo., cleaned. Alao ail types ot rooOng FLOOR MODEL Apex Ironer at Legal Notieea . 113.600. Charles Odermann, 654 Center Street V-/« TeL Mancheater 2-0883. a Bubatantlal diacount. Call 3535. agent Phone 4928. mi v SM stsvict. SIC T. M. stc. u s e«T eA TEL. 4164 and r pairing AU worl| guaran­ YOUNG MAN to learn dry clean­ AT A COURT OP PhOBATB held VIC FLl.N'l At Death’b Door ItV. MICHAEL O'aiALLKY AND RALPH LANS teed. LaRoae Bros. Co. TeL 2- ing trade. Call 2-0030 for ap­ Benson'a, 713 Main. MANCHESl'ER • t Mancheater within and- tor *the LARGE QUONSET, 40’xl00’x20* “Let’s try soma diffarant careal (or the football season, wi w m -necTHM. U M T NOT TOO GOOD. ^ M38 NASH four-door aedan, heat* 0768. pointment. I _ , FLOOR problama solved erlth DIatrIrt ot Mbncheater, on tha 10th qr, 1935 Chevrolet pick-up, 1941 8HEbri< METAL WORKS day of Sepfrmber, ' 1947. high. Crated. Unused. Box Y, Mom—-I ate this klod -all tummer and only got on* home KKnNG,Bltl4r.\ V0U,.HAr DION’T MOP DlSTANCI TOO GREAT. linoleum, asphalt tUa. eountai v&g ~ ' r i 5UT I'VE C.OT 10 CHANCE IT Dodge two-door sedan, heater, AIR OONOrnONlNO WANTED—3 young men 16 to 21 • Preaent HO.N. ttTLUAM 8. HTDC. Herald. , * ■ ru n !” - ]I0 1HINK THAT I CAN'T yeara of age fbr full time poal* Expert workmanahlp, free eeU- Judse. T06f THIR I AnOtt010 lET VDU UVE- ' AS SOON AS HE MOVES , 1940 Studebaker coupe. Cole HUT AIR FURNACES ^ Moving—Trarking— maiea Open evenings. Jonqe Eatate of Thekla V. HunL lata ot Motors. 4164. InataUed and Repaired Storage 20 tion, excellent opportunity for Mancheater. In aaid DlatrlcL deceased. BY j: R. WI|,L|AMS OllR HUARDlMi HOUSE wUh MAJOR H(HH*I-E Baveatrougha and Uondurtora advancement. Independent' Cloak Fumituro. • Oak atreeL Phone The administrator havioa exhibited FOR SALE 1946 (HIOSLET Shelvador refri­ AU Types of Sheet Metal Work I ASHES, eUwe, rubbish removed. Company, Pine atreet Mancbca* 3-1041. hla administration account^wtth said 5AV LEARN A TRADE FIRST.' SPORT SCRIBE 3 0 e A ll I GOTTA SAV IS Trie FiCe gerator, in excellent condition. 22 Tears’ Bsperianco Cellara,. attics, yards cleaned. ter. estate to this Court for allowbnoe. It WANTED 6-Room Single, 4 down, 2 58 DMmont atreet TELEPHONE MlB V’E BUY and aeU ‘ good uaad ORDERED^ That the 15th dap of Chimney cleaning and repairs. furniture, combination rang< September, 1947, at 9 o'clock, (d.e.t.1 RECENT HIGH SCHOOL ap. Fireplace, steam heat,* Light trucking odd Jobbing. C FULLTIM E male help, work daya gaa rangea and heatora. Jones' forenoon, at the Probate'Office tn the oil burner, fall tiled both. GAS AND B3eetrio welding, aU canon. Phone 5008. at Bergren'a, 844, Main. Call In Municipal Bulldlnx Ih said MancheS' Auto Arccsseriew—Tires 6 metals, lead burning. Eighteen Furniture Store. 36 Oak. Phone ter. be and the ume is aaeigned for . GRADUATE (Mala) Occapancy gaanunl^d. » .1 s c h u it z a n d BAO THE BLACK'PLAM< UKE A SHAG/ yeara experienee. Oeorge L MOVING, hontebold goods alnd 2-1041.' . ----- hearing on the allowknee of said ad' This house is located in the NEY4S BURKE — HE KEYS, 1936 PACKARD 3-door sedan, Green 478 Gardner elreet Call mlnlatratlon accoupt with Mid estata TO WORK IN pianos moved anywhere in the. HAVE OPENI.NG for mainte­ Green Acre Section. Own­ SRf S THEY \MILL HAME .Bu rk e, Model 190. Oood mechanical con- 3067. nance man. Apply in peraon. 80 FOR, SALE—Steam fqmace, In and ascertainment of heirs and this ditloa, price reasonable. 62 Drive state. Also general trucking and' cludpig pip- Aay Madel ~ ALL MAKES OF lets, wtaea eaator lampa. cktaA Any Oendtoon! FOR QUAUTY. price, eervtce. WANTED-^Man or woman for caps aafi eaacaek larga p erf^ ' Tal. 6648 • 7146 9. To do any othor taislnoa FURNACE thermostaUu control. CARS . e o ^ to^apHdmr. awyiaca consult ^ b e rt Giiay, "The Lobw part time employment, Manchea­ InataUed by Kopper'a Jan. 1946. pcopor to oonM boforo such Cau- ngheet Prteaa Paldl Ow nenr PalnUi." (Complete ta- ter and vicinity, 3 hours « each giato. SiepkMw m a e a lM B ltw (We have converted to oUK 315. agvatware. fiaaaa. terlor and astarior palh'Ung aerv- evening, 3 or 4 evenlnge a week. 80 Laurel street. 2-3044. Oathorlaa MarahaU, TEL. HARTFORD 8-1990 tca, paparhangi^. spraying and Car eaaentlal. Approximately 335 GORM AN Bitag Om«a Meralaff at Sale! Vloa Cbainnaa of tho D am ^ AND ASK POR JOE Boor reajtahlng. SaUsfaeUOn per week. Write Box 8Z.‘Heotld. HOSPITa' l Beds or wheei-chalra Wcthcraflald Saba Co. cratlo Town Oonunlttoo. MOTOR-SALES Oafi ketwew 8 A. M. and 6 P. M guaranteed. Free eatimatea All for rent or sale Rates reason­ R. U Wek*. flalea MMmftv Read Herald Ad vs. ' Dated at Boltoiy Cornu workmen fully Insured. 3U Spruce able Phone Keith's Furniture 286 Main St. ' Tei. 7220 Phaaa Bai6fei« M3I4 • •9th day of SeptevDor, 1967. atreet M a a c k i^ r, TaL 3-1355, Read Herjild Advs* 4159. 1
