TOESDAT. gEFTEMBER 9 .194T H is Wastiter. fA C E n m . v F jRanriiPBtpr Ettfntno Hrrath Avurags DaUy Ctradattea I St P . i . W iawin Pbr ita IlM lh M AnRHSl. IStT .S' ky Om post Urn bays umrs IJ. »» WUllaa H. jnekott of »| VFW Is Again and IS Fsara oM and wMm World 9,040 r. pa**- iPtTonog hlo vacatloa wtta m Children Hold Engagements War n Woks ou t thss# boys an- A b o u t T ow n arntTm ^ T. B. Broonaa of Wam- llstad la the sarvlca and f oagbt to WiAR-EVfR IngtM otroot. 'Title Winner away o f tbs battles eltbor to ’ the :**• Flower Show Uojrd-Hf Buropean tbeater or tha Pnclflc Mmnehester—^A City o f ViUage Charm T)M B c a w * * Club of MumIm * bOao Patrlda Mulcaliry, daugh* and art now membsra of Andaroon- W will hoM it> flnt Bwetinr of Ur of Mr. aad Mra. Daniel Hag- Sban Post PRICB POUR CENTS Qtt fbll WWW tool^lit «t •:80 »t rrty, of 54 Valley otroot, o ^ r o d Win Sixth National m i «o page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,1947 <B1GHTBBN PAGES) S Community "T.** Stount a t Joorph'o Academy, Sreoad *nd Third Grad­ VOL. LXVU NO. 288 Championship at Con­ FUSH-$lfnON HamUton Helghto. Went Hartford ers at Hollister Enter W -i- ■ a , MBimlttM* for ^ C o u n ^ y today. Mlm Mulcahey grad u a^ vention in Cieveiand •■Ir of MaadwoUr O n a f wUI with honora In Juno from 26 Exhibits Yesterday WE DO ALL KINDS mssuRi moot tfclo oronlnf ot oi(ht o'cloA Jamoo’a ochool hero, and received COOKOI Fight to Bring Ship Fire Under Control •t tbo boom of Boy Amro, t l flnt prim for her echolarohlp The Andamon-Sbea Post, VTW,, OF AUTOMOBILE The combination aecond and National Champion Fife and Drum Aid From America Search Continuing Ml atraoC. Brory ooo lo requeoted otandlng. ____ third grada at HoUlater achool hold m bo pnoont ot tbio flnol nrrting. Corps aron Ita alkth national title REPAIR WORK ON at. Anne'o Motbero Circle wrlll a flower ahow yeaterday. Twenty- last week In Cleveland at the Vet- erana of Foreign Wars National ALL MAKES OF <ao Board of Rellgloua Eduea- enjoy a pot hick oupper toroorlow aU exhiblU were entered In the AUTOMATIC evening at the home of Mra. Joeeph ahow. The children brought their convention. The convention ended Needed This Year, Mge win boro o mrrtlng tbio rrr- yeaterday. CARS ■am ot right o'clock ot thr Brc- Qulek. 8d Orand View Mreet. Mem- own flowera, and containers and For Blast Victims; bera are requeoted to arrive The corps won a silver cup em­ end OeegmrotloeBl cburch. V promptly at «;S0. 1110 Immaculate airanged the bouqueU themeelvea. blematic of the National title in GORMAN Conception Motbero circle wUl alao The room preoented a very gay the ckMwd class and gflOO which S w p ^ COVER Marshall Asserts Thr Womon'o AialUory of tbr have lU flrat fall meeting tomor­ and cheeiful appearance as all the will be used by the unit as a nu­ Italion'AiDrilcjLB club wW mart to­ puplU trbm the flrat through the cleus for attendance at the, IMS na­ MOTOR SALES row evening at 8:15 at the home of alxth g i^ ea vhrtted the room to morrow ormlng ot right o'clock ot Mra. A. W, Ootra. 46H Summer tional champtonstUps. 285 Main S t TcL 7220 fY^BX pattntad Soap-TH* Cover can’t b* Uftad off white 21 Dead or Missing tbo ■etabbouor on KWrldgr otrrrt aee the eahlWU. When this band waa taken over Secretary of State De­ igfinbrri w t tirgfd to ottMid otreet. The flrat prtae in the regular ^ pvMJvra is oo. Wb«n pooking time is up, OMrMy France Offers ■o tan •ettriUao wtU be dUmuorod. claaa waa won by Virginia Taylor, clares Enrope Must Forreot D. Hartln of Lono* aecond prlie by boretU Buahnell pash bonoo to rcteaaa Lid-Lock. Tha cover ttitt can’t atreet wao beat man at ^ and third prtae by Marilyn Taylor. be lifted off! But... when presmre is down, this lea- Have Temporary As­ T o T u rn O v e r Three Bodiea Recovered ding of Mlao Janet M. DleU ^ The flrat prtae waa* a blue twln- sistance and Only United States Asked From River Where Big Waotfleld. Maoa., and Eugene D vaac with a almple but effective tmtimml cover open# AUTOMATlCAlJLY! Thus Wear* Bryant, Saturday evening at the arrangement of black-eyed daalea. Mias Barbara Hea# Ever proucts yoor peecc o f mind. Get yonre fodqr! Congress' Can Author^ Military Rule Excursion Steamer l E B home of the bHde'e P««ntA Hfj Hie aecond prtae waa a tall blue HALEYS and Mra. Herman R. iMeta. of 207 vase containing two amaryllla Mrs. Agnes Hess of IM Center iae It at a Session .Britain Not to Send Waa Shattered by Exe QranvUle rpad. The ceremoiw wao bloaaoma and aome lacy ferna. The RED CROSS performed by Rev. Edward l ^ le a street announces the engagement VOUtTIMf • ROOOPUVOt Would Give .It to the ploaion; No Paaaengera third prtae bouquet waa a red- of her dstifrtiter, Barbara, to Ed- POOD eolOR • pua * money Washington, Sept. 10.—(/P) of tbo rirot Congregational church. white and blue combination In a Wednesday Morning WesUMld. Tho bridegroom U at< son A. LJoyd, aon of Mr. and Mrs. —Secretary of State Mar- Viet-Namese in Indo- Refugees to Germany On Board at Tim e o f tending Alfred Univerolty. New blue glaM vaae. Richard Whlte- Edaon E. Lloyd of Klngaton, New houae earned honorable mention York. The wedding will take place ahaU said today that Europe China If Colony Re­ Accident, Cauae of York, in which city the couple will with a large bouquet of alnnlaa and amke their home. in October. WUR-EVER must have some kind of tem­ main in French Union Washington, Sept. 10—(A —Sec- i low from the British decision to I Which ^Undetermined daalea In'a fruit-Juice can. SPECIAL porary aid this year and only The prtaea In the miniature claaa AlUMiNUM PRSSStifll COORIS rotary of State Merahall disclosed unloed the Jews at Hamburg. WM The Robertoon School P.T.A.. Johndon-Ijivigne Consrreaa can authorize it. today that the Urtltcd States fuUle- The Britiah had to use force to j which waa organlaed laot oaaanm, were won by Melvin Stoltenberg. SMb af «e ataf taS teMi biU. e«r «» *ae Parla, Sept 10—(O—France of rittfiburgh. Sept. 10.— Roger Huaaey and Paul Wllllama. Mr. and Mra. Leandrc A. I.rfivlgnr, This was a strong intimation ly urged the British nvemmant ramove some ot them. win hold lU flrat fall meeting to> Marilyn Elahe won honorable Platt’a Mill Bold. Brlitol Terrace, fered today to turn over the admin- to reconalder ita derision to send Their final dtepoalUon la still un- —’Th# murky wfiters of tha laaftaw evening at eight o’clock at Naugatuck, f 'lmerly of 40 Col­ that he believes a special ses- letratloD of Indochina to the, Viet- the 4,400 "Exodus” Jews back to aettled find some ara reported on a the achool. and all parenU of chil­ mention. s. Aonongfihelfi river yield \ U iU n H i Other arrangementa were ea- umbia atreet Meriden, announce idon of CongreM will be nec' Namese if they would remain Tlw lalaad Queen bans* Sereely at her doek la P l^bargh ss Rressea work to bring the flames aad Germany. hunger strike. dren at thla achool, or 6f pra-achool a w ry . But Mmrahxll declined At Merahall said the American gov­ thn'e bodies today as ftren age are Invltad. Superintendent of hibited by Linda Erickson, Brenda the engagement end coming mar­ Presto $12.95 within the French union and per­ eeatraL The area sloag the deck where the excarelea ship exploded was a immlrisal parklag lot In a news conference commenL F\ Stone, John Hayford. Alma Bailey. riage of their uaughter Lucille a ntwm conference to exy fletly Marshall revealed strong American ernment urged the British to rocon- learched for more victims achoolo A. H. nilng wUl Im the DRESSES mit the French to retain strategic aad several aatsasehllea (left) were set aRre. Only th*' crew waa aboard wbra the exploaloa serarred eider their decision. such A aeABlon should be celled. I tat I t to speaker. A aodal time wflll follow Sandra Wood. Bruce Warren, Rob­ Adelaide, to Norman Carl Johnson, bat rariy eattamtes l■dtcat«d the deatb toM might be h^bUb as i i.— (NBA tetepbota)._______________ dieapproval of the Brttlah action. 1 he explosion and Are afc ert McIntosh, niarcia Pierce, Rob­ son of Mrs. E’.le.n Johnson, of 340 We Are authorized dealer o f Wear-Ever, Presto The eecretery did ley the State military installations, the French 'niree shiploads of tho Jews, The British replied, he said, that the one# {H'oud exoursioil with refreahmenta aerved by M «. the only availsMe housing was in C u ^ 3rn Bentley and her dommlt- ert Laaaarrt, Judith Barnea, Rob­ South Muln elieet New Britain. ‘and Mirro-Matiemakes and we have eomplete Department would have at band News Agency reported. seeking to enter Palestine on tha ateamer “bland Queen.” Tha Kemp's, Inc. ert Oralf, Nancy Stoutnar, Salva The wedding is planned for Oc­ VALUES TO $10.98 by late October adequate facta on Emile Bollaret Vreneb high com- "Exodua 1047” were turned'baek Germany.
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