
שבת פ' חקת ,Shabbat - Issue Number 851 י תמוז תשע"ח - Sat. 22 - 23 Jun. 2018 - 10th of Tamuz, 5778 Koreh Asher Sebbag (Page - 838). Mufteer & Mr Moshe Nahari (Page -1187).

ברכת הלבנה Birkat Halevana Shir Hashirim, Mincha, Kabalat Shabbat & Arbit. 19:00 Shabbat Candles. 21:06 Shabbat Shahrit - Followed by Kiddush. (Shema 8:16). 08:30 Daf Hayomi with Rabbi Asher Sebbag Shlit”a. 19:40 Mincha Shabbat Followed by Seuda Shlishit (Sunset - 21:22). 20:40 Arbit Motzei Shabbat followed by Havdalah. 22:38 Shahrit Weekday - (Mon. & Thu. - 06:40) (Sunday & Bank/H - 07:30). 06:45 Daf Hayomi with Rabbi Asher Sebbag Shlit”a. 18:30 Mincha & Arbit 19:15 Next Friday: Shir Hashirim, Mincha, Kabalat Shabbat & Arbit. 19:00 Next Friday: Candles. Shabbat. 21:06

Chukat 5778 (Numbers 19:1-22:1) thousands of years Jewish parents by Rabbi Kalman Packouz have wanted their children to marry GOOD MORNING! In the and to be a link in the Jewish portion of Va'etchanan the Almighty future. For most Jews it was the instructs the Jewish people, "You bottom line for their Jewish identity. It shall not intermarry ... " (Deut. 7:3). was the line in the sand that was not to With the ever-increasing assimilation be crossed. and the ever-increasing intermarriage, These days, more often than not, more and more people consider it to be Jewish parents would prefer that their impolite and "politically incorrect" to children marry Jewish, but when even broach the subject. confronted with an intermarriage However, since Biblical times it situation they fall back to a secondary has been an important issue. In the position of "as long as they're happy." Torah portion Toldot, the Torah tells Why no line in the sand, no dramatic us that Yitzhak and Rivka ( and stand against intermarriage? ) were deeply upset over Esau Though many parents deeply marrying outside of the faith. For care, they can't explain what is so

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precious about being Jewish or part of differences, why they have a higher the Jewish people. It is a failure of our divorce rate. Jewish educational system and the He draws from a plethora of drifting away from Jewish learning studies to highlight the stumbling and observance. Perhaps we haven't blocks and pitfalls that exist in been the best role model for leading a intermarriage situations between Jewish life. Perhaps we aren't that people of any religions, not just Jews. connected with things Jewish -- a I recommend to parents that they buy , a JCC, the Federation. 2 copies -- one for their child and one Perhaps we don't know what to say. for the non-Jew. The book is not People often ask me for advice offensive nor preachy -- it's about intermarriage situations, informative. The more information a probably because of the book I wrote person has, the better decisions he or -- How to Prevent an Intermarriage -- she will make. a guide for parents to prevent broken Being a parent is not a popularity hearts. It is a practical guide to help contest. It is a responsibility to love, parents with both the long term goal of guide, nurture and protect one's having their children marry Jews as children. Love is not just the pleasure well as how to interact with their child one has from focusing on the good in considering intermarriage. It helps a person; love is a responsibility. One parents understand their own is doing a disservice to his child if he motivations and articulates the doesn't try to communicate important reasons that they perhaps they can issues that need to be dealt with to only intuit. The book sets forth how to ensure happiness. To assume that the communicate and presents facts and child already knows the issues and has case histories. It can be downloaded in discussed them is naiveté. English or Spanish from PreventIntermarriage.com. Perhaps we as parents are sometimes derelict in our Doron Kornbluth wrote a highly responsibility to our children. Perhaps readable book for those considering we give in too easily. It is easier to go intermarriage. Why Marry Jewish? -- with the flow than to deal with the Surprising Reasons for Jews to Marry issue. Being a parent is about Jews is the book a parent can give to responsibility and helping our his child to avoid pitfalls, heartache children be the best they can and make and divorce. The author presents the the best choices they can. It means facts of what happens in taking the tough road and actually intermarriages to the couples and the talking with our children about issues children --underlying differences, that really matter. It is not about problems in raising children, religious


abdication to the will or desires of our speak to the rock for . Moshe children. gets angry and hits the rock (instead of If intermarriage is something speaking to it) and water rushes forth. that you wish to avoid with your However, the Almighty punishes children, get a copy of How to Prevent Moshe and Aharon for not sanctifying an Intermarriage and Why Marry Him by forbidding their entry into the Jewish? -- and hopefully you won't land of . (It pays to follow have the pain experienced by Yitzhak instructions and to withhold anger!) and Rivka over your child marrying Aharon dies. His son, Elazar, is outside of the faith! appointed the new High Priest. The Canaanite king of Arad attacks the and later is soundly defeated. Then there is another Chukas, Numbers 19:1 - 22:1 rebellion over the food and water Another week of action, which is answered by a plague of adventure and mystery as the Jewish poisonous snakes. Moshe prays for the people wander the desert in their 38th people and is instructed by God to put year. First, the of the the image of a snake on a high pole. ( Adumah) which was burnt All who saw it would think of God, with cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet repent and live. thread. The ashes were then used in a The Israelites then annihilate the purification ceremony for those who and Bashanites who not had come in contact with the dead. only would not let us pass peacefully Strangely enough, all who were through their lands, but attacked us. involved in the making of the ashes There are many questions which need became ritually impure, but all who to be asked. Please consult the original were sprinkled with them became work and a good commentary. ritually pure. It is a lesson that we * * * must do the commandments even if we can't understand them. God Dvar Torah decreed the commandments. They are based on Growth Through Torah by for our benefit. We may not always Rabbi Zelig Pliskin know why. Regarding the Cohen (the priest) , Moshe's sister and a who administers the purification prophetess, dies. The portable well process with the ashes of the Red which had accompanied the Israelites Heifer, the Torah writes: on her merit, ceased to flow. Once "And the priest is impure until the again the people rebelled against evening" (Numbers 19:7). Moshe and Aharon because of the lack Rabbi Yitzchok of Vorki taught of water. The Almighty tells Moshe to that the essence of the Parah Aduma, DESIGNED & PRINTED BY: GHASSAN & DAVID - 07722 207307

Red Cow (that is, the whole procedure for others. To help others takes time, of purifying those who were spiritually energy and money. However, when impure) is the concept of "Love your someone truly loves another person, he neighbor." feels pleasure in all the sacrifices that His grandson, Rabbi Mendel of he makes for him. The greater your love Vorki explained that this is because the for someone, the more sacrifices you Cohen (who was involved in the are willing to make. Therefore, the test purification process) becomes impure of your level of love for your fellow himself through the process which human being is the amount of sacrifices purifies the person who came to him. you are willing to make. A person who When someone forfeits in order to help is not willing to make any sacrifices someone else, that is the ultimate in shows that he lacks love for others. love for one's fellow human being. A person who is not willing to make any sacrifices for other people will always find reasons why it is too difficult for him to do acts of kindness

Mazel tov: to Samy Dallal & Najwa and Shimshon & Mazaltov Warulkaron in India, on the arrival of the baby boy, the son of Talie and Simon Warulkaron in Israel. Seuda Shelishi: this Shabbat seuda shelishit will be joined with Rabbi Bassous Kehilah. will be ז"ל Stone setting: to our family and friends, The stone setting for Heskel Joury at Hoop lane this Monday 25th June at 14:00 followed by Ardith, & Berachot at 20:00 at .הי"ו Lauderdale Synagogue. Jimmy Joury and family Kolel every Sunday: We are still having a Kolel every Sunday at the Synagogue hall

from 09.30am - 12.00pm. Everyone is welcome.

We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves