Repr|nted from G|0ucestersh|re H|st0ry Special Extra Edition (1990) pages 2-17



By Barbara Drake December 1989 '0 ‘fl O ll\ A l\ "\ I 1.. '1.‘ti 2 :__I_..,-. g_.-‘. E5 9"I-_ =1 . 3 :' .~I }:,E?%Tq5F@”A ’ “I ~f \_ ‘: - -" """"'§'=°’Iw~°:£ 0 E IE g.‘ II h I' 1 . .'|' Z’ 00¢ O """"'--I.-\ ...% E" ;,i..§3‘£ Ii I "‘."'7" : mt-I ;_..- ;'~. 90:00 :_ I \:m\\\\ -1I ~.gig’ '." qt.-_i_. I is' aim‘ '-'I ‘I ‘<1 I:H '1-“- 0| "I ’is... _____IIIII'I‘I II I -' Gig; J .= 22355- ' Ii ' . I. *1-" '- I """*'- ' E-%'i’@.s 4 / ' |_ B;-\-_ "IT ad-' i II E';‘i;_§:~' t}'0'g,Q. I ,l.u__- :»- 900' 9.0Q E-"ll ._..._.. *_ sill; \ Q - - EIIE-II_I%€ _ °fl'_I'. ___l . I \' ___I I -I an” ""*\.%""*\.f"'§_ eue\%YX(35 Pd ‘Ina;‘II B‘-n-III-'_ 3 Ll ma __ I L. H ‘I’! I‘9+‘-I0 ah “WW.. ks EITH9 _~' ?1'I.m-‘ _?1'I.m.','?E‘-‘.'TE'-‘- I‘ I T5 I __ '- .m¢'. I II I ‘"-3-.- '1!‘IQ!la 1|IIII O» - a 0 (HOW 3?‘?‘?1¥°“***_ -i. gr...2:_,.."""'.ii . Id -I I. _ Inga. §=___ .' ,.-.:r - I $ \.__ _I: Q:' '5" £3‘ awn I!i1"'2—- iii‘.1 "it. Ii ' 1 ab 0‘ ______-1--‘ --~. .- nu.1..__ I-IIIlfII'>"I=n"'‘?,—_~h__I¥: \. 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Pv'Iii“;vi ~..-,.,4I..r~!'.‘I'I.-,.,{¢~!'.‘I'.--. ""5:I’:-'3- Q...r- -'a‘__ '.'',/I‘J.I.-~I'\;-*----’\;—-. -.;:--I -I:§',,.l'-':_-_\ ‘I’O...,-1.1..-'.I_' III.'~'-'/1 Introduction The period covered by this article is one of dramatic building up and down each of the four principal city streets national history. From the l5th century to the mid-l700s and the side streets off them. From this one is able to see at there were I9 monarchs, periods of civil war and rebellion a glance the names of inhabitants and their trades, where and the religious upheavals of the Reformation. Bishop given. Hooper of was burned at the stake in the city in The aim is to set out the development ofthis lower part of l555 and catholics suffered too. The Civil War in the l640s Westgate Street within the period from l455 to l750 using centred round Gloucester and the city suffered privation and information gathered from other Rentals and lease books considerable destruction. belonging to the Corporation, to the Dean & Chapter, and to Gloucester throughout this period, I455 to the mid-17005 the Hospital of St. Bartholomew, in Westgate Street. It has was an important trading centre serving a large area. The river been a case of systematically going through every rental and Severn was a busy trade route and its proximity to the study lease book belonging to the three chief landowners and area is of fundamental importance in helping to understand setting down on cards the leases for the individual properties, the economic activity of significant numbers of tradesmen the names of lessees, their trades where given, tenants and and craftsmen in the lower part of Westgate Street. Their abuttals, and then for each subsequent renewal gradually properties. described in the various lease books consulted, building up a dossier for these properties. The abuttals were may be identified on an etching dated to about l7 l O. As far then used to place the leases side by side, thus building up an as the urban development of the town fabric is concerned, it accurate lay-out of how the buildings or plots of land fitted very obviously did not alter dramatically. Even during the into the street. In many instances this has shown interesting this area escaped unharmed, protected as developments occurring, particularly around the Dockham it was by the river defences and the Bridge . area. The urban site developed gradually, chiefly around the An engraving of the city centre was made by J. Kip in area of Dockham Ditch and Foreign Bridge. As will be seen, about 1710, and published in R. Atkyns Ancient and Present it contained a variety of different trades and crafts but, on the State 0fGIOstershz're (1712). Plate l shows the detail given whole, the area remained in 1750 much as it had probably forthe area which has been ofimmense value in clarifying the looked in I455. It was during the l9th and 20th centuries that lay-out at that time. Later maps and today’s roads make it the greatest alterations took place. difficult to visualise how some of the properties fitted in. ln The area chosen for this article stretches on the north side using the engraving in this way, one cannot help noticingjust of Westgate Street from the west end of St. Nicholas Church how accurate Kip had been. The drawing clearly shows the to the Westgate Bridge, and on the south side from Upper frontages on the north side ofthe street; it is to be regretted that Quay Street to the Westgate Bridge. It embraces an area once there was no drawing done from the north to give us a glimpse known as The lsland. a parcel of land bounded by the River of the frontages on the south side. However, gardens, out- Severn to the south and west and by a more easterly arm ofthe buildings, the general plot sizes all help to add to the picture River called at one time Little Severn, later known as Dock- of a developing urban site. Walk down that part of Westgate ham Ditch. which was crossed by the Foreign Bridge. The site Street today and one notices it is an area that has undergone ofthat bridge today lies in a built-up area ofthe street, roughly great changes in recent times. Ofthe buildings that existed in to be found beneath the eastern end ofMead & Tompkins, the the period under discussion, on the north side of the street, Citroen car dealers, towards the centre of the roadway there. only St. Nicholas Church and the St. Bartholomew's Alms- The Foreign Bridge had seven stone arches c. l540, and houses remain, and that is not the building that is pictured. but though it by that time merely spanned ‘a ditch’, rendering the its replacement, built c. I788. On the south side from 9l arches unnecessary, it was still a substantial affair. By the Westgate Street, opposite St. Nicholas Church to the Folk 1820s several of the arches had been built over and hidden Museum vestiges remain of a former era. The Lower George from view, and Dockham Ditch culverted. and Keelings the Post Office date back to this period too. This area was well developed by the time Brother Robert Behind some properties old red brick walls and remains of Cole, Canon of Llanthony Priory produced the Rental ofCity converted stabling or sheds can be seen ifone is aware ofhow Property in 1455, a document unique to Gloucester that the things used to be in this once bustling industrial area. It has city is fortunate to have, recording as it does ‘all the rents and not all gone, but very nearly. possessions of lands and tenements of abbots, priors, nuns, For simplicity. the area has been divided into sections, and of the stewards and other burgesses and lords within the each defined within a clear cut boundary. Areas one to four borough of Gloucester, with the landgavel ie. a rent paid relate to the south side of the street and the areas five to seven by a tenant for land held of the Crown or the lords of the to the north side. To further help with identification of borough. It is all the more useful because ofthe way in which properties, that section from I(ip’s engraving of c. I710 has the Rental has been set out, systematically building by been reproduced and placed with each area.

Iii-*3}1'1'5} /1,' F‘-i Plate 2. Westgate Street c. 1946 from the collection of ,3.6'__ I Reg Woolford. F. Teague is today’s Keelings \ Post Office, with Lower George west. ll9""/P'ni_-.1. 1.3-1-.?_,.Z_$_?I F1 /1,'"'1__/'3'-

1 i --J --J 1?.-'I‘tt' plQ I 0:0;_.

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4 THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE STREET Area One: Westgate Bridge to Cole Bridge (Marked A - B on drawing below)

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The 1455 Rental itemises five different landowners in this divided into two parts at the back of the tenement called The area, with a total of nine occupied tenements. Considering the Signe of the Rose, late in the tenure of Roland Griffith, size of the area, it shows dense occupation, and it continues mason’ (10). There were four tenements here in I455, to be so throughout the whole period to 1750. belonging to the Hospital, extending to the Mi1lhouse(lMillhouse(l I). In Between the Westgate Bridge on the east and the River on a Hospital lease dated 1482 made to Thomas Herte and his the west the Stewards of the city held one house ‘with a Water wife Marian was a tenement ‘in which he dwells occupying Mill there newly built from the foundations’ in 1451 (1). the site of 6 shops’ (12). Subsequent Hospital leases where Whoever leased this property also leased the fishing rights of the six tenements stood were for two tenements leased to- ‘all the fishing place of water of Severne running under the 3 gether as one with two bays of housing. and another as two arches of the Westbridge extending from the Key of rooms with a backside. When the property was leased to Toby Gloucester on the south unto the butte (a slight rise) in the Clements, gentleman, in I 615, ‘ three tenements whereof two Little Meadow above the same bridge on the north’ (2). are now joined into one’. there was a tannhouse in the rear Additional infomiation comes from a City Rental for 1509(3) (I3). A lease of 1650 states that ‘upon the garden is built a in a lease made to Nicholas Eliettes ‘for the fishing of the workhouse’, (a workshop) (14). By I660 there were seven foreign bowe under the great brugge without Westgate and elms and one poplar on the river bank (I5). for the fishing Were (weir) there by the same bridge called The King’s Arms public house stood within this area in Millewere’. This was further described in 1550 as ‘from the 1660, and was being called The Packhorse by I 701 , owned by coyan (corner stone) above the said Westgate on the north to the Churchwardens and parishioners of St. Nicholas Church a place called Castellake on the south, all the fishing coming in Westgate Street (I6). under the arches’. Fishing was to be ‘by ryardes only’ - a sort The Hospital owned a property leased to John Payne, of drag net (4). The Hospital rental of I 606 (5) added that the feltmaker, in 1650 which also had a ‘workeinge house’, given tenement was 2 bayes of housing and a garden. as 4-’/44’/4 yards square (17). The King’s Arms lay to the west. In I693 Thomas Nicholls, plumber, was given liberty to Another Hospital property lay to the east leased to John build a Waterhouse below the Westgate in the river ‘to place Howell, feltmaker, in 1619, described as ‘all those two any Engine in as Nicholls shall think_ fit so that the house does tenements converted lately into one’ (I8). To the east lay an not exceed 40' x 40' and shall have liberty to build a Cistern entry going down to the river, as can be seen in the I710 en- in some convenient place near the King’s Board (ie. near the graving, which also shows what could well be the square Cross). The Waterhouse was not to prejudice the Bridge or workhouse, marked C on the drawing. East of the entry lay passage of boats or trows. It may be lawful for Nicholls to another three tenements to the west of the Colebrook. Kip break up the pavement ofthe street in many places to lay pipes does not make it at all clear where the brook was, but it may and to do all necessary things at any time for making or well have been at mark D. It drained the meadows, running amending the same for carrying water to any part of the city, under the Colebridge in Westgate Street and down to the Nicholls to make good again’ (6). By 1741 it was known as river. Itwas demolished inthe late l8th or early 19th century, the Waterworks. There was a slipp lying to the west ofthe site so ought to be visible on the drawing. Beside the bridge stood in 1713 and also three elms growing on the river bank (7). a small stone cross. In the Gatehouse itself lived the Porter employed by the The Dean & Chapter owned the first of the three tene- Corporation, who owned the property, lying to the east ofthe ments which was leased in 1600 to Matthew Pury alias Price, bridge. The I509 rental (8) states that the lodging was new at tanner, and was 59 yards in length to the river (I9). It is that time. The medieval west gate was demolished c. 1805 interesting to note that by the early l9th century a Pipe and the ancient bridge on which it opened was rebuilt a few manufactory stood here (20) which by 1840 had become 19 years later (9). small tenements and courts, an early courtyard development To the east of the bridge Guardhouse in 1549 were six (21). Price also leased halfthe adjacent property, which was tenements lying together under one front leased by the Hos- held by Nicholas Hart, tanner, in I455 (22). Thomas Wickes, pital to Humphrey Ulton. tanner, leased the property in 1581 (23), followed by Price in There was ‘a shop, part ofa Tavern under the said shop on I590 (24). The other part of this tenement was leased by the west side of the house of Robert Symonds and a garden Thomas Lugg, tanner, where he had his tannhouse (25).

5 Area Two: East of Colebridge to west of Foreign Bridge (Marked A - B on drawing below)

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In this area was a concentration of industries that one Here in a lease made to Richard Williams, tanner, was a ‘Nost would expect to find beside the river; dyeworks, tanneries and (oast house) to dry bark’ (16). This was quite probably where feltworks that used water from the river for various stages of either William Newman or John Ingley had their dyeworks in the process. In the 1455 rental the dyeworks of William 1455, as has been previously mentioned. It was leased to Newman are mentioned (I ) and an adjacent empty or decayed Richard Nashe, tanner, in 1616 (17). In 1684 Thomas Long- toft or tenement where he put his equipment. At that time don, ironmonger, was leasing the property (18), but no further there were six dyers leasing property. The 1460 rental (2) details of the lay-out were given. ' adds a tannhouse which was held by the Prior of Llanthony in The Hospital leased the next tenement to John Little, I455 as vacant land in the time ofEdward III & Richard II ‘but maltmaker, in I576, ‘ a great house wherein he now dwells’ was afterwards built on and included within the next follow- at 40/- rent ( I 9). A leased dated I 633 made to Stephen Cooke, ing tenement newly built there’ (3). William Newman had a of the City of Gloucester, states that there was a court new dyehouse in I460 and the decayed toft was rebuilt. adjoining the back part of the messuage with a malting house Another dyehouse was built to replace a decayed tenement standing on the south side of the court in length to the river 1 1 ‘wherein the late John Ingley, dyer, dwelt in I455’ (4). yards 2ft, having another malting house at the west comer of There are 23 plots itemised, once again showing a dense the first malting house in length I2 yards. There was a newly build up of the site, which continued throughout this period. built stable, half a slipp and a pigsty (20). Some of the malt Commencing east of the Colebrook, in the 1455 rental the produced would have been shipped by river to Bristol, the rest Hospital owned a tenement near the brook at the stone cross being used by local brewers and innkeepers. that was situated beside the Colebridge (5). It continued as The final part of this area reaching to the west end of the Hospital land, being leased to John Keyvelocke and Thomas Foreign Bridge (marked D on drawing) shows interesting Hyett of Minsterworth, husbandmen, in I528 (6). Leases development from 1455. In this area once stood William continued to be renewed, and in 1584 a lease was made to Boatman’s Inn (21). Another reference to this plot of land Jasper Stone, merchant, for two tenements and two gardens comes in the 1509 city rental (22) in a lease made to Andrewe lying together to the east of the Colebrook (7). He also leased Gilbard for ‘vacant grounde nowe bilded’ by him beside the the two adjacent properties eastwards where in 1633 there Foreign Bridge. The 1544 city rental refers to Robert Pole was part of a slipp at the river bank (8), and the next adjacent leasing a tenement or storehouse and a close or yard to the tenement, for a rent of 40/- (9). By 1606, it had become ‘the west of the Bridge (23), and by 1550 the Stewards and great tenement and garden’ (10). The next tenement to the Chamberlain of the City occupied the site (24). A Corpora- east also had a large rent, and was leased to Mr Leonard Tame, tion lease dated 1692 made to Benjamin Rose, was for ‘waste gentleman, in 1635, having Thomas Tame, glover as tenant, ground called Dockham near the Key, having the house or toft rent £3 (1 1). A malthouse had been added by 1694 (12). of Thomas Robins, tanner, to the west’ (25). A great tenement built by Mr Richard Webb prior to the By 1716 Thomas Browne, Robert Flutter and Charles 1589 Hospital rental (I3) lay to the east. Another lease dated Hyett, co-partners of the Glassworks, were leasing the site, 1639 of a ‘grate tenement and bruehouse with appurtenances where, ‘upon part of the ground are built two lime kilns, one between the Bridges’ was made to Sarah Brown, late wife of of them like a Glasshouse ’ (26). In a Corporation lease dated John Brown, Alderman, deceased, which Webb had leased 1654 made to Elizabeth Heyward, there was a forestreet earlier. The lease states there was a ‘very fair building on the building adjoining the west end of Foreign Bridge and an- north side, a grate malthouse on the east, the grate bruehouse other tenement, two stables ‘much in decay’, a new shop built on the south and a kitchen on the west’, all which encom- on the bridge 4'/2 yards x 23/4 yards and a former storehouse, passed a I2‘/212'/2 yard square courtyard. The stable had a high ‘now used as a dwelling house’ adjoining the river. A large turrett, there was a pigsty nearby and a pump beside the river. plot ofopen ground ora yard extended 58 yards north to south, It was rented at £5 (14). According to this description, it was and was 20 yards wide. All these buildings and outbuildings not a forestreet property, and it probably lay behind Richard had been formerly leased by the Corporation to Henry Webb’s tenement. In the 1710 etching standing by the Redveme, in I621 (27). By 1693 the tenement beside the riverside is a tall structure of four stories and an attic that was forestreet building had been ‘new built’, with the two stables probably built as a Sugar Refinery in 1729, marked C (I 5). ‘now converted into a tanhouse’ adjoining. Attached to that The Corporation owned land given to them by Sir Thomas was a stable and a small shed. Beside the tenement next to the Bell for charitable uses, along with some tan pits, to the east. river, alongside the Dockham Ditch, was a long building

6 19'/2 yards x 4‘/24'/2 yards. The shop on the bridge remained, as Counting House 32'/2 yards long by 5 yard.lyard 1 ft wide at the did the yard (28). north end and 8'/2 yards at the south end. This can be clearly By 1716 when the glassworks were set up, the plot seen on the drawing marked E. The Glasshouse Yard was 60 consisted of one forestreet building and a great yard called yards long by 28 yards wide (29)).(29). Referring totheto the 1455 rental Glasshouse Yard with a gateway 5'/2 yards wide. There was there was one tenement mentioned as being on the bridge, a new building extending 19 yards north to south with a held by Thomas Bisley (30), who also held the next four brewhouse adjoining and a walled garden. Upon part of the tenements westwards, which probably lay in the area just yard next to Dockham Ditch was built a Warehouse and dealt with.

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)1-"1)1-T Plate 3. A view of this part of Westgate Street, opposite the Hospital of St. Bartholomew. The gabled, double jettied building, No I77, was demolished in the 1960s and sent to Chicago. The Pineapple lnn lies to the west, demolished JanuaryJanuaiy 1978, but the two buildings west again still remain. Post card from the collection of Reg Woolford.

Area Three: East end of Foreign Bridge to west corner of Walkers Lane, t0day’s Lower Quay Street. (Mar/<

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Inln 1455 there were only three properties itemised for this medieval Quay, readily seen in the drawing above. area, though Walkers Lane, (later Lower Quay Street) was Against that first tenement of William Dyer, written in well built up. William Dyer held of the Stewards of Glouc- Elizabethan hand in the margin is the word ‘Swanleys’.‘Swanleys ’. In the ester a new tenement with appurtenances near the Foreign City rental of 1550 (3) is a lease made to Richard Swanley, Bridge, where John Sherman and John Tanner dwelt (I), then mariner, of a tenement and garden lying on the south side of came a tenement of the Prior of St. Batholomews, followed Westgate Street between a tenement of Margaret Scrivener eastwards by a tenement on the corner of Walkers Lane held on the east and a parcel of void ground called Dockham on the by William Dyer which he ‘acquired of Sir John Dilu and west (4). In an earlier City rental of l544 (5) Thomas Hale. others, which R. the Dyer held in the time of Henry lll’ (2). boatman, rented a tenement adjoining the Foreign Bridge on The rental describes all the properties within Walkers Lane, the south side, having Margaret Scrivener, widow, in an a very busy little lane leading to the Fullers Street and the adjacent tenement. A Corporation lease made to William

7 Sparkes, carpenter, in 1637 describes ‘a plot of waste ground east side near the Gateway at the south end (11). south of Foreign Bridge, being in breadth next the street from The tenement to the east of the pathway leading to the the peere ofthe Arch of the Bridge now joined up unto a house Quay was leased in the 1630 City rental (12) to Mr Henry now in the possession of Margery Hodgson, widow on the Price, gentleman, being a tenement adjoining to the east end east’. The plot is 45ft long towards the river. ‘William of the Foreign Bridge, yielding a rent of £2, obviously a large Sparkes, within the space of one year, shall erect and build on property. The Corporation lease made in 1656 to Edward the plot a convenient house for habitation and shall also in that Powell, victualler, states that his garden tapered to a perfect time make sufficient causeway 5ft in breadth for passengers point at the south end, probably accommodating the pathway to travel and pass by the side of the house of Margery as it swung round to the Quay. Powell was instructed to Hodgson where the ancient way now is’ (6). maintain the ‘causeway’ (13). This property was leased to In the 1550 City rental (7) there was a lease made to Daniel Washbome, the younger, maltster, in 1697 (14) and Richard Coke (Cook), tanner, which mentions that old footway renewed in 1720 as a tenement and garden in the possession leading to the river. It also mentions that at ‘the rear against of Edward Swaine once known by the sign of ‘The Labour in the south’ was a ‘certain Calcatum’ (Lime Kiln), which is Vain’ and now ‘The Three Mariners’ (15). It continued to be clearly visible on the left hand side ofthe drawing. Following the Three Mariners until the early 19th century. The Alley the 1637 lease came a lease dated 1656 made to Hannah Mills, became known as Lime Kiln Alley and in the early 19th widow, for three tenements stretching from ‘the peere of the century as Turnstile Alley or Little Quay Court (16). This arch now damned up to the alley now leading from the Bridge alley is marked C on the drawing. to the Key’ and a newly built stable (8). By 1725, when leased Adjoining the Three Mariners to the east was a tenement to William Seal, glassmaker, there was a small brewhouse known as The Plume of Feathers in 1665 (17).( 17). A Corporation built upon the backpart (9). lease made to Hester Harris, widow, and her son William Further developments took place against Dockham Ditch required that they were to pay half the charge for repair of the in 1744. A Corporation lease made at that time to George lead gutterthat lay between theirtenement and that of Edward Clarke, waterman, states that he ‘undertook to disburse the Powell of The Three Mariners. Mention is made of an alley sum of £120 in erecting and building at his own charge a behind this property with a shed and a cottage at the south end tenement or tenements upon a parcel of ground, part of lands in a lease dated 1641 made to Sarah Browne, widow of Ald. belonging to the Chamber of the City ’ , an area bounded on the Anthony Browne who leased this property previously (18). north by the street, on the south by the river, on the east by the By the 1665 lease the shed had become stables and the cottage Lime Kiln and on the west by Glasshouse Ditch, as it was then a shed. being called. He was also ‘during the said term as occasion Further stabling had been built, a Brewhouse west of the shall require to cleanse and widen Dockham Ditch and make court and a Stillhouse or Distillery adjoining south of the a cross ditch against the other arches sufficient for the time of tenement by 1730 (19). By 1744 this stillhouse had become lnnundation or Flood to carry away the same in a much less a brewhouse with a workshop over it (20). Looking at the time than the water now runs off’ ( 10). The renewed lease was 1710 engraving one feels that this detail must be referring to made to Joseph Gegg, clerk, in 1760, by which time three the area marked D. tenements had been built on the waste ground having a Court The remaining area eastwards towards Walker Lane at next to the Ditch enclosed with a brick wall, another Court on point B, was owned by St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and the the south at the end of which were four more small tenements, Dean & Chapter respectively. a stable on the west side and two brewhouses erected on the

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—n$-iii! Plate 4. A view of Westgate Street 1902, taken just west PlateP155.5. No. 127 Westgate Street (jettied building) with of where Foreign Bridge formerly stood, which is Lyes thc bakers to the right. This row of buildings now deeply buried. These buildings to Lower was also demolished c. 1907 for road widening. Quay St. were demolished c. 1907 for road widen- (Reg Woolford). ing. . From the Collection.

8 Area Four: Walkers Lane/Lower Quay Street to Lane/Upper Quay Street (Marked A - B on drawing below)

‘_ 0 00 04 ‘ nil; .;' II | I , 12!‘ -411:1. trrum, HI mt "" ~=-. $9 '-l ‘=2’. .. . ~ ;‘*:1I-iv.-rtt1~t',»»»»--.~".. '1'-'mI"' . 'II- . .- In I illrfifififi ‘ :--‘ _ ' ' Q "“"4§ \___'__~____ ".:.'.-Iv’ | ‘ _ ‘ ' P . -_'_~_.-.=.- "1 Bi“ . t 0 .-_‘ F-\ — 5 P‘. ' ’ I t ' '.“-Z!"-‘L¢_'-_;t"..‘!‘-. II II-II _ #2 =4‘;:."_-.| # m|\_ _-j I-II I I I ‘$1.I 1} ‘I '1".11“lb ‘-.|,.\|-Lu ‘U‘A ".‘._’\\:.\'--""'i ,3“-is“! j.;’_ IQ-/I. u‘,' 'Ji'_\~\JF.‘\ ___ \__|0 H:-\,‘$'e.I’fist.‘_.,,a I . “*_L -° . "_“_M _ . .1» ‘W' ‘I'.\' - '.._' t I I ‘ I’? QI‘ " '.' " " . ‘_-v.41-"€I"I‘m4PQ " ._‘-_‘.-_-".’ \"'1'.'Z-15.’. | - ' ' . . 7'7 - '\we-,_ I. F-D . d 1» 1.___EE'lF___Emé._ _;:%~0;\.|,. O I h Q \ ‘ ‘L 1' I‘ Ifi \I IiIiI-:"I’j-El‘ ‘u. II " " I I ' II I 5:“gi:T‘; , \inrm- -. , B__-_, I ‘I|_|t|_-ta‘-.\L;:\|I1- |l||L\'\\--I-~-‘\‘ U.‘--M-%.._- {Q In‘I ‘kl,“ 1 L-!-III1 ,1 _-0.:- . 'I'“ - "9‘u-\um If - ' ,,_' '-\;"”In -- ' \* 000000 _ '___ -'-:-;. 1' "\‘.\Il\\!__\_It.-tt. tilllit-.-_ ._ '_- 1;_ .'_ 1.*5‘¢- ' »"Q~ . I‘ ‘II 000000 ' 1' ".\'. -.i_u- - —- I" - 0 - -.--_-~21"III "'“ II IJ ,1 I II “' - 10- In 1 '_ -l“_E< _..L. ("iii-an__..t_ g.v_l_au-s}-‘I.Lu;U: a .‘I - '1' mi 0 ~' '- I 2%“3I I-l':__'¢,_;_,Ii:-__1j‘Q.-.- _ FE?‘ie?I-_-. A |"Fi _._, ' ’ 1l . - _(,_ "“J’i ‘l ~'m|m\- I '- 1, I, ‘I-I \ up1‘ I" 1 0 '-|-lljl w .-_l$l"" .|__, "1 ‘ _ _ 1" 1 -_- F-1 --. ,,v'-,- .,I'l1 l -I . U111! 1 ' '. \ mI""II'.-f"Ei;f”F‘t J-II Ml.11 r1- *-=-*.—-atI'II ' i I -1- - 'I0II:|l If l'-I‘ - I'I'.. iw --I“- ' ‘Fl . -’ .___-‘ pa--hnnnbl ' _.- Q“";Odr -an II] -I. ‘$5..-_|'-‘C1! I ‘P’ 5&5’ - .“s-m-:‘-.-.'ar'-»'.'-;mv'I.I.'LE'?.-_- - . A 7-'-M»,-..' “ff-—» ...._-. WI-rs?"- - ii? @;:f*.'--’ III" .' -'I'I"*-i"-‘I-’.-._m-'"» III 1- 1I 3--III‘1IH3 .,,...... 1.._"=-.-.. 'I-I —-F_' 1-41 '-I:7IlI"_I' .0 E1"E I.I ‘ ' 3 1-I it-vi‘-_.Z_-_:_H5;;is“-||imluiui> I llll III'I_;;IT;""';;- I;ii: TI "'-I‘ J M,‘I. - fljrfifryaég 5‘EZn‘E5.I-'.-_‘.,"--‘isin§P|=., ""“'-""'! ,= r, ."_ _r,,|g;\, aw I:ELE‘!l-.._- __I r»-pII.I,_... i"" '1.Ba- -II‘'1 . s :-'-:;:.'.1- hi1-A--H1 00 .‘£1.£124’'!°$15":5-is.»_r1-Ii:’~‘°'°t¢-H.qflh_ls;.,_ . ..:::'.'..'-' e ,. "sf"'31» -\'~w ’ -=.1 _.""-'---at" - M *1l“"1 1-I-'° -fig .‘\-L- __I_¢ I I'I-"' H. I‘l. II»! I’’ _€__ ‘ I H I ,l ' | | fl F . I I h .-p ' I-|‘HI:_ Q‘Q .,| -n -up...‘-1.|u|.._-1 ‘ . ' n '~i_ ._ emf, ; i- - .|'-‘I. _ - -in-0% all _ E»- '- ' 'e2',_gg-'~'2'-.‘2s- -"' ‘. . ' _ = - and .0" (3-°';’|- ' . . , .'... \' ""j'-I : -ME‘ I 1/{flap-1/0°”"""""'\ I .__! ’I ‘ea:-»"'/*""""‘\ -.-"1 - '-"'.t..o';:'.".l I - l||| ‘ ‘ B Vi;tilflplr . ' ‘I’ if A--— n |. ‘Q. 1" " am " .__ -ml‘. . It :' ;_ I "O O ' E A , 11' . EB1 Z.’ 9 O I I I I :L=I' I it " . .. ' - ~ -mt ~ "IIIi'IIIII‘I%€¢_el_|Q‘! W‘ .~.' __ Q00 j_V éifisl_5E‘g ”I III J _g]"i'.gr" ‘M__ TI I'1 _ I“, T.‘ I K‘‘W‘ W. - :O' ~ I _- —‘ J,.‘ :11?‘.-I.,‘_ NJ’ l'*'.n '|\!|‘-'. my"i- i '-. _ _ ‘H I f I|"-- 31:‘~-, _L|L..I\'\l _w'L*1; “link?._ .u\u\-,|I.‘I '\|_-“L. J\_,- . .. " " q rte liII"q 1,, .-lg-1 -‘E-‘Y '"~"l1'i‘=..»- ' ’-‘=3’ ."L£..';flu' -11“!A .~:~-.'?;'¢'8/2%.;.\\ .- .~. 0*0" ».’.. _.\.“1:.\4 I-'-*1“ er"ma’-~" ~" 4&1‘.-I.-~'- 1:‘I I' "~R\.,_ \ ,,_..~“-.. ” 1- -.“‘“. i' M55’...%=;='.i...... -.- 51*?-'£:'."'§§§'§:‘ asan:1:mi

In the 1455 rental 15 separate plots are itemised.' Today Much has been written about The Crowne lnn, a once im- there are 19I9 properties, showing how little the property sizes portant coaching inn that stood opposite the Church of St. have altered. Included within this area were a number of large Nicholas. The 1455 rental places the inn five plots down from properties, The George (today’s Lower George, a name that the westem comer of today’s Upper Quay Street, at that time came in during the 18th century to distinguish it from the called Castle Lane, leading to Gloucester Castle on the site of Upper George in Westgate Street nearer the Cross), Nos. 99, the present prison. The Rental refers to ownership of this 101, 103 (today’s Folk Museum) and the Crowne Inn which property in the 13th century (9). By Elizabethan times it was at one time stretched from No. 91, Hyett House to No. 85, known as The Crowne and occupied a smaller area. ln a west of what till recently has been Wood’s Army & Navy marriage settlement made in the 1600s between Henry Rob- stores. This line of buildings can be clearly seen on the south ins and Anne Rich the property is referred to as The Tabert side of Westgate Street on the drawing above. alias The Crown (10). This was what is now Hyett House (No. In the 1455 rental (1) the Prior of the Hospital of St. 91), so called because Nicholas and Marietta Hyett lived there Bartholomew held a tenement reaching to the comer of in the mid-18th century (1 1).l). It became the Robins family Walkers Lane, against which in the margin is written in home and the Crowne moved further east. According to the Elizabethan hand ‘The George’. The 1606 Hospital rental (2) Corporation Alehouse licences The Crown continued to be grants to Samuel Drinkwater ‘the tenement being a common used as an inn until 1759. lnne at the Sign ofthe George by a lease made by the Master i-_=lr_=l ofSt. Bartholomew in 1543’. This would be St. George, but today the house sign depicts King George 111.l1l. John Wyttcom, 1 tailor was granted the lease in 1589I589 (3) and John Woodward 11,1? in 1626 (4). 1.1.__l M

The group ofbuildings forming today’s Folk Museum are _. *1-LLl..Ll_4.¢¢1.u.|..u_... I ,.|-I-I-I-U.|.u.|.U described in ‘A Guide ofthe Buildings ofthe Gloucester Folk Museum’, by Nigel Cox (1987). Amongst them was Mr. Cowcher’s Pin Factory in the 18th century. No. 103, was sold by Damaris Deighton in 1646 to Henry Watkins, a maltster. She had inherited the property from her father John Deighton , a surgeon, in 1640. At the time of the sale the house was described as ‘a messuage the greater part of which had been I-1-1-1I-Ll-I lately new built’. There was a Dean & Chapter lease for 1601/ 2 made to Toby Sandford of one tenement once in the tenure of John Deighton. To the east were lands ‘sometimes of the Plate 6. No. 99/101 Westgate Street. Drawing from 'Gl0uc' said Toby and now (Deighton) chirurgeon’. Toby Sand- ester Folk Museum - A Guide to the Buildings’. ford was paying 54/- for the two tenements (5). The lease Nigel Cox (1987). passed to Francis Sandford of Dorchester, widow in 1626I626 with William Pinke, baker, as tenant having John Deighton to In a Hospital lease made to Thomas Hayle, innholder, in the east (6). Dr. Samuel Bane leased the property in 1635I635 1603, renewing a former lease made to Jeffery Wheatelye in (ibid) and renewed the lease in 1666(7). The lease passed to 1576 the inn (marked C on the drawing) was described as William Cowcher, pinmaker, in 1765 with his pin factory having a court lying on the south or back part extending from adjoining to the east at Nos. 99/101 (8). the garden or orchard of Henry Robins, esq. on the west,west. to For Nos. 99/ 101 The Guide indicates that ‘a wealthy Castle Lane on the east. There was one stable ‘with garden clothier, John Sandford, owned the building by 1548. 1t is grownde now used and converted to a place to ke ape swine in probable that the premises were used for the storing of cloth and for a miskene (dungheap) to laye the donge of the same and the manufacture and sale of garments. The continuous house in, lying together on the south side ofthe same court’. glazing of the first floor would provide an excellent north Also one tenement adjoining to the west part of the Crowne light for needlework By 1743 William Cowcher, pin- extending in length from Westgate Street on the north or maker, was the occupier’ as has been mentioned. forepart to Robin’s garden on the south. The rent was £5 (12).

9 The Chamberlain’s accounts from 1643 - I646, covering the Governor liveth’ was £7 a year. The Hospital rentals list the period of The Siege of Gloucester in 1643 show that the only one property with a corresponding rent - The Crown Inn. lnn was occupied not only by Col. Massey, Governor of To the west of the Crown were three Dean & Chapter Gloucester during the Siege, but also by his successor, Col. properties, two fronting Westgate Street, with a shared ‘sellar Thomas Morgan (13). Though the Inn is not named, the rent or tavern’, and the third on the corner of Castle Lane and paid to the Treasurer of the Hospital ‘for the house wherein Westgate Street.

THE NORTH SIDE OF THE STREET Area Five: Westgate Bridge t0 west of Foreign Bridge (Marked A - B on drawing below)

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Throughout the period I455 to mid-1700s this area re- at that time. mained fairly open with, on the whole, buildings along the Tumingto Kip’sengraving ofl7 lO,tothe east ofWestgate streetside only, and fields and gardens to the north. Within Bridge there was still a large field, known as The Penne, later this area lay St. Bartholornew’s Hospital.Hospital, clearly seen on the the City Pound, then the Old Pound (marked C on the north side of the street, in its earlier format - the building that drawing). In the early 20th century there was an area beside stands today is the remnant of rebuilding carried out in I788 the Bridge known as Penn Meadow. In a Corporation lease (Plate 7). The Hospital’s ownership of property gave it a rnade to Mr. William Lugg in I630 he was granted ‘the Penne revenue to help finance its activities. at the Little Meadow between the rayles and walls’ for a rent ln the 1455 rental to the west of the Hospital are two of £2 (4). Another lease dated I674 made to John Wilcocks, entries, both of which were Llanthony Priory land, namely ‘a gentleman, was for a two acre close of pasture ‘ for common toft with adjoining curtilage’ near the stone cross, previously feeding and depasturing’, for a rent of 40s. He had to allow mentioned in Area One, and one curtilage beside the Hospital easy access to Littlemead and to the Pigg Pound. It was (l). There are ten further entries in the area east of the bounded on the east by the orchard of the Hospital and on the Hospital to the Foreign Bridge, including a tenement which west by the river (5). William the Dyer held in the time of Henry lll (2), and a In I737 John Engley, bricklayer, built a tenement on the tenement of John Tanner by Foreign Bridge (3). Old Pound with a court and garden, having another tenement of his to the east (6). By 1747 John Pasco and Cornelius Gardiner, timber merchants, were leasing the site (7). John 1-»?,-Q 7 . Engley had ‘built at his own expence a tenement upon and €;j\-‘-..~w-x.1:-'J\~$3F’.’_»<-/-,_.-y» 3 I ,§=*~“‘1*"-”f ‘-*'-'I,‘ .‘-» *..-,.I‘ ' ' - ,z -'\ .'. over the Gout adjoining having ‘a Brewhouse and one other . III P!- “J 1-\'\J’,' - " , ¢,,4,; building thereon’ (9). The ‘Gout’ referred to would have been P j-I".-:1. -s ::' 1s - 1i ‘fiwgqi.4. II_§.a._.-II_jg.a._.-II_ _-- 7 the Colebrook (marked D on the drawing) that drained the '1 | //“‘wt “’-?+\-..e- .~ - _,>,'.1.r- '5 r..-- | ’d~ i;' G are .u-"»- .-—""" Tvwwa H | K|.I_.I\iIsI1HE-wl _,I \ |Ii " 41""..I\\‘I,I\‘ -.35?’ .*l"| I*."i||q".‘|’.‘9ii Ii" ' 7 "I I "’ '"" '|’ *5’ted:1-- ., ‘A.' _-..-_-.-- _;_:' --:m-["1§‘[“"!|II“T; | Ir I kg --“~:IL'-- “~!I. " iv-L ~- 4-- - '-P-‘-J91?’/:“.I‘,I:~IIII "I‘ " .,-,-=-13'?‘5-5'? meadows to the north, flowed under Westgate Street and I Iyfy _‘._I III___ | II,pf‘-'€:Lfi;"|_qIIIIml"lE I ”I|I1l Tr I . __1I I I. I \ _* _eII .__ . III’: fir?’/T5"XSSI}*"‘ r.'€d'-§’fii”'"”-~|i -. "iii »;, Tll . '. ' Ea ,4. ‘I! 3 ' ‘T _ ‘Z '.“ A r Qt .4 1. 1 | - 4§§g§.. - | . +331fig g"‘1_ég,,,,“,’_?. f‘-1 ~~_‘|| K, I. 11.J-IfIn‘r. I ’- I itI-I.:I.- '»,v,.:\m't -*-~-‘II v+ I’.» .1-"tr -S‘-Jf -I- .I1* .I| '1'-J:-1* [|||.||.|:I|-»'--. "" -I’!.-L“_II ljIf--1-I‘-- I-I’: _' -_ I 'i1.-=l-- .;I.I:- '. I . L~ --:JI» I . PtI ‘H’I,-S~ . ' 1-* drained into the river to the south. One of these two tenements . -, .- - , . -' ,~ I. ,.._ ¢ 't_Iegggggiee’; 5%"--.‘_IH. ‘IIJIII? H, - .- _|. I ‘--:-t- II- I.I‘I€'.' ‘ 5" T l '.'_I Z‘ III- _ l’|l|I-"EII"1 HIII‘ l, ' I -_.I I =_'-:._:'E .K"1 “*—J->§£?a.I \,I‘‘ h <3, I II 1‘.,, ‘ \4\» I’T'—‘ H ," ' . tr i ' ii 7}“" " 2.~-.1 ..""’ - =\-“. l "="ii"P "~|r..-PE-'"4"",.._’' I-1 E -'1 "---JyryfilitaA“mat.——__ "v-e=. ‘:1'~*-.353. ll -' -II¢I.I.”v"§.,:I: was taken down in I763 (IO). -1; .~El .*' '-'*Qi<‘.=+'-'3‘.'*-‘3 ' I-er‘|'* *..1. F-#r"|'I-.-r III [ :-$.l-- 5% ... I I5' 0~ ' M &%{'A11: ~. -| ' I .‘ ' ‘ _ ‘H’-PHI‘ , |_ I szv ' =1 - _ I. * ;,\— ’3; -’i=""‘*~:i 1-H»:-ti-H»:-t,,_-“II5':_ '-- :»F.l- I .,-I- I ~'.' | 1,..\ 3.,ZJI. II‘%%wI.||fiIII.--",'_-- 2-»“I -I._ IFE“:;iIIIé,3.lIi -'; ', i -. t I ‘ I 31.‘-'11»II II E=“%r?i’*‘~".=~;'*¢l‘, 1"1 .._.fifir _-I.. grambi?!»--"I- .- I!-1.1. I {-1-~| .- - 'E~iF<;-.,;_,,;'_ -, |‘“'." .* »=.11;=,'!:,."i'~'='+'|= ‘1;,,--._-.-.- ' - -:T -_ .."‘:'"rt-‘ .' IF 4"“ To the east of the Colebrook were two tenements belong- J "41-‘ 1' _’r =1 ; ya Q ' .I;l’pfIII |"r_‘'\11-_ ;- W II H bur. |\|uII|"1,tIII ' -' all“-1';i.’l | ~, ‘i ll I..1:"”|l!i|I I , '_ '- -_. .,‘Y'. -l 3:FJ-I :1. % ' arm' -4-I _-_-=~_. 'qm:J,__,, I ll 1"’;',|"!|Ltw o-I»,11;, ', I "'F'I|,.I;, '-2; -_' ’*I | |||I. _- .-II i.,I|.u_|tr'lI’|' ’II;,,,| F‘-J-‘I-Illlli-vi -i-aI-.1-|._ £I|"=""""*2- 7-’*’'5‘‘Ema.=flie;=.___,_. *1 I . - ;_ . - A; .--.ii“3k II |'l’-j,I|..;- _ .|l|i\iT~”-I_ '“r; W,,.1*'ll;';..,~'|,_,_"_-2'.’?-E1E'““ 2.5? I"-r" mi‘ -£=,E.Il!:i:I:5;'+i1“ye,| ':.J1.,I~i||'»t[flIl;":"E .. | rt-.'i I . ing to the Hospital leased to Phillippe Bennet, dyer, in 1584 %:II_II_I III II “.1-.;__ -"1 "1 *'§'_“€$|.'_IIIgI13I!§r;II II | . I n I I_II ..I1I .;|iI Ii. ' I i| -1; .l __,,-_=;-__- - -tr,_._e___~IIII.“"'-I==-i"!""J e * 1n.1-.,__-=1"¢u..-flit .- Q?-1";»--J . ncafih.=e*.-1ant-’*'|, ~ »1at.t1' '1 I|—_- -~| atH J l]i"",|| ;-.=t|.:.w.::=l"‘| '|n||!)»tiI|' ' I ' '-|,|| ‘ .l ,;»€1._§-1.; “-'.;I_;, - . II:I_I,;_II=-':.*__.;_,- - ' ‘_':=i-'-‘£';£»'.;-"'_-‘=.;jf:'.III"-B I- I_:LI~_:‘§§‘;_-.._L-int‘. i' lfi'- II_-nIp||' 1L'l'l"35--" - I _|'|-.:Ei;uIflfim''.. _- "' #4. §4;- #15,?-”"‘—e‘r:inI I at a rent of 30/-. To the north lay the garden of ‘the poor people 35-E%eee”*. I¢m-.*fr?***'"§EB55~»_~T7-‘J;-' ' - I ..?IIII:II_»_-. - -:._,..,.‘H '7 T'I""*?i;:-5.J 1-27JP;_ 7 - ~=tA e;Tif-1ff:-""-1'-~ __' - ' ~'a""’-'-F-i-=f'=..1';-.‘J- " ‘_ """s-3‘iii’ :1IfFFj§§-..' f“*.e'“: i1“§**I:?'~*“ ' I 1 ‘;?a_— ___ /1--__,_/I-;“=*74fi@T-IFJ-_;. 1- _ -ehee_ Izéivjzr_ -A.,.~*e1II,_ pI-. _- ¢‘»¢-3. ~ _ ' I.- I_I_53-'..~___-< __II -.1-_i-g@§=I - ____I_,I._—_¢:-=_ of the Hospital’ (ll). It was leased to Richard Stephens, '~=’T-'>._.=.;_-_""' ‘= _ — — --—-"Er:--_ ""~4:..-‘_.§-ii-T""*P'“'* "5*-— '~-~- ..--""':='~"_".~"-='* -='".~'-; ""'=‘-'-‘-=-W _- ~'“,-~—"'° “ —--_.._‘T""““_.._____ . =—.-.-‘.4-‘='- J aw.”-' = .- _ ~‘" -' _.".'.. .-3"-"7’-_.-‘ -»—*".:-*-.~.1'!=--.-_:-=.-1--~:-f-?-'-='--_"=,:-.-"""C.'—"’ .*. s "F f—‘=.-:=:u-—_-E’?-"-r-_~" 'P_ T it":-','5“‘e_ . ._ .~-.-» -"-=7ia..- mercer, in I650 along with another tenement ‘newly built’ Plate 7. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, c. I780. Drawn by and a Cowe house. The garden ‘ goeth winding with the brook Samuel Lysons. called Colebrook’ (I2). From the Gloucestershire Collection. The Hospital owned another tenement to the west with a garden and courtyard leased in l6l l to Hester Colinsbor- As had already been mentioned, several dyeworks and ough, widow (13) which she passed on to her son Henry tannworks were situated on the river bank but these two Browne of London, mercer, in 1635, then in the tenure of entries are the only indications of industry north of the street Simon Prior, feltmaker (I4). (There were feltmakers to the

10 south of the street almost opposite: see Area One). tenement an Oven and a stable. To the north lay Little The 1606 Hospital rental (15) details the leasing of stables Meadow, but no further mention of any works. The lease also within the Hospital precincts. Three stables stood within the adds ‘which said messuage before the new building thereof Wellyard Court, the larger of which was leased to Toby stood as two tenements with two gardens, now one adjoin- Sandford already with property in the area on the south side ing’. Rent remained at 30/- (29). The adjacent property was of the street. He also held ‘at will the yard and little garden The Golden Heart (not to be confused with The Golden Heart at the east end of the church where formerly stood an older that lay between Swan Lane and Archdeacon Street in the stable also the great garden on the north side of the 19th century). cloister ofthe said Hospital and ought to pay for the same 3s To the east lay another Hospital property where John Cox. 4d’. Inln 162()l62() a lease was made to Matthew Price, of ‘a jerkyn-maker, dwelt prior to 1598 (30) with a garden and tenement newly converted into a stable’ standing in the back orchard ‘being open one to another’, at the rear over 70 yds courtyard next to the Hospital, with free access to ‘carry dong long, and also an Orchard lying next to (dung) and other necessaries when and as often as need shall (31). 1tlt could well be the tenement marked E on the drawing. require’. He was not to make a dungheap near the stables ‘ to A lease dated 1697 made to William Birt, pewterer, states that annoy the poor people of the said Hospital’! (16). 1nln 1657 the tenement was bounded on the west by The Golden Heart Anthony Martly, turner, was granted a lease ofa stable having and on the east by The Pyed Horse leased by Benjamin Hyett. a ‘tallutt’ (or loft) over and also a room over the Master of the ‘Upon the said backside there is now erected a small Malt- Hospital’s woodhouse. 24' in length (17). There was also a house and Brewhouse’ (32). lease made to John Bushop, Reader, to the Poor of St. The area lying to the west of Foreign Bridge (marked F on Bartholomew's and Anne, his wife in 1596 of a shop newly the drawing) appears in the 1455 rental in two entries, one built ofthe old timber, ‘which shop is situate on the south side made to the Abbot of King’s Wood who held a toft and of the Chancell of the Church of the Hospital’. 1tlt was only to curtilage, and the other the tenement ofJohn Tanner ‘near the be used as a shop ‘and not for any dwelling’ (18). This sounds bridge lately acquired from John Wye, bellfounder, ofTewkes- like some modern planning control! bury’ (33). 1nln the 1535 Llanthony rental was property granted To the east of the Hospital Church lay a tenement, garden to John Greuis, ‘a great tenement with the tenement of the and stable leased to Thomas Heathe, in 1567 and subse- Abbot of Kinge Woodes on the west and Foreign Bridge on quently to Henry Darbye in 1606 (19). The Hospital also the east. It was called Jhon of Munmuth (John ofMonmouth) owned the next tenement to the east, that in 1589 was ‘the is howse and shulde pay by yere liijs iiijd (53s 4d); bycause house wherein Thomas Venne, cooper, dwells’ (20). It yt was decayde he payeth but xxvjs 8d’ (34). Sir Thomas Bell, contained ‘two rooms with a backside and a house therupon who held the property in 1560 (35) gave it to the Corporation standing and a great garden’ 68 yd in length with a shed at the for charitable purposes. southend (21). It was bounded by Archdeacon Meade to the They leased it to Walter Younge in 1612,1612. and renewed the north (22). lease in 1630, it being waste ground bounded by Little Severn Next door and to the east lay two tenements also owned by to the east, by another tenement leased to Walter Younge on the Hospital. 1nln 1568 William Wyman, dyer, was leasing the the west, by Archdeacon Meadow to the north and an ash tree property (23). quite likely the tenement which William the growing near the highway on the south. The property ex- Dyer held in the time of Henry 111 as has been previously tended to ‘the stepp near a certain sandpits there,’ (36) the site mentioned. The 1589 Hospital rental states: ‘Anthony Wyman of which is unclear. for a tenement between the bridges wherein his mother Walter Younge’s tenement to the west, was leased by the dwells. 16s’ (24). This was followed in the 1596 rental by: City Corporation in 1630, (37) and in 1649 the property was Elizabeth Wyman, widow, for two tenements in the several leased to a joint Corporation partnership, in the tenure of‘ occupations of Elizabeth and William Wyman’ (25). She Edward Clayfield, tanner (38), and renewed in 1669. ln this was continuing to lease the property in the 1606 rental (26) lease the adjacent waste ground was called The Pearse or and her son was lessee in 161 1,l, then at a rent of30/- (27). A Persh (which could imply that this was wet land possibly with lease made to John Matthewes,Matthewes. in 1650 was for two tene- osier beds) (39). A lease made in 171 1 to Thomas Webb, esq, ments, and part of the garden was taken into ‘The Works’. and James Elly, gentleman, describes the area, (marked G on These were presumably Dyeworks (28). the drawing) stating that 1l lyd in breadth ‘is in building and The lease was renewed in 1698 to Richard Aylway, baker. lately there hath been built a Salthouse upon the remaining It states that within the garden built adjacent to the said front, containing in whole next the street l6yd and l6yd to the north end shooting to Archdeacon Meadow’. At the rear of\ the tenement ‘is lately built a Glasshouse and other store houses’. The Persh ‘is divided towards the lower end from Uses land (charity land ofThomas Bell) by a row oftrees (40). It is of interest to note that by 1752 several tenements, storehouses, a workshop, pipehouse and new millhouse and Q‘T other buildings had been erected (41). . \ ,’ ‘J lPa‘P’! J1It,E? r“‘— '_*7 “'11‘"11’ Q nunfl'I‘l~ ‘Q 1I \ | 9"‘: "A.-IQ-

Ari ... |:||ll§ rial"lfilli i ds I' ‘*1.1‘

Plate 8. A view of this area of Westgate Street c. 1950. This area today is taken up by the gyratory road system as it swings around the old St. Barth- o1omew’solomew’s Almshouses, seen on the left. Post card from the collection of Reg Woolford.

ll Area Six: East of Foreign Bridge to Archdeacon Street (Marked A - B on drawing below)

I.‘' ' *2 ' ..-l1H_'ll.?l1H_'l’.li\i€fi" aw’rut _ j‘ ‘N 222'“.,',...-- I‘ '.-_ ' ".1-“Wm --T,'_- 1 -I ' '. '_._'"-\---——‘'. . I ' ' :v.v‘,3,"‘- I‘ .~' '. '- -""'*"'~"-".'r.':r.' I I “_-- l __ H M l l --;""" 'I M391 ___ ‘_ _,}_|Q \"pH]\\____,;_'_|S \_____;___ , ---so-'u I u p pf" u___1; II HIPWHQ‘ .". ""::'""—_:_ __ """ ‘Q-"."' - . ‘U 'J-1-I:1'1‘;'3_: _ \ i i . .._ - ’~' R 7 E_._.. -.1. v‘)0 Q . &\&\— L V 7 T_' -T \ \;'113-Y1'=5..'. §0 £'.‘- ',. . _ _ _ '- '-- l‘\.\} ' 1: '3.-§ - .-._u\,-.‘U‘»-,3“,-. u-, .‘Ms.tux. '\\I\\"I" O '1 g, _,_____,,_----I - .._‘..‘~g*':'.$$@{' -': -_- -\-3.-..'-..' nil ,1 lc‘".:":;;'~q "" " ...'_ _ I 1"‘ -\ I000! " " - "'.'- "-'|,o_-|-0° r,_ ‘ \'.:'.-_."-\-100*!_'_"-__"|..o0ar H. ' Ili: '11' I --" 1- I I. 1 . ¢-.if-I H I-L-I--H I ._ . .1 , III. I , - 40, \ --...-.8 is it _. . .. ,_. 1 i§f'-L ' ii- ._....I:|.Ia... ..‘_.. .-_-:1\"‘ ‘I\, ,, ii‘--I_ __ _._ t ...;'§7'l£'“_,_; 0- __;_:"__ . _I II ‘- I-'-1 I \_ . I if __...._h ‘ Q ‘ ‘QI-'‘ 1 ' -'1. I ‘.11-"*5-;:5'7-'*;-1:‘.'—.~ c E’;-;-"''2:.0I .i1.'-'5.-1.."fr;.‘Ii T‘-*-"* 8‘ ‘-\-~»<. ._ H ’\,I-\\ \":_- I-_—- '.'I'": _~:_| no 1,.'-11"--_if --'-'. ._H ',.-7, \1 :J\“\h"I;',-_ ,_ _H= E. '/.. ' -".1:m'!f'- H -‘st'1. ‘;_\‘ gh Q _.| ‘*1-;-*-4-,_. . .=‘:E.;l__\‘ '\---.__\_\ G£3F11-‘,u p:_.-:i.:_,O- '-’:7?._¢-EifIF‘‘. A?1:: :8?:1;‘E’ QU-:,-1,. \ ' '1 ‘I3;;=rg,i .7111‘ i I an".n"_;::'ll -''rraI382-..'::.' .1- V’. *i' ' i i " ‘I? “‘llHiii'Ii“.'\ Pi -5 if 8M li,’--|:.‘E|»-rt'1;1i"|-ring‘-I'I.fil'In "*:~‘.I1 ' ' ' ' * -"=""‘ " 2—'" -' it' ‘Ii i’_ ii I _ * . I , .,.__r... ,", In I >'uL:?’,':’|'J,‘-ii-‘III- ‘,1, ht‘, _ ‘Hun; _‘_*.t,;_Lj|. . ' B‘hm f -;:' ‘ 1,‘. ,:‘ inv , -:‘E""‘wJ'?§lI .'.'!: II-n -1 " ..’-»J'.'I - - ' " {I> H 1 I I mum »* It}‘l‘:.'»"t;:!‘\.‘L»"t.I\ , _ rl,jl.,|,,. ..1-at-~It.-~ .- -M."""' " "\-'\':_'|"-.-'. ‘L . .' I_lil.l‘-I .is '- -'r-. -: -'0- :1"/~*r';".._~ ’l"i'ii:'' . - i I-,1 -' ;1""'f't1'11-Ili- “digit, .'e.:f=:-.-aw._ """' -.'.1,._ 1 is'- '_, ‘.-‘I! I‘,1:,‘-I. 1' ‘-1..' -- .." _ ..5i’“’:'.. .1-.»..'-"1' ' |' | I In -qu~j| 11:111. Eh-um 1 .ratt rllllll \l1.lll~ P ‘ W1‘; M1 .n=E".'.:tl1=:-,\.. \_1_ ll'»~1~ , ' if1'” -"qll\§l~'\lll|1- . W»1'.----Ls3'2." €-Q:____‘-- = "-‘-5bug‘._". F’-2|11-, .-L .-‘;.'.-'.“'ally‘. 1'-Q3 - -*1“'. *..1-‘iv “Q.1; in: l:ll!l\ I-.1~11Q ..,,, '.=‘""' ,,,..71335"'.=.=.= .__»' ~' .. ". --Y; -:, ’" If"- 1ml: %._ ...’ raw”, -is In1,/{ll-K .= Ti.-= - *5» . r HI U‘ m ‘L-‘L; . |'-|rl-u1-i:';:z-F?. =:.,,,i:_i ' - .I.'l":'i:\I-7'-I '4'“ --‘Q ‘TE 0 - I ' ‘I .I" '-I-‘U’ /' . -'‘I .,‘I’->'~—'*' I ,1 j - mun-13-nu}, .i%=I=I?Ii.a..-511$-I-aw I |_:- 1-=II . xi“ -Lulu‘, 0..tzli‘ |*" -s.' .-- Hi‘ I 1 ‘Y ll "H .. . - ' -- '.l"\1 HII: "' l -' ' till!’ I 7ll I’'.- -"--"”'- ""-'1-'I-uni"' ""52-"9126/:/I‘ Q I I_ - "“, 6 "9"":-‘.-;\'\\,‘\6 -1-:1-='-1.!i ‘-PI_- '\‘.\\'.“&''\ .i..r.»....5"?‘-='ll-nu‘ 1“|Hu:_'- 1:’*'-- \'"n-' --.-1-.11»- '- _--.-""'_a'|'- “Wre. H ' _ T. r.-_2"“I, “"1": ?-£_ U . _ ma.—.- -‘mu‘:._\i_"_ 1_;_i_;;,_av. “W,_ Hm-‘\'-ih-\I ______1 - I _ _ I . \'.\\\\\'~ .>qt_?__‘;:_I 9. ‘kt1-?‘ ‘I3‘ TE_j ‘_:,.5.:’,_.--51 um,IT" -_H: ..._ W‘!If _ ." _.___-.-.-- \'._wn_\ -I." K: 1‘.!I“im.lIlL.._|-|L,,_|___“n'..-flitifl "" 5;--LL11:'7' "-' "' :-'.‘___1 ii I n , -I .u+\|-|~|m|||Jl~‘\l'I~u|up| _ .- : 0”‘. .5;-7'!-I'"fl_ I - -. II“ .‘l ._I_._-....;- :-.-_!‘ lI_|..:...<‘-|1;:‘f:: Ill. I-aim,‘ -50‘.-ii‘ : ‘: '. I’ . J "" ___~_fl ._ |,|l"' la .$2l2I_|.:'_H__',_'-'Oj_._1-_.- ___.l__ ,_...'.t|= -. '-M 1 I ‘- ‘,4 _. 3 1 , I”. B I l - ‘J ---“ '7 “L II: I -FRI‘.-E‘ l'|'.".:':":""|.-G_ ____II. -——I ||¢. ||lIll . H ls.“ .'.‘L\; _5_- : -_ :1 " ' O II '--_'.. I “Ii — I I'll ‘fill. ||* "T-1‘-II-TTai|I|-iln-l\l»n1lllll| am _ I ~ 3'“4* . E. T.- - *--:_ ‘.I.- .__‘: II"--_ ’ -7*" ' - - .1 a1Tr|m.-an ‘I’. ,||m'_F|-' \""""' ' 1 ’ ‘.4 R.-Q ‘IIL-_.‘I H‘ g3 ‘7 -'6.__ _ I"’ I‘ %I: \:_ _ |I‘. "mli l MI ..||.»,|.in||'m-_i_|ll1l1‘ """“‘ ‘ "I" I ‘Iill.“J P __...,‘ ' I- I ' ‘.5 F .,,,___'5_%‘7 ""1-I\*‘|l:1" ' " / "00 UlpU I‘ , H-nal.:|i'|||||Tr1-'u=|H-nal.:|E'|||||Tr1-'u=|IIn "T‘-fifiou' er- l I . -~__.\_*-I "Emair hi _ .,-1. .. ‘ I i ‘cf! 0' =‘I ' - *5,‘___ 4"? ._E ..--|-IlI— ‘§~--.?E~.-..- .. § ,\\_ {fly _- Q-H _ _.-,|_ iIf __ _. _- ,.-" _- . 5.3:?-Lr g “xix”mm: .2”. -- -‘___-’.=_ ._;',fi]__\fl::.?_."j-'-__ __1 _ _ _ --;_ f’.".;~\§-$1,‘ . -._ sq’ 1’-1- - E _ " " '-7' 1-£1.11’-’;_:_;;.;_;: ' . '5‘ --1==s.~=~ss':.- .~ ,,,.,/.., 1_ ._#9 -- _ ‘J,-.1-1 '1-an_ _ __‘ 5:22! mm. ---= 11' __;. -I 5’\l$-?\§‘~$~.\.. . 1 ...-. - . .11.“. bu. . " -"-.‘-*--' - ..\\~- "r ..' .----". ~s -- 177775-'/:mrF'1-v-L1f»7777-I-'lrlnF-1-»-hf-- I ..-..;¢?£1-.-'1-."~ if,-...=.:;-trQ. .-T.‘-,,-,,,,,-1,,._,,_,_§.=

In the 1455 rental there are two entries of property that became the first Gloucester Infirmary from 1755 - 1761 between Foreign Bridge and Dockham Lane, one stating that whilst the Royal Infirmary was being built in Southgate the ‘Archdeacon held of the Stewards of Gloucester a tene- Street. ment on the bridge where dyer dwelt’. The other was To the east of Little Severn or Dockham Ditch was Cor- Hospital property where Peterkin Pothecary dwelt (1). Then poration land and a tenement leased to William Lewis, come seven entries from Dockham Lane to Powke Lane, a brewer, his wife Joan and daughter Katherine in 1543 (3). lane that had been closed by 1544 (2), followed to the east by Richard Sandye, the younger, was granted the lease in 1606, six entries stretching to Archdeacon Lane. As this area has followed by Samuel Baldwyn, stonecarver, in 1633. The been totally rebuilt within the last twenty years, reference to family of Baldwyn stonemasons were noted within the county photographs (Plate 10) has to be made to note how built up the chiefly for their funeral monuments, especially the Table area was before its clearance, probably to the same degree as Tombs, like those seen within Painswick churchyard. The the rental. Within this area once stood the 18th century house property was bounded by a backside in the occupation of known as the Duke of Norfolk’s1\lorfolk’s Lodgings or Eagle Hall, so James Freeman on the east, by Dockham on the west, the called for the large stone eagle surmounting the balustrade street on the south and Freeman’s waterway to the north. In (Plate 9) marked C on the drawing; also the Crown & Sceptre addition, one little parcel of ground had been taken from Dockham and converted to a garden (4). ln a lease made to Roger Renolds, silk dyer, in 1672, in the courtyard on the east

\ 1 I \ 1 . "M -7‘"\ -i -. side of the tenement stood a little back building with a Q

"'1? "“"'-an--=" I" I Jfi ~\.tt! 2if chimney. There was also a shop and an entry 23/4 yd wide ' L .§=% _._...i...._ i?=l!:!'§- * * —_____.Ii—-G, _i’i!i_-I-ii. '5-|. I'I'Q"I__'|; a_.=a_=_II 7'7’I ' '_'l"_lI "I - um“ between the tenement andthe shop (5). By 1760aBrewhouse and new Bakehouse had been added (6). 1 ‘f ;=;Y _jjF . aéléellll East of Baldwyn’s tenement was a tenement belonging to ___- J; T7 7 T —-T I if H T TIT’ Ti: the Corporation leased in 1650 to Alice Freeman, widow, the west side of the tenement being built over Baldwyn’s entry. T‘--._ -— III III ai_-..,_- J ' 1!! nu;i: if To the east was another tenement leased to Mrs. Freeman (see _..._ ll III _ - _-__. ‘ below). The property consisted of one tenement, one shed, a _ -_ —- . _. Q-"‘fi_l garden and a way leading west at the bottom ofthe garden (7).

‘ l Ill?-I?--— -i ---_- _-______-.._ .-.--- __._. By 1746 Joseph Reeve, stonecutter, was leasing the property u-I ___ 1 5§»>1 _ and was still doing so in 1776(8). Over 100 years had passed *._ ‘ I +5|-||| =5 since Baldwyn, the stonecarver, had leased the adjacent l-1 III, ~ property. __ .._ _. _____ ‘ll 1 _ 7 _ ' lll 9- . 1 ’‘rtT"“._;f,:m__r_ -—- ‘ l T Adjacent to the east, were two small tenements. In the Iarnnna. , 1, City rental of 1509 was a lease made to Thomas Strynger and l l n ,/.-‘I Joan Boughan of two cottages ‘sett in the forefront on the east mg! -> I- _ >I===7‘v0'0In5:"I ii‘|iiit'5' side of Foreign Bridge’ with a ‘shop late built to the said = Iis2-)- qii,A 5"-I 1 I-fa fl,:.,l).fl::: ti ll:iii|i‘i‘|“l"' :: g-I == cottages’ (9). By 1549, to the east was a tenement of Sir iiiIII i Thomas Bell (10). ln a Hospital lease dated 1646 made to =:ii‘ ' " ii‘:-riia. -'_-"3- NEE» ll-Q3222: _:::g_l=__Té:-- il‘ V i Iii Alice Freeman, widow, are two tenements, one of which had =3!-1 -TiA IIF=-iiti 5!:—‘ ;-B. m;It-a lhlgllIl|IIl:§JEIMIIIIIII-,1‘ ll..j__ji:|lll*1ililllllllllill|"§" ‘S been leased to Henry Darby in 1612. The second tenement, It =,-, |v.,|||||||-1 i=1 :l|II|Ill@l|I i._._...__-..-iii _!;,,|,.|.:i|||||q|||||!i|iililllllllliilE=il;ll.!!!!lllllI4 “!!l||l||||I|||:r|||||_.l|_I'-'_-III-1QiIII1-I---.1-=- I.1;...--1 which had been leased to Thomas Swanley in 1617, having .""_ -2 - ~ A -4 8 * - Ii||||I||||'i*i- " ' is Dockham Lane on the east, had another house adjoining to the — /5/ifA at Ls, \,_ north with a garden where a ‘pigg-scott’ once stood (l(1 l).1). mgm ":7 ’i;’_ —. Wfig_; i_-__,__*7’ _ W — ;. __.' _ 7 ' —7._ _>___7 Wi 7_ T7: ' Turning to the area east of Dockham Lane, in the 1455 rental ‘the Abbot of Saint Peter of Gloucester held divers Plate 9. Eagle Hall, Westgate Street, otherwise known as adjoining tenements near the lane of Dokke Lane ...’ (12). The Duke of Norfolk ’s Lodgings, was demolished Does the name reflect the memory ofthe old Roman Quay that for the building of the ‘Dukeries’ in 1971. lay in this area‘? The Dean & Chapter held a substantial Drawing by Philip Moss. tencment east of the Lane, which by 1629 was being leased to

12 I

__ J


Plate 10. Westgate Street c. 1904 looking west below St. Nicholas Church - a densely built area: now consisting of Fountain Square and The Dukeries. From Gloucester Glimpses.

Anthony Robinson, Mayor of the city, in the tenure of Henry On further consideration of the size and rent of the above Browne, Alderman (13). Leases continued to be renewed, property, it would appear far more likely that this was the site and in 1732 came a lease made to Anthony Freeman, having that later became Eagle Hall. What does confuse the issue is more of his land to the east, which was the site of Eagle Hall that ‘Watercourse’ to the east, which, if it is Dockham Ditch, (14). should be either to the north, ie. what later became Freeman’s Referring to deeds of the Duke of Norfolk’s House (15) Waterway, previously mentioned above, or to the west. there was an lndentureIndenture dated 29th September, 1693 relating A series of little tenements belonging to the Dean & to ‘a message in Ebury Street, otherwise Westgate St., be- Chapter lay to the east, having craftsmen as tenants over the tween land of the dissolved monastery of St. Peter and lands years. Taking the tenements in order, there had been a seivier, belonging to the Hospital ofSt. Bartholomew with acourta court and a taylor, a cobler, a shereman, two tenements leased by the garden’. The property was then in the possession of Thomas, family Harris, gunsmiths, a couple ofcordwainers (shoemak- son of James Sexton, late of Kensington, Middlesex, a gar- ers), a blacksmith, and a tenement leased by the family dener, and his wife Sarah, a daughter of Henry Norris, late of Whittington, bakers, which was then leased by Robert Mer- the city of Gloucester, gentleman, deceased. John Hallett a cer, chandler, followed by his son, Henry from 1601 to 1676 city victualler and his wife Susannah, Thomas Sexton’s (20). Francis Reeve, stonecarver, leased the property from sister, along with two more of Thomas’ sisters, Sarah and 1676 to 1729 (21). These tenements remained consistently Mary, also owned the property. They sold it to Joseph Webb, the same size for the period to 1750. woolcomber, for £100. His son, Joseph, of Philadelphia, AtenementownedA tenement owned bytheby the Hospital lay to the eastwhicheast which by Pennsylvania, USA, sold it to Robert Frampton, maltster, as 1682 was known as the Crown & Sceptre (22). The rent for four tenements for £150, who went on to sell it to Anthony this property when it was leased to Thomas Dymocke, coo- Freeman, in 1724 for £330, quite a substantial rise in property per, in 1608 was £3, indicating a tenement of some size and value. It was Freeman who carried out the building of Eagle importance (23). John Smallman, maltster or vintner, was Hall, having alongside it The Trumpet, plus the leasehold leasing the property in 1630 (24), renewed in l648,by1648, by which Orchard or piece of garden ground called Coxe’s Orchard, time the rent was £4 (25). ln 1664 it was being called The being part ofthe Lower Kitchen garden ofthe dwelling house. Three Cranes, assigned to Mr. Richard Wood, ale seller (26). By the late 18th century Gloucester’s first Spa lay in the Benjamin Hyett was leasing the inn in 1743, consisting of grounds of Eagle Hall. messuage, brewhouse and stable with a passageway leading According to the above mentioned lndenture,thelndenture, the adjacent to the rear of the inn from Archdeacon Street (27). Bejamin property to the east belonged to the Hospital. There was a HyettHyett was responsible for allowingtheallowing the premises to be used for Hospital lease for one tenement made to William Abbotts in a temporary hospital in 1755 whilst the Infirmary was being 1612 for a rent of 40/-, for a sizable property (16). Walter built in Southgate Street. Nurse, gentleman, held this tenement in the 1606 Hospital Another small tenement belonging to the Dean & Chapter rental, by a lease granted to Margaret Machin, daughter of property lay further to the east, leased by the churchwardens Henry Machin, deceased, in 1566 for 51 years at a rent of 26/ of St. Nicholas church in 1664 at a rent of l0/- (28). Next to 8d (17). In a lease dated 1620 made to Thomas Singleton and it lay a parcel ofofvacantvacant land belonging to the Hospital leased Anthony Gamon, it had become quite an industrial site with to John Flower in 1569. lncluded in the lease was a covenant a courtyard having one shed or buttery on the east side, one that by 1575 ‘Flower should build atwo-roomeda two-roomed tenementfortenement for backhouse used for a dyehouse, another shed adjoining to the a Robert Sparkes (29). north part of the dyehouse, a parcel of void ground, another He did in fact build the cottage because in 1614 the back yard and a garden, at a rent of £3.6s.8d. for a term of 31 following lease appeared made to John Rice: ‘One parcel of years (18). vacant ground with two little houses there situate upon the Another lease for the same property, dated 1661, made to same the tenement was by the said John Flower buylt ...’ Joane Fletcher, spinster, was by then for a ‘tenement now The plot now consisted of one tenement, a shed, a kitchen converted into three dwellings’. Another shed had been adjoining to the north end of the house, an alley on the east erected in the courtyard, and the shed to the north of the side ofthe house 27ft long by 3ft5ins.3ft 5ins. wide,andagardenwide, and a garden 21 dyehouse had been lately repaired. There was a ‘langue’ (or ft 4 ins. long (30). The kitchen appeared leased separately in tongue) ofground on the east side ‘whereon is a Watercourse’ 1581 to Elizabeth Flower, widow, and included a chimney, an and an entry or court ‘pitched with pebblestones’ on the west oven, and a furnace ‘late buylt by one Henry F. Phillips, side 7 yds long by 2‘/4 yds wide and the househousejuttedjutted out over deceased, upon one parcel of ground in St. Nicholas parish the pavement (19). belonging to the Hospital of St. Bartholomew’. It was joined

13 to the east side of the new dwelling house of Mrs. Flower 1455 rental (32), having Robert Curtis, skinner, as tenant. belonging to the Dean & Chapter (31). The Dean & Chapter continued to hold the property which The tenement at the south west corner of Archdeacon was held by Jesse Whittingham, baker, in 1609, followed in Lane was held by the Abbot of St. Peter of Gloucester in the 1649 by Elizabeth Whittingham, widow (33).

Area Seven: Archdeacon Street to St. Nicholas Church (Mar/(ed A - B on drawing below)

I __ M‘I --as-1|; Ida»:1 "r |_I..¢_1' in-IA """'-- "- I’ _b _ _ it cg --1. .. . \;-‘"tart-t:‘_I§1;'il'-’r!rti|=1-1"“-‘til’-’t1fi.\1il-1"l| .t1-»;1-|;uII I-I‘ii’.-1'5.1153 ii-rrn..t.t.t|''l'' um‘ _ I .2 _ {0"*- _ -' *' 2:‘II. ,_,,,..-an \ ,- .I\.\I\,,\ \\| .I ,II_- ' 'n' _,._-__ 1',’_._ ""'"" :1»' '- l',yI\t-"‘\',yI\1-"‘\ -"I\-91-'-1*?-;“'-.',-' I\-91-'-1*?-;“'-., 3- ' __ _,______\ ___, __\|I “I\______;_____. I ¢II4\|—.pl IF F. | ,I ‘ ‘' \ .I .... . _1 \ \_..~l.q\\___I. 7.. _ ‘HI. , .. &, ¢'.‘:'l"'1'.--¢'.':t':“-- j’ 1'1\;'-1'2-'.-.1‘Tl:Y 1, 'l"\_|_‘_|_ "i id-|‘I._ ' ' . Ix‘).1.6} U 1:1. ‘mu‘st. "\J\\I‘$~*\."\l|\-*u~.."=¥-*\-""““\I "' - '1' -'3I ‘"00"» 0 u- I - \| ‘\F\;,\i pa‘ _._ ¢ 0 Q ,f ' I' | 8* .3,"-'_7 III. -I‘, WtffigmmI‘,1“? 2"-‘I-2::I - II.J. ...Et‘!r: "I If ‘I I ~J_'r- _ . I!-. " 0 ' 1- ' l|‘ 1-.O*'fi'- lj""|,. BE"»*: . Q '\\l'_-',', -'. '.‘\\':::.'--\_\\0bn00 -av‘1??'- F_ ‘i]”"l-- 5'll ' ' -_-J'1':-\‘\' '7'‘ *7 {Iis-» ' '-- ll"?I - I \ ...-0 ' ,. -I ii & \ - -1)....-o ". I i I ‘.0'1‘ -1- ...§Fl§__1 MI“ Q \

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'"'"' ’ ~-J '- I ~\q|\; » _ .--., E" * _3 g _1; In ff! 1 - mun" IIIII'.' , , E-—L ' "-i ' -- - i'i\. \ I " -4--...;--. 1 in ...:r _, -""""'-'1. .7 Q ‘gt1 ‘=12:.\\||\.| OW" -..-"?;“--"I-- . ‘rI =-6“I , 1- I . _ I 1:1,-1:): \l.T. _- .-.....-.-, 3 \ ' Ll» I; _ ‘I T‘ . -' . ”"'"”"i*€§fi‘ I 1-’. “'7'-III I I _ I ‘~‘ a ‘I. 3‘ . _“I“___ I @”‘7 '11'q,T|-;_g@|lL/'1c-;-‘-1-'_-__;" " I-4I I " - _ O IE1 .;'I'_'..L --._-1'J i """'tr-.\ "ii,*""' L " ll I ‘ 1 Fl ' '\\\'-\\ I K?’///“"/1’ ' "' r-.' llI T"/*- " =- .-.'-"'__ - _ "‘- ! 1. | II I ~ |‘ I I _ .'_ I I ' - . I, I" I ‘L, Q - . ... ' ,_|-III,-- I I 7 ..-1 .---J .' I -' _ ' 'I J.l|l|1|||I'll.t.l|l|1|||I'll-|" .|"'1 :1." I ._ A ‘I T I .._»~--A I I‘-'1‘F-"I - g E g 11" g .3251 _y‘ _ ///,,. ~'-A I _l' ,1.‘ _' __ -'."l{mI-_-,ltt‘l :-' J _,r‘-E-ylm|_"n_"‘,_|_;_,.',-:2‘. i _ """"" "‘I "-'..--“I' HI.“‘I ,0 " -1,: i| - 1' P.;. ; I ' H,l 0| -F111,"g///»~ ' '. 1 I . -'LL. --L - '_ '“-;_ j1""' r ’ -I-;l_l5.I lulu...’Jmzrl I..-,,_--| H. I cm ' H," _ Mm' | '-"I I | AlQn'n\\-\-E= 5-- 1 '=" if_ _ |. . ' _E j II ___..._,— munI I, -_ MIL Int, |.:r|| ||.|| . lllm I I muI: -\\.\.\I Q s I __ I I E. I In '7-. ' ' I ' up . ‘I _ F‘.II_I |.-. I ‘ "Ml ' /1"I 7 4","-‘III! I I_ .'|'~ 1 _ ,'i p-P. 1' .I 5 ' ' _. I -, “'5' ~ " .. , 1;" .- gr-rrs\ .. "-'. " '-'' 'q l\ .."'*-In"MW" miR“ __-.-""""-"""""" “ .- I I.‘ll *1‘i wnwflII The 1455 rental gives three entries for this area, and three The tenement that lay immediately to the west of St. properties are shown on Kip’s engraving of 1710 on the line Nicholas Church was granted in 1574 to Peter Romney. marked A - B. The hospital owned the tenement on the corner Alderman.Alderman, in the tenure of Thomas Heathe, gentleman, situ- of Archdeacon Street and the one to the west of the church, ated ‘from the waye going into St. Nicholas churchyard on the while the Prior ofSt. Oswalds held a ‘piece ofland lately built east unto the garden of William Webe on the west side’. at a upon’ with ‘posts in the king’s highway’ called ‘Peter’s rent of48/- (5). In the 1589 rental (6) Luke Romney held three Place’, in between (1).(l). The area was cleared in the 1960s, new tenements near St. Nicholas Church fora rent of 8/- and when Fountain Square was built, but again photographs show Richard Davis, esq, held the ‘great tenement lately buylt by the buildings that once stood there, as does the engraving of Mr. Peter Romney’ fora rentof40s. Both the 1596 and 1606 St. Nicholas Church (Plates l I and 12). rentals (7) state that John Maddocks held the ‘great howse The 1606 Hospital rental states that Jesse Whittingham, buylt by Peter Romney, gent, deceased’. Against the entry in baker, held two tenements on the east corner of Archdeacon the 1455 rental of the tenement beside the Church, written in Lane in the tenurc of Edward Barton, gentleman, by a lease Elizabethan hand are the words ‘The new house built by Mr. made by the Prior to Henry Whittingham in I530. The Rame’. Subsequent leases are only for the three tenements, tenement contained five rooms, a stable and a ‘pigge cotte’ and no further mention is made of the great tenement, which (2). The family of Whittingham bakers continued to lease the is clearly visible in the 1710 engraving, marked C on the property until it passed to Thomas Jelfe, baker, in 1651. drawing. It presumably became freehold property. When he renewed the lease in 1693. bakers had leased the site A lease dated 1655 made to Bridgett Norton, widow, gives for over 160 years, a fact worthy ofcomment. By 1651 a ‘new details that a new building had been added to the back of one erected tenement’ had been added (3). and the lease for 1693 of the tenements, and a kitchen. This had a room over it and states that there were then three tenements on that particular a ‘stayer case’, both items being sufficiently unusual to need site (4). comment (8).

__r':iaw’:-I "'*“----- ..--=r*"‘___’+a\m'.“ '.- L.-as--e-"fir‘ .1;

_ _ i-gar?-".r;iT-,{I€~: W 7 -, -.4’-1-_.-'9F%..~ 1.-P T -_._.-... -... -4 .1.».1... .1.‘,,1_I,éx,,:,J_‘‘.__? 1:-1,;-_;_ '-_._.-ta;. -1; --;v".sav-"Iva " 5%-T _¢ . _-. '2-.3.- . -1.2;-‘,3’. - ici1:f4‘%‘@si'.{-"‘*1‘Jcii -_ :,;.':,jr__-'.;1"‘*4*’i T- tit‘-n"f§;“4“"!\ ,.' ,-_ - _ ,.- “T-1:: r?? £33. -1*-7--I _'. 4--'- .-1_'1*.l;,‘?*, Ir; -. r-F ‘ '.?~ ‘ _'~="'55£; ",“'?b ' 4-" '1'“ 1' "1 2- ’ ‘ -¢¢-ir- .-_.--- .1'-.:'-.-’$-‘:52_. . ...-11,"- 5 J ’ ; I. -_ _;___H‘.;_~jS:: -.1“..- . _ ' "."*'_;,':;‘-'?___ _ '-,1’ -P. ”-ii’-1.-,;-,,*€F,=.~.IJ?=:-’-11s-J-."~;_,§;,,-,.—?, ,,.--‘-‘-as-"t 5- 2~+* -‘u i J ‘Q Fri " - "’-*"'—'_'_‘-1-srr’ _“' -- .:-§§,':-§*"i.-J" ‘T’?. E . ...". “ ..'%‘!f-:='i‘?s!§.?-a-=?.,z-.‘.=:f‘-1""_ . _ . i-.§-i’§.a=.-, ‘_ i --Y-... .._ . . "".:'#-ii’-"§_51‘=.-'~i'\’E_’-’=__ . , It1-'-.-,f§'é-;l,1»_:§_— --"-'1 J -v--5- _ --- _~—'\-~—'\- _ --1-1 . 5-" - . §- 13. L1:r k3. -fiii -23- : ii . ‘ *_’.,3_‘_;%5'\.~;' _ F, . ,__. ,_ . fit .-at-. - 1:...1. - 1- __1* , Q-8"’1.2 Q— .-.*"j’-;‘§’-"i-'- 5 i 1"- J. - rsq 1i-"'*-.5 ‘Yif -"§"'?_‘Z7-’-t-§>fi-~I-r"I= 6??‘ , ' '13--.-. _-¢-—-L- . J’ .. .. -~I 1'!i':$::iE""':'i‘~.§_-1!" . 3"‘§---~: ~ v ;- _:r.$*jZ_@". ..-' g K,. *0‘- ---:4-~ '".'T-”~‘-Z:-e?“Ti‘-'~."”-1*-Z:-é.;“r._ K1 - _-_3-— r -.41‘ ‘si """"._f‘,'“‘{»l- .

..'~;,__I‘ L vi."-


Plate ll. St. Nicholas Church with a full spire in c. 1710, by J. Kip. Note the houses west of the church. From The Ancient & P1''nrPr''nr Starr’ 0j"GI0.sr0t's/ii't'e,0j"GI0.srct'.s/rm’, R. Atkyns (1712).

14 Plate 12. Westgate St. c. 1890, showing the buildings from Archdeacon St. to the church. Gloucester Glimpses.

CONCLUSION The area portrayed in this article from the mid-l500s to the mid-1700s retains much of its industrial character espe— cially along the river bank where today are situated the Westgate Motor House, West Midland Farmers, Beavan’s, the heating, plumbing and sanitary engineers, the William- son’s blood drying plant, though the river no longer plays any part in their trading activities - no slipps, no wharves with boats loading and unloading. Most of the major changes in the street have taken place during the 20th century and today the retail trade uses the former St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and a large area of residential housing extends from the site of Priory Road (now beneath the NCP car park in Westgate Street) to St. Nicholas Church. St. Nicholas Church itself is now no longer a Parish Church and was vested in the Redundant Churches Trust in l975 for safe keeping. The memories of those people who lived and worked in the area before it changed so dramatically are still there, but soon only photographs, written articles and memoirs will remind us of a past era of intense industrial activity that once took place in the lower part of Westgate Street. REFERENCES GBR - Gloucester Borough Records. Glos. RO - Gloucestershire Records Office.

Area One GBR J5/l p 7l Col 1 para 3. 2. GBR B2/2 f21. GBR J5/3. 4. GBR B2/2 f79. GBR J5/l l. GBR J3/16 f184. GBR J3/8 f34. GBR J5/3. VCH Vo11V p 163. Glos. RO Corp. Records 1244.

GBR J5/l p71 Col l para 2. O Glos. RO Corp. Records 1175.

GBR J3/l6 f156. |—1|—n|—nXo\a -No.50I Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f63. D3269/39 Vol 2 f173. 16. Ibid f590. Ibid f6l. 18. GBR J3/16 f19l. Glos. RO D936 E12/1 f(l98), E12/2 f223. 20. Ibid E12/19 f10. Ibid E12/l9 f14l. 22. GBR J5/l p 69 Col 1 para 5.

[\._)[\_)|—1|—s|—1|—1|—n\o--.._](__;|§,,_)|—~L->J'—*\D'-Jl..IlL»J»—~' GBR J3/l6f90. 24. GBR J3/l6 f78. 25 Ibid f95.

Area Two 1. GBR J5/1 p 65 Col 1 para 1. 2. GBR J5/2. 3. GBR J5/2 1460 City Rental follows same sequence as 1455 Rental therefore references here refer to 1455 Rental. p 67 Col l para l Ibid p 63 Col 1 para 5. GBR J5/1 p 69 Col l para 3. Glos. RO Corp. Records 1206 GBR J3/16 f80. Ibid f277. GBR J5/10. GBR J5/1 1.

GBR J3/16 f285. Ne»II Glos. RO D3269 Vol 1 f398. GBR J5/8. l4. GBR J3/16 f320. VCH Vol IV p 123, Glos. RO D936 E12/9 f146. 16. GBR J3/3f102. Ibid. 18. GBR J3/5 f87. GBR J5/ll 20. GBR J3/16 f273.

[\_)|—A|—1|—1|—s|—n\Q--.._](__)| ~—*\O'--l!.J1L»J-—- GBR J5/l p 63 Col l para 1. 22. GBR J5/3. 23 GBR J5/5. 24. GBR F4/3. 25 GBR J3/6 fl98. 26. GBR J3/8 f77. 27 GBR J3/4 f29l. 28. GBR J3/6 f169. 29 GBR J3/8 f75. 30. GBR J5/1 p 59 Col 1 para 6.

Area Three GBR J5/1 p 59 Col 1 para 5. 2. Ibid para 3. GBR F4/3. 4. GBR B2/2 f64. GBR J5/5. GBR J3/3 f13l. GBR F4/3. GBR J3/4 f529. GBR J3/8 £183. GBR J3/9 f93. GBR J3/10 £96. GBR J5/6. GBR J3/4 ts-40. GBR J3/6 f238. GBR J3/8 £136. GBR J3/14 f269. GBR J3/5 £44. GBR J3/3 f184. |—\|—||—1|—~|—1\Q--.._](_}|L;.,)|—s\D'-~lL'IlUJI—*' GBR J3/8 r257. [\._)|—~|—l|—~|—n|—lXo\@O0U'\-l§~l\-J@" GBR J3/9 f86. Area Four GBR J5/l p 55 Col 1 para 3. 2. GBR J5/1 1. GBR J5/9. 4. GBR J3/16 f249. Glos. RO D936 E12/l f(213)- D936 E12/2 f330. D936 E12/3 f212. R D936 E12/12 fl97. GBR J5/1 p 51 Col l para 2. Glos. RO D6/F9.

GBR J3/9 f56. - r—n|—nXO\I\J.©IO GBR J3/16 f50. -—-—*\O'-~JlJlL>J'—*L»-3'—"' GBR 1396/1501 f333, 365.

16 Area Five GBR J5/1 p 57 C012 paras 4,5. 2. p 55 C012 para 5. GBR J5/1 p 53 C012 para 9. 4. GBR J5/6. GBR J3/5 f350. GBR J3/9 f32. GBR J3/9 f150. 9°?“ GBR J3/8 f166. GBR J3/9 f32. 10 GBR J3/10f157. GBR J3/16 f83. 12 Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f72. GBR J3/16 f125. 14 GBR J3/16 f298. GBR J5/11. 16 GBR J3/16 f217. Glos RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f152. 18 GBR J3/16 f2. GBR J5/11. 20 GBR J5/9.

[\_)|—n|—-»_n|—-ra--\\Q--..]§J’lL;J|—n I-\D'--.'l§J'lLrJ'—*' GBR J5/11. 22 GBR J3/16 f161. 23 GBR J3/16 f87. 24 GBR J5/9. 25 GBR J5/10. 26 GBR J5/1 l. 27 GBR J3/16 f127. 28 Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f59. 29 D3269/39 Vol 1 f460. 30 GBR J3/16 f7. 31 D3269/39 Vol 2 f138. 32 D3269/39 V01 1 f439. 33 GBR J5/1 p 53 Col 2 paras 9, 10. 34 GBR J5/5. 35 GBR J5/8. 36 GBR J3/3 f22. 37 GBR J3/3 f23. 38 GBR J3/4 f106. 39 GBR J3/5 f203. 40 GBR J3/8 f19. 41 GBR J3/9 f193.

Area Six GBR J5/1 p 53 C012 paras 7,8. 2. VCH Vol Iv p 367. GBR B2/2 f29. 4. GBR J3/3 f85. GBR J3/5 f276. 6. GBR J3/1O fl24. GBR J3/4 f134. 8. GBR J3/9 fl 16, J3/ll f97. GBR J5/3. 10 GBR B2/2 f59. Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f27. 12 GBR J5/1 p 53 C012 para 6. Glos. RO D936 E12/2 f174. 14 D936 E12/9 f205. Glos. RO D3117. 16 GBR J3/16 f143. GBR J5/11. 18 GBR J3/16 f211. \O--.]U‘|bJ»—*' Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f176. 20 Glos. RO D936 E12/1 f205, E12/4 f130 21 D936 E12/4 F442, E12/8 fl32. 22 GBR /G /AV. 23 GBR J3/16 f97. 24 GBR J3/16 f262. 25 Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f48. 26 D3269/39 Vol l f231. 27 GBR 1417/1536, Glos. RO D936 E12/9 f85. 28 D936 E12/3 f144. 29 GBR J3/16 f37. 30 GBR J3/16 f154. 31 Ibid f105. 32 GBR J5/1 p 51 C012 para 2. 33 GBR E/1 f29.

Area Seven GBR J5/1 p 47 Col 2 paras 2,3,4. 2. GBR J5/11. Glos. RO D3269/39 Vol 2 f87. 4. D3269/39 Vol 1 f395. GBR J3/16 f67. GBR J5/9. .‘*lP"'P°"‘ GBR J5/10,11. 9°?‘ Glos. RO 3269/39 Vol 2 f140.