COAL. COAL. HALL * WALKER FURNITURE Wellington Colliery MOVED. STORED. SHIPPED. We have a firm-clan* and up-to- Co. date Furniture and Piano Moving laSS GOVERNMENT ST. PADDED VAN. Phone Phone S3 Burt's Wood Yard Phone HIM. 51 PANDORA AYR.

VOL. 47 VICTORIA, B. 0., SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909. No. 61

vards, where his liking for vivid cloth­ ing attracted attention. Three years EMPIRE TRADE, SLAIN BY MEN ago the young man figured In a sen­ sational duel. He challenged a profes­ London, March 13.-Speaking of the PROROGATION sional swordsman as a result of a cafe MfwSV development of empire trade at the HE WAS PURSUING quarrel, but the swordsman refused to t LICKED \ s , - Royal Colonial Institute yesterday. light on the ground that Ravenex had if Ht I /Wt LL FIX -Benjamin H. Morgan said one bar to OF LEGISLATURE not yet reached his majority. Un­ ?So'LlTUV [ HIM Htxr progress wa* In the self-governing NEW YORK DETECTIVE daunted, Ravenes issued a challenge e5*uf./ \ TtRM colonies. In India there were consider­ naming the date when he was 18 years ably over 1,500 paid representatives of foreign nation» who kept their govern­ MANY BILLS RECEIVE ’ MEETS DEATH AT PALERMO old, and he devoted the intervening time to vigorous training. When he ments posted regarding openings for finally did meet his adversary on the trade, while Great Britain had less THE ROYAL ASSENT Held, th<* conteèt was of the fiercest than ten. The time had come when character, and it ended by Ravenes Britain should make It her business to Assassination Believed to Have establish and maintain cheap rapid plunging his sword eight inches Into Third Session of Eleventh Leg­ Been Work of “Black his opponent’s body. transport by rail and sea. W. E. Turn- bull,-of Cnrmdn, *[mkr of British mer­ islature Ends Quietly— Hand.” chants’ lack of enterprise in opening new markets. His Honor’s Speech. New York, March 11—Lieutenant CITY’S WATER IK eiHWtno. hWHi-JPt.. UwUUU*». ON GREAT UKES Legislative Pres* Gallery, March 12. | Bwesm tit* -New- - York. Pollva -De- partment, yesterday was assassinated BILL MADE the lteut.-governor, attended by his In Palermo, Sicily, according to a spe- SYNDICATE TO ACQUIRE private secretary, and escorted by Mr. h.! gMUttBWk ,$R».W-Mf5tiflU6Vi vSpeaker ,g*t Eberts and the%•••?., •_sepgeant-at- day. The assassins, the dispatch saÿs, NUMBER "OF VESSELS ONLY NINE MEMBERS arms, entered the legislative assembly are unknown. chamber and prorogued the third sem- Lieutenant Petroslno went to Italy VOTED AGAINST IT slon of, the eleventh legislature of on a special mission to Investigate the British Columbia. so-called ‘ Black Hand” with a view to Detroit Free Press Announces All the members of the Houae were bringing about better protection for Important Project in Inland present and the galleries were filled peace-abiding Italians In this country-. Council Passes Vote of Thanks with cl risen» who had gathered ta see Petroslno was the “Black Hand" ex­ Waterways. the last ceremonies. These were plain pert at the New York police depart­ ------to Mayor Hall for uud democratic enough to suit anyone. ment and the terror of Italian crim­ Ills honor attended without any cere­ inals. It Is said that he had more Services, mony and the whole thing wa» over In convictions fof murder to his credit Detroit, Mich . Marc h 13 —The Free le** than ten minutes. than any five policemen connected Press to-day says that the owners and The House met soon after 8 o’clock with the detective bureau. In his managers of fifty of the largest lum­ and finished up some loose end» of » work; it was only natural that he tn- One of the final acts of the legisla­ ber-carrying - vessels -twr the (Treat business which remained. Thl* done 1 culred the enmity of all Italian crim­ ture was the passing of the bill which the House took a recess until hta honor Lakes have agreed to sell their boats inals, and the report of his death in OFF FOR THE VACATION. confirms to the city Its rights and arrived. Italy teathr to the belief that at last to a corporation now in process of power* under the Victoria Waterworks Mr. Speaker Ebert* called the at­ he fell a victim to those whom be6had formation, which will own and operate The Sc hoolmaster—"Laws ha’ mercy That bunch from the Boss land Cross Roads and the Delta Concession Act of 1673. This closes a long dis­ tention of the Houhc to the fact that so refitittfesslj proaecutedi _ -v fifty to sixty per cent of the lumber had me almost rraxy." pute, and Is looked upon by the mem­ last session a committee on the rules He went to Italy more than a year carriers of the, lakes. ber* as a fair settlement. After the of the House had been appointed and ago to work on a plan suggested by Many prominent members of the drafting of the amendment, agreed to as they were not ready to report he Police Commissioner Bingham' the ob­ by the city, outlining the terms upon asked for a morion continuing them Lumber Carriers’ Association have MINERS AND OPERATORS ject of which was to be the adoption j SERVIA PURCHASING which the property of the Esquimau in their duties until next session. of means to check the tide of unde-! ****** tn Detroit, for two weeks. aM ARE “STANDING PAT” Waterworks Cumpany may be expro­ The necessary motion" was “mad* by sirable Italians and Sicilians to this preliminary arrangements for the or- SERIOUS ’QUAKES MUNITIONS OF WAR priated, there was no longer any' ser­ A. E. Mt Phillips. country and particularly V> New York I ganixatlon of the corporation were LOCATION UNKNOWN ious opposition to the bill. J. H. Hawthornthwalte did not see city. i * impie ted st b two days’ conference, When the bill was taken up In the any need for any alteration in the A native of Italy, and a man of great which ended here yesterday. The Unlikely to Be Shut-down of afternoon H. B. Thomson, who was In rules. jtf Experience on the local police force, values of the fifty vessels to be pur­ Pessimistic Feeling Prevails charge of It, had a few small changes John Oliver expressed himself a«* ' Petroslno was the best all round man Manila, Marchh lS.r-Th. local chased at once hat^ been mutually Anthracite Properties in seismograph rcorded a made In the new section» which have I-erfectly satisfied with the rule* in to accomplish the mission. A private agreed upon as approximately $850.000. Regarding Outcome of 'quakes continuous^uoust^ fromfror 7.1 been added to the bill, and these stand existence, which he considered a rea­ subscription was started and $30.000 The neW corporation wtl| probably be Pennsylvania. ‘ I in the following form : y sonable medium between the "loose ir­ was raised. With this, to defray the to 9.36 o'clock this morning. Balkan Deadlock. capita Used at tl.6Q6.OOQ.. but the name It wao estimated that the ' ‘Provided that the commissioner regularity" of the Ottawa rules and expense of the undertaking. Petroslno W tBe new concern. Its capitalisation shall not enter upon. take, or appro­ the closure of the Brttlsh House. There left for his native land to establish region of the disturbance was and the selection of director» will be 16,00b kilometres distance. _ priate any of the lands, waters, rights wa» no need for à closure here. In a bureaus through which it was hoped matters to be brought up at a meeting Philadelphia, Pa.. March IS.—The full Berlin, March 13.—A more pessimis­ or privilege* of the Esquimau Water­ House of forty-two members, and that to keep such complete records that the to be held next week, probably in De­ membership of the executive board of tic feeling prevails In official circles works Company without. If that com­ the opposition had ample opportunity news of the departure from Italy or. troit. It Is aaid that the Hines and the three anthracite district» of the to-day regarding the outcome of the pany so require*, taking, appropriai to exercise Its rights was shown by Sicily of any c riminals could be Blogstt fleets, which figure prominent­ United Mine Workers of America went negotiations between Austria-Hungary Ing ami purchasing the whole under- ' tha successful obstructive tactics of flashed to this country almost imme- ly in the project, move 200,000.000 feet ,’nto ee.**i«m# to-day to receive and act and Servi*. taking of the said company; and the Monday, which had won for the peo­ • diately. so that the authorities here of timber In an average season. The upon the report of the sub-committee, The Servian government has bought price or compensation to be paid by the ple their rights In matter» of tha fran­ could be on the alert and prevent consolidation »f Interests Is expected to w hich had been In conference with the chise. RUSSIA’S EAGLE a large quantity of gunpowder from a «rid corporation to the said company their lending or place them under ar­ effect a considerable saving In Insur­ operators for two days, trying to ar­ for the value of the property »o pur­ The motion passed and the commit­ rest. Saxon factory for Immediate delivery, ance charges and expenses of manage­ range a working agreement to go into chased, taken or appropriated shall. In tee was continued. effect on April 1st. and has placed an order for half a Petroslno was so accustomed to re­ ment. The Free Press quote* one of vase of disagreement, tie decided by When hi* honor had entered and ceiving threatening communications. S The board* will fix a time and a place EYE ON PERSIA million patent bandage rolls for Held the leaders of the movement as say­ hospital use. arbitrators appointed under the said taken Ills seat in the speaker s chair and of bearing threats against hi* life ing: for a convention of miner* to take up statute* of 1ST3. chapter 26, and 1892. the clerk, Thornton Felt, read the )|*t that he paid Tittle attention to them. “This is not a pool or a gentlemen's any matters that national President chapter 64. cl bills passed, a» follows: It is said that he had been warned agreement. The owner participating Lewis, of the Miners' Unto*, may pro­ INSURRECTION THREATENS DISPELLING FOG "Provided also that the corporation No. 1—An act to declare the rights against going to Palermo, but h* là pose. The proposition of the operators will sell his boats to the corporation, of the city of Victoria may expro­ Of the Grown In respect to water and aaid to have Ignored them and to to continue the existing wage agree­ and receive in return corporation stock BY HERTZIAN WAVES priate a sufficient right-of-way over, water power, and to amend and con­ ment will be laid before that conven­ IN SHAH’S DOMINIONS have scoffed at the Idea of being according to the value of his vessels.” through or under the lands of the Es­ solidate the law* of the province re­ tion. the delegates to which will be killed. Prominent Italians In the city- quimau Waterworks Company, for th* lating to the diversion, acquisition and elected by the local unions next week. are of the opinion that the detect I vt- MADE OF R. C. STEEL. purpose of conducting water*.from the use of water. Despite the “stand pat” attitude of met death among his countrymen, as Division of Cossacks to Pre­ French Engineer Carries Sooke watershed to the waterworks Nq. 6—An act to regulate the use of a direct result of his untiring effort* (Special to the Times.) both sides, there Is still a feeling that on system of the city of Victoria, not­ liquor on club premise». to suppress the “Mafia," but they there will be no serious Interruption in Winnipeg, Man.. March 13.—The Can­ vent Sacking of Experiments in English withstanding the foregoing. Provided No.' 6- An art to amend the Ditches think his sudflen death will only serve the mining of anthracite coal. adian Pacific railway will erect car further, that the power in this sec- and Water-course* Ad. 1907. to kindle anew the feeling against building shops at the New- West­ —— Teheran. Channel. tttn -ntalned shall not extend, and No. T—An act to amend the Munici­ these criminals, which will bring about minster Junction near Vancouver to IS THIS REASON the said commissioner shall not have pal Elections Act. $ even a more drastic crusade against turn out cars and locomotive* made of or exercise under any power In that No. 8—An act to amend the Munici­ them than has heretofore been con­ brltish Columbia Iron and steel. pal Clauses Act. ducted. WOMEN GO TO CHURCH? 8t. Petersburg, March 11—The situa­ i behalf vested In him, the right of ex­ The fast summer train service starts Paria, March 13.—M, Dabos, a French propriation over the land of the $&*- No. 9—An act to amend the Provln- Petroslno’s young wife was seen at 1 on June sixth. tion in Persia is attracting attention engineer. Is at present conducting a qulmalt Waterworks Company form­ ■ iai Elections Art. her home. No. 2ti Lafayette street, but In fit. Petersburg. The government Is scries of experiments on the English ing the reservoir site below the power- No. 10—An ad to amend the Coal she says that she had heard nothing Millinery in Hats is Alleged to sending a division of Cossacks to Te* channel, which have given rise to the houae att Coldstream. And provided Mines Regulation Act. from her husband store (he letter she EDMONTON’S CREDIT ___ Reran, and It has ordered the consuls hep* that this waterway__irhv ultl- furl tier that tl>e works, for conducting No. li-^Ar act to amend the Law of received on Thursday last. There was i Prove Considerable mntely be kept free of fog. Attracted a shade of anxiety in her voice as she I at Resht and Astrabad to summon the said water from Sooke Lake Vendor and Purchaser, and to Simpli­ HIGH IN OLD LAND by the English experiments for dis­ fy Titles. ptood In the doorway holding her lit­ Caspian warships In the event of out­ (Concluded on page 7.) Attraction. sipating fog by means of electric dis­ No. 18—An act to amend the Court tle daughter in her arms. *?But,” said breaks threatening the interests of charges, M. Dabos conceived the Idea of Appeal* Act, 1967. ____ •he. "I am sure he is alright, or I Russia. of a combination of Hertxian waves. FINAL STAGES OF Should know.” Alberta’s Bond Guarantee Pol­ No. 21—An act respecting the. Grand New York. N Y.. March 13.—A Bos­ The Novo Vremya to-day published Beneath a powerful Hertzian plant, Trunk Pacific Railway. Official Confirmation. ton dispatch to the Time* says: ”Th* icy and What It a Teheran dispatch, saying the situa­ which emits waves of 40.000 volts, he SIX-DAY RACE No. 32—An act respecting the Pro­ Rome, March 13.-A dlapatch has First Baptist church of Somerville has placed four huge blow pipes' di­ fession of Medicine and Surgery, tion Is critical, that an Insurrection Is been received here fro mthe American • , Means. officially barred Jfrom public worship rected to the four points of the com­ No. 24—An act to amend the High­ consul In Palermo, Sicily, confirming all women who refuse to remove their Imminent, and that only a strong mili­ pass. Simultaneously with the dis­ way TTafll,- Regulation Act. the report that Lieut. Joseph Petros- hats before entering the church audi­ tary detachment can prevent the sack­ charge of the Hertxian waves the French Team, With Lead of 21 No. 27—An act to amend the Reform­ ino, of the New 'York police depert- torium. The church 1* one of the im­ ing of Teheran. blow pipes, each giving a temperature atory Act. Edmonton. Alta., March II.—Tha bond Miles, Looks Like ment, had been assassinated In that portant ones of New England. It Is significant that the viceroy qf of 2.000 degrees centigrade, were light­ No. $6—An avC to amend the Juror*' city. His murderer, who was a mem­ guarantee policy meana that the O. T. “The fancy millinery of the present ed. In tfom 20 to 30 minutes a thick the Caucasus has just reviewed the Winning. Act. ber or the “BlaHt-Hand," tired four P. *”<• C. N. R. will bring Into the pro­ time attracts so much attention." *ald fog was dispersed over a xone of 200I No. SO—Ah act to amend the Mineral shots from a revolver. vince and depoelt in banka here to the one of the trustee*, “that women spend Russian troops at Buku, which Would yards. Act. credit of the provincial treasurer over To Round Up Suspects. more time examining hat* than they be the natural base of departure for an Encouraged by this succès» the ex­ No. 81—An act further to amend the •20.060.000 to assist in developing rail­ New York. March ll.-When oIBclal do listening to the sermon.” * expedition Into Persia. periments will be continued. New York. March lS.-WIth about 14 Coal Mines Regulation Ad- way cotnpctltlbn In the province. hours remaining to the finish of the No. 32—An act to amend the Com­ news of the assassination In Palermo, The two transcontinental companies sîx-day “go-as-you-please" race at panies Act, 1897. of the New York chief of Italian de­ will pledge the credit of their whole Madison Square Garden at 8 a. tit.; Cl hot No. 36—Alt act to amend the PTkrer tective bureau was received bet*. Chief systems from end to end of Canada, and Orphee, the French team, still held Mining Act. • ' ' Of Detectives MrCaff—ty lesielllltly that the province will not be called up­ the lead at about 21 mile*, anfl appear­ No. 37—An act with respect to tha sent telegrams to all the chiefs of on to paj^ one cent of the provincial police In all the country's' large cities ed to have a strong hold on the first Public Service of the province of Jjrlt- guarantee. Securities of these two place and a cash prix»- •if_$l.300. The Ish Columbia. asking them to round up every “Black systems have been guaranteed by the Hand” suspect In thel locality. ANNOUNCEMENT race Is scheduled to finish a few min­ No. 38—An ad to amend the Land Dominion of Canada and the provinces utes after 10 o’clock jo-night. Registry Ac t. of Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatche­ •‘SHEER BOREDOirCLAIMS The score* at* 8 a.m. were as follow»: No. 40 An ad to amend th* Farm­ wan. These two .continental rail­ Clhot and Orphee. 681-7; Davis and er»' Institute and COeOperatk* Vt way systems would have to go into Metkus, 660-6: Dineen and Prouty, No. 41—An act to amend the Timber liquidation all over Canada If the pro­ To the Citizens of Victoria LIFE AT MONTE CARLO 639-2: Loesleln-Klubertanx. 627-1; Shek- Manufacture Act, 1906. vince were ever called upon to pay ton and Fraser. 614-1; Correy and No; 42—An ad to amend the Bush one cent of Its guarantee. The entire Hegelman. 605-3; Fee gun and Curtis, Fire Act. of Canada would he *W-*r 4*tf**wer* irod Hevere. -Ne-.- 46—reaper ting "the fffflrtat' Riotous Supper as Prélude to to be reorganised If the province were Nave» and Keller, 537-6; Edelson and ever called upon to pay* Map. of Albend Townslte. Pftllantl. 492-8; Hartley (running alone), No. 4S*-An act authorising the Itcù- Rash Act of Wealthy 'Latest quotations received from Bri­ Per Month 50c 391-4. tish financial marksta by the city tenant-governor In council to grant to the city of Victoria Loi 9îi in said Parisian. council allow that the Edmonton de­ INSANE MCRDERER, benture» still retain the high figure In city, used a* the site of the Kingston Street fire haJI. British financial circles they reached Orangeville, Ont., March 13.-George some time ago. The Daily Times will be delivered, after No. 46—An ad to amend the Inspec­ Peru, March 11-F*r ~*eX;


POLICE PREFECT HAS PARIS TELEGRAPHERS z___ 4SHk ladies DON'T THROW AWAY wm TO QUELL DISORDER GO OUT ON STRIKE Thomas A. Edison Did Another „|IV CKtX'JT'1 YOUR LAST YEAR’S STRAW HAT Double Demonstration of Disgruntled City Cut Off From Communica­ For you can make it as good aa Wonderful Thing Lately — new with In Value Postmen Followed by tion With Rest, of the Having brought his phonogragh to a point where not even |he mvwt critical could ask for Improvement, he multiplied Its entertaining abil­ 40 Arrests. World. ity by two. Campbell’s Hat Varnish DESIRABLE LOT He did this producing a phonograph record that plays, sings or On Rosll avenue. talks twlcè as long as the standard-EdiHon Record. All shades, 15 cents a Bottle Paris. March 13.—Serious disorders Paris, March U.-The city of Paris We have the brushes to but' it on Near Cook street, Hear this new double length “AMBEROL” record which ha» the occurred last night in the central tele­ has been cut off from telegraphic com­ clear, rich musical tones for which Edison Records have always been M ft. x 108 ft 10 In. munication with the outside world with. graphic bureau of the post office, famous. We have just opened up a consignment of this fine Varnish, the Facing south. since I o’clock this afternoon, when a which caused great delay to foreign general strike occurred followlnk the Excellent slope to street. See Ad. on Page Seventeen. same as we handled last year. communications and Inconvenience to disorderly Incidente of last night at the No rock of trees. the patrons of the bureau. A meeting central telegraphic bureau of the post- We hâve in stock Coleman’s Wincamia, Pear’s Otto of Rose 20 new houses can be counted from of several hundred postmen held to office. * Soap, Bishop’s Varalettes for Gout, Effervcaing Citrate of Piper­ this lot. protest against certain modifications The telegraph operators appeared for azine, etc. Antexema. ... In the service got out of hand, and the duty this morning, but worked Inter­ Price $375 mittently. Following a personal quar­ M. W. Waitt & Co. Ld. We have just opened up 56 eases of Drugs. Chemicals, Patent men marched to the telegraph bureau, One-third down. rel between a sub-chief and the oper­ Phonograph Parlor House. HERBERT KENT, Mgr. Medicines and Toilet Articles dir-ct from England, France and which they stormed. Unheeding the ators, 400 men left their Instrumente Germany. ______protests of the chiefs there, the post­ and walked out calling “strike.” men went le the room where the tele­ “strike “ graph employees were working and Pemberton these men Joined the postmen During Several of the stations are now the disorder a number of the telegraph guarded by t rod pa and trouble la fear- Campbell's .Prescription Store.] .. .. and SOft ' " «L-.ttw- SeVâWtW .aPWritxJntrad ; Reinforcement^ of police were hastily to call In the military. The telegraph- B,A*lU

VICTORIA DAILY THUS. SATURDAY, MARCH, 13, 1909. SEEK PRICES ON PAVING PROVES R.P. RITHET & Co., Ltd. ROCK SUPPLY VEXED QUESTION SPRING CLEANING CITY COUNCIL DECIDES AGENTS FOB REPORT RECEIVED ON y ET US RELIEVE YOU of your Carpet trouble*.this Spring. We thoroughly clean Carpets TO CALL FOR TENDERS BITULITHIC PROCESS for Five Cents per yard with our Electric Carpet Machine. This is a much superior way to any other method, as there is no injury to the Carpets and the floor beneath can be cleaned Questions Disposed of at Meet­ when the Carpet is up. Phone us to-day and we will call for the Carpet and return promptly. Fjve Aldermen Stewart and Humber ing of Committee Last Cents per yard extra charged if you wish us to re-lay the Carpet. We have the Cheapest, Best and Favored Brick for Quickest Service in the city. Vancouver Brand Evening. Causeway. Portland Cement At last night’s * filing of the streets, The Housekeeper’s bridges and sewers committee a num­ At Mist evening’s sitting of the ber ut auhjixls at..general Interest to., DUTCH ier MtlfA'tk, bridge*ill *ml sewer* committee ... Friend street Improvement were discussed. a repo’rt was presented bv Aid. Turner, The subject of rock supply for the year Aid. Henderson and , Ctly Engineer was somewhat fully gone Into, and Toptf, the delegation that visited AUCTION Special Bargain while an offer is standing from Line- Portland to Inspect bitullthlc paving ham Jk Scott feu- the supplying of rock there. The; ,** folluwa^,,^ ONLY In bulk at Mt. Tolmtè, "where the city “In accordance with your Instruc­ ”-SALE - crusher could be put up. It was derided tions we proceeded to Portland to look Good Things for Good It would be advisable to call for tend­ Into the question of street paving We er* before Anally deciding upon the made a pretty thorough examination subject. Tender* will be asked for no ut .Lhe difleretil kind* of pavement To-day’s Price $10.50 ttmr ma$* be conuTdered next Frr- If . •I( —■• >,Vised..them » Krtck, wood Mnrkv. ’ tKF 'HPETSWEEFEr phalt and bitullthlc. Of the latter they W A. Gleason wrote calling attention Chiffonier, have 352.000 square yards laid from is a real friend to busy house­ to the fact that there were a number 1903 to date, and from 150.000 to 200.- keepers. Every woman knows golden elm, five of vacant lots on Vinlng street where 000’ yards are to "be laid this year, one drawers, locks Catsup, Davies’ Best, pints, 2 for_ 25c the street was -being improved. He the hard work attached to the half or 100.000 yard* of which Is act­ suggested that water pipes and sewer “Broom way.” The “Bissell’s on each drawer, ually contracted for. neatly carved Sauce, English Worcester, 3 for 25c connections should be laid to the side­ “We attach hereto a list of the streets way” is dustless, quicker, eas­ walks and that the gas main might be we examined, showing the. year each ier and cheaper, (hie Hissell bael , . laid so as not to Interfere with the was laid: Fifth street lain In 1904 is In will outlast 40 brooms. Prices Pork and Beans, Savoy, 3 for...... 25c street later. He was w illing to pay his Regular value *135. Onr stock of Chiffoniers, Dress­ part. good condition; Park avenue laid In 92.50 ...... *3.75 1908 is In good condition; Yamhill, laid A tine and complete ers and Stands, Wardrobes and Mayor Hall said that while the work hL'lWHfi Is in good condition, anil the was desirable It was a peculiar position- Veribrite Furniture Polish Dining Room outfit, Wed* is very complete. We offer same may be said of most of the other in Early English unless the property owners Were ready" streets that Wp saw. Flanders street, It makes the old furniture new— to bear the expense of the work. best quality goods at lowest prices. The Family Cash Grocery laid In 1904. Is however. In bad condi­ Mission style. Don't Aid. Fullerton thought the city could per bottle,-50c and ...... 25 be laid this year. ing was guaranteed .for eight years, the It was suggested then Tp call for ten- “In Seattle the city engineer gave us city paid 2H cents per yard per an­ Light Express ders for both crushed rock and the un­ a fund of Information, and placed his num to keep the street in repair. crushed rock. This was agreed to, the chief assistant. Mr. Mr Morris, with an .Aid. Fullerton wanted to know tbo tenders to be In by Friday afternoon. automobile, at onr disposal for the af­ price of brick. • Wagons The city engineer reported that the ternoon, nnd we drpve over a very Aid. Henderson said $29 a thousand. These are all made of the Cotton Waste cost of the sewers passed upon or ap­ large portion of the paved streets of Aid. Fullerton pointed out that when best r easoned materials and plied for this year amounts to $36.420. Seattle. The main business streets block pavfng was commenced here the In the latest styles, We have out of the total of $49.000 available there are paved with brickf nnd It whole question of orlek paving was had many special feature» from the last sewer loan. added to suit this country, Swart’s Packings gives excellent satisfaction. Some of gone Intd. The city engineer had found It was decided \o recommend the re­ thus making them the most It has been down for 16 years, and that wood was the cheaper. perfect and easiest riding quest that ten feet of the Old Men s the repairs have been very small. The Aid; Stewurt objectent to the 21,* Asbestos Goods Home property lying opposite the Wil­ vehicles possible. * teep hills are paved with sandstone cents paid by the city each ■ year for 1 lows hotel. he leased to the R. C. Elec­ and the residential parts are paved maintenance; 1, tric Company in order that there shall with asphalt. This Is all in good shape, Lubricating Oils | be room enough for the loop which will Aid. Turqer said It was found the | hut most of It Is new. Wood blocks cheaper way of Insuring it. j j be run from Fort street along Empress E. G. Prior & Co., Ltd. Lty. Aid. McKeown thought that ns far J ! “treet to the fair grounds and thence they do not use at all. Bitullthlc has Etc., Et c. not been tried there. as he could gather it walk safer to Corner Government and Johnson Streets Victoria by way of the street leading to the “Jn all the places we visited street go on with wnodf. main entrance of the grounds back to paving is done entirely by contract.— Aid. Henderson wa* of the opinion Fort. The land In question is needed “From what we saw of bltulithic we 4h»t for residential street# bU«44th4<' to permit of the line having sufficient FOR STEAMER. MILL, MINE consider It an excellent pavement for to get from the grounds onto made a good paving. Would he laid along Wharf street, and OR SMELTER Fort street. sireets where the traffic is not partic­ Referring to the < Ittrs visited tho would connect with the causeway. All ularly heavy, and where the founda­ two aldermen agreed that Portland'* the heavy traffic would pass that way THEOMESr iSSl THE MOST tion Is dry and solid, although in j brick was of poor quality. HeatUe? um- and it should he brick. More than *1,000.000 pounds of tobacco, the uorrer coHroroea cigars and cigare ties were consumed In Portland It Is used on some streets the other hand, had excellent bPlcdc Aid. Ross suggested that in six years Austria during the past year, and the where the traffic is pretty heavy. and used It for business streets, with the wooden paving would have to be government made over $50.006,000 from the “Re street llghtlng.—In Portland they asphalt In the reeidentUU sections. I« ken uv ^'POMMEL j monopoly. The habtt tn ctgarettr *mok- U*e the same lamps that w> are now Aid*. Henderson s«*d the streets of Aid. Henderson Took serious excep­ E. B. MARVIN & CO. I ln« Increased alarmingly in Austria- using here. They have 1.650 of them Seattle were a credit to thté-elly. I) Hungary during the year. tion to such a statement. It was not THE SHIP CHANDLERS 1206 WHARF ST. In■ II use.WI7V. they«IIVJ willWill go fori«l 150• Vi lllJUt*hours with«1111- Aid,API, ’fuI 14 mer,I il' I : rcT»I ' rilnglUllg toII» the {jtqpq~ .lulx, tii iUssii, Mu; ..«OtiilK», ua vint Isldl m Te* > sïtTon^ïïrTrT”wnrï1^rpïvfni •h"uM 1» now to that laid formerly. He object­ SLICKER apart, and 20 fret high, their cost Is done a* the property owners asked for. ed to brick on account of the noise. and $63.50 per annum per light, they use said that he favored complying with Aid. Humber pointed out that the j cheapest in the 50 per cent, steam and 60 per cent, the. request of residents. They were committee that had gone to Portland 1 end because it IT COSTS YOU NOTHING water power developed at Oregon City, laying for the paving and should hate reported that no block paving was i HEADQUARTERS for NURSERY STOCK 12 miles away. the right to 9ay what kHNd they should used In l*ortland or in Heattle. yet they | wears longest TOIV TRY■111 GINMill PUISI li-L-V stir™ : ~ : ~ r Tïf\ ored T)K>i k" pavThjr'hcrcr It?» moved j land, and visited the fire hall. They • < \< in favor of brick |>avlhg. The noise of ! have a splendid equipment of fire At the ‘Sitting last night the ques­ brick would waken residents up earlier CHERRIES Write for Sample Bos, Free if fighting appliances, fine horses, and a You Mention this Paper. tion of paving the streets about the In the morning. brigade, and an age limit, of 30. The Empress hotel came up. again. Aid, The motion to pave uMth brick was If you have "Kidney or Bladder fire chief thinks that automobiles for losl and It was decided to pave all the CHERRIES Trouble, Pain la the Back, Swollen Turner pointed out that although It fire purposes are not far enough be­ had been decided to do the work the streets surrounding the Empress hotel Hands and Feet, Bheumatiem, Sciatica yond the experimental stage to Justify with wood. or Lumbago, we want you te try Gin necessary steps should be now taken the western cities using them as yet. to prepare the by-law Pills at our expense. Just roentiointaat In Seattle the streets are now being fiHE DID, YET SHE DIDN'T. you eew our tree offer in this paper This gave a chance to discuss the The sorts which tnako Victoria and .lit with, . Incandescent, __. lamps- enclosed, ■ question of brick and wood again, and and ask for a sample ei Gin Pills. We — * «tobe. «lve on eevh po.t,„end. the [ V_Bu,art «t ume stoted thll “Ï suppose she f .im*» In for-lOtAPf -APr. \ anconvcr Ulaud famous as a cherry will send it to you free of charge. We post* MW feet apart on each .gifle of favored brtek pavement on the cause- . producing country. OTivCt, Relic Mag­ know that Gin PUL wiU help yeui the street. This has a very pretty ef­ “Yes. she cam-? In for it. but she went trouble—and cure you. way. out without it." nifique and English Morello. The real fect. but we' did not get any particu­ Aid. Turner could not agree with this, Being n sufferer from, my Kidneys and lars as to cost, etc.** ✓ money-makers for the commercial Government street was paved with Diuineas in the head, and could get Every man on the Job.thinks he knows fruitgrower. We have the genuine Aldermen's Views. Y°od. and he did not favor putting in more than the boee. nothing to Help me, I aaw in the paper* Some quf étions followed from aider- ( part brick and part wood. It made It stock and the very brat trees which good what good Gin Pilla were doing. I got men on various points. t»>,, patchy. One doesn't acquire a taste for rouale cultural methods can produce. Largest and best assorted stock in n sample box and they did me ao much In reply to inquiries, Aid. Turner Aid. Stew'art pointed nut that brick by listening to the piano next door. the country, both in fruit and ornamental trees. good 1 bought three boxes end am taking said they had seen workmen removing 10f,' CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $10 them. They have worked wonders on the bitullthlc pavement to make way MT me. I recommend them to any. similar for pipe laying. It would not break Catalogue and price list free for the asking; sufferer. GEO. A. BROWN, Hamilton. away In large pieces, but had to be Bit down right now and write ue for cut little by little with a kind of A Tonic Free from Alcohol the tree sample box so you can test Gin chisel. Talk with your doctor about Ayer’s non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Pills yourself. Mention this paper. Aid. Stewart said that 4n view of Ask him if he prescribes it for pale, delicate children. Ask him Ole PUL are aold by dealer* all ever the report he was strongly hn favor Canada or direct at 50c a box—« for if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and 1 of bricks. It would be cheaper, he — fc.50. Dept. VT National Drug 4 Cham- thought, thah any other. An advan­ when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids ibe for The Times w-al Co- Limited. Toronto. Ut tage which he saw to brick was that nature in building uo the general health. HEAD THE DAILY VICTORIA .DAILY TIMM. 8ATUBDA-.'. MARCH U, 1908

1 rounding property. That building whs stance* In connection with. Oriental otimed down, and no one regretted ,ta Immigration Into British Columbia 2. If ao, what was the date of re­ TIMES AD. CALENDAR disappearance. The present govern­ ceipt. what acknowledgment was ment decided to erect a new structure, made, and what action haa been something that would furnish accom­ taken ? Household Necessities at Special MARCH modation for the officials of the Immi­ 3. If no action has been taken,e Is It AN EXPLANATION. gration department; be useful Tor imftil- the Intention of the government to deal with the matter? To the Editor:—Will you' allow us a Prices To-day gration purposes In general, and bene­ These questions were answered In the ficial In Its effects upon the surround­ small space In which t6 explain to our STOVE BRUSHES. big size. Social. 25# 13 negative by my hon. friend the Sec­ patron* the rea*on why the "Coey GALVANIZED WASH TUBS. good. *lr»ng ing property. When ths appropriation retary of state. My hon. friend wae Corner Tea Rooms" are for the present CLOSET BRUSHES, with 18 inch handles handles, will not runt, very light, easy to* was .voted représentât Ives of the city not In the government last year, and lit with coal oil lamps. The Victoria Special ...... y...... 25# handle, three size*. Regular #1.25, $1.15, of Vancouver protested that the build­ he 'was not aware that a resolution of the kind referred to had been re­ Gas Company have cut off our gas be­ $1.110. Special t()-day. #l. 85c and . 75# Planning » «tore'* advertls- ing was going to be raised In the WIZARD KNIFE CLEANERS, made of felt, In* campuiicu I* Uiv bnmI Un* ceived by the government last year— cause we have refused to pay any out­ GALVANIZED WATEIÜ'AILK. three aizc*. wrong place. They contended Van­ ope of the handiest articles in the kitchen. portant work "the bœa" of I think in the month of April—request­ standing bills until we receive a full Special...... 15# Special. 50c, 35c and ...... 25# lhr alore Is railed upon to do. couver was the logical seat of the de­ ing this government to ask the Im­ and satisfactory statement of same. partment of immigration In British perial government for such a commis­ However, we assure our patrons that OLOBE METAL POLISH, no better restorer GALVANIZED WASH BOILERS, medium “If* a bad well Into whirl» Columbia. Mr. Barnard objects to the sion. I have to Inform the hon. gentle­ they shall feel as little Incqpvenlence made, three size tin*. Special to-day, 50c, size, will not ruât. -Special to-day. 91.50 one must pul water"'—-and a man now' that no action ha* been taken building. He wants to know why It as possible1 under the circumstances. 25c and ...... 10# poor advertising medium upon this petition, and that It is not RICHARDS A NEWTON. GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS, splendid whteh cost* more than it was built. Hie Is the first case on the Intention of the government to deal March 13th, 1909. RISING SUN STOVE POLISH, most lasting for keeping waéte out of sight, and having brings you. record of the representative of a con­ with it. The reason* for tht* courte shiner made. Special ...... *...... 5# stituency objecting to Improvement and are: First, because this Is a matter WATER. a lid. preventa odor, two size*. Special to­ the expenditure of public money in with which this parliament has power BLUE MOTTLED ENAMEL SAUCEPANS, day, #1.25 and...... *1.00 .....555 that ChWHttramry. -Mr: -Pugetey. tUft. t . bfoauM action has] To the Editor: It le curlyu» Is usk. deep, straight aides, with round-handle*, .Tre^y Boon tdketi uSHer mutWITjrSt TiceThetSSESSs GALVANIZED DUST PANS, very strrmg. Minister of Public Works, was- obliged sizes. Special. $1, 90c. 75c. 65c and. .50# this parliament which has resulted In supply for the city. To an onlooker Special to-day...... 15# JL'he Daily Times to defend the erection of the Immigra­ effectually controlling immigration the question seems simple enough. I FLUE BRUSHES, with long handle*. Special tion building against the protests of from China, by act of this parliament SHOE BRUSHES, made of lambs' wool, very • nAaa»îKwe**M«a wa**- claim te be an on looker, and I further to-day ...... 50# Pubihihêd daily .fifP&L,immigration claim that wguest ten was •oft and will produce a <|uick and tine poI- Published daily (excepting »unaay> ur ... __diplomat e action: third immlrratton . 4**), VEGETABLE IGBHE^aworied pat- - •aid: "It is an immigration building diplomatic action; third, immigration brought before the executive of the lo­ -•••tsbr -Special to-day a* u1. -. .35# THE TIMER PRINTING A PUBLISH­ from India, by representation* from tern*, jnat a few left. Special ...... 50# ING CO., LIMITED. of the ordinary character. The build­ cal government it adopted the recom­ EARLY BREAKFAST CEREAL COOKER, this government to the Indian office mendations which I have all along JOHN NELSON. ing Is two storeys, fireproof, built of and Indian authorities. CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS. To-day. ape- a new departure, made in grey and blue Managing Director. suggested. At the city's request the fiai, per cup and aaucer .10# brick with stone foundation, and the executive employed a water expert of enamel ware. Special,. #1,35 and,.. S1.25 Offices ...... 1124 Broad Street object is to provide facilities Jor medi­ The partial reaffirmation of the very good repute to report to them. «usinée* Office ...... Phone W* cal Inspection,. hospital______accommodation .right» of the city by thcorporatlon In Hto advice wgjL_try to get______aa " reform •<*tor,:r.v:v;~:. wflFTor 'ÜKNffHUfif n..- vi. vrmt worirt "Aet-wf-pn».- W-.tu. u . ,w-- __ .... •—2"' , - ■niirni,.) KofnPB ». *...... SUBSCRIPTION RATES. wHh‘ the handling of immigrants spurned before they proceed to law, vision, enabling the city to deal wttkjnnd n.g.itlat.. Krom the «apport 1 Dally—City delivery ...... TSc. per month There are a good many people coming at ‘ By mall (exclusive of city) .... water rights within a radius of got from the executive and from nearly Prices to Victoria. They come from the Ori­ ...... $S.m per annum twenty miles may be considered to every person 1 spoke to, I feel, at lib­ BOYS’ STRIPED FLANNELETTE SHIRTS, BOYS’ WHITE OUTING SHIRTS, collars at­ Semi-Weekly—By mall (exclusive of ent, they come from the cities along erty to state my cade again. with eollara attached, good, useful shirts city) ...... MOO per annum the United States coast, and they re­ some extent as a relief from an an­ Victorian» have now unanimously tached. made of white cotton 'materials, im­ Address changed as often as desired. for everyday wear, 50c, 35c and ... .25# quire care." omalous condition. Not that the city come to the conclusion that the water ported and Canadian make*. 75c and 50# SPECIAL AGENTS. Is yet completely "out of the woods." of Coldstream to quite lit for^clty pur­ BOYS’ GALATEA WORKING SHIRTS. ™1- BOYS’ WHITE COTTON MESH OUTING VICTORIA HARBOR. so to jipeak, or that the exercise of poses and the power either belongs to' lara attached, made in check pattern a, blue Special English representative, T. „K. the Coldstream company or to tho SHIRTS, with u colored stripe, collar at­ c’laugher. 31 Outer Temple. Strand. business prudence will not be neces­ government. If it belong* to the and white, stripes and dark shades. Spe­ tached ...... j...... 65# London. W. C. We report that Mr. G. H. sary by those to whom will be entrust­ government Mr. Tatlow Is wonderfully cially strong shirt*. 50c, ,40c and... .35# •pedal Eastern Canadian representative. Barnard, M. P.. was a trifle hasty In K. J. Guy, 61 Canada Life Building. ed final negotiations with the Esqui­ quiet. I know he Is fond of money, BOYS’ SHIRTS, superior quality union flan­ Toronto. communicating to the Victoria Harbor mau Water Works Company should so many Of bis client* keep asking for BOYS’ FLANNELETTE SHIRTS, for school nel shirt*, m various pattern*, collars at­ * SELLING AGENTS. Board the---Information that the Bum the city desire to acquire that prop­ M. If surely to admitted that the city made in striped patterns, without collar, tached. #1.00 and ...... 65# council's duty is to gfat the cheapest The DAILY TIMES to on sale at the fol­ of $125.060 had been placed In the Do­ erty, but because a bast* of negotia­ just a neckband...... {...... 50# lowing placet In Victoria: and best water they can get (in his BOYS’ STRIPED OUTING SHIRTS, cream minion estimates forfdredging the har­ tion is fixed which should in the end description 1 Include quantity). I Army A Navy Cigar Store, cor. Govern­ give Justice to both parties. The lead­ BOYS’ GOOD BLACK SATEEN SHIRTS. ground with colored «tripes. Specially suit­ ment and Bastion. bor, Mr. Barnard Jumped to a con­ don't know that* a single member of with eollara attached. 65c and ...... 50# Bough's Cigar Store. Douglas St. ers of the government and opposition the city council has made any Inquiry able for school wear. 65c and ...... 50# Emery's Cigar Stand. SOS Government St. clusion and, of course Inadvertently, and their supporter», including Mr. as to price and value. The mayor has ------^ i— —■ —*—i^—»—w-tf-yg-u—ju-uytn j—i i~LJ—! Knight s Stationery Store. S6i Yates St. conveyed the Impression that he had Thomson, am to be- congratulated done a graceful thing toward* Mr Ol­ L vietdm b»o* a siammery co.. tm tfovt. iver and apologised and made friends T. N. Hlbben A Co., 1127 Government St. been Instrumental in procuring the their work, keeping always In mind, said appropriation. He confounded the with him. He has left the city barris­ A Edwards. 636 Yates St. however, that the success of tha fight ter. who seem» wedded to the Hooke Hub Cigar Store. Gov't and Trounce Alley. name of Victoria, B. C.. with that of of the last few days was the result of Men’s Shirts at H. W. Walker, grocer, Esquimau Road. water. In the cold. Well, la It wise ; Special Prices W. Wilby, 1319 Douglas St. Victoria Harbor upon Georgian Bay. a the foresight and faithfulness of the for the city council to hold up their MEN’S LIGHT WORKING SHIRTS, fresh water port upon the Great Lake* hands as Dominie Samson of Scot's MEN’S SHIRTS, imported union flannel Mrs. Crook. Victoria West Poet Office, Hon. Robert Beavcn, supported by Dr. cotton ground, with Mack stripes and p»t- shirts, with collars attached, made in grey T. Redding. Cralgflewer Rd . Victoria W. of Canada. The mistake, we admit, Milne and others who represented the novel did, and about "prodIglou»?" J. T. McDonald. Oak Bay Junction. The mayor may • not felr adequate trms, collars reversible to turn inside, also was not unnatural, as Mr. Barnard city in the legislature 1n 1192 The lit stripes, specially full cut for large meii Dodd's Grocery. Beaumont P. O. to the task of enquiry—It requires an can hardly be expected to be thorough­ blue, black and fawn stripes...... 75# ...... V...... *1.00 Old Post Office Cigar Store. 1124 Gov’t St. tie community of that day was grow­ expert and for the sake of creating H. Sehroeder. M«mites and Michigan Sta ly familiar with the geography and ing but slowly, and the argument confidence a man of known position MEN’S SHIRTS, blue and white and black » MEN’S LIGHT WORKING OR OUTING Windsor News Stand. SOI Government St. nomenclature of his native land. But Mrs. Beaumont, cor. Bay and Gov't Sts. seemed reasonable that the day was in our midst—perhaps two such men and white striped Galatea working shirts, SHIRTS, fancy cream eotum ground, with F W. Fawcett. King's Road and Douglas. It Is satisfactory to note that neces­ far distant when anything more than would be better. collars attached, very strong material. 75c blue, pirik and green, satin stripes, collar Mrs. Marshall. Gorge Hotel, at the Gorge. sary dredging In Victoria harbor la not Elk Lake would be required for the Some of the aldermen may object to Nell M Donald. F.ast End Grocery, cor. and...... ; ...... i. 50# revcraible r;...... 91.00 to be neglected. Notwithstanding the necessities of the city. That argument pay for good-Will. Some sixty Foul and Oak Bay Ave. years ago I had to negotiate for the MEN’S GOOD BLACK SATEEN SHIRTS W. Gardiner, cor. Pandora and Cook. Imperative necessity for economy in did not. however. Influence Mr. Heaven, MEN’S SHIRTS, imported stripe flannelette good-will of a medical man's practice. for hard work, collars attached, all sizes. W. J. Chtve, Stanley Ave. and Cad bore public expenditures for a time, there who was then mayor of the city, and The best selling jffirt of It was the Ip- shirts, with collars attached, a strong cloth Bay Road. Is an ample sum In the estimates for his supporters, who fought the fine old #1, 75c and...... 65# F. Le Roy. Palaoe Cigar Store. Gov't St. come derived from a large colliery— and specially large .cut. well _made, L>o and. ! R. W. Butler's News Stand. C.P.R. Dock. carrying on the work of Improving the family compact of that time until the there wa* something fixed. All the MEN’S HEAVY BLUE MOLESKIN SHIRTS Standard Stationery Co.. 1122 Gov't St. harbor When the House was In Com­ prior rights of the people were ungues- ordinary practice might go elsewhere." with collars, attached, specially durable, The mayor and Mr. Thomson, M. P.. Home Grocery, car. Menslee and Niagara. mittee of Supply on March 6th Hon. tiongbly stated In the bill. The TIMES Is also on eels at the follow- are at present the chief opponents, soft inside. 75c and ...... 65# MEN'S SHIRTS, imported Oxford cotton mg ptocei: WW. Pugffiey, the Minister of PbWtc While the Times has decided to make ■hall I call them of negotiation*. MEN’S SHIRTS, extra heavy, blue, grey and shirts, very strong and easily washed,-paU Str. Charmer. works. «Id: Their own apectaf business without Ftr. Princess Royal. a great reduction In Its subscription striped flannel shirts with collars attached tern woven through material, clean look­ "Just a word with regard to the them at the head might he wortfi lit Str. Princess Victoria^ tie, but the water flow* on forever and and pocket ...... *1.50 ing stripes. 75c and ...... 65# Str. Princess Chartotte. complaint which my hon. friend from .rates at the beginning of the coming the Income from Esquimau residence* R. S. Whatcom. Victoria has set up on behalf of that month, readers of the paper must not F.. A N. Trains. and from the navy. All of these are V. A S. Traîna. city. If my hon. friend had looked Into assume that the standard of excel­ more likely to Increase than decrease, C. P. R Trslna what we are doing for British Colum­ lence which has been maintained in even although Mr. Lubbe ceased to Iasdysinlth—G. A. Knight. bia, 1 do not think that he would feel superintend. Seattle—Acme News' Co. the past will be reduced. We shall It appear* to m« the duty of the that he had ground for making that Nanaimo—Nanaimo Book A Music Co. continue to publish the best news­ mayor and the aldermen I* simple and DAVID SPENCER, LTD. Vancouver—Norman Capte A Co.. «7 complaint. I recognise as strongly as imperative, vie.: to gel the cheapest Granville Street. he can the importance of the ports of paper issued in any city of the world Hotel Vancouver. and best water without considering New Westminster—J. J. McKay. Vancouver and Victoria and their of the population of Victoria. We con­ who are the sellera. I do not think Whit#-,Horse. Y. T.—Bennett News Co. claims upon the public treasury. At fidently anticipate that increased busi­ the provincial government would allow us to use Sooke for power out at Hooke Prince Rupert—A. Little. the last session of parliament, at the ness will more than compensate for Portland. Ore.—Oregon News Co., 147 any loss of revenue conséquent upon a lake and then for ordinary city water Sixth Street. instance of the Hon. Mr. Tempieman, purpose* here. When the Gold stream Bowman News Co. who waa then as now the representa­ reduction of prices to individual sub­ company got possession we did not Ran Jose—F. I* Crego. tive of that province In the govern­ scribers. Victoria has been growing know the value of water with a good ment. provision wa* made for Improv­ In population rapidly within the past fell. Elk lake. Shawnlgan lake and Sooke lake are not in It. Let some one Thorpe’s “Puralis” Lithia Water ing the harbor. Considerable dredging couple of ye^ra. The surrounding UNIQUE REPRESENTATIVES the company and screw them down country is settling up with corres­ work was done' and at this, very mo- on price »» much aa they can. ponding- rapidity. It, la the extent of tw some respect* w» ara a peculiar nssnt we have actively at worg in the To propose to take over the com­ harbor of Victoria the dredge Mudlark a constituency that determines tho pany's customer* without compensa­ people in Victoria, and we sometimes and the very powerful dredge recently price at which a newspaper can be tion 1* monstrous. The man who con­ Victoria Vancouver Nelson ►end peculiar people to represent us In constructed by the government, and a supplied to Its subscribers. And it is ceived and made the Lubbe lakes and the parliaments of the province and the number of subscribers that deter­ who has possession of them has a good considerable part. If not all, of the many points In law In hla favor. ofi the Dominion. This city Is repre­ appropriation which was made last mines the value of a newspaper as an 1 wrote the above last night. This advertising medium. We are satisfied sented In the provincial legislature, the session, will be expended before the morning'* paper say* something has sistency and ferocity that made the been done to arrange matters. I don't third session of which closed last close of the present fiscal year in do­ that the time has come for Victorians fascinated onlookers shudder. Now and I to get their news as cheaply as their much understand the points. I don't night, by four gentlemen, one of whom ing the very work 'which my hon am to refcet very seriously against again the wildly-lashing tall would | friend thinks ought to be done In tha neighbors in surrounding cities. Our catch ope of the assailants, driving It j Trout Fishing Is the Premier of the province. The the mayor and aldermen, i'bnow very harbor of Victoria...... If my hon. facilities for gathering the news of lew men in Victoria whom I would beneath the waves—no doubt killed or j Times has given very full reports of Open• on tho 25th friend will turn to the Item for dredg the day and mechanical appliances for think fit to undertake the needful ne­ disabled-but the remainder rushed In the proceedings of that estimable body, j Ing. he will find that we have put in getting the news rapidly Into form are gotiations with the Ooldatream com­ undismayed, tearing viciously at the , and If In those reports the people of pany. I am still of opinion that the $128,000 for dredging In British (’’olum- second to none, Some time during the Victoria can find Justification for the beat settlement will come through ne­ mammal's bleeding flanks or butting | A full line of beat ENGLISH W. With the new dredge brought present year we expect to be estab­ simple faith they placed In the pledged gotiation, end the wisest thing perhaps her with the force of battering-rams, j from Germany, we shall have four at lished in quarters which will gtvc the TACKLE just arrived. When of their present representatives when !*• to buy the waste water if w*> . ..ut I Presently the spellbound spectators j work In that province, the 'Fruhling,' necessary scope for the most economic persuade our mayor and our water realised two tacts—firstly, Jhat the calf 1 you think’ of Tackle thought*, they elected them. It Is their duty, we the 'King Edward.* the 'Ajax' and the conduct of all departments of the commissioner that water will be quite had disappeared In the melee, ana wee- j suppose, to continue to support Messrs. think of ‘Mudlark.’ These are all very Im­ Times. We have no doubt that ulti­ good enough though It has been meas­ ondly. that the tortured whale was un- ; McBride. Davey,' Thomson and Behn- mate results will fully Justify the ured. These two gentlemen have pe­ doubledly becoming weaker. K was j portant harbors. My ft on. friend must culiar views on this point. obvious that the unequal struggle could j *cn. There is every likelihood that the radical departure from local news­ not forget that the purchasing of these F. ANGUS. have only one ending. Still, however, j J. R. Colllster opportunity of renewing confidence will paper precedent announced In yester­ • be afforded some time during the pre­ dredges by the government involves a she fought on doggedly, winning ad­ Gunsmith, etc. very large expense. Of course, the day’s'Issue. —.—- TERRIFIC SEA FIGHT. miration and sympathy by her exhibi­ sent year. The evident intention of the • • • tion of hopeless courage. Altering operating expenses day by day will be 1321 GOVERNMENT STREET government la to aak for a dissolution Mr. Bowser saye he has no Interftton How School of Thresher Shark* Van­ her tactics, by a supreme effort she and to appeal to the people. The gov­ very much less than the montrait of resigning from the government. Two quished a Whale. hurled her whole great bulk clear of ernment has set it» house In order by dredging In the eastern waters of Conservative members say the laat the water for a moment, and the fas­ Hharks passing large appropriations. We shall Canada. You must not forget that we caucus of the party decided that the An hour er so later—about 9 o'clock, cinated onlookers beheld the have brought from Germany—and 1 am to be exact—the men were startled by hanging from various parts of her Aatra a general election in 1969, there, AWiifyOentriJi must «also, iwu glad to know that she has “arrTveï •* - extraordinary noise, •■ppeeently {jtWHHtltf ‘ Oodflij' fore, unless something occurs to upset will prove whether the caucus or Mr. coming irom the eastern end of the ' Then down she went again, with a safely in British Columbia after a voy­ the plans of the executive. Bowser haa the greater Influence over island, a noise unlike anything they crash like thunder, and for an Instant Our new representative at Ottawa, age of 15,000 miles—a dredge which will the Premier. In any case, It la evi­ had ever heard before. Dropping their whale and sharks were buried amidst be the best In Canada, with a capacity masses of foam, heavily colored with while more active than his brethren dent that there t* an Insurrection brew­ tools and staring towards the east, of 1.000 cubic yards per hour." they beheld such a sight a* It fall* to the poor mammal's life-blood. Rising | tinüiaiocal ing within the party. Alee there ar the lot ef-few peopte to wttnesw. ft SIGHT *h c ' ftkftiyeti an otTi ervblfigt *f~'" sphere, permits his activities to assume It dication* outside of the caucus, sue *1 not five hundred yards from the shore, plan, making for the rocks and des­ a somewhat peculiar form. We have 8IR WILFRID LAURIER MAKES AN as the dissolution of Conservative As­ wae being waged a battle to the death perately striving to rub off the cling­ no sympathy with members of parlia­ EXPLANATION. sociations In Nanaimo and elsewhere, —a fight between the great cow whale ing sharks against their edges. But ment who aak tot appropriations for of an Impending smash. previously seen and a school of thresh­ the thresher* were equal^ to the occa­ er sharks. The calf was swimming sion; while those on the odtslde main­ their constituencies simply In order In the Dominion House of Commons OUR FLAG IS'THERE. about distractedly, btit the old bull had tained their grip, the other* dived un­ that their constituents may share In on March 4th the Prime Minister^ Ht. dlHappeared. having baaetv deserted der their enemy and charged her anew, and profit by expenditures. Sometimes Hon. Sir Nyilfrltl Laurier, made a state­ (Galt Dally Reporter.) his family at the first approach of dan- tearing at the whale* side In an governments are charged with being ment which Is Of intercut ir. vi.-w The American settler who goes to I«r...... ~ 7” e:*ta*y of ferocity that was blood­ too lenient towards that sort of thing. our Northwest doesn't follow hi* flag. The sharks, as though acting in ac­ curdling to witness. of some transparent by-play recently More and more feeble grew the We do not know what general Justifi­ tn the loeel lerteletere between mem-’ H* doesn't grieve. The new emblem lie cordance with wottm pnwim^rtM plan, had completely' surrounded the two WHIST* struggle, and at toet—tn - the cation there may be for such allega­ look» up to is * world-wide protector Walter S. Fraser & Co. bers of the government and the leader whales, and. apparently realising that heartfelt relief of the spectators, f«tr tions. We do know that there have of inestimable value to' a etttaen LIMITED. of the Socialists. Rising in his place either and old or new country. nothing was to be feared from the calf, her death light had been terrible to been no federal expenditures In the the Premier said:/ concentrated all their efforts upoq the behold—the gVeat body turned over constituency of Victoria which could AN EDITOR'S LUCK. vow. Again and agaip they charged and sank beneath the red-tinted water. Mr. Speaker, on the 18th ef February In upon her, their jaws snapping, tear­ -From /'Whale vs. Sharks" in the 1129,Wharf St„ VICTORIA, B.C not be fully justified by the clrcum- the hon. member for New Westminster ftances of the case. Yeara ago there (Aylmer Express.) ing at her mighty side* until the sea Wide World Magasine (Mr. X. D. Taylor) asked the following was red with blood. Meanwhile the was In existence an Immigsatton build­ questions : It has been said by tine In authority who should-know that there are 3,000 cow lashed her tail furiously, hurling —The funeral of the laic John Colston/ , ing erected by a former Dominion gov­ 1. Has the government received front persons of unsound mind running et up sheets of reddened water and oc­ will take place to-morrow nftrrnoon at j the government of British Columbia a 2 o'clock from the B. (\ Funerlil Fur- • j ernment In the neighborhood- of the large In this province. We must know casionally crashing down atfth terrific outer wharf. A most unsightly struc­ resolution adopted by the legislature of them all. force upon one of her voracious oppon- nlshlng Company's parlor*. Rev. Dr. that province, praying that application ture it was—dilapidated and a dis­ ehte. Campbell will officiate. Members of the be made to the Imperial government Maddened with pain and rage, whe Imperial Service Club, of which the* Subscribe for The Times grace to Its owners, the people or Can­ It makes a ifisn tore when his.wife asks for the appointment of a Royal Com- hiinggo explain something to her that be fashed this way and that, but z the deceased waa a member, Will «.Rend U ada! and Injurious te the value» el sur- ■UAtion to inquire kata the ciruuro- wI't know- anything*— about.- - ■narks hung to her aide with a per­ the funeral in a body. sieM

*v - - • f-. is • VICTORIA DAILY TIMM. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909.

HAVE YOU CONSIDERED PRAISE GIVEN FIFTH THAT THE FINEST TEA “Eggs Is NOTE WELL / AND CADETS BY D. 0. C. It 1. certainly to your advantage to know the beat place in the city to htty THE WORLD PRODUCES Harris & Smith high-grade Wlnee an* Liqueee, My Honor Department la replete with .ail Carry the very beet the well known tinea, a few of which I mention below: ~ Regimental Orders Issued With Eggs” and most CRE8TA BLANCA GRAPE WINE, per bottle ...... He * MAH A My PIN CHERRIES, per bottle, »c and ...... «6c Lists of Promotions and Houwwh'rti are often heard re­ HKERINO CHERRY BRANDY, per bottle ...... (* gretting that they hâve to -pay Up-to-Date Wheels APRICOT BRANDY, per bottle ...... -...... »> » Other Information. a high price at some season» for PEACH BRANDY, per bottle ...... new-la id egg». Thrifty one» take in British Columbia advantage of the time when egg» The following orders have been Is­ are plentiful to put them up Both in English, Canadian and Carne s Up-to-date Grocery with the famtos American makes, including the Cor. Fort and Govt. Sts. Phone 686. Next to 0. P. R. Office. sued by Lieut.-Col. Hall, commanding Centnar, Ramcycle, Blue Flyer, the Fifth Regiment: WATER GLASS Iver Johnson, World and Cornell. The following extract from O. O., "SALMA" Sold only In seeled lead packets. EGO PRESERVER We handle a full and complete January 10th, 1909, Is published for gen­ 16c Tin, 2 for 26c UP-TO-DATE TOGGERY eral information:. At all grocers. , assortment of the latest and best 7_“Britlfch Columbia Regiment—General If this splendid Idea has es­ FISHING TACKLE AND order 158, October, 1904, under the caped your notice, call here and SPRING SUITS above heading Is amended to read: allow us to tell you about IL SPORTING GOODS LdM to fret that Real Flowers ‘Capt. W. H, Langley Is transferred to Kaic succeeded in prese-ntjug to you iw eeri^mmê, October RETTMI™ I’hone At 83 1220 BROAD ST. the most complete assortment of this The. following D. O., 184, March 8rd, season's Hand Tailored Butts. In this 1909, is published for general informa­ stock we can satisfy the taste urtd Metalized tion: CYRUSILBOm ‘Tarnation.. fWrW'-rea* 11 Gaxrtfcw*,, Parade -The,... r trlct officer commanding desires to ex­ CHEMIST for men of more quiet taste. Our Wheal, etc. No two alike. store Is full of good things for you all. press to all ranks his satisfaction and We have Just received a specie’ shipment of 1909 models of the pap­ GOVERNMENT STREET Local News CHARMING IIAT"PINS AND appreciation at the excellent showing ular Coventry One, Two and Three speed machines. They are splen­ SEE OUR LEADERS AT made by the different units at the Near Yates Street CHARMS FOR cons did models of the Manufacturers' art In the cycle line, and are now $18, $20 and $22 garrison church parade on Sunday last. open for Inspection at our new store. A MOST COMPLETE USE Or PRICES The smart soldierly appearance and If you are thinking of purchasing a new wheel this year. It will be —L. M’s sharpened and adjusted. MtVMUli. steadiness on parade of the Fifth Regi­ to your advantage to call and see us. A great' variety now In stock, Ffgn of fhé W KeV 441 Fort Ft...... —$1.00 TO $8.00 ment. AL JU and wim tfl iH «ft Tm^tj and, uthers coming. corps, was particularly notteeaMe, and Few things prettier to take home All kinds of repairing promptly attended to by expert workmen > ---- Heavy /bark wood; cut 12 Inches hr FINCH & FINCH reflect credit on all concerned.” as souvenirs of -Victoria. The following time expired man hav­ REMEMBER OUR NEW ADDRESS A LOVELY HOME grate and heater. Cameron Lumber THE EXCLUSIVE .STYLE STORE. Company. Ltd. Phone lift. • ing been "granted ht» discharge Is 1107 GOVERNMENT STREET struck off the strength of the regiment: oole Agents for Perrin's Kid Gloves. Nôtê bur display In jrindow No. 280. Gunr, C. Fatrall. FOR $2,000 —Cyphers’ incubators and Brooders. Bole Agents for Royal Irish Poplin Ties. with rosebud sn«l leaves under The following men having. failed to CENTRAL CYCLE DEPOT Watson A Mvtircgor. 647 Johnson. process of metallxlng. satisfy the officer commanding in the BELTON AVENUE, near Gorge performance of their regimental duties PLIMLEY’8 car line; good 1 Vfc storey. 6-room —Do not forget that you ran gat an GET YOUR NAME ON will not be Issued uniform nor permit­ 1110 GOVERNMENT 8T. OPPOSITE SPENCER S. exprès* or truck at any hour you may dwelling. w|th bath, pantry, elec­ ted to parade with their respective wish. Always keep your check» until companies until further orders : No. 275. “If you get it at Plimley’s, it’s all tight. tric light, good sewer, etc. New­ THE VOTERS’ LIST W. H. Wilkerson you have seen os. as we will save you THE JEWELER Gunr. A. Bayley; No. 282, Gunr. H. E. ly papered and painted. the 10c. on each trunk you have to pay 06t T«»r111«-s . No. 228. Gunr. D. M. A to baggage agents on trains and boats. 915 GOVERNMENT 8T. j Muyall: No. $55. Gunr. "rard! ha» 'lm^ted"in i out n( th* *>*t*>m- Thl* *» * *re*t • • • Jesse Langfield, violinist; G. H. Red­ Y.M.OA. MEN’S MEETING dra and Vancouver streets, to rehearse to-date padded van capable of holding med'cal lruth- which every rheumatic Mrs. Parry expects to leave for Aus­ man, tenor; H. Shandley. basso; A. the orchestra parts for their seven­ the furniture of an ordinary houae at I should realise. Liniments and tralia In about a couple of weeks going Wheeler, basso and raconteur; Robt. SUNDAY, 4 O’CLOCK teenth annual concert. There will be one load, and with perfect rafety from i ““‘ward applications can't cure the to Japan first. Miss Marlon and Miss Morrison, baritone, and J. G. Brown. Mr. P. B. Pomfert will aing Something some forty Instruments to take part, scratching and chaffing. It Is an Ideal *r,>uble—they can't reach the blood, Muriel Dunsmulr will accompany her Mrs. Lewis Hall will act as accom­ “Calvary.” including four pianos, a oeautiful van for the moving of pianos and < The "““crer '* only wasting valuable to Japan, where they will stay for • paniment. Gothic grand harp, and the much ad­ organs. Full particulars will he furnish- tllnw *ood money In experimenting month or so. New ! mired Russian Instrument, "Cymbolem.” ed on application to Hurt's wood yard *lth thl, son of treatrnent and all the • • • —At the evening service to-morrow CADBUBY’S Ladies and gentlemen alio are pro­ 51 Pandora "street. i 1 “time— **"the *trouble Is *becoming------1— “more— A smart dinner followed by a bridge at the Metropolitan Methodist church ficient are Invited. No fees. The pro­ firmly rooted—harder to cure. There party was given at the Empress)Test Mrs, Coulthard, of Vancouver, will sing CHOCOLATE FLAKES ceeds will be devoted to some, public —An Irish social will be given r-n Is Just one sure way to cure rheuma­ "Fear Ye Israel.” from Mendelssohn's charity. • evening by Capt? and Mrs. Pa fry The THE ONLY PLACE Monday evening b>- the St. Andrew’s tism- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills They following were present : Mr. and Mrs "Elijah." Just the Thing for Your Card act directly on the impure, weak blood. IN VICTORIA Party Young People's Society in the lecture F. Barnard, Cot and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. —Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, the misslon- room of the church. An excellent pro­ They purify and strengthen It. and so Kirk. Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Justice and WHERE v Chocolates from noted ary physician of J*abrador. has sent a gramme of music and games has been root out the cause of rheumatism. Mrs Martin. Mr. ami Mm. King, Col. English an.l Canadian Arms are message to. She Canadian. Club regret- prepared The musical programma fol­ Mrs. -8. Bailey. Newcastle Creek, N. and Mrs. Prior and Maurice HUles. unequalled for quality and flavor, a ting that owing to previous engage­ lows : Violin and piano. Miss Roberts R.. say* : “In the summer of lîm« L COLUMBIA variety of fillings that will be sum ments he i* unable to accept the invita­ and Miss Poison: shrg. ’’Klllarney.” Iweame lame In my ankles, but think­ Mrs. Arthur Robertson, Pemberton to meet your approval. tion to visit Victoria. Our audience; piano solo. Miss McGllllvray; ing I would soon get over the attack road, was the hostess of» the Friday vocal solo. Miss Corson: reading. Mrs. I did not seek medical aid, but used bridge club, this week. Her rooms RECORDS —At the regular meeting of t©e Na­ «Gleason: vocal solo. Miss Robbins; liniments to allay the pain And swell­ were prettily decorated with daffodils tural History Society on Monday even­ Spring ARE SOLD ing. Instead of getting better the and ferns. Mrs.' Fred Jones won the CLAYS ing ’’Naval Architecture” will be the Miss M. « "uTLUthen*; song, audience. trou bit; Increased and I then consulted first prize, a pair Of hSliÜiüMhe bTass AND DOUBLE DISKS, 10 !b....6S<- Phone 101. 619 PORT BT. subject of a paper to briairtt by J. K. a doctor who pronounced It articular baskets; Mrs. Tye, the second, a richly DOUBLE DISKS. 12 tn....$l.S6 Rebbeck, of this city. Mr. Rebbeck is —The case, of Julius H. Franck was rheumatism, and treated me for thl* carved stool. Indestructible Cylinder ...,40c an fnglneef and architect .«f. note, ^nd nmuntôTfëê -t'rwtble. •• -Instead nf- getttwy bettfr^Ttwr ...... r""" ’lfil-5»M!r "1 "—*.... the paper, which will be Illustrated, OUmiTK NEW MARCH RECORDS court until Monday, when It Is under­ l>aln and the swelling became worse The many friend* of Miss Dorothy should prove an. attractive one. The stood It will be withdrawn provided the until I was hardly able to hobble about Beanlands, who has been teaching at NOW IN meeting will be held in the Carnegie consent of the attorney-general I» ob- the house. On rising In the morning North Bay, and suffered very serious library. I was unable to bear my weight, except» Suitings Houses Built tsined to this course. F. Peters. K. Ç., Injuries recently through the explosion “PAJ?.c.y_ ihHiwcii, k c. amtared.ln .with extreme i>aln. Having tried so of a lamp In her room, will be glad to ----- •' , ■ ON THE — ....—: — Til»' raguiar ~5t—ConrC court this morning. Mr Peters rep­ much medicine without benefit I be­ know that she Is improving. Her con­ ARE Fletcher Bros. Northern Light. A. O. F„ wan made the resenting Franck, said his client would gan to think I was doomed to be a dition, however. Is still serious» Her occasion of a special gathering of mem­ SOLE DISTRIBUTORS INSTALMENT PLAN h*ve/ be able to come to qourt owing to cripple. One day a cousin advised me father; Canon Beanlands. Is now with THE FINEST ber* of the city courts to present to ISS I GOVERNMENT STREET Illness, and that the prosecution had to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. 4She her, having left here on Monday even­ P. C, R. Bro. Bolden a testimonial and EVER SHOWN IN agreed to have the case withdrawn. said, T take them evpry spring as a ing. â handsome roller top writing desk as Mr. Rod w-ell. representing Simon tonic for my blood, and they make a see THE CITY D. H. Bale a mark of appreciation of his past ser­ LHser * Company, agreed, and Magis­ now* person of me.’ After some per­ vices to the order, and for tils able The ball àtven at Esqutroalt on Wed­ Contractor & Builder trate Joy remanded the case till Mon­ suasion I decided to try them. I had nesday night by Captain and Mrs. management of the recent benefit con­ day so that the lawyers could secure taken three or four boxes before I no­ Parry was the most Important event cert. Proposition* for membership were the consent of the attornoy-geherai to ticed any change, and then it seemed COR. FORT AND STADACONA received and Initiations held. At the of the kind given this winter with the HANDSOME the withdrawal. my ankles were less painful. By the exception of the Government House Peden’s • AYE...... nexv meeting 44 i» Papeete# that a time ! had used a Tew more boxes there ban. ti *âs "K«d‘ it ffie dry deck, ahd class of 21 candidate» will tie Initiated. vas a wonderful Improvement In my TABLE The officers of the court intend to pay the whole room was lined with flags Phtme 1140. condition. Not only did my ankles get and bunting arranged by the blue­ Tailoring Parlors a fraternal visit to Court Douglas. CITY LIVERY well, but I felt like a different woman jackets of Captain Parry's ship, the TOPS - Cedar Hill, at their next meeting on and had net been as well in years. In 611 FORT ST. the, 23rd. Egeria. The music was supplied by For New Tea Room Board and Sale Stables speaking of this to a doctor afterward Harper’s orchestra of Vancouver. The he said that no doubt Dr. Williams' hostess always Idvely, wore white lace 1615 DOUGLAS ST. Pink Pills had ejirlched my blood, thus and blue velvet, and amongst the PRINCESS VICTORIA Victoria West Supply Stores driving out the1 painful disease.” t many guest** were Mrs. Bvdwell in Single. Tram, Saddle and Not only rheumatic sufferers but ‘all white satin. Mrs. Barclay (W**stholme> DENTISTRY Cor. Bsquimatt Road and Cather­ Boarding Horses. who have any trouble due to w'eak. rose pink silk, Mrs. H. Martin white, Dr. F. O. Moody I» pleased to 'an- | N00TKA MARBLE QUARRIES, ine Street watery blood or Impure blood can find Mrs. Slater was much admired In an LIMITED. Phone 1825 a cure through the fair use of Dl*. emerald green spangled Princess, Mrs. nounce to Me Mena» and patient* j GROCERIES. HARDWARE. OFFICE: Williams’ Pink pills. Sold by all medi­ Talbot, Mrs. Langley, yellow and gold, that he has quite recovered from his 683 YATES STREET DAIRY PRODUCE cine dealers or by mull at 50 rents a Mr*. Edwards, Mrs. Elliott, pale plhk recent Illness and is now giving his C. B. RICHARDS —- h°x six boxes for 32.50 from The Dr. Princea*. Mrs. Musgrave black satin, dental practice his personal attention PENNINGTON à WOODWARD Williams’ Medicine Co.. BrackidiS,' Madame Parigeah."pale 'pink spangled Office, Moody Bloc*, Corner Yales VKTtHLXAHY UVRULOX. uni. Vbmtmimm U>« Wee*»» net» blu» uUa. READ THE DAILY TIMES VICTOR1* oali.v TIMES. SATURDAY.

SAYS TOM LONGBOAT BROTHER FOR SALE—Large four-roomed cottage and full sizedI loton TOLD BROTHER MUST RUN SHRUBB Graham street, only...... * One Suffered lor Fifteen Years, the Oilier for Thirteen. Difficulties m Way of Indian’s The convincing powers of a testi­ monial were never more clearly shown Race With Ap­ than In the case of Mr. Hugh Brown. We have several tenants for flve-roomed cottages. A brother, Lemuel Brown, of Avon­ pleby. dale. N. B.. read In the paper about» U«T YOUR HOUSES WITH US FOR QUICK RESULTS Hon. John Costlgan being cured by ••Frutt-a-tives." Knowing the Sena­ The New York Mall, Indirectly to- tor would only endorse a medicine BRITISH AMERICAN TRUST CO., Ld which had cured him. Mr. Lemuel spired by P. T. Powers, says: Oar. Broad and View Streets, Vitoria. B. 0. Brown tried Fruit-a-Uvee.” They Tom Longboat must either "meet Alf. cured him of Chronic Indigestion and etirubb In a Mteen-mlle race or quit Constipation, so he urged his brother the running game. When the Indian to try them. repudiated hie agreement to give anyway, and when this was done It had Shrubb a return match at the English­ better be made a lesson. A minimum man’s favorite distance, and at the last of 1350 and a maximum of $600 was not HEAVIER FINES minute refused to toe the mark for the too much. . The commissioner of lands replied race, which was to have been run at PROTECT GAME that to the bill some of the Anes were Buffalo last week, he old ee on Urn trebled. However, he proposed later to grounds that In Canada a contract with make the fine for killing mountain an Indian Is not binding, and that If sheep and goats, moose, wapiti or car­ LAW IS MADE MUCH MORE ibou during the close season, or tor he did not feel like running hie man- .hooting aaaœakrdn, eacess otthe.mup- ' "STRINGENT MAIÎT ims ber allowed, not less than $100 nor more through the courts. Pit powers Im­ than $500 for each animal. mediately placed the matter- In the Mr. Oliver held out for a minimum hands of the authorities, who ruled of $360 and pointed out that If there that- a contract la Just as binding on Automatic Guns to Be Prohib­ were exceptional circumstance» the an Indian aa It would be on a white lieutenant - governor - In - council had Ib. JAs..PnmiBto)L.**Mlff1ln?.1? ( s»e.-..«».,«t. -jir. • .ie«61»i wod*.. .-km ited—No Deer-bunting. power u> renux_...... certain privilege ? os such, hut con­ In regard to the provision that it tract Jumping Is not one of them. With Dogs shall be unlawful to trap or attempt to When Shrubb agreed to meet Long­ trap any species of bear south of the boat at the Marathon distance he did main line of the C. P R.. Mr. Oliver so with the understanding that two LettsUqflve "Press Gallery, March-13. Talked the question of «armors wko Hartiand. ft. Sv. Oet, 28, 1807. mnr* race*; at fifteen • ww* tw.sly The House spent some time this ef- were bothered by bears killing hogs. •Three doctor* told me thffiJL had miles, would follow, and thla stipula­ ternbon In committee On the Mr Fulton did not eee very well how Liver Disease and serious Stomach tion was Inserted In the agreement amending the law, for the Protection an exception could be made In their Trouble. My stomach was very weak signed for Longboat by his managers. of same in the direction of making cane without leaving dangerous open- took their medicines for thirteen Shrubb, If he ceres to do so. and he Is them more stringent. years and grow worse. My brother so sore at the Indian that he surely A utomat Ic " Gùn». One of the features of the bill, after (who was cured of terrible Indigestion will hold him, can pin Longboat down to this agreement, and Thomas must H had got through committee, was the Mr. Oliver favored a prohibition of by ‘Fruit-a-tlves’ after suffering for heavy penalties which tt'm **"”*'” the use of rifles of all calibres In the 16 years), recommended me to try these live up to It. Infractions of the law. The comrol\ killing of feathered game, whether In wonderful tablets. I bought halt a Would Race Appleby. •loner of lands had greatly Ingres»*1 the hands of boys or men. doxen boxes and have just Anlehed tne Longboat Is now seeking e match at The Season’! Styles in top coats are best shown in the Semi-ready wardrobes. The these from what they are at present, G. R. Naden pointed out that It sixth. I eat all kinds of hearty foods the Marathon distance with Fred Ap but even then, aa John Oliver pointed would be a hardship on prospectors without distress and am greatly im­ plrbv, the Englishman. Appleby’s man prevailing fabrics m the Chesterfields are vicunas in blacks and dark oxford greys, out, they were not enough to deter and others to have to carry both rIAex proved In every way. •mdt-e-ttvee' Oger, R. B. Parker, has talked It over hunters, especially from aaroretl» and shotguns. , also cured the Chronic Constipation with Longboat, and everything has and in tweed, in neat fancy grey patterns, with a few brown and green mixture». line, from breaking the law by killing Mr. Oliver replied that this could be «hick was so distressing in my case.” been arranged but the time and place The Raincoats and Covert Coats are mostly in light fawn shades with finely some of the province’s big game out met by excepting miners and prospect­ (Signed) HUGH BROWN. for the contest. But before he can meet of Mason or taking piore than the mint- ors if they were not already excepteo $0c a box. « for $2.50; a trial box. 28c. Appleby. Longboat must match up blended stripes. The value, «art at $15, and one can buy the mote expensive Mr altered. Tha spirit of many_ enthu- under section 12 of the act. At dealers or from Fruii-a-tlyes. Llm With Shrubb. . __• ___ ■»ttn hunters Is expressed ïn ~ Dr. 'Half-wTÎSsd TVWer powHAr my oiAiwa - Shrubb *fias contracts for two rare* S«ni-rendr Oveicoet» in these «yîéa « $18,120 andupa*Wgfck*$»aw»$3k mark of an American who was lined penalise people for careleee handling with the Indian, one at Bfteen miles, for killing mountain sheep lri the Koot­ of guns, which resulted In lose of life the one which Longboat repudiated, enay last year, that he would wittingly every season. ______SPECIAL RULES TO and another at twenty miles. Shrubb have paid for the privilege of getting The use of the automatic gun In pur­ has also been—matched for another fcmi-rrabg tailoring the animals. , suit of game is mad# unlawful, under GOVERN DOG SHOW race with. Dorando. This will be a 20- Hereafter the killing of animals of penalty of not less than $60 nor more mlle affair, and will probably be held Ike scarcer breeds will be punishable than $200. It Is to cores Into force on In this City within six weekx. by a fine of from $250 to 1500 for each proclamation of the lleutenant-govern- animal. Mr. Oliver lnslating-that there or-in-counctl. Entries Close in All Classes at BATTLING NELSON’S was no use In helf measures while the Dr. Hall asked what the trouble was Six o’clock on March KETCHEL’S AMBITION COLD House was fixing the sum. . with the automatic gun. He thought KNOCK-OUT BLOW The use of automatic guns is also to birds were wounded and got away WATER be forbidden under severe penalties. with any other sort of gun as well ak 30th. TO BEAT JOHNSON CHURCH'S Another new feature of the act will the automatic. be the exacting of a license to Ash •The birds have no more chance Calls it a “Half Scissors Hook” from non-residents, just às a license to against an automatic gun than the at­ For the Victoria Kennel Club’s show, torney-general has when we get after Would Like to Emulate Exam- hunt le now required. * which commences April Ith; the offi­ —Lands Right Over Oriental Despoilers. him,” remarked the member for Na­ cials have now issued the special rules ole Set by Fitzsim­ The bill amends the Game Protection naimo, and Mr. Bowser joined to the Liver. Act and was taken up In committee of laugh which followed. that .will govern the exhibition. They Artistic and Healthful H. C Brewster wanted to know why mons the Whole. W. H. Hayward in the chair. follow: Jlo M. oh, |ms ever decorated a roe* with Alebeetiae the automatic gun should be picked out J. H. Hawthornthwalte drew atten­ “No dog will be received before Battling Nelson In his weekly letters ... Ok aaUl the whele hois. la ee flit.rtled. tion to the wanton destruction of game for prohibition as against the pump- a. m. or after 8 38 Tuesday. April 6th. gun, Which he thought was Just as de­ claims the origination of a brand new Chicago, IU-, MmroA tt,—If the cbmm- Althleli— Uote here Mere to»# thee wall pap*». $Ma«, ee of all sorts by Orientals, especially by Cat*, between 14 nod 12 noon Wednea Japanese laborers throughout the pro­ structive. blow to pugilism, lie calls It the “hmif- plonship does not cere» hack to TH* whUin«-.nd.«lue prepared0"». Th# Miaule Parker Williams associated himself day. April 7th. Judging of dogs vince. He thought that If this could sclsftors hook." In telling of hie use of Caucasian race before another y®ar roch crratele. ef-h'«h thle hrt'Male «•«•"» •• with this view of the matter. commences 10:30 a. m., April 6th. not be prevented under the ipw as it It, Nelson says: ha. gone by It will not be the tw»lt .ode. reflect the rere ef light I cclUr e°^ stands some amendment ought to he Other members were of opinion that ‘The bench show committee will use •T wish to say right here that the dis Of Stanley Ketehel. present middle­ cheerfullr—cadlectuellr mJm therrew eererel made now that _ the House had the In actual execution there was nothing due diligence for the care and safety covery of this blow Is largely responsi­ weight champion. Down deep to ^tan- chance. In common between the two arms and of all dogs exhibited. Watchmen will ble for my entering the ranks of the ley’s heart he cherishes an ambition to deg, re. brighter. Alebctilae doe. act rub of. The sections making it Illegal to ex­ were satisfied that the use of automatic be kept on duty day and night, but it champions. Hoon after I had discover­ emulate the illustrious example set tty pool. crock or decor. It I» the mom dur " port parts of game animals or birds, a# guns should be prohibited. must be distinctly understood by all ed this deadly blow I began to meet the Robert Fltxslmmons and annex the huelthful Bed eeoaoaUael w»U eererlag. well as the whole carcass, forbidding Mr. Fulton reminded the House that exhibitors that the management will aspirants for the championship title all-weight championship after winning Your d~Wr reBsSlh. puohuga the hunting of game Imported for pur­ not only were more birds shot with not be responsible for loss or damage and 1 keeled them over one after an the highest honors among the middle- poses of acclimatisation, and prohibit­ this weapon than a man had any use to any dog exhibited whether the re­ other. „ weights. He Is shooting a terribly B0c. Our bouh ”Hom*. Mrellhlul end ing the dealing In. or offering to buy for. but that many were wounded and sult of accident or other cause. The ha If-scissors punch Is nothing high mark, but Ketehel refuses to be­ Buuuliful."' Mulled free ea roqua»», tail» or sell, the heads of mountain sheep, crept away to die, thus being no bene- “No dog «rill be received unless sup­ more than a quick hook which lands lieve that he 1» shooting at the moon. At to anyone. hew to do ertletle werh. elk, moose or caribou, or the teeth of plied with a suitable collar and chain. on the top of an opponent's liver. The Ketehel does not actually say that he |*oca| elk or wapiti, were passed. The hunting of deer with doge is for­ Bench show chains are the safest. blow Is always unexpected, and It Is so would like a crack at Jack Johnaon. TL, Alabestine Co., Lhnttffd The bill proposed that game lawfully bidden and Mr. Oliver Inquired whether "Each exhibitor Is requested to state painful that It is almost paralysing in but he intimates It so strongly mine 40 Willow St.. Park. Oat. killed may be exposed for sale for Ave this applied to Indians. the price for which he will sell his dog It* effect. That was the blow that I talks about the pugilistic situation, f - days, and no longer, after the com­ Mr. Fulton replied In the affirmative. or mark It not for sale, when Ailing In dealt Joe Gan* at GoldAeld. when It that one is forced to believe he would m mencement of the close season, and “There seems to be an idea that In­ entry form. was claimed that I had fouled him. But not be averse to such a match. may be had in the possession of the dians are above the law,” the member -The superintendent will have entire we will take that up later. Ketehel «pent a short time ' In the owner for the private use of himself for Delta remarked. “They are con­ charge and control of the show. Any The left half-aclssors hook Is dealt city He arrived here In the morning and family for Afteen days after close tinually hunting deer with dogs, but persons disobeying his orders wfll be with the side of the left hand. In com- from Detroit and left for New York OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO season opens. The latter period was the provincial constables take no no­ ejected. I Ing out of a clinch Aght fans Will notice there to meet his manager. Wlllua provincial Intermediate basketball reduced to ten days upon the sugges­ tice of It. • Entries must be made on blanks that the left hand of a fighter Is with­ Britt Stanley did not have much time < hamptonuhip tournament, which will ’The Memory of Quality Lingers 0 ts of Mr. Q#ver. Z™~ My Futtoff promised that whea ad«$t furnished on application to the secre­ drawn a* a ran», from tmder the right to renew any acquaintance» here, hot take place at the Vancouver Y M. C. When Prices Are Forgotten.” o ttofial game warden» were appointed Penalties Should Be Severe. tary at his office, McConnell's real es­ arm of bis opponent. It Is just at this found opportunity to tell a few thing» A., the committee having decided to this would be attended to. tate office. Fort street, or P. O. box When the penalties clause was reach­ moment that the blow must be deltv about hie plan». give the second teams a chance to ed Mr. Oliver declared that some of Killing of BeaVer. ered. -The blackr-«*j}vtng P*°P'« », compete tor championship honors. The Perfection Blend Tea them were, altogether inadequate. John Torsion (Cariboo), asked if “Entries close Tuesday, March 80th, “Instead of hitting with the knuckles of worry these day», «rhe^theyr he j There were plenty of Americans who at 6 p. m. pi the Ast I take a swing of not more said, with an engaging aml^e. Well, winning team will receive a handsome farmers and settlers who were allowed jnow, and 60 Cents Per Pound. would take a chance, he said, and if to kill beaver to put a stop to damage “An entrance fee of $2 will be charged than six Inches and plunge the side of they are having their Inning», $25 cup and the competition wtit he ie length the commissioner wished to preserve to their lands would be permitted to seH for each Arst entry of a dog and $2 tjny hand with thumb and foreOnger on perhaps, when you consider open to any team in the province. Any the game of the province he must for each subsequent entry of the same top of my opponent’s liver. To test of time they have been *“ ig to get player who has not played In more the skins. (titled to DIRECT IMPORTING TEA & double or treble the Anes. The wardens Mr. Fulton replied that he did not dog. The entrance fee must In all^ this blow suppose one of you get a that title, that they are, than two senior matches this season only convicted one man out of a doxen. think it wise to Allow this. However, caeef accompany the entry and In­ friend to tap you about three Inches be­ rome little consideration. Yes. It I» Is eligible to compete In the tourna­ COFFEE GO. cludes care and feed of dogs during the low theD righti ik11! aaaarmpit and a little .v.for- the permission was to be given by true that they never had many good ment. game wardens, subject to condition», , exhibition.” J ward. To be explicit, the spot is on the big men that were worth considering, There is every Indication the entries 1 two lower ribs about two Inches above 632 Tates Street, and this would be considered when the but It must be admitted that thla fel­ BASEBALL. will make a record show this year. I the lower right hand pocket of your conditions were decided upon. low Jonhaon la worth while. My. but GAME ON GOOD FRIDAY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mr.*r ' YonTtorTTorsion Mintedpointed "out out that that it It1 The officials have received inquiries vest A slight Up on that spot will he’» a reel lighter, that » sure. - would be absurd to allow skias te go from all parts, and the number of doge send a pain shooting all the way to the “Fight him? Now Isn't that getting V. K. Oray, manager. F. Moore, F. ANNOUNCEMENT to waste I Imported *od brought from the main- eplne. ___ - • ' down to It In a hurry?" I ace that Mcillmoyl and 8. J. Banka have been The commissioner stated that prob- land will nerve to make the compati- 1 have «rack men with that punch Willus Is talking about my Agnting chosen the committee ot management NOTICE ahlv the rovemment would take the lions keen and the entry list heavy, and they would crumple up and fall In him and all that Well.! If I take on of the J. B. A. A. baseball team for EDMONTON ROAD, between îk'L and so guard L«aln»t waste:_ _ Major______Taylor,____ a_ _ Judge____ ^ t of International .sa heap.[ggpup, Thex UC pain I ream I.|gl Intense. iutvnes>. OftenOf ten the thP the weight necessary why shouldn t I thla year. Oray la showing a partl- WS HAVE TAKEN "JT™eTh. ‘othcrJeton.0Jct"lona -Ü#îf "hethe hillhi" nsssed passed repute,! repute, will w'lli make make the the awardsawards here, here. blowI blow le Is not not seen seen by by the the spectator», spectators, and and Fernwocd Road and Richmond meet him—' ttular amount of energy I" his official Road, is closed to vehicular traffic.—, OVER THE BUSINESS Without comment. Anyone who In not Many of the dogs which show at Vic- they have an Idea that the tighter who capacity aa J. B. A. A. secretary, and under ills direction the Bay» ball By order, Ba residentICpilIXItt of VIthe1V |r.u.l..OV,province, other -..-re-than tori» will go down the coast to other falls I. quitting or tayin,laying down." | WALKERS W|LL BE OUT membersmpmhf.n ofnf theth#» Imperialimnerlal or Canadian I exhibitions being held In April and | team .ISO» will be to the fore. As a 0. H. TOPP, forces, wishing to Ash In British Cot- May LACROSSE. AGAIN TO-MORROW darter the management committee has City Engineer. Of W. H. Adams, at umhla, must take out an angler’s li­ , CLUB MEETING MONDAY. fixed a practice game for Oodd Friday. The Bays will be on the diamond with­ cense, costing $6. HOW TO CURE The Victoria lacrosse club will meet 1307 Douglas St On the report stage at the evening in two week» and hard at work. sitting Mr. Hawthornthwalte nujved FRETTING OF INFANTS Mona»sr n,*M 11 ,h* Slr Wllllim w»’- ______rnL ' I laceM»v« hall, BroadBroad atreetstreet, whenwhen everyevery James Bay and V. A. C. Men that no person, not a resident voter or man In the game last year that Is still HENRY&4—i Mrs. Emma K. Pcrrtval Givra Advice AND ABE NOW OPEN WITH a member of the family of a voter, shall la the city 4* requested tu be present. ------That ta Very Vahieblr. ----- Have Long Trips T Now Reedy À FÎ1IE LIKE kiTT any tain* without Arst obtaining Notice has been posted to every per­ For the Fell Trade a general license, costing 85, of permis­ When young children and^bablea con­ son on the club's membership list. The Planned. OF sion In writing from the provincial season la In sight and plans have to be fiiimr warden. tinually fret and cry you can be ot out at once. President Macgum “ ” "ThTs ^wis voted down muff cases out of ten there la , 77 will caused either by wind or acidity of ..Have something to say on tHe To-morrow morning the members of Humphrey s’ Seventy-Seven Prune, Peer and Apple passed ^ts third reading. prospects of the season, and will want FISHING TACKLE, the James Bay Athletic Club will take stomach. to hear the players on the British Co­ breaks op Colds and In pli leading varieties. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Writing on this subject from her another walk similar to that of led home to Bedford. Mrs. Percival says: lumbia lacrosse situation as It now Sunday, when they tramped to Gold- 10,000 Ornamental Trees GUNS AND THE ENGLISH CUP. “As a nurse of many years’ experience stands. The year’s officers will stream and returned again In the Select varieties suitable tor B.C. elected. "TJBHdWII. MIH-'B u.-^iHimnii»niiei in l can eay uhh t ^C wlli afternoon. To-morrow the walkers strictly home grown and the fourth round for the English cup give such splendid results as Nervlllne will go to Elk lake, thence across to not subject _ to damage SPORTING GOODS were played on Wednesday, three In four drop doees In hot sweetened THE TCBF. Cad boro Bay, a distance taking In the teams going Into the seml-Anals, vis.. water. I once had a case with a baby TOD SLOAN IN ENGLAND. surrounding roads of about fifteen GRIP from fumigation. Manchester United. Newcastle and that cried continually, suffered aa If in Tod Sloan, the American Jockey, who, miles. The club secretary announces If You Have Aching Bones, STOCK of BULBS on PATRONS WILL NOT ONLY Bristol City. The other match to the coavuialgQg^NerviHne relieved at pace. on gulag to England In lt»T. revolution- a big turnout for to-morrow. The hand from J A P AH. fourth round was not jdayed. The re­ Fever. Sneezing and ‘Bhies BEE NEW GOODS, BUT 1 have also used l^ervITtoe with grand I zed the method of race riding there, weather now promftes to be more suit­ FRANCE,and HOLLAND. sults of the matches follows. ~ effect for ergmps. stomach gas. Indiges­ has strong hopes of being reinstated able for the walk than on the former You Have the Grip. NEW PRICES ^Manchester United, 1: Burnley, 2. tion and stomach disorders. For gen­ thla season and granted a license by trip and for the next two months the Bee Supplies, Spray Newcastle, 2; Sunderland, 0 eral household use, to cure the many the Jockey Club. Bay men say they Will have a large With aching bones, fevered bodies, Pump*. Seeds. fol- I«e^gue matches resulted internal Hie that constantly arise I can In conversation with a press repre- field out each week snceslng. and depressed mentality, CATALOGUE FREE lows: recommend no preparation as honest, rentalvc In London, Sloan aald: "I The walkers of the V. A. e. will as ==THE== thousand» are In the grasp of the Grip. Greenhouse * Seedhouee Notts County. I: Preston, 0. reliable and economical as Nervlllne.” have Indeed been very severely punish semble to-morrow at the Broad «neat Southern League: Nurses, physicians, laymen—-thou- ed for my foolishness In the paet. but club rooms at 1$ »■ m. with the object If you will keep ’’Seventy-seven" 8010 Westminster Road Leyton. 2; Mill wall, 1. sends that use Nervlllne every day. all If I do get reinstated—and I sincerely of covering the Coldstream road In munjy tit tits.the vest pocket) and take Victoria Sporting Nekh Prompt on. 1; Queen’s Park say Its pain-subduing, health-giving hope some day I shall—you can depend time for lunch at the Gold stream It promptly, you will not have to lay VANCOUVER, B. 0. Rangers. 0. powers warrant it being kept In every hotel. The return Journey will he up. but ran keep about your business . Branch Nureertre. Majube HM upon It I shall always do my very beat \ and South Vaneoaver. Plymouth, 6; Exeter, 8. home. Refuse any substitute for NER- to Justify the ' confidence reposed In made In the afternoon. Thla appeals to busy people. Goods Co. VTLINB. which 1s sold In large 25c. MF "TWBS | At Druggists. 25 cents, or mailed Alcohol is obtained trom peat by treat­ bottle» by. all dealers. Sloan has altered very little etpee he I> a*»K ktball ing the fibre with sulphuric acid and fer­ I William and Atm Streets. New York. CLARENCE V. McOONNELL menting with a special yeast. A ton of wee last seen on the English turf soma INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION8H1P. h-nurseries Light travels at the rate of 2X6.468 rntlw» Humphreys' Hotneo. Medicine U.. Lor. dry peat yields 43 gallons of pure spirits eight years ago. and he 1» keeping him­ March Wth la the date set for the JOHN P. SWEENEY nt one-fourth of the cost of potato al­ a second; electricity at the rate ef self in condition by "rtnklng." cohol. 1 miles. ’ vmTUKIA DAILY TIMES, SATOZBST. MABCH 18, law.

papers circulating In said electoral CITY’S WATER * * Goldstream to Victoria would. If is OPPOSITION district estimated by engineers, be about $400,- “It shall be the duty of such regis­ 009. Should It be used for the city's pur­ CANADA’S VAST trar, at the holding of the court of BILL MADE LAW poses a reservoir would have to be WINS ITS POINT revision, to strike off the register of built below the power house, but the Grand National voters, and off the said list of persons city Would have also the power to make MINERAL WEALTH claiming to vote, all names thereon of (Continued from page 1.) a sale of power to the tramway com- persons against whom objection before carrying the water to Victoria GOVERNMENT GIVES . been taken, as above provided, unless for domestic purposes. the voter objected to, or some other EARL GREY OPTIMISTIC watershed shall be begun within two u Closes WAY ON ELECTION ACT provincial voter on'his behalf, satisfies the registrar that the objections are years of the 15th day of March, 1909, WILL MAKE TRIP REGARDING FUTURE not well founded; before striking off and ' finished within eight years from March 24th the name of any person for any of the said date as to the first means of THROUGH THE NORTH above-named reasons, the registrar Conduit of such waters. Names of Voters Cannot Be shall, unless in the case of death such "Provided further, that the follow­ Hon. W. Templeman Tells of Struck Off as Pro­ death shall be registered under the ing shall govern the said arbitration Shares as Usual Births, Deaths and Marriages Regis proceedings in determining the com­ Eastern Journalist Explains Ob­ Work of Department of posed. t ration Act, give at least twenty vine pensation for the expropriation of the clear days' notice of his Intention to utuWtakipg as a whole : ject of His Long Mines. strike off such name, by posting a let­ “ '<*•) An offer of purchase shall first ter to that effect addressed to such be made of not less than 1700,000 (to Journey. CONCRETE TO HELP IN TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. be deemed a tender), and the com­ Leialatlve Press Gallery, March 12. elector at his last known residence. Optimistic views as to the future "The registrar, after said court, shall pany shall have two months to accept NEW ADVERTISEMENT* When the attorney-general intro­ or refuse such offer: mineral output of Canada were In­ CONSERVING FORESTS duced a compromise amendment this forthwith make up the register of vot- " '(b.) If the company decline such H. V. Radford^ the young eastern dulged in at the banquet which marked THE GRASS 18 GROWING—Have year afternoon to Mae Elections Act BUI era, which ahau consist of the names journalist, who will travel through rsowpr rapntred, WHY Breed. ~ — or. the last register of voters (If any) offer and arbitration ensues, the ar­ the does of the annual session of the has had before the House, there was a bitrators shall be limited to awarding Northwestern Canada In order to make round of applause from the opposition not struck off, and the names on such Canadian Mining Institutfjti Montreal. Its Range of Adaptability Has TO 1.ET—Good bedroom In private house, to the company, • and no such award a special study of wood bison, spent a all conveniences. Vse of kitchen if de­ benches. The main feature of Mr. list of persons claiming to vote not shall exceed, the sum which the com- few days at Winnipeg on his way to Earl Grey, replying to the toast ”Hfs sired. 88 Dallas Road. " In «llwujifl., off. The registrar shall certify, F.dmonton. Excellency the Govproor-Qeneral,” re- Been Extended in Recent absence of six months from the elec­ iter of voflersf^iWh any ad­ “ ****** thé ril'fiwdrrlff* tffr- the north fern-eft, tfrtfwriW#ttfa1f the Cfcftatffari Yearv. •* çiéwNBk» toral district on the part of a voter be­ ditions made thereto, under the pro­ nilned as If the said Esquimau Water- works Company were a company in­ Mr. Radford will first make his way to Mining Institute was only bom In 1898, fore his name can be struck off the list. visions of section 4 of this act, and it the wood buffalo country where he will FOR SALE—A Rover autumoMlv hr good This was regarded as a fair limit, as shall be the list, to be used at any corporated under the Water Clauses and was therefore pnly a young organ­ order, recently new-tyred; for eats Consolidation Act of 1897, and as if Its spend some months. Going further It meets the case of workers who leave election which may take place before ization. The reason the mènerai activ­ cheap. Apply Luke PI User. franchises, undertakings, property and north, he will endeavor to reach the "The two greatest building mater­ home for part of the year to go to their the next revision has been completed. Arctic, fifteen hundred miles to the ity had not been more developed In ials In the world, to my mind, are steel $6.500 will purchase a good business prop- The registrar at such court at revision assets were in process of compulsory ' .... — ------1 P. Our' works, and In the earn of the man who --- - - r uiiitTw -■Wet. of th»; menth f “-| Mei bsiisls erty .within five ,tnlnutes of ■ mwwnar mmi ■—ww'i'ggrw' rttituter ** HS"Will proceed aTong the Arctic coast e—vr.Mj Mimr imiumry. Twenty vvTii ?hOW good Cet tiens. provisions of section 129 of said Water the faculty of engineering and applied j -Trounce avenue. v v ' name on one list until he TW Bn op­ oath to any person, and shall do so on to the mouth of the river. If possible, years or so ago the mineral production portunity to get It put on In his new the request , of the objector or the per­ Ha uses. Consolidation Act. 1*97. but so science of.Toronto University, in ad­ > that the Interest on capital Invested and will then make the journey through of the Dominion was $10.066.006; in the LOHY—A large Irish setter with a white electoral district. son objected to, or his respective Alaska Into eastern Asia, where he will next ten years It was 128,000,600. and dressing the opening session of the spot on chest, named Larry. Reward Two other concessions made are the agent, and shall at like reqUest take shall be calculated at not exceeding by returning to Battersby, Cratgflswcr »tx per cent, per annum, simple Inter- spend several months. From this por­ In 1908 It amounted to 186.000.000. He Canadian Cement and Concrete Asso- Road. ^ . provision for advertising, for twenty- notes of the évidence for use on ap­ tion of Asia he will return by the did not think that anyone who had one days, the names of all voters ob­ peal.” *?’ *"d tY* to*»» on the capital act­ clatlon’e convention In Toronto. ually Invested at not mere than twenty most direct route to. New York city, the seriously considered the position of “Thanks to cement we can do what SPARE WHEELS, knives, and parts for jected to In one or more newspapers "It might not be Inapt to call this a entire journey occupying three years mining in Canada could hesitate to any style of lawn mower. Waites Bras., circulating in the district, and the al­ -second Waterloo," remarked J. H. per cent, and no deduction shall be we could never do before ; we can econ­ 641 Fort street. made In reapect of so much of the net The route which may be followed In believe that the next twenty years omise the wood used In buildings, and lowing of a voter who Is not able to Hawthomthwalte before the committee the country to the northeast of the would see a great Increase In the min­ SNAP—Five-roomed cottage, within easy poees* ”** " URe* tor construction pur.‘ when we are told how largely the fu­ attend the court of revision to be re­ rose. “At any rate It Is a capitulation. region In which the wood bison are eral output of the country, as had reach 6f city; well rented, and In splen­ presented by another voter. One other remark I would like to make ture of our country depends on the con­ did repair. $1.760. Lee A Fraser, Jttaurt Henderson moved to add after to be found is quite uncertain and will been the case in the last two . servation of the forest and see how Trounce avenue. The opposition has good reason to to the attorney-general, that It would depend on the assistance which the He congratulated the Institute on re­ feel proud of the result of its protest be advisable not to part with those the word “foregoing” In the second piuch. building will be done in this traveller will be able to obtain from ceiving a visit last year from the young country we can appreciate the WANTED TO RENT with option of against the tniqulteus nature of the blankets In the Tory hotel at the end paragraph of the above sections the the Indians. Mining Association of Orest Britain, purchase, about Hi acres of good landL added significance of concrete. One »rt cultivated, within 10 miles of city. attorney-general’s first proposals. The of the corridor, as the government words “making compensation therefor In an interview with a Winnipeg and from which both visitors and and for all damage at any time there­ might almost say that tt is at the bot­ wnere only. Full particulars and one all-night sitting of Monday last waa may need them after the next elec­ Free Frees representative, Mr. Radford guests derived mutual suggestions and price. Box 381, Times. sufficient warning of the temper of the tion." after suffered thereby.” said: tom of our future prosperity. It was B also taking home with them some good once used only for mortar and founda­ Liberal and Socialist opposition, and “I have an idea It is not a Water­ This was voted down. “What l have planned to do with * on* "for ‘ Ideas. He believed this visit had been tions, but now the range of Its adapta well located, good reason selling. Conservative members who had loo,” commented the Napoleon of the Mf. Henderson then moved to add reference to the wood bison Is not to a very great benefit to Canada His sympathy with the proposition of the Tory party. the following at the end of the sec­ btlity includes even bridges and rail­ Lee A Fraser, Trouce avenue. hunt them, but to spend some time In Excellency said that he sympathised way tiee.” government, although they would have “It Is merely a capitulation, eh tions: “Provided that this last pro­ studying them. I want to cross sev­ perhaps more with agriculture than SOCIALISM—Meeting at Grand theatre voted for It, began to Insist that they said the member for Nanaimo. viso, Including sub-sections (a) and President Gillespie’s address—opened to-morrow night. See advertisement eral times through the country in mining, as he happened to have a, with an account of the remarkable be.saved from any more protracted sit ...... IllihP Slaughtered. ______toy Shan not be overatlve after the whU h they aro found, and seek to greater Interest to the products of .the tings by a compromise. Mwr tfajr or April,' rm.” ------grow th at the Portland vcroeol. industry A. E. McPhllllps' bill respecting as­ ascertain as accurately as possible how suf-facc oT thé earth than In those un- rince its first manufacture In America Mrs: foster wm gTVe XB ujjansddiv The Compromise. signment of wages met with such de­ ♦ 80 he NUd h* had opposed many of them there are. I do not ex- der 1L But he admitted that no In­ on mind, power and building in health the bill because he believed Victoria by D. D. Saylor, in 1875. The domestic and happiness, Tuesday. 1 p. m. AM The new section which the attorney- termined opposition on going Into com­ P®ct to learn anything with reference terest was more important to the pros­ output in 1896 totalled 1.000,000 barrels; welcome. King Edward annex. was not giving the Esquimau Water- general had prepared—which, it may mittee again that he practically with­ to them which would be particularly perity of a nation than that of min­ In 1900, 8,482,000 barrels; In 1906 over HODSK TO LET—Ul* Steal b* remarked was originally suggested drew it. company value for Ua under­ new *o Canadian readers, i am not ing, which gave increased demand for 35.006.000 barrels; and In 1907 almost 56.- by the leader of the opposition, with J. A. Macdonald declared that the taking In the arbitration provided for, travelling In the Interests of Canadian labor, for commercial activity, and for Address P. O. Box 60, City. and the bill limited the arbitrators to 000.000 barrels. the twelve monthg* limit, to meet the only workable section was the < readers, who know more about the railway traffic. All this meant an "In consequence of this marvellous FOR SALE—Household furniture. Includ­ necessity for a clear definition of the which required the consent of a wife what might or might not be the mar­ country of the north, but In the Inter­ Increase In national prosperity. In ing piano, will be aold by private sale; ket value. Either the city council growth.” said he. “a situation Inevit­ can be seen from 10 a. m. le 1 p. m. causes for which names may be re­ to an assignment of wages. It was ests of the American readers who know Canada was the largest area of un­ able though unfortunate has been wranted the company’s works or It did daily, at 1267 Gladstone avenue. moved from the list—reads as follows: a step In the right direction which the less. Our people want to know some­ prospected mineral country on the face created. The advocates of cement “It shall, subject. to the provisions province would have to take before not. If It did It should be required to thing more about the country of the Of the earth, and one from which we construction, through misguided en­ PORTLAND CANAL will attract more take them within two years: If not, Ê hereafter contAlned, be competent to long, protecting the wife’s Interest In north and I wist) to secure the Infor­ should be able to draw an Infinite thusiasm, inexperience or commercial ‘attention than any other mining die- the company should not be hampered mation. tr ; in B. C. Opportunities for Invest­ any elector or electors in such electoral her husband’s property. This section amount of riches. Mew South Wales’ knavery, have made declarations con­ In the raising of money by having this ment await you now. One company ha» district to object to the retention of would give her a dower In her hus­ *T am making the trip alone for the stated that the men engaged cerning the cheapness, strength and already paid 400 per cent. Write for any name or names on the register of provision against It. Mr. Henderson band’s earnings, and the House should reason that I wish to be thrown wholly In mining produced ten times more excellence of their product which free Illustrated pamphet to Box 4M Vic­ votes, or to the placing of any name or declared that he felt the whole clause toria. B. C. take a step even In advance of this on the Indlkn people of the country, so wealth to Industries than agriculture. never have been and doubtless never names on such register of persons was not In the best Interests of the that I may have every opportunity to and give the wife a dower in her It that were so, the conclusion was win be true. The American people had AGENTS—Most attractive piwpeMHoa, claiming to vote as aforesaid, on one husband's property. province, coming, as he did, from a learn whatever Is possible with refer­ that the more our mineral Industry recognised the merits of the new ma­ our self-generating gas burners for ôr more of the following grounds: That & H. Hawthomthwaite’s woman suf­ district largely undeveloped and ence to thetjf* After seeing the wood was developed the greater would be terial long before they were truly ap­ kerosene Tamps, brilliant gaslight; Hh- the person objected to Is dead; that he era]» Inducements; description free. frage bill was lost on division, as fol­ which, was looking for capital. To bison. I expect to rent* the musk ox the prosperity of the Dominion. preciative of Its limitations. Its easy ceased for a period of six months next Simplex Gaslight Os., 23 Park Bow, lows: vote for the bill would be to vale country, and to hunt these animals His Excellency speaking In a purely manipulation, It* relative cheapness, its New York. before the holding of the court to re­ In fsvor—Hawthomthwalte, Wil­ against his own constituency. The ar­ Th1„ I. somethin» which has not been personal capacity, said he had their In­ side in such electoral district: that he immunity from decaying Influences and liams, Mclnnia, Oliver, Jardine, Hen- guments of the leader of the opposi­ don* by any American sportsman be- terests very much at heart as he was Its fireproof qualities were recognized MONEY TO LOAN—Advertiser wishes to Is not under the provisions of this act dersdti, Vfunro, Brewster, King. Naden, tion seemed to be all rglht, but his fore, with the excepting of Caspar lend $5.000 on first mortgage at 7 per himself an old miner and prospector before Its behavior under stress and Its cent., either as a whole or in sums of qualified to vote; that he was not so Hall. Jones, Yore ton. Garden—14. conclusion seemed to be all wrong. The \V hltney. British sportsmen have been and had experienced all th» joys and $50u and upwards. Apply Be* 31», Times. qualified to vote when his name was elastic" properties Were known suffi­ Against—Macdonald, Eagleeon, Mc­ Premier had said nothing but eulogize through this country and American sorrows Incidental to that vocation. ciently to permit of Intelligent and placed on the register of voters.” Bride, Tatlow. Bowser. Young, Tay­ the fourth member for Victoria. scientists have gone In to secure speci­ He had experienced the feeling of hope “ERIN GO BRAGH”—Every true son Of T lie re was an outburst of applause economic construction. The Inexperi­ Erin should attend the Irish concert on lor, Pulton. Ellison. Ross. Shatford. Mr. Thomson said he could not agree mens for museums tn the United States they all felt when out prospecting, and enced designer, without data, without Wednesday next In First Presbyterian from the opposition side of the House McPhllllps, Thomson. Hunter, Man- to the amendment. The member for but the country has not been visited to use the words of a poet, “If hopt^ was hall. Blanchard street, under direction aa soon as the section was adopted, precedent and without standard, has son. Behnsen. Grant. Macgowan, Hay­ Yalo seemed to think this bill was by any sportsmen from the United the welath of beginner*, by Jove we made mistakes, some, of which, be tt J. O. Brown, the well known concert di­ and Stuart Henderson remarked : “Well, ward. Mac Kay, Parson, Davey Scho­ going to Interfere with the vested In­ States. were all millionaires." After conversa­ rector and vocalist, asateted by long fist we forced the attorney-general to six regretted, have proved fatal. Fortu­ of Victoria’s best artists. Hon. Richard field-21 terests of the province, but this was “It is my wish to push on from the tion with others at his table he had nately of late years much investigation MeBrifle, premier of British Columbia, months by hard labor.” The attorney-general’s bill to amend not so. The case was not an ordinary musk ox country to the great Islet of come to the conclusion that they were will preside. Admission, Me. * Another concession which the new and experiment, botty Inside and out­ the Dentistry Act was allowed to pi__ one. The Esquimau company knew the Arctic. If the Indian» can be per­ »H going to become millionaires, and side of the laboratory, have been car­ sections contained was that a voter suaded to accompany me, i win make THE VICTORIA NO. t BUILDING fit*. day after day when called for second wheh It went to Goldstream and took only he for many reasons vis excluded ried on. As a result our knowledge CIETY—At the last annual genera* who is absent may appear by some reading, the government being unwil­ water In 1892 that it was subject to this Journey, and then If I can find from sharing their prospective happy other voter to satisfy the registrar concerning the properties of concrete meeting of the above Society a resolu­ ling to give opportunity for the mov­ the rights of Victoria and this was the Eskimo. I will make the journey fate. He said it had been his happy has become more exact, our methods of tion was passed that on and after the that the objections taken to him are ing of A. E. McPhllllps’ proposed mentioned In three places in their bill. eastward to the Mackenzie. From experience ever since landing in the 31st December. 06». "No further stock not well founded. manipulation have been Improved and would be issued." Therefore the publié amendment of the act to cover a local Victoria could not accept the amend­ that point I will continue my Journey country to be associated with “Boost­ our practice in design has approached are Informed that those wishing te Join John Oliver asked why this should case of disqualification. Had that ment. as It would limit to a very short through Alaska. J y ers. not knockèrs.” and remarked on a Mutual Benefit Society for betiding be restricted to appearance by another something like standardization. matter come up very strenuous opposi­ time the time Ip which they could MI will travel by canoe and dog sled, that spirit of independence which an­ “Such organizations as Th* American mrpoeea should take advantage of do­ voter; why not let any person whom in (he manner which the natives of ng so right away. Particulars can b» tion would have been made to It. make arrangements. The city had no imated every man. woman and child Society for Testing Materials, the Am­ obtained and copy of rules from the a voter asks to do so represent him? intention to tie the Esquimau com­ the country have found to be best from the Atlantic to the Pacific that r The attorney-general thought a man erican Railway Engineering and Main­ Secretary. A 8V O. Flint, at his office, EXPLORATION WORK pany up. and If it did not take over adapted for tho existing conditions. I they owned persona My a little portion tenance of. Way Association, the Am­ 617 Trounce Ave.. Victoria. B 57 would have no difficulty In getting an­ am travelling wholly as an amateur of land In the Dominion which was the other voter to represent him, and as the company’s works when its ar­ erican Society of Civil Engineers, the rangements were made the Esquimau sportsmag, and whether I am able to king-pin of the whole continent. the section stood any voter In the pro­ IN LE ROI MINES National Association of Cement Users, WHERE WIDOWS COMMIT ffUICIDB company would be able to get a re­ reach the Arctic at the point for which Hon. Mr. Templeman, responding to and others have had committees work­ vince might so act on his behalf. He I am aiming or not, I win undoubtedly the toast of "The Dominion Govern­ was willing, however, to add the word lease from this obligation to city ex­ ing on the various problem* in the propriation for all time. see much of Interest. I have been asked ment.” observed that the department of Old customs die very hard In China, “provincial” so as to leave no doubt. manufacture and use of Portland ce­ Mr. Hawthomthwalte thought the to make a special report on the wood mines was created only two years ago, ment and ihuch valuable Information says a writer in the Wide World Maze- ■ • Onus m Wrong Side, ...... Comprehensive Scheme to Be bl*on ti> *he American Binon Society, of bill placed member» In a dMfteuH and very largely at the request renew­ Leellaa uivu mtiw-ieu;____ -----x ne----- puniiraunns...II--.1----- z*ne; and hi several part» of the Cbtas- whl< h former-President Roosevelt Is ed time* and again, of the mining Insti­ Mr. Macdonald objected to the onus Carried Out—Statement by posltfon and said they should not be of these bodies represent the focussed tlal empire it Is still considered a high being put on the party objected to, to called upon to decide between rival the president and Earl Grey the vice- tutes of Canada, as represented by the opinion and experience of the best men act of virtue for a woman to commit show that he had a right to be on the A. J. McMillan. corporations. In common decency president. both of whom have in letters Canadian Mining Institute. Coming available, The control of the methods list. there should be * time limit if the to mo expressed their hope for the as he did, from the seat of the fore­ Of employing this material U largely in suicide after th» death of her husband* The attorney-general did not con­ company was going to be expropriated nappy termination of the trip I am most mining province In the Domin­ Ai « Sfding to the law the proceeding 1» making.” the hands of such organisations, and if sider there would be any hardship in in an unfavorable way by an order of ion. he might say they felt that such the Industry Is to be saved from dis­ actually legal in some provinces, and Rossland* B. C„ March 12.—The Le this. There was not one chance in a the Hopse. a department was necessary, and waa credit through Ignorance,' Incompeteticy such Is thé state* of public opinion that thousand under the act as It would Rol mine laid off a number of men The amendment was voted down. TWO CANADIAN WOMEN In Ihe interests of the public of Can­ or dishonesty It must he through their in districts where It Is officially pro* stand that a bona fide voter would be yesterday, though the smelter at Those voting against Victoria’s Inter­ ada. Canada was one of the greatest good offices. Our problem Is: How can hlblted the authorities rarely Interfere. put off the lhrt. Northport Is running as usual. It Is ests were Stuart Henderson. J. H. mining countries In the world, and It the Canadian Cement and Concrete-As­ These extraordinary voluntary sacr* HAD ROYAL SUITE seemed to him, judging from the de­ flee*, may frequently be seen and 1 Mr. Hawthomthwalte suggested that generally understood that this Is done Hawthomthwalte, John Mclnnis, Hon. sociation assist In this work?" the section should call for a "valid' R. O. Tatlow, Hon. F.. L. Carton-Çot- velopment of the last five or ten years myself saw one take place. The widow pending completion of arrangements The speaker then referred to the need objection. ——— ton, A. E. McPhllllps, L. W. Shatford. of only half the northern portion of fot the formulation of some standard herself clad In white—the Chines» The leader of the opposition secured to thoroughly explore the property N. F: Mackay, J. F. Garden—nine In Were Only Passengers on Ontario and In Quebec, that the next form of specification for use in city mourning color—the gallows erected for a email amendment which compels down to 2.400 or 1,000 feet from the decade would enormously exceed any­ contracts, drawn up so that allowance the occasion, and the Immense crowd thing In the past. registrars not only to post up in his surface, the present lowest level being Those voting for the bill were J. A. Twenty Thousand Ton might be made for local conditions. He gathered to witness the gruesome The department of mines was only office notice of objections within one at 1.450 feet, where some rich ore has Macdonald, John Oliver. G. R. Naden, recommended the establishing of a gov­ spectacle made a picture which I sh*i| In Its Infancy, but since Its organiza­ never forget. week after their receipt but to keep been mined and shipped during the last Dr. Hall. Mark Eagleson, Harry Jones, Liner. ernment test laboratory for the testing these posted up. tion It had not been altogether Inac­ of materials tor use under any given six months. A. J. McMillan, the man­ John Yorston, C. W. Munro. John tive, as It had carried on very large Mr. Macdonald also had an altera­ aging director of the company, made Jardine. H. C. Brewster. Hon. R. Mc­ set of circumstances. tion made In the last clause of the sec­ and very Important Investigations. “Concrete Bridges’’ was the subject VICTORIA FIRE ALARMS. the following statement to the Ross- Bride, Hon. W. J. Bowser. Hon. Dr. To be the only passengers on a Only recently, very largely through ex­ tion, making It mandatory on regis­ land Miner: Young. Hon. F. J. Fulton, Hon. of an address by Mr. Frank Barber, eiv trars to administer the oath to wit­ twenty thousand ton liner, with stew­ perimental work carried on at the Boa gineer of York county. The first con­ 8—Birdcage Walk end Superior 8L “It 1m quite true that a considerable Thorpa* Taylor. Price Ellison, W. R. In the smelting of Iron ore.s, some dif­ 4-Battery and Carr Sts. nesses on the request of the objector number of men have been laid off. The Ross. H. B. Thomson, William Hunter, ards at their elbows, a stringed orches­ crete arch had been built, he said, in 6— Michigan and Menâtes Sts. of the person objected to, or his re­ ficulties had been solved, but not all, 1889, and since then so rapid had been fact Is that exploration work carried A. H. B. Macgowan, Robert Grant, H. tra, and the captain, officers and crew and progress had been made He be­ Menâtes and Niagara Sts. spective agent, and on like request the growth of cement’s popularity that 7— Montreal and Kingston Sts. on for several months past in tho lower F. W. Behnsen, W. J. Manson. H. O. united In waiting attendance, was the lieved that the Dominion would become take notes of the evidence for use on levels of the mine has not up to date Parson. Fred Davey, altogether 25- one firm alone had erected 1.000 arches 8— Montreal and Slmcoe Sts. appeal. experience of two Canadian women one of the greatest mining countries. The largest concrete arch In Canada »—Ontario and Dallas road. proved the extension of the rich ore The bill was read a third time at the If not the greatest. In the world. These changes the attorney-general bodies found and opened towards the evening sitting. who arrived at New York on the Cun- was erected, he stated. near St. 12—Avalon road and Phoenix Place, agreed to and they were made in his arder Cafmaala from Italy. Miss F. A. Thomas last year. It had a clear span IP—Vtotorta Chemical Works.. end of last year. This Is, of course, dis­ The announcement that the bill had —E. A. Large, manager of the New 14—Vancouver and Burdette Sts. amendment, which finally passed In the appointing. and as It is not economical McLeod and her sister, Mrs. W. Hyslop, of 116 feet. “The life of a steel bridge, foBbafing form: ______....■ ■ passed the legislature made before the Westminster News, is in the city for a 16—Douglas and Humboldt Sts. to *blp and. catty, exploration council.sitting 4» committee tost Tright S Searth road, Toronto, were' the- la­ i^HümbOTat àmr jctJiWK ««, The Duty of Registrars. work upon a small scale, it has been was greeted with applause by the dles who had this unique experience. years. Concrete will last much longer. 17—Cook and Fairfield road. Tt Is better than stone, because the ac­ decided to suspend operations until ar- aldermen. It happened on the Caronla, a sister —The president of the Ladles’ Aid 21—Yates and Broad ffta. -ttP-hgigjni: of aagli^court Jl ngementa are made for carrying out - tion of tlme^ disintegrates the latter dhâïï be the duty of such registrar to large and comprehensive scheme of ^oficr^Te Improves wlth age, and after 24-Yates and Wharf Sta. hear arid determine any or all objec­ work done by H. B. Thomson, who had from Alexandria, Egypt, to Flume. church desires to thank the Pipers’ 26-Johnson and Government Sta. exploration and development, sech Austria. The Caronla has accommo­ a concrete bridge has stood a given tions against the retention of any given a vast amount of time to the band and all %ho In any way con­ load it may be relied upon to stand 16—Victoria Theatre, Douglas SC will thoroughly test the undeveloped city’s bill. He was deserving of great dation for about 400 cabin passengers tributed to tfre succès» of Wednesday rame or names on the register of vot­ portions of the property, and particu­ that load in^the future, while such may fi—Headquarters Fire Dept.. Cornera», Jà ers In any electoral district, as settled praise. The premier had also given and the trip took five days. Among evening’s Scotch entertainment. 28—Spencer’s Arcade. larly the south vein from the present Mh,-r li.mura^liuwcr,-.! upon thv ladles not always be the case witTh ■ n steel M—View and Btaaehard Sta, depth Frvrt fib* - ■ *■—u I "s III ...... on the said list of persons claiming of. about 1.000 feet. opposition, of two bridges built to withstand the to vote, as provided for In sub-section was also to be thanked for his good suite. Miss McLeod had this to say of Grand theatre the regular Socialist n—Cook and Yates Sta W. A. Carlyle, consulting engineer to same strain the concrete would cost 34—St. Charles St. and Rockland Are. (b) hereof, provided notice of every work In the etty’s Interests. the rare treat. "We were very much meeting will be heli^ commencing at 8 about three-fifths as much as the the company, has been here, for some embarrassed when we found we were 3b—Vadboro Bay road aad Stanley Av» objection, and the reason therefor, When the mayor sat down Aid. Mc­ o’clock. Samuel Sadler, of Philadel­ steel." S6—Cadbopg Bay road and Oak Bay Arm. weeks past, and he and I. having thor­ to be the only paesehgers: it was phia. Will be the speaker, his subject which may be in the form B in the oughly studied the situation, will leave Keown moved a vote at thanks to the 37—Cadboro Bay and Riehmoad feds schednte hereto, shall have been given mayor for the aeergetic way la which, awfully trying on one*» nerves to sit being* “dan Wé Do Without the Capl- . FMWI -THAT .8IMGL . 88—North Pembroke aad IhnNispsais mtk for JUmdon wttbt* a few days to con­ at table with so many stewards around. taltaf."...... ~ "—' to the registrar by the person object­ fer with the directors »s to the befct he had worked in this matter. He had 41— Quadra®and Pandora Sts. We were afraid to talk to each other 42— Chatham and Blanchard Sta. ing thirty clear days previously to methods to pursue.” day and night worked, and worked Tn Ceylon there Is n shell-fish-a kind of the bolding of such court, and that the alone In the Interests of ^he city. during the first breakfast. At lunch­ —John M. Yorston. the Junior mem­ mussel—which positively sings. In still 48—Chatham and Cook Sts. registrar shall have forwarded, twenty - eon Captain Dow sent In some of his ber for Cariboo In the legislature. Is weather, when the water has ebbed sway 46-Sprii.g Ridge. —The funeral of the late William Aid. Bishop seconded this resolution, from the mussel beds for a few houni. 46-North Chatham St. and Stanley Ar% one olear days before the holding of which was unanimously carried. young officers to keep us company. about to become a benedict. On Sat­ Redmond took place this morning from They were all good looking young men, urday next he will marry MU* Jean­ these shell-fish can be heard producing fi—Pandora and Chambers Sta. such court, a notice, through the post thé parlors of the B. C. Funeral Fur­ His Worship said that he did not 61—Douglas and Discovery Sts. and he saw w« were lonesome on deck nette May Robertson, of Sidney, tho a long, low fluting sound. How they do ofllbe, addressed to the person object­ wish any1 praise like this. He had but It no one knows, but. they certainly make Government and Prtnceaa Sts. nishing Company, at 2.4», and at the without another passenger In sight, so ceremony taking place at,the home of ed to, at his last known place of resi­ done bis best. quite a distinct attempt, at singing, and S3-King's road * “ - - Roman Catholic cathedral at • o’clock, he delegated Second Officer Venner as Miss Robertson’s cousin, Mrs. White. dence, stating the fact of such objec­ where solemn high maw was celebrated ns they have no throats, tljey must pro­ M Fountain. Douglas Ht. and ZULU General satisfaction waa felt at the a personal escort to take u* round the Yesterday afternoon Mr. Yorstori’s fel­ tion, the ground thereof, and that the by Rev. Father La terme, who also duce the wound- by awi** manipulation of 66—Oakland» Fire Hall. council board, aad Mayor Hall is given ship. Mr. Venner Is a fine fellow. I low-members of tho opposition gath­ their double sheila. 'The sound Is low and M—Cormorant and Store Sts. «âme will be heard at the holding of conducted the funeral service at the a large measure of the honor due for have received a bunch of telegrams ered in one of the committee rooms, not at all unpleasant, but rather sweet to M—Discovery and Store Sta. sneh eosrt. Tfre registrar shall post church and graveside. There waa a the bill being put through. from him since.” ------and on their hfhaV ^. Av 63— John and Bridge Sta. apd keep up In Ms office notice of such large attendance? of friends, many beau­ ojfrsMon within one week after the Under .he new set tl U felt that If presented him with some handsome cut 64- Cratgtlower road. tiful flowers being presented, the fol­ the city finds It advisable to go to The German Empire was formed In 1871, M—Esquimau road and Mary St. receipt thereof, and also publish for -Mrs. Campbell and the Misses glass, expressing the appreciation of lowing acted as pall bearers : M. Carlin, Goldstream for a water supply the un­ \v >..Uf>n, of 1470 Dallas road, will in after the Franco-German war. by the 71—Douglas St. and- Burnside road twenty -one days the names of all vot- the Liberal party for Mr. Yorston’e confederation «f 36 states, many of wjilch 79—Esquimau road and fluseetl St. 5* PfSfeJS Barnard, D. 8. Campbell, dertaking can he obtained, by title $ct futpre receive on the third Friday personal -qualities and Ms services as m OlUKted to M ode or mere news­ a J. Wood and W. J. Taylor. on fair terms. The cost of nfuln* from liad already been united as the North 79—Sayward’s Mill. aniv. instead of Tuesday. wnber of the opposition. German Confederation. LB—Burhgtde road aad Delta St VICTORIA DAILY-TIMM, BATURDKY, MAJBOH^U^lgO^ GREATEST FLEET 1 Ocean and Coastwise Shipping- IN THE WORLD Canadian Pacific Movements ef Local Veaeele—Trade Expansion in B.Ç. Watera- Qleanlnga of Interest From the Sevan Seas. 250 WARSHIPS UNDER VICE-AOMRIAL MAY Atlantic Express STEAMER QUEEN CITY POWER LAUNCHES WIRELESS STATIONS THROUGH TRAIN FROM PACIFIC TO ATLANTIC - ACROSS THE PACIFIC RETURNS FROM NORTH BY THE HUNDRED Carrying Standard and Tourist Slerperg. and connecting at Winnipeg Massing of Vessels Feature of with "Winpipeg-Toronto Express. Tourist cars Vancouver to St. Paul Britain’s New Naval Coast of Asia Already Covered E. Hodgson Returns from Se- Small Craft Looked Upon as TO To Honolulu, ST. JOHN Policy. and Australia TO LIVERPOOL quash Coal Fields, Where Necessity Instead of THE ORIENT by Government ICmprvM of China..Merch it Mrtkura...Mch. 26 Empress of Ireland.. Mch. 12 Progress is Being Made. Luxury. Montcaglo ...... April « Aorangl....Apl. 23 Lake Erie...... March 26 Systems. Empress of India.. ..April 21 Marama...May 21 Empress of Britain..Mch. 26 A further, and probably the final, Empress of Japan....May 12 Makura..,June 18 Lake Champlain....April 1 step In the reorganization of the Brit­ When the White liner Empress rtf Quite a change has taken place dur­ ish fleets has been announced by the B. 0. COAST SERVICE Steamer Queen City, Captain Nrrout- Admiralty. Lord Charles Beresford | China leave»'. f<>r . the ^ient on the ing the paat year or two In the matter To Prince Rupert and -To— i —To— soe, arrived frpm the north yesterday hauls down hts flag thia month, and Hinton’s 24th of this month she will, In all pro- 6f small craft, launches were a luxury Northern K. C. QuwUOWtlg#*.... . afternoon, bringing 16 passengers. This a year or two ago. To-day every little the Channel fleet will be merged In the *fc*> toaammatie loathly, Home fleet, comprising the most pow- Princes» May...March 7 Princess Baatrlce.Mch. 2 Prince.» Beatrlce.liel». 1 j Marconi system being the one to be r port In about a month, as, owing to tWof >rrrrrrrT3tW- W- *#**•>» of Prlncei prince»» Baatrlce.Mch. 12 ] Princes» Beatrloe.Mch. 22 used. This system Is In use on all the change of schedule, she had not power. This combined force, consist­ Prlnoex» ,»6i*eW*ienaF>M-fre.,:.-- the C, P. R. Atlantic liners and Uie bered by the hundred, and new ones Electrolier time to come from Vancouver on her are being turned out almost every day. ing of twenty-two battleships and bat VICTORIA— VANCOUVER—SEATTLE Marconi company Is under contract to tleshlp cruisers, apart from other ve* install all the- ocean liners of the com- last southbound run. Not only la thin the fax In the cltle. Read Among the passengers who came or the coast, Eveh the rancher» on the sets, will be under the supreme control pany, hence the reason for the use of south were É. Hodgson, who Is Inter­ Princess Victoria. Down Up. Princess Royal I that system here. Islands own boat» of this description. of Vlce-Admlrni Sir William May. at 2.15 p.ra. dally except Wed. ested in the Suquash coal measures present Second Sea. Lord of the Ad- •*. Monday, 2.00 p.m. Lv. Victoria Ar. ! When the Empress reaches the other In fact the local boat builders any that Dally ex. Monday. 7.00 p.m. Ar. Vancouver Lv. 9.00 a.m. daily excep- Wed. Bargains which are being opened up on Van­ their largest trade Is done with the ri side of the ocean she will find the Dally ex. Monday. 10.00 p.m. Lv. Vancouver Ar. 7.30 a.m. dally except Wed. 1 wireless Jual^as twefjR **J! I»_nn this couver Island opposite Malcolm Island. outlying points where, it becomes a ne- The official announcement read as 10.00 p.m, ùaily mi • Ar*- « ’9^0fp:M."CATr^ ■w + Mddgsrm fwphlrtwd itlnd Tn order to obviate the loneliness "Admin Dally ex. Tuesday, 8.30 a.m. Lv. coast on the other side of thei PacificPart».- Admiral Lord Charles Beresford. O. Dally ex. Tuesday, L00 p.m. Ar. Victoria Lv. 3.30 p.m. dally except Tues. very handsome designs that satisfactory progress was being made of the country Ufe In this vast country. v.« • . K.C M.. will vat ttte his ap is well supplied with stations, and n In the sinking of the shaft on their, shtewd shoppers should take large number are in course of erection. To-day the*© outlying ranches art- polntment as commander-ln-ohlef of VICTORIA—VANCOUVER property. The company is developing advantage of, beautiful, up- In Japan there are three already In brought close to the cities when they the Channel fleet on March ,24th. on Prince* the property as quickly as possible. have an eight-knot launch to run them Princess Princess operation by the Japanese govern the termination of hi* command after Charlotte Victoria. Royal Charlotte to-date The Queen City brought down a In at any time. two years’ service. Lv. Victoria Ar. 2.15 p.m. d’ly 6.00 p.m. d’ly ment and twelve more are under con­ small consignment of salmon for Van­ 12.30 a.m. d’lyk.00 p.m. dMy struction. These In operation are at Launches are no longer looked upon “The more important vessels of the Ar. Vancouver Lv. ».00 a.m. d’Iyp.OO p m. d’ly couver and some general freight. She as luxuries. They are a necessity. Even 7.10 a-m. d’lyp.OO p. d’ly Nagasaki. Shlmosà and Gate Island. In present Channel fleet will then form will leave again for the north on Mon­ (ex. Men.) (ex. Wed.) Vorea five stations are to be built, at the Japanese and Chinese own them. the second division o. the main fleet, day night. On her northbound trip under the command of Vice-Admiral once by the same government. Vlad­ she took a carload of light rails which 2 Light Sir H. Berkeley Milne. Bart., K.C.V.O. L. D. CHETHAM, ivostok already has the system in were discharged at the Inverness can­ stalled. On the Chinese coast th< The King ha* approved of the selec­ 1002 Government Street nery. Thèse were consigned to one of tion of Vice-Admiral George Neville, City Passenger Agent German. Italian and British govern­ the sub-contractors named Backus, Fixtures SHIPPING GUIDE C.V.O., to command all the nucleus ments have stations, as wjell as four who has several miles of new railway t which are operated by the Chlnoae rew vessels, which will form the to construct near that "point. REDUCED TO government, one by Japan, and one at third and fourth division-* of the main Shanghai which was Installed by a SHIPPING MAtIrIAL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS fleet, and hfs flag will be flown at Steamer “Don” ; German firm. Formosa has two *ta- From «be Orient. rtheerness. His appointment will date SEATTLE R0U1Ê $6.00 and $5.75 i non*, one of which is In operation. Vessel. Due. March 24th.” TOR SIDNEY, JAMBS. BAT- | while Slam and the Straits* Settlements TO ALASKA RAILROADS ..i...... A...... March 1$ The feature of the rearrangement of URNA, MAYNB. PKNDZR AND are equipped.______Monteaele March 26 forces Is the extinction of the Chan- 8. 8. Whatcom leave. Wharf Street ! The Japanese government baa a sya- net fleet, whit* hu* exhrted as far back SALT SPRING ISLANDS Dock, behind Poetoflke. dally, except MANY OTHER VALUABLE I tem of their own, which they claim la . 'April 8 as the memiory of the oldest naval offi- Steamer Jeanie Will Carry Conmtenctex March Mth. 8TR. DON Thursday, at I. ft ft. caJUiif at TtÂX ! an improvement on the German. Pfâc- cer can go—since 1858. In iS88 • the BABOAINB JUST NOW IN From Mexico. leaves OAK BAT every Tueeday. Fri­ Townsend. 1 tlcally all the stations on that coast Large Cargo North Next March 16 Channel force consisted of six sister Returning leavee Seattle at 8:M a. m. OUR SHOWROOM I are In control of the various govern* battleships of the Majestic type, of 14,- day and Sunday at 9 a. in. From Liverpool. Returning, leave» Maync Island Mon­ dally, except Thuiaday. arriving Vic­ i. merits Interested. Unlike the govern- 900 tons displacement, wdth six cruisers Week. Oesfe .... March n day», Wwlnwday» and Saturday» at went stations here, however, they are hut no auxiliaries or torpedo craft. toria at 1:10 |. ■. ^ From Havre. open for commercial work. In 1964 the Atlantic fleet was created * Sl m. Electrolier* to harmonize Amiral Duperre ...... March IS Ught Freight carried to all above as the “pivot” force cruising between ceach way g with any style of furniture SEAMEN'S INSTITUTE. When the steamer Jeanie of the TO SAIL. Gibraltar and Berehaven, on the Irish pointa 25 25 Alaska Coast Company's fleet leaves For the Orient. and coast—ready td reinforce the admiral prices to harmonize with Funds For New Building Being Raised the Sound for Va hies, Seward and Cor­ Akl Maru ...... March 16 in home water* or In ^he Mediterran­ any pocketbook, r ' In City dova n*ext Tuesday, she will carry a Empress of China ...... *...... March 24 ean—and the ships In reserve, hither­ full cargo of railroad material and SEASICKNESS __ For Australia* to unmanned, were given small nucleus An active canvas Is being made In cannery supplies for northern delivery. March 26 FOB PBINCB BUPERT i the Interests of the Seamen's Institute She will have freight for two railroads, For Mexico. Mobilization Problem. QUICKLY CURED the Yakltat Southern, building from ! new building, which Is to be erected Lonsdale March 15 Two years ago the else of the nucleus "Metherxlll’e" quickly cures Bea i YakKat, and the Copper River A . April 1 j on the lot purchased on the comer of crews was Increased from two-flfths to Train sickness Ou. rented perfretiy The Hinton Northwestern, building from Cordova. 8.8. RUPERT CITY j guparior and Xingston streets. The lot three-Afth*. and the Home fleet was harmless to the moot delicate. Money re- I was purchased for 62.000 and $1.500 of Ofi account. Of the nature of her car­ For Liverpool. formed, with twelve armored ships, funded It not satisfactory. $.000 Tons, go, part being explosives, the Jeanie , tlvls has already been paid, $700 of it March 26 fully manned, at the Nore, and torpedo Wor sal* at Drug Stores and flrgt-elaag Sails from Vancouver every Monday I p.m, Electric Co. will carry no passengers on this trip. gteamere. or Motherelll Remedy Co.. Ltd.. ! having been liquidated last week, flotillas, and two divisions of battle- Trade tn Alaska is opening earlier bailing vessels 221 Slate street. Detroit. RATES i Something Mke $6.000 more le required fehlp*. cruisers and torpedo craft at than usual this season and other TO ARRIVE. M43 4 6 14 32 7.5 21 3» 3.1 be concealed In or under the train, and weight lifting. No? TO THE will be to make a Judicious de- * tt 8m Ka«^t «»m«|fful._The»*, mille tween the House of Commons and the a few montha’ courae of 4 40 8.1 10 22 3» *4 t»ry guards are very fjnc-looklng. men, some acid (put "yoür"tëeF rignmenf of heavy machinery for n 6 04 7.» 11 46 6.1 17 4- 6.8 and full admiral In 1906. An active man Such great advances have mm l and wear sn Impressive uniform. We saw acid, heartburn-causing, wrinkle-form sawmill at the head of I.cughhors 6 2» 7 » 12 34 4.7 19 0» 4.6 23 35 0.2 for his years. It Is believed he will re- been made in recent years in 5 46 8.0 13 36 4.2 more than one black-eyed senorita look lng, ’ stomach-upsetting, high-priced GOLD Inlet. approvingly after them, as they passed entlr. the House of Commons when on the making of sanitary equip­ 14 21 3.7 patent advertised “fat remedy," then— ÜT; by.—From “A Second-Class Trip Into half-pay. fields ment that it is to your interest Steamer Qlenfarg arrive! In Yofco- :: Sgftln^" 1» Tbc QuHag M»g»«ine No? USêU, mmrw r.w*mvmr 'jWrirav TBiw—alwIws- *•fisii yaw is fl» Ilh “gtre'SSS'TrSS' wwmorta awYtffiwr* new fixtures which we are pre­ M. F. Em pré** of Japan arrived at the $26 8.6 18 01 2.0 imstriremr If you really wls# to reform, I» Mar 10 02 8.5 18 4» 1 Columbia port» connect at Hkagwey wit, pared to supply you. even Fame port one nour previous. mo|a Prescription Tablets. These tab­ though you don't contemplate 3 34 7.6 7 04 4.» 11 M .14 19 84 1 Every year in December a goose fair the dally train» of the WHIT8 PASS g 3 12 76 W 18 8.3 20 17 2 is held in Warsaw on a gigantic scale. let» possess spe.-lsl virtues—the most altering or adding to your pre­ Steamer Monteagle left Yokohama 806 TJ 8 43 5.6 14 18 1.1 30» d important of whlvh Is: They cause not YUKON ROITK for White Horae ana 9 33 4 5 It is e*tlmat ,,f m.t.TiIncry This level is half a foot lower than the Journey and art or* protection.,tQ. datum lo which the soundings on tlM feet until they arrive at the Warsaw safely- and quickly on three full meals will brought from Sidney Inlet Admiralty chart of ViCtotU Mrbqr are 1 marks' • a day has been solved ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES 1 and taken to Ladysmith

, me »u»«« i th»» pjw wofu » W8 m I» itracu. "ohn'hl'gosneTL —— ------r i------Timri ~ir aii Jl Phone mi 708 PANDORA ST. vtüTomA daily ram, satûrday, march i», mo» 9 Thursday DAY LABOR ADVOCATED March 25th SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Manufacturing BEFORE CITY COUNCIL first rare Look for This Box HERE * Mr». J. Mi McKinley and Mias Mc­ Charles Dillingham s production Kinley, of Seattle, are In town. Delegation Presents Views Be­ The officer»’ me»» 1» giving a tea this and Repairing fore the Streets, Bridges afternoon at Work Point barracks. and Sewers Committee Our factory IMWreU equipped Mr*. J. A. Macdonald I» giving a tea with men and macQIncry for the this afternoon at her pretty home on manufacture and repairing of In line with the decision of the Book by HENRY BLOSSOM Mnlic by VICTOR HERBERT Douglas street. HIGH CLASS Trades and Labor council a deputation Exactly hs presented one year at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New from that body waited upon the streets, The Mlnee* Nellie anti Edith Burt, JEWELEBY bridges and sewer* committee of the York City, three solid months at the Grand Opera House, of Mexico City, visited the provinçlAl cltjf council last evening. They came museum to-day. We can make to yew order pVfyVtfVVTT ^ Chicago, three months Colonial Theatre. Boston, before fine gold Brooches, Rings. td supplement the .communication sent i the most enthusiastic audiences that ever gathered Bracelets. Cigarette and Match showing the relative merits of day-la­ E l i ~J r-H Ï-4 l—j ir-"i Miss May Tolmie arid Miss Mary Me- bor as compared with a system of con­ in a play-house. Crlmnion. of Vancouver, g re spending Boxes, 7 Medals, etc„ rH ^ F-W V—3 L-'J •tc .. ‘ i nrtSw, trat work. The delegation included J. Éqijri knijr4hi@ ira "'•‘àTvin/rtXw.’rif.KWiiVrSï1 {Company of Sixty P©opl© - - ham. C. Siverts, A." Argyle, Meesrs. n jiir-2 n mi r:i irri msi With Walter Wills as "Con Kidder." Neil McNeil as "Kid Conner." Little Mis* Edna Humber enter­ the premises enables us to In­ McKachern, Herxbergher and Nichol­ tained a number of her friends on corporate any special features son. The communication sent appeared HMhNHHH THE FAMOUS DUTCH KIDDIES Thursday evening. you may suggest. in yesterday’s Times. Mr. Watters said that It was felt that AND THE SEXTETTE SERIES OF PRETTY OIRLS Mrs. W. Crawford and Ml»» Craw­ Our charges are as low as 1» hnniil-itOi; possible for good work. rrgument* could be advanced to show Illustrating Die Fifth Ave. Belles, the Motor Beauties, the Dutch ford. vf Winnipeg, are among the that day la boy should be continued as prairie people In town at present. Girls, the Bowery Belles, the Broadway Soubrettes, the New WE HAVE ALSO ~~ a system In preference to the in­ A »U York Girls and the English Debutantes. troduction of contract labor. The GABDI Mr», «ifurge Williams. of Alberts. A DESIGNER OF bringing , In of the contract system ALL OF VICTOR HERBERT S BIO SONG SUCCESSES vcompanled by her' niece, Ml*e Isabel would mean bringing In a floating pop- pimumertt.. Vo» V.V..V-» T^i IL-.1 ■ IV------mUM. .KStAJaoSUiJSSS JEWELEBY Itiatiu**. ittertdcwt* n the 24th Jewelry you may desire* _ employing of red dents rather than the 1 Streets of New York. ÎIÏS1, wa* given a ban alee rAle.f ehow-*r introduction of a floating population. Look for them-^acoept no nuhetitotea. by a number of young friend* on C. SI verts, secretary of the Trades Thumday evening. PRICES. 50c, 76c, $1.00, $1.50, $3.00. and Labor Council, thought the com­ Steele, Briggs* reeds are the best reads Jtiiiwn mi Sale of Seats Ready Tuesday, March 23rd. munication before the council which ap­ matter what kind of seed* you need the nine stands tec Committees having in hand arrange­ CHALL0NER peared in the Times a few days ago. ments for the. ball to be given by the presented the situation very fully. The the highert QüAUTT. And quality is the only rate guida Native Sons will meet on Tuesday AND system of day labor was now on trial. in a matter of rush great importance. AMUSEMENTS. BUILDING IS TOO • next to report progress. The tickets He understood that property-owners on will be on sale by Tuesday next and one street Insisted that the contract Have you had disappointment with your seeds in the GOOD TO CONDEMN the number has been limited to 48t. MITCHELL should be employed. He believed these It has been reported that a large num­ pest? ion-# GOVT. ST. owners were within their rights in 1/#%^ ber have been spoken for already. this. The owners In dictating to the THEATRE council as to how the money was to Have you carefully planned and cared for your gar­ ; City Council Has Trouble With A farewell party was held last even­ be expended might Inalst later upon n den, only to have it prove a failure ? TWO NIGHTS, STARTING ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ten-hour day. He believed that a stop j Dempster’s Blacksmith Kendall In honor of their daughter . MONDAY, MARCH 15 Ing of the doxology brought a delight­ ■honld bs called In thl». The tax was ___Buy Stbrlk, Bbigou* seeds and get complete satis­ -who 4a shortly leaving for -Ltttooetr PÛd on land values. The land values ( H. If. Campbell Presents L I Shop, Supper was served at midnight. The ful evening to a cloee. Among those faction. present weje Rev. C. and Mrs. Burnett, were made by the Industry of the rate­ Arthur Cunningham following guest» were present: Misses payer If the contract system was tn- Irene McFadden, Bernice Mind* Amy J. W. H. and Mrs. King. A. J, and Mrs. trnduced the contractor hoped to work Behind every paeket is the strongest seed reputation ----THE TRUTH'ACTOR SINGER. Wills, Henrietta Irving, Elvira Mc- In Joseph Murphy s Famous Plays, At the meeting of the streets, bridges Clyde, H. and Mrs. (Ha|*nan, Dr. and the men a little harder. He had never in Canada. Thousands of successful growers everywhere Martln, Edna Hawke and Mary Ken­ Mrs. W. Russell. Mrs. R. W. Coleman, *een a gang of laborers working too Monday Night—The Kerry Oow | and «ewer» committee last night the tkki k riggs dall, and Messrs. B. Junes, L. Hawke. the Misses Parfitt. Scowcroft. GUmorc. hard. Under contract labor the older use S . , B ’ seeds year after year because they Tuesday Night—Shaun Rhne question ot the premises occupied- by R Hawke, W. Ledlngham. J. Roy, W Few, Mercer. Freeman. Walker, and men would suffer. Young men who can be sure of what they are buying. Hear Mr. Cmmiusiuu:, 3iiui. . P. w. Dempater on Johnson street, Rends ii. Jr. and J» Randall. Messrs. Marri on. Podifttl. McKenxio, could “net the pace" were the desire of Youn*C harms!" -The Irisiumm^Toas"* l ***»• “P . V matter to the city solicitor, who should shaded brass candlesticks. In the cen­ resolved itself Into a commoneesise report at once so that the matter coufd enjoyed and appreciated. Mr. and tre a square mirror, edged with question. The whole was graater than Every Night EXCEPT THURSDAY of be attended to at once. Mrs. Oak left later for their new smilax and carnations to the centre, the part. The council should be able to r This Week. Aid. Stewart said he felt rather sore home at 217 Jessie street. Victoria with little white swans dotter over the say the work on Wharf street would West. be done by day labor or not at all on this matter. Advantage had been • • • surface of the mlnature lake. Mrs. AMATEUR CONTEST AND taken of the fire wardens some years H. R. McIntyre, smartly dressed In Mr- Argyle thought thi* matter The snow-drop dance of the United ago and repairs had been made to the black satin with cream net yoke and should be referred to the people a LONDON BIOSCOPE bulldipg. German Social Club proved a succdsn. sleeves and Jet trimming; Mrs. H. H. referendum vote. A Mammoth Double Programme for About stxty-flve were present and Rhandley, in a beautiful Empire of Mayor Hall said he was not aware Hotel Del Monte It is explained that nt^ privilege In j Only Ten Cents. the way of repairs was proposed and i-pent a Jolly evening. Everyone was pink satin, with yoke and sleeve» of that the dty council Intended to altv m Ten Cents. the motion of AW. Fullerton was car­ presented with a bouquet of verlgated tucked chiffon trimmed with pain Mpe ft* system from (lay labor to the c*m- The Paradise of the Pacific Nedr Old 1 Doors Open 7.30 p.tfi.; Performance at I holly and pretty snow-drop*. Most of trmct system. The wot* on Wharf ried. buttons and bands of Dresden em­ 125 eulss soutkerly i»sa> Sa* Francisco Saturday Matinee. Childish. 5 Cents. the ladies were dressed In white. Will­ broidery. and* Mrs. J. O. Cameron, street was something ofmn experiment Doors Open 2 o’Clock; Performance 2.30. ST. PATRICK’S DAY CONCERT ing hand» assisted Mrs. Herberger at wearing a handsome black crepe-de- *** d9ne by * certain kind of EVENING ADMISSION, 10c. the tables, which were prettily decor­ cbene trimmed with black silk lace and brlek. The property owners there want­ California Programme to Be Rendered at Insti­ ated and laden with goud thina- applique, asaieted hi the tea room. ed the maker* of the brick held re­ tute Hall on Wednesday. Excellent music was furnished by ------■ -m.jA»,- sponsible. He personally believed la Messrs. <’overdale and McConnell. HE finest winter resort in the world. Superb climate, PRETTY WEDDING. the day labor system. There were cer­ matchless scenery of mountain and* ses, permits After midnight supper was served and tain Instances m hen a contract was ae- At Institute hall at 8.30 p.m. on 8t. outdoor sports all winter, golf,tennis, horse-back Patrick** day the following programme Ml** Herbe rger gave some extra se­ Mr. Gill and Miss Hutchison Joined la T m. NEW GRAND lections on the piano, which wa» ap­ .AJ4. Fullerton pointed out that the riding, motoring, motor boating, surf tank bathing. World will be rendered at the concert arrang- Wedlock Last Evening. plauded. Dancing continued until t Weèk 15th March «1 by the ladies, of st. Andrew's «r rum Au Wi warier fiti TTrayTrwnptrinmieewEj«yamT mmrnm TRUE BOARDMAN ft dO., Friday.* Russel, Tacoma; Archie Griggs. Port give» all the credit for hi» cure to mm Comedy Play. Townsend; John S. Blanev. Kimberly, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Rsfm, forks, ADMISSION, 10c. fl. Africa; Edith M. L. Blaney. Un- fit btstmsdr ‘ LINDEN ft WREN ”1 am forty-one years old,” Mr. CHILDREN S MATINEE, 6c colnshire. Eng. ; Bernice Mat Harper Garand *aid when asked about his ONLY by I* «awsss bad Comedy Sketch. Port Townsend;■*«. Heal, Côwes; J. J. cure. And have been section man CHAS." ROYAL, * " Wt England, Dr. ahd Mrs. A. R. Guld. here for ten years. Tor live y«yr* l ROGERS Comedian. v T J Cash, and J. E. suffered from kidney disease an J 1847 Lewis. St. Paul. Minn.; H. W. Turn- rheumatism, also sciatica Hi my right TMi sums les ira .SMITH ft ELLIS, GRAND MASQUE bull, Brantford, Ont. hip, which descended to my feet. Ftor ian’ «petition hr luS), ' # r • • e Sccnk Hetdefths Weld Irish Entertainer». four month* I could not work. Resil­ OvcHeekt Ssn Francisco Bsy and City silk, sly It •*< essllly. JAMES DIXON, The member* and friends of the choir ing of cures by Dodd’s Kidney PU is R SKATING CARNIVAL of First Baptist church spent a very Five Minulo Rids from Ferries "SunKonael Sue.” led me to try them. I used nine boxe* \ ht —ft on t — étltètê, far* dtsie», Pleasant time together in Victoria hall In all and to-daÿ I am advising all Mnw. IncrmsIekMIi >* pfteker*. »fn. *k„ iImII a# I BIOGRaPH Assembly Roller Rink, laatgjBvenlng. An Interesting leilare on who suffer from rheumatism to use LICENSE TRAN8FEB. ■^eeJMtSl|DtJMimTlCO. •>n AwkwurJ Habit." Ktc. Westminster Abbey waj» given., by Mr* Dodd's Kidney Pittas ! ST. PATRICK’S DAY Pollard. Illustrated by a number of Rheumatism and sciatica are cgma-d ■ * stereoptican views from the lantern by diseased kidneys failing tç> strain Mai ITIhH I, Si, I SU. I ^ * manipulated by A. J. Uneo. During the The Hurt of a Plano Is the MARCH 17th the uric acid out of the blood. <\trt* stoners for the City of Victoria, at its erentng s competition, e Action. Insist on the 8 to 12 p: ' — the Kidney» with ..Dodd'» Kidney J?uu Palace Hotel Company next evasion, for s transfer of the license Pringle 8 Phipps, took place, the winners for the ladies and they will strain the uric acid out to sell Intoxicating liquors on the pre­ "" JLER8 AND CejWgOBWItlM being Migs L. Scowcroft and Miss E. •OTTO" HIGEL” Admission, 25c. Skates, 60c. of the blood. Then you can’t have mises situated at No. 1W0 Store street, in TRY OUR •. r Gilmore, while for the gentlemen. rheumatism. the City of Victoria, known aa the Messrs. G. McKenzie and A. J. Clyde, ‘ Western Hotel.” from myaelf to Charted • Plane Action VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN. proved victorious. After refreshments The rag-pickers of Albert Stewart, of Victoria. B. C. . a Quaker Bread Paris collect more something h*d been «crvtd by tbe imlies toe «tog. Utnu sw worth â wi ■km Maiuicto tan VIOTOttA DAILY TTMKB. 8ATÜEDAY. MARCH 13. 190».

RUSHING WORK ON THE PRICE OF “BOVRIL” IS LOW WHATA SAMPLE DID CHILLIWACK LINE The Times Nature Club because the flint proceasea in its preparation are SAVED LITTLE BOY’S LIFE. carried out at our factories in the Argentine, anti Section Between Westminster This is the season when the beauti­ wholly destroying the beauty of the As b forlorn hope, Mr. H. Stephens, of Arthur, *n Australia, and New Zealand, where we have Oil. sent for a sample of PSYCHINÉ recommended by Cloverdale Nears ful' daffodils and other members of the landscape. — his doctor.. His little boy was lying at death s door ani narcissus- family are preparing to Alder Catkins. an unlimited supply of heblthy cattle raised at the doctor had given up hope. Mrs. Stephens says : “My Completion. bloom in , the gasmens. These plants The willow catkins are known to lowest possible coat. The price of BOVKIL is little eon was stricken down with Pneumonia after eon- and the bulbs onFfrhlch they grow are everyone, but the catkins of the alder t acting a severe cold. He lay for nearly three months email in comparison to ita great value aa a food. almost like a deed child. His lungs became so swollen poisonous to nearly every living crea­ are equally Interesting, almost as com­ mon in this neighborhood, and much that his heart w»e pressed over to his right fide and we New Westminster. March 12.—"The ture. The cattle and horses" In the Dm net «w .I. hr were informed that Consumption had our boy in its fatal more graceful In appearance. The old last bridge, that over the Serpentine Held will not touch them, they are cones may usually be seen on the same grip. It was pitiable to see how terribly weak and river, has now been completed and the polshnous to human beings, but oddly emaciated he was. The little lad would often cough houghs as tne catkins. They are almost continuously for twenty-four heura. He perspired grade from the city to Cloverdale Is enough there is one creature that lives short and small, and very Insignificant B0VRIL dreadfully and his garments and the bed clothe» were frequently as wet as if now ready for the steel," said Engineer upon It. This is a fly known as the compared with the long stamlnate cat­ they had been dipped in water. At onetime he was almost completely covered Sinclair, In charge of the construction of Narcissus Fly (Meredcn JR/iuestrls) kins. Plumage In Hats. with sores which were caused by so many mustard plasters, and rubbing con- the new Chilliwack tram Une. Mr. 8in- somewhat resembling the bumble bee. tinwUx with lodiç^taçnfev» the incessant pain. ” , Unlike any of the bees, however. It has itlsfa- tory to those who -»!*** . aaid- timt H JMM*, Hew CM 1 dojerit. mr feeling, when Undoctor told me that I mut prepare t. lew me weeks to Hy the «tee! to Ctoventale Ittmuiw. Hr bad eehaueted ever, mean, in hi# power end did not think Ih.l Hill. Curler makes a poise like a drone and hovers the cruel fashion, of wearing fluffed rould erer ret wrl At ih« wime lleio the dootor «wiled mj .ttrntton to HIYCHINIt wblci once the order was given to go ahead ■e"aid. had V-..n tiVPIOSED to work manjetrlkmc cure. and the line should be in operation motionless as a hawk over Its prey. birds, or parts of birds as decorations " Mj rent for .ample bottle of PPYCHINK and ear# him torn at ooee. ceasing Urn doctor , medicine, altogether, Alnioel Immedlatel, an iioprurement wu netloenble* easily by the middle of the summer. The effect to twodsye we, mlrecupto.. HI. breetlilng became quite easy and the wraiwi The steel laying will begin as won es and natn In tlta lung, wept a war. HI. eye. looked brighter, end be noon began to cheer ip the weather Is settled, apd will not and regain bi.ho,Uh eplrlta Indeed it seemed ee It the deed had come to lUhv P •top at Cloverdale but be carried through a* far a* the gracie Is com­ SSjUy.âWeelbitiglewtigbL To-da, n ron I. -.11 .nd .tror.«.n». ibet pleted. This. Mr. Hinclalr said, was at Urn.. Lm than t«i b«il» . The con­ Said The Pot Will always recommend it." struction of one brtdg^irer the Salmon If yon are euffering In any way. and hare almost d< Sample thk-grafle^Td' oimnaiiramr Ta The Kettle be restored. PSYVHflNK has pio\emr five miles of grading has also been completed You'r* Black in Tht Face. ■ ■ ti m . j___ - . All Druggist* and stores to You, \/X from the Abbotsford en4- nuns ion’r* The Dirtiest Thing Dr. T. A. The construction gangs, with a large CUM, Lie To be Seen Round The Place, ai; < ciaiisic•flii.irCTM.':H* NE arfna' steam shovel, are concentrating on TOBONTO. the remaining portion of the work on 'And a Perfect Disgrace •the second section, that from the Mount Ierman road to the Mataqul prairie. To The Pot-and-Pan Race ! ' and J. A. Murray, secretary, gyvwgmt^ BUILDING ACTIVE Hying reports of the past year’s work. There are several 60,000 yard fill* and 'Well, You’re Not to Handsome, A very material advance was shown at least two 30.000 yard cuts to be The Kettle Replied— over the previous year. Mrs. J. A. made; these have Just been started. Î Murray presided at tire SnraTt. and Mis* The Whole ..r the second section Mr ’ If / Looked Like You Did AT CUMBERLAND j, Otter Point, Mias Arden, Sinclair thinks, will be completed and This Morning,— I’d Hide: — I Miss Murray, the Misses Alice Gordon ready 'for electrifying by the end of j and Daisy lions, and Messrs. Way and June. The grade is the best possible, Bat There’s ‘Cook’.With Oar B NEW STORES ARE ! Snunderson. constituted numbers to the the greatest being only 2.5 per cent.; And Here’s Where 1 Get Mine j programme. the line I* built with steam road cur­ | The boat erfew and fishermen were vature which permit* the attaining of BEING ERECTED Tout In full force. Mr. Kane spoke hiT a high rate of speed. . ______j their behalf, reciprocating the spirit of ' kindly interest tn them Golden West Washing Powder | Sooke and the immediate nelghbor- OLD FOLKS’ COUGHS. Development League to Discuss I hr*»d hati on several occasions received Now Watch Me Shine: I splendid and opportune sèrvtce in case* BEf’.tl’KK RESISTING POWER 18 Centralization of District i of emergency and deepest need from WEAK PNEUMONIA OFTEN It is Certainly Fine. ” FOLLOWS. Schools. ..,w j Captain Rucker, who put his own ■-stefTtncr -m— onnmtsstrm Tor men—wha Save the Coupons for Premiums : had met with a* < ident# A similar ser­ Tells of a Sure Cere nml a Never-fall­ vice w** also randerad t.« a . hu«i wha* ing Comfort for Colds, Cough*, (Special Correspondence.) death was averte sore around the daffodils or narcissi usually much objection to them. on the Courtenay Flat* hunting him! < 'ingested membrane in two seconds. In Apnl or May It enter* the bulb For a long time the newspapers and trapping. He announces hi* Intention No drugs to take—nothing to harm the near the top, works it* way downwards, of remaining hen; during the summer Meeting Will Be Held to Decide individual citizens, especially the mem­ aged or the Infant, because Catarrhe- dfposlt* its eggs, and then leaves for bers of the Society for the Prevention fpr the trout fishing on the Courtenay another bulb. In Holland and the on Plan of zone Is the purest, safest cough, ca­ of Cruelty t«i Animals, have been try­ river, and will lafer on travel up to Hcllly Isles, off the coast of Cornwall, tarrh and cold remedy ever devised. ing to show the ladies the "error" of tile Campbell for the big salmon. Mr Action. Mrs. M K Walford. wife of a well the fly destroys hundreds of dollars Stuart considers Comox excellent their ways, but until recently wRAout known grocer In East Sheffiel 1, writes: worth oY bulbs every year. Each fly any very marked success. Home time The Physician's headquarter* for sportsmen and espe­ "For three years I suffered with a hard deposits about one hundred eggs In a ago at a meeting of thA Women’* Coun­ Cure for Gout, cially for those who have only a limit­ season, thus destroying that number of Rheumatic Gout Nelson. March 12. --- Steps are 4o be racking cough and bronchial irritation cil in this city the ladles were ' barged DINNEFORD’S ed amount of time to devote to their wtilch annoyed me so much at night I hull»*» it can !>.- recognised by having by one of their number with being and Gravel. hobby ------— - taken without delay looking: toward cou^ln't sleep. I tried many remedies, a grey band over the abdomen cruel In this respect. At once a num-. 'G. J. Moore, general dealer of Cum­ the erection of a- n*w 4>osp*tat 4n Nel- ROBERT PETERS. The Universal Remedy for Aridity of the catarrh tablets, sprays, syrup*. etc.,l>tit her of those present rose and stated .earthurn,m, Indigestioidigestion, Safest and meet berland ha« ,,fyne«) a, branch establish- dun. -Thla- waa (he view of the annual Vandalism. Stomach, Headache,dache, Hei they only helpdfi for a short time. f*a- that they had nothing hut chicken'» Sour Eructations, Bilious ▲flections. Effective Aperient rtivnt at Courtenay. meeting of the Kootenay Lake General tarrhosone brought me wonderful com­ It certainly seems a pity that the ad­ feathers. This unworthy custom is for It is understood that at the meet­ fort from the first. I Inhaled Its bal­ vance of vivilixatlon should so often ing of the Development League to take hospital. A meeting is to be held w ith­ dead for the present. May it remain Regular Urn. in two weeks when the matter will be samic fumes every hour of two. and am mean the destruction of that which is hurled...... :...... wfleo m Tiie^iv (’.efitrallsa.- now free from any trace of cold, bron­ gone Into and some definite plan of beautiful. The illustration in this num­ Rats and Their Sins. tton of the district schools will be dis- chitis and catarrh. I can go out In all ber shows a very perfect and beautiful action decided upon. The provincial The rat ha* been looked on a* a cpssed. This means that the Comox kinds of weather and don’t take cold." alder tree, photographed In the spring government has offered to give 5Ô per noxious animat for at any rate three apd Courtenay schools will be com­ There la no remedy so certain land before the leave* began to show them­ cent, of any amount that may be rais­ or four thousand years. The ancient MAGNESIA bined safe as Vatarrhosone. but being a good selves. This tree along with a num­ Egyptians domesticated the cat. and Repair* to the government wharf at ed .locally for the erection of the hos­ remedy It is imitated. Beware of the ber of other* were cut down when the this animal was held In the highest C*»mox have been taken In hand by pital and it is desired to take advantage substltutor. Large Vatarrhosone lasts new tram line was constructed beyond reverence for its power or protecting P, Downey. It la probable that the of this-offer. two months, price $1; smaller sises Î5c Ross Bay on the Fairfield road. The the vast granaries from rats. When a government will bd petitioned to en­ President Hamilton Bÿers read his and 66c; All reliable dealers or the Ca- sarme road Is to-day a conglomeration cat died In old Egypt the people In the large,thé wharf in view of the increas­ annual report, and referred to the pro- tarrhosone Co.. Kingston, Ont of poles, wire sand steel rail* Every­ lentless. The worst of introducing na­ said to still survive in some districts. iKisai a* follows: house shaved off their eyebrows as a ed stfamer service which is confidently I one recognizes the necessity of having tural enemies, however. Is that they As to the bacterial infection, the evi­ expected. ^ Tn my last annual report, mention ?lgn of mourning. No Egyptian boy dence is conflicting. l**atschenko s_. tram lines but It seems as If It might thought it wa* fun to kill a cat. and are apt to change their diet. The Ja­ On Monday. 15th in*t., a fifteen was' made th&t yoür association would POLICE INVESTIGATE maica plantera, for instance, introduced bacillus has been largely used tn Rus­ be possible, to install them without Diodorus tilculu* tells us that if any­ round boxing contest is advertised .to this year take under conslden^|llon the the Indian mongoose as a rat enemy to sia; but, as is to be expected, the virul­ one was depraved enough to kill a cat take place between Young Jones, of erection of an up-U>rdate hospital. In SLAUGHTER OF DEER protect the sugarcane fields. At first ence of the culture rapidly dies down_.__ Cumberland, and John Day/’ôT Court­ this regard I am pleased ,to report he was put to death a# a murderer. It on passing through a few generations 1* said that a Roman general suffered all went well, but wholesale destruc­ enay, at the Agricultural hall, Court­ progress, and we are assured by the tion of poultry followed, and the mon­ of rat*. Dan»»--brought out a rat the penalty. No cats have been found enay. C. Johnson, proprietor of the provlnctai government that tly necee- goose also exterminated the common bacillus In 1800, but it seems that the at Pompeii or Herculaneum, and ap­ Courtenay hotel, has put up k purse of bgrÿ aid will be granted, and* we now Animals Herded and Then Killed HIGHEST IN HONQRS ground Visard that fed on ticks and eialm* made on behallf of this prepar­ parently. In Greek time* a species of #13®. the winner tn take $100 amt the nsk for the support of n generous pub­ grass lice. The result was a" plague'of ation were greatly exaggerated. The marten was the favorite domestic ani­ loser $50. Then- is also a bet of $25 lic to assist us In a deserving under­ —Pelts Found in there insect*. Mr. Boclter remarks that culture was raised by artificial labora­ mal. Cats were scarce in Europe even a side between the contestants. taking In the erection of a hospital cat* are part of the Imperial civil aer- tory means (says Rosenau. who re­ Dr. Hewlett and Mr: Tismay. who which should be one of the first Insti­ Bush. in the Middle Ages. An old Welsh law ported to the V. S. government), to a of the tenth century fixes the price of v|ee. At the London G. P. Q, there is. left Comox about a f.^rtnlght ago on tutions In our city, and an Institution Baker’s for Instance, a paldlataff of cats, whose high degree of virulence, which, how­ the doctor’s yacht Ooldenrod for Yic- which will fully meet the demands of tats according tt> a regular scale. The ever, proved very unstable. Moreover, modem crusade against the rat began duty it is, In officiai language, to pro­ toria.. mdt with a mishap off Hornby the district, thoroughly equipped and Kamloops. March 12.—The provincial tect the "King's Malls’* from rats. ruts that survive the injectttm are ren­ Island on Sunday. After being wen- ! up-to-date In every respect. At a very police are now Investigating a case of with the work of Zuschlag. of Copen­ dered Immune. Neumann, of. Aalborg, hagen. who had. become administrator They are provided In return with free therbound at Deep Bay, they Htarted early date your board will endeavor to Illegal deer killing In the vicinity of Cocoa board and lodging. In France, too, cats brought out another bacillus in 1908 un­ of the Danish rat law. Denmark has for Nanaimo. A strong south wind carry out the plan* they have already Notch HHl. The pelt* of eleven deer receive an annual government grant. der the name ratln. It la sometimes taken up the crusade with the utmost came up and the yacht’s mainmast laid down, and I trust that before our were found secreted Hi a bush about The French train their cat* hy giving very effective, but In other localities broke off short They managed to next niinuai report the construction of three miles Hootch creek. They re- enthusiasm, and remarkable results produces no results. It Is largely used 4 arc beinç j obtained. The main handi- them a few trips on a man-of-war. If ~ make - Hoyuhy; where-they -•got- nwfe our Mw- bt*Kp*uU «shalL.-bo- wtUl,.under preaeut^d ..fy.ur .(l^,lhre? bucks, and they do welt they are promoted to a In Denmark. There, is an American ashore. They, wilt proceed to Victoria four fawns. oap Is ths enormous rate at which the bacterial poison known as raticide, and 50 WwSîîï goh« or1 two "flSlfEÏPfr*,*' *tiore billet.....Sftid. on the *tearner Joan. The election' of officers resulted In The deer were apparently herded worse than useless a* a protection rboneT oFTlW 'ôfï* ~ Sf Yhvse -ptrfwr*- ~ Hamilton Byers being unanimously ré- down by some unknown party and kill­ to a small island they breed so proltfi- lions may solve the problem. HIGHEST cally that in a year or two bird life be­ against rat*. Rat-catching aa a pro­ appolnted president. There were two ed. The police are at present working Native Flowers. SOCIAL REUNION come# extinct, and the* rat. herde i* fession "came In" with the 18th century AWARDS TaY IfiVkltmi. A -fomplete Kat-eateh- driven to eating shell fl*h. In Great Next week n scrips /kf dfawings with Olgnt and Fred Irvine. A ballot result H. Blshoff was found with deer meat er" was published «Z early; aa 1Ï3S, In short description* of the native flowers HELD AT S00KE ed In the election of the latter. J. M. In his possession and was arrested. He IN Britain, assuming only «me rat to the acre, and giving him a moderate meal, which were contained "Rules fof the will be commenced. These are being Lay and George Johnstone were 'Unan­ was fined $25 and costs and the venison utter extirpation of those mischievous contributed fcy one of the readers of imously re-elected as treasurer and was confiscated. EUROPE the loss amounts to about £15.000.000 a year. The farmer pays two rents, one vermin." The author. one Robert the dub who has made a study of the secretary respectively. XVIIlian} Waldle. AND Smith, waa rat-catcher to the Princes* flora of this district and they will Annual Meeting of Presbyterian | J M. Lay, W. G. Glllett, W. P, Tierney I BOILMI EXPLOSION. to his landlord, the-other to the rat. ''htirable need fear Nature, but the person who * come to resume opr ration* for the sea­ anpthion of rat poison, and there Ftglits prove an immediate relief-** March tth. We find from the evidence even more than is claimed for it." rat* It twfound that epidemic trichin­ *eem* no way of avoiding the danger htv« eo ueptoawauitne*» to the tante - - that the men in charge did their full osis never j,occur# ill the absence of igin *n tb* aewera, no griping. They do the work effec- NO MORE DANDRUFF: duty. We are unable to discov brown rat*. Tt tr far this reason that f whi(’h. uscd to he terribly Bàtor tCa, LU. a violent campaign agftInst the rat has rats. live electric wire* are laid with To Irritate JLhe scalp, and make the hair- fall out, commend that - a-M---boilers- be periodi­ begun- tn many German town*. The bait, and enormous numbers Fragee has Just been presented with it* after you use Luby’s Parisian Hair Rene wee. It tobacco blH for the past yeaç. It amount* cally Inspected by government inspec­ iTse DMCHUTER. MASS. connection, of the rat with plague ls*"be- of the vermin are thus electrocuted. In I* a quick and .absolute cere for Dandruff-makes tb flOp.TOO.UBO. and represents about W.060.- tors." yond dispute. the xdd day* exorcism ups largely re- the hair grow soft; lustrous and beautiful. At 000 pounds of thy fragrant we»* The gov­ The Rat and His Enemies. Borted to tthere are references to LUBY’S all druggists. 58 cents a bottle. At the present rale of excavation ernment has * monopoly in tobacqr», fixes M St. Peter Street, Meetreal "rhyming" Irish rats in Ben Johnson R. J. DEVINS, Limited, Agents, Montreal. Pompeii will not be entirely uncovered be- In England the barn-owl to a great price# to suit itself, and netted over $7$,- lore the year 1E0. rat-kUlcr. aud the a easel is equally re­ and Bbakcüpcaro), and the practice la ÛU0.W0 on the year's trade VICTORIA DAILY TIMM, BATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1000. 11

TRADING IN STOCKS TIN; A BUSINESS WITH A BIG FUTURE CONTINUES DULL ] Hunyadl Canada Western Chartered Vinooaver Stock Exchange America' uses over 130.000.688 worth of tin every year, and It Is Estimated \»*^»*****+<**^**^****^*****,*'*'0*0,.*»">» kstw. that in three years the tin mines of Alaska will supply this, sad the in­ Jànos creasing demand. The richest tin mines rf Alaska are The Goodwin T*a Corporation, Ltd. Hesitation Marks Operations | (By Courtesy P. W. Stevenson A Co.) Group, the entire output of which Is owned by the Vancouver, March 18, PACIFIC TIN MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY, LTD. on the New York Listed Stocks. Complete Information of this company. Including prospectus, ssaay reports, Bid. Asked. etc , will be supplied by x Brokers Market. Alberta Coal A Coke Co...... 1 9 Alberta C FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT AGENTS. International Coal A Coke Co. 64 68* ft. B. MAYRMITH * CO, Portland Canal M. Co...... H 1 f. 0. Box 692 Flieel Agent,. Ffecaa 1600 4,6,6 McOREGOR BLOCK PHONE 1903 New York, March IS.—Hesitation Western Oil, Cops...... II# MAHON ni.HO.. VICTORIA, continued to be the dominant feature Unlisted Blocks. MEMBERS VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE in the stock market during the past Amerlcan-Canadlan Oil ...... 9| 18 health week, with dullness In trading pro­ B. C. Copper Co...... •* 7* B. C. Packers, pref...... ® nounced. General business interests B. C. Permanent Loan ...... 118 seem to be taking a part Interest, par­ B. C. Pulp A Paper Co...... M8 ticularly in conditions connected with B. C. - Trust Corporation ...... 110 lllaThc Best Canadian Con. S. A R...... 78 .. Natml Laxative Water metal industries. It Is not, however, Canadian Northwest Oil ...... IS * vol”me <.>«v*lteKinney A,. JR, FOR W. STEVENSON & CO. wnit n mann it witinmnry e* Vet. «eel A Im«. to Ü OOW8TIPATIOW NORTHERN CROWN BANK or that drygood# are enjoying a period Dominion Trust Co. .80 1 _ of activity greater than last year. Great West Permanent ...... 118 US BROKERS However, the generality of business Granby ...... 92 HEAD OFFICE ... WINNIPEG men are inclined to look to the steel National Drug A Chess. Co.. .. * 92 Nicola Valley Coal A Coke.... 1W CANADA'S ASBESTOS. 14-10 MAHON BLDG. 1114 GOV’T STREET Inquiry a* a barometer of trade con­ Northern Bank ...... M * ditions and the reduction from time Rambler Caribou ...... 14 PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES to time In the various steel products Royal Coklerlee ...... H 311 Producing 130.080.086 fn Thirty Years It have not up to this time had the ef­ Vaneouve- Ice A C. 8...... 138 Capital (atrthorizetl) .06,000,000 CORRESPONDENTS: [ N.w York Stock Kxchangw Leads the World. fect of creating large buying by con­ South Africa Scrip ...... 810 83 ♦2,200,000 LOGAN A BRYAN MEMBERS. I Boston Stock Bkchang. sumera although In time the effect Capital (paid-up) . Chicago Board St Trails. Sales. During thirty years of asbestos pro­ »r should be bénéficiai. B. B. CHAPIN * 00. Lnst York Cotton Exchange. 2.008 Canal ...... *1 duction, Canada, which leads the The failure of the government case 1488 Royal ...... 31 agntn*T the Standard tw company wan world in the production ef-this mineral,

fairs. The governmental action has A. Dresser, mining geologist of McGill Our facilities for cdlletttiug and remitting money should be tp.botd„!, sri;»t nw»y çombtna- MINING STOCKS I University, in his address before a lions in check. The situation In the largo gathering of the Canadian Min­ employed by all business men to whom promptnew i* a ewC ! BEFORE! near future Is likely to be complicated ing Institute at Montreal. His paper LOCAL STOCKS by reductions In wages, particularly wa» entitled. “Mineral Deposits of the sidéral iftn. ” among the steel companies and also by (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) Serpentine Belt of Southern Quebec." the cohl companies. In fact the em­ Spokane, March 13. I960. Although asbestos was known, said Mr. Dreeger, in the eastern townships (By Courtesy H. B. Nayrmith A Co.) ployees of the latter have assumed a Bid. Asked. rather antagonistic attitude and per» 21 as early as 1547, It was not until 30 GODFREY BOOTH, Manager, Victoria, B. 0. (Prfrste Exchange.) haps some difficulty In this respect Copper King ...... M H years later that It bacame commercial­ ____.------f..... March IS. 1908. may be noted. The action of the Gertie ...... 21 3 ly important. Work was begun In 1877 Humming R1rcreate 1 dit SlftCKMÀN KIRHllllNG L " WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Victoria Transfer Co...... » BA8 and higher market will perhaps be dis* j iïi ioo; dp^ie, Le­ vines of Quebec. During the last «8 Vancouver Briquette Coal...... eouraged until the outlook Is more as- | gal*. dec., «744.560. posits, dec.. years, that Is. since asbestos mining Any person who le the sole bead of e Western Oil ...... 1.60 13 y -CALGARY IIBERTÀ < «*.801.911. Circulation, dec.. «201.- . the aggregate production has ( F-lNulACUDri 01 *8* family, or any male over 18 yeans old. had a value of nearly «30.000,606, and at may homestead a quarter section (180 High. Low. Bjd South African Scrip .,...... *36.66 000. Àctnnl cash reserves. «6.01%. the présent time the province of Que­ acres, more or less) of available Dominion Note—Pacific Coast Fire la sold at the A mal. Copper «...... ■} Î? ~ Reserves. Inc., «1,004.400. lésa U. 8.. lend In Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Al­ above quotation subject to a call by the Amer. Car. A I’dy...... 46* 48 bec produces between 85 per cent and berta. The applicant must appear to per­ company of 824 per share. Amer. Loco...... ■ V. ip.. «1.008.070. Loaal» doc., «2,227.- 90 par seat, of the world's supply. This son St the Dominion Lands Agency or A mar. SroeltliM ...... ATw 000. Specie. Inc.. «919.166. Legal*, entire amount. In value «3.588.888, Is Bub-Agency for the district. Entry by A me/- Woolen ...... •• dec.. «965.900. Dcpostta. dec.. «4.284,- talned from the counties of Megantlc j may bo made at any agency, on Atchison and Richmond, much the greater part ...... W* MT* W 000. Clrculsthm. dec.. «618.500. tin ondltlons. by father, mother, eon. B. A D, Other hanks, loans, Inc., «1.112,300. coming from the former. :ht*t, brother or eleter of intending B. R.^rT ...Z...... Yt 1» ** The production of low grade material Watch This Space E COPPER MARKET ...... 1*1 m m Specie, dec . «l.FOO.OOOr" Bhgals. dec.. lkm^rn&8.-"8hi months- residence upon C. P. R...... Was greatly Increased by the introduc­ C. A O...... *1 « 6* «37.300 ToUl deposits, dec.. 13.297,- and cultivation of the land in each of tion of merchanlcal concentration In three years. A homesteader may Uvs (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) C. A O. W...... •»•*«* 586.. Eliminating, etc., dec., «2.000,- do. pfd. “B" ...... «1 * si 606. Deposits. Inc.. «449.SOO. Percent­ 1892-3-4. And we will try to make plain why we have said within nine miles Of his homestead an a Boston. Han h 13.1809. The growth of the Industry may be term of at least » acres solely owned and C., M. A St. P...... 142* 141* 143 age, dec., 19.20%. ‘•This New Food is entirely different from all ecupled by him or by his father, mother, Bid. Asked. C. F. A ...... 32* 82 * gauged from the fact that In 1976 the son. daughter, brother or sister. Adventure ...... 7* ...... S3* « «21 total production was 18 tone, while In other Breakfast Foods." Colo...... THREE TONS OF AGATE. In certain districts a homesteader In Alloues ...... 39 ...... 12** 12** 128* 1908 the production was 56.634 tons, The first reason is: It is made from barley- good may pre-empt a quarter Arcadian ...... 5* D. À R O...... 44 43 4SI with a value of «3.547.687. section alongside hie nomsetead. Price Atlantic ...... 14* Distillers ...... What la probably the biggest block of nothing more, nothing less, than the very beat 88.08 per acre. Duties.—Muet reside six Boston Cone...... 108 With regard to chormlc Iron, which Alberta barley we eau buy. This is a very great months in each of six years from date of Erie ...... polished agate in Europe at present has Is valuable not for Its Iron, but for its homestead entry (Including the time re­ Butte Coalition ...... 3 do. 1st pfd. ... difference, as it is the only Breakfast Food sulted to earn homestead patent) and Black Mountain ...... H do. 2nd pfd. ... 29| 36* arrived In Paris, and was delivered at content of chromic oxide, Mr. Dresser cultivate fifty acres extra. Calumet and Arisons ...... 99* we Gt. Nor. Ore ©tfs. «1 •*) the Natural History Museum In the stated that as early as 1851 samples of amongst tho dozens of Breakfast Foods on the A homesteader who has exhausted hie Centennial ...... 2»* , Ot. Nor. pfd...... 146 m i»i some ton's weight were shipped from homestead right and cannot obtain a pre­ Copper Range ...... 76* I Jardin dee Plantes. It Is a gift from J, groeers’ shelves to-day that ia made from this emption may take a purchased homestead Inter-Metro...... 141 141 141 Plerpont Morgan, who thereby wishes Ham, in the county of Wolfe, to Lon Cmnberland-Ely ... «... 7f do.^pfd...... «* 44* grain. , , In certain districts. Pries 83 00 per acre. Daty-Weet ...... *...... R don and Glasgow, but no mining result­ Purchased homesteads may be acquired H M ta pay a compliment to France tn ed, probably owing to the undevelofted The second reason *: The barley has been on any available lands on either odd or Da vis-Daly ...... 4* «* 47. recognition of the many pleasant days even numbered Sections south of Town­ East Butte ...... 14| mVp: A s."*8. M. state of the country, as the price of treated entirely different ; it goes through a three ...143 142* 143* j which he has spent there nearly every ship A. east of the Calgary and Edmon­ First National ...... «... 6$ M . K. A T...... 46* 3* hromite was at that time four or five days’ continuous process to get it ready for roll­ ton Railway and the west line of Range Granby Copper ...... 82 Mo. l*ac. ..W I year during his periodical visits to times higher than at present. In 1886 M and west of the third Meridian and the Globe Cone...... 4] ing into Fla! -a; we will give particulars of this Bault Railway Une. Duties.—Muet rest Is Nat. Lead ...... i Europe, and also in honor of the hls- and 1887 another attempt was made to Bx months In each of three years, culti­ Greene Cananea*...... 9| Newhouse ...... • jr -m. I torlc assoclattona between the two exploit the chromite ores of Quebec by later, and what this process does. In the mean­ vate fifty acre# and erect a house worth Hancock ...... il* ...... —m9 ___ » is* I co^mtries. The agate Is nothing but a Dr. James Heed, whe shipped 160 ton* time we guarantee the quality of lie- goods—and Hetvetts ...... '\ Nor. Pac...... *1871 13* from Wolfestown. Leeds and Tbetford^ Isle Royale ...... 27 I piece of fossilised tree trunk, petrified you may prove their value by getting a sample SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH­ Pennsy...... 129* ]29 120* and turned Into silica by the action of to Philadelphia. No further shipments' Keweenaw ...... 41 Jple’* Gas..,...... 110* H»* 118) package. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. L*ke ...... IT water and chemical transformation In seem to have been made until 18*4 when COAL.—C6al mining rights may be leas­ adlng ...... 126 1241124| 124* operations were begun at several points ed far twenty-one years st an annual La Salle ...... 141151 BRock Island ...... 22* 22* 22| the course of ages. It was upearthed in ASK Y0UÎR GROCER rental of R.80 an acre. Not more than Mnaa ...... 44 «1| 611 «H -Arlxona, and aÜ' the expense of Mr. and l.tss» tons of ore were shipped. The M00 acres cm be leased to one applicant. B. 0. Copper ...... «J ...1171 117 117* Morgan was sent to Sioux Falls to be returns of the geological survey record Royalty, five cents per ton. Bay Plate Gas ...... 3 Tenn. Copper ...... 42* 411 431 polished. The huge agate weighs three a production since that date valued at Price, 15 Cents QUARTS».—A person eighteen years of Michigan ...... JO* age and over having made a dlecoverey ... 33 32 tff tons, and three different railway wa­ over The output of the last five Miami ...... 13* Third A vs...... 37* 36* 36* may locate a claim 1,880 feet by 1,508 feet. Nevada-Utah ...... S| gons, it la said, were broken under It years 1» as follows : Fee, 88.00. At least $109 must br expended Union Pac...... ITS* 174| 1743 during its transfer from Arlxona to Tons. Value. On the claim each year, or paid to the Nlplaalng ...... 1»« , ,tv - JSL S*’ «t- -youngest daughter showed.....signs. . of COPPER SITUATION. ~ Foot of Turner St.. Rock Be; July ...... «8 (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) falling strength. Rome dyspeptic - VMy Oflkaa* 4M Brouahtoo tL . Sept...... 471 67| L (Sotambtt. on th. nth January Montreal. March 13. 1969. m 171 troubles developed, her heart became New York Financial Review Reports It wu rwolved that the .bo». Com- Oat»— Speculative Purchases. be voluntarily wound-up under the Bid. Asked May ...... B| M 65* M weak and palpitation frightened e of the above Statute, and the Bell Telephone ...... 150 July ...... i...... -A 49i 50 dreadfully. She was Irregular In the C. P. R...... - ...... M6 166* Sept...... 41* tit ,41 «I important bodily functions and rapid The Weekly Financial Review. Issued Detroit United Ry ...... B7| 68 Fcdt------j------—------‘------A Co , New York,-tw -GaaL-aMs—«t ® in pert ss. follows: Do . pref...... »...... M0 ion pqlnted ta a rapid flacUna. rs of the Company are required to July ...... 17.19 17.96 17.1 "She disliked making her troubles The copper situation was brightened The Taylor Mill Co. to the undersigned before the list Dom. Iron A 8.. com...... 33 33} Lard— MOI, full particulars of their Dom. Iron A 8. pfd. ,..MM,....1121 . 112! known to our doctor, a feeling I felt I up a little recently by a purchase of LIMITED LIABILITY. May ...... - 10 * 10.32 18.25 10.27 a large amount of the metal abroad. verified by statutory declaration Lake of Woods, com ...... 192 Kfi July ...... 10.4» 10. A 18.48 10.40 should respect, and so by good fortune 1 ta Lumber, Sash, Doon and all kinds at Building ** After such date the undersigned will pro­ Do., pref. 119 120 Short Ribs— I was lxl to use Perrosone with most This was. of course, for speculation __ ones and Yard», North Government Street Vtaaacta, B. O ses* to distribute the aaeets of the Com- Laurentlde Paper...... 114 May 9.40 9.45 9.46 9.42 gratifying results. My neighbor next and not for consumption. But these szTss^r Do. pref. , • ittl a MR 'JhM rtMtwannihiMiM! to- F.-0. «W 828. —.-.^slsplwns 564. so good in nervousness that she per­ purpose of holding the metal for a rise Dor pref. ..a,...... and the amount Is thus taken off the Montreal Lt. A P...... suaded me that it would restore Flos­ Montreal St. Ry...... sie’s health, and from th« time the sec market for quite a while, and helps Montreal Telegraph ...... j ond box was commenced her Improve­ the general situation. They ate no look attractive ; but aa the buying on both investors and speculators "LAND REGISTRY ACT." Nova Scotia Steel, com. COBALT STOCKS ment was constant. She 1* now a big, however, any such a bull argument as declines la good. It la very possible to commit themselves wttwagg m Ogilvie Mlg Çb.. com. *, strong girl, ruddy and plump, able would be a like amount bought for ..111 that insider» are taking advantage of outlook one way or In the Mattel* of an Application for » R. A O. Navigation Co. '0 study hard and to take her share of consumption here, as this would repre­ Duplicate Certificate of Title to Part tubltc lo the meantime am eg <1.571 Acres. Less .547 of an Acre There- Sao Paulo Tram ...... ,....154| (Courtesy by F. W. Stevenson A Co.) household duties. I am an earnest ad- sent legitimate demand. Production is the situation to accumulate tbeae of Conveyed to Ella Teresa Croas- Toronto By. Co...... 121 Toronto. Ont.. March IS, 1909. ; vocate of Ferrosone. We all use it now; still far ahead of current sales, and Stock? at the lower figure.. very large amount ef stock, a dsile) of Section 74. Victoria District Twin City Rip. Trans ...... 164 Bid. Asked. consumers are holding out for lower The stuck market I» a reflection of so committed are deprived « (Now Victoria City). Pfihmsps ...... 48 Amalgamated a tonic ss lt Is certainty woman’s l best friend." prices. They admit that copper Is the uncertainties of.the recent and fu­ l-.wer to purchase more. The Notice Is hereby given that it is my In­ Do. pref ...... »...... M* Beaver Cons...... thin of the imif—Ifp) trade, tention. at the expiration of on# month British-Can. Aaheetos ...... » 9l| Chambers Ferland . All drillers itt-h Fèrrosone, M cents' cheap, and there 1s plenty of money ture- aHoathm. Thereat™ times whan from the date of the first publication here­ Banka City of Cobalt ...„ per box or six boxes for «2.50: procure lo buy with, but they elect not to buy 1 rice» cannot discount the future. The short on all rises furnishes n of. to Issue a Duplicate Certificate to said Bank of B. N. A...... 153* Brown Rseerve .... ahead In the present situation; con outcome of a tariff revision, what the of underlying covering land. Issued to Alexander McLean on the supply to-day. > Hth October, tt*. and 16th April, MTS, and Uommerce ...... ITS Foster Cobalt ...... redtng that they may have to pay final schedule will be. how toeg busi­ ‘«red 4448 and 786A. Dominion ...... Little Nlpissing .... Bolton. In F.ngland. claims to have the more when they finally need the pro- ness Will be held up awaiting the In- declines, S. Y. WOOTTON, Merchants ...... 161 McKinley Darragh I best educated police force li preferring to do so. They «vltable discussion, and how much Under M oisons ...... 367* ■ Registrar-General. Nova Scotia ...... tor the 1 pursued an opposite course when th* .-ondltlons . may be affected by tho Land Registry Office. Victoria, B, C., Nova Scotia ...... 286 Paterson Lake lectures for the force, and every police- metal was selling at high record prices more or leas, flinturtïtng résulté—alt the 84th day of February, 19*. Quebec ...... 124 Roche» t^r I man not on duty is «spooled to attend. Royal ...... ?i« Silver‘ Leaf ...... , In 1365. and were loaded up with losses these are questions of so much oncer- [At thee** lecture# they are taught, among- to bring ab Silver Queen ...... other things, the grounds art which con- narkeL Until good [ talnty that progress will have to wait Union .... .134 Temlekamlng ...... ] Motions may be obtained, and the best bualneaa buying of the metal start. In. It I» true that on .a long range, prices * imtil -^e TIMES WANT AOS. PAY Montreal Tretbewey ...... 1 way to give evidence. , the copper .lock, cannot be made te of many securities are attractive but 12 VICTORIA DAILY THOM, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909.

BOARD OF RAILWAY COMMIS- ! PROROGATION SIGNERS OF CANADA OF LEGISLATURE Public notice is hereby riven that the Eaquimalt ft Nanaimo Railway Company "I '10ME.WEILER MOTEL AND fLUR FURNl'yNfH', hKOS. - VICTORIA Bv I1 will, at the Bitting of the Board of Rail SUN FIRE way Commissioner» In the City of Vic­ The oldest Insurance Olflce In the world toria on Saturday, the 27th day of Febru­ (Continued from page 1.) ary, 1*». make application to the Beard rOCNDBD A.D. 1710 BI-CENTESAST 1910 for an order authorising tha construction Home Orricti London. England ^ of a branch or spur from the freight terminus of the Company's railway in the C—sSss Broach. Sob Bulldloi, Toroolo. H. M. Blackburn, Maaagsr. elite Coast Coal Mines. Limited, ndn- City of Victoria, BUVk D, at a point on Chatham street opposite the warehouse pereonal liability, to construct rail­ and premises of the B. Wilson Company. PEMBERTON & SONS, VICTORIA AGENTS ways and conferring other powers. Limited, and to cross Chatham street lntojthe^lands of the B. Wilson Company, No. ft—An act to lnco>porate the Graham Island Railway Company. A plan.'profils and book of reference of No. 65—An act to amend the corpor­ DAINTY NEW ‘SILVER OAK’ the said branch was deposited in the Land Registry Office at Victoria on Monday, ation of Victoria Waterworks Act, 1872, the first day of February .If». A FINE ASSORTMENT IN THIS POPULAR WARE _ J. k. McMullen. and the Victoria Waterworks Amend- -v—. ------Solicitor for the Applicant ment Act, chapter 64 of the statutes dt 1892, and to give additional powers.. YXFE MASKED YESTERDAY a fine shipment of Silver Mounted Oak Ware EXTRACT FROM . No. 66—An act respecting the Pacific —Butter Dishes, Biscuit Barrels, Trays, etc. This is an excellent lot of "BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL" Northern ft Omineca Railway Com- March 2* If». one of the most popular lines of tableware we show. At Christmas time it seemed rsaizui-tiacr •! ætuaêeraBaaKTx;-! No. 67—Art set to Incorporate the ~ ^tboy^wecotddx'tget-eaMghof it. Aad4tstarttoTHi |—' Portland Canal Short Line Railway popular, for it is serviceable, stylish and will wear for all At a time when the preparation of arti­ Company. ficial foodstuffs Is receiving more atten­ time. Visit our Silver Shop and see these new pieces—see tion than ever before, and when new No. 68—An act to Incorporate West­ forms of easily assimilable fat to take Arthur Cunningham, the Irish actor- minster hall. the interesting prices. the place of codllver oil are being fre­ tour around the world, but this Is the quently*brought to the notice or the med­ singer, will appear at the Victoria the­ first time, that he has appeared In the No. 69—An act to Incorporate • the ical profession. L Is desirable that some atre next week In Joseph Murphy’s west, and his manager says that he Vancouver ft Northern Railway Com* of the older forms of administering na­ pany. tural fats should not be lost sight of Plays “The Kerry Gow” and “Shaun seems to enjoy the climate and the No. 70—An act to Incorporate the Among natural fata, butter easily takes Rhue,” and Mr. Cunningham possesses first place for nutritive value, and whes country. He was burn two and a half Hartiy_ Bay A Quatslno Round Railway combined with a suitable soluble car­ a melodious baritone voice and will sing years ago In the New York hippodrome Company. bohydrate. a most valuable food la pro. several songs in the plays. When he where both "his parents are appearing No. 71—An art to create the Roftkftn dUMld" BUTTER-SCOTCH which Messrs. first assumed the role of Dan O’Hara now in Frederick Thompson’s elabor- Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver and rear (Deke*r - — in Tile Jfwqfaftaaft tho'iBSOii IhlM >IT»OOOaS>lj5H that worried him most Was how he the actress, christened years, is such an article, which has the the elephant N?, vUSEHE...M8pift=d»^tiis«!Sv. -great advantage of being palatable, *o was going to suceewsfuRy shoe the-ywee -fcmte Tfipr àfidhë was The guest of palatable. In façt. that children are more horse in full view of the audience. As municipal corporation of the city of wo have several pretty styles at' likely to need restraining from excess honor at her annual reception held In Fernle than any persuading to take It . This he had never had any practicable ex­ New York city last fall. Hip has been* several price*. Each tine in­ BUTTER-SCOTCH Is stated to contain perience in this line he put himself In No. 74—An act to amend the act re­ so perfectly trained that he doe* every­ lating to the city of Victoria, being i' stylish piece. We have them 1L7 per cent, of fat and 78.3 per cent, of the hands of J successful horseshoer. thing pqsMlble. except speak. He sugar, and the results of an analysis and on the opening night turned out chapter 46 of the statute* of 1907. at. each, $t>. *4.50, and same as which we have made recently of « speci­ weighs only 650 pounds, and Is In No. 75—An act to provide for the men substantially confirm these figures* as neat a job as ever vaine out of' a r«t 23.50 reality only a miniature elephant. The establishment of depots and facilities further, chemical examination of the fat smithy. Mr. Cunningham shows his animal, which has always been kindly extracted showed K to be genuine butter skill in this line at every performance. for the preparation for market and OAK TRAYS—We have just reeeived three PUTTER DISHES—We hn\e several different fat. This confection can therefore be treated. Is very fond of children and shipment of provinelal-growrt fruit. recommended not only as a harmless “The1 Kerry Gow" will be presented on sizes in silver-mounted oak trsvs, and offer stylea m ttak and Wooden Putter Dishes. likes to play with them. During the No. 77—Art act te amend the Police sweetmeat, but also as a very useful ad- rM'londay night and “Shaun Rhue” on w-eek he will give programmes away these serrieeaMe articles aS little prices. dltion to the diet In suitable caeca Tiuesday. and Prison Regulation Act. Some flat styles with centre of china or glasa, In all the principal candy stores in the lobby, and will hold a reception No. 71—An act to amend the Ex­ Finely made and finished and excellent value and some similar to illustration. The Butter Victoria. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” on the stage of the theatre Wednesday plosives Storage Act. at. each, $4.00. $3.30.and ...... *3.25 Dish same as cut is priced at, each. *3.50 Stetson’s spectacular production of afternoon for the ladles, and one on No. 87—An act for thé relief of the “Unvie Turn’s Cabin” Is booked at the Saturday afternoon for the children. Armstrong Power ft Light Company, Victoria theatre for Wednesday next. He will parade the streets every day Limited. The Very Best Window Blinds University School It is presented by a company which during the week, and on one or two No. 81—An act to amend the Game Curtain Stretchera numbers over twenty-five and as a •lays, to be announced later, will take Protection Act, 1898. FOR BOYS large Amount of scenery is carried an an v automobile,i . ride. No. ■**82 —ahAn acti tuifurther to amend the VICTORIA, B, C. elaborate production la assured. -Xs- oilier features of the programme, Tama~HëgIltry"'Àct7 Ilk aa- Mnh T...« U...» ------_ . * a ) V. merous specialties are Introduced In with which Mr. Jamieson expresses No. 84—An act $o amend_ the land the play. Music ~tir furnished—by a Act. Ti.-v. W. W. Bolton. M.A., Cambridge splendid orchestra. No. 85—The Fernle Park Sub-division University. “The Red Mill.” Act. When yon get into yonr new house you’ll need new blinds—per- Principals —— - “The Red Mill,” which will be pre- Holding the. list UP the roywl muant Its***”*}'* tits* Bltritlff‘«B ueaii-ujjolaaw saa% llicnlls“'SSIIS a selit:W— tiHmlDllnu Oi|\r tWv<$ m.. — ------R. V. Harvey. Esq . M i, Cambridge sented for the first time at the Victoria was announced by the clerk In these University. theatre On Thursday. JKarrh 25th. Is the words: “In Hi* Majesty’s name hi « When yon want anything in the window blind line, come in J. C: Barnacle. Esq.. London Untv. one comic opera triumph of the past honor the Lieut.-governor doth assent and let us show you this famous Scotch Holland. It is far more Assisted by a staff of University men. season to receive the endorsement of ' to these bills.’’ The school is now established In its the dramatic critics and the paying i Mr. Speaker Ebert*, presenting the durable than the opaque shade so common now, and is more ar­ extensive new public as well. “The Red Mill” might | supply bill, then said; “May it please tistic in appearance. W> sell the very best Curtain BRICK BUILDING be termed a musical comedy in two your honor, tiro. Hie Majesty’s most Stretcher made, the “No Piece." Situated in acta. Mr. Blossom, always clever, w rôte ' dutiful.and Jqyal subject», the legisla­ We have just received a new shipment of these and shew some If'H MTV# you beeps of trouble anti IS ACRES OF PLAYING FIELDS the dialogue and lyrics, and Victor i tive assembly of the province of Brit­ unusually attractive pieces. In new Moaa Greens and new Creams worry and save your curtains, too. At Mount Tolmle. 14 miles from Herbert wrote all the music. Both ish Columbia, tn session assembled, The arms fold up when not in use Victoria. and It can be put away on the shelf combined have made a play that will i approach your honor at the close of we show unusually nice pieces. These with neat fringes make very uvtil wanted again: Each bar Is fit­ Cadet Corps. Manual Training. last as long. If not longer, that any | our labor* with sentiments of un­ pretty blinds. ted with sliding pins. A curtain can Gymnasium. comic opera. One whole ' season on : feigned devotion and loyalty to His be pinned In the frame and be Recent successes at McGill ai>d King­ Broadway. New York, should tx suffi­ Majesty’s pemm and government, and In making blinds we use nothing but the very best Hartshorn stretched properly In a few m tonte* ston. cient guarantee of the excellent* of the humbly beg 1 to' present for your Ma- Rollers. We don't use tacks at all, which removes the trouble of Priced at. each ...... 88.56 - For Prospectus apply to production. Thousands of New York- I jssty’s acceptance a bill intituled ’An We have another splendid line of THE BURSAR ers have gone time and again to see act for grankinl certain sums of money blinds pulling off rollers. Curtain Stretchers at as low as. - each 7...... y.78 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. VICTORIA. Con Kidder and Kid Connor, in their for the public* service of the province Come in and let us give you an estimate. ____ Phone 1120. various characters, and to listen to the •f British OrfttmMa.’ ’* MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN melodies of Victor Herbert’s catchiest Mr. Fell announced the royâl assent, themes: The production here will be a by command of his honor, as follows Curtain Changes In the Spring Clean Up (BURROWES’ COURSE OF MUSIC replica of th« new York organization. | “in His Majesty’s name, his honor STUDY). and will include an exceptionally clever I the Iteut.-governor doth thank His Intensely Interesting. None of the cast, a chorusPUP of fifty and an aug- | Majesty’s loyal subjects, accept their Spring Cleaning is sure to show up some defects in some of your curtains, the wash is going to wreck tediousness of solitary practice. Classes mented orchestra benevolence and assent to this bill.’ from 4 to * pupils. Special arrangements ..____ some of the older ones. for classes In outlying city points. The New Grand. Speech From the Throne. Here we are grandly prepared with a broad showing of all that is new and good in lace curtain My private classes Ir. violin and piano The Grand has been doing great busi­ His Ivmr.r then delivered the speech will continue as usual. At home dailv between 12 and 2. ness all week with what most of the J from the throne, proroguing (he styles, and with one of the most comprehensive showings of curtain materials we have ever offered. MRS. E. S. FOOT. patrons declare Is the best show ever | sion, as follows: < It’s a simple and easy matter to change the appearance of the whole home—or make it better Phone A1446. 334 MICHIGAN 8T. seen at thin popular theatre. The clos- j “Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the log performance* will lie given thin Legislative Assembly ; and brighter—with these dainty materials. And the cost is so low it will surprise you. evening, when Don Leno’s Youngsters. { “Before releasing you. at the close of The Atlantic City Four. Joseph K. | the third session of this legislature. I Toronto Watson, lomedlan. and Alice Duvcn , feel it a duty to congratulate you on SEND FOR OUR NEW 1909 CATALOGUE-FREE port ft Co . In the little playlet “N*w ” the results of yotir labors, as embodied will be seen for the last time. A most In the many Important and useful Conservatory enjoyable feature of this weeks en­ measures to which I have given as Englleh Willow Earn* tertainment Is the splendid singing of a "warr.NEV" U** sacred Hhnri rated song “The Holy Water Act. designed to Insuiu <'OI.LAI*SIBLK of Music Light.” to an accompaniment by the th* economical use of water under Chaire from, each$1Q (MM ART FOR orchestra *tn which Prof. Nagel plays equitable regulations, minimizes the Complete with Hood. EDWARD FISHER, Mus. Doc. on an organ inetea# of jm ,th§ piano. causes for litigation, and wilt be of Wi want to show you these com­ Musical Director. Mr. Price’* vol.e ha* been Improving great benefit to alt industries requiring continually of late, and his rendering water fortable easy cha*rs—the English of this beautiful selection has been one “The consolidation and revision of buff willow, low style chairs. SEND FOR of the most talked of Item* on the bill. the laws, which you have) authorised ILLUSTRATED CALENDAR Trained dog*, trained ponies, cats and will greatly simplify thelif Interpréta We find this splendid chair other animals have been seen at the tlon. arid prove a convenience to all gaining in popularity every year, Giving full details relating to courses of study. Free Advantage*. Scholarship» various local vaudeville theatre* during concerned. and rightly so. for it is an easy Teachers and Tuition Fees. General Ex­ the past year, but never has a trained “The act providing for co-operative chair style hard to beat.. aminations, Local Examinations. Certifi­ elephant appeared. It is with satis­ fruit-cooling depots fills a much need­ cates and Dlpio.nas. Residence and Board. faction that Manager Jamieson an­ ed want of the fruit-growers, and Havc/i t you wished tor It’s a great, large, roomy nounces the vlrlt of Little Hip. the should have the effect of further stim­ a convenient stepladder chair. We know you'll like it. too, SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION smallest elephant In the world, next ulating this growing Industry. in preference to a com­ when you see it. T. H. Kirkpatrick. Ph. B.. Prlnclnal week. Little Hip is making hi* second “It Is very gratifying to observe the bination of chairs and Public Reading, Oratory. Physical and substantial provision which you have And the prices—well, they’re .Voloa Culture. Dramatic Art mad Litera­ made for the prosecution of surveys boxes and boards? decidedly easy, considering the ture. and public works. SPECIAL CALENDAR And it is safer, too— superior qualities of the chair. "I lh»nk you for the liberal »u|iply if it’s a Weiler Ladder. voted for the public service, and I feel We make •» fine ladder We have several styles, ranging ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM. eaeurad that the amount will be dis­ in price at $14.50, $14, $12. $11 from seasoned woqd. JUST A SAMPLE VALUE. Who Will Appear at the Vletorta The­ bursed economically, and with a view • and ...... -816 atre In "The Kerry Oow and to securing the beat possible results well put together and Here is a sample value from "Shaun Rhue." "Wishing you health and success In stained. your personal undertakings. I now take Upholstered Chairs our stock of Go-Carts, just a ***ve °f you. and relieve you from your This ladder won’t representative style chosen from sessional duties." We show a half-doxen different himself confident he will break all the collapse with you — it’s a very complete stock. Hta honor then retired. On the re- safe. And when an ex­ styles of these chairs upholstered. bl* record» for business established turn of the speaker the provincial sec­ This is a collapsible cart, with hitherto, are Eva Wescott A Co., In an tra cent or so a foot Work has been done in our own retary, Hon. Dr. Yeung, said: hood. The device is the simp­ original episode of modern life entitled "Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the I guarantees this, isn’t factory. They are stylish-looking "A Butterfly Wife"; the original A. D. legislature assembly, it Is his honor chairs and the very seme of com­ lest and best made. The cart St Margaret’s College T. Boy. Tom J. Dugan, in pong and it worth it! ' Toronto ■ thr lleut.-governor's win and pleasure Sold at, per foot. 40f fort. when in use is rigid and strong. atory; Mueller and Mue) 1er. "The Soya that the legislative assembly be nro- 2%. 5S*€" ■■ . Tfiss J, Bflkfc. alnglug. the. ITicMbn t^esch.f 14 IN THE HOME ”•”** « -shall pr»*s, t,r," TKSTor Folds instantly, and easily,----- Illustra ted pong. "Tnu Are My Life, Mv to summon the same for dispatch of A vast amount of human misery All”; two new moving picture, entitled Upholstered in brown or Ozonor Dickson. Ma.. (formerly buelnca». and thin * provincial k'giala- Principal Upper Canada College, is endured by thousands.of men "A Cape of Spirit»'1 nnd "Colonial Ro­ tlvd assembly Is hereby prorogued ac­ WHY NOT SHOP AT HOME? IT’S EASY green Boston leather. Gear is Toronto), and Mae, Okojiok Dickson. and women, who are never really mance," and the orchestra will play cordingly.” all steel, four 10-in. rubber-tired well. Headache, sickness, ner­ "La Coenuette," by Adrian Smith, as It is an easy matter to do yonr shopping without, leaving on avrtuee,------—------—------— The member* sang the National An- wheels. Fine enamel finish. vous depression, diahk* of food, ttffm, In which the memb^kofth* yonr own homo—through the medium of our new IMS Cat­ of Canadian nnd English Universities. sinking sensations, with distres­ Pantage». Kcmvmber fhisisi1^ Whit­ r“" rwri* for University sing dizziness and Weakness, prta* gallery and the citizen* joined alogue and our satisfactory Mail Order service. Derenda and Green, novelty comic heartily, and the session was at an ney ' ’ cart—a guarantee that it make life a daily misery to such drrue Juggle re and club ewlngerr, who Send for a copy of this new book. It contains more than is the very best made. sufferers. And the cause is in­ 300 pages of useful information on home furnishing, and it preaent one of the very beet »ct« of the Priced at,$11. which, with our wrtuJr.î=S!r Î-ÜJÎÏ *- digestion — e stomach that cla»» In vaudeville, wifi h. at the Pan- shows money-saving possibilities in the furnishing of the starves the body, because it can­ SPECTACULAR FIRE. 5 per cent, discount, makes th id tage, next week, heading another ex­ home, not digest sufficient food to keep cellent bill The Murphy Trio, now splendid vaine at ....*10.45 it well, and leaves the mind N^ Tork, March 18.—Several per- A copy of this fine book is yours for the asking- Just send making a hit In Vancouver, will -present adm-Âmsm * .weak, .irritable* depressed. X* O..W.I nt-it^ii», TTnrmatlo sketch hère. Jpnwu were caught by firemen, and your naine on a postsTwid we shall be pîéaied td forward such unhappy ones Mother ey" Carriages SeigePs Syrup brings a message Fern and Mack, eccentric comedians of pdllcemen and saved from serious in­ you a copy by return mail. Bend TO-DA from $3.76 to $40. to aijiTX for of nope, brings the ready help the whirlwind class, are clever fun jurie» at a spectacular fire in a rr «t/ilo- . SPRINGspun makers. Petroffry. violinists, win i*n- >r tiprt tailor, from to health* brings the quiet, crowded tenement house in Williams­ superior i.ualj ty cloth. *.11 to 111. or strong sense of confidence which fièt selections of Tilgfi "class music at burg yesterday, a score of other ten­ •mart aull l-n«th«. Ulr.t deelxns, only health can give— health every performance. James Dixon will ants who becadte panic-stricken were whirh^yimr_ , ,jailor ._..... will make Ùb, I'M sing “Good Evening. Caroline.” and the r ri Stalefartlon guaranteed. Pat­ re-made-and regained, through taken down the ladders. City Marshal terns and full particulars from sound digestion. Ice it daily hlograph will show another set of Harry Stutz. who had been seriously Furnishers Makers GROVES ft LINI)LEY. amusing motion pictures, entitled 1)1 with pleurisy, was rescued from his "Drawing the Color Line.” Cloth Hall S*„ Hoddr-raflvld. R„K — » apartment on the second floor, but It I* thought he may die from the effects Furniture Prior »c. a bolt 1^. Sold everywhere. INJURED BY FALL OF COAL. A j. White a Co. Ltd., MoalreaL of the smoke and shock. and Office Nanaimo. March 12—Harry Free­ JACK JOHNSON’S PLANS. Fitting. Use The Times for Wants, For man. a popular young Nanalmolte. and Soles, Te Lets—lc per word Doily That Are underground foreman of the South Ne Y York, X Y^„MArch 13,-Jack THS “FIBST” FURNITURE STORE OF THE “LAST’ WEST or Semi-Weekly. Six insertions Wellington mine, was tnjnted' by a Johnson, the heavyweight, champion for price of four. fall of coal. He Is seriously eut about pugilist* will appear in vaudeville fn GOVERHEIT STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. .the body.w He * was removed------to— histhis city during the week beginning PHONE 1000. home here. Hts Injuries are oet like- March #th, after which he will salt WWI If to prove ratal. fdr mmim 1 ■


DEALhOR Future Suburban1 Suburb -Homes

I AIL Y during the ‘ summer of Georgia, almost surrounded by water. jr - •"uri.sts pass out from Vic­ with numerous fertile Mamin basking iV'l * . " ^ toria. They go or) foot, or along the shore, the views arc s« ka- |V* . i - on bicycle*; in automobiles Ifidosvopic that ohe could almost be- or carriage#, assured of the Heve that all the elements had cen­ 'Very best possible roads and eager to tred into a conspiracy to make the land taste, it only for a day, of the pleas­ one of ever varying beauty. *ingn® ^oatsboats of the SI*Siwash natives bobbing f eyes, and believe in an earthy elyelum. ment that the Saanich barley Is alwqy£ ures of Saanich rural life. , “But when you get here you" soon ’'The straits t*iaf tlilmmr n-t -tantlT" perfect In color, plump and full bodied wake up from your dream. <*Ktmaxot»x&vv; tà WTK permanent by obtaining a title to a parcel of land. And you quickly observe that the land lé. for agricultural and horticultural ] purposes, quite equal to the Climate. ,lYou will find out. too. ere long that 1 the people live up to the best British j [ and Canadian traditions, that they arc j moral and law-abiding, that churches j and schools are well supported, that you ! have here all the requisites and most Of the luxuries of the highest clvilisa- mm* The map who should come to North mw ■^zysteWtoSisBeu: careering 'strike tt*»-"*H6 and woolly west will be sorely disap­ pointed. He will find highly cultivated farms. < omfurtuUI* home*, thorough­ bred horses. cattle and sheep, well kept gardens and lafge thriving orchards. "The small township of North Saan- I leh alone contains three churches. two{ schools (one of them a large building with two rooms and two tea« here), three general stores, two blacksmith shops, a targe sawmill And planing fac­ tory and a cannery, and yet tht* town- *hlp Is only some, seven miles long by about three miles wide and contains only at present about 1.000 inhabitants. Let us further extend the list of advantages that may be Justly claimed for thin district;- 4 - . 1. exemption frofil froeti. *Pfult* mui of all kinds. It may be truthfully said, ife never aiTeciecT by either early orT uyMpiwmiiM late frsfcts. “2. This I» not yet a successful grain mm tiaWÉHSi! country..because U pays better to grow other things. If the farmers would gt\> more attention to drainage, their grain crops would be better on the average than they are. This may be proved by the fact that those who have ! taken reasonable pains have shdwn j that they can grow wheat, peas, and oats, equal to the be$t grown in the eastern ami prairie provinces «ml that 'they can beat them al) 65 barley ami hops. A well known Victoria brewer SANDOVER HOMESTEAD, NORTH SAANICH Informed one of the leading hop and barley growers of thla vicinity that he VIEW or NORTH SAANICH FROM JAMES ISLAND had never seen better: the hops were tourist and traveller has written us In waken up when the wind begins to “But the sea here is robbed of Its ter­ clean, well mitured. free from insects ~rrtr- “It le* quit* a sight to *qg the proces­ language that but voices the thoughts blow, and the white sea horses frolic rors by the shelter of the Islands, and and quite equal to th# very beat Ba­ dairyman Important thing In friilt growing after of hundred- of hit* predecessor» ami varian or Kent product. Bvery dealer over the surface tlîl they and the wind OI»« may see the wild water fowl geese, sion of milk wagons arriving at ftldney "One of the moat profitable things to All is to find a’climate where the frosts will be repeated more often in the years in barley knows that ft l* one of the station or Thomas' station. One would engage in on the Island la sheep rais­ are tired and Me down to rest, steam­ brant and duck» innumerable on the do not affect the product or kill It off to come. ers and all other see ('raft constantly water* of every bay and lagoon ATT •t difficult things to fifd this grain thmk that every man in the country ing. as lambs sell in the spring from ■"The municipality of North Saanich fo by. Bvery d*y .me may watch the winter long. perfection. A slight Wower owned a large herd of dairy « allie «ml 16 to 16. Sheep raining is particularly j a,to*tther Mc?*t fruits wijl .ataml. the- B probably the most picturesque awl greet PHnrewes «if the C. P. R. CD. heavy dew will.send * ’uif color* aftd lie would net be far wrong. It wpuMi "profilaMe a* the animal* can‘fin«V their leather If they pa** the *bud-bloom- “And such a t lithate! Tt la the reduce the value at least ten rents a attractive district In the neighborhood passing, and at the same time see gaso­ dreamed of land of the Lotus Kater*. be more accurate to refer to cream than living out doors practically all the year- end-formation-period, and all fruits 9f Victoria. Jutting out Into the Strait line launches and the hlgh-prowed fish­ bushel. One barley grower in this milk, as the shipped product, for round. where tired eyelids may rest on tired neighborhood is authority for the state- pass that critical stage on Vancouver every farmer owns a separate*- and '‘Fruit raising on the peninsula Is Island. *’ Some Choice North FARMS ON THE SAANICH PENINSULA Saanich Property Attractive 100 Acres Ideal Little With For Place Orchard Some of our North Saanich Offerings, all personally inspected, and Chickens 13 ACHES 35 ACRES CLEARED, 48 ACRES - y can be purchased on terms. We have over twenty years’ experience 6 under cultivation and the rest in 12 acres slashed, Of practically all good land. pasture, Balance very light bush. in handling farming kind on Vancouver Island. Ko bush. 5-roomed house in good condition. Cosy Utile cottage. —— Water laid to house from weU. New 8-roomed cottage, 2 wells, Large bearing orchard. Barn, stables, two chicken houses. Stable, Quantity of good land in bush. IV* acres in small fruits. Barns, Chicken houses for 1,000 hens. 10 ACRES, all cultivated, % mile 25 ACRES WATER FRONTAGE, 4 acres hay. Etc, etc. 4 Owner giving this up on account Has district P. 0. $13,000 of Ul health. from Sidney, enclosed with wire on Saanich Arm, all cleared and North Saanich. . » $10,000 fence. Price, per acre...... $225 cultivated and having a few shade North Saanich. $3,900 Terms. West Saanich road. 100 ACRES, of which 36 acres have trees. Price, per acre ...... $300 been cultivated, all slopes to south­ 70 ACRES, fenced, all good land, 7 Pemberton west and is suitable for fruit; Pemberton Pemberton acres cultivated. On terms. Price AND SOU AND SON small dwelling, 5 rooms; large barn. AND SON T only .... ----- „ ,. $7,(KM) 026 Fort Street 026 Fort Street Price ...... $15,000 626 Fort Street 60 ACRES, section 4, range 2 East, 121 ACRES, all under cultivation, overlooking Basan Bay; all cleared North Saanich, within one mile of Cheapest and cultivated; wm be sold as a (5 G/ose to the town of Sidney; one of the fin­ whole or subdivided to suit pur­ We Running Railway est tracts of cultivated land on the Know Of peninsula, suitable-tor subdivision chasers in Id acre lots. Large, Stream Station into 5 and 10 acre blocks for fruit new 6 room dwelling, barn 40 x 23 ACRES 20 ACRES land. This property has a gentle 20; good water supply. This was a 9 miles from tdwn. 3 ACRES, slope to the southwest. Price, per portion of the Sandover property Hear railway station. Mostly good land. i acres cleared and unde.’ culti­ vation, acre ...... '. $200 8 acres cultivated. On the (see cut). Price, per acre. $250 Al water supply. West Saanich road. priug. fl-Tomned bungalow—wide -verati? .4 Orchard,-...... -• ■ -- acres in. orchard. dab. Bath room. 7-rcomed, well built house, Best fruits. Stables, barns, sheds, 13 acres under cultivation. 5-roomed dwelling, Chicken houses and runs. Stock and implements Stable, barn, sheds. • —• - We Issue a “Home List” containing a full Catalogue of all Orchard, splendid quality. Oo with the place. Stock, implements Includes quantity of stock, impie- Pretty situation. And crop Qo with place. the Best Farming Properties for sale on Vancouver ments and crop, $5,750 $6,200 , $7,500 Terms. Island. Write for one. Terms. Terms. Pemberton Pemberton Pemberton AND SON A ND SON AND SON DAY & BOGGS,* 620 ESTABLISHEDFort Street1880 626 Fort Stneot 626 Fort Stroot ~ ~r “r 026 Fort Stroot ^ • ' } Hm-' ...-

UTHTAfifv IUMJKU A DAILYRiTT V TIMES,ntwfl tiTtfKPAT,aiTHDRiU MiUronill bad r3.< a «1909.aka North Saanich Soil, All a Splendid, Rich, Dark Loam

Dominie Sampson would pronounce planted when the good man wishes, to thinks that o{ ten, to make level a hie neighbors, or at least to make a of pruning and grafting*. of his success trtet becomes noted for Its fruit thernr ■ Hardening is in fun swing 'prodeegeons," or an imagination that .be out in the fields If he be a wise small piece of refractory earth that hi tter show. The man who knows a or failure with different varieties of is a demand for it and It always brings I \JT I in North Saanich at the would be considered a gift even by a man, and as a rule he has to be, he will insist upon remaining in humps little about frtilt growing may thus fruits and of the beet Wljr to ensur­ a better price. 80 also when there Is L 4 present time. It started fisherman. will obey his better half and get ■ some four weeksMigo with and bulges, in hollows and unaccount­ by his Individual action do pretty well ing protection against Insect pests and a large and steady production of. frwlta The' only thing that the early gar­ through with It at oncê and delay his for a time, but he can do so only at diseases, Each member of the society In a district the establishment of can­ such as will later on boast den man has lost is his appetite, but larger operations for a time. ably slopes and ridges. He runs the of their early onlonm their new pota­ the expense xof his neighbors who becomes an active and Interested neries for the putting up of the smaller this loiy Is more than made up for by If,, however, the poor misguided main roller over It. he pounds the high know lews, and are altogether In the agent for all the others and all are fruits follow. toes and their first strawberries. the small -'boy and the lazy unam­ should prove contumacious he will feel places as if. they were enemies, he ex­ experimental stage. He knows some­ tmnefltted. Some of the results »f In fruit growing as in all other The man whose hobby Is a kitchen bitious man who forget to dig In Jan­ the weight of a stern oppressor's alts th^ lowly spots, coaxing them to thing about fruit growing, they know such organization pre: Iletter and things organisation pays. The time Is ganlen Is to be envied, save in that uary and plant In February or early wrathful scorn all the year round till little or nothing. more uniform grades of fruit, system­ fast approaching when North Bsanleh moment of supreme Agony when he March, and who comes round to taste be Jits friends and help him out of the next season, when he will meekly The Individual may prune or spray atic packing, grading and labelling, fruit will have become a household fthros that some ambitious neighbor snd praise. All parties are satisfied, holes. It Is toilsome work and he Is obey the mandates of his spouse. his orchard or cultivate his vines, but and, as a general result, the reputa­ -word wherever fruit Is known and ap­ has beaten him by 24 hours in produc­ but the joy of the ..early producer is weary at the day's end, but he gets his There ls._ nothing romantic about he is apt to do so in spasms—as his tion of the district as a good fruit preciated. Given the land and the ex­ ing some particular vegetable. But lasting, while the pleasure of the mere this practical sort of gardening. Oif reward in an extra good dinner and In smiles—perhaps also in a song or inclination prompts or his convenience growing part of British Columbia. pert, the product Is assured. two that remind him of the days when his first gr->at happiness began. rS&tf-.uSW-i*'--» * No sooner "is the lawn made level than' he has to begin at the flower garden. ; He knows nothing about flowers, but I much about hontes, dogs and polities. | But, willy hilly, he must pick up his spade and shovel, his mattock and rake and use them as best he ' may until he wonders If he Is not the'one true example In all the world of The Man With the Hoe. At iast evert the flower garden *4 finished and lie rests In peace. The roses blossom and the yifes bloom. nrj i -m ri : s,- %1 4 v *. *a m


&XEVZ 8ANOSTER AND ONE OF HIS PRIZE COWS LA FOBS TRENCH FARM even defeat may find comfort in the cater is momentary and soon forgot- the contrary It Is often the causa of statement thaj this hated rival's pota eerlous illness In smalt boys who -are But the growing, picking and pack­ Members of the municipal council toes are watery, his strawberries un-1 mid tp be Invariably seised with mys­ ing uf the fruit arc not alL It must * pan uX.their duty to give ripe or his onions taint the breath. terious aches and pains at the very be marketed, and here the society will information to newt ornery. and the The early garden hobbyist Is always thought of weeding onions or hoeing an elderly person. He does not care find Its usefulness continued. À com­ rame remark may be made of all other Potatoes. These sudden seizures are mittee should be appointed by the or­ residents of North Saanich. The Reeve to eat the fruit of his labors himself, very violent wheu the boy happens to but he loves to watch It grow and to ganisation to ascertain the best mar­ of the district for the present term Is want to go fishing. -— kets. the cheapest transportation and Mr. George Sangster and the council­ exhibit it with boastful pride. He will This is also ttw season when the recount his former successes with a all other matters that may contribute lors are Messrs Mark Hewitt; Louis young married man has to lay out the tfl' making profitable sales of the sea­ Berber. Rufus Horth and Alexander particularity as to dates, qualities, lawn. His hands are soft and so la his flavors and sixes that leads you to the son's product. McDonald and they are all progressive heart, but he labors mightily and put* In addition to the above reflections men who fitly represent a progressive belief that he has a memory which a gardens dug or ploughed and raked an! 1 forth his strength, which his wife it may be added that wherever a dle- people. Where N orth Its Lumber BUILDING MATERIALS AT YOUR DOOR

R GREAT MILL at pTjHIS ALLEY gives a Sidney is a veritable faint indication of hive of industry about immense stock of which centre the home­ rough, dressed and finish­ making possibilities of this ing lumber which you can Garden of Eden With­ depend upon finding con­ out it building would be a stantly in our yards. We problem; with it one of th? are daily distributing to greatest difficulties new comers as well as old founding a new hoi settlers shiplap, siding, removed flooring, shingles, etc. A TYPICAL ALLEY IN OUR YARD AT SIDNEY.

. From the New Government Dock within a Stone’s throw of our Mill, we have splendid facilities for our rapidly growing overseas trade. Lumber Co. Ltd VICTORIA OFFICE AND YARDS : HILLSIDE AVENUE mmm ismswwmeww *■ KIEV ' MAP

Inch * I. Mile HEADLANDS

;r.'i'T Lately Known as •h- Jy j Lately Known as

W§S< Dp. Powell’s p RT K Dp. Powell’s A AN I C Farm Farm


THIS IS ONE of the most beautiful and best watered farms in Saanich, and having a large water frontage on Union Bay, has been subdivided and placed on the market at the following prices . Water Frontage in 7 acre blocks at from $250 to $300 per acre. The remainder in 12 acre blocks, a large portion of which is under cultivation, at from $150 to $200 per acre.

Z- /I* /<*-


!VW t-U

-tL "V'


TERMS: One Third Cash, Balance in One and Two Years at 7 Per Cent.

" « B. C. Land & Investment 922 Government St. LIMITED Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA DAILY TIMM, SATURDAY, MARCH 13,1909. A Pretty Peninsula The Future Home of Thousands

North Saanich Brick CRUISING AROUND & Tile Co., Ltd. SAANICH PENINSULA MANUFACTURERS OF Spend a On The If there le one rrcwpoct greater than BRICK AND TILE another that North Autnleh hold* out Also rich soil for sale to the newcomer It la that of unlimit­ ed fishing «nd crutolng. Marty of the Delightful Launch Office: 1716 GOVERNMENT ST. ranchers whose property run* down to Victoria, B. C. the water's edge have delightful strips of beach for boating anti bathing, and JiL.A)utiaa,jU6. iMt Im> rt» sfemfes» css neighboring Island* in the straits. At ibis time a hi h other part* of the world are still struggling The gasolene launch “The Blanche” is Blanche with the belated storm* of winter, ! McPherson and North Saanich Is enjoying her early j at the disposal-of pleasure parties spring. Trees are budding* and ttfr j gret n sward reviving. Meadow larks ! coming to Sidney. Fullerton Bros. pipe from the fences In answer to the j robin, who is busy preparing his sum- j She will leave on trips of any reasonable n;er home. In the quiet of evening. ' duration and at such times as may Land Agents •cross a tranqucl see. main- Isla à deli' 8t< BEACH SCENE, NORTH SAANICH. be arranged. flush fades Into the eth*rtal blue. What ’ ------—s^s^^vw, better pleasures than to push off amid Uhe "BlsncW owtttkT jointly by Cap- There are scores of beautiful islands SK 6 AfhmJœ, iMlMtil Iww. *n»l—< I fin WTM7I nmr mwwwr VlwMy. Hi. GOOD INDUCEMENTS The pleasure* of the delightful sea i Sidney. The “-Blanche” may be hired WAN* TO BELL may be enjoyed by tmnfaft coming to I for the day The dlrtectldn of ttir mrlse TO MANUFACTURERS at any of which Sidney thei-A*.-4e BlancheTÎ1 i nplio” nocall 11 onam amor write«.mUa That offers splendid °P" that a line drawn across the head of portunity for investment. the pt ninsuht from Coal Island to Union Captain Byers, Sidney, B. C. j Hay mark* a seam of coal, Boring ma- • hlnery I* being installed on the Moses ! ranch, and property owners In that vicinity are anticipating a rich find. 618 Trounce Ave. t Supposing root is found, even In the immense quantities anticipated, the VICTORIA, B. 0. j value of these ranches for agricultural 1 purposes wilt not be destroyed. The j surface of the land will be tilled and a Silvery Will yield Ils fruits at the same time as J the toal is being removed from beneath. There are 86.M0 trees In Paris, and each Islands tree ha* ttf number, age. history and con­ READ THE TIMES dition recorded In the books at the Hotel de Ville. The appropriation for Ibis de- LUMBERING, NORTH SAANICH riment I» ftt.QOû franca a year.

We do the Canning for North Saanich Fruit Cruising Among the Isles of and Clams—The Best in the World the Blest

* The steamer À trip on the Iroquois visits the the climax

lying north a journey of the through the Saanich KHHHI Canadian Peninsula ae«BI fcfe'fSi Rockies

Daily this tidy little steamer connects with the morning train on the PLANT OP SAANICH CANNING COMPANY. Victoria and Sidney line. By buying a through ticket at the Victoria depot, you can step from the train to the steamer and without delay be North Saanich Clams are the Finest in the World presently steaming out into a charming sea, dotted with enchanting little islands. For 80 miles through intricate channels and open seas the North Saanich Fruit is Second to None Iroquois plies her way, touching at sundry wharves and landings to take on produce, exchange passengers and deliver mail to the many set­ The clams gathered on the shores of Saanich quantity and quality of our famous Saanich tlers and guests of the numerous well patronised resorts on the various and among the islands surrounding have at­ brand. islands. tained g reputation as „tlie tinest on the Pa­ As the fruit fftiims oa this ptatinsulaincrcasc As a traveller and tourist you will revel in the grand natural beauty cifie Coast. We have splendid facilities for in number and productivity, we anticipate the of this island trip. It will take you but a day, yet for years afterwards the impressions of this unique holiday will remain with you. canning this fruit of the sea. canning of fruit will he one of the most im­ portant industries in North Saanich. Wè are The call for our product is continually on already making special preparations for the increase and during the season just open­ handling the bountiful fruit harvest in pros­ ing we shall beat all former records for the pect for 1909. « In Coming to North Saanich and Sidney be sure that you take at least one trip on the Iroquois. Sidney, B. C VICTORIA DAILY ' it INDIGESTION AND DISTRESS ish evangelist, will preach la the evening. FROM 8TOMAGII WILL BE Bible claas social at the home of Mrs. ENDED FOREVER. Swain. McPherson avenue, Tuesday evening. A hearty welcome to ail. A. E. Among City Churches CITY CHURCHES Roberta, pastor. Miserable 1» the man or woman who EDISON suffers from dread Indigestion or Dys­ Metropolitan, comer of Pandora aventie pepsia. There are few diseases which REFORMED EPISCOPAL. attending. The work of enlargement (Notice* for this column and Quadra street. Pastor, T. K. Holllng. will cost about 11,100. create sucN misery, long drawn-out B. A. Hervtrea as foflows ie a. m., class Chervil oi Our Lord. suffering, as Indigestion. It pursues must reach the Times Office meetings. 11 a. m.. divine ssrvtoa; sub­ Lenten Service#.—The Lenten services them before meals, After meals and be- ject of sermon. 'The Beatitude of the CONGREGATIONAL» tweeh meals; they take it to bed with not later than 10 o'clock on Week"—the third of a aeries of sermoni PHONOGRAPH st the Church et Our Lord are belli* them. It is with them wherever they on the beatitudes. 2:9» p. m.. Metropoli­ well attended aqg th^ interest being First Church. Saturday morning in order tan Sabbath school; 8:46 p. m„ Spring taken in them is encouraging to those Evangelistic Meetings.—Preparations go, though Indigestion" Is the simplest Ridge Babbeth school: 7:19 p. m., organ disease of all to cure. to insure insertion) In charge. Rev. T. W. Gladstone will are being made for a week of evan­ recital by Edward Parsons: (a) March. ' Tell such afflicted ones, dear reader, Brilllante. 6". J. Duchemln; Andante continue hie course of sermons on "The gelistic services to commence March of Pape% Dia pepsin ; urge the sufferer from Symphony In B Flat. F. Schubert; Mysteries of the Kingdom.'* to-mprrow 28th. Rev. H. C Mason, of University to go to any PhaWnacy here and give AMfllM-AN^ Prelude. Th. Dubois. 50 cents for a case. Such a sufferer 7:88 order of service as follower morning, the subject being. "God's Congregational church. Seattle, will as­ Christ Church Cathedral. Burdette av­ would ever bless you. because five Purpose.,r In the» evening the subject sist the pastor In the meetings and the enue. The services for the day are: Holy Invocation ...... different organisations of the church minutes after taking there would be Communion, 6 a. in ; morning service and will be “The Face of Our Lofd." The no more Indigestion, no feeling like Hymn—No. 22, The Lord Jehovah Reigns. are co-operating to make the services a litany, 11 a. m.: children's service, 8:10 p. Prayer ...... services during the wetk are as tot- lurrip of lead In the Stomach, or complete success. m. ; evening service. 7 p. m. The preach- Anthem—"Comes a Time," ....Woodward ______jg”1 S m*. hum. wto an address on the collect for the dgy; «imwwwws Hymn, No. 96, "Call Jehovah Thy Salva­ ^sssrsssssfssr SttUfrsssuvssz food. Debilitating Hoa follows tion.** | Morning. Sermon ...... "Drees and Dreams." exposition; Friday. Bible reading In W. M. Ritchie, who will give his lan­ Nausea, Water Brash and other symp­ the school at 1.16 p. m , and Saturday, toms of a sour, disordered stomach. Voluntary ...... Andante OuUmant First of. a series of sermons on the life tern lecture on the Life of John G Venlte and Psalms for 14th day,...... prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Pape's Dlapepsln will digest any of Joseph. Paton. The thrilling escapes from ...... Cathedral Psalter Solo—"Fimr Ye Israel,’" from Elijah, by death of this notêd missionary are thing you eat without the aid of thq Benedlclte ...... Ham Mrs. Dr. Coulphard, Vancouver. METHODIST. well told by the beautiful colored slides Stomach. Benedictus ...... Cooke Hymn—No. 18, "Captain of Israel's Host" Dlapepsln Is a wonderful Stomach » Hymns ..'...... 197. 517 and 91 Metropolitan. and the story as related by Mr. Ritchie Benediction ...... Is a most interesting one. purifier and splendid to keep the Intes­ Voluntary—Poet lu de ...... Smart Organ Postlude ...... Ep worth League Meeting.—Last Mon­ tines clean and freeh; then your' food Evening. day evening a very interesting meeting Debate.—The Men’s .Own Etoclal Club will hold a debate at their regular will not ferment and poison your Voluntary—Postlude ...... Smart Centennial, Gorge Road. Services as wag held in connection with the liter­ breath with nauseous odors. Psalms for 14th day....Cathedral Psalter usual, morning and evening. The pastor. ary department of the Metropolitan meeting on Tuesday evening next, the Rér„ L X. Thompfnn, arl.ll preach. Sun­ subject being, "Resolver.- that the- gov- Dlapepsln will- real the etomarh and Magnificat ...... Clare Epworth League. The p**tor,T£sv.~T7 Increase the ggstrtc juices; thl* Is Nunc Dkntttii ...... run- day school and Bible elaases at 2:88. A \ W. Holllng. gave an address on "Epl- eminent should own and control the cordial Invitation la extended to the pub- mines in British Columbia. '••per Hymn Band Indigestion and atf stomach trouble Voluntary—March received hearty applause. The meeting PRESBYTERIAN. will go. PRESBYTES! AX. larg^^tteAded and was mtoresik JCaeh. te-esnt case dgates sufficient Ing throughout. What kind of music do you like best? Communion Service.—The .pre-com­ to usually thoroughly cure the most rival Jenns; evening, Rev. A. J, Stanley lie Clay. B. A. Servlero wlH be held at It Bible Class Social.—One of the very munion service held last Thursday chronic dyspeptic. Ard. The music follow»: ----- «. m. and 7 p. »i.. Sabbath school 2JÛ. fritSWflt social evenings hel# under the evening was well attended and a num­ Matin*. Bible claas 8. The sec rament of the Lord’s It really doesn’t make any difference because auspices of Mrs. Sheldon's Young Peo­ ber of new members were received, Supper will be administered at the morn» ple's Bible class took place last even­ Organ ...... »...... Voluntary some by letters from other churchte, SUMMER SESSION Venlte ...... ;...... Alcock tng service. The paster will occupy thJ you can get #ny kind of music from the ing In the school room of the church. and some on profession of faith. The Psalms for 14th morning pulpit at both services The musical se­ There was a good attendance of young lections for the evening service are as Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be AT WESTMINSTER HALL ...... (..Cathedral Psalter follows : Edison Phonograph. It renders jute as well people and the evening was thorough­ observed to-morrow morning in con­ Benedicts ...... Maunder ly enjoyed. Organ— "Pastorale In O." ...... filhi Young Women s Club.—The members Hymn ...... &Î9 a band of fifty pieces as it docs a single f Unrein . " ...... : Litany ...... Barnhy Psahn ...... ;...... 45 of the Youbg Women's Club have been St. Patriot's Concert —On Wednesday] Anthem—"O Send Out Thy Light," Clare Invited to spend « soclàl evening at the Eminent Theologians Will Lec­ Hymn ...... * and 2» singing voice. evening next a St. Patrick's Day con­ Organ ...... Vostlud- Buan-ritoio ...... Mr. Campbell home of Mrs. D. Spencer. Moss street, Offertory—"Cantilena." ...... ft»*hiss cert will be given In the school room ture at Presbyterian Evensong. ^ It b almost impossible to describe the real marvel of nest Wednesday and will attend In under the auspices of the First Pres­ Anthem—"As Pantg, the Hart."...... flpobr large numbers. Mrs. Spencer also In- Organ ...... -.Voluntary Soprano Obligato..Mrs. W. E. Staneland this wonderful invention of Mr. Edison’s. Wrapped up in byterian Club and under the personal College Hymn ...... Hymn ...... 841 . vttea all young lady member» of the *lk*ftlon of J. G. Brown. .The Array one of these little wax Records is « piece of music which it congregation, whether members of the Paalm* for UUi evening ___ Organ-1 Impromptu In K MIihmVV^ of talent that Mr. Brown his been ...... Cathedral Walter required a band of ausicians to render. On the other hand, club or hot. and ft is hoped that a large enabled to secure ensures the audience "rtie currept number of The Presby­ Magnificat ...... Smart number will avail themselves of the of an exceedingly pleasant evening. terian makes the following announce­ Nunc TMmlttle ...... W™**? Knox. Stanley avenue. Rev. Jea. Mc­ here b a Record which has a single song of a greet singer. opportunity to spend a very pleasant The following have promised to take ment regarding Westminster Hall, the Anthem—"God So Loved Bo World," Coy. M. A., pastor. Service at 11 a. m. Either can be had for forty cents. Either can be played evening. part: Mr. and Mrs. J. Lnngfleld. Miss Presbyterian Theological College In ...... x...Stainer Anthem—"Lift Up Tour Heads. Lehman, Sunday School Tea Meeting. — The Hymns ...... SOD and 81 Cocker, Miss Cameron, Mrs. Parsons. Vancouver: by choir; solo. "My God and Father." by equally well upon an Edison Phonograph. Can you longer annual tea meeting of the Spring Ridge Amen ...... Threefold Mrs. R. Wilson. A cordial levitation giv­ O. H. Larrtgan, R. Morrison. O. Red­ "An act has Just passed the legisla­ Vesper ...... M. Shields en to all to attend. do without this wonderful instrument in your home? If Sunday school will be* held next Wed­ man. Mrs. Lege. A. Wheeler. H. Shand- ture of British Columbia, Incorporating nesday evening. There will be an Organ ..•...... Postlude ley. Miss Evans, elocutionist, and J. O. Westminster Hall. Though founded not, go to your dealer's today, hear the Edison Phonograph abundance of good things provided for First, Pandora avenue, corner of Blan­ Brown. lees tffim a year ago, this college has 8t. James'. Quebec street, comer of St. chard street. Services at 11 a. m and 7:88 play, and ask particubriy to hear THE NEW the feast and an Interesting programme John. Rector. Rev. J. H. F. Sweet. Holy will follow. % St Andrew's. already won a large place In the life p. m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper communion at 8; matins, litany and ser­ will be dispensed at the forenoon service AMBEROL RECORDS, the four-minute Sunday Sermons.—1To-morrow even- Sacrament Service—Thé Sacrament of "the west. • » “Its appeal for financial support haa mon at 11; Sunday school and baptisms Rev. Dr. Campbell, pastor, will conduct ^ hig the pastor. Rev. T. Holllng. will of the Lord’s Supper will be observed Records,playing twice as long ss the old ones. met with a hearty response. Nearly at 2.80; evensong and sermon at 7. The both services. Sabbath school and Bible 1 reemence a series of terns*»* «n the to-morrow morning In connection with music follows: class at ÏJ8 p. m. First Presbyterian FREE. A* yew Mar er write to ue for OTurirated catalog»* el Life of Joseph. the regular service of the church. At ♦M60 hi annual imbeeHMkm* Has been I"™"" "" Morning. " 1 ------H Hub meets every Monday evening * I gdieew 9lwMM»t*> dw tstolage» iselaiaia# caapka sll as. the pro-communion service conducted promised. When this annual list Edieen Records, old iM sew. Centennial. Organ Voluntary ...... o'clock. Next Monday will be social by Rev. W Leslie Clay on Thursday reaches 115.000 it will be possible to ap­ We Waal Goad live Dealers is eel IAms PIsssumKi in every Venlte and Paalm» .... Cathedral psalter night. Strangers are cordially Invited to tows where we are set sew well rtpresealrd. Dealer* kariag e»Ub- Annual Baaaar.—The Ladles’ Aid of evening last there wa« a good attend­ point the complete staff and thus have Benedlclte ...... Bkeffington any or all of the above. liahed stares sbotsld write el esse to Centennial churcht hale made arrange­ ance and many Joined the church. Mr. a fully manned college, equal to the Benedictus ...... Troutbeck ments to hold their annual bazaar and Clay will conduct both services to-mor­ best in the church. In addition to the Hymns ...... W. 104 and 91 BAPTIST. y, ISO l.aiwwda Avenue. C i,IL a, VSJL agle of work on Wednesday. April 14th row. annual subscriptions, an Interest in a Organ Voluntary ...... Tabernacle, corner qf Fort and Cook This I# the big event of the year In the Young People's Society.—The regular large tract of property In the suburbs Evening. streets. Rev. F. T. Tepeewtt. 81- A., pas­ work of the Ladles' Aid Society and of Vancouver has been given to the col­ Organ Voluntary ...... U...... tor. Sunday themes, ll a. m. Tbs first meeting pf the Young People's Society of a series of sermons on "How We Cattoe jevgry member is working hard to en- Will be held on Monday evening next lege. This I» now worth about 136.000 Psalms ...... Cathedral Psalter Cantate ...... Woodward by the New Testament"—the story of the sma the usual success.__ „ __ ... .. _ will be under the auspice# of the and, at the present rate of increase, will M£f!% "NArffli >n be sufficiently vgluable to endow Dens Midbreatur ...... Lyttleton manuscripts. At 7:8» p. m. "The Heal­ -The sficfln cverrlngfiétff social committee ing of the Man Born Blind." Evening under the auspicesIaam of the«V.. Men'sMam1. BibleDIKIo a chair. A building In a neighboring Hymns ...... I*. 104 and 17 Ule.r Hymn .1 P«aU,n64...... «6, th l anthem. "There Is Joy In the Presence of EDISON DEALERS ,VS'^*D class last Wednesday was a most en­ dty will be deeded to thé college when the Angels." Sir A. Sullivan. Monthly Social —The Young People's Vesper Hymn ...... Cafllre joyable affair. The programme through­ completed and will yield an annual organ Voluntary ...... M. W. WÀITT & CO., LTD out was a most Interesting one. but per­ Society will hold their regular monthly rental of fully $1.000. By the will of first. Victoria hall. Blanchard « haps the most striking feature was the social evening on Monday next at the the late Mrs F W Archibald of To­ St. Barnabas’, corn* r of Cook * street Services at II a. m i I 7:8» p. m. Rev 1004 OOVT. ST. * HKRBKRT KENT, Mgr. “comical chorus," arranged by the pres­ Home of Fred Peatt on Russell street. ronto, $6.000 has been left to endow the ■lonla avenu». There wll! be a It. H. Hnrknes ident of the class and sung by a party Annual Concert.—The preparations Dr F. W. Archibald Memorial Library celebration bf the Holy eu< herist at 8 a. list Heme Mission* for Western Canada, of the young men who attended. The that are being made for the annual for the ministers of the constituency of m.. choral marine and litany at 11 a. m. will preach In the morning, and Üw» pas- chorus was received with hearty ap­ spring concert to be held on Tuesday. the college. The Frederick Cameron choral evensong at 7 p, m. The Lord, , Rev. Christopher Burnett, In the March 3rd, ensure the race*** of the evening. Sunday school and Ladles Phll- plause. An address was delivered by Vlpond Library Is expending 1100 a year Bishop of the dloceee will be the preach­ athea Bible class hi Victoria hall, at 2:8». PLUMBING & HEATING . Rev. 8. J. Thompson, and refresh­ gathering. An excellent programme la to provide a strong students’ reference er at the- morning services. Subject. Sunday school at Victoria West mission, ments were served ______being arranged and the ladles are spar­ library. Four scholarships of the an­ I Donbting Disciple, $H. Thomas and th# at which Pastor Christopher Burnett will Young People's Society:—The meet­ ing no pains to provide for the com­ rector. Rev. R. O. Miller, at evensong, nual value of $100 a year for student» In when he will give the third of the series ve an address at 2:8». Men’s Rarer* ing held last Monday under the aus­ fort and pleasure of those attending. theology have also been secured. These iMe class la No. l hall. A. O. U. W. Enjoying on the Book of Revelation. All seels are fbuilding. Yates street, at 2:8». Good pices of the literary committee was a are the James Sinclair Maedougall, the free and unappropriated. The musical pronodjhced success. Miss Aubin gave baptist. David Mortice, the Ixigan and the arrangements are as follows: Burnside Mission. Tennyson road. Sun­ a Bath Information a delightful sketch of the "Life of Dr . ____ First Church. Price Ellison Scholarships, all of which Morning Grenfell." which was greatly enjoyed are open for competition during the day school at 2:45. and public service at Rev. D. B. Hark ness.—Rev. D. B. hÔÜgn-Sut the Lord is mindful of His 7 o'clock. Wfcws living We rive on hand by all present, and Mias O. Holt. Miss session of 1909. f>wn ...... T.r...... ■....■Mendelssohn yvur piumbtns f Thompson, end Messrs. Alton and Harkness, who hag recently accepted the largest stock the position of superintendent of home "The opening lecture of this session Venlte and Psalms ....Cathedral Psalter Emmanuel. Spring Ridge. Morning, 71 repaired see that of plumbing ' Deavtlle also took part. Next Monday will be delivered on Thursday, April Benedict» ...... Simper In A. Flat mission* for the west, will preach In B. m., preacher. Rev C. Burnett , after­ you set value fee goods Mi tbs city the meeting will be held by the mission­ 8th, by Rev. Prof. Welsh of Montreal. Hymns ...... 91. 85 arid 261 noon, Bible claaoee and Sunday school. money eapeude* ary committee. First church to-morrow morning. The Offertory Anthem ...... Fits** raid to select from. pastor. Rev. C. Burnett, will preach in The staff will consist of the principal. Wb evening. Hk preacher. Rev. Hark- Cheep wet* Ie — Can ww have The pastor's Sermons. Last Sunday In syeteroattf theology and apologetics; Organ—The Dead March from Saul., mit, W Winnipeg, general secretary of ittrn ee pensive the evening...... Hand»! the Western Baptist convention. you as a cus­ evening Rev. 8. J. Thompson delivered Rev. Prof. Gordon. D. D.. In OI4 Testa­ In memoir of the late J. 6. Cox. work In the end. tomer ? the first of a aeries of sermons on ‘The Men'* Bible Class.-J. H. Mnllett will conduct the lesson half hour 4n th** ment. Rev Prof. Jam*» Denny. D.D., Snares of the Devil," the subject br ing : • New Testament, YEëv. Prof. R.T6T ______.___ JBroeftNh--™...... ' ' A TRIAL ‘tDancIng." The sermon attracted Men's Barrais class to-morrow aftor- Organ—p Rest In the Lord Mendelssohn Christian Science, K. of P. haH. corne* KOTHINO BtT ORDER noon. owing to the fact that Mr. Bur­ Welsh. D.Î) , In Church History, and Psalms ...... Cathedral Paalter much attention and the congregation Rev. Geo. C. Pldgeon, D.D.. of Toronto. of Pandora and Douglas streets. Ser­ PRACTICAL nett will visit the Fundev school at Magnificat ...... Battishlll vice» on Sunday moorings at 11 o’clock. are looking forward to the rest of the Victoria West. A short session for ministers will be Nunc Dimitris ...... Monk series. To-morrow evening the series Subject to-morrow, "Bubetaece." All are conducted during the last week of Hymns ...... 681. 277 and M welcome. • will be continued, the subject being Temperance Meeting, — The regular meeting of the B. Y. P. V. on Monday June and It Is expected that many men Litany...... 466. Pt. 8 A. SHERET "Cittli.’’ from all over Canada wij| take ad­ Organ—Vital Spark ...... v...... Harwood Psychic Research Society, K. of P. hall, Victoria West. evening will be In the nature of a tem­ TELEPHONE *0. 6» no FORT ST. perance meeting and Mr*. Pnnfford will vantage of the cheap rate* westward corner of Pandora avenue and DougL*m .Missionary Address.—The Illustrated address the members on "The Liquor to the Seattle exposition to study If REFORMED EPISCOPAL. street. At 8 p. m. on Sunday Mrs. H. Foster, of Seattle, will give an addreea. missionary address given by W. M. Laws of British Columbia." only for a few days, under the two Church of Our Lord. Humboldt street. Ritchie last Sunday evening attracted greatest English speaking theologians All are welcome. Emmanuel. Services at 11 a. m. and T p. ip. Sermons p. m. All seamei seafaring men Praise meeting; 7:3*. Salvation meeting. a very large congregation. The story of the *riy, Professor# Denny and at both services by Rev. 1*. W. Glad­ cordially invited. of the life of John G. Paton, as told by New Pastor.—Rev. W. Stevenson, of Smith." stone. Morning. "The Mystery of God’s 81. Phui’# Lutheran, Mear# street. Ger­ These meetings will he rendue ted by the Mr. Ritchie, was thoroughly enjoyed by Kamloops, has signl^ed his acceptance Purpose." Evening, "The Face of Our man services at 7:8» p. m. Rev. Jest, of officer* In charge. Staff-Capt. Hayee and of the pastorate of Emmanuel church Vancouver, will officiate. Chrtstadetphlans. A. O V. W hulldlhg. Capt. KnudSon, a **lHt«-d by the band and all. Th# colored slides were thrown on I»rd." Wednesday litany and address at Teles street. Public lecture at 7:30 p. tu. and will commence his work in this URAEMIA FOLLOWS II a. m . Thursday evening prayer and singers. The publie are Invited. the screen by a powerful lantern ably Victoria Seamen's Missions Bastion Subject : "Jesus Christ as a Prophet." handled by Mr. Frampton and were ex city about the first Sunday In April. KIDNEY DISEASE exposition at 8; Friday. Rib|e reading AM are welcome. conducted by Rev. Dr. Retd, at 8:80; Sat­ Square. A mission service under the Society of Friends, Harmony hall. "86 • eellent illustrations of the life of thé The Kamloops standard, referring to Rev. Mr. Stevenson, says: "Mr. Stev­ urday prayer meeting at 8 p. m. The auspices df tile Victoria-Ladles’ Guild. In View street. Sunday school. I 45 a. m.; missionary Dreadful perils lurk in kidney weak­ affiliation with the British and Foreign Salvation Army. 1412 Broad street. ’Ser- meeting for worship. ll.a. m.. Gospel eeV- enson has been In Kamloops upwards music follows: Business Meeting.—There was a large ness. Mornln*. - _ . i v - Sailors' Society of London., England, will vtoes sa follow»: 11 a. m., Hotinens meet- v4e*» 7 p. m.. to be addressed by

BUSINESS DIRECTOR?- MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL CARpS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS under this bead lc. AOVRRTIBBMSkXt under this head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under thl, head 1 Stump Puller For Sale—Articles For Sale—Lots Situations Wanted—Female cent per word per insertion; $ Une». H cent per word per Insertion : a »‘ne<- ** cent per word per Insertion; 8 Itnes, ** per month; extra lines. 25 centrer Une per,fiionth. extra Unes, 35 cents per line per month; extra linos. 25 cents par line STUMP PULI.ER—Made In * •>»*•' for NEARLY NEW TYPEWRITER FOR FOR SALE—On Cook street, block of 16 DAILY WORK REQUIRED by compet­ per month. per month sale or fbr hire; contracts taken. J. BALE—Cheap. Bel all. Time. OIBcc. ed dressmaker, good fit. Box 23, Poet ———wmrau—urara-» fine lots, no rock, good soil, 12.600. Ap­ Ducrest. 4M Burnside road. Victoria. ply Owner, Box 66. Times Office. Phone A178L SAKE *OR 1$A LB—Almost new, Bakery. Electric Signs gain. Box 2*4, Times office. WANTED—Situation as house maid or Architects. FOR SAL.**:—Cheap, ten lots, fronting waitress in good hotel. Address Miss A. FOR CHOICE FAMILY BKKAD. Cake*, THB RATRBT sheet metei eieetfle three streets. • Ontario, Montreal and W'heeler, Maywood P. Q. H. J. RODS CL’Ll.IN. Architect, 51 Teaming LBNTRN EPICURES and all others can Michigan, ll.oOfe, Apply Owner. P. O- lOP**, Government ('opfectlonery. etc., try. D. W HanDury- L M'rtiet maker Vl-mna Mr- obtain the very ftneet salmon be •lies, Bo 306. Promis Building. 73 Fort St., or rlr.g tip Phone *1 and black cod. kippered salmon or Labrador Victoria.______— your order will receive prompt atten­ TRIMBLE A BON. general *«“'»"• herrings, at lowest prices, from Wanted—Articles Electro Plating ploughing and excavating. U Putman FOR SALE—2 desirable corner lots, fac­ H S GRIFFITH. H Prnml, Block. 1«* tion. street, phone A1439. - Krskine'g Grocery. Johnson and Quadra streets. Phone 106. . ing on Oak Bay avenue. |1.25v; 1 modern WANTED—14 ft. fly rod. give particulars . Qpycrnnveiti — PICHON * LENFE8TY. Ml Johnaon S* 7 room house, large lot. Hillside Ave., and price:' also Chequered Homer Bicycles Repaired Gold, silver and nickel plating, oxidising, HATCHING CHICKENS-Why buy In- near Douglas, special. 12.500; centrally pigeons. Address Rainbow, P. O.. Kok- huffing ami Iwquerlng. —i Truck and Dray cubalore? Advertiser will hatch your located, high-class rooming house 04 ... Bookkeeping. wn «gg» In hisi Incubatorincubatorss ftt,ftat a sewfew rooms), extra special. >6.550 ; 34 acres ——------„ I NOW 18 THE TIME to haveve your bicycle ■im i rrr- l AFÏÜCA.N \VAURANTS-I wfti“ ” DouKhvf strc.T PuptU rociv- You all knowlTTs T8KÏ5S5F- - ~^... Engravers well watered: epëtliO. t® per acre; a» pay highest prior*, sight draft, no de­ acres (some rock», but mostly good fruit lay; send best price, first letter or wire. lï or WsRed day or evening. Special ! Why not have It ready? WO w* *jU lând. adjoining one of best orchards in caae. j Kl"?, .«ffT s»Tt’h. .jTlÆV8 GENERAL ENGRAVER. StencIl Ctmel HARDY CABBAGE PLANTS •*>*<- A. T. Brook. Box 756. Regina. Bask. and Beal Engraver. Gan Crowthar. »1« Tolmle at 50c. per 1»; alao gramihmiaa Saanich, large quantity cf good tlmoer, Wharf str*»et. behind Poet Oflb-*. planta In great variety. G. A. Knight. extra special, $46 per acre; had two WANTED-Secortl-hand gasoUne engine, O. TRUCK I NO—Quirk service. reâaonabla offers of *»s per acre for one of these about 6 or 7 ts. p. ; must be cheap. Ap- marge. J w.lah A Son* Bak.r'» Blasting Rock EGGS FOR SETTING—Partfldgé Wf«o- sections a year ago. These prices are ply Box 127, Times Furrier Feed Store, 840 Yatoa airooL______. net from the owner to the purchaser. Dentists. dottes. thoroughbred stock, brown eggs, Easy terms can be arranged on any of W ANTED—South African rerlpt. We Well* cellar», foundation», etc. No P**™ VICTORIA TRUCK AND DRAT CO.- good layers, 11 for |L Call or address them. Address P, O. Box CO. will pay >4.10 cash. Communicate with too dlOlculL Rock for «le- Term» FRED. FOSTER. Taxidermist and Fur- £ejephone It fitable^Phone 17*. 951 Johnson street. - us. General Agency Corporation, J.-td., DR. LEWIS HALL. Dan*»' reasonable. J. R. Wlltoma. «* Mlchl- 344 Granville street. Vancouver. B. CL Jewell Block, cor. Tates «nd Dcualaa STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. Apply Hillside avenue* at MOO* to $«» each ; CO .treat., Victoria. R O. Telephone- j Army A Navy Clothing Rois. WANTED—Canadian Northwest Oil stock OIW.-I-. Ml, UesMenee. 1- Gravel TypewritecMiepairs^ down, balance yearly payments. Feth In exchange for good building lots close WANTED-Dinghy or small tuhby row erston. Mount Tolmle P. O. to Willows car line. Box 463, Traie* .y- Boat Building WE HAVE EXPERT WORKMEN and boat In good condition, cash. Lloyd» B. C. BAND * GRAVEL CO.. foot •John- every faculty fur repairing Land Surveyors. McKensle. boat- eon afreet. Tel. Ill Producer. 01 i «Myià *- tflllnm]*' ,3^ .!7jb7lerA*7ohn*on!phone ■■farMggaoagcKJt: builder, piS66W^ VMdll ------— CEO. A. SMITH. f.E„ B. C. Land Bar- I™, i1» - total or apartmanl IiQuaa; Jg^» aa^L eeyor. Albrmt. B. e. Ml elm «lain.». | S3D Fort UveredI by team In the city, or on scows easy terms Yates A Jay. solicitors for owner. 646i Bastion street. Victoria.__ WANTED—From i to I acres Improved timber limits and aub-divisione. VICTORIA BOAT,„a ht ENGINE COM at pit, on Royal Bay. tlngton. Yates street. land with buildings, near city. Box m. AaanohhMUdere- Tl sMori: end’rtt »dOtreCI». Wt BANT. Vf»* i Boat bultiltt* rbaterial for Watch Repairing fo r iaxe- sprt tfg WANTKD-A well gUuated lot for rew- Ish Columbia Land Sorveyoro yhan- repairs, engines-* Installed, etc. Estl Hacks. McGregor’s Blacksmith Shop, Johnson For Sale—Machinery dentlal purposes on Yates. Linden Or cery Chamber.. M Langley HU. 1'. O. mates and designs furnished. W. v. A. PETCH. » Dou,la, ■'*-»*• îfTÏTnùi street James Bay. near Park. Reply -Lots," Boa 13. Phono ASM.______Buck, tngr.. 424 David 8t. Phone 2». HACKS* PHONE fa. Victoria H,c* of Kogll.h watch r.palrin*. All kloca SALE—One second-hand Houston p O. Bog «, Government Bta. of clocks and watches reP*lI*S^_^—— FIFTEEN THOUSAND absolutely nsw EDWARD S. WILKINSON. Brit Ian Oil- j Columbia records for any cylinder ma­ ner, one Smith morttser. one chine (entire stock Toronto Phonegmoh shaper,PDaiht. one irn-incnten-Inch -in.»*,.■ticker, «*»•one— ™>email • umSla' Land Surveyor, 1304 Government ; Boot and Shoe Repairing dynamo. Apply Taylor Mill Co., J street, r. O. Box 90 «14. j MISCELLANEOUS Co.), only >1.66 per doaen; former price. Wanted—Poultry Hardy Plants 8o each. Bicycle Munson. Toronto. Lty., HI! Government 8t.. or P.O. Box NO MATTER where you bought yonr WANTED-A few young chicken» or pel­ shoes, bring them hers to be repaired GET OUR IJSTS-Threa of them. Bulba. Business Chances FOR SALE-Bee sets, dressers and lets. must be cheah (common kind only); Legal. Hlbbs. 3 Oriental Are., opposite Pan- Roses and Hardy Planta We bam»* stands, kitchen and extension tables, state lowest price. Box 661. Times. » Iii'-s Theatre, only varieties aultsble for this ettjjj* cheep chairs, cook stover, brass ket- For Sale—Poultry ALEXIS MARTIN. narrtstér-ah-Utw and and oily llsla lair WM wkat PARTNER WANTED with »#. UenT etc.; at Oio 'OM CtirtoMtr Stoop, .------Solicitor. Money to loan. 1006 Govern- know. Flewln's Gardens. M* Hey would ba «.nient with 17 «0 M Rock chickens, ment stjreeL _ ! Builders & General Contractors net prom,, to control of bu.ltwe. Fred. Jeevee. prop., cor. Fort and p0R SALE—* Barred In R. C. that ran be developed rapidly. Blrnchard streets hatched in October, in prime condition REAL ESTATE. C. W. BRADSHAW. Barrister, etc. Law nVERTI8EMENTS under this head 1 for table. Apply to 63& Roth well street, Ad,lre« -Box 188, . mu» O»» FOR BALE—Incubator and brooder, ad Eequlmalt road. Chambers, Bastion street. Mctorla. A °Vnr“r word ^r In^rt ion : 3 Insertions. Junk ply U3S Johnson street- wiaHKR Rnrrfslers 8oliel- I ^ cents per word: 4 cents per word per WHO. WHY. WHEN. WHKRK *o_«»»k; THE NORTH WEST REAL MURPHY * FISHER. Bnmsur»_! week; M ^ents r°r p*ê month,—No. W ANTED—Bcrap brwa. FOR SALE—Horae cttppeis advertisement- * - * “for - *le— thanhad 10 cents. lead, that Iron, rack., and all Cue™» "mSL. wîlSJ >2 50; spirit levels. M; 1.5(0 JIsland steel For Sale—-Wood ESTATE CO. Agents. bottle, and.rubber. hlgheal =»»j^p£Sî free. Engineer. Tfld Ouray, wasn slaw ------**- RFA I. KKTITjfTK AND FINANCIAL MILLWOOD. S3. Huit. Thon» HH AGENTS. MP. Harold Flahar CXKI’KNTEH—Bulldar M TiWS ' Victoria Jonk Agency, mor" i. D. C. ’ — 16.50; loggers’ boots. >L50; Cfeseont 8t. Harold manor. h,nlse,i gtranhousoe. houga repair, street. Phone 1336. Amr.Waltham------Watch,- 112; ----gold. filled 706 YATES STREET. l’hone Dindrldge. A1Î28. NOTICE-For the next Six week» L «he FOR SALE—Furniture and biwlness_of spectacles and case. >1.35. Jacob Aaron- under Jigned will sell cordwood In fo :r- yarding house. Apply Box 343, Times son's new and second-hand store, 60 HOTEL. CLOSE IN-1* bedrooms, all Mechanical Engineer. ALTON * BROWN, carpenters and build­ Landscape Gardener Johnson street. 4 doors below Govern­ foot lengths and take sawing machine to modern. Including 3 cottages. 327.000; or ers. Estimates given on all kinds of ment. Phone ISJ. cut It In yerda, alleyways and vacant W O. WLNTF.RBURN M_ l N. A- Çon-, carpenter work. We specialise In con­ and Jobbing lots. In lota of e corda and upward». Try will exchange f#r farm lands In tos- suiting Mechanical Engineer unn Sur­ E. J. LA INi léiuulscapei FOR SALE—Kitchen and counter »calea •he old way and see what you are get- katchewn. servatories end greenhouses. Prompt Gardenet.NR. Bee Bolden, carpenter, 76» Yates street. Brown’s Greenhouse, comer Look ana comptas. >12.50; bachelor MILLWOOD. S3. Hall. Thon. 11M Fort streets. ——— Telephone BISS. , NORTH PARK ST.-HOUSE. 1 rooms, J. AVERY, manufacturer of standard 25c. At X L Second-Hand Store, opp. modern, lot 40xL30; price 3Z.350. high grade concrete building blocks. Pantages. Johnson street. FOR BALE—A few new buggies, latest Medical Massage. __ Artistic work In concrete executed to sty) t. second-hand buggies, wegons Help Wanted—Female LOT—VIEW ST., close In. with 2 smalt order. Contracts taken for entire Lithographing and carte, two good fresh calved eewe; cottages, lot 60x120. for 33,360. buildings, fo on dations and fences. Fine MR. BERGSTROM* RJORNFRLT. Swe- THE WESTERN LITHOGRAPH ÇO.» For Rent—Houses alao all kinds of horses. Apply WANTKD-Women fee x»"«rxl hdliM » -LOTS MONTREAL ST., 33x130. >1,06» dlsli "HaaÜSBT: TTirtUBh trattr. *51 Fort ••oH'cMiW work rmr spectatty." ldti® Doug- J. FtsheFs Carriage Shop, Ml Discovery street. Vlctorta. B. C. Phone «86. laa street. Phone A1613. 636 Tates street Producers of fl»« »t* work. Apply, mornings or evenings, si» for both. ttonary and artistic color work, lean ADVERTISBMfcNTS under ‘“j1 street. Pandora street. mateean^sam^lei^upnn^request^^^ cent per word per insertion; 3 insertions. LOTS—EDMONTON ROAD. 50x1*. >350 MRS F.AR8MAN. electric light WILLIAM F. DRY SHALE. Contractor rSînîî P.r wo^d: 4 cents per woni çjr each: >25 down, balance >10 a month. medical massage. 1006 Fort St. and Builder All work promptly and week. 56 cent» per line per month No For Sale—Dogs GIRL WANTED to wait on «^le and to R1965. satisfactorily executed. Jobbing neatly advertisement for less than M cents. do general work. Apply Rock Bay LOT—BLANCHARD ST., near Bay St., done. Telephone A1332. 103 N. Park 8t. Machinists Hotel. ™ $1.150. Victoria. B. C. FOR SALK-Fox hounds, besi Mining Engineer L. HAFER. G.nerxl MnchlnUt. No. TO LET—A furnished cottage on Bella* and all other breeds of sport!its, rabbits, A ANTED-Dressmaking. «54 Kane 8t- EXCHANGE. ALFRED JÔNES. Carpenter and Jftlnor. I'*, v ■ r'.~ ' - ’ ' ' I road, 6 room*. Apply to Mrs. m. it. dogs, fancy pigeons, HOUSE. 7 rooms, QUADRA ST., >3.060; Jobbing work promptly attended to. Smith. *4 DalWI road. ^ guinea pigs,plga. cattle.cattle, sheep and swine; t. rb. PARKER. Mining Kngtaeer and W-page catalogua, lês,; 3»-page esl#- equity >1.250 for lots in Winnipeg. Surveyor. 11 Macgrcgor Block, \lctnrla, Cor. Blanchard and Tort BTS. Phone BTK. Help Wanted—^M^ Mending 4 xpiinu „ furnished house, logue with poultry combined,------—------lie.. Mount | SBC. LAND, near Lake Francis* Mani­ R. C. Mine examinations and reports p. O. Box 53». Penn Kennels. Beading. Penne.. U.8.A. Superintended*»- of mining work or e«.n- DIN8DALE 4k MALCOLM, close to car,, Anp. WANTRIV-A good strong boy. Apply 319 toba. >1,700 an acre, for housd or land trecta taken. Seven years preparatory Builders and Contractor. TO YOUNG MEN wtr . and near Victoria. . work, eleven years actual e*perlenrf a* DINED A LE, MAI*COLM. ed. I'll do them Wrt«rl™B?* li*. TO LET-Good, modern equlpp -. Ltd advertisement for less than 16 conta. per month ...... >8.60 ‘and guitar at Alberta College. Edmon- : Reward for return to 734 Johnson street. AMPHIOX STREET-4 rooms, new..«0.06 FOR SALE—New six room cottage, all ton etc. Phone A1458. Studio. 923 View l.LOYD A CO., practical chimney sweep­ Moving Picture Machines For Rent—Stable i osT—Thursday morning, on Discovery COLLIXSON STREET—5 rooms, new.^ ers and house-cleaners. 714 Pandora modern conveniences, near High school,,oK,_ Lrou. I.-D. ,«M St.; grates flrebrlcked, flues altered, price for quick sale >2,9#»; new six room ~T~ MOTION PICTURES—A new supply TO I.ET-Rt»hle. »Uo hulMlns ISiO «ojxl înîtîaUi F. V.’ C. on back cover, j PjilNcESS STREET-6 rooms, new.I vacant houses cleaned ready for occupa­ first-class “Pathe" film and ptojecj. ting ooriSnter riiop or ,lor*Ee. entra», lo- story and half, on corner, near High wiSer nlrârô leàv.. ». Time» office. tion. Phone 1577. au-hool. oil modern conveniences, for BLANCHARD STREET—New, 7 rooms. Nursing lanterns for sale, st Maynard’s Photo Particular, 131» Gov«rnm«nl 81.. Close in. very fine houae j^«^^111j j^»3 «t<.. k House. 71.> Iriindora street. Roi.Tb !.. ------quick sale. $3.390; will take small pay­ MRS WALKER (C. M. B.. Eng.), at­ CHIMNEYS rieEANED-Defective fives ment down and balance monthly pay- i Personal tend* patient* or receive* them into her filled, etc. Wm. Neal. 32 Quadra street. ment a Ah*Se cottage to let. Apply i Phone tf/t>. nursing home Maternity, medical or, News Stand For Sale—Acreage Owner." 1336 Johnson street.______j •JAMES property, sold promised a rise surgical. 1017 Burdette avenue. Phone L. U. CONYERS & CO. «yaw WILL BUY k neW seven roomed SM VIEW STREET. JLltûO...... - .—...... Chinese Goods and Labor 3f ^f5Ïr^MdEÆrLï?,^;,.hiî^1î?n.1 house with tvfo large loto-cloae to car MISS E H JONES 731 Vano.nvcr St. Kings Head Cigar and New» Stand, and school, in Victoria West Address PORCELAIN. brassware. silks neat to A. B.. Times Office. ______. Rooms and Board 13 400—Will purchase à wry handsome -«luriosv- .«xumalxc aasortmant. All ■SwwLnt-*» Ira, tira» M «MA - BUNGALOW, » rooms^oM motora oon- of Chinese labor supplied. Tim Kee. FOR SALE-A pretty little aig roomed ’.mraTuon, vcnlences, beautifully finished, cloae to IflOC Government street. Painter and Decorator nnR saLF—Acreage, tiest and cheapest house, cement,------electric light KYFS FITTED ('ORREcVlY T" on the mirk* MW. in*' and sewer connection, good level lot cars, and good view of sea; very easy ixMMBCOTT ROSS, *1« l-nndorn Ave . 50x125. all fenced; priee 12.600. Apply to terms. money * back ; costs only -I usual Mice. «pert pnperhan*er and decora lor; city limits. * minutes from car. 7 acres Igvertlaement for leas than N cents Phone BUM. or rail on Intyre, Cleaning and Tailoring Works room» papered or painted cheap. Bine. «nïd land. Fhole. or Jn acre blocks or William C. Holt, builder and contrac­ >8,300—BUNGALOW, containing 7 rooms, «vpticlan. 61» Dmi.*«ltn. day or evening. Eat I mote». Write or telephone A ILK). smaller to suit purchaser». Apply B«x tor, 48» Garbalty road. TO LETh Apply 2G RueaeH 81. all modern conveniences throughout LADIES’ AND GENTS’ clothes cleaned., dyed, repaired and pressed; umbrellas 314. this office. ______for SALE—New four roomed house and (only t years old), atone foundation, lot nice fNFVRNISHED ROOMB, 62x138. alley way$ in rear; terms can be Shorthand also repaired and re-covered Guy W. Pawnshop large lot. 60x1*. In BsqatimUt* _near TKtanky Ave.. with use of kitchen Walker. 7W Johnson Bt.. Just cast of FARM FOR SALE-lffi acres, between beach and egr line. >1.100. For terms arranged. Nanaimo and iAidysmlth. on main road Ï5 glth lnd piano If heaven SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 1IW Well St. Dougins. Phone A1267. MONEY LOANED on diamonds. JeWel apply Box 281. Times. lery and personal effects. A. A. Aaron- S acres cultivated, to acres pasture, both >1,300—HOUSE AND TWO LOTS,.In Oak Shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping, high and bottom land. 6 roomed house, -, c.wr'r_Furnlabfid rooms and house- telegraphy thomughly taught E. A. son. cor. Johnson and Broad. A PRETTY LITTLE HOME. Blanchard «.tri Canada, 1RS Bay district; could be made Into n very ■V big bams. wash, chicken and smoke street lot §0x12». & room cottage, sli cosy home. . . Macmillan, prlnclpil Cuts house* 170 fruit trees. 3 wells and run- conveniences. >3.000; 31,70» cash bal­ Broad street Vhone .1*4. Photographs. Maps, Etc. îî?n« spring all year, close to post office. ance arranged. Maysmith ft Lo.. Mahon >1,00—COTTAGE. 4 rooms, good lot. with XichTnd -eh—l a. head of caHle rfNT—Handsomely furnished room LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, bird’s- stable. James Bay. Singing. eye views, and all classe» of engravings SHTMTAT^^B^DOTHERa farm machinery, etc., will sen with Bldg. two also single bedroom; quiet, for newspaper or catalogue work, at stock or without house or acreage at SALE—7 roomed house, containing pleasant house. W17 Burdette avenue. >1.200—JOHNSON STREET. LARGE LOT j m MORGAN. Teacher of Voice Pro­ the B. C. Engraving Co.. Timas Build­ Victoria taken In part payment. Apply conservatory, buth. large reception ball, Phone A1400- 60x120. good building ettr. duction and Singing Studio, Room », ing. Victoria. 67 Jo* Fassler. 600 Gort^ road. Victoria. Snel aad beamed ceilings. tlnteJ Rank of Commerce Building. Late con­ an» plana copied or blue printed, _n » pTJ-Furnlahed room, with >660—2 FINE LOTS. Oak Bay District. ductor of Reeolven Harmonic Society. walls, convenientjte car. Call after 6 T2aa stove, on Fort etreet. between irnlnraement, from film» or print» to on, forced to immediately SELL a p. m. at 1237 Pandora avenue. >400—LOT. close to. Quadra street. Welsh Baptist Choral Union, the cele­ Dressmaking alia Flnlahlnc and auppllea for amateur» ri.V« tract of farnitfi* and fmlt land Broad and Government street*. Apply brated Resolven Male Voice, winners (threream nf Brltlah Columbia) at the Box 16. Ttmee Office.______>1,400—CAREY ROAD. 6 LOTS; very 1304. 1905, 1906, 1906. Wfi. 1907. MHhGOVBRNMr.NT 8T NICE COTTAGE-3 Iwdrooma. larro Hr. MISS OALLICHAN. MU extraordinary me price of d=ht *.llara In, room, pantry, kitchen, etc., chicken anmNlSHKD ROOMS and board, piano cheâp. Quadra street. ner acre, on e.crpltonally ci,y terme houses.houaea fufull alaed tot. «.TOO. Crura * • ia nhone Bellevue. 461 Quebec street. MONEY TO LOAN In btocm of elRbly acre», one hundred Go.. Fort street. and pbqpa. Stenographers and Typists. MISS WILSON. Dressmaker, has removed Plumbing and Heating Lna acre», etc., upwards, to autt third hf«»iuse from Government Build- AT LOWE8T CURRENT RATES. her workroom» from the Promis Block iirtT WATER HEATING. J. H. Warner îürehaîcra* Tout opporiunlty. Oct in. HOUSES, cottage», etc., built at lowest TYPEWRITING done from M R.. on rea­ to her home on Oak Bay avenue, 3rd H| f ,, lilSKjg ttl Flsguard St. Phone Çi'ake*appointment by applyln, to 1M0 contract price, conaiatent with good sonable terjns. Apply Box 7H. Times house past Foul Bay toad. Phone B1606. •m IÆT-Furnished rooms, single or dou A. W. BRIDGMAN. Agio. " El ford atreet. A Ictoria. workmanship and ^«S**!* **£»»»* w* electric light* In every room. 25c.. Office • =F estimates free. Box 335, Times Offioa 5K: indie, per night, 716 Ystea atroeL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1017 GOVERNMENT ST. Dyeing and Cleaning Pottery Ware. Etc. FOR SALF.-4 acre, »"*'1. u"*'r FOR RENT OR .SALE-House anj one Lodges. niiiivnt!nni no rock, Xn°d wetl? a min­ sere stables and chicken houses, at ML w atsîtF.D— Six roomers and boarders. StrWRR PIPE. Field. Tile, Ground Firs ute, from car line. 12.600. Apply Owner. Tolmle. 625 William street. Victoria. »&.• elaas accommodation; terme. «4 DWELLINGS for sale. ■ — --- r- — A ■ „ , b c. STEAM DYE WORKS-The Ur re.! 8 Clay, Flower Pots. etc. B. C. Pottery Box 66. Time* Office Applr Mrs. Taylor. 11» COLUMBIA LODGE. No. 2. I. O. O. F., i Awing and cleaning works In the pm- meet» eVertf-Wednesday evening at 8 .. vlQ^ Country order* solicited. Tel Co. Ltd., corner Broad sno- Pandora rHOlCE LITTLE PROPERTY near Vie- Caledonia. DUNEDIN ITREKT—6 roomed dwelling, •Arrest».- Victorian TWO^ACRF. BLOCKS, in nice iltuailon, torta.-flne attuaUoo. beautiful xuramndd o’clock In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Doofna i •>»> j. C. Renfrew, proprietor. MO yards from city boundary: 8500 down, WELL FURNISHED' ROD MB'TO'LET— with Millie and oatbuUdtoge. -»U to good Street- R W. Fawcett. Rec. Sec.. ^37 Ingin* views, splendidly timbered. • extra W£lt ol. or tiro- HI View atreet. order; with t lota, price It.*», with > .... Ooveritiftrint wm-t. r— ...... t ■vmrmtft stmam byb work»~m»| DAoimimnic) reatjportgage. Fetherston. Mount Tol- well fenced and laid out: fruit treea and nCSIatir afitS ornamental rirrab*: atyMeJr new howee. tol.H "A Yates street. Tel. 71*. All deacrip- TO LET—Fumlshed rooms, a! _ or COURT CARIBOO. No. T43. LO. Y, tions of ladles' anÿ gentlemen's gar- uUNDERKt>EB NEW MANAGEMENT-Toronte well furnished: and with new barn, CORMORANT STlieKIf'-HètwMn -mu.... meets on second Tuesday and fobrin ments cleaned------or dyed and pressed 1 u^Restaurant,- -- 1412 Stori street, next woR RALE-160-acre farm on Gallano dairy, fowl iiouke and woodshed. The doublo. electric llkhta In every room. 1X1 and Blanchard, large dwelling with Monday of each month In K. of P. equal to new. - — Hotel. Beat 15c. meal in the Island. 26 miles from new government whole. Including furniture, stock and Apply Vl* Tatra .tract. lot «ntl». .Price HIM. Hall corner Pandora and Douglas wbarL îl ftcree of good land 10 to J6 _ aet of Implements, boras, cow. COHNKK K4NUm:Q.N .AND IdEHZUBU. atraata. ^VlaVtTng ""Forester* welcom* «1. A5T acres cleared. 25 acres itaihea, I roomed wagon, etc . «.W per âcre; TO RENT-T.-K-ety ro^.a PAUL'S DYEING AND' CLEANING Fort Street. Phone BII43. Lsrge • roomed dwelling, with Mm* rr Sec E- Parsons; L#*«* ft Fraser, WORKS. 12» Fort street. Tel. 634. shack, plenty of good spring water, a Address “B. C..** Time» Office. men,, and all modern convenience». Trounce Ave . J. W. H. King. R. tor.. few fruit trees, a portion of lànd fenced, ufgt Y FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 1361 Pahdora street. a good road to property. 1700 has been ^minutes from P.O, 17 per month. 834 S P. C. A. laid out by former owner in clearing and For Sale—Land. TRUJCH HOMESTEAD—Choie. lota, CGNfPANION COURT FAR WEST. I. O. Employment Agencies fencing, coal right goes with the land, Fort street. ______with frontage on Richardson etraet. F No K», meets first gnd third Mon- two companies own coal rights In the FOR SALMrFIve arOT «t gJrawBerrjr Linden avenue/ Fairfield road and THE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. I p c. A.—All cases of cruelty to be re­ ROOM AND BOARD for £ or 6 poraona. Sv, "each month 7n K of P. Hall, ported to Mr Thœ. W. Palmer. Hon. vicinity, plenty of good timber; «.300 Vale. MM tyh Apply 337 Quebec atraet. Trutch atraet; prie.» 11.400 upwards. comer Douglas and pandora streets MRS P K. TURNER. < ggsh; «.500. $1,500 down, balance to ar­ home comforts. Apply Box 67. Times I (54) Fort St. Hours. 10 to 8. Phone 1652. tocy., 1310 Gladstone Ave. Phone A1711. BEACON H(LL PARK-76 fra; by :« Isabelle Moore. Financial Fecretary. 6ti range. Apply 733 Broughton street. FOR BALB-Uheap. on easy terms. â| Office. , feet, with double frontage on ttcywood Hillside *y%.. miles from with <«r without board. 725 Vancouver W. manufnM»»»- ap-imdat. uhoweea*. K of P;>aHoevery Thursday. D- 8 Phone 163. Write -oi6 wire your orders, hnnk and .tore, hotel and office fixture», p A. Watson, manager. Wanted, ladies city lull, prive «.756. Looming Brow , Mowat, K. of R Second-hand Goods POP SALK—Beautifully situated fruit i.i.i Foti etrei t TO LE¥—2 unfurnished rooms, wall can... counter», shelving, mantle», and. men canvassers, big percentage. and fowl ranch, about 3 miles from  O F COURT NORTHERN LIGHT. Register book kept for help seeking em- WANTED—Old coats and vests, pants. ernment street. deaks. art gril;» and mirrors. Vo A. meets at K. of P. Hall 2nd and boots and shoes, trunks, valises, shot­ Victoria. - «to per acre, including FOR SALE-Cheop. 2 acroa good land. . ployment. stylish I souse and furniture, good out­ Dak Bar. near beach. Apply He THE WOODWORKEBS. Ltd. 4th Wednesdays. XV. F. Fullerton, Secy. guns. revolvers, overhoats, etc. Highest JAPANESE. HINDU AND CHINESE cash price» paid. Will call »t any ad­ houses. live stock end Implement»; Rooms for Housekeeping SI JOHNSON rr. PHONE tig vvrTORlA LODGE No. 1. A. O V. W.. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE-All kinds of dress. Jacob Aaroneon’s new and »jc* everything in first-class condition: h»lf Stt. trseora te IMltw A llowte. 'TJZts every second and fourth Wed- ond-hand store. 672 Johnson atreet, four cash, balance mortgage. Apply Fether­ labor supplied et abort notice, genergl ston. Cedar HUI road, via Mount Tolmle. For Sale—Lots TO LET—3 rooms for light housekeeping. &aday m month at A <1 V. W Hall contractor. 1661 Government St. Tel. 1630. doors bèlow Government St. Phone 1747. 974 Flsguard street. ' .JSatobers of Order Visiting the , lty cor------BMP TREE BPRAYIHQ m tiiv invited to attend. R. Dunn, re- ALL KTNI)8 of Chinese labor supplied, TOR SALE____ —Eights acre* good fruit oRAHAM STREET-Lot 50x1®. 4 room TO RBNT-*-N1cely fiirnishvd housekeep­ "order 1 ▼)■ ThowT 1630 Government^ street. Soil land,._,nd. eight miles from Victoria ; al Cottage.cottage, $1.700 cish. Maysmith ft Co., kinds buggies, wagwagons and carta, _____horses Mahon ----Bldg. ing rooms, large grounds, bear Foun­ B, wlae and have *t done by the bnly A1749. FOR SALE—Manure and büu end harness; also yoke young oxen, well tain. 1 minute from cor line. 600 Gorge rawer spraying machine In the city, let- MODERN WOODMEN -OF ^jRnrtti^XVood Yard. Telephone I TH1W s«h—it turn “Tm----r-rmnu^ ______; urt-d u>r the purpose. Do r.ot waste bitngttioWr atone .foundations, gay and one y with the obsolete hand each month .it conveniences. $3,800; terms arranged. TO RENT—Two nicety ftirmeheri “road atreett. Of L. Blasell, clerk, 1314 i Stoves Maysmith ft Co., Mahon Bldg. keeping rooms. 1136 Caledonia avenue. DROP A CARD TO ooglm street. Read the* “Times’ STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS of I Foft SALE- W) acres. Shawnigan district, WM. ROBERTSON all kinds bought and edlti. N. R. Fox- also 5 room hmwe. pantry and hath, «ALE-Ito, Mxm ra YJ^ AJA. IM» NORTH PEMBROKE VT. ^NAPS ON CLASSIFIED PAGE! Mord. UU7 Douglas SL 1‘bone Alt#. - I James'Bay. Apply Box 147, Times Office. mr Cook. Apply owner, P. O. Box t VICTORIA DAILY TIME8. SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1909 JL r n*s Year Elver That Now Is the Right Time to Buy a Home in Victoria A PRAIRIE ROSE Makes Yoe Constipated The bowels move only when Mrltten for The Times by Marguerite Evans. the liver gives bp enough bile. DAY & BOGGS B. C. LAND AND INVESTMENT J. GREENWOOD To correct Constipation, you t.p. McConnell must correct tbe torpid, E»Ubll.h<4 lew. AGENCY, LTD. REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER. COR. GOVERNMENT AND FORT ST* sluggish liver. W rout STREET. CHAPTER XX. snatched a pair of mittens, which were 9-3 GOVERNMENT STREET. Above Northern Bank. Tel ASl (UPSTAIRS). Abbey’s Salt regulates the VICTORIA. B. O. A cold November dawn was Just not mates, although equally the worse bowels by regulating tbs User. breaking over the prairie when the for wear, and toft the houee for the It makes the liver sellée end It.HO y ROOMED DWELLING and I lota TFUL CHEAP whlrr-fr-rr of a small alarm clock on day; fearful that, on account of hav­ healthy — cure Conatipatien— on a corner, close to car Une. This Is a Corner of Cook and Colli neon Streets. the chair beside hie bed, caused Ralph ing been detained so long he should be and is s tonic for the whole HO ACRES—Within 111 mile* from Vic­ BUILDING system. toria. near Book. wagon read, Sootldn II, very cheap property. A Snap For >2,600. Huntlelgh to yawn and stretch him­ the last of many farmers to reach the tloldltream Dlalrlct; Crown «rented r One-third Cash and Balance Inside of LOTS. cedar and fir timber; «nick Bale; price self sleepily. elevator and have to wait house be­ II Months. M par acre. «7» FOR 8 LOTS, near the Jubilee hos­ “Whtrr-rr-rr-rr!” Was the confound­ fore he could unload. NOW READY. !0t ACRES—I miles from Duncan, on pital. all fenced, fruit trees, etc.; terms COOK STREET. ed thing never going to stop? ' Mrs. Huntlelgh listened ufltll the Near Fairfield Road. MAPS OF Cowlchan Lake road; to acreacréa waewas cul­ to suit purchase*! Now thoroughly aroused, and Indig­ Jingle of her husband » sleigh be! Is were tivated bottom land; some1 «004a004 timberHi Lot For «1,760. OUR NEW SUB-DIVISION, nant at t$e clock for doing Its-duty.' he an uncleared portion; prie.> 60WO per acre.'i lost In the frosty distance, then, with OAK BAY. At Krd of raised himself on his elbow and seizing a sigh of relief snuggled down under It ACRES—North Saanich, ; acrea culti­ 6.150-4 ROOMED MODERN COTTAGE. Excellent Site, 145x240, Willow’s Car Line. the offending'article, gave It an angry vated. fenced, oU poed laa*l-prlce «.too. For a ,M>ve,y Home. shake, rolled It up tight!* An the bed­ the warm blankets. <. TT»...... '' unpl m véry weetrsJîy located, with 3 = ’ Ifltlk : I Situated Between Two Beautiful clothes, and again composed himself "Thank goodness that-growling beast t9t «M eoc » isftia ""At mtt * ACRES—At Saanlchton, Of which U ’ terms. All Level and Best of Soil. to'- slumber. is gone for seven good .hours at the acrea are cultivated. I acrea slashed, This Can Be Bought For $9,600. No Stump#! Trees or Rock. “Daddy,” came the shrill, piping voice v«#y least, and no* I can have some } burnt and Beaded, t acrea with bearing 6.860-4 ROOMED COTTAGE, tn the Terms Can Be Arranged. Large Lots. Wto «8 Feet Bgcfi In BTi comfort, My-word. If I don’t. take ~tt4 fruit trace; all the land la rood and in the rooming when am I going to i Suitable far fruit. A cottage. ( rooms, north end, almost new, with cellar, nice ALBERNI—FIVE LOTS. Cheap Prices, «264 to «440 Bh^h. across the room, “I yants a jink.” splendid supply of water, also running lawn, fruit trees, etc.; this Is cheap. No anaweh get It, that’s what I should like tô J BLUE PRINTS stream, barn, ten poultry houses and Well Situated. Easy Terms. know. Angellne Maud, you Just sMp runs; stock, consisting of horse. 1 cows, Will Sell the. Five for «100. “Daddy, I yants a Jink!” O: Any Length and poultry, incubators, brooders. «50 Cash and 60 Month. .Still no answer, and Master Jack slip­ down stairs and put In some more wood so that the fire won’t go out. and while | Med, In On, Mean. ria implements, etc. F WO. «3,60—PRETTY LITTLE • ROOMED Low interest, Only « Par Cant. ped out ofr hls cot and pattering across you are down there Jwt see If your TIMBER MATS CÇTTAGE and 2 large lots, frontage on SWINERT0N & 00DY Homes All Round These Lota the bare floor, crept Into bed beside his K* ACRES-J miles from Victoria, ebwjt They’re Money Makers, father Thqn a pair of hot little arma father left a drop of tea In the pot If* k acres cultivated, aa orchard of SO two good streets. Just a step from two he did, you might bring me up some, trees, about an ante of etrawberrl», 19N GOVERNMENT STREET. Even If You Don’t Care to Build were clasped tightly around Hunt- Electric Blue Print * lip Cl •mail fruit, etc.; aloe bungalow, nearly car lines; 1-t cash. lelgh'» neck, a hot little form snug- ft care If It Isn’t very strong so Them. ftlrï frçwi ~ p^LM.^.-a^,ua TWrtV-MFk -MirftytTitiW7* been built within the Inst six aoftiû: ““Daddy, • my storo gln*er snaps that I brought home R.M0CORNER LOT AND « ROOMED yesterday "up on the lop shelf W the | NORTH daddy, I yants a Jink." TO CLOSE AN ESTATE “Yes, old fellow, all right daddy will cupboard. I put them there so you 'Wtitnfih't AM th>m Til have some hours' feat frontage on mein roe* Tenders wilt be received by the under­ was the «frowsy answer. them with my tea. and you and Jack y In front et and adjolnUtd LOTS-rOf large else, tn the Fairfield PRIOR STREET-4 rooms ai^ basement signed up to Saturday. March 30th, 18», “But I yants It now! I’se awful hot.” can each have one if jrou’re good and A DAY thyaroperty of Mr. Wm. Grant. Price cement foundation, eleotrie light, lot for the purchase of fifteen acrea more or don’t bother me for two or three hours. Estate, best of soil, entirely free from 60x136. 6.4». lees, with a one and one-half story new “You are hot, old fellow, sure Allows plenty of time to J frame « roomed dwelling and outhoueea enough,” responded his father, now I want to have a real good rest. You Improve your home. Wed rook, price «4» each; terms, «6 cash, OAR BALLY ROAD—Near Gorge road. • LARGEST LIST of situate and being In the District of North quite awake, and realising how un­ might bring me up that new parcel of have FIVE CHOlChJf WE HAVE THE balance monthly. rooms, cement foundation, electric light, Saanich, being part of the northerly oae- LOTS, under cultivation, farms and fruit lande on Vancouver tot 50x126, D.6M. half of Section Seven. Range Throe East. naturally hot the little fellow wae,' "art novels I got yesterday; they are on the near the Carey road and handy te the The above la part of the estate of the you eèefcf shelf back of the stove.” car. on which we will build a ■T. CHARLES STREET-4 acres on a DUPPLIN STREET-4 rooms,f aloetrle light, let 40xl«0. -----price— ------* late George W. Rear, had Is Just off the “My froat Is awful sore, and my head But for once Angelina Maud seemed corner, all cleared and cultivated, g cash. «1,800. Saanteh road, and about: two‘ miles south Indifferent to her mother’s comfort. She 676». of the town of Sidney. hurts Inside like everyflnt. and ! yants" THE GRIFFITH CO. price «4.3»; on terms. THIRD STREET—4 rooms and base­ The highest or any t ____ _ a jink.” half raised her hfrad; with Its tangle Comfortable 2-Room Cottage ment, all eonrenlenoes. Jus* completed, sartly accepted. “Daddy will get It right away,” and of tow-colored hair, half opened her AND SELL FOR $1,600 ROOM 11, MAHON BLDG TEL. MO. a bargain at 6.800. WILLIAM DUCK AND JOHN HUGH nondescript eyes, rolled sleeptdly over NEARLY 3 ACRES-Water frontage, on JOHNSTON, unclasping the child’s detaining arms, Small deposit and monthly payments. FRANCIS AVENUE—8 rooms, with I Huntlelgh roe* hastily, and partially and was soon back In the Land of Nod. REALTY, TIMBER. INSURANCE. Victoria Arm, above the Gorge, nicely tots, each 50x140» near Druglas street «36 Johnson St ------Victoria.------B. CL. MOORE A WHITTINGTON Trustees Estate of George W. Reay, De- dressing himself, stumbled down the Mrs. Huntlelgh, too drowlsly com­ CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER* treed, and extending from water to pub­ tram. 6.500. fortable to be In a hurry, allowed the NO. SU. dark, narrow stairway to the kitchen, Phone ATM Rn.idenc, AM Mill BUM. lic rood, only «7» per acre; terms If WASHINGTON AVENUE-4 rooms, con­ child to lie In peace, and composed her- FINE. LEVEL LOT, all cleared and good crete foundation, electric light, a sera of where the water p»U waa standing— eon. bn owtnowcr row. luit ontatde desired.------Ifcnd. bbti#a wm be completed In a few empty. sslf for another “forty winks.” when the etty limits. ‘ • days, 6.4» "Just like her.” he muttered, "It from the next room came the shrill, Wâ GORGE ROAD SUB-DIVI8ION-We have HILLSIDE AVENUE-4 rooms, full base- wouldn’t be her If she had any water piping voice of Master Jack: “Muxser, No. SU. m**t, with furnace, corner lot, aaay THE EDITOR ! In.” and pulling on his boots without if my daddy's gone, I yants you to get BREAKING) still fbr sale In this eub-division lots at terms. «3J» A SIX-ROOM HOUSE, on Douglas SI.. lactng, he went out In the chill mom- Jaclr a jink." from D50 per lot up, on terms to suit Lot us give you further particulars of tbe JOURNAL at His mother, as waa her habit when -. In good condition, with city water, air ti­ ------above u ■ w house. A*°2 Ing air to the pump. A raw, cold wind the light, brick foundation, outbuild- purchaser. This property la nicely situ­ om, i was blowing, and thé path which he more than usually Irritated, compressed XPERIENOl Inga, fruit Ire* and Shrubbery. The lot ated, free from rock, and mostly under had shovelled the night before Was her lips until they formed one thin, la U by BS and la a good one. Sla bun-, cultivation. Special reduction made to drifted full of snow, which crept In narrow ltrçe. deed dollars, or Nee, will handle It, at HINKS0N SIDDALL & SON MM i I ttut; ! "Muxser! Jack la awful hot, and hla thoee buying 3 or more lots; 6 per cent, around his boots where they were un­ the price =di -«*■ froat is sore, and he yants a Jink." ll.TW. , off for cash In all eases. NEW GRAND THEATRE BUILDING. laced, and melting, wet hi* feet. GOVERNMENT STREET. Re-entering Uu kitchen, he stumbled "My word. Did anybody ever see the . HOUSE FOR RENT, on Kina', road, WO beat?" muttered his mother angrily. OFFICE FOR LIST OF ■boat the over a chair eloee to the door, and call at deemed it advisable to have a tight. “He’s Just hts father over again. The' FARM* OAK. BAY-FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE l »1M e 1 ; 4 POWER The Match Box 'was empty—a* usual, intime t trrto set s mw comTorf he’s and two tots; 1-3 cash, balance te suit; tm i but after, fumbling around for some sure to want something. Men. old and ESTATE AND INSURANCE. EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY price 8.9». time he found a few scattered match#* young, are all alike, always wanting LAMPSON ST -COTTAGE, near car among some hair pins on the window and wanting, and never satisfied with 1214 DOUGLAS ST. PHONE HR. REAL K8TAT=gkANI EDITOR . DEPOSIT. H. J. FINANCIAL line, terms; 6,900. sill. He applied a lighted mat^h to the what they've got. Always wanting to lamp wick but It refused to Ignite, and be chewing or .smoking or drinking. 63 YATES STREET. FOR RENT. Sl.W-WSll buy 3 fine residential tote on giving the lamp a shake, he saw that “Jack yants a Jink,” came the plead- ! Fort street and 1 on Bank street, with 1 FURNISHED ROOMS. log voice again, with a sound perilous- ' cement Sidewalks, sower, etc., and on there wae no oil In It MENZIE8 STREET, next to Drill hell. 2 Utterfy out of patience, he went to îy like SySob choking off the last words. ' car lino. This Is the best buy in the lots, sise 50x1(77 and 50x104. Pride for the Y. W.C. A. city, and will be sold on very easy Fur the benefit of young women In gg the foot of the stairs and shouted : . His mother, knowing It was no use ...... Ù;...... 64.3» ’’Marial” There was no answer from trying to put him off. gave Angelina ; Tm Doc to*. - Alt l mo. meflw terms. out of employment. on* fevorlok. Gi.« Urn e SleoA- 8.400—WllT buy new, modern, < room GRAHAM STREET- New 6-votmv Bunga­ THE CITY BROKERAGE his wife, but a pitiful little voice reiter­ Maud a shake, saying reproachfully: ■u'. Powger 1*1 ho trill hu burga tow In James Bay; terms, 14 low. basement, bath, electric light, in I6È DOUGLAS ST. PHONE 65. ated: “Daddy, I yants a Jink," "You mean. lasy. little girl, to lie there cash, balance easy. This *1* worth In­ tent a very beailliul home, barn, etc. BOOMS AMD EtOARD and pretend you don’t hear. Just so that tootirighl.^,______Price...... 6.880 Huntlelgh made a frantic dash for vestigating. WHAT WE ADVERTISE A Home from Home. the cupboard la search of a cup or rour poor mother will have to get up In TO RENT—We have a few 5 and « room MASCOT AVENUE—Close to Pembroke the cold.” Steedmin's Soothing Powers houses to rent. street, 8-room house, bath. etc. Price, IS WORTH LOOKING UP. glass, anything in fact, that would hold 942 Pandora Avenue. Angelins Maud sat up In bed with «3.300; cash «3», balance easy monthly water. But alas, like Old Mother Hub­ I CONTAIN payment». «-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, corner lot, bard, he found the cupboard bare, and sleepy eyes. "You know I didn't .hear.” NORTH PARK STREET-New 5-room «0x135. almost new, and all modern in the uncertain light he saw almost •he said. — NO GRANT & LINEHAM cottage, modern conveniences. . Price Improvements; large chicken house NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS all the dishes that thé house contained "Tes, yes. I’ll get it. Jackie, don’t [POISON ...... 6.000 CM VIEW STREET. and shed; fruit trees...... «1.200 piled in an untidy mass on the table. cry." as the request for a "Jink" was 26. Price Sealed tenders for the erection of fife Knowing from past experience that sobblngly repeated, and she hurried ...... 11.275 6-ROOM HO LUE and I acre; good out­ they weren't kept there If they were down stairs In her night dress, her lit­ buildings, 40 fruit trees; close to car; story and basement block, corner of Broad and Fort streets. Victoria. B. C., clean, h* looked for the dipper. Again tle bare feet sounding "pat" “pat-; on JAMES BAT — 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, •mall payment ...... $2,600 the bare stairs. with all conveniences ...... «2,960 for Hon. Wm. Templeman, will .bo re­ hie search was vain, and In desperation A. COUQUHOUN HOLMES I ACRES. Inside city; first class soil, ceived by the undersigned on or before he seised a small granite saucepan —I Although the poor child did not com­ CROFT 8T.-S-ROOM BUNGALOW, all 676 YATES STREET. and the price is half what Is asked March 6th. at 13 noon. Stone, brick and with a blackened bottom—from the plain her cvea were bright with fever, conveniences ...... S3.M6 for adjoining property; «500 cash. reinforced concrete construction. Plans, bock of the stove and carried the child and her skin burnt like a live coal, a* FAIRFIELD ESTATE—A few choice lots specifications and other particulars may DALLAS ROAD—CORNER LOT....$1.2» be seen at office of undersigned, to whom a drink In that. ■he crept, her teeth chattering with left Including 2 corner lots; reasonable "Daddy, you ware such a long time,” I the cold. Into bed beside her mother LINLBN AVE.—4 LOTS, each ...... $5» price;; close to car. tenders are to be addressed. COLDS THE CITY BROKERAGE, raid the little fellow reproachfully, aa again. BLACKWOOD ^TREETrFlne^____.. hi-dgh lot The lowest or any tender not necessarily CURED IN ONE DAY balance «to per 1218 DOUGLAS STREET. accepted. he seised the saucepan with his un­ "Why. child.” exclaimed the latter, Certified cheque for 6 per cent, of steady little hands and upset the “you’re In a fever. That’s whaf you A. WILLIAMS & CO. amount of tender to accompany same. PORT ANGBLES-Snap, 48 lots. greater part of the long-looked-for got by playing out ]n the snow yester­ IM TATES STREET. S. A. BAIRD A MAXWELL MV1K C.B., F.A.I.C. “Jlftk” ne»the bed-clothes. i- day when I told you net ta"------cash. T~~------...... ------Architect. REAL ESTATE. FINANCIAL AND IN- •’Never mind, old ohep. It’s all right Selfish, and lasy, and full of faults Et—NEW 1 ROOM 12» Government SL, Victoria, B. C.. lot WxtX, LATIMER & NEY 7 "I SXJRANCE AGENT. Mardi «tfi» If». i.ow 'r daddy couldn't And the thing» In though she was. Mrs. Huntlelgh was . the dark. Try and go tb sleep again, still a woman, and a mother; and when REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE* TIMBER It» DOUGLAS STREET. she saw that both her children were «S-NEW I ROOM COTTAGE, large let. for daddy has to hurry away with his eloee to ear. aaay terms, tun. «28 FORT ST. PHONE B3L wheat to the elevator.’* really III she did her poor best to re­ 6.7» Buys FOR SALE NEW HOUSE. reedy 1er ooeepen.. "Will daddy sell wheat and buy Jack lieve them. Hastily dressing she went IM—GOOD COTTAGE, large lot. close to NEW FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE boots | Jack got ted his feet wet yes­ down stairs and exerted herself to get ear. tut* easy term* 0 WE HAVE THE BEST BUT ON THE And Full Sized Lot, .bout lurch W: Urge rwegtlen hiTl MARKET IN CHOICE RESIDENTIAL Work Esta ta with pressed brh* open flropuSl terday. ‘cause hie boots hed holes In them their favorite breakfast of tea and IW-4 ACRES LOTS. ACREAGE . them.” toast, the latter liberally spread with of good land, with fruit Jam. e ►rry Vale, tuna On the Burnside Read,______Eiter/^f-dm’nï g» £5: “Yes, old fellow, daddy will buy you Munyoe’s. Cold Remedy Relieves BANK ST.-Close to Fort; lot 60x90..«40* Within Four Miles of the City, the warmest Boots he can tod—end the To her dismay, neither of the chil­ head, throat and long *- - - At «525 Per Acra All Cleared. lng Into kitchen and larders; draw, Lord grant your mother won’t be too dren could eat the toast, complaining GRANT ST.-Near Stanley*; lot 60x115 log room has fire grata, and Is * A.M. JONES C.C. PEMBERTofi ...... «650 . a i athlle enn mnl > . la*y to put them on”-he added men­ that it hurt thetr throats. Thoroughly PROSPECT ROAD-MO feet from cartine. H STORY BUNGALOW. tally. as having finished dressing, he alarmed, as she recollected having Containing Seven Large Rooms, heard of a very severe case of diphthe­ Price 25c. m VIEW STREET. PHONE ITU. tot 50x120 ...... 480 kissed the child and wrapping the bed-» CLARENCE ST.-The beet residential tot Heated by Furnace, clothes snugly around him, hurried ria. a few miles away, Mrs. Huntlelgh. Have y cm stiff er swollen Jointe, no wet­ Six Ft. Basement. Full Slsed U>t. ter how chronic* Aak your druggist for In James Bay, 50x1» ...... «1.300 down •taint. 9 bidding the children remain in bed. Monyon’s Rheumatism Remedy sad see FOUL BAT ROAD DISTRICT. One Block From Park, James Bay. BANK ST.—Fine double corner, 120x1% 6.800—SIX ROOMED BUNGALOW, witn He hastily lit the fir* and put on the throw a shawl over her head and ran bow quickly yoe Will be cured. 1 ACRE LOTS. across the fields for her unfailing help­ If you bare any kidney or bladder tfee­ ...... «UOO three additional rooms In attic un fin - kettle, then going- to the foot. of the ble get MunyoiVs Kidney Remedy. At Terminus of New Fairfield Car Line. OAK BÀY AVE.—Choicest double corner ~ Tahed, electric light in house and barn BBVAN BEOS. 4 00., Ltd. stairs, called to his wife, “Maria!" No er and adviser. Rose Russel. Monyen’a' Vltaltser makes weak meg Rich Soil. Good Elevation. on this street, l»xl20 ...... 6.900 good basement, lot 61x125. 6M FORT STREET. answer. “Sulking again. I suppose,” he (To be Continued.) strong and restores tost powers. The New Nob HID. 2| ACRES at Gordon Head, all cleared FORT ST.—Short distance beyond Oak and cultivated, good house, barn and mattered, and banging the kitchen door THE SURE WAT Bay Junction, 45x1» ...... «550 other outbuildings; price «2,700. behind him. hurried to the stable, TO GET THE BEST FORT ST.—Adjoining the above, 45x106 where he fed and harnessed his team. IS BT 6.406—MIDDLE SAANICH ROAD, 13 Visitors That Are Smokers A...... ;...... «450 acres, all slashed ajvf partly cleared, Then, going to the granary he threw a DOES NOT NEED A DOCTOR. SELECTING NOW. CADBORO BAY ROAD r« Ope minute living stream runs through property. Meehaoo Therapy Treataent load of wheat Into his sleigh and hast­ MAKE TEE 1 from carilne, lot 54x125; «50 cash end 910 6.206 BUYS COTTAGE on half lot. oppo- ened back to the house, hoping, but not monthly ...... «400 aiie new City Park, Pembroke street. CURES WHEN ALL OTHER TREAT* Mrs. r. Porter. Valleyfleld. MKNTS FAIL. expecting, that his wife would have HARMAN & PUNNETT. PANDORA AVE.--Choice lot, good reet- the breakfast ready. Que., says:—“I always \ use HUB CIGAR STORE dencea on both aides ...... pit I ma a... specialty of treating Baby's Own Tablets for my tit­ 822 TROUNCE AVE. F. L NEALE. Asthama, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Indiges­ it was well for him that his hopes of COR. GOVERNMENT ST. breakfast had not soared too high, for tle one, and therefore never i FORT. PHONE 1588. tion, Constipation, Rheumatism, Heart need a doctor. When my baby AND TROUNCE ALLEY 6 ACRES, all In cultivation, planted with PEMBERTON & SON Diseases, Liver and Kidney Diseases, the fir# had burned Itself out, gnd the morning light, filtering In through the Is feverish or restless I give :^3Se: akeSes trait, A room house, furniture, REAL ESTATE • LOTS la » new #ub-endablc. SYLVESTET. PEED CO. Tel. 413. 700 YATES ST. arm outstretched, his finger, pointing i at MM shrouded figure. #\ Thought SATURDAY SNAPS After a death-like silence, an old man arose. "Uncover the face, O Akanow, (’. & B. 1‘BARL WHITE ONIONS, per bottle...... ,25< that we may see. I Had ENGLISH JAM, C. & E. Morton’s famous packing, two 1-11». "You demand to see the facer' He tins for ...... 25