Lommittee on Foreign Affair S
TITU STORY OF PANAMA HEARINGS ON THE RAINEY RESOLUTIO N BEFORE TH E LOMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIR S OF TII E HOUSE OF REPRESENTÁTIVE S COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIR S [Committee room, gallery floor, west eorridor. Telephone 230. Nfeets on call . ) HENRY D . FLOOD, Virginia, Chairman . EDWARD W . TOWNSEND, New Jerse y JOHN N . GARNER, Texas . B . P. HARRISON, M1SSISSlppl. WILLIAM G . SIARP, 01110 . CITARLES BENNETT SMITII, New York CYRUS CLINE, Indiana . WILLIAM B . MCKINLEY, Illinois , JEFFERSON M . LEYY, New York . HENEY A . COOPER, WiSCOnSin . JAMES M . CURLEY, Massachusetts. IRA NV . WOOD, New Jersey . JOIIN CHARLES LINTIIICUM, Maryland . RICHARD BARTHOLDT, Missouri . ROBERT E . DIFENDERFER, PenrlSylYani a GEORGE W . FAIRCHILD, New York. W . S . G-0ODWIN, Arkansas . Ni . E . KENDALL, IOWa. CHARLES M . STF.DMAN, North Carolina . J . HAMPTON MooRE, Pennsylvania . FR .ANK S . CISNA, C7er}„ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFIC E 1913 TRE STORI OF PAN AMA . COM .NUTTEE oN FOREION AFFAIRS , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES , 11-a-sh.ington, D. C., February 19, Í913 . STATEMENT OF MR, FRANK D . PAVEY. Tlre CUAIRMAN . lLr . Pavee, yorl mav proceed . Mr . PAVEY . DIr . Chairman, in the way of slí ghtly qualifying myself as a witness, I wish to say I held the official position of counsel of the legation of Panama from the 1Oth of November, 1903, to the 14th o f February, 1905, when I tendered rny resignation . -.>ly active work during that, period was only during the period of four months, whe n Philippe Bunau-Varilla wis minister of Panama aceredited to th e Government at Washington, and alter his resignation and the appoint - ment of his successor, althoug}h I had some relations with him, ther e was no very active work for me to do, and yet 1 continued officially to be the counsel of the legation until February 14, 1905, when I resigned, and soon afterwards Mr .
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