BUREAUOFMILITARYHISTORY1913-21 BUROSTAIREMILEATA1913-21 No. W.S. 1,272 ORIGINAL ROINN COSANTA. BUREAU OF MILITARY HISTORY, 1913-21. STATEMENT BY WITNESS. DOCUMENT NO. W.S. 1272 Witness James Collins, T.D., Convent Terrace, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Identity. Captain Abbeyfeale Company; Vice O/C. Abbeyfeale Battalion; Brigade Adjutant West Limerick Brigade. Subject. Abbeyfeale Irish Company Volunteers, Co. Limerick, l9l5-192l. Conditions, if any, Stipulated by Witness. Nil File No. S.2564 Form B.S.M.2 1913-21 BUREAUOFMILITARYHISTORY BUROSTAIREMILEATA1913-21 No. W.S. 1,272 STATEMENT OF JAMES COLLINS, T.D., ORIGINAL Convent Terrace, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. I was born in the parish of Abbeyfeale on the 31st October, 1900, and was one of a family of three boys and three girls. My parents, who were farmers, sent me to the local national school until I was fourteen years of age, after which I attended a private school run by a man named Mr. Danaher. While attending the private school, I became an apprentice to a chemist in the town of Abbeyfeale whose name was Richard B. Woulfe. After completing my apprenticeship, I was retained in his employment for some years until I was forced to go on the run during the Black and Tan terror. Mr. Woulfe's wife was Miss Cathie Colbert, sister of Con Colbert (executed after Easter Week 1916) and James Colbert, and cousin of Michael Colbert who later became Brigade Vice 0/C, West Limerick Brigade. The Woulfe's were great supporters of the Irish independence movement and their shop and house, from the earliest days of the movement, became a meeting place for men like Con Colbert, Captain Ned Daly and others who later figured perminently in the fight for freedom.
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