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Page 1 F R E E X R E P O R T M E D I a F R E E D O M FREEX REPORT M E D I A FREEDOM I N R O M A N I A 2012 - Member of the Reporters without Borders Network - Bucharest 2013 This report has been drawn up as part of the FreeEx program of ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency. The FreeEx program's aim is to contribute to the protection and promotion of freedom of speech and media freedom. The program was launched in 1999. ActiveWatch publishes annual reports regarding the status of media freedom in Romania. This report is financed by the Open Society Institute (OSI). The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the OSI. The english translation of the report is a shortened version of the Romanian language report Authors: Liana Ganea, Maria Popa, Răzvan Martin, Sorina Vasile, Laura Ștefănuț, Ștefan Mako, Victor Ilie, Vlad Ursulean, Radu Ciorniciuc, Ana-Maria Telbis, Cosmin Dumbravă, Ovidiu Vanghele Many thanks for the assistance provided to the FreeEx department during the entire year, by: Mircea Toma, Dan Mihai, Ștefan Cândea, Bogdan Manolea Diana Hatneanu, Nicoleta Popescu Many thanks to: The Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism, the "Journalist's House", the European Human Rights Association, the Romanian Association of Technology and Internet, the Center for Independent Journalism, APADOR-CH Layout and design: Alexandra Cândea Dan Ichimescu English translation: Irina Isaia Donor: O p e n S o c i e t y I n s t i t u t e © ActiveWatch Member of the Reporters without Borders Network 98 Calea Plevnei, building 10C, 1st district, Bucharest; P.O. Box 2 Post Office 67 021 313 40 47 021 637 37 67 [email protected] IBAN Account: RO 83 BTRL 0450 1205 A793 02XX Transilvania Bank Știrbei Vodă Branch C.I.F. 18912239 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Methodology ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Mass-media, more politicized than ever ................................................................................................... 6 The journalist – a target of state interventions ........................................................................................... 7 The State, the citizen's enemy ............................................................................................................... 7 Public media remained under political control ........................................................................................... 7 Abuses committed by media owners against the journalists ........................................................................... 8 Unethical editorial practices and press corruption ....................................................................................... 8 The implementing of the new Civil Code – a possible threat towards freedom of speech ........................................ 9 I.1. Pressures exerted by authorities and public institutions .................................................................................... 9 The press – a weaknesses against national security ...................................................................................... 9 Undercover agents in the Jurnalul Național newsroom ................................................................................. 10 Interim President Crin Antonescu and the USL ask the intelligence services and the Prosecutor's office to identify and punish "the enemies of the people" ........................................................................................................ 11 The intelligence services and the mass-media ........................................................................................... 11 Political police actions against a journalist .............................................................................................. 12 Civic activist harassed by new-school secret police officers .......................................................................... 13 Judicial pressures upon the press .......................................................................................................... 13 Journalist, unwillingly advanced to colonel .............................................................................................. 14 The One World photo exhibition, prohibited in the University passage way ....................................................... 14 Agerpres punishes the journalists who ask uncomfortable questions ................................................................ 14 The Curentul newspaper no longer travels by the Romanian Railway Company (CFR Călători) ................................. 15 The school wants them to cut their hair .................................................................................................. 15 Vocalist fined for statements made during the concert ................................................................................ 16 Billboard against the Roșia Montana Gold Corporation excavation, demolished by the 3rd District Mayor's Office .......... 16 Censorship in the university environment? ............................................................................................... 16 I.2. Political pressures .....................................................................................................................................................16 The President's war with the press ......................................................................................................... 16 Censorship at România literară ............................................................................................................. 17 USL wants censorship ......................................................................................................................... 17 TVR censors an election spot ................................................................................................................ 17 Parliamentary thrown out from the December 1st Presidential reception .......................................................... 18 I.3. The politicization of the journalistic speech ........................................................................................................18 Journalists mediatically and politically lynched ......................................................................................... 18 Journalists who are politicians and politicians who are journalists .................................................................. 19 "Protesters" paid by the news televisions ................................................................................................. 20 PNL referendum stenographs ................................................................................................................ 20 Decorated at the Olympics, insulted by the journalists ................................................................................ 20 The People's Party television ................................................................................................................ 20 Government-opposition on TV .............................................................................................................. 20 Election campaigns ............................................................................................................................ 21 The campaign complaints .................................................................................................................... 22 Party televisions and journalists ............................................................................................................ 22 Curentul Journalist: I wrote over 300 surveys on commission ......................................................................... 22 Attacks between two USL politicians, both closely connected to the media ....................................................... 23 I.4. Economic pressures ...................................................................................................................................................23 The Steaua club causes victims amongst journalists .................................................................................... 23 "Mitică" dictates in televisions .............................................................................................................. 24 România liberă changes a journalist's article in its essential parts .................................................................. 24 Two dailies censor Roșia Montană from Victor Ponta's speech ........................................................................ 24 I.5. The National Council of the Audiovisual – victim of last year's political battle. ............................................24 The members' division into camps reflecting the political spectrum – more visible than ever .................................. 24 The revocation of the OTV station's broadcasting license ............................................................................. 27 "The unnatural autonomy" of the journalists ................................................................................ 30 III. AGGRESSIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................33
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