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04-06-88 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 5, Issue 22)

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PAGE 2 Pres. Candidates Man On Street

PAGE 3 Editorial Way I See It Not Relevant

PAGE 4 Student Forum LBU-TV Calendar

PAGES Frank Banfill Tim Albury Accent on Arts


PAGE 8 Tennis Miller column

TRUMPET FOR JESUS—Gospel trumpet player Phil Driscoil performed at Liberty last week ill the Multi-Purpose Center.—Photo by Don Hayden. TheLibertyChampion

Vol.5 No.22 Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday, April 6, IWti Page 2 April 6,19 Liberty Champion Political Issues U.S. presidential candidates: The Facts

ing to Bush. Democrats who voted for Reagan in cent today. nated the only formidable candidate Like Reagan, Bush is a staunch sup­ 1984, Gore won 35 percent and He bills himselfas the ultimate man­ challenging Dukakis for fundraising BUSH porter of Israel, opposed to a PLO Dukakis won 25 percent so a Dukakis- ager and his message centers on reg­ supremacy. State and supports the Nicaraguan con- Gore ticket would be very appealing ional development and an economic By Bradley Taylor tras. to Democrats as a whole. proposal of a half-billion-dollar Na­ Once described by Ronald Reagan JACKSON If the American people are content How electable is Gore? Very, he tional Economic Development Fund to as a "Yalie, a preppy, and a sissy," By Lori Skudler with the present Administration, then appeals to whites and blacks, women bring job creating projects to states and George Bush is now the clear front Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson George Bush is the candidate they and men and he will pick up alot of regions that need special help. runner in the bid for the Republican seems to hold liberal positions on most should support. minorities votes as Democrats gener­ Dukakis philosophy of government Presidential nomination. issues, saying that his views are the ally do. The key is, will he appeal to is "let capitalism do it's powerful opposite of Reaganomics. After more than two decades of pub­ thing, but don't shy away from using GORE the conseratives in his own party. With Jackson advocates putting less lic service. Bush's resume could not the state to nuture it and spread its By Keith Miller a quick check of his voting record, money into arms and more into saving have been better prepared for the job blessing more fairly." The philosophy you will find that Gore is to the left the country's farms. He opposed U.S. he is seeking. CIA Director, Ambas­ Well Iowa, New Hampshire and is the Democratic answer to the anti- of Ted Kennedy, which doesn't sit intervention in Grenada and Libya and sador to the U.N. and most recently Super Tuesday are all over and while government approach of the Republi­ good with alot of good ole' Southern currently opposes intervention in the Vice President of the United States the Republican nomination is all but cans. Dukakis emphasizes treaty com­ boys. Yet lately he has been talking Nicaragua. top the list of Bush's credentials. wrapped up, the Democratic race is about a strong national defense and mitments, consensus with allies, de­ His platform calls for tapping $2 Knowing that Bush will be the Re­ still wide open although the field has destabilizing arms control. Which is velopment assistance and reluctance to million in pension funds to "rebuild publican nominee, it would do one been narrowed to Michael Dukakis, to say that he doesn't favor reductions initiate hostilities. America" including "financing afford­ well to know where this man stands Jesse Jackson and Albert Gore, who in arms that give either of the major Dukakis demonstrated versatility by able housing, energy-efficient transit on the issues that are taking front stage could be the Democrats ace-in-the- powers an advantage. persuing the conservative vote in the and job creation." in this election year. hole. South and the workers vote in the Mid­ What does it all add up to? Possibly Jackson favors a health care plan Examining the positions which Even though Gore is running third west. In Chicago he said, "we must a closer election in November then the that would give medical aid to all Bush has taken on the predominate is­ in most polls, he remains very impor­ have a competitive steel industry and Republicans care to see. people regardless of their age or sues, one would have a hard time se­ tant to the Democrats chances of re­ a competitive auto industry or we can't economic status. He also supports an­ eing the difference between George gaining the White House. be a great nation." He blasted corpo­ DUKAKIS nual cost-of-living increases raises for Bush and the man who is currently Why? Because he is from the rate "big money" managers for being By Jeremiah Amimo Social Security recipients. occupying the Oval Office. South(Tennesse), white, well edu­ more interested in paper profits from Abortion is the most controversial cated^ Havard grad) and is viewed as The "Duke" of Massachusetts is merging than in reinvesting in aging He advocates legislation giving and most avoided issue in any election; a moderate to conservative who could back in the lead after winning Connec­ U.S. plants. homosexuals the same minority legal status as blacks or other minorities. nevertheless. Bush has taken the pos­ pull the conserative Democrats back ticut with a landslide 2-to-1 over Jesse As Governor of Massachusetts, ition that the Supreme Court's 1974 into the Democratic fold that they have Jackson recently. He does not support restrictive action Dukakis has started programs which against high-risk groups for AIDS. Roe vs. Wade decision should be over­ strayed from the last two elections. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis now has include the Massachusetts Technology On the abortion issue, Jackson is turned. He opposes the use of any Fed­ Gore won five border states Super a 13 delegate lead over Jackson. A Development Corporation(MTDC), a satisfied with the current legal status, eral funds to subsidize an abortion ex­ Tuesday( Tennesse, Kentucky, Arkan­ Democratic presidential nominee quasi-public agency that finances new not desiring to change the present abor­ cept in cases where the mother's life sas, North Carolina and Oklahoma) needs 2,082 delegates. Dukakis has company start-ups; The Employment tion-on-demand position. He does not is in danger. and finished second in all the Deep 648.55 delegates and Jackson has Stabilization Trust(EST), to serve ma­ oppose federal funding used for abor­ Wanting to be remembered as "The South states behind Jackson and in 633.55 to date. ture industries and Massachusetts Cap­ tion services, research, or counseling. Education President", Bush has called Texas. But he is yet to prove that he Dukakis won primarily because of ital Resources Company(MCRC) to for a complete overhaul of the present can win outside the South so his more money and superior organiza­ aid youthful industries. Dukakis and He is not against the sale of adult educational system. His proposed re­ chances of winning the Democratic tion. Currently he leads George Bush his aides have come up with a program pornographic magazines in drugstores, forms include: merit pay for teachers, nomination are remote. in Florida and California. for practically every problem, a Feb. supermarkets and convenience stores. testing of teachers to assure compe­ So where does that leave Gore in Dukakis' message is the promise to 22, 1988, Newsweek magazine re­ Concerning his lack of political ex­ tency, "back to basic" curriculums, '88? As the perfect vice-presidental duplicate the "Massachusetts Miracle" ported. perience, Jackson has responded by and more vigorous graduation require­ saying he has been a leader, in his candidate. If he could carry the South across the nation. The miracle is the From the beginning, Dukakis was ments. Bush supports voluntary school church, for 25 years. He says he also like the Democrats think that he could, transformation of Lowell Mass., from the man to beat because he had col­ prayer and also supports tuition tax has had experience in dealing with the Democrats could conceivably win a decaying downtown to boutiques and lected $10.2 million; $6 million more credits for those who opt to educate world leaders. the South and the Northeast with the computer companies, attracting than his closest rival. Senator Joseph their children outside of the public sys­ A critic said that one could judge only question mark being the West 800,000 visiters a year and creating Biden's withdrawal from the presiden tem. Jackson's administrative skills by exa­ Could (his happen? Well according enough jobs to reduce unemployment tial race, thanks to John Sasso then mining his organization called People Bush is convinced that more should to a recent ABC News exit poll among from 12.3 percent in 1975 to 2.3 per­ Dukakis' campaign manager, elimi have and could have been done to cut United to Save Humanity (PUSH). the nation's multi-trillion dollar de­ ficit. He has called for a balanced budget within five years after he takes his oath of office. Like Reagan, Bush Who do you want to be U.S. President? has promised he will not raise taxes as a means to eliminate or reduce the deficit. He also supports the Presiden­ tial line item veto. In dealing with the Soviet Union, Bush is a backer of the INF Treaty which the Senate Armed Services Committee has just recently approved. Bush warns that he will not support any treaty with the Kremlin which is not completely verifiable. He also would not support any arms reduction treaty which would place the United Slates in an inferior military position. JON JANTOMASO AND Bush favors a strong military and MATTHEW MILLS- Bush In TOM PERKY- Bush. Because TODD LIST- Bush. There's SCOTT POOCH- Bush, be­ the continuing development of SDI. hopes that he will continue the of his conservative views and noboldy else to vote for that has cause he was led by Reagan for better known as "Star Wars." spirit of divine destiny for moral values. I'd rather have conservative values even though eight years, so we should have a The Foreign Policy of the Reagan America. Kemp, but the best one left is I don't totally agree with him. general concept of how he will Administration will not be any diffe­ Bush. rent in his own administration, accord­ execute the duties of the office. Liberty Champion April 6. 1988 Page J Editorial

Every Sunday morning as my eyes on the negative aspects of daddy would cook breakfast, he preaching in a Southern city to and I would tune into the Jimmy people who are set in their ways Swaggart broadcast. AsSwaggart and quit, but he didn't. tearfully preached in his hell fire Monroe's perseverance payed and brimstone tone of voice an­ off. As the church grew in guishing over the sins of the number, they were able to sell a American people, I wept along. $200,000 bond with which they What a feeling of total devasta­ bought land, contracted builders Not Really Relevant By (van tion overcame me when the scan­ and planned for the future. dal broke. What is all this for, I Over Spring Break a couple ol creek and away we go! Also located in Frontier Land is the After three years, the church thought. weeks ago, I spent a day at Walt Dis­ Another Adventure Land ride we Country Bear Jamboree. Let's all give reached 500 in attendance and av­ a warm "country bear" welcome to Why spend my life trying to ney World in Orlando, Fla. It was my could easily duplicate here is the Pi­ eraged $2,000 per week. Now, Robbie, Don and Mack! associate myself with a group of first visit to the Magic Kingdom and rates of the Caribbean. Put a Spanish 19 years later, the church has people who are soon to have no I couldn't help but notice the striking galleon in the Business Office and it's Next on the list is Liberty Square. 2,918 members and had an in­ influence if this sort of hypocrisy similarities between Disney and our "pay your bill or walk the plank!" Isn't it one and the same? come of more than 1 million dol­ continues? very own Liberty University! On to Frontier Land... The Haunted Mansion is located in lars in 1987. Liberty Square. Once again. Liberty Negative rumors are constantly Keeping the Disney theme in mind If it's one thing we have here at The Florence Baptist Temple already has what it takes for this one. flying in the realm of fundamen­ I think it would be relatively easy to's plenty of Frontier Land is the largest and fastest growing Be sure to visit the mansion, but be­ talist believers. If some well- transform the campus of Liberty into In fact, we have over 4000 acres of it! church in Florence and one of the ware of the ghosts of former vice-pres­ known fundamentalist pastor is a world-class amusement park. Since the only way to get to where largest in the Southeast. It also idents! not caught in immorality, then he Let's start with Adventure Land. I the new dorms will be is by horseback. houses a school of about 600 stu­ is caught in some form of finan­ think Liberty has the makings for a I guess they can be classified as Fron­ Our little tour now takes us to Fan- dents, grades kiddie college cial indiscretion. really great Jungle Cruise in our infam­ tier Land too. tasty Land. You may disagree, but through 12, of which yours truly after four years at Liberty I'm begin­ It all seems so depressing! ous ravine. We have the churning Disney created a roller coaster with is a product. ning to think this whole place is a Fan­ What is there to Christianity that rapids, lush greenery and exotic Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. We tasy Land! After all, aren't we sup­ the average person can't find in The ministry started a televi­ wildlife (I've seen enough snakes and can do even better. How does Big Bald posed to face the "real world" after we the world. It doesn't seem to be sion outreach two years ago. The rats down there to keep even Indiana Mountain Railroad sound to you? get of here? much different to the average vie­ broadcast is solely for the purpose Jones happy!). All we need is some Can't you just see a railroad car full wer. But we know differently. of exposing the church to the head-hunting natives (easy Christian of screaming people racing around the community and spreading the Service points) and a few boats in the top of Liberty Mountain? As I pondered, I remembered Gospel on a wider scale. The goal what I've heard since I was a is for the unchurched man or child. Don't dwell on the nega­ woman viewing the program to tive. Be an optimist and dwell on see what a typical Sunday morn­ Oke Wau J See 3t: Eu fc!ol>in BrooL I'Editor the positive. There is so much that ing worship service is like at The ty is positive going on in the realm I am beginning to get irritated. Florence Baptist Temple. You're wrong. too hard on students and not hard of fundamentalism. Let's look at Actually, I've been getting irri­ Monroe lives by faith. The TV 1 really hate to burst all those enough on administration, sec­ one example. tated all semester. It's about time ministry is included in the church bubbles and shatter all those illu­ urity, Mariott, etc. Pastor William T. Monroe pas­ I let it out, don't you think? budget. sions, but there is no evil adminis­ Why should we chastise any­ tors at the Florence Baptist Tem­ You see, people love to Hundreds of souls are reached trator waiting to rob me or my thing other than students? The ple in Florence, S.C. criticize this newspaper. They annually and many lives are staff of our rights. In fact, we Champion is a STUDENT news­ Monroe came to Florence in enjoy ragging on what they call touched through the outreach of have been far more controversial paper. We are the watchdog of November of 1969 after leaving censorship. I prefer to think of it the Florence Baptist Temple. and critical this year than in pre­ student government and student a comfortable job in Indianapolis, as publisher's prerogative. They This doesn't sound like bad vious years. That doesn't sound life. Anything within those Indiana. He was only 25 years also rag on our coverage. news to me! It is so encouraging like censorship to me. It kind of parameters is our jurisdiction. It old when he packed up all his Some of my fellow students to be able to look around and see sounds like a little bit of creative is our job to applaud as well as belongings on a Ryder Truck (and some people outside this uni­ the good God is doing through freedom. to criticize. along with his pregnant wife and versity) seem to think that there men and women who commit After all, we are ASPIRING Could it be we're stepping on moved to a city of 42,000. is an evil administrator, lurking their lives totally to him. journalists. We aren't up to the toes here? Is The Champion doing Through his efforts in door to with red pen in hand, assigned to Remember, every ministry is level of Woodward and Bernstein its job too well? Are we making door visitation he convinced sev­ destroy any exercise of free press not full of scandal and deceit. yet. We may tend to get carried eral people to come to his first we may attempt. any of you think about what Someone led you to the Lord. away with our writing, but the sermon which was held in an old you're reading? Most of us come from good fun­ This evil being shows no mercy paper IS read before it goes to abandoned theatre which had damentalist backgrounds and toward my staff, allows no criti­ press. The school has to protect I know that this column won't been painted black on the inside. churches just like the one Bill cal thinking, and purposely re­ itself and its image. stop all the censorship comments Though the building had many Monroe pastors. So when it stricts our freedom to express our­ I mean, if you were going to I hear, and it may not stop the faults, such as massive leaks in seems like the whole world, in­ selves as journalists, right? In sue for libel, would you sue me complaints about student cover­ the roof, rajs, freezing tempera­ cluding the fundamentalist move­ fact, some of you probably even or an organization like LU? age. But, that's okay. tures in the winter and flaming wonder why we have a school ment, is going to hell; remember I rest my case. 1 KNOW I can't please ones in thcsummer; the faithful newspaper, don't you? You think God's sincere servants, like Mon­ Now let's talk about those who everyone all of the time. I'm a group weathered the storm and that The Liberty Champion is just roe, and keep pressing toward the aren't very happy with our cover­ journalist and 1 stand up lor what built a church. a propaganda sheet. mark for the prize of the high cal­ age of campus news. They think 1 believe. There were many times it ling of God. Guess what? that The Champion comes down would have been easier to get his J Liberty Champion

Page 4 April 6. 1988 News LBU on the air CHAMPION CLASSIFIEDS Students address concerns By Jennifer Ferrell WLBU - TV (channel II) to the campus would not be a reality By Bradley Taylor the physical expansion of the school. broadcasts on-campus Christian by the fall semester. He added how­ The new Student Union, changes Belden unfolded plans for the prop­ programming including original ever, that the administration has seen in the Liberty Way, and car stereo osed new dormatories that are student productions, music, talk theft were discussed last Thursday scheduled to begin housing students the need for an additional entrance shows and teaching. and is considering one in the near FOR SALE evening at the SGA sponsored Stu­ this fall. Plans call for "suites" that Students can view the station 1981 Marshfield Savoy 14 x 60; 2 bed­ dent Forum. Dean Bakker, Dean of consist of five bedrooms that are future. on the DeMoss television room; 1V4 bath; garden tub; large living Student Affairs, Glen Belden, the situated around a lounge area and a monitors Monday through Thurs­ room and kitchen. Includes stove, re­ Computer access to other regonial university's Director of Develop­ kitchen facility. A television set will day from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. frigerator, heat pump, central air, university libraries will be another washer & dryer. Asking $12,500. Call ment, and Lieutenant Pinkerton, the be provided in each lounge area. Bel­ and Friday and Saturday from reality this fall. A terminal in the LU 525-0162. Chief of Security, were present to den assured that there would only be 1:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. library will link students up with address these and other issues two students to a room in the new millions of volumns located at vari­ Original programs that the stu­ brought to their attention by the stu­ dorms, and said that a maximum of ous schools. Belden said that he dents produce include: FOR RENT dent body. three to a room will be the limit for • LU-Jams - a half-hour music upperclassmen in the existing dorms. thinks one day in the near future this Apartment for summer — 2 miles from Lt. Pinkerton was kept busy dur­ type of access will be made available program featuring student talent LU. Call 237-3930 after 7:00 pm. Belden announced that the Student ing the hour long session answering from each dorm room. Belden added is aired on Friday and Saturday at Union building should be ready for questions concerning the recent rash that the fiber optics in the telephone 8:00 p.m. It is hosted by Jeff use by early Autumn. The existing of car stereo thefts that have occured system are already in place for this Carlson and produced by Russ WANTED building, which is located on the op­ on campus. Pinkerton stated that, to be accomplished Hall and Matt Woemle. Wanted: Female telemarketer needed, "the situation is currently under in- posite side of the soccer field, is cur­ • Sports Club '88 - a half hour exp. preferred, 10-20 hours weekly. vestagation and suspects have been rently used to house equipment for sports program aired live on Sun­ Comm. salary, must have own phone. Dean Bakker stressed that no 821-3841. questioned." Pinkerton added that the grounds and maintenance crew. major changes were planned for next days at 10:00 p.m. and rebroad- LU Security was working with the The building will be renovated to in­ years addition of the Liberty Way. casted on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. Summer Internships Available — All Lynchburg Police Department in an clude three television rooms, a recre­ and 5:00 p.m. It features Liberty majors/$400 week. Must be willing to "After twelve years of revisions it relocate. Send resume to: Summer effort to pin down and eventually ation area that will include ping pong (The Liberty Way) is practical to the hosts Scott Stayton and Brad tables, pool tables, video games and work, P.O. Box 73003, Washington, prosecute the thieves. student body," he said. Bakker also Vanley and is produced by Tim D.C., 20056-3003. Please include In other question directed towards a snack bar. Plans call for a large added that "Liberty does not want to Haines and Alan Gentry. phone number. Lt. Pinkerton concerning petty thefts "multipurpose area" that can be used • News 11 - a half-hour campus lose its distinction as a Christian uni­ Counselors/Counselor Assistants: in the dorms, the Chief of Security as a theatre, and for such activities versity." Belden interjected by stat­ news program aired on Friday and such as aerobics. The administration "Summer Timothy Program" is a day said the number one problem was ing, "There is a market out there for Saturday at 6:00 p.m. It is an­ camp that ministers to Lynchburg, inner that "students are not properly secur­ is cuurently working with the Student a university such as Liberty." He chored by Shirley Dragoo, Mark city children. Employment June 20-Au- ing their property." Lack of man­ Activities office to assure that the went on to say that college bound Edwards and Scott Stayton with gust 5. 847-6655, call 9-4, Mon-Fri.. power was cited as a reason that Student Union will meet the needs students have a wide range of other sports. It is directed by Lisa many theft reports are left uninves- and desires of the student body. schools to choose from, but that there Reichenbach and produced by tagted. In other matters relating to the are only a few that are distinctively Judy Harris and Pam Miller. Director of Development, Glen physical aspect of the university, Mr. Christian. Belden, fielded questions relating to Belden stated that another entrance Activities Calendar Thursday, April 7-College For u wood Relays 9am A Weekend Saturday Market llam-3pml YouthQuest Conference '88 Quad( DeMoss if it rains) SGA Senate Mtg. 3:05pm DH 133 Film Festival "A Man Called SGA Activities Council Mtg. Peter" 7pm & 9:30pm DeMoss 160 3:05pm DH 144 "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Intramural Volleyball Coaches Factory" 7pm & 9:30pm DeMoss 160 Mtg 4pm WRVL Club 88 Appreciation Day] Intramural Frishee Coaches Mtg. Concert 7pm Multi-Purpose Center 5pm "The Big Chill" 10pm Deli /eta Tau Meeting 7pm Student Aerobics Class 7pm Sunday, April 10-College For al Multi-Purpose 2 Weekend ' Fridav, April 8-College For a YouthQuest Conference '88 Weekend Monday, April 11-Senior Week YouthQuest Conference '88 SHEA Mtg. 4:30pm SH 100 Film Festival "A Man Called Seminar: "Proper Drug Usage' Peter" 7pm & 9:30pm DeMoss 160 7pm "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Student Aerobics Class 7pm | Factory" 7&9:30pm DeMoss 160 Multi-Purpose 2 W(()utdoor Track & Field-Dog­ Mdntramural Weight Lifting| wood Relays ^pm A Entry Deadline l.ute Skate 10:30pm-lam Skate- Co-Rec Intramural Ultimate Fris- kind bee Begins Moonlight Bowling at Fort Hill Co-Rec Intramural Outdoor Vol-I Village 11 pin-1 am leyball Begins Private Pttrty at Showbiz I'i/Ai Tuesday, April 12-Senior Week I l:30pm-l:3Uam College Level Examination Prog- LaW Nighi at Putt-Putt Goll & Games 12 mujj)ight-2am ruiii(CLEP) 3pm DH 133 Saturday> April 9-College For a Sludenl Aerobics Class 7pm| weekend Multi-Purpose 2 YouihQuc t Conference '88 Wednesday. April I.VSenior Wck V\ (Outdoor truck & Field Dog College/Career Bible Study Liberty Champion April 6, 1988 Page S Feature ACCENT ON Student ministers THE ARTS

APRIL 8 through his talent Concert Band Spring Concert-8 pm APRIL 11 By Scotta Morris: little 11 year old girl wrote to Faculty Recital-8 pm In the world today, there seems Dudley, the ventriloquist doll, Mr. David Ehrman, piano to be a great amount of Christian and who consequently gets letters entertainment, and one of the ex­ from all over the country, and APRIL 14 citing ministries that God is using said, "Please pray for me. You Annual Art Show begins out of Liberty University is Frank see, I am like you in a way. My (continues through May 3) Banfill. parents seperated. It was hard to "Arsenic and CHd Lace"-8 pm Frank Banfill is a pastoral face at first. I think God sent you David Allison, Director major from Hemmit. California. to preach at my church because He was saved at the early age of He knew you were like me. You APRIL 15 6, and recognized God's call in are changing my life. Thank you "Arsenic and CHd Lace"-8 pm his life to preach at age 12. How­ for coming. Please write." Senior Recital-8 pm ever, it wasn't until the "late" age Donnie Davis, piano of 13 that Frank dedicated his life In addition to working with the to the preaching of the gospel. dummy, Dudley, Frank has many APRIL 16 Banfill now is a nationally other ministries. He is a Christian "Arsenic and Old Lace"-8 pm known ventriloquist, having won entertainer, conducts seminars, Faculty Recital-8 pm several awards, including First holds children's rallies and youth Joan Pennock, voice place, male ventriloquist 1983 rallies, and even works with A.C.E. International Student Senior Saints. APRIL 18 Convention. Banfill said that at the moment Faculty Recital-8 pm Traveling approximately every he does not want his own church. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT—LU student Frank Banfill evangelizes with Dr. Lynn Seipp, clarinet other weekend, Frank manages to Instead he said, "1 just want to the help of his ventriloquism buddy, Dudley. v pay for his schooling and other be a catalyst for the church - to APRIL 21 evangelistic programs sui 'p is the fire-up Christians and win souls." Women's Chorus Concert-8 pm Australia project, on whk ^Tank "I could watch your program Joan Pennock, Director serves as Director of (oo dren all evening.", was one person's "Arsenic and Old Lace"-8 pm Ministries. attitude about the entertainment Albury looks forward Last semester, Frank Banfill Frank provides. Frank Banfill By Jennifer Swanson APRIL 22 gave a total of 21 meetings to 11 combines ventriloquism and gos­ "Once you've achieved some­ He feels Liberty has given him a Senior Recital-8 pm churches in 5 states. About this, pel music into a special program. thing," states Timothy Albury, "it in­ good quality education. "It is better Joe Smith, piano Banfill says, "The movement of He performs at banquets, parties, creases yourdesire to achieve more." to be surrounded by an ora of Chris­ "Arsenic and Old Lace"-8 pm God has been phenomenal. and special activites. Albury, a 19-year-old graduating tianity," says Albury, "than to go to Numerous public decisions have senior, has recently accepted a posi­ a secular school and not be edified APRIL 23 been made. I have seen God work Banfill has ministered in 11 tion at Arthur Anderson & Company, by the surroundings." "Arsenic and Old Lace"-8 pm in the heart's of adults, teenagers states, to as many as 5,000 people . C.P.A.'s, Miami. "In this day and age their has been and children. Souls have been at one time. He has a tape minis­ an expansive need for accountability. APRIL 25 saved, Christians have been chal­ try, and has had professional Arthur Anderson & Company Is Accounting is a profession of Liberty Players present lenged and moved to better serve training in puppetry which ena­ the top C.P. A. firm in the nation and ethics." states Albury. "1 plan to ex­ "An Unusual Rower" by Darlene God." bles him to hold pupetry semi­ possibly one of the finest in the pand those ethics and to incorporate Fedele (playwriting contest winner) Young people relate to Banfill nars. world. It is the only C.P. A. firm with Christian ethics. A Christian and "Vaudeville," directed by because he understands what they It is indeed exciting to see how a one firm concept. businessman is a better Dr. Alice Mawdsley-7:30 pm are going through. His parents di­ the Lord has blessed the Frank businessman." Brass Choir and Woodwind Albury has a one concept mind vorced when he was young. One Banfill Ministries. Choir Concert-8 pm that is to achieve. He is a member Keith Currie, brass director of the Liberty Dean's List and the In May of 1989, Albury intends Dr. Lynn Seipp, woodwind director The Liberty Champion National Dean's List. He is a Col­ to have earned his Masters in Profes­ Volume 5 • Number 22 legiate Scholastic All-American, a sional Accountancy from the Univer­ APRIL 26 Liberty University Who's Who in America's University sity of Miami. That will make him "An Unusual Flower-7:30 pm P.O. Box 20,000 and Colleges, a member of the Alpha 20-years-old. In five years, he hopes "Vaudeville"-7:30 pm lo be a Manager in the Miami office Lynchburg, Virginia 24506-8001 I annla Delta Honor Society, and a Tennis Academic All-American. of Arthur Anderson & Company, Copyright © 1988 L.U. APRIL 29 C.P.A.'s. His long term glial is to All Rights Reserved An Evening of One Act Plays Even with all these American hon­ be a C.h.O. or Vice-President of Fi­ Robin Brooks ors, Albury is not an Ameri­ nance of a major corporation and a APRIL 30 Editor can Citizen He was born in I96K in respected Christian member of soci­ An Evening of One Act Plays ety. Robert Pitts Managing Editor Nassau, Bahamas. He was led to the President's Concert Steve Sitzai Copy Editor Lord by his father at age 7 and came "My main god" states Albury, "is to the Slates when he was 10-years- Linda Perry Copy Editor to change things or lo be a 'catalyst For more information con­ old. of change.'." Allison Troy News/Feature Editor cerning tickets or to confirm Bruce Stanton Sports Editor Pam Windham Poli. Issues/ Ed. Editor concert dates and times call Kip Provost Layout Editor 804/582-2131. Jeanine Richardson Advertising Manage Don Hayden Photo Editor Prof. Dick Bohrer Adviso KAY ) E IV I I 1 U s ii immiil iMiuiU' • , The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those ol Liberty University

Staff Members: trunk llaillill IC SI K Ib'UyiiMJr. tract) llnltiKii, li'iinilii Krrtll !()'/< discount U> all faculty and stall I'iniis SihiuiK). I'am Huu>. Chris l.iinhiil ISCIUIC S(i.M. Imld Milliiili. Ilmianl Mikiiiiui, Tallinini Maiiilanis hinh MilUi (Siiukni fe'liiiUtftt'U"OIliivrM. Smlla Mm (excluding repairs and sale merchandise) lis i Sui;: in;.: (lumps). I mi Skuillii I Clubs I. Miki Sparks i Inn imiii.ilw Hi ml lailm lOuup.i liinul (uikl.iiM'i Ituuit \\u»niiri\ Mnhail WilsniiiKV Dm nisi, linnila Danism i Inii.iiiiui.iKi I mill llnlili. .mil Miami Url.isluid. Performers Get Noticed At Hills

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Baseball McKay 5 Records Statistics McClintock 3 Hammonds 2-0 (Thru 26 games) Rivas 2 Lowe 1-0 Baker 2 Tomlin 2-4 HITTING Kulp 2 Beasley 1-2 Batting Average Clarke 2 Brady 1-3 McKay .447 Speek 1-3 Reynolds .377 McClintock 0-1 Beasley .348 Runs Townsend 0-1 Mason .339 McKay 28 Higgins 0-1 Clarke .313 McClintock 19 Linch 0-3 Tomlin .304 Reynolds 16 McClintock .298 Kulp 15 Price .276 Mason 14 Rivas 13 Complete games Robbins .270 Robbins 11 Tomlin 4 Kulp .250 Clarke 11 Brady 1 Baker .204 Baker 10 Townsend 1 Rivas .203 Linch 1 Tatum .158 Moore .100 Simmons .087 PITCHING Tomlin 44 ERA Brady 22 Runs Batted In Hammond 1.84 Hammond 11 McKay 24 Johnson 3.38 Toburen 8 McClintock 19 Tomlin 3.63 Townsend 7 Reynolds 19 Lowe 5.24 Beasley 7 Clarke 18 Beasley 5.54 Beasley 13 Brady 6.23 Innings Pitched Robbins 9 Speek 7.15 Tomlin 52.0 Kulp 9 McClintock 7.94 Brady 39.0 Baker 8 Toburen 8.53 Lowe 22.3 Townsend 10.69 Linch 18.7 HANDCUFFED - John Mi*'Unlock gets in front of the baU, but it appears Home runs Linch 12.05 Townsend 16.0 to have sapped out.- Photo by Don Hayden. Reynolds 6 Higgins 15.63 Hammond 14.7 \ Page 8 April 6. 1988 Liberty Champion Sports Mets, Jays to come back By Keith Miller last year. Is that enough? I don't National League East: It's been an exciting year in think so, especially since they1 Whitey Herzog continues to pull college basketball this year, and didn't improve themselves in the rabbit out of the hat with his this year's Final Four should be their one big weakness, pitching. Cardinals, last year geting St. just as exciting as last year's thril­ So who? I think Kansas City will Louis into the World Series with ler when Indiana beat Syracuse rebound this year to take the title. Jack Clark out of the line-up and at the buzzer. They have improved themselves with no offense to speak of. This This year's field includes two at shortstop and relief while still year he won't have to worry about teams from the Big Eight which maintaining the best starting staff Clark, as he has moved on to the is finally getting the attention that in baseball with , Yankees and Bob Horner, the it deserves nationally. The Big Mark Gubicza, Charlie Leibrandt former Atlanta Braves slugger Eight was the only conference and Floyd Bannister. With a pos­ who played in Japan last year has that had three teams make the sible fifth starter in Bud Black, moved in to take his place. Can final eight. It also had the national the Royals pitching could be Whitey pull another one out? I player of the year in Danny Man­ enough to get them into the World don't think so, not unless the ning and had four other players Series. They also have the biggest Mets have the type of injury-filled (Harvey Grant, Oklahoma; Mitch soap opera in baseball in the year that they had last year, and Richmond, Kansas State; Jeff multi-talented Bo Jackson, who that isn't likely. The Mets have Grayer, Iowa State and Derrick is possibly the only All-Pro foot­ the best pitching and starting nine Chievous, Missouri) who were on ball player that could develop into in the National League. If Man­ ager Davey Johnson doesn't win, some All-American teams. Move a baseball All-Star. Which sport barring a major catastrophe, he'll over Big Ten, ACC and Big East will he play for keeps? Only Bo be long gone. we have a new kid on the block. knows and he isn't talking but by It is springtime once again, the way, he will be in left field and with spring comes baseball. on opening day for the Royals. National League West: This Each year it seems that it becomes American League East: Trad­ used to be the proud home of the harder and harder to pick the win­ itionally this division is the LA Dodgers and the Big Red ners in each division, but I am strongest in baseball but ever machine, now it probably is the going to try. since the playoffs have been ex­ weakest division in baseball. American League West: panded to seven games they have Look for the Dodgers to rebound People continue to laugh at the had trouble with the Western Di­ this year as they made major over­ West and say that it is the worst vision's better starting pitching. hauls in acquiring Kirk Gibson division jn baseball, but re­ Again pitching will decide the and Mike Davis along with some member that two of the last three issue, but who has the best pitch­ badly needed relief pitching. Plus world champions have come from ing? The best bet is probably To- the Dodgers are out to prove that this division. Minnesota, the de­ ' ronto with the Yankees and Ti­ last year was a fluke. Expect LA fending world champs have one gers right behind. The Yankees to get some competation from the very good weapon in 'heir arse­ made the most noise during the Reds and Giants but Tom Lasorda nal, the Metrodome,where they off-season with the Jack Clark should be bleeding Dodger blue posted the best record in baseball signing. this year.

FOREHAND- Dave Collins returns a volley in a recent match. The LU tennis team has won four out of its last five matches to improve to 7-6 on the season.- Photo by Don I layden.

Netters improve record The Liberty University tennis THE lean) is on a roll alter winning lour Delicious out its last five matches. LI) defeated Mary Washington 7- LIBERTY CHAMPION 2 , King's College 5-4. Bridgewater and Ferrum College 7-2. The only loss in the stretch came at the hands of Division I Radford. WANTS YOU!! Decisions. Winners for the Flames against Mary Washington were: Scott $3.29 Graves, 6-4, 6-1; Dan Balasic 6-2, Class credit FREE LUNCH 6-3 and David Collins. In doubles I the winners were: Collins/Graves, PIZZA Or BUFFET Joey Smith/Jay Hibbard and Scott Buy any size pan or thin pizza at regular I Binion/John Scoggin. CSER credit price and gel the next smaller, same tiyle I piua with equal number of toppingi FREE The incredible Pizza Inn buffet is The win over King's College was Available for dine-in or carry out only I ready and waiting when you are. the first one in school history for the The best-tasting pizza you've ever available. had ... and salad, pasta, and lots, tennis learn. lots morel All for one low price. Get Winners included Graves and Pizza inn into the fun. Get into the great taste. Get into the Pizza Inn buffet. Balasic in singles and Collins/ Not valid with any other offer or coupon, j Graves, Smilh/Hibbard and Binion/ Contact Bruce Stanton Valid only at participating restaurant! I $3.99 Scoggin in doubles. I J In the win over Ferrum. singles Evening winners were Collins (6-3, 6-1), in DeMoss 109 Graves (VI. 6-3), Smith (6-1,6-1), Buffet Hibbard (6-0.6-0). Binion (6-3,6-3) Pizza inn and Balasic (6-0. 6-2). for more information. Liberty now stands at 7-6 on the Offer good only at Lynchburg, Roanoke season. and New River Valley locations