Scholars Crossing 1987 -- 1988 Liberty University School Newspaper 4-6-1988 04-06-88 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 5, Issue 22) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_87_88 Recommended Citation "04-06-88 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 5, Issue 22)" (1988). 1987 -- 1988. 24. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_87_88/24 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1987 -- 1988 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Presidential race: Accent on the Arts: Keith Miller column: page 2 page 5 page 8 Phil Driscoll blows trumpet for God's glory INDEX PAGE 2 Pres. Candidates Man On Street PAGE 3 Editorial Way I See It Not Relevant PAGE 4 Student Forum LBU-TV Calendar PAGES Frank Banfill Tim Albury Accent on Arts PAGE 7 Baseball PAGE 8 Tennis Miller column TRUMPET FOR JESUS—Gospel trumpet player Phil Driscoil performed at Liberty last week ill the Multi-Purpose Center.—Photo by Don Hayden. TheLibertyChampion Vol.5 No.22 Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday, April 6, IWti Page 2 April 6,19 Liberty Champion Political Issues U.S. presidential candidates: The Facts ing to Bush. Democrats who voted for Reagan in cent today. nated the only formidable candidate Like Reagan, Bush is a staunch sup­ 1984, Gore won 35 percent and He bills himselfas the ultimate man­ challenging Dukakis for fundraising BUSH porter of Israel, opposed to a PLO Dukakis won 25 percent so a Dukakis- ager and his message centers on reg­ supremacy. State and supports the Nicaraguan con- Gore ticket would be very appealing ional development and an economic By Bradley Taylor tras. to Democrats as a whole. proposal of a half-billion-dollar Na­ Once described by Ronald Reagan JACKSON If the American people are content How electable is Gore? Very, he tional Economic Development Fund to as a "Yalie, a preppy, and a sissy," By Lori Skudler with the present Administration, then appeals to whites and blacks, women bring job creating projects to states and George Bush is now the clear front Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson George Bush is the candidate they and men and he will pick up alot of regions that need special help. runner in the bid for the Republican seems to hold liberal positions on most should support. minorities votes as Democrats gener­ Dukakis philosophy of government Presidential nomination. issues, saying that his views are the ally do. The key is, will he appeal to is "let capitalism do it's powerful opposite of Reaganomics. After more than two decades of pub­ thing, but don't shy away from using GORE the conseratives in his own party. With Jackson advocates putting less lic service. Bush's resume could not the state to nuture it and spread its By Keith Miller a quick check of his voting record, money into arms and more into saving have been better prepared for the job blessing more fairly." The philosophy you will find that Gore is to the left the country's farms. He opposed U.S. he is seeking. CIA Director, Ambas­ Well Iowa, New Hampshire and is the Democratic answer to the anti- of Ted Kennedy, which doesn't sit intervention in Grenada and Libya and sador to the U.N. and most recently Super Tuesday are all over and while government approach of the Republi­ good with alot of good ole' Southern currently opposes intervention in the Vice President of the United States the Republican nomination is all but cans. Dukakis emphasizes treaty com­ boys. Yet lately he has been talking Nicaragua. top the list of Bush's credentials. wrapped up, the Democratic race is about a strong national defense and mitments, consensus with allies, de­ His platform calls for tapping $2 Knowing that Bush will be the Re­ still wide open although the field has destabilizing arms control. Which is velopment assistance and reluctance to million in pension funds to "rebuild publican nominee, it would do one been narrowed to Michael Dukakis, to say that he doesn't favor reductions initiate hostilities. America" including "financing afford­ well to know where this man stands Jesse Jackson and Albert Gore, who in arms that give either of the major Dukakis demonstrated versatility by able housing, energy-efficient transit on the issues that are taking front stage could be the Democrats ace-in-the- powers an advantage. persuing the conservative vote in the and job creation." in this election year. hole. South and the workers vote in the Mid­ What does it all add up to? Possibly Jackson favors a health care plan Examining the positions which Even though Gore is running third west. In Chicago he said, "we must a closer election in November then the that would give medical aid to all Bush has taken on the predominate is­ in most polls, he remains very impor­ have a competitive steel industry and Republicans care to see. people regardless of their age or sues, one would have a hard time se­ tant to the Democrats chances of re­ a competitive auto industry or we can't economic status. He also supports an­ eing the difference between George gaining the White House. be a great nation." He blasted corpo­ DUKAKIS nual cost-of-living increases raises for Bush and the man who is currently Why? Because he is from the rate "big money" managers for being By Jeremiah Amimo Social Security recipients. occupying the Oval Office. South(Tennesse), white, well edu­ more interested in paper profits from Abortion is the most controversial cated^ Havard grad) and is viewed as The "Duke" of Massachusetts is merging than in reinvesting in aging He advocates legislation giving and most avoided issue in any election; a moderate to conservative who could back in the lead after winning Connec­ U.S. plants. homosexuals the same minority legal status as blacks or other minorities. nevertheless. Bush has taken the pos­ pull the conserative Democrats back ticut with a landslide 2-to-1 over Jesse As Governor of Massachusetts, ition that the Supreme Court's 1974 into the Democratic fold that they have Jackson recently. He does not support restrictive action Dukakis has started programs which against high-risk groups for AIDS. Roe vs. Wade decision should be over­ strayed from the last two elections. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis now has include the Massachusetts Technology On the abortion issue, Jackson is turned. He opposes the use of any Fed­ Gore won five border states Super a 13 delegate lead over Jackson. A Development Corporation(MTDC), a satisfied with the current legal status, eral funds to subsidize an abortion ex­ Tuesday( Tennesse, Kentucky, Arkan­ Democratic presidential nominee quasi-public agency that finances new not desiring to change the present abor­ cept in cases where the mother's life sas, North Carolina and Oklahoma) needs 2,082 delegates. Dukakis has company start-ups; The Employment tion-on-demand position. He does not is in danger. and finished second in all the Deep 648.55 delegates and Jackson has Stabilization Trust(EST), to serve ma­ oppose federal funding used for abor­ Wanting to be remembered as "The South states behind Jackson and in 633.55 to date. ture industries and Massachusetts Cap­ tion services, research, or counseling. Education President", Bush has called Texas. But he is yet to prove that he Dukakis won primarily because of ital Resources Company(MCRC) to for a complete overhaul of the present can win outside the South so his more money and superior organiza­ aid youthful industries. Dukakis and He is not against the sale of adult educational system. His proposed re­ chances of winning the Democratic tion. Currently he leads George Bush his aides have come up with a program pornographic magazines in drugstores, forms include: merit pay for teachers, nomination are remote. in Florida and California. for practically every problem, a Feb. supermarkets and convenience stores. testing of teachers to assure compe­ So where does that leave Gore in Dukakis' message is the promise to 22, 1988, Newsweek magazine re­ Concerning his lack of political ex­ tency, "back to basic" curriculums, '88? As the perfect vice-presidental duplicate the "Massachusetts Miracle" ported. perience, Jackson has responded by and more vigorous graduation require­ saying he has been a leader, in his candidate. If he could carry the South across the nation. The miracle is the From the beginning, Dukakis was ments. Bush supports voluntary school church, for 25 years. He says he also like the Democrats think that he could, transformation of Lowell Mass., from the man to beat because he had col­ prayer and also supports tuition tax has had experience in dealing with the Democrats could conceivably win a decaying downtown to boutiques and lected $10.2 million; $6 million more credits for those who opt to educate world leaders. the South and the Northeast with the computer companies, attracting than his closest rival. Senator Joseph their children outside of the public sys­ A critic said that one could judge only question mark being the West 800,000 visiters a year and creating Biden's withdrawal from the presiden tem. Jackson's administrative skills by exa­ Could (his happen? Well according enough jobs to reduce unemployment tial race, thanks to John Sasso then mining his organization called People Bush is convinced that more should to a recent ABC News exit poll among from 12.3 percent in 1975 to 2.3 per­ Dukakis' campaign manager, elimi have and could have been done to cut United to Save Humanity (PUSH).
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