• 130 Lt'TON. . lKELLY's Corn Exchange, Ma1-ket hill, Frederick John Rignall, medical officer ; A.rthur B. Richmond, master; Mrs. tolls (X)llector Amelia Richmond, matron County Court, Court house, Stuart st~eet, His .Honor Superintendent Registrar, William Austin, 7 George T. W. Wheeler K.C., M.A., J.P. JUdge; RIChard street west, Lu ton Edward Cooke, George street west, registrar & acting Registrars of Births & Deaths, sub-district, Edward high bailifi; Samuel Impey, sub-bailiff; Holyoak & Barnard, I7 George street west, Luton; sub­ Son, brokers; the court is held monthly; the district district, Henry William Fetch, Edward st. Dunstable comprises the following places :-Barton, , Registrars of Marriages, Luton district, Edward Barnard, Dunstable, , , Luton, Mark­ I7 George street west, Luton; deputy, Henry Lord yate, Streatley, Sundon, & Whip­ Sell, Cromwell road; Dunstable district, Albert snade, with the hamlet of Humbershoe Gutteridge, Dunstable This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction, & for bank­ Children's Home, Dunstable road, erected in Igot, at a ruptcy purposes includes the following courts: Leigh­ cost of £3,000, for 30 pauper children; B. J. Potter, ton Buzzard & Hitchin (Herts); A. Ewen, The Parade, superintendent; Mrs. A. P. Potter, foster-mother for Northampton, official receiver boys ; Mrs . .A. Tilcock, foster-mother for girls Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress • Amendment Act, I888," Hugh Cumberland, Castle st. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Luton; William George Holy oak, Castle st. Luton ; Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Fred Thompson, Town hall Thomas Thorne, Chapel street, Luton ; Harry I. Sell, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rate, George 9 Princess street, Luton; E. Dougln Stratford, Park Underwood, 35 King street square, Luton; Ambrose Derbyshire, West street, Dun. Surveyor of Taxes, Robert Robinson, 10 King street stable; John Roman Thorpe, Dunstable & William Town Crier, Charles .Arthur Irons, 29 Park street George Dnffield, 17 Chapel street, Luton Veterinary Inspector under the '~Diseases of Anim&ls County Police Station1 Dnnstable place, Charles Panter, Acts," William Hill, High street north~ Dunstable supt.; I inspector, 2 sergeants & 12 constables Court House, Stuart street PILA.CES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Custom & Excise Office, 10 King street, Robert Robin· St. Mary's Church, Church street, Rev. Canon Edmund • son, surveyor of taxes Robert Mason M. A. vicar & rural dean; Rev. Edward Fire Brigade; chief station, Church street; sub-stations, Dakin & Rev. John Estcourt Cresswell Ross B.A. Ashton road, Haverlock road & Police station, Dun­ & & • curates; 10.45 a. m. 3 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m stable place; David Teale, capt. ; Ernest Alfred Man­ Christ Church, Upper George street, Rev. Chas. Morgan der, !!ec.; the brigade consists of captain, lieutenant, Smith B.D. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Basil Henry 3 sergeants & I3 privates Winterbotham B . .A. Rev. Ernest Augustine Samuel Friends' Burial Ground, road, Hugh Litt.lewood B.A. & Rev. Harold Jas. West Knights M.A. Cumberland, treasurer curates; 8 & II a.m. .& 3 & 6.30 p.m.; mon. tues. General Cemetery Co. Bernardo Thomas Crew, George thurs. & sat. 8 a.m. ; wed. & fri. Io a.m street west St. Matthew's Church, Hightown, Rev. Harry Coate, G-rand Theatre, Wailer street, E. Graham-Falcon, propr vicar;· Rev. William Andrews, curate; 10.45 a. m. & People's Park, High Town, Alfred Smith, park keeper 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Plait Hall, Cheapside, Fredk. John Rignall, manager St. Saviour, Russell street, Rev. John Charles Trevelyan, Plait Hall, W aller street, Fredk. John Rignall, manager vicar; Rev. Donald Bruce Watts M.A. & Rev. George Public Baths, Wailer street, Archibald H. Coeper, mgr Branson B.A. curates; 8 .& II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Public Library, George st. Thomas E. Maw, librarian daily at 7 &.m. & 8 p.m Stamp Office, at the Post office, Cheapside, David Alfred St. Paul's, Hibbert street, Rev. Thomas Bulman, vicar; Brown 8 & II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Town Hall, George street, Fredk. John Rignall, manager St. Andrew's Church, Crawley road, attached to Christ Church; 8 & 11 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m ALMSHOUSES. All Saints' Mission, Warwick road, attached to Christ Chobham street, Richard Edward Cooke, clerk to the Church; 8 & n a. m. & 2.45 .& 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 trustees, George street west a.m.; wed. & sat. 6 p.m. ; mon. tues. thurs. & fri. Hibbert's, Hibbert street, Herbert Owen Williams esq. 8 p.m hon. sec. Farley Lynches, Chapel street Our Lady, Help of Christians, Catholic Church, Castle street, Rev. Henry O'Connor, priest; 8.30 & II a.m. & LUTON UNION. 3 .& 6.30 p.m. ; man. wed. & fri. 8.30 a.m. ; tues. :Board day, alternate mondays, at the Workhouse, 10.45 thurs. & sat. 8 a.m a.m. Friends' Meeting House, Castle street; II a. m. & ~ p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m · The Union comprises the following , viz.:­ Baptist (Ebenezer), Hastings street; 10.30 a.m. & 6 Barton-in-the-Clay, Caddington, Dnnstable, Houghton p.m.; mon. & wed. 7·I5 p.m · Regis, Hyde, Kensworth, , Lim bury, Luton, Baptist (Bethel), Chapel street; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; , Streatley, Studham, Sundon, Totternhoe & mon. 8 p.m. ; thurs. 7-30 p.m . The population of the nnion in Igoi was Baptist, Park street, Rev. Roger Owen Johns; 10.30 5I,174; area, 39,785 acres; rateable value, Lady Day, a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m 1910, £304,572 Baptist, Wellington street, Rev. Frederick Charles Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Edward Barnard, Hughes; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. & sat. 8 p.m Alma house, Dunstable Baptist (Union), Castle street, Rev. Charles Cole; 10.30 Clerk to the Board of Guardians, William Austin, 7 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m George street west, Luton Old Baptist Gospel Hall, Williamson street; II a.m. & Treasurer, George H. Lat-chmore, George street, Luton 6. I5 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m Believing Officers, Luton district, John Powers, 2 Brant­ Congregational, King street, Rev. E. Branch Mahon B.A. wood road, Luton; Dunstable district, Henry William & Rev. R. Gri:ffith John :M.A.; I0.3o a.m. & 6 p.m.; Fetch, Edward street, Dnnstable wed. 8 p.m Vaccination Officers, Luton district, Edward Barnard, I7 Congregational, , Rev. E. Branch Mahon B.A. George street west; Dun stable district, Henry William & Rev. R. Gri:ffi.th John M.A. ; 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; Fetch, Edward street, Dunstable wed. 8. IS p.m :Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Barton district, E. W. Longden L.R.C.P:Edin. Barton-le-Cley; Dun­ Primitive Methodist:­ stable district, James Alex. Storey L.R.C.P.Edin. The First Circuit. Lawn, Dun stable; Houghton Regis district, Augustus Hightown, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; Rev. Thos. J. Gladwin :Morcom L.R.C.P.Edin. Montpelier house, Dunstable; wed. 8 p.m (supt.) & Rev. Harry Luton West ward & Leagrave district, J. Robertson Cardigan street, I0.45 a.m. & 6 W.Hart; Rev.Samuel M.B. Westleigh, Stuart street, Luton; Luton East p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Dobson, supernumry ward, Colton Taylor Lewis M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Second Circuit. Lond. Ivy house, Union street, Luton; Luton North ward, Howard Verdon M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Brache street, Park Town, 10.30 New road, Luton; Caddington district, Har­ a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Rev. ford Norman Edwards M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Church street, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Albert H. Kyneston (Herts) wed. 8 p.m The Workhouse, Dunstable road, is a structure of brick, Third Circuit. 200 feet square, erected in 1836 at a cost of £4,500, & Castle street, 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.;} Rev. 'Will hold 400 inmates; William David Rose M. B., C.M. tues. 7•30 p.m ' Albert J. Wigley