ASSIGNMENT-5 (20-21) Worksheet-1
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ASSIGNMENT-5 (20-21) CLASS-III Subject: English Worksheet-1 Reading A. Read this passage. After the death of baby Tarzan’s parents in an African jungle, Kala, an ape, finds him. She gives him a name and decides to raise him as her own child. Kala, an ape, had found the strange little fellow almost a year ago; but he still could not walk alone or climb trees like her own little apes. Sometimes, she talked with the other apes about her young adopted son. But none of them could understand why the child was so slow in learning to care for himself. He could not even search for food alone! Tublat, Kala’s husband, was very angry.’ “He’ll never be a great ape”, he said. “You’ll always have to carry him and protect him. He’ll only be a burden.” “Never!” replied Kala. “If I must carry him forever, so be it.” Kala loved the human baby like her own child. Tarzan, the baby, also gave all his affection to Kala, as if she were his own human mother. B. Complete these sentences. 1. Kala was an ape who lived in the jungle. 2. Tublat was Kala’s husband. 3. Tarzan was a human baby whose parents died in an African jungle. C. Answer these questions. 1. What happened a year ago? Ans- A year ago, Kala found a human baby in the jungle. 2. What made Tublat angry? Ans- Tublat was angry because even after one year ,the human baby could not do anything on his own. 3. How was Kala’s adopted son different from her other little ones? Ans- Kala’s adopted son was not able to walk alone or climb trees like her own little apes. 4. If I must carry him forever, so be it. What does this line tell you about Kala? Ans- This line tells us that Kala treated and loved Tarzan just the way she loved her other little apes. 5. Find the word in the passage which means the same as ‘trying to find.’ Ans- search Grammar COMPOUND WORD Definition- Compound words are words which are formed from two words that, when joined together, create a new word. Example- book+ case= bookcase, under+ ground = underground, butter+ fly = butterfly D. Circle the word in each row that does not form a compound word with the word in colour. key hole board light book shop writer shelf fire bird fighter fly water melon lily house butter milk bag fly rain burrow coat bow Ans- 1) light 2) writer 3) bird 4) house 5) bag 6) burrow E. Write the past tense spellings of these words. 1. close- 2. chop- 3. bury- 4. fry- 5. plan- 6. tremble- 7.cry- 8. carry- Ans- 1.closed Ans- 2.chopped Ans- 3.buried Ans- 4.fried Ans- 5.planned Ans- 6.trembled Ans- 7.cried Ans- 8.carried F. Write a paragraph about Gorillas: Ans- Gorillas are large-sized animals. They are of different kinds. Their fur can be grey, brown or even black. Gorillas have thick hair on their body and they have a long face. They live in forests and swamps. Gorillas make nests where they sleep at night. They usually eat leaves, shoots and stems. Sometimes, they also eat fruits. Gorillas always stay together in groups. They are very strong animals but they are also very gentle and friendly. Gorillas have a special way of warning their group and family when bigger animals or humans try to attack them. Worksheet-2 A. Read the newspaper article given in Grammar book. ( page no.-9) B. Write the correct answers to complete these sentences. 1. The name of the newspaper is ________________________. ( ans- The Morning Daily) 2. The newspaper article is about ________________________. (ans- three new trains which will be launched in the month of February). 3. The Uttar Express will travel from ______________________. (ans- Kathgodam Junction to Chandigarh Junction and stop at one station). 4. The train which will not stop at any station is ________________. (ans- The Jammunai Express). 5. The three trains will have ______________________________. (ans- pantry services and other special services for children and elderly people) C. Complete this paragraph with a, an or, the. Once upon a time, there was ____1__ group of girls and boys in ____2__ small town. They played in a music band. People always invited them to play at birthdays or important events ____3__ town. There was only one problem, and that was Kevin. Kevin was ____4__ important member of ____5__ band, but he was always late! Once, ____6__ boys and girls were invited to play at ____7_ exhibition. It was ____8__ very big event and they did not want to be late. So, they reached Kevin’s house ____9__ hour before ____10__ exhibition began. Ans- 1. a Ans- 2. a Ans- 3. the Ans- 4. an Ans- 5. the Ans- 6. the Ans- 7. an Ans- 8. a Ans- 9. an Ans- 10. the D. Circle the countable nouns and underline the uncountable nouns in the box. basket coffee kitten banana love hill music oil polish bangle snow table Countable nouns - basket, banana, kitten, hill, bangle, table Unountable nouns – coffee, love, music, oil, polish, snow. E. Complete these sentences with some,many,much,a little or any.(page no. 9) Ans- 1. a little 2. some 3.any,some 4.many,any F. Complete the sentences with the opposite of the words in colour.Then complete the crossword with the opposites. Ans- ACROSS 1.night 5. inside 9.short 10.weak 12.empty DOWN Ans- 2. thin 3.below 4.soft 6.substract 8.warm 11. under {Note:The given assignment should be done in a grammar book / rough notebook.} कऺा 3 विषम हहॊदी ऩाठ 2 स楍ची सेिा प्रश्न 1 शब्दाथथ ऩढ़कय कॉऩी भᴂ लरखो | क. इकट्ठा होना - जभा होना ख. फेिजह - बफना कायण ग. तकरीप - कष्ट घ. अथक - बफना 셁के ङ. ऩास - ननकट च. सिौऩरय - सफसे फडी छ. विनती - प्राथथना प्रश्न 2 प्रश्नⴂ के उ配तय ऩढ़कय लरखखए क. गाडथ के हाथ जोडकय गाॊधीजी से क्मा कहने रगा ? उ配तय - गाड थ हाथ जोडकय गाॊधीजी से दसू ये डडब्फे भᴂ चरने के लरए कहने रगा | ख. गाड थ की फात सुनकय गाधॊ ी जी ने उसे क्मा उ配तय हदमा ? उ配तय - गाडथ की फात सनु कय गाॊधीजी ने उसे दसू यⴂ की तकरीप को सभझते हुए खदु िही ॊ फैठे यहने की फात कही| ग. गाॊधीजी डडब्फे भᴂ ककसकी सुविधाओॊ की फात कय यहे थे ? उ配तय- गाॊधीजी डडब्फे भᴂ माबिमⴂ को फेिजह ऩयेशान ना कयन े औय उसकी सुविधाओॊ का विशेष ध्मान यखने की फात कही | घ. गाडथ ने गाॊधी जी से क्मा विनती की ? उ配तय- गॉड ने गाॊधी जी से उनकी सेिा कयने का भौका देने की विनती की | ङ. गाॊधीजी के अनुसाय कौन सी सेिा स楍ची सेिा है ? उ配तय - गाॊधीजी के अनुसाय भानि सेिा ही स楍ची सेिा है | नोट:- ऩा腍म-ऩुस्तक ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 16 भᴂ कयो| प्रश्न 3 हदए गए शब्दⴂ को छाॉटकय रयक्त स्थानⴂ की ऩूनत थ कीजजए | क. जजसभᴂ गाॊधी जी फैठे थे, उसभᴂ ऩानी टऩक यहा था | ( टऩक / ननकार ) ख. टऩक- टऩक कय ऩानी नीचे इकट्ठा हो गमा था | ( विखय / इकट्ठा ) ग. आऩ इस डडब्फे भᴂ दसू यⴂ को फैठाने िारे हℂ | ( येर / डडब्फे ) घ. आऩ माबिमⴂ को फेिजह ऩयेशान ना ककमा कयᴂ | ( फेिजह/ कबी ) ङ. गाॊधी जी ने तुयॊत उ配तय हदमा | ( गरत / तुयॊत ) प्रश्न 4 ननम्नलरखखत सही िाक्मⴂ भᴂ सही (√) तथा गरत िाक्मⴂ भᴂ गरत (X) का ननशान रगाइए- क. गाॊधीजी फस से मािा कय यहे थे| [X] ख. गाॊधी जी के साथ कस्तूयफा गाॊधी बी मािा कय यही थीॊ | [X] ग. गॉड ने गाॊधी जी से विनती की थी | [√] घ. गाडथ ने कहा, “ भेये लरए कोई सेिा हो तो ज셂य फताइए|” [√] ङ. गाॊधीजी गाड थ ऩय गुस्सा हुए थे | [X] च. भानि- सेिाही स楍ची सेिा है| [√] ऩा腍म-ऩुस्तक ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 19 भᴂ यॊग बयो| अभ्मास ऩुजस्तका 1 अनु楍छेद को ऩढ़कय हदए गए प्रश्नⴂ के उचचत विक쥍ऩ ऩय सही (√) ननशान रगाइए- आऩके लरए तो फहुत काभ है|आऩ माबिमⴂ को फेिजह ऩयेशान न ककमा कयᴂ | आऩ माबिमⴂ की सुविधा का ध्मान यखᴂ | अगय आऩने ऐसा ककमा तो मह भेयी फहुत फडी सिे ा होगी | (क) ककसे फेिजह ऩयेशान न कयने की फात की जा यही है? (1) माबिमⴂ को [√] (2) गाॊधीजी को [ ] (3) रेखक को [ ] ख) गाडथ को माबिमⴂ की सुविधा का ध्मान यखना है| (1) खाने [ ] (2) सुविधा [√] (3) ऩीने के ऩानी [ ] ग) माबिमⴂ का ध्मान यखने ऩय ही गाॊधीजी की फडी सेिा होगी| (1) यखिारी [ ] (2) प्माय [ ] (3) सेिा [√] 2. ऩहढ़ए, सभखझए औय लभरान कीजजए – (विरोभ शब्द) (क) सुविधा (1) ध्मान देना (ग) (ख) फहुत (2) अरग- अरग (घ) (ग) ऩयेशान कयना (3) ऊऩय (ङ) (घ) इकट्ठा (4) थोडा (ख) (ङ) नीच े (5) असुविधा (क) नोट:- अभ्मास ऩुजस्तका ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्मा 12 भᴂ कयो| 3.