k o r a n t a e a m il ' °AXA ASP UECUUASA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MOP 1T L O , 7 , 13u 3. IJnfortnnRt-jly them t m s n to he 1 ccrtA lo d 1— .. . V « * r •»* «•«* . ^ J u 2 T i i J S S 2 E,■,, 0c. S i the An* Raiouiau* taking any ? We *1 • ratio I ih«- maintc- i n,,Pry^‘i ,» «1»*U V.ui n-fer to *«rial Nittvrely in w tliat tin- l«*ux liav. a iw rim u y to m ain ta in . T h e ns-dt is tlmt. nau v ►n the part ot the [’* v. Since our incepti*i» we have gnwU*r r»*pr*~ f..r th e ir in teg rity an I the ijrfiitcflian is cheek-hy-jowl j„ ’ u urt- a* in i»u-• pi* •» le I f«*r q a l p o lk ;c d righ t* ju st xeo*e of Mritis'i ju

R.*pl> to Capcloma Native A M rc^. separate a<

litic*aid ii.it io **nal habi.*. F> NdaU-ai Xtit. I. *-.itioii. U iruu^ll Hoilt.ll A frit-., |.u l.l» V -l l.v y«»ti mi ierenn I tlw* now r M -iitl.ri , neir CijuT.m 1. ■ .nca pcrueive-1 thiit dll’ Nu1 ivr w m i M 1 \'n ' ’r n l,i*'rHru* p .n i tt-1 1 "••.totally «.pu»«l to Sir G-mbaf* w.dl- Sit*. V ve no chanor of dem*»stnunig whai know'., Nairn p.l'iey tlw*. w e t W u A M u l t r f i e c : . Mr. ('iiandK'Haiu ik'^ns in; to ac­ i«. is aJUl.whltt lie is capable «»f. 1 •»«* i jt u.|vU*m1>Io «•* refrain from imblistaug knowledge the ti-ldnr*' and to thank '•iiniHjr ten,” we fC nt^ "' Mill m m * ...... ■ ' \\,.r d .*a ils an d wen* r S ie tS lib ir o f l/.w i. Ii.ts fo r « a r d r l piiii^; tv lia t ti:nu w a s a t tlic disjitwal •‘l we lia d taller detail* and wen? to in fnnn liisolK*-* in Has* I, uh1 >u a von fo r tin? Iiearty welc.Mnc extende 1 - • IVetnier b a d c.>ni{He- of the states-nmn: am i w lm t 11j I VI.,WV l |t t^l' i l/f'PPiier had c.m ylo r>j»y o f th • statem ent (»*n tin- N ative Mr*. Chanib^dain and himself, nnd for . tely p w l«'?k' o:i lii< old knowl(rlR0 Tic ini}£bt jrain of our 'I*'0 i H.,c!i was lli<- L* nvolil I hat pn«>n'ed to Mr. CJiandnT- tin? £ r*d wislie* on th eir iKdudf. II- w e d id n t f o r a notes w ith y1cas*iru th e c\jK\*ssi.*ti «•; would be deri'.cri from see »u«l «mrw>.; m(imcnt. dnnb .ba*, we siwpcrt** »• * lain by tlr Na'ives >4 tin- Kast/ n i I’m- \ It i« u s \H>li«rly ex|MHitHHr. and loyalty an 'f appnxnaten .of the Wes*-- And th i* m CJBie^y w lw H ias bap-1 if rral, wa^laibanepb. mend in'H emferrod npn y.ut by the C-. i- .Hiue l, uft the ftt-.n.His ix*f.awgj V1. ; Iwryainin^ *iil« tin- ManniH.ii of ni«- anil the fart* arid figun-s di|4a r the depth t.* w !iirlj the c KUpilen* Imvo fo!* fctitution ua.ler wliich y.»a live, ami le* \In»ivt« iu tU c £ m it «»ra:t*HU» .l.ib an-: ri^htwusnc^s and fiibje<-t oiil\ y in is gla I to b? able to asturv: you that h u S I ' ! * * V « > ; .lirwion of loni-ltlh'inU.itekKiif t!tcir onuntry. We Would tv>«miiuend it t »tlK* [►.•riwil t<( nt>*ivc I j i > pn»|»Hal fn .n i a n y n.*spon- & rf,L-«a f - ' UmUirr.^iient. N o . «;• W • « every sin lent of S mt!i African |w«|i(i<> siblo V|Uarter for the iiitroju.'tiou in* • learnt llw k-ssoii from the particulars lu fon- us, » «iwn ‘J 1 S ^iUkA frica o f i.ny *y*t>:m o f fi>n- l M L L o , .* «h*ter influence. > ...... of ihe -Daily Miid we an- sun- !••• «c sV* *ill a^nv w i:b tit t'la ••then* a r gia n ts ia ttn-^- l ib .iiiv au d tlia t t'aerc-H n o pn»ont J w &to die the l.i«u5»K Colomnl Colonial *» '* Seen-S1'”* !■ A.=C -■ «'nl l-» * ' r" ” ’r dark da;*.’* ___ ii._ ...... i__ i _ iaiwjneioiw proval to a a y sm-Ji sclietue. lie n s c hi- fory the Native in a lazy lx-^ir. ti h-nt tha-. von an 1 those w hom you living on. t':e pmcceils of slavery as He e >u| | cnfo:re tlie fttan flrev Ac* Port Elizabeth with the e.'tnscut- o f*th e O ovem or, re,m*ent will always eoj >y tlie fuMe- pnutls^l in the_ Imyinj; of wives to 1^ euin g a ine.‘:iu g * f n*- bid would not do s» Itetniif^ Ih* p r ^ c f ii »u nn l«rr th e U ri'ish flat*. work for the men. Tha' tlie Native pre« iitaiiv.-s of a ll ions of Native. preferred to IrnHk dow n th e p n -r Y o u r* fuit-’ifu llv , is tlie small ]>cij*uit fanner of South wn» b e ll iu ilk ' K Iwards' M*-:n r ia l of chiefs aud sulistit-ute indi\ idua! W . .1. .It ->T, A f r ic a w ho occupicH tlio soil lh*ncfl-] C h a .v h , ».*T llus(<»-l|-n«».l. wlien t ’* w fur tribal ownership. He lieli-v.il l’rivale Stvetnry. ein lly , an d reu a stork , {joes f(>r- in - a l s ipn-sent M i.C . t i . II. Ifc-II,A<- - this would rjiidiKv to iudn^try and -thing. If the present writer has lieen i insr k .M . M r. J . I ”. K e lisley ( M ayor). a sense o f res|K>usihilit\. khahW . for your* earning hi* living by jotmial- \ Ti.e Mixi. on tV* qu estion of n-lii wal l . -i Im- new e.)eivion, even progress'vo laxaiiou o f ^ ou tli. A f r io i, he is a la/.y rasr-sil tio v •nun *nt k m 'in n a* C rad **k Pliw-.-. I.igi« oa the west c*t of Afra-a. on cxtru w ives, lie n-lie-1 ou ini>- long u* lie has itot hel|>u«l to swell tlic| evplainin-; tlie nivautagcs to the Na­ S .-vend veil-* ag • he left lionio to |an - sitHiary effort, despiu- its vn all totals o f those who have gone from tlie l tive-. by jjoing there. He ah 1 drcn hi* s u lies in F.amv. an 1 after influence on ijolyganiy. I'tie Pre­ district of King Williainntow.i to delve ( Mention to the prevalence of sindl- (Kisniug thnaigh a e mrs<- militarv mier said he lidicve 1 tha i r mble training i:i Frjm* • he finds hitu«df a in the mines of JlihnnuKshunr at rates j jmx in 1 he di^trie , utid the danger of with the Na’ives \va< p »sible at the age of 2'. ye irs a l p.*r anuilui, an I dividends. Aud this talk .Mr. j their wive* a:nl e'lil In11 le Vaorina- matter* to a lira I. the ** M S.ati kinl,” ceirnnting ( -itAMBKltLAi.v tras pjin i.t-like re- tc I. The May .r aU i 11 Idnvs • I the n*- Now that the lloers wen on thi- |ienUMl, m id th u s le ft a ha I impression J pr -nta ivcv. >i le, it was tim : to put the Natives «au 1st Tain I i-i t’ie Hritisli c »l 1:1 ie* i.» on the Native ihiitd of his visit. For, Tile III‘.I s,» >*e of their gri-.vaiKX* iu their projier position’. M os,of We«t Afr its? H? might have gn.wa this ivason we all the morn regret that resjMti ig title in t'le now I «-.r.iou add J the older e «l.)nisf.s and enli jitem -*! i^r v. iu tlie h\*vic* it Ilritish We- he lm* n ot in cluded in his v isit tin* Na- 1 si.e of the e!um*!i. Toe Mayor eX- I’xKirs lielieved th e s wn -r t'lis was Afriiti and not ris'*n higher tha.i lit. tivo territories and the Eastern I»is-j (daim-d t!h* |*.witi'Hi to tlie M ig ia tn te , d me t’ic lietter. rank «»f Se.’g e in t. I la ipy l 4:i*n*ena:it tricis, us we feel satisfied tliat the apt wlio pncntsel to I.»y tlie inaUrr urain r.1 . . — ...... , r . , f i : ANo\\;, ow , we navehave not tthe lie >ii»u:«*.-.»ligh:e.- ot»-oli A lek unbL pupil lio J«VR shown hunself to lie of his I. i|on u,an u .|W(v., IWt4W||UK, liefon- tjoienimeat. It w.w decide I su rrotm d m gs he. would have n sulily j or .OI|C ^ n.ho ifl 1( ,,„/ll>l|l|l. tli.it tin- natives tlraw up u **jtene it of t?M*ir case, wliifrh will b* subai'tte I -F»*:.'* t’ie K lii-.r of-.Sy»irkl->.*' to rid bttnseJf of the pestiferous noniwwe j Hrizc»^„a if it isinnurim.vin.va.- w,«ld t«i th e M igistra e. the HKvj ufonieiu ** Friend, * inform < in with whict he was pnm»l at. Johan- }ttrtivelv j„ anv ,>,„d.ieiv. The ine.i slate t!iat i !m v iia I decide.) h i . th e f.dlow ih g has h jc .i Versisi >d-by ncsburg and elsewhere by the pseudo-: ((| Ktu.;* m>itv : but Wedmn ^ stn-iicnis- to g o osit to tlie l*Nrj*i>ri in Iiu*a-!i.^i at •x-s .^-aat Tliek •: frlondj of ourwlmnt lie ; |y t |„:ir ...... ,.\-i,.„*. a time. *. as to pn*vc:it cmfasi.u. moved and lived and had Ins lieing |*jut ^ nw|eni may safely dismias the I went iutsi the niui’e-!uin, They n-jt:se 1 tlw- dange.- th n atcriin g diring liis tour. opinion of an old man without a f..|- A s *o!k t as e »uld be. fn»:u s ludl-im. an 1 jiroviding caai- Tiny gave a dniukeu Tosir.uy nom. '■ loning: Why shouldn't tiny? W« jv t- n t- him wen* » *nt wen* qu ite M r F . Z. S. Pjrejcrino. have not a Allied of rnnon f..i Hat ha lu‘t no:ie for me. willing to subnit to vrnviuatiiHi. They sent ui • off to Wuailuvk. The finc-finceml Bditw of tile •• K.! «wpectin* ihc IV«re»iu- Imrli.,- O il t! k" «!w>le !'»•• in t *i?ig was a A n d t ’-HJV to! 1 me I was bla-k. very sitisfato-y iw . \ I*. Tebrgraph. t.,e foii.,»i„, i„ : Ita: when it e>:n i t » fl'hting. __ ...... ,.,'a^o wediad tlie c\p:^»ed assnraniv The so-call-J FrieaJ. W e ll t*K*y*n- >:la 1 1 »g»L-m • b i.-k. Incredible as it may perhaps ap|>car t> some people,• and distasteful as it m:i; the M'slenites aud the lealcroofthr A Hritis'i-in.ui n.-^-ial ira.vller r - I *s uigge • this an 1 nigger that. |K?rhaps b e 'to others, the last depurati* K e Um-!i.*-ii |«rty. to Mr. ChandK-rlaiu. con tly t d 1 nn t l w tin- III <**nf..-i: -in An I n'ggrr t»o aw »v : w hich w as*a s received receivcu nyhy Hisin s j Maie.-l1which u i o i i » ,inthat a i me*they embmie e;i 1 .111 us, his embarkation m»m South A'rica from ,||JV ,„|„dHT of I’n-tniers w.l! n«iu< moV( Ditch c.tluui is. Diri.ig Ia4 wce'» k W.h*ii th.- 1. 1:111. - pus t pla* h is unprecedciijea-am l historic- ini««ion. r ,,K. C onstitution. gives us in iitio 1, a 1 »r.*.*s tV - l.-ngtb s the Deputation of Coloured IV 1 T.iicy 1111 le me d o th -irs.* .11.ia -, »f s .lieitiu^ f.a- soJcrib.T* f.»r the who present ml the Address ot their nnx Aud dn-a a I >t of |m v. - Ko.n iia*’ in K iglrsli: w iils tb<- in the Colony, .y . ,-.Mr. I’erejjrino em­ Iln'. now Uh* war is o.er, phasized the th^'i that t!ie< coloure I mm D .ite’i 1 11 lin g artM-k‘ in du lges in m An Ameri«in u ijh t ih e I am 1 d 1 to go away. ni Cape Colony has no political griev­ lie lie I a la d oa the Na'ivy a id wi els uintri'iilutioii a* ('olinnbia I'diversity Tiie tr.uper who I mas** I wiUi, ances to present. N’or does lie de-ire t > o f a yo u n g Z u lu, w ln w earn*.- is up with 'the wvinl se:itim-nt tlm* it la the icn-et |usse« ui - by. obtrude matters which cim e within tae I’ixle Ka .‘sa-ik Seine. lie mme “ w.Mill b ■ a bi--»*i i*» if th e N a iv e pr» <* pu rview rJ a R esponsible <; >vernment l i e fo -g c lH w!a-.u w e w e n h\*hting. ou "f the' enttanee examination wen* s!ippn.*ssv I." M'hich obtains. T h e Address em tjiu s. S i I-- by «i le, a . S>/iu te< D .a ai Tin? dear, ik*ar ** Fi i«* i L** h ow ever, on e iHite o f enquiry and that with Hying e.ilonw, an I has s.-ttlei For i»*s niggfr this, nlliigg.';- .is, what - WjOl\Id • be the status ot the down to an eight ye*.u>* iu»h*eiil The Fox without % tail. eoloured man. a Hritish >ul>J«vt. "ho. Mirse. After tlw , all Un’ng well, th a t. A n Ka< I. • i.lon •* n iw .i ^1 b* »#- s • »d- enjoying all the privileges ap|HM i.imiiu’ > ju. II go Iwek to AfiM", aud And tiny inlk ■ a «• q>v o f tin- ik*w Ka« I. nid n to that condition. m:iv find himse.l in one J(_ i:i the Zulu induerinl M uuici|«d H«‘g id a , t»*n' I* « l « of the new coionies. and what wou.d Institute. H u : llu iy d > I heir hitsuitlls ? ,, . cM iletu piru rv. an I juigge>ii. i*nr tti»v| fig ! it i u g, Messrs. William Collins, \\. A. K'werts foil .w in g • dause 111ig.it b • a I « c I W.K .11 t ! i y niVie I to cnish the and the other members also addresseJ The Naiiv.s of Ea<, L .iidon no piite 1 by tin* p . r t Kli/JiU-1.1 M un:*-i|»diiy: It-T S . ’ .\fr. Ciiam lw rlain on the sam e snt.jeot. t' .•niselves well a' their luintfin^ ** I’ln* t 1 Mined lm* by n * 4uti »n when the Right Hon. C.entlemnn rep i«l. with Hr. Smartt. on Thurs lay tin* I9U1 h-. Ian -1 tlie n;i*leniM*iUn»:i»'.| ^m*.-ts. Tl c Afrieu.i Review ays“ Izwi.” Itnt oure Hitein-tomiy tie acKiinwledyed lo be l>eyonJ question. ; j4 ytTV n':.Hvat a* to w.’mt tiles*-elei^onil ;'ja t N .itives a i l A'tn* i ■< »h»|l Itxr.utca niiu- inagnati? and aurilKit.s Mr. Chamherlain assureil the «leputa?ion :€,IIt|lf£*ia:i a iy | a 'v n : n i Im a terrible fdkr-v wlio w.-ul I )>>>cinih- man w ill 1 e protected in |H-r^»n. anil* ami inm . iwr Km.-i.1oii. .«i o* u V T o u rs* iu an y < »e*i i i t ' . t V . ’ Mig ifa*** .«*r luining p iiH-e wlien be is ih4 |Ktnii:- h is property. H e refci re '• 'j ’ d a v f : e 19^1 ill*!, s-puifv." t« l. I« the rulin.r p*acr, to onn u enn. the terms ol, peace, and KOHANTA EA l!K< OASA AND D ^ -IL 'A S A G .V Z S rfE , MAK/LA JO, MOPITLO. 7, 1 W maikarabelo a maji-tlo un* selatlho- Mr. Chamberlain. gungsagagu*. Fa ele litfragalo Batho ha bofelo l»a ha banoeng tsa nyagJi t-e rne tse li fetileng LIKGOJfOT le L1HDTSHANE! ! kc Mr. Chamberlain a esc a coe mo cone ebile le okelit*3 nutlh: lo t>a Knpa (fela ka t«atsi ve o bolotseng ba tsa seuola litsala tse<* segolo. ka vonc) ke baemeli b.i morafe o ietsatsi ga rona ya South Atriia T- li rekisioang in » Sakeiig ya rona. I* lot nna na li Imiia ka uio hibicoano. I*a mo raca biire le yone lc lirile ga youe mo go nako cotlhe fela ka tlhoatlhoa ts.* li km tlaso-tlase. Fa o ka ga ba na lingongorego lipc nn* inoeng eo mogolo. ’Mala oa matin tl:» koana go rona S h o a n t is i e nna gangoe fela ka kgocii. Pusliong ca Kapa ; *me bare ba a teng a London o fitlliela oa thT tla itumeln fa Mokoaleli-golo a ka bogela l»ohunon, sc-shnjm s-i ^fcto D. .W ESSELS &’Co., ba bolclchi gore fa ba tshela 1110- lo;i naga. BIr. Chaiubi rlniu Ic ^ le 51’ A gente li- l«r Sl-.onntis1. lejonnc oa Kapa ba ea Transefala tia a nale nienate't^'Tthe mo !oetf»ug kgono Oranjia niacnio a bone a tla loa gague, nn* ene e*e tiro e ']>►- *e Setarata oa Foliuli. Go lebaganu lc. Kvrotl;* i Mn nna yang. Motlotlegi arc ga na tla 11 a 1110 motlheng on linvaga ts.i thata, ’me lilo tseo cotlhe ke tse li gague, go palamcla ruri setata s « santseng li tla baakangoa fa pusho rtiiia s i rona se s<* m ogote yana. ca Koloni tse lincha c ka tlhnmama Le lwiemeli ba rona ba ntse.lmr^ ea itaola yaka ca Ka(»a. “Xtla loeto lo tliat-i lo go loa m«» MARONAKO lia nj ba etelecos jn-li kc Mr. F. lira lefaele s^pe. " O.v J I A H lK fiS C -O Z. S. Peregrino, morulaganyi oa H MITCHELSON Facie iuo puong' kc seliiii se s c Spertator, motho oa rona co o mo- sa koakoetscng. G a shupc bolu- noaua o boleta, a nale bo Mr. W. ka malnigo fa a bua, ebile lintla oa O rekisa L,iyo, Lino, Liaparo tsa Collins, \V. A. Roberts le ba ba- choga ka a buile ka cone. Ga ngoe: eare b:i s:*iui go lumelisa bue. a |>ot1ak:i, 'm e o bua ka tha- methale eotle, le L.iloana 1cotlhe tse li — eng le Mogorouere, ba l*a lebo- nolo. fokt» lengoe le lengoe le le ga ka mafoko a bone, ba boa. mo mannong a youe. (5a batlc tjhokoang ke baa'^i... - —y. ba ba mafoko a gagne, Ie 1110 piioug 01 Mr. le Mr^. Chamberlain ba Ik>- gague e telele oa clioga ka a buile 1 ’oropo. \ lotsc mo Kapa ka Tlhakola 25, go lefoko Ieugoe gabeli. O bua ka Itoeln Engelane. Oola tlhe l«a ka iketlo a akauye a ntse a bun. Fa A- •shapa sentle, ba ea g o grotoga. a belaela gore a. - yana niailiutlo a jjague a tlhalogancoe seutle, a a ~ boele ka mafoko asale me le gone, *I>. F. Advertiser” eare: — • a tlhophile inanc*xr a gague gore ‘•Litshiuiologo tse li thailoeng maikutlo aseka a fetoga. Puo ea E. Solomon, kc 1’resident Roosevelt (oa ea gague eotlhe ene ele esi mothale Amerika) ke gore ’mala gase oa go ntsha liphosho. gongoe a ne GOLEBAGANA l e s t e s h e n f , sekgopi. Fa batho bangoe a shupa maekutlo a gague ka go Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Hahumi It ba batla tiro me go fitlheloa nycnya iuo >go l*olelaug segoio. eo moncho a c nonofetse bo- kgono ane a ligela lencoe ka kola Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako golo, eo Moncho o choauctse e e tebileng. Ona a eme fong, fa- go e I Kma. Kc itoka gore jiele ga baemeli bn n*na : a iketlile. tshimologd eo 1110 teboug ea a tslietlhaiue. a kokoantse me^o- G o 'fefloana tsa Jffetoir.e la 'feir.oo. n»aa e siame ka ntlha cotlhe, polo. Puo esi gague gase litlha- () itse Secoana eang go muisa fela. chile mothco oa eone ke tshia- tlhamuse ke go bua ga maanete. fnisho le tlhaloganyo. Mai- Le rona re monye fela yak:i kntlo a rona kc gore kgang e On* Land. Mo sechoanchonir Tea Makgoa le Bancho) etlare ukare ke mosimane eo mo leele o:i n 11 • bofelong e ikatlholc ka litshegimne, ntekane kc inoiin-i t'da eo. A go nne likgoro mogolo eo mokhuchoaue oa clinla- Dawson L Haddow, tse li lekanang fa gare ga nkgjiue. () kalK> ale mokhino kafa I’alicho lc Bashoeu. Le kgnug' tlhaepg lo to tona itie o o kabile BABETLI, BAAtil LE BATLOMESI DA MATLHO. (tantakgoeli) a e bnleloc fela ka gauta. Erile a coa mo Bloem­ mo jontsheng (kafa go leba- Ene e re lo ese lo ee go ivka gop:* lo tla go leba-leba licoalo tsi rona fontein a koalela morulaganyi oa nyeng ka gone) go fenye Koranta ca Hcroana are* Mr. mekothi. liforo le lipompo tsa metse le lilonna tse li agaug lit:»l«»le monna eo o gaisang kgono Plaatje ga toioke “ areiyoo.” O le lilo tse lingo.* tse li baakanyelicojng theke. iuomfe o o gaisahg. Lefa lapaauye le bagolo l»a bangoe ka gole go nye ga re tshabj gore, ntla sc sc nth* mo se tlhnku li phe- Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlele ; Tlhoa­ 1110 tihabanong e e siauieng ca pha, se se eleissgaug fela yaka |HHitsha ea kico, ea papali, ca ioleme lo:< gague iuo puong.* Kc tlhoa ke 15s. go ea mo go JT 1 10 s. pusho kgono ea motse gare tlotlo e kgolo go run monoua mi boife gore a Ix*kgoa le ka motho eo o kalo-Jcalo. reteleloa ke go ikalolela. le g ea ]ike|x>, o ka ijxila- eo e tla ikatlliola ka boamaruri yo inchi terena a tlxi go bathi tiro. l*o sa tsikingoeng c sa Ik»Isji ' likga- » sa nale maiuio.a go' amogela banyana lxi -1 *j» sha, ka *Ik> kololo kgono keleco ea motho 1110- Etlare fa a fitllia mono a bust - ng»»e kgOtsa morafe mougoe. man no a pitlolosicoc. lioe mali a 0 1 m a jKihune terena (klase cn lx*raro) ka one g • ** Oas Land " arc : Fa n nita go itse litlhoatlhoa koalela molaoli ea shone. tla mo Khaljsi, le a nihago. Mr. Chamberlain ga nKnsha- Fa motho a rile a tla kouuo a Rev. W ESLEY HURT. masho yaka fa a lebega 1110 li- alima nuili a tereiw iuo len<*- choanchong lefagontse yalo eare morago ra gaki^uhala re utloa nre HVeleng lengoe, etlare fa a rata go bonala yaka ekete iuo kokkoa- mali ao a lmsclioe kc*i go miuig noug eo otlhc ga gona me molc- oa one kc bulaoli ba metlobo. ADVERTISE kane oa gague. () iehemotsc IiteliiT Go rcoa babereki ]ba gale fela fela cotlhe o coalii mecoalo ea ha fat itsioeng, Fae?e tliaka- seshn, <» roala galase 1110 leitlhong nyana e tshexaue le baithutojuia. ye lengoe tela, ya cogo ye le toua. IN le sesneshe kafa ntlheng ea 1110- I*i ka go batla tiro go sele. lema ea sehuba. motho ga ekake \V,S. WHITWORTH, earv.* a mo lebile are o nyaga li 67, yo ebang yone lx>golo yoa gague. “ M a k a t i .” Neosi, molebailebi eo o mat ho a ntlha eare fa a mo lebile a lone Ktffyfoiitein, O.K,C.. Koranta ea Becoana. metlliahi ea lijKJgisho le litselu tsa Tlhakola. 21, 1903. ■ r ■ I

KORANTA EA BEMOAN*A AND nEOdu.vs.v g a z e t t e , m a t l h a c o , m o p u l o . 7, 1903. no Thoba Mogo ene mm a clioen.vcgn WIOi„ kc 20 I T t T Peloethata. 0 “ a nale 1 W Iratlhok,, yo lxi bottle yo bo llh a -! N. COOPER & Co., |fc>RiUl.A LlBWU W i VAXYCSEliAXC. bans, mo tthntaig |e i„t1ha. | NT- *rrk??; va melenw, kafu ntlheng ea Bot)halKt-tsat>i ca Konnif, ka b.ika scllKOCju g o c boloetse o o io o tse | fii KOVODAXTE OA MiBl KI . yoo yon niokgnnela ino li phateng! MAH AKA OA MAFIKA. li tshipi lingoe, u akanyelioa mo jjatho eo o lemotahegang co « tlalelong e kgolo. mo gare ga rona yaanong ke Mr. Katji ona a hubola ka teng e M elem o ea ‘M aanete. j J. Coetser, eo o laolang litiro Ifcbile a nun jio ira tiro tpe moj a o , -.o T H O I -A nwHlielo a linama tsa koa Mo- thing. A lekoloa ke ngaka lingoe! ------It 8 I5 FUBA ^yA (Distributing Syndicate of Dl* tse likgolotsaTransvaal, ‘me a st-kai COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2/9 r.o botlMenj; j^ers Cold Storage Dep/it) koa a ba a bona tshilih-go go isumaea ** * H.A TSA OANVANA Maitland (Kapa). Pele Mr. Ghj- aba a leka lipele tsea. tse li m holi-: COOPER S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE, l i t If 2it. tsrr ene ele niouioli oa Bntlhabani sitseng ka-hotlalo tsa mo uaea!O .A . la M;ish**ropo (Transvaal. Staats itekanelo le marapo. Yaanong j ^HUTOfTS FEVER POWDERS. 1/6 Phuthelanyana. pholo* ea gagoe Ca 'nrelo ke e title, Aitilla'ie) ebi,e e*e Koinodant oa M A I.A t( M O CrALIKKO O . Forte e kgdo ea Johannesburg mo ka ntata ea l)r. William's pink utoeng. Ekile eare maloba moe- pills. Erile ke santsc ke le mo- COOPERS ANTIBILIOUS PILLS I/-. Ka letloyana „ieli mongoe oa South A frican golego i oa n:oa koa tireeu jHiint, sA GO PHAMPNANVEGA *A *A PO . Sue* a phntha m afoko a a late- ka be ke tlhoafetse segolo ka ga COOPER'S RKEUH4TK * PILE HlXTl-tE. 2# M. ka ItlUytiu. bng, » 11 gakgam atsaug kaga bo- gagoe. k;* hoifa go gola ga boloetse; tshelo yoa monna eo, mo nyageng m e fiiele Viianong o itekanctse ka BA4GI ka ka hfakala ka ka kMltla n*ral«taa>i «a kOVANT* ta ka ral ar* HETHt'SHOANA c e elrtK fatj r. ae li 9 tse li fetileng. Bo ranguana lM)tlalo. Mr. Coetaer tno Barfameuteng ea s “ A go ssi nale hangoe gape Mr. W. N. COOPER 6 Com Transvaal ba ne bale babeli, Mr. J. ( \K*tser'1 Ke tlhoniannsa sentle fa ba- P. Coetser ino T ln n g ea Goliino tlhahani ba le hantsi ba ‘’Koinando1 lyl oa (Berste Volksraad) le Mr. M. A. tsi Maburu, bane ba tsuinaea ba Coetser ino Thing ca Tlase ehotse kgolokoane tse li khibicoana (Twee ea kgatisho pileng Johannesburg ka yone, a eo mo likoranteng. ka re itunielehi p a l a i s j : roa ka ietshego mo maikaelelong se lipele li se re iretseng. Facie I ao a a liphatsa ao, a g o rain la yaauong g.i nke keba ke nna fela HMhola tsa Manyesemane h* tsa koantle ga eone mo thing on me, I M buru. ’me ke maikaelelo a me gore kebe i 15 litroko - zs. od. Ei ile kgnbagare ai:hoa»x»a ^aufi ke sale ke ntse ke 11a mu-o, fa nka j choga kc litllioka.” le Ilarberton, ka Loctse, 1000, a ro neloa vaka mogeleg.Ki koa Koantle ga malo:atsc a mangoe; 2 5 » 6 Ureen Point. Erile morago a ineela a a kailoeng fa golimo Kgolokoane; tse li Khibicoana tsa ga Dr. Wil- T ^ g ^ « , tiroea go tolokela Bancho; tiro eo ea 5 amogeloa kc Pnsho oa Iui|»erial. liams tsa batho ha ba fokolang li i w k " li folisitse mathausante a lipoholo,' Mokoali eo ona a ntloa mafoko a ebong Mala a a thata, Jflarara a gakgamalioa ke go fola le l»oiteka- 15 lifuti i s . 30 lifuti sehete le liphio, go nnana, lioloetse j aoelo yoa ’mele oa ga Mr. Coetser yoa St. Vitus (lance. lohuba(fa lo' me ga .tlhaga polelo ea fa Mr. santse lo simologa) le liphapang | 60 „ Coetser le ene a kile a co i ’inogi 48 „ 3 4 tse Ii eoang mo phokoloug le iishe-1 oa lingoe tyi “ lipogisho tse eleng kologong ea mali. I-i r^kisi*Ki k e , boshoa yoa *mele.’’ # , Nako ca Kontraka : Kgoeli tse 6. barekisi ba melemo le bong ba lit iro.; A riana: Ke bogile ka' nyaga ebile li ka bonoa le koa ga l>r. , lile shome vele me«ro metlhano. kc _ LIYO TSK LI s a UKKOKXt; : H O ll'i YOA Ml I.I. Williams* Medecino C o 111 p si 11 v , veoji ke litlhabi mo lothekeng, Long Street. Cape Town.*’ Ha t la ; BALllir IIOTL4 E li v BA AMO JKLVXR KONTRAK A K l!A TI, s masicla a go phauphanynga marapo. go romela Ixitlolo lile thataro k a , BONA PABALELO E K MMI.KMO LE M AROBALO A \>|.\. Erile nyaga tsa ka li sale sIiouk*| 1 Ts., kgono e ngoe fela ka y . is..\ yele mecoe e robang ’ineli, ka tse.ia MENU MO KOMl'AFNKNt; E E ATLHAMENO. ba li romela ka |M>ste goug«)e le. ino mn-Artilereng, litlhabi tsa gongoe koa South Afrika. poste el Mmolola g o nkatatnela. li nyaga y^V*^V/-^VyvV A/V lueloa ke bone. I eutlhe tsa li shome yele mecoe metlhano kc ntse ke lo>ila, lefa i.Ei\*A kene ke le mo tlamelong'ea ngaka : R. HARD1N0. liujrix.* tseli nonofileng tsa Johan­ •• itsise Ixitsala votlhe vo 1«» ntse bu | ____ nesburg. K a bobola, thata, ka tlo ictsc nkoali la >jka PETEK : p. A. N* U .1LEN BECK , Monjfoa Kontraka. NAKANE. la yaanonj; ke elolva ko» Iwka sengoe knba ka robaila mo Box 341, Kimberley. liphat^ng kgoeli lile tbaro. Ka leloi yana. Sinva |*^o e ntsi ea mali ke leka i^hililc^o *Mo ke sa bone molemo KUTLOAC0 - Ke nyaga lile than* tse li. lei i I eng, ’me a nkgakolela g<»re ke | 'in. <•:: o a NT-'IKO. MINCHIN & SONNENBERG. I.okeishcnc lekc Kgolokoane tse li Klubicoana > ftrttmi’lnti h i M 'i'./titli a Ei'jel'tn;, <1 KoI>m/\ lr 3 uiloatsit la a lia rula nv in^iK- le Monroe' *si gu Dr. W illiams t-a bafokoli. 0 BfchuaiuiLiiol. naa li^gisicoe ke go phamplianyega Pi Wo IcfaeSe Or*;.vv. Obile o mnra^K), boruruga, yoa maoto, li­ (jo opola »a leiicoe ye le pheph. Mo LIOFISI: CAPETOWN. VRVBURC, <5 MAFIKENC- tlhabi tse Ii likologang le ’inele, cotlhe ka 10s. ino kfolinj lipele tseo tsa mholisa ka botlolo. Ke yele liuele tseo ka tiielo ea O bat loa ka l»onnk«*, ke M gairoe, ’me kc itumela go Ijolela fa ENNISON & ^RANSW ICK, G Clron» rij:llt-Si-hrei"i'r •«! Han­ h lelekile litlhabi tsa rue cotlhe, over iiiisimanyaua k(!nm> mo.wtsa- ehilc li ntirile motho eo o folileng avail 1 01 M.wraaa io n.vagsi li 1.) D ^il iHiitekanelo yotlhe yoa 'mele. kmnio 16 S.> m.i tliusa nu. tlunsr. ebile li un^le keleco e e tletseng ea () batla mong«H> e<» 0 ^a nnang BAFANTISI LE BO AGENTE. hy«>, e kene ke sena naeo pele. nae ngoaga a mo luela £\ mo “ Mr. C.ietser, a o itse pholisho kg«x*ling. () tla 1110 luelela tsola lingoe Ii sole gape t.se li lira ge- Ba nale Lifantisi tsa Matlhaco, t^ipi cotlhe. lc mliago, go c koa le go Ikxh tseng k;i ntlha ea lipele ts e ? ” " Ee, Jegsile ; fa esale re enia ino Lo tla nthra iiiol Mebili, Ifabele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. nyagcng tse thntaro tse li fetileng. P.O. B « i 22. -~i ,r|t* Vostser a choeng«Ki ke Ofising ea Koranta. Trie crackle A44re**: •DENNISON/' Mafrlisr. iijc.itPtsa boloetsi yoa pelo. I*0 KO UIJiA KA 8 3 JiAN.V AND BKCHUANA GAZETTE, J1ATUIACO. Mltl’im n iW W. Russell & Co., SHEPHERD & SON, L o ^ IB CJLAW AYO ROAD, Ho Hokgoatbsng oa Bulamayo Golebogaoa le Steshtoe sa Kutsbe leleiiranri lo Stolioiu*.

ss» M AI* IK A . MAflOGONQ Baliri ba lilo cotlhe lit- j»liiii!i:i iKiliri Iki Metlo!>*> ea Litenmntr ko;i Kimberley kn tsa maleke : tse di A eldsi jjo it-ix* Iii>:»l;, I>;1 j,v tumalano <• e .-iimcn" le kutloanu c*a ISailiri. Morena Silas ^ t-a Pal!liaj»inir !«• !?»•<•.;i

JWolomy <»jj ix; itsc ebile <* itwt fa IV tlamilu I>:iixi*i south;. choanang le go Iki l>ai»g

Mophuti oa Baliri ba Metlobo e megolo li|K»lll|H > lc* li!o t.M* lim p** t-s. ea koa Gauteng- 0 ba amogelela mono litslriprtsc li ka lu(laur.e Jfloseoi oa JJ-paro iz- "Ean-na. a tla Iki bona go lelmgsma U Bathusi ba gague ke bo ™*u<'nw" KKOItf >IMI,fv- () rata p.. itsise Litswlg tsa . lv VANi; K(i.\l;. ( F L E N I i . lugotse la mosey a ga tsela mb CoHEN’s 15riI.!.IN't;s, go Iebagana Russ- Street. Kimberlev. PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- la meno, tscnya a maslia. lefa ele goa baakanya, banale go ’mono Fk'ank J . ( ’i:oxFo!ii». Vryl.ur. Molaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li a gare ga nako tini o oa inoslio le- Mogontc, Mueleli le 'Maitknnvi 5 ba maiti>iboa : ka Tshipi. mo lita e te le . (>:«uti lc K an torn t tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi moshong, fa ba mo!elelse-ix*lc. F oliu li. koa Engelane, ke li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse KflAKOLOI.O K K lM>Tl.l!AliE li fokolicoeng ke sa lo Iuelisa bogente. Linama tse li sia° — ------:o :------K IT M E E BOGALE. meng tsa UKGOMO Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka le LINKU li ka nna tsa bonoa mo go tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng. ebon;? Eo o sa romeleng M A E i s (ul lc -i s 9 «’. kat’a bnjjolcnj' yoa one. I.IKO KO : j>.. 2> Cd It- 3 s kafa Ikuim cng yoa koko tefo ea gague mo E. T, COGLE, • I ; H I T : y o a S E K f r f J.X . o> *.». tv fa jH o c n g , ya:tn<>;:_. : £i.Ty> *Sd. k a c a ff n c r c i ' tshiping e e tlang re rtO a O O R A 5 TOLLC. V ’ KSK 1.0 KKKISK M.\K I.K LlK»K-> ISA tla itse faele sekao I I'ptl m-s .‘'trett. KIMBIZIII.EV. i >m:I 1<» ti* Setorong sa ga lY rsr, o tla to ivkelu kjt (.'In’aii.i * gore ga a tlhole a GO FETA MATI. 0 O T I.H E A 1!ECHUASAI,AN 1>. batla Koranta; ’me re W.G. KIRKPATRICK. e khutlise. HOKKKISI OA MLOAXA COTI.HI T PnmolanrfTT <-■(> I.liHACANA LE LOUIS ABRAMS." Varata ea Railway, T T T (MA-LEU), Koa Tlhaping LOUIS PRICE & CO.. KITSISHO. 3arekisj ba Koranta botlbc I(G.-. ro T .\ M a k a k a k a f a B o k o n i . - ka cho an etse go lu.-la FA KGOELI NGOE H elang Tlheng Batlhaping ! LE NGOE E SHOA. Ga ke batlc go j j epela, ke lefa fciliri ki o«e. Le I. pmmf,r KIMBERLEY. t«e ke fatisa.x ka c .e S« li bocoe ka lca .p t REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA-LEU ! ke li reka l a lipjnl . MM ch lile ifaide, M.x-fivW tr moattanyi oa mu- //.//"/< Idi’Unn 1"l Scma/ia. ROALANG'^HAKO tsa ga MA-LEU J c-lflclw kv KO ^1,^, |„ , b f - no R\v; r.-n^ TLHOATLHOA li Siime T h ill: . o Iirtvtnn2" n • ** eh°n* l" YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! Tlhodhotsa Karaka li tla koaleloa HOFFE’S al.- raoogoe Ie nx>ngoeeo li potsaog FEVER 11*0 tiC] Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga ia gague • rj.i Tinnr.nA 51-*; I o lir. ft k.- ’ CL'BE.' Ki « i.i:du:v IIOKKI.S >ta>ISf»CO. ‘‘ M.1l:u4joaa e .• tn-nkar*-* rc: . r k-i ^ lihoitokna k.-, U,-, r..rrn, fc, i I’rim th. ainl pnhitflicd ;1t the- BK- nyana liK-«! k-12 K. k- cp v. ” ( HI A N a I'UIXTIM; WORKfv MA=LEU, Taung. MO LITORONG COTLHE LE BAKEKL^I Main Stnt-t. M aftking, l.y tl. Ra MOLEMO iV'jirxtor Snas Moi.vva. cn wccoiimi, •AISI) F*lvCI-iL.;ANA G A Z E T T I the amelioration of the native.

I: a b c u r, Sobriety, S h r i f* t and € d u c a t i o i>. TUnotki*. «1. 3-UIM tk*. V . .i» K t I' « MAI'IKKXO, MATI.IIACO, MOPITI.O 1J. 1903. N«ajc».. »«.*!; . K tu I» 4r.


Mo Setorong sa Bogologolo Sa bo TU«( koano jo Morekisi eo o rrke* laaf ka tlboatboa fee li olenf. L1 Y' I WHITELEY, WALKER & Co., le LIKIIA! tsa methale.tha! eotlhe Lcwenhclc jra Jt*r»e le atzaufee MOREKISI OA LIAPARO. Baacho fa faali le Methale eotlhe ea Likobo, Liaparo, Licoalo le Liroalo Isa m :tbal: eotlhe ea Baaaa \: Birali Yaaaoi’ li rcVi«in ka tlhoatlhoa t«e li hkolecoeog, ka ntlba ea lehana ya aaka e«o. Stesbeoe sa M&polisi a

Priite tsa #J, li tseoi ka 61. lipatroao lile t'lam aat; Ma»hi a tseoa ka 6J .. Jem* ka 44.. tlhapi ea sheMeaf BARKLY WEST. ka W. Liloaua tsa j i j j : ca tli: o fokitsa 3 i. mi sh :llia ; le manioc. A. LIYEIjS, Ate Balirelt b.i nij k; Barolong, M>k>li si * 1»>:i • k- Mr. Uk *i : ;k Mom; .s i . - K.vr.i Mor.Ao*> o\ H i w s i n — Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lisholo tse li kgok»,; 0 Ulai^a maknloi lc liksmi FERDINAND J. JACOB. a li shofub.c. LcinC lia bcnkanpxi li apenoc lx» «*iU* bn I n 'n h i i . L. PEACH, KRUMMECK & LINLEV, “HODIHABANGOF BAREKI, BAREKISI

Le baananyi ba Methale eotlhe ea lithoto B a t l h a p in g ! mO -&HRHK€R<5 OH hlttOBOSIiH. L o di ’yang G e ? Rekang monogaeno Plonru eo montle kgetse ea 100 lb. £1 lithoto tsa methale Kgetse ea Bonpe (yo bo sefllo9ng £2 5 s. eotlhe e e dihang ka Printo e title ea Garmxne (yard) 61. Batlhaping ba gaecho. Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4d. 1! V NAI.R 31 \TI.'> A Tfl)}\lSH ) KOA Uz 'fcixbiHt. Mono lletholf, D jonitalt. I .' I-CHITfcFJSrax . :M th.1t. o sslpj.g m . tifo.ti>tj*t«e li b.telu.-, .-I. n « Liki.n. 4:s 7X)?.jrj:cv Legare: Botichere : Sekolechi: B oruti: Mogo I.- rihaloto U; Nono£.» «-.t m.n. .*■ nuble rs.' ling v . I’U it InUn ^ > utloa sontlc k(»leU K i■ M oliri «» o sisuiH'ti^ m H I •«?c x '. ^V. H c n r v A.ttf t w o n', o m libi. K is-j k .u go cn:* •» Im>ik- * 110 Hanover Street, imki* ea o sa on»Io.

C A P E T O W N . R o n :la IX#. koa g

V PHoro PICTURE C. FRISBY, DEALERS k n la r g e r s . The Art Metropole. lUorekisi. B.i l b .ito*o!.t £r* ii iix ijia u ISA SKCHOAXCH ) sa caw lu « ata: kt ■» , ‘1‘ - 3 W 8 ,c!f ?}'’ ?• itshabs: Bontlc le- $>i?»lo. Lichtenburv, li Icvo.m^ mo li.tfatosin,*, tsi bo I n to.v.K) 1 \ Sraftsvaal. u n e t ; ■ C a tndenvood; u b:m? M asliob ® a iftsj .1 St™ w,u L-1* b i«. li thSZ ... go:,W!u. Ke nya^a lile 16 o t*Ho- ] VMK> BXOTHLKS. Du: jSd. I)j Toitspcri R'fcW-, Kim'i.Tl-.-v. — m anie. W . N, COOPER & Co., W . Russell & C o . , MorofcUi 0:1 lueiemo. kufii ntlheng c:i iH>tIlial*:i-tsntsi esi BULAW AYO ROAD, MAKAICt^QA MAFIKA. , <«» leUignii.'i lc Stoslienc, 2v£elez3n.o ea- saMAFIKA. fciO (lO T 'H O I.A k SUI.'UBA COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2/9 r.o bode 1 eno. Jli: |ihiit]iu l«iliri 1™ Metlobo cm I.itemanc koti KimlxVlcy ka k'UBA TSA BANYANA tiinmlaiio u k xiiiinciig lc kutluana Cji Haliri. MoiyiKi Silas ) COOPER’S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE. 1/6 le 2/6. Mulinm "ti n; itse el>ile o it-v fii re tlnmcln luiliri gentle. > x * HUTTOfTS FEVER POWDERS. 1/6 Phuthelanyana. M A I y A It M O O A I J K E G O . l.o tla re bona mono Mafikeng fa Wenkeleng COOPER S ANTIB1L10US PILLS 1/-. ha ietloyana yc le Lobatl lo ncho. 5A 0 0 PHAMPHANYEGA MARAPO. COOPER'S RHEUMATIC 4 PILE MIXTURE, ZsM. ka Itllayaaa. BAAGI ba ba kgakala ba ka koalela .Mornlatanyi oa KORANTA fa ba rat ago romel.. METHl SliOANA e e eletsetaag e. 1NNES H1TEN, W. N. COOPER 6 Co,, Moananyl oa meleme

Mophuti oa Baliri ba Metlobo e megolo ea koa Gauteng. 0 ba amogelela mono Kabonako ! Kabonako !! Mafikeng aba romele tirong ka tsela. Palo e ntsi ea Babereki e batlcga mo .x « • | 1 i TIKOEAMOl.IMO, Batnusi ba gague kc bo kkoi^ph.k P “ v.' It VANE K(iAlK). Metlobong ea Tumalano tseli tlhopbegileng jta tlhoa- CORNELIA MINE, tlhoa tse li lekanyeng. VILJEONSDRIFT O. R. C.

Ka tlhoatlhoa tse li ntseng yana:— J . F. FLVNN C F U E Iv rX ). ^ a l a i s i : PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. '-i , iur 15 litroko - £i.. i« ., od. Molaelsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi 25 « ~ ■ 3 6 koa Engelane, ke li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse li fokolicoeng ke sa lo luelisa bogente. •* .. V ------:o:—------15 lifuti is. 30 lifuti 2*. Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka tlhoatlhoa tse li.golileng, ebong 4 8 » 3 60 „ 4 MAE: it>6U lc is 91!. Icafa bogolcng yoa one, Nako ea Kontraka : Kgoeii tse 6 . • LIKOK.O : 2s'.,' js 6d lc 3s kafa bokiincng yoa koko.’ «£.. _ O iiOUI’K yoa SEKGOA, yo bo lofcrilocng, yaanong : /'1.13s fid. ka ennnerc fi»l M YO TSE 1,1 SA UEKOBNG : 1!0 UI‘I YOA 'MII.I. u> RS* M> RKKISK M ar I.K I.IKiiKii ISA IIAI.IUI IIOTI.HE BA 1!A AMOGELANG KONTRAKA E ISA Tl. \ Mna lo ec Sctorong sa ga 1'l.KNI, o tla lo rekela ka crlioanel*. BUXA I’AllALBtO E E HOI.EMO I.E MAROBAI.O \ ASIA- 0 0 FE TA M A TI-0 OTLHE A IlEOHUAXAIiAXIl. MENI) MO KOMPAUNENG E K ATMIAMENO. A/VAV v \/'A/VAV Aukktk oa Mono : LOUIS ABRAMS. R. HARDING. F. A. MUHLENBECK, JVlongoa K ontraka, Box 341, Kimberley. /IIA I DJI\ T «n TWlnninrf (mA-LLU), Koa ll&dpiD^. PCHIN & SONNENBERC Helang Tlheng Batlhaping! Bulnielcli lm Mnhjoth, „ Knqdant, „ Koloni, k a Jjcc/Hwnalajuf. REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA-LEU ! LI0F1SI: CAPETOWN, VRYBURC, & MAFIKENG ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! [ ) m m & £RANSIICK, YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU !

Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga sa gague BAFANTISI LE BO AGENTE.” Ba nale Lifantisi tsa Macaco, tshipi eotlbe. Mebili, Ifabele le likoko lia pekoa lia rekisioa. MA=LEU, T a u n g . P.O. Bok 22. Telegraphic A « re.t; “ DENNISON." M.leki„r KOHANIA JSA B^OOANA Atm tlLi HU ANA GAZETTE, M ATt.HACO, MOPITLO U 1*03 3


it*i>uv go a in polelo ea Ka ntata ca boloct^eyoa ga Mr. ( J T s tlaaa ga g .-o Z o sa c toxia, ?.az g W ____ fl ) . Abcner Molefe eo vaanong O km pontalm.fa mctlliailhelo ca Kof- Matatiele. Mr. L Bnd-M belle o>. Grahamstown ke one o tla tsaiun- fyfimtein yam ion g c tletao. 1«- 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fa ean*f le Iivoche oa Kimberley f;i liri, ebile re sa tlhole re nale a likologa le metse e c mo tishonx ebile a eitie sentle fela yaka gale mo maemong BWgCtttea.a re phuthelang Wat ho. ea gague. Tikoloea <>o c tla si- mdogn mono Mafikeng ka I/on^ abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo, Bohutshe, Li­ Ga gonko go tlhola go amogeloa l>otlhano, March 27, 1905. tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse Iwliri Ui lia hlia *tnc fuck* moliri Mr. J. S. Mbongwc «»a Bloem­ rekoa gone fela yaka gale. mongoe on metlobo. eoo tloa- fontein o tla rhomda I^kgotla y« ctscng tiro ca likejio, o ka ipala- Liyixhe ya ntlha ya tikologo ko.> Oningia, ye le tla simologang kp;»nc tB» ac»»n>- nkeleng lengoe, etlare fa a rnta field) yaanong kc «•»«• toloko »-;i mali ao a buselioe koa gn» mung Magcstrata on Foliuli. Mr. Cru- tse o kile nne a toluka mo Foliuli oa one ke balaoli ba metlobo. |>ele. fi« tat>h« y m o hr santv? !«• Go reoa babereki ba gab* fela laohia ke Engelam*. K«»;i Be«^*«^n^- tleld b<*nno ym ga Mr. Cnitse b» KITSISHO EA ba Imi itsioeng. Faele thaka- ih ico oe ke .Mr. J. Num eo nyana e tBhemne le baithutxma, 'moUaiMi. ba ka ea go batla tiro go aele. Bonyana yoa Sekgoa. W. S. WHITWOICTII. Fatshe ya Tshireleco. M ai.oka koa Grahaiustown crilf “Makati.** Iwliri bangoe ba le mo tirong ca Ikmic <*a lik-'iKK ba katolola m ac nl • Keffyfontein, O.R,C., 41. uie kuna ka a likoko, me ah- M ol.AoM O.V liKl'HIAXAI.ASI) PROTKCTORATK » k«|>tNJ£ kc Tlhakola 21, 1903. lintlha. Yo lengoe ya thuU‘gu, ga titlhcloa le tsents*'. nogana e g«*- iorom ente osi Transvaal go utloat*a go nnii polelo -■:! |“ 311 rsh:i la lile elnlc e utloa. A a setscng a lialuoli Ixt m etlobo ea Gauteng koa Johannesburg, let ikneletae go THE SOUTH AFRICAN tsiHMi a ea go elamision. nmogcla litsela t*e li latelang mo tirong le liio tlamolong ea |tu- SPECTATOR. T i i c p a . — Moruti mongoe oa Se- ■nelio l»i ba berckuitg mo metlobong. Mueleli on lichnnnelo ttui Bancho kole sa Makgoa koa Chonm* iniilolKi Gn#cniolowooa Kgolokou,k^ino— erile a hclitsc inosimant*, 'ragoe a tla go 1110 kgamphisa aba a opa I. Kokeeo ea maluo gors baliri lm lueloe tlhoatlhoa e Ui ue bu Kereke, kgono Kabnlano epe. E gatision koa mot*ing oa Ticliere ka leo*elo, 11 mo rmusi e amcgela.pele ga I.intia. Mo kokcleeoug ena, go lekanroc Kgosing oa Koloni en ntlhu i*a leitlho. Ticlme erile a ea go tlslea rangoana a mo sala morago. gore tlhoatlhoa e e koa tlasc-tlase e motho o ka e baulking South Afrika (Cajie Towh). E itfioa ke pusho tun Kana, Natid Jtlho ye le bululu ya tichere ya mo kgoeling ke .£2 .is. mo Iwemong yew X l Ids. oa gsilo : fa Transvaal le Orangiiu Vu u rata coch'vi k e' £ l0 eairo Moruti a lofi- sioa $ - ka g o bet^a ngoana. Bn- golimoga tlhoatlhoa eo baliri liotlhe Ix. nale kgon> ea g» l«|nla go utltK-ln se i*e lirngnlang mo le- fatshing yotlhe e rcke. Tsn hi ea ruti ba BcciMina ba ehmm*tgelon fa kafa inolaong banyana I mi Svkoh- go lira yalo. Tlluuilhnti S i: fela ka ngoaga. Imi ntlholoa ka inckgon «*»ele. tseng F. Z. S. PBREtJRINO ka thupa. ■2. Go tla tlliongoa liatfluitlhobi In tiro eu l«>ne «: rla imang go Mong lo Murulaganyi, elatlhoko gore baliri liaseka Iki tshogeli.w mo inetlhatlhelong MaKULa ale 4]iiiahi. iisliekisho, I.-...... urn a oua a «*u nUteug a tlogela mogatx- mangoe otllie: * Co simoloroe phetoh-lo ea liyo, gore go Ie motho o sele 11 hilioa Abraham. kganeloe boloet* voa maoto le melomo, yo lx> ne «> gaketse Erile a cm tlhubanoug a fitlhela Iwbe teng. Merogo e ineuili (liyo m i l«him») le l.tme jm ee mosali a nale ngoana (on p i Abraham). Abralunn a lefisio.. lffim babereki ka gale : ebile go ikael.roe go siela .Uiliri bo- puli lile II. Morago puli t-io tsa ya lo a yo a Secoaiw, vo le yone go .holofcloang bo tla ihu-a iralaloa gatoe a ntshe likgomo. FATSHE YA Erile kgoino li sena go o a monna l>oloet$e y o a m n o to le melomo. a tla a chotse tlhobolo a hula tno- gatse, a ino ho-*a ka Ivrumo, tiio A. Go ilaiclccoe go tllioma J-ekgotlu ya 'ioromente, k„. .Tolum- goli ea mo ndiofatsa sefatlhog«‘. nesbnrg le mo mafelong a mango.-. go a.nogelu mal. a Uihn. A gololesega. go a boloka le go a romela k.» mag.eng a lx,ne, mo malelong NNA Ralph Williams Kc LESHOtHO. otllie :i British South Afrika. itttixa go nna |K>lelo ea |M>nsha P M o Transefala e ike-l.rli.se go -imolola illu.Molo mo fa Komisi e. e tlhotlhomisa Li MAFOKO A MONATB. Mulolu mo I\irlunicntea^ erile iTr ■mekgoeng eoflhe e e lekanyeng. m - mat>l.elong a Ikmeho liotllu, tahenyegelo t«a Isvtlu 1« fatshe ya T."hiiv!eeo yaanong c ntse Aiisien CliuniU-rlain a U.lmi kugsi uni 1«. In liraug mo metlobong, .bile le l.ik.....I...... » r * * » «• a.posbo ea LcvIkiUmi arv : l/atl Ifftir • mono Mafikeng, -liupile kelccS le tll. ^faloea .-one - g- « * * * * , « ■ * “* *• * - o akanya lonn«> kafa go ka Lekgcthi' ;*e De Kock*5 Building’s, le Inclixioang ILuhotlio ctkuir crr#fa p> BARRY HAY, MAiX STREET, ■ena po ludtw litiro Ue li tramaitan^ Puabota BaMiiobiiH), nuili u u sutienu Jflotioaloli oa 'pusho ea K«» tlhe Ijeitho lw 1m tao- t:K>- a liriakvi p i 1 la k-mofuldu )i< -. hmg oa me lw lo tsentseng koalo ebtfe !li, ngoang n»o ig cu Lik >le t«i Ba- n A?* E k I n G, Mafikeng.. , ■hot ho. Tlhakola 7, 1903. / KORANTA EA CI-COANA AND BSCIIUANA GAZETTE, M.Ur/IAUO. MOMT1.Q, 1 1, 1 M Mafokonyana. Bechoana Gazette. EYOUNG Bros.,— It.vKK f5i;v. Dti W t t o 1m laoul.e tunot'si, cthire kgono"o kgaolce. SATURDAY, frARCll 14, 1903. ^ c ro 'tis : Oi Z/iyo tsa tshimo, I.K AI-ARO TSA MKTHA 1.K K O T L 1IK. I A M -W Ai K -but cO n xly, O ye daughters ! Malojia koa KttjKi erile monim ji of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kcd;«r | |Kilaino nn» setiatcng a tl.engot* mo- and the. curtains oi, Solom on. Kc IauviiI«1<- y<* lc >!™. MaikicW" n l*:n" l>> yo;(e. k<- go «Ai | lomo ko tcsclbomo ou Kaca. A.fofo- I.imja not ui'on pic l*ec:mse 1 am ninnrfr, lf-t. iti'tw lm jkif tlluKUlh-.xi t jotlatia. j’ifcjrji menu .aim - a iHbalioa a Rgnolrtfl- W.-u * fc S auclo gore ere o kgoctsa kara o tsuniuc surjiristd thata |*>rt having as it- ■ . i tsela ka phckelong ea .Sccoaua kgono 1’arliamontiiry representative. Sir .1. (Jordon S p rig"--a jtoliticiasi 0 tiro li slameng tt.Ua. Lc tthctlboa tsa gague II whose career has l>een from its very in fancy, one series o f political fokollcee- .' __ battles against the wcll-beiu" of ...... ' i Mourn mougoe cm Kereke isi Uer ‘ late Majesty's blac k subject.** j (Miaelie are gu gona thuto epe e e kga- in South A frica— should be Kgosi. ’Me ya gague; ye o le buang ko | tlhanong 1£ tliero c . Sekrescte eenoi.o- the only place in the Colony gore Morutr.I.Ioyd a coe 1110 (Jangua- ! lilen'g yiika thnto ca Ma-Slams, (Mo- to go to, lor municipal ca6t«* ketse gore re tie re bone maikaelelo u jharamctlan): chile o laea gore ka ostracism. It is our belief lia baluineli Iki l*a ikgaotscug mo phu­ ' thuto cue llula-tlalu mo Banchung .ha MATLHACO, PH TL * , . that, lmd East London made n 1 0 14 1903 thegong. ’Me Baruti ba tsamaca eket< Afrika go ka nna molemo go Tomc-.lu etlare kafa .Kgosi e atlhotscng ka teirg better choice, her representative iu Kc moncho me kea cletsega, lona baroa- wloc utsi eu Baruti Ini Sckrcsvtc, g» 6 ‘ the Assembly would have advised Iki cc go a Ikuu fa jiele ga Baruti !xi ha IcgHtlhijntslia e ese e tie. lia Ycrnsalema, yaka litenta tsa golo. her of the ill-bU*od consequent on Keclara h? lilcpelclo tsa ga Solomon. the iguominy that such a proscrip­ Sv ntebeng gonnc ke le moncho, Mafoko a rc a koalile fela kafa its a gonnu lotsatsi le m| h itshimctsu : utluileng ka' gone ; 'me fa g«> nale li- Mamiiia monna mongoe ou li Iiuliitun tion is likely to breed, iu a Colouy hanna ha jja me In ne ha nkgaka- 'phosho lingoe mo go on6 liabiili lwi tla a sckisa Ickgoa ka bogolu von which allows evcty one of its citi­ lela ; ba ntira molebeli oa niasimo re lelmlela. Mo go U-ng Iki mafoko ka j.lithoto tsa gague tsa li silike k«i zens the greatest amount of free­ a bone a mofina, eare tenia eaka ca bosi, re-nale liabali ba Koraiita, nm I (jhoflno. -Bhshupi lrto kget-seug e«» cue dom. What the Port Elizabeth mol'ma ea tlhok'a mo!ct*. v ‘ shonfong' ya Kgosing, ya Baruti le ya (Sc-fda sa ga Solomon I, 5 le 6. ele lniraii -l-a i nuikgoa h;ile:Uil>eli Wire Town - Council fcslu expect t«r baikgaoli; me .ene ele ehimnclo eu bone | lisileka Iki li cocleng ba li neiloe k'e ]jain ’but thc^ei&fiition o f ati gore mongoc ca bone o ka i«; roniela Ih>-. ; monna; eo. Krile go ea fa pele ha unnecessary spirit, of d i 111 dene-■ amaruri gt» tla go timet&i nmsha i itatola nuifoko a Ihmic ; Magesetnita a amongst the inhabitants of the Bay ’Me ka Iki scka Iki liia yaloie galisits*; ; seka a tlhola aa- ka inosho. A tsenva Koa Kanyc majolm go tsile Baruti it is very d fficuti. to understand. .1. Hnnvn (’laung) le Wilboughby oa sc re se utloctseng. iNihumagntKdia mo likgoleng re bua Nothing good c;in result from such -a Mangwato, Im "orogctae Mr. Ll«»yd yana Ui emietse katlhol j lxK>lxil*eU. ci lJnngwaketjjc. lia tsile kaga kgaiig a step. The ; Policeman will lus.- a Ilungwnketw; le Moruti m lx*nc— M k basinume ga ba nco*: koa his esteem as an ambassador of I •■■gale ele ku j»i<«» eu Bangwaketse. Qa-Maebu 1 Froi SoUitn ba tllumiola pelo. U ka law and order and the guardinn of (Jo nine kokosmo ea baluineli l>otUie |titlliela fa arc a l:mclio13ancho tinba will become his unsavoury duty to ■;i gague. Mothongne (moctejcli-ptlc l o w , .. Ucts, i^rninoiou ko, ’islul.l:.- Slwi.. l,o™ln enforce the measure) a disturber phuthego c e ikgaots.Mig) li/ cue a rnoloin,); me a scka a tin. Manunoloa 1 , 1 „ . 1 . of the peace, an evil spirit whc s»- ia le Uilatdi Ixi gague Iki tBcntae o tsile Mfela . Monohn.iMonehusi an sena g«»~ shon. . 1, , , h? M?‘«“ W « « • k’> plintlholn yotie e i t.e e iiue approach marks the embittering •\gosi Tsi 111a gare : molisa on, kgoro a I Ate o tsile ka ntata ea losho loa nio- of a large number of hitherto hap­ itlhcla Iki sena litckcte, ’me larnti bu nnaoe, go tla go tsoesi setulo sa gague. iikgoj-li-kgojli . . , . mo t.-ronkoug. Fu py aud contented people: iu fact •a hiLs:i. Erile mo phuthegong l»a- j A lona gore Lirilcng moron Moncunsi ?,aetel. 1 lH'*‘' '' luorafu e nienelio nmeli lw bna. Ba araba lipoco lingoe pliuthe boshoa yoa ga Monelms-i bn kn kopunelu g’oo la. ba'seliolela the oppressed will leave no stone ■ n ln>!cla fa Ini kile lo utluela fu go yotlhe bo tie go ayou. Liribug a guna morale mashula a a tsaloang- ke unturned to obstruct the execution • la Moruti mong«*c 6 sele ’me Ikiuc Iju one ma8hoc ao. Are kaga h »g«>si gu bogolu...... ba, kabo, ba ikataniclit: ot such a law. Among its (ini' .-a Iwtlc Moruti o sele fucseMonarc ke hue sepe. Ga kere ke yoa me ebile kg.dolo ea l»; ho, c ba roug bu travellers will lie found law abid­ Lloyd. Ba 1» eletsang go mo lelckn. , ga ke Iki itatole, fela kare se eleng jelels.i. ing citizsns, who had never pre­ \c baikguoli, kn erile- Moruti arc Imi | boshoa ko sa me ga ken se tlhnkancla viously entered the dock, and their lhagis j lingongorego tsa l>one wire mo j le °pe* Rre o shoa ke golilc chile thoto M.vkiioa a ehiKina le liunelu), eare entrauce into it would be an iutcrnnl bjcino:i" yoa go lira yalo 1k\ ikgaogn- ! e ngoe c Iwpecoc ke nna yaka le ncna u j fa a ue w,a k-ka a iucneketsc. Malobu condemnation to the administrators .iya lc phnthego. a«c. ko.i Jolianm^burg orilc basimane l>a of tlie law. It will be a silent Erile Baruti Im lopa Kgf«si Batho- E:*ile mafoko a ga euid val.i ga g<>- ■ G.iromente bn ca Bankeng ka ^ 5,00<) imprecatiou to the Magistrate for • ng gore a bue a l*a bolelclc fa a laola roga Magcstrata PohnIi,'a fit Ilia a mo tsv leiig ba kopana le -Makgoa ina- the defaulterYsic) will mentally monifc oa Bangwaketse otlhe. O laola lira pico e kgolo mo Morokoeug a tlho- ugocalmphun ka pnjxirc mo matlhong, Iknigwakctae 1« la mo phutliesong, l>a tHiomiita kaga niacino u l>ig<^i. Erile address the Judge as follows: ‘‘Your «» mougoe a phamola niathausante a beuch was formerly a sa net nary Iki ikgaotscug, lc Ui Iki sa luinelaug; ga ngoana oa I4cktlhe Uile fa J—Magcstrata cue e tlliophiloe. Koa Stesher.eng ea uo room for you. Yon have be­ roraela' g«>re l»ga M«»tlioagac bu bilioc. a re ,k hin.i llailnuc !'* Unilaue a ema. thtila lekgoa lengoe cji tsemm ke bo- came the tool o f a selfish enactment llao erile 1» ile go bilioa lwre l»a lclc- Mr. -Roberts ant: “ Kgosi ea lonu tseno (kufa teinalong ea pitse tsa rta^si) for converting loyal citizens into kiloe gale k m tlung ca Thuto ’me h>tlhc ke eo.” Krile' Bu-Macba ba sa esi utloa ca utloela run, g(* tsamaca ere gaol-birds, only l»y reason of the jr.i ba lukc ba tlhola ba tla. akaltaliei e kc* phuthologo ea mafoko a e tlola khuti o oela mo teng e mona- pigment of their skin ; and no num Krile karabo e sena g«» tla yana, Ikiruti iKine Iki sa a lebelela, Magcstrata-gape gana ka mopalami eo o choerwig Mu- knows better than yourself that Uire Kgosi e bue maikutlo a cone. are “ ko lo lx>lelctse Kgosi ca lona ke co.” thansante a a elcletseng. A Im a when my skin was painted I hadno Bathoeng moroa CIaseiti«K— Lellbale Bamlong Iw ba gakgamt^seng lm fitlhcloa teng a chounm le liplimonn li va metsc n ntllui— a fela a sare o Tvte- kUsa gore a go kile ga atlholnu fcli^ go greater say in the matter than you sa itekanctso. Ene le lilekane tsa gague had in the awani of your c.ilour." ' Icloa ke p’lo, a sa ntlou nmfokOa ntlha sa bnioji, ka Huilanc ba e*c Imi kc Im eoo.uneli Ictile Livoelie ko a ema a tsamaca. ’Me ■ One o f tlie In-st and most pcaee- santse ba riana Mothoag-.io le lonna rc utloa liuonyanc .irj ekete molao o Ntim ea Musoinuli e sa cme V.opo. abje towns of this colouy to live talc bane ha iitlha, ’me Kg«*i «i bna. tlhomile lalisaun go sala Imi Iwnn gore Ekile cave malobu Masholc ate a ea go lu "'here 'whites and blacks live \re ontluile mafoko oOm Motlioagad a Lirilcng o rcets;i Iluilanc. kabelelu “ Mula ” mo ickgoeiigsa gague together absolutely Without anv i Kin; ga ba rate Mr. Joytl. Se yaanong Nyaa, rona ba “ Koranta” ka- ,1 16 ba fitlhclu a lictsegile ka mepbi.to ea friction— is Mafeking. . Ou tin- •. se bolelan mo pcHiuueng ke fa thuto tlliol > eo e re akabtditso • Ga re itse gagne cotlhe. (Jutoe lefat^icye wMu’a” other hand there arc few. if anv. • e itsbtnkccoeng kc Bougwiikctse ele gore e coa go thclol. a kac. Le ba o mo go yonc ga lena Ivrulal» mo Ixmdon, ga gona tlmto epe esele c Maebu ga re lK»nc kafa Im ka mo iko- tow us where tlie feeling of sus­ pakeng eno ebile Mushole a tla hti go picion between the two races is as i;a tlang mo motsing fa os<-‘ ka tuolo ea lielung ka gone. litlhela kn kgoeii on Pluito. strong as in K ist Tondou, and in r o iia n t a ka bki 'X'm aN a A.VII UEl ill AXA GAZETTE, MATMUCO, UOPITLO U 1M3 •ppl.vinj f> such a place for advice I TI,o for,-*,!,,.. tw„ _ U’ oRSH ir T1IK M a YOIU Jj» \\*. enactment touch,ag the j markable i„ as macb tl.utth" M H tS * “'** It is only our minJ«, wo have n v I*r Kock, Ei?|., is away at QneeuStowji min I ea^oj'i, and wc cannot helj- jovtniment o f a mnnk-jpnlity with , re t" » wuimitniif cnioTinir the ourseltcs because we have no minJv attending tin- May >ml Uongresw a mixed pqpulat,on the 1 W f e teM,, fn.iu iu uuijii; Sm , Elizabeth Tow n Council committed, t,'« sec »n*l one relates of a foolish move CHaiSTIXE Z W A A ^ T B O O I u, say the least of it, a gnive error | " n . ^‘c pud of unothcr community Mopped forward and v »id *he * j < „f judgment, for it would be a j 'r,Mch ls manufacturing bit er pill* f„r The Natives ia Soath Africa. very pie » cd to hear «-hat was beitn t many suns shall * " The chief l*nnhyteria'i ChnrelKi* in of :idvic5_ wQulaffam idst a host «f{J£ WS in' * luln w lfo r All her children were ruined b. S c u ia m l m*o( ont a tleputatnm some drink ‘ind .her funily broken up. angels) select...... the devil liis ( time ago on a mi«ion <»f fr nillimra T he law was neves vary 10 do awa» monitor. to the Hutch Reformed and Prcshy- with it. and might the day soon We h o p e that the £<><*1 pi*>plc t^fiaM- -t^Jmrelies in Snath— A fric a . come when the one gfc*** also wouW1 Com m enting on the Ca|>etown ( Hie de|rtiiies reportol Co a large meet­ bo stopped. Men went Irom on. :it the Bay w i ll not allow them- j ruuMiI.i'f •>.1.1:__ _ . ,1 ' .i ing Ih-I\I la< week in Clasgow. Dr. lavs to an other; it was there the selves to be' led away by the n o r e b ,^ 7 o r \ w l <'M anger lay— with the one glass. Sh AHiiUdd Scott tna le n«»»t timely and S .«, the strength of an authority (?) | n AI|.v M.u l « v.:- hoped it would soon all be throw weighty remarks on the 4iativc tc is the lea.ler of the On account of the liquor the I^rd » was 'ouilt up w as n ot m aterial fora.-, or j on tlie m lourel man. ii wu» C hurch of Sci>tlaud. H e is a man o f work was hindered. How was e numerical strength, and accumulated iiiciruliem ii|hui the C o eminent high ability, of tested prudence, and there werc>so many sins and crime' wealth. These things eitlier singly or ; to pljce tlie Mack an 1 ijrevuerv- a decided adherent of the Conserva­ It was all through liquor. She hop -.1 those present would stand up an.) eollcc: ivdy would not hold the Empire j vallery man <■( th- Tnnm'vaal and tive natty. Dr. Suit said : “ I he thank the white people; now ».i- nether. It was the fhpt tbat equal; Orange Hirer Colonies in the i/hurcn must give no trembling note the chance for natives to speak anr justice was meted. out' to all. same liapijv |..>iii-.n. A s m ight with regard to this uiuttor of the rela­ be heard in public and to «lo w hai irrespective of racc or creel. The-j have lieeu e\ptf,|, the Colonial tion ^ of the State to tlie Natives in they could to assist the white pw|>t. question of the administration of in­ Srretairv I<| out milch Stmt’.. Africa. The* Churclnw must who were assisting them. * flexible justice, irrespective of adour, Impe i hut the prayer should be not haul dow n the fla*; o f defending Having thanked thr Chief ( >• was one in connection with which even- irranted. It is w ell, Imwcver— the -rights of the Natives, for the stable the speakei Mated Hsmn < bastd on ih c.io .ird I‘ lm. w h u h th-__ citizen of the Empire, when enTRsT' Mr. ChamlkTrlaiu did not omit Natives have been given to tlie company vint; heariilv. Tttis n lo make reference t«i the fact— upon, must do his duty.” --Hon. I’. M Churches, not only to be defended, rehearsed effect iufUH^I with foeli»\. Lmrenee. |§j that the jieace condition^ c ’carly but to l»e converted and eduoitcd and what would other wise have "been .. bid down the principle that the brought up to the same level as our­ purely perfui'v t.»rv latsiiiess. — — ••o:-’— ^ matter urged by the deputation selves. He did not believe Unit any Thrre C’ldcrs f*»r Zw.mrlSoi. H is stated tha t tin* Conference non j remained in tlie hands of the Government in Great Britain would be sitting in Bloeinfomciii will amidst j Europeans of these Colonies. so insane as to do anything in the way •■ther thin gs discuss th e Xativl- t^ues- The deputation might as well of enforcing Native lalxHir, or t » make litHi. W c I lavo every faith in the: have saved itself the tronblp. the slii;huW approach within a thou­ Wc>lc)aa Charch. wis-loin am i fnr-gightc I ness o f t h e ; There is to l« no fnxrked-black sand miles to tlie slavery that we liaxe On Sun lay* Us; a huge and rc- gentlemen who compose the < '.onfcreiicQ: i blanket vote licrcaway. This is a gi>t rid of at such terriido expense. If pre-* niayive •tHigrvgasUoii aaKeuible I arid wc wish that .they should give sunt!! w'.iite m an's Colony, as is O n iu- the gold cannot be brought out of th< iu flic W«d«yao Chundi to tlo bouou • aittention to th e .South A fric a n c iiz -j— j }lin, and the •‘ c alled ” |>em)ii mines without exploitin'; the Natives to t he iip-uiory of tln>se who fell i 11 tin . ilie latliour dilficnlty. Administrators,! will have to remain voteless as in that way, let the gold lie in the Si.The w n ia whidi was omduc- statesmen, commercial men and poli­ well ais coloured. mines. It was far safer there than it t«-l by the K cvs. (i«o- W m riu d ao.i ticians ait> all clamouring for the sune By this quotation we do not wish wouli lie in circulation, if it were W. Kiu'itt was iu everyway a gniw kind of Native labour. They want to imply that the “ Mail" is au arbiter brought into circulation at the ux|>ciim' snevxiw. d 'he Im ilding has I w u im- t-veiy able-Uidied Native for .lohannos- in these matters, for we have the vf the bodies and souls of the Nnti\es." proved by the wMitioii of tw»> timiiliful Imrsr, as if tlie rest of the eoiffitrv can assurance of not only Sir .1. Hamilton We are not going to (taint the lily. -Jaiiinl ” his4 wind iws And the erection Milwist en tirely on gold . IXl‘‘ we not Ooold-Adams (reganlin; the drance We may, however,, ex press the hope u new n»!Mnim. T o e larger o f tb«se w in­ live on bread and meat ? What is to Colony) but we have in 11 Idition got the that Dr. Scott’s words will lie rc- dows. rcprcsciting ** ^alth and Forti­ liccome of this class of labour if every jo in t diction of lx>th Viscounts echocd from every Nonconformist pul­ tude” , was oil sumliiy unveiled iu niv- imm-jack is t i become a miner ? • W e Kitchener and Milner on the black pit in tin: land, ami that without delay. inory of our b^y*' depairtol. know th a t gold an d diam onds eomp«ise man’s future h t a t c s qu o in Imtli Colo­ — “ The British Wecklv.” T h e ss-rvit e com m enced w ith a well- the wealth of this .conijtry, luit. we nies. And the quotation is merely to reudmvl hymn «>f adoration, invocatio i doubt if an y breast wt)\dd’p r e to wjsir s ’iow our readers the whim of the jh-o- and the united recital:«»n of the L.»nl’» liicm unless the system is sustained on ple who have a say.in the destinies of Prayer, afUT whkdi the roiigrctfalion A Great Moral Speech, and a Hy mo. tigs and potutoes. W e appreciate the the. country out-there. n»m* as Mrs. G eo. F ran cis #*e)>|ssl for- value of minenils, but we maintain that Such second class authorities a ll wanl and rcleascd die curtain iis recruiters have no right' to eit- never sU|>erscdc the tirst-haud ruling B y a B i.a (K W oman a t C is a do ck . which nuMisded the window, emadi on the sacred grounds of other of mighty administrators, ah In n 'lrrht and rcnuiiued ><«nding whilst David' nades and calling8--|iartierih/ily that hitter make the least none. We learn from the columns of the pathetic lament over Sunl and Jo­ nathan was n-ad (ii Samuel i l *- t . of agriculture. “ Midland News” that Mr. F. L'rie, 7 37 If the fanner is silently lying-by while The hymn “ck addressed 11 le male nat i ve | K>pu lat ioi i is lici ng honied The death took place at Bloemfon­ faith to rise within the veil', a large liody of Natives at the Ctadock into the mines by milling touts, where tein on the :»th instant, of Mr. Siilomon was then m<«t feelin gly snug. iliey are rendered unfit for open air Solomon a very successful coliMired Location, on the Tith instant, to ex­ T h e h-sson w hicli follt*wt*!| wti» w.irk, and acclimatised to subterraneiui gentleman who has for many years plain to them the Hides and Regula­ selected fnan the. wi'iKint of tlie de­ lulKHir, w e arc sure he. ytill s Vine day owned ami o»n«lucte«l the Uvt tions governing the town nod location. dication o f the T«nii|4« by Stjkanor livery stables in Kimlierley. He (ii Chronicles vii 11- 22). Appn»j>ria*V . rise to curee his fate. W c do require Speaking on rcstrictions ou the sale w.ut engaged by Mr. Cham berlain to and Uaifhingly j syuipathet.ic prayer uien wlio possess a know ledge o f raising of liquor Mr. Uric said : — ins well as eating) mealies, i'liey should drive him. across country to Bl iein- was offered by Mr. Weavind, wli.- At the Licensing Court that morn­ lie able to herd and breed cattle as well as fontein. On leaving BLemfontein by also preadie•' lu*irm? ,,f ‘'"I ^ ; laughter.) They would m-c by this organ. T h e hyum s aeh vt^ l wet*- l-lmlatinn will ditto to i* Inger li|»; S*™ 1"' I""™ 1 l " J.'“ that the bottle system entirely “ all hail the power «>f Jesus’s naiiM*” 1 : 'vill, c n p tfeto im ic liS . ” ... in t.n,e I;, m 'I .ct for l,c |:M done awav w ith. A nutnbei of young --- I time. Hie IhkIv hiis rcmovisl to Kim- ‘•Who iu the Ixinl ««ifiJ*- ’: l*i men in ilie location hail tried to evei last ing glories crow n "! O lt i b:rley lor interment, and the funeral imitate Cape boys by cutting their 1procession is sail-id u i have been the in danger, oft. iu w.*.” For the month of . February^ tin hair Ciose to the skin (lo u .l laughter) (arrest a id m -st imjwsiug one The eidlection during tlie day Native returns show a siirjirising in order to deceive barman and get drink, but the police would keep a am ounted to 10s. 0.1. improvement. The total aggregate, scm , f«»r many days jmst, in strict watch on these iquMt'-on Cape Au nldrcw wt»s given bv Mr with the exception of April, is the Kinilierlcv. The Kev. W . IVscod of the lioys in future, and when discovered highest return achieved in any M etluslist Church, of whicJi the decenMtl Eotxitt. After paying graevftd trilmie inaking a false pretence they wonld month, iin c e t h e ' Association . com ­ gentleman was a faithful a I herein, con­ to the departed and referring uVtl:V be heavily punished. Cape bovs menced operations. The number union of the races which now obtain ducted tlie funeral service which was and registered voters who w ere al- rccruitcd last month was 5,84-. lion.hi red by KimlHTley’s ln*st white lowi-d to obtain liquor, would be nud w hich must alw ays la- kejit p:**- lieing almost 2,000 more than in and coloured citizens, including Messrs. punished for supplying it to pro­ inincutly tiefore the C h u rch , tlie preatcl er January, and a.mqqe optimistic view Justice Iloplev* das. Lnwrcnw, M.r...\., hibited |tcrsons. Many good old went on to point out how signituwit 11 of the* immediate situation is taken people in the location were suffering was that the ** Unveiling t«»*k j laiv in .han " h»i p w aik^i ibr soim1 time, j M ac of IX- HreW d iart.« ...... through drink being s u l lied in this The eiuinence of tlnmght ami Native I.ibour Age.icies in Basuto-1 friends. way--(hear, hear)—-nitf only the the rumour of plague might well make land, and the Cipc C.ilony haM. j Our hcart-fch sympathy to tlie t*e- lith ers and mothers but wives as us la u s c and |een rc-opemd. Last »,on* ’ ; navetl fa ndy, and may his ashes rest well (" Ah t^the wives Boss and 1 controversy with us aud it was high there was asmallimprove-.. |,0 |H,nl. ’ hear, hear IJoo.") 11c wanted to mcnt in the number recruitctl | ^ammmmtrnmmmm | impress u|miii them th:' seriousness time tliat we pot awav mir sins. in th e East Coast, while .from, tin of this liquor business. He thought .The reverend gentleman then sliowei northern Transvaal 558-came in E a s t I» j x d >x . f>r. Sm artt has the new restriction to a glass would that though for the most |«»rt our life ITie Bechuanaland num'K*r •»-*" i been returned f*»r I w t- I^Hnloti, -improve nnttors until the day when was dull mutineyet this drudging «»< crexved by 3«9» a n d frjm | to (Jen. Bmlutit. by a phcno- j t! ey were aide to stop it all together after all of tlie utim«t important- and Miurces 6y8 more were recruited, —(hear, hear, from the women.) that we were only in crisis tJinsigh wlwt than in January.-Johan icsburg. meual m iij >n»y. . Ile said during martial law, from • ■ Evervthimr is ih-w m the new Colo- we laid schooled oufsclvcslo U- in ordi­ dav laiunry to June jcth of last year, It has been decified to pay Kafir 'i'wo wtiiuen 'eoinm it the crim e ' there were only 16 drunk cases. nary times. Taking the iihkIo I* h labourers employed on the wharves iinra. * ••••—• xt.a.v-inrn.ij> ami thuv I hlKX, (I stive,) lie madeuu mriitvt | j From the 1st January to the j8th 3s. per day. oum> t.- v .-1—^ . February there were 200. He asked for nsnc un. dibit tler«ition 10duty nud a demanding and gettinglinv 'ss. 5s. and^and 6s. 6^. 1 |arv ..I.imlpluectnui mi Jtiler arivst, bnaight upuinl uetuanomg anu gening 1 are mu™ ...... the older |>eoplc to use iheir in­ more hearty m'ognitu.m in :dl onr aim* hut the port employers agie,d 1 (^tnuiitUil for trial hy the Mine Ma^i-! fluence over young. «kf tlie OL*nimon weal. Tin- a H ast wa«. |»aj- only 3s., and, contrary to ««• J rtruie. W e aie cnrnxis to know ifUu j (Hxtations, jh e -“ b o y s ’ have a c - , .. . . 1. t ||t. k* GAKGAMAT8ASC. Kc ata go araltt, lirela ^ j; tla koana g<> ivn a-S h oan tlsl c uiw guigpc fela ka kgin'ii. nycng mo K<»rauteng, ea is! . " fetileng. Mag,^i a rona D. WESSELS & Co., Moruti J. Jolobe 0 itsioa ke l»a- thuto ka golto ga a tlhokv sejx. K,;. M’ A gcn tc lo ba.Slioantisi, Iwli bale bantsi ba Koranta. Ba flu gakologeloa fa Moruti to erile j mt. fa magosi a rona a iso a hone U i-’ (;.. Magana lc Kgotla ya M ap* Svtarata on Foliuli. a sena po lira tir*» ea thuto ka li- jtsi y o s> lokoalong loa gagnc are : ~ Zonnebloin C«»llcg« roropo. " Ka July I5, 1902, ka utloela ka j Capetown mongoe fa Mr. Xdongani Mki I a tletsa go mpona. Lrile ke ------ufkeiu, k 1 nuranifitr Koa -ga- gabo ka iitllifla a itunietse. i yaka mongoe eo 0 amogetseng loiinio lo logolo lo lo molemo. Ka Irotsa Mr. Mki gore otlh a- E. Solomon, jK-coe ke eng yuna ka tssitsi yeo, GOLEBAGANA'LE STESHENE ncou 1110 pebakeug se sc tclele se se fetileng a ntse asa itse L aparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi le tllia]»eli; erile a nkaraba a Eo 0 roinelang 1 5 s . y a a - riuna : a mphetola E, Mfundisi nong, 0 tla romeloa “Ko­ Bahumagah, Bohutshe li Litlhako (Moruti) 0 bolelela ruri 1110 nyageng tse li nt>i k<* ntse ranta” go fitlheta / la rch G o nale foiloanz tsz Jffettm o le J^inoo. ka le mo tlhonfalong c kgolo 1 9 0 4 . < * itse Secoana cang go muisa fela. ka utata ea mosali oa me, yaa- nong malmtsana otlhc a nyele- t«e. Mos;ili oa ka 0 bobotsc ku nyaga lile tbataro, a l»o- laoa ke maloetse a a lutebing—- JOEL REZNEK, ... . . - i. :. ' . ?meling otlhe, l»ogolo 1110 n a- ^ \ leng, go bona li kgoeli ka paku 2 1 G ID D Y STRICK'j', tse li sa dioaiielang le tlhogo I,KINA <• KIMBKKI.KV. e e botlhoko thata. Kre fu a tla tloga a khnbftma a -boe “* Kv liotsnla yotlJn- Vo l». ms,- U. i Kafa morngo ga Knnton*) 1110 cne-cje gu E V A N S jiclo. fela fa kgorong c:< lebitla ka tloactse' git ' nkoalela yaka I’M I KK VAK.'VXH. yaanong kc clt-ln Lng*n- se se retetseug fa a ka l>oa a I.ona ngoana eo 0 tslielaug, I*i vx<» Ida eK* Om.w.' Obili <• iuta i. - & Ka lesego, uena Mfundisi, erile ««> opi la ka tcncoe ye It- phv|>lr.i. M- M. ABELANSKIj Co.,> u tla mono Juba ka litlha ka cotlhe ka «Os. nio keoling. utloela ka uena kaga molemo ------tr------0 mosha kgolokoane tse li * -fl' jf Go Icbognna lc Ra-Phutshe, khibicoanatsaga Dr. Williams halloa ka Imnako. k«- Mrs. Main Street, M afkking. tsa bafokoli kn g<>]tola go U Cronwright-tSehreiner oa Han- ■ ■ 1 00. K a laetsa botloln HU- over iiuisiinaiiyana kgono in<»<-tsa- thataro koa Capetown, mosali nyana oa Mocoana eo n^ga li i;» lii lira l.itlhako scntle. ISarckisa Sale. I.ikgolc tsa l.ipitsc |e a fitlha a li noa. Erile a seua kg»>no 16 go mo thusa mo tluug. l.itllmko. lia lint ka Matlalo a mantle a Engelane. go shoetsa botlolo lile tharo 0 luitla mongoe eo o ka nnang tsa liitele, a folela ruri mo nae ngoaga a mo Inela £ i um* litlhabing tsa gague, “bile 0 kgocling. G tla m o Inelela tscb' . khubame ng^ma eo moutle le mhago, go ea koa Ie go bora. oa niosetsana, 0 folileug ka I-o tlu ntloa mo Phuku 2 . 1902.. Ke eletsa Wirsing Bros. mafoko ana a ka utloalioa go tla tslii-gotalela ba bangoe. Q J ls iflg ea Koranta. Mr. JoIoIn) le ene 0 letlekt^e BAREKI, BAREK 1SI| gore mafoko ao a ka gatisoa. Go - , sa tlliokafala fela gore re utloatse L e B a a n a n y i Ba M e t h a le fa lipclc t»«i li taniile ka lefatshe Ve HOMMEL votlhe, CMS 1UO go foliscag aialoe- EOTLHE EA LlTHOTO, u i - V 1 ‘ hoaua" g lc yoa ga Mrs. | Alki fela, ’me ele mo maloetsing a Kafi Moras* P 10 Wkim OA MAFIKA. a ctsang go nnana, iKiruraga voa L e b i b j j p utaoto, litsebe, innchoenvego' a MK. WILLIAMS. Ba reka Likgomo, Likobo tsa Liba- sebetc le lij.hifo, tlhogo, segntsetsa lohubu (fa lo sa simolota) St. rana, M abele, Mebili, Linaka le Jipapali Vitus dance, lc madioenviyro a liaaalj lc ba I'a ro e ts a n a . Meliri ee moftolo oa l i r tsa Secoana cotlhe. hi rekisioa kc barekisi ba melcmo tOuke, bosale le kiole Is* e beng 1,H litoro ebile Itkn bonoa Dpltse. Ga reme oa l l i K t o i koa gu “ Ur. Williams Medicinc Ba nale matlo koa (•ompany, Ix>ng Street.Ca]*towu " r a u-rcmela 3s. 3d. bn tla g.> ro­ Lefaele tiro ea go btiakaay* Malibogo, Ga-Khuiiojiu.i. mela botlolo ngoe; In 11 romela mesamo ca likani o e lira ka hw- (reysdorp, Plwlaclnve, 17s ba tla go rouiela IMI0I0 Molopolole, Mhnlapye. hie 0 gongoe le gougoe koa South tsetseleko. Afnka ]mse c lueloa ke bone Mo lekeng ka losi. KO'-UMIA EA B^JJANA a n d BKi'HUA- iAZOTE, JIATI.IIAOO, MOPITLO 14 1*03 Fetlslxezie ea Baslxctlxc- Karabo ca Mvkotilcli-golo. Go Mr. Chamberlain. Markka le lona lammua ba se-lmba sa Basmlio.--. Kea leU>ha Ui- keng sa lengolo la litumeliso la loha, kene nka tliaki h**ya kaba lc* Mnt>ieng. Now Town. scbaka s;i ho ctela lefntse la h*na, ke snabile hake hlokile s-l*ika s^ h • Inmana le Ix‘rothodi ; ka hoba ke tsebik* Im>I« o lK»l»Mwrmc ha nkn l5::siuoIaiul. ka rata ho mo khathatsa. ’me kere ho lona le ise li(uinelis» r^tka ho ena. ... - • Hicrekgane. | •»«»:*. I>engolong la lona la litumeliso lore le bats^pehi. kea t-*eba ka ’nete h » Ho Moh m » u hk« i . yualo, ’me ha kc khutlcla hac ke tla bona Morena, *nu* ke tla hlais ■ J. i.'*11AMllfcll|..\|x. M.|* tsa lona Basotho. Morcua o nthomile litaha ho Iona Ira hats * batho ba hae,^’mc o its.* kc re Ic bile l>atse|>ehi lw bahlanka ho ’inae mofn- Mongol i 11:1 .Likolone. mahali, ’me otla 'ne a le utluele boh!okb vunl ;ka ’mae : lia le ka ’na 1« tsuela pele botscpefrmg. ’mo la ca ka likeletso '1112 o tla nc a le bolok.. Monghah' Ic Mohlomphehi. 'Me lia cs.ilc le Itolokua mi'Iilcn^ ca Morena Moshueshu:*, h a 'e sal> lele tsireletson- ’M eliehabaua tse nvenyano li biK>k Ka rona l.o .lei... Monghnli. lelin ,„olfean« ua hao m thabo le ile laba batlio ba mam*lang.litae!o t-'.i ’nr.i^o. ke stiaba li t le ile 1 ,*k,, eno e.c-l.ore Re u bone, me ke snnhilfc h» cle „n „a. „ |,|„ki|,, hlaelua. ke kotsi ts j • set’haba yuale.sj tsuancts.* ho otleh ■. l»kn s. ho 111* Lesotho, cmjia Iio na le Blqauf.mtei,, I,,,,,,, nts ■ holo Ke thaba Irt le hloki»nuttwrB*tre lc tsuelc p 'le, *tn? likopo ts i lona li • U.110I0,lio-e ketlo ulumeljSi teng, ha -kene liJfa fnmaim sebaka nut- utluahala ’me litla inain.*mi. I--re le rut'j_*. ‘L ; k>pi le ha rut »i m.*s.-- I,long .. lino Mongbfili. Ho rona oka inolilolo hare utlna lefatse len0 betsi ea mntsoho. liaho ilmse l;tlio ha sivhaba ekaba liclereke kaofela. la Alriku le'ctetsue ke moeti, ea kaln. Mia |;„ ,, C„„U(. ele hoo,.cka!)a ho fok masnabi ho roua’ hare saka ra u bona, motho a kalo co rc tsebaiv' bore sa mosebei^i kaofela. Kc tsunn.'lo hore le tsuele'pele vualcka chnl*.: rona Basotho, re letsohong la hac : ha moho le likolom* tse I in- tse ts<' ling. pushorigf ea Moreno. 0 I#c h<*|M»tse ka bohhile ba le bolela thuto «*a tnos.-!»et'i ua matao!io. * le Mohlomphehi re. hhihisa.tnmdi*M*n«^ rorra ktf k a-HU*»k4imv -letla fumana iuoscbet-4-.— *Mftso-r>nt-r»kn-itaaia-nt-*7r- liore usekc ua re lebala, ’me le ho Morena ha u fihla 11 hlaise tumelisn tsa chclcte tse ngata ho lefa lik<*lo tsa lona. I/.-ri; le lcb;*llets.* ka t ikatso <■ rona, tsa hlom pho; ’m e Morena are holokc a re jn po yualeka lia Mo- kholo bakcng sa lekhotln ; lona le ile la liehisu 1 ka ntu.u 11 ma vuil - hlomphchi mofu Mofnmagali, ane a re hlokometse ka leihlo la niohau Lonl Milner ore letla bulua haufi. ka khueli ea Hl -.kub.'le. B.ikeiig s« rona Basotho. ’Me Morena a rc l*oloke ka poloko eo rekekeng ra lia : li Hospatala. lise lile teng ‘me le batla ts* k!i«»U*. Musisi ua Iona o> • ra liopola ma rona ea neng a re bolokile ka khctso le boiketlo. ^ Me rJ atla etssi. c kholo houa yuale. Hane lc kopa hore 'Mus.» o thibe yual.t ithlaisa ho ucna Mohlomphehi liore 11 tscbe rona Basotho ro l.mli.. ba b.'iVekc ba kena Icfatseng la lona. Hona ke nepo, yuala Ik* sent**e chaba Morena ka I10 tia, ’me retlabesale rc le bona, kabaka la hobalehaha Icna ts** ng-ata tsa bntho ba l»atso. empa leha hol#i yualo Ih»sc ba tbib In-. Ice tliata, le sa ueleng keleo rcneng re lc batleloe kc ntata rona M<>- 'Hona le ba bang ba b * kenyang ka mokluia ua ho luantsi niolao, (li* >hueshne; ’m e rc batho ba MofiimagaTT, ba Morena kaveno. Mohlokong hor * ba bo rekisang) ’m : ba y n lo k.*:v h n a M iren 1 b.itle ba tsuar.i • Itothlc ba Morena ra Male ena ; hoba rcle bahlanka ha lijie vuahka ha kc Iona. re tsna ctsa ka ntoa ena c tsua fela, ca Mabnru, eo reneng re rat ile ho Lc bua ka batho ba eang inesebetsing hore ba ctsu_• hantle. *iiic kena ho eona ho bontsa Iwhlanka ba rona. Inya molno ua Itnncla : ctupa hona le. romt* re keke ra ho lumela ha ba s;i etsuc hantle, *nic lillo t^«> leha hole yualo re bontsitse bohlanka ba roiia ka batho lu roua ba ba sa scbelisueng hantle re tla li niamela. Ke nth'o e kuolemo hore 1>» sebclitscng titsela tsa makoloi ’a mollo, tseo Mabnru anenir a li sentse ; bacha ba cc (»auileng, re tla hlokomehl hore ba etsue hantle. ’Me ha 'me ka hona Masole a tsamaca ka liobebe. Ra bontsa le ka ho h.kolla ba khutla batla tla le chelete c ngata, ’in.* ka eona b.itla rek i 1'khon • lipcre tsa rona kaofela hore li kene mos&ctsing na ntoa ; nn- bath» ba ’me likhomo ts_*o litla ntsetsa secliaba |>cle. rona Iki bangata ke ba bolailoeug ba Ic moscbcntsing oa Muso : ‘me ka Kea leboha bakcug' sa kamohelo ca loua lc mantsnc a lima in • iKHia renc rc bontsa bore re bahlanka ba ’nete ba muso ona 00 matla na nkeke ka a lebala. * v Mohlomphehi Morensr, ’me kc moo rereng ka hlompho. ha u fihla hac ho Lentsae laka la l»o ^v*tella kere I10 lona. ha s.* eft a ha s j ikba**11 h- Morena leha 11 sa re bontui rc bolelc hore le rona rc babaug ba bahlanka kot >, sesa ee ha *moho so kelv^wi bolokeha. ba Mohlomphehi Morena. Monghali, rea leboha, rona Basotho ka mo-* . JOSEPH c:I.\MBSRL\IN. Muso na Mohlomphehi .mofu Mofnmagali o ‘nileng ua roboloka ka teng. lie lelioga ha Morena.a re busang.cle mora Mofnmagali. re t*eba hore re tltf-’ne rc holisua le ho liolokuii ke eena ka maklma eohle, ea ho re utsctsa pe!e. lie clelletsue hore lichaba li balokiri ke go t«uela pel.* lia tsona, ’ine re kopa hore ka hlOmpho Muso ua Morena lid war. I oke o re holisc hlalefong cji ’nete co o song u qalifc hore hoiiss* ka eona. •Secliaba sena sa Biisutho se rata I10 tsuela pile mahlaleng a batho ba J. S o lo m o n , liasneu ohle. K e moo rc kopang likolo like li tie tsa hlalefo ca kcl-llo, isa hlalefo ea mesebctsi ea matsoho, c kang ho betla lifate. ho f..*a litsepc le ho efsa bo machine b.v scbetsang mobu, hoba rc b ilemi ba 0 gaufl go bala lebenkele koa ga mobu ha moho le tse ling tse ngata. tseo le ka re hlais^tsnng tsona ho iifsetsa scchaba pele— me re rata hore likolo t^ena tsee Lcsutho like li Khunoana ka liaparo tse li ntlf tsa banna ntsctsne pele liaholo, ’me batho ba ithute jnescbefsi ea mefuta eohlc. le litlhako. Methale eotlhe ea Likhai tsa Hol)c le ba ithutnng melao hor.; Iwjhle ba kmc makhot hng ho thusa 1)0 Magistrata. ’Me lea lentsue lelc I eng re kare scchaba sena ^e rata bamli, Lit^ako, le Ehai tsa kemo tsa ba- ho iitsetsua pele mesebetsing ea batho ba hlalcfileug, se tic se fctohe jio humi le bairomanegi. Tlang lo lokeng feta ka 1110 seleng ka teng kaycuo. Me re sitna ho lebala ho 1.11isa lelKiho ea rona Basutho ka moo Muso ua Morena o rc lumcletsong hore rel»e1e lekhotla la sechuba, leo re tsebang hantle hore ka lona kaycno secliaba sei^a set la t-samaea ka melao leka ho loka, yualeka ha 1-khotla ( TRANSVAAL ROAD ^ ole leihlo la seehaba. ’Me re tscpile hore retla rateha tabeng tscngata ff. R. TRDTER, ( LE THOMPSON STREET. ka lona. Resale hole bakcng s i tsiielo jiele. ’me re tsepa ka IwHkhathatso la hao ha moho le Mohlomphehi Morena. le tla leka ho haha seehaba ( iai’.ti lo. Stolicnc ni Map »'i>i, sena sa Basutho tsuelopcleng leho tse ling tse ka sa ctsctsang niolejmo.- ’Mc re qetella k a gore Mohlomphehi. ka hlompho lc iKukokoiK'ts**. KIMBERLEY, re kojui hore rc lH)lokoe ka niolao yualeka chaba tsohle tc.tsa re sebelis'»c hantle kc chaba fs«- tsneu, re ts;*vue leMothtili rona ea o .sinmenjj on Mnkoloi le L'ikam. 0 rekisjj nuk »! u a re batho ba Morena. ’me re seke ra ctsn:vmakhoba. \ ualc kaha rese rc nmsha le a a tliulilocng ka tlli:«tllioa li loknnyeng. t.:l»a le rona liore “Mi k i ua Mohlomphehi Morena ha u lumelo hore motho 31 etsuclekhoba. Ib* fumancnmputso lKikeagsamofufutso ua rona : yV ro tsa gzguo li siame thata . " P ® ho luaahale hore le roua re b itho ba Morena. H - S-ke ra khethollua k-a melao ka baka ia botso baropa, ka hoo JJonghah hare khethollua re 'labesale re U khutliatsa ka lillo. ' . . . , ' K« tlmlia li:i knveno « tTile Afriku uenn .. i F * 1 Dawson Haddow, motho c nu»ts> ua A fnka ase efsnang mona Afrika. H" rtwte n. m*. L re lla ho mofu Mofuinagali hore n»na ba hatso moua Afrika motho e DABCTLI, BAAGI LC BATLOttESI BA ?\ATLHO. mosueu ore sebelisa habohh.ko; ’me lillo ” w® j®"*.* 'ua.nela k.t i»chl», 'm e. re k„,u. ka lil.m,pl.o ...a t Kn • o re lo esc lo ee go reka g.*p,* lo tla go !••*> i-l- > 1 lie *al«* ts 1 rona • mamele lillo t«i n.m, lia iv lla ino.. r « i el«i.'ii? I'*""1. ' ' ‘ / ' . i 1 ’ ntekotht, liforo le lip:»mp»tsa m.*t;a ""•"■> ' Mol,ra0 » boloke Morena o ino nelic im.tsaLsi » malelele a ho ri b la ...... tlhoa ke 15s. go ca mo go J[\ 10s. Ke tula ka litniueli.-w ts; kholo ho uena le . <1 Honti lahlanka lia hao ba n "Huang. (50 LEBAdANA LC TSHILO | I.EItOTH''LI L. MnSHUESm !, m MOKGOATHCNd j 0A(5 A Morena na Itnsutho, i*ho le seehaba s 1 Basutho. Ra-Motl ana, mo M A FI KENG Le Marenn, Matona, ha nm 8 KOHAMTA RA BZJJANA AKD BEiHUASA GAZETTK, M.VTI.UACO, MOPiH.O U W.S S Kairp * r " W » l t * IW. Loch, * ___ KoU n Unlrnn.ilMokgoatheng hon/I ftaoa RfllfllllflVO Bulawayo gW-.JB’T-'l,.;1 . Golebogana. ?e Steshsne sa Katshe- Ilfo Goo Ra Weil. - M A G O d O N d K.e gone go fitlang Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Linde tfa tsa maleke: tse di ft elelsi go tease- lit.Sll:: ..., ^ Y tsa Pitlhnpi.ig lo i Banna, Basali le Banyana. choanang le go i*i blilli|OCj Ki liolong if JV|!i(r,.. Lilampi le libooe, Printe tsa Genuase, thula le go momela ^ 11^ fa a liulngHsc n.«, lrEl. Lipampiri tsa Harifi, Listeisi (Bostrok) tse lintle: lisenke. iinon" aln> a pik mo ftlj.,,. gong, l.illioto tsa initial,, i Masese le aparo tse lingoe, 0 TLA BAAKANYA NTLO eotllie Ii ka bonoa in,, o Methale-thale ea Lisilika. LEFA ELE GO ETLEE ka tlhoatlhoa tse li TLANG LO ITEBATEBELE TSA LITHULELOTSA EONE. lekanyeng. Da lira ka nmrumo. ba kabe BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipoin]>o le lilo tse lingoe tsn HADJE NASSIEP. litsliijM tse li ka In tlang. J f i ‘ se£ i c e J T f a r c t : - ~ 7 ^ 0 it^jsipa Ijacti lo ba bangoe f i gobucoe Ntlo e e rnolenio ea Vti u bfttlu scngoc mo go bone 13c--c. ^ Thin# cliccu e e kafa goom Molpbeng. a tla ba bona go lebagmui le O rata r o itsise I.itsala Lsi p;u- Li liainn,Mnrotho !«• liyoTe li*noo cotlhe tse li tshelisang *mde Stesliene sit ;;K u t s h e . ” la a sale mo Inanncing a i koa ntle ga tse li tag:uig) li ka n':n tsa b^noa ka nako cotlhe. Mo Mokgoatheng Imgologolo, mo Hots Sliwi. Malay Camp. M. MOTSHEGARE, «i BULAWAYO. Montsk-astad, * Mesego ea Gagi'e e siame tl«rt:i. Mafikeng. T hAka e c eoang Mini ha tlhelong T. A, Lewis. Mosegi oa maanete ke co ! J. GERRANS, — a — X g a k a ea M e n o , Aaanong o hii? H a d je N assiii*. lugctsir ta nioseya ga tsela mo Co lebagane le Steshene J4flF(KBflG. Co h e n ’s B u il d in g s , go lebagana Ross Street, lvjmberle\ . le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- la meno, go tsenya a masha, lefa F rank J. Ci:6XFom>. Vnl-nr- ele goa baakanya, ba nale go ’mono Mogentv, ’iMnelclr !e *M laknioi oa ta gare ga nako tsa 9 oa mosho le litaetele. r Gaufi le Kar.lon- c;» 5 oa maitsiboa: ka Tshipi, ino Foliuli. t moshong, fa ba moleletse-jnde., KGAKULOLtT E E BO tl.lIA te ------Linama tse li sia= meng tsa LIKGOMO le yMKU li ka nna tsa bonoa mo go Eo 0 sa romelerig tefo ea gague mo E, t . tshiping e e tlang re M O dO O R A 5 TOLLC. Upper ill lies Snect. tla itse faele sekao KIMISKIILKV. gore ga a tlhole a M O I I i r i . l I.K M- >I,IKI O A M A K .O U M lk L I ftY R A . batla Koranta; ’me re W.G. KIRKPATRICK. M 'Jaolsi !<•'A*»>t 11111 i'o a 'L i' >ae?":kc!v 1 Methale eotlhe ta l>o Muslim-. e khutlise. MOKKKISI OA I.II.OAN'A r o l l III O Koatrakela Pusho tsa Imperial le Kolooi le Koraponi ea B.S.A. TT CO I.KItACAXA I.l: Varnta ea Railway, 50NNING & |(ATZENSTEIN, T T T LOUIS PRICE & CO., KITSISHO.— Farekini ba^koranta botlhe St. George's Street, (gaufi le Victoria Hotel. (G o ro T A M ai:A KA k a e a B o k o m » B U O E M F O N T E l N. ta cboanetse ro luela FA KfiO EU NGOE I.E NGOE E SHOA. tia ke batle go a KIMBERLKV. epela, kelefa baliri ka one. Le li paapiri Ntlo e e tlhoatlhoa li koa tlase go feta tse kegalisanx ka cjie {a li bocoe ka lecopa Moreki oa Mebili lc Mabch. ke ii reka 1 • lip* nto. matlo otlhe a Mangaung. Morekisi le moanamji oa mn------:oo:------tlido lc liloana tea Sccoaua. Thoto e ntsi ea Liaparo, Litlhako tsa (».. o N.!im: Fftujroc le scn^oe 'm e ga li ret« U:!<»«: kc gtt I'olisa lo lc Iwbotiaaeonao TLHOATLHOA li Siame Thata: mo Fiw; roi»K. co » bo g ali. « . c Ik>mi- banna le basali. Likobo le lilo tse lingoe. o o liroeocuu 0 ------: o : ------. Tlhotlbotsa. piaraka li tla koaldoa HOFFE’S !ut *ly r.'Iinlil. mongoe le raongoeeo li potsang Baa|i ba lipolasi lotlhc, fa lo tla FEVER ncvtT kn (‘OlSoxttG: TEUXiEAiis: Kmi.jau-Kr -aLuu;’ Bloenjfontein se tlfyokem* go clcla CURE. •r 'FK ~ M K M XKS CO. M -tlm-lii im o «- tlbaJnnnMitK e .rtk fe k a am. wenkele ya roi^a. Prin ted. and published at tlx* W‘- l*bttlolouj;-kit f-<. cu»• k» Hpltutlwln- PHILLIP T5HABALALA, nyjnn lit.- 0 lo li kii t*. It J*. n* x- le ngr.-. CHUANA printing w r k ? MO I.ITORONG COTLHE L E R A R EU SI Main Street, Mafeking, 1* ■< MOREKISI BA MOLEMOc ProfHetor Sti.is Moi.fma. -JUrmrtat ® etoana, b k c h l i a n a g a z e t t e . the AMELIORATION O'F the native. Ti a b our, Sobriety, <•> h_r 1 Ft' a nd € d u c a t i o n. No. 31. MAKIKKXO, MATKIIACO, MOI'ITLO 21. 1 * ' JAMES ADAMSON, FERDINAND J. JACOB, ,'j, BARKLY WEST Mo Setorong sa^Bogolqgolo Sa bo Tlanf kaaoo i« Morekisi eo a rekc* Im* ka ilfcoatket tse_N olear LIY<> le LI KITAJ' Ua netbale-lhal j eotlhe WHITELEY, WALKER & Co., Lcwcnhcte y* nne le *r»et-e Methale eetlhe ea MLikeha. OREKISI Liapara, Li;oaIa le Liraalo tsaO.A. m;thile eatlhjLIAPARO. ea Banaa li Barali Yaaaj.i' li rekishs ka Bancho la faafi le --—> ——■ *' tlhoatlhoa tse li fokolecoeng, k j ntlha ea Ichuata ya nako eno. Steshene sa Mapolisi a Frute tsa *4, ii tseaa ka 6J. lipatroao lile fiamant; Maihi * tseaa ka 44., Jeme ka 44.. tlhapi ea shelleag BARKLY WEST. Li #4. Liloani t.>a {ijo; cjIIjj o fakit>a 3J. mt shilling m)n;oe le ntangoe. mm.. A. LIVERS, Are Baliroli lu m • k» Rir M »Ia >!i ao loa.; kc Mr. Okou ;k Morn. si. —Kaf.% Moraco o\ His,'E.v— Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lisholo tse li kgolo, 0 tshasa nuikoloi, lc lika..' a li shafat>t. Lome 1: FERDINAND J. JACOB. Uuikangm li a[»eMot* 1» sei\* l*\ lxi him. L. PEACH, KRUMMECK & LINLEY, “HODIHABANGOF r - BAREKI, BAREKISI r Le baananyi ba Methale eotlhe ea lithoto BAtlhaping ! , - ffiO m H RH K€RG OH hIGOBO&IiH. Lo'di ’yang G e ? ""''' v • ’ i --- •’ t Rekang mono gaeno Flonru eo montle kget3e ea 1 0 0 lb. £ 1 lithoto tsa methale Kgetse ea Boupe (yo bo sefiloeng £2 5s. eot|he e e dihang kn Printe e ntle ea Garmana (yard) 61; Batlhaping ba gaecho. Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4d.~ 151 NALE M \TLO A T.ISaISH} K )V l:z 'feiczsoilz. M o n o lSethcle, Dxiralmlt. le. LsErwFjsrrfis oel. TRANSVAAL. Wenkeleng ya Batlhaping, Taung. BETH EL A.3I.E. INSTITUTE. J. B. HCl^D E TLA BULOA KA TLHAKOLA 3,-4303. i J4KOBA. MO Ke irwihteielo a lS.lnol. * > aba th.it.>V e selcng m.i liknleiwtee li Ij.tcl.m-.-tohK Likin. 'Tjius.^on^ tts. ga 'U0hitalo\; L e r a r e : B o t i c h e r e : Seko!e;hi: B a r u t i : M->g> lc Ilhalcfo lc lAoirn.Q ca nttro t*n ■mlugJ le tsa ling >-‘. Ka .. l« t h {? > u * u s»lltlc k™ tcla K^* Moliri ct 0 suimcng oa I)'- A. H enrv A t t a w a y , ondosi. ise k«»a go ene 0 Ik*uc * 1 1 0 Hanover Street, tmkn ea pigii 0 sa onnlc. G A P E T O W N . Mafike«f.Rom ■ tla tla lb.aaofala ku “Karaata"go Silu Ntlcai. asoata ^ The Art Metropole. = C: FR ISBY , , - V- —------——------.- J . J(orekisi. ISA SEGHOAXCHO sa gagu ba b atis ■ Ka ai.-:>ala 90UI13 e u e clew ing.. B.i tla u afaiMa ere • 11 ipnna 11 itshabe : Bontle le Bogolo. i 1' • hichtenbcirQ, li 1.-VOX.S mo lipifcinc. tsabo Umlcnvo..;! & Transvaal. U n d en ^ j^ eM ash o Ie a ntse a tlhaban, eete ba ittloa. L a 1,-thota k«.lela, Ke n y a g a tile 16 a tlho- ^ J \MKS BROTHERS B*r: 2S0, D a To:tspan Road, Kinifc .tLmt. mame. KORANTA K\ BECOANA AX1> BKCHl'AN'A GAZETTE, MATI.HACO, MOPITLO 21 tl

— vnuNfi Rros I__ w . n . c o o p b r & Co. > ”“' I V V I > V ^ Morekisi Monlcisi tm oa meleiuo,melenio. kafii k#f» ntlheiigntlhebejM ea BotJliaba-twitsi, Botlliahn-twiNi B s r.JU a i la *»“ **W m o, ----- MAHAKA OA MAKIKA. '■ I.K APARO TSA METHALE EOTLHE-

«. „ kJ.. ffv »j ^±ele=^o ea ‘^Caan-ete. morafe, o mosliou le o moncho, k» tlhoaUhou e !» » » « • , r . n r - H O L A le S B F U B A tU «J» i ,,, LrKyssysiSi* -*»~ m etnale-tnaie. __ C O O PE R S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE. 1/6 le 2/6. "A,#LW,“ lE M>FE''V'J U r » E " TaA ,0N* T5\ B0

Go W. le Ifc.P ADDON, .; NIA ^^pER s^NTimUo’uS PILLSOiL Ha lelloyana Go leUiguui le Mr. W l L L ^ M b . | ^ ^ p|1AMpllANVI!0A „ A«APO.

______W R ______cDOPE 'S RHEUMATIC * PILE MIXTURE. 2.M . I. IMI.ru>.

BWQI ha ba kgakala ha ka koalela .Morulaganyi oa KORANTA (a ka rat ajo roaela HETHUSHOASA e e detiegaag •. INNES HITEN, W. N. COOPER & Co,, ======— MoAnAnyl oa nelemo IM LA-FElK^nSTGh . I‘ . R i r ? H SftiTSS Kabonako ! Kabonako !! Mafikeng aba romele tirong ka tsela. Palo e ntsi ta Babereki e ba tloga mo 1 • L _ 1 „ I TIROEA.MOt.IMO. | - Bathusi ba gague ke bo Metlobong ta Tumalano tse li tlhophegileng Ka tlhoa- C O R N E LI A M 1N E , tlhoa tse li lekanyeng------VILJEONSDRIFT O. R. C.

J. F. FLYNN Ka tlhoatlhoa tse li ntseng yaqa:— i f l e u i i . ^ a l a i s i : PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. , ______r; litroko - - 2<\ od. Molaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li ilhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi I 2 5 » 3 6 koa Engelane, ke; li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse T?a s * i . liI i fokolicoengfokolicoeng keke sasa loIn luelisaluelisa bogente.hoirente J1 A? r . ------:o:------15 lifuti is. 30 lifuti 2s. Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng, ebong:— 4 ^ 3 >> 4 MAE : is6d le is 9<1. kafa bogoleng yoa one, ' Nako ea Kontraka : Kgoeli tse 6. LIKOKO : is., 2s 6d le 3s kafa bokimeng yoa koko.Ji* O It 'JL'PE yoa SEKGOA, yo bo feferlfoeag, yaanong : 1.13s 6d. ka cmiucre 4s 60 LIYO TSE 1.1 SA KEKOKNG: BOUPI YOA A1ILI.

A ll Erb lo ese lo rekisf. Mae le Likoko t s a ISAl.lUI ISOTI.HE HA ISA AMO! ELANO KONTRAKA E BA Tl.v I »»;» lu ee Setorong sa ga F len i, o tin lo rekela ka choanelo ISON A I’ABALKI.O K K MOLEMO LE MAROBALO A AS IA - 0 0 FETA MATLO OTLHE A BECKUANALAND. j MKN,; M0 KOMPAUNEXG I£ E ATLHAMF.XO.

I A k ic tk o a Mys< LOUIS ABRAMS. R. HARDING. F. A. MUHLENBECK. Mongoa Kontraka. r Box 341, Kimberley. (MA-LEU), Koa T lk a p g . H I M & SOMffiHERG.

HeLANG TLHENG BATLHAPING . J liabuetrli ha Mdhtntln a Enyrianr, a K<>loni, If

ROALANO TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! J - f^ENNISON & f'RANSIICK, YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! ” = = > ✓ = Loa shabele a Liaama tsa Selaga „ gag„e BAJfANTISr l.E BO AO EN TE 6a nale'Lif&ntisi tsa Matl^aco, tshipi cotlhe. IW A=I FI I Mebili, Habele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. 9 O * Talejrapliic A4dr«i: “MN'IISON." Milekia. koranta hi:c i.\xa anh hk< ih axa mazkitf., jiati.haco, mopiri.o si iks RILICIOARCBO, J,. Solomon, (flTa tla** £Z Qrolott < to n s . ) 0 gaufl go bnla lebenkele koa ga 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fa Khunoana ka liaparo tse li ntle tsa banni. ebile a eme sentle fela yaka gale mo maemong le litlhako. Methale eotlhe ea Likhai tsf. abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo, Bohutshe; Li- basali, Lit'hako, le Ehai tsa kemo tsa ba- tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse hnmi le bahumanegi. Tlang lo lekeng rekoa gone fela yaka gale. TRANSVAAL ROAD G O W IE B ros., under the Clock. \ Iff. R. TRDTER, LE THOMPSON STREET Comer of .Iixics Strait uii-I lt.«.I KimVrl.'v. ■ ______•** .i^aiili le Stoshene sa Majn>lisi, KIMBERLEY,

Motlitili trt> o .-iamoiig oa Makoloi le Likara. 0 rekissi m .ikol »i E i R ma>ha lo a a rhulilotm g ka tlhnatlh«Ki tse It lekanyeng. V V " 't'iro tsa gagxeo U siamo thata. " ^ 3 TTvT. I . LOWE, KITSISHO EA Magoe oa ga Mamakwalo.

Kofi Tfuiny. Fatshe ya Tshireleco. - Ko Mothnli eo o mo ll<*nkolcng eo »• no «*lo g:, M:i. makwalo oo fa botshelong. o sholofola go lint tiro* tse li Ham-n. thata tsa ixtthuli.

MOI.AOLI OA I&El-nUANALAND PltoTKt:ToK.\TK •> kopiloe ke m a k i k k m ;. ^•oroiiicnte «>a Tnmsvaal go at lost tsi go iui;i j>olclo »*a j> mrshn la Koranta ea Becoana. I I k i metlobo oajiauteng koa .Johannesburg, Im ikaelotse go Ka*gi- nolio Iki Iki l>erekang mo mctlobong. Ki* moncho me kea ck-tsc^a, lonu Iwroa- j lciig ka I^iaU'tninn Mopitlo. 1 s. Moral, lia Ycru-wloina, yaka litcnta tsi.' o «mio o plaitla-gilc ka t<*|»> K*^-w ■* Koilara Ic lik*po!cl*» t o ga Solom on. ! kokoafiefjx* kiifa Kgotla ka fl W!< -k 1. K o k e co . e a m aluo gore baliri lsi luoloe tllxtettlixki. u Iki ne Iki So ntcl>cni{ gonne k c Ic monohi*, i Baimte, Kcvs. <5. XVOivin.l .!»• W. r gonnc Ictsatsi le mphalshimctsc: K:i«x»tt Im hua iik iu c Jcnyufia a kg«a ne l*a ukgaka- tliaco ra|H*lcki pula. . li-Li ; l a .ntira inolcbcli m masimo Im gon; tlhoatlhoa e c koa tlase-tlase e m<*t!io o ka «: Imp-ilang a bone a motina, care tcma eaka ca Ka :l kloko le gone gn phmh.v.. palo i* ntrtiiitsi esi Barolong k- Mat«-U*l mo kgoeliiig ke os. ino boommg y<« .£l 10s. im gale: in mofnia ca tlhoka moleti. (Sefcla sa ga Solomon t, 5 lc a a ivwng koa nagcng. koa l.ok--i> e e i*-li>-iigiw. le inaik^itlo a uiaiigo- fela. I’elo ca mongoc le immgoc »-k>*i> (Jo tla tlhongoa liatlliatlhobi Iki lir«* oa Imho e tla nnang g« KRAAIPAN. c tletse cholofelo. Maru a giino loUc gothiltt ka txutsi ya in«'ni|>clo cm* e.latlhoko §ore lxiliri Iki seka Im ishogeiitm mo motlhatlhelon* Co Montiiiguiiyi. kn' l<*-phaki Un-Tlon go i kopa nya kontrakiloeng ka one. Ih*I«* a slmlc <• s i i i i m * e tla "ruli-a liyal • Iki ranelela pula. Ua l»it>ti Burolong r.i lengoe !«■ ' line li tirI.*il«_-I *.t k • 3. Phetolo ea tshegeco oa liospitala. itshekisljo, le mnemo a Iki lK)U*leIa mafoko a. "Bagojfi Ui L«m- leisatsi. tonc le Ikiiic Iki itumelela goo fa. Ikih* mangoe otlhe: Go simolo<*oe phetolojo «*a liyo. gore go pula e chonuetao go ra|>e]elel im* l*> gaketse IMiuthego i-.i choanw ke niogi»gi «>a Lo k*Ik* teng. Merogo e metala (liyo ts*i-t>lii^i<>' I'* Lime jirioe WesseU*. A siniololu ka gorv : Itaga- la pula e flhotse e ni|H*lel«nt k;. (H-ho, re tftile fano Kginleng ca Kgi«*la Uiliri l*>- go lla go n»|H*lela puUt;me rc choauctw letsatsi ya kg«x*ii e tlholu !i. go ikopanya kn lipi’lo. -\ utslia jmko yaloa yoa Secoana, yo le.yono g> >liolofi I*King l>> tla thusa can; e fela* arc g.» rajKle batla* Imle Iki- lioloetse yoa'inaotb le melomo. lieli, ino kokuanong, twong IJo maiig - KITSISHO EA FATSHE iiuiitg: ga n»pela bale IrnMi. A •L Go ikaelecoc go tlhoma. Lekgotla ya <»oroni»*nt<*. k«m Johan- Iki a boa n ntslia piiko; an* otie etv.nio- Y A T S IR E L E d rngo ga conn g« mpelo Iwtllo hnlieli 'gii- noNbtirg le mo mafelong a maiig"o. go amogela mali a Imliri. pe, o«eng ho mang-tnung. Tim)M*lo cai ntlha ca t««ooo kc inoiiim «*a iuo Ktiopia a|K* »*l*ile ke itsis«* g»>n- gv» gOa boloka le go a jtjmola kon maga« ng a h mo, mo mafelong care a khllUmioliv^i ga tlliokHfuhi nw*- G >iinoloj»n ka ts»t>i ya g »• ni{N.*ii, ninetek'li-|K*le mU i a bit«i ka lei* otlhe a British South Afrika. mpioiit* ga go nko g«» tlhola g • ii:i are: "Hapt-hi. •!«>!* I*ee|»!** Morago ga moo a kojm niogogi ou aniogt*l«Ri lekoalo lijie tse linoli Pusho ea Traiisefala e iketloelit-e - o ^in.-.lola tlliaUJ.-M nn> I .outiki gore a nt she sefela. u inn a an* »a kake a tlhola a lira s*pc Ic rona. tsa lit.sheiiyrgelo tsi lilo t*«* i> ’m k-rK'tig eotlhe e e lekanyeng. m * n»:it-l»«l«»ng a lianoho U»tlhe M ^ ig i ou lekilll a f‘*b a si nt-hn se- gapil'wng ke Ixilm m » ' l.e »« Iki lining mo ra^tloliong, ebile l. l/.k..... p*ni morlobo li fela. Ha khiilla. a ir: Kgi*f*i-tla*U* bc- irtijKi mpeln. >lo Lonhonyog**lo. Ke gonr konlo hitsi gon.* Iw tie go uillouna .ra H.lla la a HuutK* a k g o p il.n ; f e la nr** im i \V«-?*s* lc iv»tlhe li khntlile go !H*t>». Jffokoaleli oa f^usho ;ea a tsile g«> in^|»*«*Ia plinth ego. I*«* g**in picuo •» Mintsu a l»etil«*c kc |«clo, maikano Folii. A bi|diutln*go li ino ia|K*lik-, ii Urllii (patske-.ija %'skireleco. im'Io ca boiau, a itxlienkcle JH'lo *-si j*c- Ralph Williams. .Krr^'tc. /.'< .*/«/,"at 1 'omutiffion. /.. Facie railu *' "« l* ka. iui*luj*r Thing «i Kgosin^, Mafeking. .-iiuok'la ka» ij"4 # pi. n A F E K I N O , 17th Mur»*h V.m . Tlhnkola 7, 1 9 ^ 2l ROItANTA EA BECOAN'A AND BECUUAXA GAZETTE. MATMI.UX), MOl'lTL'J, 1W3^.

BLOEMFONTEIN. Ka March, l,asir.i:i ’ Kfio~i BATjjor.su 1 ' ■ ne ba i oa koa KoloniAba ipt^jla f > Tsa ga Mafika. oa B.i rigonketss Ier*cne o lebetOCW* ele bpnc bapalami bibag»»l«» lm li- ; yaka logarc, go Ha go haHkanyettu MaK.lm Kfr«^i onononki’4W6 ^ pliaaj; tsaniao mo litiaU ng e luiUilc<> c chile ba r_* bjtsa lioho^a?. Maipo- ..no ra lintoa le likgnnelo tsa Ma- j no, mi- kc ca gu esc. a Initiate ttti'tf < •ntlc. He luuMitona aae fa a lykile lelo a bo:ic- ese uiaipolelo. Krile igcJii-setoua, ka? r.ma lsikgcx-tsi lei shorope. Kene ke liro i ke let*at& irang ha? 1 1 •.ieciKiiiu ebile lia iu.;gort* go knko. rona ^ I** Moro.i Moli^anyaua,. pjuf0 |-4ia uiafatshing a tilimald.. immilrterc, a: a itseelang nrnkgoa im llogacn MokgocUi, Jeremiah q nth eel itse. a tsamaea, ynna kc tslicavL^* oa go kpanela litsvlu txi la- GokOMkntk o;i Orangia o Muscloanyana, M onna-niogolo,jjj10j0^.|;| ut|0<.|u tshililcgo iHi tsamai ba muoto ka likoloauu tsa buna, r.- Jeivmiuli ke en? o tlog«*«wiigraeoeng moino', j „ J0.IU. :nhiping eno goutsc namane eu mil Ilia cotlhe go titlliela batsamai tse li eseng li ireeloe Iki Magesetni- lokoto botlhoko. c tona-tonu-tonn-tona toria ea phu- ba mukgoa* ha fapoHioa mo litupung, ta, ba clioanetse go li neela g.. Mafoko a ban-* ban ile ba bu- luego. Ke utloa ba nthaea bare. kd Wtlliopha sji luisetsanyana ba ’mala; sale mo malatsiug a kgoeli eno ea sico2 kc s? sc ba isitsong. Ntekune Kgosi Lukas Mokoto, eo o masisi, ha ba kgoetsang likoloana t»a banyaua, Maart. I akoalo col Hie tse ekaren^ jady* makgakga a lekanang fela lc ba fapauc lc likoalo Hcnnga tse li oa inog«>gi, le seat la sa ga Phoi, eo kgoeli cuo e slioa tsa bo li ese ii bohcho yoa bone. ha itsiscng fa BangoakctSe l»a sa busang___ ^ bo Rutlou, o ino neeloc mo inokiong, li tla bo li ge- A rialo F riend oa Bloemfontein. ba ikctlccletsa* lf< ba lopa g o tla • Teronkong. coc ntle bcng ba cone ba soke ba ka t-iatsi le s e le -m o n a tc oa m a-j tlhole bn amogcla se] c. felon a senang litelekrama. Gatoc A mo go iitseng yalo lo kile loa .oJlono koloning.cn Orangiu (yaka •>////#/^#///#////#/###^/#// Markoni o tla tla leug koano. [go utloa ? Bn re erile a tsile go krva koloning ea Kapa) kgosi ca Solo se sc gaketseng bobe mono j koala .litsUeuyegelo tsa gague a bo Liyoche ice Leburu. Oa Kapa W. G. KIRKPATRICK, i N n n r^ L -vn # io ketsa psilo, ka m aikaelclo a go ke »S>r,Iotin Heiny' Dc \*ttiiers-eo GK.VERAi, DEALI R, _ ! noa Gofomcnte. O tlaleioa kc Bn- o sale a simolola tiro eo ka ; Litseno' li ntse ii roroa go co.« i phoi, l>o Baki lc ba bangoe mg faesale a c thaea ga gona ka- Opposite Railway Yard,- mono li isioa ka setlhakcng:— Kob-1 |,are kgomo Isa gagne erile ’ Ma­ tlholo epe ckureug motho co mo- BULAWAYO. hon Island. Eare fa. u lK»tsa li- j buru a gnpa tsiibo lile koa inora- uclio a eme fa pele ga gague a i kgomo ea gague, e eosi fela e e go yone, go thusa bo Yachc Solo­ of Jerusalem, jas (he tents of Kedai litlhcla le mctlheug ea ga \*e setseng mo Kemlejiesteng, iya*! mon lc I^ngc. Erile fa mukgi tla and the ciw'tains of Solomon. icngoana tsa bone li ese li ke li; Morulaganyi! Fa u esc u lio u a Orangiu a bnloa a neoa setulo Look mi.upon me because 1 am itacoc more oa inung oa leina. I ut,i(>e motho, ere ele ngoana Kgosi. se o uang naslio gompicno. black for. The sun l.ath looked uper Ntekane ga ba loioa ke opu j ;i ikana a ba ine; mv 'mother’s children \vcr< angry with nie: they made n e the Likatlholo tsa gague h eletsega B.v ii'OLAELOA k k Q h .vi i . A PARAI.KTSK MKNOANA, keeper of their \ ineyards: but my Ga rea .shoa'ke selo sa.-Baroa se thata mo tshiping e e fetileng ona own vinevnrd have I*not kq»t. are kgonm e choeu, ga e cliocu se senang molcmo. ’Me -yana fa- a tllnitjhpba likatll.o’.o tsa bo Ma- licho ; e t.iloli ga e tiloli, nala, u batho ba tlogela bana lo'-J- litiro tsa J .gi setrata, a nna aba ilibatsu ynna. kabo u b:i utloile maloba ka I.oa- l*one, ba isio;i litibakeng ka-ntata ! y Kgtrfsj ca. ntlha euc ^le eflg.i There has^jncc :ts proiyulgation, iKibeli- /. -I f ••a Khali, ke mogo k^j toeng. A ; ifiin Zwartland, erile a gannc go been only one Conviction ‘uutfcr th * berckela mongoagoe, \'rcdc Recli- ^ago tlhole go nale Baprofet* ba ! mo KAxronoNc. *• Morality Aet ” in Maf r k in g . rapelcla sechaba. Bana l«-ga'Tan ifei- ou Edenhurg a mo lefisa This is very strange wheu one Beile ea gague kc :.4ilT»0. O pouto aba arc a utloc thnpa Hie ba tla bonoa eng oc I Ba tla go cmecoe kc bn Chief Silas Molema takes into account ilic number of ts *ntsliioa ke logalika loa selo ba ,*5 ka katse. M ogoloa bo Ya- sinners” wlio often infect Ihe le Mr. Spencer Minchin. K«retsc uhe arc ponto c lekanye. Zwart- s:i itse koa se thailoeng tert^. c sa bc*eia tic lono lo Inina matbkonyana Viljoensdrift. Maggie Jones ona gentlemen -all white— who should mnlata, e gogoba fela gotlhe lc ka I fela lore a tliata ; g<* thata oo Ha- a ai>eilc boynloa yoa sccoanu it at least have known better, carry­ maycntlelemauc. Miiloba go choe-; Tlou. laclisioa .£i 10/- kgono malatsi ing on a determined contravention roe mosimane oa Jjekondoktere, eo ale 14 Mr. Maasdorp arc mosali of all the gospels of the Scrfpture, mysisi, gatoc orile n ntse a luela! eo a busclioe mali a gague. Kr and this A ct in p«irticular, with liloana tsa Pusho a nna a vela Go- M n . i.k M a s. M o s iic k s h u k , bOshula go rekis i boyaloa yoa Se- romente thOto. Krilc a tscna mo Kalahari girls who also are not baagi ba Mafika ba ba thuta ba coana, me molao ga o itse opc go less wicked than they are stupid. go e nehonynna ga bo go ca k<» sa ile go ea go tlliapa ku metse a bo itirela. Yrode Rechtvr o: The police have lately liecn tseoa bo Mr. Nicholas Tesusar leoatle koa Capetown. Be sholo- Rubole ona a luelisa mocoana f»/- very active.,, in their efforts t<- (Ila-Thosi) le Mr. J. Whiftler oa fela a tla ba lciuofulelu ba Ik>c ba a ’ tshelile moleloanc (go i^oa Le- suppress crim e. This w ill l»c seen Lebaka ya mono ya bogologolo, le kgoathctse. shotlio) a sena passe. Kgosi care from the unprecedented calendar, Marcnaua a mangoc gatoe ba ntse a neo: mali u gagn'r kn a na a in the annals o f local Circuit ba yela Gommente liloana a santse chotse passe ea ga muugoagoe. Courts, which is now aw aiting th a leba-leba. Bao tlhe ke ba ba Tsa bofelo line lile tbaro li coa Ke utloa gotoe nu> oflising ea Judge. Tho-v ei uhl serve humanity tla tlang fa pele ga Liyoche fa a Ficksburg (a' mocoana a rekisitse Koranta ca liccottna ba choere just as well* if they tumetl their goroga mono ka Loabotlhnno, boya’ou mo go eo mongoe a neoa tan ka munganu. Ba tlogecoc kc attention in the direction o f this Mopitlo 2 /. kgoeli lile thataro. Mogoloa l*o- bare-faced debauchery o f ignorant Thaka e tslusane e simolotse Mn. J am ks M tin da, Yachc; are kgetse eo e hoc c ee go girls by repre entntivcs ora civi­ sekoa scsha gap^. are mi>tho care T ir k i.o k a M aa ba SV a n k “ Matlhomane”- Imngoe banc bare lized race*. fa ele loantllm a choaroa a lue- mo Kerekeng eo Ra-Tshili. Tirelo ke “ Raligalase,”— Lckoni)>osa; ya The deiuonilizing effect of this liatoc, gore ere lefa Magcsctmta i o ke eone e ehoanetseng goo mono bone yele mcnoana e boleta, yele practice was never brought home a mo atlholela terouko a mo nee ka makau a lira. Kc eone e leka- sale le thaea Koranta. li tlare to the writer in us trenchant kgoro Ca go ikgolola. ku tefisho. nycng thaka e c kganeioang ke kgotsa bubaliba eone ere hmo- manner as the other day, when litiro go ea kerekeng, me selo se tlhamongoe ba la tse, ba sa utloele E ligoc Becoami'balc babel i ba neiloe kgoeli lile tharo co mongoe lie ovcrhcarcf>he o f those 44 social se sale sc tlhokafala ka - linyaga- mafoko. Rc tla bona fela ka gotoe equals o f the whitcmnn,” iaa*nicall> lile nne, ka hard leberc, bn ne ba nyaga. lirfa gontse yalo ke gone e goa coa mogalc go sale mogale. telling, a more (Sod-feaiing titlhecoe bn chotse senkgane Mr. thaioang ke Rev. Molema Mo- ’Me enc e ne ele mogale tota. sister that all of the' hitters Mnasdovj* are molao oa're fa go >hoela. Ga keni pelaelo gore e Mafikcng Mail, e entsc c coa ka piousness was so much bunkum. fitlhecov niotlio a ho chotse fela. tla golola meoa c mentsi ka mothai thapama, motlhamougoe ka lotla- She had none of those scruples, «»a eone a tsentse pelo le mogopolo tlaua, erile motlliango o tsenang o tseugpa mo teronkong ko^l ntle ga tiro. Hard leberc ea phimo- and she could, she said, cam from mo go eone. Nkabo ke sa rialo teng ea coa tsutsi lc sale koa the same master, the same me maloba kc bonye a ea go tlhola golimo. loa yaanong thaka ea Ficksburg e tla nftn'likgocli ts- language will proba’bly make her bale (oa Johannesburg) lc Mr. mo8imnne o o tlhom a feln .fa futslie, nako. -Ur. Stollreither, ngaka e e understand it, surely the Police can Joseph Gape. Melato oa bone a o thibogele o itsnmaise. Jefuelc tnmilengi-tea Fieisehita e koa I)uit- drum it into her head by a period fela ke gobo ba e tsenyetsa mo likhi kgono niakgaru)>anaoa ralala schland -lynnnong. hare e aka- o f honest (bceaustTnawful) hard {'lung er sekole c^png mo Kerekeng. fela o sa tshegclioa. Asfe etlore n>*a go Ihh'Iu koano Afrika ka labour under the gruffest gaoler o tsile u o shupets BecoiittH. K Uale, el>c e nne c thologe. '5 kgoeli eaifune. in the ( ’olonv. o r ' ■■■ '■■■ •es*r * - v iii{_ T i.>t ■

- 0I1ANTA h' V B1' ‘ l, VNA ASI> #HCilU.\S.\ ti.VZI-rrK. MATMI.VCO, MOP1TLO, IU03,. TV Hw)ehfoxtkin F rikxd is doing I !■ their “ proper place" its best to set the farmer* of the! One of and nn*t intdligeut to note that tbe two men I ave mm Orsng« R*vcr ^ logger-heads &;vs the •• l)i:iin<> t'l r;.J U Ad- of inters)iloiiiul gatherings was the l»ecn reprieved. I lememU r too Ua»f. with tlieir Native neighbours, lint the | veruscr ” : - Mayoral Cougn^ wbicJi met ut Queeus- hen Hia Majesty’s Secretary «if Sta:- | hitch man has snfHdcnt sense to know ' I.ct l 111,1 l!,al "x welcome the apparent town last week. All of tlie repnawi- for the Colonies »xs x tsking 8oui>. ifaat be ••anuot cultivate bin fields with conversion of the It .n.l to .« sane tativ«s Were thonaigb huxincMnen, Afrini white and black Ibvbuanulan I the «lin of the prets caricaturis ; native policy,: ad we are K|jJ to find each of them lient on discharging stoml slioulder to sboublcr. drtla v i :iud Ik- i« g*>»nff to his native that (.or.!.,„ s tactless talk about Uie opinion of his eleettual — Sir G.>r prcjiulitrc and misrepresentation. er of one of His Majesty's I/* k ups) aud who toik a higher platform, MontsioastaI tlian lie was atiHMigst b;« am^jni-s to hinitelf tlu-’pntensibn of away from sonlid interests to that of own pople in Mufeking Town. We liave s received half a dozen o f! knowing of a “ proper place" f. .r the tlieir duty to tlie volonred p^ailatitai As tbe “ Friend ” •■spon«s-s the cau^ of the- country.” Although aotnc of Uie South African party at the Ca|* articles from disgusted readers of the c nifinemont of anyliody, he must lie “ tactless and insane.” By tlie-way,, memlier found the Americans tending I was anxious'to *ee wliat this S. A. C. Bloemfontein F rilxd, giving it Uinnder; which is this * pnqier place’? o a Ciinft^J hell, it! Sail Francisco, iu ail 1 niggers’ f «e w »Ql I s iy ^ it tb- and lightning on its native policy, j I897, Vet one of these upright gentle­ byjierU»lirt was cnguged iu Sirrhinir One of them commences witlj “ Halt! j The scum of the South African pn>s ins vied with tlie meanest of S. Afrir.mpoli- men .of the Mayoral Congress would your columns for any line Uia Who goes there ? The foe” and ticiatls in their rcfi-n'iuv to this “ proper difTereutiate lietwecn (Miinumen and is likely to b*: mUsaKrue-f. it proceeds with - vigorous onslaughts* place, ’ that, it has by now grown ol>> British Indians; wliilu yet another and was difusin^ it with fu«'ti«a.*. nftcrtlifi style of our correspondent's j soh-te. Yet we do u .1 nincnilier read­ would tench tlie Native the diguity of exaggerations, ap|iure:itlv to injure th- whicli appears in another e ilumn.! ing that any of then: bad iu the course labour, not by force but by example. Natives of this t’-olonv. Another one condemns his “foe’ j of bis favoutite chatter, locitc 1 the By Jove, "there are some Britons and commends Chief Justice Maasdorp i proper place of which they are ho fond about.' All prosperity to tlieir electorates a:wl Mr. Jnstioc Fawkes “ in th« i- but; as for tieothe s, well, they max of gabbing. When; is this rnopKK lie goes 0:1 t«> talk a l>< <' ment.’, These articles " Wo.tld From tlieir continue 1 reference ymi “ a I«ovevhile Ixsitity.’’ W c who bcrve their purpose much bettor if Uiey to this “ projier pb'R" one would think Advaa;e Zalalaad. know voo are nware, Mr. Klitor, Uuit .f Imd been sent for publication to the tliat all^Nativi'j work, sle -p, eat, drink, any of the celelira ed j(Minu»liny on the the Trappist Institution of Mur- practieully no KnglUh uducaUon, till b«- attainel tlie age of 14 yearw. h i bin. Since the departure of Mr. Cbamlier- j •IiHRicter o f the eternal Native,'c r u s ’ rianhill, near Pinetown (N:.tal), by tell us if lik„‘ yourself be s'artcd Uin Inin the Natives of Mafeking neVerj the feelings o f neruiin |ieople w ill lie Father M. T. Ijanga, a Zulu, ft footed from it farm and walkeltou gathered together in so manv thousands! seen fro m tbe following wail o f, tbe is a smart pajier in tbe bunds o f n lalsair centre, with only !.*» |Mir- as they did on tlie 1 1th inst., when ’’Bulawayo Chronicle: ” scholar, who knows what he is in bis |Micket, and kn ow in g o:iK they assembled at the instance of the This latter visitation (of sonic quarter about. I/ong Life to Vin'd.tho. a million British vjldiers) a ver)* little more than bis owi> Chief, to offer up prayers for rain. The langnagi', and if within a period of lc** lirst meeting took place at 11 tun. at the however did not do very much good, as the majority of tl-e mass BLOEMFONTEIN. than H years’ stealy lamest laluur b* Chiefs „ Kgotla. The Rev. Superi- saw the country ami the Native lia l siinnkancuosly :M:iuirod , n i l U - tendcnt G, Wcaviud and Rev. W. under abnormal circumstances ixime a |ierfect m:wt«rr of eight different Eacottgave appropriate addtcvns and T he aborigine did not mind working [F r o m o u r C orrespondent .] lauguiiges, a nropi-rty o.vm;r, with a for the military, because In- was over •■fTcioJ up prayers. name and n (tanking mvmnt. II* (laid, over-fed and petted lieyon I his A t 3 p.m. there was another would thank. s his mats if lik«: xerv largely attended meeting, when dreams far more in fact than the pri. vatc soldier. Being of an acquisith't The... familiar braggadocio of tin yonself lie received.' bs chpxiUoiv. all the shops and business pla&s were nature he took all he could get anj “ friend” office has been up to bis from the1- use of his 0W11 dosed and the UBUal half holiday was askedfor more, which the youn^ usual doings.. He calls himself “ Sontli hands and wiUion*. a eliargi> to has spent in humiliation and prayer. Ad­ officers thought . amusing and novcj African” this time, and devotes a fnll father's eatate 1 r Uie Stale Kdncutiou dresses were given by Revs. H. Ntsiko length column.and half of his paper to Vote. TIuU he is nnalih1 to, say it goes That was bad enough, but just look and Molema Moshncla, who led the abusing tlie Editor of the “ Koranta.” without sayiug, for his writings w.ail I meeting in prayers. The Snpcri- on this : This man is a journalist of a very mean not he s*i narrow and silly, so ho» These young gentlemen sent icndent was also prcseut. home reports that the Kafirs were not onler. I have lieen a reader of news- does In* ii'snmc to lie an aiubo.iiv Beautiful soaking rains “soaked” at all bad fellows, did, not mind the pu|»ere for many years lmt do not on the dignity of lab sir. the ground on Sunday and Monday rain, splendid men to look alter the reinemlier reading of a journalist who lmt unhappily the soaking is too late horses—work which the officers iu criticising the opinion of any pu|>er, to revive thefaded crops. It is how­ should have seen to themselves— left tlie paper entirely alone and singled He rails yisi “ a Ir, I tun only a hi Uuit I his share of the meeting’s approbation ty 5 You should in future give t e tliat for the first time we were going am utmost sirry that the Dutch |H.Mph- Mr. De Kock paid a tribute to the officers a noble example by minding to be furnished with a list of instances of Orangia. are mil reading wliat Nativesof Montsioa’s for the satisfactory your own horses. when tbe Cape Parliament openly re- you write to your pco4Ue every week, way in which they arranged and carried gMed itfl liberality. But your critic especially with reference tothisCoVaiy : . wit a separate reception to the credit wandcrd wide of tbe subjeur for a rebellion which laAtd six and us**d his ink to write your paper. are not aware of what yott are doin.- montht, and wrs suppressed with a l«w for them. It is- one of the gmucvi t. Johannes Pretori us, Adolphus Jo­ of about twenty men. Is be too, with scholars of this age, and a real aulhorit t hannes van Coller, Stock Theft. his Indunas, to share the King's merey ? It is doubtful if any paper Us'dts the on tlie dignity of laKnr, who said : •• Reuben Manope, Theft. Witton, the Australian, is serving a MMslled “ Friend ’ could tolerate such 3. Charles James Gilbert, Assault wit despicable (xintrilsitifMis to its colutnus. 44 Ahn *c any individual can wavxil intent to commit tbe crime of life sentence somewhere in hngland. What part is be to play If liiere is anything for which tie in any legitimate enterprise that he -ctf Murder. f bis heart iqMin, if tar is willing to j«v this rood. Rlorius -1--- I /I bis “ Friend " is oHispicuous it is its tliank- <• Oswald Beckhouse, Theft. tbe priee; but the price in m-.«-t w s * 5* Nicholas Cornelius Tesnear, Re­ rommiim it l « « - n<* >•> : Oirj lessness. T txnnember that a fewjtivint hs ceiving stolen goods. are bejund ll'i1 tlemency of ; rartlilr back you «M«tud a bitter f*‘eling iu tbe is being willing to put ftictli the Ever­ 6. Albert Bicknell Bayne, Theft. Tube frank wc mdy nilmil minds of yobrs readers by putting m a est effort when Uiere is uo ouc to ac«> in 7. Joseph Whiffler, Receiving stolen LhHtaB a matter of polit^-tUutpcdier.- powerful pWti for the repriove of two applaud. !t is comparatively ea«y to Goods. c T .t U».«oU that the rtbdJRtoW Dutchmen , who weresent mml to death, tiud pco|ile w Ik i arc willing to w\*rk Daniel McGrath. Theft. l i rclM-wJ lint ^ may I* for^ivon for the murder of a Native. The when Uie world is looking on and rendv 9. Joseph Whiffler, Receiving stolen to give applause, but very hard to hud ' f a t . moment like th» oar Dutch party's newspapers at the Cape Goods. made free uaq of your article, besides thoM who are willing to work iu Uk> *0 William Francis D’Urban Jackson, goes out toward* lojal nrai V lo have been fhown that even a» trMion w no praising the Koranta’s attitude in a corner 03,.

KOFFY FONTEIN. FRAXCIW oaV x . i r ^ c\< & C. N. WILLIAMS & Co., ■ ii;'> •*. Mono rc nal^'tirti e tonun thata ui • l!o it*i>i:mtsl|:i Tst tiK tlhnllliclo ti) Kof- >T> M OREKISI LE.LISELA GA li ni|i le liakn le likgonxi. ‘ Kc niolao fyfonioin yaaiio: g c tVtsc, l.«- (xikpgc^i Ifnwo S.O phutliile im.iafi- u« (ktlho f» Ih an-iwitlMi inonjj^. liri, cliil e iv sa Hliole relink- le liiougjte e » ino^tlo lekun le nt^|:t. inageutc i: :t rc |ihuthelang batho. puli, cojinongoe nku,.po mougoe 0 Reka Iiikgorpo le lipojj (sa Be- Mq 'a mongcte.ja tllinelu jih i tj^, „ (ia gonko go tlhola goamogclou utshe mali, IVr., lefaele t'l kgono fj. ’Me yaua .ke Ikuju goic lt fa gouts.- v«ili eoai?a ka llbcatlhoa Ise ii yolilepQ, Imliri lm let sha *mc fade moliri lm k*ka.rari. mongoc ca mctlobo. co o itloa- , be. -tiio'^o o tlmta koaim .Sek*|nny I.- ebile ke ene morekiwi eo mogolo oa koa liuliiwHVo. tiatoc molao cm |j. etscng tiro esi likcjio. o ka ijmlsi- k?oipo ji^ linea. LiiK-u liloum kitli... mda tcrena a tla go bat la tiro. Mnlolta lica ene «» lonm ugoanyaiia cn, liil'ama, le ’mesi oa magohe me moroftsanvHua mo Solepcng, ’ilu- vuim Ftlnrc fa a iitllia mono a bttsc- u«a» 00 e«v. isitaoe koa e tfiuang ivug jRafikenJ. ' " liocmali a ona a jvilainc tercna ea molomu a tnoa nokeng 1110 Fiancis' town,'me u llmse<>a, ’me Kgi».i I(att(. .Ti- jf (ktosc. ca lxmiro) kn one go are lilioluoc tnotlhe fela ’me ba li Uilai;, tla riio Khaim, Ur a iiihago. ka bpuUi yo bogolo thata,'mu ka»:t Koantle ga iinama ebile ooftelitse pappli likgomo fa motho a chouroa ko'M»- Fa motho a rile a tla koario a polisi a gatelela likgomo a «» k««« ea gague go reKisa liloana tse li botshe le litllK'Ug t«e lingoe a ea go tibia niolc- nlima mali a tcrena nio lewc* I Mint* motho coo ntseng yalo, o tla Immu liKuKisi tsa meteme. tiVelcng lcrtgbe," ctlnre fa a rata «wno e e tlmta mo moladnj; ott (j(,h,. monte, mo Finncirtow n. lc fade W mali ao a busclioe koa go nnmg Bulawayo. Me likgonio: t»*u«: f« K, oa one kc lmlaoli Im in'etlolio. mi late l-a ka li rckiw fela go s»-na Tlhoatlhoa*— li fokolicoe r>go lckanvelioaJ ’. sejx;. . ' • Go rcI>a go plmthoa Uitln> W. MORRIS, KrHyfontcin, O.R,C., liotlhe Im Im mo toro|)ong (nuikaii It- meMSfe).lo Im .simanvaua Ma|vllisi aid Tlhakola 2 1 ,n ‘)0:*». iwi tcronk'ong go.batlou fuali a lckgetlio ii.f a liilioimg ojx»gafu. Balnelim a (Kafa morago ga Kereke ea Wesele Toropoi(g), O bat loa ka lnaaiko, ke Mrs. inttli motho mongoe Ic mongoc Ponto: G • (,'romvright-Srhreini-r oa Han­makau a ikgololalm lueloa tllioatlhouei- over niosiinunyanu kgono niosctsa- baliloeng ke Magesetrata. ’ile.thu>g. shone, ka erile pele motho alio a ri-kiVa 0 batla mcnigoe.. eo o ka hnang piisc kgotna kgoino, v ’1110 y^nonp Im -Due ngoaga 11 1110 luela £\ mo ino toronkoog ka iuiko eno lw cJuwinet^ Lithoto*■••■■'rtTrf -L-Jcotlhe" ,r‘‘ •' . tseli . ‘*™ tlho- kgoeling. () tin lndifti'loln tSela go luela Jia mebele eft bonc.'inecofe e c senang scjie lia ’ t-lo tito basakeiii; le mhago, go ea koa.|e g(» boon. koang ke Baagi li mono. Im e lira Ic'aa ele wnero wi iuetac. ’5k- Lo tla ntloa 1110 vaana he Imcclio a 8ese lit«eng yalo gji>i- ieshotlo yo Bashpeu Imle liiang ka rona. Litlhomesho, Likgoro le Ke n>ua ■’ Bancho re ne re itumelela pusho e^ielia bogolo ’me ebile kc rona re slK>tI, nml 111 rung a Ke ema 11100 ka tclxiho ’na *e ling<*e tse li baukanyelicoeng'tlieke. Coe cue nt«cnyctsa mafokonyana kej kgisi a nauola nu^lio Police Stationing o 1110 Koranteng. l^tsut-si Ic lisi. Kaia slmpa ga fitlliu thata mouougoagu. J.efa motllia- Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlele ; T lhoa­ ugaka c Knigcredoni e tlile gii mongoe re- ntse n; gopot*e kufa le 1- kkola sl-Iojh. st o. Ra slmpisa ngiika nieng ka teng, mongoe arc, gu sc goin- tlhoa ke 15s. go ea mo go JT r 10s. uiavoc a a tlapisiucng tllu^o motho piono, k- tllailu le ema yana.' l/‘n‘ ele mayoe a inatlliauo (a) a laugolo nio kgocling (i‘ ca Mopitlo liyalo li a phahamisj^ng ka matsopo a umlicli li po kake tsa tlhola Ii fision ke letsiiti'i/' se kalo OWEN SEBITLOANK. Iraki- mi P hotic yuiilc liui-Jc Imln.h.i gsiiKi iM»aal>‘ •pipe k- ena gaitKixe. Groenhcuvcl, Ra-Motlana, mo MAFIKENG Tlmbu Neliu, S. R. SKARKLL. ’ O.R.C. KORANTA KA Bl.< OAXA AXD UKCilC.y.SA GAZETTE, MATI.IIACO, MOP1TLO, 1’JUS,.

besig/Ki litdkt)' K» -lir. William;' M « s: 11 .mipnnv. .Caprtom i u ip i^ gsaivu h ." rV"";,a ? !. I>.1 tla K.) ^ POl.Etl li #ffiWliAilATSAN’ lllek iMlnla n!r.H.; (a „ nancla li ivki.-iocmg im) Siikeng ya r»*na. l T loi nna rui li l*>>na k:i l/S. na lia g„ ro'ucla botlolo R»m;ujkn.; hie . jj.H.gue k. gllll)fll(, l.,M -SHlU| nak<» cotlhe fela ka tlhoaU^ci tw’ li kon tlas«>-tla*<*. Fa o ka r . fO W iv ; Alrilia, |.«e I„el,»a ke lKmc t-„ tta koana g o ’D i i a —Shoantisi e nna g;ing«n* ka kg«vii. nwtho „ lirilo ,i„.is., (in bofek>* polelo ngoe e o oho- » fofcolu kgono a rm» n o fc D. W ESSELS & Co., M* Agente Ie ba Sh"Jintis\ sang kaga JWtttw* monpv. eo o t s n m g y e l e m alootse mantsi. t u m o agifcrig Smith Street, Aliwal «i nwitifii ,-a .tin... i.liolisho. e d o lobagana le Kgotlw'ya Mainn* Sf-tanlta oa Foliuli. XoriB. . Mr. W. J . Mann, ra ngoa- (tctsi ka U-fafslic. eo, o ntfoalitse Hkai tse li latching kng«r'4 g|oetse yoa St. Vi­ ^E<50L0 Silt W.VLTEIi ms tbimy, ka niokgoa o o mashue, UtANCIS HELV- methale eotle, le Liloaria cotlhe tse ii ebile re tshn **a gore .etlare kgstba- HUTCH INSOX. gare ra t shaba gore etlare morago tlhokoang ke baagi ba ba kgakala le a tsenoe ke jnongutego a shut*. Mo/jatami on Menknto ■' e tit- Toropo. Me^aan^Dglie ngoana to o fetogi miUnq xrgolo en bo St. Michael U long, uio ebile kc nang lc tebogo St. George, G O R E S ER E l<-Mohi- oa go b»MCTA«' kgolokoane tse li oli-golo on Kolon/ , n K-natla » khibicoaiia tsa ga I)r. Williams tsa tenth m Cape o f Garni Hope h liatbo lwTra Tokolang li iiir> folisitse utn/atxhe a m wgo l,\ Mjt!nh:Lta ed ino boloctsin* V«*U gague, vo bo boi Koloni eo, ga’o. ‘/do. isliegnng.------—------JSrilc fa likao li santse li tlliaga E. Solomon, ra ’matlcla lingaka tsa Ynaanet: Ka thata le ka t.sliiainelo tM! .GOLEBAGAN* LE STESHENE mono, ra naea mosimane (nyaga ke li neecoeng ke molao m |fc>- tsa gagi^e li sale thataro) melenio loetse yoa likgomo oa No. 27 oa Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi le e e kailoeng ke~ lin?aka. Mo bo- 1893, le molao o o ijkelitseng, oinong yo a go folisioa ke pheko?o eljong oa Rinderpest oa No. 2 Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako eo, ea nua gone 'me o tllmkolalaug oa ISJ7, ke itsise go nna polelo Q 0 nmlo 'fciloana tta Jflottm t U Jjin 00. s 'golo. Morago |K>l>olo esi gaguo ca pnnt^ha* gore ka liotlhofco oa mo gakalela aba areteleloa ke O itse Secoana cang go muisa fela. go mctsa livo. A latlhegeloa ke yoa Rinest bo utloala ino puo, aba a r«*tek*loa ke go lirisa likgomong lingix* t.-ci Lefatshe- ninliogo a gague go tsamaea a yji-Tshireleeo, go tlogJi mo lc- yesioa fela yaka los^a. ’Mcle oa tsatsingya kutloac\» e. e tla Ixi esc :,T*gue oa simolola go itsikinya ka tshinmo go ntslui likgomo 1110 JOEL REZNEK, osi. ebile re boifa go mo jatsa in > fatslieng ya tshireleco go li lere bofaorig re tslinUi goreo" tla oela mo koloning cno ea Kapa. ta fatshe, a gagaba a retelelua ke 2 1 GIDDY 8 T R B E T , . go ema; atlhorega uama fela eotle 'Me ebile kc itsise lc go K IM B X R L E Y . ga sala letlalo fela lc marapo. Kne utbxitsa fa likgomo eotlhe tse ole pono e e utluisang botlboko, e li ka tsenang mo Koloning cno ( Kafa morago ga Kantoro) ino ene. ele gu KVAXS'jVjle. e tlhomolang pelo. Willie acoe- kgntlhanong lc molao o, li tla Ijilonna .coMhe kfe* ltueng li tlhokou kc lV!coaii:i (Liyo lela pele ino boloet«wng ka sobaka bo li seiiolceoe polao. Linoo le Liapuro) li fnno. sa li kgoeli lile tharo, a ntsj ale mo pobolong e C ntluisang lx*tlhoko eo MOLIMO BOLOK V KGOSI. Thekisho eame ea eletsega jjo tsamaea mosali mongoe oa mo I.o n c e c o c k e at la sanu- f.i ila s c r.i Aliwal North a re bolelela kaga S ckan o sa K o lo n i oa C a p o o f C.ihkI Hojm kgolokoane tse li kliibieoana tsaga ka l- Kgosing oa Koloui ea ntlbH ea lisit-seng mosimonyana on ka 'me >Hith Afrika.(Cape Town). K i: o lu a kgatiai.tshioe ke karal»o e: Niua ke ptislw ts» Kup^ Nalal, BAREKI, BAREKISI] Kgolokoane ts* li khibieoana tsa rransvaal le Oransfia. t a u rato L e B a a n a n y i B a M e t h a l e ga Dr. W illiams. Me yann, ka ke ro utliKjbi s<* se liragalang mu le- l)onye fa molemo oo ele leisheg*1 oitsbing votlbo e reke. Tsa I a ea ino niorafing, n golol<*seirile g«- Bancho: Ie Makgoa a e lwla. EOTLHE EA L lT H O T O , gatisa mafoko a ke a gu bolclotsefl. Bogolo you batho bo ne bo s;* TIIkmiIIku 8a: felu ka ngoaga. VO R[ARAKEM OA MAFIKA. sbolofela fa Willie Mann a tla fola K . X. S . rEREGRIXO lofa*outs~‘yalo, yaka mi loot-e ul .Mong le Jlonilaganyi, Ba reka Likgomo, Likobo tsa Liba- mantsi, a erile a sa sholofeloa a }lox K7O, Cdpe Town. f"lisioa ke k 'plogoan& tse li kbibi- Roni' ln liunnpc lilt- tharo fa ii rata p* cana^ Mabele, Mebili, Linaka le lipapali o ana tsaga D*. Willi-ins. < o mle matlumsante a luhnpo • Uma. tsa Secoana cotlhe. t s e l i k teang fa lip-*lc tse li siame I ■■ ...... t h a t a , mo frdoetseug yoa t e t s mo. k^nlafaln ftn ^llwiStUtteg l. bull bo­ Eo o romelang 15s. yaa- Ba nale matlo koa ko yoa banyana, go phauiphanyoga maraj o, tsbimoi jgo e»i lohuba, nong, o tla romelo* *‘Ko- Mulibogo, Gu-Kliimnniu,' ( Plwli^phnti, '"<»galikego, liutho mal«ietse a ranta go fitlhela /larch • h y t b n i a atigang go choeuya b a s a l i le f Mol«>polole, Mluilapye. haroetssi*. 4 1904. KORANTA EA BECOAXA AND BECftOAXA GAZETTE, MATLHAUO, MOP1TLO, 14, 1903. Si Kemp & Co., Ho Hokgoatheng °* Balamayo Golebogana le Steshehe sa Kabhe Ho Goo Ra V e il ? ___ MAflOGONO Ke gone go fitlang - • Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Lintle tsa tsam aleke: tse d i o eletsa g o itsise litsaia t.st bo tsa Batlhaping lc lSconiw Banna, Basali le Banyana. choanang le go ba bangoe bn Kolong lc Miigo- Lilampi le librae, Printe tsa Germane, thula le go momela gona lintflca mnrumo, bsi kabe BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipompo lc lilo tse lingoe tsn HADJE NASSIEP. li tshipi tse li ka lathing. Jffosagi oa Zffparo tsa 0 itsisioa l»eti le^fxi baagoe En go brtcoe Ntlo inoleino e;i Fa u batla sengoe mo go l>one J o a n n a . Liy f l ^ c cho^n e e knfii gt>ora i[ololxu\g. a tla lxi bona go lebnguun le Li naifio^'Marotfiole liyo 1e.liTnoo"cotlhe tse li tsliefisang^mde .Stesliene si uK u tsh e .” O rata go itsise ,Litsaia tsa gagne ta a sale mo mannong a gague :i (koa ntle gn tse li feigang) li k:i nna tsa lwnoa ka nako cotllie. Mo Mokgoatlieng bogologolo, 1110 Ross Street, • r' r ! M. MOTSHEQARE, era BULAWAYO. Malay Camp. MoiitsioastaYl, ■ M e s e g o ea G a g u e e siame thata; Z \ r Msifikeng. T h a k a e e coang M e t i.h a T. A. Lewis Roberts, tlhelong' J. GERRANS/ Mosegi oa maajiete ke eo ! X g a k a ea Me n o , yaanong o hu- lugetse ta moseya ga tsela mo H a d j e N ) A s s i e i >. Co h e n ’s B u il d in g s, go lebagana Ross Street, Kimberley. le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- la meno, go tsenya a masTia,. lefa ele goa baakan$*a, ba nale go ’mono F rank J. C roxforo. Vrybur-r fa gare ga nako tsa 9 oa moslio le Mogente, ^Iueleli le ’Mankouvi 0.1 5 oa inaitsiboa: ka Tshipi, 1110 litaetele. Gnufi le Kantoru 01 moshong, fa ba niole.letse-pele. Fohuli. KCAKOLOLO E E HOT LH ALE. ' ' f ) ■ : Linama tse li sia- K1TSISH0 E E BOGALE. meng tsa LIKGOMO le LINKU li ka nna Eo 0 sa romeleng tsa bonoa mo go tefo ea gague mo tshiping e e tlang re E. T. (ME, tla itse faele sekao n O O O O R A 3 T 0 LLE. Uppei Jf ues Street, gore ga a tlhole a KIMBEKLEY.

M O T H U I.l l e MOLIRI OA MAKOLOL l e L IK A R A . batla Koranta; ’me re W.G. KIRKPATRICK, Muliidsi lc 'Motliuli oa Libaesikele le Metliale eotlhe ea lx> Mash inc. e khutlise. MOREKISI ,OA LI LOAN’A COT I. Hi: 0 Kontrakela Pusho tsa Imperial le Kolooi le Komponi ea B.S.A. T GO LEUAGANA LE Varata ea Railway, ^ONNING & KATZENSTEIN, OULAWAVO

KlTSISHO.— DareklsI ba Koranta botlfac r ■ iim * LOUIS PRICE & CO., ba tiritaetse to lueta FA KdOEtJ- NOOE ‘xv . St. Gorge's Street, le Victoria (gaufi Hotel, i LE NQOE E SHOA. Oa ke fcatfe •** a (G o p o t a M a r a k a k a f a B o k o n k j BL,OBMKONT 1 5 IN. epela,ke lefa baliri ka one. Le II paaiplri tae ke zaHsaflf ka cone sa li bocoe ka lecopa KIMBERLEY. ke II rc£a Hpontc. Ntlo e e tlhoatlhoa li koa tlase go feta MoreVrtos Melnti le Mabele, matlo otlhe a Mangaung. Ga oYolisc sengoe le sengoe ‘me ga b 'Morekisi le moananyi oa mu------:00:------rctcleloc kc go folisa lo lc bal>otlaagonao mo Fjw: jeng, co o bogalc, co chong cnc tUilo le liloana tsa Secoana. Thoto e ntsi ea Liaparo, Litlhako tsa o o hrccocng TLHOATLHOA U Siame Thata: banna le basali. Likoba le lilo tse lingoe. HOFFE’S rcl'a llc Tlhotlhotsa Maraka 11 tla koaletoa FEVER mongoe le mongoeeo ii potsang Baagi ba lipolasi lotlhe, fa lo tla never known to fail I* O BOX 405; TKI.Rfin.tMS; Blocn^fontein se tltyokenjj go ctela — CURE. smuutLkr ••makk" ° » f | » N | r — i' i tf' " ' ' ■— \venkcle ya ro^a. . . ? fJIOKKK MED INKS CO. <- tlliakancot-ns; t r.kixlca mo P r in t e d anit puhlwlicd at tlie UK* libvtloionirte tN. Lipnirv eone lea • liphutliela- t-HU AN A, PRINTING* WOKK.S nynnalilc ti Hr 1'J kn I*. lc 5s. ngne lenffoe. PHILLIP TSHABALALA, Main Street, Mafeking, ty t*‘** Mo I .itorong collne, lc Iiarckisi ba Melemo MOREKISI Proprietor Silas Moi.Vha. Jftaranta ea iBecoana,

_ A > ^ I ) R K C I I 1 :.\ X .\ ,(^ / Jv l''P K . the amelioration of the native. T: a b o u r, H o h r i c i v, £> h r i 1“ t a n d fC d u e a 1 i c n,


Nio Setorong sa Bogologolo Sa bo Han* kuano *o .Murcki'i e«i o rep ­ lan* ka tlhoalhoa He li olcn/r. !.!> • WHITELEY, WALKER & Co., le LI K H A I t*a methale tha’ cotlfe. Lewenhele ya ***■-• I* »t ZMTOj^EKlISI O A LIA F A R O . Bancho fa gaali Methale cotlhe ea Ufcobb. Liaparo, Licoato le Liroala t*a m.-thale earth: ea B u m l-» Birali Y j u i j ; li r A M u ka - tlhoatlhoa tse li fokolecoca^, ka ntlha ea lehuata ya nako eno. Steshene sa Mipolisi a

Priate 1** W , li tseoa ka 4 i. lipatrono lile than^att Mi«hi * tspaa ka 6d., Jem.* ki *J.. tlliapi ca 'Hellenic BARKLY WEST ka M .- Li loan a t'l- g t j’K cotlh? a fjkotsa 3J. mj shilling m)n*oe le mangoc. A. LIVEIjS, Are l&ilireU In nii ko Buroloiiir. Molaoli a*> horn ke Mr. (J k »u si: M m r >i. Kvi i .Moit.v; II Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lishojo tse li kgolo, O t * h a s i I.* Iik. FERDINAND J. JACOB. a li . L*-ou* '•'.Of? % ‘ ' ^ * li :»|n*~i.>e In* ~

I ki I k i jJ t a .

m i> . r . p g h <-vh KRUMMECK & LINLEV, ’nio eno cl« jja n.J *,& A R £ K I, JBAR**E tU & L

Le baattariyi ba Methale eotlhe ea lithoto B a t l h a im x c . ! SIM) mHRHKGRG OH h-IGOBpSLH. Lo di ’yang (ic- ? Rekang monogaeno Flouru- eo montle kgetse ea 100 lb. £1 lithoto tsa methale Kgetse ea Boupe (yo l)o sefilosng £2 5s. eotlhe e e dihang ka Printe e ntle ea Germane (yard) 61 Batlhaping ba gaecho. Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4d. BA NAI.K MATI.‘ > A T 11EKIS 1I ) K O A U z fyc&st'.z. Mono lilethele, DyarnbulL lc Lekuw fontkin o x ga Swuivijkk*!, TUAN8VAAI . Wenkeleng ya Batlhaping. ______ih ______Taung. BETHEL A.M.E. INSTITUTE. j . a H E f r p EO O HAPII HMi LE ' 5 E TLA BULOA KA TLHAKOLA 3, 1903. J\kOHMO Ke r maikaelelo a Balaolr go aba thuto c e scion#^ mo likalengtse li latelang, ebong Liki<« tsi i i i S s j e n j tsa as U0r.it L e g a re : B $ | ic h e re : S e k o le c h i: B o ru ti: ’Mogo le TlhalckTte'NonolV* %-.i lieir** tsi mabogo lc tse lingoe. Fa 11 batlago utloa sentle* koalela K»* Moliri co «) sium. nu *» i T I^ox'. A. H en ry A ttnw f 1 v , or.*losi. E iso koa s;o .-n • • t. 110 Hanover Street, ~ imko on trngu «■ st ottaic. CA PE TOWN. Ronela ISn. Loa r” SJU* Moltma Maflkeojt, u tla a«ogeli "korain.i'• otlbc oa l««J.

PMoro PICTURE C. F R IS IA ', ENLARGERS. The Art Metropole. Of SLERS Jjorekisi. ISA SECHOANCHO sa gagu ba <- ati>: ka m 'u!.» cot:h_- c u e c!c^n;. 151 tla s.- a t.jlo !a or.- u ij>ona n itshabe: Bontlc lc Bogolo. liichlcnbiirv, Lic h o a n c h o li tsengoa mo li ii>nn tktN’^ng. ... . , . K e B a r e k i s i ba lichoancho tsa ntoa ia Mabimi ts. i; k->o.uu; mo h^ilasiiv, ts i l„» I „ Luv.»,»l Si’at>svaa'I. l'naJ, Kimb rlcv. m a m e . K011ANTA KA liECOAN'A AND BEUHUA.VA G.VZETfK, M AT I. H A CO, MOP1TLO, 1UU3,. a8 W. N. COOPER & Co., — YOUNG Bros., = M«»rukisi o;t melomo, kafa ntlheug c» n^tlijaba-t^atri i-u 'J^ara'hisi ha 'fefyo tsa t ski me, MAP AKA OA MAFIKA. i LE APARO TSA METHALE EOTLHK, Kc L cw cn kelc yc lc sha, Maikaelelo a beng ba yone ke gw otla n^slsr^o ea morafc, o moshou lc o moncho, ka tlhoatlhoa e potlaim. c ;< > < ;t> 'r*i-io iw X ic JrS ici'i.: i i a COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2/9-r.o botleleng. Liyo, Maupe, Liaparo, Kofi, Shukere, tee methale-thale. l 'UHA TSA BANYANA COOPER’S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE. I It le 2/6. BVROLONO L E MAFENKU A LOXEISHENE KE TSALA TSA RONA TSA BOtiOLO. <>.\. 1'lW IvIv’IO OOLO, REA LI FOKOLETSA HUTTON S FttfER POWDERS. 1/6 Phuthelanyana. .\I AI.A le M OGALIKKOO. (jo bapa le Mr. PADDON, COOPERS ANTIBILIOUSPILLS I/-, ha letloyana Go lebagana le Mr. W ILLIA M S. SA 0 0 PHAMPHANYEGA MARAPO. M O 3HIPPARD STRCeT. COOPER'S RHEUMATIC & PILE MIXTURE. 2s 6d. La Ictloyaoa.

tt.\A(il l)a ba k-akala ba ka koalela Mornlajanyi oa KORANTA fa ba rat ogt> ramclo M 1:111 LSI 10 AN A c c cIctM xaag e. W. H. COOPER & Co„ INNES HITEN, MoAoAnyi oa meteim M A F E K I 1 T G . Mopbuti oa Baliri ba Metlobo e megolo Kabonako ! Kabonako !! ea koa Gauteng. 0 ba amogelela mono Palo c ntsi ea Babereki c batleca mo M afikeng aba romele tirong ea tsela. u , • | 1 1 ^ TIROEAMOLIMO. Bathusi ba eague ke b o * k e o b o p il e Mctloboiig ca o 0 Ic YAKE KGAISO. CORN K LI A MINE, Tumalano tse li tlhophegileng sa tlboa- tlboa tse li lekanyeng. VILJEONSDRIFT O. R. C. Ka tlhoatlhoa tse li ntseng yana:— J. F. FLYNN ^ a l a i s i : IFLE1TII. ’j PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. 15 litroko - 2 ^ . od. jMolaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li 2 5 » 3 . 6 tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi koa Engelane, ke li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse li fokolicoeng ke sa lo luelisa bogente. i ;; lifuti is. 30 lifuti 4 » „ 3 60 .. A Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng, ebong Nako ca Kontraka : Kgoeii tse 6. MAlv : is6d le is od. kafa bogolcng yoa one, I.1K O K O : 2s., 2s fid le 3s kafa bokim cng y o a koko. LIYO TSK LI SA KKKOKXG : ItOUPI YOA III Iii. j ISOL’PK yoa SEKGOA. vo lx> fcfcriloeng, yaanong : /"1.13s 6d. ka cinnure 4> '"*• l:AI.Ii:i IIOTLIIK 1JA ISA AMCXSELAXC. KOXTttAKA K ISA TL.\ j i?3 lE> V<§> /o\ iftl IcS. 2 ®*RK LO ESE 1.0 REKI8K M ae LK LlKOKO 'IM I SOX A PAHALELO K K MOLKMO I.K MAKORAI.O A ASIA- MKXti MO KOMFAUXKXG li K ATI.HAMKX*». ! lona lo ee Setorong sa ga Flkni, o tla lo rekela ka choanclo. j • till l’KTA MATLO OTI.HE A BECHlfANALANf). A/VA/VA/VA/VA/V

.V; k x t :. ha M ono R. HARDING r. A. MUHLENBECK, Mongoa Kontraka. LOUIS ABRAMS, Box 341, Kimberlcv. I M1NCH1N & SONNENBERG (MA-LEU), Koa Tlhaping. Ha/nw/efi Ou M abjotUi a E m jclfhi:, a ,, Helang Tlheng Batlhaping! / lerhitrtiuihtilf/. 9 LIOFISI: CAPETOWN, VRYBURG, & MAFIKENG REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA-LEU ! DENNISON & £tfANSWICK, ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU! BAFANTISI LE BO AGENTE ! Ba nale Lifantisi tsa M a c a c o , tshipi cotlhe. Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga sa gague Mebili, ftjabe’e le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. p 0 . B o x 2 2 . iVesraphic A d Jre s s : “ DINXISOH" MaLkin*. MA=LEU, Taung. £LTTK. MATl.llA*X), MOi'irLo, llM»3,. ^ EIKGOIIO! le L1HDTSHANE!! IJ. Solomon, Ts6 li rekUioung mo Sakcng ya rona r f., , nako cotlhe F0L1 ka tlhuitlhoa ls- li k(« tla^ tlaJ^ Fa'o' ka* 0 gaufi go tula lebeakele koa gs tla koana go Shoantisi c l:1 ‘ fc|f ^ \Khunoana ka liaparo tse li ntle tsa banna D. WESSELS & Co., le litlhako. Methale eotlhe ea Likhai tsn M Agente lc ha Shcamisi I basali. Lit'hako, le Khai tsa keiiio tsa ba- «Jo lebagana le Kgotla va 'Mago.- S turata **., Kolmli. humi le bahumanegi. Tlang lo lekeng

W T R I I T P R | TRANSVAAL ROAD H MITCHELSON jssszsl II. R. 1RU ILRj j LE THOMPSON STREET ♦inult !«• Stesliene sa Mapolisi, O rekisa Liyo, L>ino, Liaparo tsai KIMBERLEY, methale eotlc, le Liloana cotlhe tse li Mothuli e i •> siameng oa .Nfakoioi I - Likara. T1"ivkixt-tn-«kol;*i - rlhokoang ke baagi ba ba kgakala Id masha le a a thulilottng ka tlh vitllicKi tse li h k uiyong-; T oropo. {W ^ iro tsa zzgizc li siamc “‘^ • 1 r. «, 1

tsa tsluibela ko'i koloning t-*c I- neha-tiit* 4e u ke --l-^- h'-^-— MATLHAtO. PHITLO* 28.19C3. horoko k » le tn.> k'»|.iuiug ts--» -g*. E. Solomon, li'T'a - inelao c <• tla ha Ifivtllw ii; jnonch-j iiu- kca tlHirija, luioa ha tlhohx* Ice uo niw tent. le steshene • COLEBAf.ANA lia Yerusaleiuo. yaUa litem a k i Fiiesule molao «»* simolo\ra Zr- Kcdara le Iilc|M'lclu tsa'"a iSilirtiKin. lalolalio*'’ motho ale im>ng-.ic fel. Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi lc Sc ntrhvng i;onnv kc le m o n d n *. gonne l. tsStsi^ !<• mphaS'hinict?!': mono Mtilikeut'.' ke itk/ak'/a- Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako hanna l a s a the ba ’ne l*a til»£uka- niaoit fa.motho a hala “ bah'-ii" I'- le la ; In utira m o le lv li oa m a siiu o e.uv g»» nna leSicho uia ha ce ,l'« “ a bone a nvith.a, r-.irc ti*it!a i .i»:: «-.i Q o nale Jyilazr.a tsa Jfiateir.e la 1jir.se. folakampa«a Mapolis;. . makgon. a akaho a it<«', a illh«>m: miselitse go tlo!:: ticfa.ici!*- co l.i’- tsa B eihd c lc niolai» oil a ka o.-i. Kc utloa fa .,1’n-ho •- ikstddse lc basetsHtivan.l ha U akral iu'ali gore magoleg»*a otlhe a Mnhuru, :■ b a h n W ith i In, kk:-nan- h-la I* a atlhoc»*eog ka molao o:t ntoa. a h isijo yoa l*«>ne gololoc ,fdu otlhe. Ke sdo se sc Mo. bakcng se i ; • iii| 21 GID DY STRBIS'P. molcttio thata la Goromcntc a ka li>i a .n ts e a g a k *t>e t h a la a k g a n i; shupa mnui.loelo-botlhnko a a kah* bt^hnlaj seo sj lnmala mo iH.nisin*. - ' KIMBERLEY. mo batlhanken.r ha gngue -1>:» ha yoa likgets<- ts • line li letih 1.- mo leofetseng. Me kaitse unnchon yoche- ■ga 1: es»* li kc li nne k:i!• (Kafa. morago ga Kantoro) mo ene ele ga EVANS jK*le. relo ga a lekana Mabnru fela, I- mon<» M a fik e n g . Iki kab«> LHoana cotlhe tee ke itseng li tlhokost ke Bccoan:* ,Livo, n»na a re ehoanctsc. IIrile yaka i!m>a botho fa .ha kanc ha lehi^: Linoo le Liaparo) li fano. Mr.<‘hamhcrhiin a (la koano ra hoilhagaiyoa hone ntlhcn" ea tin koala knga bancho ha ba atfhnk- coca iMitlhahisa-litlhoni' tsheny* Thekisho eame ea eletsega c »eng borukutlhi. Ka mnaka Clo­ e a b a s e ts a n y a n a h a h a .-a itx -n . ut loe tse lc halatcli ha gngue. l(;t sej'e, l»a sengo 1 k«- hs-o loa moral* umaka Ahraham U* Fleur oa 1*> 0 go toeng o tllmhologile. s-jteli, eo o atlholecocng borukutlhi l’olufaco ea boaka \**a »: ieintj-- koa Niemanslaud. a neoa nyaga 1 >e Moiulganyi ka boilalO maloba. lile 14 ka tiroe c thata. Ka bua ta a utloa mongoe «*i liuy;it«i t»-. kitgn Galeslicoe lc halatcli ha ba tsa Makgoa a raea ngoana ‘m.igo< I>osilo ba gague. ha ha suutseng ba (eo cue o santse a itapisa' ka |« l< khuutha mo kgolegong, ha seka ea pi»if«»-Molmo) ere boit'heph* ! niofcrefcreiiyana o o Itolaenng Ida yi>a »-.• ke lilshtinc fela. Arc eni BAREKI, BAREKISI I ele batho l»a. ba ina?h 'ine inaheli : gana ligkorclceo lipe tse li ntcie. ra ba ra mnaka le Yocle, yalo'ehile ene ‘ka nafco' oka haj>t:l- L e B a a n a n y i B a M e t h a l k k.osana esi Bashotho. Ka kaea mali a a ka bapaloang ke co m< - ka tharahololo e tdele fa haclto ba ; ngoe ka kgv»i‘lt 1/10 kg«K;;ig \v« EOTLHE EA LlTHOTO, feta Makoa ka Ixuitsi. 'me maina ka yosi. A se lo ! Fa nne a its area kaileng ele l»onc ltotlhc ha tlho. t boa e e lucloang kc ene 1; MG PHAKENG OA MAFIKA. ha kileng ha tscna mo lithsekong nako golimo ga man ao. i*.r* K. ka borukutlhi, moo go slmpi fa er go senapuo ep.* e ka nlo scnoiviioi:: Ba reka lik g o m o , I^ikobo tsa Liba- ee niorafc o o tlholecoeng hmiikii- g«>o 1.1, Majmlisi ga a m ii-_ tlh i: ra lopa gore kgetse tsa tlhogo ka hard leh -re e e lekanyen^ hone li aknngoe ka Mushoropo a a fa tlase ga S-kamu mougo/ 0.-1 K* - eana, Mabele^Mebili, Linaka lc lipapali lirileng seshola one a omiloe fela loni eo bognle i }ca katlholo ea likgoclinyuna li sc tsa Secoana cotlhe. li none, h rile Moatlholi a tsiJe F kikno. oa H hicm 'ont.ia o , luka mono a bn la mafoko ao le Sir ki* thata go hufanya MaLnrr .t Walter Hely-Hutchinson, aha a Omngia le Kecoana ha telig. M. Ba nale matlo koa re sholofetsa ka Mr. De Kock, fa fad e Im* KanknlikMC ha gautogih Malibogo, Ga-Khunoana,. •tlare motlhnugo go akangonng litlhogo. h i il»«; fa ha -a knke l»« Phalachwe, tebaielo ea lirukutlhi go scke go lema ina*tmo a Imne ka nuilmn«> <-a Geysdorp, tlhaoloe 'mala, ’me re santse Molopolole, Mhalapye. lm koa I i ba ha oketsiiliu li|)oleh . re lebelctsc phuthologo ea cholo- I {a itse. fa mnsimo a Uiiie :■ ■•■n!'- feco eo ea Magosi. ke Ut'couna ha ' deng Immic h:» thusitseng Maburti go ma I’lv. ■W. X. LO W E, Go nale uiohto o o utloa licoeng S ctata yaka nne a ntse. Kcctmi:. mo tshitnologong ea ngoaga, oil go him ka bosi ke hone ba ka thusne. kganela boaka yoa 1110 pontsheng. Mashoropo go hoa ha aga lipulas • Magoe oa ga Mamakwa^o. Fa esalc o simologa o huhtile liaka tsa bone le go boa ha li'hns- t *a m< tsa Makgoa mo koloning eotlhe, maemong a line 4!lr m« go .»tn tsq line li ipa|>atsa mo Ca(>eto\vn pele ga ntoa. Kico co e ila i»: K c ^ e x le mo mctsing e meugoe. lia tlha- itlliomamisetse hatlhanka lm Ihmu T f i i i n g . tlheloa ka teronko ha sa luclisioa, ha bmicho Ida bakoali bangin} Im» eare banna ha ha ha hiris<‘tsang Kc MotJjuli co o mo Bcnkclciiir c iie c k <« h \ Ma. utse ba rotla ka mnithnmako a • matlo I k i tlhatlheloa ka tcnmko eoang mo |H»lung tse li kg<-|>:im.- innkwalo co fa botohelong, o aholofda g ; lira tin. t>.- li -u..ncnM (makgoa; ba scoloa ka katse. C»a sieodig ke kilo le go hisa go 11 lia- nna m^shoe ga nna maragaraga. lognnya. lK):imnrur *. thata tea bothuli. KORANTA EA BECOANA AND BECUUANA GAZETTE, MATLHAOO, MOP1TLO, lftU3,. 28

Kgosi Bathoeng Gaseitsiwe co Gehkm i. M akaoer oa De Beib. Kon Amerika go nale phulnego Lekotoana y i Molao. Consolidated Hines Limited o bnUU >■ tonanyana, ka uUita ca likgore- o busang Bang^^ketse o ntse ale C a p e , O k a x g e i . k T r a n s v a a l . mono, a tsile go baakanyetsa batho Kgo« W . Leteapa oo Ra-tlou, leco tse*rnnrafv o m otion rntang go tiobo ea mgne e tletse baliri. \JZ li l>acn <110 tseleng ea batho ba Ui.OEMKONTKlN.— M a g e s t r a t a ba gague likoalo tsa litshenyegelo. Kgosi cue e cffeelicoe ke matona gont y.To bangoe ba W mala. Krile. President McKinley Mr. Ashburnsham o hirile basali ba lMtlo Macbaina. A bogolo (a a cone a a thata-thata, bo Tsima, a shoa bouno yoa gague yoa tseoa ba babeli— bo Maria boo bil>eli— batla baliri be ac-engga bn lekt M«. kc President Roosevelt. Leburu gore ba merekele tironynna ngoe bo Kgampu, bo Kgostmotsc, bo tlnmma ka lefa asa eletsege, a sa il™. veo crile le tscna mo l>ogosing ya go simolola ka Mopitlo. Erile Motsatsing le Marenana a mangoe, yaka Machaina. ikgakalctsn bogale yoa bushoeu kgoeli e simologa ba tlhokofala. a a imeloang ke litelu fela yaka ka go lalctsn Booker Washington Ba ea go kgoloa kc Mapolisi go tla Bangoaketse. mo Amerika eo inoncho, go ca go go sekisioa thobo-eaKontraka. KITSISqO EA FATSHE ya le ene. Goo fong erile go sa Phuthologo mongoe le mongoe £5 LINTOA. ouisa-huisa Makgoa. ba utloa go — Mosimanyana mongoe le ene YATSIRELKCO. toe o tlliomile Dr. Crum, monna erile morago ga Nibi Ynra a ron^oa ape ebile fee itsise gore ' 'I I mongoe on 'mala go con nionmo- ke uiungoc, oa a ela ruri, gotsamaea 1 ‘lbaiiauo ea koa Morokko, e ya geli oa Lekgetho 1110 inotsing mo- a eboaroa maloba. Mpa lile 10.— ekile eane ekete e tla Giania e simologa ka tsatsi ngoe. Krile go santse gotoc he Piet ona a golegilc Skochckara k gakala gape. Lefa mokoaleli oa rapieno ga go nko go tlholn g,, Timks" are Morokko o fcntse ba- a moulo a tlhotsa £ 2 10s. Presdentoira yang l>a utloa fn amogeloo lekoalo lipe tse liuchn l»eng ba motse oa South Karolinc Mosa’i oa Lckgoa gatoe Annie Davis ba ba gague, go l*onala fa ka ina- hare fa Kgosi e ikaclet-e gore ona alt fa pele ga Magesetrata a choarccoc nete go fencoe Batlhabani ba tsa litshenyegelo tsa lilo tse li fatshe ya bone lc laoloc kc tlalo go ‘ loufa." Bare kc Ictlala poa, ye le Goromente. Ba tlhasecoc ke ntoa gapitoeng ke babo mo Lc- ye le nclio. bone ba tin • e sliupetsa scoring mcrcko, o tla tloga a ucoa. ea lalogi fa bofelong yoa Tlha­ Erile a liolioa are “Ke tlamcloa kc i>a sa kake lm ineela mo taoloug e monna oa ” mala, me ga ntlhabisc li- kola tsa gasa gasa inashole tsa fatsheng ya Tshireleco; tw­ si ntseng yalo. Ba Inilola t»otlhe tlhong lefa kc lc lckgoa." monna mo- a tlogelisa lithoto. it eseng li romeloe go tlho- k a tsntsi le le lengoe fela ba ea ngoe oa I.ekgoba, Isaac Lewis, a tla go Koa Masomaliog Terupa Lsa koa Post Otising c «ntse c laoloa ’muclcla, arc ke mosali oa gague, Ma­ Manyescmatie li tnaele lile 40 go tlhomisioa ke batlhotlhomisi ba ke Mrs. Cox, mosafi" to moncho, gesetrata ! "Av monna, a gase uena coa fa matlhaolelong a^Ti, t*Mulla” crileng maloba ulc fa uarc mogaco ke litshenyegelo. Ke gore konlr. bare a eoe a tsaina?. fa go sa nne Minnie Isaacs ? Mosali kc uena u tla ca Bohohlc. yalo ba tla mo elioam ka liatla. tcronkong inalatsi a 21, fa u sena 30s."— Ekete go tla una loferetlho- cotlhe li khutlile go set* Krile Kg< si e utloela fa P<*stmisi»i maloba koa Toaispanc mosali o bilioa nvaua fa gsire ga Eugelaiie le ma- maikfluo' fela. e thobile ea romela moi'ala koa go Annie Mabtanza o fitlhetsc Jim Mo- Russia ntlha ea Botlhabatsatsi Magesetrata oa ten" a mo raea are tlhaping a bctiie ngoana oa gague likuco. - Erik--arc- & “choara thipa ka bogale,” I>ord Curzon, Goronere oa India; — -Ralph-W ili ia ms,— fit TratKolia" motse in* ba sa batle Jim a lesa ngoana a lubaka Annie. Ma- le Lord Kitchener (tnoloali-golo Resident Commissioner. I’osttnisisi eo tlhamilocug ke molao gcsetrata Erile a sena go baea mo sc- oa Lintoa tsa India) lia thaakanya Vigolo ke fa pose c:i motse 00 c k’a kalcng sa tlbogo a fitlhcla lintlho tsagp litsebe thata ka mafoko a mele- Mafekingj,, roaloa; c tla buloa fela fa ba ka Annie li Ickanvoc kc kgoeli lile 11. loane ea Likoloni Lsa Brittania hard lcbcrc, likuco tsa ngoana cone 17tb March 1303. lioa bn amogela Mrs. (’ox. Ka a kgoeii ele ngoe fela. Jim o tla nna mo koa Likhutlong tsa bo India le i . v-sa letleloe go boela koa tirong ea mashccng kgoeli lile 12. O choerc bo­ Persia. THE SOUTH AFRICAN SPECTATOR. gngne ofisi e tla coaloa, ba ij>onele thata. KGOLOLO. koa ba tla rekang Iitani]>a gone. Mangaung,— Makgoa ale mabeli anc (.10 bonala fa a ba ]M>tilc ka koa ale fa pele ga Magesetrata oa Bloem­ The Adjjycate of the black inau’s inashoeng ka re sa itse gore fa go fontein ba choarjccoc go sicla Bancho Erile re ea kgatishoug ra utloa cause, it, ja,not the tool of any clique. bovaloa. liokboc bao ebile bagoc, t» gotoc Maburu a golocoe, .le thaka ka toe r.* nc r^ en go reka nyctsc basali ba 'mala. Ercka bovaloa Church, or party. ea utoa ca ga Galeshewe ele 7, le iitempc koa Vryburg, le go ika- bo lc tsala li mccoc, ere thaka ere c li- It is published at the Capital of the mogeleln marifi a rona teng, re pbura le bagogali ntekane kc bathaisi Lc Fleur oa Legrikon. Kc sentlc Premier Co'oHy of South Africa. Re­ ra tlhoka go lekanela. 'ba bona makgoa a tla go ba tlakaula a se sc golo. E raea ka re ese re ba isa chankancng. Katlholo £50. mo- utloelc maina a boshupa yoo. Mr. cognized tpc Governments of thi ngoe lc mongoe fae se yalo 6 mans Cape, Natal', ..and the Transvaal and hard lcbcrc.— Abraham I.cwis(moncht*)r Steyn 0* o ntse a. sililega sentle Orange IRivcr Colonies. K o a f. t i s o batho ba Amerika ba lc cnc a li tsena, a sekisioa go nna lc koa moseya gatoe yaant>ng l»oloc- rata go itebuln. Maloba President senkgane sa Makgoa ale moncho. Ka- tse yoa gague bo nigogetse ,You >t ^o know what is going on tlkolo .£15. kgono 3 mans hard lcbcrc. Hiashocm:. >4...... •*! s ~‘ all ovcr,,^bc wdcldt: T h e black man'* Roosevelt ona a koa let sc likorunta Banna kgoaganang lc bovaloa yoa a botsa gore morafe oa reng fa o sc!;goa d o inocloc kc bcng ba yone, bo friend ; UiCiWhite Man reads it <00. nna fela o sa bone bana. Are tla tlatsa tcronko ka boncho fela. Kgo- Makgotla a Tikologo basali ba gagaho ba ila go aniusa mongoc ie cue ona a sekisioa go sen dsitoj,^ Z. S. PEREGRIN'O. bana, le hatina ba tshabn go ba sicla man.vi » Ooyaloa a lefisiou £25 t a T ibiio ka Kimbkrlkv. ; 4..,,; B ox 870, kgono 3 mans hard lcbcrc. • •tla. Koa e gone Theodore Roosr- M afeking’, Kridav, 27th March. •' lo £-; ' Cape Town. Pretoria.—Maloba fa pele ga Ma- • V.rybaig. Moixniy, ROtb March. vjlt o buisioa kc matshego n o a gcsetrata oa Choanc go no gole Van 3 penny stampsTor sample copy. abecoeng ke *Mopi, ka Mrs. iSoose- der AVcsthuizcn, I.eburu a sekisioa go R id im on d , S-.itnrdav, 4th A p ril. velt a mo tsaletsu ba>etsana baulted permanently at Cohf.n's morafe. A r c o gopola molato ke ncoa 4 man’s hard lcbcrc fela. - A bona KgkTse (-a Kgosi Lukas Mokoto Buildings, opposite Public Library golio ba liega l>obe mo lithutong. bothata!------Maloba gono go t-«ile kgitse ce bolecocng maloba e ragogile Hocits Are nwtho okabo eare a choara ngoe fa pele ga bo Livoche ba Trans»-aal. mashoe. Enlc fa ale fa pele ga OF CONSCI.TATION:;- D uilyC aju. to u p.m. Sunday iR-jrn:n^% ngoaga oa bo 17 abo a shnctsa li- Sana ona a neile kgoeli lile tharo, ke Magestrata ( 1) ka tshipi c c fc-' Magcstrata oa Standcrton, lc thupa lile 15 •I»jx>intment thuto tsa sekole yaanong a tscna ka kaLsc. M r. Justicc Solom on are ka tilcng are kgomo lingoe tse o li Tctcgrahpic luliln1*** “IIoU t u '* ncntULKlmbcr*t > . tsa kolechi, ere fa ale *il alH> a mogolcgoa ele loantlha a tscna tscna koalilcng ene ele tsa boo IGl-Tlon tslicla thuto t«a kolechi a ithutn teronkft ga choancloa kc go Icleloa ke bango<- ba ba koa gae, aba a ba UtitseanaiK:: lc vonc h Ih» sboetse ,katsc. . Mongoe L -gape, -, Klcinbooi, • a atlho- bala ka maina. Erile l*a tsile go ._ * _ . ... 1 leeoe hard lcbcrc oa keoeli lile thataro(6^ Notice. livaga tsa gague h santse I de -4. a kt. Magestrala «»a Pieter Relief, a ipilitse kopana le MagestraU ba latola l»a a nyale a ese a eoe lefetoa. I kabc|ioliseaba a amogela mali ka mokgoa goi* fong, ga boimlu fa K gosi ene The iitulcrsignetVis * prejwred 10:1 tsicco. yashc Solomon arc a gololoe. e sa Uilcle iKKiuiaruri, e;il»o c tse- to gi\c lesijons in voice culture v i ...... i:» 1 ■ . _1: r i-1 (ioJiragala lilo tse li kgolo koa Johau- ngoa ino kgolegong gape go- Monroe oa lilalngi tSC ll fa. ll j nc*bUrg. Maloba Man/.ub mangoe anc and instmmentnl music (pnic'-i lim<* ga kako, kgctse coopeli li ticc and theon'). rilciig Maburu a sa fcutse, tsa bo I a!e fa pclc ga Lekgotla a scka go babohi. romecoe Kimberley, beile ke £200, ii t lh o la li COllia batho ba bancho, Lekutoanyana yare le konanve nao ba lc o emecoe ke Kgosi Silas Molcma GEO. B. NTSIKO. ona ale fa pele ga Liyocho a s« ka I a a latlhcgilcng. ya a le W illiam LcLsajHi. mnknwr 011 m,|,. ISaslmi.i . * I kgetsana !a,ou-' Enlcea mail mo mo go fuk“!“ena, rr.c c “ “sena ',cb Formerly Oimini^t and Music .-are ka cue ele Mashor**ju*. a shu sepe. Bare a bolclc koa a gone. A Tutor, Zoi>ncbiocni College. j-a a sikolog:i Ucunarure. tlho' ret ela are ga itsc; yana ba apaea mctse Tlhale ilaleyoe. crilc a bcla ba a ino thela mo tlhogong a . Cape Town. kufahi pelo-e-thate o tscnyaug Krile Btcoana hare MBfjtlbale k> m.j tlobola Ictlalo. Go sa sckoa. 1 I‘'or pariculara, apply KomntaOfl’uv. ‘osika ka choba ya loncio, 'initie- bolaile mongou yoiK-” b a to L»a lem ogile ii a coa. Matebele ale mane ga|R: ane ale tt»> lilo. Maib» -auapc mougoe na F<»ra kgotla a scka pilielo lc go chiibcla. Ko mougoe ko monna gatoe Mt»rago ga tsheko tsatn>kn. S e tsi-ugna A. R. Krasmii'-, «»:i lU-aufort West, lc bale babeli (kc bana ba mosa’i le monna one a bitietso ^bn'onun a bilioa boo bane) ga sala bale babeli. mo tlhogong yuka puana. Krile a se t tssitf. Erasmus a it’ito'.ri a ba a (iatoc erile ngo »ola mariga ba e.i mo Uent>«e luin tlha sa iuo rnliat.su itendc OF; niliktMiin. lekgotla ya ui» latofa- motsing nv»ngoe ba Qtlhela monna 3 care ale o se leka 1 «i a shnela ruri. molaumg' < a pitic!o «a a Set:jana, ba bitolaka mosali oa g;«guc ga Ossie, iytre a bolioa gt.rj a o je o mongoe Ie ngoana ka mclamii "ba Poleli c c hi gakolola fa ngaka NN i^ make new Mattresses t<» Male s«* •* kn se bitntig g.ire n seka ...... ngoe ea foia inaloln ene e bolela gore order, and will neatly restuff 11 atlhob’loa lo'ho sire: tin kcua (iatoe crile molato o tla co^a ga ratholiM e ka folisa scfi.hu ka |nnivo ta Ivitlho, Ka-ltasimanc ha a lalclioa. molato. Ke batlat*p|>elc fa pele iK tyaloa, b a n e su ba ra lx»ua ka M m k o . * your old ones. Morago gi nno a ea gae. Mkosana arc ga 1h» yuri. nm kgotltng ye le golo k arc " m on n a o tagiloc nna" a gana a tsa- koa Cn|k:to\vii. l.iyix be a mo raei rnaea aba a coga a seJoa m<* nokeng c Eo o romelang 15s. yaa- are ga gona .ipjiclc iuo kgotletig e. ’incti'.c are oa tshela ka i-ne e tlctse. ^inmtry Orders receive prompt Vache Bucbauan a 11:0 roalela Yana liana ba «*ri!e ba a a long b.i ca go nong, o tla romeloa “Ko- attention. latofatsa 'monna‘i!o co bare kp ene o ba ilboro e nchotiya.na, a mo athloldu l«olaetscng motsali. B a li gama ha sa ii ranU” go fitlhela Harch losho. tlhajxr’a. 1904. C h a r g e s M o d e r a tk . ^ - IA K V liKC IANa -VN'D PRi'iUANA flAZKlTI-:. MATI.IQfM, MOPIfLO i S 1 * 3

W. G. KIRKPATRICK,!IU1 ***»- (7) That this Conference. nfter con­ Johannesburg. g e n e r a l d k a le u , sidering all available statistics «1*d Mareii, mil o.i. hearing tlie reports of highest official Tl* Honourable .. .. ______S ir Godfrey__„ . . r f ____ I brintf act that the authorities aneagains: Urn of work t/ncuihfv the nonnil re pi ire- to y»mr notico the treatment tliey are projected Chinese invasion, some iieoph- menM of the several e •lonies. and at ‘ m bjcrtol t*» whilst, tnrvollini' by tram ;an* st ill yearn ;ue for foreign lab.nir. we the same time furnish ud'«|iiaU‘ nmoii'n: fn»m .IuimntM-*lmn;. The ItaMit««* •»*— might eo.ms.-l iIk::h to give Damara- of laltour fey tlie large iiultu^rial- -and ; a rule travel thin! and take «Nit. SATURDAY,.WARCHW. .1903. , land a trial. It would nndotrixcllyi TOintn^’ lv h tiv s ; undo* thc^- .«ircum-' thinl ehiss tickets at tiie JohaniH»lMir_ be a more desirable alternative. wanees, it nt evident t<» the C-mfercnce li-iil«;\y StiUi.>n. Thev are pla»Td is* , i S i\ BUVCK, but com el V, O vc daughters . . . ____ tliat the ofK'iiin^ of a new M.irees of.i the thin! «*las« »xirria:?w, but unmi .. of Jerusalem, as the tents of K.-.Hr! i laUmr supply is n-piisite in the irror- arrival at KhituUfonU-iii Station tlie\ and the curtains of Solomon. t»i • K \K Native headman of est* of all the S»Mith Afriesin Statex. jare removerl from i-aniajj«-s and a-'- Look nqt u|»on me because I am i noistadt, was on Tuc&lay.-morning black for the sun hath looked upon • C5!n,|,*tl**.l fur I rial <»:i a c*ia: g ■ of fraud, (8) That all British iKMuswiiaui in ; °Wiped to aaait th«* arri\-al of a f***I - me; mv mother's children were i , »" that lie tiled a claim wiUi Scwith, C’entral. and East. Africa should train- I’ ntil the ^ruo^lstniiu arrive* tln-v S 5 2 r S J h • y ^ e Ln,e the *hc eomj.cnsatl'n «rtaimMwi, of the l*e an upon Held for laUair recruiting *,ave to stu,1(^ «» wp^n* witliont an.\ keeper of their vineyards; hut mv I value of £1700. Sumo Natives of PhoT* and liiat all Xative* xhould la- allowed to *hcher. ami often in the rain. Woroc • om nncvard narc I „ ke,,, ■ p,vc ttUeao, £ choose their own spheres of w.irk. and ehildn-n wiUiout any pmttt-tio * stated tliat the Bojrsf nspmuudo-rpd ri»\ t i .«i r *i i have all t<* snlanit to the sasne trvai- . « —------im— ----- . l ls wagon and team but returned them ; again. Accused made a lengthy de- JT -T i.” U“L _ fence, when the case first came before '2 , n«X'«H«l f. *.:!.«!„ J. „„d ,f,„ ^ Tfce Hallway Official. j the eonrt, giving names of pcvple acr*urat<-information ou affairs rela' injr - f n - , A little while agoyReuter told us 1 W*UV *opnrtment of Xative Affaiis. When we first heard of the I tion are (I ) That iu tlie opinion of j ____ Joltannsliury, iucident we called this official a i H f T NOTMINC: FltCSII.*. this Conference there sliould be uniform M ireh flrh .' gentleman and lauded him for his! legislation with regard to the iminigrn- . Mr. William L-iselela. The following resrity iu this ruganl. explanation; this_*ffiei.,l (who had, of the . G.tvurtimcnl, .lc- l»3 permissible. | (-^Iji-) 'V. Windham. With intent or mdeliberately, ex-1 (jnetl lim sof iN>licv, arid thoobjeeji to See,, Xative Affaire. eceded his an th o n ty) took up his be arrivcj at sliou'ld l»e his indaftrialindustrial pen and coolly denied all knowledge training an l his miral a’.sJ intellectual Taung's. of the affair. Just like the rest of improvement. » J l it*i*v Kamii.v them. The king of beasts has 110 (2) That this Cmferenee s nwgly JOHANNESBURG. Prior to ' his departim* from thi> fury to compare with that of the supports the principle of total prohi­ ; Mr. G. AN . Barlcr, tlnr late P«isfjnns**» Railway official when he shatters bition of the sale of intoxicating liquor • | of Tautigs, was die recipient irf uu al*l\ the- regulation?, but his lies are as to "the aboriginal Xatives of South [From ou r CoRRES?oxi>t:xT>'.3 ; worded farewell address from theCiiiel- cool as ginger-beer when he denies Africa, and urges upon the Governments : Molalu Munkunviue aud Kgantla|Niut of the States and Colonies concerned the ------j on behalf of the Natives nf Uie Ttfnugs his actions before the chief of the importance of maintaining Uiis ; Reserw. l>uriiig his stay here, the lat> deoartment. 'V principle. The treatment received by the Postmaster \\u< very (Mipular with tb> Naturally our readers will not (3) That reservation by the State of Native patrous of the* Geutpil South Xatives. Mr. V. E’. liradsliaw, the new l>e surprised to raid the cor­ land for the sole use and lienetit of African Railways is geUihg altogether j Magistrate, was al#o_ |ireseiit at tbr- respondence in this issue, in which Natives involves special.obligations on intolcrable. W e were not J4iuc only . IXmrt Hunsc, where the presentation it will be seen that the practice their part towards the State. sofferers. Euro[)eans *wIio very^jAen j tikjk place.. obtaining among the officials of the (4) That this Conference deplore the aent tb d r Native *rtm il« <„i aoinc A t u„. l)lt. MU, | , Central South African Railways (of misconception existing iu certaiu em n d or anotho-, enohl never «!.» U e r e «aO u™ .,«.■« f.» N VJ.w. Tin, treating tbeir Native customers as quarters in the Mother Country regard­ upon tlie arrival of ihwr aenanu ivhen | r,HMu| „ ( lh(, W1, ...... „ „ „ livestock) • which was carried on ing South African policy, aud feeling the train in. 1 lu» tyronnv of {t|u. m J 1„ tv^.!li,.f -,^ |in, <1 in Uic matter of obtaining Uie Xative the Railwajr offleula is anmvralilc for, \ ut i„ . as pertinently as if it were the afflictions iu the homes of many a ’ direct stipulations of the manage­ labour required for private enterprise, and aflirms that force 1 laliour is not Native in the Transvaal. I have seen u B R A N D .*O R !, O. If. C. ment, has been in .excess of their countenanced by and South African man losing a fine billet on account of | All of the Natives of this place, au thority. Government, and is repugnant, to attending to his sick children, which ! °1‘* an” >'°0ng» were recently haule'i God save us from the iron sway civiliacd opinion throughout the was interpreted by liis employers as a ! f™111 their wacea of aliode aud elHp|>e tendeiK-v to neglect his work. The » «l- 1 *,c. «*»>» l« 'd tln i:^ of this relentless tyrant! country. (ii) That excepting in Rhodesia the sickness' of his wife ainl chijfl were tlie Hues, Imt the oi l pronle .vh° have n o w Ihh’ti mTpA^nsht'. h ief ath exo supply of South Africa is greatjy ex­ Tlie C B O of the ISangua- » rainy wheather. by the war) have no money anW ,loi"K li,,w l1ik,: ‘*r.linar> uriminaU. with a large following, which included Uie Natives have repeatedly sent c *m-; «ome white people are really «crefle*«. his counduoro Tsitna, Kgatnpn, Kgosi- of civilisation has ameliorate 1 the condition of the Native women, and pliants to the Ilenariaent 'with n o ' " 0 eould staud this l«ad treatmei motse, Jacob Motsatsiug aud others. apparent result. They have subse­ were it to young people only, but The Chief was also accompanied bv that Uic use of the plough has rclcivcd are doomed as it a|qient> Uie nev. them largely from field labour. quently decided on a cumbiued uc:iou his wife, one of the greatest of living u> petition to Uie Nativo Affairs De­ whiteman has not the slightest! le/ur; blade women. Her faUicr (Sechele) (6) Tliat this Conference is of for grey hairs and feeble Indies. opinion that an increase of the labmr partment and if necessary, to Uie High was in his life-time ruler of the mighty Commissioner. A large and repre­ Baad of Hope. Ikxkwena; her brother (Sebele) is the supply may be promoted by still fur­ ther improving tlie conditions tinder sentative gathering of Natives have A t the * ’liool «,‘f the Good Shepherd, present Paramount Chief of the Ba- sent a letter to Uie' Commissioner of on Wednesday Mr. A . P. i.iveix kwena. She is widow of the late which Natives work, and desires to call attention to the value placed by the Natives, to which we are still awaiting Assist. Grand Supt. of the I. O. T .T . Paramount Chief Pilane who reigned an answer. (Mafeking) inaugurated Uie MNtatheru over the gallant Bakhatla: and she delegates of Cape Colony upon the system of residential locations now Star” Band of Hope*, for cohaire. is mother o f her eldest son, who suc- juveniles in Mafeking. The o(ienii.g wxded Pilane in this chieftainship and established at the Cape port*, which, if adopted at other indnstrial centres, A moning of Uie Basnto C.Miimittee ceremony was a gieai sihtvsh, then occupied that position until he died, was held here Sunday (the loth Iieing yottng ejuntidates f.*r instal­ last year. A t present she is- wife would m U ie ir .opinion lead U> a better supply of labjor aud cootiunity of inst.) to receive an answer from Uie lation. As there are many nan* of the Chief Batboeng, of the Coin in i ion er of Natives. There were little ones ready to join tin* Band, lher> llangwaketae, the wisest leader in service. Tha*. where no railway faci- lities are afforded, free slicker under present over 500 Native*, and u reso­ tan lie no doubt that the “ NorUiert- itechuanaland, who only lacks the zeal Government suj*en isi«»n should be pro­ lution, thanking the Commissioner Star” will soon shine very bright. All of his contermporaries in matters of for the court*■ous answer, was'sicoeas to the Bat^d, an l grt'ttbr self advertisement. Thus she is vided where food may lie purchaicJ by Natives travelling Vi an I retuniing heartily receiv'd. The following is I influence to its promoter- aad ab}« •laughter, sister, wife, widow and the correspondence " Superintendent. toother of Paramount Chiefs. from the laUnir market*. 28 KORANTA EA BECOANA AND BECHUANA GAZETTE, •MATLHAOO^MOPITLOtJ^^ KOFFYFONTEIN. gola lc go atlamologa ra motse on. O golela ntleng Ue c r t k o tlolela ka • meboto lc'mcbotoand.yKi cupo oa ge C. N. WILLIAMS & Co., Eropa a santse taec gape Go itsisibc go itnn polelo ea leeto o phallele ka kna Pretoria 1. pontslia fa metlhatlhclo ca Kof- Krugetsdorp; 6-06 o gakgamalioa ki MOREKISI LE LISELAGA go tantologa ga metsc euo; ki cupo ^ fyfonteiii yaanong e tletse, ba­ ge Eropa, a tla Ice buisitae ino Koranten liri, ebile re sa tlhole re nale c fine care :• South Afrika e tlo nna Maraka ok Engtfan*.. ‘ Byanung k. O Rcka hiUgcmo lc lipoli tsa Be- magentc a a re phuthekmg batho. botaa uena fiuana oa lchatai lenu gore Ga gonko go tlhola go amogeloo u li aug ka c le hoo u tselegtloa ki Ba- Eropa? A litiro li ooelella pele bvaki. coapa ka tlboatlhca tse li Qolilci^g, baliri ba ba sha ’me fade moliri taa ba Era pa ? Itisc gore u gikc oa tlogo oa lira byaka OopatKr a coa m«. mongoe ‘oa metlobo, eoo tloa* metsing a ea go nna mo mohuilirin". ebile kc cnc n^orckisi co mogolo oa etseng tiro ea likepo, o ka ipala* Bagolngolu ba go taaloa bare : khatla- ntaangMokbatla a safe gole; a tscnu linama, lc ’mesi ca magobe mo raela terena a tla go batla tiro. mo motaeng boatla boa taeua.” Gape Etlarc fa a fitlha mono a buse- bare, u sike oa fchiba hsaku leahobii, phiri e sina go shutlella. ’Na ka re • iK afiken^. lije mali a ona a palame terena Ba-Erupa goa iponatsa g6 ba ka sike (klase ea boraro) ka one gv> ba hefioa lc gothibeloa ka sepe gc esi ka botlale ba bona. Ha u rata go tacla tla mo Khaba, le a mhago. lc~bona, u cuanetse go ba moliri oa Koantle ga linama ebile 0 oRelitse papali litiro ; go simolla mo moshong go ea Fa motho a rile a tla koano a raait8iboeng,'le go ruta bana ba gaga : ea gague go reRisa liloana tse li botshe le alima mali a terena mo lewe- go simolla ka co mogoln go ca go ' co m<)tlana, ebong go ruta lithqto tsa li- liftaKisi tsa meteme. nkeleng lengoc, ctlare fa a rata pampiri lc lithoto tsa liatla, ebong go mali ao a buselioe koa go mung aga, go thula, go betla, go sega, byaio. byaio. Hd go si byalogohelilc kaga Tlhoatlhoa li fokolicoe go lekanyclioa oa one ke Ixilaoli ba metlobo. rona, gonne Be se lirang :ba-Erupa tlo- Go reoa babereki ba gale fela mamo lo thata ki cotfa litbato tse uo. bogolu Bokrente. Ha gofine Be ki se batho ba ba tshelelang mo tsatsing ye \xi l»a itMoeng. Faele tliaka- buang ele siekhopi go Iona ba buisi incoareleng, k i klrutlu katnmclisho K nyana e tshewinc lc bnithutoana, tebogo ki le oa Iona. le choanang le ya gompieno. bn ka ea go batla tiro go selc. J.: 11. M AMQGALE. N.B.— Ithekeleng linaga. Se licgcn" W. S. W H ITW O RTH , go romela mo thutong tsa bocoelelo pelf. Gonne eo o byilang peje o kotulu pele. “ M a k a t i.” eo o. byabug morago o kjifula MOAGIOA MATI.O. morago. " W. MORRIS, Kcffyfontcin, O.R,C., Tlliakola 21, 1903. Q^IyGAFELA. Go Morolagaxyi, > Morena, mphe sebakanyana fela sa (Kafa morago ga Kereke ea ffesele Toropong), mafoko a seng nwntai mo Korantcng lm . HOMMEL. e e eletaegang ea gago. Koranta ea ^ MAFIKENG. Tlhakola e nfl^fe taiaelita? pdelo c e Ksta Morago ga koaliloeng ke teaja ,^a rona Mr. Mo- kgothu- oa Johannesburg, are lilo U*e Lithoto cotlhe tseli tlho- Lebaka yaga ", li fokolirang tumelo ea rona le go n- MR. WILLIAMS. tl hok isa ^^Ihogonolo a moea c«i boi- tabepho AfoqOBro,1 Boyaloa, SetUian koang ke Baagi li mono. le Lingaka. Ao, taala tsa rona eketi- Mellfl ee moiolo ea II- foo ga so g6He,Jefoko ka le le teng h Morena Yestt U tile a te Ima a rc, “ Se Litlhomesho, Likgoro le tlhako, bosale le k(ele tsa sc taennng 'ka molomo ga sc senye llp itse . 6 a rome oa Itlrela. niotlio.'1 ■r!i: :i a i 'i.1 •" i Kaitae lo cone ngaka ea lekhon ga e Licoalo, Liiponi, Lipati le nee moloctsi ope setlhare ka go se ra- Ix.‘faelc tiro ea go baaknnya pelcla, e sc mo naea fela, go lire Mo­ di mo kn showi. ‘ Lisenke ka tlhoatlhoa tse li mesamo ca likarn o e lira ka raa- Mocoko o kn tliibeln yang moca o;i tsetseleko. Modimo a o ka tsena mo mocng oa oleng. motho ?. Mo lekeng ka losi. Boyaloa yon mabelc gc lx> nooa ku nuiiteeo a siameng ga bo molato. Iki- bele care ko go “ thalnsa pelo,” ge U- Tsa Baoaleli _ noa go feta'ga'bori siatfiav ka gorine go tlapcloa ga go molemo mo Modimoa^' J: C; GOODERSEN, BETHANIE, TRANSVAAL le mo bothong. Lefoko vn Modimo li­ re mta gore re se ke ra kgopwa lxi I« bokosi ka thata ca rrta. Legxile nn* G o 'M o k u i . a g a n y i , : bofelong go tla thuto lile li ntsi yaka A ko 11 .nkamogelle niclhalonvana (Kafa morago ga Dixon's I{otel). Panl a bua JL ('Tim. . sio d 0 ntscuyctse mo' Koran long ca Litsaia ..tsa’ me, a lUSsubcng tlapelo, 1 tuo*ha Mothtili o oa Makoloi lc Likara. gagu c e tlotlegang. Mono ha gare ga lc maitnco a otic a sa siamang. Ge le Pretoria le Rustenburg e ntw ele'tili- rata go amogcla moca Cm Bolumcli Ik- inalo; lebatai Iona lc omilc. Mariga a bo siameng gn se ka go ila moooko le simolla go utlaala le go icapaka, lilo tse 0 tire li stanenK thata. le tlhotlboa tsa statue li set la re sji ngaka, nyaed, Ice fela go tse- ntsi, ha c kabc ele ka scbakn kj li- getsu jKilelclo e . Ycsu a c bnileng, khomu go kabc go ntse go ipakanyelioa Johane 14 : ir»-]r». « M i u e - go ca merakcng. Kn khut^aha’io cn T.L.PHIRI. likhomii gn li teng, lelia gonti«e bvalo, ' 1 1 Maloloane. balemi In maKimo a a kaha tlasc ga moeelo, lxintsc l» ijmkanyetsa libyalo mariga. ’Mus’.o o itsisitse gc o’ tlo SETLAGOLE. romela go phntha lekhetho ka tsatfii la Morena— w a ke-lebog» mo-ai o o ga Dawson L Haddow, 1 April, 1 IKiu, ha ke knala nu-tluilo- kolotseng Morulaganyi juaiicoe ma­ nyana e : ke gakohigoloa lehuku la loba, a gore matiqhere u rnt-c bflMuiaae &ABCTLI, BAA'il LE BATLOMeai BA .nATLHO. Moreha Ba'len-I’owell ka sclwkase litlha- Iwnuo— e loniao.ugoa foag-Moroinganyi. hano ge a thilxrU-ooe ke Mabum mo ‘ (Ja kc luie gne- erile etlare Vo 1»* Hnr t- re 1.. rae lu cl- p . r,:k., lo tla p . leba-lcbii li, Iva linkd Iki Iona le « mantsiutsi, ele siamc sc eare ft I* Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlelc ; Tlhoa­ likl:onu byaio, byalo; gomrc ga go kopaiia lo motlio n polame pitae elo ntle le tlmsc A.-pc ge le ntse le rc lc nthibo- baree miingoa couc-?tarc “ pitse -co tlhoa kc 15 s. go ea m o go j T i i o s . llct*-, Engelane o ctla, ’me ha lo ka segu tnaug?M Ih:facie koloi kgono utnia khako'lo me ga lo nkc lo lueackeln Iiarq “ inaog j oa thou» e«> iknallaca lo tla cula lilo tsa kma tse ke mung r ’ lcfn-lu c. bona' na* (iO LEBAdANA LE TSHILO er' Ra-Motlana, mo MAFIKENG • a tla. Mnipi! a ke u phalcle ka pele likaku tsa coa kae. . " ka kua .loliaMnc«burg u tla lwna go 1*1 ET T U L A BAN VAN'E. k o h a n t a i--\ d k o i a ^ a AXn CKi ltCAXA GAZICm;, SIATUIACO, MOP1TI.O iS 1*3 Moruti Te Mopresidcntc.

MoHOTI KO 1TSEGKKO KO KILKNO A KITS1SH0 EA GOROMETE. I oi’F-LpLA O om P a u l. RAL1C1(0ANCH0, Rev. Simon H . Sinamela o itsi*»c 1 H F.UO .• t; mkiuliiH 1 " scntle fa do Moruti, lc tichcro ]<• (9®» tlas» ga @toIou 0 tsr.i, ~ Moopeli. ' O rutiloe kou kolechimr " n nna |wW « ra |i •nt-hn. ‘ on Lovedale, a ifchuta bormi mo go Rev. George Lowe koa Potehef- oj!ahajr <;uKKy. | 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fa stroom mo Transvaal, e ntse nio- reri lc mornti oa selcolc ka lobaka m-> iwoihong « t ilea ^ sentle fela yaka gale mo maemong Jo lolclcjUO pUuthcgong c a Ethiopia Mupnio ' abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo. Bohutshe, Li­ koa Choane, ’me erile a sena go Ishela tlhatlhobo e o ne o lekoa ko tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse Kishop Turner le bngolo 1«-Kereke ea A.M.E., morago aba a amogeleloa rekoa gone fela yaka gale. ino tirong ea bopnsta. Mo tirong ea go tlhabeletsa Mr. Sinamela ona Thero G O W I E Bros., under the CIocL le k ico c c gakgam atsang, o. itsioe Corn»-r of Jonc.n Suv.*,* and Dntoirxp.in Roi.l Kimb-srlcv^ gotlhe faele Moruti oa lifela, eo o LA EO 0 TLOTLKGAXrJ1 nang lc lencoo , ye le tona ya .se g o l o s u t W a l t e r Bass j'ele monate— konelo' ea gogOe e tumile thata: ’Me kopelo FRANCIS HELY- eagagoe’cne c tlotlilo«i’ bobe ke HUTCHIXSOX. balaob ba Pnsho . koa jLTioanc (Pretoria) a ba a tlotloa ka .go Mtpalaoii oa Mephato c c tu- j lalelioa go ca go opela mo mole- luilcng segolo ca St. Michael lc 1 St. Utorge, CORES EKE I, M oli-s R tlong ea tsatsqya matsalri a ga Ex- ofi-goltt oa K o I o h '■ ca \ ’,iatla *>■-1 Presidpnt K roger, c \ e ne e liriloe scntle m Cap- 0/ f/.wrf //op, U ' ino motseng oo ka Phalane I89.). Mr.. Sinamela e nee le mouna majatnhc a mangoe le m.'flalef.*a ea ! Koloni co, tfalo, yalo. eo nonofileng 'me lefa gobtse yalo 0 kile a nna lc pobolo eagagoe. KITSISHO EA Mancoe a latelang a, :_ke#g goe Ka thata lo ka tshiaim'lo Lstij!) ka nama A r e : K e ntse mo po- kc li neceoengke molao oa Ho- j bolQng ea go phnmphanyega 111:1- locthe yr*i lik g o m o X o . ST c utloala mo! ’Me erile motfhamongoa tsala ngoe likgomong lingtie tsa Lefatshe^ M o ily o i.i o a ]Ji:c i i c a x ,\j .a n i ) P rotectoilitk o k<>pil«)o k« ea me eare : nke ke leke “ Likgo- ya-Tshirelcco, go tloga mo le% lokoaue tse li khibicoana tsa. ga Dr. G'iwnnonto <0 Tnuisvaal go utloatRa go nmrpolelo (Si pontKhjrtfii t«itsing ya kutloaco e, e tli bo csa Williams. K e ne -ke bfelaela ka-ke Ija m ctlol» ca Oauteng koa JohantiCHbui^, 1« ikaol»;t>t‘ g»> • lekile melemo c m enfof; ‘Hue _ tshiamo go ntsha likgomo mo imog^da litsela tse li latelang mtf tirong lc 1110 thtmelong oti ll:i nth use, ’me yaahon^'ke ne ke sa- fatsheng ya tshireleco go li Ion- tlhole-ke lntnela' tlha'ft" sdfri, " in ; mo kolpning eiio ea Ka|>:i. ijohti l»| h i bcnjjaing ijki mctblxing. O > crile ftiofago k a iri& ilX el'^ o n i ke 15lc cbilc kc itsise lo go * . * C J kgatlhe tsala ca ijie t^ n g '.kiv ,nia- utloatsa fa likgomo eotlhe t<<* . 1. K o k e c o vn maluo gore Iwliri Ija lueloc tllKMitlhoa c ba in^U ikaelelo ape ’mq ka/siinolola. go li ka tscnang mo Koloning cno ya li kgolokoane tse. 'J jro x a cone o amogela jxJe g>| Lintoa. Mo kokeleeoug !ekam> H kgatlhanong lc molao o, li tla l'a nua bonako -kafa go uo go $a gore tllikmtlhoii e e ko;i tlase-tla Be em othoo-ka*eba|m lim ^ sholofela ka gon e; ka gobo go bo li hcnolccoe {>olao. . mo ^goeling ko & 2 5s. mo bocmong y. at la same fa tlase -a inaliu sele gape ka tin? ca. setoko (pieceAvork) fa ba selili sa khutla go iichoenyn. Mo- Sckano sa Koloni ca Cape of (iood Hopv ka tsatsi veno ya bo 6 ya Mopitlo 1903. lenio o oa nna bonako gore kc be go lira yalo. ke belaele gore botlhoko bo tla ba w . HELY-HUTCIPNSON. bo eoga gape, ’me uya, ka nua ka Goronere. ! -. Go tki tlliongoa Batlhatlhobi ba tiro ca tla nnang g^ sililega k a . tsatsi le lengoe le olatlhoko gore baliri ba seka ba tshegdioft ^no' metlhatlholon.^S lengoe go tsamaea ke folela ruri." Ka taelo ca Motlotlcgi, Mngoronerc lc j Likgolokoane tse li khibicoana tsa banna l» Lekgotla. fa konthika tsi bone li felile, le gore 'ba lueloc mali otllie a fVi ga Dr. W illiam s ka go itshekisa kontrakiloeng ka chk*. mali ka m okgoa o o gakgamntsaug John Frost. ga li folise tela go phaphanya ga N o . 8 5 , 1903. maoto, go phaphanya ga iinoka, . Phetolo ca tshcgeco: ca hospitala, iuhekisbo, le ntacmo :i mokotla, le seuhabi, ’me ebil; li nuingoe otlhc 1 Goi simolocoe jihctolclo ca liyo, gun* g* • TUB SOUTH AFRICAN folisa le m ogalikego, tlhog**, k ,o- kganoloc l^olbetsc yoa nmoto Ie melomo, yo bt> ne guket*' laialo, botlhoko yo a scbeteleliph:o, SPECTATOR. lx»be teng. Merogo e mctala (liyo tsa tshimo) le Lime jui*-. tshiinologo ea lohnba, metetfeselo, Mueleli oalichoaneloisa Ban:ho J li fioa lxibcrcki k:i gale ; cbiic go ikaelecoc go sicla baliri U - Mochoa, go fokola ga«m ali, go Gasemolomooa Kgolokoe, kgono— . otlhega, phokolo. cotlne tsa sesali, Keroke, kgono Kabalano ejie. \ yaloa yoa Secoana, yo le yone go nholoftloang I o t)a thuv. Ie popelo. ‘ E gatisioa koa motsing oa, b o lo c ts c y o a m a o to le m d o m o . /• M i -J - Li rekisioa ke barekisi ba melomo Kgosing oa Koloni ea ntlha cat le beng ..ba litoro etrile lika bonoa South Afrika (Cape Town). Ki koa ga *Dr. Williains Medicine totoo' to l i l i til Kapa, NaU,r.| I. Go ikaclococ go tlhoma Lckg.itla jn Goromcntc, koa .lohan Company, Long Street, Capetown ” Transvaal le Orangia. b an nita; nesburgisburg le mb hiafelong a mangoe, gOJWio^nla mali a baliri. Fa u romela 3s. 3d. ba tla go ro- go utloelar so se lirugidang iuo lc* •r0 a boloka le go a romela koa inagnong*n' bone, mo maf« lon- mela botlolo n g o e ; la u romela fatshing yotlhe e reke. Isala ea. 17s. ba tla go rom tla botlolo Bancho: le Makgoa a e bala.. otlhc a British South Afrika. .. »;• lile 6 gongoe le gongoe koa South Tlhoatlhoa 8s: fela ka n^ooga. Afrika, pose e lueloa k e bone. Pnsho ca Transefala e iketleelitse go j-imolola tlhaU>lolo tn Mo na boboling ba ba choe- F. Z. S. PEREGKISO . ilong le Morulaganyi, mekgoeng wtlhe e c lekanyeng, mo mat«helong a iJancho liotlln °cpeng ke botlhoko yoa febere, box 87O, Cape Town. sehuba, le m ogote o o tlhakanyeng \ki l«t lirang mo metlobong, ebile le Likompoui tsj* motlolN) ! Rotm la liloiapc lile tharo fa u lata go le eerame g a li na molekane, ’me •.Inmile keloc*) lo .tHioafaloca cone eago liragabet inaikaclelo ao. . fa li simolocoe go sale gale li sire- e.bona. letsa boteng, eseng mo matlhokong a ale osi, ’me eleng le mo matlho- O batloa ka Inmako, ke Mr«*. BARRY HAY, konj; a mangoe. Cronwriyjit-Sclireiner oa Hau-j oG* t mosimanj-ana kgono mosrUa- EARE~fa u etctee mosali oa tsala oyana oa Mocoaaa oo nyaga Ii ift JfloTloaloli oa ^>usAp.. ntroaira a 1110 luela X * ,DO (pats'he ya ^shiroleco. kobotlong yaka logalima. Fa ere a eae tla mo loelela tsela a ga nee seatla, a phutholola sefatlbogo & ! o ,g o l-akoak-gobt«e fa a gakologecoe gore go nale I jo tla utloa mo ^itaoa-mathe mo aobotlong, u tla atloa nAFEKINO, ^ “a ka bee pelo pele re fitlbole, ealor& nta. Tlhakola 7, 1903 mogo.” 8 KORANTA EA. BECOANA AND BECHUANA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MOPITLO 28 19C3 S. Kemp & Co. pio plokgoatheng oa Balamayo

Gotebogana le Stesbene m K«tshi~ Ho 600 Ra Veil. MA(SOfiONGv Ke gone go fitlang Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Lintle tsa tsam aleke: tse di A eletsa go itsise litsaia tsa b» " tsa Batlhaping, Jc Becoon:, Banna, Basali le Banyana. choanang le go b a bangoe 1m Kolong le Mago LilampL le libone, Printe tsa Germase, thula le go momela gong fa a liulugetsc mo nm- Lipampiri tsa Marifl, Listeisi (Bostrok) tse lisenke. nnong abo a gale mo M“go gong. Lithoto t«a mctlioU Mesese le aparo tse lingoe, 0 TLA BAAKANYA NTLO cotlhe li ka bond* mo o gout Metbale-thale ea Lisilika. LEFA ELE GO ETLEE- TLANG LO 1TEBATEBELE TSA LITHULELO TSA ka tlhoatlhoa tse li EONE. • - lekanyeng. Ka lira ka marumo, ba kabe BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipompo le lilo tse lingoe tea HADJE NASS1EP. litijjypi tse li ka lutlang. : r e H - A o-> Fa u batla sengoe mo go bone Jjjosiffl oa- ftpato tin 0 itsinioa l>acti le ba bangoe ta go bucoe Ntlo e e molemo ea S c a n i a . Liyo mo Tlung e choeu c e kafa goora .Molobong. a tla ba bona go lebaguna le Li unma, Marotho le liyo le R’noo cotlhe tse li tshelisang ’mele Steshene sa “Kutshe.” O rata go i^ise Litsaia tsa gagu< fa a sale mo mannong a gague a • koa ntle ga tee li tagang) li ka nna tsa bonoa ka nako cotlhe. Mo Mokgoatheng bogologolo, mo Ro® Street. Malay Camp. M. MOTSHEGARE, oa BULAWAYO. Montsionstad, M esego eafiAGUs c siame that;t. * Mafikeng. ^ . T h a k a .q^coang Metlha T. A. Levis Roberts, i ‘tlhelong ..** J. GERRANS, . . . V" • ’. — o — M osegi 6 a-maanete ke eo ! N g a k a ea Me n o , yaanong o hu- lugetse fa hjoSyl' ga tsela ino H a d j S " N A s sie p. Co h e n ’s B u il d in g s , go lebagana _■ < Co l.U ja M I t Stcsfatoc' M FKEtKi. Ifr Library. Ba ba ratang go .kgo- Ross Street, Kimberley. Se e * ■ : . ■ ’ ta ftidio, go tsenya a tnasha, lefa • ' 0 "V y- • eleg’oa ba^kanya, ba nale go 'm&to F r a k k > J» C r o x f o r d . V ryburg fa j# re ga nako tsa 9 oa mosho jp| Mogente, ^lueleli Uj ’ M aak#nyi on ^ oa maiisiboa.: ka Tshipi, jiio litaetele. Gaufi lo Kantoro e» moshong, fa ba moleletse-pele. Fohuli. - ‘ 'fcGAKOLOLO E E BQTLHALE. Linaiha tse Ii sia IITS1SH0 K E 8Q6ALE. meng tsa LIKGOMO le LINKtf ti ka nna 4 Eo 0 sa romeleng tsa bonoa mo go tefo ea gague mo tshiping e 6 tlang re E .T . COGLE, tla itse faele sekao M O dO O R A 5 T 0 LLC. Upper Jones Street, Igore ga a tlhole a x KIMBERLEY. batla Koranta; 'me re MOTIIUL 1 i e MOLIRI OA MAKOI.OI i f I.I \*ARA. ekhutlise. W. G. KIRKPATRICK, Moluani lc* ’Motliuli 0.1 IJboesikdc lc Mc-thalc *illtc t;» lx* Mosliinc. I .f; •! j '*•’"“ «! £ MOREKISI OA ULQAXA COTLHI: 0 Kontrakela Pasbo tsa Imperial le Koloni le Kompoas ea B.S.A. GO I.EIL\GANALE Yarattea'RtfwiVi §0NN1NG_4_[(1TZENSTE1N, KITSISHO.— Barekisi ka Karaata kattkc ka ckaaactie (• latla PA KOOEU NQ6E LOUIS PRICE & CO., St. George’s Street, (gaufi le Victoria Hotel.' LE NQOE E SHOA. Qa ke katle g a a (G o PC»T A TJaR A KA KA#A&OKON'E> I3 LOEMPQNTEIN. epela, kc lefa kallrl ka aae. U II paaplr! tse ke gatiuax ka caaa ga li kacae ka lacapa KIMBERLEY, -ketl reka ^ lipaata. Ntlo. e e tlhoatlhoa li koa tlase go feta’ MorcU oa Mebili le }Aabdt\ niatlo otlhe a Mangaung. Ga o folisc scngae lc sengoe *n»e ga .. Norctisi lc moftntrnyioa ma------:oo:------rctcldoe kc go f„|isa lo lc babotfaagonao mo Fiwsreng, co o bogale, co ebong c tlalo If lUoann tsa Secaana. Thoto e ntsi ea Liaparo, Litlhako tsa o o lirccoeng TLHOATLHOA li Siaae Tfcata: banna le basali. Likobo le lilo tse lingoe. HOPFR’S alwoluMy rvJaU* Tlhotlbotsa ]Hanaka 11 tla koaleloa FEVER n»ongoe le mongoeeo II potsaog n w x r koou o to fail Baa < 1 ) RHX'H i;

t h e amelioration of the native. Labour, Sobriety, Shrift aiVd* € d ti c a t i o «.

VLIkcu««ll. is. *W1 ; Ki Ma I IKKM;, MATI.H a'CO, MOKAN'ANij 4. 190.V ------l^rI'y : • ISr JAMES ADAMSON, FERDINAND J. JACOB, BARKLY WES"'

M o Setorong sa Bogologolo Sa bo Tlaag It us do go Morekisi co o rr kc I n f k a 11 koa t koa t*« li oka*. I.IV ) WHITELEY, WALKER & Co., l c LIK H A I tta methafc-thale eottr. Lewenhele j» t*t« ie at MOREKISI OA LIAPARO. Biacho ta (aafi k Methale eotlhe ea Likobo, Liaparo, Li;oalo le Liraata ta nako eoo. Steshene sa Mapolisi a

Priite tsa » J. li l

Arc B.tliroli ba. m.; k** Ikirolon-r* Modioli a> lune k*; ^[r. G k o k ik .Mo t h l s i . -K aka MoI.vhi ox Hesses — Fa 16 ka tla Jo tla bona lisholo tse li kgolo, —-— 0 tsliasa nuikoloi lc lik:i FERDINAND J. JACOB. a li jsluif:it.*fc. .. L e n u i ! Ixuikangixi li aixwioe- lx) sci

Iki lx i sh a . rs, R. P€H(vI : KRUMMECK & LINLEV, iik) ene ele gn "HOLEHABANGOE BAREKI, BAREKISI ; Tanng.

Le baananyi ba Methale eotlhe ea lithoto B a t a ,h a p i n c ; ! ;; i'nio 1RHRHK€R<5 OH I;koB(>SIiH. f Lo di. ’yaqg Ge ? Rekang mono gaenn Plouru eo montle kgetse ea 100 lb. • £1 lithoto tsa methale Kgetse ea Boupe (yo bo sefiloeng £2 5a. eotlhe e e dihang ka Printe e ntle ea Germane’Cyard) 6d Batlhaping ba gaechc. Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4d. B I NALE MATLO A TUKKISIE.) KOA Zca 'feicobozlz. Mono Bcthele, Dooriilmlt. !«• Lkei uf-.m tiv .Swanep-x*!, TKAN8 VAAI. Weflkeleng ya Batlhaping, Taung. BETH EL A.M.E. INSTITUTE. J. B. HERD

EO O BAPtLENO I E E TLA BUL0A KA TLHAKOLA 3, 1903. • JAKOBA. MO Ke jnaifciielolo .1 1 ^.i :il« tlmro r i: R-Iimje m > liknl^ni; t«■ Nonofo t*ji litiro txt ------s>;------malrago lo tse ling*;. Ka '■ l->tl:i *> sentle koalela. Ko Moliri eo q siameng oa I r R ev. A. Ht?ni~xr A ttn w ay, orolosi. K isti koa go ono <* !x»u 110 Hanover Street, nako (ra >^it o sa onale.

C A P E TOWN. B«a«la I5«. koa to Silas M«l«ma Matlknf, ■ tla aaotcla "korant*” nfoac • otlhc oa HBJ.


ISA SUC.HOlV2J(.J H0 xL'gi&u b:i >> ka : > i c o l i t i s - ti v ck*ts.m;». B.itla *» atoioli er„* it ipoua u * itsIiabei'Bonlie lc Bos'tdo. . hichlenburg, T r a n s v a a l . ^ K ^ a ^ K I S ! 1 ^taKK i n l 'h T ’iV r!t‘! « Mabimjti.: li Ic>-.uas mo 'V M i'W .'« » !» VmU-r .voud & U,1..!..twooJ J u l> Mash.dea M*.- a « t s to uUoa. La U ibolu k.wlela, Ke nyaga lile 16 a tlho- JAMKS USOTIIKK-S Bi.\ j So, Pu Toiupnn Road, KiniNrlev. m am e. * V ,r , ; • ^ * >, <*• , I i . _ KOItAKTA FA BECOANA AND B kQHIASA GAZlCTfl-.. .m v d . i i .u v , W. N. COOPER & Co., = YOUNG Bros., p Morckidi on nw leino, kuf» litH ieiig ca w>llli;il««»-tsjitsi ca 'ficroTlisi -ba Jtfyo tse tsr.imo, M Alt AKA OA 31A FI KA. I.K APARO TSA METHALK KoTr.|,K. 2v£olexarLO e a i2v£a,a,ra.ete- Kc Lewenkelc ye le sha, Maikaelelo a beng lei vow kr ,,,|. ; 7; . . inonife, o moshou le o moncho, ka tlhoatlhoa e <-.o (K O T'H ® IjA IlSlSK U B A • COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 Ie 2/9.ir.o botleleng. Liyo, Maupe, Liaparo, Kofi, Shukere, tee m ethale-thale. 1 ' t ; HA T3A BANYANA


BAAU1 ba ba kjakala ba ka koalela .Morulaxaayi oa KORANTA fa ba ral as* ramelo METHUSHOANA e e e le U c t« a f e. W. N. COOPER 8 Con INNES HITEN, NoAnAnyl o* metemo IMI.A.IF’IEIKlIIN'Gk Mophuti oa Baliri "ba Metlobp e megolo Kabonako ! Kabonako !! ea koa Gauteng. 0 ba amogelela mono Palo c ntsi ea Bahereki e batlega mo Mafikeng aba romele tirong ea tsela. TIROMAMOl.IMo. Bathusi ba gague ke bo TCTTorrrriTr.i M etlobong I*—— lc YANK KCAIIO. CORNELIA MINE, Tumalano tse li tlhophegileng sa tlhoa- tlhoa tse li lekanyeng. VILJEONSDRIFT O. R. C. Ka tlhoatlhoa tse li ntseng yana:— J. F. FLYNN 'ffialaisi: (FLENI'. PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. 2 S . od. Molaetsi oa Methale'eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li ■ 25 3 6 tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi koa Engelane, ke li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse ]3 < z ep i •* li fokolicoertgJ1ve sa lo luelisa bogente. lifuti i s . 30 lifuti zs. 4 8 60 „ 4 Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke ti reka ka tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng, ebong :>== » Nako ea Kontraka : KgoeiiO tse 6. .MAE r is6d lc‘is 9d. kcla bogoleng yoa one. I .I K O K O : 2s.. 2s 6d lc 3s k;:fa bokiutcng y o a ko*«*. LIYO TSK LI SA REKOENG : BOUPI YOA Mil.I. IJOri’E yoa SKKGOA, yo Ik> tcfcriJocng, yaanong :-jf 1.13s 6d. k:« cm nun- i' 1»AI.IKT BOTLHE BA BA AMOUELANG KONTRAKA E BA TL.v S S €>).r k iM /rS, 2 KuK 1.0 KSK 1.0 UKKIsK M a e I.K LtK«*Ko l>\ BOX A PABALELO K E MOI.BMO LE MAROBALO A ASIA- MEXG MO KOMI’AUNEXG L E ATLHAMEXG. lona lo ee Setorong sa ga F i.k n i, o tla lo rekela ka choanal-» GO FKTA MATLO OTLHE A BECHUANALANK

R. HARDING. F . A. M U H LEN BECK, Mongoa Kontraka, LOUIS ABRAMS. Box 341 r K im berley. M1NCH1N & SONNENBERG. (MA-LED), Koa Tlhapiug

Bubucleli ba Mubjotla a Engelane, a Koloni, Ic a H e l a n g T l h e n g B a t l h a p i n g ! lierhuanalatuL LIOFISI: CAPETOWN, VRYBURG, & MAFIKENG- REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA=LEU ! DENNISON & fftANSWICK, ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! . }o?------T ’• YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! BAFANTISI LE B O A G E N T E Ba e&le Lifantisi tsa M acaco, tshipi cotlhe. Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga sa gague Mebili, Habele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. P.O. Box 22. Telefraphic Addrei*: “ DENNISON." Mafckia*. MA=LEU, Taung. KORAXTA KA BhOnXA AXI) BECIIUAXA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MOKAXAMi.

LIKGORJO! le LIHDTSHANE!! J . S o lo m o n , aV H S v:, I' k:[ m|;| „:l ...... ' ^ niiko eotlhe te!u kn tlli.«tlh.n. t*.- li k.«, tliw-tla-«- 1 •, „ ka 0 gaufi go bula lebenkele koa ga . tla kosiim go rona S h o a n tisi .■ mui k. , ' i^ v ii. Khunoana ka liaparo tse li ntle tsa banna D. WESSELS & Co.,, le litlhako. Methale eotlhe ea Likhai tsa 11 Agente 1,;, Shnnntisi basali, Litlhako, le Khai tsa kemo tsa ba- Go IcBSgnna le Kgorla ya S-uimu ■« Fohuli. humi le bahmn&negi Tlang lo lekeng

. T. ' ...... -...... W R TRTITFR I TRANSVAAL ROAD H MITCHELSON j s o k . 11 . Ill 1 III! 1 III!) 1 LE THOMPSON STREET. Gaufi le Stesliene sa Mapolisi, O rekisa Liyo, Lino, Liaparo* tsa KIMBERLEY, methale eotle, le Liloana cotlhe tse li Motliuli. eo o siameng oa Makoloi le Likar.i. 0 rekisa makoloi a tlhokoang ke haagi ba ba kgakala le maslia le a a tlnililocng ka tlhoutlhoa tse li lekanyeng. Toropo. ^ ’fro tsa gagvo li siame thata.

C. N. W ILLIA M S & Co.,

E. Solomon, M O REKISI LE LISELA G A - ___ -...... ^ GOLEBACANA LE STESHENE Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi le Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako O Reka hikgon^o lc lipcli tsa Bc- Q o naZ« J->iloana tsa Jffetema lo J^ir.zz. coaoa ka tlhoatlhoa Isc li QolilcpO, O itsq Sccoana cang go muisa fela. ebile kc eric iDorckisi co mo<5olo oa linama, lc 'mcsi oa magobe mo JOEL REZNEK, JUaHkcng. ^ ■ ... \ 21 GIDDY STKICKT. . . . KIMBKKI.KY. Koantle ga linama ebile oofcelitse papali

(Ivafa moms*) ga Kantoro) mo ene ele gsi K VAN'S ea gague go re&isa liloana tse li botshe le Liloana cotlhe tse ke iteeng li tlhokoa ke I5<*•, Phalaclnve, Molopolole, Mhalapye. Ra-Motlana, mo MAFIKENG

T 7 7 " . X. X j O T T T ' E , J. C. GOODERSEN, Magoe oa ga Mamakwalo. (Kafa morago ga Dixon’s Hotel). K o m T . ' i u n ^ . Motliuli eo niosha oa Makoloi lc Likara. lie Motliuli cj *> <«• »«• ...... lienk. !. iijr ...... 0 tire II siomenK thata. Le tlhetlboa tsa ftaftue II i i j* 1 * U.K.... ,* Lr" n* *ir,» ,'f' *' makwnlo eo fa oobuelouu- o Tokollcoe thata tsi bothuli. 4. K 3 K O ltA X T A k \ *. Helang, Barolong, le Becoana loti he* / \P ■*j5‘ kofi, shukere,

' " ' o f \ I I L I . Lo et> go batlang

koH^ toroponjf,_ 1 lo ^ tlog*ela’ ’ thoto e~ % A *'.*'* e siameng fa y^V) * meyakong* " Icu * wu yu miuiiuuiiy nu uuuuunu. e a l o n a ! a°° l-EWENKELE ye leslia, le bucoe mo goo Ra-Roelane. o\^ TLANG LO BONE ! TLA LO BONENG !! f 1^0 HOXH OH!


_ MnsiM TO Mooolo Maloba 1>EM.— Oo titnolopi ka laol.naro Vsa Ym*nn < lionne ga li na g. Koranta ea - ) M | | * y : t » 3 s £ j s r “ t t S S B J . a a B B S , MATLHACO, MORANANG, 4, 1903. mosali eo o feta basil, ba lefatshe ^ kw|c.|l„ llg ku ,iltw|lc liw ,i|i. Bi^at-rrjas: r i l ', i:" |* i, i yeno botlhe ka bogolo, re ra rue mo 1 l^nthologn, Mnburu ; Kamosho kc Sontagn ea Li pule j 'nieling, re raea mo losikeug. Ke L itaI'.—Malolw koa Tnmsvaal e senc j I^-lxirn «• Oostlinizcu k* n u Hw- €o an g N j>u»?, a a kgethislio e tnolelo. eone ino Yerusnleinn. Morago ga ! se bnsa Bakwona ; ke kgaitsaliu |veldeng, ka koloi lm ^olola mo |H>lasiu^ [T1' bafalali ba nt«>a le tliakn • one go tla simologa tshipi e e j Sebele Kgosi e e busang Bakwcna : n«roc. Krile inonra n»a ile *ro iiosji e iifjoc yalo vnlo. boitsliepho en Lipogo tsn Morcnii; gompieno ; ke motlholagnli oa ga litun lile peli Isji Mila li (ll>a?clu inoeali ■ O n y an a re sa tsik in coe kr Ka Lou bone ke kgnlnleco ea mo- \ Pilanceo ona a bnsa Bnkhatlnebile* i lc ngoana, li-Ut gngnla. A ii:aliiuna- kgeth o va p o n to ts s |ieli, le likge- lot lo oa thdelo en Morenn Yesn, j ke ’mu moroaue co o busitscng Ba- ; pel**? th ish on y an a tse liii^ o s t s i l*ol<- i.mo tshimong ea Getshemnne, ynnn ! kgatla go titlhela ka ngoaga to o . i. - , - tsa to ro p c . lA.fa ekete U« lateie Lonbotlhuno eo Molemo j tetileng fa u niton. Re bua vann ke i . ,>K e ntloala tlrtilat: . «pa|m>1o ca Morena on r«»na). Ka ; mogatsa Bathqeng co o busing Hu- I koa I*'" . !'al,lV '* 1 KHxal^th 1« ^ t tla re putelctsa nm kgc- Mntlhnco a tlang tnotlliango mo-1 ngwnkctse rompieuo. A babali I T*1 ^ ” " ^j1 sek^jripane so l*a h . W uiagi ba santse ba ikn- loki o na a Ulii.a mo j.lmnung, be. ka re bolelelti mnssli nmm*. £?"*•"“ !£ ,\ * !m W "# ■ PC K ; r tS1 goiia Wfr, iaone »T it a ua k-MsUw cocS.ia k£ 5 ; i s i l e y i re ka^ tshal*elang ^ go ^ yonc. ••• ye ”oiii]aeno re le galaletsang ka , kgaitsalia kgosi, ebilaetfcMytlliOla- j j|,n|0 „,!„ fcfa .cnt*. Ypn.ot ke yonc fatshe ya bo ra_vh< - gore ke ya I guli oaf Kgosi, Ie ma Kgosi/en una | mogolo lc likokonr.inn tsji ron.i. I‘ASK K A. ! niojnts* K'gosi 1& uaka ele ng»it*. ! 'Mr. Justice Lmge le shomo ya nm Advokate le liolotse piono ka ma- -:o :- - :o :- Tshipi ea Moraiiaug l*i ke se-’ abauynnc a Matlhneo go ea go se.ka go)ioco sa j’ligo ea Merena oa r<»na | MAFOKONYANA. tsa Fobu i. Bachomi ciic ele Mc- Mono re 'falalieoc kc maitsco« fa n tin kopnuatfc ’magoc mo tsl»i- _ kga en gale Ihi Mr. van Rimycn JohauiKsburg. Koa Yohane go. niong a ba a mo roma go ca go ! Komixkl. -Tsala ca n>na <• kgolo (sebum) Ie Mr. I. Bml-Mbelle itebecoc ke thaka go ltK'loi inuiiuo bolelela barutoa ba gagoe gore b? Major F. W . Panzcca o tlliailjsTcoe (teme tsa o moncho). re g o iiiO kg.itlliantslia koa Galilea I yaanong ke Lt. K< I mel. le uiaina n u^k^:i pcU‘. u kabo u Ao otllie kc mnlatsi u melctlo _ , Kl!AXB.i)"oe e kgolo koa Kngelaue boave^ ^Iqnul;igaftyj, dilOtse onti oa fran syaa H ^ tiiru i It* *Tubaiincsl>ur". eniCKolo "io balatelinK ba thuto Mr , ,l' ""K' P' »">ogela , gatisitse toktmlo lo k» gaUikelang Puslio ea Sekres te I.illm to ts , Maroma j klK)!.iloe ^ O j ea Orangia : lo kfisililee ke inoruti oa ! ( Nsitix'c Affairs DejKirtnu lit) kgololo eu morafe. Fa ele melctlo| kc niakoloanca makgoa p.re fatshe"vei:o j e chocnie k : uiutlh »gelu a Na.tal. (JO ITliK.V IJSrSHKCO. e e simologanu kaniosho kc cotfe e e coe “ legae yn Ikuilweu."■ ‘ et> o 'eletsang gt»re Bancho re.coe e tlalitseng tiragaeo ea thomo e Orxkrai. Hixtor MeD jxai.ii. i.kv I ka la>-Hcna-bokliutlo, K c utloiUsa ta ke c oo ke ka gu •• e tlang linkn pi ba tlabo bale mo Transvaal, o i|iolaile maloUi k.a F<»ni. l!a t:*bcgetsa ka choaro c e s;i ele- bolelela ka tse li fetileng. tsn yana. Ik»*;agulK» Iki lopile bohui^aneng yo.i lipogo tsa Morena g o H- lioeng ke morafe ope mono Afrika. Id tse li santscng li tla gu tiola, ka tlluw koa Scotland. oa lnme, b i mo en matshelisho mo Ga ke na litlliong tsa go -raea gu itumelisa. metlhong ca tiro en gague ca bo- L k s h o t h o . — Krile nial.-U, , « u , Natal kcie “ U segecoc leliura le Ka thusho ea kico eo ke k.i hnts.inn, c e tlliomoUingi.pelo, en liolela fa Pusho co Bng« lane .• ikat in sa go clioanela ” u ka bona fa U i gakolola tsela c c k». ,gnr. nt>han, go ki-.encs dion lit^hiautdlolo tsa j P ,re n**^'“*1^' a » sah-Himj p„Ki1(, U| fitlba m o kgotlong letigoo ya .'in o mokg«x*lcH»ng r mong«K: o •» loshab.i lo lo kuna knnn lo. K e Baaut‘,»»d'(fa gn sena g.» hn |.H( |j|jn, llaneho ii utloc mo Natal co mo- bogisang; care ko bua ma . -..n u m l f l M i n r ..n » 'c f .n > h u l t i . u a 1 lw,M‘ ) u b it- l i t , *«*-!■ I...... ncho a gu raea are t/ini wcna/'una ? cOL-uyntm ose innntsi nm lleibelen;.

buaiig le Base ka choi A. ( HAHI.KS. k o b a s t a e a b e o o a x a a x d b e c i i u a x a g AZETTE, MAtMIAOO, MOR.VX.VXtS. r.n»s,. •> i'I » l!i, » „rj Bechuana Gazette. »I|.H|,I I,. »,l«uuncJ : t|lis BLOEMFONTEIN. THE POLGAMYSLAVERY !•«— hvc v.tiag f.,r aI1, uillc BOGY. rainst One member ojtptafd l)i>ro^t:D or. nv niK SATURDAY. APRIL 4. 1303. en this restriction, ami anutiier, [Fu >m ora Coimiyi’oxousr.] !XTKR*COl.OXL\L CONKKRNTI-: • r. _«oeh, said that if the recom m end­ 1 A M hlack, bur comclV. O vc dau-liter* a[>o bip an em inent authority ation were adopt* ! In* w. mid brins it o f Jerusalem, us tfio tents of Kcdar OS NATIVE ClIARACTKTHR. ami the c iy la in s ol Solomon. ‘• fore a high trilimud -th e legislative The Chief event * 4 the pa< week 'Miiieil. In tIk* end the n-c.MiinK-ml- L o ok nrjt njion m e because I am iu Native ciH-k-*, was tbc laying of the j ...... ^ RhodeMj _ the black for the sun hath looked upon atiou " i n a lo|>ted, nin e votes Iieing fonudMtion stone of the nea* Wcsleran ot potvpimy upon the Ubo; > me; my mother's children were reconle*! m iu favour : nd n x against- Cliurell at Waailioek, by His Ex-j Mipplv of South 'Africa » greatl\ anpry W th fflcj they made me the •n tiie course „f t|lv dbctmiua a celleney Sir J. Hamilton Ooold-Adams , exagncr»ted : that the a d v a n c k eep er ol'their vinevards: hut mv member said he thought tiiat the last Satunlav afUTimon. Long lief«»re of ^ vi,»*atiim ha« ameliorated ih. o w .i vinevard have foot kept. perty qilalihcati,>n SUMf educational*test the arrival Oh- (iovvnwr-. rarrURi- i '-f"*'1”" i hi" were not sufficient, safeguards. Another on - r . ,r . riu* j <|Uestioned this assum ption. Ihil w ould o f th e iiM*ml«ers «»f tiie th u r e h and ! ,h e C on feren ce ReKuUtian«. Status of the Native. agree to exclude the Cape Bov. A their many friends, Uith white and; • • • Under the above heading, the “ Afri­ third gentleman re-anld with Jisuiav I dock.' Wlien His Excellt • ;y alighted | Appropriately with the foreroine .. can Review,” to hand by the last mail, the o|iening of door to collared th* CHHr sang the National Anthem. British exchange, the -Scotsman." pn gives sonic excellent Views on the people, as he iihiM nnt see where it and after .a hymn and prayer by tlie . Wishes "a long article by the Rer. II. J. . Native Franchise, and in com|Kirison would cn I. while yet anotiier stated Revs. J. Monyatai and I*. K. M iiiyane Ross. M. A. on Kathr» and Kaffir I^botu. our British c-m temporary rays : — ,;Uit lie deteste 1 exdusivencsa, and and addn^sses by Revs. . S«wtt and °* n'hich the following are extract*. “ President Roosevelt has u kindred therefore «»pp «se l tin- recommendation Franklin, His Kxccllcncy iu suitably * * * problem Ui solve in the Suites— kindred of the committee. He objected to an wonls laid the stone using a silver' Once more, it has been proved (hat the in the sense thut it is also a quest ion educated coloured man iteinir exclude 1 trowel for the iMirpnsc. Iu thccourscof a j 1 ran*^'« with its too.ooo Natives, yield from ordinary privileges. W hy make 111-.,i hxwHi Ihc Oovunwr « i.l lavinc (ho I Pcr “<"*r‘' " ,l* **** or sentiment, racial antipathy, or f j • , .1*1 ; more grain, than any part o* .South Afrika. jierhaps, more happily expressed, racial them p.Tjietual helots? It wc wished foti u lat ion sUaie was n«< only a plea- ; Thc m ^ c%t chM V h o k n o w s an ythin J divisions, and a question of colour. I*?. , I* what was the use of csta- sure to him, I ait lie regarded it as a „f the Transkei knoxvs that no woman Rut in the United States the negro bhslimg Native schools and all that duty : -ill view of the p<*ition held by i has anything to do with ihecp, catt’o, or sort of thing ? |M»nulation is a nxited exotic; in South him", lie «xaisidcred it in tiie same K<»ts and therefore, ha* no part n the Africa the position id reversed, and the “ I his discussion, we fear. is a prelude light as if lie liad liei-n called tolny the • production of wool and hides. Any in Kuropeatis are tlie exotic, and the blacks to many other of the same order in foundation stone of anv Kuropean ! ,*nl>'an tell Mr. Rule that except in ver\ Transvii.il councils. The Tiausvaal Cl,uni,. I., a I...U- uiHltimcnth the 'huHock, the priuial Iwsic element occupying the , . ! loothold. all the eram is put in bv the soil. ’ That neither are precisely the stands in character lictwccn the Cape Store ti* (.overnor placci a panel in . p|(H1Kh aml hil]k£ k% and n*0 noman has original element does not nffect' the with its large native po|iulation and which were wrap|ie«I oueo.py «vch of the anything to do with that. Women weed question. .Some years ago it was con­ limited franchise, and Natal witii its *• MetlHxlist Churchman. ** Koranta <-a and reap the grainfiefds. but the men d<> Beo.«tui. " “ Iinvo.*" the ** British their share ol' even this work. Again sidered that the Unite I States hud overw helm ing native |M»pulation and no franchise. lint if affair arc going Weekly ’" and a lie.il jKipcr. ! *he production of toh3*^> in the Transkei solved once and for nil the racial i'. although a new thing, increasing i«» question, and that canal liberty and to move as we dnticipite, this di­ At tin- .Miieltniun of the m w . •W * *nd »«•»!•«• Tl}'* •»»•* » opjjbrtunity were to lie give to black fference in treatment will have to be Sir Hamilton mi.l I..- di.l n.* I » « , ^ . “ ""J- and to white. This, however, does levelled up or levelled down. . . . The . , .... 1 watering, manuring and curini;. No not appear to lie the case after all. better and more prudent i*>licy, then many chancvs of meeting Natives so ,voman works at this, appears to lie that of |K-nniUiug a vent he w«>tilod devastating He sai I tlia^ a conimunictor. During the last eleven is conntel as one of the most dis­ an insiirmountabl wall to ihtwe Natives was an absolutely false statement, j vcars 1 H vc »P »"‘l down th. tinguished thinkers of the day, nud who, otlierwise desirable. a.tain au - Tlie f».t i« that 'the la,»l available .1 "»'»« Icm.onM of < ape tolony. man of great parts and robust opinions, . ... , m ■ . t n co'ered some 36,000 miles. 1 have been intellectual level equal t » tile average Thai.. Nehu «.« ituullH.-,cta for . 111 lhrougS mm, Ihc dl„ riai b„wcc„ it is interesting to learn his views on a w hite ma tla* Natives who came theK- dlihug , Loeedale and Natal, and I never knew oi question fraught with so much peril t!..- war, ami they were now being ] heathen Native women herding sheep o: to South Africa. Iu a letter written proviiled with aMn'eyance, t«> move i cattle or sowing grain where it was possi to Mr. Clark Howell, editor of the tluir famil'es luck to the farms where h*v for bullocks lo draw a plough, We, as the mouthpicc- of the A t l a n t a C onstitution , a leading ti ey lived la-fore tin* c iinmenccmcnt j • • * Natives of Bochuauulau I and tlie Southern paper, he says, “ in making of lH«tilitics. **Y»ai tan take it from j Again and again have I iried to persuade appointments, the prime tests 1 have Transvaal Colony, are surprised to L* Governor, -that • Natives who had no sons, or whose son> find the people of tlie Transvaal in­ applied have liceu those of character, as I mi; as the British flag waves 17 ercL al "ork, to get their wives and clined to ignore the grand axiom, . , t n n.>ln w.ih th. ..t...... 1__ i fitness, and ability, and - when I have OVIT ill)le Orange River Colony, there! holP wi,h. ,hJ.oxcn. to lea,I lieen dissatisfied with what has l»een “ Equal rights for even* i-ivil sed man ... , - ... r | |*, , them or drive when phmehmg had to b. South of the ZjimUv.i," by one of m il Ik IKthm- like j U - —. _ Uleanswer ^ al,va, « -h , offered me iu my own party lima I thin land. 1 • ■ * Britain’s greatest statesman, tin- la e J our idea. sTinKwc cannot approve <>f it." have without hesitation gone U> the i One man whp had no sons but three opposite party. i cerlainly cannot Cecil John Rliolcs. The solution till a b a it a m onth a g o , t ...v h e . . strong-...... „ „ grow — ..n up daughters tried „ ani it, beUp w . treat mere colour as a liar U> holding of the Native problem lies in the pn>«|NX-tA of a rich harvest were very I cause he was a Christian and so fai office any more than I could eo treat carrying out of this principle, which n * v . A t im sen t it doe* ia»t a|»|K-ar ' civilised as to be indep^-ndent o f Native creed or birthplace, always providing we U'lieve is the (ssence of the British that farmers are going to get half o f1 °P,n'on* He;had to give ii: np as it wa Constitution. But the policy of deli­ , , n, • ** , . i counted a public scandal, and various Nat t hat in other respects the applicant, or what they expected. TI k* weather is ive men renamstrated with me for sup iuctimbcnt is worthy and well-behaved berately Iwycotting and ostracising c^ntiuuiiig very dry. Eve fnan Ba- tlie Native African and the British ]iortiug him in such conduct. American citizen.” It is noteworthy sntoland nt*ort« are ih*{ eiK-oura- Indians, as persisted iu by tlie selfish • • » that this stand for political and social g iu g . ■new-comers of tlie Rand, leaves “ O f course we have the old, old storv equality of the Idack when otherwise a dark future for the generation to of Kaffirs buying wives and making fitted— for that is what it means despite take the place of the citizens, Uith slaves of them. Of course it is the old. President Roosevelt’s political dis­ old lie. It may surpris*- Mr. Rule to white and black, who inhabit this claimer— should have to lie uinde in Oraafia Maaacrs. learn that the men who know Native the States at tbit late stage. sub-continent. laws, custom s, traditions, and langttag*- Onr m.ilto as Native Africans is A Native «*T»T on,l«.t a A . the ^ , Kre..| ,h „ Ih. " 44 Ry the mail this week Africa for all law-abiding citizens, follonmg quest ion, nt the Kn» Mistad dowry is a good custom. liave ’ a further report of pro­ naturalized British subjects and all -Times*’ a new bi-weekly and In- # # ceedings by the Town Council of those foreigners iu whose countries wc lingual m*ier taililislied in that toa n : - ; , . ___. , * •lohanucsburg on the Native franchise 1 • 1 And after covering n gi»»»l deal of wonld lie treated with respect and Is it right that a police should come in gnHIm] in explaining the minioaes question, dealing with the fringe of the political e piality. K pud rights f.*r all ■o a man . hou^ at 5 octock in which -loli,!," ,»Ule ere n *, w,l. name problem. The delibcnitions in of them, nganilcss of race, c J.sir or morning, and walk into his bed in >m - , , _ question, a continuation of those where hi. wife U .leeping wiih him. 1 0«- n-verend nenllenn.11 n n : - cree 1 or svx. mentioned in our last issue concerning and to poke hi. wife under her , ib«i « « * something like this m .tanc with hi. little Mick, and a,k them 10 introduced »)• in (.la-.gow, IhoUvmd. ..I aliens, may not be considered authori­ show their passes; women of the lower classes would b.- tative or final, but the conclusion* arc J saved from unfortunate marriages, much useful as poneuts allowing the way the Izwt LviiiNTf ivnanrcs tlie re- Suangt* to relaU*, there IS IIO ex- ! suffering, ill-treatment and hard labour. wind blows. For it is conimon-scuse pre*?ntalives of the African Political pLtnation of tiiis barhanais metinrl of j There are, of course, had men who n> assume that those deprived of a muni­ Asats'iatioii, win* preacuted Mr. administering muiiicipu! - law, but tin11 evade and break good laws all the world cipal vote will scarcely lie considered ChamU rlaiu with an a Idrms at Cape- - Tim es’* characterises the question a-* ovcr- bu' “ a Keneral thing these Kaffir litted to exercise a political vote. The ...... Itehalf of lh * Cape Coloured “ amusing.” Well, our new « mi- ! women have a very good time; they recommendation of the committee to people. " Eni|*hasising tlie fait that consider a municipal election •Ordinance they had no |H>litical grievances,** unique. better treated, and cases ol wives assault was as follows: “ That Africans, „ur iMiitempomry says, “ only permit­ ____ j ___ are less common in Kafficland than in Indiana, and Chinese lie excluded the ted Messrs Merrimau A'Co. to use them * * Scotland. To talk, therefore,- of Kaffirs as a |*olitic.il o»:ivcuieucc.” . ! buying women and making them slavi-s. franchise, and that these ie:ins be di­ *■< inm»kil!i«f. . proves no more than the utter ignorance lined a* including respectively any Now.u. we ...d.n-st i|iolili«“il...... »rgani-»— ; s in the grip of any «lii|!K\ jMrti- R k ltu r employs some very fuihiT cor-' ° f ,hc nun w^° *° talk*. l j :o: coloured | e »plc/ For that re«*>n we conclude tiuit want of reason is one of the j Calo— I Paaiera, •»r Chinn, aud any jx t s o u one of whose main (lualificatHKis for Renter’s agency. \ Major F . W . Pansera «»f tlie Resenc I >arents lielongs to any such raw or woul l h- irn-atlv alarme^l hal tlie tribe.” This drastic provision excludes char.n:er of th«*i- trentlemen been He telegraphed from Mafeking last j of Officcro. has been pn>moted to the kucIi as is likely to jiennit wed;, that tlie Koyal luniskilliu*; | rank of Lientenant-Csdoue). ('olooel all lialf-hrueds, but not, presumably, Fusiliens should not he transferred from j Panaeni i^.well known, liaviug played qua lroous or o&onious. Oac <»bvrvcs then t* hlri,v l *,c *,u,rc*‘ of auv |K>litH-.d traj*. A t the here a *. tiiis District has a large, “ loyal” > au iin|ioruuit jsirt, as O.C. A rtillcn. no loo{i-holc or cscape for tlie e hi«ateJ Native pojiulatiou” “ whiiii suffered j during tin? aiegi- of Mafeking. He was Native and half-breed, or any proper snu<- time we wry inneh d wbt i ‘— pcrhapa more than anybady ebe during 1 Mib*cquciu iy ap|«tinted Britisli resi* cu t incentive for tlie black to rise to tlie well kiH*wing tlaat they hal no griev­ ances - the delegates wonl.l liave been the warv'.’__M o d i as we u(>preciatc tiie j at Palapye, t he Beehuanalatal Bon er,. intellectual level of his Kuropean justified «>' t-llin- Mr. Cliambcrhiin presence of the Regiment, we cannot I Colonel Pauzetn’s pnmiotion has leeti mentors. The British Indian is ex­ i lie, if onlv for the sake of understind what their May has got to j liardly earned. lie was one of the cluded, together with the I’hraoc and imwivenieueing Messrs Memman «lo with our loyalty utid suffering many men wboae good work was lost the Arab. An amendment wa* pn>- during tiie war. * ght of after tlie relief. posel tliat for the terms Afriunu', A Co. KORANTA EA BECOANA AND BECHUANA. GAZETTE. MATMI.UO, MORAXAXG, go lini go feta sclekanyo lwi tic l»a K O F F Y P O N T E IN . Kgapo e e Chosang tole ka bonako fa lm li liris:i. Li KITSISHO EA GOROMETE. dioanctse go nna mn kgositlheug esi motlhab;:rii fela yaka mo ko- S k sk Fni.Htt'otM’. M o k o so pi Go itsisioc go ikin polel" cn loing esi Ijhnluga lefa e ka nna m«* T il KUO c c latching c utloulion teiitcng ea baepi ba niaye aa thata pontsha fa metllmtlhelo ca Kof- j OA K an oso wo IV lasjxg. go nna jiololo ca pontsha. go re koa.j fyfontcin yaanong e tie tse, ba- G. D. Walker, mokonopi oa kauo- K. GK A H A M .G REEX. liri, ebile rc sa tlhole re iu»lejnooa------mophato*------oa litlhobolo ia Mo- • Koa Kapa g5ii:>e !eul«a lea Iki ntloa- , -» Mo'/oxtrttt'i . . ‘ii -i .1 ^ hioli co mogolo <>a m ophato 0 cieng Ichu Metfc a a mn’Uiig ke luorafc 0 magentc a tl re phuthelnng batho. I ( j |l)UinCT|,Urg, v»ka bntlm bale aiiNitsintsi o <» kjklia krf4 ?sc, :------etseng tin) ea likcpo, o ka i|«ila koa nokeng ea Intombie, fa likoloi . tsa ntici li ntse li retclecoc ke go LINTON melft tercna a tla go wit la tiro. ts]M.|a care 1110 itoeiiiong yoa libes- Thero Thaka e;i Maburu e ^ i. in.ee/seng Etlai-e fsi iljitlh a m ono blisc- kiti ra nna ra • ya iofata loa liiili go e;i go tlhabanela ftnycJanc/ k««:t ka scbaka sa tshipi lile tharo. Ke lioc m ali a 01m a palam c tercna Masotnaliug e fitlhile k<>a ' inii*lhn- KA KO 0 TLO Tl.K O A Xil ka lo bolelela mili 00 one ole bo banclong. le g a le ka bak^-mo H*- SKGOLO SIU WAI.TKK (k lasc cji liomro) ka one ' go i tllioko 1110 maleiig a roua. Liotlo ineloijg e ntle, ba tla tlhabana i tse li thata tse line tsa re tlaletsn MiANCIS HKLY- tla mo Khaim, lc a mliago. sentle thata. eseng yaka maraur.t- HUTCHIXSO-V. line tsa ntlhokofatsa mala l*Ol*e. nyanc a bane ba a chocrc mo Trans­ Fa motho .a. rile a tla koaiu « i Kne ekile eare koa Jr. W illiams folo, ba ira libiltong go tiketsa . me- Crorifc, d ( h i i :\/•;/.'/;//* M o fo - nkclcng lengoe, ctlarc fa a rata | Ine intiiuielis^i. Ktf • 112 ke li t'lgo ea bo: c. J ; boltlwoe ke tsala ngoe* ea me ke le olii/olo oa Koloni ca Sc oat la .sc mali aO a lmselioe kea go m im g. Lietleeo eone li tlhomagaiicqe, * • title si < of Good Jlo/ti • lc 1110 lipliatsng ts;» lH*loet^ yoa 1110- (io. nale latlalniui bale Ikjun |q o i k ; kc lutlaoli Ijsi m e t l o b o . gote; me bogolo ka bo ke ataiuecoi m i fa lnhc a 111(1 nf/oc lc MctloIl'fMO •* 5|»() ca liniaulo le likanurla koa Koloni-co, t/alo. i/alo. Go* m m l)!ilx;ix?ki Imi gsile fela ke phokolo, le g o liupela le kc go Obbia ; lefa tsela ea go tllia- bululogii ni|«i. le litlhabi mo ina- Imi Imi itsiocng. Faele thaka* s la Mitla eone ele tliata mo ba- leng. <«<» tl«»g:i foug ka una ka keug seno ka li|»elesa tsji sckaka Ka thata le ka tshiamclo tse ya ' I ikgolokoane tse ka metlha fa nyami c tshesanc le Ixiithutonnn, li shoa. k<; li ncecocng k^agnolao oa I»o- : ke ikutloa ke loala, kp lira yalo loetsc yoa likgomofjn No. ’-'7 oa lnt k a ca g o lMitla tiro g o s e le .f , ka nyaga lile tlliano. 'Me erile I S1K>V le moluo 0 0 okclitsetig, W. Si WHITWORTH, I fa re ntse re le koa nokeng ea In- i toinbie tsa Iki Ii inphelet?e. Kare e l K ing on Rinderpest • oa No. 2 ,m;T sa Baoaleli ’ : “M a k a t i .” ; ka re ne re se gauti le ton»j»o e]>e , • «»|M tsniUmw : - . h «»a 1X97, kc itsisego nna polelo ebile ke s:i kake ka li l»ona gojK*. • -JJI ca pontsha, gore ka botlhoko KcfEvfontcin, O.R,C., ka utloa l»otlhok<* thata. Ke rile DK UKKUS' COMINICNK; • yoa Rinderpest bo utloala 1110 T lh akola 2 1 , 1 0 0 3 . | ke tsena nio thing ngoe ea lebuni G o M o i: i ;i.a o a n y 1, likgomong lingoe tsa I;efatslie- ka fitlliela botlolo a t lets j likg<»lo- Ke bna lc loan karc jca.ua fa motho va-Tshireleco, go tlogn mo le- Eo o romelang 15s. yaa­ koanc tse li khibicoana ts;» g a IJr. a clioana le .iuui^’aic a hietsc mali a tsatsingya kutloacoe, e tin bo esc nong, o tla romeloa “Ko- Williams me ea nna kLraj»o Koranta esi IJecoana go thatii ka ke tshiamo go iitsha likgomo mo ranta** go fitlhela Harch ituinclisitseng segol<». Li kgoloko- tlhola ku senytgeloa kc litcui|ic, le fatshcng ya tshirelcco go li lore ane tse li ntlmsitse tliata ir.o li]tampiri. 'me ke leksi go koalela lui- 1904. ntoeng c<‘tllie. Motlhamongt»e K* nilaganyi mafoko a li jielaeh* tsa me mo koloning eno ca Kapa. ne rc tie re robale 1110 longoleng ’ine :u«a gatisk»c, "me kare golc-ke sji ‘Me ebile ke itsisc le go ; uulatsi ale shoaie, m 3 (n - k t« la lesa u tloc m afoko^_„kcsi utloatsa fa likgomo cotlhe tse L iy o c h e . ; ke utloa ke chacliauvi ’nif le. Tee b u a i^ kcMig^ 'rac .e l^ ^ g«H^ K(naiil;t li ka tsenang mo Kolomhg eno metse liugoe me ke tsilifaleloc motUti-o .c l.ueleluiig-? iV lo «i me ga «• ituinele, kc utloa lK>tlhok<» Imntatc kgatlliaiiong le niolao .0 , li tla Kkare fa ke lx»lela seutle kare Iiiypche maloha 011a a si-kisr. ______knntlbt ea nn kgcw 00, kap;i Mr. A .it. Im) li senolccoc polao. rile ke ut?e ke tlhalmnn. «ra ke ese mono, pole tlmta mapi.legoa ale nl|e jfc ee n^iikcn; lc in* tlhaojK*. M:ish<»ko g a a k a a _Ie U ilclcla fa k«- koulilc lik«5ilo lile jieli jn e kc ann>gela MOLIMO liOLOKA KGOSI. mantsi liogolo yoa'.one yoa eoji— LT ka ..lirela . .batho ba bangin; thusho Bo McGrath le Biiyne, le WhiBer. ka llu t„,|eU-l:i nmf.iko ao ainc K o ran ta ka beke ngoe le ng«»c, ’ m e k«- use ke h;»ia^n:afoko ao 1110 li konuiteng I.o acecoc kc atla same fa tlase ga ba ba choarecocng go tlatla. liloana Likgolokoane tse li khibicoana t. MOSOATK. pa tsena Ra-Thosi le lilioe nionpoe; feti|cll„" kc „e ka amogela likmlo G ( ronere. le bone gotoc -ba uctiile furu oa lilei:i_ lintsiljntsi thata,t‘ tse li coang mo [A fa a lefa kaniagclo ea- “ Komnta " ua Ik> >i go|K>tsc gore u lefa le tsliiam el * Ka t ido ca Motlotlegi, Mogcroncre le Goromcnte, Ibi-Tliosi (Mr. Tisnear) masholeng a Pusho, tse li bolelang ea go gatiticlioa mafoko. Tshiamclo eo banna ba I.ckgotla. a emecoe ke Advocate Phear I*e- lithusho ts:i likgolokoane tse li kgoa (Bcckhouse) le emecoe ke ga c rekoc, e bulegctse ’mali mongoc l<- khibicoana tsa ga Dr. Williams mongoc. 'Me fa 11 g op ola gore in t John Frost. Advocate Wallnch. Ra-Thosi a coa mo ntoeng ca Maburu. l*egale Beckhonsc a sala ka kgoeii lile ga n ; g a inuthausam lc a lia lu li l a e*a»- X o . 8 5 , 1 0 0 3 . bontsi yoa one bo ntse 1k> itse Komutaiiyana c lircti»e mafoko a gaga thataro ka tiro e e thata. Morago molemo oa moMiushoaua o o tu- lies;, re choanetse go go liolelela go Mile THE SOUTH AFRICAN ga bone ga tsena Frank Xkomo le nnleng o, b.v cs„' ba tie mono kail:: fa 11 fositsc.--M or. “ K.c:i 15.**J SL’KCTATOR. mo-Intho Iki a ka Im>Iiu-.i m otlm ’ m e eaie itsioa ke pusho tsa Kapa, Natal, Icoana tsa ga Dr. Williams Paul Montshioa koa Lotlhakanc. a sena go molaoa a ijKKia-molato a ni- Transvaal le Oran'^ia. 1* a u rata .. , t x* r». ,,— tsa batho ba ba fokolang li liakoa |icla Modiuio go moichoarela ka go go utloela se se liragalang mo le- A ntse maslioe Mr. Pliear mo t!ha- kc u-fatshe, yotlhe le Utlm U.tlhe ixilata 1110 gagatsi. a kc gore gaana g*> korcug loaga van (oiler, enle a mo. thaU.n./ ,,, t ‘atshing yotlhe c reke. Tsala ca . , mo thateng ea cone ea go folisa choureloa, kea Im4r i ? ■' XkiK* ka ets»- 1 kgogola Liyoche a sala a I’aneho: lc Makgoa a c hula. 0 1 ! niahn tse a go ]»haj»hauva ga maoto nya mo koiautcng ki B»*hotho. ’Mr Pamtorosc ka kgoeii lile 18, hard Ui llla tk ile g o tA a raU t ’m e kea IkiIsji ’ Tlhoatlhoa 8s: fclu ka ngoapi. le ga marapo le liuokn, luokctfa. lebcre. jsetlhahi, kgohifalo, phokolo ea mali eom picno 1110 koranttaig ea rona ea R ku ben , ou R k.uiikn. F. Z. s. PEREGRINO le lK>tlhoko yoa litshika. lolmiia fa Ike. ana. Kea gojN.Ia g«4la mm mo­ ■ Mong le Morahiguayi, Kgetse ea l*ofelo ene ele ea g;i 1 lo s;i siniologa. mogalikcgo. 111a- ngoc e » o ka nkarHlwng ruri^kea Uhni Ik* X70, Cn|K* Tow a. Reuben Mnngo]*e a ucuile |H»nt<» k a g.iim c nKii»sh«4in I<* a■t^iril«K• magolo choenyego a scl*ete !e liphio. le lile sliome tsa Mongoaketsc mo- ’me kc Im>InI goie a- -’molai pi ana maloets^ otlhe a a tlhag «u«r 1110 go ngoe a coa tirong ko:i Trans­ eliK irelo kua M odituoiig. K e liot>a , itshekologcng ga mali. Lia folisa Wm. HOMMEL. vaal. A itatola a ba a una mogolo- mo go lona Im amf^'cli Ui Komnta ca me ga li tshabise. Ii rekisiiio:i inn Lctaka yaga apiogetsc ebile a iketlcelclitsego ca u i]o a cia s<.n»:ika 1110 k o ia u tc n g ena c a •rsidir. Williams Medicine Gun piny, MR. WILLIAMS. gac. Reuben a fitlha air. (1, aim rona ’me kea ema ka tumui.i .ho. -S' Long Street, Cafietown. Fa u lae- u berekil^ monna,’mago ctlarc a ( Hi Iona. tsa koa go itone ba tla gu romela go bona a itumele ‘aba arc' -phamo.' .1. J. T O L K eo mogolo oa Ll- botlolo ale mongoe fela ka :»d tlbako, _ale le k$ole tsa ! lefaele liotlolo lile thataro ka 17 [Fade kaga 'inelao ea lefatshc vcno lit Itse. 6 a tome oa Itlrela. 11 , c'lOiinetse g o Inilvlcla ma|M*lisi Mr. Justicc linage Well ■ lH,ss<* v h ie lo H ke bone# gongoe le kjidse ea gagu tsi akangia kc Imyiui.. *1 gongoe mono South Afrika. Mo Lefaele tiro ca go baakanya Reuben : U 110 u -"bolelela Fade kaya melao ia legolimo a motho eare a licrckilc magw a itaniile. >ualtH*tseng a sesali li itsioe fa ele uicsamo ea likarai o e lira kn niti- ka Krtsji Uitho Ui Iu molemo ba Nna ke tla go iiaea tiro ca nyaga tone c «si li s.i kakeug tsa reteleloa. tsirtselcko. M olim o, 1m> M onyatsi Im M .n b a a e !»• lile pcli mo tcnaikou» va ke itse «ort Ikitho l*a lei fokoiisioaug kc go G jo.ivaiic, Sent le Imiireli Mo lekeng ka losi. a 'niagil o tla itnuichi. loala. go tlhoka go ipaliafela^. le-kc Umgoe.- Mor. **K ea 1*.” J KOHAXTA EA BEOOASA AND BECHUa X a GAZETrE, MATLKACO, MORAXASG, I1W3,.

lekana ho ro|,, Llltill(i, ^ 7 fsueu ha li Tsuane. fclivmi,. ,„.M J1 "wfi«h a SO. * Ko niotSW ciu j a k c Iii.uk. yi;tik'k;i ,"« » !? i » i n>«,ii '■■■ "> tsa Kolarc, ynaleka lUcnrilo RALICqOANCIlO, , icn tc c a S*»lotnon. I a; si* ke la « niIioik„, I , . 5. j " ' -. I".’ '■ I- Lglimsi ha kc le motwmun hoki ke sdtet,«i 11 |ca|(, n *’ II,,a Im ni<>- (5«s tlase j c Q r o l o M * o tone, lies, 'potm antr.a.) ” ielo kc letsatai, 1mm lm m e ha Iu ------:o :------nklwlcfctac 1» m|Kjllc ho lisi nior.irn, nako c r,. i , ■pl'MiM, k a ,n .., |; ' tS'‘ -" ! ' 11 ,„e nicrara e long ea ka, ka sclide ha mats.j,o„.r ., "*'•11 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fa t,uc li*‘ (s^ela sa Salonone I. ... «)" •» »n:». k.. i,U s, i-k o i T ;■ Jin iloH ATW i o a K o r a n t a . ebile a eme sentle fela yaka gale mo maemong K,, ko|m bore korautoug c lulutsc- im « u ^ ; ; ! : , V T kT ,e k r- k a m lc lo ho |i|Ht i;7 1. . ,lk a luti iT 1,1 btw 41 keny.; ten;? mautsu- k.i ,, ‘'I.''f'-'U abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo, Bohutshe, Li­ T ira n a a n a scng • - mikae . a ka, Imre h tm itlc in o *»a lm o I n lm li Iki intcliaii” i..... tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse h o e is a h:»re lu iia U , l.i i. * , *e Iki kc lm inahane ka oona. d e lihHK.pl,,, J Idia rekoa gone fela yaka gale. Kc htia ka iitsne le * la m ade, le ka “Jjrafirmr Ntsue ]eo~-na ko-fumann liiilmiii' le 1h) iinu ka hobanclc rc fecla : C iO W IE B ros., under the Clock. Tsucu ha li tsnnue, le si khcthc . I tore nenjr, kapa k a -, lclia e lc ’ iieteng » t„ ,i ..... Cot i»f Jo:k*s S t r , v t n :i I I)utoits|u!i f e n t ! K im lio r lo y . tap thetsong. H ajcha h<» ka tlc- IcbtK f * “ r , ■'■•■l.lak- » hc«m k«ioanu, ’me. ha tiicolicloji ’ncteng fecla, ho tla fumnuim l.okme a w '" , ...... U.liolo lm ntsile lco k e ’netc feela. Tsucu ha li Lsuanc lia cniclana, Ka ilnisiiiii. Kea lekauya ha sc lm lu- S , ' • ‘"."I- II. H * komci.iciy l,al,,.„ Vo m ngaia k!tpa Iki sio imtlio lmo ka ino- n*n m .„ I,., lo,,,,,. |„, hlomong lm kileng' lm utlua tshcu c R 10 klinmiit ptr. 'Illr j ’njnie e nvatsa kapa e khalcmda «u Iiak> oona ka ntsuc la ho it; : “ I'ena nUsd u n*o c gullang r " ’me ha e-lm ho ...... "ik,r-k“:n'H fola ho lo yualo jiottso ko Jiorc i a kc ka 'W n li.,l,',l„ „ f,H i*,,,,. |„„ , Uika lung? Na tsucu tsona-' l:a so ntlio oo tcsicher' e ’n I.. * Uitlio, ha li fosse, kajm ha ii fosctsc ha mapdios,.,,.|0 " ...... KITSISHO EA king na ? Ho l>oualnng kc liore kefco c.) ea iKina ere yaliela hakihloko ro:ai „ ■ l '" n ‘ talmtang llwi. k(. I 1 Iki kitso, ka holmnc re ka ’na ia tsn a Hanga!,, to.-lic r ,. nt„, ,|||.; yiiulo talwng e fe Ij; efe ka moo tsiuii m o n il, t. talm l ™ ' , * li itlm tc la n g . • ~Emjm lclia hfrrae ynalo, lululi lu latchung, kea tsepa, 'na ynaleka lu 7 " I !,,m " •>« hao. Mokllua I Fatshe y a ^Tshireleco. Umg ham Iona re ne re ntse ie lc kho- plong e ntle ea hokinc ha >e l:orc ■ .J. ,ku h i ; " « ''i™ l“,li tsianc, I - ll liana -«o tsnana : Iki lihlrla <•1 isnoa tsohlc-tsohle lia lckana kapa li moUu « la ii lofclla viuil, hapa ina- i.suana ka m aikntlno talteng co. Che, liloko a sa fclcng. M in .a o i.1 o a I 5ki Hi ANAiaM) Photkctokatk o kojiilix^i- ka holmno ham lama I m teng lu lung i J t ' l l» M .III ,l,l..r.i a tlil,. Gon»ini-iit«* 0:1 Transvaal 150 tttl«Kits:i ^o mui |m>K‘1o iti ]K>utshn fa lm ikalietscng M olim o. lrn^ ilileng ham t,o l,la!,l„lu sekuln, 'm lf |„, rona lm Imtso, lm ipitsiing ka bore * n P1"' ll 1,1 ,1,;. IkiI.'i*.li lm im-tlolx* «i Gauteng km .lolum nobnr^, Ui ikaclctso » kc bana labo rona, lm. rc ratang Iu tlileng ho r ; hlaldi.-a lc ho rc ntsctsa E l r Iilalii»«i |- la Mo- iini<^i*la lit- Li tse li latelang 1110 tirong lo iuo tlatiidouir ea Rm- jitle: lmo le rona rc lm hloucphang h t l f V s1"" l' “" " c f" ‘1-1 '•»« f Ditsoati-jdKrnnwcnjtaira, l„;,a ka iiclto Iki Iki ln n-kaiiir 1110 inctloboti". ka l:o ba bitsu Haruti 1m .Molimo oa sckulong, at he timelier oa 'netc ron a. lh io h e , k h o p o lo n g e o c - n t le esi batho e m -ts,., „ U-h.u tlio'io. h rli ka 1. Kokcco «i uialito ^orc Itftliri Iki Iuo Joe tlhoutlhoa e Iki 110 Iki rona kea khohm ke I ki sa Icbdloaug lio i s , I k i lio mo liincbtm n,ri, a lio kena ntsiicng lcna le kihloko. a liits«K? niotlatsi oji c niosu. ii.'c Ien» o amogela j»elo Lintoa. Mo kokolocong 01m, go loknncoc. Yualc ereka ha Immti lm le Imngata Oietso niri ho Mohlal.lohi, le Ih. I«t|„r ka Iithirto tsa bona ke ka "611a lmo kc le mahl.Hig a Monna Moli,,*. ,,, ,|J j^orc tlhaatllioa o o km tkisc-tlase e motho o ka e lju)Kilan.ir Ui tsdm ltg, lmo kc holctscug Imra lo.in,- re tsckwi |«lelo w 4, k 1110 kgoolin*^ k o JCi as. ino Inctnong yoa .£l 10s. oa gale ; fa llaroma; 'm e ka I h iih i kc else f-csiipis.* i > re e Metseng (Matt. \ii. |,.I|N. >"i holmnc csitaua le hona ham lmo lm kc sona ^.,no siImso: ka Ih.Iu.V ''oliuioga tlliontlh(Ki (.‘olxiliri botlhe Ixi nalo kgoro oa go IkijkiI.i ipitNing ka Molimo ’netc ca lontsuc ho bh o ig haliolo ho tsnea t>a he* > mali a sole p«l«* ka tiro ea *ctoko (j»icoo-\vork) fa In nonolil*- Kn) c sa habile ka ho liona. Tsncn Im. |u k a t s c k t ^ . ca niar^ .ho a m at*.. kc tsucu,’me ntfio cnbesaloo lc utso. .M asuabisuio kr bolw ,„. I,,, |K, g»> lir a y a lo . ’Na ke hlatsnitsoe kerekcng oa km a keiia •*.nc‘si a in aclia" Im sit.u ho Imsceng lm ka, ho lihlcla kayeno ke IxmtKa hhkIio tf im w , Id ia k ni-H.- 2. Go tli tlliongoa Katlliatlholn Ui tiro ra lx>nc c tla nnang ntse ke le ea kercke co, ho so fetile feda inoseU'tMiig «u k.na l.-ha ele ka lilcmo t^c mcshonic a mamro, ’me ka sclmka sc h kanang Io:ih» s.* k se n " clitlhoko g«>r« Ittliri Iki s»?ka bn t»liegii*lioa ino metlliatlholouu Imki ke lckana - ho I ki tsclm hantlc ha , , a. <‘»oa a •letikn» kmo t«c fa kontraka t^i bouc li folilo. lc goro Ui lueloc mali otlhc a 1 m kc Ui silafatse. H a ke i:a ho bua ka lilano kayeno matfdiso a hae ko halu tsa kcrcke holmnc lootso yoa maoto lo melomo, yo l>o ne lx> gakrt^- lm hlokomcla ositnna le sekhuahlapa kileng a phda le b .na ho feta m *. a' lxJio teng. M«*n»go o-jnctala. (liyo tsi t>hitu<») lo Linn* juio* sa moeti se ka tsohang Sc flhlii tnotscng ka lutliu ynaleka scjidoto har.i li- im Iiono. Tseo tsohle cfela ho no ho tllioke, go amogola mali a Uiliri. katsc e I.- 'ngue c melileng linaka. Xtuniellcng ke etsc sesuj iso lel«> go a lioloka lc g»> a runcla koa magkiotig a bonc^ 1110 m a fo lo u g |mki Im n lsiie Ieo k a Iki Imngata Iki ,1m- h :i|k: ha it ka hlahi.sa puo. |M4so. ts-» Im bileug ka pele ho 'na, kajm ke kclots-., ku|u ua nyaMa meklina emr otllic a I»ritish South Afrika. >c ctse esitana le ka na ka sck-lc si c k.hloko u tla I.its*u*Luther. \« ke _ka: e snntr kn lain ka holmnc tseo li so kc hjtsics.k- yualo. hara b»na Uimti, I’„>lio ra TnuiH-faUi o ikotkvlitM* go si;iKtl«>hi tl!iaU>lolo mo lilahetse ’na cm pa e Jeno kirliolmne' Nlca kliaoisi moo kayeno; 'm«- ka hona ke moo nka tscUiiig, ho fmka lu hali l a m tdm ug ko,i h j s i h«>rc: jiiwtkgocjig eotlhe e c l«*kanycng, mo inatshelong a Kam-lio Imtlho hantlc ’note ca lentsuc Iona, le reotlang \ a ko i i .ii;i ni'-hlala •• inctlc ho n.na Iki Iki lining mo moilobong, *:bilo lc I.ikotn|k)iii tMi nu th>l*o li " hona lictsek en g roim Imua l»es» l a I : - Iki Imt.s.r Na tsncn ha li si tsuane tso, ’iuo ho tla bouala hoic kcmolano k t-:1 inoseb.*t«ing oa M olim o note le ■.luij.iU- k c * k f O lo tlliotifalora conc r a go lim gatsi maikaololo a*.. '•i litsncn, kc polaeo ea la lw;«». ho loka r»* tla li tseki kaug : X a i*. ositanu le hona ham litsueii tse ipits- kalu letsnalo Ieo lu n mtang holuric ; ka Molimo. ko Iona lo«|<^a la Molimo k.na kina- BARRY HAY, Ka Iilomo ts. ii: h la n o ts e f . i i - ; |t. m a tla a It** lo n u u ts u k a n g ? kng, ?ua kc-no- kc ha re t t e l r u*|a ,!i4- *“ *?• ■ki sckolo sa bana Koiiia, ■uip:i ha o le kuaiio iimnm: b Jfflolioaloli oa J^usho ca hara liiemo tsin», tse ‘ne (■) k;i isinir.i i»..|:iio. ’mo no*|-atso iu k .n a k c Ih* ni'wclictsi oo ohle ke lc inotsi. ho tlo.tn S!.u fola. Kahl'Jong oa Molitm. ka luna lm Malang ho Ihmisi sckolo lio v I la krtia inakanwi, mdiloniong long (JZats'ho xfa ^ shireleco. lililcla ho lm ka bolimo-limo* ho lu s i t i h lla tsixu h o k ilic teng ts<»k^ alosa yualo lc kantlo mead rising «> si e ’ill'll# ba «• K<« Tluiig_<9 Kgosing, lirutu lc m asimo, lo ho folimelia. > u,i‘” ‘N a ugi:auak» !•►» «. holiu a b ma hotihlda Lsitsi le*. like a. II S T K ’ K M. S K C I I K F O 11 A FE K l NO, M .sjlwtai oo esalc oona ^ o i:n 4 st Hamtolaii'l. Tllmkob 7, omQpg le cmong a ka o na a'.a « » KORAN rA EA BEPOASA AXD BECHUANA S. Kemp & Co., Mo Mokgoatheng oa Balacuayo

Golebogana lc Steshene sa Kotsbc Ifi 600 Ra Weil. M A G O G O N o Kc gone go fitlang Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Lintlfe tsa tsa maleke: tse di A ck,sa s° '**'■* ^ 1. tsi lSutllmiiin« U- |;,nu,tt Banna, Basali le Bany&na. choanarig le go 1*1 bttllgoc Ui Koloilg If Lilampi le libone, Pftote tsa Germane, thula le go momela jony fa a Imlugctsf J...... Lipampiri ts a Marifl, Listeisi (Bostrok) tse lintle, lisenke. nnong nlx> a gnlt ..... Ma-v' gong. Lithoto tsi m.-tlcl, Mesese le aparo tse lingoe, 0 Tla baakanya ntlc dotlllf li ka If'111 Cl ! Ill I, (I Hetbale-thale ea Lisilika. LEFA ELE GO ETLEE- TLANG LO ITEBATEBELE TSA LITHULELOTSA ka tlhoatlhoa tse li EONE. lekanyeng. 15a lirsi ka maruino. I«a kabc BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipompo lc lilo tse lingoe tsj. HADJE NASS1EP. li tshipi tse li ka lutlang. Jffesoa -: o a ^/7 *= ro ; s- k 0 itsisioa baeti le ba bangoe fa go bueoe Ntlo c c moleino ea Fa u batla sen'gue mo go liont Joanna. GcLiyo 1110 Tiung c ehoeu e t: kafa goom Molobeiig. a tla ba l>ona go lehagnna k O rata go itsise L itsa ia ts i «a«wtr- Li naina, Marotho le liyo le li’noo eofcllie tse li tsbelhaing ’mele Steshene sa ‘ K u tsh e .’’ fa a sale 1110 m ann ong a "asfliea t koa ntle ga tse li tagang) li ka nna tsa lx>noa ka nako cotlhe. Mo Mokgwitr cngi oogologolo, m o R oss Sira-:. Malay C am p. > M. MOTSHEGARE, oa BULAWAYO. Montsioastad, M e s f .g o e a G a g i ;. e siam c thata. M a fik e n g . T h a k a e e coang M e t i .iia T. A.’ Lewis Roberts, tlh elo n g J. GERRANS, — o — Mosegi oa nuuuiete kc co! N g a k a ea Me n o , yaanong o hu- lugetse la moseya ga tsela me H a d j e N a s s i l p . Co h e n ’s B ui 1.d im is, go lebagaiu Co lebagaoe le Steshene fRflflKENG. Ross Street, K im berlcv. le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- la meno, go tsenya a ntasha, lefa elegou bnakanya, Ba nale gpj ’mono Jfa.VNK J. CltnXFOIin. Vrvhur- fa gare ga nako tsa 9 oa mosho le ilogontC, ’Sftreleli le ’Maak.mvi 5 oa maitsiboa : ka Tshipi, 1110 litaetelc. (iaiifi lc Kantoro ca m Jshong. fa ba moleletse-pele. Fohuli. KCAKOLOLO E E UOTi.Ha LE, Linama tse li sia­ KITSISflO E E BOGALE. meng: tsa LIKGOMO le L1NKU li ka nna Eo 0 sa romeleng tsa bonoa mo go tefo ea gague mo tshiping e e tlang re E. T. ( M E , ttO G O O R A 5 TOLLI:. tla itse faele sekao J< lies Street. gore ga a tlhole a KIMBKIM.KV.

'W O T H U U ts. MOLIRI OA MAKOLOI i.f. LIKARA. batla Koranta; 'me re e khutlise. W.ik KIRKPATRICK, Mokctsi lc ’Wctbtili o a Liiwesikclc le Mctlwle eotlhe* esi lx> Machine. MOKKKISI OA I.ILOAXA ( I'TI.III. 0 Kontrakela Pusho tsa imperial le Koloai ie Komponi ea B.S.A. TT CO IJilUdAXA l.i: Yarata ea Railway, S 0N1MG & |(ATZENSTEIN, B l’ LA'V.WO

KITSISHO.— Barekisi ba Koraata keilbc bi cfcoaaetse *0 facia FA KGOELI NGOE LOUIS PRICE & CO., St.. George’s Street, (gaufi le Victoria Hotel,). LE NQOE E SHOA. Ga ke katle ga , (G o r o rA M a isa k a k a f a B okonH) H I.O ICM PO N TIC I X. e*ela, ke lefa bafiri ka aae. Le li taiapir Ue ke gatisaag ka cjae ga li bocoe ka lecopa KIMBEK LEV, ke U reka *a lipontr. Ntlo e e tlhoatlhoa li koa tlase go feta y htrcb' utt M r b X lr M,M t, matlo otlhe a Mangaung. (la o f.»iisc sorjroc le sengoe im- Ra I y\nreki$i tenunmanyi <"> "*'/‘ fetclcloc ke j*o foil'd lo lc balx it tarm ac no Fixvarenjr, w . o b og ale. <.i> vIhmi" flit III h: tot Thoto e ntsi ea Liaparo, Litlhako tsa o o S'rc.’ocng TLHOATLHOA U Thata: banna le basali. Likobo le lilo tse lingoe. HOFFES ah olnt -ly r -I'*} U- Baa«i ba lipolasi lotlhc, fa lo lia FEVER CURES. Bloemfontein sc tlljckeng qc elela O jrw i k.-

wenkele ya ro^a. Hoffe Medicine Co. and jiuldishtil ut 1.'"* Mflhu.bcm < r tlhakatx-y. n s r PltlN TIM i WOKK>. PHILLIP TSHABALALA. libo(l<4»TU ka *». lijiu liv n n - ka npuw 1.1.- «s u-12 ka 1- .U s . . ng«v k- iur»\ Main S m t , Haft’ksn?. '•> MOREKISI Mo I.itoronS oot'ho.ic IbrcLi-i baMricnu* Projirictor Su.,\s J -3toratrta^ • ea |^ccoana, - tk*Us. ' 4 ^ d h k c h i < ^Mctrr'rK. ' THE AMELIORATION OF TKF iATIVE. I: a b o u r, Sobriety, thrift and € d a c £ t ion.

M Al'l K KN«M \ ri.H ACO. JtOUAN.VN'i 11, 100#


M o Setorong sa Bogologolo Sa bo TImt I m n f t MaakM » • rek« imi u i» n im » ri*i l.iv W HITELEY, W ALKER & Co., k M KH AI t o aM M M klle mllhc Lewenhele r» « « * M OREKISI OA LIAPARO . " tuck. h |a ik Hcthale eotlhe ea Likobo, Liaparo, Licoalo le Liroalo ti.»a ka Steshene u lapolisi a tlhoatlhoa t

A rc Baliroli b.i tn i ki: Ifcirotimg, Molanli n-i Ii mi- kii M r. G koi: ;k M*i ' ■ — Kafa Morago c. a H i>sis Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lisholo tse li ! *■ O Nftam makoloi le likan a li * shafnt*t. Lome lia FERD IN AN D J. JACOB! ‘A - ' • bonknngoa l i apcsioe bo scili ha hn nh*.

M r s . R . P G H G h ALFRED E UNLEV, mu cn* etc

M OREKI, M OREKISI - T & u n g .

Le m oananyi oa M ethale eotlhe ea lithoto B a t l h a p i n g .'

() W H RflKGH G OH IiKvOBO&LH . L o di ’ y a n g G c ? Rekang monogaenn F l o u r u eo montle kget3e ea 100 lb £1 lithoto tsa methale K g e t s e ea B o u p e (yo bo seflloeng £ 2 5 s . eotlhe e e dihang k a Printe e ntle ea Germ ane (yard) * 'v' ( - 6 3 Batlhaping b a g a e c h o . Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4 d . O NALF. MATI.O A T1IEK 1SH ) KOA £,Z,kZ,nt l:i& c:ha;U M o n o ' . 1 | « y . : * Bvtlwk*, I) "irubult. Ip LKet;wFoNri;tN* «* i Swan-ixK*!. t i l w s v a a i .. W enletoog ya Batlhaping, T a n n g .


EO a BAftLENQ LE E TLA BULOA KA TLHAKOLA 3, 1903. JASOftA. HO Ko m aikartalo a lJalaoli go thuto .• - m > l i k a l ^ li bit«‘lan*r. . l»on» Liki. .. t>a tsa ga 'l£?.itole\j L e g a r e s* ^Botichere : Sekolechi: Boruti: ’Mngo le TIhalcfo le Nonofo «i ;itin> !<*« ------.nuj.b;>go lc tst* lingoe. Fa n lf »:l.*i ir > u :K i v a t ic koaM a • _£«* Moliri eo o siam.-m; oa I'

R c n -. A . H en r-\- A f tfiw a v, on*losL B ise koa go vnc 1k>iu- 1 1 0 Hanover Street, ~ nako ca ffagu onale. O A P E T O W N . Kaaicta lli kN (• Sll»» H nkm a. Matlkeag. ■ lia «M»grU ''karmaia" ogoafa otlkc ea »HJ. ' The Art Metropole. zz C. FRISBY, H o r e k i s i . [S A SE CH O A N 'CH O sa ?agu ' ••• ' ‘ k l ,T M’ : •' 11 0 ‘-•klsiritr. B.i tla s; ato!o!a crj it ipona n itshabe : Bon tic le Bojjolo. h ic h te n b u r v , LlCHOASXHO li ts/n^«i.t im«i Iv ; i«'-1ts ‘ l! ^ ■ . . . ^ pansviial. K r H vmi k isi lia ii. *i.»am II- 1st ntu« ca Malmru ts..-li Fcxouiii; mo liRalasmc, tsa bo Ln.lcrw o.xi A U in lfr w w x t u bone Masli-.U- a ' :1hal»n.i .vt-j Iu utloa. L .i It iKoka koakla. K e n y a ^ a file 16 a t l h o - r 1 BlvOl'IIMRS. Btx jSo, Du roitsp.»n Road, KiniNn’Icv. m a m e . KOItANTA EA BECOANA AND BECHUANA GAZETTE. MATMIACO. MORAXAN'., ■■ HW3,. LIKGOMO I le L IH D ^ H A N E !!

Tm* li rckUioung mo Sakeng ya num. U ka nfHf ua li l»ona kn BAFANTISI LE BO AGENTE. nako eotllu* fela ka tlhoatlhoa tse li k<-«» tlase-tlnse. o kn tla knnnn go rona S h o a n tis i c mia gnngOc fela kn kgoeu. Ba nale Lifantisi tsa M acaco, tshipi cotlhe. D. WESSELS & Co., M* Agente le 1*:» Shoant si Mebili, Habele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. Go Icbagnna le Kgotlu ya Mngfe Seta Rita oa Foliuli. P.O. Box 22. Tdeerapkic Address: “ DENNISON.” Mafekiar.

j TRANSVAAL ROAD MARONAKO ** ff. R. TROTER, 1 LE THOMPSON STREET. H MTCHELSON OA JlAfll KlT.UNG sS V6 -i w ’ f f Ksi, O rekisa Liyo, Lino, Liaparo tsa KIMBERLEY, methale eotle, le Liloana cotlhe tse h Mutlmli co o siameng oa Makoloi Ic-Likam.1’ 0 rekisa makoloi rlhokoang kc baagi ba ba kgakala le masha le a a thuliloeng ka tlhoatlhoa ti»c li lekanyeng. yVro tsa gague li siaifie thata. Toropo. C. N. WILLIAMS & Co.,

E. Solomon, MOREK1ISI LE LISE LAG A ~ / ' ""BAGANA LE STESHENE Liaparo, tse lif '.!!!“ ,tsiiia Bahumi k Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako () ReUa Iiikjon^o le 1 ipoli (sa 13c- Qo nale jfoiloana tsa] Jfte tome lei fair.oo. eoaoa ka tlhoatlhoa t*>e H Qclilei?<>, O jtse Secoana eang go muisa fela. ebile ke ene n^orekisi eo mo»o1o oa linama, le ’mesi ca ma^cbe me 1 f* v • 1%: > CS JOEL REZNEK, fliafike I~IQ. 4 ; ; . . / - ,j. 2 1 GIDDY STRlSiri'. ** < K I M 15 K R L Iv Y . Koantle’ga linama eSile ojo^elitse papali

(Kafa inorrgo ga Kantoro) mo ene ele ga KYANS pele. ea gague go reRisa liloana tse li botshe le Liloana cotllie tse ke itseng li tlhokoa ke Becoana (Livo, lifcuftisi tsa meteme. l.inoo le Liaparo) li Cano. Thekisho eame ea eletsega Tlhoatlhoa li fokolicoc go lckanyelioa kc batho ba ba tshelclang mo tsatsing vc Wirsing Bros. le choanang le ya gompifeno. BAREK.I, BAREKISI L e B a a n a n y i B a M e t h a l e Dawson L Haddow, EOTLHE EA LlTHOTO, BABETU, BAAdI LC BATLOMESI BA MATLHO. XO HARAKEN6 OA MAFIKA. Ene c re lo'cselo ee go reka gope lo tla go leba-lebli lic oalo isa rona nickotln. liforo lo lij>ompo tsa uietse l i liloana tse^Ii airang litaMe Ba reka Likgomo, Likobo tsa Liba- lc lilo tse liugoe tse li baakanyelicoeng theke. cana, Mabele, Mebili, Linaka le lipapali Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlele ; Tlhoa tsa Secoana cotlhe. tlhoa ke 15s. go ea mo go £ 1 10s. Ba nale matlo koa GO.LEBAGANA LEjTSHILO Malibogo, Gn-Khunoana, (ieysdorp, Phalachwc, m MOKGOATHENa OA<5A Molopolole, Mhalapye. Ra-Motlana/mo MAFIKENG ■W. I. LO W IE], J. C. GOODERSEN, Magoe oa ga Mamakwalo. (Kafa morago ga Dixon s Ijotel). I ' C < > ( 1 ' I ' fill 1 1 f j r . Motlmli 00 mnslm lU-itkdong co r ne (.]t. ul . \ [ ;1 timkwalo «> f» Iml'licloiiL', o wholoMa ff„ lira tiro tse, U.^um-n" 0 tiro II stamens thata. le tlhetltaoa tsa 1 tlmta ts> Ik itlxili. fokollcoe- V.\ KOIIASTA J?.KC"A XA A M , l i r f m - . v ,

Makgotla a Tikologo GRANT and KOFRYFONTEIN. I Skcoi*o.— Mr. Rltodc* •• abule la > Y ' ris:n i:\ ! IivtiKiti.iiY. ; Mi-pitlo *6 190?, ke gore k a l^ o b u ip —~ ' , Km TsJupi e e ihtnr •ma * I .t v v “frki"-- -‘nil iiitivii...... t 't ng»**a nio iHipune. PENNYCOOK, b o H sim o o '•go ii la |*<*Umo e a j SaMinlav. III, April. |>ant>lin fa m ctlliatllielo c:t K o f - j LwrHO-Kpu^anif. mort« kg»«o W .n a U ,^, W cInoaW ,** ,V|»ri| r. .»• . • . ... i viuMtie «« Baliorm-dn- k o tloa- ‘ k‘w fatnliin? yoo ekcto e tb hultt i dil.tiiiujs-i KO apem, Hero In ,l> Liyochc oa O.R.C . . . i * i En*pa o. kc Mr. -JiK ic: Ka* r a m o th o a n le a t la k o a iin a rimainatw. Il»«e •* tin ya kjyudi li!*- a lin ia m a li a te re n a m o l e n e - . P0^ ,lh> naR'*nJT*a l*-k«J;i nnf*t.<)K- .« Kgabgali. a tie g«» |*lainu tcmia fa sr.» nkelen^ lengoe, etbire fa a rata »» l»«iuk»aiiu fiiali ao a bu.sclioe k«xi mung. FANTISI KOt4 FO- ...... , I Ilrsc; i«.\ Tiir 4 to\i:.--Scnntla ».« oti one ke lwlaoli l*» metkjbo. ja^tle ^laanl VII.» mo kieton?. (Jo re«i Uitwrelci In gale fela « k»4oninyanenjr ea p»#ue ca Mali^ HULL . . . , . Mo t«el«*ng a etela U»!uai va Fortuiral. Iki Iki it*ioeng. raek* thaka- U „|«ki nidulintx»ut Mo|intakiai. Moim iivaiui e tshesane lc ljuitliutoana, 1"ali*,r cr,lc *' l,'*u ,s“,w J .x m lllmliong ene cu gu ctela In Loabobeli April 28,1903. Iki ka «*n go hutla tiro go sele. ' gogabo k>u Uebour;. !^>g»eng vim \V. S. WHITWORTflj!?* m -" ,a

“M a k a t i .” Likgomo tse li tlhaka j (».\nij.l.— MtNina nvaigiie <• .leny« - Kcffyfontein, O.H,C., |i«eanne k.w Clam tar «« uu likgolt'ti-.-. 1 Oiui a thigeia m<«ati k Tlliakola 21, 1 0 0 .‘l. nyeng le tse li amusania i .la git illmlmiKi ino ntoeng uIm a nyal.i f t’ ------— ----- — — ■ I ItwUilnHt. M alotu inogat«c nn ntlli» ;t m j _ I tla go nna nae mo I'rc^ina. I.inni t««i ma«*oere le magatelo. Koranta ea Becoana. ‘ c s t k : —:------I m Imiwli ene fpi g o il« e m < lm k«*» ■■ MATLHVCO, MDRAffANj. 11,1903. l'™ "

Cotlhe ke tsa mono, gase likeng. THOROMO K\ LKFA TSllli- 1».| OtltW - Ke monclio me kca clet^ega, Iona baroa- lia Yernvilcma, yaka liicnta . ita j ln fa erilt- k<« .Kanacli oa m a-inio j i c ic le e r*u>l<>gilfe fe la c i 41Ik- ea ock. a bone a nintina, can- tema eaka ea ! U F A NT IS I, ino Kxiutleng. f^cfngiMitaeyalo ga g<> mohna ca tlboka rnolcti. iitUatlc lindio t«i Tntla*. Poj-oIir;.. (Scfcla sa ga Solomon t, 5 lc 6. I Ypybury. e loim -‘«*na eo •• liragvtae fela na» nw- k<«neng ea naaiiti lile tlluuio.

7. i. 03. Mafokonyana. MocoFimji.— Koa niot-ing nH>nv« (_Siberia go. nale iiK»nna-na»gok> 111* — Kg ado.— Nigi>e gn e ea matlo r a stinliene „goi‘ eo o tuln lileiig nyaga lile makgol-* *1 .Springfontein, O.ILt-., e allele. j a nwbeli. Ke nyaga lile 123 jaan on i; a rIkhxmc ke nnwali. < i a t w iim »P'- P C H 1N & SONNENBERG. N’atai^— I^ekgna Ifiigov erile le ... {aoe o altule ka l «24 nyaga t-n gasrn* ullou p»re lo r a t. I«u kgarebe loa foki>la ! tiie ^ . llabneleli ba 'MtUyotkt n far/rU/h-, a Kohnil, le a Fa aaaiiiM* nle mo l*oK*»- ya bula mona-t^iiui kujiiatolu. Krile l>j0,,Cu>i > ,*A g gague ^ u e cm- ene clo cl« mokn...molenn. Jjefhuanalani/. kgarebe e an akabetae. a iphalalanya Y auaoletae na. liphatettg lm l»*- LIOFISI: CAPETOWN, VRYBURC, & MAFIKENG ? T W kawi,a»ai >*-Inu, kgarebe ,i,ne ni!. 0 rt na> mding 051 111 • le mo mogofftloiig. Kc Mi-cliuaeki

K a T s h i p i c c fetileng erile Knisa-1 n'n’ rina tm fJermane. inolminagali co o !»e- , m illn, ti j k-lame m,. - 8ek*.«ne I*1 I iu iiin v o N t o a — Bare j.-lr u-a l.i- < T ula " ••anti lc fc-rl i„ . p ilw m fc, ! '«■« !,-"«• f " l'"kl> l,k' eno, a ml**,. Iw ^„ f« tla» . pa I ■ >’ , l" lk' W , n * " n»»W . ; >..». Puln tllic motiumngnli!: Ilhiilaiis A ftci Silata...... I ink 11 t!«c Ii 1110 O ningui Ii kn niut nn- M o o a t Ha Monili .D.mpy. k.» Iialia i nampc fcU. A r.- Ik m mlal - . kile a nun leiiidiaiirana,« i.va« , 1 lile 6, k»*» tamelo. ' Ean.' m i h * . 1 * ' h ,h ™ " * (MA-LEU), Koa Tlhaping. inonsue a ra„. a ku rap,.|,. ke, «»"*«■*• ■- njn |J.a,. „j. utlic. Ns,unjai,.. aic: “Youi w.| <*'lil«S" ratcgan g. a k u ntlinse goi\» k e ime . . ... , . .. yaka mie n Mac fn nlo nvi^a lile i.." 1 ' ."T!*1 i n , l " " ' H elaxg Tlheng Batlhaping! ' , Ataut HK>|K'I lilo koa Matllinliaitek>Ui:. !.rru>r.- Mo meilheug eno 'litlou, i 5S*t*n ° Rotr, * ' r* li tllH>k...i fela yaka nieno a likoko.: 1 h? ^ n' 1-1 *'"H k;' REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga .MA-LEU ! l»o nak* lin»tv tav li rnikx*ng ke Inguai! •^I” 1"0 kn mrpbato ele mene {4, koa India (lefaLslic ya liiloa). Kuclcj^P0- (llioatlliou ea e»>nc k.* makgnlotgolo j / ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! a li|M>nto. Tv* lingoe li tabda lekj*oloi Erile malolm lm Mr. Mlnaigax* yo liiivaga. Go gofci li fefo.lifnte lilcjle ba bangoe Ik i kou Bloi'iatonteiii shornc. Iwle ino palnreiijj e.i Mr. .1. J. Tolk ba bona loulore njfia- e feta'V YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! -M si'ljolc maiigiK- P r .K T o m v. kon rulala paswhe e i-unjj koa kit. licn- LTikuiic uuiIoIri a lole m o u e c Intllioko eng eora Tolk. e ogoln -maat-betT' pele ka niako'e In m efcnyana lc IL*ib.*lc, Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga sa gague Iki ii* ■‘liana lint lio, gal i\ ga I o !a o a e nrs- c galikega nio « 0 o e;i k» mongue. Bale 9 lm cnietn ta'ieki^bo eone. ' Krili lm ea pj® ruiwi al». cn l >n/ tit loali 1 !«\i boloufore vo l»o ka!o ‘ga Ikj tlln»- aioinia c o ba tla iu v Iim l»og»r*i y o a ma* kafale mo Waaiho.'lf. /Fa niotlio jiliolc go uckision go rukn’lhcla ni?la > a rafii go ngn goih- o e!n»Anet 1HA=LEU, Taung. cn IkitHiabuni. apola mele:a-. Helang, Barolong, le Becoana loti he!

/ ^ y + /‘ A A1 H I LLI. I. Lo ea go batlang /r>^ 0 V jP " .H e o Sficooio, Bone i koa toropong, lo j\ v ^ i | | g ) niKORfl niKtini isn hnnnn in tlogela tnoto e s r < ^ : y e siameng fa /p *9 * \ * V mm iiiuyuiiiHipeniu. mmeyakong v/ j ■— <^'/ LLEWENKELE ye lesha,. le bucoe ea lona! goo Ra-Roelane.

, 0 s # TLANG LO BONE! TLA LO BONENG!! ri^A i.o i_*o?<£crs[o m

FRANCESTOWX. Mr. Mabunut o kualu yana : Imkiu- ile tirong, kc Ua gakolola gore ba tscise.. Bancho lmlo bunim lime l«ale fa pd. lengue ba barategang re tlaleletsenjr ka . hana Ik* bone lm baaetsaua seine, i ga l.ekgotla lengoo ya Choam- (I’rcturu ------meinj.elo, re mo jxiifong Morena on rona > kgono ba ba choarise.tehfa go Icngoa, o makgotla iiiautsi) Ui sekisioa p. r \1 -f ‘ lo botlhuko tliata re bile re lelx.-!etsc j bagane. Mongoc ckDo eare a J-ei a ' biticla inittho — inanina ya a kakan«oe. '° AXOlt jffn.vKi i -<.• j j Mopi fela mo-pobolong e ; ere t-c-nyc ngoana oa mosimanc. leka gore base- ! Gatoe eriie Imku sengoe Im Icim-loa to- Kc lopa.gure o tlltf&ifcc-Mafokonyuna ; mo lipelung. tsana Im gague l»a Irnraro ba ba goli- ngounaa- Kgopi i» lia lo|m l.V.: catr ante mq^balwling lxi Koranta, kgn- ! f VRKI V leng lm mo JhuSe ulema. Aba a go sena. go feta scbukunyaim :i ui too kgamaop$ re e bonycng malolm mono I -* ' «• • ‘ tlhobtiga teko co, morale ore ke moiia, , go boue a fitlha arc “ neclang imlL" Sdepeng... lie bot^e tiro c e thata, ebile Im tlhola ba omana le nna gore j. Bu bo lid im> choura let moiaea. Ita- motiio a Ixilailc mosuli oa gagoe, ------:o:------; kc corcug kc mo lctlelda go* Ifni yuld. ’ allholi hare kgetse c fela ino [i-pcntu" motho co ke mokalaka : gatoe mosali Ia- "ale re boleleloa linaanc tsa ga go Ixauilc le kafa lm hatching ka one a loa lc mosali _ eo mongoe me ; Mo kgoeling e e shuleng v: ne re ■ jmle tse b kp^iipilo, tsa goix-likafi>rc , gone. . Jtoolmbeli (hi atlholekm ur» yaana moiUitt to o bilioa Motnngo mo j l^lsv kaga Rev. Brownlee .1. Ross li ki-ka basali li In ntsha mak^ola,| pegiflt krt iitluimo, go tKimain Ui sIko.' 1‘iiongca Sektrthka : ti nantoi ka *|0' ; M.A., Mortiti <>a Matebeb1 koa , legale ke maaka a galea hogil.igolo..h:*?;:':|t; nako a «»' koa Ba^afi ^ 1° ^ 11 ntsliel'iouig i a scka go tlnJ-a m » te^onkong. _ Eril- a ocla fa faille a p»noga, ine juajia , .. ) ; kigali li nale tiro c e siameng. go toe Ui i|>uclelc eo mongoe aa- k»- • itsala Ua me 'nK«li oo orimlc n.a'oba ( tse li kQ^Qangke Makgoa mangoc ! molaU. <« gu««; k«- cue o iaGtM«l. ka loa bo 28 loa kgoeii ea Mopitlo, ’me j a eareng a senn g« kgora pn j , „lo ^ nulo se sc ntfcng vaka I liansjoe gore Iki tboU': <« 1m>1kM a l»- cboana kc mHp.bsa a pi Mueliuc-, hdjnner, ts- ba ll bs.palceoeng bopali nuaio Scotland, mathansintc: latii hitho lit>4iep» » WirL -hue, Im mo lere koj p> Morena Kgwu j ke tiro eu limliogo a mancho. van- „ Uisali Im \a hnmancgi a kaln* a l*o- i kafa Im thobileng ka gone a nf«-an : R a we S. me vaana Blorena l>awc »• uoug linipji li ba inanathisc, a e j lokoa mo linvaloug tse li .mali main-,. “ Re im.- rc le fa gare pi nieklo (4c are : bamoiae k«m molaong oa Fraixts- j kareng fa luolho n n la t.tsj a mo j mo Ii|iogi8hong le tiro c c thata. I.e-; mebeli. Majmlisi a tletac ka tliota a ir lovru me lm mo isa te-ng. Kge se i st.ru ; gatoe batho ba ba- i gile g >i ale bannn Im lu sa s'an ang,; itsa go trtaeu tsela ca Coega, Malwra a • ga ese c sckoe kc lo kc isaloa : ncho bn fatshe yeno ke lichflakga, ’ 1» ba robang melao c c siameng, ’nwn maMi- le- <»nc a ro tatelii.^- LsJa w kc esc nkc ke Ikmic i.motho a liolaea 1 tse care li tin bona botshelo ii reke hasali Im bancho lm nale iinkoee Grahamstown. 'Me late a IxipJ.i n- moaJi oa gagoe ke se se gakgama- basali bn ba ntsi, li kniiniuc ka I wanieng, ka ntlha ea lil^omo tsa U»- gotsof ia Innuro ic. -ikoOKce sciame- • tsang. » i metlhana li nine li otloe ke basali ^ ,,aIc »wemo a a tlhomameng Morago ra kojmiia lc Maburu eare ktn; So acngoe maloba1 lnosimanc a loa ba cone u,° na laong, go gaisa bosali bate ba-f ken thibogn ka okomelu fela mo uk*- L- eo mongoe ’me yaaiikSncsiinnne eo m Kc shone ss crilfing fa tmn c I ' * •* .llnmcl! " ! “ W «* *««><** ’,n? ** ‘"“ f l.crl.u> ^ B*refr" mala o jmleloa ke go bua o loala tl ala, ^ m t r, i„ „ ui.„ o 1 tvaH,rlan(l pa ba tlala tlala yaka mono vak:i re le maventlelemam- (pi Lsliwtn 'me Kgosi R. S., are fa motho i;o a sa 1 g: i n u P I ^ ot,aMd- po k« liknfore I ba re fa maWho a a monaVe Ic kofi 1^ falc eona' moeiniHne ii sa folc eona seka a bona sepe sn Dancho le tiro , \\ reka lmpnb go ba ntsha makgolm go j inocoko. Ra tloga ra j>ep«i teienn moGimanc o tla lc ’«nllenume relel«pi le co mongoc a uioitaa a shocle niri ntshitsc basali inakgoba. n boleleloa Oatoc batho ba bancho pi bana leng Ic nna yone’ga se yonc Ic re ngoi- ‘me yaana ken pikgamala batho lm inaaku no ke beng ba m etlobo.: «*!« fela fa esc masimouyana a li- gisitseug: kc sholofola u tli nna !<**• "ompicno lm ithnta ifcloi yang lumc- Intro eare: Fa mornlnganyi . oa , Bonttintsiyoo boiie ke lm- nolo le youi-Morenc; Kc boeledep iang litsala oa lona/ khanc e a etne ka go ipapalela bo- i h m r , go nale baugee ba In ruileng 1k» mo gogetseug p i ea lc iona. FaeK- K. 1IWAI1BNO. tshelo ka koalo, Tinyaga lile ma- j g° o" *' ^'hi koa tlase tsala eatai ea. I^forunyana e e ka km shorne a uinbeli, gase sei*e mo kgo- ra kene kele koa iitloaueugcame . thoko e<«.c ga ca paU:leIio:i it- >1r sartengsaneng ts;itsa inetlobo inetlobo eaea Unuta. Gauta. Mo;”Mo!?®®?. n . , . ? c kaho|» pMIIbi » nnd. p. lm* RE MO KUT^AHALONG u maoto ka a seka a k g , . tSi, tan*, ta ; 'i^T LTnL**.»'.uT^^ fn tshe yeno g o e™ n g g o o e cp p n „ invLlohometlolK) ^ mnhi. , . , . Momw Moooa iiK^oki; niogolo, uhmpx.- « , U “ ? « , ‘,.7 " le g o o ketsa gautu ea £0 tlutsu. u - ■ naiheitenc maloba o amogctse £ 7 8 0 | ■ IctJiolm. Kn iimm» o chismctsc k»- Kgoei J. M. Mamogale o cueroc polokelo tsa lH)ne..e. 1*n llnn cho ba ; ka likoloi le likgomo tsa gague Iso li ki pobolo mak>lm ku tsatsi In I4 la tlholo u c IkhhiIo (lc Map s' rain »•“ 3 tatfthc yeno ele4 .. lmlemi, . bn t. btla i pipihicng. mo ntoeng “ii Pgo?e"ike M i * kuka i islMsa). klMK-li ca Mopitlo. Tlhogo ca uu> Lsena liehaba kago t.alisa le go atisa h- masliole. Monna 10 ale esi tllua- . -.it. ka bonako ca mo utlnisir botluko thata, kgomo le lihutshnnc. tseo eotlhe tlhoa ia mumo a gupic ke £2tMMM): ’ . .V , K° itoaiuaKa . p i tsa maea momfc ea Mokucna oa gase sepe mo balnoling lm nietlobo , kc itse hjiup>e gu|*- Im tlhua sea lm tlo- Bancho ‘ - «------• vr . , v • C obb ®le Stoart bn Ua S° nim ‘C nio lerouwc; •■•.'ela; mi lm una fela mo- nrcrapelorg i- c thata p» Molimo. Mi kon nete baba mo 1/tfofV Molimo* oa utlnu. a liola p> le gonye. ebile bn nale litsale tse u nonou- nyaua, k g o e ii> lilo (’* le m lm Ijl® Mi ka ekane^e lo. l.r» Mopitloe bo- leng. li tla ne &fs fa mongoe a Miller kgoeii lile th a ta ro . KatH loetsc yo bongue bo lioctsc p> kgoti yo buile seugoe se se. molemo kaga.' tseo tsa nmieku lau p» LiyocJie ‘*| U) thata bopilu : Kl.ong muoto le mu- Bancho re mo umyk’u ka lciua. O'aharastown moatilKili a Imiialan* * Ixito arumpi, p i 11 ic.*o fa fatsi. Uekotoana ya Molao. katlhoio ta Magcrtra a, chile krtff*' 54|. »o botiukong'yp yolo e c a eone kc tsamaile tl:ata fa gare pa Ijovedale Li abbi e. e itaiede mo Koranteng eti llectiana. lc Natal, ka palama inaele li' kn nun C.lPtU OllAXCE I.K TllANSV.1 Ka la bo 28 Mutch «i bitsa Mr. 3«,000. kc csc nkc ke bone Imsali Im Mahnma Eare : Klos a u ko u kua- buhcitone l>a lisitse linku lefaele li­ Koo King W *1 air.s Io\vn. m o-1 Itle Mr. J. G. -I^liele kua Mafeking kgomo, kgono lm leina fa likgomo li I’usuli Im .lujan Imle 7 . lw ela***1* I siinaiK? m ongoe u neihx- nvaga Uie ii mo itaisc polxilo ea me, mi ena a ka goga mogemn. . , , lo ka koa K im bciley; Ixi ntse l° ^ ^ J kualele Morulugunyi pire a pit ise po- Ke lekile ka tliata go kgoitsa! J*'”* ° " * lc ;o’a ‘Ml»elso ^ u .k;tl t!;t, {K( t||K.ka M«tt**i| IkiIo e e a me, gore Imbsili Ixi u Ire ha Bancho ba ba seiiang l.unu lm Imsi- ■ nfh» e;i Moo>an:i • monkoe. i °- • RECIIUA XA G A ZE TTE , M.lATLHACO, MORAXASG. n 1903,.

i«f vming men havo during the week!, W e are in-JebteJ to a friend lot /.G . KIRKPATRICK, •*e»!ii taken a wav. f™,,., ,i.n:r j vu the 1st of July; hal then* is mtw 11 ,h« r very drawing oar attention, to somethin- ti* I*- a>v > nplishci i.i the rcitrgun- GENERAL Dli.VI.KI!. profitable ixvit|iai •un into tlie veld !'ir y qucor, which, like all othei i«in; of tin* existing system «»f tax­ to howl ihcnwelu* b-wme aud submit i local peculiarities, has iu origin in the Opposite Railway Yard, to severer i ation. .i'kI tliere must I*.* Govern­ inHiev.1 I.v , r ' 7 "7 l,MJV * •“ "U y i-M w l Hospital" His Honour the ment omtnd of the laUair snpply. BULAWAYO. C.mrt tj\ t,,c;, ",,^ * 'f Uie Supreme; Resident Commissioner is to l>e ap- The whole proeo!* ation must be fulfills, ' , • . * MW ** MihiuIiU* aUI we presume, Irr a few patient* in the by a brard siuiit-^ with ojx n doiws. Motlha o o Chosang. . Milenniixj a custom, the useless.; s«id ltosnitul.iKNHb mjnesting t him to “ clear That, iu a few wonls, comprises Itew «»f »hie!, Mas disc .Vered by their ; not *f this,” ami find quarters wliat suemed to U* tfie remedy (iO 1TKSA I,BTSHK(iO. lather u;i<| nhkh tiny nit*/»f He w.iei ia>ni?i«i-.l .,..1M 1... . r, .... — ...... - . vhere_ in tin- «h*ertft of the Protectorate fi»r the jircsent hiatu-, which wu» ma Mala nd h as fo r ye a rs }n< ndegated I Of course nothing of the anrt will bap- Ke utlontsa ta ko coa India; 'me l*cing «allel a difficulty, bn1 I f I I m 1'1. and discarded rvlics jK-n. His Hoooor has his .ffices m i k.: ithutile kico ea go hula malxigo which was exMXgetated iu difficul­ | VS- liiirlKirisni s io«R that someone the Imperial Re*c t c and no number of ties. Iu apcluskin, the speaker Ka thuslio en. kiay co ke ka gu has nut Ivea doing Ins duty. A startling ; buapiUil matron* will *ucr»*J to ro- asked : Was it to l*ring tli. M o l ela k a tse li fetileng, t>a vana, alfairs is that there are s till to . m ne him any mon- titan Mr. Schreinet Mon^ol'uiu that Great Britain had tse li sants;:ng li tla gn tleln, ka be found large nimlior of *tccvc'M to keep the Protectorate ‘fouglit a three years’ war. giver •ju ituiiiclisa. tilths who being :n.su>nic I t<> dres* Regiment off the same Kntervc, bef«*re her brave*, and accumulated a like Biir.i|K-.ins, uud liv. ‘ Ka tlinslio ea kico- oo ke ka gu •ii three meals'; the war broke out- To talk of.a Ter- tremendous delit ? Hu moved gakolola tsela e e ka gu ntshang every day, and others aip who have 1 titoriu! Governor being requested to “ We jtledge ourselves to prevent mo mokgoelcMHig mongoe o o gu for years l*een living under luxtmoutl leave t!»e iupital of bis territoy and by every means in our power tli. cireuinstaiu,'es bogisang; eare ke bua man- liehimf slmpkeepcnt, iem:n cam p in c o u n tr y f«»t\-«u, a w a y fn w n carrying into effect c»f the pn>- c innters and i e ur ii K k t Jjens • Uiwns, only shows the staU- of the posal for tlie tntn>duction of cojnvanu nse mantsi ma Beibeleng willingly sutrende ra me ka gn khutlisetsa innchoc- tlieir oniteiitment j minds of the inmates of U m* Ik *o sc fro m Asiatics u* work in the mine- an 1 volunteer t > exp t lieinselveR • whicli the stiggesUoli cntaoaUac and other Industrie* of tb« nyego. U tla mphitlbela mo to all kinds of weathers, in the open air, Transvaal.’’ ( WRRINOTON STHEBT, liesides the thousands and one other Uirtun-* forming part of this cere­ go b aj« 1(! Selaga saga Felep? mony, the nature of which ex« The voice ol tbe S.MP. A. CHAULfcS. pupils of the weird hedoiii>m ate not You bilk of • cnthnsiu-ttic meetings. permit.teJ to tell us.. A really enthusiasti<* askembbge of Tiie seconder of the res »lut ion wa» . , ------— Rand eitir,-ns (tai'Jcetl tin? wanderers' ali* 1 a business gentlctnar . lie very rmin the -following evtnm from llall, **fn«n b*tto:n U> t«*|»," wlicu aldy introJiavl »»me frcsli featun». Bechuana Gazette. Mr. llutchinAHi's s|ieech, aga in st the uuaniiu*»ns jiite,t>f .r>,iHRi people materially strenghtening tlie ca* Chinese Ubour, shows that tlie-Trans- attendet to raise tlWir voices iu pro- against the Chinaman, m »re than auy- , repnseutatives at the Inter- ust of the ChimAe invasion. Tbe ;*ne else ever did. SATURDAY. APRIL* 11, 1903. C-toniul Co f» r •nc* did not fully, meeting was held 'not a niuuite too ' He thought there could lie no represent the Tnuisvaai, nr to .be!soon and it is all.tlie iu<»re welcome I \\l iU-\CK, buf*comcly, O yo daughters question' as to what the Itoen- of Jerusalem, as the tents'.of. Kedar exrni, at least 5,01m KaudiU-s: as it., has she 1 a gmvl dial of light uxnight alxwt it. They were of and the ciy tains or -SolomOp.j ’ TliaC^ tlie conference was composed on the perplexing situation, joA when f^anion that tlie evil coaid be Look nujt upon Ine bccause I am ofiSbnic delegates, not «-onnt- the sterling uppments of tlie suggestion avoidui* that it slioul 1 110c have black for the-suir halh looked upon ingthe Portuguese n-preseiitntives. ’^tx-rv mi die verge of despair, thinking lieen propmed, and, furtlier. that me; my mother’s cnildrcn were Of these six, including tlie pns»i- that tlie wishes of .lohafirtusburg was they would not Itave it at any angry with me; they made me the dent, represented the Transvaal against them. nricc. I t was a very ni;nificau. kcepcij of their vineyards; but my Well, if this was the Film of the fact that under the old Govern­ own vinevarld have I not kept. We are indiued to think tliSt they rcpn'sentation at HI>H:iHufoutein 11ml I not |n«sil>ly jiave got a lietter ment no mention was ever ' madt that is to s|H-..k for the Trans­ uiin to move their reajlution. He of iutruduoiag Chinese. Befon vaal, they are iu a [Kirlon- plight., asks: tlie war tliey found, from tb< Mr. J. F. F lynn who Iuh lately Here they ha I the, .High sjicoch of Sir Percy Fitipatrick. ken gazettal a Justice of -t' e Peace, is Commissioner as president. Sir Why s’wjnld snc!i-a crnel ln»rmr be that 07>K)O Natives were foam I bnm'lit. upon us? It, was said in future going to hold monthly stoqly (iodfrey Lagdeu and *Mr. |)ju- to be sufficient to maua?e tin . tha^ it inus^ luijipen, bcnuiW the fairs at Phokwane Station*. 'Hie ficst, 911c . can, tinee officials, t’iicy sotreely gold industry aud coal mines of supply, of black labour available will take place on. the-loth instant. represent anyone t here. Then the OHintry. if they alloweo they m I Sir Ge ifjfe Farrar, who for tiie mines iu South Africa 7,000 for tbe a u l mines there wen 1 is insuffieieuL He took lcav> Mr. P. R oss F rauks, the iron memb?r very ably represent the mines—1 90«UM0 remauimg- There was » shv tliat. tlieiv has not. bcflB any i.f tlie Rlwdedian Legiiflatrire has'Tfc- a:id Chinese labour. He is quoc 1 slMwt* »e • .then, bnt there wen entcriou yet for sik-!i u txNK’lnsion. si«^ne-ion. it followed that nader tbe same language on tlie Native ouestion ‘befdre |m*;itiou ami inefficient rvemiting. a survival under what cmdilious conditions twice tlie number, that die Rand Philosophiad Society. Just The s|»eaker then traoxl the it i< difficult to make out, of tin is 180,000 boys, would be su­ where he onght to b e ; and the climatic <\uim-s haling U> ,thc pn>jcct for. gmssest corruption of the old fficient to run 12,000 stumne Sir e'.iangc of ilainl societies seem to have 1 ’aj int^xlnction/Vf Asiaticlalxmr. a sterling effect on bis political Hoer .Government. George l-'arror, ih his spccch was To make low grade prepositions looking five years ahead— goiug views. Sa mote it be. The .other delegate is a Mr. |M.' they bad reduced Nutiv Hreytcnlwch. No one seeuis to out oif his way to make the diffi­ trares. In tlie** cinmmstanceit, culty. greater—-aud itoakiug no know who this gentlcma 1 i> what wa< tlie result? Tlien; was Mi e\|daius almost * the,enormous reduction of 36,01)0 grasp.?” He emphasised tlie fact rigonms imprisonment, ami he was iy f , ltI t dcmonstnitimi why * Thajt gave them 14,000 boya to tliat’ there was a d«*ficicticy 'tit 'that we have nothing wc, een meat than many a sturdy white rebel t 1(’. .Farrar told them tliat in order to ’ ‘' rt?*iimilig at theold rate of waxes, "lent by (iod. He may at any who, through* the exercise of the: work these stamps they required Governor’s prer.«gative. has got off it' " was' at once demonstrated 'by 250,000 boys. He menti^ueo -moment withdraw the things tfie' n^nnis tliat .a. large tan** which are occupying so often all practically scot free. Moreover he this to show how this agitation was s ripp'd of his lauds aud every-. of the deficiency of supply'-was was being worked ; what an un­ our time and attention, and said the reiliifiion. FebnL«ry--the what fools people were .f they thing tint' lie po*ej»ly ‘of Iwy*. — that, ift the net gain— was , <» gage in prayer, or give s-iort Col 'nial tfjpiiVaWlt of the War Office. iiielnded an able s|iecdi : - 10 08 Ourinz the last six months of last testimony. It was .:nic»^ to 89^- <5ti' tho country half a million of 11: would just say this much, that : StHl we cannot see any year the average gain was 2,1 i»q— Utem at the close of: u yio ^ u ^ in their declared opinion the sup­ uu»ro. than twice as many, and shbnlder the organ-ami UKo flpairs T^i'sonable jnstitie.ition for the disja- ;i ply of labour is aiuindant even rfty of tr.ntnient wlii«h the Cape this was under amditions w hich and books to the South of the Zamliesi. South of were far worse for wages wen- place,doing all Stfji CjUipvUlv* Governm-Iii. has pi-qietraU*!. Ue the Zambesi is not oi»e twentieth to >k a way the Imds of the l^ju eoerg reduc'd. For tlie month thui without any thought ih rvMjm. |iart of the area of, tlw nub- ' * had just dose! they had tin 1 saw ho indications of the. for- Natives, on the s<-ore of disloyalty, and emtineut of South Africa. North, then to white men. a cerjnu; ■ highest, nnraber of boys o 1 wanliu»s and. import incm« 1 M'«d gav of the Za-hbai anJ S«‘aith of Uh* rec,wJ- i»w*r lm*l couie into lieett..tolJ always cliaRuscnsed uumli •r of w! 10m to ik the first, op j eiuatj, of rising against tlie G o-, the tnw;i.‘ ' , the'Mission Native. JKItl nut v wiia*f is St>ntli of tlie Zanibesi.; I,ut the latter still remain j What is tlie remedy for all this 5 j The sjtoaker^concluded by saying I vern of" tlieir i-s'ntes. Wej* Itor.WKttA— It> isn’a pity we rec.'rJ I' Fitst of all, tho rate of wages, tliat the sululim of the IiiIkhO «V during tliis, the. fiairth mouth of mnst l*c fixe«i with regard to the dUKeulty* would be found iu fair sir { the tSinl ycju in tilt* twonticih Ctmtury, justify! And we.slionld also: cast of living. Then then; must! wages, In this matter thev the IV.mil mg have revive tho ancient in tlii-* inat1 . . . Til|1„t> be^a redaction in tbec «t of living | 1 Tengo’s friends l must righ: tlie i-.ipitalist 10 * einainc.isi.Mi rite* whku hal -totigj like-to hear v' u* . ' ^ think of Tliey promised that sumctliing; «iM.V -pmc doir.i boMUJi rlu- »ile»t „f ,1k S ..ui. Afri. >■' wjuII b? d u e i*i t'le direction tiriis’u povrr of (^iristiiKi civiHsttiou. Sure.* (he tm is-ictv»a. * BOIiAffTA EA Bi^AM A AXfr B& HCA5A GAZETTE, »ATI-UACU, 1»0RA\AX<; H. It. 3 R e utloela ka C A P T . C. G O O D Y E A R f a ani\ getse taolo ca Rhodesia, Bechuanaland le Griqualana West, ea go amogela B aliri botlhe ba ba cang tirong koa MKTIX)BONG ea JOHANNESBURG. e e tlet«en^ e tlo Ijoneilfi jti<>

I <■ tlM h on ^ c t? tlflIIjr.

giax- mono faulting vein*, it1 kg<*>j. U k b Bandio tinmg. hr- kart- t*»* W . N. C O O P E R & Co., ffni. HOMMEL. oitllic p i ar'j aniararif ' k«- go fujmt, ■|idej?*e is?lii?3i|«ig. I»kn ikanja Kafa Marap fa .M oY tv\ iu", ku(u ntlbcn# «a uotlha^i-twiUj ca gore fa foUtftt <-a ma-Britain e snntV Lcfcaka y i p do fokeb golimo, nc Hr ntsengjalu MABAKAOA MAFIKA. M l. WILLIAMS. ~f«4coJ b l* 4ir” (tiro e c *lM«hobcle- hoi ii *5. kgono: c c kgorul>dclo«iig, j*a *• ukc e ima mom* fatsbing ye k* mo go l^eleamL© c a ‘D^£a,ara.©te.' ea awiaia aa li- vim**-” Krile Guroacre a sboctsa ««i* osale le kiote tea I ma a hum fatse me lmtbo lm lira ko- < ;< > < ;« n - l K > i . j \ » HUKUI3 A 6 a rone aa Ittrela. kka. Oa. opchm sefcfo na Utfeli* Kcv. COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2/9'ir.o boll el eng. ffiSS Mr. I^cm;,v. on k* y» mrtlini Sir ( » V I •* I W I 5 HH j Hamilton a taenia phuthc lu HUTTON’S FEVER POWDERS, 1/6 Phulhelanyami. tsct*elcko. ; uvaiia c taentee k’hanc lile tllian*. \ I A I . A It M O B A I ^ l K I t C X ) , | « Ihkij; : ‘ 1 “ Methodist ChoHunau." COOPERS ANTIBILIOUSPILLS I/-, ha letloyana M o lekeng ka lost. : “ Koiaiiia' ea Bccrqna," “ Imvo ! Bril ish Weekly le ng- *K (Ml ^AM PH AN rU A MARAPO. Tsa Baoaleli ! roncre a palama-Tel**go en lima «aj«; w w rfrt rheumatic * me M ixruir. uu. ktimtiw. ka aefeb >* inorafe. # Batina lm lorn- lAMilka ba kgakala ka ka WaUla Maralajaa*! oa KORANTA fa ka rat romela iu toloka ke' Rev. J. ‘ Momatsi. BliOKMFON'TKIN Messrs T. J|, Mapikdn k- J. 1!. Hi IIWStmNt* t «l«lMfaa| «. Ttvnvi. [ K k I * k k o o M(»J W. II COOPER fi Co,. Miviio trono g o Ihini Iciutu- y a K erek e RtoAnAnyl o* melemo »-si W wele «» Bandio kou W iiaiLxk .imlANKF.SllllKi. f • -I ’ ' • r khokli^iCo maloUt ka M opitlo la im ie k* l»eik»e- ke' 'llo tk ille g i a», * rM • HM^olo Sir J. Hamiltofi G « ‘kl-,\«lam»- V iUm .W . V. I,.] Krile k«r«»i e we die Lhtn<* Uil*» lm tletw, le rnotlia*, Cialki Uifcdi lm nt*ha, lm siHinm-ts* kj?*i ( i o M o u i u v c a s v i . tnehi, (are ka ehile ele nuwlaJe lw ‘ Re ne re lui le Tin-nice! in;; ea J. F. 0111a aei.t’e, lw SIhmi le lm X«Ja». i Hiinelish** ka li 26 Mofiitlo. Gn lu- (F'XjIGNX). Kiwi-ic in efiia sen tic, bulllw In elmtse Monui «m nn:a K. 1). Kmual« li|mui|iiri tsa inokj^m im tirek>. Krik* «m kereke ca'IVcsele in o nxm-kun^ p. PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. ka I. 3Op.n1. tsa n>t«>pa 1 a iiaiic t-*ci sde. Tiro vn Itnkm kc Rev. Maslialu likhuiioti t>m lx> “ Alilm^atenK" •«« ka sefela morago ga sefela ga emaSnper r'lotao litllaiUtlo, I* roele lih irdekiuie enle. teim mini Rev: W. B. Mihranl a tsa matlalo o thata, sa tla se lm sits* leloga tin* e silent le e iv e lirileng ka ti- Molaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li inoiapi fMJpaeteu* m« kjpisi. Frlle a limalo fela anu ke cu itsegr»re lo nk«>|>ik I men lekoto fatshe koacre a utkutsa go lira t iroti«ii«iia ea go 1 time lisa Moruti tihokoang ke Bahcho. Ke II Lae tsa ka nosi tuU^o sefela sa morafc; a etna an.* to­ oa kma. Yaka ele tiro e nt lent le k>- il, oip» lele ino |4mtlena^. kok<>n> e lo k4m gore |p golole Moruti ekm sefela ka Scouai a- n.*ela nuJnhf-setilo sebaka sa go Ihim Rev. J. MouvatM a lint thapck» -am el«o«rg Rev. Aiwv Burnet “ Cliainuan Upapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka rugo j*a sIkmk*. Ga oieLa sa cm Dirtriel le General Sapereiaietite." llollamlseh erile si- slugUm. Rev. 1*. K . Kril? a enia a otlologa nu o* tlhoatlhoa tse 11 golileng, ebong:*- j Motivane a lmla rn.^ik (1 Cbn»n i I ux4ona hi t* mamta. a b a 3 Iuhhki b- M A K ; i»6«l ie u kafa.U»j»«»lenu yoa one. I Li|mk> w ix, 1 i^-l8 Sexowa a ha a mongoe k- rooitgi* gi»rc kc one, are ke lm la 1 l\ II, 1-8. k a iSecunna Kev I.IK O K O : J».. 34 t d lo 3a kafa bokim ciiK yoa kokt\ itnmcla tliaiii rnri fal l mpilitsc go tLi ! Scott a cma morago ga nax*, o k - a mo pbntbcgiH^; ea loua c l-> Iuuk- ItvU. l i : y\M SliK C .O A , y o U'tVrikH.*»R, yaanong : / 1 ,1 3 s 6d. ka cm'mere (\l Uia manctc ale mantsi a mooau*. Rev. lisaug Monti ka eone, kene kc sena | Franklin le ene a Uia nitrate rnri KmK M> *»K *■<> IIKKI&K Ma»: « : L ik k k ,', ISA sebaka lefaele se sc iveuyc. kantllu ea ; |>cle le uiorago ga Ulne botllie. litiro tsa me. "Me ke lo bolelda fa M<- 1.miii lo it- Si'tt«xin|f sii p i K i.k m , o tin lo rokcln ku choum l" j (Jorunere a boca k-ntoc ka trofole n«i tm kaia a tsamaea ka nH*lao •» (II, I'CTA MATI.OOTU 1K A UEOHV AN A K\N 11. | e utle ca sektK-n*, ebile c kiolika phutbt-go ta 'Barnti. O tla tsamaea “ k c mj^K* ca kgtftn li^ ht ca j»«* ea morago ga tshipi e e tlang ’me kc k- | leueoe Y a kervkc t.a Ba-\V csele molnh-setilo ke tla ca sebnlan'Ug ^ Bam-ht* m o Bktein ka___ ’ ^w_ X-__ o - qogtie go ea go Uma fa o gorogetsen'’ K n k* a sena s»t* Una a ( n « teng. K e tb boe:i ke tla go k» lolelcb . E YOUNG Bros., E mallet (.ke goce iwti* ca k^iwtg}, a ' pbutliejii. Kea t^bcpa tiro -a g a ^ e *• l>ctsa lencoe gararo are “ K c lx4ela giire tla noa d i m (ea malolm kna P n N 'ii’W J5««JU«i ta &iy° Oa ttUmc, Icueoe lic lk v sentle le ka . St. eafek- etule) yaka pek* tsa l«Hr.i Iik* Amamn."' Yanong a simuluia l.K Al-AKO TSA MKTHAI.K IMT 1.IIK. ii dwi«l fa a k* ll«*geb. Ua* k* niorafe a Moccb» art ke itmoeb t Mobnncmali M-«ine. a lere sejfas-* thata gi* nna fan.* g»* I«>-j . V w yy. Srk fvrs. se sc tlie k o c tbata se se n y i. iw vuU K- \t* K* >lu», MHikm-lvlo u beug lw vt»iKv kt* (ia se l«oit umel< > fela legoia ‘ke ken" ka maatbmctk* a »ka^ j munifv, o h u »>1k »u Iv o uh m xcIk s ku tUMxitllK't* 0 i-lumnelo «.aiue. yaka kafa Lt«n»4i£ mdi. -Sr iscn tse i« 'g o le yea \oaie mo fatabeus w » so H.K. gu J. yoi»* firfk^ug ka li jmoentnor.r. y<; !r Livor* iHawpc, Liaparo. Kofi, Shukerv, tec H. GouW-Adams, fela vaka ke ka ioui yu oe Kvtbrko e th a ta . CHiO ! tiro e ■ myhak-th.ic. hxfx* ya kvr-.ke n«ne\^ Basl.... fc ,a iir ik y « * k < f k^anLsaii ».a re k a k r :a Iki ueht» ke ka d i n la yaki_“ ‘ e ixl. e -lV . Tin* eae de k-ol*» tia.’3 IKE KE TSAU TSA WWl ISA KOGOtu Me Gotooere a Ina - lm' ra Ira jC5 l. tr BitBankara U • m ,III ratkOiiTSA n^oe i ;£* b»Ieb kafa kigp-e k rekii-ha ncsba ijoka e c tlieti* e tfcau lirilccng ka 2$Se-**■“ — aae ^ irife ' " k ik e k v k MunkameK a rao a b e b Go U»{« K* Mr. PAI>IK>\» sla.ietsa *» are. Irta ir^oka Me 1 mdar*. ^eomil Stewart. D. 1 lc Mr. W ILLIA M S, liutai ?»» kopuna *e Bamrb-* k« Idnobe k^ab-i»n?»- kereke mak^’-t ‘ vcta> w e fa tb fe«rast4mka n*. k» U - M tim ^ ^Txcrr. ‘ * - keg** le matlbogocok* 9 W* !e fc b -senffr-- ” * A re — M-»"nT: «<« pnra RfV: K- nrtu*k». KOI; A NT A E \ BKQ >A\A VXD BK rill ANA GA/.ETTK, MATI.HACO. MORAXAXG II. V* :>

^ I)r- " illiains ; I .on- Street i t llo;,tlh-» kc 17*. bo-j t l o i o lB l |(. l. k - o n o :l f . - j . Ik u l«»I0 ! yo^'K* A flAKOAMAT.SAM; A M* J1' ni"" S w fcl«, tse.. li li,, m m doa RALICljOAWCHO, “ KJ"e la 1° l> luddn p.wo f;1 li rnmekm m.m-.v lc inongoc „ O a f ga g r e h tt rjIociTi K. M colomba k i: tto*m:i>i.] iillhciif' e:i iHjnra Ziunli-Mi. (5ta • tens, Aea JTwraantns.)

Rev. KlijtUi M d o lo m b a oa Ka|m ______0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa {ale fa a it*g«-11,0 mathaiisauteng a batho KITSISHO EA GOROMETE. ebile a eme sentle fela yaka gale mo ftiaemong |m South Afrikti. Kc mongos oa Baruti lu ba itsioeng Imi W W le abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo, Bohirtshe, Li- .• tlotlcgu mo bathong bsi methale TIII.K O t t luti lii . , AitJhc, *mi bo g osi Ie h a lo sik a lu lo ,ltl„„1i>IM tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse koa tla.se ka go mo ikanya gantsi mi:i i«)!i io ...... im. rekoa gone fela yaka gale. „ tla a roug*»e k.> P u sh o mo nint'o- K. OltAHAM.CUKKX. kong a lJaneho. *Me \aana ehupo M ayrttra ,,t G O W I E B ros., under the Cl(K-k. Dp**’ le ngoe e liman*; ke Itev. /Mdoloiulai e ka choloa ka hoikanyo M** kirotlu-ng ea Magestm Corner of Jones Street a m i I)iitoitsp.it) *Kpirlo 16, 190;. a, a gakgiunatsarig a ga Mrs. .Ma- jaja e » eleag molumeli oa phuthego ea Weselo e koa b>sikeng loa Uit- vlagt, a tlhomamisioa ke Montti eo ,» tlotlegang eo, g> shupega gore kea maanete fela otllie :--K kr Thero chupo ea 711 Mr#. Majaja :->K e Im»- R bot-se maloetse a sesali ka iiya^a KA KO 0 T LOT I. KG VXi; j lile liut-si a a bolaileng basali hale sK(i()i.o snt W a l t e r j Iwntsi. , Ke tlhokile liana ka nyaga lile HiAXCIS HELV- lintsi ke sena go nyaloa, ’me k; HUTOHIXSOX. boifa gore a vaana ga nka tlhokeli KITSISHO EA liana run. K a senyegeloa, ’me ka MofHtlami na Mephatn i: r /it- ! choengoa 'kc moseso, ’me motlha- •Htl'.nq *tgolo ea bn St. M ichael U St. inongoe o nne mogolo. ’ Me bo- mo oa N o . i'7 on | LionMiienti! oa Transv;uil utloatici g o una jiolcjo iii pji)tslm f:i ne ke ikutloa topo le phokolo ke- metlha. Motlhamongoe ’inele 1S5)3 , le molao o o nkclitscng. j liulaoli Iki m etlobo «.*u G au te n g ktxi JoliHim«.>l»urg. Ui ikaeletM* g-» i4lhc oa me o tlale litlhabi. Li- e b o n s O il Rin.|Cr|«»t on X,,. 2 j |its(.la li lat. l.n.' ino tiM ig Iu tlaiiicltHig It. ngaka tsa nknlafa, ’me ka noa o;i 1 SJ i , ke itsise go nna |»>lelo, . . . , , f »ni> inetlobtui^. _ inelemo e le mentsi le e e ktiioan; «i iKmtsho, J,W til l«.tll,..Vo,'V:l,'’ Ul *» '«vkn"g ele ea yone ’me g o sa thuse. ’ Me voa K-indcniest lai utlixila ino I?** . ... , ^ M , yaauong go kane go fetile nyaga likgomong lingoe- tsi -Lefatshe - - 1 . Koktreo maJiHy-gOre balm lia iiu3«jc tiUiitfUioa e ya nc Iki lile thataro kgono lile line ka na ka ya-Tshin'leco. go tloga mo le- j e amogela pele ga Lintoa. Mo kokclccong « il go k*kane>»- ibaelcla go y a Likgolokoane tse li t.sjitsingva kutlouiroe. e tbi Ik> esc kbibicoatia tsa ga Dr. Williams, gore tlhoatlhoa c e koa tlasc-t)$uw e motho o fia.il ijApalan^ tshianio go ntsha likgomo moj 'uie ka nna ka li motsa 1^ thula- mo kgocling ke £'2 5 s. ino boemong yon J|i 10s. qcT gale ; fa JSUiyo go tsamaea ke shoetsa 1k>- fatsheug ya tshir»;leco go li lore J golim oga tlhoatlhoa uo baliri botlhe bn i|ale ka tiro ea netoko (piece-wort) fa ba nonotil.- kgamatsang. K a unnoga. kcleco ntloatsa fa likgomo 'eotlhe tse go lira Milo. , ■ ea liyo ea utlela, uio«sc oa ntlela li k;i tsenang mo Koloning eno . 0 - J • ba tshianio, matlhokonyaua a ma- kgsitlhanong le mola<> o. li tla' ngoe a a 11a a nchoenya a titlogeln, 2. ’(Jo tla tlhongoa BatllmtUiobi 1« tiro ea c tla nnang g- * bo li senoleeo«i jiolao. me se se gakgamatsang bogolo eLulhoko gore baliri baseka ba t.^hcgelioa mo metlhutlhelong go tse a*tlhe ka nua le ngbana oa MOI.IMO BOLOKA KGOSI. Ea kontraka tsa bone li felile, le gore baluefoc mali otlhe a lw mositnnnc eo o nonofilen^. Me Pr v:ianong ke folile ke bile k c nono- I.o ncccoc ki- at la sjmo It llase ya kontrukiloeng ka one. iile vaaka mongoe lc mongoe, ’me Si'kaao sa Kolimi ea (!a|K- o f (io o d 'H o fk .' , ka tvatsi y cno ya !w 6 ya Mopido 1903. , pobolo ca mo ga ese c ke e mpoele. •J. Phet'Jo ea tsliegi-eo ra hospituLi, it^ekisho. le nuietuo a Krile Mrs. Majaja a scua go re W. HKI.Y-lirTCH'XSOxJ m angoe o t lh c : f»<» Mimoloi'oe phetolelo i>a liyo, gon* g.» ue ela clwpo, a b.ilela fa a eletsa g.av lioronerr. | kganeloe lioloetse you nmoto le melomo, yo bo ne U> gjketM- mafoko a, a gagoo a ka itsisioe I Imbc teng. Memgo e metala (liyo tsi tshinio) le Lime juu>* batho gore o- tie e nne fclm.sho mo Ka taelo «-.a Motlotli-yi, .Mogoroneri' lc | Imboboling ba-bango^. l i llev. K. Ixuuu lu UcLyotla. li tioa laibf*reki ka g;ilc : ebile go ikaelei'oe go sielu lxiliri br>- Mdolomba eo o n a a le gone a ru- ya loa y o a Secoana, 3-0 lc y o n e g o »holof tla tlitiwi rifatsa goUhe mo go liolecwjng ke John Frost. Mrs. Majain, ’me a ba a letlela K o. 8.>, 1 DOo. lx>U«etse yoa maoto k* meloino. gore rc bblelc leina ya gague. Ix> tla gakologetoa gore pbolo e THE SOI TH AFRICAN •I. d o ikaelecoe g o tlhonia I>ekg.»tlii y a (jloronu:nto, k m Joluin- gakgamatsang ea ga Mrs., Majaja, SI’liCTATOR. e leriloe ke Likgolokoane tse b nesbiirg le mo mafclong a maii^x*, go amligelu mali a Iwliri, khihicoani ts$ ga Hr. Williams, Muelelioaliehoanelotsii Bancho j go a boloka le go a nnncla k«i nuignen" ji Iwno, 1110 nuifeloiig eseng kc lipapisho kgono lieh«*a- (lascmolomooa Kgolokoe, kgono— 1 otlhe a British Soutii Afrika. . ucho tse li sa kakeng tsa folisa Kereke, kgono Kabalauo ej»e. j !•; gatisi«Kt ko:i iuot>ing o u .. ••pe. Facie li kgolokoane 1st' niaanete Kg'i'iug oa Koloni e«i ntlha t-aj P u sh o ea T ran sefala c ikctlet-litse g o t-imolola tlhalM>Iolo nn» South Afrika (.< ‘ajie Town). • Hj tsa ga Dr. W illiam s t*o li khibi- itsioa ke pusho fsa Knpa. K«tal,^nekgoi‘iig eotllie c e lekanyxMig. mo niitrtlieKmir a HaiH ho Iw.H) eoana li liriloe gore li lnmalaue le Tnmsvaal le Onmgia. Ka 11 rata fjn )w yim u.r . .. * Motll.t- Snit’i Atrika. L i rek sio-1 ka h- go utloela se se limgnlang mo le-; n l?> L ikom jiom t«a HK‘tlolN» li vralase tse li k a n n o e u g thata, ebong fatsliing yotlhe e r.-ke. Tsala eu shupile keleco le tUioafalo ea cone c-a go liragntsa rnaikaelelo ao libotlolo tsa li aeuang lithangoana Banelio: a a e bala. i t.c li plratliilocn" ka pampjri e 1 -hibieoani e e k«»aliloeng leuia i b a r r y n ^ v , yotlhe* y a tlhaka li nhupji, tse li u'Jitisicoeng ka enke eo inolnbilu. Monj: le Morulaganvi, Box #70, <’a|ie Town. L i kgolokoane s li coji koa mo>eya Jffokoaloli oa ^ D u sA o e a nianatle l il e mo niatloyaneng :• • lile tburo fa u rata g 6 likgong ga li na thuslio mo ratslnng shireleco. yean, bogolo li ka ganoa. 57*atsA© ya ^ liikgolok* BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipompo lc “tilo tse lingoe t*a HADJE NASSIEP, litshipi tse li ka lutlang. JtfosQci oa JTparo tsa O itsision lieicti le l«i Itangoc fa'go biicofe Ntlo c e molemo ea j Fa u batla sengoe 1110 go bone B a n n a . Liyo mo -Tit mg e choettut4 kafh goora Molobeng. — ..... -a tla ba bona go lebagana-le Isagaguc Li n am a, Marotho le liyo lc li’noo cotlhe ts e li tshelisang ‘mele Steshene sa “ K u t s h e . ” O rata go itsise Litsaia G fer a sale mo mannong a gague a i k««a ntle ga tse li tagang) Ii ka nna tsa bonoa ka nako cotlhe. Mo Mokgoatheng bogolc>go!o, mo Ross Street. Malay Camp. • 4 f____ M._ MgfSHEGARE,___ ^______oa B U L A W A Y O . Montsioastad., MESKGO c;t G A C L 'i e siamc thata. M a f ik e n g . T h a k a c e coang M e t i.ha T. A. Lewis Roberts, tlhelong i ' — q — - Mosegi oa maanctc kc eo! f. GERRANS, Xc..>ka ea M eko? raanong o hu- j lugAse fe moAfra ga tsela me H a p j e N a s s i e p . ! C o h e x ’s BtfiLlWNcis, go- lebagana le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- Ross Street, Kimberlev. ■ a mdtbj go tsenya a masha, lefa | elegoabaakanya,toanale.go ’mono F is.^v k J. CitoXF«»i:i.. Yryl.urx i ta gare ga ri.iko tsa, 9 oa* lAosh# It M opcntn 'Mueleli le 'Maaknnvi «t 5 oa maitsiboa : ka t^shipi. mo litaetele. Gaufi lo Kantori> e;i in >shong, fa ba moleletse-pele. Fohuli. KtJAKuLOLO K K H^TJ.HALK. Linama tse li sia= KITSISHO E E BOGALE. meng tsa LIKGOMO le L1NKU li ka nna Eo 0 sa romeleng tsa bonoa mo go tefo ea gague mo tshiping e e tlang re P .C 0 G L E , M O d O O R A 5 TOLLC. tla itse faele sekao Upper Jt ues Street. gore ga a tlhole a ’ . ? - : K 1MBLHLEV. batla Koranta; 'me re MOTHLT.ftr. MOLIRI OA MAKOLOI if . L IK A R A . e khutlise. W.G. KIRKPATRICK, Moluari le ’Motlmli oa LiUicsikete le Metli&lc eotlhe en l»o Murfhinc. MOREKISI OA LILOAXA COTI.HI- 0 Koatrakela Pasta0 t43 Imperial, le Koloni le Komponi ea B.S.A. ! Romelang! I jtiO LEUAGAXA LE TIT farata ea Railway, L0NNIN6 & UlLAW AVO KITSISHO.— Parekisi ba Koranta botlbt ba cboaaetae go laela FA KOOEU NQOE L0U13 PRICE & CO., St. George’s Street, (gaufi le Victoria Hotel.) LE NQOE E SHOA. Qa ke batle go s (G o rttTA M a i i a k a k a f a B o k o n k » BLOEMFONTEIN. epela, ke lela baliri ka aae. Le li pamplr tse ke caliMBf lurcaae ca II bocae ka lecopc KIMBERLEY, ke II reka * a Hr oat r. Ntlo e e tlhoatlhoa li koa tlase go feta Morcki oa McA/7/ lc M matlo otlhe a Mangaung. Ga o fo!iSe sengoe lc sengoe ’m e fja I yiitrelwt le vioananjii on tun------:©0:—------.•cteleloe kc "o fnli a lo le babotlaagonac no Khvarcng, 00 « boga!c, cn cIxjiii* cm tfolo le Woaua tm $ccinni(t. Thoto e ntsi ea Liaparo, Qtlhako tsa o o lii ccoeng TLHOATLHOA li Sfeme Thata: banna le basali. Likobo le mo tse lingoe. HOFFE’S absolutely r;IJnM«.- TI6ot!hotsa Haraka li tla koaleloa (J a FfcVER mongoe le mongoeeo Ii potsang ba lipolasi lotlh.e, fa lo tla nevtr known to fail I* 0 BoxVr.- TELBCBAJIN CURES. KlMUEQLET‘ -JIABK* Bloemfontein se tlfyokeng go ctcla O'.irxi k. floffe Medicine Co. wenk^le ya roqa. PnixTED »im1 pulilistlietl at the BK- | M -tlmnhonn c c llhttkunea. n« c rrkU ku n j ilK-tltiloii» ka -Lipuiro con,- k:i ti|>huthy e ill’ANA l»RIXTIN(i WORKS. PHILLIP TSHABALALA, j a .mna lilo 6.le 1 .• kji u . le njrm- le hjfne. Mftin StH<-t, M»ft:kii»tr. by *1* MOREKISI M »Litttrongeotlhe, lc KarcUsi baMt\t m Pmnriotor Moi.vu a:'/ :-;r>c: st-wy-it -jRoranta ta A X 1 > BECHUANA GAZETTE. the amelioration of the native. I : a b e u r , Sobriety, Shrift an d E d u c a t i o n .


M o Setorong sa Bogologolo Sa bo riMf k u « (• DUreUu c. • rrtr k q k ld tH lk a lK lja b l,. I.IV.J WHiTELEY, WALKER & Co., It LIKIIA^ Iu artkak-tUle .ewenkcle >• m « ■* «-■*>« •‘ M O R EK ISI OA LIAPARO. luck* ta prfi It Ucthale eotlhe ea Likobo, Liaparo, Luaalo le Liroalo tsa methale eotlhe ea Baaaa li Barali Yaanong li rekbi3a ka 1 Steshene u Mapolisi tlhoatlhoa jie li fokolccoenf, ka ntlha ea fehnaa ya aako cm. a Priite Isa W, li tseoa ka M. lifairoao lile thavsante Hashi a tseoa ka id., Je.nc ka M., tlhapi ea *hefleag BARKLY WEST ka 9J. Liloana JiJ#* cotlh; o fjkotsa JJ. na shelleng mongoe le mongoe. L LIVERS, Arc Halireli b.i me-ke lJarolong, Molaoli ao Inac ko Mr. C«eor:;k Mo tiu si. —KAr\ ItoaACO G\ H ih IV - Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lisholo tse li kgolo, O tsha*a makoloi !e likar^ FERDINAND J . J A C O B . li «4iafat>u Lome li.i ** boakangna Ii ap

MO’REK l,«')K r!K rSf J '

Le m oananyi oa M ethale eotlhe ea lithoto Batlhaping !

i t l O flSHRHK€R(5 OH hlG O BO SLR Lo di ’ying G e ? Reklnf monogaetio Flouru eo montle kgetse ea 100 l b . SX lithoto tsjk ith a k Kgetse ea Boupe (yo bo sefiloeng £2 5s. eotlhe e e dihang ka Printe e ntle eaGermane (yard) 6d. Batlhaping ba gaecho. Printe tse lingoe ka yard 4d. O NA1.E MATLO A THBKISHO k\)A J , 9 .ti&S,»,.b*'J&/ea4osl*. M o n o ^ IJetliole, Doornlmlt, le Lf.ki wf .istkist on ga Snati-'iwql, TltANSVAAI*. Taung.

BETH EL A.M.E. INSTITUTE. l & W R P E TLA BULOA KA TLHAKOLA 3, 1903. EOOHIWNU Kc ntaikaclclo a Balaoli ■$> aUi thuto •• e soldi" mo likalenic t*p li btdiuig, ulionjr Likico t% L e g a r e : fc o tic h e re : S e k o le c h i: B o ru ti: ’Mogo Ic Tlhalefo le Nonofo u liriro tna m w I5w*#.'ur it tab > 2 0 lc tse lingoo. Fa. u batla ii» ittloa sentle koalela Ke oo o fianii-n^ on li A . . H t ; n i ' 3 r A t t e w n ^ - , arck^i. C ise koa go rnc o lh*n«. 110 Hanaver Street, aako gagu o «a onait*. G A P E T O W N . iMda K*. to f* SiUf »#>*«« NaiiU-f. a Ha tm«tu ICera^* ' ■tlba ta Mtl. c : n f i s a v ; The A rt M etrQ pole. , s s ------V V H o r e k i s i . I SA SKCHOAXCHO si PW“ b l *<»»»•• KJ m:Mb - u 2 B i tla s.- at.>!o!a u "ijjv.na q' itfhabi: Bon tie le Boijolo. ■ - j * Iiiohtenbur^, Lichoancho K tssngoa mo li iponin;* is.- li ilet>.*sjanjr. Ke B\kfkisi bu lichoancho tsi ntoa ea Maburu Ii Jexoang nio hgalasing, tsa bof^- ‘•coml S ran svayJ. t u.lcrwood u b >n-_- Mashole a ni<: a tlhabana eel: ba utloa. La li thoka koalela, jr Kc nyn^a life 16 a tlh o - JAMKS IiROTHKKS, li'\ ’So, Du Toitsp.in Road, KimK-rkv m iiri i r i KOltANTA EA BECOANA AX1> BEqHUAXA G.IAZKTTE. 5IATl.llACO, MOKAXAX'i 19. n P lSSEKElj ( j EORGE & Q J. F. FLYNN CFLEiTI). ; Batlonng ” PH0 K0 ANE LE B0G0 ANKU. koa Port Elizabeth. Molaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi o koa Engelane, ke li lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse C3 O li fokolicoeng ke sa lo luelisa bogente. •jr O Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng, ebong MAE : is/>ii lc i i 9d. kafa bo^bicng yoa one. I.IKOKO : 2s., 2s >'»d le 35 kafa bokimcng yoa koko. B a ie te lsi Tsa- Toagrolo Toa B O t l ’ i: v*i.i S K K ( iO A . y o Ikj fcforilocn g, yaafiong : £ 1.13s 6d. ka cnnncrc 4% litHualc©. koa ^ort E liza- JE b K 1.0 ESE 1.0 KEKtSE M aK I.E I.IKOKO I SA Toatlb.. . ‘ • • Iona ]■ 1 tt- Setorung gii I * i . e m , “ tla lo nekelu kn clij (in FETA MATl.O OTI.HK A BECHUANA IAN I). I -Jei l'O n lelci lilo fm * > twn b u n a lcc>f i I iare- l c i n y m o m tifelong LIKGOMO! le LIHDTSHANE! ! otlhe o S ou th A f r i k a . Tse Ii ivkisioang mo Saken^ ya rqm. U ka nna ua lilx.»na ka ~

A ku re leke.ga u nke u ikoatlhaea. MARONAKO - H MITCHELSON o.v MArn'Kuisi'No v B i s s H K E R G e o r g e & C o . Hotse oa' Litlhako tsa ‘ Tlou,’ O rekisa Liyo,Lino. Liaparo tsa $ort Qlizabeth. , methale code, le Liloana cotlhe tse li tlhokoang ke baagi ba ba kgakala le W. N. COOPER & Cc^ Toropo. : S' v / ...... Morekisi oa* nrtieiho, kafa ntlheug ca notlhaha-tsatsi ea -• MAKAfcAOA MAl'IKA.

Zbv£elem .o e a ‘IL/iEaan-ete- , 3 ’ *• E. Solomon, < SO h O T 'k O L A to SLJRI.IBA GOLEBAGANA LE STESHENE COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2/9-r.o bot.leleng. l'l : HA TSA BAN YAN A . , ’ Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi lc COOPER’S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE. 1/6 le 2/6. O A F I W E R B Bahumagali, Bohutshe li Litlhako ‘ HUTTQN’S FEVER POWDERS. 1/6 PHuthelanyana. M AIvA U M OGAL??KEGO. G o nale J^iloana ts.a Jftetem e le fair.oo. COOPERS ANTlBlL!0V5'PlLLS~T?i. Ka Ietloyana X) itse Secoana cang go inuisa fela. SA GO PtUMPNANVEOA MARAPO. (COOPER'S RHEUMATIC ft PILE MIXTURE. 2*M . ka Ietloyana.

BAAOI ba ka kgakala ba ka koalela Morulaganyi oa KORANTA‘fa ba rat ago romelo >\LfllL'SIIOANA c e clctsegang e. _ JOEL REZNEK, . W*fl. COOPER & Co,. ______—^ ^ Moananyl oa melemo 31 GIDDY STH EET. , i A'KIM BKRl.KV.

(Knfa morago lvaiiioru) m o ene tie -si K V A A S |»le. Bros.7= l.ilouiui cntllie t*! la; icacn-f li tlliokia fc(; itecvaij:i ( I.i E YOUNG L iihmi lc l.iii|»m>)-li fauu. , .. ba tsa zshimo, I.K APAKO TSA MKT HARK HOTLUK. Thekisho eame ea eletsega

Ke Lewcnkde ye lc sha, Maikaclelo a beng 1st y o n c k c. otls inorafe, o mosliou let* moncho, ka tlhoatlhoa e jjotlana. J. Solomon, Liyo, Maupe, Liaparo, Kofi, Shukere, tee methale-thale. 0 8° tola lebenkele koa «a BA20L0NQ LE MAFEMKU A LOKEISHENE KE TSALA TSA RONA TSA BOflOLO- * OOLO. REA LI FOKOLETSA i ^liaparo tse li ntle tsa banna Go Iwpst lc Mr. PA D D O X, le litlhako Methale eotlhe ea Likhai tsa Go lebfigiina lo Mr. W ILL IA M S. basali. Litlhako, le Xhai tsa kemo tsa ba­ n o 5HIPPARD 3 TRCCT. humi le bahumanegi. Tlang lo lekeng BECIIUASA GAZETTE, MATLHAOO, MORANAN'G, ig 1903,. H ENHISON & ^RANSIICK, Makgotla a TikoloRo | GRANT a n d Y A T who ea Kimukulky. MafVkin;;. Krklav, i 7th Marvh. Vrylmiy. Momiay, IKKb March. BAFANTISI LE BO ACJENTE. ; PENNYCOOK, KM-himwul, Saturday. 4th April. I ■ : ■ i Victoria W«at, Werfnepdav.Kth April C«.l«-hunr, Tuesday, 14th April. Ba nale Lifantisi tsa Matl^aco, tshipi cotlhe. •• Thamo ’a Poo ” Mi«KllclMinr, Friday. 17th April. Cnulnck, M»*ndav," aodi April, Mo £o l|alis?nl?f j Molt**!**, T!niT»Ciy. sard April. Mebili, Ufabele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. llurjrlK'rsiliHp, Monday. tJi A p ril, P 0. Bex 22. 27 j Alio:il Thar»Ur, SOth Apnl. TVierraptaic Address: "DENNISON." Mafekinr. M oreki. Mi»rt'ki>i le *nonnanyi oa ! ------: o : ------

\ TRANSVAAL ROAD diI(Ktna ts.ijjo upem, Meyoik* *!i- i Liyoche oa O.R.C. W. R. TRUTER, Honvuiitb, Monday. f.th April, IVo::. | LE THOMPSON STREET. Kn>onstaJ, T q w Ikt, I4U1 April, I*.N»S. Gnufi lu Steshcnc si MapoiUi, • , KI,;.. ts . i.|«ru. t-so bunna |,. [ W '" W , Swur.lav, I Ml. April, I'.mv nicoKil" ca liasalt lc Iwnyana. l^ndybrmnd,Thursday, 2 uh April, IVO:, llvthuli.-, Tmnlay, Annl, KIMBERLEY, Mo jroora, 1 Kaurewiiith, W w liirslay, ."*th May. I VO:. MothuK on o Mumuiigo) Makoloi Ic-Likam. O ivkisi mak.iloi a Mafclo a nianiro a ntlha a tla Imhi kc Chia-f .InstM'e Maasdorp: a mantn> a masha lc a a thuliloong ka tllioatlhoti tse li lukaiiycng. THAMO ’A POO. bofdo, kc Mr. J u*io Fum kt-« I W " JV r s tsa 3 aj-_-c li siame thata. ~V>J C. N, WILLIAMS & Co, FA ,V7/S/ KOA FO- ______i H 1 1 / J . MOREKISI LE LIS.ELAGA Loabobeli April 2 8 , 1 9 0 3 . () Reka hikj|on>o lc lipoli Isa Re- Likgomo tse li tlhaka- eoai^a ka tlhoatlhoa tse li «olilei?<2, ebile ke ene morekisi eo mogolo oa nyeni** le tse li annisang, linama,1 le ’mesi oa ma°obe'mi mo niaii'oere le mainitelo. Q. Cotlhe ke tsa m ono, gase likeny. Koantle ga linama ebile oofcelitse papali ea gague go refcisa liloana tse li botshe le D. Wessels & Co. liftuRisi tsa meteme. > *s' BAFANTISI. Tlhoatlhoa li fokolicoe go lekanyclioa Yrybury. kc batho ba ba tshelelang mo tsatsing ye 7. 4.03. le choanang le ya gompieno. M1NCHIN & SONNENBERG, Jiaburfcli ha Mahjotla a EmjeUiHr, <1 K<» '•» litsi rona molc.itla. lifnro I.- li|H.mp.. ts...... 'ts- I.- liloana t-«c li a-ang lijafole le lit.) t.«' liiis-. ' t i f li Iwakni.yelkwi.S tl.cke. LOUIS ABRAMS, Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlele ; 1 lhoa- tlhoa ke 15?. go ea mo go £ 1 1 os. (MA-LED), Koa Tlhaping. CiO LEBAdANA LE TSHILO Helang Tlheng Batlhaimng ! M O iHOKCiOATHEMCI O Ati A Ra=;Vlotlana, mo MAFIKENG REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA-LEU ! J. G. G O O D ERSEN, ... ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! (Kafa morago ga Dixon’s Hotel). Loa shabele a Linama tsa Selaga sa gagut Motlotli 0 t.i-•«!■!» .«■ Mi>k..l..i I.iktini. . •

0 tiro li slamens thata. le llbotlhoa tsa ^afine II MA=LEU, Taung Tofcollcoe- Helang, Barolong, le Becoana lotlhe! ' \ * ° X T e , kofi, thukere, w- i . \ ^ > / MILL Lo ea go ba tlang /r.v „ '. o v ^ i koa toropong, lo NT tlogelaDgela thoto e S ' s~'-, siameng fa /s^ ; eyakong <^' > X LEWENKELEL ye lesha, le bucoe mo ilona! /A / ho° / goo Ra»RoeIane.r - - - ' TLANG LO BONE ! TLA LO BONENO !! J ^ O HOXEXO!!

■j ____ -j——----Tkjaitsalie, mo thing ea'gague, a Xtekoane meepeiane e. e ue ese Is*.-ii khibicoana ts;i batho ba In* ( n P A T I li) Pfl n P P O R f l R !Sa eletsc. O rata go, kganela ea nnete. e ne e k tshanieko. Ba- felileug.*’ "Batsali Ira g a M iss VVI UllM i uti i / u v V I M 1 I m jjj0 ^ j j utgeng yalo. * Katlho’o . tho Ira ba ne ba le kafantle. bao Tlieron le ene moroetsana ka esi ------ke hard lebere oa nyaga lile tharo go no g«» itlhongoa e It- Bashotho, ba ua le chupo e e tlhomameng-ea MATLHACO. MORANANG, 18, 1903. le thupa lile 3*5 ka kat^e oa kgo- e ne ele malouiagoe le litsala li- gore o falotse kantllm ea likgol ' | yana-filc-9. I ngoe tsa gagoe tse U ue li coa koa koane tsa ga Dr. \\ illiaius tse li larrismth Lijoche 0 3 Ga re itse gnre Becoana ba tla kgU"long ea Zastrom ba ba ue ba khubicoana ino thateng ea bo- Tikologo tlhaloganya leug fa nyalo ele bo- tsile moletlong oa Keresemese, tlhoko yo yaaka go l>oIecoe. tse Mosekisi Advorato ira lona po!o o inonfle • ao o|»ela meejie- inele liyo li folisitseug inaloetse a arrismith o kgaogantsen yalo.' botlalo fa lo sa thaega mo pelnng lane esi ntoa go itvunelela Kerese- le mantsi, ebong.-phokolo, inoga- Lesliorojto gatoe erile inonna a sa ea noDa le ea tsliaii; loa li kopanya I me«*. likego. tsa khtttllsa teteselo ka bo- • litlhaketi" mosali a sala a sia- gore i»elo cooj»eli li ope ka luonlia Tshamek** e ntle e, ea lat“loa nako, csita le shoriesekoipe. Lia fo- i le mayatlhapi. K"etsc ;; ngoe ole mougoe fela. Fa go ntse yalo , ke t’r > e e boitshegang. lisa, 'me ebile li uehafatsa mali se ke e ferosang liliete^ne ele eaga ke goue motho o kareng o nale Muioleli opecoe cue. Fa botshelo 1 o Rgaiitsalia Miss Annie Theron, Mr. . gajie li' ka reko.i le mo Kompo- oe a lala mo katnoFeug ea Ixi-1 simolola ka boleo l*okhut!o yoa Tlieron eo mniotlana le lekau veo, ning ea litlhare tsa ga I>r. !> «ra lengoe. I-ekj;oa le utloa yone e ka nna eng ? A gase Ivx o -..erile ba le nio tlung ea ga XlrsY Williams, Loug Street. Ca]»e Town, ‘ sigo a ipolelela litlhabi, a fologa | »ana eg Jvagisho e erileug 4- Se- i .Swane <> I ino Durban Street Ira e e ka romelang botlolorli le thatn- * liphatciig go-fetlheloji a k liu -; tlhare se itsioa ka mi.uuj<) a ; tlotla ka ga s«.* se liretseng morago ro ka iTs. a le .mougoe fela ka ne n"«rana <.a tnosetsaua. Erile < shoue. . ga chog*» e e ne ea tlela kgantsalie. :ls.‘-Joug. ka tlhoatlhoa teronko e tla mo folisa inai- *me ba ba tlhokang megonolo ka- icola k? nako ea thobalo. O na tsa Secoana. () sholofetsa gor«- ». ntlha i-a litshameko. Me xyrrxr.- a pale loa ke go emela golimo. ’me ta Becoana ba ka lira le ene ba tla r s;oeli tse tharo li fetile maloba “A yaana lefa go ntse yalo a go j a Irile a palehra ke go tsainaea. boeloa. n g ! K e raea ba ba Ineletseng . kile ga nna le tshameko ngoe e e ; Botlhoko yoa litshika bo ne bo Cni:i>Ti \s K xi*j:kss. Khane eo 1 li lile tharo fela. Faele ba • gakgamatsaug mo South Afrika k* bogolo yalo gore litokololo tsa rare l>ovedale o nale harutoana letseng ngoaga bone garere eotlhe yaaka ee limgetseng jno ; gagoe e ne e kete li golafetse. bale 7«X». Mo makgolong ao, bale kaga bone. Ba ba oseng polasing ego toeng Drenthe e e Botlhoko yoa gagoe yoa nna j OImi c «i koa Becliuaualand, :M» koa ele ba tsikingoa ka kitsisho mo kgaolong ea Houxvillc O.H.( . yalo ka nyaga li Ic tharo ra ba ra Leshotlo, Ht) koa Transvaal, 2.'» koa ulolo ea gale : Komuta ga legale erile kn lobaka loo ea Ik» e le j ” 0|K)ln goae p* a nka a tlhola a Xatal, 14 koa O. R. .Koloni. Ba lnloe e gatisioa ke bath^Omuge Free Slate.’’ ! fola.ka a na a alafiloc ke lingaka baugoe botlhe ko ha ba eoang ino ilang! Luelang!!Iaielang !!!! Alinun Theron e Ue li fetileu- kantllm i itshetsa kgoino lile nne le I r*- 1 - — ' ■ — ...... « - 1 ...... - • • • « ■ • • • ■■ " K n ,tl,« •‘antlhiM bogali. Mori>etsana a bo- a asa bee monna sebete^lyn: os fela gotoc a ec inon- I-n ...... » ■ a a c, eo .... oa K»KI1C. Mo tlung mo- 1 .Me erile ka |K)Iase eu Ka »lr. j »e«a fa a tla tola, me kgubasara a o "0I0.W .. '■ ; fittlule a mo gntelela a | Tlieron, Urenthe, e ne e ka mia I lola sentle, a nonof . lio t o»a ; sentle i ntse rll. m ,,,, r ‘T ' la nac kgatlhanong 1e kc-1 l„l,„k-,i l.«l nako lile 8 (JO c..;. la : too.-erile mo nyageng Use pcli tse : »|,CWC o s ilc til « V? a gague. Knle iuai»li.i. molelonneng ea l«ahotho. Polelo i li fetileng a foln sentle-ntle.1' Town koa o ik-ie ° V’'111’ n •jtlcela a phamola monna a | r.-a aknfa ea olloala gone, 'me Pliolo a tr tletseng ca ea Miss illnn.vSi 1.. «!. ‘1^!' atlhela. Mr. Justice Jone?, I bogolo ea boitsha basali. '1____ _ :lafalong ea ka mogopolo oa g.,re a e e go mue- s;i gagoe. Mosliiija a Ida le Push,. g„re c musi‘tsc ma- meli oa Ih? yaelie ba Gra- I -4 a* ten a re itse kafa tllioafalo le sefiitlhogIlYll 1un o r.,4 I-.. .

gague, ka thusho ea e atamela u ilibala. likgolokoane tsa ga'lW!Wi»m. go’eu!' r!” ° ^


recently pointed out that u since Sav« tla- Midland News:— CltlKi . oi:c tmek poksi properly ctilti- Hr. A. G. F in ch a j I , , . A c t |-as«ed tla- r o lo n ia l Galisliewe, who was sent to tin* Hn.ii- ' \au>l, one jxfiieiit cured l>y a O liale likidoi arhament lias ui the th* utso of water l i years ap» as a reliel, and who * N o g m d«Mlor. *«k* la-m vai w ell Hutch roU-ls. ailed upon tlie d< ctrine for the pust years has lioen in : |>ix-.h 4jc i 1. otic office well filled, on** tsi? li n.4kisi4 Ho.jmi;J imi inv.mnt «*f • life H e an ly U v ely — U*n»e w ill t d l T s«nniijit«.lef» list* lin'cha. ponalL.es w hich ought to l*e ini posad his health, was released yis.enlay: lie HKire iu o u r fa v o r tlu iu all th e m ongocle mongoe co <> Uahing ".i ™ * * " f treason .’ h is im puw ible, has Imrue a g«">4 chaw ter while liere. ulistnuelo*pHtH>' tluit inn lie ligoc u ka ca g» li kclekn fa tm refore. t<> see limy tJalishiwe's^mm r Galiahcwe still n-mauis in town snnitiHmtsl to pbtvil our «nns*-." \ »_»c refused, without thereby pro­ awaiting a |«lss to Capetown, where he k«,rttkc*!i'r ea (ro refon n ere. claiming^ •• urhj et orbi*- tlrnt there, in iutends intervii wing Mr. Moffat And we w.>uld earnestly eeumend one law for the \yhite mail ami auothrr (missionary) with the obj«vt of getting the following remarks, fnau tlie mm for the hlftdc-n state of tiling which him to tntertrde with the t»*,'emni« nt a Idnss. Co tin* n*rM» consideration “ r Babali ba re ichoarele fa go s»na ma­ lunnot h,* federated un.ler the British___ to restore to . him some of the lauds the Native Victoria memorialists in th. foko B«®Pieno- Mopalcganyi mo tshi­ nag* J here may >f course be difficult)'which wetv declared anvllcd intends going to Bcdutaualand. lie phil"So|>lii<-.d niid fundamental •lit among new owners, some of whom, js he is <•:> years of age, but he look v"cw of the Negro question. I M otlha o o Chosang. as we |K.int. I nut the oilier day, are nmcli older. dii this In-cause in buiMing a Uirred with the same brush as Galishiwc, house the uuiin thing is to get g o i t k s -a i . f.t s h k g o . illy they have liven spared the same Native Laboar. the foundation laid correct I v : Kc utloa tsn la ko coa India: nu­ v punishments. Hut there 1 think we have made some prio­ get it started upon the melt and ither ( rowu lauds at the dis}msilion ke ithutile kicn ea go liala uiahogo ress since Anthony Tndlojw's visit t • not -upon the sand : to I k- s u j - i»f the Government, ami in some way this country (s/ane 2-*i years ago) we that the prim-ipul timliers an- Ka thuslio ea kio* eo ke ka gn i*r other means must In- found to have taught the Natives to want main s. h i ml and true to measurement. liolelela ka tse li fetileng. tsa yana, compensate Gidisliiwc and vindicate «lood things, and as a result we.luivc pn Or. changing the metaphor, to • le tse li santseng li tla £u tleia, ka the Colony from the slur which .at enonniHis nuniliei of Natives at work with Iail and rope. gakolola tsola e e ka gu nt W atkins.—] things. Wm. HOUUEL. Asiatics are kept out. As to Unit, Kimbci lev. of course ^vc would ^irefer to set! -the “ The results of every day observa­ Kafa Morago ga mints worked with lab mr fn in (ina" tion, should C M iv in tv ns that w. Britain, but if that is iui|m?sihlc and Lcbaka yaga BookerT. Washington slmll make «air in«w4 enduring ••'inns ean live on the wages offete l progress by laving the foundation- MR. WILLIAMS. wc would a million times sooner .lust six SundaysUtck, I>r. Washing­ ca:efully, mtieutly, in the owner­ Finns there than Asia! its. The Finns ton delivered a powerful a hires* lieforr ship of the soil, the exercise of are a thrifty, hardy, industrious, go u|khi their mesam o ea ...likara. o e lira ka ma- |K)inL of view^hut we. as tvprrseuliug during the meeting of our annual. feet and remain t h e r e have h a -l tsetseleko. the lalMiuring elassis hwtrt ily applaud ■ Tuskogec Negro Conference, and * to traveTT' S&mdin; a< I do to­ the idea. Unlike the Kailir. the Finn . 1 wish you might have heard a : day, before this andieuce. alum Mo lekeng ka losi. will teach the mining kings of the man of my race dj^cribc in the J the very s.«ul of mv race-is a-liing. Hand that while :dl menials have to IneeUng how ho purcltased his | is seeking for guidance us 0urlia|is learn the dignity of lulmur, the Kami own freedom : how he w h s a slave j never liefore. 1 say delila-rately mine owners have yet to be sclioi lel for twenty years : how he entered j t h a t I know no other road. .If iu the dntits ami obligations of an freedcin with not a single penny • I knew how to find more sncedy Bechuana Gazette. employer: for while i-apitdists the iu his pocket: but he resolved- and prompt relief I sliould lie a world over are just, now sttlTering that he would not only be free j coward and hypnerit** if I did not from an epidemic of strikis, demands, i:i body, bnt free in higher a ml j jioiut Uie way to it at any «*-i«t. SATURDAY. APRIL 18, 1903. and w-at not, the happy ** eSiann»igue- largo sense, and he told that J (Applause.-)” satumted” are leading a life of cmii- 1 A M R U C K , but comely, O ve daughters great b aly’ how, wiUiout s’loes, I of Jerusalem, as the tents ol Kedar tentment, for which not one *»f tltein without wait, without hat, he j Still in the sa*ne»|ieech thereo vurs: — and the curtains of Solomon. Ina yet had the mauhixhl to thank went to work; how he was tiu-1 “ I believe that n;y ract in -V I.ook not ujion me because I a m his lucky stars. So let the Finns in ne abli even to purchase an ox of past has been of service to this ' black for ihc sun hath looked U|hmi bv all means. “'his own. his w.fe put a-jmi.- of] conntry. I believe that it i* m e; mv mother’s children were old hame.is abmt his shoulders' dcstimsl to lie of still higher a n g ry with me: they made me the and she held the plow while he jervicea. Stam; time agi> iu tin- k e ep er o f their vineyards : but my dragged it thr-:igh the ground: State of AlMlinina an old man of own vineyard have 1 not kept. Prices of Stock, how, when he n>se a little higher, ■ niy race liad a dn-ani (you know w- To purchase livedo k is a very e.\- he purchased an ox. and next are great |H- ipb forhav ing drum s.» jK'nsive undertaking at the picscijt vcar two oxen, and the next year i ( lauighter.) And in hisdresim- time. The tesnli of every iiilonial he was able K buy a mule, and j Unde Silas said he was taken to AVo understand that Chief ISalo- stoek fair gives irrefuuible evidence later on two mules, and later on the Iwd place. We used to have shewe has gone t.» (’apetown to sisk the of this state of affairs. A t the time la- purchased two acres of land : j a certain name for it. but<*vo hnvc tJovernment to restore to him.some of of writing we have one in'front of and he caiue to Tuskegee, where chatigeil it several times, ami it is his confiscated lands. o c wish the us. and what does it sav?- Horses lie was the proud owner of loo' pn-tty hanl to keep up with new Thief nil and every sneress. £20 to i* i7. iinths f2ti to €!!• los. acres of laud : was a taxpayer, j theology, and I don't know w hat to When Cnlesl.c-.ve was st.ntcmvl to cows, i*20. to C }l I Os. heifers, CI.» with ai decent house, a decent.! mil it now. < Laughter). Reganllcs.- ten .vears hanl laliour and, the om- ui t'i'u and young heifers, from t*7 lo lespecaible family ami was ‘ free i of the name, this man said he was tiscation of all his property htglj Ui C l2. I f ’they were public servants indeed.’ (Applause.) taken ik»wn there, and after he treason was then acsipital offence and in deeensution lwifore my nice in a large degree j crowded around his cabin door 4-utnsumccs niter i-astS but as far as Committee should Ijave Ik-cu compelled to-day i»' to learn the difference . and asked all kinds of questious. omeerns the Cajie Cohmy, this haslwu to visit one of ’thise «d s as a guidance between lieing worked and work-1 * What kind of (KOph* did yon alieretl, not merely by circumstatK«s for the lietter and. more eiptitahle dis- ing (applause): to Icnrn to love; sec there ? Were there an v c.dore I bnt bv special AH of Farhaincnt. A ehargc of their duties. Not that, our lali.ir whether with the head ck of sheapJuit that it would doggedly, iiersistently, thmugh; were they doing ? ’ Unde Sila> triumphantly mnn:!i Uwk to his li.um at least have given them an idea of the summer and winter, sunshine and j said: * Kvery-wdiitc man had htJ iill-l I lie in the canntry, and S'i e\|Kise-l > tin re-ul.s. (hie farm iNitight. onej that 1 believe we have lieeti ot f^irtu ix'iuntry »i;i » ‘bffe: ravages of the i-ommand k s lioustr biiil;. one "home saceilyj some service to you, »laughter, he is exiK-citsl to in ifi>rnt. an I intelligeully kept, one'man to MV nothing of tb. future. with the new irnler il>i>Wfc“ "1 who is the largest. tnx|ioyer or. -p ( Langntcr.) My only fear is uliev tlie laws ns lie lin l* llum ami Koit Pit. Hoot:ku T. WashiscstonV who has the largest hank account. | that there are* not going to K- n< fie left tliera, »* O.at f«irl « ■< ' '•eel’ll, mentnmeil iu this issut,-, we are one s«*!io'il or c’ltireh maintaiind. oilorcd |a*otile eiMHigh to ironmml. ,„ie ..r e-'iual ri'.'lils a-.'l HnuJi fmr- 'idekvd to the ** New York Age.” one fact iry niriiiug sm-i-s>fu|lyI (Kenesel Liughter.) jilar.xhc “ Itia ii-ei'l Kiel If A lverlw.r i;______KOHANTA EAB&bereki BECOANA AXt> BEOtlt'AXA GA/.ETTIC. MATJ.11.VOO, MORAXAXG IX. 18. a CAPT. C. GOODYEAR (tsala ca. gale ea. Becoana) o amogetse taolo ca BechitanalatidTshireleco, Griquahmd West, lc}districte tsa Madiko le Dicobotla ea go amogela Baliri botlhe. ba ba. eang tirong koa M ETLO BO N G ra JO HA NNESBURG .

Yaanong* Metlobo e luela tlhoatlhoa tsa ntlha tse di okedicoeng-, Liyo tse di siameng, Matlo a phepa lc koko e e molemo mo baboboding*.

N. 3. Phetolo ea tsHegeco ea hospila, Paele yaka lo itshekisho. le maemo a mangoe otllie: Go simolocoe phetolelo ea utluile tem ana ea diyo, gore go Kganeloe boloetse yoa maoto le melomo, vo bo ne bo ga- kitsiSho ea MO= ketse bobe teng. Merogo e metala (diyo tsa tsbimo) le Lime juice di tlotlegi MolaOli oa fioa babereki ka gale; ebile go ikaelecoe go siela baliri boyaloa fatshe ya Tshire= yoa Secoana, yo le yone go sholofe- loang bo tla thusa boloetse yoa lecoea ‘7.2.03’ ere: maoto le moloino.

Baphuthi botlhe ba baliri ba ba romela koa go Capt. Goodyear mono Mafikeng, kgono koa Zeerust ba ese ba ee Hetloboijg.

G o a g ilo e m a tc lo n yjc >i l < . I t i i tsr*? i n n , t « c ; * K i m ^ e r w d o r p n i< > l>r.ilii-j ba ba • J* G (x c a n y j tir o n g lc< »a nietl< >bc»ng bb i l i l i t t tt^a lig to n g b a f i o e d iy < >•

'Baliri la nale go kontraka mo agenteng mangoe la mongoe, le faele mo go Qa^tain Goodyear kaesi mo Jffa~ feking, lo faele mo Jiam pen e e fa tselen mo Sofatlhane. KORANTA EA EE( O.VXA a s p BEUHUAXA GAZETTE, MATEHACO, MORANWNG, lit looa,. JOHANNESBURG. KITSISHO EA 60R0M ETE. : Tshegeco eo Itandio Iki tshe.rdkwng i RALICHOANCHO, ka o»ne ke lnlaoli In liicrcna 1^1 T H K liO ' latelang e ntK»nlit>:i Central S mi tli Afrika e mask** k*l_v. tlsso ga Qroletl > m ia |>f>!••!. i i-1 n niisha. 1 5 1 a • tens, Ssa Hue e sa re utluise kitllioko nui, Ma- — ■ ■ :o:— ■ kzio a ka gantai a romdang kiflhanka lu one. lone In seka In ikanya «^nv k. Git a ham. <;ukkx. 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fa iKirlliunka ha boac In ka ^»> ■>nm f» t*r- rona e goroga, dlOilo c ca kilaoli lu ebile a eme sentle fela yaka gale mo maemon^r t n n i, i' na le go araliela matlhoko al••. "" ea MiighttAii Mopirlo j 6, maiitsi mo meiitancu.; ca BanHio Ii i abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo. Bohutshe. Li­ Trrnscfala. Ke bony * n*»n: u inoii"«w i a latlhegeloa ke tin* c’ntle ea isi ka- ‘ tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse ntlha ca go oka bana Im ^uv'oc.kok.. ii» inong oa goe o c fii«liwi« gore k« ' rekoa gone fela yaka gale. jV,»^ uu go bereka. Rotllioko mi G O W 1 E B r o s ., under the Clock. mogatse Ie ng»naa etmlc ya:uia : -Krile Thero le. pula lw ts?:ia ni.» kokojan.-ag; Tsji likgomo go cw Orangia’go «ii: Corner of Julies Street an! Dutoitsputi U«i*l Kirnlierlpy. KA KO n TI.OTl.KCAN'ii Johannesburg. Yaaka e le plicldo ca us’iegue.* « ' SKUOI.O Sin W AI.'l'Kli c niashoe e, Boneuo ka ^antsi Ui !«>!•> . H iA X ns If KI. V. is*: lingongorego tsa knife mo Jekgo- III TCHINSOX. ilung yeu, ’me go m tshianio epr. ‘Mi ! vaaua In ipua ’me ha liiinalana iron- ha : M'>/J’i('twi tm Mcp/ttfo ta- koalele nioleln-lebi «n mafoko a Ba- { mil.ni/ xs.jolo , „ sr. MicAarl I, ndio lokoulo loa t«»|*>. ’me ere fa go J -V. -niog«»lo. j *•»//«• *«/ < „[H Hope U Kokonuo c kgolo- r ( Ba- ( m ifa'xhf ",t mirifyw M int i/or ri h- mn r 'h tle tm >‘a ndx> e rometsc lokonlo fan go mot Urn- Koloni eo ilhomisi oa inafoko' »a Itiiidio, l.r> r.»-j ' i Hie re santscng ro lelieli Mierol.i KITSISHO EA lose. Ka lhata lo ka t^liiainrlo ^ac Krile ka sontagalasa l.*i|J mn*itl. 5?»| fce li m-o.wn.rkc mol...... n ile kokoano eai 'Hasliotho mono dir r.i in»! i , 1.» ° v. aiuo^ela KaralK>k> e------^ cmwir k.“ “ 3 , I«ki molaomola< o o okelit.soiijr. 'm e ru I u'<«, !?* k'U^ioa Ka-alio i-j obonjf o;i Kindt rjiost ko a a latelang | (fcl ] Si»7, ke itsis^grtvo...... mui- I»»l«‘lo |> »k*1 ,b a l< in » b > « k.Kijilu : - m »rc ka liotlhoko vai Kiiulcrpest bo utlosihi mo . J.dumncslNirg!* Mopiil • I9'k; iikifomong lingoe tsa Lefatshe- ^Ioi.aoi.i OA 1»kcih anai..\m> 1!r*»tmt»hia rr. o ko^il**’ k« l«o M^itloilegi Sir lio lfn y l^len, }a-T sh ireleco, g o tlo«pi m o h*- l.ior.rmcnti? <■« im itslui fa MoilliotllH>nmi oa mafoko a llandio. ts:itsini^ya kutl<., ..A ru itu xm , ir , l t s l »>-Wr«W g» li l. ru. I ^ * h yn I M » !... v.lc- ...... | «>» «» Ka|«. neliMf i n U i lx irtik a n g 1110 m e tlo U m g . •lohanuesburg le "eletsa ka kiikokolic«» I oblle^ ke itsis<‘ k* g o «o gu pikolola ka ipi imM w ki ts.‘ *Mi»«r i url Kitsa fa ( likj^.nno cotlhe tse 1__Kclc gn Mtjftm. "Mo k^teWoong ena, go JekaiKX* hiuy, ka teroua Li-rale jloido ,a (^ ^ ^ ,0 ,^ le molao o, li l i t Itasthitlh* ke co tuena mo Mjis»'n«r ca . • ... . gore tlhaitlhow e c kai tlasc-tla*^ e motho o ka e bnpolang I,,ran, me bu« 01.Jetikete«i klifcwe;1^ h ^ ‘nolecoe palao. 1110 kgoeling k o £2 5s. ttto boemong t l 10s. oa gale ; f a t-a boraro mo Heteislicneng sa Joliaa- MOLIMO BOLOK A KGOSI. itega In tft*a"*H ln-.» golituoga tlhoatlhoa eo lmlirt botlhe l » »wile kgoro eagobajKil; inabloaneng a k la la sc ca l»or.tr>», "inv j 1.0 u cccoe kc atla u n v f j iUm- ija «:ro k l Ktllia koa setcshenrlil^ SI Klan>ls- ' St'kano <3 Koloni ca Cajx; ofdood Hope nrnlt a sele gape tax tiro ca sctoko (piece-work) fa ba nonotil. fo iltc; 11 I n ntuhioe 1111 lik crk U in g ’m e j ^ « ts;a-s« y cno y a k» 6 ya M opitlo i lea terena «a W. HELV-Hl TCH'XSON, liknua. Me ere In si e letile In 1».» In rhtnnetsc go ema m » eW aii ' In si (ioroticrr. 2. (»o tltt tllxongoa Batlhatlhobi Ui tiro ca Houc ' ha elHnn«*tse ixsp.nj ba I.i-I<;40t!x i fa kontraka fcsa bone li felile, lc gore bo ludoc mali , iuo 3. re sena go leta lobaka lo lolele re tse- Photilo tahegcco m hospitals, itsh. kUho, 1.; nmsm i :i ngoc mo likokopuwiig tse li st‘iiang = THE SOUTH AFRICAN’ mangoe otlhc: Cio'Vimolmroe phetofch* ‘“i liyo, gon; g.. iitanno gongix- tse li «i rulelmng. j Sl'KCTATOR. kganeloe liriliK.tsc yoa maoto le melomo, yo l»> ne l»> gakew Tim e--bogolo c tlbokofalela ki&ili, IkjIk; teng. Men tiro e ntctaln (liyo tsa tshiino) le tim e jnk-c le'Inna, ’me k»golo kautlha ea b >i:e j M ucicl^oaliehonnelotsa Bancho ro ka ituincla fa nka tlhoma ino’a io t^-iiioloiiioiia Kgolokoe, kgoiio- li tion lulx'reki ka gale ; ebile go ikai'huiv g>. siela luliri I*. o ka In sirdctsang. Ken-ke, kgono Kahalano \ :>1.« yon Secoana, yo le yonc gii sliolof. l.«oig Ijo tla tliiisn Morena ke na le tU l.ua go nua! K gatisi.n k.Ki motiing <«» in o tllm n k a :c liragaXiing mo le- ?ats’iing yotlhe «• r.;k.*r Tsala cn go a boloka lc-go a romela koa magaeng a bone, mo nmfelong ------:o: Bancho: le Makgoa a e bala. otlhe a ISritish S.)uth Afrika. Johanneslmnr Tlhot Ih.xi S s : fela ka ngooga. Mopitlo II. 1 I Z. S. I'BKEORINO I’uslio ea Transefala e iketlcelit.se go simolola tlhaboloto m>i Along l<: Moruluir'i, Mu. XVn.'.uit-tvrrssJ.HBA , Bov H7U. (’np a<>. Setcslieneng sa Ela:i

,,R*un* r 1 ... Mafoko a kile a oeoa fa |»ele M - J^oXoaZcZ/ oa ^usJio oa laoli-eo-mogolo «n literoaa ts:i South Africa: e:»o nkittwwwi? g«^ nuipolisa a terena a n k -u hl.m. >- (Jtats'ko ya tfishiroloco. r.Miteiu, yaanong In b .k-i^ H- ^ s E r o m e l a n g 1 5 s . y a a - uimio i» tkda ^ t l a r o n i e l o a “ K o - t m . Tiling ea Kgoninjr, iii ikgua t» o ntse?1? yaio. ranta " so fitlhela . April H A F E K I N 0 , l^.dm nloo k.- Mr. \Vi,rll»m Tlhakola 7, 10W. IQ 0 4 . Mokoaleli fa Mnf.* ' :l KORANTA BA BECOANA AND BECBUANA GAZETTE, A1A T I .H A C O . M O K A X A N 'ii. iS I!>»3,.

Ho Hokgoatheng oa Balaocayo Gotebogana le Steshene sa Kutshe- Ho 600 Ra Weil. MACiOdONG Ke gone go fitlanjg Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Lintle tsa tsa m aleke: tse di eletsa go itsiso litsnla t*a I*, tsa Itatlliaping le Bccnana Banna, Basali le Banyana. choanang le ba bangoe l«i Kolong le JVl:i,r<- Lilampi le libone, Printe tsa Germane, thula fe go momela gon^7 fa a huliigctse jno nm- Lipampiri tsa la rifi, Listeisi (Bostrok) tse lintle, lisenke. unong alx> a gale mo j\fl; i < r ,. 'ong. Lithoto tsa met lia I, lesese le aparo tse lingoe, 0 TLA BAAKANYA NTLO eotlhe li ka bonoa ino o gone Hethale-thale ea Ljsfflka. LEFA ELE GO ETLEE- TLANG LO ITEBATEBELE TSA LITHULELOTSA ka tlhoatlhoa tse li EONE. lekanyeng. ]*a lira ka nuirumo, ba kabc BOTSHELO YO BO SHA. lipoinpo lc lilo tJ^J/lingoe tsa HADJE NASSIEP. litehipi tse li ka lutlang. Jftotegi 0 2 JJfc.ro tsa Fa u batla sengoc mo go Ixme O itsisioa W ti le Iki bangoe fa go bucoe C c moleino ca ______'S a n n a ------—— Liyo 1110 T lung c ehoeu e c kafa aytk ba bona go lebffgUria" i c O rata go itsise I.itsala tsa gxgw Li naina, MarotJio le liyo le li’noo cotlhe tse It tshdisan^ *mele Steshene sa “ K u ts h e .” fa a sale mo mannong a gague a koa ntle ga tse li tagang) li ka nna tsa bonoa ka nako cotllk*. Mo Mokgoatheng bogologolo, iko Ross Street. Malay Camp. / M. MOTSHEGARE, o a BULAWAYO. Montsioostari, M e s e g o ea G a g u . - . e siam e tliata. Mafikeng. T h a k a e e c o a n g M e t i . h a tlh e lo n g J. QERRANS, M osegi oa maanete ke eo ! § C g a k a e a M e n o , vaanong o hu- lugetse ia moseva ga tsela mo H a d j r N a s s i e p . Cohen's Buildings, go lebagana Co febegane le Stesbene PAfJKEf»G. ' Ross Street, Kimberlev. le Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- la meno, go tsenya a masha, lefa ele £oa baakanya, banale go 'mono . fW O C F o tu * . V ry ln •fa gafc^a nako tsa 9 oa mosho U Hueleli le 'Alaakutiyi ? oa maitsiboa : ' ka Tshipi nio lita etele. GnuTi le Kanton* m shong, fa ba moleletse-pele. FoliuJi. *v(JAKutOLO E E BOTi/HALF. ‘ Linama tse li sia­ meng tsa LIKGOMO le LINKII li ka nna Eo 0 sa romeleng tsa boAoa mo go tefo\ea gague mo tshiping e e tlang re E. t COGLE, tla itse faele sekao M O O O O R A 3 TOLLC. l"l*pci Jmc-s S tr e e t. gore ga a tlhole a KU 1 H £ Q L E Y . batla Koranta; 'me re M O T H U L l I-f MOI.fRI OA MAKOI.OI i .f. LIKARA. e khutlise. W.G. KIRKPATRICK, Moluetsi lc ’Mothuli ou Libaesikclc le Mctluile cotlhe ca lio Mash inc. MOR EKI SI O A 1.1 LO AX A COTLHE O Koatrakela Pas bo tsa tap e rial le K'atoai le Kwapoai ea B.S.A. GO LEIIAGAN’A LE ITarata ea Railway, BULAWAYO

KITSISHOv— Birtklii ba Koranta botlhe Wirsing Bros. ba cbaaaetsc %• luela FA KaOEU SQOE LOUIS PRICE & CO., LE NOOE E SHOA. Oa ke batle go t (G<» I'ota M ah.aka KaFaBoKONE i BAREKI, BAREKISI epela, ke lefa baliri ka Lc li pampir tac ke gatlaaflg ka csae fa li bococ ka lecopa KIMBERLEY. L e B a a n a n y i B a M e t h a l e ke II r e ^ ^ a J I p o A t e . Mw/rZv oa yiehilfU Mubcle, EOTLHE EA LlTHOTO, Ga o folisc ,si.‘iig tre |c *cngoe 'me ga I Morekisi le mvananyi ou nut- rctcle lo c k e r0lictJaagonac mo Fiwnrcn,', eo. o bogulc, co cbong enc # tUdo le liloana tea Secoana. MO TOKENG OA MAFIKA. o o lirecficng Ba reka Likgomo, Likobo tsa Liba- HOFFES TLHOATLHOA li Siame Thata: tana, Mabele, Mebili, Linaka le lipapali 5 r.'HaUr TJhotibotsa Karaka U Ha koaleloa . FEVER mongoe le roongoeeo II potsang tsa Secoana cotlhe. nftvrr koo.M: |.» fail CURES. Ba nale matlo koa Hoffe Medicine Co. Pkiktkii and published at the BE* Malibogo, fia-Khunoana, , Mi-tlunhin i o tlhuVnncunuf o r. kisica n I It KiUtJuOK kn >U. Lijtitlrc coft«* ku lipliutho! CIIL AXA PRINTING WOKKS. Geysdoq*. I'lialachwe, 12 ka i nyanti lile (t lo V ?«. nstw W nv»»-. Main Struct, Mtifeking, by tlie Molopololc, Mhalapye. Mo l.itorong cotlhc.le Barekisi ba Mc!en P p fr ic to r .S:i.a s M o r,m a. KORANTA ANA.

l i B E G H U , r k

THE AMELIORATION OF THE NATIVE. I: a b o u r, Sobriety, thrift and fiduc a t i c n.

K o . .’>6. M Al'IICi:Nlra, Liioilo le Lirailo H i m :ib,lc ejiH t u B u l l le Birali V a ia u ; li reVi.iM La

tlhoatlhoa tse li fokoleioeax, ka nllha ea lekaaia ya nako eio. Steshene sa Mapolisi a Priite tsa »J. li tieaa ki t l Kfltrat) lile I nu.lnl.' Hnki a tscoa ka td., Jeme ka id., tlbaiu fa shril«| _ BABKIY. WEST, La *J. UlMOl tsi JlJJe catliW llkalsa JJ. b j sMIcai mongoe l< aoafoe. A. L1VE1JS, Atv Baliivlt In III ' k' M jli'iti :i 1 ljUK: kr Mr. O koih; k MnrifUi't. -K a f a M o r a o o g \ H k .s k > n — , Fa lo ka tla lo tla bona lisholo tse li kgolo, ------• 0 t*hasa makoloi I«* uloira FERDINAND J. JACOB. a li Khafut>u Liaoo lia honkaugoa )i aj)OKje Imi

Iki U i xha. *I>rs. ALFRED E. LINLEY, ele.K * u . ; ilOREKI, MOJ?EKtS*a«»; i > ! [Le moananyi oa Methale eotlhe ealithotd Batxhaping !v L • V. . ltt.0 iRHRHKGRG OH I:IGOi£!feWL ) di *yarig Ge ? £1 , Flouru eo montle kget3e ea 100 lb. Rekang monogaeno Kgetse ea Boupe (yo bo seftloeng £2 5s. lithoto tsa methale l'nnte e ntle ea Germane (yard) f i l eotlhe e e dihang ka 4d. Printe tse lingoe ka yard Batlhaping ba gaecho. O SALE MATLO A TURKISH') K )A 2 »sa»/»a>n» le* • lfcthcle, K-L kki ur.»M, j\ «*.i SwanoiHjfl. . . . TUA.VSYAAJ,. Mono


EO O IAMLEN4 LE E TLA BULOA KA TLHAKOLA 3, 1903. J4KOB4, MO |K.: niaikadcloi a lijlbwli jm alia tlnit<» «• <• "■l.-ni' in i lihtli'iig t « I! Iiitcliuij', cljong Likit-> (mi 'fci/lz£OTig tsa ga 'j&hito'.av L egare: Botichere: Sekolechi: B o ru ti: ' In Tllmlcfo 1« Nonufo ™ iitin t*a lo tst; lingoe. Ka tt lutla 'S » utloa M-ntlf litifilvla K c Moliri co o.siam« :v^ on !•’• 'Rev. A. Hon i n' A t t e w a y , ondosf... R-rsck«« go i*nc «• ln*nc 1 10 Hanover Street, nnko ca c s i ormlc. CA PE TOWN. J U m l a IS *. Ii04 X« S i l l * M «lcma. Mafikeag, ■ lU angrU "K triiu " > | U | i Im . HOMMEL. •like •« IH J. Ma RONaKO ‘ ) >U II I K O'. I N Kafa HUrftfe fa JITCHELSON Lttaka yaga C. FR ISBY, MR. WILLIAH5. |0 rekisa Livo, Line?, Liaparo tsa

K'thale eotle, le Liloana cotlhe tse li ® l,g p 5 f t I:ichtenbiir<2, ' I.efacl; tiro ca jo» i**tnksiiiyu fokoang ke baaj;i ba ba kgakala le m-siuiio cn fikaru o e lira kn mu- 6ru R^vaal. ts*t**el«*ko. Ke nyaga lile 16 a tlho- Pfopo. Mo lekeng ka losi. mam e. KOHANTA EA BECOANA AXD BECHL'ANA (iAiiKTTB, MATJ.UAUO, MOKANAXH 1C» 3

CAPT. C. GOODYEAR (tsala ea ^qleja Becoana) o amogetsc taolo ea Bechnanaland, Tshire leco^JGriqitaland West, le distric-te tsa Madiko le Dicobotla ea go amogela B aliri botlhe ba ba eang tirong koa M E T L OBO /VG ea JOHANNESBURG.

Yaanong Metlobo e luela tlhoatlhoa tsa ntlha tse di okedicoeng, Liyo tse di siameng*, Matlo a phepa le koko e e molemo mo baboboding.

Phetolo ea tshegeco ea hospila, Faele yaka lo itshekisho. le maemo a mangoe otlhe: Go simolocoe phetolelo ea utluile temana ea diyo, gore go Kganeloe boloetse yoa maoto le melomo, yo ho ne ho ga- kitsiSho ea MO- ketse bobe teng- Merogo e metala (diyo tsa tshimo) le Lime juice di tlotlegi MoIaOli oa floa babereki ka gale; ebile go ikaelecoe go siela baliri boyaloa fatshe ya Tshire= yoa Secoana, yo le yone go sholofe- loang bo tla thusa boloetse yoa lecoea ‘7.2.03’ ere: maoto le melomo.

Baphuthi W e ba baliri ba ba romela koa go Capt. Goodyear mono Mafikeng; kgono koa Zeerust ba ese ba ee tyetloboijg.

G o a g i l o e m f i f e l o f i y;( > ik h t ttssea tn o leny; > efi Kruyjerwdorp m o Ijolii'i ba ba e a n g tirong koa metlobongbb ikhittsangterigba fio e cli vc».

'Baliri la nale go AontraZa mo agenteng mango* le mongoe, le fa ele mo go Qc.ptair. Goodyear liaeoi mo J f f a- foTling, lefaele mo Jftampen e e fa tselen mo S ‘fatlhane. K O R A N T A Iv \ B B C : 'A X A A \1 > i;.: . l . A X A m a t i . u a c o . m o ; i a \ a w . g lSSEKEij QEORGE & £ o. If ■ n m 1 iCaiKP XV*EStfKU« JfrtvnsnioA le Mr.' A. E. Mam _ j rkra!ijre;tg ’u":.... tu ««•••*• nirliioino bun*.' U» i» j! O nale lifCuloi • g» «me. ts£ li tvklsionng. ' Batloung ” T>f. li thata, lefa liso liucha. Hasimane I«ah* leraro Ii# 1j*-k«. I«.i i... I.-, mongoc ~ eo o , l*tl«itf , , _ ;i ETV*tbotfme fa***»• Abut!. ~ Niir Vr'i. m"' m *rar* M }. ngoe i> ka ea go It kclcku In Lipoaeka. i.iiKL«,.ka. oa Port Elizabeth. i kerokeitg i*n Gerefornure. P m w iio .—K rile malob.i i - cn'.o . k m l * lm •;;» M r. .I. « M H * i . <**v» o j Kc utloatsa fa ke’coa India: ‘me fSottoNSir Walt* r i ‘. M 1\ ke ithutile kieo oa go l»ala maliogo Huteliiuscn tnolaoli m Kajm .. o Ka tlmslio ca kico eo ke ka. gu tla etela Kintlvrlev ka kgoeii e c J bolelela’ku tse li fetileng, t.-a yana, kala teng. Moliumagali o likil.- le tse li santseng li tla gu tlela, ka a loala thata ebile maloba o il, gu ittnuelisa. Mngelane, go itlhahisa phefu. Ka thuslio ea kieo eo ke ka £ii giikol.ila tsela c e ka gu ntshang Mk<;ola<4.vi.imo. - Ikimti l«a kto ^3sj32©3^3.si. ~ba "ca ino mokgoeloong mongoe o o gu Hlantyre erile ba itse gore litlhar* bogisang; care ke bua imm- li tla ugotlcga Imi tlhotna tIlian- lltll^-sufeo l*z z ? a, lE’crt E'-'za- coettyiina use tnatitsi ma Iteilnrleng ling«*c ts?i tsckgoti. i -*«• go t«M*ng li.i ■ b s t i i . ca me ka gu Mmtlisetsa machoe- tie li gule lifute lile tt'K li ese 1> nyego.' I • tla mphitlhela ino Ut.-he likala.

C’ A R R IN U T O N ' S n iE K T , B a romcl'n lil<>?'iii;i go bapa le Seluga sagu Fclej>e Ukv. \V. Kg a n w m :. m<> It.-op,. ( V ) , ' ' ( j =■ • si ll«»>psta'l IVII.C., »i bn'livnc p i li.i 1 rtf 1 1 )( ) 1 1 l I ( )< 1 I I ] A. CHAU M S. eiiuura p b u t lic e a ga Kliumxina king nififclong mo lx»;inong \.>a fle-niti .1. S . MJot>l T il K SO I "TH A I'KK AN e‘> i. ronit l.^iiig koa biihuilitnfong't*-. HhvuiUnr Chrirtwna. c >tl 1 to n',S(»t »111 Afi'il“ 1 . S P R C tV r O R . Mueleli oa lielttianelo fsa llancbo Ciatoe nkoe mongoe boIailo< Gasemolomooa Kgolokoe. kgono k * »:i S*ellenl»o*<-|i. ganclicane I Fa u laetsa, coc a ku holclc “ size” Kereke, kgono Kabalauo c |h*. imitx-oo tatilelig <>a Capet wi . IC gatisiwi koa motsing- oa l.ikuakgam ai'* ts o li lekana fek. ta dinao sentle. L’ bolelc ic gare a o Ivgo.*ing oa Koloni ea ntlha ..ea le fa go ka bonou tl"U ea nageltL Eolith Afrika ((.’ape Tow n). v V. tno torojxniipea Kim berley. batla “ size” e tshcsanc kgono c c a- ifsioa ke jmisIio t>a Kapa. Natal, Transvaal le Orangia. l*'a u rata .Mi:. .1 S. Pi..iatjk fi? «* tlhameng. Mali a romeloa pc!c. go ut l«f«-la se se liragalang mo le- ctctac k.u Xokcng • T.MHiliu. »• latsiting yotlhe e rek«*. I’sala ea I'tile a lntlbe^eIo;i k>- likum\ mo jtselere. I'ancho: le M;ikg«ia a e l»ala. ki ea motho t;i I Uom-la litfcn^e^lik* lliaro* fa u rata g« a tlogetsc lipitsc tsa kara li gole-. Mcftse da ijitlhaio tsa ‘ Tolu,’ • iiuita: giloe mo Setratetig It sena mot In* ke *£ 1. Fa a tlogetse tim en m«t- J^ort QHzabeth. I:oo romclanR I5«. yaa­ ngoague a sa itoja ke £ly : fa :: nong, o tla romeloa “Ko­ sena mali ao 11 bo u tla li gaina 11 ranta** go fitlhela April sa li tlliapela. 1904. W. N. COOPER I'canDa. Iiarc lefa ele ny:»g.-; & Co., lilo .0 fela thuto ea Sekresete «. Morekisi oa melemo, kafa ntllicug ea notlhaha-tsatsi ea tlluisetse mo fatshing >-eo. mpieno nale likereke lib* t.oT'- MAI*AKA OA MAFIKA. Fa u tDalecoc, lefa . u sho :coc, kgono j nyal’s-, utloatsa m3 Kordntsng. Fa Hatl\o ba ba ts*-nang likereke ts«*<. ka metlha ba feta matlhausaii l . ot. ale 5 -. < it) < ;o T ‘H ()t.A lc S III'I :u ,v MaShU'xi;. Sir .1. -Haniilttm j COOPERS PECTORAL BALSAM. 1/6 le 2 <> ir j bot I e 1 eng. ’Bolelang Linyalo. le lincho le (ioold-A'lams. uiolaoli oa <>nni!ri:i matsalo botsala bo utloele mo o ile Kng«*Iane. Hare o ike- Il-KHA T S A UAM Y.V^-A. i ^faisheng yotlhe. Oabeli 5s. COOPER S BRONCHITIS MIXTURE. I I e 2/6. . tleeletsa g»» tshelela koa tnoseyn, a \ ii ^araro ts. 6d. ea go ipliokis:! pliefo. Fa es-ile T>A 1 HUTTON^S FEVER POWDERS. 1/6 Phulhelanyana. amogela bogosi yon Mangjiunv ga ese a ka a rojiele tiro shogo. le M O O A LIKUCJO . I COOPERS ANTIBILIOUSPILLS I/-. Ka letloyana Motsio oa isosa c«* o ikanneng. |(Q 0 PHAMPHANYEOA MARAPO. Koranta ea Becoana. Mr. J. W . (iallatHl, <0 okile a nna COOPER’S RHEUMATIC k PILE MIXTURE. 2sM . la l!tl*r*»«. a tieha kafa I.obatsi, •» koa Ua<- MATLHACO. MORANANC, 25. 1933. ^ompieiio. o bcreky mo Bankem. BU OI ba ba k 'a l u U b « k a koalela M ornlaiaayl . a KORANTA la b i ral as® rnattlu eagji Hoiiinson. X't’o. Ltd., ebile <• pTHL’SIIOANA e e e le ts e jn n - e . lirela koranta tiro e e molemo koa momlio me kea clctsefia, lona bania- Port Kli/.abeth. C«K*lelu pele kgo- W. N. COOPER 6 Co.. 1 Y i-ru sali-n ia, vak a litt-n ta t#.i | Ki ^ara lo lilepctelo tsa ga Solomon. ngo;ina e khuchoanc. Moananyl oa melemo Sc ntebcng goniu* ke le moncho.: ;.i«me letsatM le mphatshimelse :, Kcost ngoe ea Transvaal e •• li.mna ba ya me ba ne ba nkqaka- i • lela: ba ntira molebeli oa inastino, hilioaug H ans Masibi. e litelisieiie ,t hone a molina, eare tema e.ika ea ! *^5 mnloba . ke Magesctrata •-.! hi..>lm.i o'! tlboka molett. Nvlstoom. Hare ktiiuodante mo- YOUNG Bros., E (S. fela s;i ga Solomon i. 5 le h. ngoe oa leburu o fitlhile are pit>v ■RcrsSfsi -- L:i's ts- ...... eaga Masibi ke ea gague. )lasibi U i A 1URO TSA MKTIKM I l-< *1 I II I- a fela polo a phamola Mctenc-u lioplui konnxlanttf t 'elli.-r^ *. i ..(I: MAFOKONYANA. W U^etikcle ye lu shn. Maikael« l<> a l»*»ig ,,: k.- ir* shone, fa ba tla isana kgotla. I .• |W.f I ° moshou lc <> motrcho, k:i Tin«,:^ • 1 Mit- I.i-NKt Vs k o cfetsj Kim-I Mi:. P a :.v . u . k . w l:>»lu.imW« ».■«,.»•>•.*.W » .ml-U,rili.. ilka Ut Uilx-b. ka kob'i. «-.m- m eth ale -1 ha le. M ..I-IM « K . I.CTSAIM. .«| ) l a - | l« "'- »*--•» la-W u lu I.-.-.. . (KMiOLO. .. ii. T . . « n » ? . °tONG LE* MAFENKt) A LOKEISHENE kE T SA H I S i • i.uLnuiuc «ka litlbaMi nio ra aiTatlliog nig." "•.;.?■*;•' 11 mk. QOLO. REA II FOMHETs* M k. I* .:i > M o ri.H A iu x i;. •«« im>- j e <• tno U w jikuleng in;islHn- k e ea f.t ; illtokaliiVe 011a it lsale(oo sekiKjutmuui J 1'tno ga leitlln*. A pvgim ke hat Ilia- In,., !<■ M'-. I'AIM^N. ItkHiuivuiiit, t:H'U*littyaim W alw a iiiksi k o lo :n g y .an.*ng ele G o leljogaiwi le .Mi*. WILIJA a > . fet:i .ni:ib»l«t- I f, ,a* * 0 no shipyard .vr^rrr. Helang, Barolong,

le Becoana loti he 1 / i < - \ kofi, shukcrc M I L I . J ’. 1;° . ea s'° ,v btt.tlan"' , „ / ^

tlogela thoto e /S . ^(7y . / / ....h“- e siameng fa ^°V 0 meyakong '& ■ . / luiiiiu mu yu niunuuiiy no DGlUUIili LEWENKELE ye lesha, le bucoe', ea Iona! goo Ra-Roelane. - «


: r l o l

| Mr. Lekonc a tsamaea a abcloa ’ yaka Koranta e gatrsioa: Se re se ga* motse o o lisioang ke tncsalj n i Beitale e title ke phutliejro a ba | narig ke fa are o re ruta ale ktfa tlametlo, inonna eo nn>ti;ij a ljrel«»a molctlo ke balumeli ba j Kimberley le .Johannesburg K o k a n t a rnileng matlo le mafatslic ^ Likgaolonyana. Lokeisliem* l<>a Fobuli lotlbe fc'ba wnc ele mono. f-’a u ikutloa "ore u bangoe (Ratepayer), im>in«« Cfiiin li o f Knglaml. ka. re «l>upetsa yaka K o h a k t a e g*- _fela eo mali a <;uguc my U usioa palaraa terena o tie, ga re tsliabe fetang ab a nka Me, SeMcH 1.1tlhoatlhoa.— Maloba koa Kapa MKssKsDtWrssELK&Co. Thaka < <•: 8° ruLcu' reke fa se rutoa ka elKawiJ ;rono go nale fantisi, go laola li- itsegc w thata n:o Fohuli fa ele mo nerei c*e tsamaisioen" ka Ii tlhoatlhoa tse. Lipitse li v a g o coa IxMigenteufr. Faele yaanouj* ba b tsliimo e ngoc fela eela lieeloK sentle, 'moltoli co n fa go £20 go ea go £37 ; bomoiilo . ile ba okets i ttimo ea bone ka hr eo folisicoeng ke ngakae 1 £25 go £*49.10-; kgomo tse li ! Pmtfisi. 13a utloatsa fa ba t :i Booker T. Washington, ngoe fela fa e rcrilocd uamagiiii, £2 0 go £44.10/-; kgo- i fantisa pa lo e nteli Moninansr . Fa mo- j his 28 j bongoe fela fa lx> tslidiloe J £2;\; tse li potlnna, j£7. i 0 - go j ng«*e aheile litalaimma o kabo a Oo'nalerannna co monclio, koa m„ imc. cotlho kc condi k a be £•12.10/-. F a batlhotlhoniisi ba Uni botlhalje yo bogolo fa aka etela Amerika, mimgoa leina ye. Ke niung j ja,,^ rona i{anc||()< fL;*(), .tsa nutlliale ,eotllie I mo likwatislioii', floct< t*.nmiuia fela lm kabo ba iiatelelion — :o: — ;kou hkix.Iplasn.jr raloskctcc, ihoJi go etcl.. fantisi ngoe ba ea go liona Likgakgam aco. K? -'S L T ,Kt; «-t..nS()»na nm- litlhoutlbca t*i lilo l.a cseba. kgo- j, Bkite »'**.mol' kp,™ baaclio, a ...... M . r ba lirang ka one gompieuo. i barastown « njxletec ka go , , totaa... “ !»*> a femm'lgono , KclotHwko « k. will i Erile an1 fit&ctulfitlltcloa tiapamliamm tsaI . '_r:i'/iii« -n .. S■"'■■"■v !* * ) ba"" , ookotefrc _l',ka:c fa 1. W a 5 c rc ,”" s ...pets, " C . a Haralo ---- - ! fa Hi,u,bim5 Uc fe«,tle i . »l.„loM,» f„ ! « 11 b* l“"K liu™ . f I ' M " ! f«“ «te *» " aoon. „ „ . ; a octec mo .ncuiag a Ut.». Yaimir.g W 'cl° ^ l.tbMa .».rc j kdutlhoko, ka Som aulasd.-—Bare mo Islupmg ! ut|uc|„ f„ morufcti kllcsi , ^ to btllmmauc : m kc motbo co o rncag IcfaA, lcj.1 Tlie e e fetileng pele makgoa a kile a ! ^..li k y„lw,stowu, a ii™ | u '“ ta« ! " ° ts?a"'» -™.0 f“ P>-, '•» ■"“ kl ' i male .•lioaragana le b»th»l»n. l.aega : ln0 M 'n.etli. Fa a l»,lioa : "'l»«,“-/» «« s'.™ maa', J UL™ L 'i - i ^, I “ one li Mlllla; fa ba. boleli. bare l.a b , ; mi .doa mcgopol.. ra iramic ele sc- , .VV kl,?»™8 Ue b fftlhileng ka te go ikoUlejsi n “ clean Ij Iwlaile 98; lm f.-ap.-. kamela lile ; tlaslm fela, a «a itoe tlbolcgo ra gagne t8hll“ f 0 Je[lle,,s tsa A"™ *® . ne Oa ke lo l.,.Me afc ..,(MKX) le linku lile«.!XIO. lefa de liuua In gagne ga U. gakolo- ! rc “ “ “ i.c a laklaM go m go | *.«e cliosang. K c The Gatoe maloba mo tsbiping !*.**. O n aaleW itoa tlbSup., i IK“ ^cl.crc. (polclo) mo Holong menfc cut lm have am letileng mephato ea Mabiirn le : ebile a kile a linloa mcrapclo ra p,. - I " '* * , “ '"cl8c « *»**» f* J * «• ! ka c ‘f ' ? 1 Mafeking Maegepeto, a a tlbabanelang til... k,« Abcidcen lc koa Un.ha.ns. i S '1'," 0 ,oa lc b..ral. l a erne fano pele j t< WI, ; Makgoa. Mafoko a mnngoe u gagtie , meoa ca bu f. ‘Sout/i tlie Kngelane a tlbasetse litlhola tsa j J__ n:.___ a ka lemofalela morafe o monebo oa j batlang go siiii|frlnatj Mnlla, a choam masomali ale Rimik IU tow a lm on. l I n •: falf' '“if Ce yeno.fayono»ia o a tsaea tsia..bin. . ReKe .re- .re-! I«iu. l>elc. Ke 1 • IhAW 28 lekgolo ya likamela le linku His j 1 , 1 lile 1,00(1. iibile gato'J ba lnhgos ftoniate ca ..iafoko, U. m> In. tlhola |M j to Bo » "maka otll.c ka o buile la tow «« t**. G oor.n-Ai) ba ntse ba nyoega ka senya ba tla Orange Hi go inecla nn* m«ikgoen^. 1’ w ka tt " “ 'l,B C11"" rck .<'«np»n«- c ^v ba r 1 AUi 0 nUa w kabn 11,80 ,olc. *rc!“ tcII? mo jI fIlktxbJ » k,|c. |,Mt|aj.| s i joiitein for England. Ko.v Macedonia lc gone a M . .no Iwcnwg ym go Icboga p|mU.c!!o„g ra baliri ba Bo.,oho koa ga ! fa kene ko » sale niaragaraga. ^ ' l 'i “ l ...... "bo- Kho, loa titlua }'..ka nioi.ua mongoe ca luluets,). | 1 ± , t a J’ 1;' lmrc « •« gaeebo a..c .. ipolcla kafa o rckilJug ! Ga tl.ca tsite. 7 *' r C?C “ kKo'o't**" «. gague katcng. Are till,,1a kc b Ml Uons o u r I Mati.iiomoi.a fEl.0. E k ile ciireb ^ ! ^ . * 7 " Kotmrtji c„c t.|c t „ nyaga lilo2(1, a !men.feeuua«Jio« aologolo. re santse rc coala li pina- c c , j siroolola kgololcgo a scnu lofaclc i*«i;|gobo ko Ittmcb ‘ Satunl tore Legcrikc lengpc le bilie. | ^ ^ * ‘k?eW4 ^SpbdlescKo ca > e le | fo tl.asilsc- tb . who j ga ea lekana, o tla e oketsa ka kgolole- j -Me ke liimela fonr ^ ;[lf.,!;,',P;'d:,7 “ l tlm«i. ^ I >w....ding be f 8"*** ■> klc 0.. mongoe, etc U».„o..g jib go : _Jt_ . wwrontein, In tsheln n.ol„]w niolapo ka -moratho nioratho le Kln.«a| ;i „ w 'o o " l utbct k « "aa- aa- "B knbr, eleole nnanm, !i ^'I “ “ ? , * * ? tir° a re,"“, .l,utB"p’ i C T m Vrybi,, ..l.isall g o b liosigo, a ligcla mo- nkuki kc rinmi, kc riann, kc riana I ?o T T lltJ!"lko’ « •“ » baki, caroa . a km. (la ® ^ f"-' annul »• ,-:.ts - mo nokeng. Xynga tso li ka.ua.ic lilo u». o.na rc li n-okc’ ! ‘ ? *5 " * * k|-'0!"0l "*0*“Uc I la-'oll')- 1 111 M kga- taS- t"Sl Aeivs.”

W||'l' Ethiopia, 'fl'o Xative n p i 4 l. ron? 8°,l™I»IL‘no tl«iliui lecoku : itFeJa bnjlioiikga Ik> Llluibiai litlliong. ,n„i,.|. l*>ir W>*r* that . ; } o ka wisi, ve le tic lc ilotfa Barnti.. i»ereKis«..,a. Ka iH;,.eloidele : ka !.. lulb3 * ^ l«aM«l3o l veo lc tlog<*tsc tiro ca yonc e c I ^ „ S E ! 11 , a a l ’ P«i»>ng ere DJilfiotf(i uia a, Eelcnio, fiarica fa i«it*i mo r,ial«c? .1

■’mi, '"■!l -'fr. ™»g representati

'"nsliip ad,l8 “ f ■'nglio **?>«», anil, tliron«f V « W c o •id tr l'illrc ^ccotniuj lWe political I ■_-011AXTA KA BE( oan'A j AXD^BECUUAN'A GAZETTE, JIATMIACO, MORAXAStJ, 11*03,. Wo lean, Umt Brami„ Xlxn, Edward 0 . Oreea Fm- The puMmlien of tbeMlzwi I^iUutt: lu“ I*®*'1 the K n - N ative B a b e r e k i . tninutmu in musical tw M - t in 0011- A fter holding the lH^iiHiu of ‘Actiir^' I *>ur lAindon n t n l n n p m n . w ill, T r iu it y C.,||w ., l^ m ln n . C.C., and R.M ., liere for tin- |w.< 18 ' ,,r,l,,irpd « P>'»«. ami tiiey n..« months this •gentleman lias now U-en I**-’0 1 * ml |sildisli th «r own K A< J A K IT S IS H O ka«\ t'\ r r "s » been itinicr the tuition of Mi-< M St,;H:»n, nf Aik*.. gazeUe«l Civil (*ofnmM>i«Mier nml Rtsi- P1* ^ ^ i '.CJOODYKA R. c e hoimluug nn dent Magistrate for the division o f! n^netr ™ knijf tU-pcivUnt 0 :1 Isebeng ea bobeli ea kgutisho t-no, Mafeking. Since Ii.- enured tbcO«.lo-! f1^ . "* «'« »«*“-• " f tln-ir )«(ler re liu’coc go utloutsa jjajie fa In me 1 . the a>-ii:min:iv arc n i» l w 'n i o ' in th e Colonial Sem ’tnry's : ><'rT'“ n#w uK* that we r»Kil l m< Mam uni- to tlit- (rm i nmiHit for tin- »uhw b a t l a ai)M^n| bolmtlana y o o £ 2 10 O ffltv in 1887, Mr. C.n-en has i m,K'h thHn « few nvmtlw. Th- mont of compel,ration .Jnims. All fii b a fa oolim o, kgono £ $ . ■KrvUx* in various ca|«eitit>. at K ing!llulM’ tl’**'iw iu nrnil six? ami % ven licreku. nrst inviision claims and a few of the Williamstown. Aliwal North, lkwcons- ncatly uw.lo up, iu n style ilia mo kgoeling fa lm lini 1110 mcko- ewwl invasion, ,,r ratlier of fieW, llojvtow u. Stutterheini, eU*. ia ,n m i* I * 1 ’nncd a cn- lit lo N*tiv> ting. B a b a tsenang ka one ga I .a them that Here not disallowed, |WNX. i amogele !*obotl»u.a yoa £ l ,V. yo Before Ih? came to Mafeking he was ^ ^prw e. \\ e w iah our <\>ntctH|* »rar- now been settlt.il. More than half of Assistant Resident Magistrate f>»r the 1 ^ run on its new departnre. I bono bo ur.Ioalicoe pelo. Lcjrsi!- Uie claims have Iren disallowed. district of Allnny. to wbich position he j .V? ** ,,ot Pr,*‘P**r',y then tljc naU! fanmfag iinplements sol.l n. M afeking tween the Civil and Military rections of R«*»m at Taiing* TuomUv than dunng the whole of Uie last t'ie cnmmun tv speak voluinns for hisj white nun u n i uaiutul s>«ght. month und the month before. Some administrative tuct^ It is therefore \ white convict allirrd in the hjbili of tlie amounts awarded to the more wiUi virry great pleasure that we tender j mcnts of ditgracc was cmmricd lion SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 1903. thrifty people have Urn lairied awl to him the congratulations'^ of the the lock-up down to the village. w ill n o t Im? in circulation until after i;uard tx-mR a N ative w ho swaj; Native inhabitants, and our w ish is ■ 1 AM BI..\CK, hut comclv, O V<; daughters another stock fair, which (of cairse gcr«*d along behind him armed witl- that he limy be endowe I w ith more j of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kcdar witli S4*ine reasonable exe.-pfiou*) all a revolver, Thcv had lo piu . and the ciytains of Solomon. ^ |iower to help shake thisM raided " sliow that the iroiHTosity of the large swarm of N'atites who wer* Look not upon me because- I \u district from its present suite of! waiting to appear before the Cotr Govcninient is not Iieiiig miaplacul. h!uck for th e sun hath looked upon ruination.to better times. penvition C«>mmi\>ion.and I wonder me; my mother’s children were ed nhat some ot them thoughU— I angry with me; they made me the a Native i« good enough to buv ^ 'l M*® -tth lilt, the Licensiu*; Court Rhodesian Repablicaas. keeper of their vineyards • hut inv for the Division of Victoria Kart held about white convicts, isn’t'it tint, , owii vineeard have I not kept. The words of ex-Presidcnt Cleveland that some were appointed M)(i> its half-yearly sitting in Alice. Two on tbe Ne^ro question of the. tratcs and to Other official position* petition* had—been presented to tlie United States .will Im* real in w here they can dominate ov er whit, C o u r t, o n e sith u rg in g sfaction, as lieing evideiK-e of u i and a miitakc. P a r l ia m e n t lins .been 'summoned the memliers of the court to restrict revulsion of feclin '.in the subject j What does a swarm of Native* air tu rn e d . 011 Friday June next. the sale of the liquor to Natives us of nol«>r. Maahonalander* and v|K.Ule, a prisoner is attired in iH.bilii« stringently as the limes Li.tn >r I’.illj Mataltelelanders U»th l«inie»I that ,r coimmalitv '! It matters not on* •ni|K)wers th e m to d o . T h e C o u rt, by j The Chief Wessels Memtshieu and the days of “ Lucie Tom s < abin j :iuU. to thl, buudrwls ^ .>uni>enMli.u three votes to two, refusal t«» take; lia.l l.mir wince pmcd »*«y. to U u n „„„ .hither omriit iraanU .r. bis Headmen have just returned fnun action, and insisted 011 continuing to jrivc |.laec to ■ nnm: IrealtliJ oi'd U hite or Waek : .m l if the «xht of i a boundary commission near PhitshqiH* expose the Natives of this District to v i j o t i w , if a less sniKirficmll.v j (%nllltry m;ul ,i,„i|„|, n m i V u n n i tlie temptations of the cafttecn?. We attractive sentiment. W e have to ! can so shock the nerve* of this grura a r e in fo rm e d o n gons:ind gallons of the vile Cape thodist Conference for tlie year popular, Krause the icst under- 1 ^ Hlld nVoid the indiguitv oi Brandy— **Ca|*e Sm oke” as it is «-all«tl- ,-^.«l : ami thenfo-e the dinm t | bejujl i*coruJ l.y .anlen. is sold Ui the Natives in this Distne: and the tuw.lricst sentiment has \ u ... ------!_ — . ------. . Rut a man is not sentenced to i< M r . B . G . G r e e x C. C. A R. M. each month, and this is not a town t h e g re n t4*st v o n i e . M r. C le v i . : . . , * ‘ i *vterm ' ,n of...... impriiguOK'iitiitw innuv ui in »*iin onler i %■■■ tha will address a public meeting of the canteen. Wlia* the siik-s in town ter ' I-"'! < M *7 * ‘J.'1' li’Sto*!' Of free. |,e rimihl ifem tm tntr hi. •nperioriti canteens are is kept very quiet, lmt the Baraloug iii^ Montsioastud Uiis after- •Kan »»n the? Negroes and the full, The gaol is iiot nn institution fot results of these salts may be M b seen aoon . . rights of BtlKln.lnpwhic.iwra- U e „f white men niraiiw, and heard any day of the week, ami e v e n in g u sefu l t*« th e S o u th I b|tt,.|j c ju a l i t y . A c r im in a l is s e n t t especially among the gangs working The Compositors in onr last issue, African, wm» is struggling against | A C o n v ic t S u '.h m t o s u ffe r a n d h oc t«* on the new railway after pay-day. It male Professor Washi 11*^011 to say pretty heavy odds to prevent the; t.„joV himself. So if this growl, - is liule wonder that labm r is so scarce “one life cleanly liyely” instead of mw rae.s of the; cvamtry lieitur 1 (-unuot Dud a mere suitaldc h *zv f (M iu the district. “ cleanly lived.” place;.! cm a fxililical a:i I serial |«ir I public eipiuion against an" im»- x ith himself. ..jginarv black deinrnation. than tl • D r. CRt'M—The fuss that has ltcen W e w ere tie 4. aw n t» t h a t * 4 R-iolesta tt;sjstlc»liip of convicu, lie h ail** . T iie C ompensation C omm issio n made over in the Uniled States against is the whole of S u t Afrtcai; aid *n > jgive the enlurnns of tlie **Diamon«’. have concluded their investigations in Negro appointments appears to have crediting South \fncans w.. i tlie Kiel Is Advertiser” a rcsl until be .hal Mafeking, and they have left for the law Iry ” }M>litie-s eif its m i ijio-ters, the been gn-sitly e x a g g e r.ite his way of thinking (who, we are sorry and no louger. on Saturday aftcniocHi ut St. t’olumbn s On Saturday last a party of sports­ 1 to sav, prepinderate 011 this side of the Rut is not thu Rhodesian who finds N a t iv e ) C h u r c h , a p p r o x im a te ly I.'m* men, who were out shoeHinir^ came Atlantic),—all that he con|d say to a peculiar satisfaction iu Atncricau j Matelrle lioys I ring lujitisel. Tl.e- across four lions in the thick I Kish aconnt for his presence in the t>{>- politics living in a paradise of fouls ? IccrctncNiy lustcsl fn»ni .i.:to until an.ni.. abounding between W olvespruit and It is their wish that the Maaliona officiating edercymen Iring kc\s position was b we still have n*i*es ami Uesfontein, about twenty-four miles slicaihl never lie sufficiently cnlightene*! Gillanders, Windmsh and Salt. Thi> n u n s iu t h e N »uth, an d if th e |K»licy o f from Vryburg. The hungers, win* to aUain tho frandiise, while every Jchiireli is sup|Mirtcd by voluntary n»n- appointing Ni-gnis to office is insisted were armed with shot gups three civilizcd man iu the Sou them States is, tributions fnun the Kafirs, ami ih* u|K>n. we know how to use them.” A allots at the lions at a distance of aUSut a voter. Under the cireumsUuices we! Sunday otllcctious would gladden tin weird answer to a pithy (pastion. Poor hundred yards, the animals dam ping fail U» discover what is so peculiarly | hearts of many of the town clergymen, fellow ! W hat else could he say ? towanls IiCosfoutein.—-*»llccb mainland satisfying in ex-Presidcnt Cleveland's. Ther. were several hundred Nativo. T ii e IX n -tor h as now lieen ap|H»intcd News.” ’■>e laration, whidi is xceeding useful ( male* and female, in Uie chun h, wlic. however and neclless to «iy\ tlierc was to iKLt'islt South Afriesms. I followed tlie aenicc cluaely and, to al! 110 opposition when he assumed office. ____ :0:J__ ; npiiearnuocs, derimtly. Tlie servict Rut the alarmist o«*rres|iondcnt* expreas S nne fonl-imattiic liar appciim to;» « ehorjl, anil 'Uie' ninsiiif tla Wkite Ethiopian'. d their disappointment in a message to .1 , 4 know a p««l d « l more ahrtitonr lin.i- hvinn* and elnuiu improved out by its the effect that a Negro has been The Native churches of South Africa ainenn tlinn we do ourselvw. Antmliii? | mrnottnM. and ^uiUneity. Tla Ivudie l for murdering a jMdiceman, ami are apjKiivntly not tlie only ln*die* to this qnidiinne. the •" Kiva ita'', randidnte* for baptnni were examinc-i that this lvncliing was specially carried whose secretaries will have to render a has a white editor now. S . our ex- , ill the llioial way. aod then immersrd in .Hit in order to demonstrate (topular Jieriodioal return of seceeionisls. It pmaioiw an- not KHiuine alnriitinaJ » hir)te. jtultnullKd U til, after wliat, disapproval of Roosevelt V negro |x»hcy. ••‘Prtai-s that, not only they but. the sentiments lait im|«nnsl rnini khiiv they went iHtt/ide and iluuned a Hiri- f l i e e o ir e 4 M>ndent m u st h a v e te le - w\>|K-.ui adherents of tlie -Xng.ican foifi ni Islands. -New. to na indeed, soni und IM nternl tlie dllttt h. laiuj; L,imre!u.*sar«jalsoliec<)min,'diseouiented. .T.mlll- I III. inMop.- •*" Ili- f " '! “ vit all uIhiiii oum.|v«. i l'l"*wl >« "'** ■■• trwiaepta. Kac.i J Icmoiii't I.S tlltn* is nutlims IK* m Others think that, tlieir Church is too ■ Now eiery lw«l) i» fns- to ja Ii r I Native i-irrle.1 a lighted i-uull.-. am. Puritan and others agaiu consider its Ivm-liiiW » N>-T" 'Ii - 1 " ” " 1 nhout IIS as" far- a* the len)jUi of ui. ufuT the aetual Ui|»ism eompletis*. osiw iiillv wli.11 ii is for ■■ s rions .TinH-. tales are too I11erardiic.1l. . -hist the 1,,,-ne »ill i-.irrv Him. tliat is m liins tlie Te Ileu m w ut « iiik . T h e I t o •erjone may not be in aympolhy «ith . beiu*' forlittem rted \ ;i»leiuv. assaulting ^••ouiing representative only of tbe most the fiut that tln-«: lil.u k hands edit j the dirMtialiMUlg of the Native, no *i whiu/ni'jn, and-don't swo.Mi-inis- '-xtreine Ritualistic section. This patty ami print this pa|ier, it is about lime - »lai saw tlie ivreh ony and w atchrr! nke)! iilentitv. S.. if all they am do, '■'s lordship adds is diiviug large wc reminded him to study the pildon i tlie deim-atieur of the Natives iu tl« Jo ^ urk tlieir ilisa|iproval of anythlBIt, '•umbers of Anglicans into non-con­ r u le and Mixn His own HtrstXKw*, a .lc liu r d i, w ill "n idjre .t v d it to Jl . in-A eoontr,' I ke tt a u ■» Ij i k Hi * • formity, and through their intolerant forsooth w e <3111 Kit along without the jOOhuidn* for hi* paiustakinK ami murderer, then » e cainwt.lMi ' ' ““ f i e ^ttitnde are becoming.*! source of cou- ■ c vices of rani I>t t - -[xirticularlv i Isboar. eiteodin); over ti.ree years, ai d •fMCRible political da »ger in alienating ua: tliere m.m " d " 11,1 ...... whci bed. siblcs. ' ' I the visible tv nlta oStaini.1. •he syinpa'fiies of tlie l>utc!u v e r t e x tra o r lin ary . KORANTA EA BECOANA AND BECHUANA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MORAXANG, ioust. J. F. FLYNN C F L E 2 J X ) . BAFANTISI LE BO .AGENTE. PHOKOANE LE BOGOANKU. Ba nale Lifantisi tsa latlliaco, tshipi cotlhe. Molaetsi oa Methale eotlhe ea Lithoto tse li Mebili, Ifabele le likoko lia rekoa lia rekisioa. tlhokoang ke Bancho. Ke li Laetsa ka nosi P O. Box 22. Koa Engelane, ke Ii lo neele ka tlhoatlhoa tse Teletnphic Address: •DENNISON." .Mpfekinr. li fokolicoeng ke s^lo luelisa bogente. j: C. GOQDERSEN, Lipapaco tsa Bancho cone ke li reka ka (Kafa morago ga Dixon’s Hotel). tlhoatlhoa tse li golileng, ebong:— Mothuli co mosha oa Makoloi lc Likanj. M A E : i s 6 d l c . i s 9 i 0 tiro II slainenK thata. Le tlhetlbea tsa gague II eft / A 'M 2 KUK Lo ESE I jrt ItE K IS E M aE I X LlKOKO TSA okollcoe- ______^ ^ io iia lo c c Sctorong' sa gn F i .e s 1. <> tla lo tekcla ka choanclo GO FETA* MATLO OTLHE A BECHUANA LAND. E. Solomon, . GOLEBAGANA LE STESHENE LIKGOtyO! le LIHDTSHANEl! Liaparo, tse lincha, tsa Bahumi lc Tse li rekisioong mo Sakeng ya rona. U ka nna iui li Ikuiu kn Bahumauali, Bohutshe-4i L itlh ako nako cotlhe fela ka tlhoatlhoa tse li koa tlase-tlase. Fa o ka tla k< ana go ro n a -S h o a n tis i c nna gnngoe.fcla ka kgoeii. Go nale 'foiloanc tsa Jftetem o lo fezr.oo. D. WESSELS & Co., ; O itse Secoana eang go muisa fela. M‘ Agente le l»a Shoantisi ftlhaloganyclioc ka molemo: lc yaana Go lebagana le 'Kgotla ya Magoe Seta rata oa Fohuli. j Brb. Phillip arc lilo cotlhe o tla li (chain W. G. KIRKPATRICK, j ’me facie Rcisc ca mono Mangaung g.i j nke h clcbala.. GENERAL DEALER, Ke nna, Opposite Railway Yard, ’Lumclaug liabali. ■ W . X . T j &TXTJO, . ' J , G. NTLATSEXG. BULAWAYO. Bloemfontein, O.KC. Magoe oa ga Mamakwalo. ' ----- ; ' — 7, r ------■ x———— _ T sa Bakoaleli BAKCHO BA ttfU ’. K o a T a u n g . [K k :P.‘L- SIoLis^roLt.] (in. Mo r u .aga.nyj, - . - 1 Tllfagisho nw” babaling i»a Koranta Ke Mothuli eo o mo Bcnkeleng co e ne cle. <»a Ma. Coe coc a a ko u ' rapelesegc le botlhe ba Afrika* bogolo lona Iki malcvvalo eo fa botshclong o sholofela go lint tiro tse li siameng o ntseuyetsc tnofoko a me mo koranteng I Orangia, gopolang. ntla ectc tv ca gago ca botlhokoa. 'K c t»otsa ba- I lebptsc go itse fa lefatshe le re ila. l’n- thata tsa bothiili. , Inili Iki ba nang le kico ea Reise e e I ncho yoa roua ele molato mo ba- • gasicaug motho motll ango o nyalang shoeung, lo tsamaea-tsamaca yang ecti- Jgore c shupang? .Bogolo ka nna kc j lo mo fatsheug ya lona, a gase kutlui- : ntse kc ikaketsa ka gore e kaca Ixiitu- | sho botlhoko go bona pampiri tet ! melo 1q go elelctsa bauyali matshego a ! makgoa li tletsc tshempololo ea Bauclio RALICUQMCqO, l*otshelo yoa nyalo c c molemo, ’me ke j ka mctlha, eleng melato e e boitshcgaii" J bona mono ektte gu go a nna yalo ; kc ! ka metlha. Seo ke go folosetsa maitse** bua yana, mogololc P. G. Ntlatscng I a bao barcng l>a batla botho koa tlase: ( < p a tlase ga @rolos3 0 tona, A oa ^eamanena.) oa (Jantcng ona a nyala maloba, ka Mo- j kc go thatafatsa mogopolo oa taakgui. ------:o:------~ . rannng 1-1 mono. Erile a coa mo j ca «o re nyatsa le go c x;lc'. a tsa ieina Kc:ekcng gabo go se ojx.* o' c j ya “ kafore" |>elc. Fa lo sa ineelc molau 0 eletsa go itsise Litsala tsa bo tsa gale fagasaug rciso, erile fa arc o j agologn mo go o utloa, lo tla cmclelaua goleele g<> karcng, are esale a bona Mrs. K. M. | lekae le katlholo tsa letlhoo ; itseng fa ebile a erne sentle fela yaka gale mo maemong Khonkhobe, a tla a phuthetsc Reise ; molato oa moncho 1110 pushong tsi . abo a gale. Marokgoe, Likobo, Bohutshe, Li­ csalcyalo, ke fa go tla basali ba ’tmilaea j Imshoen cle tshiamo ka gono kc tliolx- ka cone, crilc a tsena mo tlung alx> a sa • mo pushong. . JCa (Easter Holiday - tlhako le Aparo tse maanete li ka nna tse Ik ju c Ic gore mosali co o coang go mo ; Mosckisi oa lekgotla ya malatsi ya rona neoa o kae: arc lc yaana basali bao | mono Bloemfontein o liapetsc go ka rekoa gone fela yaka gale. ba katx> bn sc lm tonna o kabo arc a feta £G0 mo Banchong ka tsatsi lc!<- yaana ga bane lm r.ole botecno yo | yosi, kabelo tfia basiamololeli molao. G O W I E B r o s ., under the Clock. ckctc bo ntse bo kukutia mo motscng i Bonang baocho re sebe re tlogccoc kc 0110. • Qhali e'rc bonang batho bangoe I Molimo kantlha ca melato ca rona! Corner of Jones Street and Dutoitspan Road Kimberley. ba. bile bare ba coctse boyaloa ya Sc- j Mentla ccte boshulu bo lebile rona * * coana ; fa ba ikakctse bare ba 110a Se- ; batho bobe, are iki tse fa lefatshc cst- fate, sclo ba itse 'mala pa shone. Ba i ya rona re sena Uhiariiclo lefa ele co ore mo gasa ruri aln\ a kabala litsebc, lc | buclelang, lefaele Base ga rc 11a na< yaana tsebe ea gagae e-. sa nuugile j yaka in.»tho a ka buclcloa ke moni:- kantlha ea Iteisc ea lonyalo, kc gone oagoe. Rc k:lc rane rc buclcloa kc Dawson L Haddow, ka moo kc kofmng kico cii Hcisc gore 1 mali, yanong a felilc ka go.ikgolola ka kana c shu| ang lx>go!o mo mctlhcirg c j .one ka tnctlha; lc a re ncng rea ncihx- DABETU, BAAdI LC BATLOME5I DA MATLHO, c ntscng yaka ea nyalo, 1111a kc e eliotsc litshenyegelo a lioetse koa go Ixjncgjqx*: ckete c ka!>o c gasioa ka tshisiiiKtgo ka ; a rc gopoleng Molimo o rc ichoarclc re Ene e re lo ese lo ce go reka gop2 lo tla go leba-leba lieoalo tsa rona cle boitmnclo lc thupelo. ’Me a ekure i molato ruri, gape re o lope gore o rc motho a lapelclu motho alia a mo rnanyc lc l« b i rc ilang. Baeeho, fa . inekotln, liforo le lipompd'tsa nictseJe -liloana tse li agang, litafole utluisu lx>ilhoko, yaka mcajKistolu are ; rc sa iucclc pusho, go utloa, go lesa go ' le lilo tse lingoe tse li baakauyelia»eug theke. , lorato ■ ga lo lirelc mi^alond lxishijU-- lira Htshiumololi) ts:i metlha, rc tla j facie Rciso e c ga?ioang kc batho j»n , kui(« ic Ic batho lia bu ntseng yangr Bontsi yo bogolo yoa likatlele ; Tlhoa­ nu>no kc escle rat i : crilc mo lm mo . A itse lefa re kare re reka ^kg*^ gasang cone teng ka utloa motho'me ; kgotsa rn kopa tshiamelo^ts - li clioa- j ino gase liut.se c tclclfe clx; c tni I, l i , . , , , , „ „ s ^ :l gobo a mJe setlhare sengoc so ona P » l » . 1 - iu r .i l i m s , |, , , * 1, , ^ . t v , PENNYCOOK, Llyoche oa O.R.C. asa sc tlhaloganye ka l>otlalo. Ga t T i , lsl "“"S ' K"' l.nilylir*nH.Thurwlay, jf.tth April, I IM.: jro !>claescgc fa batha ha Iwntsi ha I- M ild , - , tsile K-iinishennrc “ Thamo ’a Poo ” Belhulic. Tttttday, intli April, i: tssuoe kc boloetse ka eone t.sela eo JS'.JJ";'ll:' v«m Mr. Fnurvsmith, WodtKadqjr, ith May, I*.h* ka metlhii cotlhe. Oo honala sen-1 j»riftith,bihoa Mr. Dickson. l.o tie thata gor*i fa Mrs. W . II. Munks iutJega mongoe h nmn^o.* oo eleng Mo go I|alis(nfce M-mtliioli ke Mr Justicc Kawkt*. niohumrtgali oa koa Kimberley, eo | !.n?|,'7 0,1 * Xcho i* ikoalile, f,)lisii(x*iig maloctse ino m okotlengi' ' ,'M,a ,rjsa,° ° « »Whiou. Moreki, Morekisi le nionnanyi <»a tsa ga Dr. W illiam s, taa liafokoli a le itsioe. j tlhatleo. u yonc no w it«e «ipc. - O k j tlhatiist.^ . Ithagecoe ke malimabc a a clioa- Tuelo e tla nua >lielen» mo tllio-i ... . L ckvo ca bova]*va y>xa Sckgoa M'tlharv < • nang tela l« . sl Moitshcpbi eo mo- gong «i, mogolo. bana ke siki*i-si-L tsa aparo tsa hanna tscncoc mo llynnR tsa RagtK-, en c a*a it-, golo Pope oa Roma. A lira ka p«.Mise. Mali no go tta kuikangon scpc. Kc molemo n o *cnang ea basali lc banyana. Kereke ea rii:ib:i Ncho ka one.1 ncoao nonohlc. IJloalo im one li k.i tlhaloganyo, a fapoga tsela e e bonoa Loantlc ga llhoallhtxt, li kannoc ot'eug yalo, ’m$ gompieno kc mo­ Li tela tse li tla oin-hsingke tse ii j Mo goora, rc c nne tcphiri sa mnamogeli fela. sali «*o folilengvoo o ltnmetseng. mmiate thata. Motshameki o a ' Kkile care mongoe a ile koa thomo (organ) ke Mr. / Fenyang. THC EUCRA3Y C«- CU«Kr Pet tli', Hoik Sired, Jctii«fki*i. ga^ague koa 16 Ebden Street I»a lia nio itseng ba itsi Inxxicrere THAMO ’A POO. Kiml>erley, Mrs. Munks a riana: yoa g;tgoe mo select»ng seo sa *na- 'Ngaka tsare kc utloalecoe bol»c ke ^ o a , ka uienoana e e metscmetse. boloetse yoa mali, ebile ga go bc- BSwp li ba bagolo ko l»*cv. .1. Mo- lacsege fa mali aka a a sa itckam - tsnumi, Messrs Z. Fenyang, I. II. amg ele one a siinolotseng mar.im Goronyuue, bo Miss I>)reas Kale.' FANTJSI KOA FO- atne. K a l»oi*isio^ k e ser.imo mo f*ydia‘ Mekai. Edith M o th u p i.' tnokotleug, ke bolaoa ke' seraine Mr. Hose;i P. Tlhakung ke e ie nio mabogong le maoto ke clioe- Homo pro/undo, ka ncoeye le kan:» HULI ngoa kc mala a tbata lc tlhogo <•* ka ya natnane. Tlang go ba utlo:* o botlhoko, go ubitga pelo, litlhabi Itarolong! w iuo litsbikcng tsa pelo. f>e litscla Konfercnse e c ileng go nna koa tsa ngoliego le mantra a mangoe. Oneenstowu, go lebcleeoc matbko Loabobeli April 2 8 ,1 9 0 3 . (?o sena ’mala mo lipomiameng tsa a cone ka bothata mo Tliiiba Ncho me le selatlhogo. Kelcco ca me ka etlare kgono e utshu Moruti J. ea liyo ele mashoe ebile ke uale Motshumi mono, e mo ise Kroons- Likgomo tse li tlhaka- kutloalo e e lnwhnla mo ganong. Ka l»oira yalo ka liuynga lile '.intsi. lefa lingiika line li tlhalogany* le tse li amusang, boloetse ytw m e tlhare ts j I,a 1; Kereke ea Wesele. Pde g itsenn 1 . f nnaeaug tsa seka t.s:i nt.irela mo- en Bareri ka 11 klok. lemo ope, yaaua ka bona liphoIie, eare ke sena go li Mafoko a phuthego c;i Firikgong metsii ka sol *ak any ana ka titlhehi 7, 190', a baloa a tlhomam soil. D. lessels & Co. boloetsj yoa tlhogo, y«>a mokotla. (Ja Imloa mali a phuthego a yoa mala, nunala oa me o l>oela le kgoeli tse tharo tse li felang tse, e;i BAFANTISI. inachoeuyego a mantsi a ane mpo- bo d e *£179 5s. 10:1. (in lurlo.i gisa a nt’ogft-ie. oaliri le lieego tse lingoj ts« phu- VPVDUPV. ‘‘ Tutnolo ea ka mo lipjleng tse thego ku 4Jl-4 t 4s . od. G is jila 1 » • yaanoug kgolo, ’me e:irc fa ke ikn- ..£54 16s. 41I. mo Svjatleug, Kaga j 7 4 OS tloa go tlhoka itekanelo, kgono ke moo phuthego c.i ema ea opela »• koafetse ke metse litsjila tlishong ka thusho e e kalo ea one. ino mcleng. E bile ke go uae. Mr. Goronyane a tlhagisa gore tetlelogore u kualc mafoko a n j gore go tlhongoe letsatsi ya Meraj»elelo le lialK>boli ba bangoe b aa liale.” ea pula. <»a lmnelanoti ka Mei 3 ,: H1HCHIN & SOM NBERG. Basali bale bantsi go eoa mo b> gore ka vone. mo |>akeng eotlhe t*a Babuclcli ba Mnhjotla a Eiujclanct a Koloni, A golong ba tshclcla mo matlhokong Phnthi*go ea Thaba Ncho, go lireloe Ucchuanaland. a niokotln, a tlhogo le machoenyego jmla mera]»elo mo go Mothati- a mangoe 'me lipcle ts-i li folisang otllie. Phuthego ea lumalana gore ! LIOFISI: CAPETOWN, VRYBURG, & MAFIKENG ke tsaga I)r. Williams tota, a>ne go simololo-* tirelo ca maahanyane, j cosi. U seka na senya Isitshelo leg* re go rekeloe kereke lilampa yoa gagtl ka tlhare isjiiuetabaigisho tse li siameng. lc lilo tse lingoe tse II ehoanang Morago ga itisho ka m.ifoko a a nae«». Fa n bona go amogela h- m .|,111,1 thatn, phutlicgo e;i l>h ill; - t olokoane tsa. qiaanne gole th.iUi lalioa ta Tshe-^o&o). * romela 33. 3d. it tla liona Ih»Uo1o Fa e Shontaga), toro|Ki (MA-LED), Koa Tlhaping (to iilininplmnjeuu 'bcw k^ohfalo, boltwtsc yoa t>t- V 'f a , nhab,Jol:i, H.'tWc T h al» Xchoj ‘knee, le nialoetsi a mangoe c tlhola e tletse l«eng, e tlhomej^ Helang Tlhenc; Batlhaimng! mali ■ le Iirshika a folisico- ka j logong loa folaga, e l»r>a meka-; »u>kgoa 00. tako, patlelo tsi tnjne bea ktit^w. polelo, e W r s M ,m k * t. e ^ 'l e ; | liter.,ta le litwla t«, REKANG LIAPARO tsa ga MA-LEU ! letsengke. . poelo « i polelo , . Inicusemotse, g> b.icholi hi lichoancho Iwlocoeng'. Ittf makgohvkgolo a j tsc \\ kgolo, elele lc .lwsali l a kit ntlha cotlhe tsa South j H- - rt( j>r c tla ka U>- ROALANG TLHAKO tsa ga MA-LEU! Afrika ke J^lelo e I' tlhomamengi . ' l>> lala !>•»• e balile e c boleeocng ke makgolo a basahj * |M,!H li; le Maw.-sele a mu- h* ba ttctneng litebogo mo nyageng j * j. ,jc|.’ ,|a ;».* agsty Kereke. YANG MAROTHO aga MA-LEU ! tse li robaog-’me’i t- s KORANTA EA BECOANA AND BECHUANA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MORAXAXCi. ; j lii'A- S. Kemp & Co., po Hokgoatbeng oa Balamayo H o Goo Ra Weil. Goiebogana le Steshene sa Kutshe M A d O a O N O Ke gone go fitlang Baliri ba lilo cotlhe Litlhako tse Lintle tsa v tsa m aleke: tse di elctsa go it rise litsaia tsa bo tsi l.atlbnping lc l:Ceoan:« Banna, Basali le Banyana. ! choanang le go Oba bemgoe I k i Kolong le Mago- Lilampi le libone, Printe ts a Germane, thula le go momela goni lc lilo tse lingoe tsi HADJE NASSIEP. llitsh[tshipi tse li ka.lutlaiig. J Tffosgoi os JJparo tsa 0 it>isksi IKieti lc* l»a bangoe fa go bucoe Ntlo c e inolenio ca!ca] FaF u batla sengoe mo go lionc ^ Liyo mo Thing e clioeu e e kafai goom Molobeng. !aft tlatl Ixi bona go lebagana le O rata go itsise Litsaia tsa gague Li naina, Marotho lc.liyo lc li’noo eotlhe tse li tshelising ’i iele! Steshene si “Kutshe.” la a sale mo mannong a gague a i k«*a ntle ga tse li tagang) li ka nna tsa bonoa ka nako cotlhe. Mo Mokgoatheng bogo!ogo!o, rxp Ross Street. Malay Camp. M. MOTSH EG ARE, oa BULAWAYO. Moiitsioastad, M e s e g o ea G a g u ~ e siamc thata. MafiLeng. T h a k a e e coang M e t l h a T. A. Lewis Roberts, llhelong J. GERRANS, I — o - Moscgv oa niaanctc ke co ! j X g .v k a c a M e n o , y a a n o n g o In.- | lugetss ta moseya ga tsela mo H a d j e # N a s s i e i >. ! C o h e n 's B u i l d i n g s , go lebagana Co lebtqaqe le Stesbene MAFIKENG. Ross Street, Kimberley. i lu Library. Ba ba ratang go kgo- ! la mefco, co tsenya a maslia, Icla, ! ele goa baakanya, banale go 'ijionoj F r a n k J . (’koXfohi*. Yryburi; | fa gjire ga miko Isa 9 oa inoslW IeM ogcnte, 'Alueleli le ’Manknnyi o a 5 oa maitsiboa: ka Tshipi>\ mo litaetele. Gaufi lo Kantoro *•••

KGAKUI.OI.O E E ROTLHALE Linama tse li sia­ meng tsa LIKGOMO le LINKU li ka nna* Eo o sa romeleng tsa bonoa mo go tefo ea gague mo tshiping e e tlang re MOCIOORA SToLLC. tla itse faele sekao U ppei J t u d s Street, gore ga a tlhole a KIMBLKLEV batla Koranta; 'me re M O T IIU L I i.f. MOLIRI OA MAKOLOI i.f. I.I K A K A . e khutlise, W.G. KIRKPATRICK, Molnctfci lc 'Mothuli.<-u l.ihccsikdc lc 3lcthulc cotlhe ca 1k» Mushiiu-. TT MOREKISI OA LII.O AX A COTI.IIE 0 Kontrakela Pusho tsa Imperial le Koloai le Kompcai ea B.S.A. * GO LKDAGAXA I.E TIT. Yarota ea Railway,

KITSISHO.— Barckial ka Koraata botlbe Bros. {|ki chaaaetse 10 laela FA KGOELI NGOE LOUIS PRICE & CO., LE NQOE E SHOA. Ga ke katle go a (Go P O T A M A lt a k a k .vfaBo k o x e ) BAREKI, BAREKISI epela, ke lefa baliri ka aae. Lc li paaiplr: tse ke gatUaag ka caae ga li bocae ka lecapa KIMBERLEY, L e B a a n A n y i B a M e t h a l e ke II re k a ka H poatr. / oa M eOt/i lc Mabelc. EOTLHE EA LlTHOTO, Gaia o folisc sci g »c le sengoe ‘me jpi b M orelisi lc moanani/i oa wa- rctelcloetslcloc ke g.» loli a 'o le inbotloa^oiuic mo FiwaiFiwareng, to«o . bojja’e, co ebong cm tlalu lc liloana /na Secoana. KO 1(AI(AKENG OA MAFIKA. o o lirccot ng . '■ .V W Ba reka Likgomo, Likobo tsa Liba- HOFFE TLHOATLHOA ii Siamc Thata: rana, Mafcele, Mebili, Linaka le lipapali a’ 'oluldy reliable Tlhotlhotsa Maraka II da koa!eloa FEVER mongoe fe mongoeeo Ii pot sang • - tsa Secoana cotlhe. i . Mm knraii n. Iiil I’OBoiwi! • *j ri rcRAMS: 1 CURES. KlXISKur.KV MACK” Oliroa k-r Ba nale matlo koa Hoffe Medicine Co. M :thu. Lipu'.re cone k.n lipbuthclii 011 VAN A PRINTING WORKS, Geysclorp, lMialachwe, i T u a Iflc C k* 12 k a 1-. k &*. ojw e k- na v. Mnin Strict, •Mufckin}', ‘1 »y the Mbalapve. >\al.»tor,jr.K cotln c.lc Ilareki si ba M cl 111,0 Molppolole, rroprictor S il a s .Mo l k.v a . Collection Number: A979

Silas T MOLEMA and Solomon T PLAATJE Papers

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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