k o r a n t a e a m il ' °AXA ASP UECUUASA GAZETTE, MATLHACO, MOP 1T L O , 7 , 13u 3. IJnfortnnRt-jly them t m s n to he 1 ccrtA lo D 1— .. V « * r •»* «•«* . ^ J u 2 T i i J S S 2 E,■,, 0<i‘. of a k w of Jftxacjr Fa< !< *:»- (KMtUnn don mu.< naturally fee) th-* inc mvenien*' n u n m ««f bring the only British u.wn ia thi* lanKiil* Colony with *nc?i a “ D irty ” law. language, H enrvU iDr anxiety ia wnn 'i of a jMrt- txm t ik t iu (Ik traboiy iti>c. S i the An* Raiouiau* taking any ? We *1 • ratio I ih«- maintc- i n,,Pry^‘i ,» «1»*U V.ui n-fer to *«rial Nittvrely in w tliat tin- l«*ux liav. a iw rim u y to m ain ta in . T h e ns-dt is tlmt. nau v ►n the part ot the [’* v. Since our incepti*i» we have gnwU*r r»*pr*~ f..r th e ir in teg rity an I the ijrfiitcflian is cheek-hy-jowl j„ ’ u urt- a* in i»u-• pi* •» le I f«*r q a l p o lk ;c d righ t* ju st xeo*e of Mritis'i ju<ieu llian n-.inj.iii- puerile revolution to subvert- the im - imMMtontljr H< w • h i r e d.- *xiu«vd doW U I iW u s ( o »• HllltvUAIKV tlh - sfctiblc- ' pnipn<nl ■———------ — ; HAlkONA FORCED L 4 B0 UR. R.*pl> to Capcloma Native A M rc^. separate a< <Hr Sir QurDon Sprigg. ■‘pnul-.Hit fingers of one hand while (t •' nnrnt llwits * ' o iimiit- w t i mi:. t*ie o f ( certain. I/is: 111 null a 1 a huirubl:- statement T o w n , tliis lun 1 unless an* a- united K cb rtu ry ?.*», | &v*: - ‘ m ade i:i KiaiU -rlev bv. t ’ n- "1’rim e th** |rtlrn o f ilh ' 1'iw lw ‘ I- When j M r. S M ,ik .-b . When tin- .W .?j?k7*l7 ""r we talk of «• pi.i! right* we refer . S v n l a r r . l«rv <* Siutu woull t»k- a l."rri.-l|,,,7 ' ! •“ r I”'1,1" 1 '* p>litic*aid ii.it io **nal habi.*. F> NdaU-ai Xtit. I. *-.itioii. U iruu^ll Hoilt.ll A frit-., |.u l.l» V -l l.v y«»ti mi ierenn I tlw* now r M -iitl.ri , neir CijuT.m 1. ■ .nca pcrueive-1 thiit Dll’ Nu1 ivr w m i M 1 \'n ' ’r nl,i*'rHru* p .n i tt-1 1 "••.totally «.pu»«l to Sir G-mbaf* w.dl- Sit*. V ve no chanor of dem*»stnunig whai know'., Nairn p.l'iey tlw*. w e t W u A M u l t r f i e c : . Mr. ('iiandK'Haiu ik'^ns in; to ac­ i«. is aJUl.whltt lie is capable «»f. 1 •»«* i jt u.|vU*m1>Io «•* refrain from imblistaug knowledge the ti-ldnr*' and to thank '•iiniHjr ten,” we fC nt^ "' Mill m m * .............. ■ ' \\,.r d .*a ils an d wen* r S ie tS lib ir o f l/.w i. Ii.ts fo r « a r d r l piiii^; tv lia t ti:nu w a s a t tlic disjitwal •‘l we lia d taller detail* and wen? to in fnnn liisolK*-* in Has* I, uh1 >u a von fo r tin? Iiearty welc.Mnc extende 1 - • IVetnier b a d c.>ni{He- of the states-nmn: am i w lm t 11j I VI.,WV l |t t^l' i l/f'PPiier had c.m ylo r>j»y o f th • statem ent (»*n tin- N ative Mr*. Chanib^dain and himself, nnd for . tely p w l«'?k' o:i lii< old knowl(rlR0 Tic ini}£bt jrain of our 'I*'0 i H.,c!i was lli<- L*nv olil I hat pn«>n'ed to Mr. CJiandnT- tin? £ r*d wislie* on th eir iKdudf. II- w e d id n t f o r a notes w ith y1cas*iru th e c\jK\*ssi.*ti «•; would be deri'.cri from see »u«l «mrw>.; m(imcnt. dnnb .ba*, we siwpcrt** »• * lain by tlr Na'ives >4 tin- Kast/ n i I’m- \ It i« u s \H>li«rly ex|MHitHHr. and loyalty an 'f appnxnaten .of the Wes*-- And th i* m CJBie^y w lw H ias bap-1 if rral, wa^laibanepb. mend in'H emferrod npn y.ut by the C-. i- .Hiue l, uft the ftt-.n.His ix*f.awgj V1. ; Iwryainin^ *iil« tin- ManniH.ii of ni«- anil the fart* arid figun-s di|4a r the depth t.* w !iirlj the c KUpilen* Imvo fo!* fctitution ua.ler wliich y.»a live, ami le* \In»ivt« iu tU c £ m it «»ra:t*HU» .l.ib an-: ri^htwusnc^s and fiibje<-t oiil\ y in is gla I to b? able to asturv: you that h u S I ' ! * * V « > ; .lirwion of loni-ltlh'inU.itekKiif t!tcir onuntry. We Would tv>«miiuend it t »tlK* [►.•riwil t<( nt>*ivc I j i > pn»|»Hal fn .n i a n y n.*spon- & rf,L-«a f - ' UmUirr.^iient. N o . «;• W • « every sin lent of S mt!i African |w«|i(i<> siblo V|Uarter for the iiitroju.'tiou in* • learnt llw k-ssoii from the particulars lu fon- us, » «iwn ‘J 1 S ^iUkA frica o f i.ny *y*t>:m o f fi>n- l M L L o , .* «h*ter influence. > .......... .... of ihe -Daily Miid we an- sun- !••• «c sV* *ill a^nv w i:b tit t'la ••then* a r gia n ts ia ttn-^- l ib .iiiv au d tlia t t'aerc-H n o <jnes*i.»:i e of tlafIjrilish (taveniincu: gi\ mg a;»- oonldJfilri«Sittt« H "ix>pn»ont J w &to diethel.i«u5»K ColonialColomnl *» '* Seen-S1'”* !■ A.=C-■ «'nl l-» * ' r" ” ’r dark da;*.’* ___ ii._ ......... i__ i _ iaiwjneioiw proval to a a y sm-Ji sclietue. lie n s c hi- fory the Native in a lazy lx-^ir. ti h-nt tha-. von an 1 those w hom you living on. t':e pmcceils of slavery as He e >u| | cnfo:re tlie fttan flrev Ac* Port Elizabeth with the e.'tnscut- o f*th e O ovem or, re,m*ent will always eoj >y tlie fuMe- pnutls^l in the_ Imyinj; of wives to 1^ euin g a ine.‘:iu g * f n*- bid would not do s» Itetniif^ Ih* p r ^ c f ii »u nn l«rr th e U ri'ish flat*. work for the men. Tha' tlie Native pre« iitaiiv.-s of a ll ions of Native. preferred to IrnHk dow n th e p n -r Y o u r* fuit-’ifu llv , is tlie small ]>cij*uit fanner of South wn» b e ll iu ilk ' K Iwards' M*-:n r ia l of chiefs aud sulistit-ute indi\ idua! W . .1. .It ->T, A f r ic a w ho occupicH tlio soil lh*ncfl-] C h a .v h , ».*T llus(<»-l|-n«».l. wlien t ’* w fur tribal ownership. He lieli-v.il l’rivale Stvetnry. ein lly , an d reu a stork , {joes f(>r- in - a l s ipn-sent M i.C . t i . II. Ifc-II,A<- - this would rjiidiKv to iudn^try and -thing. If the present writer has lieen i insr k .M . M r. J . I ”. K e lisley ( M ayor). a sense o f res|K>usihilit\. khahW . for your* earning hi* living by jotmial- \ Ti.e Mixi<rate a (ilrw J tbem.-.i H e o b jw tc l to all f«»;ni- o f Agnsliti A e’xinil.i is a iia'ive ..f ism, it is nought to the mining priue«>. on tV* qu estion of n-lii wal l . -i Im- new e.)eivion, even progress'vo laxaiiou o f ^ ou tli. A f r io i, he is a la/.y rasr-sil tio v •nun *nt k m 'in n a* C rad **k Pliw-.-. I.igi« oa the west c*t of Afra-a. on cxtru w ives, lie n-lie-1 ou ini>- long u* lie has itot hel|>u«l to swell tlic| evplainin-; tlie nivautagcs to the Na­ S .-vend veil-* ag • he left lionio to |an - sitHiary effort, despiu- its vn all totals o f those who have gone from tlie l tive-. by jjoing there. He ah 1 drcn hi* s u lies in F.amv. an 1 after influence on ijolyganiy. I'tie Pre­ district of King Williainntow.i to delve ( Mention to the prevalence of sindl- (Kisniug thnaigh a e mrs<- militarv mier said he lidicve 1 tha i r mble training i:i Frjm* • he finds hitu«df a in the mines of JlihnnuKshunr at rates j jmx in 1 he di^trie , utid the danger of with the Na’ives \va< p »sible at the age of 2'. ye irs a l<ie'iteuant in tin- of Wages fixed by thi'se magiiat<‘s them-; it S ^ w l mr.st-.Megly iw m ini *11 lingthe any moment, and lie wis'iel to Fn* ir'i c.lo iial indi'ary Krvici wh‘t selves to swell their- ukvadv bloot^l re|i.\*sei,atives t-* unre tlw-'r fellows, avoid jn.'Jisitns o ile u la 'f l t • brin g nil em duum it of I* i*M> p.*r anuilui, an I dividends.
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