10222 BR Scottish Rite
Louisiana Scottish Rite Trestleboard April-May ORIENT OF LOUISIANA Volume 9 Issue 2 Scottish Rite OBLIGATED-COMMITTED said Rousseau, with inevitable comparisons, creating envy, pride, Enlightenment Lite and contempt. So, while Locke viewed the protection of private V-Locke, Rousseau, Beccaria property as the sole justification for the existence of The Social byLawrence C. Wade, MD-32° Contract, Rousseau saw that same private property as the root of Valley of Baton Rouge envy, contempt, and conflict and thus a regrettable cause of Among others, John Locke (1632-1704) — the most influen- humanity’s fall from the blissful State of Nature. Governments, tial philosopher of his time — did not agree with Thomas Hobbes. he argued, evolved for the purpose of protecting “the haves” from Locke argued for the right of citizens to revolt against their king. the “the have-nots”. Locke’s ideas were widely influential, contributing to many demo- He did, later, have a change of heart (probably when his suc- cratic revolutions, including The American Revolution. Contrary cess converted him from “have-not” status to “have” status). In a to Hobbes, Locke argued that “The State of Nature” is an ideal second publication on “The Social Contract”, he reasoned that, state of complete individual freedom, in which “The Law of Na- having been created to protect the property rights of “the haves”, ture” is understood by all and prevents each from harming others governments could, once created, facilitate the freedoms of “the with respect to, “…life, health, liberty or possessions.” War is have-nots”. That is, governments could serve a very useful pur- possible, but only due to property disputes.
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