EGOBOO 11, the Genuine Old Time Honky-Tonk Fanzine, Is Edited and Sometimes Even Published by John D
EGOBOO 11, the genuine old time honky-tonk fanzine, is edited and sometimes even published by John D. Berry (Mayfield House, Stanford, Calif. 94305) and Ted White (339 49th St., Brooklyn, NY 11220). We egoboost people who send us letters, fanzines in trade (to both editors), or 551.00 eash (for one issue; outrageous, isn’t it?). Looks like 24 pages is going to be the permanent: size, gang. This is Deimos Publi cation 46, and Many Thanks go to Bill Blackbeard for the use of his Gestetner in printing last issue. Art this issue by *Rotsler,* Jay Kinney, Steve Stiles, and Jay Lynch. June IZ, 19fO. SFCON: The SECon was the best con I've O been to... since . the Baycon._ In the 4 o time between those two, I went to the 1969 Midwestcon and the St. Louiscon, both of geiaEg which were good conventions, but neither had quite the feel of quality that I found in the BArea's new region al. All the right people were there, and the parties—the heart o± any convention as far as I’m concerned—were great. The people I saw the most of were all of the fans and ex-fans from the BArea who came out of the woodwork: Bob & Margo Lichtman, Dick &_Dat Ellington, Greg & Joan Benford, Jim & Hilary Benford (and Dominic, their new son), Bill Donaho & his attendant crew; the Los Angeles visitors: Bill Rotsler, Daul Turner & Neola, and George Clayton Johnson; Buz & Elinor Busby, who came down from Seattle; and the Canadian Emissary, Boyd Raeburn, who was on his way home to Toronto from New Zealand at the time.
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