Mutations in NUP160 Are Implicated in Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome

Feng Zhao,1,2,3,4 Jun-yi Zhu ,2 Adam Richman,2 Yulong Fu,2 Wen Huang,2 Nan Chen,5 Xiaoxia Pan,5 Cuili Yi,1 Xiaohua Ding,1 Si Wang,1 Ping Wang,1 Xiaojing Nie,1,3,4 Jun Huang,1,3,4 Yonghui Yang,1,3,4 Zihua Yu ,1,3,4 and Zhe Han2,6

1Department of Pediatrics, Fuzhou Dongfang Hospital, Fujian, People’s Republic of China; 2Center for Genetic Medicine Research, Children’s National Health System, Washington, DC; 3Department of Pediatrics, Affiliated Dongfang Hospital, Xiamen University, Fujian, People’s Republic of China; 4Department of Pediatrics, Fuzhou Clinical Medical College, Fujian Medical University, Fujian, People’s Republic of China; 5Department of Nephrology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China; and 6Department of Genomics and Precision Medicine, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC

ABSTRACT Background Studies have identified mutations in .50 that can lead to monogenic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). The NUP160 , which encodes one of the components of the complex 160 kD (Nup160), is expressed in both human and mouse kidney cells. Knockdown of NUP160 impairs mouse podocytes in cell culture. Recently, siblings with SRNS and pro- teinuria in a nonconsanguineous family were found to carry compound-heterozygous mutations in NUP160. Methods We identified NUP160 mutations by whole-exome and Sanger sequencing of genomic DNA from a young girl with familial SRNS and FSGS who did not carry mutations in other genes known to be associated with SRNS. We performed in vivo functional validation studies on the NUP160 mutations using a Drosophila model. R11733 E803K Results We identified two compound-heterozygous NUP160 mutations, NUP160 and NUP160 . We showed that silencing of Drosophila NUP160 specifically in nephrocytes (fly renal cells) led to func- tional abnormalities, reduced cell size and nuclear volume, and disorganized nuclear membrane structure. These defects were completely rescued by expression of the wild-type human NUP160 gene in nephrocytes. R11733 By contrast, expression of the NUP160 mutant allele NUP160 completely failed to rescue nephrocyte E803K phenotypes, and mutant allele NUP160 rescued only nuclear pore complex and nuclear lamin localization defects. Conclusions Mutations in NUP160 are implicated in SRNS. Our findings indicate that NUP160 should be included in the SRNS diagnostic gene panel to identify additional patients with SRNS and homozygous or compound-heterozygous NUP160 mutations and further strengthen the evidence that NUP160 muta- tionscancauseSRNS.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019. doi:

Received August 1, 2018. Accepted February 2, 2019. Research, Children's National Health System, 111 Michigan Ave NW, Washington DC 20010, or Dr. Zihua Yu, Department of F.Z. and J.-y.Z. contributed equally to this work. Pediatrics, Fuzhou Dongfang Hospital, 156 Xi Er Huan Bei Lu, Fuzhou, Fujian 350025, China. Email: zhan@childrensnational. Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at org or [email protected] Copyright © 2019 by the American Society of Nephrology Correspondence: Dr. Zhe Han, Center for Genetic Medicine

840 ISSN : 1046-6673/3005-840 J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

Nephrotic syndrome is a renal disease caused by disruption of Significance Statement the glomerular filtration barrier, resulting in massive protein- uria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and edema.1 With Mutations in .50 genes can lead to monogenic steroid-resistant ne- respect to responsiveness to standard steroid therapy, ne- phrotic syndrome (SRNS). The authors found that a young patient with phrotic syndrome is classified into steroid-sensitive nephrotic familial SRNS and FSGS carried novel compound-heterozygous mu- tations in NUP160; this gene encodes nucleoporin 160 kD, one of the syndrome and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). protein components of the nuclear pore complex. Using an in vivo renal SRNS can have either an immunologic or genetic etiology.2 cell assay on the basis of Drosophila nephrocytes (an experimental The contributions of genetic factors are increasingly empha- podocyte model previously used to validate candidate renal disease sized in the growing understanding of SRNS pathogenesis. To genes and specific patient-derived mutant alleles), they validated the NUP160 date, .50 monogenic genes have been identified that cause gene variants as factors implicated in kidney pathology. The findings indicate that NUP160 should be included in the SRNS di- 3 SRNS when mutated. These include genes encoding compo- agnostic gene panel to identify additional patients with SRNS carrying nents of the slit diaphragm, such as NPHS1, NPHS2,and homozygous or compound-heterozygous NUP160 mutations. CD2AP; genes encoding cytoskeleton , such as ACTN4, INF2,andMYO1E; genes encoding actin-regulating small GTPases of the Rho/Rac/Cdc42 family, including nephrocyte phenotypes by expression of a wild-type human NUP160 ARHGDIA, ARHGAP24,andKANK; and genes encoding transgene but not by either patient-derived mutant in vivo NUP160 (Nups), including NUP93, NUP107,and allele, providing evidence to implicate these NUP205. Mutations in NPHS1, NPHS2,andCD2AP disrupt mutations as pathogenic. the integrity of the slit diaphragm and lead to congenital nephrotic syndrome, early-onset autosomal recessive SRNS, and early-onset FSGS, respectively.4–6 Mutations in METHODS ACTN4 change the cytoskeletal dynamics of podocytes and lead to adult-onset autosomal dominant FSGS.7 Mutations Study Participants in ARHGDIA alter podocyte migration capabilities and Written informed consent from index family members and lead to early-onset SRNS.8 Mutations in NUP93 inhibit po- control subjects was obtained under a protocol approved by docyte proliferation, promote podocyte apoptosis, and lead the institutional review boards of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital and to early childhood-onset SRNS.9 Mutations in NUP107 Fuzhou Dongfang Hospital of China. DNA samples from 520 cause hypoplastic glomerular structures and abnormal po- healthy persons were used as controls. The nonconsanguineous docyte foot processes and lead to early childhood-onset Chinese index family included the proband, unaffected parents, SRNS.10 Recently, Braun et al.11 described mutations in and five siblings, two of whom died from SRNS in the 1990s NUP107, NUP85, NUP133,andNUP160 in 13 families (Figure 1C, Supplemental Table 1). DNA samples of the index with SRNS. family were available from the proband (II6), a healthy sibling The NUP160 gene (mapping to 11p) encodes (II5), and both parents (I1 and I2). Nephrotic syndrome was Nup160, which is a component of the Nup107–160 complex diagnosed on the basis of urinary protein excretion .50 mg/kg required for early stages of nuclear pore complex (NPC) as- per day with hypoalbuminemia ,25 g/L. Steroid resistance was sembly.12,13 It is expressed in both human and mouse kidney defined as a failure of induction of complete remission after cells. Knockdown of the NUP160 gene damages mouse 4 weeks of standard therapy with prednisone (2 mg/kg per day podocytes cultured in vitro.14 Within a nonconsanguineous giveninthreedivideddoses;maximum60mg/d).ESRDwas 2 Chinese family two siblings, a brother with SRNS and a sister defined as a GFR,10 ml/min per 1.73 m or the necessity of E803K with proteinuria, were both found to carry NUP160 and any RRT. Tissue biopsies were evaluated by renal pathologists. R9103 NUP160 compound-heterozygous mutations.11 We excluded the possibility that the proband carried muta- We now describe two compound-heterozygous mutations tions in known genes associated with SRNS (Supplemental R11733 E803K in NUP160, NUP160 and NUP160 , identified in a Table 2). young girl with familial SRNS and FSGS. This patient did not carry mutations in genes previously associated with SRNS. Whole-Exome Sequencing Furthermore, we functionally validated the NUP160 muta- Genomic DNAwas purified from blood samples collected from tions in vivo using a Drosophila model.15–21 The Drosophila the proband (II6), her surviving sister (II5), and her parents nephrocyte system has been previously proven to be very use- (I1 and I2) using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen) ful for validating candidate gene mutations for involvement in using standard procedures (Figure 1C). Whole-exome capture monogenic SRNS and investigating molecular disease mech- and sequencing were performed on a SureSelect platform anisms underlying podocyte cellular pathologies.22–25 We first (Agilent) with 3 mg of genomic DNA from each individual showed that nephrocyte-specific silencing of the conserved using SureSelect Exome Capture System V4 (5M). The resulting endogenous fly Nup160 gene induced severe renal cell defects, libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq 2000 Multiplexed Sequenc- thereby experimentally validating NUP160 as a novel candi- ing platform (Illumina) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- date renal disease gene. We then showed complete rescue of tions for paired end 100-bp reads. Reads were aligned to the

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 841 BASIC RESEARCH


1 243 576108 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

5,476 bp 196 bp

B 803 1173 Nup160 1,436 aa

pfam11715: nuleoporin Nup120/160 c.2407G>A(h) c.3517C>T(h) p.Glu803Lys p.Arg1173X low complexity region D RefSeq phosphorylation

coiled coil II6 (P)

C I1(F) I

1 2

I2(M) II



E p.Glu803Lys p.Arg1173X


Figure 1. Compound-heterozygous mutations in NUP160, NUP160Glu803Lys and NUP160Arg1173X, were identified in an autosomal recessive family with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. (A) Human NUP160 cDNA (NM_015231.2; 5476 bp) showing exons (numbered; alternating black and white), positions of start (ATG) and stop (TGA) codons, and mutation sites (arrows). (B) Human Nup160 protein (NP_056046.1; 1436 amino acids) structural domains, phosphorylation sites, and locations of missense (amino acid 803) and truncation (amino acid 1173) lesions. (C) A pedigree of the affected family (family members diagnosed with kidney disease are indicated in black). The arrow indicates the proband. (D) Compound-heterozygous missense and truncating NUP160 mutations identified from proband (II6; patient [P]) sequencing. Nucleotide and corresponding amino acid sequences are shown for wild-type (upper panel; in black) and mutant (lower panel; in green) alleles. Codons are underlined (green), and altered nu- cleotides and amino acids are highlighted (red). Arrows indicate positions of mutations in relation to exons and protein motifs (in A and B, respectively). Relevant sequences from surviving family members (I1, father [F]; I2, mother [M]; II5, sister [S]) are also shown. (E) Phylogenetic comparisons of amino acid sequences of Nup160 protein regions affected by the identified mutations.

842 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH reference sequence (GRCh37/hg19; build of the cDNA Cloning and Generation of NUP160 Transgenic UCSC Genome Browser; using the Fly Strains Burrows–Wheeler Alignment (version 0.5.9), and possible du- Awild-typehumanNUP160 cDNA encoding the common plicate paired end reads were marked using Picard version 1.35 1437-amino acid NUP160 isoform (NCBI reference sequence ( The Genome Analysis NP_056046.1) was obtained from OriGene (catalog no. E803K R11733 Toolkit version 2.6–4 was used for base quality score recalibra- RC218855). NUP160 and NUP160 cDNAs were tion, indel realignment, and variant discovery (single-nucleotide generated from the wild-type allele using the QuikChange variants and indels). Read mapping and variant calling were used Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Clontech) and sequenced to for data analysis and interpretation. Variants were annotated confirm that no other mutations were induced except for the with SeattleSeq SNP Annotation 150 ( intended variation at glutamic acid 803 and the truncation at Variants present at a arginine 1173, respectively. The cDNAs were individually frequency of .0.01 in the database of single-nucleotide poly- cloned into the pUAST-attB vector, and the transgenes were morphisms (dbSNP; dbSNP 151: introduced into a fixed chromosomal docking site by germ- SNP/) and the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project or pre- line transformation to ensure that the wild-type NUP160 allele sent from local exomes of unaffected individuals were and the two variant alleles were expressed at the exact same excluded. Variants were filtered with the in-house Variant level in the nephrocytes. Analysis and Filtration Tool software. Candidate genetic var- iants in the NUP160 gene were confirmed by Sanger sequenc- RFP Uptake Assay ing on an ABI 3730XL DNA Analyzer (Shanghai Invitrogen Flies from the MHC-ANF-RFP, Hand-GFP, and Dot-Gal4 Biotechnology Co.). transgenic lines were crossed with flies from the UAS- Nup160-RNAi transgenic lines at 25°C.23 One day after egg Variant Filtering laying, embryos were shifted to 29°C. RFP uptake by pericar- The following criteria were used for variant filtering: (1) rare dial nephrocytes was assessed in second instar larvae or adult variants with ,0.01 allele frequency in control databases, flies 1 day postemergence by dissecting heart tissue into including dbSNP 151 and Exome Variant Server; (2)homo- Schneider Drosophila Medium (ThermoFisher) and examin- zygous or compound-heterozygous variants; (3)nonsynonymous ing cells using fluorescence microscopy. For quantifica- variants affecting the coding sequence, obligatory splice accep- tion, $20 nephrocytes were analyzed from each of three tor and donor site mutations, and in-frame coding deletion/ female flies per genotype. The results are presented as insertions; (4) pathogenic or likely pathogenic revealed by web- mean6SD. A paired t test was used to analyze the data. Statistical based mutation analysis prediction tools, including PolyPhen-2, significance was defined as P,0.05. SIFT, PROVEAN, and MutationTaster; (5)variantsoutside the above criteria discarded; and (6) mutations of interest con- Dextran Uptake Assay firmed by Sanger sequencing in the proband, the healthy sibling, Flies of the appropriate genotypes were allowed to lay eggs and the parents. at 25°C. One day after egg laying, embryos were shifted to For additional annotative information about potential 29°C. Dextran uptake by pericardial nephrocytes was as- genes of interest, we also examined genomic, proteomic, sessed ex vivo in third instar larvae or adult flies 1 day post- genetic,andfunctionalinformationoncandidategenesusing emergence by dissecting heart tissue into Schneider Drosophila databases, including GeneCards (http://www.genecards. Medium and examining the cells by fluorescence microscopy org), Uniprot (, Ensembl (http:// after 20 minutes incubation with AlexaFluo568-Dextran, and the Human Protein Atlas (http://www. (10 kD; 0.05 mg/ml). For quantification, $20 nephrocytes, as well as literature searches to help decide were analyzed from each of three female flies per genotype. potential pathogenicity. Mouse Genome Informatics (http:// The results are presented as mean6SD. A paired t test was was used for establishing whether used to analyze the data. Statistical significance was defined SRNS disease phenotypes might be found in related mouse as P,0.05. models. Silver Nitrate Uptake Assay Fly Strains Flies of the appropriate genotype were allowed to lay eggs on Flies were reared on standard food at room temperature or 29° standard apple juice plates for 24 hours. Freshly emerged first C for UAS-GAL4 strains. The Dot-Gal4 strain23 was obtained instar larvae were transferred to agar-only plates supplemented from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC). with regular yeast paste containing silver nitrate (AgNO3; 2.0 g Transgenic RNA interference (RNAi) lines were obtained yeast in 3.5 ml 0.0005% AgNO3 solution) and allowed to de- 23 from the BDSC or the Vienna Drosophila Resource Center. velop at 29°C until adulthood. AgNO3 uptake by pericardial The Hand-GFP26 and MHC-ANF-RFP23 strains were also nephrocytes was assessed in third instar larvae or adult flies used in this study as readouts for nephrocyte morphology 1 day postemergence by dissecting heart tissues into Schneider and function. Drosophila Medium and examining nephrocytes by phase

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 843 BASIC RESEARCH contrast microscopy. For quantification, .20 nephrocytes podocyte foot processes, partial thickened and sclerosing glo- were analyzed from each of three female flies per genotype. merular basement membrane, mesangial hypercellularity, The results are presented as mean6SD. A paired t test was and subendothelial deposition of an electron dense material used to analyze the data. Statistical significance was defined (Figure 2D). as P,0.05. Treatment Outcomes Immunofluorescence Imaging and Confocal Treatments with prednisone, cyclophosphamide, and tripterygium Microscopy wilfordii glycosides all failed. The proband (II6) progressed to Larvae and adult flies were dissected and fixed for 10 minutes ESRD at age 15 years old, received a kidney transplant at age in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. Mab 414 (ab24609; Abcam) 16.4 years old, and is alive at this time. The parents (I1 and I2) and anti-Lamin (ADL84.12; Developmental Studies Hybrid- and surviving sister (II5) are healthy. One sister (II1) and one oma Bank) primary antibodies were used at 1:500 dilution brother (II4) died of unknown causes in early childhood. followed by Cy5-conjugated secondary antibodies (Jackson The other two older siblings (II2 and II3) were affected with Lab). Confocal imaging was performed with a Zeiss SRNS, and both died of ESRD at age 17 years old (Figure 1C, ApoTome.2 microscope using a 203 Plan-Apochromat Supplemental Table 1). 0.8 N.A. air objective. To quantitatively compare fluores- cence intensities, common settings were chosen to avoid NUP160 Variants oversaturation. ImageJ Software version 1.49 was used for Whole-exome sequencing of family members revealed 56,387 image processing. single-nucleotide variants and 6383 small insertions and deletions with mapping statistics (Supplemental Table 3). Ac- cording to the criteria for variant filtering, most remaining RESULTS variants were excluded. Mutations in known genes associated with SRNS were also excluded (Supplemental Table 2). Six Patient Clinical Features variant genes remained (TTC12, DCANP1, KIAA1549, A 10-year-old girl (II6) was admitted to the Department of NUP160, DNAH5,andHYDIN) (Supplemental Table 4). Nephrology, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital for persistent pro- The index family pedigree (Figure 1C) displayed character- teinuria that began at age 7 years old. The proband (II6) istics typical of an autosomal recessive disease. According to presented normal BP and 3+ urinary albumin; 24-hour uri- the clinical phenotype, all of the patients (II2, II3, and II6) nary protein excretion was 8.34 g, and serum albumin was could be diagnosed as having nonsyndromic kidney disease. 24 g/L. Serum cholesterol was 4.55 mmol/L, serum creatine On the basis of kidney phenotype, number of homozygotes, was 53 mmol/L, and serum urea nitrogen was 4.2 mmol/L. and expression of genes in human glomerular cells, we ex- Audiometry was normal, and a skin test showed continuous cluded five of the remaining genes (TTC12, DCANP1, collagen IV. KIAA1549, DNAH5,andHYDIN)(SupplementalTable4). Compound-heterozygous variants E803K and R11733 of Histopathology NUP160 (RefSeq accession number NM_015231.2) were in A renal biopsy was performed for the first time in 1999 when trans configuration (Figure 1). Variant E803K was detected the proband (II6) was age 10 years old. Light microcopy re- in the father (I1) and the sister (II5), and variant R11733 vealed 14 glomeruli with global sclerosis (in one glomerulus), was detected in the mother (I2). The healthy surviving indi- segmental sclerosis (in two glomeruli), vessels with spheroidal viduals (I1, I2, and II5) are heterozygotes carrying a single hyaline degeneration (in two glomeruli), mesangial enlarge- mutated allele of either E803K or R11733, but the proband ment (in nine glomeruli), focal tubular atrophy, segmental (II6) carries two mutant alleles of NUP160 (Figure 1D). Two fibrous proliferation, and inflammatory cell infiltrates in the siblings (II2 and II3) with SRNS died earlier, and DNA sam- tubulointerstitium but no lesions of small vessels. Immuno- ples were not available for analysis (Figure 1C, Supplemental fluorescence (IF) showed scattered mesangial deposits of both Table 1). NUP160 was the only candidate gene in which the IgA (++) and IgM (+) but without deposits of IgG, C3, C4, C1q, variants were precisely cotransmitted with the underlying Fibrin, k,andl in five glomeruli. recessive disease status and in addition, were not detected in A renal biopsy was performed for the second time in 2002. 520 control subjects. R11733 results in premature termina- Light microscopy revealed nine glomeruli with segmental scle- tion of translation and production of a truncated protein. rosis (in one glomerulus), mild segmental mesangial pro- E803K is predicted to be disease-causing by MutationTaster liferation (in eight glomeruli), renal tubular atrophy, focal and neutral by Polyphen, SIFT, and PROVEAN (Supplemental fibrous proliferation, and inflammatory cell infiltrates in the Table 4), and it was also identified in another unrelated Chi- tubulointerstitium but no lesions in small vessels (Figure 2C). nese family.11 To provide functional evidence to validate the IF showed scattered mesangial deposits of IgA (+++) but NUP160 mutations as pathogenic, we used a Drosophila car- without deposit of IgM, IgG, C3, C4, C1q, Fibrin, k,andl diac nephrocyte experimental model to study the effects of in five glomeruli. Electron microcopy showed effacement of NUP160 gene deficiency in vivo.

844 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH


BM Control

50 µm 2 µm

C D Patient


50 µm 2 µm

Figure 2. The proband’s renal tissue histology and cell ultrastructure revealed FSGS. (A and B) Control normal glomerulus tissue samples were obtained from a patient with a kidney tumor. (C and D) Patient tissues were obtained from the proband (patient II6) (Figure 1C). (A and C) Light microscopic examination of periodic acid–silver metheramine (PASM)–stained glomerulus showing focal segmental glomerular hyaline degeneration and sclerosis in the patient sample. (B and D) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed effacement of podocyte foot processes and partial thick and sclerosing glomerular basement membrane (BM; arrows) in the patient sample. Magnification, 3400 in A and C; 312,000 in B and D.

Drosophila Nup160 Gene Silencing Functional phenotypic analysis was extended to a nephrocyte NUP160 is highly conserved from flies to humans (Figure 1E), sequestration assay in which larvae are raised on a diet sup- and it is constitutively expressed in all cell types. To study plemented with AgNO3.Innormalflies, ingested toxic AgNO3 NUP160 renal phenotypes in Drosophila,wefirst used accumulated and was sequestered in cardiac nephrocytes RNAi-based gene silencing to lower expression of the en- (Figure 3D). When nephrocyte Nup160 fl Nup160 fi dogenous y gene speci cally in nephrocytes. was silenced, sequestered AgNO3 was reduced by approxi- Nup160 gene silencing significantly reduced the lifespan mately fivefold in larvae (Figure 3D). Drosophila Nup160 of adult flies (Figure 3A). In larval stage, animals’ total num- gene silencing in nephrocytes, therefore, led to significant bers of nephrocytes were significantly reduced compared functional deficits in vivo and was associated with reduced with controls. Adult flies were found to lack nephrocytes adult flysurvival. entirely (Figure 3B). These observations indicated that To better understand the effects of Nup160 silencing on Nup160 was essential for nephrocyte survival during imma- renal cells, we examined larval nephrocytes by fluores- ture stages of development through adult emergence and cence microscopy using structural and functional markers that it was required for maintenance of normal adult (Figure 4). Freshly dissected nephrocytes were functionally lifespan. assayed ex vivo for uptake of FITC-labeled 10-kD Dextran Tostudy nephrocyte physiologic functional deficits induced beads. Control nephrocytes readily took up the beads, re- by Nup160 gene silencing, we examined in vivo uptake of RFP sulting in abundant distinct pericytoplasmic vesicular fluo- from the hemolymph in nephrocytes of larvae (Figure 3C) and rescence. NUP160 silencing severely reduced Dextran adult flies (Figure 3E). In larval nephrocytes, Nup160 gene uptake, and limited fluorescence was mostly concen- silencing was associated with approximately 2.5-fold less trated in the nephrocyte cell interior in clumped aggre- RFP uptake than observed in control larvae. In adult flies, gates; 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining showed fluorescence microscopy confirmed complete absence of that Nup160 silencing induced reduction in nuclear nephrocytes and consequently, no RFP uptake (Figure 3E). volume. The profound effect of Nup160 silencing on the

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 845 BASIC RESEARCH

A B * *

100 60 *** 50 80 40 60 30 40 Control 20 Survival(%) Nup160-IR

20 Nephrocyte Number 10

0 0 0 1020304050 55h larvae 3rd instar 1-day-old Time (Days) larvae adult Control Nup160-IR

C 1.2 * 1.0 0.8 Control 0.6

Uptake 0.4

55h Larva 0.2 Larval Nephrocyte RFP 0 Nup160 -IR Control Nup160-IR


3 1.2 *

3 1.0 0.8 Control 0.6

Uptake 0.4 Uptake 0.2

Larval Nephrocyte AgNO 0 Nup160 -IR

Larval Nephrocyte AgNO Control Nup160-IR

E Control 1-day-old Adult Nup160 -IR

Figure 3. Nephrocyte-specific silencing of endogenous Nup160 expression led to shortened adult fly lifespan, fewer nephrocytes, and reduced nephrocyte function. Nup160-IR flies carry a UAS-Nup160-RNAi transgene plus a nephrocyte-specific Dot-GAL4 driver that together silence endogenous fly Nup160 expression. Control flies carry only the Dot-GAL4 driver. (A) Survival curves for Nup160-IR and control adult flies (newly emerged on day 0). Nephrocyte-specific silencing of endogenous Nup160 expression was associated with reduced lifespan: Nup160-IR flies experienced 50% mortality at day 25 versus day 40 for control flies. (B) Nephrocyte-specific silencing of Nup160 induced progressive loss of nephrocytes during larval- to adult-stage development. Nephrocytes were counted in second instar (55-hour larvae) and third instar larval stages and adult flies within 24 hours postemergence. Progressively fewer nephrocytes were observed during larval-stage development, and nephrocytes were entirely absent in adult flies. For quantification, nephrocytes

846 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH nephrocyte nucleus was clearly shown by Mab414 IF label- transgenes in nephrocytes did not lead to significant changes ing of the NPC. In normal nephrocytes, Mab414 distinctly in nephrocyte function. These results indicate that neither of and concisely labeled the nuclear circumference. Nup160 these two mutant alleles encodes a gain-of-function or dom- silencing, by contrast, led to Mab414 labeling NPC inant negative NUP160 mutation. components dispersed within the shrunken nuclear com- partment (defined by 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole co- Rescue of Endogenous NUP160 Deficiency by labeling) (Figure 4A), presumably the result of failed “Replacement” Human Transgene Expression NPC assembly. The defective nuclear structure induced The Drosophila model allows for a highly efficient “gene re- by Nup160 silencing was further confirmed by anti-Lamin placement” approach to assess the relative abilities of wild- antibody immunolabeling in which the normal (control) type and mutant versions of human genes to rescue the circumferential nuclear lamin localization appeared in- nephrocyte phenotypes induced by silencing of endogenous stead very irregular (Figure 4B). Drosophila Lamin gene fly gene homologs. In this way, specific patient-derived mu- silencing induced similar nephrocyte morphologic changes tant alleles identified through genome sequencing can be (i.e., reduced nucleus) and functional deficits (reduced functionally implicated (i.e., validated) in renal cell dys- Dextran uptake). Lamin silencing, however, did not lead function.27 We first coexpressed a wild-type human to aberrantly localized Mab414 IF (Figure 4A). Nephrocyte NUP160 cDNA transgene specifically in nephrocytes while functional defects induced by Nup160 gene silencing were, simultaneously silencing endogenous fly Nup160 expres- therefore, associated with striking changes in nephrocyte sion. As shown in Figure 5B, wild-type human NUP160 cellular morphology, presumably the result of severe break- expression completely rescued Nup160-IR–induced ab- down of normal nucleocytoplasmic trafficking due to dis- sence of adult nephrocytes, and the rescued nephrocytes rupted NPC localization caused by failed complex assembly were fully functional. By contrast, neither the patient- in the absence of sufficient Nup160 protein. derived NUP160 mutant allele E803K nor R11733 was capable of rescuing the adult nephrocyte phenotype Overexpression of Wild-Type or Mutant Human (Figure 5C). NUP160 Transgenes Did Not Induce Nephrocyte In third instar larvae, wild-type human NUP160 expression Abnormalities completely rescued the fly gene silencing–induced defects in Nephrocyte phenotypes induced by human NUP160 transgene nuclear volume, Dextran uptake, NPC localization, and expression were analyzed. Nephrocyte-specific overexpression nuclear lamin morphology (Figure 6). By contrast, neither WT of human NUP160 cDNA did not affect RFP uptake, and the patient-derived NUP160 mutant allele E803K nor nephrocyte morphology was unchanged compared with R11733 was capable of rescuing defective nuclear volume E803K nephrocytes of control flies (Supplemental Figure 1). Over- or Dextran uptake. The NUP160 mutant transgene did E803K R11733 expression of NUP160 or NUP160 cDNA rescue NPC localization and nuclear lamin morphology, were counted from each of five larvae or adult flies of each genotype. The results are presented as mean6SD. *Statistical significance was defined as P,0.05. (C) Nephrocyte-specific silencing of Nup160 led to reduced uptake of fluorescently labeled marker protein. All larvae carry an MHC-ANF-RFP transgene expressing ANF-RFP marker protein in muscle cells, which is secreted into the flyhemolymph;itis normally taken up by and accumulated in nephrocytes (red fluorescence) before protein breakdown and recycling of amino acids. In addition, all flies carry a Hand-GFP transgene expressing a nuclear-localized GFP marker (green; predominantly nuclear fluorescence) in both pericardial nephrocytes (larger nuclei with faint cytoplasmic fluorescence) and cardiomyocytes (smaller nuclei). Fluorescence mi- croscopy revealed that, in control 55-hour larvae, almost every nephrocyte took up and accumulated abundant ANF-RFP marker protein from the larval hemolymph (left panels; center panels show the boxed areas). By contrast, nephrocytes of Nup160-IR larvae expressing the Nup160-RNAi transgene showed reduced levels of ANF-RFP overall, although a minority of nephrocytes displayed essentially normal levels of RFP. Quantification of ANF-RFP uptake by control versus Nup160-IR nephrocytes is shown in right panel. Nephrocyte RFP uptake was reduced approximately 2.5-fold as a result of Nup160 gene silencing; $20 nephrocytes were analyzed from each of five larvae per genotype. The results are presented as mean6SD. *Statistical significance was defined as P,0.05. (D) Ingested silver nitrate (AgNO3) taken up and sequestered by third instar larval nephrocytes revealed by phase contrast microscopy. Upper left and upper center panels show abundant AgNO3 within control nephrocytes, whereas lower left and lower center panels show very reduced levels in Nup160-IR nephrocytes delineated by the dotted outline in left panels (center panels show higher-magnification views of boxed nephrocytes).

Quantification of AgNO3 in control versus Nup160-IR nephrocytes is shown in right panel. Nephrocyte AgNO3 was reduced nearly fivefold as a result of Nup160 gene silencing; $20 nephrocytes were analyzed from each of five larvae per genotype. The results are presented as mean6SD. *Statistical significance was defined as P,0.05. (E) Nup160 gene silencing led to complete absence of adult fly nephrocytes. All flies express MHC-ANF-RFP and Hand-GFP transgenes. Fluorescence microscopy showed control adult nephrocytes with abundant cytoplasmic ANF-RFP (red) and nuclear GFP (green) as well as cardiomyocytes (smaller green nuclei; no RFP fluorescence). By contrast, no nephrocytes were observed in Nup160-IR flies expressing a UAS-Nup160-RNAi driven by Dot-Gal4, although cardiomyocytes (GFP-positive nuclei) were normal. Right panels show higher magnification views of boxed areas. *Normal locations of nephrocytes relative to cardiomyocytes.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 847 BASIC RESEARCH

A Mab414 Dextran DAPI Merge Control Nup160 -IR Lam -IR

B Lamin Dextran DAPI Merge Control Nup160 -IR

Figure 4. Nup160 gene silencing induced nuclear pore complex (NPC) and lamin abnormalities in Drosophila nephrocytes. (A) Mab414 (green) immunolabeled components of the NPC, which in control nephrocytes, generated a sharp and highly regular ring around the nucleus (indicated by 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole [DAPI] staining; blue). In nephrocytes of larvae in which Nup160 gene expression was silenced (Nup160-IR), by contrast, Mab414 immunolabeling was dispersed across the nucleus, and it was more abundant in the cytoplasm, indicating abnormal localization of NPC components. Normal ex vivo uptake of FITC-labeled 10-kD Dextran particles (red) was significantly affected by Nup160 gene silencing, indicating functional nephrocyte defects linked to ab- normal NPC localization. Silencing of the Drosophila Lamin gene by nephrocyte-specificexpressionofaUAS-Lam-RNAi transgene driven by Dot-Gal4 (Lam-IR) led to marked abnormalities in nuclear size and shape and a severe functional deficit, but NPC localization appeared normal. (B) Mab ADL67.10 labels all isoforms of Drosophila Sf9 Lamin but does not label Lamin C. In control nephrocytes, Lamin (green) appeared as a sharp regular ring around the nucleus. Nup160 gene silencing (Nup160-IR), by contrast, did not disrupt circumferential nuclear Lamin localization (although nuclear morphology was altered as indicated by DAPI staining), but labeling was less concise and uniform than in control nephrocytes.

R11733 whereas the NUP160 transgene did not (Figure 6). This DISCUSSION result suggests that the E803K missense allele produces an Nup160 protein that can promote NPC assembly and support The findings in this study indicate that compound-heterozygous R11733 E803K nuclear lamin and potentially, nuclear membrane morphol- mutations, NUP160 and NUP160 , in the proband ogy but that still results in defective nucleocytoplasmic trans- with familial SRNS are likely pathogenic, which implies that port, with severe consequences for nephrocyte cellular structure NUP160 mutations are associated with SRNS. and function. The truncated R11733 allele, by contrast, is es- The pedigree of this study delineated an autosomal recessive sentially null. family with SRNS (Figure 1C), which consisted of healthy

848 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

A Control

B Nup160-IR Nup160-IR + NUP160-wt

C Nup160-IR +NUP160-E803K Nup160-IR +NUP160-R1173X

Figure 5. Adult nephrocyte phenotypes induced by Nup160-IR were rescued by wild type human NUP160 transgene, but not by NUP160E803K or NUP160R1173X. (A) Fluorescence micrograph shows nephrocytes of adult flies 1 day postemergence. ANF-RFP fluo- rescence (red) is merged with GFP (green; mostly nuclear). A GFP transgene is expressed under the control of a Hand gene enhancer (Hand-GFP)toconfirm pericardial nephrocyte cell identity. All flies are transgenic for Hand-GFP. Control flies carry the Dot-Gal4 driver but no RNA interference construct. (B, left panel) Nephrocyte-specific Nup160-IR transgene expression silenced endogenous fly Nup160, leading to complete absence of adult nephrocytes. Unaffected cardiomyocytes exhibited GFP fluorescence. (B, right panel) Nephrocyte-specific expression of a wild-type human NUP160 transgene (NUP160-wt) rescued the adult nephrocyte phenotype induced by Nup160-IR. (C, left panel) Nephrocyte-specific expression of a mutant E803K NUP160 transgene (NUP160-E803K) failed to rescue the adult nephrocyte phenotype induced by Nup160-IR. (C, right panel) Nephrocyte-specific expression of a mutant R11733 NUP160 transgene (NUP160-R11733) failed to rescue the adult nephrocyte phenotype induced by Nup160-IR.

R11733 parents (I1 and I2), the proband (II6), two siblings (II2 and NUP160 changes an arginine codon to a stop codon. The E803K II3) affected with SRNS, two siblings (II1 and II4) dying of NUP160 mutation is predicted to be disease causing by Mu- unknown causes, and one healthy sibling (II5). The proband’s tationTaster. Finally, we functionally validated the NUP160 mu- renal specimen revealed FSGS (Figure 2), and IF staining tations in vivo as potentially implicated in SRNS pathogenicity. showed nonspecific scattered mesangial deposits of IgA and We used the Drosophila nephrocyte as an experimental po- IgM. The proband (II6) progressed to ESRD and underwent docyte model. The nephrocyte has previously been shown to renal transplantation. Until now, a 13-year follow-up of the share striking molecular, cellular, structural, and functional graft kidney shows normal renal function and no post-transplant homologies with mammalian podocytes, and it has been reoccurrence of nephrotic syndrome. used previously to validate candidate renal disease genes as Here, on the basis of genomic sequencing, we excluded the well as specific patient-derived mutant alleles.8,22,25,27,28 possibility that the proband carried mutations in genes already Here, we showed that Nup160 is essential for normal nephrocyte known to be associated with SRNS (Supplemental Table 2). We cell maintenance/survival through adult-stage development and systematically reduced the candidate gene list to six variant that it is furthermore required for normal adult fly lifespan. genes through bioinformatics-based analysis of minor allele Nephrocyte function as assayed by uptake of protein, AgNO3, frequency, mutation type, clinical characteristics, and web- and Dextran particles was severely impaired as a result of based pathogenic prediction (Supplemental Table 4). We ulti- Nup160 gene silencing. Affected nephrocytes exhibited reduced mately focused on compound-heterozygous mutations nuclear volume, NPC components were dispersed, and nuclear R11733 E803K NUP160 and NUP160 on the basis of the proband lamin localization was irregular. These observations indicate that having only renal manifestations without syndromic disorder Nup160 is essential for NPC assembly and nuclear structure to associated with extrarenal manifestations. The residues af- support nucleocytoplasmic trafficking required for normal cell fected in these NUP160 mutant alleles are largely conserved. morphology and function.

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 849 BASIC RESEARCH

A Mab414 Dextran DAPI Merge Control Nup160 -IR NUP160-wt Nup160 -IR+ Nup160- IR+ NUP160-E803K Nup160- IR+ NUP160-R1173X

Figure 6. Third instar larval nephrocyte phenotypes induced by Nup160-IR were rescued by wild type human NUP160,butnotby NUP160E803K or NUP160R1173X. (A) Mab414 (green) immunolabeled components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), fluorescent Dextran uptake indicated nephrocyte function (Figure 4), and 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining revealed nuclear position and overall morphology. (B) Mab ADL67.10 labels all isoforms of Drosophila Sf9 Lamin (green) but does not label Lamin C. Nephrocyte- specific expression of a wild-type human NUP160 transgene (NUP160-wt) rescued all larval nephrocyte phenotypes. An NUP160E803K 3 mutant transgene (NUP160-E803K) rescued NPC localization and Lamin morphology but not Dextran uptake. A NUP160R1173 mutant transgene (NUP160-R11733) failed to rescue any larval nephrocyte phenotypes.

The nephrocyte model further allowed us to examine dif- localization but still severely impair nucleocytoplasmic trans- WT ferential phenotypic rescue potential of human NUP160 , port and other NPC-associated functions required for normal E803K R11733 NUP160 ,andNUP160 alleles using a “gene re- nephrocyte physiology. Nephrocyte-specificoverexpressionof WT placement” approach. NUP160 was shown to completely missense and truncated mutant human alleles did not induce rescue the entire spectrum of nephrocyte phenotypes induced functional defects, suggesting that these two mutant alleles are R11733 by endogenous fly Nup160 gene silencing. NUP160 ,by not gain-of-function or dominant negative mutations. Together, E803K contrast, exhibited no phenotype rescue, consistent with this the experimental observations indicate that NUP160 and E803K R11733 being a null allele. The missense NUP160 mutant allele NUP160 mutations are pathogenic mutations in the patient did rescue NPC component localization and lamin morphol- with SRNS and FSGS described in this study. ogy defects but not defects in other phenotypes, suggesting We recently found that knockdown of NUP160 inhibited that this mutation can promote NPC assembly and cell proliferation; induced apoptosis, autophagy, and cell

850 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

B Lamin Dextran DAPI Merge Control Nup160 -IR NUP160-wt Nup160 -IR+ Nup160- IR+ NUP160-E803K Nup160- IR+ NUP160-R1173X

Figure 6. Continued. migration of mouse podocytes cultured in vitro; and altered of the Nup107–160 complex are very stable and anchored within the expression and localization of podocyte-associated mole- the NPCs during interphase.12,13 Significantly, previous reports cules, including nephrin, podocin, CD2AP, and a-actinin-4.14 have provided functional evidence from model system experi- Mutations in NPHS1, NPHS2,andCD2AP disrupt the integ- ments that NPC-related mutations in NUP85,11 NUP93,9 rity of the slit diaphragm and lead to congenital nephrotic NUP107,10,11 NUP133,11 and NUP2059 genes are causal syndrome, early-onset autosomal recessive SRNS, and early- for SRNS. Together, these data suggest that two compound- E803K R11733 onset FSGS, respectively.4–6 Mutations in ACTN4 change the heterozygous mutations, NUP160 and NUP160 , cytoskeletal dynamics of podocytes and lead to adult-onset caused familial SRNS in the patient analyzed in this study. autosomal dominant FSGS.7 Moreover, in vertebrates, trans- Two limitations of this study should be noted. First, renal membrane Nups anchor the NPCs within the nuclear enve- biopsy tissues taken from the patient (II6) 16 years agowere not lope through interactions with two major scaffold modules: analyzed for expression of NUP160. Second, only one patient the symmetrically localized Nup107–160 complex and the with SRNS was identified with compound-heterozygous mu- central Nup93 complex. Nup107–160 complexes are com- tations in NUP160. Recently, however, Braun et al.11 reported posed of nine distinct subunits: Nup160/Nup120, Nup133, compound-heterozygous potentially pathogenic mutations E803K R9103 Nup107, Nup96, Nup85/Nup75, Nup43, Nup37, Seh1, and NUP160 and NUP160 in two siblings with SRNS Sec13. In contrast to dynamic peripheral Nups, the components and proteinuria from another nonconsanguineous Chinese

J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 851 BASIC RESEARCH family. The older brother presented at age 16 years old with REFERENCES nephrotic syndrome that was resistant to therapy with steroids or other immunosuppressants. His biopsy revealed FSGS, and 1. Wiggins RC: The spectrum of podocytopathies: A unifying view of his renal function corresponded to stage 3 CKD. The sister glomerular diseases. Kidney Int 71: 1205–1214, 2007 presented at age 7 years old with proteinuria. Neither sibling 2. Trautmann A, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Gheisari A, Melk A, Azocar M, et al.; PodoNet Consortium: Spectrum of steroid-resistant and congenital exhibited extrarenal symptoms. Interestingly, the missense E803K nephrotic syndrome in children: The PodoNet registry cohort. Clin J Am mutation NUP160 found in the Chinese family in the Soc Nephrol 10: 592–600, 2015 work by Braun et al.11 isthesameasthatinthefamilyin 3. Preston R, Stuart HM, Lennon R: Genetic testing in steroid-resistant our study, whereas these two Chinese families with SRNS nephrotic syndrome: Why, who, when and how? Pediatr Nephrol 34: – are not closely related. 195 210, 2019 fi 4. Kestilä M, Lenkkeri U, Männikkö M, Lamerdin J, McCready P, Putaala In conclusion, considered in conjunction with ndings H, et al.: Positionally cloned gene for a novel glomerular protein-- from previous studies, our results implicate NUP160 muta- nephrin--is mutated in congenital nephrotic syndrome. Mol Cell 1: tions as causal in SRNS. Our findings indicate that NUP160 575–582, 1998 should be included in the SRNS diagnostic gene panel to iden- 5. Boute N, Gribouval O, Roselli S, Benessy F, Lee H, Fuchshuber A, et al.: tify additional patients with SRNS with homozygous or com- NPHS2, encoding the glomerular protein podocin, is mutated in au- NUP160 tosomal recessive steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. 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Braun DA, Sadowski CE, Kohl S, Lovric S, Astrinidis SA, Pabst WL, et al.: the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank at the University of Iowa Mutations in nuclear pore genes NUP93, NUP205 and XPO5 cause for antibodies. steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nat Genet 48: 457–465, 2016 Dr. Zhao is supported by Nature Science Foundation of Fujian 10. Miyake N, Tsukaguchi H, Koshimizu E, Shono A, Matsunaga S, Shiina M, et al.: Biallelic mutations in nuclear pore complex subunit NUP107 Province of China grant 2015J01407. Dr. Yu is supported by National cause early-childhood-onset steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Am Nature Science Foundation of China grant 81270766, Major Project of J Hum Genet 97: 555–566, 2015 Nanjing Military Command grant 14ZX27, and Key Project of Social 11. Braun DA, Lovric S, Schapiro D, Schneider R, Marquez J, Asif M, et al.: Development of FujianProvince of Chinagrant 2013Y0072. Dr. Han is Mutations in multiple components of the nuclear pore complex cause – supported by US National Institutes of Health grants DK098410 and nephrotic syndrome. JClinInvest128: 4313 4328, 2018 12. Morchoisne-Bolhy S, Geoffroy MC, Bouhlel IB, Alves A, Audugé N, HL134940. Baudin X, et al.: Intranuclear dynamics of the Nup107-160 complex. Mol Biol Cell 26: 2343–2356, 2015 13. Vollmer B, Lorenz M, Moreno-Andrés D, Bodenhöfer M, De Magistris P, DISCLOSURES Astrinidis SA, et al.: Nup153 recruits the Nup107-160 complex to the None. inner nuclear membrane for interphasic nuclear pore complex assem- bly. Dev Cell 33: 717–728, 2015 14. Wang P, Zhao F, Nie X, Liu J, Yu Z: Knockdown of NUP160 inhibits cell proliferation, induces apoptosis, autophagy and cell migration, and SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL alters the expression and localization of podocyte associated mole- cules in mouse podocytes. Gene 664: 12–21, 2018 15. 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852 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 BASIC RESEARCH

fusion and formation of a slit diaphragm-like structure in insect nephrocytes. 26. Han Z, Olson EN: Hand is a direct target of Tinman and GATA factors Development 136: 2335–2344, 2009 during Drosophila cardiogenesis and hematopoiesis. Development 22. AshrafS,GeeHY,WoernerS,XieLX,Vega-WarnerV,LovricS,etal.:ADCK4 132: 3525–3536, 2005 mutations promote steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome through CoQ10 27. Zhu JY, Fu Y, Richman A, Zhao Z, Ray PE, Han Z: A personalized model biosynthesis disruption. J Clin Invest 123: 5179–5189, 2013 of COQ2 Nephropathy rescued by the wild-type COQ2 allele or dietary

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J Am Soc Nephrol 30: 840–853, 2019 NUP160 Mutations in SRNS 853 Supplemental Table 1. Clinical features of three patients in a non-consanguineous Chinese family with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome

Family- Age of onset Urinary protein Extrarenal Renal phenotype and Transplantation (yrs)/ Gender Biopsy Individual (yrs) (g/24h) manifestations therapy (ESRD at yrs) Death (yrs)

II2 F N/A 3+ (N/A) No N/A SRNS, ESRD (N/A) Death (17)1

II3 M 14 3+ (6.20) No N/A SRNS, ESRD (16) Death (17)2

II6 F 7 3+ (8.34) No FSGS SRNS, ESRD (15) Transplantation (16.4)3

ESRD, end-stage renal disease; F, female; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; M, male; N/A, no applicable; SRNS, steroid- resistant nephrotic syndrome; yrs, years. 1- Patient II2 died in 1993; 2 - Patient II3 died in 1998. 3 - Patient II6 keeps a normal renal function after transplantation performed in 2005. Supplemental Table 2. A list of known genes associated with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome

Gene Inheritance Disease Histology

ACTN4 AD SRNS (late onset) FSGS

ADCK4 AR CoQ10 biosynthesis disruption, SRNS FSGS

ALG1 AR Congenital defect of glycosylation FSGS

ANLN AD SRNS (adult-onset) FSGS Biallelic (G1, Increased susceptibility to FSGS and ESRD in African APOL1 G2 risk Americans, Hispanic Americans and in individuals of FSGS alleles) African descent ARHGAP24 AD FSGS (adult-onset) FSGS

ARHGDIA AR SRNS (CNS), seizures, cortical blindness FSGS

AVIL AR SRNS DMS ESRD, pretibial bullous skin lesions, sensorineural CD151 AR deafness, bilateral lacrimal duct stenosis, nail dystrophy, FSGS and β-thalassemia minor CD2AP AD, AR SRNS FSGS


COL4A3 AD, AR Alport syndrome FSGS

COL4A4 AD, AR Alport syndrome FSGS

COL4A5 XLD Alport syndrome FSGS

COQ2 AR CoQ10 deficiency, SRNS +/−encephalopathy CG

COQ6 AR CoQ10 deficiency, SRNS and deafness FSGS, DMS


CUBN AR Intermittent nephrotic range proteinuria +/- with epilepsia FSGS

DGKE AR Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome + SRNS FSGS

E2F3 AD FSGS, mental retardation (gene deletion) FSGS

EMP2 AR SRNS and SSNS (childhood-onset ) FSGS glomerulotu bular FAT1 AR SRNS, tubulopathy, neurological involvement nephropath y (variable) GPC5 Risk gene NS (adult-onset) Variable

INF2 AD SRNS, FSGS-associated Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy FSGS

Congenital interstitial lung disease, SRNS, and mild ITGA3 AR FSGS epidermolysis bullosa ITGB4 AR Epidermolysis bullosa and pyloric atresia , FSGS FSGS


KANK2 AR SSNS/SDNS +/- hematuria MCD

KANK4 AR SRNS + haematuria FSGS

Partially treatment-responsive NS (childhood-onset) with LAMA5 AR FSGS homozygous variants of unknown significance

LAMB2 AR Pierson syndrome DMS, FSGS

LMNA AD Familial partial lipodystrophy, FSGS FSGS

LMX1B AD Nail-patella syndrome; isolated SRNS FSGS

MAGI2 AR CNS, SRNS MCD Mitochondri MTTL1 MELAS, diabetes, deafness, SRNS FSGS a MYH9-related disease, Epstein and Fechtner syndromes, MYH9 AD FSGS SRNS


SRNS, microscopic hematuria, +/- short stature, NUP85 AR FSGS intellectual disability, partial growth hormone deficiency

NUP93 AR Childhood SRNS FSGS, DMS Childhood SRNS, +/- microscopic hematuria, dilated FSGS, cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension, microcephaly, DMS, NUP107 AR developmental delay, intellectual disability, short stature, Glomerulos facial dysmorphism, cleft lip, cleft palate clerosis

NUP133 AR Childhood SRNS FSGS

NUP205 AR Childhood SRNS FSGS PTRD, NPHS1 AR Congenital nephrotic syndrome/SRNS PMS, FSGS, MCD


NXF5 XLR FSGS with co-segregating heart block disorder FSGS Dent disease, Lowe syndrome, +/- FSGS, +/- nephrotic OCRL1 XLR FSGS range proteinuria PAX2 AD FSGS (adult-onset ) without extrarenal manifestations FSGS

PDSS2 AR CoQ10 deficiency, SRNS, Leigh syndrome FSGS

PLCE1 AR CNS, SRNS (early onset) DMS, FSGS

PMM2 AR Congenital disorder of glycosylation CG


SCARB2 AR Action myoclonus renal failure syndrome +/- hearing loss FSGS nephrosis (SRNS) with ichthyosis and adrenal SGPL1 AR FSGS insufficiency SMARCAL1 AR Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia FSGS

SYNPO AD Sporadic FSGS (promoter mutations) FSGS

TRPC6 AD SRNS (late onset) FSGS

TTC21B AR FSGS with tubulointerstitial involvment FSGS

WDR73 AR Galloway-Mowat syndrome (microcephaly and SRNS) FSGS, DMS Denys-Drash, Frasier syndrome, isolated SRNS +/- WT1 AD, Smu FSGS, DMS abnormal genitalia XPO5 AR Childhood SRNS MCD

ZMPSTE24 AR Mandibuloacral dysplasia with FSGS FSGS

AD, Autosomal dominant; SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; AR, autosomal recessive; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; CNS, congenital nephrotic syndrome; DMS, diffuse mesangial sclerosis; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; NS, nephrotic syndrome; XLD, X-linked dominant; CG, collapsing glomerulopathy; SSNS, steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome; MCD, minimal change disease; SDNS, steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome; MELAS, Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes; PMS, progressive mesangial sclerosis; PTRD, proximal tubule radial dilatation; XLR, X-linked recessive; Smu, Somatic mutation.

References: 1. Preston R, Stuart HM, Lennon R. Genetic testing in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome: why, who, when and how? Pediatr Nephrol. 2017 Nov 27. doi:10.1007/s00467-017-3838-6. 2. Bierzynska A, Soderquest K, Dean P, Colby E, Rollason R, Jones C, et al. MAGI2 Mutations Cause Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 1614-1621, 2017. 3. Rao J, Ashraf S, Tan W, van der Ven AT, Gee HY, et al. Advillin acts upstream of phospholipase C ϵ1 in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. J Clin Invest 127: 4257-4269, 2017. 4. Gee HY, Sadowski CE, Aggarwal PK, Porath JD, Yakulov TA, Schueler M, et al. FAT1 mutations cause a glomerulotubular nephropathy. Nat Commun 7: 10822, 2016. 5. Braun DA, Warejko JK, Ashraf S, Tan W, Daga A, Schneider R, et al. Genetic variants in the LAMA5 gene in pediatric nephrotic syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2018 Mar 9. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfy028. 6. Okamoto K, Tokunaga K, Doi K, Fujita T, Suzuki H, Katoh T, et al. Common variation in GPC5 is associated with acquired nephrotic syndrome. Nat Genet 43: 459-463, 2011. 7. Yasukawa T, Suzuki T, Ueda T, Ohta S, Watanabe K. Modification defect at anticodon wobble nucleotide of mitochondrial tRNAs(Leu)(UUR) with pathogenic mutations of mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes. J Biol Chem 275: 4251-4257, 2000. 8. Lovric S, Goncalves S, Gee HY, Oskouian B, Srinivas H, Choi WI, et al. Mutations in sphingosine- 1-phosphate lyase cause nephrosis with ichthyosis and adrenal insufficiency. J Clin Invest 127: 912- 928, 2017. 9. Prasad R, Hadjidemetriou I, Maharaj A, Meimaridou E, Buonocore F, Saleem M, et al. Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase mutations cause primary adrenal insufficiency and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. J Clin Invest 127: 942-953, 2017. 10. Braun DA, Lovric S, Schapiro D, Schneider R, Marquez J, Asif M, et al. Mutations in multiple components of the nuclear pore complex cause nephrotic syndrome. J Clin Invest 128: 4313-4328, 2018. Supplemental Table 3. Mapping statistics of whole exome sequencing

Patient Sister Father Mother Std. Mean (II6) (II5) (I1) (I2) Error Reads on target region (%) 84.10 83.52 84.99 84.76 84.34 0.33

Reads mapped to target ± 150bp (%) 84.66 84.09 85.55 85.31 84.90 0.33

Reads mapped to target ± 500bp (%) 85.41 84.87 86.28 86.03 85.65 0.32

Mean depth in target region 125.38 99.04 109.73 115.08 112.31 5.49

Covered target regions (%) 99.83 99.82 99.97 99.82 99.86 0.04

Target base covered at least 1 × (%) 99.84 99.82 99.96 99.83 99.86 0.03

Target base covered at least 5 × (%) 99.60 99.52 99.74 99.56 99.61 0.05

Target base covered at least 10 × (%) 99.20 98.94 99.31 99.10 99.14 0.08

Target base covered at least 30 × (%) 95.53 92.73 94.57 94.66 94.37 0.59

Target base covered at least 50 × (%) 87.02 79.01 83.55 84.49 83.52 1.67

In Figure 1 C, I1 is Father, I2 is Mother, II5 is Sister, II6 is Patient. Supplemental Table 4. Rare variants found in the patient (II6)

Phred ExAC DP_ Nref_ Nalt_ Genoty scaled Number 1 gene and variant dbSNP151 Sampl Sampl Sampl pe Allele Additional significant information variant Allele of Allele e e e Quality Numb quality count homozyg freq er otes Polyphen: probably_damaging; SIFT: deleterious; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: disease causing. Father, Mother and Sister are heterozygous. The TTC12 gene encodes TTC12 protein which is TTC12 : predicted to be localized to the . TTC12 protein contains a NM_017868:exon22: rs1383336 tetratricopeptide repeat domain and 3 armadillo repeat domains. 250 0 250 99 18393 213 1E+05 5 0.0018 c.G2071A:p.Gly691S 75 Expression of the TTC12 gene in human cells in both glomeruli and er (H) tubules is low. Haplotypic variants in TTC12 are associated with tobacco addiction (PMID: 17085484), comorbid alcohol and drug dependence (PMID: 18828801, PMID: 17761687), but 5 homozygous individuals with p.Gly691Ser in TTC12 present no kidney phenotype. Polyphen: benign; SIFT: tolerated_low_confidence; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: polymorphism. Father, Mother and Sister are heterozygous.The intronless gene of DCANP1 encodes DCANP1 protein which is predicted to be localized mainly in the perinucleus. DCANP1 DCANP1 (C5orf20 ): protein is specifically expressed in dendritic cells (DCs). Expression of NM_130848:exon1:c rs5956719 112 1 112 99 10111 615 1E+05 23 0.0051 DCANP1 protein is not detected in neither cells in glomeruli nor cells in .G587A:p.Arg196His 0 tubules. One of the alleles (A/T) of this gene, that causes premature (H) translation termination at aa 117, has been associated with an increased prevalence of major depression in humans (PMID:16189510). But 23 homozygous individuals with p.Arg196His in DCANP1 present no kidney phenotype. Polyphen: benign; SIFT: deleterious; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: polymorphism. Father and Mother are heterozygous, and Sister is normal. The KIAA1549 gene encodes KIAA1549 protein which is predicted to be mainly localized to the nuclear membrane and the KIAA1549 : intermediate filaments. KIAA1549 protein belongs to the UPF0606 family. NM_020910:exon16: rs6079731 Expression of the KIAA1549 gene in human cells in both glomeruli and 26 0 26 66 2071.8 836 1E+05 45 0.007 c.G5186A:p.Arg1729 1 tubules is medium. This gene has been found to be fused to the BRAF Lys (H) oncogene in many cases of pilocytic astrocytoma (PMID: 18974108, PMID: 27608415). The fusion results from 2Mb tandem duplications at 7q34. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. But 45 homozygous individuals with p.Arg1729Lys in KIAA1549 present no kidney phenotype. Polyphen: possibly_damaging; SIFT: N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: disease causing (p.Arg4429Gln). Polyphen: benign; SIFT: DNAH5 : N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: disease causing NM_001369:exon76: rs6174404 (p.His4123Tyr). Father, Mother and Sister are heterozygous. The 161 80 85 99 21546 586 1E+05 15 0.0048 c.G13286A:p.Arg442 7 DNAH5 gene encodes a dynein protein, which is part of a protein 9Gln (h) complexes composed of several heavy, light, and intermediate chains. The dynein heavy chains (DHCs) function as a force-generating protein with ATPase activity and contain a highly conserved catalytic domain with 4 P-loop consensus motifs involved in nucleotide binding. As a microtubule- associated motor protein, dynein expression is not detected in human DNAH5 : cells of glomeruli and tubules. Mutations in the DNAH5 gene cause NM_001369:exon72: rs1511457 primary ciliary dyskinesia type 3 (PMID: 23261302), as well as Kartagener 243 128 121 99 5984.3 85 1E+05 0 0.0007 c.C12367T:p.His412 50 syndrome (PMID: 11788826), which are both diseases due to ciliary 3Tyr (h) defects.

Polyphen: probably_damaging; SIFT: N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; HYDIN : MutationTaster: disease causing (p.Gly3107Arg). Polyphen: NM_001270974:exo rs2007944 154 117 45 99 1534 255 1E+05 0 0.0021 probably_damaging; SIFT: N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: n56:c.G9319C:p.Gly 85 disease causing (p.Gly489Asp). Polyphen: probably_damaging; SIFT: 3107Arg (h) N/A; PROVEAN: Neutral; MutationTaster: polymorphism (p.Val3899Met). p.Gly489Asp is from Father. Both p.Gly489Asp and p.Val3899Met are HYDIN : from Mother. Mother and Sitster carry the same genotype. The HYDIN NM_001270974:exo rs6204031 104 87 22 99 15057 - - - - gene encodes HYDIN protein which is predicted to be localized to the n12:c.G1466A:p.Gly 8 plasma membrane and cytosol. Database and sequence analyses 489Asp (h) revealed HYDIN transcripts that had been isolated from lung, testis, NT2 neuronal precursor cells, and Jurkat leukemic T cells. But expression of HYDIN protein is not detected in human cells of glomeruli and tubules. HYDIN : HYDIN protein is involved in cilia motility. Mice homozygote with a mutation NM_001270974:exo rs1626593 117 92 31 99 2872 - - - - in HYDIN develops hydrocephaly after birth. Mutations in HYDIN cause n69:c.G11695A:p.Val of autosomal recessive primary ciliary dyskinesia-5 (PMID: 23022101), a 3899Met (h) disorder characterized by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain. Polyphen: benign; SIFT: TOLERATED; PROVEAN: Neutral; MutationTaster: disease causing (p.Glu803Lys). Polyphen: N/A; SIFT: N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: disease causing (p. NUP160 : Arg1173X).This compound heterozygote is in trans. Substitution is NM_015231:exon19: rs7756372 165 82 87 99 5613.4 2 1E+05 0 ###### inherited from Father and nonsense SNV from Mother. Substitution is c.G2407A:p.Glu803L 17 present only as a heterozygote in Sister. The NUP160 gene encodes ys (h) Nup160 protein localized to the basket side of the nuclear pore, facing the nucleoplasm. Nup160 forms part of the Nup160-Nup107 subcomplex in the nuclear pore which is composed of Nup133, Nup96, Nup85, Nup43, Nup37, Sec13, and Seh1. This complex plays a role in RNA export and in tethering Nup98 and Nup153 to the nucleus. Nup160 contains a histidine acid phosphatase motif. The N-terminal beta-propeller regions of Nup160 and Nup155 interact individually with an N-terminal domain of the nuclear pore membrane protein POM121, which lies close to the nuclear membrane. The NUP160 gene is expressed in both human and mouse kidney cells. 2 Knockdown of NUP160 impairs mouse podocytes in cell culture (PMID: 29704630). Two compound-heterozygous mutations (p.Glu803Lys and p.Arg910X) in NUP160 were discovered in two siblings, older brother with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and younger sister with proteinuria, from a non-consanguineous Chinese family (PMID: 30179222). Polyphen: benign; SIFT: TOLERATED; PROVEAN: Neutral; MutationTaster: disease causing (p.Glu803Lys). Polyphen: N/A; SIFT: N/A; PROVEAN: Deleterious; MutationTaster: disease causing (p. Arg1173X).This compound heterozygote is in trans. Substitution is inherited from Father and nonsense SNV from Mother. Substitution is present only as a heterozygote in Sister. The NUP160 gene encodes Nup160 protein localized to the basket side of the nuclear pore, facing the nucleoplasm. Nup160 forms part of the Nup160-Nup107 subcomplex in the nuclear pore which is composed of Nup133, Nup96, Nup85, Nup43, Nup37, Sec13, and Seh1. This complex plays a role in RNA export and in tethering Nup98 and Nup153 to the nucleus. Nup160 contains a histidine acid phosphatase motif. The N-terminal beta-propeller regions of Nup160 and Nup155 interact individually with an N-terminal domain of the nuclear NUP160 : pore membrane protein POM121, which lies close to the nuclear NM_015231:exon30: membrane. The NUP160 gene is expressed in both human and mouse - 72 37 36 99 1762.3 - - - - 2 c.C3517T:p.Arg1173 kidney cells. Knockdown of NUP160 impairs mouse podocytes in cell X (h) culture (PMID: 29704630). Two compound-heterozygous mutations (p.Glu803Lys and p.Arg910X) in NUP160 were discovered in two siblings, older brother with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and younger sister with proteinuria, from a non-consanguineous Chinese family (PMID: 30179222). dbSNP151 (; DP, read depth in target region; Nref, read depth for reference allele; Nalt, read depth for alternative allele; ExAC - The Exome Aggregation Consortium (; H, homozygous; h, heterozygous. 1 - Additional information obtained from GeneCards (, Mouse GenomeInformatics ( and The Human Protein Atlas (; Polyphen (; SIFT (; PROVEAN (; MutationTaster (; N/A, no applicable. All variants were found through exome analysis. Compound heterozygous mutations (p.Glu803Lys and p.Arg1173X) in NUP160 were checked with Sanger sequencing. 2 -