Welcome to the March 2019 edition of Connected.

Although Lent is almost upon us, I concert in Abbey, whilst Martin Printed copies of Connected delivered decided to steer clear of discussions Millward continues his discussion of to your door cost £5 a year (£4 for about abstinence, and focus instead the importance of prayer from last pensioners) by subscription, or you on some of the other landmarks in month. can pick up a copy for 75p in Brayton the Church calendar during March. Cathy Rodgers sets out the all- Post Office or from any of the In this edition Jackie Jackman, important Parish Safeguarding Churches mentioned within these taking the lead in the ‘Dear Friends’ policy, and Tony Service updates us pages. Subscriptions run from June column, celebrates the invention on all matters Methodist. each year. You may also download of the satnav, and notes that Jesus Finally I ramble on about Mothering Connected free from the St Wilfrid’s can act as a satnav throughout our Sunday, pancakes, the good work of website www.stwilfridsparish.com. Christian journey. the St Wilfrid’s Social Committee, Contributions are always gratefully The Brayton Mothers Union and more cheekily, ‘Strictly Come received, by the 11th of the month anticipates a busy month ahead, Dancing’ St Wilf’s style! please. and Mrs Clarke reports on Hilary & Lyndsey’s inspiring visit to the John Clarke Ukraine with Selby Soroptomists. 01757 708646 Martha Harrold enjoys the Voice [email protected]

Inside This Month

Dear Friends...... 3 MU News...... 10 Methodist Clergy...... 4 Soroptomists...... 11 Service Roster...... 4 The Voice...... 12 St Wilfrid’s Clergy...... 5 Mothering Sunday...... 13 St Francis Clergy...... 5 Pancakes...... 14 St Wilfrid’s Notices...... 6 Knock Knock...... 15 St Francis’ Notices...... 6 Safeguarding...... 16 From the Registers...... 7 Social St Wilf’s...... 17 Art for Art’s Sake...... 7 The Directory...... 18 Methodist News...... 8

The latest round of St Starting with a double speed Wilf’s Does Strictly pasodoble, they glided was held during the recent between the tables before Tea@Two event in the moving on to a unique Parish Hall. In an electric interpretation of Gangnam atmosphere, and to the Style, and then finished with rhythms of Richard at the Dance of the Signets from organ accompanied by the Swan Lake. Tchaikovsky slurping of tea, the crowd would have been proud! was mesmerized by the The image right, helpfully elegant dancing of star paring provided by June Bryan, Murial Smith and Revd. Pete shows the couple in mid- Watson. dance. Cha Cha Cha! www.StWilfridsParish.com 2 Extended Online Version Dear Friends I lived on the Sussex coast for my Then, wonder of wonders, signs and information. Before first 22 years, and then in 1967 the satnav arrived, plus we know it we’ve taken the I moved north to a village near more motorways and fewer least sensible path. (And God Ripon. This meant that, certainly roundabouts, and the journey gives us common sense, not a for a while until I made new became a doddle - almost! I learnt helicopter!!). Fortunately for ones, my closest friends still lived to trust the satnav - almost! I soon us, however much in the wrong about 260 miles away. Naturally I discovered that common sense is direction we may travel, God can wanted to see them again but for still required. On one occasion use even this to bring us back to me this meant a daunting drive - in Wales the satnav clearly said the right road. a nightmare, in fact! What I’ve learnt over I can hardly believe many years is that that I ever made that God often just gently journey on my own, nudges us into faith but I did, every year. and trust. He had to Some people may nudge me through my remember that in stubbornness until I those days you could began to notice him, and ask the AA for a he keeps on nudging, detailed printed possibly because I’m route which would still stubborn?!! All I take you from door know is that sometimes to door. Every road I want to go down one junction, traffic light road, but deep down and roundabout there’s that subtle, was shown with instructions turn right which would have what I think is probably a God about which exit etc. you should taken me across a field and over given feeling, (a nudge?) that it’s take. This might have been a Welsh mountain. I might have the wrong way. straightforward with a navigator, reached my destination but only At times like these that’s when but on my own.... I would drive by helicopter. we have to trust our spiritual through (no M25 in those Dare I say that being a Christian ‘satnav’ more than ever. Finally days) clutching the instructions isn’t a doddle. But, at the same taking the correct route, together with the steering wheel, time I don’t think we were ever everything falls into place..... hoping for the best as I navigated meant to flounder for too long until the next roundabout. As I the North and South circular and on our Christian journey. Jesus, intimated earlier, the Christian crossed over Kew bridge and and what we learn about him life isn’t an easy option, but my ever onward. My main problem, through the Bible and prayer, is goodness, it’s a deep-down joyful apart from other drivers always like our satnav, to continue the one. Give me The Satnav over seeming to know exactly where analogy. Like a satnav, if we use the AA any day! they were going and not always it regularly, we learn to trust very patiently, was remembering it. If Jesus is an intimate part of which was the last roundabout I’d our lives, trusting him becomes Jackie Jackman crossed. At the next roundabout, a habit. Does this habit become oh no, which one was it and which 100% reliable? Ideally it could be, exit did I need this time... as I said, but we ourselves can become a nightmare! Of course, I’d always a stumbling block. Perhaps we get there in the end and enjoy my want to dictate our destination, holiday, but always hanging over knowing in our own minds exactly me was the trauma of the return where we want to be in our life. journey. This can cause us to misread the

Extended Online Version 3 www.StWilfridsParish.com Service Roster You are more than welcome to join us in any of the Services in March listed below. St Francis St Wilfrid’s Methodists Sunday 3rd Sunday 3rd Brayton 10:30am Holy Communion with 10:30am Lay-led Morning Prayer Sunday 3rd (Sunday before Lent) prayer and anointing for healing 12:30pm Baptisms 9:45am Prayer Fellowship Thursday 7th 5:00pm Inspire in St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall 10:30am Morning Worship 10:00am Holy Communion Tuesday 5th Sunday 10th (Lent 1) Sunday 10th 10:30am Holy Communion at Fernbank 9:45am Prayer Fellowship 10:30am Celtic Communion Court 10:30am Morning Worship Thursday 14th Wednesday 6th Sunday 17th (Lent 2) 10:00am Holy Communion 7:30pm Holy Communion 9:45am Prayer Fellowship Sunday 17th Sunday 10th 10:30am Morning Worship with Holy 10:30am Morning Worship or 8:00am Holy Communion Communion (united service with Burn Communion 10:30am Family Communion and Hambleton) Thursday 21st Monday 11th Sunday 24th (Lent 3) 10:00am Holy Communion 10:30am Holy Communion at 9:45am Prayer Fellowship Sunday 24th St Wilfrid’s Court 10:30am Morning Worship 10:30am Lay-led Morning Prayer Wednesday 13th Sunday 31st (Mothering Sunday) Thursday 28th 10:00am Holy 9:30am Holy Communion 9:45am Prayer Fellowship Communion Sunday 17th 10:30am Morning Worship Sunday 31st 10:30am Holy 10:30am Celtic Communion, Communion 12:30pm Baptisms Burn Wednesday 20th Sunday 3rd (Sunday before Lent) 9:30am Holy Communion 10:00am Morning Worship Sunday 24th Sunday 10th (Lent 1) 8:00am Holy Communion 10:00am Morning Worship with Holy 10:30am Holy Communion with prayer Communion and anointing for healing Sunday 17th (Lent 2) Wednesday 27th 10:30am United Worship @ Brayton 9:30am Holy Communion Sunday 24th (Lent 3) Saturday 30th 10:00am Morning Worship 7:00pm Thrive in St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall Sunday 31st (Mothering Sunday) Sunday 31st 10:00am Morning Worship 8:00am Holy Communion 10:30am Holy Communion Thorpe Willoughby 5:00pm Alive@5 St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall Sunday 17th (Lent 2) 10:30am Morning Worship with Holy Communion (all other services are Anglican)

Methodist Clergy Brayton and Burn Methodist Ministers Revd. Philip Macdonald 1 Olive Grove, Goole, DN14 5AD [email protected] (01405 765154) Revd. Peter Barnett 5 Lynwith Close, Carlton, Goole, DN14 5RR [email protected] (01405 869701) Revd. Christine Gillespie 24 Tomlinson Way, Sherburn in Elmet LS25 6EQ [email protected] (01977 682695) www.StWilfridsParish.com 4 Extended Online Version St Wilfrid’s, Clergy & Officers Clergy Revd.. Pete Watson The Rectory, Doncaster Road, Brayton YO8 9HE (01757 704707) Revd.. Rodger Place [email protected] Revd.. Roy Shaw [email protected] Reader Jackie Jackman [email protected] (01757 706475) Church Wardens Claire Hodgson [email protected] (01757 711586) Iain Nutt [email protected] (07544 510390)

Ministry Team Mel Allan (01757 706068) Electoral Roll Officer Lynn Allan (01757 706068) Margaret Seager (07840 817005) Sue Beevers (01757 229515) Organist/Pianist Pat Griffiths (01757 705793) Edwin Davis Claire Hodgson (01757 711586) Junior Church Joan Howden (01757 700942) Martha Harrold (01757 291254) Sheila Newsome (01757 705497) Friday Fun Club Carol Sowden (01757 703590) Cathy Rodgers (01757 704303) Gordon Tute (01757 707123) Parish Safeguarding Representative Sacristan Cathy Rodgers (01757 704303) Sheila Newsome (01757 705497) Craft Group Officers Linda Crackles (01757 704944) PCC Secretary Mothers Union Ruth Breeze (01757 701911) Lynn Allan (01757 706068) [email protected] Book Club Treasurer Rosalind Lonsdale Jill Clarke (01757 708646)

St Francis Clergy & Officers Clergy Thorpe Willoughby Methodist/Anglican Church Revd.. Pete Watson The Rectory, Doncaster Road, Brayton, YO8 9HE (01757 704707) Revd.. Rodger Place [email protected] Revd.. Roy Shaw [email protected] (The Revds. Rodger Place and Roy Shaw have the Archbishop’s permission to officiate and we are very grateful for their help in the parish) Reader Jackie Jackman [email protected] (01757 706475) Officers ECC Secretary Child Protection Representative Jan Tetley (01757 707987) Jan Tetley (01757 707987) [email protected] [email protected] Acting Treasurer Church Coordinators Joy Piper (01757 292531) Shirley Croft (01757 707380) Electoral Roll Officer Fiona Richards Shirley Croft (01757 707380)

Extended Online Version 5 www.StWilfridsParish.com St Wilfrid’s Notices

St Wilfrid’s Summer Fair The warm days are still some way off, but now is the time to add the date of the Summer Fair to the diary - Saturday 22nd June 2pm to 4pm.The usual mix of stalls, games, entertainment and refreshments. Further details to follow, but if anyone can lend a hand before the event or on the day please let me know on 01757 704414. Lis Middup

THRIVE: All You Need is Love? Thrive is our Selby Churches Together youth service which gathers every other month, for School Years 6 and upwards, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall. This year we’re focussing on The Fruit of the Spirit and last month we looked at The Crazy Little Thing Called Love - romantic, friendship and unconditional! There was the usual mix of games, music, food and chat to help us unravel whether all we really need is love... Emma Perkins Youth Worker

Childrens Society Collecting Boxes. March is the month designated for the emptying of The Childrens Society Collection boxes in our parish. If you have one of these boxes I would be very grateful if you could let me have it as soon as possible. If you would like me to collect it please give me a ring on 706068. Many thanks, Lynn Allan

St Francis’ Notices St Francis Quiz Night. Saturday 30th March from 7:00pm. Tickets, priced £7 per person, must be booked in advance. Teams of up to 6 people. Ring Joan (708128 or Pat 700712 to book a place.

Messy Church Twice a term we run a Messy Church for families who might not want a traditional Sunday morning church service. A time of creativity, worship, singing and eating! It’s all free! The next Messy Church will be held on Thursday 4th April 4:30pm to 6pm. Jean

The Saturday Coffee Morning, 6th April, will include the usual cake and coffee but it will also include a craft for Spring - lots of lovely things and Easter Delights. Pat

Fashion Show There will be a Spring Fashion Show in St Francis on the evening of 10th April commencing at 7:00pm. What better time to update your wardrobe before the warmer weather arrives?

Facebook.com/StWilfridsBrayton www.StWilfridsParish.com St Wilfrid’s is a Registered Charity No 1169956 www.StWilfridsParish.com 6 Extended Online Version From the Parish Registers Floodlights Funerals The Church was, or will be, illuminated in We offer our love and sympathy to the remembrance of: relatives of:

12 th February 17th January In Loving Birthday Memories of Helen Dragunas Derek Smith (69) at St Wilfrid’s 20th February 22nd January In Loving Memory of Ray Stevenson Fredrick Norman Cliffe (72) at St Wilfrid’s 15th March 24th January In Loving Memory of Ena Thompson Frieda Bowman (91) at St Wilfrid’s 25th April 1st February In Loving Memory of May Parry Dawn Lesley Binns (51) at St Wilfrid’s 13th February Baptisms Melvyn ‘Mel’ Hayes (74) at St Wilfrid’s

We welcome into the Christian family:

20th January Rosie Wyn Durnin 3rd February Maddie Jayne Darlinson

Art for Art’s Sake

The work required to repair the tower at St Wilfrid’s will require a lot of money, and as part of the fund-raising activities it is proposed to hold an Art Event in the Parish Hall on Saturday 17th May 2019. The details are still being discussed, but it will feature an exhibition and sale of the beautiful ceramic plates produced by Martin Pearson (see image right), and it may include musical entertainment and refreshments. Expect to see further details in Connected, and also posters etc. in Church and the Parish Hall. And keep the 17th May clear in the diary; it promises to be a unique and exciting event.

John Clarke

Extended Online Version 7 www.StWilfridsParish.com Methodist News

May 18th & 19th Watch this space for further information. Put the dates in your diary and be ready for news of A MAJOR EVENT. It’s one you won’t want to miss (I hope)! Second Mile Quiz (March 30) There are verses in that part of the Bible called the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus is telling people that they need to do a bit more than what is normally expected of them. One admonition is, if somebody makes you go one mile, you should do twice as much and go a second mile (Matthew 5.41). As a church, we encourage people to contribute church in Thorpe Willoughby. Helen the Week of Prayer for Christian to its work and mission but, some moved last August to Burton on Unity and our local churches in years ago, we were asked to go the Trent but, due to a shortage of Selby and Brayton came together extra mile and support a special clergy last year, we were unable to for worship and prayer – and some project with extra giving. Other immediately replace her. However, quiz fun. churches have their own fund raising Rev Christine Gillespie will now On Saturday January 19th, ideas but we usually have “a quiz with be joining us from the beginning of we had the Quiz evening where a difference”. Two of our members, Brayton provided two tables of Peter and Karen Holgate, organise “...it is possible that eager participants (13 of us). One a quiz which is always more than you may hear the of the teams did rather well and tables of people just sitting down call of God. However, came third, not far behind the and answering questions. Things on it is unlikely that winners (one of the Abbey teams). walls and things on tables need to The team in which this writer was be identified, quirky questions need He will call you on a part managed, with ease (!!), to to be answered or anagrams sorted your mobile...” finish at the bottom of the pile, with out. Then, to finish with, one of our half the number of points of the typical, fantastic Bring and Share March, living in our Sherburn manse, winning team. However, we were Suppers, always a serendipity and and will be pastorally responsible given a wonderful box of Green cornucopia of food, glorious food. for seven churches, including and Black’s Luxury Chocolates as a We are looking forward to a good Thorpe. Christine was previously booby prize, the same prize as the night. This year, we are focusing on in Harrogate which is also part of winners. Proving it pays to come the Nigeria Health Care project our local Methodist District so last sometimes! In the spirit of which supports eight hospitals, she will still continue to be part of Christian friendship, the chocolates three mental health centres, a our District team. There will be a were shared the following day with community-based orphan care special Circuit service of welcome the rest of our Sunday congregation program, a mother and baby home, for Christine at Sherburn in Elmet during our coffee fellowship. a leprosy and rehabilitation centre, a Methodist Church on Saturday In the middle of the evening, we college of health technology and the March 2nd at 7.30 pm and everybody had a great fish and chip supper training of health workers. is warmly invited to share in this which somewhat dented our desire Revd. Christine Gillespie service. to enthuse as much in the second People will no doubt remember Looking back, Churches Together half! Still, another evening of my Rev Helen Harrell who was the events in the Week of Prayer for favourite 3 F’s – fun, food and Methodist minister responsible Christian Unity fellowship. for the shared Methodist/Anglican Towards the end of January was On the following Wednesday www.StWilfridsParish.com 8 Extended Online Version (Jan 23), it was our turn to host how wonderful it was to be in a friends from Eggborough joined us to the Prayer Day in the Chapel. warm church! And, of course, there fill the “Blue Room”. Loads of food Our normal layout of rows of was a wonderfully warm fellowship to expand the waistlines and lots of chairs was transformed into a as we all shared in this time of prayer. convivial conversation that went on large circle for a more communal On the following Sunday (Jan long into the afternoon. It was great gathering. Our minister, Rev Philip 27), we joined in the United service to get together and there was a Macdonald, and Tony Service jointly at St James which, this year, was lovely atmosphere of being together led a time of worship and prayer led by Rev Pete Watson and his in fellowship. Dare I mention yet based on the four AspeCTS of colleagues from St Wilfrid’s. It was again those three F’s I love so much prayers – Adoration, Confession, an enjoyable and inspirational service – fun, food and fellowship? Thanksgiving and Supplication – with with several modern and traditional Seen on a church poster interactive, silent and extempore songs and hymns. It is a service we If you visit this church during this prayers. One wag asked if the CTS really enjoy as we join with others Lenten period, it is possible that you meant Churches Together in Selby! from all the other churches in may hear the call of God. However, There were two sessions – at the town and from Brayton. That it is unlikely that He will call you 2:00pm and 7:30pm. The afternoon fellowship was also continued for on your mobile, so thank you for was full with thirty people joining a long time afterwards as many of turning it off. If you want to talk to together, the largest number we us went for coffee and a chat in the God, please find a quiet corner in have had in recent years, and fifteen adjacent parish hall. the church and talk to Him there. If came in the evening, again a good Looking back, Brayton’s Lunch you want to see Him later, send Him number compared to previous (Jan 18) a text while driving. evening sessions. We did offer to Now a well-established event in our turn down the heating as the chapel Chapel’s life, our post-Christmas got rather warm but all those who lunch is expanding more than our Tony Service normally worshipped in our larger waist lines. Once again, we returned and colder parish churches told to to the Drax Sports and Social Club leave it as it was. They all remarked and once again, our associate chapel

Churches Together Lent Meetings We have always enjoyed and supported the Lent meetings twice as many coming to the afternoon session as there organised by Churches Together in Selby. Previously, were for the evening session.) The theme this year is they have always been on an evening but this year it has “Women of the Gospels” and the speakers will be our been decided to have them on a Thursday afternoon at local church leaders. Details as follows: 2:00pm. (For the Prayer Day (see page 8) there were Date Speaker Venue Focus

March 7 Rev Dr Julie Watson Selby Abbey The woman in the crowd

March 14 Rev Pete Watson St Francis Church Mary Magdalene

March 21 David Ward King’s Church TBC

March 28 Rev Philip Macdonald Portholme Church The Samaritan Woman

April 4 Rev Jason Reid St James Martha and Mary

April 11 Capt Jeremy Church at the The woman washing the feet of Jesus Ferguson-Wright Crossroads (S. Army)

Extended Online Version 9 www.StWilfridsParish.com Lady Day Service in Minster Mothers’ Union members are invited to a special service on 25th March in York Minster at 2pm. The Lady Day Service links with the MU annual theme: as we gain clarity about our God-given purpose and direction in both local and global context we will be energised and inspired for what lies ahead. As the future unfolds we will continue to listen and observe in order to act with insight and integrity; neither running ahead nor lagging behind, but always in step with God. Hilary Castle from the Branch is our new Diocesan President, and she and the new trustees are to be commissioned at the service. The Archbishop of York will be the preacher. The trustees in the York Archdeaconry are Averil Tate from St. James, Geraldine Woodhall from Heslington, and Barbara Richardson from Brayton. This service is an opportunity to worship together and to support those taking on new responsibilities. Our next meeting is on 14th March when Revd. Roy Shaw will tell us about his life before coming to the parish and to lead us in a Lent meditation. Also on 23rd March there is the caravan open day at Filey - 10am until 3pm.

Barbara Richardson

(on behalf of Brayton Mothers Union)

www.StWilfridsParish.com 10 Extended Online Version The Golden Ring of Ukraine Dnipro – where is that? We learnt at our February talk from two visits to traditional craft equipment; a forefinger and a cat’s Hilary Putman and Lyndsey that it’s a workshops. The first village has hair brush. Both Hilary and Lyndsey large city in Ukraine on the Dnieper partook of this workshop and River. A group of Soroptomists showed us the fruits of their work. International flew into Kiev, the They also purchased a variety of capital city, and Hilary, Lyndsey and boards, eggs etc. decorated with two others from Selby travelled the technique. by overnight train to Another workshop was at Dnipro. Dnipro cannot a Cossack village where they be found on older made dolls from material maps as it used to be – no sewing involved but a military base in the just tying of scraps of USSR where rockets cloth. Before starting were made. they were asked to clear The Selby Soroptomists their minds of all that was had brought didactic wrong so that only positive (educational) play items for thoughts and love was an orphanage and therefore put into the dolls in the tour included a visit readiness to give to their to the orphanage. Other children. clubs support the state run orphanage by providing Jill Clarke wheelchairs etc. All the 61 children, aged from (On behalf of Brayton babies to teenagers were Mothers Union) physically and often mentally handicapped but all appeared happy, especially when they were singing. UNESCO status for its paintings Included in the itinerary were – made with just two pieces of

March Is A Busy Month For MU Events!

Friday 1st at 2pm World Day of Prayer at Selby Abbey

Thursday 14th at 2pm Lenten meditation led by Roy Shaw in Parish Hall

Saturday 23rd all day Caravan Open Day at Filey

Monday 25th at 2pm Lady Day Service at York Minster

Saturday 30th at 9.30am Arranging flower posies for Mothering Sunday, in church

Saturday 30th all day Marriage Preparation Day in Parish Hall – help needed with food and serving

Sunday 31st Mothering Sunday

Extended Online Version 11 www.StWilfridsParish.com Voice Youth Choir & Orchestra is a fantastic organisation led by Simon Smith, which provides opportunities for young people to create and perform music as a way of exploring and sharing their Christian faith. In January, Selby Abbey hosted a performance by the group, which includes several young people from St Wilfrid’s. Alongside whole-group songs showcasing great vocal harmonies, strong musical accompaniment and powerful lyrics, a real highlight of the evening was Meg Watson’s inspiring solo performance of ‘Worth in You’, a song she’d composed through the Voice Creative Artists programme. You can hear this and other Voice songs at www.voicemusic.org.uk/ music

Martha Harrold

www.StWilfridsParish.com 12 Extended Online Version Mothering Sunday During the Middle Ages, young people apprenticed to craftsmen or working as ‘live-in’ servants were allowed only one holiday a year on which to visit their families - which is how “Mothering Sunday” got its name. This special day became a day of family rejoicing, and the Lenten fast was broken. Families were reunited as adults returned to the towns and villages where they grew up. Traditionally, people observed a fast during Lent – the period from Ash Wednesday until Good Friday. But the fast was lifted slightly on Mothering Sunday and many people prepared a Simnel cake to eat with their family on this day. A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan and with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle of the cake. Traditionally, Simnel cakes are decorated with 11 or 12 balls of marzipan, representing the 11 disciples, excluding Judas, and, sometimes, Jesus Christ. One legend says that the cake was named after Lambert Simnel who worked in the kitchens of Henry VII of sometime around the year 1500. It is also well known that Simnel Cake, if eaten with one’s mother, is completely non-fattening. Of course the unrelenting there is more than a grain of truth progress of commercialism has “God could in this one. changed Mothering Sunday for Mothering Sunday is celebrated many, and it has transmogrified into not be on the fourth Sunday in Lent, 31st the American Mothers’ Day, with March 2019, in the 10:30am Holy families going out to Sunday lunch everywhere, Communion Services at St Francis and generally making a fuss of their and St Wilfrid’s. If possible, bring mother on the day. and therefore your Mother along. There is an old Jewish saying, sometimes attributed to Rudyard He made Kipling, “God could not be John Clarke everywhere, and therefore He mothers. made mothers”. I can take or leave generalised sayings that pretend to be philosophy, but to my mind

Extended Online Version 13 www.StWilfridsParish.com Pancakes@St Wilf’s Did you know that about one in eight British adults worry about not being able to afford enough food? Recent research carried out on behalf of the Church Urban Fund has found that food poverty is a growing issue, with more families using food banks and children going hungry during summer holidays without their free school meals. The Church Urban Fund’s Together Network is working to change this, but says: “We need your support: will you join the Big Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday on 5th March 2019 and eat away at hunger?” St Wilfrid’s is doing its bit by hosting a Pancake Party in the Parish Hall between 6 and 7pm before the PCC Meeting. Why not come along and sample the beautifully made pancakes - the ideal way to kick-start Lent! Various fillings available. No need to stay for the PCC meeting afterwards…

Claire & Iain

Interesting Facts About Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day*

Ever wondered why we eat pancakes just before Lent?

The tradition dates back Pancakes feature in Pancakes up for feare they to Anglo-Saxon times, cookery books as far back as burne.” when Christians spent 1439, and today’s pancake Some people have noted Lent in repentance and races are in remembrance that the ingredients of severe fasting. On the of a panicked woman pancakes can be used to Tuesday before Ash back in 1445 in Olney, highlight four significant Wednesday, the church Buckinghamshire. She things about this time bell would summon them was making pancakes of year: eggs stand for to confession, where they when she heard the creation, flour is the staff would be ‘shriven’, or shriving bell calling her to of life, salt keeps things absolved from their sins, confession. Afraid she’d wholesome, and milk which gives us Shrove be late, she ran to the stands for purity. Tuesday. At home, they church in a panic, still in would then eat up their last her apron, and still holding Shrove Tuesday is always eggs and fat, and making the pan. Flipping pancakes 47 days before Easter a pancake was the easiest is centuries old. A poem Sunday and falls between way to do this. For the from Pasquil’s Palin in 3rd February and 9th March. next 47 days, they pretty 1619 runs: “And every man well starved themselves. and maide doe take their John Clarke turne, And tosse their * or not... www.StWilfridsParish.com 14 Extended Online Version Someone’s knocking at your door, with business closures or as a single receives; he who seeks finds, and to someone’s ringing your bell... parent struggling to make ends meet him who knocks, the door will be I’m sure we have all seen and and hold down a job. There are opened” heard this advertising jingle on the many more situations where just When I am reminded of this TV for the Post Code Lottery. the certainty that God IS with us in promise, I remember a picture that I’m also sure that many of us have our situation and that he will see us hung in my parent’s house. It was of thought how nice it would be to win through it calms our thoughts and Jesus standing by a door in a high all that money and speculated in our sooths our mind. wall holding a lighted lamp. He’s minds what we would do with it if we This is when Prayer is so waiting for someone to knock on did. Then we probably think about important. By prayer we open a the door from the other side so he how many Post Codes there are in dialogue with God and create for can enter their life, their personal the Country and how many houses ourselves a personal relationship world so helpless, full of fear and or flats on each street and realised which, through faith, gives us the hopelessness and make his presence that in reality the chance of winning, strength and confidence to face and felt. whilst as good as anyone else’s, is a overcome life’s difficulties. God Is The fantastic point of all this is pretty long shot! Not everyone who Not Going To Knock On Our that unlike the Post Code Lottery, buys a ticket is a Winner. Door Or Ring Our Bell. when we knock on Gods door and I’m also sure that we all want a Just like those who play the let him into our lives - Everyone personal relationship with God and lottery have to buy a ticket to stand who does so, Is A Winner. to experience for ourselves not any chance of winning , WE have only his Love for us as individuals to make the first move and knock Martin Millward but also his Peace in our lives. Not on Gods door - otherwise he can’t Peace as the world knows it, but come into our lives! that Special Peace “Which passes To encourage us to do this, we all understanding”. This is certainly have God’s promise (Matthew 7 true, particularly when we are Verse 7-8) “Ask and it will be given anxious about where the next meal to you ; Seek and you shall find; is coming from, where will you sleep Knock and the door will be opened tonight, will my job be on the line to you. For everyone who asks

Extended Online Version 15 www.StWilfridsParish.com Parish Safeguarding

What is safeguarding? What do I do if I have any concerns? Safeguarding is protecting and being concerned for If you have any concerns at all about the welfare of the welfare of everyone in our church community, anyone in our church community please speak to me – especially children and vulnerable adults. It is Cathy Rodgers. My contact details are: 01757 704303, everyone’s responsibility. Safeguarding is important [email protected]. At St Francis, please speak because we want everyone who comes into our to Jan Tetley. Contact details: 01757 707987, tetleyjan@ church to feel safe, to trust us and believe that we gmail.com care for their welfare and for the welfare of their These contact details can also be found on posters families. displayed in the church and in the parish hall and in the folders mentioned above. You can also find other useful How do we do this? local and national contact details here. At St Wilfrid’s I am the Parish Safeguarding If you feel that someone is in immediate risk or danger Representative. Jan Tetley is the Safeguarding please contact the police on 101. Representative for St Francis. Together, we ensure that the Church of England’s guidelines and policies are implemented in our parish. Cathy Rodgers We make sure that every volunteer who works directly with children or vulnerable adults has the appropriate checks and completes safeguarding training.

We have several safeguarding policies which explain in more detail what we do to keep people safe. These cover the following areas: 1. Safeguarding Children 2. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults 3. Recruitment of volunteers and storage of personal data 4. Use of photographs and video.

These policies are available to view in folders in both St Wilfrid’s and St Francis and I would encourage everyone to read them.

www.StWilfridsParish.com 16 Extended Online Version Did Rabbie Play Bingo? The St Wilfrid’s Social Committee put on a splendid Burns Night Supper on the evening of Saturday 26th January. Around 40 people were royally catered with a fabulous three course dinner of the traditional soup, neeps, tatties, and haggis, and Dundee marmalade pudding. Brilliant! My waist line may never recover! But before the haggis, neeps and tatties could be eaten, the dish was toasted with a ceremonial reading of Burns’ work ‘Address to the Haggis’, recited by Churchwarden Iain Nutt. Martin Millward entertained everyone with some classic comic verse, and much head scratching was caused by June’s quiz on all things Scottish. Having sorted the literary needs of the Parish the next Social Committee endeavour will be the Bingo! Night on 16th March. With an earlier start time of 6pm this is aimed at families and since the whole exercise is a game of luck, children stand as much chance of winning as their parents (although I’m bound to beat my daughter ‘cos I’m a better player. Just saying...). Refreshments will be provided (but no whisky this time alas!) and great fun is anticipated. Tickets are available now priced £4 each, but family tickets are only £10. Many thanks to the Social Committee for putting on these excellent social evenings. The Parish is more than the church building, and getting together sociably is a vital part of church life. And an opportunity to switch off the tablet, mobile, computer or television and interact with real people...

John Clarke

Extended Online Version 17 www.StWilfridsParish.com

Health & Wellbeing Reading Gentle Movement Wellbeing Cafe Book Club

Mondays 2pm–3:45pm Mondays 10am–11:30am Thursday 28th March 7:30pm St Francis Church St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall

Sitting down exercises for all ages A facility for those with Mental This month we shall discuss Bridge and for your own capabilities; free Health conditions; support for of Clay by Markus Zusak. but donations accepted for church those affected by mental health Anyone interested in literature funds. We are a warm friendly conditions by providing a safe open is very welcome to come along. group, so why not come and join us; space in Christ’s love, compassion Rosalind or come for company, coffee and & acceptance. Contact me for more cake! More information from me on information 01757 711586. Claire 07821 257923. Jean One Lump or Two? Coffee Morning Community Lunch Coffee Morning

Saturday 2nd March Wednesday 6th March Saturday 9th March 10am–11:15am 12noon–1:30pm 10am–12noon St Francis Church St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall

This month the coffee morning will Homemade soup, bread and butter, Come along to the Craft Group include a table top sale - crafts, a simple dessert, and tea or coffee Coffee Morning - coffee, hand cards, candles, and Avon cosmetics for only £4. Come along and enjoy crafted gifts and cards, raffle (so, something for the Dads this good food and fellowship. If anyone and cakes, homemade jams and month...). Come along for some requires transport please give us a marmalades. And of course good jolly company, and all the usual call on 01757 705793. Pat and Vyv company! See you there! Linda goodies - including coffee, probably. See you there! Pat

Tea@Two Coffeemates Coffee For All

Thursday 21st March Wednesday 27th March Every Tuesday 10:00am 2pm-4pm 10am–12:00noon St Francis Church St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall

Afternoon tea with entertainment, Why not come along and join us for Come along & join us: the church tickets £5. Tickets available from tea/coffee and home made cakes. will be open for anyone to ‘drop-in’ me. 01757 705793. We look Meet your friends and make new to enjoy coffee and biscuits. Chat forward to seeing you! Pat ones. There is a children’s corner, with friends, make new friends, book swopshop and a warm relax & unwind. Jackie welcome. We look forward to seeing you there. Lynn

www.StWilfridsParish.com 18 Extended Online Version

Crafty Folks St Francis Crafters St Wilfrid’s Craft Group St Wilfrid’s Patchwork

Wednesdays 2pm–4pm Tuesday 12th & 26th March Monday 25th March 2pm–4pm St Francis Church 2pm–4pm in the Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall

We meet every Wednesday to Come along and catch up with Last Monday in the month. This is knit, sew, crochet, craft and crafty projects whilst sharing ideas not a class to learn needle craft, natter. Everyone is welcome, from over a cuppa. For more information but a relaxed group of people who beginners upwards, or if you just contact me on 01757 704944. would like to experiment with want to chat with a friendly group Linda patchwork. Bring any materials and of people. Contact me for more ideas you may have, and we can all information on 01757 703892. help each other! Contact me for Margaret more details on 01757 705793. Pat Women Matters the Mothers’ Union Brayton WI Thorpe WI

Thursday 14th March 2pm Monday 11th March 2pm Thursday 14 th March 7:30pm St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Francis Church

At our next meeting Revd. Roy New members and Visitors are David Lewis will talk about Shaw will tell us about his life warmly welcomed. At our next An Edwardian Book of Kitchen before coming to the Parish, and meeting the speaker will be Alun Management; afterwards we may lead us in a Lent meditation. Lynn Pugh with an illustrated History sample some of the cakes of that of Leeds. For more information period! The competition is An contact me on 01757 709362. Jean Old Cookery Book. For further information contact me on 705357. Barbara Children and Young People County women Friday Fun Club Junior Church

Tuesday 5th March 2pm–4pm Fridays 1:30am–3:00pm Sundays St Wilfrid’s Church St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall St Wilfrid’s Parish Hall & Parish Hall

At our next meeting the speaker We are a toddler group for babies Meet in church, before leaving will be Linda Telford Amusing Stories. and pre-school children and their to join the appropriate group - All welcome. Contact me on 01757 parents/carers. Come along for Adventurers (year 6 +), Pathfinders 703901 for further information. stories, songs, play, coffee and chat! (years 3 to 5) or Discoverers Alda For more details please contact (reception to year 2). We also me on 01757 704303 or cathy. have a crèche for younger children. [email protected]. Cathy New members welcome to join us! Cathy, Charlotte, Martha & Michaela

Extended Online Version 19 www.StWilfridsParish.com www.StWilfridsParish.com 2020 www.StWilfridsParish.comExtended Online Version

fit! get to head your on You don’t have to stand stand to have don’t You

Gentle Movement Exercises for all ages

Relax - inprove your flexibility in a warm, calm, and friendly environment.

Every Monday from 2:00pm at St Francis Church Fox Lane, Thorpe Willoughby

The cost is free, but donations to the church are welcome.

Come and try it for yourself. More information from Jean (07821 257923)

www.StWilfridsParish.com St Wilfrid’s Bingo! Night

Saturday 16th March at 6:00pm Tickets £4 or £10 for families. Refreshments provided for all! In the Parish Hall, St Wilfrid’s