

UPPER COMMISSION 355 Soi.th Fourth East Strut S(dt Lal{e City, 84111

January 10, 1986


TO: Upper Commissioners and Advisers

FROM: Clint Stevens, Chief Engineer~~

SUBJECT: Content of Colorado River Storage Project , Streamflow, and Power Generation.

On December 31, 1985 conditions at the operating Storage Units were as follows:

Reservoir Change Live Storage Percent of Storage w. s. Elev. Live Content in Content Capacity Live Storage Reservoirs (feet) (1000 a.f.) (1000 a.f.) 0000 a. f.) Ca:eacity

Fontenelle 6, 444.10 35.4 0.7 345 10.3% Flaming Gorge 6,023.90 3,116.8 87.1 3,749 83.1% Navajo 6,063.80 1,392.9 - 124.8 1,696 82.1% Blue Mesa 7,488.23 567.4 72.5 830 68.4% 3,687.19 22,993.0 110.0 25,000 92.0%

TOT.!U...... 28,105.5 - 175.1 31,620 88.9%

Storage in decreased 489,000 acre-feet during the month. On December 31, 1985 the contained 23,720,000 acre-feet at water surface elevation 1,205.49 feet (82.49 feet above rated head elevation 1,123 feet.) Live storage at Lake Mead was 90.7% of the live capacity of 26,159,000 acre-feet.

Storage in Fontenelle, Flaming Gorge, Navajo, Blue Mesa, and Lake Powell reservoirs decreased during the month a total of 175,100 acre-feet.

January 1, 1986 Runoff Forecast

Colorado River Runoff Forecast A ril-Jul Projected Inflow Percent Reservoir (acre-feet) 1961-1980 Average

Fontenelle 1,100,000 127% Flaming Gorge 1,560,000 125% Blue Mesa 950,000 139% Navajo 950,000 130% Lake Powell 10,600,000 142% Streamflow

Streamflow at key stations in the Colorado River System for December 1985 was as follows:

Percent Percent 73 year 73 year Cumulative Monthly (1914-1986) December (1914-1986) (Oct.-Dec.) Cumulative Monthly Discharge December Mean Discharge (Oct.-Dec.) Discharge Discharge (lOOOa.f.) (1000 a.f.)

Colorado River near Cisco, Utah 365.5 1,181.4 Adjusted~/ 298.9 164.0 1,027.4 164.5

Green River at Green River, Utah 224.4 709.9 Adjusted b/ 129.8 113.0 530.7 125.0

San Juan River near Bluff, Utah 193.4 497.1 Adjusted E_/ 72.3 146.7 303.9 146.6

TOTAL 783.3 2,388.4 501.0 144.6 1,862.0 148.2

Colorado River at Lee Ferry i/ 698.8 2,164.0 a/ Adjusted for change in storage in . Storage began in Blue Mesa Reservoir October 27, 1965. b/ Adjusted for change in storage in Flaming Gorge and Fontenelle Reservoirs, Storage began in on November 1, 1962 and in in October 1964. cl Adjusted for change in Navajo Reservoir. Storage began June 27, 1962. Not adjusted for San Juan-Chama diversions. d/ Exclusive of discharge.

Power Discharge

Power generation at Colorado River Storage Project power plants for December 1985 was as follows:

Generating Generation Cumulative Units Megawatt Month of Monthly Generation Available Capability December (October-December) (Megawatt (Megawatt Hours) Hours) Glen 8 1,269 340,601 1,046,073 Flaming Gorge 3 132 51,259 120, 710 Blue Mesa 2 72 30, 777 88,584 Morrow Point 2 146 36, 172 106,603 Crystal 1 28 20,789 61,243 Fontenelle 0 0 0 0 16 1,647 479,598 1,423,213