- Flow Advisory Bureau of ·Reclamation Upper Region Salt Lake City, Vol 17 No. 5 July 1987

The snowmelt runoff has been greater than previously forecasted. Inflow into for April-July period will be 98 percent of average, rather than 88 percent as forecasted in June. at Westwater The flow of the Colorado is 4.700 cubic feet per second (cfs). It will continue to recede slowly. including the Green River The flow of the Colorado River through the canyon is 9,000 cfs, and receding slowly. lake Powell Lake Powell is at elevation 3,698 feet. The peak elevation of 3,698.47 feet, 1.53 feet below full. was reached on June 25 this year. Colorado River through The July rP.lease fran is expected to average 18,000 cfs. Releases are expected to rise to 21,000 cfs in August, and drop to 18,000 cfs in September. Flows wi 11 fluctuate from 3 ,000 cfs at night to 31,000 cfs during the day. Upper Green River - Fontenelle Reservoir is at elevation 6,442. Present releases of 1.200 cfs will decreasP. as inflow into the reservoir decreases. The flow will be bypassed through the , and the reservoir's water level will remain low while work on the diaphragm wall continues. Green River Flows below Flaming Gorge is at elevation 6,034 feet. 6 feet below full. It is not expected to rise beyond this point this year. Restricted releases are being dictated during the month of July by studies on endangered fish species. Releases, currently at 2,000 cfs, will be decreased in five weekly increment~ to approximately 800 cfs by mid-August. When the fish .Page 2

studies are completed in the latter part of August, river flows will return to an average daily release of 1,200 cfs, with fluctuation between 800 cfs at night and 1,800 cfs during the day. Green River at Green River, Utah Green River flows are 3,200 cfs. which will recede through of August. San Juan River Current releases from are 5,000 cfs. They will be gradually reduced to 1,000 cfs during the lattP.r part of July. The reservoir level now at elevation 6,051 feet will recede to 6,040 feet by August 15. The flow of the San Juan River at Bluff is 6,200 cfs. - McPhee Reservoir The release from McPhee Reservoir is less than 200 cfs. -Boating at this levP.l is not recommended. - The elevation of Blue Mesa Reservoir is 7,516 feet, 3 feet short of full elevation. It has started to recede.

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For current information on river flows, call the National Weather Service River Forecast Center, Salt Lake City -- telephone number (801) 539-1311. For further information on reservoirs and releases, call the Upper Colorado Regional Office of the Bureau of Reclamation in Salt Lake City at (801) 524-5573 or 524-5576. * * *