Cyber Security Analysis of

Hakan Şentürk*, C. Zaim Çil**, Şeref Sağıroğlu***

* Department of Management of Technology, Defense Sciences Institute, Turkish , 06100, , Turkey **Department of Electronic and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Çankaya University, 06810, Ankara, Turkey *** Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, , 06500, Ankara, Turkey

‡ Corresponding Author; Address: Tel: +90 312 414 2631, Fax: +90 312 414 2537, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract- Considering the criticality of the cyber security threat in the 21st century, it is presumed that the nations are busy with series of activities in order to protect their security in the cyber space domain. In this paper, in light of the recent developments in the cyber security field, Turkey’s cyber security analysis is performed using a macro analysis model. We researched for the measures taken in Turkey with respect to those in the other countries, reviewed the posture, the activities and actions taken in the last ten years and provided recommendations deemed necessary to enhance national cyber security. The paper aims to contribute to the cyber security literature on governance issues as well as to national security preparations. It needs to be emphasized that the views contained in this paper belong to the authors and do not reflect any official view of the respective institutions.

Keywords- cyber security; national cyber security analysis; cyber warfare; cyber security strategy

1. Introduction the report "Cyber Security Strategy of the United Cyber security is defined by ITU as, “the Kingdom" prepared by the UK Cabinet Office in collection of tools, policies, security concepts, June 2009, points out the importance of the cyber security safeguards, guidelines, risk management space with the statement “Just as in the 19th approaches, actions, training, best practices, century we had to secure the seas for our national assurance and technologies that can be used to safety and prosperity, and in the 20th century we protect the cyber environment and organization had to secure the air, in the 21st century we also and user’s assets.” [1]. have to secure our advantage in cyber space” [2]. Since the first State-level Cyber War in Estonia Nations are struggling to adapt themselves to the in 2007, a number of cyber war incidents have new century’s warfare which is transformed into taken place in countries such as Russia-Georgia wars with cyber battle space [3] and cyber (South Ossetia dispute), North Korea-US, China- warriors. Every new day brings about a number of India, Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, news stories such as various countries establishing more advanced Duqu worm, latest Flame virus and cyber units with defensive and offensive Gauss with a mystery payload, aimed at Middle capabilities, implementing training and exercise Eastern government systems as well as Shamoon activities, performing symposiums, workshops, virus that damaged 30,000 Saudi Aramco etc. in order to raise security awareness of the workstations. These attacks prove that cyber public. The attack type on the rise last year is the warfare will increase its severity over time, advanced persistent threats (APTs). They use revealing the critical importance of ensuring the highly customized stealthy intrusion techniques security of cyber-space in the 21st century. In fact, and aim to gather high value, national information such as military, political or economic intelligence



[4]. The Trendmicro 3Q/12 report states that 76% security strategy of the nation and the action plans of the APTs target corporate/government systems and programs which are in close interaction with [5]. Official sources state that US, China, UK, Iran each other, as well as the institutions/organizations and at least other 140 countries are developing responsible for implementing them. It also covers cyber weapons [6,7]. Considering these recent the activities of the armed forces. All these factors developments in the field of cyber security, it is are complemented by the legislative framework possible to claim that nations are in a fierce and the national/international co-operation. competition in the cyber space domain in terms of The cyber security analysis of Turkey is both defensive and offensive measures. carried out in accordance with the proposed Percentage of households with internet access indicators, accompanied by the identification of in Turkey has increased to 42.9% in recent years the weaknesses as well as the measures to be [8]. According to a survey conducted in 2011, 14% taken. In the analysis, only publicly available open of Turkey's population owns a smart phone of source official reports, strategic plan documents which 66% connect to the internet with their and other activities between 2002 and 2012 are mobile phones [9]. Turkey is in the eight order in taken into consideration and evaluations are made the list of countries that host botnets [10], it is with the assumption that there exists no other plan, ranked third in the production and distribution of report or activity. spam e-mail [5] and ranked ninth (fifteenth previous year) in the source of malicious activities with a 3% of the total worldwide malicious activity [10]. In the botnet rental advertisements on the Internet, Turkey is in the cheap botnet league with 40 U.S. dollars per 1000 computers. Thus, it is likely to assert that Turkey's current computer park (virtual soldiers), becomes a powerful weapon that can be used against her [11] and her risk high at a possible cyber war.

This paper focus on analyzing cyber security posture of Turkey using a cyber security macro Figure 1. Cyber Security Macro Analysis Model [12]. analysis model [12] and is organized as follow. The second chapter provides the aim, scope and 3. Analysis and Findings methodology of the study. The third chapter The analysis is performed in seven sub-chapters. provides a brief introduction to the seven main In each sub-chapter, a brief introduction of the indicators used in the model and then presents the used model’s indicator is provided and then findings regarding the current state of activities in findings regarding the respective indicators are Turkey. The chapter also places special focus on presented. the national strategies. The fourth and fifth chapters provide recommendations and the 3.1. National Cyber Security Strategy conclusion, respectively. The most important aspect of cyber security at 2. The Aim, Scope and Methodology the national level is strategic management which also covers strategic planning. For a The aim of this study is to analyze the cyber comprehensive analysis, the first line of measure security posture of Turkey in accordance with the should be the nation’s cyber security strategy. model’s seven main indicators as indicated in Fig.1: National Cyber Security Strategy, Action In the 21st century, cyber wars and ensuring Plans and Official Reports, Legal Framework, security at the cyber space is evidently a top Responsible Authority and Organizations, Cyber strategic priority. Therefore, it is vital to develop a Security Programs, Cyber Security Activities of national strategy. Marsan compares the cyber war the Armed Forces, National/International with conventional wars and determines the Cooperation. The model encompasses the cyber differences as the importance of winning the first 113

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 fight, the speed, the targeted nature of the attacks, that have no cyber security strategy and a central the secrecy, the techniques, goals and the defense and response capability will be weak [18]. objectives [13]. He concludes that cyber-wars can Specific aspects to analyze a strategy document not be tackled with conventional warfare could be: the distribution of responsibilities strategies. between the institutions, the prioritization of With recent developments in technology, cyber- strategic objectives, the identification of necessary attacks are increasing their sophistication; hence it action plans and roadmaps for achieving the is almost next to impossible to trace the attacks to strategic goals, the determination of the R&D its source [14]. It is suggested that cyber warfare is subjects in the field of cyber security technologies the transformation of the known nature of the and respective financial/executive government conventional warfare [15]. Against such warfare, initiatives to encourage related work, the the application of the conventional strategies will protection of national critical infrastructures, the not work. As in the case of nuclear deterrence preparation of action plans to achieve this purpose between the United States and the Soviet Union, and the provision of public and private sector Libicki replies negatively to the question "... Is the cooperation. strengthening of cyber-attack capabilities likely to Before going any further, it is a good start to prevent the cyber wars?"; due to the fact that in the review National Cyber Security Strategy case of cyber wars, most of the times it is not Documents in the world. The following paragraphs possible to determine who attacked, it is not focus on these documents. effective if the same type of attack is used repetitively and when the attackers are small U.S. National Cyber Strategy document countries with closed systems, retaliation with ("National Strategy for Securing Cyber Space") cyber tactics and resources will not pose a similar was published in February 2003 [19]. The threat [16]. document, that has been developed by thousands of people across the nation and many public and private organizations, states that securing the cyber space is only possible with the contribution of all the American people and especially the private sector as well as public and private sector cooperation. The document assigns the main responsibility of ensuring cyber security to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and dictates that the strategy document that comprises three strategic goals is a complement to the “National Strategy” prepared for the protection of the U.S. homeland. Another strategy document Figure 2. Deter-Disarm-Defend Triangle [16]. ("Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative-CNCI") was prepared in 2008 as a In the face of a cyber threat, there are three basic "CONFIDENTIAL" document but in 2010 made strategies that the target country may apply: available to the public by downgrading the security Deterrence, Disarmament and Defense. Libicki classification of one part of the document. The explains the various forms of combat and where document comprises twelve directives that address they fit in the Deter-Disarm-Defend Triangle the government’s comprehensive strategy shown in Fig. 2. He concludes that rather than the regarding the protection of military, civilian and disarmament and deterrence, the best strategy is a government computer networks and systems and good defense [16]. To achieve a good defense, it is the critical infrastructures as well as the strategies imperative that a nation develop a national strategy to implement against cyber war [20]. U.S. document which includes the strategic goals as international strategy for cyberspace document well as the measures to achieve them [17]. All was published in May 2011 focusing on protecting military and political disputes in the future will U.S. networks, law enforcement, preparation of have a cyber security aspect. That’s why countries 114

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 military, internet governance and freedom as When we generally reviewed other countries' policy priorities [21]. official reports and publications, the concepts of The UK cyber security strategy document, security perspectives are similar and they consider published first in June 2009, addresses the main people, organizations, institutions, developments, themes as the security, flexibility, and resiliency in action types and precautions as well as future plans cyberspace; identifies the greatest threat in the and strategies. current century as the cyber security risks; points The process of developing National Cyber out the need for international co-ordination and the Security Strategy Document of Turkey is establishment of a central Office of Cyber summarized as follows. There had been many Security; and the requirement to determine the meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, current doctrinal, political, and legal shortcomings held in Turkey to discuss the issues initially but the [22]. The updated strategy document, published in most compact event was a workshop in Ankara, 2011, aims to make the UK one of the most secure Turkey. A Cyber Security Strategy Workshop was places in the world to do business. With the held in Ankara on June 16, 2012, through the strategy document, the UK Government commits initiative of the Turkish Information Security funding of 650 million pounds over a four year Association. The members of this society initially period for a transformative National Cyber prepared a draft document which further on, was Security Programme to strengthen UK’s cyber shared with private and public institutions. This capabilities; the document also outlines UK’s document was then discussed in a workshop with plans for a new cybercrime unit and a center for the participation of more than 80 IT security national critical infrastructure protection [23]. professionals and experts from public and private Germany’s cyber security strategy document institutions, a draft strategy document was revised states the requirement to establish a National in this workshop and presented to the Ministry of Cyber Security Council and the National Cyber Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Response Centre, with emphasis on critical [29]. This Turkish Strategy Document states that information infrastructure protection and national in order to protect the nation’s land, citizens, all public systems security [24]. assets, today and future, it is imperative that the security of the cyber space is ensured [30]. The Australian cyber security strategy document, document also addresses following key points: published in 2009, addresses the threat awareness and intervention, cultural change and the resiliency - The establishment of National Cyber Security of all of the electronic systems that might pose a Council, threat to national security [25]. - The performance of national cyber security risk French cyber security strategy document analysis annually, addresses the strategic goals to be the superpower - The establishment of National Cyber Threat of cyber defense, to protect the information and Vulnerability Analysis Center regarding the national independence, to protect the Laboratory, national critical infrastructure and to ensure cyber - The establishment of Cyber Security Center of security in the cyber space [26]. Excellence, The cyber security strategy document of the - The requirement for government/private Netherlands attaches special importance to the agencies that manage critical infrastructures public-private partnership and international to be compatible with TS ISO/IEC 27001 cooperation [27]. Information Security Management System In the Indian cyber security strategy document, (ISMS), legal framework, establishment of security - The need to increase the cyber security incidents early warning and response system, awareness, in this respect, a suggestion of an Digital forensics and Research & Development awareness month, May, centers and international cooperation issues are emphasized [28]. 115


- The proposal of a core “Cyber Security and plans that are related to the national cyber security, Defense” course in the universities which are: programs. 1- "Security and Privacy of Personal Another official policy document is the Information" category, action plan 88 determines a “National Cyberspace Security Policy”, prepared 24-month period from 2007 to establish a National in 2008 by the collaboration of 19 government Information Systems Security Program (UBGP in agencies and submitted to the Office of Prime Turkish) by the responsible organization Minister in 2009 [31]. The aim of the document is TUBITAK-UEKAE. to identify the steps for Turkey to prepare the 2- "Information Security Related Legal nation against the attacks in the cyber space and to Regulations” action plan 87 dictates that legal recover in a resilient manner. The identified steps regulations be made for below issues by the are as follows: responsible organization of the Ministry of Justice:

- The preparation of National Cyber Security - Protection of all information in electronic Strategy, form which is related to the national security as - Legal regulations well as the protection of government information - The development of national cyber capabilities security systems. - The establishment of National Cyber Incident - Protection of Personal Data [32]. Response Organization 3- "Citizen-Focused Approach" category, action - The training and awareness Activities plan 27 requires web sites of all public institutions to ensure standardization of the content, security, - The protection of Critical Infrastructures identity management, and usability. For this, a - International Cooperation guide named "Standards and Recommendations for Websites of Public Institutions" was prepared and - Cyber Security of the Public Institutions introduced to the public at a meeting held on 3.2. Action Plans and Official Reports January 27, 2009. In addition, the web site has been activated in In order to achieve the strategic goals order to promote the standards. identified in the national strategy, there must be strategic plans that address specific programs and 4 - "The Adoption of Information and roadmaps. With this indicator, these strategic plans Communication Technologies by Businesses" as well as the official reports generated to address category, action plan 26 dictates e-commerce strategic issues for the nation are evaluated in security infrastructure requirements by the Turkish order to determine the nation’s potential to achieve Standards Institute. a secure cyber space. 5 - "Social Transformation" category, action Following policy documents have been released plan 10 named as "Internet Security", requires the by the State Planning Organization in the last 10 monitoring the results of the “Law No. 5651, years: "e-Turkey Initiative Action Plan-2002", "e- entitled Regulation of Publications on the Internet Transformation Turkey Project Short-Term Action and Combating Crimes Committed by means of Plan (2003-2004)", "e-Transformation Turkey Such Publication” by the Ministry of Justice. Until Project 2005 Action Plan", "Information Society the analysis is completed, no further action is Strategy (2006-2010)", "Information Society foreseen on this action plan and thus it is treated as Strategy Action Plan (2006-2010)". "Information closed [33]. Society Strategy and its Annex, Action Plan" dated With respect to the official reports; we could July 11, 2006 was approved by the Supreme only find one cyber security reference in the 2010- Planning Council and was published in the Official 2014 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health. Gazette of Republic of Turkey dated July 28, 2006, Other Ministries’ and even the Information and numbered 26242. This document has five action Communications Technologies Authority (BTK in Turkish)’s strategic plans that are published on


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 respective web sites do not address cyber security Security Board which is explained in the next sub- within the scope of their strategic goals and section. objectives. State Planning Organization’s 2009- Law No. 5809, entitled “Electronic 2013, Undersecretariat for Defense Industries Communications Act" regulates information (SSM)’s Sectorial Strategy Document 2009-2016 security and confidentiality of communications to and SSM’s 2012-2016 Strategic Plan documents ensure the security of the networks against do not include any goals or action plans regarding unauthorized access, including compliance with cyber security. security and quality of service standards and One last report that can be mentioned, although specifications for electronic communications it does not reflect the views of the institution, is the sector. The task to perform the required measures 2009 report "Securing Cyberspace: Turkey’s envisaged by the legislation is to be carried out by Current Situation and Measures to be Taken" National Information and Communication prepared by the staff of the Department of Technologies Authority [37]. Information Technology & Coordination. It Electronic Communications Security presents recommendations for the provision of the Regulations was published in the Official Gazette national cyber security [34]. No. 26 942, dated July 20, 2008. With this, 3.3. Legal Framework Communications Operators are required to be One of the cornerstones of the used model is certified with TS ISO/IEC 27001 Information legislation, which emerges as the most important Security Management System. problem area if not regulated. After the distributed Law No. 5070, entitled "Electronic Signature denial of service attacks against the US and South Act" regulates the technical criteria regarding Korean government systems in July 2009, the secure electronic signature as well as the central control computer of the attacks was traced authorization and supervision of Electronic back to an IP address in Miami/Florida [35], not in Certificate Service Providers, China or North Korea. In such cases it is hard to Law No. 5651, entitled “Regulation of determine who is guilty and where he or she is. Publications on the Internet and Combating These examples prove the importance of legal Crimes Committed by means of Such Publication” necessities. In this aspect, we’ll first evaluate if the in 2007 regulates Internet actors in terms of current national laws ensure the security of the content, location, access and access providers and classified information and the public/government content control, systems and networks on which the information is processed. Next, the regulations regarding the Draft Law on Electronic Commerce provides the private sector, end-users and the critical authority to make secondary legislation on infrastructures of the nation will be examined. unsolicited electronic mail, Findings “Regulation of Processing of Personal Information and Protection of Privacy in the This document was finally shared and discussed Telecommunications Sector” regulates the with the all state institutions and accepted in a confidentiality of correspondence, processing of meeting of national board of Turkey. traffic data, and detection of location, The Cabinet Decision Nr. 2012/3842 [36] which Draft regulation regarding Unsolicited has been published on the Official Gazette on 20 Electronic Messages determines the procedures to October 2012 determines a number of block spam SMSs, responsibilities on the implementation, management and coordination of Turkish national Draft Principles and Procedures for the Secure cyber security activities to be implemented by the Use of the Internet, 2011, regulates operators to responsible authority - The Ministry of Transport, deliver secure internet service, Maritime Affairs and Communications. The The State Planning Organization Strategy decision also establishes the National Cyber Document Action Plan 87, entitled "Regulations



Regarding Information Security", dictates the several undersecretaries and chief executives of legislations for protection of privacy, the classified National Intelligence Agency, Public Order and information and government information security Security, Turkish General Staff, TÜBİTAK, BTK, systems and networks. In this context, the Draft Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK in Law on Personal Data Protection was submitted to Turkish), Telecommunications and the Parliament on April 22, 2008, but has not been Communications Commission (TİB in Turkish) approved yet [38]. and others that will be deemed necessary by the Draft Law on National Information Security Ministry [36]. Organization and Its Duties has been prepared and There are currently two accredited Computer this work of Ministry of Justice to establish a Emergency Response Teams (CERTs). One is commission is ongoing. government-run (TR-BOME) and the other The IT crime is dealt with the Turkish Penal belongs to TUBITAK (ULAK-CSIRT) operated Code 10; specifically below three crimes are for the purpose of research and education. TR- defined: BOME is also active in the international arena. It has signed a memorandum of agreement with - Item 243 regulates the breach to the IT system, NATO Computer Incident Response Capability- - Item 244 regulates denial of service, system NCIRC in 2007 on the issues of staff exchange, disruption, data modification and destruction, participation to NATO cyber defense exercise, joint incident response, access to NCIRC network, - Item 245 regulates the offense of misuse of vulnerability database and alarm/warnings and debit and credit cards. support on malicious code analysis [39]. TR- 3.4. Responsible Authority and Official Reports BOME has represented Turkey at the "International Cyber Defense Workshop, Fall 09 - This is the main indicator to analyze if a country ICDW09" exercise and participated actively to the has established necessary organizational structures NATO Exercise Cyber Coalition 2009. for national cyber security. One of the most important issues is the designation of one single Established under the National Information central authority that will be responsible for Systems Security Program, The CERT overall national cyber security. This authority Coordination Centre is tasked with the should harmonize all the efforts and activities of responsibility of helping the public/private other organizations that have cyber security tasks institutions across the country to gain the ability to such as, accreditation, auditing, standards, respond to computer security incidents. There is specification and protection of both public and also a CERT in its organization as explained above private systems as well as critical infrastructures. [40]. To enhance the nation’s cyber security capabilities, Cyber Space Defense Centre (SOSAM in the existence of specialized institutes, laboratories Turkish) is a research center established in Ankara and centers that engage in research and under the National Information Systems Security development of cyber security technologies is also Program. It has real and honeypot systems that important. gather statistics on traffic data and cyber-attacks. Findings Its activities focus on threat detection against public institutions, profiling and reporting of Until October 2012, the responsible authority for cyber-attacks, issuing warnings and precautionary cyber security was TUBITAK agency. As of 20 measures and botnet detection and destruction October 2012, after the Cabinet Decision Nr. [41]. 2012/3842 publication on the Official Gazette; the responsible authority became The Ministry of There is no authority or center for the protection Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. of critical infrastructures. The decision also establishes the National Cyber 3.5. Cyber Security Programs Security Board with membership of Ministries of Foreign and Internal Affairs and Defense and This is the main indicator to analyze the realization of strategic plans into specific programs 118

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 and the projects on a national scale. Especially, Within the scope of National Information awareness-raising academic activities, training Security Gate project, the web site at programs, exercises, research and development publishes projects, defense programs specific for the technical articles, standards and guidance protection of critical infrastructure, risk documents and information security papers on management, vulnerability analysis such as cyber security issues. databases or web portals as well as participation to In addition, there are a large number of cyber international initiatives are all issues that can be security training programs provided by private evaluated in this context. educational institutions. For example, for the first Findings time a cyber security summer camp is held in July State Planning Organization’s "Information 2011 by the Academy of Information Security. A Society Strategy and its Annex, Action Plan 88 group of 20 university students are given intensive dictates the National Information Systems Security training for five weeks [42]. There are also free Program. The program is a follow-on project to the programs such as e-Transformation of Turkey Project, 2005 by which is an online library managed by ethical TÜBİTAK-UEKAE. Within the scope of the hackers in order to share their information security project; knowledge and experience [43]. - In item “Co-ordination”, the establishment of In order to increase public awareness, a security National Computer Incidents Response Team awareness day was put into place for the first time Coordination Center, on February 23, 2010. In addition a booklet has been published by the government that provides - In item “Training”, the training of data useful information on secure use of information processing personnel working in public systems by the students and their parents [44]. institutions, Regarding the conferences and symposium, a - In item “Documentation”, the preparation of sufficient number of such activities are held in information systems security-related guidance Turkey. The International Conference on documents for public institutions and sharing via Information Security and Cryptology (ISC) held its the Information Security Portal (Gate), fifth organization in May 2012 with the main - In item “Management”, the establishment of theme of Cyber Security and Defense. All of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) presentations and articles are published online on to the selected public institutions, the ISC website ( Other examples are; Information Technology Security - In item “Monitoring”, the establishment of Conference for Public Institutions held its sixth Cyber Space Defense System [41]. panel in 2011, National Cyber Security Workshop The implementation of the above mentioned conducted second time in September 2011, Cyber programs are underway. The Fifth Assessment Security Law Workshop conducted in January Report of the Information Society Strategy Action 2012, Cyber Security Conference held in Plan states that university staff is provided with December 2011. cyber security training; TR-BOME has been Within the scope of Cyber Security Exercises, working to provide free online courses such as user the first CERT exercise was held on November 20- awareness training, CERT installation and 21, 2008 with the participation of eight public management training, incident response and institutions. The second one entitled Information system analysis training. For the Information Systems Security Exercise was held between Security Management System (ISMS) Project, risk January 25-28 2011 with the participation of 41 analysis of several government offices and public and private institutions and ministries from ministries such as the Office of Prime Minister and a variety of sectors such as finance, electronic the Ministry of Justice has been completed. communications, education, internal security and defense. During the 3-day exercise, over 450


INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 scenarios were tested including distributed denial and Communications, Binali Yıldırım talked about of service and website security audits [45]. An cooperation between the important CERT exercise was also achieved for (TAF) and NATO; he also mentioned that several only internet service providers and GSM operators projects are underway for the Turkish General in the second period of 2012. Staff and other forces [52]. Participation of the However, as of today, there is no official TAF personnel to several symposium and program for the protection of critical conferences are also observed. infrastructures. 3.7. National and International Cooperation 3.6. Activities of Armed Forces All the activities, programs and projects This is the main indicator to analyze a country’s explained above serve a common, shared goal to approach to cyber security as warfare. McAfee ensure national cyber security. To achieve this, a Virtual Criminology Report 2009 states that the great deal of harmonization as well as cooperation countries not only collect information on their is required. There is also a need for international cooperation particularly for the protection of adversaries’ activities in cyber space but also developing sophisticated cyber-attack techniques. critical infrastructures against cyber-attacks. Thus, The countries, known to have offensive cyber the U.S. "Cyber Space Policy Review Report" capabilities are China, Russia, the U.S., Israel and draws the attention to national and international France [46]. North Korea, Iran, Taiwan, Brazil dialog between all actors [53]. [47] and India [48] are also known to have Findings offensive programs. In an analysis, the U.S. is As an example of national cooperation, a alleged to have the offensive power score of 8, project about working against spam e-mail is cyber defense power score of 1, whereas North performed in 2009 by BTK with the participation Korea has 2 and 7, respectively [49]. of many public and private institutions. At the end When we consider the need for both civilian and of the project, which is a good example of best military measures [50] in order to protect the practices, the IP address count that transmits spam information and the processing systems that mails has declined 99 percent and overall spam operate in the cyber space, it is a common sense mail count per day has declined from 6,5 billion to that a country’s armed forces activities should also 394 million [44]. One of the issues that come be analyzed. The existence of a military cyber forward from the 13th e-government round table security strategy document, doctrine, concept and meeting is the necessity of public awareness as action, defensive and offensive cyber security well as public and private sector’s trust based command, CERT, specialized cyber security staff, cooperation. The meeting was held on February training institute, level of participation to 23, 2012 in Ankara with the participation of many National/international programs, etc. can be institutions with a theme of Turkey’s Cyber evaluated in this context. Security Roadmap [54]. Findings An index search of cyber security in the In July 2012, Undersecretariat for Defense Official Gazette of Turkish Republic revealed a Industries (SSM) has signed a feasibility contract finding with regards to international cooperation with STM AS., a government-owned company, for which is a memorandum of understanding between Malaysia and Turkey that includes possible information assurance and cyber defense capability development. The Project entitled “Integrated cooperation on the field of cyber security Cyber Security System” aims to produce a technologies [55]. prototype on a test bed and a network enabled One negative example is the Cyber Space capability feasibility report on cyber defense Conference held in London in November 2011 systems, software and processes for the purposes [56]. Turkey was not among the 60 countries that of concept validation [51]. This also implies that a participated to the conference which emphasized concept is available. In a press release in August globally coordinated intervention against cyber- 2012, the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs attacks [57]. 120


4. Recommendations [36], most legislative changes and other deep- In this chapter, considering the findings in rooted activities are believed to take place more previous chapter, some recommendations are rapidly. The scope of current three IT crimes in the provided for each main indicator used to perform Turkish Penal Code should be enlarged to address the analysis. crimes that involve advanced technology. The domestic laws should be adapted in parallel to the In the context of the national strategy; the draft European Convention on Cybercrime. As a strategy document needs to be reviewed and country with young and well-educated population, published officially. Although most of the capable especially in software engineering, strategies are defensive in nature, the fact that developing more secure software and hardware cyber warfare poses risks not only at cyber space systems should be made mandatory by enforcing but also in terms of physical damage as necessary security standards and related criteria in experienced in the Stuxnet incident should not be production processes [17]. The Draft Law on underestimated and offensive strategies should Personal Data Protection should be approved as also be developed. Recent analysis publicized by soon as possible. In addition, another issue to Kaspersky Lab states that traces of collaboration consider could be to give the internet service have been found in the development of Stuxnet, providers to the authority and the obligation to DuQu, Flame, Gauss and miniFlame that are prevent violations of information security [61]. In believed to be produced allegedly by the same agreement with the final report for 3rd state-sponsored cyber weapon factory [58,59]. International Conference on Information Security These sophisticated malware tools indicate that and Cryptology, a forensic institute and a new such capabilities are being developed by state- governance model can be established for the sponsored parties. Besides, the US National analysis of cybercrimes [62]. In summary, as the Defense Authorization Act, signed in December final declaration of Workshop on Cyber Security 2011 and the annual defense budget grants the Law 2012 suggests, the current regulations authority for offensive operations [60]. explained and analyzed in this paper are sufficient In the context of action plans and official to support the cyber security legal infrastructure reports; each ministry and government authority but they are not enough to meet all the current should develop their own cyber security strategic needs in the area [63]. plans. For the protection of critical infrastructures In the context of responsible authority and mostly owned and controlled by the private sector, organizations; the recently established National the role and responsibility of the government Cyber Security Board should convene for the first should be clearly identified; a public-private time as soon as possible and should kick off the partnership model should be developed and joint long-standing strategic actions regarding cyber CERTs should be established for the protection of security. Joint incident response centers for critical critical infrastructures. Government and military infrastructures should be established. All ongoing systems that process classified information should and future cyber security programs should be be isolated with secure air gapped systems. In the assigned to specific bodies and program audits case of an attack, well-developed response and should be performed by a central higher authority. recovery plans should be made readily available. The analysis in this context observes many In the context of cyber security programs; there deficiencies. In addition, public/private institutions is a good progress on the action plan 88, however, such as Information Communication Institute and much effort is required. With the Cabinet Decision TÜBİTAK should be encouraged to publish 2012/3842 [36], the Ministry of Transport, national reports containing a variety of analysis Maritime Affairs and Communications has been and recommendations especially for the attention given a number of responsibilities that require of government. starting necessary programs and projects in the near future. The government incentives for In the context of legal framework; after research and development should be enlarged to enactment of National Cyber Security Board that is include nationally critical cyber security established by the Cabinet decision 2012/3842 121

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY SCIENCE Hakan Şentürk et al. ,Vol.1, No. 4 technologies. In 2012, the United States Defense techniques are undoubtedly the most effective and Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) least expensive method to cause harm to an research budget for cyber security has been individual, group, company, institution or a increased by 50 percent to 208 million dollars [64]. country. For this reason, there’s no doubt that the Training in the field of cyber security should be cyber threat is going to increase its severity. provided at all levels from primary school to This paper used the proposed cyber security graduate; the curricula should be updated macro analysis model and performed a cyber accordingly. Importance should be given to security analysis of Turkey. The findings and specialized cyber security manpower. As the final respective recommendations are provided in the report of ICT Conference held on February 7 2012 chapters three and four. The summary of analysis states, a Cyber Security Centre of Excellence could is shown in Table 1. be established [65]. Especially the security audits and pen tests performed on the government Table 1. Summary of Analysis Model Indicators Summary of Actions information systems should be performed by a National Cyber - Strategy document drafted in Oct national authority with respect to the current Security Strategy 2012 national security policies [66]. The number of - Policy document (2008) in effect conferences and symposiums appear promising, Action Plans and - Five action plans in progress Official Reports - Only one cyber security reference in whereas for cyber exercises, the results of the Ministries’ Strategic Plans cyber exercise display a negative image for public - No official reports except one institutions and organizations. The results prove individually authored Legal Framework - Cabinet Decision 2012/3842 that a focused approach is necessary to enhance the - Several Laws approved or drafted cyber security of public institutions. Responsible Authority - Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Organizations Affairs and Communications In the context of cyber security operations of the determined to be Responsible Authority armed forces; the awarded feasibility project is a (Oct 2012) - Cyber Security Board establishment good indication of progress. The military should approved (Oct 2012) prepare itself for cyber security threat. However, it - No specific authority/center for should be noted that rather than just defensive, Critical Infrastructures Protection Cyber Security - Several ongoing projects both defensive and offensive capabilities should be Programs - Satisfying number of symposiums and developed if a nation would like to have its conferences advantage in the cyberspace domain. The - More need for cyber exercises - No programs for Critical USCYBERCOM and South Korean Cyber Infrastructures Protection Command is known to have offensive programs Activities of Armed - Feasibility Project awarded [67,68]. The military should participate in the Forces - No other publicly available activity. National/International - Good example - spam prevention national cyber security exercises and red-blue Cooperation project cyber warfare exercises such as Shriever in the US, - Lack of participation to activities in should be regularly performed. international arena. - No specific public-private cooperation In the context of national / international for Critical Infrastructures Protection. cooperation; particularly in the area of critical infrastructures protection, cooperation between With respect to the cyber security analysis of government and private sector critical Turkey, it is concluded that without a national infrastructure operators is required. All the strategy and a responsible senior level authority, activities such as detection and prevention of the impact of all cyber security activities, programs cyber-attacks, monitoring, analysis and and projects are to be limited in nature. There are intervention should be guided and controlled by a central facility of high authority. also observed deficiencies in the areas of legislation and cooperation especially for 5. Conclusion protection of critical infrastructures. In the world where systems are increasingly online and where information technology has It should be kept in mind that the cyber become an inevitable part of life, cyber-attack security technologies are not in the hands of a few 122

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