Christian Conference Lauds Commission Court Dismisses
READ THE A Newspaper Constructive VOLUME 29, NUMBER 22 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1959 PRICE SIX CENTS $101 Contributed To Chairman of the Binghampton The "fund” lias been establish Civic eLague's finance comm'li'.ee ed by the organization tor itsp.toii- C. _E. Hritoher, 584 Scott Ave. re dent, O. Z. Evers of 3018 Cry i nl ported this . week that 101 In do St., who olaims he will go into nations have been collected for the count to “protect his” postal clerk job. Evers said the pistol depart ment nformed him by mall recent ly that he would be fired from Ills Job or be disciplined it he didn't produce a more plausible reason '‘han he has given for his political campaigning prior to the Aug. 20 General Electton. He announced that he would seek to be olec.ed to a c’.ty commission pest before he was disqualified, because he had not been a resident of Memphis MONTEAGLE, Tenn:—The Sou long enough. thern Christian Leadership Confer Hatcher said, "Persons interested ence and the Alabama Christian in donating ilo ‘tile fund should Movement for Human Rights have contact him at FA 7-5770." joined the rising protest against the 'He listed the fallowing persons padlocking of Highlander Folk as contributors: Mis. Willie Mae School. Larkins. Edd e Davis, C. W. Bowen, Police Commissioner Claude Ar Delegates to the southwide meet Fred McCray. Mrs. Lula Durrett, mour gave no ¡indication or promise ing of the Southern Ciiristian' Mrs. Geraldine Lewis, C. and E. of inves’lgal-lng .the alleged "police Leadership Conference in Colum Plating Go.; Coleman Fest brutality" which reportedly has bia, South Carolina, called upon Control System; Eliehue Stanback, been on the increase toward Ne Evergreen Caldwell, Mrs.
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