Extensions of Remarks E541 HON. JOHN B. LARSON
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April 16, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E541 Chairman of the N.J. Home Care Committee can offer my support and encouragement for Congress, top Administration officials, other for the White House Conference on Aging; as work well done in good times and bad. I can key policy makers, and leaders of the Cypriot- Vice Chairman of the Human Services Advi- offer my thanks for charitable contributions to American community. As elected representa- sory Council; as a Board Member of First Call our community. And I can ask my colleagues tives who serve in this great Body, it is a privi- for Help, an information and referral service; to join me in this endeavor and reach out to lege to receive visits from our counterparts and as a peer reviewer for the National Home the innocent Andersen employees in their dis- serving in the legislative bodies of other coun- Care Council. Corrine was also past President tricts. Let them know that their hard work is tries—particularly when the visitor represents of NORWESCAP, an umbrella agency for five appreciated and that their community will not a country with which we enjoy very friendly re- counties, overseeing 54 action service pro- abandon them during this difficult period. lations, have so much in common and in grams; past President of the League of f which we have so many important interests. Women Voters of the Morris Area and the Mr. Speaker, Representative Demetris Morris County League; and also as a charter HONORING BOB AND JOAN HINES Christofias was elected President of the member and past President of The Human House of Representatives on June 7, 2001. Services Association of Morris County. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Based on the 1960 Constitution of the Repub- Corrine Gunther has been a member of The OF CALIFORNIA lic of Cyprus, the President of the House of Zonta Club of Morristown for the last twenty IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Representatives performs the duties of the six years and is a past President. Zonta Inter- Tuesday, April 16, 2002 President of the Republic in the event of a temporary absence or incapacity of the Presi- national is a worldwide service organization of Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise dent. He is also President of the Executive women executives in business and the profes- today to honor Bob and Joan Hines for receiv- Committee on Selection, and President of the sions working together to advance the status ing the 2002 Mr. and Mrs. Farmer of the Year Executive Committees of the groups rep- of women. Award from the Sanger District Chamber of Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Corrine for all of resenting Cyprus in the Inter-parliamentary Commerce. her past achievements and hope my col- Bob received a degree in agronomy from Union and the Commonwealth Parliamentary leagues will join me in congratulating her on California State University, Fresno, and be- Association. He is also a member of the Na- her honor, and all of the accomplishments and came an agronomist for J.G. Boswell Com- tional Council, a supreme advisory body to the service she has performed throughout her life! pany in 1957. He left J.G. Boswell Company President of the Republic. Representative Christofias was first elected f in 1961 and became manager of the Clovis- as a member of the House of Representatives Sanger Cooperative (cotton) Gin. He was cho- RECOGNIZING THE EMPLOYEES OF in 1991, and was subsequently re-elected in sen by the Agricultural Council of California to ARTHUR ANDERSEN 1996 and 2001. He was born on August 29, be ‘‘Co-op’’ Man of the Year in 1997. Mr. 1946, in the village of Dhikomo of the district Hines also served as Director of both the Fed- of Kyrenia, an area under military occupation HON. JOHN B. LARSON eral Farm Credit System and of the Allied by Turkey since 1974. From a very young OF CONNECTICUT Grape Growers. age, he has been active in political and civic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Joan made contributions through her church organizations in Cyprus. He now lives in Tuesday, April 16, 2002 as an elder, Sunday school instructor, and Nicosia and is married to Elsie Chiratou. They Youth Club Worker. She was a 4-H leader, a Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I have two daughters and a son. member of the Parents’ Club, and of the PTA. rise today to recognize the 26,000 employees Mr. Speaker, the Republic of Cyprus is an Mrs. Hines is a charter member of Los Ran- of Arthur Andersen who are facing great un- important friend and partner of the United cheros Valley Children’s Hospital Guild, Clovis certainty as the Department of Justice pursues States. Our countries share a commitment to Branch, and of the Fresno Kings Cattle its federal obstruction of justice charges. In the democracy, human rights, free markets and Women Organization. Both Joan and Bob State of Connecticut, Andersen employs more the ideal and practice of equal justice under have been citrus and grape growers along the than 500 and in my District, over 300 are em- law. ployed in the Hartford office. These hard- Kings River and Trimmer Springs area near The Republic of Cyprus also stands with the working employees are facing the possibility of Sanger. Together, they have made enormous United States and the rest of the civilized layoffs and general insecurity about the future contributions to their community. world in the war against international ter- of the company to whom they have dedicated Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate rorism. Within hours of the terrorist attacks of themselves. Bob and Joan Hines, for their dedication to September 11, Cypriot leaders expressed their Walking around Capitol Hill, I have wit- agriculture and the community. I invite my col- strong condemnation of the acts, their soli- nessed the sea of yellow shirts that signify the leagues to join me in thanking Bob and Joan darity with the American people, and their faithful Andersen employees who are pleading for their tremendous community service and commitment to working with the United States their innocence. I have met face-to-face with wishing them many more years of continued in the ongoing campaign against terrorism on the Andersen employees in my District and I success. many fronts. Since then, Cyprus has taken am impressed by their loyalty and resolve. f many substantive steps as part of the coalition These employees have done nothing but PRESIDENT OF THE HOUSE OF against terrorism, including giving blanket come to work everyday and perform their du- REPRESENTATIVES OF THE RE- clearances for U.S. military aircraft to fly over ties. Despite their uncertain future, they still PUBLIC OF CYPRUS Cyprus and use its airports, sharing intel- do. I could understand why they might feel be- ligence with and providing legal assistance to trayed by a select few who made poor deci- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. U.S. agencies, and increasing security at sea- sions in a city two thousand miles away. How- ports, airports and the American Embassy in OF NEW JERSEY ever, they still serve their customers with the Cyprus’s capital, Nicosia. Cyprus has also im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES same professionalism as they did before plemented UN Security Council Resolution Enron became a household name. Tuesday, April 16, 2002 1373 to freeze bank accounts and other as- I would like to offer my praise to Hartford’s Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, this week, we sets of terrorists and their supporters, ratified Andersen office for being a solid corporate cit- welcome a distinguished visitor to our nation’s and implemented the International Convention izen in our community. Employees proudly capital: the Honorable Demetris Christofias, for the Suppression of the Financing of Ter- proclaim that they donated nearly $100,000 President of the House of Representatives of rorism, and is conducting investigations to de- last year to the United Way, contributed to the Republic of Cyprus. termine if individuals or organizations named Hartford’s ‘‘Dress for Success’’ program to Mr. Christofias began his trip to the U.S. in President Bush’s Executive Order hold as- provide professional attire to those moving late last week with a stop in New York, where sets in Cyprus, with a goal toward freezing from welfare to work, volunteered on two he paid tribute to those who lost their lives in those assets. Habitat for Humanity projects, and gave the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Vis- Mr. Speaker, the future for the Republic of $160,000 to local civic organizations. Their iting Ground Zero, where the World Trade Cyprus looks extremely bright. Cyprus is cur- thankless contributions should now be recog- Center had stood, Mr. Christofias condemned rently considered a leading candidate country nized. all terrorist attacks, and reaffirmed Cyprus’ to join the European Union in the EU’s next I wish that I could offer Andersen employ- support in the fight against terrorism. round of enlargement. The United States has ees my assurances that their jobs will be safe During his visit to Washington, Mr. strongly supported Cyprus’s EU bid. EU mem- and their company will rebound. However, I Christofias will be meeting with Members of bership will bring significant benefits to both VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:07 Apr 17, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16AP8.040 pfrm03 PsN: E16PT1 E542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 16, 2002 the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot commu- Mary Hunter on celebrating their 60th Wed- ment plans and give them the legal mecha- nities, including new economic opportunities, ding Anniversary this April 10, 2002.