Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Thursday, 18 August 2011] p6231a-6231a Mr Peter Watson

WARWICK PROUDLOVE Statement by Member for Albany MR P.B. WATSON (Albany) [12.51 pm]: On behalf of the Proudlove family, I would like to pass on their thanks to the people of Albany for their tremendous support for their son Warwick. Warwick was seriously injured in a car accident when a car he was a passenger in struck a horse, and he is now in a serious condition in Royal Perth Hospital. Warwick is a very promising footballer and was playing for Claremont in the West Australian Football League. The football community in Albany got together to raise funds for Warwick and his family. Andrew McGovern set up a committee, including Darryl Panizza, Greg Lloyd, Gerard Cameron, Cameron Newbold, , Brent Sheridan and Matt Clothier. Tins were put around the town and an afternoon was organised by the committee; there was an auction and people could watch the Foxtel Cup final. The event raised $24 000 for the Proudies Foundation, and more than $3 000 extra was raised from the tins. The support of the Albany community and the has been enormous. This morning I was advised that the total raised was $44 000, which does not include $5 000 from Claremont players’ donations, $5 000 from the AFL and $3 000 from tins, for a total of $57 000—and the money is still coming in. This is all about a community getting behind one of our own. Warwick is a tough young man and has a loving family also supporting him. Hang in there, “Wazza”, and on behalf of Kevin, Trish, Mark and Alex, thank you to the people of Albany and all who have supported them and Warwick in this most tragic of circumstances.
