IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134



Ni Putu Nurzely Astuti [email protected] Masters in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management Postgraduate Program Mahasaraswati University

I Ketut Arnawa Masters in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management Postgraduate Program Mahasaraswati University Denpasar

Wayan Maba Masters in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management Postgraduate Program Mahasaraswati University Denpasar

I Gst. Ngr Alit Wiswasta Masters in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management Postgraduate Program Mahasaraswati University Denpasar


Badung Regency is the regency with the highest Regional Budget Revenue (PAD) in . Behind this positive phenomenon, has various social problems, one of which is the problem of neglected children. In line with the demands of meeting the needs of neglected children, the Government of Badung Regency is planning to build an Integrated Shelter House. This study aims to determine the location and design of a halfway home design in Badung Regency. This research is a quantitative and qualitative research, data analysis using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, with several criteria for technical considerations and legislation, the results of the study found the highest priority scale for shelters is Abiansemal District with a score of 2.588. The design of an integrated halfway house planning design includes several concepts, including the concept of entrance / entrance, the concept of mass patterns, the concept of circulation, the concept of outdoor space (parking concept, sports arena concept, lawn garden concept, sand garden concept, planting concept), place concept carving, and the concept of building appearance

Keywords : planning, open house, integrated, children, abandoned

INTRODUCTION Bali, known as a national and international tourism destination, is one of the regions in with a high level of infrastructure development. Besides infrastructure to support tourism activities, social facilities infrastructure is also needed to help the local community. Bali Province consists of Jembrana, Tabanan, Badung, Gianyar, Klungkung, Bangli, Karangasem, Buleleng and Denpasar Municipalities. Based on BPS data, the total population of the province of Bali in 2017 was 4,246,500 people, the total population in Badung Regency was 643,500 people, placing Badung Regency as the third most populous district after Denpasar City and (Central Statistics Agency of Bali Province, 2018). Differences in the characteristics of an area affect the creation of patterns of economic development that is not uniform, this causes some regions to be able to grow fast while other regions grow slowly, which causes inequality in both development and results (Putri, 2014). Badung Regency which consists of 6 districts namely Petang, Abiansemal, Mengwi, , and Districts is the regency with the highest Regional Budget Revenue (PAD) in Bali. As it is known that the higher the value of the ratio of PAD to total income, the smaller the dependence of a region's financial assistance to external parties both the central government and other regional governments. Badung Regency's PAD in 2015 reached 3 trillion, making Badung Regency with the highest PAD above Denpasar City with 776 billion and with 300 billion. In 2017 PAD of Badung Regency was 4.17 trillion, Denpasar City with 1 trillion and with 662 billion (Central Statistics Agency of Bali Province, 2018).

404 IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134

However, behind this positive phenomenon, it turns out that Badung Regency has various problems, especially social problems, namely there are still poverty rates in the community. Poverty is a condition where there is an inability to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education and health. Poverty has indeed existed for a long time, in the past the poor were generally in the form of lack of material. In modern life they don't enjoy educational facilities, health services and facilities that are available. Poverty is often characterized by high levels of crime due to unemployment and underdevelopment of people without education. It cannot be denied, there are still many children who have difficulty in obtaining welfare and education because there is no cost for children's education. The rights of children to obtain education and happy, quality childhoods that are deserved by children have been lost. In the modern era, many parents are unable to become complete parents both physically and mentally due to heavy economic and social pressures (Hardiyanti et al, 2018). Not infrequently children are forced to support themselves by begging and hoping for the mercy of people. The impact that occurs as a result of this is that children then become neglected children that cause negative effects for the child itself and the community. Based on Law (Law) Number 35 Year 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 Year 2002 concerning Child Protection, neglected children are children who do not meet their natural, physical, mental, spiritual or social needs. Neglected children include children who do not have one or both parents, divorced parents resulting in problems for the child (broken home) no family to take care of, children born outside of legal marriage and abandoned by their mothers and children who are not given a life that is feasible by his parents because of poor economic / family conditions. Neglected children need attention because they need to get their basic needs fulfilled, love, guidance and be educated to be able to become empowered individuals. As stated in Law Number 35 Year 2014, article 20 states that the State, Government, Regional Government, community, Family and Parents or Guardians are obliged and responsible for the implementation of Child Protection (National Legal Development Agency, 2014). Sustainable development planning will start right with children, ensuring children grow up well, healthy and educated, feeling happy and safe is the basis for forming adult humans who can play a role and benefit in development. Education is an important thing that can not be ignored, which is a process of learning and training so that children actively develop their potential to have intelligence, character, emotional maturity, communication skills, skills needed for themselves, society, nation and country. Quality character needs to be shaped and nurtured from an early age, many experts suggest that the failure to instill character in education from an early age, will form a problematic personality in his adult life later. Moral cultivation through character education as early as possible to children is the main key to developing human resources to build the nation (Cahyono, 2015). Based on Social Service Data in 2017 there were 29 abandoned children under five and 251 abandoned children. The data shows that the number of children with social problems is quite high and careful attention is needed from the Government, the community and family / parents to help neglected children in getting a good education and getting a decent life like children in general so can grow and struggle to become the next generation of the nation. In the life cycle, childhood is a phase where children experience growth and development that determines their future. One needs to optimize the development of children one of them by giving attention and affection including meeting the educational, moral, and skills needs of parents, families, or caregivers so that these children have use and ethical values when they are adults and engage in society. Parenting patterns should provide comfort but are strengthened by the limitations of norms that prevent children from deviant behavior (Rakhmawati, 2015). In line with the demands of meeting the needs of neglected children for a decent life in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, the Badung Regency Government is planning to build an Integrated Shelter Home. This facility will be used as a place for mental and spiritual cultivation (soft skills) and of course hard skills or provision of expertise / skills that are certainly very needed in dealing with the world of work when the children are adults. The Shelter Home is needed to guide and foster children's shelter and abandoned children in Badung Regency so that one day they can grow and compete in building the nation's future. Rumah Singgah provides the opportunity for neglected children to feel the love and attention that is generally received by each child, so they can grow into individuals who have wide opportunities and a next generation that is Tough (Angeline and Irwan, 2017). The purpose of this study is to determine the location of the integrated halfway house development plan in accordance with technical standards and legislation and, to plan the design of integrated halfway houses to suit the needs of fostering abandoned children.


405 IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134

Design This research is quantitative and qualitative research with the elaboration, as follows: 1) quantitative methods used in processing data that can be measured with certainty. The use of quantitative approaches in this study include: a) data on the number of neglected children including orphans in Badung Regency used in analyzing the number of neglected children including orphans in Badung to be accommodated in the Integrated Shelter Home. b) Data on the requirements for the main and supporting facilities in making a Shelter Home are used in making a space program, which is determining the types of space based on the civitas / user approach and the activities carried out.

Population and Sample Population is a generalization area that consists of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. With a minimum sample size of 10%, a precision limit of 10% is used. Sampling / respondent usesmethod simple random sampling, which is a sample selection method where members from the population are selected one by one randomly as many as 100 respondents.

Data Collection Techniques Data is collected through direct observation and questionnaire distribution accompanied by direct interviews with respondents. Respondents who were the objective of the study were the people who were in the area of the integrated shelter development planning area. The interview system used is guided free interviews (a combination of free and guided or guided interviews). As for the questionnaire, using a scale question that has five answer choices with a rating scale, as follows: 1 = Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Doubtful, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly agree

Data Analysis Data analysis using the AHP method (Analytical Hierarchy Process) as a Multi Criteria Decision Making consists of the generalization of processes, namely the formulation of criteria / considerations, hierarchical arrangement, weighting and priority setting. Paired assessments of criteria in a hierarchy in the AHP method are steps to provide an assessment of the relative importance of two elements / elements at a certain level in relation to the level above it. The results of this assessment will be placed in the form of pairwise comparison matrices.Shelter

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Location of the IntegratedHouse Development Plan The location of the construction is determined based on criteria that have relevance to the planning and design of the sheltered shelter building. The site selection criteria are grouped into three groups including criteria in the environmental context, criteria in the technical context, and criteria in the psychological context. Criteria in the environmental context, a) not in a disaster-prone location, the location of the integrated shelter development plan is expected to be located far from a disaster-prone location, such as floods, so that displaced children can be protected from various diseases. b) adequate transportation access, there is access to transportation that facilitates the construction and operation of integrated shelters. In addition, the location needs to have easy access to reach and avoid traffic accidents. c) clean water utilities are available, the location of the integrated shelter development plan has a source of clean water that supports the needs of integrated shelter, either through the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) or the wellbore, so that health can be guaranteed and maintained as high as possible. d) Available disposal of wastewater and dirty water, wastewater is water produced from a decrease in quality that is influenced by humans while dirty water is wastewater produced by humans. Both disposal must be fulfilled so that cleanliness and health can be maintained. e) Waste management, the location of the integrated shelter development plan has adequate TPS (Temporary Disposal Place) access or is passed by a garbage truck, so that it can facilitate the processing. f) Not under the influence of the STT or SUTET, the location of the integrated shelter development plan must be located far from the Extra High Voltage Airways (SUTET), so as to avoid unwanted accidents because there are children at risk from these risks. Criteria in the technical context, a) close to public and health facilities, such as schools, hospitals or health centers, markets and other public facilities close to the location of the integrated shelter development plan, so that orphans who are still in school status do not cover the distance very far. b) complete infrastructure, adequate infrastructure such as bridges, roads, electricity poles or electricity, culverts and other infrastructure that can support all needs for the construction of integrated shelter available

406 IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134 at the location of the development plan. c) access roads that can be traversed by buses (width of the road 8-12 m), the criteria for access roads that can be traversed by buses have several purposes, one of which is to support the needs of orphans who are still in school. With this access road, it is hoped that orphans who attend school can get to school safely and quickly so that they can focus on learning. d) traffic (non- traffic), the location of the integrated shelter development plan must have adequate traffic. So it does not endanger the residents around the traffic and prevent traffic accidents. This is very important considering that there are integrated shelter residents who are still children. e) away from factories / noise / pollution, High noise can disrupt human activities so efforts are needed so that the location of the integrated shelter development plan is far from high noise and pollution such as far from the factory area. f) Flat topography and not close to the abyss, the construction of integrated shelters are expected to ensure the safety of orphans because curiosity of a child is very high, therefore the location must be far from the abyss and dangerous areas. Criteria in the Psychological Context, a) not in locations close to areas that have a bad influence (nightly entertainment), nightly entertainment is an adult entertainment place that is open late at night. This entertainment can affect the psychology of children who are still lay because it can make these children do bad things and not in accordance with the concept of character. Referring to the criteria in the environmental context, the criteria in the technical context, and the criteria in the psychological context, the calculation analysis to determine the quantitative size of each criterion / consideration of the priority scale of the location of the Integrated Shelter in Badung Regency is based on the direction and policy of the program in accordance with the Regional Regulation Badung Regency Number 13 of 2016 concerning RPJM of the Regional Planned Area of Badung Regency in 2016 - 2021. The priority scale based on sub-districts in accordance with the direction and program policies in Badung Regency, includes: (1) Direction and program policies in accordance with Badung Regional Regulation Number 13 2016 concerning the RPJM of the Universe Planned Badung Regency in 2016 - 2021; (2) Support of available / existing infrastructure for developing activities; (3) Support the available information technology inventory for development; (4) Support for the provision of facilities / facilities and equipment and resources (advisors / educators, employees, cleaning services, gardeners, etc.) needed for management and development; (5) Supporting the social and cultural aspects of the sub-district area on psychological objects / targets; (6) Supporting specific matters from each Integrated Shelter Work activities and their impact on the region especially Badung Regency.

Determination of Location Priority Scale Analysis of determining the priority scale of the location of the Integrated Shelter Development Center in Badung Regency covers two stages. The first step is to do a calculation to determine the quantitative size of each criterion / consideration of the priority location scale, which consists of six criteria. Next, the second step is to calculate the overall value of the criteria / considerations in each district location to develop a priority location scale. Determination of the scale of priority for the construction of Integrated Shelter Houses in Badung Regency is based on the accumulation of priority scale calculations from all consideration criteria. The accumulated results of the location of setting priorities shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Accumulation Determination AnalysisPriority Scale No Criteria Consideration Thickness Analysis ResultsDistrict of . Abiansemal Mengwi North Kuta Evening 1 With Considering the Program 0.451 0084 0.275 0189 Policy Direction In accordance with the Regional Development Plan 2016-2021 Year 2 With Considering Support for 0.436 0.104 0.279 0.181 Available / Existing Infrastructure for the Management and Development of Activities 3 By Considering Support for 0.366 0.329 0.199 0.106 Available / Existing Information Technology Inventories for Management and Development of Activities

407 IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134

4 By Considering Support for 0.419 0.177 0.261 0.143 Providing Facilities / Facilities and Equipment and Resources (Guidance Staff / Education, Employees, Cleaning Service, Gardeners, etc.) needed for Management and Development 5 By Considering the Support of 0:45 0112 0280 0154 Social and Cultural Aspects of the District Area Against Physical Objects / Sa suggestions for Management 6 With Attention to Support Various 0,108 0,209 0,462 It Specification Of Any Events Job 0,221 Management in Home Singgan Integrated And Its Impact on Regional Khususny Badung Total 2,588 1,503 0995 0914 Priority Scale I II III IV Source: Results Analysis, 2019

Based on the priority scale, the location of the Integrated Shelter House development plan was determined at the highest priority score of 2.588, in Abiansemal District. Viewed from the environmental aspect, Abiansemal District is in a relatively flat topographic area, not too contoured, the drainage system has been built and is relatively good so that there is no flooding during the rainy season, not hilly / abyss so that there is no risk of landslides / erosion, the availability of water sources to fulfill clean water is very adequate, an area with fresh air environment far from air pollution (industry / factory), has a Temporary Waste Disposal managed by the village, not under the influence of High Voltage Channels (STT) and Extra High Voltage Air Channels (SUTET) ). Viewed from a technical aspect, Abiansemal District has adequate health and education facilities and is quite close, infrastructure conditions such as roads, bridges, drainage, communication channels, electrical channels are good, traffic is relatively smooth. Abiansemal District is close to the Badung Regency Government Center, so that it can facilitate the guidance and supervision of the Related Office. From the psychological aspect, Abiansemal District is far from night entertainment facilities, so it is relatively safe for education and character building and character.

Design of Integrated Shelter Plans Drawings Planning and planning of integrated shelters includes several concepts which are the basis for determining the design and shape of buildings, including the concept of entrance/ entrance, the concept of mass patterns, the concept of circulation, the concept of outdoor space (parking concepts, the concept of sports venues the concept of lawns, sand garden concept, the concept of farming), the concept of the place of wood-carving, and the concept of building appearance concepts entrance/ entrance on integrated hospice consists of 2 pieces that entrance sign and entrance out, as shown in Figure 2. the width of The entrance is 6 meters. The purpose of making 2 entrance is to facilitate the achievement of both inside and outside the site besides the smoothness and security of the area can be more monitored. The entrance is designed using the Bentar temple which is a characteristic of Balinese architecture which has been slightly updated by simplifying some ornaments. The material used is a red brick which is the application of the concept of the bebadungan.

Menggunakan Menggu Candi bentar yang I nakan merupakan ciri O bahan 408 IJSEGCE VOL 3, No.2 March 2020 ISSN: 2656- 3037 http://www.journals.segce.com/index.php/IJSEGCE https://doi.org/10.1234/ijsegce.v3i1.134

Figure 2.Concept Entrance Integrated Shelter House

The design theme used isArchitecture Neo Vernacular which means the concept /style of traditional Balinese architecture by simplifying ornamentation and the use of several combinations of traditional and modern materials. This will be applied in addition to the entrance buildingwhich takes the form of a brief temple by minimizing ornaments, as well as to the building and its outer space. Also included in the front fence wall will be adesign signage/ nameplatefrom this integrated halfway house. Signage dibuatsederhana but with the selection of bright colors is to use the color white sandstone and palimanan as local materials / traditional combined with the posts with modern materials, namely brass

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded as follows: 1. Area development plan Shelter Home Integrated with the highest priority scale of the four alternative locations in Badung Regency is Abiansemal District with a score of 2,588. 2. The design of integrated shelter house planning drawings includes several concepts that form the basis for determining the design and shape of buildings, including the concept of entrance/ entrance, the concept of mass patterns, the concept of circulation, the concept of outdoor space (parking concepts, sports arena concept, lawn garden concept, sand garden , the concept of farming), the concept of carving, and the concept of building appearance Suggestions Based on the results of research and discussion of the location of a halfway house obtained by Abiansemal District, it is recommended to the Government of Badung Regency to improve existing facilities and complement other supporting facilities such as health facilities , education and infrastructure. REFERENCES

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